Tommy Harris (Nelson)

Full name: Tommy Harris (Nelson)
Born: Sheffield


  1. Angela Harris


  1. Katy b: 1986
  2. Craig b: 1990

Played by: Thomas Craig
First appeared:
2002 - March 6, 2005

Tommy and his wife Angela, and children Katy and Craig first appeared on the street, having rented Number 6 and using the last name of Nelson. They came originally from Sheffield where Angela worked in a pub. She witnessed a murder and gave evidence against the accused. But the family of the accused took their revenge with threats and eventually tried to burn their house. The Harris's were taking under the Witness Protection program, given a new identity as the Harris family and moved to Weatherfield.

Tommy is a trained mechanic (and Sheffield Wednesday supporter) and was soon hired by Kevin Webster at the garage, using references that the Witness Protection program supplied. Not long after, Kevin found a wallet containing a union card with the name Tommy Harris on it. Our Tommy took it when he found it laying where Kevin had left it but Kevin, when realizing Tommy had the wallet, accused him of stealing the wallet of a customer. Tommy couldn't explain and was sacked. Eventually however, Tommy took Kevin into his confidence and was re-hired.

In April of 2003 however, Katy slipped away to see her mates in Sheffield and was followed by the brothers of the man who was jailed on Angela's evidence. There was a showdown and Tommy was shot in the process, nearly losing his arm in subsequent surgery. The family stayed in Weatherfield even though their cover was blown and resumed using the name Harris.

Near the end of 2003, Tommy and Angela have split up. Katy took up with Martin Platt and though disapproving, Angela could not bear to be estranged from her daughter. Tommy was adamant that if Angela was going to keep in contact with Katy, he was not going to be a part of it. Angela left the house briefly but returned and insisted that Tommy left. Tommy began drinking and eventually Kevin had no choice but to let him go. Tommy lived in the flat over Streetcars jobless for awhile.

Shortly before Christmas, 2004, Craig, upset that his family seemed torn apart because of Martin, rigged the brakes on Martin's car. He told his father what he'd done, but before it could be righted, they saw Katy drive off with Martin and they followed them. After Katy got out of the car, she saw her father following Martin and called him to warn him. She thought Tommy was going to kill Martin but Tommy was trying to get Martin's attention to make him pull over. The brakes failed before that could happen and Martin crashed the car. Tommy pulled him out before the car exploded but later took the blame for the rigged brakes so Craig wouldn't get into trouble. Craig couldn't handle the guilt and confessed to Martin who told the police he knew his brakes were bad and hadn't got them seen to. He made an uneasy peace with Tommy and Angela but Tommy still didn't like Martin being with his daughter.

In 2005 Katy told Angela and Tommy that she was pregnant and they were not happy. In March, Tommy saw Martin and Sally together and he thought they were having an affair. He told Katy and when Angela overheard something, she too believed it and they told Katy. Because her mother thought it was true too, Katy believed it and left martin and aborted their baby. Gail told Angela that sally had an affair but it wasn't with Martin. Angela told Katy that Martin was not unfaithful which devastated Katy. Katy went back to Martin to tell him she was sorry but Martin dumped her then Katy went to confront Tommy he kept calling Martin names and that made Katy to get hold of a wrench and she hit him over the head with it and killed him.

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