Originally transmitted: 3, 5, 8, 10 & 12 January 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 9 - Friday 13 February 1998
Episode Numbers: 3013 - 3017

see 1989 for 1 January 1990 episode

Monday (3013, 3 January 1990)


What's the buzz? Has Alec finally got a clue? Who loves ya, Kenny?

The glaziers are fitting out Alf's shop window (again) and teasing Alf about how many more times they'll have to do it, suggesting he rename the store "Alf's Natural Disasters". Ha Ha very funny, just get on with it Alf snaps. Meanwhile Jim has thoroughly, completely and continuously chastised the boys until Liz can't take it anymore. She feels they've learned their lesson but Jim doesn't and plans to make them pay for it again and plans to think of further punishment.

Tracy tries again to ring her dad but Deirdre prefers she wait for Ken to get in touch with them, ball being in his court, so to speak. She doesn't want Ken to think she's using Tracy as a pawn against him. Tracy believes Wendy when she had said he wasn't there, after all he lives here with us, but Deirdre doesn't believe her.

However, though she was not lying when Tracy called her the other day, that is not the case as Ken is now staying with her. She's squeezed his juice and told him she loves him but all she gets in reply is "Thanks". He's supposed to say he loves her too and all she gets for that is "You know I do". (Hmm.. Something tells me he doesn't love her after all. You don't suppose all he really wanted was a bit on the side all along???) Hi's tired and confused and has a paper to get out on top of it all. He tells her not to be under any illusions, it's going to be a rough ride, sorting out all the personal stuff. Wendy says one step at a time, they are a team now so she offers to help him with the paper. She leaves the room and he sighs. (I think he's been backed into a corner, obligated to follow up on this relationship since he was chucked out of his comfortable home that he never had any intentions of giving up).

Alf supervises the glaziers and Sally says to Rita that you could hardly blame him. But Rita has no idea why so Sally says, you know, the window broken twice and all that. Oh yes. Poor Rita seems a bit forgetful and vague but then as she leaves Audrey comments that she's distracted and upset over Jenny. Someone ought to get those two together. Percy arrives with mouth in full gear full of advice for Alf about Insurances and kids that have no sense as Jim and Steve arrive. Alf manages to usher Percy out and has a little conference with Jim while Sally makes a phone call to Jenny. Alf insists he's not going through the insurance this time and Jim thinks Maurice Jones ought to be involved since it was his equipment left lying around for kids to get into. He sets Steve to work cleaning up the little area out back of the store and white washing the brickwork eventually too.

Mavis thinks Jenny will come around soon but Rita has lost hope and considers it a closed chapter. Derek comes downstairs, determined to use his organizational skills in the shop and sets about reorganizing the video section of the Kabin to make himself useful.

Alec is poring over the phone directory in search of Timothy Arden while Bet and Tina tell him his daughter could be living anywhere or even divorced and on husband number 2 or 3! That gives Alec an idea and he decides to call his ex-wife, Joyce. It isn't a pleasant conversation from this end of it but he does manage to get an address from her. Finally! He's going to see his daughter tomorrow after 20 years. Bet looks nervous!

Tracy hangs about behind the shop watching Steve work. Later she rejoins him as Andy has joined him, having been allowed a break from his chores. They mention her parents splitting up and wish theirs would. Tracy seems to be denying the seriousness of it, assuring them her dad will come back if she asks him and doesn't think they'll get divorced. She offers to buy them both lunch in the cafe but they can't, they're "confined to barracks" (ie grounded!). Tracy has decided that all men are really just little boys and she's going to go tell her dad not to be so stupid and just come home. She has convinced herself that her parents have just had a row and her mum's upset is all.

Don buys Jim a pint (whoops, almost typed "ping"! I'm sure you understand! :) ) Bet isn't convinced that rooting around in the past is a good idea, tells Tina she's certainly got skeletons in her past she wouldn't want surfacing.

Derek has videos scattered from one end of the shop to the other, under everyone's feet. Gail's in the shop and has just broken the news about the Barlow's separating and the three ladies are about to ask Emily who arrives but before Emily can confirm or deny the rumours, Deirdre walks in to sudden silence. Quick on her feet she immediately confirms that Ken and she are having a trial separation and they are all very sympathetic and ask how Tracy's managing. Deirdre says it isn't easy but is hoping Tracy understands.

I don't think she does because on this foggy afternoon we see Tracy standing across the street from the Recorder waiting for her dad to emerge, which he does with Wendy. The two turn down the sidewalk hand in hand, not hearing or seeing the crestfallen little girl whose face has fallen!

Maurice Jones is discussing the payment claim with Alf and Jim. If he pays a share, he goes through insurance and they'll want a police report. That means the police will likely have the lads down for questioning but that's ok with Jim who thinks they could use a good scare. Alf doesn't care, just wants it sorted. Later Jim tells Alf he and Maurice Jones agreed to split the bill between them.

In the shop Sally, Betty and Ivy are discussing the latest buzz about the Barlows. Ivy thinks folk should work harder at their marriages (but of course nobody knows about the "other woman" yet). Audrey speculates about Deirdre, you know them long council meeting with a drink after, and one thing leads to another!! But what about Ken? He's out all day meeting women for business.. Alf thinks they could just be in a rough patch and it's none of his business anyway.

Deirdre is worried about Tracy who's been gone for over an hour, probably as she tells Emily trying to see her father. Emily says Ken might not think she's using Tracy to get to him and after all is your pride more important than Tracy's feelings? Point! Tracy comes home later and tells her mother who's guessed she tried to see her dad that it's all "her" fault and runs out crying.

Jenny comes to the shop and Sally invites her out for a drink tonight then to dinner at the Websters' Bistro. Kevin is out with his mates and they haven't had a good old gossip in ages. She teases her with a promise of the latest dirt about the Barlows so Jenny is persuaded and says if they run into Rita she'll handle it all right. Before Jenny leaves, she introduces her to Steve who's just done his cleaning. Steve in his adolescent way tries it on with Jenny who just laughs him off as a kid.

Over at the Brennans, Ivy is taking the kiddies to the circus, Don having got tickets for the four of them. But later when Martin brings them over, Ivy says Don has to work after all and she's trying to get hold of Gail to take the ticket, shame to waste it. Martin says she planned a night out with Pauline and invites himself instead, offering his car as transport and Ivy ends up agreeing.

Derek has reorganized the candy jars and Rita and Mavis have finally had enough, thank him and send him on his way. Sally pops in for a card and has a word with Rita. She tries to get her to come to the Rover's tonight but Rita is reluctant until Liz, who's just come in, invites her to have a drink with her to get to know each other, starved for female company as she is. Rita says she'll go then. Later in the Rovers they chat about army life and children. Rita tells Liz Jenny was like a daughter to her until this recent trouble. Just then Sally and Jenny come in and Rita greets them. Jenny thinks Sally has set it up but Rita denies it and is please to see Jenny. But Jenny rudely puts her off and she makes Sally sit over to the side of the pub away from Rita.

Don comes out of a shop later that night only to see two young men steal his cab!!!! Away he goes running down the road after them!!!

Tuesday (3014, 5 January 1990)


Will the Arden's welcome Alec with open arms? Will Deirdre get down to business? Who's gobsmacked?

Setting up the bar for another day, Bet and Betty wonder what kind of day Alec is in for. He's going to finally meet his daughter today but will it all end in tears? Betty thinks he'll spy out the house first to see what kind of circumstances Sandra's in so he won't have to be lumbered with a daughter in need of a hand. No, not likely, the area they live in is pretty posh Bet says. He's going in person to avoid being hung up on over the phone.

Sally's cleaning shelves in the shop as Ivy arrives in very bad temper. Alf wants to get Don to taxi he and Audrey to a do that night but Ivy spits out that the taxi has been pinched to all and sundry's sympathy. It never rains but it pours! She tells them that Don stopped at a public Gents and left the keys in the car and two young tearaways made off with it. However, Don's on the phone with the taxi dispatcher and says he was coming out of a betting shop (I smell trouble here). The dispatcher will have the drivers on the lookout for Don's car and Don has already reported it to the police. Later he gets a call and finds out his car was found a few streets away from where it was stolen so he's off to get it sorted and get his car back from the police.

Alec is down a country lane with his A to Z, looking lost. A young girl on a horse comes by and it seems the horse startles a bit at the car engine. The girl gives Alec a very high piece of her mind about it all and leaves, Alec muttering about stuck up brats.

Wendy is determined to use an old council contact to get some government money flowing into the Recorder, paying for Public service announcements. She's sure the press officer will do it for her.

Alec finds the drive and gate of a very nice manor-type house and after double checking the address, warily approaches the door. He rings and a middle aged man answers. Alec introduces himself and after determining that Sandra Arden lives there, says there's a good chance she's his daughter. Well you'd better come in then! Tim Arden says his wife's maiden name was Shaw, father was a footballer but that was her adopted dad. Alec says he's definitely her dad then and the two of them have a drink. Just then the girl from the horse and country lane arrives. It's Tim's and Sandra's daughter Vicky though her name is really Victoria! A granddaughter for Alec! He's tickled to death and tells her he thinks Victoria is a lovely name and suits her like a glove and imagine a Gilroy on a horse just like Princess Anne! Vicky, after being introduced to Alec as her grandfather, looks at him like she's smelling something bad!

Mavis puts her foot firmly into Deirdre's business, suggesting maybe she won't want to keep up her newspaper delivery as an added unnecessary expense now she's on her own. Deirdre manages to keep her temper, agrees it should be ceased for the time being but gets a bit short with Mavis after Mavis mentions 'as I was saying to Emily'. She's a bit tired of the gossiping neighbours I guess and makes a quick retreat. Mavis says to Rita it's hard to know the right thing to say. You could say nowt, Rita counters but Mavis informs her it's not in her nature and anyway it isn't easy with just one income. Rita realizes what she's getting at and remarks that Derek hasn't signed on for the dole then? Of course not! Rita also mentions that Jenny was in the pub but hardly spoke to her.

Emily later scolds Mavis for interfering with Deirdre's business, no wonder she was short with her! Mavis says Emily wasn't clear from Deirdre's temper either, as Deirdre was of the opinion the nosy parkers ought to keep it to themselves (now that's quite a stretch of interpretation from what really happened isn't it?)

Sandra Arden arrives home full of chatter about the vicar and the paddock Tim wants to sell but he finally steers her towards the sitting room where Alec is waiting. She doesn't know him at first though Vicky says they noticed the resemblance. Alec is quiet and doesn't say too much but when she realizes it's her dad he's all smiles, nervously hoping for a successful reconciliation. Vicky hands her a few photos from an old family holiday in Blackpool and she remembers them. She's quite thrown for a loop but asks why now after all these years? Alec tells her because he's her dad but thought he wasn't wanted and then time just got away from him in the end. Alec gets quite emotional but is quite happy to see her. She's so shocked she can't really say or do much and seems a bit dismayed at some of the comments Alec makes about having more children and other "common" remarks. Tim takes Alec out to see the grounds as Sandra sinks back in her chair and weakly says "help!". (as in what on earth am I supposed to do now!)

The police come to see Don about the car. He can't have it back right away because it was involved in a hit and run accident involving a cyclist and there are some inconsistencies in Don's story. The time he says it was stolen to the time he called it in was almost a half hour later and he used a call box blocks away from where he said he was but only a couple of streets over from where the car was found. Don and Ivy realize what he's getting at, that they suspect he was the driver and reported the car stolen to get out of being charged for the hit and run! There were witnesses as to the car but not the driver. He can't have his car yet, there are further enquiries to be made. Ivy thinks everything will be all right as long as Don tells the truth but Don fells the police will probably twist it as he hasn't really got any proof.

Alec returns home and fills Bet all about Tim and Victoria and the house and the horse but doesn't say too much about Sandra at first. He tells Bet they are not toffee nosed at all, know how to behave proper. Sandra is lovely, just like a film star. He tells Bet they are both invited to pop in for drinks on Sandra's birthday but Bet doesn't look too excited though Alec thinks once they start hob nobbing, they could end up in Cheshire Life (and that would be... what? a society column in the newspaper possibly?). Bet shakes her head in wonder, imagine, Cheshire Life, Annie Walker would have a baby! She's really happy for him though, glad it's worked out for him.

At the Recorder, Wendy has accomplisher her mission and Ken has the council advertising contract. They are hugging when Deirdre walks in. She's got a few things to say so you and Miss Piggy 'ere just pin your ears back. (hahahahaha I always thought Wendy had a piggy sort of nose!) She wants to talk about finances. He says not to worry, he'll pay her bills but she says there's more to it than that. She's taken advice and is told that since Ken mortgaged the paid for house to buy the paper, and she owns half the house, she therefore owns half the paper and gets half it's profits. This is going to cost you Ken! She leaves and catches her breath outside the door, leaving Ken and Wendy gobsmacked!

Wednesday (3015, 8 January 1990)


Why is Bet afraid? Is Derek getting on Mavis' nerves? Who's got caught lying? Will Ken have to sacrifice something he loves?

Early morning but Alec is feeling quite chatty and wakes Bet up ("No i'm not asleep, i'm looking at me eyelids from the inside"). He wonders what Sandra was like growing up and wishes he could have given her away at her wedding. Bet listens but there's something on her mind, she's not all that enthusiastic and she gets up out of bed for a glass of water.

Wendy and Ken have woken up and are chatting. She tells him he can't buy his way out of guilt, it's all part of the process. She offers her savings but he thinks that's totally inappropriate and won't hear of it.. She's quite happy to help with the paper and likes being part of his life to which his response is, "is that the time?" ..(Ken is really avoiding any conversation with her that even hints of getting intimate, doesn't he?) He gets up and mentions he'll have to return home for his clothes. Wendy agrees, saying Deirdre will not be sure he's really leaving if he doesn't.

Tracy is not looking forward to returning to school after the break, afraid that all her class mates will be talking about the break up of her parents. Enough folk around here know and it gets around. Deirdre tells her she needs to be out of the house and with her mates and she can just tell them to mind their own business if it's that bothersome. What will she say if they ask if Dad's coming back? Well Deirdre can't say he is, sorry Luv.

Alec's head is still full of thoughts of Sandra and pride over how well she's done and come in the world. Jack ask was she chuffed to see him, of course she was chuffed! He was overwhelmed himself. He informs them he and Bet are invited to Sandra's for a posh do to celebrate her birthday.

Alf and Audrey are having a cuppa in the shop and gossiping about Don leaving his keys in the cab! It happens all the time, Alf says, even folk's homes being broken into because they leave the latch off. Percy drops in and mentions that Don was very rude to him but doesn't say why.

Don and Ivy decide to have an orange juice and hotpot at the Rovers for dinner before heading to the police station to try to sort out things with the car. Gail and Audrey join them and assure Don that they don't believe he would have anything to do with a hit and run. Don gloomily says there are folk that do, though, according to some of the looks he's been getting (Percy?)

Mavis comments cheerily to Bet about Alec's long lost daughter, how exciting! Then she later comments to Emily about the Barlow's marriage. Emily is still shocked that it would happen but doesn't want to judge anyway. Well Mavis certain can judge, she was very disappointed, thinking Ken was the sort of man who would work through all that sort of thing. Derek, who has been making the odd rude comment here and there finally tells Mavis she has a very blinkered view of life and people, overly sentimental and romantic. Regular everyday life doesn't touch her. Only something extreme ever gets a response out of her, long lost daughters, marriages breaking up. Well! Mavis lets him have it and calls him bad tempered, ill mannered and rude since he lost his job. He seems to blame her, well it's not her fault! He whines that it isn't his either. She tells him he better pull himself together or suffer the consequences, gets up and leaves. Derek tells Emily that Mavis is impossible... he blames the Barlows for Mavis' attitude, all that rubs off you know.

Alec rings for a price on a cab for the party since they'll be drinking and Bet calls him inside for a talk. She isn't going with him to Sandra's party even though she knows what it means to him. She wishes all this had never started. She's happy for him that he's found what he was looking for but she doesn't feel like a part of it all, like she's either in the way or tagging along and doesn't want that. She goes back to the bar, followed by a shocked Alec. In one of the most touching scenes, a true Valentine's day dedication even if it was originally aired in January (but aired 3 days before Val. day here in the 1998 world as I write), Alec confronts Bet. He doesn't understand why Bet is backing off. She wonders where it will all end, drinks now, fancy dress outings later...it turns out Bet is scared he'll find a new life out of the past, he'll change and she'll lose him because he'll want that new life and she isn't part of it. Alec looks her in the eye and tells her he loves her and wants her there, not just for show or to make up a pair, she's the best thing that's ever happened to him! He wants them all to be proud that he's got someone like her. She says people change when they go digging up the past but Alec says only depending on what their motives are. They only change if they find better than they've already got but nothing is better than what he has now, Bet, this pub, and a chance to make it up to his daughter. Bet sighs and smiles with tears in her eyes and says with relief, that's all she wanted to hear! She'll be proud to go with him! Only one thing, she's fresh out of cocktail frocks! They laugh, and hug and Alec tells her to go buy herself something nice.

Deirdre bumps into a councillor on the stairs in town hall, not really watching where she's going and then encounters another who also happens to be a solicitor and who has already given her a bit of advice. He enquires how she's getting on. She says she's more worried about Tracy trying to make sense of it all. He tells her to make sure she gets the finances straight, she must know where she stands or she'll end up on the short end. He says he'll see her in his office later to talk to and advise her further.

Ken gets a visit from the man who owns the rival Gazette. He offers to buy the Recorder from Ken! He'll give a fair price but Ken doesn't want to sell and knows the offer is only because the Recorder has been doing well of late. The man warns Ken that it's not a stable income and if he has another bad summer like last year, it'll wipe him out but Ken is optimistic and turns down the offer. Wendy congratulates him after for standing his ground.

Ivy and Don are going over Don's statement again with the police constable at the station and that's when Ivy hears from the report that Don was not in a public Gent's when the car was stolen, but in a betting shop!! She looks daggers at him but goes along with it so he won't get in trouble but he's in trouble all right, with her. Later at home she lays into him! Gambling has got him into trouble before and here again! He defends himself, the car gets nicked while he's making a small bet, it doesn't make him a criminal. But it does make him a liar she spits back at him. He needs people to trust him now but he says not to be bothered on his account, no body else around there seems to believe him anyway. He stalks out the door.

A little later in the pub Percy and Phyllis are chatting about the poor bicyclist that was hurt in the hit and run and Percy is quite blunt in his belief that Don did the deed, all the evidence points to it (Percy never takes anything on faith, does he?). Don almost gets into a fight with the older man over it but Martin pulls him back.

Ken comes back to Number 1 and rather than use his key, he knocks on the door and asks to be let in. He's come for his things but Deirdre has already got them packed in bags for him. His head almost spins a little at this. (well what did he expect? lucky she hasn't thrown his clothes out on the street for all to see!) She has a letter she was going to mail since he hasn't bothered to get in touch. This prompts him to ask how Tracy is and gets a biting reply How do you think? How do I tell a 12 year old why you haven't even phoned her! Tracy is out with Emily. Estimated time of return uncertain. She tells him she's had more advice from a solicitor and has decided that she wants a lump sum rather than a regular payment. (that's what the letter was about) The Recorder's income is too uncertain. She owns half the paper and the house but will settle for the house so he can buy her out and pay her for her half of the house. He tries to talk her around, it means he'd have to sell the paper, does she realize that? It's not her concern she says. Just then Tracy returns with Emily and runs to her dad, thinking he's back for good. But when she asks, her mother says no he isn't back and she lashes out at him, she hates him, he hates her and he should just get lost and go away! She runs out and leaves Ken and Deirdre both in tears. There's nothing Ken can say to Deirdre so he turns, gathers his bags left waiting for him in the hall and leaves Deirdre sobbing in Emily's comforting arms.

Thursday (3016, 10 January 1990)


Who should have been chucked out long ago? Is Sandra a gracious hostess? What's Ken's financial position?

Deirdre is doing the dishes (with her bare hands, not even a cloth! Is that normal??) and telling Emily how Tracy was reluctant to go off to school this morning after the upset of the night before. Deirdre is upset adn ranting about Ken, he wanted her to put up with his affair, really, have his bit on the side. Emily isn't blaming Deirdre though Deirdre thinks plenty round the neighbourhood will. At least Tracy doesn't, not yet Emily says. It's always possible down the road as children are unpredictable. Deirdre knows how much Trcy is suffering but she won't have Ken back and she's not letting him off cheap with them barely surviving. Emily pleads to Deidre, try to avoid a battle that you and Tracy will suffer from the most.

Meanwhile Ken is at Wendy's and moping about, depressed. Wendy is understanding but thinks Deirdre is probably turning Tracy against him. Ken says that's not her style. Well no not under normal circumstances but what about now? Wendy thinks Deirdre is using Tracy as a weapon. Just give Tracy some time. Wendy thinks there might be something else on his mind but he's keeping mum. (I don't think he's told Wendy yet that Deirdre want him to buy out her half of the house and that it would mean selling the paper to comply).

It's party day at the Ardens and Bet is looking Absolutely Fabulous, darling, in a black lace and sequins number, plenty of cleavage and heavy rhinestone collar and cuffs on! By 'eck! They both seem to be looking forward to the party though Bet is perhaps a bit nervous as she and Alec, armed with a gift and card for Sandra, head out. When they arrive, Bet is awestruck at the lovely house and grounds but the afternoon doesn't start well when Bet nearly breaks a heel on the driveway.

Martin and Don are having a pint. Don tells Martin that the police think he drove the taxi in the hit and run accident, he's suspect number 1. Alma is waiting for Mike and Jack passes the time of day with her as Bet and Alec pass on their way out for the posh party. That's all right for some, Jack says, a day out with posh relations, and proceeds to tell Alma that his Uncle Cedric used to go out to the back yard to break wind, reckoning that were the mark of a true gentleman! Alma quickly decides she's waited for Mike long enough and leaves! :)))

Where is Mike? He's stopped in to Deirdre's on the way to the Rovers. He came as soon as he'd heard the news. He was quite concerned about her, and asks did Ken have the affair as retaliation for theirs 7 years ago? No? Well she was alwasy too good for Ken and should have tossed him out years ago. He tells her to make sure she has a good solicitor and to call him if she needs anything, no strings attached. (There's that soft spot that Mike always has for Deirdre!) He says when Ken finds out how expensive it's going to be, running two households he might try to economize at her expense. Deirdre doesn't think he'd do that, but Mike again, tells her to get a good solicitor and she assures him she does have one.

Alf is lecturing Sally and Audrey on the art of freezer stacking (Alf must have taken lessons on how to lecture from Reg Holdsworth and Curly!!) Alma arrives, saved by the bell! Audrey moves away to greet her as Sally gets the tail end of the lecture.

Alec warns Bet to be on her best behaviour and mind her swearing as they approach the house. Tim comes out to greet them and they enter a crowded house full of people of all ages and not a rhinestone or cleavage is in evidence except for Bet! It's all tweeds and natural fibres! Bet spies a woman whom she assumes is Sandra skittering up the staircase as she sees Bet and Alec come in. That's not a good sign! She is introduced to Vicky as her Step-grandma for which alec is soundly scolded after. Never, NEVER refer to Bet as ANY kind of grandma! Later, returning from a trip to the powder room Bet overhears Sandra and Tim arguing behind closed doors and realizes that Sandra didn't want the Gilroys there, it was Tim who invited them. Tim is insisting she go down to greet her father, it's embarassing her hiding up here from them and the rest of her guests. Bet continues down stairs as the Ardens emerge and spot her! oh no, did she overhear. Sandra doesn't care if she did!

The police constable comes to the pub in search of Don, just to tell him he can collect his car and was there anything else he wanted to add or change on his statement? Don gets sarky with him and asks didn't they find the lads that nicked the car? But there isn't much evidence. The poor constable is only doing his job but that's no consolation to Don. The police think he's a liar, he tells Ivy after the constable leaves with a sigh, holding his temper in the face of rudeness admirably.

Ken visits his accountant to assess his financial situation in light of Deirdre's request. He is advised on which outstanding debts to pay first (tax man!) and notes that paying off the mortgage won't exactly be good for him, tax-wise and he probably won't be able to get a loan from the bank to cover it as his payments would be too high and his advertising revenue isn't all that great. He'd be better off to sell the paper to the Gazette who are in the better financial shape and will kill off the Recorder in the long run anyway. Ken protests that is his only income but his accountant says the paper is worth something today, but won't be able to give it away in a year or two.

Back at the office he arrives as Wendy's leaving and plans to take her out for a splash up meal, bugger the cost. She's all enthusiastic about the paper's future and her participation, they make such a good team and the paper is their future! He says nowt.

Bet is gracious and silent, seething underneath as Sandra puts in an appearance. Sandra barely contains her contempt for the gift Alec has brought her, a rather mule-looking horse painted on black velvet. She says she doesn't know where she'll hang it just yet (in the attic? in the hayloft of the stables?) Alec is chatting to the other guests about his pub in the "old quarter of Weatherfield" and doesn't correct her when Vicky assumes it's an old fashioned country style pub with low beamed ceilings and a fireplace, just saying, that was the feeling they were trying for in their decor and ambiance. (Um. yeah. they missed it by a mile.) Bet gets her own back on Tim who insists on calling Alec "Alex" by calling him "Tom", angry because Alec is kissing up to Tim by not correcting him. She finally has enough and makes Alec take her home although Alec thinks the party went very well. She finds the perfect excuse to lose her temper down the drive when she DOES break her heel and pitches the shoe across the lawn.

Back at the Rovers, Tina asks Bet and Alec how the party was and Alec gushes on about how Sandra loved her present though had to decide where to hang it, it's the first of many visits, Tim this, Victoria that, etc. Bet sits quietly and then gets up abruptly to go change. Tina notes something isn't right but lets Alec witter on. Out in the pub, Jack tells Mike that judging from the look on Alma's face, she's bursting for a fight. He knows that look being the same as on Vera's face frequently! Mike says that won't be a problem, they'll be friends again by bedtime but Jack doesn't want to know the secret, he doesn't want Vee feeling friendly at bedtime! He serves Ivy, Audrey and Gail as Mike returns to the booth and tells Alma they must have just missed each other earlier. Alma launches into the current favourite gossip subject on the street, the Barlow's crumbled marraige. She's sympathetic with Deirdre, being divorced herself but Mike says Deirdre should have thrown out Ken long ago, never did like him.

Alec comes through and surveys his domain. It isn't exactly the country set is it, Jack? not many in here in green Wellies! Jack says that's just as well, them folk wear green Wellies so they can blend in with the grass while they creep up to the sheep! (hahahahahaha!)

At the Barlow's, Tracy is pushing her food around on her plate and then bursts into tears in her mother's arms...

Friday (3017, 12 January 1990)


Who's got to face the painful truth? Who's got a new career as a vigilante? Will the Barlow divorce get down and dirty?

Alec waxes on and on about Sandra to Jack. He thinks it's going well but reckons their both still in a state of shock after all these years but Alec believes there's a bond there just the same. Jack says even he understands that they are both chuffed to find each other again and can i get on with me work now? (i think the staff is getting tired of hearing nothing but good things about Alec's new family already!)

In the back, Tina wants to know what Sandra is really like. Bet says she doesn't know, Sandra barely put in an appearance and she doesn't really want to know them only Alec just won't see it. Alec was never really her dad even before he and Joyce split up, he was away so much. Bet tells Tina it were two weeks before Alec even got home to find the note Joyce left him when she walked out! Being a father is easy, but Dads are the ones that you find knocking about the house. He was never Sandra's dad. You can't get it all back just like that after 20 years of no contact whatsoever. Tina thinks Eddie is not like that, no one could get Jamie off him without a fight. Bet asks Tina not to let on to Alec what she's said.

Ken's adding up figures with Wendy in the office with the shadow of Deirdre and Tracy's photo to one side (I don't think I'd like that picture still being there if I were Wendy! I'd be asking him to change it for one of just TracyLuv!) Ken's all doom and gloom about possible bankruptcy but WEndy is optimistic. He's got a perfectly good business there. He mentions how different she is from Deirdre who was only ever indifferent to the paper at the best of times. Wendy says there's enough in the bank to pay most of the bills and if he can collect what's owed him, well he won't be stinking rich but he will be stinking solvent. What about after he renders unto Deirdre that which Deirdre wants? He wants this to be honourablehonest and final. Wendy reminds him that it's a settlement, not a pennance and half of the paper is still his. He's breaking a bad habit not a perfect marraige and can't let Deidre screw him for all he's worth. (Stirring that pot for all she's worth isn't she?) She even mentions that Tracy isn't even his daughter after all but he takes quick exception to that, he adopted her and brought her up! But he ends the discussion telling her he wishes he had met her 10 years ago. She's touched. But she still doesn't know the true financial situation does she?

At the cafe Alma tries to get Deirdre to finish her lunch, telling her it's no good to starve herself over this divorce, her health is more important. Deirdre tells her she's not eating because it's cold, wasn't that good when it was warm and it was never all that hot! but at least Alma isn't hovering and treating her like she's got an incurable disease. Alma's been through it too, remember. Deirdre reminds her that she has too, getting to be a dab hand at it! Gail calls Alma over to help her and to warn her that Deirdre might not want to discuss her personal life before all and sundry. Nonsense, Alma scoffs, everyone is talking about it, even Mike who doesn't like Ken at all. Gail says there isn't any love lost between those two. Alma says it is because of Ken's daughter otherwise she'd almost think Mike fancied Deirdre. (Does Gail know about Mike and Deirdre's affair? she sort of had a funny look as if she were letting Alma think the bad blood were about Susan Barlow though she maybe knew more than that???)

Alec calls Tim and thanks him for their hospitality. Tim offers to get Sandra and while he waits, Alec makes a joke to Tina how long it will take in a big house like that. Tina rolls her eyes at the bragging and keeps on to the bar. But Sandra doesn't take the phone, Tim says she's just popped out. Of course, Alec knows she has so much on, so very busy and rings off, saying he'll call later. He tells Bet about the conversation and Bet just keeps her council for now. Will she say what's on her mind or no?

Don is driving a fare and chatting to the passenger when he suddenly spies a young lad in a green jacket who stops when he sees the taxi, turns and runs. Don, too, recognize him as well and stops the taxi, gets out and chases him though a neighbourhood of apartment blocks but the lad eludes his persuit. He later tells Ivy about it back at the house. She doesn't want him to go running around after criminals, he could end up with a knife in him like Brian who also thought he could take care of himself and makes Don promise he won't go chasing criminals on his own.

Wendy leaves the office only to find Deirdre at the door. Deirdre forces her way in saying she still owns half the paper and has a right to be there. She drops off a few bills for Ken to pay but manages to be really bitchy to Wendy before she goes. She didn't think Wendy would have been Ken's type but as they get older, men do go more for comfort that looks (and have you looked in the mirror lately Deirdre? you're not exacly a super model yourself!). Wendy keeps her cool, saying Ken has made his choice since Deirdre didn't make him happy he's entitled to a bit of happiness. Not one to leave that one wide open, Deirdre takes the bait and slings back "Ah yes, and you're the particular "bit" that he's entitled to?" and says Wendy is welcome to have Ken. Wendy defends Ken as working all the hours God sends. Dierdre mentions that he used to tell her that too, but he was really spending most of his time in bed with another woman, and now he's out of the office all afternoon on "business": you want to watch that! At that last little shot, she leaves. (I've used that one too, it's quite often true that if they run with you they'll run on you!)

Bet is asking Alf, Audrey and Jack why middle age men seem to flip out and go after other women on their wives. Wendy isn't even younger than Deirdre, not even a bit of crumpet and Bet can't see what Ken is getting out of it? It just doesn't add up. Jack is of the opinion that men aren't responsible when they're being led around by a willing woman. Bet thinks it's panic setting in, they're running away from everything including getting old. Eddie asks Tina out for a rave up and as she sashays away from him, Alf and Jack sigh, watching her. Audrey notices and says to Alf he hasn't got nearly enough, just start growing old gracefully!

Alec pours a Tia Maria for him and Bet. He asks Bet would she be ashamed to entertain in their home? You bet she would, she's not asking hte Ardens round so just put that out of his head. Besides they wouldn't come anyway. Alec is surprised and thinks it would be only polite to return the invitation but Bet knows they don't want to come round and don't want to know them. Alec thinks she's being hostile and making it all up. She's not, Sandra wasn't nervous, Alec, it's been 20 years and she wishes it were another 20. Alec has missed too much to make it up now. He's only bothered because that funeral made him feel old and regretful. He thinks maybe Bet is jealous of the affection Sandra would be taking away from her but Bet tells him she knows because she over heard and there could be no mistake. Sandra was plain and simple about it. She didn tell him before because she just didn't want to hurt him. He doesn't believe her but she says, go ahead, ask them over, he'll see!

Ken comes "home" to Wendy's after a long day. She offers to bring him a drink in the bath which he appreciates. He spots the bills and finds out that Deirdre was at the office while he was out. Wendy says Deirdre really just wanted a slanging match with her but she handled it ok. She doesn't say what Deirdre said to her and dismisses her remarks. He's going to have to get things sorted though, she's laying claim on the paper now and it's his not hers. No, Ken says, it's not hers and it isn't his either. he's sold out to the Gazette. She is appalled, doesn't want to be the one he gave up everything for but he gives her a line of bull saying there's everything left, meaning her.

Ivy calls the taxi dispatcher to ask him to contact Don and get him to bring home milk. But Don's not working! Wonder where he could be? Well he's parked near that apartment block, staking out the place hoping to catch that little tearaway!

Originally transmitted: 15, 17, 19, 22 & 24 January 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 16 - Friday 20 February 1998
Episode Numbers: 3018 - 3022

Monday (3018, 15 January 1990)

Prostitute FIONA KEEN

Is the chip on Don's shoulder forming? Will Ken settle with Deirdre? Is Alma looking at Mike through rose coloured specs?

Continuing where we left off yesterday, Don is parked outside the apartment blocks at night. There's an argument somewhere and a tall brunette tart emerges and asks Don for a smoke and a lift but he doesn't smoke and he's off duty so there's an end to it. She stalks away on her stilettos in a huff.

Alec is making a dent in a bottle of Irish. Bet wants him to face facts and come to bed. She's sorry she had to tell him that Sandra doesn't want to know him but he hasn't lost what he didn't have for 20 years. He has lost, though, he says, all his illusions. He was a bad father and maybe he's not that great over all. He's got one daughter and she doesn't want to know him and maybe that's the full measure of him! He is still going to ask them over and then he'll know for sure.

Ivy puts the milk bottles out as Jack comes home from work. She's worried about Don and assumes he's gone to find the lads that stole his car. She tells Jack where and Jack doesn't help her worry by implying that's a rough neighbourhood. Later she calls the taxi dispatcher again hoping he could possibly get in touch with Don through the radio but that's not possible if Don's got it turned off. She checks the clock, 12:30 a.m. and worries.

And with good reason. Three young men come out of the block and Don recognises one of them and gets out of his cab. He approaches the lad and accuses him of being the one who stole his car and hit the cyclist for which Don has been questioned. The lad takes to his heels pursued by Don who catches up with him and handles him roughly planning to take him to the police station but the boy manages to wallop his own head against a fence and starts bleeding. Just then two police patrolmen arrive and the boy starts hollering that he was attacked unprovoked. The two are taken to the police station for questioning.

Ken and Wendy have just taken a shower (together??? his hair is wet and her is around the edges. Boggles the mind doesn't it!) He asks her ("my love"... first time I've heard him used anything close to THAT little word) not to give him a hard time about selling the paper it was hard enough as it was. She's upset that he is letting Deirdre have whatever she wants, the paper was his life, his purpose, something they could do together (maybe that's why he sold it... oh that WAS mean wasn't it?!). She feels he didn't have to give Deirdre exactly what she wants and in the exact form she wants it but he says he wants it to be honourable and yes, it hurt but if that's what it takes to be there with her, so be it. And by the way the Gazette has a job for both of us!

At the police stations the young fellow tells the cops Don's attack on him was unprovoked and makes out like Don is one of them "funny" fellows who started thumping him because he told him to get away from him. The police hear Don's side, that this was one of the two that stole his car and hit the cyclist but the police sergeant, having seen more of life that he probably ever wanted to, warns the young patrolman that Don might just be using the story so his wife doesn't find out what he's really up to. Statements are taken and Don isn't allowed to make a phone call yet, only after he is arrested if he gets arrested. The tart that Don turned down as a paying fare makes a statement too but her evidence doesn't really seem to pertinent to me, except to confirm that don was waiting in the car outside the block of apartments. It looks bad for Don and in fact, the next morning he finally arrives home to Ivy and tells her he's been arrested for assaulting the boy. The lad gets off from nicking his car and he gets arrested!!! Mind you if you ask me, the police would think Don would have even more motive to assault if he thought he was being stitched up for a hit and run that the boy did, even more than if he really was a "funny" bloke trying to pick up a boy and hit him because he was rejected so either way I don't think Don's going to get out of this charge!

It's morning and Gail and Alma are getting the cafe ready for another day. Alma is cheerful as she anticipates a date in a country house or inn with Mike set for that night. Gail guesses Mike can't be all that broke if he can afford that!

Tina brings Eddie a sandwich over on the site and he tells her his part of the construction job will be over soon. He invites her to go to France with him on the weekend and she's dead excited. Ooo lala!

Ken arrives at Deirdre's and finds the locks changed! (good on ya!) Oh she didn't have to go and do something so childish as that, he wouldn't come in and assault her...Well she doesn't really know now, does she? Peace of mind is worth it, anyway, what is he here for? The house might still be half his but he's not welcome in it. He tells her he sold the paper to pay off her half of the mortgage (so the house isn't half his for very much longer!). She's really surprised that he didn't put up more of a fight to her demands. He snipes that if she had ever got to know him better she'd find him less surprising. She says that was a cheap shot (I agree!) He doesn't want legal mercenaries cutting them all up and suggests his plan, no maintenance for her as she has already say, pay off the mortgage, he keeps the leftover money and of course he'll pay maintenance for Tracy. She reminds him that she could sue for adultery but he reminds her that she'd be skating on July ice considering her own past (boy, divorces sure do bring out the worst in people, but that's not a far jump for Ken...but then Ken brings out the worst in me!) Well Deirdre says he is a fool. Tracy comes in but doesn't stay long when she realizes her dad isn't there to stay. Deirdre accepts the settlement. She wants it over and done with.

Mike's accountant comes for a visit. Mike fortifies himself with a drink for the bad news. and it isn't very good. He's square with the taxman but that's about it. He really should sell the flat, Roy suggests or get a job. No way, Mike only ever has worked for himself and isn't about to start now kowtowing to a boss. There's only one trade he knows but it looks like if he wants to get back in (rag trade) he'll be back at square one.

Meanwhile Alma waits at the pub for Mike with Audrey, expecting him there after the accountant leaves. Audrey is ver negative and thinks Mike could drop Alma as soon as he's flush again. Alma seems unconcerned and thinks Mike probably has more money than he's letting on.

Alec tells Bet he's inviting the Ardens to dinner later in the week anyway and proceeds to call. He returns and says he spoke to Sandra and she accepted the invitation so there you have it. Bet must have misjudged her! Bet agrees but you can almost hear what she's thinking..."Maybe I have and maybe I haven't". Don is telling Emily that he thinks the police will probably try to charge him with the hit and run on top of the assault charge. Emily thinks he has most likely managed to complicate things by taking matters into his own hands trying to sort it out. Tina is telling everyone about Eddie's invitation to France, expecting a romantic weekend but Percy doesn't have much good to say about the country. He says they have ugly women and no decent food, they can't cook and couldn't find a decent piece of beef since they have no rain to produce decent grass for the cows. Oh, take no notice of him!

Tuesday (3019, 17 January 1990)


Who's had an offer? Has Don been let off the hook? Is it too late for Alec?

Alma shows up at Mike's on the way to the cash and carry. She spies the empty bottles and glasses and wonders, did he really have his accountant over the night before? Accountants aren't known for making house calls but Mike assures her this one does and yes, it really was his number-cruncher. He didn't much enjoy the visit nor the resulting hangover, neither. The Accountant painted a pretty bleak picture and even suggested he get a job! Mike's not worried though, he can only go up from there!

Tina's all excited about her weekend in France with Eddie. Jack reckons that where there going, Charleville, since it happens to be Weatherfield's twin city, it can't be any good! Betty says to pay no mind, Vera and Ivy went there once and though they never said what happened, Vera came back with a smile on her face!

Alec is inspecting the sparkle on the glasses and fussing over the menu - the Ardens are coming to dinner tonight and everything has to be perfect. Bet thinks soup and a roast will do but Alec insists on smoked salmon as that is what they're probably used to! Betty is surprised that they are actually coming and Bet says maybe (just maybe) she was wrong.

Deirdre tells Emily about Ken's settlement offer. With only maintenance for Tracy and the mortgage paid, she'll probably have to get a job but at least she'll have a roof over her head. Emily is shocked that Ken sold the paper to finance it all and wonders if it will last with Wendy. Deirdre doesn't care and after all pursuing her, selling the paper, it was all his choice. She feels sometimes like he's broken her along with the marriage and home and feels like a failure after two marriages now down the drain.

Ivy gets a visit from the constable in charge of Don's case. He wants to see Don down at the police station. Now what for? Asks Ivy. When we next see Don, who's come for his lunch, we find out what for. Ivy tells him the two lads who stole his car and hit the cyclist have confessed! When they were questioned they admitted the whole thing! Don is ecstatic and relieved.

Tina and Eddie get a moaning about France from Percy again. Eddie tells Tina they're going by bus but that's ok by her. However it soon comes out that it isn't a romantic weekend alone, it's a team trip and they'll be accompanied by the lads Eddie plays footie with on Sundays and their girlfriends too! In a funny bit, Bet mentions ordering French food when she was out with Alec one time, she decided to try frog's legs (a bit like chicken she comments) but she says Alec, always one to impress his date, said to the waiter, don't spare the expense bring the whole frog!

Mike arrives at the pub and passes the time by asking Martin how the cafe is getting along. A right little gold mine! Wonder why that interests Mike so much? Percy is warning Tina and Eddie to stay off the water in France, they should take a couple of bottles of that Perrier stuff with them! :))) Mavis is gushing to Tina later about France, where she and Derek spent their honeymoon, so romantic! Emily and Deirdre join her and Deirdre's pity party continues as she moans that she feels like a loser, it's not as if Ken left her for a woman half his age or a raving beauty, Wendy's older than her and did Emily think Wendy was better looking? No of course not (tactful as always, REmily. really, Wendy isn't very attractive but Deirdre is only average herself!)

Mike brings Alma some flowers at the cafe to apologize for standing her up the night before and invites her to dinner at his place that night, any time is fine. Alma wonders what's up.

Alec returns with a leg of lamb to roast, petit fours for the ladies and cigars for him and Tim and calls a staff meeting. Jack wonder's what that's all about and Bet takes the opportunity to pull Jack's leg a little by saying maybe it's about halitosis. Tina whispers that means "bad breath"...In the meeting, after the Rover's is closed, Alec warns them all on their best behaviour, no swearing, Jack is to be wearing collar and tie and for heaven's sake Jack at least use a handkerchief! Jack has been breathing into his hand and smelling it, worried about his "halitosis"!!! After Alec leaves Betty reckons it's like the Royal Family were coming. Oh, Bet jokes, no if the RF were coming we'd be floating a magnolia blossom in the toilet!

Don goes to the police station to clear things up only to be shocked to find out that, oh yes the boys confessed to stealing his car and all that but Don's still being charged and must go to court for assaulting one of them! He later whines to Ivy about how the little guy is always made to feel the criminal!

Gail closes the cafe with Martin's help since Alma is off to Mike's. Martin tells Gail that Mike was asking about the cafe's business. Gail says Mike gave her some very good advice when she was buying the cafe and maybe he's not as bad as people think. She hopes Alma will not be hurt by him this time around though. Maybe this time he'll be straight with her. (I wonder..)

Alma arrives at Mike's. His cost cutting measures including fixing a steak at home and serving sparkling French wine as an alternative to eating out and champagne. She doesn't mind at all. He then hands her his spare key and asks her to move in with him. She thinks about it and accepts it! (I suspect this is another one of Mike's cost cutting measures)

It's ten past six, Betty hasn't arrived back to help in the bar and Bet tells Alec he better get changed although the Arden's aren't expected for another hour. But who should walk in but Sandra and she's by herself! She asks to speak to Alec alone so they go in back to the living room. She tells him she ought to have told him before but kept putting it off. They aren't coming for dinner, they don't want to ever visit there, in fact, she doesn't want to know him! He sputters and protests and blames her mother for poisoning her mind but she says although her mother did her best, this isn't about that. He left it too long to come back into her life, never cared enough to come earlier. Even 10 years ago they might have made it work but not now. She's made a new life for herself and doesn't want the unhappy past coming back to haunt her. Sandra, Love... Don't call her "Love" she doesn't like it and anyway he calls everyone that, it doesn't mean anything. He wants to make it up but she can't forgive, well actually she can because she doesn't really care one way or the other and she leaves. Bet sees her go out the door and hurries in to find Alec with his glasses off, sitting at the table with a tear in his eye as he tells Bet what happened.

Wednesday (3020, 19 January 1990)


Mike's squeezing Alma's oranges while she struggles to wake up. Here's to the first day of the rest of their lives he toasts. She seems a but doubtful and indeed admits later to having had a brief second thought about moving in but she's here to stay and knows what she's doing.

Alec is not in good humour this morning and snaps at Bet's morning cheer. He quickly gets the sharp side of her tongue for it and she warns him not to take it out on her. He doesn't apologise and thinks Sandra won't give him a second chance because her mother's worked on her for too long. Bet suggests maybe she'll come round when she's had a chance to realize that she acted without thinking much like Bet herself often does. Alec doesn't think so, he's left it too late. He's got a daughter but she hasn't got a father!

Tina and Betty are walking to work and Tina is still excited about France. She tells Betty she's probably too excited, almost hysterical. Betty wishes she were going too, she'd definitely be hysterical!

Gail opens the cafe with Audrey chatting on to her but Alma is nowhere in sight yet. Audrey is very pessimistic and thinks Alma is setting herself up for more hurt from Mike Baldwin. OH maybe they just went clubbing and stayed out to watch the sun come up. Audrey skeptically says Alma has never seen a sunrise in her life, she thinks God just switches it on! At that point, Alma arrives and Audrey tries to get out of her where she's been. Alma heads upstairs to change while Percy comes in followed closely by Phyllis, whose hair is distinctly bright periwinkle blue today! He threatens to call the police on her to stop her from following him around but she loves it when he's mad at her! What do you do with a woman like that, he asks Gail, exasperated! Gail smiles and says we may be hard to fathom but we're never boring!

Alec is trying to concentrate on his accounts but isn't very successful at it. His mind is buzzing with misery and regrets and he wishes Sandra hadn't been so deliberately definite, he tells Bet. She could have given him a chance. What about blood being thicker than water? Ey, Alec, you know they say there's more hate in families than anywhere else, Bet sighs. Alec reckons he's the subject of plenty to talk about out in the pub and all. Bet thinks Sandra just may realize she's been hasty. Bet herself jumps in with all guns blazing and regrets it but Alec says, no, she shut the door firmly in his face. Who needs children and grandchildren anyway, (you do, Alec) too much worry and he's got enough to worry about with Bet! Bet goes out through the bar and tells Betty to tell Alec she's gone shopping. And have you? enquires Betty. No. The staff sympathises with what Alec's been through but stop short and silent as the little man himself comes in. he rousts Jack back to work right shortish, knowing he was the subject of the aborted conversation.

Back in the cafe, Alma finally emerges in her pinnie and gets to work while Audrey is still hanging about and asks Alma "madam" where she was all night. Alma says she was at Mike's and tells Audrey and Gail she's moving in with him. Alma says she's crazy and a fool. Alma looks daggers at her and says she'll be the judge of that (keep your gob shut Audrey! is what she's thinking) Audrey gives it a month and leaves. Alma tells Gail she doesn't care what Audrey or anyone else thinks.

Bet walks up the drive to the Arden's house to have a word with Sandra who reluctantly lets her in though doesn't think they have anything to say. But Bet tells Sandra that Alec is upset. Sandra doesn't care. Couldn't she have told a white lie? but that's not her style. The truth hurts but it's less messy. She doesn't blame Alec for walking out now, it's past and she's built a new life and doesn't want her unhappy past coming back on her. Bet tells her Alec were just getting on with his life, looking forward, not because he didn't care and he's trying to make up for past mistakes. She tells Sandra Alec is a very nice man but Sandra doesn't budge so Bet leaves gracefully.

Tina is bragging to Maurice Jones about Eddie taking her to France and Jones warns them that France is very expensive. It cost him £100 for a meal for two in Paris. Eddie gulps visibly and says they may have to take their own food for picnics but Tina doesn't care, as long as she and Eddie can be together. She's going to enjoy herself if they have to live off jam butties! (I still think there's something Eddie isn't telling her...) Elsewhere Jack is sympathising with Don and asking what the world is coming to when you can't give a couple of yobbos a good thumping!

Alma leaves the cafe with her bags to take to Mike's in Martin's car. Mavis is there and is shocked that Alma's moving in with him after how he treated her previously.

Emily is shopping with Tracy who is distracted. Emily notices that Tracy is staring at something...her father and Wendy doing their own shopping and looking like they're enjoying each other's company. They don't see Tracy and Tracy says nothing to them or to Emily while Emily tactfully says nowt.

Alec is having a snooze when Bet returns so she gently closes the door, which wakens him, and returns to the bar. She tells Betty where she was and says Sandra's as stubborn as Alec who comes in just then and notices that Bet, although supposed to have been shopping, doesn't have any bags, unusual, that! She never goes shopping without buying something.

Alma is setting the table and cooking something in the microwave but tells Mike not to expect this every evening. She offers to pay her share of expenses which he quickly accepts, telling her they will have a household kitty and splash out at the end of the month with the leftovers. He's spent the day exploring business possibilities but hasn't had much luck yet.

Eddie and Maurice are having a drink while Eddie waits for Tina to come to work. The Websters tease Martin about acting like an old married man already and over in the corner Emily is telling Mavis and Deirdre that Tracy saw her father and Wendy though she never said she did. Deirdre thinks Tracy is in denial. Mavis expresses her opinion and says it isn't fair, first Ken and now there's Mike and Alma treating their relationship like musical chairs. Tina finally arrives, late because she was busy packing but Eddie tells her they can't go after all. His mother had a call from the hospital and has to go in for tests overnight so he has to stay home and look after the baby. Tina loses her temper and accuses Eddie of making it up because he's too cheap, scared at what Jones warned him about the cost. He's a rotten swine!

Alec confronts Bet. He's guessed that she went to Sandra's so she admits it but takes a load of abuse from him for sticking her nose in and probably making it worse. It's none of her business.. Oh yes it is! When her husband has been kicked in the teeth, she wants to know why! Alec thinks she's ruined any hopes he might have had, why doesn't she go find a china shop to wreck!

Thursday (3021, 22 January 1990)

Peter Ingram TERRY OSOBA

Alma brings Mike an armload of her dresses and shoes and an old plush bunny to take over to his flat. Gail arrives and teases the lovebirds and ribs Alma, she thought Alma might have had a row or mike snored or do you? Oh, women don't snore Gail, but yes Mike does, a little, and his feet are like ice!

Jim does an inspection on the twins' shoes before school. As they head down the street they encounter Percy and they snap to attention and salute him. Percy compliments Jim on how smart the lads look. Jim chuckles and reckons they were making fun of Percy but he doesn't care. That's a mark of respect anyway and he never even sees them drink out of a tin can on the street!

Tina is depressed and buying chocolate biscuits in the shop and telling Sally that she can't go to France after all and why. She didn't believe Eddie first, about his mother in hospital and they had a row. Sally sympathises and Tina goes off to work, asking after Eddie at the building site. But she is told for her troubles that he's off to France with some bird, lucky dog! She walks on in disgust and is short tempered with Jack when she gets in to work. He says he's already taken it from them two in there and anyway, it's not his fault if she can't keep her private life organized like he does!

Them in there are Bet and Alec and Alec is giving Bet the silent treatment, speaking only when necessary. Bet apologises for sticking her nose in but maybe it will make Sandra feel sorry for him for having a pig ignorant wife! Poor lass really has it rough with her as a stepmother! She was only trying to help. That's not such a crime.

Mike goes to a business to see a man called Peter Ingram but his snooty secretary says Peter can't see him now, come back at 4 o'clock. That secretary though pretty, blonde and fluffy couldn't smile to crack her face! Kind of reminds me of a blonde Jenny Bradley!

The pub at dinnertime is pretty quiet and everyone there is depressed. Derek has a face like a rusty bucket, Ivy and Don aren't even talking to each other, Mike is propping up his face on the bar and Tina is dejectedly stuffing her face with bikkies. Even Phyllis doesn't feel like chasing Percy! Mavis is telling Derek that January is a slow month and not many jobs going but he's all gloom and doom and is quite rude to her for suggesting a correspondence course. She snaps back and rightly so then loses her backbone again and apologises to Derek when he takes offense! He needs sympathy from his wife not sarcasm. Betty sympathises with Don's troubles as Ivy tries a pep talk but Don feels like kicking something because the regular guys shouldn't be treated like criminals. Mike passes a bit of time with Maurice Jones who wonders why Mike should be looking for work, retired and rich as he is. Mike says there was a set back but he can handle it.

Into the black fog that is the Rovers comes Alec's daughter, Sandra to see him. Bet shows her in, keeping the staff away even though Betty needs to get to the kitchen. Sandra tells Alec Bet gave her something to think about. It's suck a shock him coming back after all these years. She's been stupid, saying her mother didn't help by setting her mind against him. She's ready to make a new start, at least see how it goes one step at a time. Even Vicky asks about her grandfather and when she's going to see him and Alec says he'd like that. He won't push it though. Sandra tells him that Bet said he was a very nice man. When she leaves he tells Bet to come back through. She prepares herself for another blast but he kisses her soundly. So he's a very nice man is he? She follows him into the living room to find out what happened.

Kevin blames Tina's problems on kids, if Eddie didn't have Jamie none of this would have happened. Kids ruin your life, they're a nuisance. Kevin spouts nonsense about how nature would adapt even if no kids were born as Nature always does. Well he's not joking but he can't really be that thick. Sally says the only problem with kids is they grow into adults like him! On her way out of the pub Sally asks Tina was there no way she could go to France and has Eddie been in touch? No she gave him a right mouthful the night before. There will be other trips, says Sally but Tina doesn't think it's likely...it could have been dead romantic. The Websters leave.

Over at the cafe Alma hasn't heard from Mike all day and is curious to know how he got along seeing that bloke. Gail reckons it must be love! Ah, says Martin, but what is love? he thinks it's unbridled passion. Gail thinks it's contentment and a feeling of security. What about all those books and songs and poems about love Martin asks. Contentment is boring! Gail laughs that only someone Martin's age could say something like that.

Mike meets with Peter and tells the secretary not to go for any charm contests. Peter says he's busier than he has a right to be but doesn't have anything Mike would be interested in. But as Mike is out the door he remembers something. Could Mike handle a small order of 200 travel bags for a travel agent? No problem, Mike boasts (no money, no equipment, no workers, no factory, no problem?) When he tells Alma later about it he tells her she can always work for him when she mentions she's worked in factories years ago.

Tina rushes to the bus with her bags and Eddie loads them on. They're off to France after all but she does find out at the last minute that not only is it a football team outing but the team will be playing the local French team and all! sounds like a tournament to me! She's a bit taken aback and none too happy, he didn't tell her! Well he says, she didn't ask (I knew there was more to this than a dirty weekend away!)

And how did all this come about? Kevin arrives home starving for his tea to find a baby in a playpen in the living room floor. It's Jamie Ramsden! Kevin is unimpressed that Sally volunteered to look after him so Tina and Eddie could go away but Sally thinks it was a brilliant idea.

Emily and Mavis sit in the cafe as it's getting ready to close. Mavis says Derek has a great capacity for sulking. Emily is encouraging and they both manage to have a laugh before they leave.

Friday (3022, 24 January 1990)


Is Sally getting broody? Where's the baby?

Baby Jamie's been no trouble at all at Sally and Kevin's overnight. Sally's managing ok and loving it! Kevin hasn't minded but is quick to ask when Jamie's going back to his Gran's. Not until after tea tonight says Sally, at least she's got him until then! Kevin looks at her kind of funny (but then he always looks at everyone kind of funny. Must be the funny look of him!)

Mike is busy calculating and figuring how to produce 200 travel bags with no equipment or staff while Alma had hoped they would have a longer "honeymoon" period after she moved in! What happened to the romance? the Breakfast in bed? Oh he doesn't care for breakfast in bed! Not you, me! Alma protests. Later she is finally ready to leave for work and he doesn't really notice her efforts for looking good for the day, it's only making bacon butties for Percy Sugden anyway Mike comments. She wonders where he's going to get specialized equipment needed to make the bags and is sceptical that he can even get them done, it's different than what he's done before. But Mike thinks it's no problem, sewing is sewing, it's all just business and she could be a little more optimistic! She asks about Peter Ingrahm so he jokes that Peter is short fat and bald, why? Just asking. OH he knows , she thinks power is sexy right?

Liz is checking out leisure center activities and contemplating an exercise class both as a way to rid herself of Christmas excesses and a way to meet new people and fit into the community. The boys come in to ask for money to go see a football match as they have lost their allowance over the window breaking event three weeks ago. Jim offers to take them as he wouldn't mind seeing a match himself but he spoils it by making homework a condition of going and Liz gets testy at him. They all have to adjust to the new non-army live here you know!

Sally brings Jamie to work with her and Alf isn't happy. The playpen is in his way and Jamie is crying and finally he gets exasperated and tells Sally to take the day off and mind Jamie at home or in the park or something. He'll manage on his own.

Audrey is asking Alma later how things are working out. Well they're not bad, Alma comments but it isn't easy living with someone after being independent so long as well Audrey knows. Gail teases Alma about marriage but Alma is taking it slow, you never know what to expect when you're living with a man who is pulling himself up by his bootstraps. His new business will probably go well but she's still keeping some things back at her flat for now as a precaution. Quite right too, Audrey opines, at your age! You should be with a man who can pay your bills! (Audrey has priorities you know!) Alma gets a case of the guilts that she wasn't supportive enough of Mike and asks Gail to get Martin in to help so she can go home at lunch time and salve her guilty conscience.

Sally takes Jamie to the supermarket and sees Liz coming out. They chat about babies for a few minutes and Sally is all gushy and excited to have Jamie. Liz laughs and warns her she'll be getting broody before too long! She gets on her way and Sally leaves Jamie in the stroller outside the store for a few minutes while she picks up her groceries but when she returns the baby is gone!!! She starts to panic until an older lady wheels Jamie back to her, telling her she just moved him because he was frightened of a barking dog. Sally gets angry and tells the old woman she shouldn't have done it and gave her a scare! The lady apologises but was only thinking of the poor scared mite. And anyway she shouldn't have left the baby alone. Just then Kimberly Taylor happens by. Sally tells her what happened and Kimberly too says she shouldn't leave the baby alone, but Sally didn't know if they allowed baby buggies in the store (oh, right but they don't mind those big ugly grocery carts? Doesn't Sally ever look around her in the grocery store?) Sally invites Kimberly back to her place for a cup of tea.

Alma arrives home to find Mike at the kitchen table sewing bags on a rented machine. Just in time! he persuades her to use her rusty machinist skills and help him, he's got to have them all done by 6 that evening!

Liz arrives home to see Jim polishing his boots and he tells her he forgot that he had to return to barracks to tie up some loose ends before leaving. He can't take the lads to the match after all and Liz gives him a going over for putting the army before her and the family yet again and she's sick of it! Later when he tells the boys he can't go, they understand, orders are orders and promise to smooth things over with Mom who is peeved that he never spends any time with the boys.

Bet tells Alf in the shop that Sandra saw Alec and agreed to see how it goes. Alec was hoping for more but he'll take what he can get. She thinks Alec doesn't see Sandra as a grown woman with a life of her own, rather he has illusions of being reunited with his golden little princess!

Back at the Webster's, Sally has calmed down and Kimberly says it's been three months since she met Curly. She knew he was the one when she first saw him and was it like that for her and Kevin? No not quite, Sally laughs and tells Kimberly that the first time she met Kevin he drove through a puddle while she was waiting at a bus stop and he drenched her from head to foot! Kevin arrives home for his dinner and Kimberly leaves. Sally relates the morning's event to Kevin who says to little Jamie it's a good thing he's not a permanent fixture or Sally would be a nervous wreck!

Audrey is still sceptical and a little envious of Alma's new lodgings, dropping not unnoticed heavy hints to Alf who is fed up with hints and complaints about living at the flat. He says they'll find a nice little house sooner or later. The MacDonald twins come in for something followed by Alec who wants antacid tablets. Alec asks the twins' opinion on something he plans to get for his teenage granddaughter which catches the boys' interest until Alec warns them off his granddaughter if she ever comes around. You mind you two better behave yourselves if she does!

Liz comes into the cafe for a tea and a vanilla slice and a bit of female companionship after being stuck in the house with three awkward men. Phyllis wouldn't mind one awkward man in her house and later hints to Gail that she would be willing to help out in the cafe if Alma is out gadding about. Martin shouldn't be here all the time, waiting tables is woman's work. Martin arrives and Liz asks him about his relationship with his father. Oh it's just great, it's based on mutual ignorance, they ignore each other! Gail later asks Martin if he minds helping out in the cafe and is it good for them to be in each other's company 24 hours a day? They decide that they can manage.

Alma cleans up as Mike finally returns. Yes he got the bags there a little late but Peter waited for him. Yes he got the order too! How do she feel about helping him make 1000 more!

Kevin is just about to leave to take Jamie back home when the phone rings. It's the hospital to tell Sally that Jamie's grandmother must stay in hospital a few more days so Sally and Kevin must keep Jamie until she comes home or Eddie returns from France, whichever comes first! Sally is dead chuffed but Kevin is a bit rueful!

Originally transmitted: 26, 29, 31 January; 2 & 5 February 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 23 - Friday 27 February 1998
Episode Numbers: 3023 - 3027

Monday (3023, 26 January 1990)

Geraldine Crawshaw GILIAN CALLY
Stephen Charlton ANDREW POTTS

Who's playing "musical babies"? What's Mike trying to pull? Who's getting on Emily's last nerve?

Kevin's buying more baby food for Jamie while Alf moans about coping on his own and not being fed properly. It's not Sally's fault that Eddie's mother had to stay in hospital and Audrey makes Kevin laugh when she says she'd rather look at the baby's dirty nappies than Alf's miserable face! Kevin takes the baby food home, pineapple yogurt and chocolate pudding, much to Sally's consternation, defending his choices that the baby won't know the difference long as it tastes good! Kev tells her that he let Alf know she won't be in until Monday when Eddie gets back and it won't be easy to give Jamie back that's for sure. Kevin hopes she's not getting baby fever, but Sally teases him that he's getting just as attached to the baby as she is, she can't get near the baby when Kevin's around. Just the same, don't go getting any ideas he warns. (Which tells me a baby story must be just around the corner, Sally wants a baby, Kevin doesn't. But isn't it soon time for Rosie to appear on the scene? end of this year I think?)

Emily complains that Mr. Sugden organizes his housework chores like a military manoeuvre operation but Gail isn't that desperate to have someone do her housework to borrow him! Mavis pops in for some change and notices Martin is standing in for Alma again. She makes a remark about Alma being a lady of leisure these days but is told that Alma is helping Mike make travel bags for his new business venture. Mavis then makes a rather rude remark to Martin about his finally having a job after all this time idle so he gets his own back by asking her how Derek is doing and has he got a job yet? Mavis huffs and leaves.

Mike and Alma are loading a shipments of bags into the boot of the Jag when a neighbour comes by and asks Mike if he's had any television interference. He suspects someone is running heavy electrical equipment in the building which is strictly against the tenancy agreement and he intends to find out who it is.

Liz and Audrey are visiting Sally and having a coo over the baby. Sally asks Liz how she managed with twin babies! Liz tells them she was a teenage bride in the maternity ward and Jim was posted to Hong Kong when she delivered. He didn't get back for a week. The army was good to her but she really just wanted her husband. But now all that is over and he's just back to Aldershot today to wind things up and then.. no more of the army! The phone rings and Audrey guesses correctly that it's Alf looking for her so he can go have his dinner.

In the shop, Bet is picking up a few things and Alf asks her why women cluck and fuss over even the mere mention of a baby let alone the sight of one. It's hormones, instinct she tells him. Well, he says he wouldn't know about that. Bet gets the best deadpan voice on her and says, dripping with sarcasm in classic Bet style, "Really! You do surprise me!" Audrey arrives to Alf moaning about food and profits and tells him there's more to life than money, like kindness for instance. Where would Eddie be without Sally's kind hearted offer to mind Jamie? Here, in Weatherfield and Sally would be here at the shop helping him! There's no talking to him when he's in this mood!

Mike is seen by Don on his cab rounds loading an industrial sewing machine into a house that we later find out belongs to Josie Phillips, one of Mike's ex-factory workers.

Jim is packing to leave for camp with Liz's help. She's glad it's the last time she'll have to see that uniform. He promises to ring when he gets there, before he starts drinking she warns. He's looking forward to seeing the lads again and yes, will probably have a few drinks in the mess with them. Liz directs him to his shaving kit and he wonders what he'd do without her and tries a little cuddle on for size but she isn't having it in case the boys come in. She doesn't want them to learn about life from watching their mother. He asks her if she'll be ok and she says, isn't she always? She's really glad they moved here and really wants it to work out even though we know it's going to be more of an adjustment for Jim. (she might have loved the uniform at one time, who doesn't? but you can tell she's mighty tired of it and the Army lifestyle now.) Jim assures her he isn't going to sign up again and she sees him off later in a cab with a kiss.

Percy chats to Maurice Jones and hopes he will be responsible for selling the new houses to the right kind of decent people but Mr. Jones feels no obligation, moral or otherwise to screen the buyers. They end up arguing and Jones walks out. Betty soundly scolds Percy for driving away a good paying customer but he is unrepentant in his righteous attitude. Don is in and buys poor Emily a drink, What'll she have? She thinks she'll have a nervous breakdown (having observed the just-ended argument between her lodger and Jones.) Don learns that Mike has started up a new business again. He thinks that scoundrel shouldn't be allowed to start up again after exploiting his workers they way he did.

Meanwhile Mike is trying to convince Ivy to do some piecework for him when Don comes to get her. He susses out the situation and gives Mike a round of abuse threatening to punch his lights out for bothering Ivy, trying to convince her to work in his sweatshops. Over in the shop Mavis is telling Derek about Mike's new business and trying to remember the correct spice for spaghetti bolognaise but Derek's imagination has been fired up about the possibilities and after they leave the shop they see Mike just about to leave Ivy's . Derek rushes over and offers his services as a sales person or marketer but all Mike is interested in is machinists and can only use Derek if he's handy with a sewing machine. Derek's face falls (doesn't have too far to go for that does it!).

Tina arrives back at Sally's from France without Eddie. Seems that Eddie and the other men got loaded in a bar and started some trouble and got themselves arrested and thrown in jail for their trouble! Tina had to return because she promised Eddie she'd look after Jamie while his mom was in hospital so she's come for the baby. Sally looks crestfallen to lose the boy!

At the shop, the MacDonald boys try to buy ciggies "for their dad" but Alf is on to that trick because he knows Jim has gone away. Alf gives them a hard time but they take it in stride with some teenage but harmless attitude which makes Audrey smile and Alf stressed. Alec comes in to buy an expensive box of chocolates that we later learn are for Victoria.

In the Rovers Sally tells Bet that Tina is back and has the baby so won't be in for work. She's worried that Tina knows nothing about babies but Kevin, (worried that the baby will be back in their house, I think) says that she'll learn just like they did. Still, Bet agrees with Sally, Tina's flat and lifestyle and knowledge of children leave a lot to be desired. Mavis and Emily tell Jack about Mike, the sewing machines and Derek's humiliation at being shot down again in the employment attempt. Jack just hopes that little worm doesn't try to persuade Vera to work for him too!

Mike is busy sewing and someone arrives at the door. It's the neighbour from this morning and a tight lipped woman named (quite suitably) Mrs. Crawshaw who is president of the tenants' association with a strong warning for Mike to stop running the equipment and his business from his flat. Mike cheerfully throws them out as they threaten legal action.

Percy chats to Alf in the pub about his encounter with Mr. Jones and asks Alf is he going to buy one of the new houses? No not likely Alf replies and it's up to Audrey in the end but she wants a house away from the street. Josie comes in to see Don and Ivy and eventually realizes that Ivy isn't working for Mike. Josie only said she would because Mike (lied and ) said that Ivy was doing it too since it is apparently under the table money.

Alec returns from visiting Victoria saying his granddaughter is going to spend the weekend with them but when he gets back to the living area he finds Tina and Jamie have taken up residence on Bet's invitation until Eddie is back from France! He blows up after Bet explains the situation and tries to pull rank on her, saying she should have checked with him, it's his name over the pub. We'll talk later Bet informs him as the baby starts to cry upstairs!

Tuesday (3024, 29 January 1990)


Has baby fever struck the women in the Street? How does Mike handle rejection?

Mike receives a legal notice to cease and desist operating his business out of the flat or else! He laughs it off and then he's on to Alma to get dressed and back to the machines for another day in the sweatshop. Alma has had enough though with buzzing head, mangled nails, she's not going to sew anymore bags. She is not a machinist and he'll have to find someone else. He protests that he doesn't have time to find and train outworkers, begs and pleads to no avail, pleading a deadline but she tells him that's his deadline, not hers. Now what?

Tina worries about how Eddie is going to get on and thinks he could end up getting his back up and making it worse for himself. Bet's feeding baby Jamie and saying it's a shame they grow up. (but Bet! boys never do! you've said it yourself a thousand times!) She and Tina coo over the baby while Alec and Betty chat out in the pub while readying it for opening. Alec says how ironic it is, first Eddie Ramsden is breaking up the bar and now it's been turned into a nursery for his child! That reminds Betty to gush about the lovely baby but Alec has to time for it, he had wanted his grand daughter to visit but she couldn't because of the baby. Betty thinks Victoria would have loved the baby but that doesn't go over well either because Alec wants all the attention on his grand daughter when she visits not on a mewling brat dumped on them by a soccer hooligan. Betty does try to defend Eddie but Alec is more annoyed that ever at the inconvenience of having Jamie there and having all the women within crying range drawn to the baby like a magnet. Which reminds Betty, she just wants to pop back to see if Bet needs any help, very demanding, babies!

Mike goes to Josie's to give her more materials but she's off to the job center. She is angry because he lied about Ivy working for him so she's not going to either and he can get that sewing machine out of her house and all, when she's in.

Tina tries to call France but is having difficulty making herself understood. Turns out she has a wrong number, a candy shop in Calais which nearly gives Alec apoplexy when he finds out it was on HIS bill! Bet said it was alright and tells Alec to stop frothing at the mouth and upsetting the baby.

Ivy and Don have a discussion about finances and him working all hours. She worries about his health and feels bad she can't contribute any. She asks would he mind if she did do some work for Baldwin, at least she'd be bringing in something. He strenuously objects both because it's Baldwin and because he's paying slave wages, no surprise. He's a shyster! But she feels so bad that he backs down when she promises to ask Mike to pay more than he had originally offered, she'll stand up to him or not do it. She calls Josie to meet her in the pub and they join forces to go see Mike.

Alma comes home to find a moody Mike. He's angry at the world and at her for letting him down. At one point she calls him a pig for giving her rude abuse and he does apologise for that but tells her Josie told him to stuff his bags (hahaha couldn't resist!) because Ivy got to her and poisoned her against him after all he's done for them workers all those years! He does fail to mention that he lied to Josie about Ivy working for him which was why Josie said yes in the first place. Alma feels bad and offers to help but he says it is too late. He's finished. Alma gets her coat and says she's going to help one way or the other and leaves.

She's gone to Ivy's and as she's knocking on the door of Number 5, Ivy and Josie come down from the pub. They figure she's there to sweet talk them as Alma sees them and turns and smiles with all teeth flashing!

She takes them over to Mike's flat to have a word which is where they were headed. They tell Mike they've changed their mind but he's in such an owly mood that he only gives them another load of it for changing their minds and none of them were every much good at the job anyway. They say, Fine! and leave but he calls them back and backs down, acceding to their monetary demands. He'll pay them 50% more, 50p a bag. They gleefully leave, thinking they've done him over good but after they go he comments to Alma how happy they are thinking they've screwed him. Alma knows exactly what's on his mind and says it must be the same the other way around! He smiles and says he thought they were going to ask him for more money than they did!

Sally and Liz ask about Jamie and Betty lets them go through to the back only Alec spies them behind the bar and bullies them back out. He goes away muttering about hormones and babies and they ask Jack to drop a crate on Alec's foot. He says no point, where there's no sense, there's no feeling! He asks Liz about Jim's foray to Aldershot. Later at home, Andy tells his mother he wouldn't be surprised if Jim got a few beer down him then signed up for another 6 years! Liz pulls that "He better not or he'll be dead meat" look.

Derek is helping out in the shop (Rita's away) but making a balls-up of Emily's paper bill, insisting she hadn't paid for last week's papers, and tells her from up on his high horse that anyone can make a mistake, even he's done it. Mavis points out that it's plainly obvious that her bill is marked paid in the ledger under last week's column so Derek, now humbled, says it's a silly system anyway. Emily says not to worry, anyone can make a mistake, even she's done it! He doesn't take that well and retires upstairs. (This man has GOT to get a job!)

Alec is flitting around trying to get customers served, hampered somewhat because Bet and Tina keep running back and forth to do for the baby. Alec is just about ready to pop a vein! Over at the dart board, Mark, Kevin, Sally and Curly are teaching Kimberly to play darts. Curly tries to give Kimberly a bit of the philosophy comparing the size of some of the target areas to match heads or some such nonsense, Mark is giving Kimberly detailed instructional methods and Sally's telling her just to chuck the dart. Anyway, Kimberly seems to be doing quite well and all in all it sounds to be a rousing rowdy fun time at that end of the bar. Elsewhere Emily and Mavis chat about Derek who is doing penance in front of the telly with a marmite sandwich. She tells Emily she thinks Derek is doing so well dealing with being unemployed and then he gets shot down and feels miserable. Mavis regrets being sharp with him when he is trying so hard. Emily sympathises, it's hard for some met to rely on their wives. Mavis wonders why does he think he has to be the breadwinner and Emily speculates so that he can be a hero! (Derek????) Mavis must agree with me because she rolls her eyes and nearly drops her teeth at the prospect of that!

Don arrives home to find Ivy busy sewing and that tells its' own story. She says she knows how he feels but tells him triumphantly that they were successful in their demands for more money. She's not just doing it for the money but for them, so they can see more of each other than just 5 minutes here and there as he rushes in and out for work. He makes her stop for a break and decides it's his turn to make the evening tea.

In the bar, Alec is battling confusion among the rest of the staff when in walks Tim and Victoria. She wanted to visit since she was disappointed she couldn't come for the whole weekend. Alec proudly ushers them back. Vicky with that "I smell something rotten" look tells Granddad the Rovers isn't as posh as he led her to believe". He explains about the baby taking up residence and brings them in to see him. Bet is feeding him so can't get up but greets them both warmly. She then launches into a long explanation of how Alec couldn't do enough for the baby, how he immediately volunteered their services when Eddie had that bit of trouble in France and even gets up to see to the baby in the morning! You should hear him sing a lullaby! Yeah, Tina adds, and when Alec changes the nappies, it's absolutely poetic! Alec says nothing and then goes back to the bar where the dart game is still in full loud progress and yells at them to keep it down, there's a baby in the back, have some consideration will you! In an absolutely priceless brief glance, he and Jack give each other a look where Alec is basically wordlessly saying "I know what you're thinking, Jack and I don't want to hear it, Not a word Jack!" as he rushes back to his company! (Timing is everything! just classic!)

Wednesday (3025, 31 January 1990)

Mrs. Hodgkinson CARRIE MORLEY
Reappearance of Victor Pendlebury (CHRISTOPHER COLL)

Mavis checks through the morning post and sees a postcard from (Southend? couldn't make it out both times it was mentioned). It's addressed to her and the message reads "Dear Mavis Weather is lovely. Wish you were here with me - Victor". It's the elusive Victor Pendlebury, Mavis' erstwhile suitor! She hides the card in her pinnie as Derek comes out and pretends she hasn't looked at the post yet, was there anything for her in there? Derek sees just junk mail and reminisces sadly about all the important mail he used to get just a year ago as an executive. All he has to look forward to is another day behind the till at the Kabin and when Rita returns he won't even have that. Well there is that interview Mavis reminds him but he isn't too thrilled with that, it's only for a bed salesman, he says, "I could weep".

Alec has now become attached to little Jamie and in view of the close ups we are treated to, you can see why! He's enough to make even the hardest heart melt! Alec hovers around Tina as Bet feeds Jamie his breakfast. Are they sure they know what they're doing? He needs his wind up. Done that, Tina says. All night as a matter of fact. Well have you bathed him, babies need bathing you know. (Sure was a flash changeover wasn't it? Seems like 5 minutes ago Alec wanted nowt to do with a messy baby and the inconvenience!) Alec tries to seem disinterested as if he's only "just asking" but we know different don't we? Bet teases him about being jealous of the attention paid the baby and not to him while Tina frets about Eddie because she still hasn't heard anything yet.

Emily comes into the Kabin and Derek promptly scarpers around the back to do inventory. Must be still embarrassed over the billing mixup! Mavis asks Emily if she's heard anything about Victor P. but she's only heard vague rumblings that he's in business for himself, recycling goods or some such, down in (Southend?) just then the phone rings and Derek answers it but whoever it is hangs up and Mavis looks apprehensive.

Don is outside washing his taxi and sees Tina and Bet with Jamie in a stroller. They are going to walk him but when Alec comes out they tell him they'll just sit him in the back yard. Alec won't hear of it, he might get beer fumes on his chest and there's black beetles back there. Babies want walking in the park so Bet hands Alec the controls to the stroller and says, off with you then since he was going to go mail a letter anyway. He does and Don has a tease and a chuckle at Alec's expense. Before he's done with the taxi a man comes by and asks where Baldwin's Casuals is. Thought it was around here but obviously he's mistaken (there's a whole new development where the factory used to be, right?). Don gleefully tells him (Peter Ingrahm it turns out) that Shyster Baldwin sold his factory 6 months ago, is now skint from a land deal gone bad and has outworkers like his wife sewing in their houses for this new business deal he's running on a shoestring and paying them 50p a bag while he's at it. Peter is surprised, apparently Mike let him believe the factory was still a going concern and the workers were full time, fully insured, etc. and he's paying Mike 2 quid a bag! He thanks Don for the information and goes on his way.

Steve and Andy come home from school closely followed in the door by their mother who wonders why they're home. Free period. She tells them Jim will be back that afternoon and isn't it strange that they seem to have a lot of free classes when he's away? They then remember it was only basketball and they just came home for their kit and high-tail it back to school!

Alec and Jamie are strolling in the park when they run into a widow of one of Alec's dearly departed acts who greets them and asks about the baby. Alec tells her he does have a grown granddaughter but this belongs to Eddie Ramsden. She tells him she knows the family and one of her friends is the mother of one of Eddie's mates with whom he's stuck in a French jail. That particular lad is on his way home, having been released but she doesn't know about the others. When Alec returns he tells Bet and thinks they shouldn't say anything to Tina just yet since they really don't know if Eddie's been released or not.

Alma's making bags for Mike again when Peter arrives to check out Mike's "factory". Mike then realizes the jig is up. He introduces Peter to Alma and then confesses that he's using outworkers but not to worry, he'll get the bags out on time. Alma confirms that and says she's a skilled machinist. IN which case, Peter tells her, at 50p a bag, you're being taken for a ride! She bats her eyes and softens him up a little though he won't say where he got his information. Mike wants a partial payment up front but Peter says no go. He gets paid when he delivers the order.

Percy is mouthing off again on some such nonsense and Jack makes a few obnoxious cracks back. Bet asks Betty to see to the baby now Alec has him back, he likes a nap after his walk. Alec decides he too likes a nap after his walk and takes himself upstairs but not before telling Betty not to drop the baby! Drop him! Betty is indignant, She'd no more drop the baby than he would drop the price of ale!

In the Kabin Derek tells Liz he was in the army once but didn't like being shouted at. There's not too much of that these days anyway, Liz tells him. Derek makes a rude remark about Jim joining the ranks of the unemployed but Liz says Jim won't have any trouble getting a job, he's a skilled technician. The phone rings again after she leaves and again, the person on the other end hangs up to Mavis' dismay. She knows who it is!

Mike comes to Ivy's to see how the progress is going and to pick up the finished goods. A remark of Don's probably tips Mike off to the little bird that sang in Peter's ear but he lets it pass though it must have been difficult with Don rudely in his face! Ivy won't let Mike take the finished bags though, not until she's paid first. She and Josie have agreed and they insist he pay them 75p a bag considering what he's getting paid by Mr. Ingrahm. He tries to talk them around but Ivy and Don aren't having any of it so he reluctantly agrees.

Bet tells Tina that one of Eddie's mates was released and she immediately assumes they all were except Eddie and gets quite upset. She wants to call the Gendarmes again and Bet lets her call from the bar phone. But she and Jack make such a mess of it that Percy sticks his nose in though initially it isn't wanted and speaks a fairly passable French into the phone. He finds out that Eddie too has been released along with the others, tells whoever it is on the other end that all is forgotten about the Dunkirk mess and is hung up on. Alec arrives in the bar with a wet baby to be seen to!

Jim is back and telling tales of his good bye party. It seems he told his adjutant that it was the wife who was tired of the uniform, implying he didn't really want to get out. The boys tease Liz and say she isn't tired of the uniform, she always had a soft spot for it and she's said so many a time. She admits there's something about a man in uniform, ok. Then Jim drops a bomb. His colonel told him about a job available. A recruiting sargent. He can sign on for another 3 years but get to stay there in Manchester. No away postings. He gets what he wants, and Liz gets him at home, what she wants. Best of both worlds! OH I don't think that's going to go over too well.

Derek goes up to start tea after the shop is just closing and just as he disappears around the corner, Victor Pendlebury appears! Mavis is frantic that Derek not hear or see Victor who is very glad indeed to see her. It was him on the phone but didn't want to upset Derek. He wants to talk to her and asks her to meet him for lunch tomorrow at 1 at the Adelphi on the river. He scoots out just before Derek comes back down asking after his slippers.

Mike has told Alma about Ivy and Josie wanting their money before they'll give him the bags but he doesn't have any. He then asks Alma very nicely if she'd lend him the money pretty please... she leans back against the cushions of the sofa and whispers, Persuade me! Guess that means yes!

Thursday (3026, 2 February 1990)

Who's back in Mavis' life? Will Jim win his argument with Liz? Guess who's coming to dinner?

Mavis is surprised to see Derek up at 6 a.m. just as she's getting ready to go do the papers. He's thinking about his upcoming interview and has his doubts. He's just not cut out for beds. Mavis tells him it just won't do to be bleary eyed for this interview, they will think that he and beds don't get on! She sends him back to bed and as he's on his way, in a rather poignant, very telling statement Derek manages to sum up his life and very existence....He only really knows stationery, He'll accept this job if offered, of course but "most of my life has been stationery and in a way, I always will be stationery". Mavis contemplates this as do I.

Liz is furious with Jim, he promised her! He promised her a new house and she's got that but she says he promised he'd leave the army too. Well this job as a recruiting sargent will be the same thing as he'll be home but it seems she knows the army better, she knows they love surprise postings. The truth is that he doesn't really want to leave the army. He loses his temper and yells at her as Steve comes down to breakfast and says Andy doesn't feel like going to school today. That sets Jim off further, we'll just see about that and he starts to go upstairs only to be greeted by a sleepy Andy, dressed and ready for school. Steve mumbles, maybe that's not what he said after all. (bit of cage rattling I believe!) Jim continues to defend himself but it's no good, Liz isn't having any of it.

Mavis chats to Emily in the Kabin as Derek leaves. Mavis takes a phone call and Derek asks her if it was one of those funny phone calls like they had got yesterday but it's just someone who didn't receive their paper this morning. Mavis gives the missing paper to Derek to deliver on his way out the door then tells Emily she thinks the calls were from someone who wants to talk to her not Derek, Victor Pendlebury! Emily thinks that's very odd and speculates that meeting an old flame for lunch behind Derek's back would be playing with fire. Mavis just Hmm's and lets Emily believe she turned him down. (That's RMavis, though, always living on the edge!)

Alec is playing with little Jamie Eddie is freed from the French jail but hasn't appeared in Weatherfield yet and Tina is worried but there isn't much they can do says Bet.

On the street, Liz tells Betty about Jim's latest. Betty understands, saying her Cyril, being a policeman, got transferred at times too but it was useless to complain because she knew he was a policeman when she married him. Liz laughs and says she knew Jim was pig-headed when she married him!

Mike arrives at Ivy's and tells her he appreciated all her efforts, leaving more supplies for more bags. He'll come back later at 4 for them. He assures Ivy she'll be paid amid Don ranting about the party line of exploiting workers and further sarcasm which rolls right off Mike's back. After he leaves Don makes Ivy promise she won't work for him any more.

Tina tells Kevin and Sally that Eddie is still among the missing. Sally asks after Jamie but he's out for a walk with Bet and Alec. Jack asks Betty what is it about that child! She tells him people are usually like that about a baby. No him, Jack insists, he probably didn't even speak to their Terry until Terry was 15! Betty also speculates that this baby probably reminds Bet of the time when she thought she was pregnant. Eddie arrives just then and Tina joyfully jumps into his arms. Kevin buys him a much-appreciated pint while Eddie asks about Jamie. Sally says they loved having him, didn't they Kevin? Yeah, right. Eddie tells them the lads were let out without a court hearing but they had to make their way back and hitchhiked up from the Dover ferry that morning. As they all catch up, Percy comes in and asks Derek when the Kabin will be open as he needs some darning wool. Derek says it'll have to wait until Mavis comes back from the cash and carry, surely he can hold off his darning until then!

But Mavis isn't at the cash and carry! She's meeting Victor at a lovely riverside restaurant for lunch. He tells her he's never married and is surprised to hear that the Wiltons' have only been married just over a year. Mavis tells him she and Derek let each other down the first time they tried to get married but are very happy now. Victor seems a good sport about losing Mavis to Derek and fills her in on his new business, recycled paper products. He jumped on the wagon before the wagon was built and now the idea is catching on. Mavis thinks it's a noble cause, very environmentally friendly and after she tells him Derek is between jobs, she finds out that Victor has a job opening that would be perfect for Derek!

Back at the Rovers Eddie thanks Bet and Alec for having Jamie. Oh the baby's been no trouble at all they protest. His mother is getting out of hospital today and all, so Tina and Bet go to get the baby's things together and Alec tells Eddie there will be no charge for Jamie's accommodation! He says Bet took quite a shine to Jamie, you know how women are with babies, and he offers their services in future if Tina and Eddie ever want to go away again. He gives Eddie some money to buy the baby something but tells him not to let on to Bet, doesn't want anyone to think he's gone soft in his old age!

Jim is telling Mike and Jack about the job possibility but the roadblock is the wife and the other men both understand completely. Jack gives his sympathies to Jim. He does understand Liz's point of view though. Jack says he'd let his wife know who was wearing the stripes and at that Betty comes round and bullies Jack into clearing the glasses. Wouldn't she be right at home as the sargent major! she'd put them all through their paces, as the two men laugh out loud.

Alma arrives at the pub and hands over to Mike a wad of cash and coin to pay his outworkers. He thanks her profusely and insists it's a loan with interest. She tells him she'll collect the interest tonight and he goes off to pay the girls.

The MacDonald twins arrive home from school as Jim is on the phone to a mate. Steve goes into the kitchen to make a pot of tea and Jim tells them all that his old mate Johnny is coming to stay a few days. He tells the boys that "Uncle Johnny" taught them to ride a bike. It's kind of strange though. Liz has an odd look on her face and from the point of view of a few years later, as I write this, I know why. (SPOILER Liz apparently had an affair with Johnny years ago END SPOILER) What I can't quite work out is why Steve also has an odd look on his face at the mention of "Uncle Johnny" unless it's just those vacant acting skills rearing their ugly head.

At the Kabin Mavis serves Curly as Derek comes in and says he didn't get the job as bed salesman. The interview didn't go well. They weren't interested in him at all. Mavis asks Curly if the store stocks recycled paper and Curly says not yet but that the 1990's will be remembered for the ecology saving measures. Mavis later tries to tell Derek about Victor Pendlebury whom she "ran into at the cash and carry" and about his recycled paper/stationery business. He has a job going but Derek explodes when he realizes it's Victor, that anaemic wimp who was his old rival for Mavis' affections. Derek wants nothing to do with it! It doesn't matter if it's stationery, no way!

Bet and Alec wax nostalgic after all their guests have left. They wonder what if life had taken a different turn. But Bet says that babies cost and Alec wouldn't like that. Don and Ivy are having a celebratory drink with her earnings. She reiterates her promise not to work for Mike again but over in the corner Mike is telling Alma he's got another order for more bags. He just has to get the women to do them!

Friday (3027, 5 February 1990)

Peter Ingrahm TONY OSOBA

Who's cooperating? Who's left holding the bags? Who's got a job?

Mike tells Alma more details about the upcoming orders. It's a revolving type order where you do 1000, deliver then get another order for another 1000. She asks is he going to round up his little band of ladies, the Baldwinettes? As long as she can retire, that is. No more bags for Alma. That's ok by him, he's sure he can get his workers back. He does think about the factory now and then but that is in the past and Mike is nothing but eager to get on with his future! He kisses Alma and leaves.

Derek is in his blue pinnie and fluffing pillows and defending himself. He knows he said he wanted to stay stationery but really, this working for Victor would be impossible. She must understand, Victory was Derek's rival. She doesn't understand, though, after all, Derek DOES have her, what he doesn't have is a job. He tells her she has a very cutting tongue sometimes (more so back then than in her more recent years, I find when she seemed to lose her backbone and go into witter overdrive). She goes off to the shop where Rita is back from her holiday though we never find out where that was.

Rita is serving the MacDonald boys when Mavis comes down. After they leave, Rita asks Mavis what's new. Mavis tells her that Derek has a hob offer but won't take it because it's Victor and she's exasperated to say the least! She fills in Rita on Victor's new firm and Rita admiringly says she always thought Victor was an environmentally friendly sort, always got on better with trees than with people. Ok so maybe it wasn't admiringly said but she did seem to respect his ambition and success. Derek wanders in to say one more thing to Mavis. He decides Victory only wants to goat but Rita tells him he should gloat back! Mavis is a much better prize than a load of recycled bog rolls! (hahahaha) Derek says if it were anyone else, he would so that's and end of it. He goes back upstairs and Mavis says it's pure male ego that's all it is. He reminds her of a stag on a mountaintop! (I don't think I could possibly tell you the reaction I had to that little image but it had to do with a hunter and a stag head on a wall)

Mike comes to Ivy's, not to take the machine away but to persuade her to make some more bags for him. She refuses and though he tries his best she won't budge so he leaves and says he'll let her think about it and come back later.

Alf is surveying the new houses and Mike comes by and asks if Alf is going to buy one. Alf doesn't really know and he asks Mike about his new business. MIKE says it's much better than having a factory, the women do the work in their own homes so he has no overhead!

Jim gets in a bottle of Irish for Johnny's visit. Liz asks if they're going to get pie-eyed to do it somewhere so the boys don't have to see the state they get in. She's not really keen on this idea, Jim though she liked Johnny, she's known him a long time after all. He's all right but he's so "army", very gung ho by the sounds of it and she's afraid they'll get trading stories and Jim will turn around and sign up again. (Is that all it is?)

Done comes home and Ivy tells him about MIKE's offer, yes she told him no though she wonders... the money would be useful, she's tired of pinching pennies. He lays into diatribes about and against Baldwin lining his own pockets and the rights of the workers united etc. But later Don has an idea. A cooperative of the outworkers. They could organize and approach Peter Ingrahm themselves and cut out the middle man...Baldwin. Ivy starts to think the idea is good but they'd need help. Who could they get? Someone that's good at organizing and management...

Derek asks Mavis to go for a walk at dinnertime but she declines. She doesn't feel like it and he says she can be very prickly at times. He knows she's still angry that he won't take a perfectly good job that's on offer and says what on earth would he and Victory talk about! Victor would ask how's the wife, what is he supposed to say? Well, he could tell Victor she is quite prickly. She's not trying to understand whines Derek. Percy is in the front of the store and tells Rita he's heard of a job going, a night watchman at the abattoir (slaughterhouse). Rita passes the information on to Derek who is off to the job center. She inquires of Mavis if the stag is still on his mountain and she replies yes and he can stay there as far as she's concerned.

Don and Ivy go to see Emily who is in the middle of her dinner with Percy but she's willing to have a listen when they outline their plan. Percy tells her not to jump in too fast but Emily is very very interested considering the way they were treated by Mike. She even knows where they can rent machines.

So later when Mike comes back to Ivy's she goes out on the doorstep and tells him she won't work for him. when he leaves she goes back in and we see there's a little meeting of the cooperative going on. They have to decide what to charge Ingrahm for the bags and have to charge less than Mike but still make a profit. What I can't understand is that they calculate the price Mike must be asking by doubling the 75p that they outworkers were paid but Peter told Don the day before that he was paying Mike 2 quid a bag so why don't they remember that? Anyway they decide on 1.35 UKP and take it to Ingrahm. They assure him of the continuing quality and he's impressed by their ambition and gumption. Also he's always seen Mike with a cocky grin on his face and relishes the thought of wiping it off for once! He'll give them an order for 1000 bags and if they make that deadline, then he'll see what's next. Yes!

Betty asks Tina how the baby is getting along now he's home and reckons that trouble seems to follow Eddie around. Tina says this bit wasn't his fault (yes it was! he got drunk and rowdy!) But Betty decides if she's still defending him he can't be that bad. Oh he's lovely Betty! Over in the booth Mike is telling Alma that Ivy is playing hard to get but he needs Ivy because the other workers look to her as a leader. He's confident he'll talk her around. Alf and Audrey arrive and Mike buys drinks all around, telling Audrey that Alf looked interested in the new houses. but she is determined. She's not going through all this pain and suffering to move 10 yards from where she started!

Derek returns from the job center and seems quite depressed. Not much there I take it. Mavis goes upstairs to make a call, she promised to call Victor to let him know what Derek's decision was. Derek follows her up and hears her call and ask for Victor, it's Mrs. Wilton calling. In the mark of a desperate man, he blurts out, ok he'll take the job! so Mavis accepts the job on behalf of Derek with a smile.

Johnny arrives chez MacDonald. What a tasty looking man this is too! Tall dark and handsome and I see from the credits, an Italian name for the actor so that would explain it! Liz greets him with a kiss on the cheek and he gives the boys the usual "how you've grown" spiel. Jim and John catch up and later at the pub John tells Him he's applied for the recruit sergeant (same as Jim but Jim says nothing). He reckons he's got it in the bag! A few feet away Derek is moaning and warning Mavis that any sign of gloating on Victor's part and he won't be responsible! He just won't! Don and Ivy come in to celebrate but Ivy doesn't want Don to tell Jack in case he slips to Mike. She doesn't want to be there when Mike finds out what they've done to cut him out!

Originally transmitted: 7, 9, 12, 14 & 16 February 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 2 - Friday 6 March 1998
Episode Numbers: 3028 - 3032

Monday (3028, 7 February 1990)

Peter Ingrahm TONY OSOBA
Jill Orwell VAL ELLIOT

What's Rita got in mind? what was between Johnny and Liz?

Jim reckons his mate Johnny is sure to get the job as recruiting sergeant but doesn't understand why he's so keen. Not his cup of tea, really, so Jim would believe. Jim asks Liz if Johnny got the idea of this job from Liz (i.e. so John would get the job instead of Jim, I think.) Johnny comes in and Liz offers him a good hearty breakfast. He's dressed for an interview in a shirt and tie (but he's still in the army right? wouldn't you think he'd be in his dress uniform?) Jim nips out to get milk and then to the doctor for a shot for his bursitis so Johnny and Liz have breakfast alone. She enquires if the sofa was comfortable enough, did he sleep ok, and does he still like his eggs turned? He looks at her (with those smouldering dark eyes) and tells her his tastes haven't changed. (perk! what's this? I smell a "past" coming back to haunt someone!)

Derek is warning Mavis that he is having this interview with Victor under protest, not leaving even this stone unturned in his quest for a job, no matter what crawls out from underneath (good one Derek!) He is still sure that Victor maybe out to get Derek somehow as Victor is a man who has loved and lost. Mavis says Victor wouldn't have even considered Derek if he didn't think he was qualified no matter or in spite of whatever past there was between the three of them. Derek says he better not get even a whiff of humiliation, not a whiff or he'll tell Victor to stuff his job.

Mike gets a call from Alma who was supposed to pick up more work at Ingram's factory. There was some sort of problem so Mike decides he'd better go sort it himself. The warehouse manager only knows that there's nothing there for him but Mike says there should be. He's got an order for 1000 more bags to be rolled over from the last order but he ends up having to go see Peter about it. Peter says Mike's order was finished and that was the end of it. Mike expected a second order, a continuation. Eventually it comes out that Peter has sent the order to someone else who offered to make them cheaper (and we know who that is don't we?). It's nothing personal, Mike, just business, all's fair in love and business as he always says.

Back at the MacDonald's, Liz tells Johnny that he might have slept ok but she didn't. Just seeing him again has churned her up all over again. (I KNEW IT) He assured her he didn't come because the job would mean he'd be nearer her. After all she and Jim stayed together so there's an end to it, right? It was never destined or planned to go anywhere anyway, we were both just down, lonely, had a few drinks. She says that would explain the first night but not the next three weeks as she widens her eyes and bats her eyelashes at him from under that fuzzy red hair. He did make her feel better at the time (I'll just bet he did!) He says he's not putting in for this job because of her. No? she decides to tell him something but he's not to let on to Jim. What it is we don't really know but I'm wondering if she's told him that Jim is after the same job.

Maurice Jones has a look see inside one of the new houses, now almost ready to be occupied. On his way out Rita stops him and asks if the unit at the end does come with the flat over. He says he always thought that would be perfect for a newsagent. She smiles and says why not let a newsagent decide? He takes her over to look inside. Is Rita considering a new location?

Derek arrives at the recycle plant for his interview with Victor who is a bit late due to some problem with instructions on a machine. He ushers Derek into his office and begins to tell Derek how he came late in life to recycling. Derek is on his guard, watchful for any whiff of humiliation. However, much to his (and my) surprise, he is inspired by Victor's enthusiasm for the whole recycling and environmentally friendly issue. Victor looks on recycling as more than a business or way of life, it's a crusade, a mission, a faith! Wasting paper is like wasting forests or the lungs of the earth! Derek is very impressed and caught up and looks on paper in a whole new light! Victor offers him the job and Derek happily accepts.

The ladies' cooperative meet at Ivy's and discuss who's going to tell Mike that they have taken away his business. There's a knock on the door and in walks Mike, there to tell them he doesn't have any more bags to be made but is working on getting hold of the order, not to worry. Only then he spies some unfinished bags and wonders if they were leftovers. Oh, My, then he finds out that they are doing them on their own as a little business and have undercut him and taken his order! He doesn't go off on them, but is quietly enraged. He figures out it was probably Ivy's idea and throws loyalty and trust in their faces. Stand or sink together, is that it? Well he's going to make sure of it. He slams the door on the way out as they all sink back weakly into their chairs.

Johnny returns from his interview and has flowers for Liz as a thank you for putting him up and putting up with him. (do the words "eat crackers in my bed anytime" strike a bell?) He tells her he didn't get the job, didn't want it. He'll say good bye to Jim then be on his way and out of their hair. She tells him there's still a complication which we also don't get to hear about.

Derek and Mavis celebrate his new job at the pub. He's even going to get a company vehicle. She's amazed at his newfound enthusiasm about recycled goods but he says this is wider than stationery and preaches the value of recycling to Alf and Jack. Says his job will entail all sorts in addition to sales and marketing so Jack just welcomes him to the general dogsbody club! Mike and Alma are in the pub and Alma is a bit uncomfortable, wanting to leave so they don't run into the new business entrepreneurs but Mike holds his ground watching the door. Patience pays off as Don, Ivy and some of the girls come in and Mike overhears Don say the whole thing was his idea. He might have known. He approaches them with a warning. No matter how confident they are right now, he's got years of business experience and they don't. He's playing on home field and loves competition. They set out the rules. "No Rules" so take a few bob from him now, they'll need a drink before he's done with them.

John tells Jim he turned down the job because he realized it would be "cardboard soldiering" and that's not his style. Jim tells John that he was after it too. Johnny lets on he didn't know but he didn't seem too surprised so I think Liz must have told him. He tells Him that he's daft for welcoming him knowing he was after the same job but Jim says they're best mates. He thanks Jim and asks him to thank Liz but Jim persuades him to stay one more night. He also tells Johnny that if he isn't going for that job, he'll have it himself!

Tuesday (3029, 9 February 1990)

Peter Ingram TONY OSOBA

Derek is ready for his first day or work at Pendlebury's Paper Products and it's all engines full steam ahead. Mavis thinks hiring Derek is the wisest investment Victor could make considering his prospects and experience. She wants to start looking for a house again but Derek says they should wait until he gets established, 6 months to a year! Mavis is dismayed at this prospect.

Don is delivering more bag supplies, an eager little beaver is Our Don.

Victor goes over job expectations with Derek who is enthusiastic, where shall he start? Victor sets Derek to work in the warehouse sorting paper all morning. He must be willing to pitch in and help his fellow employee, all for one and all that. Derek is told he'll have a hand in sales after dinner and is shown the company vehicle he was promised... a big white elephant of a van! A tired Derek is not impressed but says nothing. Some executive, you can hear him thinking! (Oh grow up, you can hear me thinking!)

Johnny is getting set to leave and wonders why Liz is upset. He thought turning down the job would be best and he wouldn't be around but she's not happy because it now means that Jim will probably stay in the army and take that recruiting sergeant job. She's sick to here of it, the army and wants ordinary home, an ordinary husband, ordinary neighbours and doing everyday ordinary things. Sod the army! Fat chance of breaking from it now so she tells Johnny Jim will have to choose, her or the army!

Ivy's busy sewing and Peter stops in to see how it's going on a surprise inspection. He's pleased with what he sees only, after he leaves, Ivy gets a call from Josie who is down with the flu and later in the day another worker calls and has to give it up for the day because her little boy is sick and she has to take him to the doctor. That's half the workforce out! She frets to Don and Emily but Don says she can't possibly ask Ingram for an extension on the deadline, they have to prove they can do it and if Mike finds out it will be all over. He'll certainly take advantage.

Rita tells Mavis about her plans to sell the old Kabin and move to the new shop/flat on Coronation Street. She tells Mavis the Kabin surrounds her with bad memories of Alan, the house too and though there are good ones of Len who set up the Kabin to begin with, the ghosts are just too much for her and she needs a fresh start. Mavis understands, really she does. Time doesn't seem to be making inroads healing the wounds though it may not show on the outside. Rita has to do what's right for her but she won't see Mavis and Derek out on the street.

Audrey and Alma see Maurice Jones moving carpets into one of the new houses and Audrey takes off speculating into the wilds about the possibility of Maurice moving a fancy woman in. She spreads her speculation to Jack and Tina where Jack asks Tina if she'd like to be set up as a kept woman, there's still a few houses left. Tina stomps on his toes soundly reminding him not to even joke about it! Percy pessimistically decides that new houses have too many modern conveniences leading to tenants having too much time on their hands which leads to other diversions and trouble making! Alma comments to Audrey that Mike is spending the day wheeling and dealing with no particular time of return.

Audrey later spreads her stories to Sally and Alf but Alf cautions her about idle gossip (who? Audrey??? No really???) Audrey passes that off, like she does most things Alf says and tells sally that Maurice is a good looking man after all, he could have anyone... Oops, in walks Maurice Jones, and I think he figures out what they were talking about and lets them know his daughter Stephanie and the bloke she's marrying, Des, will be moving in. They're buying the house for cost so he's not making anything off it but she's his only daughter after all. Well, Audrey is visibly disappointed at that revelation. Honestleh!

Jim and Johnny have a last drink together in the pub. Jim is determined to go for the job and he figures Liz will come around and get used to the idea. John tells him the way it is though. Liz told him how she feels because she can't talk rationally about it to Jim He'll lose Liz if he doesn't leave the army and convinces Jim that Liz means it. He's telling him cause he cares about them both, he's got a nice set up there, wife, family, house. John warns him not to throw it away. Later at the house John kisses Liz goodbye on the cheek and tells Jim to think on. He gives Liz a rather steamy look and leaves. She's still pretty cool to Jim and decides to go out for awhile even though he wants to talk to her. Not this time, Jim, she's heard it all before!

Derek arrives home in a tizzy, humiliated for all the paper sorting and driving around in the van all afternoon, it's embarrassing what with Victor's name all over the side (oh, you just wait Derek, there's a lovely car with a big green paperclip on the roof with your name on it in your not to distant future! You'll wish you had the van back!) Mavis urges him to give it a chance it's only the first day and things will improve she's sure of it. He won't take much more, he threatens but she tells him about Rita's plans and they will have to find a new home so his job is doubly important now. He's going to have to keep that job and make it work.

The MacDonald twins get into a typical sibling argument. Jim shoos them off upstairs because there's still something he needs to discuss with Liz. She avoids him by doing the washing up (at least she's using a dish brush as opposed to Deirdre a few weeks ago who was using her fingers!) Liz is fed up with talking but Jim insists she listen. No way. So he grabs her, shakes her and hollers at her to listen for once! (ah ha! an early warning sign!) He lets her go, LOOK apologetic but doesn't say he's sorry. However he does tell her he's not taking the job after all. She thinks he'll end up resenting her but he says John made him realize what's really important to him now and it's not the army anymore, it's his family. Nice words. He admits it will be difficult for him to adjust but whatever job he gets, it means nothing without her and the boys. They kiss and make up. (Oh, Liz you would have saved us all a lot of grief if you had just run off with Johnny!). Jim says they can't thank Johnny enough for what he's done for them. (my crystal ball tells me you're going to wish Johnny hadn't done quite so much for you in a few years)

Mike arrives home and he's stoked! You can't keep him down for long and he's been making deals to try to undercut the cooperative. He plans to wipe the smile off Don Brennan and his cat's chorus for good!

Wednesday (3030, 12 February 1990)

Peter Ingrahm TONY OSOBA
First appearances of:
Stephanie Barnes AMELIA BULLMORE

Someone's being underhanded. Was Derek hired to be Victor's dogsbody?

Ivy's getting desperate. Yet another worker is skiving off. How will they meet the deadline? Don insists that they don't try to ask for an extension because Peter Ingrahm may cancel the order altogether. Hmph. Some cooperative! Emily offers to pitch in with her rusty machinist skills, working out of Marge's house, what a trooper!

Derek is angry that Rita is going to sell the Kabin out from under them. Mavis assures him that Rita won't see them homeless. Derek in his self righteous mode says it's not much reward for his loyalty helping out when Rita went batty in Blackpool. Besides they're sitting tenants and they are entitled to flaming well sit! He's off now to another day of skivvying for her ex-lover.

Mike is bound and determined to get the bag orders back no matter what the cost, even if it's at a loss. Alma thinks he's cutting off his nose to spite his face but he says it's ok for now and then he can raise the prices back up again after he's got the order. Alma knows and I agree with her that Mike's running a vendetta. He just couldn't stand it when Don and Ivy snuck in under his nose and stole his profits. (In other words, he hates to be bested at his own game!). IN the long run taking a loss will be worth it to get rid of the competition once and for all.

Audrey lays in wait and pounces on Maurice Jones as he's moving some last minute things into his daughter's house, prying hard for information on the daughter, Stephanie is her name? and her new husband. He can't get away easy and has to give her a bit of a bone to hold her off until he can get into his car so he tells her the wedding is this afternoon, they're staying at the new house tonight and off to their honeymoon tomorrow. Alf and Sally are peeking through the corner shop window, more curious that they'll let on perhaps? Oh, no, Alf is just interested in the new neighbour because it means a new customer! That's why he isn't buying one of the houses, that's a loss of a customer isn't it? Besides Audrey won't have it. They're going to go have a look at another house later. Audrey returns to fill them in on all she's learned.

Rita picks up a birthday card for Jenny, her 19th birthday is coming soon (and you really want to remind her of the anniversary of what happened last year on her 18th birthday don't you, you insensitive woman! Alan's attack on Rita, remember?) Mavis asks Rita if the Kabin is sold before they find somewhere does it mean she and Derek are homeless? Rita reassures her that she won't close any deals until Mavis and Derek have found somewhere, putting Mavis' mind at ease only she chalks her questions up to Derek's nerves. Once he gets used to his new job he'll be back to his old dynamic self.

His Old Dynamic Self has been slogging in the warehouse again all morning donkeying boxes of paper when Victor drives up in a very posh car and tells Derek to get cleaned up. He needs him to go to Halifax (YAY!) with him that afternoon. What he doesn't tell Derek is that he needs a chauffeur so he can get extra work done in the car! But for all the time Victor said he needed to catch up on his paperwork, Derek observes that he had plenty of time to watch for old ladies to make Derek stop, get out and help one across a road. And later on the way back into Weatherfield Victor spies Mavis loaded down with heavy shopping bags and insists Derek stop and they give Mavis a lift home. She gratefully accepts the ride, admiring the lovely car.

Sally rushes into the Pub looking for Kevin. Tina begs her to stay awhile because the two of them are the only two in the bar under 40 that she's seen all day! Mike arrives to meet Alma reinforcing that demographic. He tells her with obvious glee that he's been able to cut out the middle man, Peter, by going directly to the travel agent. As soon as he can get a workforce together, he's back in business. He butters up Alma with a drink and springs his desired location for a little factory on her. He wants to use her old flat above the cafe for it! Oh No! No way! But why not, she's not using it? She doesn't want strange people in her flat with her things and using her loo and besides, Gail will go spare when she finds out! (That must be why he asked her earlier to get Gail on their side.) It's not much but it's all hers after all. Ok Ok, he says, pacifying her, moving in for the kill. But it will cost him dearly to find somewhere else. She calls him a pig (that's a few times she's used that name, it must be her pet name for Mike! Suits him sometimes doesn't it?) When he comes out with a totally outrageous idea, against everything she believes in or wants and it's probably illegal too, when she argues against it, why is it that she's the one feeling guilty. He's a pig, does he really know that? Yeah, yeah, he knows, (knows he's worn her down again) he gives her that wide boy grin and she feels like she's wearing her "walk on me" mat again (at least I hope she is!)

Peter Ingrahm comes to Ivy's and gives them some bad news. After this order, there's no more. Someone's undercut him, the travel agent found another supplier who must be taking a loss to be making the bags for less than Ivy's gang is. Ivy can't understand and is upset because they're relying on the income what with the overhead of paying for the rented machines and everything. Peter apologizes but it's not up to him, he was perfectly happy dealing with them but the travel agent pulled out of the rollover order deal. Ivy wants to pack it in but he warns them that they still have a deadline for that order and there are penalty clauses he can use if they miss it. He apologises again, saying it's a weird old world, the rag trade. After he leaves, Don and Ivy wonder who would do the work for a loss, it makes no sense (it would if you applied logic! But then, we're talking Brennans here!)

Derek and Mavis are back home with Derek fuming about being humiliated by Victor but Mavis scolds him, he can only be humiliated if he lets it. Derek resents being a chauffeur and general dogsbody, everything Victor does is to belittle him and Victor seems to love it! Mavis tells him what for. He'll fret himself out of a very good job with excellent prospects. HE's got to forget the past. It doesn't matter how Victory felt about her before, she's married to Derek now, not Victor and she loves and respects her husband. No regrets and Victor is nothing to her but a hazy memory. He decides she's right, he won't let it get under his skin and throw it all away.

Audrey and Alf discuss the merits or lack thereof of the house they saw that afternoon. They greet Percy who's just putting out the milk bottles. A car comes around the corner blasting its horn. What a ruckus! It stops in front of the new houses and a couple dressed in wedding finery emerge, in full bicker. It's the newlyweds, Stephanie and Desmond Barnes arguing about her father. They make up and he picks her up to carry her across the thresh hold but bumps her head on the door which sets her off again, giving him a good tongue lashing, and locking him out of the house leaving him to call through the letterbox! Alf, Audrey and Percy watch from across the road with their gobs open at the display! Alf is glad they are moving, just in time. Des whines Steph, Steph, Let us in Steph.... Stephie.!!!

At the Rovers, Percy is relieved that it's so peaceful now in the bar now that the builders have packed up and left. Tina's insulted, her Eddie is one of those builders!

Thursday (3031, 14 February 1990)

First appearance of:
Felicity Khan RITA WOLF

Why is Felicity worried? Who's got the upper hand this time? Does Mavis have a secret admirer?

Alma and Mike clear out her personal things from her flat in preparation for the little factory-ette. Gail still has to be told and Alma is not looking forward to that, fearing Gail will hit the roof! MIKE thinks she can be talked around with the prospect of increased trade from the workers (there's only 4!) He's already advertised for machinists and takes a call from someone interested in the job, a someone with a very familiar voice! Later that person comes to MIKE's flat to discuss the job and we see who it is...Josie! Deserting the co-op! (traitor! Judas! these will become familiar words) She was just as surprised to find out it was him advertising but she needs the money now that the cooperative seems to be coming apart at the seams (I've been busting a gut hoping to get that little gem in with this rag trade story! heehee!) MIKE is thoroughly enjoying this, you can tell, but he doesn't rub her face in it because he knows he needs Josie as a trained machinist.

Percy encounters Stephanie Barnes on the street and tells her he's only heard 2 rows like the one last night. One was the Duckworths down the road and the other was in the War between two privates dating the same girl! (oh, come on it wasn't that much of a row if you ask me!) She realizes this is Percy Sugden because her father has told her plenty but she lets on it was all complimentary. She plays up Percy saying her dad said if she wanted to know anything just ask Mr. Sugden. Percy eats it all up and tries to get an invite for a cup of tea to see the inside of the house but she tactfully puts him off until they've done it all up.

Martin is planning to meet a mate, Doggo, later. Gail chuckles at the name as Alma arrives to have a word with her. She breaks the new of the impending factory and Gail's hackles go up (but under all that hair, who would know?)

Mavis tells Rita how proud she is of Derek (for the 14th time, I gather) A large Valentine card was found inside the door earlier in the day and it must be for Mavis from Derek! (that's right, Valentine's day but that's about the only mention of it!) Mavis reads the card and it's a lovely romantic verse and she's thrilled that Derek bought it for her. She is taken aback with Rita reminds her that she hasn't bought one for him!

Meanwhile Derek is attempting to manoeuvre a forklift in the warehouse with some difficulty as Victor approaches him. He compliments Derek on his team player attitude although Derek does look rather put upon. Victor invites Mavis and Derek to dinner with him tonight but Derek pleads a previous engagement at Rita's. Victor obviously doesn't take no for an answer because he goes behind Derek's back and calls Mavis at the Kabin. She denies any other plans and accepts with pleasure.

Gail paces and rants in the Kabin, venting to Rita about Alma and the factory and all the dust that's going to filter down! Mike has got some nerve but isn't surprised, he'll always find a way, made easer by having Alma twisted around his little finger. She worries about all her old customers and the noise as well. Rita tells her she's selling up and moving to the new shop in Coronation Street and Gail is admiring of her courage!

Audrey and Alf are off to look at yet another house as Des Barnes finds his way into the Rovers and greets Jack, Phyllis and Percy at the bar. He thinks Percy and Phyllis are an old married couple which horrifies Percy and pleases Phyllis to no end! She's impressed that it looks like she and Percy appear so settled together! Des tells Jack and Tina that he's a bookie, much to Jack's approval but just then Steph comes in and hauls Des out by his ear (well, figuratively) Des looks pretty sheepish while Jack grimaces and say "Poor Lad" (identifying with his predicament I shouldn't wonder). Later on the street Maurice Jones is helping them load luggage into his car, he's taking them to the airport for the plane to Majorca. The bag Des is carrying pops open and clothing spills all over the street and he is ordered by Stephanie to pick it up. He digs his heels in and refuses if she doesn't help him. Another barney starts until her dad breaks it up and helps Des himself. Sally and Kevin have overheard all this and decide that this new couple won't be the kind of people they can be friends with, they're nutcases! Sally says it's too bad, they were of an age with them and it would have been nice to have another young couple to pal around with.

Emily, Don and Ivy discuss the loss of the order. Ivy is still upset about the financial aspect and whishes they knew who undercut them. They're about to find out when Josie arrives to tell them she's out of the cooperative. She's now working for Mike and he was the one who stole the order if they want to know.

Later in the pub, Don and Ivy are calling Josie names like traitor and Judas between themselves when Mike and Alma come in. Don goes over to him and picks a fight, one of these days....Ivy and Alma get drawn in from mutual insults and it looks like the brickies' barroom brawl all over again but Don and Ivy leave angrily before it all gets violent. Elsewhere Derek and Mavis are discussing Victor's dinner invitation. Mavis thinks it's useful, after all Victor is Derek's boss and it helps to break down the barriers. Derek likes barriers. He apologises, had Mavis rather a romantic dinner for two? She mentions the lovely card but he doesn't know what she's talking about!

Gail is complaining about the potential problems of the factory-ette to Alma. Alma promises they will clean u the mess. Gail accuses her of going behind a lot of backs to help Mike make money he doesn't need and warns her that the cafe better not suffer because of it She goes downstairs as Martin's hurrying out the door, late for his appointment with Doggo! Turns out Doggo has a line on a job for Martin at Weatherfield General Hospital as a porter although it means shift work.

Mike gets a visit from Peter Ingrahm. Ivy's told him that it was Mike who undercut him. Peter doesn't understand how Mike could do the order at a loss. Did he take it just for the sake of it, just to win? Peter wonders if people know how desperate Mike really is and judging from the look on Mike's face, he's struck a nerve. Later Mike upsets the cafe moving the machines in and up to the flat. He tells Gail it's only temporary but she's sceptical.

Mavis tells Rita that the card isn't from Derek and he gave her an inquisition about where it came from. Where do you think? Rita tells her it must have come from Victor, who else? The thought seems to surprise Mavis but she can't really back out of the meal with Victor now, it would look more dodgy!

At a lovely vegetarian restaurant, Derek is peevish (when isn't he?) and tries to find out how Victor feels about Valentines cards. Victor neatly changes the subject, complimenting Derek on his abilities, his trial period is over and he is making Derek his chief representative. NO more mucking about. Derek is delighted and has found satisfaction in his newly regained executive status for "V.P." (groan).

Rita gets a visit from Felicity, Jenny's good friend from college. Felicity is really worried about Jenny but Rita doesn't think she can help. Jenny wouldn't accept it. She urges Felicity to get Jenny to go for help and not give up herself even if Jenny refuses councilling.

Friday (3032, 16 February 1990)

Scoutmaster Atkins BRENDAN MURRAY
Yorkshire Woman EILEEN GEORGE

Who's playing boss? Who's getting worried?

It's day one of the new factory but Mike doesn't plan to play boss today. He's off on the road drumming up new business so Alma is going to have to supervise. Oh, Gail's not going to like this I can tell you but Mike is cavalier about Alma's concerns, as usual. He's much to enthusiastic about being back in business to be concerned about petty things like supervising the workers. Of course he doesn't say that out loud or Alma would bean him! Alma can't very well leave the women on their own to help Gail, they'd be skiving off given the first chance. Gail is predictably angry and blaming Mike as well as Alma who has let herself be wrapped around Mike's little finger yet again, all in the name of standing by her man! Alma thinks Martin will be counted on to help but he has his own life and has a job interview at the hospital for the porter job that his mate lined up for him.

The new machinists arrive and settle in amid much gassing about boyfriends, fiances and kids while Alma turns them to their tasks at hand.

Derek is happily on his way to Doncaster on Victor's orders, he intends to carry the recycling message into battle, cut a swathe through the virgin unrecycled territory as it were. There are converts to be made! Onward and upward!

Felicity, otherwise known as Flick which is a name that could get her into trouble as I see it (but I guess it's supposed to be "cool"), anyway, Flick knocks on Jenny's door to invite her for a run but there's no answer though Jenny's in there. Later Flick checks with one of Jenny's dorm neighbours, yes she's definitely in but still won't come out or answer the door. Flick's pretty brow is creased with worry. This locking herself away, not attending lectures or not eating is getting to be a habit with Jenny.

Mavis starts the morning telling Rita about their meal out with Victor and draws Rita out about her concerns about Jenny. Rita's scared to try to help Jenny for fear of making it worse even though Jenny has no one else. It doesn't stop her from worrying though. Mavis lends her loyal shoulder which can be quite steady in times of need, supporting her friend. Rita says even though neither of them had chick nor child they would have made damn good mothers. (Mavis as a mother. If she were my mother, I would have fled the roost as soon as I could. Mavis would probably be a good mother but overwhelm you with good intentions and confuse and/or frustrate the hell out of you with her wittering.)

Mavis spends the rest of the morning explaining all about Victor's recycling credo until Rita is ready to pull her hair out (or flip her Big Red Wig I guess is more appropriate in this case).

Matin is helping Gail for a few hours before his interview but he's soon got to go. She's exasperated with Alma, some partner! But she wishes Martin luck, off you go.

Alf thinks the Barnes' are going to be a right pain with Sally and Audrey speculating. Audrey says she was volatile like Stephanie when she was young. Alf implies Audrey hasn't really changed much and hopes Des Barnes doesn't put a word wrong or his new bride will have him chucked off the plane in mid air! Audrey sees it as a passionate kind of love, think of the fun making it up, she and Sally giggle!

Gail gives Mike an earful as he pops in to see how the workers are getting on but he doesn't stay upstairs longer than 30 seconds when Alma tries to rope him into staying.

Ever hear the expression, While the Cat's away the mouse will play? Well "Mouse" Pendlebury pops in to the Kabin to ask Mavis to lunch (Derek's out of town, remember?). Rita arrives back from her dinner so there's not excuse so why not? They go to the Rovers and after they settle down Percy starts a conversation with them when he finds out that Victor is a dedicated conservationist. Percy too is fond of wild animals. Later after lunch, Victor hopes Mavis doesn't think it inappropriate to have lunch with an old friend as he moves closer to her in the booth, reminiscing about old times together. Mavis nervously moves away and says she must get back. (Perfectly innocent is it?)

Martin returns, He got the JOB! Yay! Gail is pleased but still upset with Alma so Martin feels guilty about leaving her on her own when he's working. Gail doesn't want him to not take the job, though, she'll talk to Alma.

Flick goes to Rita again. She's really worried, couldn't Rita try to get through to Jenny? Even if it doesn't work at least she'll have tried. Flick doesn't know what else to do.

Sally rushes into the Rovers to get Kevin and mentions that she saw Jenny's friend Flick. She tells Kevin about her worries about Jenny but Kevin, sensitive Renaissance man that he is, thinks Jenny's being a nutter. Just leave it to Rita. You would say that, she moans. (he would!)

Derek is loading old newspapers into the PPP van from a scoutmaster whose troops have gathered them for recycling. The scoutmaster is looking rather idiotic in his uniform, short pants and little whistle as he arrogantly informs Derek it's people like him and his boys that keep Derek employed. Derek keeps his temper even after a woman comes by and tosses a bag of rubbish in the van, thinking he's the removal man she called. He tells her he's PPP but she doesn't care what his politics are as long as he takes the rubbish away. Derek sighs. It's another one of those days! At least she gave him a few pence for his troubles!

Mike sees the girls out of the cafe after a day's sewing. A few of them complain about the working conditions but not enough to chuck in the job. One in particular seems to be the loudmouth in the crowd but Mike says if he could put up with Vera all those years, this one will be easy. He tells Alma he didn't get any new orders but did get some interested parties. Gail gives Alma and Mike a piece of her mind and says she is thinking of pulling out of the partnership if this goes on much longer!

Rita decides to go and see Jenny, see if Jenny will even see her. She has to at least try.

Audrey and Alf plan to see another house tomorrow. Ivy wonders what Audrey will do with her time once they have finally moved in now that they don't have to spend their days searching. Oh, plenty to do, wallpaper, rugs, decorating. She couldn't possibly live with someone else's taste! Alf can feel his pocketbook shrinking by the minute! Derek returns after a hard day's graft and asks about Mavis's day. She only has time to say it was fine when Percy arrives for an envelope to send away for some of that conservation information Mavis' friend told him about, the man she was having lunch with. What was his name? Pendleton? Pendlebury, Victory Pendlebury, Mavis answers weakly as Derek does a double take!

Originally transmitted: 19, 21, 23, 26 & 28 February 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 9 - Friday 13 March 1998
Episode Numbers: 3033 - 3037

Monday (3033, 19 February 1990)

Jill Orwell VAL ELLIOT
Josie, Debbie, Pat, Michelle (factory workers)

Who's got a hidden agenda? Who's put on the dog (or by the dog as it were)?

Mavis sees Derek off wishing him a good day (I seem to be writing that a lot lately). How could he possibly have a good day, he frets, wondering where his wife might be and with whom? She scolds him, it was only a lunch at the Rovers, but Derek isn't to be pacified. He believes Mavis is innocent, naive but Victor is playing on that. Well she says she wouldn't refuse him, after all he is Derek's boss and also her old friend. But Derek is definitely feeling threatened and declares nonsense, Victory is trying to humiliate him and she just doesn't understand businessmen, the subtle pressures involved in jockeying for power. Victor's taking unfair advantage and if he thinks he's moving in on My Wife he's got another.... yeah yeah. Oh, Derek, don't fret yourself out of a job, Mavis implores him, they need the money for a mortgage but he insists that there are more important things than mortgages, home is where the heart is.

Phyllis buys Percy a tea in the cafe but doesn't spring for tea cakes like he did when it was his turn so she offers to split one with him. Percy is also full of complaints about the dust on the table. Them machines up there are shaking the ceiling and it's causing all this dust he warns Gail who insists the cafe gets cleaned thoroughly every night but you know any mention of that factory pushes her buttons. Martin is looking forward to starting his new job, even though the pay isn't that great, he quite fancies it. It's a useful job and though he doesn't mind helping out in the cafe it's not really a proper job for a bloke is it (as he waves his pinnie in Gail's face). She understands but doesn't like the thought of probably having to carry on by herself. She apologized for needling Martin and he insists she really ought to put her foot down with Alma.

Derek waits impatiently to see Victor, planning to have a word about Mavis I think but Victor heads him off saying he complimented Derek to Mavis at lunch. Tells him he's lucky to have her. He offered Derek the job first for old time's sake but Derek has proven himself as adaptable and flexible, quite admirably. He wants Derek to be Number One when Victor is out of the office (laying it on a bit thick aren't you?). He sucks Derek in quite well as we see Derek is quite puffed up with his own importance at this idea and drops his charge to defend Mavis's honour (and his marital territory!)

The factory girls are laughing it up on their break while Gail gives Alma what for. She should be helping in the cafe and she threatens to close up and lock the doors if Alma leaves again. Alma defends herself saying she has to make sure the girls keep working but Gail insists that's Mike's worry not hers. She snaps at the boisterously laughing women, this is a cafe! at least it used to be!

At the Rovers Eddie has come across town 2 miles to see Tina on his lunch break from his new building site. Ah Young Love! They have a cuddle and make plans to get together than evening. Bet is impressed by the romantic gestures but Alec only moans that Tina doesn't bother to serve anyone else when Eddie's around. Alec serves Mike complimenting him on his new business and speculates that Mike doesn't have any problem keeping his workers in line. (No of course he doesn't, he has Alma do it!)

Rita goes to college and chats a few minutes with Flick who thanks her for coming. She tells Rita that Jenny doesn't even speak to her through the door though she's in her room, definitely. Rita then goes to Jenny's room and calls through the door. She has the rest of the day free and isn't going anywhere so she might as well open the door. Jenny does reluctantly though tells Rita there's nothing to say. Rita perseveres telling Jenny her friends are worried about her and yes, she does have friends, Flick for one. She may fuss but what Flick told Rita is true isn't it? Rita softly tells Jenny the reason she's there is because she cares in spite of everything. Poor Jenny breaks down and cries in Rita's arms.

Back at the Kabin Mavis assures Derek on the phone that she isn't going off on a lunch date today and is glad he managed to restrain himself when he spoke to Victor. He insists she "kissy kissy" the phone to him in return (gag me) and she turns back to a patiently waiting Emily. They discuss Jenny blaming Rita for everything that happened to Rita and Mavis is of the opinion that Rita is on a fool's errand, trying to see Jenny.

Bet asks Jack what he's doing on his night off. he's going out, not stopping in with Vera, that's for sure. Bet asks isn't he keen to sit in front of a fire holding hands like Tina and Eddie? No, no, the only reason he would be holding Vera's hand is to keep it out of his trouser pocket searching for his wage packet! He's so romantic, is Jack! Jack does sometimes wonder what life is all about, why are they there? Bet reckons that baffles many a great man. Jack speculates that maybe there's summat in that rec... rest.. rec.. Reincarnation? Yep that's the thing. If he comes back he won't make the same mistakes again. Bet informs him that there's always the possibility that he may not come back as a human being and Tina cuts in that she thinks that's already what's happened in this life!

Alf and Audrey have decided to buy a nice little semi on Grasmere Drive. They got a bargain too, Alf salivates, £3000 off! But Audrey informs him that's just enough for a nice holiday and new clothes. Alf sighs and wonders why he bothers.

Victor tells Derek he must go to a meeting and can Derek stay and meet the dog handler at 6, 6:30 latest? Dog handler? Yes, they're trying out a new security system with a guard dog on the premises. He wants Derek to meet the man, release the dog then lock up. But Derek ends up pacing the floor for another hour and a half until the trainer turns up at almost 8 p.m. Derek sputters at him about keeping his appointments but the trainer says he told Victor he'd be there at 8 so really, he's early!

I smell a hidden agenda.

Sure enough, Victor arrives at the Kabin around closing time asking for Derek and acts surprised that Derek isn't back from work yet. Perhaps he went to a drink at the Red Lion with the boys. Oh, no that's not like Derek at all. Victor decides to wait and Mavis serves him a cup of tea in the flat. He reminisces about their past adventures while Mavis anxiously awaits Derek as the time gets later. At 8 o'clock she decides she should call. Victor says Derek must have gone for a drink with the dog handler and tells Mavis about the guard dog. oh dear. She tells Victor that Derek doesn't really get on with dogs too well. And dogs don't seem to get on with Derek either.

Sure enough, the dog has mangled Derek's overcoat and cornered Derek in the warehouse as the phone rings in the distance. He guesses it might be Mavis but can't get past the dog's fangs to answer it. It was indeed Mavis checking up on him. Victor leaves shortly after her call.

Bet and Rita have a drink together while Rita tells Bet about Jenny, feeling that Jenny has made a breakthrough but there's still a long way to go, poor kid. Rita needs Jenny as much as Jenny needs her, though. Eddie calls Tina at work and begs off their date but won't say why. This upsets Tina so Bet tells her she can run out for an hour or so to sort it out. Audrey, Alma, Alf and Mike discuss the new house. The flats at the docks never really suited, much too small. Oh come on, Audrey, you were practically wetting yourself to have one of them flats! Alma tactfully points this out and Alf says the only thing he didn't like about the flats was the price so Mike offers to sell them his at the price he paid. Alf declines but Audrey does a double take and seems interested but Alf tells her not to get started!

Tina goes to Eddie's to find out from Eddie that Marie, Jamie's mother was around that afternoon wanting to see the baby, take him for a walk. Mrs. Ramsden showed her the door but he's afraid she'll be back wanting to take the baby away from him. when Tina gets back to the pub, she tells Bet what happened and Bet thinks Eddie maybe should be worried. Marie could very well want that baby back.

Derek arrives home after Victor has left with his nerves frazzled and coat destroyed. His mood only worsens when he finds out Victor was there in his absence and figures that Victor may have set him up to have his way with Mavis. He's underestimated Victor and tells a dismissive Mavis that he thinks Victor wants to seduce her! Oh that can't be,.... oh...

She seems rather flattered at this suggestion.

Tuesday (3034, 21 February 1990)

Carl Lancaster MARK SPALDING

Who's starting rumours? Who believes them? Who's feeling threatened?

Alma stops into the Kabin on her way to the cafe and when she leaves Mavis remarks on how much Alma seems to have on her plate. She also mentions Derek had a rough night, nightmares about being eaten alive by a mad dog. It really was quite a nasty experience for him. Rita thinks maybe for Derek but not for Victor. The way she sees it, Victor set it up so Derek would be busy with the Hound of the Baskervilles while he visited with Mavis. Mavis protests (too much?) that Victor is only Derek's boss to her, nothing more (but he'd like to be!)

We finally return to Bettabuys, where the feature of the day is chops and Vera stops Curly on the floor to ask if he'd fancy them for his tea. He admonishes her to remember to call him Mr. Watts at work to which she impatiently says, yes, but do you want the chops? Yes, yes, fine. Kimberly rushes up and fearfully reports that she's seen a mouse in the stockroom! Curly follows her in to find it while Vera recommends the chops to a passing customer, the assistant manager is even having them for his tea, you know.

Mr. Holdsworth trots up looking for Mr. Watts so Vera tells him Mr. Watts and Miss Taylor have gone to the stockroom together. This sends Mr. Holdsworth into a mild frenzy of twitching his tie, knowing fair well what goes on in stockrooms from personal experience and hurries off to investigate. He finds the pair leaning over some boxes looking for the mouse which they explain to him. He ushers Kimberly out the door and gives Curly a knowing but disapproving look. I don't think he believes our intrepid Assistant Manager brackets Trainee!

Alec is off to meet with a new accountant with an optimistic eye and asks Bet to keep an eye on Tina, don't let her keep running off after Eddie Ramsden. Tina arrives as Alec leaves with a kiss on Bet's cheek. She tells Bet there's been no further word from Marie. Bet thinks it might have been a passing pang of conscience but Eddie's worried.

Mr. Holdsworth scolds Curly for being in the stockroom when he should have let Jackson look after the rodent problem which is his job, not Curly's. Dell-lee-gation, Mr. Watts, the secret of good management. Now. He wants Mr. Watts to see a rep he's got coming in. A rep who's just being ushered to the office as it happens and it's Derek Wilton! Before Derek can let on he knows Curly, Curly greets Mr. Wilton with a professional air so Derek carries on in kind. Derek is there to sell Bettabuys stock in PPP, Pendlebury Paper Products. He pitches the line to Curly who agrees in the policy of environmentally friendly products, Bettabuys already stocks many "green" items already.

Jenny comes in to the Kabin to thank Rita for all she did to help her (oh, come on, one good cry isn't exactly going to cure someone of a deep depression now is it?) Rita invites Jenny and Flick to the Rovers that night for a drink and the invitation is accepted. Jenny tells Rita that she and Flick plan to move out of residence to their own place next term. That little room didn't do any good for her but now at least she's looking forward to the future again.

Later in the Rovers Betty serves Alma as Tina jumps out of her skin every time the phone rings but Eddie doesn't call. (no news is good news, dear). Alec tells Jack that he has had a good session with the accountant but shoots Jack down when he asks for a rise. Jack pulls Alf's leg letting on he has heard that the new shop on the street has been bought by Mr. Patel from Rosamund Street and Alf will have close competition in the grocery business to look forward to. Mr. P has his shop open all hours God sends now, very convenient. Alf is horrified! Alec goes along with Jack and then tells Jack he's evil, you know! Jack says everyone is talking about it, well they will be! And the two men have a chuckle.

But what started as a joke has upset Alf greatly as he takes the rumour to be truth. He encounters Percy on the street and asks him if he's heard. He hasn't but thinks it's a good idea. Alf looks on Percy as a traitor when he find out Percy has been known to shop there, only when Alf is closed mind you. Later in the shop, Alf runs amok over Maurice Jones for selling the shop to a competitor but it's no business of his what the buyers do with the property once it's sold!

Audrey pops into the cafe for a quick cuppa, telling a worn out Gail that the closing on the house will be withing a month. Gail is run off her feet so Martin insists she have a sit down with her mother. Gail has found much to complain about with Alma off on Mike's business, water being off all morning and Martin soon not there to help out.

Derek tells Victor he didn't get the Bettabuys' order because their prices just weren't competitive enough. Victor has a line on a business that would be a good prospect, owned by an old friend of his. Could Derek go there tomorrow, wine and dine the man? Oh and by the way it's in Bedford and he'll have to stay over! (What has this man with the very bad rug on his head got up his sleeves?)

Alf decides he must start stopping open later hours in preparation for the coming competition. Audrey returns and Alf tells her about the crisis. She warns he he'd better not be thinking about keeping long hours, he won't be able to take it for more than a week but he tells her he has to, the competition will drive his profits down. With this kind of threat to their livelihood, they won't be able to move to Grasmere drive after all! No way Audrey is going to stand for that, I can tell you!

Tina and Eddie have fixed up to go out with Mother Ramsden babysitting but before they can leave there's a visitor. Marie's brother Carl comes to threaten Eddie. Their Marie wants to see her baby! She hasn't bothered up to now but Carl insists the baby has never been far from her mind and she better be allowed to see him. Eddie tells him to get lost. But he's too upset to go out now and decides he's going to have to look after that baby 24 hours to protect him from Marie.

Rita buys drinks for her, Jenny and Flick and tells the girls about her new shop and flat. Jenny asks if she's selling No7 but Rita offers to rent it to the students if they'd like. Flick is up for it but Jenny is taken a bit by surprise and seems a bit taken aback. She's not sure but Rita knows why, all those memories no doubt. She tells Jenny not to look in the past, but to the future, they must all move on. Jenny agrees providing the price is right!

Derek frets over the Bedford trip, it will be the first night he and Mavis will have been apart and he'll miss her! She'll be ok, she assures him, she managed fine on her own before she married him. This seems to strike a nerve and he gives her a calculating look.

Wednesday (3035, 23 February 1990)

Jill Orwell VAL ELLIOT
Debbie, Pat, Michelle, Josie

Who's joke has gotten out of hand? Will Derek catch Mavis and Victor?

Derek and Mavis can't seem to tear their lips away from each other on this morining as Derek readies to leave for an overnight business trip. Rita teases them, Mavis and Derek wimper at each other. Be brave, Mavis! Drive carefully, Derek! Rita feigns tearful sympathy at Mavis' plight after all it's their first night apart! (if i didn't have to write this up I would have spun the vcr's wheels to get past this drivel!)

Alf tries some market research on Emily and ask her would she shop at a grocery mart that stayed open later hours? Well she'd be bound to eventually wouldn't she, milk seems to be her achilles heel as Mr. Sugden likes his cocoa made with mild. Not you and all! Alf moans to Audrey that if Emily would shop elsewhere, so would half his customers but she's adamant, he's not staying open late! It's war, Alf declares, that's what it is, war!

Tina tells Bet about Mari's brother Carl's threats on Marie's behalf. Eddie's dead afraid they will try to snatch the baby so he's not gone to work but this could also jeopardize his job. Tina offers to try to get some time off that afternoon to help his mother look after Jamie so he can go to work and says Marie's lot won't get past her! She lets Bet know that Eddie's worried about her job and Alec snaps that she should be too. Oh take no notice.

At PPP Derek loads up the van in preparation to leave. Victor gives him a pep talk and watches Derek drive off with a rather satisfied look on his face, hands in pockets. Now what's he up to?

It's tea break in the cafe and Mike comes in and assumes the whole lot including Alma are skiving off. He pulls the old Mike Baldwin, Lord and Master of the Factory routine and hustles them back upstairs. He chides Alma for letting them slack off though they were only just there 5 minutes and she says he really is a pig to work for isn't he? Is there any other way to be? So why is he now playing boss when he was content to let Alma take the reigns all this time? I guess maybe the output isn't high enough for his demands or something.

Phyllis comments on the higher prices in the corner shop and mentions that she too has heard the rumour of a late night mini mart but doesnt know where she heard it.

Betty serves rib sticking hotpots to Emily and Mavis and asks Mavis about Derek's job. It's fine but he has to travel and in fact is on an overnight trip today. Mavis asks Emily to remind her (for the 4th time) not to forget that Derek is due to call at 2.

Elsewhere in the Rovers Audrey comes in for a bit of peace and quiet away from Alf's fretting and Maurice offers to pay for her drink. She informs him it's his fault she's having a bad day, his fault for selling the new shop to a competitor. Jones dispels the rumour, he hasn't sold the shop to anyone yet and only told Alf there had been enquiries, mostly hoping that Alf himself might get his finger out and buy it to expand his own business! Well who started the rumour then, she'll kill whoever did! This is overheard by Jack who whispers to Alec if he knows who started the rumour. No idea and thus sealing an all-lips-sealed pact between them.

Derek stops at a phone booth and dials the Kabin. It rings and rings but there's no answer because Rita had just popped next door and Mavis was a few minutes late, getting back through the door just as the phone stopped ringing. He then dials PPP and asks the secretary, Mrs. Orwell, if Victor is in. No he's not back from lunch which is odd for him isn't it? No no message, just checking in. Derek hangs up and lurches back to the van. He starts it up, squeals the tires and turns the van around and heads back to Weatherfield!

Audrey returns to the shop and tells Alf that the rumour was just that, only a rumour. No he's positive someone was seen checking out the shop. Who saw? Don't remember, someone in the Rovers... Alec? No it were Jack. Right! Audrey stalks back into the Rovers and demands to speak to Jack and Alec. The two men present a united front at the bar and protest that they didn't start any rumours, trying to put innocent faces on (although the only way that pair could ever manage to look innocent is with the aid of surgery!) Liars! They take umbrage at this accusation but when Audrey threatens to start rumours about Alec watering the beer, they cave and admit it. Again, Right! Come with me, Audrey frog-marches Jack back to the shop to own up to Alf which he reluctantly does, saying it was only a joke to begin with, just got out of hand is all and he apologises to Alf. Audrey lets him go with a warning and turns to Alf. NOW can we drop this "End of Alf's World" Hysterics? Is he satisfied and can they go ahead and by their new house? Aye they can but he'll not be completely satisfied until he sees someone selling wool or light fixtures in that shop (how about newspapers and toffee?)

Jack returns to the Rovers intent on an arguement with Alec for not sticking to his end of the bargain only to find there is a guest at the Rovers. Tina has moved back in with Jamie! He'll be much safer living there where Marie will never think to look for him.

Des and Steph Barnes are having a quick tea in the cafe before squash games, she at 6, he at 9 and bickering about no tea made at home and hurrying Des along so she won't be late. She decides to go without him and he is left to gulp down that last mouthful and scurry after her. (Quite henpecked isn't he? I never really noticed or thought about it but looking back over the years, Des never really is the strong half of a relationship is he?) Martin and Gail chuckle over their antics. Martin thinks this modern marraige is just them keeping their own identities but Gail is of the opinion that it's just plain old falling out. Just then Mike follows the girls downstairs trying to talk them into working some overtime but they all have other things to do so he turns to Alma. She's dead on her feet but gives in anyway (the woman must have "Doormat" tattoo'd on her bottom!) after appealing to Gail, what a sport, to clean and close the cafe.

Mavis is about to lock up when Victor arrives. Has she heard from Derek? No? She was out when he called (pretty flimsy excuse for a visit if you ask me) Victor says he was out too when Derek called the office. He presses the guilt and pity buttons telling Mavis he must go home to his lonely flat and lonely bed and she takes pity on him and offers him a cup of tea or a sherry. She mentions she has a headache so he offers to cure it using reflexology methods, rubbing certain spots of her feet. He reclines her on the sofa and kneels on the floor at the other end and starts rubbing her foot with obviously relaxing results when the door slowly opens. Derek peeks around the door and then bursts in! Caught you! Mavis and Victor are so startled that they tumble over to the floor in surprise! Mavis, how could you! How could you!

Thursday (3036, 26 February 1990)

First appearance of: Marie Lancaster JOY BLAKEMAN

Tonite's action focuses mainly on Derek and Mavis and events at the Rovers.

Will Derek forgive Mavis? Who does Derek liken Mavis to and why? Who's baby is it?

Mavis and Victor pick themselves up off the floor from whence they fell, startled when Derek plunged into the flat. Derek begins to sputter and hurl accusations at the pair accusing Mavis of being a Jezebel. He doesn't' want any explanations, they'd only be lies anyway. Victor claims he was just trying to relieve Mavis' headache...They were just practising.. Practising what? Interrupts Derek, Adultery??!! Reflexology? (Is that what it's called these days?) Derek won't be moved though does think he could seriously consider killing Victor and he'd get off with it too! No court in the land would convict him. No further excuses are accepted as he grabs Victor by the scruff of the neck and frog marches him down the stairs and out while Mavis, shaking and tearful awaits his return. There are further accusations and then he closes himself off in the bedroom in disgust while Mavis is left to wring her hands around a soggy tissue, distraught because he won't talk to her and tells her to go away when she approaches the door. (Honestly you'd think he caught them doing the hokey pokey instead of foot rubbing. I hate it when Derek makes an Everest out of a molehill, or bunion in this case!)

A short while later she goes into the bedroom and gingerly approaches him but he in his pain and anger only throws further hurtful words at her, words of reproach, betrayal, compromising positions, aspirins (as in headache cures, remember?) and even mentions airing their dirty laundry in divorce court. Mavis's words of defence have no effect. He implores her to leave him alone with the bones of his shattered marriage, she owes him that at least. (I know she owes him something but it would be more along the lines of a right tongue lashing for his utter stupidity! Mind you, Mavis was rather naive in not realizing that Victor had ulterior motives but it certainly hadn't reached that stage yet). Derek later stalks out of the flat and heads for the Rovers.

In the Rovers Bet and Tina are cooing and clucking over little Jamie, come to stay for a bit to hide out from his renegade mother and her brother. Alec grumps on the sofa though does show a spark of interest when Tina says the baby smiled at him. Tina goes off and puts the baby to bed and Bet puts the finishing touches on her eyelashes, spitting into her mascara block for maximum effect. Alec questions whether it is strictly necessary to bleat every time she sees that child. Yes. is the curt reply. Alec is worried about the child's mother's mob invading the pub. Bet reminds Alec to listen for the baby's cries if he's stopping in the living room and Alec is obviously feeling quite put upon!

Alf and Audrey toast their new home with a good bottle of wine. Audrey has a new mission in life - to get rid of Alf's penny pinching ways (penny-careful, he corrects) and she's starting with tonight's dinner of Dover sole (how much did that cost! he bleats) Honestleh! Where does he get it from? Were his mother careful? Oh, aye, Alf relates, when they had boiled eggs for tea, her, him and his dad, she'd only boil two and her share would be the tops off the other two! (No wonder Alf loves his food so much if his mother only fed him tea consisting of things like 2/3 of a boiled egg!!!) Audrey declares they are going to live within their means from now on, he's not going to be the richest man in the cemetery and she's certainly not going to be! Grasmere drive, here they come!

Eddie arrives at the Rovers to check on Jamie. No, Marie hasn't been in touch. Tina hopes that maybe she won't try to take Jamie but he's safe there at the pub anyway. Tina takes him back and about to go upstairs with him to see the baby but they are stopped by Alec who insists Eddie go up by himself. No sense in having needless temptation, Eddie gets plenty of exercise having an outside job. Tina tells Bet she wasn't allowed upstairs. Bet smiles and says it's because Alec knows how unbridled he gets upstairs, especially now the crocuses are out!

Bet serves Mike and Alma and asks about the bag business. He complains that he can't squeeze every possible minute on the day out of his workers. Percy gives him grief about the factory ruining the cafe with plaster falling down from the machines shaking the ceiling. Mike is quite rude to him for all his troubles. Alf and Audrey arrive for an after dinner drink and question Bet how Jack could have thought up the rival store rumour on his own (but he did though, Alec just went along with it. Little details like this sometimes seem to fall through the cracks when the writer changes from episode to episode.) They order drinks and later Bet orders Alec to serve Alf, telling Alec that Alf suspects that Jack had help in his rumour mongering. Alec handles it nicely, being overly polite and denying knowing who put Jack up to giving Alf a second heart attack, nearly. It was a mean trick, but typical humour of the lower classes, them who used to find great entertainment out of watching hangings. He offers to fire Jack for it but Alf backs down, no need for that and we'll just let bygones be bygones shall we? Just as well. Bet catches Alec on his way to the back and gives him his due, By 'Eck Gilroy, you're a fully paid up ashtray". He replies it was just basic human psychology. (ashtray, that's what she said. I'm sure of it. Haven't a clue what that means, sorry!)

Derek arrives and demands a double scotch. Rita and Emily are having a drink and Rita notices Derek and assumes he just couldn't stand to be apart from Mavis and drove back early. She goes to pull his leg a little but is shocked when he tells her he caught Mavis and Victor in the flat when he arrived home unexpectedly. Rita goes back to the booth and tells Emily! They are both shocked, it can't be true, can it? Rita decides she better go see Mavis and will report back.

She arrives at Mavis's to a tearful admission of guilt, sort of. She did indeed have Victor there but it wasn't the way Derek thought. Rita manages to suppress a chuckle when she finds out the cure for a headache was a foot massage and agrees it must have been a shock for Derek finding Victor rubbing her... foot (another suppressed smile). He actually threw Victor out? He must have been angry. She confirms that there really is nothing going on between Mavis and Victor and asks Mavis how she ever manages to get herself into these situations? Rita assures Mavis Derek will cool down and see reason. Of course you won't lose him, you two are made for each other, like a cup and it's handle (that's true).

Back at the Rovers Rita has a word with Emily then goes to have a chat with Derek as she had promised Mavis she would. We don't get to hear what she tells him though I could just imagine.

Elsewhere Ivy, Martin and Gail join Alf and Audrey and have a verbal run in with Mike who shoots spiteful comments Ivy's way about how well the factory is doing and how many jobs there are available but Ivy declares she would never work for Mike again. Oh he says you never know, taunting her about the day she might just come crawling back to him for a job! A bit later, Audrey is quite tiddly and tells Kevin she'll miss him most of all the people on the street because he's so nicely formed! Deformed more like, Martin teases and Alf decides he better take Audrey home!

Mike certainly hasn't made very many friends tonight, Alma scolds him as they are going home. Why does he insist on provoking people! He's very cavalier and tells her business is King, nothing else must get in it's way. He can live with making enemies!

Whatever Rita said to Derek seems to have done the trick and he returns slightly worse for the double scotches but not completely in the bag. He's seen reason, Mavis was the naive innocent in all this. She doesn't understand the appetites of men like Victor Pendlebury, they are a foreign language to her, he can see that now, having talked to... er... having considered the facts. (Ego! what's wrong with admitting someone else gave you good advice even it she did point out what an idiot you've been?) He decides (Rita's words I would assume) that it never occurred to Mavis that Victor wanted more than to cure her headache. He then compares her not unlike Marilyn Monroe, unaware of the power of her own sexuality over lonely pathetic creatures like Victor. He decides he can put it behind them but he must quit his job first.

At the Rovers, a dark haired woman arrives asking for Eddie. It's Marie, Jamie's mom. She tells Eddie she's looking for her baby, she knows he isn't with Eddie's mom. Eddie tells her she can't see him or have him even after she says she isn't making threats but when denied, she does make a threat or two. She gets up to leave as Alec comes in yelling about that kid yelling it's head off. What baby? Marie questions (who said it was a baby?) But Tina covers and says it's her kid and goes off to see to him. Nice going Alec, Bet says, he just might have blown Jamie's cover.

Friday (3037, 28 February 1990)

Mr. Elliston GUY NICHOLS
Carl Lancaster, Josie, Pet, Debbie, Michelle, Mrs. Ramsden

Who's out of business? Who's in business? Baby, baby, who's got the baby?

Rita scolds Mavis, she really ought to know you can't give a man like Victor Pendlebury an inch and there you were, you went and gave him a foot! Not very funny Rita! Derek comes down and is determined to quit his job and warn Victor off his wife. The die is cast he declares. As he goes out he orders Mavis to fasten the top button of her blouse which she does sheepishly. (I'll fasten your top button, Derek and catch a bit of that turkey neck along with it!) Rita teases Mavis about flaunting her body!

Tina and Bet are mooning over the baby as usual, and I for one am getting as sick as Alec over it all. You CAN talk to a baby without getting that sappy you know. Alec complains that the baby had him awake twice in the night. Tina thought the baby had a pain but gripe water seems to have done the trick. Bet decides that might be a good thing to get for Alec! but he just worries that Marie and her lot will figure out that the Rovers baby isn't Tina's after all without him nearly blowing it (though he did!) Mark his words, she'll be back.

And back she is, in the cafe, ordering a cup of tea and tells Gail she is waiting for Tina from the Rovers, she has something for her baby (how did she know Tina's name? nobody introduced her that I saw). Gail blows the cover for Alec saying Tina doesn't have a baby.

Derek barges into Victor's office, potted plant in hand. He doesn't let Victor get many words in edgewise at first, saying that no true friend of the earth would send a man on far flung errands then move in on his wife. Did Victor think he'd turn a blind eye while Victor debauched Mavis? (oh this really is too absurd!) Victor admits his crime and apologises but Mavis was just too irresistible and he couldn't help falling in love with her all over again though he tried to suppress the urges. He implores Derek to understand, he has loved and lost but Derek says there's no excuses. Victor must accept defeat gracefully. Victor grovels some more, pleading Mavis' utter desirability having got the better of him and turns things around by flattering Derek. Mavis could be in no better hands. Victor then starts playing Derek like a violin, plying him with homemade elderberry wine and then parsnip wine which Derek quite liked (parsnips? Maybe that's what turned Derek's mood over!) He establishes various things and ways they have in common including a shared boyhood comic book hero, Wilson, as they both get slightly squiffy and verbose with the effects of the grape (or parsnips).

Mike drops into the Rovers for a drink and takes the opportunity to taunt Ivy and Don again about being on the dole and how well his business is doing. Don points out that Mike's sweatshop is doing Gail's cafe no good and Percy agrees. Alec wonders where Bet has got to and is told by Betty that she's taking the baby for a walk.

In the park Bet looks splendid in full leopard collar, makeup and a lion-like mane of hair blowing in the wind as she walks the baby in his stroller. Marie runs over to her (now how did she find her????? I hate inconsistencies!) She implores, no begs Bet to let her hold the baby, she won't hurt him. Bet, who is being put on a (grassy) spot just can't give in, Marie might run off with the baby and she's responsible for his care. She urges Marie to talk to Eddie reasonably and sort it out but as she tells Tina later, she felt like a hard cow doing it. She sympathised with Marie who is the baby's mother after all. Tina accuses her of taking the wrong side but Bet decides she is only on Jamie's side.

The factory gets a visit from the Health and Safety inspector and Alma frantically goes to panic stations, begging Gail to call Mike while she sees what she can do. Gail refuses to have owt to do with the situation. Mr. Elliston proceeds to inspect the premises and Mike finally arrives, ready to throw the man out until he learns who he is. He backs down and offers his full cooperation.

Derek does realize how much he and Victor have in common but that includes Mavis and therein lies the rub. That's the trouble, isn't it? Victor tells Derek he's going to leave Weatherfield to forget, to Darlington to open a new plant. Victor moves in for the kill and wistfully comments that he would have liked Derek to run the Weatherfield plant for him but now... Every line, crease and wrinkle on Derek's weary hound-dog face turns upward in a Grinch like grin though not as evil looking.

The Health and Safety man tells Mike all the many violations, lack of planning commission (in the works, Mike assures), miserable toilet facilities, bad ventilation (I'll fix it, he offers, just sign me card!), but the worst violation is that the flat isn't wired for heavy machinery. He's got a fire hazard on his hands. Mr. Elliston is putting in for a stop work order immediately but if Mike had any sense he'd shut up shop today! Mike tells Alma as his face falls!

Ken goes to Deirdre and asks her if she's ok. The venom hasn't tempered any as she snaps out why does he bother asking. Oh, it's going to be like that is it, well he wants to make arrangements to see Tracy but Deirdre tells him Tracy might not want to make arrangements to see him. I get the feeling Tracy hasn't wanted to see her dad since this all blew up, confirmed by Deirdre. He hopes that Deirdre won't turn Tracy against him or that she won't encourage Tracy not to see him because she doesn't want it. Will she think about it?

Marie goes to Eddie's and tries to reason with him but he's adamant that she isn't getting her hands on that baby. She just wants to talk but he's as cooperative as a stone, knowing she would take the baby away from him and he'd never see Jamie again. Mrs. Ramsden hears the commotion and adds her two pence in to the barney and Marie can't win so she strides off hollering about solicitors.

Mavis has waited all day for Derek and can't think where he could be. It's almost time to close the shop! Rita speculates that he could be out job hunting but the wanderer returns just then, weaving slightly on his feet and brimming with unconfined joy, potted plant still in hand. Mavis leads him upstairs to Rita's comment that upstairs is where unbridled job ought to be confined!

Deirdre tells Emily what Ken wanted and is quite bitter about the fact that he expects her to do him a favour, intervening with Tracy. Emily takes Ken's side on this one, saying it's for Tracy's own good, she should have a better relationship with her father no matter what happened to the marriage.. Deirdre gives in and says she'll bring up the subject but leave Tracy to make her own decision.

Marie and Carl come blustering in and try to push through to get Jamie from the back of the Rovers but they are met with an unmovable force in Bet Gilroy. She tells them she'll call the police if they try it and that will look really good in family court, won't it, getting into a bar fight. They're going about it the wrong way, sunshine! They leave hollering about solicitors which is what Marie should have done in the first place but was probably swayed by that hothead thug of a brother, as I see it. Alec orders Tina to call Eddie and get him over there now.

Derek says that Victor apologised and is doing the decent thing by leaving. He's going to run the Weatherfield plant for him! Mavis is surprised to say the least but Derek insists it's all right, seeing as Victor has done the right thing in gracefully accepting defeat. The accompanying salary is fabulous too so Mavis can go out and treat herself to a mortgage! She is thrilled and Derek is a satisfied man as they embrace.

Eddie arrives and apologises for all the trouble, offering to take the baby back home now Marie knows he's there anyway. He tells Tina he would be better off in court if he was married so Jamie could have a proper family so he asks Tina to marry him! Oh, yes, please!

Originally transmitted: 2, 5, 7, 9 & 12 March 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 16 - Friday 20 March 1998
Episode Numbers: 3038 - 3042

Monday (3038, 2 March 1990)
When's the wedding? Who's bitter?

TracyLuv is making arrangements for a school field trip and tells her mother she might be late. Deirdre tells her that's too bad because, by the way I forgot to tell you, you're dad wanted to take you out. (manipulative isn't she?) Tracy gets understandably snippy and gets admonished for her trouble when I think Drear deserved it for "forgetting" to tell Tracy in the first place. Just because you're a kid doesn't mean you can't get sarcastic but like anyone, only when the situation calls for it! Otherwise it's just being saucy! And what does Dreary say? She didn't know if Tracy would want to see her dad. That's a pretty flimsy excuse, why shouldn't she? Ok we all know Tracy was pretty angry at her father but she should have been encouraged to see him just the same. (Dreary always protests that she won't turn Tracy against Ken but she's doing a pretty good job of doing it subversively isn't she? I'm not making excuses for Ken not at all, but the children shouldn't be caught in the middle no matter what I think of the two timing so and so, therefore, Deirdre loses points on this one). Tracy decides to be home in time for her Dad to pick her up even though she knows her mum doesn't really want her to (very astute, she is for all her tender years).

Tina's told Bet about Eddie's marriage proposal and defends the decision on such a quick wedding. Bet asks if it weren't for Jamie would she be getting married but Tina assures her it would have eventually anyway, she'd have made sure of it.. Bet is afraid Tina is cutting corners and hasn't known Eddie for very long really. Tina admits it's rushed but Eddie couldn't bear to give Jamie up. It's her life, Bet says resigned. Tina wants some time off at dinner to go ring-shopping.

Mavis remarks to a very cold-shouldered Alma about the noise from her factory-flat coming through to the Wilton's flat in the daytime, lucky job she doesn't spend much time up there during work hours. Alma implies maybe it was Mavis that shopped them to the Health and Safety and tries on the guilt telling her those girls would be out of work because of it. Gail apologises to Mavis for the inconvenience. Mavis would never turn someone in behind their back though. After she leaves Alma says she suspects it was Don and Gail warns her not to be spreading gossip when she doesn't know for sure. (Now remember, Alma didn't even want the factory in her flat to begin with but Mike talked her around like he does with everything else.)

Rita and Emily discuss the Roberts' new house as the closing is tomorrow, when the real money changes hands. Hopefully nothing will happen this time. Emily asks after Mavis and Derek and their plans, assuming Derek went through with his threat to quit after the Victor blow-up and is surprised to hear Derek hasn't quit and has in fact been promoted as Mavis, who has just returned from the cafe, gleefully brags. She trills that life is never dull with Derek around as Rita and Emily barely contain their eyes from rolling out of their faces and down the counter top.

Mike and Percy run in on the street after Mike gets sarcastic and implies Percy called the Health and Safety. He certainly had plenty to complain loudly about concerning the factory's effect on his Eccles cakes after all but Percy says if he was going to do something like that, he'd be man enough to tell Mike to his face. (so he would, too. Not a word-mincer nor a sneaky bone in his body, OurPercy).

Ken comes to Dreary's to find out if Tracy will see him when really he could perfect well have telephoned, a fact which a furiously ironing Deirdre points out. He keeps his temper in light of her equally furious sniping and asks her to keep it to a minimum when Tracy is around please. He almost loses his temper at one point but checks himself and lectures her on not letting Tracy get caught in the cross fire and tells her he'll be round at 4 to pick her up.

News spreads about the impending nuptials while Alec complains about the slow trade in the pub. He sees the customers using his heat and nursing their bitter lemons endlessly but Bet just rags him about always managing to find something to moan about. He's not moaning, just looking after the down side. Good then, she orders, get down that cellar. Tina arrives and shows off her ring which Alec sees as big enough to make things respectable. Marie arrives to have a word with Tina, boy she really knows how to break up a party doesn't she? Bet lets them go in back for a bit of privacy where Marie defends her actions yet again. Tina just doesn't understand, Marie explains, what it was like for her, she was scared and had a bad case of (post partum) depression which she's finally gotten help for. For some women it only lasts minutes and for others, like her it went on and on. Tina stays on the party line about Eddie's fears about losing the baby and Marie stays on her course about having a right to Jamie and plans to get solicitors involved.

Gail tells Alma that the Roberts are planning yet another final drinks party in the Rovers before they move away but then the two women get into another argument over Mike and the factory and Alma's continued absences from the cafe leaving Gail to cope on her own. What precipitated this was Mike's arrival to ask Alma to load some finished product into his car for him. Gail's had enough. Girls, girls, girls, Mike tries to calm them. Gail goes quietly full of rage, DON'T you ever call me a girl!!! that's all women are to him right? Children to fetch, carry and a few other things now and then. She threatens again to pull out of the cafe if he doesn't move the factory and finally admits she was the one who called the Health and Safety inspector. Mike and Alma are gobsmacked and a defeated Mike then goes upstairs to officially shut down shop, telling the workers it's over. He's sorry but that's an end to it, blaming Gail for it. Martin arrives and realizes that there is something very wrong as Mike and Alma return downstairs. Alma hisses at Gail and calls her a bitch and will never forgive her. The two of them leave and I think Gail was closing the cafe for the rest of the day.

Ken comes to pick up TracyLuv. She gets into the car and Wendy's sitting in the front. Tracy's face falls a bit but she does say a civil hello. Deirdre comes out with Tracy's scarf, sees Wendy and hits the roof. She orders Tracy out of the car to Ken and Tracy's objections but she is not having THAT WOMAN around her daughter. Deirdre causes a big scene, airing much dirty laundry out there in the street with various neighbours watching curiously. Tracy runs crying into the house and Ken and Wendy, who has the grace to have a tear in her eye, drive off. Deirdre tries to go back inside to find that Tracy has locked her out so to add insult to injury, she is left to knock on the door and call through to Tracy to let her in.

At this point I really must comment on something that's been a peeve for quite some time. Deirdre's hair. It's collar length and permed. Now it's not as electrically frizzy at Liz's is now but it's a very tight curl and it NEVER MOVES! Here she is outdoors where there's a breeze and only a few stray hairs are moving in the wind! It's almost as if it's plastic!

On with the show: Mike and Alma have a drink in a nice pub and discuss Gail's betrayal. Mike can't fight the inspector and it isn't just Gail's protests that caused him to close up shop. He can't fight the inspector because it would cost too much money in court and legal fees not to mention the aggravation and he isn't making a profit since he undercut the little cooperative. It's an unforgivable sin in the trade to be unable to meet your orders and all because of a stupid jumped-up shopgirl! Alma repeats that she'll never forgive Gail.

Eddie tells Tina that he hates Marie, she'll try anything (I'll just bet) to get Jamie. They tell Bet the wedding is Friday at 3. Audrey is telling Emily about their new garden and upkeep will be no problem as she has a green thumb. Alf says to give it a year and he'll have it all paved over. I guess Alf was into tree-killing even then! Martin and Gail come in to join the party and though doesn't want to talk about this afternoon's events, does feel sorry for the women out of work. Holding up the bar, Don tells Phyllis about the very public fight between the Barlows on the street.

Deirdre is back in the house and in Tracy's room where Tracy is crying on her bed. Her mother sits beside her and apologises for everything including a very hurtful remark she spitefully said to Ken about Tracy not being his daughter. Tracy accuses her mother of just wanting to get at everyone, again very astute. She insists she's going to see her dad and won't be prevented by anyone.

Writer JULIAN ROACH Director DAVID RICHARDS. Bitparts: Josie, Michelle, Pat, Debbie


Tuesday (3039, 5 March 1990)
Who's buzzing with plans? Who's being secretive?

Mike is defeated while Alma is buzzing with plans and suggestions. Surely he can find factory space? He's skint he declares, what he could find that he could afford is only worth tearing down. He's tried and now he'll probably have to get rid of his flat too! He apologises to Alma but she assures him lovingly that she never did go for him for his brass. He thanks her for the leg up. (Would getting a leg over give you a leg up? I really would like to know where some of these expressions got their start!) She is confident he'll rise up like a phoenix from the fire, he's a fighter!

Deirdre awkwardly apologises to TracyLuv again for causing a scene in the street. She doesn't like Tracy to be around THAT WOMAN because it frightens her. She doesn't really explain why that is and slides over it to the usual, she doesn't want THAT WOMAN to have anything to do with Tracy, is that clear? Yes Mom. (I think she's afraid Tracy will come to love Wendy as a second mother and that just sticks in Dreary's craw! Can't blame her for that particular fear but still, she has to give the kid some slack). Tracy leaves for school with a couple of thoughtful backward glances at Number 1.

Bet and Tina are also buzzing with plans for the wedding, flowers, cake and dress etc. Tina always dreamed of a full church do with a fella that had been begging her for at least a year but still, she's sure about what she's doing. Tina tells Alec that Eddie's paying for most of the wedding costs and Alec pessimistically forecasts all that can go wrong for all the money spent for nothing. (i.e. the marriage going bust down the road) Bet is getting tired of Alec's moaning and doom and gloom and works him nicely by telling him that Tina and Eddie wanted to have the reception there at the pub, God knows why. Pound signs reflect in the lenses of Alec's spectacles as he grudgingly mutters about value for their money. He goes off wondering if they'll want a big spread! (ching ching!)

At the cafe Gail tells Alma she just had no choice. Alma doesn't want to talk about it and proceeds to criticize Gail's decision to call the inspectors. The cafe is all Gail has, it feeds her kids. Alma thought they were pals, partners but Gail counters with the fact that she's shown it very little. Alma, knowing she's going to lose this argument doesn't want to talk about it.

Alf tells Sally the new house is nice but needs spending money on it. They all do he guesses. Liz is there and agrees and says of course he left his house tidy but they still needed to spend some brass to make it habitable for a family of four. Tina rushes in and invites Sally and Liz for a drink the night before the wedding, a hen party really but probably not at the Rovers.

Alec talks Eddie round to spending about £200 top end for a nice spread including smoked salmon, Tina is worth it doesn't he think? The amenable but not very bright Eddie agrees to it all, having been reeled in nicely by Alec. Alec, being reeled in very nicely by Bet is gobsmacked to be told that she has offered to pay for the reception as their wedding present to the couple! He attempts to spin a tale later in the day to Tina about smoked salmon being out of season, bad sea conditions and wouldn't cooked meats be nice? Bet straightens him out as only Bet can and tells him and Tina that SHOULD smoked salmon be extinct, they will do cold meats but they will still do a nice spread. Rats, foiled again!

Don and Derek discuss the ins and outs of business and management and Mike has a vindictive go at Mike who has arrived to meet Alma. He remarks to Derek that a man like Mike who supposedly knows all there is to know about business, how did he fall flat on his bum? Derek attempts to change the subject or pacify at least but Don has touched a nerve with Mike who has been pushed far enough by Don's taunts over the past few weeks or so and starts an argument with poor Derek turning into the meat paste between the Baldwin/Brennan sandwich. alma and Mike leave in a huff and outside she tells him he really shouldn't let it bother him, but it does.

Deirdre and Emily come down the street and Deirdre is wishing that she could take Tracy on holiday, just the two of them. Surely she can get time off from council, Emily offers but Deirdre selfishly about faces and explains that the council is the only thing she has for herself and would go spare without it. Oh come on now, it's only a holiday with your only daughter who's spirit has been badly damaged by her parents' breakup! Honestleh! You could have knocked me over with a feather. Did two different people write this scene? Totally illogical, Captain. Emily offers to have Tracy over if Deirdre is late back from a council meeting but Deirdre decides to leave Tracy on her own for an hour or so, it might help since she's tried everything else (like what? Turning her subtly against her dad? making embarrassing scenes in the street? preferring the council to her daughter?)

An hour by herself is not to happen, Tracy goes to Wendy's after school. Wendy is surprised to see her to say the least and asks her to come in to wait for her dad. Wendy apologises for the other day and says that she and Ken never started this to hurt anyone, especially not her. She's not really a monster. Tracy actually says no she's not. Wendy speculates that Tracy knew her father wouldn't be there and was actually curious about her and she'd be right, I'll wager. Ken arrives home soon after and though is pleased to see Tracy, insists they call home when he finds out that Deirdre doesn't know where Tracy is. In fact, Deirdre has been home, found no trace of Tracy and is at Emily's front door being told by Percy that Tracy hasn't been there though he saw her at the school crossing. Deirdre realizes her phone is ringing but doesn't get to it before Ken hangs up. Tracy hopes she can stay a little longer but Ken takes her home instead.

Alma returns from the pub and is in a foul mood because of Mike's encounter with Don and his resulting upsetting mood. (You hurt, I hurt?) She lambastes into Gail, starting a right slanging match, saying it's all her fault and calling her a scheming bitch to gasps from the customers including Emily and Mavis. Gail says she had no choice, it was affecting her custom. OUT custom as Gail keeps reminding her but Gail holds her ground and accuses her of the usual reminds Alma that she was only supposed to be at the bank for a half hour and has been out all afternoon and she's had it up to here! Alma screams she wants out so Gail better find the money to buy her out. Gail whips off her pinnie and goes out back as Mike arrives, oblivious to the tension to tell Alma that Peter Ingrahm wants to do a deal with him! Gail storms back with her coat and leaves. Or so it looked to me but the next scene had Alma and Mike at either his flat or hers discussing a few more details of his meeting with Ingrahm and the fact that he's taking a cab since he's meeting Ingrahm at a flash place on Ingrahm's bill. I'm not really sure what happened to Gail to tell you the truth unless she left and Alma closed up or just nipped upstairs for a minute with Mike.


Deirdre calls a few of Tracy's friends looking for her (why didn't she call Ken first?) when Ken arrives with Tracy. Deirdre is angry to find that Tracy went to Ken's without her knowledge and also upset because she didn't know where she was.

Eddie comes out of the chippie with Jamie and runs into Marie who had followed him there. She just wants to talk but Eddie shuts her down, looking forward to his marriage so Jamie can have a proper mother. But he's not hurling insults like he was and although we don't see the rest of the conversation there must have been more since we didn't see Marie spouting off about solicitors yet again.

Gail and Sally have a drink with Tina who invites Gail to her hen party. Sally paints a bizarre picture for them of Percy Sugden doing a strip-o-gram for them and teases Percy when he arrives, asking him if he'd be willing to put himself out for Tina's wedding. Not realizing of course, he is quite pleased to help if asked, catering or cakes or such. He moves away and Sally whispers, "leopard skin leotards!" promoting further giggles. Tina asks Gail how Martin gets on with her kids, it can't have been easy to take them on. Gail assures Tina she'll get on fine with Jamie. Sally leaves and Alma arrives, all smiles, sweetness and light and sucks up to Gail telling her she's sorry for what she said, it was just taking a bad mood out on Gail and she tells her Mike is being head hunted. She implores Gail not to hold personal grudges and charms Gail into a smile. Boy oh boy I wouldn't be had that easily. I'd make her work a lot harder for it! What is it with so many of these women, do they have DOORMAT tattooed on their foreheads?

Tracy is watching the telly and Deirdre asks her to please turn it off. She is ignores so Deirdre orders her to turn it off. She tells Tracy that she was out of order going to Ken's without telling her mother where she was going but then when she finds out that Tracy was there alone with Wendy she winds up and starts all over again. Tracy defends Wendy as not being so bad as her mother makes out, she likes Wendy. This fact cuts Deirdre to the bone and she starts crying.

Mike returns from his meeting but isn't very excited. All Peter wants him for is to be a sales rep as it turns out, not a deal or partnership on something. He has to consider it though, he needs the money doesn't he. Some rising phoenix, more like a sitting duck!


Wednesday (3040, 7 March 1990)
Has the Phoenix risen? What does Eddie need to tell? Who's crying now?

Deirdre gets Tracy off to school, telling her to come straight home today. She's not stopping to see her dad and doesn't want her to treat Wendy's house like it's a second home because THAT WOMAN is not accepted by Deirdre and Tracy is having no sort of contact with THAT WOMAN. Deirdre says she's sorry it has to be like that THAT WOMAN isn't fit and there you have it. Tracy tells her mother what she wants to hear, that she shouldn't have gone there without her mother's permission and won't go again.

Mike is discussing the Ingrahm sales job with Alma. He doesn't really want the job, working for someone else, but he has no choice. He hates the thought of the bowing, scraping, wigging and clacking (whatever that means), doing what he is told. Alma chuckles and asks when was the last time he did as he was told anyway? Gor' Blimey, his memory is good but not that good! But he's planning to make Peter pay top dollar if he wants Mike's services.

Jack tells Betty he thinks Tina is wasting her life getting married so young. Betty and he argue and bicker with Betty thinking Eddie is good enough and Tina loves Jamie. Jack thinks there's time enough for kids later so Betty assumes he's jealous. Rubbish! Betty gives him what for, for not wishing Tina well and being happy for her just as Alec interrupts their nattering with a sarcastic remark.

Bet and Tina are frock shopping. Tina models a lovely off white satin number, short flared skirt with a flared overskirt of something chiffony and it buttons down the front. Bet tells her she looks just lovely.

In the cafe Mavis is crediting Victor for Derek's newfound enthusiasm for work. She is just bursting and gushing forth with so much pride in her North West area manager that I think she's about to gasp in ...um... pleasure. She tells Alma Mike could do worse that look to Derek for inspiration and finally leaves the cafe, satisfied having paid 45 p. for the privilege of having an ear to bend. :) Gail laughs and says the only inspiration for her is "there but for the Grace of God..." She asks Alma about Mike's interview yesterday and Alma bends the truth and lets on that Peter is after Mike to be a partner rather than just a lowly Derek-like sales rep. (Imagine, now Derek will actually have a more responsible job than Mike Baldwin! Will wonders never cease!) Gail doesn't seem surprised that Mike has landed on his feet yet again.

At Ingrahm's Mike and Peter discuss the terms of the job but Peter won't budge an inch and Mike exclaims "I thought I was hard!". Peter want's Mike's invaluable experience, especially after the trouble he just finished causing him, rather having Mike on the inside spitting out than on the outside spitting in as it were. He's only offering the going pay rate and only paying the mileage on a Ford 1600 cc like all the other sales reps, not subsidizing Mike's Jaguar for him! Mike reluctantly accepts the job though because he doesn't have a choice does he? Then Peter asks Mike to sign a contract saying he'll not start up his own business in any of the same lines as his for 5 years, adding insult to injury! But he's just covering his backside, he explains.

Back at the pub, Bet is telling Ivy and Liz that Tina's dress is beautiful after traipsing all over to find it! Alec pointedly remark that it's nice to know Tina is employed by two people who have her best interests at heart with all they are doing for her and Eddie. Tina glances at him and says he's right, BET has been great. Tina is bubbling about her hen party tonight which appears to be hosted at the Rovers after all though she said yesterday it wouldn't be. Alec reminds all and sundry that he is providing the buffet out of the goodness of his heart (and the prospect of thirsty women) but when Ivy asks if he's providing the drinks as well he sputters that he most certainly is not! Tina reckons it will be the best night of her life. (Hm. Would that be assuming that she is assuming or presuming or whatever that the wedding night itself would be somewhat of an anticlimax?)

Over in a booth Deirdre is telling Emily that she saw red at the thought of Tracy and THAT WOMAN chatting together like nothing was wrong. It felt like such a betrayal, such a stab in the back. Emily sympathizes while Deirdre says she must remind herself that it's hard on Tracy most of all. Yes, you'd do well to remind yourself that a bit more than you're doing, my ladeh! I'm afraid Deirdre is getting very dreary indeed.

But what have we here? Marie is at Eddie's again. He doesn't sem so defensive this time and actually allows her inside. Later when she's leaving we see her holding the baby and wishing Eddie well on his wedding. She gives him back Jamie as the phone rings in the flat behind him. That would be Tina gushing and sentimental, hardly containing herself for tomorrow. Eddie seems kind of quiet though. Is that an omen? You know when someone says something along the lines of "we're so lucky, so in love, so happy etc." or like what Tina said about it being the best night of her life...You know that's what's known in layman's terms as a JINX. I dread hearing words like that, me.

Alec moans on to Bet about Tina being on the phone again but she just says that folk are always silly when they're in love. She reminds him that he went all the way to Spain to fetch her one time but he grunts that he's still paying for that one and all!

Alma comes home to find Mike celebrating his new job with cooking whiskey, that's all it's worth really. He tells her about the contract he had to sigh and she confesses the lies she's been telling, "porkies" she's calling them, that he's a partner in Ingrahm's not just a sales rep. He grins wryly and says it's all right to keep up that pretense and when she mentions Derek, he says if Derek ever tries to come to him with well-intentioned advice, he'll pop him one. I guess that would be the ultimate humiliation wouldn't it?

Alec comes into Alf's shop at closing time to get some last minute items for the hen party buffet. Alf lets Sally get off to get ready to go and serves Alec himself. Alec sighs about the cost of all the supplies he's had to get in but when Alf asks him if he bought them at the supermarket (in other words, not at his own local corner shop, traitor!) Alec hastily adds, no he got them at the cash and carry. He tries to wheedle Alf into donating some of the supplies seeing as he thinks so highly of Tina. We don't find out if Alf is talked into this.

Later at the pub, the guests are arriving. Deirdre comes in, still on about Ken's mistress but sensibly shuts her gob as Tina introduces her flatmate Natalie to everyone, who's just chuffed that she can now get the best bedroom to herself once Tina's married! I must comment here on the attire of the hen party. Most of these women look like matronly old hens with their polyester and pearls, including Gail, for heaven's sake! Tina, Sally and Natalie are wearing sleeveless sexy shift dresses that at least look like they belong at a stagette! The rest of them look like they're ready for Sunday tea with the Vicar! Anyway, did you know one of them booths can fit 10 women and assorted glasses and pearls? They all squeeze in and joyfully drink and laugh and tease the bride-to-be. Jack is the butt of Vera's risque story about their wedding night when Jack was so drunk he could hardly get it up... er... up the stairs. Jack denies, saying he doesn't remember, he's got a short memory. Yeah and that's not all that's short, Vera howls with laughter as do they all!

While the party is going on, Tracy secretly calls her dad to chat while mom is at the hen party, knowing her mother wouldn't approve. Actually I think she probably wouldn't mind a phone call under normal circumstances but being mired in bitter mud as she is, she probably won't even allow a passing thought of her father for poor Tracy. Ken offers to come over to keep her company but no, he better not do that, then Mum will know she called!

And what's this? Eddie comes lumbering into the pub and asks Bet to get Tina for him. She does, discreetly and closes the living room door on them. Eddie stutters and stammers and apologizes but he can't marry her. It's Marie you see, and what's best for Jamie but he's going to marry Marie instead. He's very sorry and tries to touch her but she backs away and he leaves. The whole pub bursts into a rising rendition of "I'm Getting Married In The Morning" whileTina cries her eyes out, sitting on the stairs in view of the two tier wedding cake.


Thursday (3041, 9 March 1990)
What's the state of Tina's heart? Who's under inquisition?

Poor Tina, poor kid! Sally fills Deirdre in on the whole sorry affair which unfolded just after Deirdre left the party. Tina came back in and looked like she'd been shot! Floods of tears and told them the wedding was off. Yes, Eddie was the one that called it off, that toerag! Deirdre sympathizes, knowing from experience how you feel like folk are all laughing at you but really they are on your side. It just takes time to realize that. Sally, who never really was an Eddie fan 100% (after all he thumped Kev that time, remember?), anyway she agrees with Deirdre that he's harmless enough, gormless really the great gawking lump. (I agree) She could do better. Alf approaches Deirdre and proceeds to grill her on how she has time to stand their gassing. Between council business and raising Tracy on her own, surely one or the other must suffer! No she explains patiently, not rising to his bait, that she treats every conversation like a doctor's surgery, keeping in touch with the constituents. That must be where he went wrong, decides Alf, he never wasted his time (finding out how the voter's feel? Very irresponsible!) He just got on with council business and ran his shop. Deirdre tires of his needling and leaves while Sally scolds Alf for being rather hard on her. Nonsense, politics is about who's got the thickest skin not brains. And that, my readers, sums up Alf Roberts I expect.

Ken and THAT WOMAN are getting ready for work and Ken is discussing Tracy's phone call. He's boring me by endlessly wittering on about how of course it's good that she feels comfortable enough to call because it means she isn't buying into her mother's propaganda but really she shouldn't be calling behind her mother's back, and, and,.... *sigh* THAT WOMAN, from her childless perspective, decides parents aren't fit people to bring up children and Ken whole heartedly agrees! (HE sure isn't that's for certain.) He hopes she won't get in trouble for calling him, and mentions that it can't be easy for Deirdre with council business and Tracy's concerns. THAT WOMAN interjects with a very accurate comment that Deirdre seems to think all that on her plate is easier than giving into Ken's demands. He mutters, Hell hath no fury.

Don and Ivy greet Vera on her way to work who, from her high employed horse, just can't understand why Ivy can't get a job, she's qualified and a supervisor. That must be it, she's just too picky, insisting on a supervising job. She goes sanctimoniously down the street and Ivy confides in Don that she has a job interview that afternoon, just didn't want to give Vera the satisfaction.

Jack looks greedily on the wasted wedding cake and tells Betty how could a feller do that to a lass like Tina, with a cake like that, too! He gets to say he told her so, always thought Eddie was a bad 'un though he doesn't take any pleasure in it. Course you do, Betty snaps, Yer chuffed to little mint balls (Yes! I have heard about this expression for years and finally heard someone say it! It's not a myth anymore!) Alec is lurking around and noticing that Tina hasn't showed up for work and his wallet wonders what he's going to do with all that unpaid for food in the freezer! Tina's only lost a husband, he's lost good takings!

Bet goes to Tina's flat to see how she is since she hasn't turned up for work and hasn't called. Natalie was up for awhile with her last night but hasn't seen her this morning. Natalie thinks it was more the humiliation really though she did like Eddie, did Tina. Bet asks Natalie to tell Tina when she sees her not to worry about work for a few days and to call so they'll know she's ok.

Percy pushes Alma's buttons, rubbing her face in it saying how nice to enjoy his tea cake now without plaster bits falling in it, that sweatshop was a public nuisance and her feller couldn't see reason so the law got involved. That's civilization! Mike overhears that last bit as Percy sees him come in with a sheepish "Oh. Morning" Mike comments that the cafe is more like a third world soup kitchen if they're letting people like Percy in there. He just popped in to tell Alma he can't meet her for dinner, Ingrahm's got him out on business so after he leaves Alma announces he's off to a board meeting rather than what he's really doing, flogging to two old grocers, perpetuating the partner myth.

Mavis and Derek are in the pub at dinner and she's righteously decreeing that Tina and Eddie hardly knew each other. These young people have no sense of commitment to marriage as Derek expertly opines. There's a lot to be said for marrying late in life, these young people hardly know their own minds, they have no life experience and no wisdom. Derek adds that at their age, they have the experience and they know what they want. Jack takes the pair of them down several pegs by asking them to please explain, then, why neither of them showed up at the church the first time they tried to get wed. Ah. Yes. Well...

Alf has another point to make with Councillor Barlow. Does she ever neglect her council duties or neglect Tracy for the council? Enquiring minds want to know! Deirdre says you can tell it's nearly spring election time, it brings out the strut in Alf. She tells Alf she isn't standing to be re-elected this year, it being the off year for her 4 year term, she has 2 years left still. (Deal with it!) So he asks her if she's planning to go on the environmental conference next week. It's very important you know, to see and be seen (what about the environment! Well I guess Alf's current tree bashing isn't out of character after all!) Deirdre tries putting him off telling him it's her business but he says it's not, she's a public servant and the taxpayers want to know so she tells him she's going as a matter of fact. Later she confides to Emily that she isn't, she just said that to get him off her back. She couldn't leave Tracy. Emily offers to move in and mind Tracy if she wants to go. Well, she really should, but it's an imposition. Stuff and nonsense, it would be a nice break from Mr. Sudgen so Deirdre gratefully accepts Emily's offer.

In the cafe, Alma is abruptly serving Phyllis who longs for the friendlier old days in the cafe with her, Gail and Martin. OH, you want a smile, Alma bares her teeth. Good enough for you? Alma really isn't' a people person, have you all noticed? Ivy comes in to have a cup of tea. No she didn't get the job she was interviewing for. Money's getting tight, she tells Gail but they're not in dire straits yet though they do still have Don's court case hanging over them. Gail thinks it is a sin that Ivy can't get work with all her machinist and supervisory experience. Hey, idea! She asks Alma to put a word in with Mike, since he's practically running that factory. Surely there must be something for Ivy there! Surely Mike would, he's not a vindictive man and Alma, the black widow, seems to have spun and caught herself in her own web. (You know, Mike really isn't a vindictive and malicious man, I don't think. I mean, he DOES like to needle people and rattle cages and stuff but he doesn't do or say really nasty hurtful things out of spite most of the time like Don does).

Back at the pub there is still no sign of Tina and Bet is worried that she might do something daft. She's sensible about most things except men like most of us, Bet tells Betty. Betty figures she's just gone somewhere to lick her wounds.

Where she does go is to the building site where Eddie is working. I think this must have been where the original split was between parts 1 and 2 but on WTN the commercial breaks are in a different spot. Therefor we have Tina looking up at Eddie on a scaffold where he says hiya and FLASH! He's down on the ground in front of her like he was beamed there or something! Tina lambastes him soundly for using her to make Marie jealous (she looks different without all that makeup on.) She won't have his defence that it was for Jamie's sake and he really did mean to marry her but Marie came back and, well, it's best for Jamie to have his real mom there. Well she hollers at him, he didn't want a wife, he wanted a babysitter (true) and she's well out of it (true, she was marrying him for the wrong reasons, let's face it). She calls him nothing, dirt, a waste of space and chucks his ring at him).

Deirdre tells Tracy about the conference and that she'll need to be gone over night. Emily will come in and Tracy is not bothered about that as long as she doesn't try to feed her "old lady" food like liver and cabbage. (Hate liver, love cabbage. Does that make me middle aged?) Tracy sneaks in another phone call to Ken while Deirdre is next door confirming plans with Emily.

Bet passes round trays of bits and bobs, leftovers from the wedding buffet that never was. Free. Alec sputters and squawks like a wet hen about the lost takings. It's madness that's what it is! Bet takes no notice and tells the bar patrons to eat up!

Tina comes to the back door of the pub to see Bet. She tells her she saw Eddie. Bet sympathizes, tells her she looked for hear earlier. Come on, it hasn't wrecked her life now, nobody blames her, Bet comforts. Tina admits she liked Eddie an awful lot but it wasn't really love are her unspoken words. She cries in Bet's arms. There, get it out, as long as you're crying for yourself, not for him, Bet says. Good Advice.

Out in the pub Ivy arrives and asks Mike if there's any jobs going. He revels in her crawling back for a job and says there isn't anything just now but does say he'll keep an eye out. She thanks him which is overheard by Don who blows a gasket, making a big scene in the pub telling her she shouldn't humiliate herself like that. Ivy stalks out saying he's right, but his scene was plenty humiliating! She sarks at him all the way back down the street and slams the door in his face as Mike and Alma cackle in the pub at their fight. Alma really does cackle when she laughs, have you ever noticed?

Bet comes in to the bar and announces there's only one thing left, to cut the cake. A composed and bravely fronted Tina comes in carrying the wedding cake and proceeds to cut it with a wish, tear, smile and a speech. She wishes Eddie a long and happy life, on the other side of the flamin world!


Friday (3042, 12 March 1990)
Oh, it looks like another of the new houses has been sold! There's the SOLD sign up and everything and as the camera pans back we see Mavis grinning ear to ear from across the street at it as she's delivering papers, filling in for a missing paper lad. She chats to Sally and we discover it is she and Derek that have bought the house! (Another inconsistency between writers I think. We've seen Mavis and Derek over the past couple of days and though we know they're looking for a house, just two or three days ago as far as we know they hadn't found one and here overnight practically the deal is done!)

Des is off to work while Steph nags him about fixing the lock on the bathroom door. They bicker a bit but end up in a kiss before he leaves as Sally watches with a grin on her way to work.

Ken and THAT WOMAN discuss how Deirdre is going to handle finding out Tracy has been calling her father on the sly. He decides he better have a word with Tracy but THAT WOMAN warns him to tread carefully, don't give Tracy the wrong impression. Just remember how she feels.

Meanwhile Deirdre is getting Tracy off to school. Tracy informs her mother she's going to be late, she has hockey practice after school and is going for the team tryouts but of course mum forgot or didn't even hear when Tracy told her last week. Well get on with you and good luck.

Ivy is sick and tired of Don sticking ti to Mike every time he crosses his path. He's her best chance of a job. Don, in his (clean at least) vest, protests. After what he did to us there's fat chance of a job for her at Ingrahm's but Ivy makes him agree to back down out of Mike's face.

Deirdre and Emily firm up plans for when Deirdre is away. Phyllis comes to the house looking for Mr. Sugden and Emily tells her he should be either at the cafe or the library so she happily goes off in search of her Prince er. Charming.

Percy is indeed at the cafe and needling Martin about not having a proper job (apparently because it isn't a 9 to 5 type of thing) He has always been of the opinion that young people have no respect for the elders and leaves in a huff. Martin chats to Gail before he leaves and Alma arrives, late as usual, delayed by Mavis twittering on about their new house. She makes crossing the road seem like the adventure of a lifetime! Ivy comes in to see Alma and apologise for Don's behaviour the night before. Alma thinks Don should apologise to Mike and Ivy assures her he will but.. But Alma rudely cuts her off and takes it out on Phyllis too. Gail tells Phyllis she just missed Percy. My, he's harder to get hold of than fog today!

In the corner shop, Sally is being helpful to Steph. Stephanie asks where Sal and Kev go for fun? Well, you'd have to go all the way into town for discos and clubs and she and Kev quite like a quiet evening in given his working hours. But where do they go for fun when they do go out? Oh, Well the Rovers usually. Steph turns up her substantial nose at this but Sally says it's quite a good time with the right company. You and Desmond should come sometime. Steph jumps in with both feet and sets up a date for tonight for the four of them! Well won't she have to ask her husband if he has already made plans? No, he can break them, (and she'd make sure of it wouldn't she?) so Sally agrees, it's a date (and what about you're husband missy? You didn't ask him first Mrs. Pot!) When she does tell Kevin later at tea he's isn't best pleased. They aren't our sort, he whines. They spend money like water and she never wears the same outfit twice, no, they're out of our league Sal. (Boring sod!) Oh, Kev, you don't even know them, don't you want to have a little fun in life? Well as women do, Sally wins out.

Alec asks Rita when she and Mavis are moving. Alma hopes soon the way Mavis is going on. Rita rolls her eyes and says at least Alma doesn't have to live with her. (I'm some glad we don't have to hear all that gushing too!) Alec is not best pleased, hoping for new punters instead of ones that were already here. Deirdre and Emily arrive for a drink and Ask Bet about Tina who, they are informed, has gone on holiday to Cypress with her roommate. Do her good to find a great hairy Cypriot to help her get over Eddie! Alec mentions to Bet that he'd fancy a holiday but backs down when she offers to go get some brochures. Let's not be hasty. He's got responsibilities, commitments. Like his wallet, she suggests? Exactly. .er...No!

We overhear Alma allowing Rita to believe Mike is a partner in Ingrahm's as Ken walks in to find Deirdre. He wants to have a word in private about Tracy. She stubbornly digs in but Emily encourages her to go talk to him so they nip out next door where he tells her he wants regular access to Tracy, it's best for her. He has a right to see his daughter and they should try to be amicable about it for Tracy's sake, surely she can see that. She grudgingly sees that and then tells him she's going away for a few days but Emily's going to move in and don't get any ideas! (i.e. he can't look after her instead). He backs down on that knowing he can't win on that point.

Later Deirdre and Emily discuss Ken's visitation rights as Deirdre nervously waits for Tracy to come home from school, fearing she was lied to and Tracy is not at hockey practice after all. Emily reassures her that Tracy wouldn't lie to her. Deirdre warns Emily not to let Tracy go with Ken and THAT WOMAN. She doesn't want to stop Tracy seeing her dad but the thought of THAT WOMAN... Tracy does finally arrive home, sweaty and obviously having been playing something athletic. She made the team!

Don picks up Peter Ingrahm for a taxi to the train station and they chat. Don blames Mike for pulling the rug out from under the little cooperative, not Peter but there's Ivy now can't get a job and there's Mike Lording it over that factory. 'Scuse me? Lording it over what? Just what have you heard, Peter inquires.

Phyllis finally catches up with Percy at his crossing guard station. She's won a holiday for two and wants him to go with her (I couldn't make out where but I doubt it's anywhere exotic). He wouldn't go with her if she was the last woman on earth, he says, outraged. Or words to that effect. But as she follows him across the street a car nearly hits her. Percy falls backward over Phyllis's dropped shopping and has hurt his ankle. Phyllis gets help and we see they made it to the hospital where Martin is on duty. It turns out Percy has broken an ankle and will be kept in overnight at least!

Don returns home on a break, bursting with something he isn't' about to reveal just yet. He tells Ivy about his meeting with Ingrahm and no, he didn't put the boot in about Mike (not exactly) and promises to ask Mike himself for a job for Ivy. (I think he's lacing up a very big boot!)

Phyllis later tells Bet and Alec that Percy pulled her away from the car like greased lightening! (I can see some sort of conflict with Emily's Tracy-minding duties now, can't you?) Mavis is wittering on about new curtains but she's not best pleased with Rita who points out her young boisterous new neighbours, the Barnes' playing darts in the corner with the Websters.

The are all getting along famously from the look of it as Kevin is "helping" Steph, showing her how to throw a dart and she's flirting right back at him. He takes his shout at the bar and tells Sally he likes the Barnes after all, ok he was wrong! He's even offered to look at Des's old banger for him, as a mate.

Mike and Alma arrive for a drink and Don moves in for the kill, asking Mike if Alma passed on his apology. Yes but Mike would have rather heard it from Don. Yeah Well (he doesn't apologise though, much too interested in his prey. Malicious, didn't I tell you?) One other thing.. he asks for a job for Ivy, but Mike says there isn't anything just now. OH surely a man in your position. Not at this time as Mike tries to put him off but it isn't going to happen and Don announces loudly that MIKE is in fact not a partner but a jumped up nobody, a salesman. He leaves in triumph as Mike sits with his drink looking humiliated.

Writer BARRY HILL Director IAN WHITE. Bitparts: Nurse MAGGIE FOX

Originally transmitted: 14, 16, 19, 21 & 23 March 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 23 - Friday 27 March 1998
Episode Numbers: 3043 - 3047

Monday (3043, 14 March 1990)
Will he or won't he? Did he or didn't he? Who's been taken down a peg now?

Percy is complaining vigorously from his hospital bed as Mrs. Bishop comes to visit to bring him a few necessities. Nurse says it's ok even though it isn't visiting hours yet, is it your husband? Oh Heaven's no, just her lodger. Nurse says Percy reminds her of the "good" old days when the hospital wards were run by the tough bossy old Matrons. Percy continues to complain to Mrs. Bishop and says he's left strict instructions that Mrs. Pearce not be allowed to visit (only he calls her THAT WOMAN. I didn't for fear of confusing you, dear reader!)

Deirdre is thoughtful this morning, she seems to be awkward with Tracy but they make small talk about the hotel where Deirdre will be staying. It soon goes wrong when Tracy mentions that she hopes that the trip will change her mother's mood. Rather uncalled for! Well since this stupid business with Dad started, it's made her right ratty (well it has, hasn't it?) Deirdre takes offence and Tracy lets her know she's been discussing all this with her friends and one of her mates even got to go to Disney world with her dad and new stepmother. Tracy seems to be having a change of heart about THAT WOMAN which Deirdre seems to be picking up on but can't really get into it since she's getting ready to leave.

Int e cafe Phyllis is moping about Percy and still in a bit of shock over the close call she had. if it weren't for Percy, she'd be in that hospital bed. Gail comforts her and even cheers her up with the mention of the old proverb that if someone saves your life they have an undying bond with you. She perks up considerably and goes off to bake something for Percy. Gail turns to Alma and questions her on the bit of gossip she's heard from Phyllis. Is it true that Mike has had to start all over at the bottom and is really just an errand boy? Ohh. alma's defences spark a quick response, certainly not, he's definitely got a business association with Peter Ingrahm and is not an errand boy. Gail gently reminds her that she's her friend and wouldn't gloat, no need of putting on a front with her. (boy they sure went to being mates awful quickly all of a sudden!) Alma's shoulders sag and she admits Mike isn't a partner and remembers when she would have avoided being bothered by anyone else's problems in the past but this is different. (selfish cow she was, and still is quite a bit if you ask me...which you didn't but isn't that what the privilege of writing the updates is all about? Imparting your own opinion? *grin*) She must be flipping in her old age. (or in love).

But Peter is raking Mike over the coals about bragging that he was partners with Ingrahm instead of a salesman which is really what he's being paid for. Mike tries a little fancy footwork, blaming Stupid Brennan for getting it wrong. His wife used to work for him in a matter of speaking you know. Peter isn't fooled and tells Mike he works for him, in a matter of speaking as a sales rep. Mike admits he got carried away, wouldn't he if he were in Mike's shoes? Peter doesn't bite. He wouldn't be stupid enough to be in Mike's shoes, he is guilty of lousy judgement (Mike that is). Maybe Mike's losing his touch, and he warns Mike not to get careless working for Ingrahm's, he's a good salesman and that's what he's paid for, right? Right. Mike leaves and asks in a voice dripping with contempt, Will there be anything else and sneers..."sir"? Peter tells him if he plays his cards right he could do well, don't let his king-sized ego wreck it!

Deirdre is packing and worrying about Tracy. Emily suggests she should let her hair down and have some fun, forget your troubles (in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile) Oh, yeah, right and if she should have a few drinks and meet a fella in the bar?? Emily just smiles and suggests....well... By 'eck Emily Bishop, you'd not say that in the old days. Well there are lots she wouldn't say in the old days. Seems to me Emily gets more modern the older she gets! Deirdre says problem is the only one she wants is Ken. Why did it all have to change? (It was inevitable when you marry such a selfish self absorbed git! I know! Been there, done that)

Mark has a break and checks out some holiday brochures, leaning against a car in the garage. Kevin says it's all right for some, he doesn't have a mortgage, bills and interest rates. They speculate about Mark's chances with the birds at the resort just as Weatherfield's own little bird walks in. Steph Barnes arrives to drop her car off for repairs and doesn't mind a bit about men admiring a good looking woman. She'd be more worried if Des didn't notice her looks. She leaves and Mark teases Kev about Steph winding him up because she knows what a stick in the mud he is. Oh yeah and how did she get that idea? (didn't take much, is my guess. One look, one word would establish that concept). Later in the day, Des comes around and asks Kevin to go to the Clegg street betting shop and put some money on a horse for him. He isn't allowed since he's a bookie and they'd think he had an inside tip. And does he? Don't ask questions, Des grins. Is there owt shady about it though? Des says he wouldn't do that to a mate and hands over £500! Kevin's eyebrows skim his hairline at that! Mark and Martin later try to talk Kevin into making a bet for his own profit though Kevin hasn't decided whether to do the favour for Des yet. Still thinking about it. (what did I tell you about first impressions you stick in the mud, you!) Well if the horse comes in and Des finds out Kevin didn't put in the bet for him, he won't be best pleased.

In the Rovers Bet is asking Mavis about her new house. Mavis explains that she's getting superstitious after remembering what the Roberts' went through. Oh it's going to be fine. Mavis is doubly impressed because this is the first real home she's ever had on her own. Bet agrees, she was late coming to her own home too. (Wait a minute, Bet was on her own for years. albeit in flats. Doesn't that count?) Mavis says yes, they're both late starters but at least they've made it to the finish line. Yea, Mavis but (as she glances at Alec behind the bar) was it all really worth it? Of course it was! Yeah I guess you're right.

Sally serves Ivy in the shop. Ivy asks her to keep an ear out for any jobs going and shakes her head at her hard time finding one. She leaves and Emily comes in followed by Phyllis who tells Emily she's going to bake a jam sponge for Percy. Emily tries tactfully to put her off visiting him in person but she will not be held back from her darling. Emily refrains from telling her that Percy doesn't want to see her though she says she can hardly wait to see Percy's face light up when he sees her coming down the ward.

And his face certainly does light up...bright red with outrage. He tries not speaking to her but in the end after he asks what kind of apple it was that he fell over, says plenty to her when she admits it was a French sort. Instead of making applesauce out of him for having the gall to tell her what nationality she should be buying, British of course, she apologises and says she won't do it again. He leans over to the unseen man in the next bed and says despairingly, that he's been shot at by German bullets and Italian bullets and not a scratch only to be done in by a Froggy apple! He shouts at Phyllis to go away but she stays put, attributing her bad mood today to pain and a slight concussion.

Back at the Rovers we are "treated" to a disgraceful display of gloating by Don Brennan. Bet scolds him for being rather hard on Mike the night before and causing a scene but Alec buddy buddies and commends Don for rubbing Mike's face in the mucky stuff for once. One thing Alec dislikes is a loudmouth. Don says it was one of the best nights of his life, seeing that cocky showoff, that expression on the face of that cocky little rat-faced mug. Disgraceful display of bad manners. Alec usually was well in with Mike when Mike was on top as I remember so now that Mike has been toppled, Alec is switching loyalties but does Don Brennan deserve them? I think not! Don might be glad to see Mike down a peg or two but it's soon his turn to be knocked off his high horse when Ivy arrives with a certified letter, telling Don his court case comes up March 23! See the expression on HIS cocky little rat-face mug!

Over in the cafe Mike is sulking about his comeuppance being his own fault and there are plenty about who are glad to see it too. Peter only slapped his wrist for his indiscretion and Alma peps him up telling him ok, he's working for someone else for the first time in his life but he'll get to see how the other side works which will benefit him when it's his turn to be boss again. Very supportive. Which he appreciates and he tells a passing Gail that Alma isn't as scatterbrained as she lets on, quite wise in fact and he reaches over the table to kiss her. Alma, not Gail.

Ken and THAT WOMAN come in from work and discuss the fantasy we all have now and then about ... not THAT... about running away and living on a beach on an island somewhere. He's just disillusioned with the status quo but upon questioning admits it isn't the job, that's ok and it's not her, it's the situation with Tracy. It's not easily solved and doesn't think Deirdre will ever let Tracy see Wendy ("THAT WOMAN" as an expression didn't really seem to fit there.) Would she be the same bitter twisted person in Deirdre's position? Well maybe. hard to say isn't it. We all like to think we'd be more civilized. (But believe me this kind of emotional wreckage isn't always easy to recover from. I had been know to throw a hurtful comment or play a very to the point song on the stereo to convey my hurt and anger to unwilling ears)

Later when Emily nips next door to get her knitting Tracy calls and when THAT WOMAN picks up the phone she has a little chat to her rather than Ken (should I start calling him HIM in the interest of equal opportunity? we'll see how it fits in. Tracy doesn't really call her dad HIM so it won't always, will it) She tells T.W. that she's already bored and wants to come... But Emily catches her on the phone so she hangs up quickly. Oh Tracy should you really? Why not? So what if it was Wendeh she was talking to? She goes to play some "teps" in her room.

In the Rovers, Bet and Gail are reassuring Ivy that surely the court will understand why Don did what he did (let me remind you, he took the law into his own hands and knocked about a mere child for stealing his car and almost letting Don take the heat for a hit and run). I don't think the court takes kindly to that sort of thing. The Barnes' are discussing what they will do with their winnings, Des's tip paid off and the horse came in at 4 to 1! But is he sure Kevin put the bet on? He's such a square, acts 44 instead of 24. yeah but that Sally's got a little gleam in her eye doesn't she, Des admires. Hey you!

Did he or didn't he? Kevin comes home from work and Sally righteously tells him she disapproves of gambling. So she's heard has she? There wasn't anything shady about it but Sally thinks Des shouldn't have had the nerve to ask Kev to do such a thing on his behalf. She changes her tune pretty quick and gets that gleam in her eye when she sees the wad of £2,500 that Kevin has for Des. And the £100 he won for them on his own bet!

Emily tries to make peace with Tracy but she defies Emily and leaves the house to go to Ken's place. Come back little Sheba, um.. Tracy!

Writer ADELE ROSE Director IAN WHITE Bitparts: Nurse MAGGIE FOX

Tuesday (3044, 16 March 1990)
Yes, yes she just arrived, Ken tells a frantic Emily on the phone. With her overnight bag, I might add... I didn't realize she had it when she left last scene yesterday so obviously she plans on staying and indeed, she does ask if she can. Ken tells Emily he will talk to Tracy first and get back to her. Ken does seem inclined to let her in spite of Emily's objections, it's the one thing Deirdre was very specific about. Ken very very mildly scolds Tracy for running out on Emily and she'll have to apologise when next she sees her. Okay. Tracy flips those big brown eyes at her dad and asks can she stay, Wendy says ok. Well what Wendy actually said was it was all right if her father agreed. Tracy thinks her mother never has to know but Ken quickly corrects her on that point. She'll have to know (when she gets back two days hence I'll bet is what he's thinking). It does matter what Tracy wants, yes it does and ok, I guess you can stay. That was easy. He'll have to go around to Emily's to tell her what's going on though.

In the pub Phyllis seems to be having a whispered conversation with Alec. At first I thought she might have been the worse for a drink or two but apparently not. She tells Alec about Percy and about Mrs. Bishop having her hands full with Tracy so she's off to let Emily know she's quite willing to help out taking care of Percy. Fine, Alec says. (Like he cares, is what he's thinking). She leaves as Martin, Gail and the Webster's arrive and join Des and Steph over in the corner. Des gets his winnings from the horse off Kevin right there in the bar as Mike and Alec's eyes pop out at the sight of so much cash changing hands. Alec grumps that he hopes there's nowt shady going on in his bar but Martin, who's buying drinks for the group, tells him not to worry, nobody can tell it's not real. Alec, not completely sure he's been had on, checks the bill Martin gave him to pay for the drinks up against a light! Alma sympathises with Mike who remembers when he was flush like that. He always thought he'd end up a millionaire. Alma jokes that she always thought she'd end up married to one! Des gives Kevin a bit of money to pay for some drinks as a thanks for the favour even though Kevin has told him his sick car needs major cylinder surgery. (believe me that's a big job. I had one done a week before the warrantee expired thank Heavens). Kevin and Martin admit that they too put a bob or two on the horse successfully.

Ken arrives at Emily's as she's serving Phyllis a cup of tea. They tell Phyllis they must speak privately so she goes off understanding. Ken tells Emily that Tracy is staying with him and it doesn't seem to matter much how Emily feels, she was responsible and though he says he doesn't want her stuck in the middle (HA! Then WHY is he putting her there!) this is what Tracy wants. She feels he's taking advantage of Deirdre's absence and why should he let a 13 year old dictate to him in a situation she barely understands. Always the Voice Of Reason, REmily (a woman after my own heart!). But the Selfish Prat doesn't care what an awkward position he's put her in, the Good Mrs. Bishop, friend and neighbour for 30 years. Well she's going to have to call Deirdre now and let her know what's happened, she owes her that much. Ken looks at her with the kind of expression you use when you want to say "don't you dare" but he says nowt and leaves.

Emily gets hold of Deirdre at her hotel and tells her what happened, apologising all over the place for letting her down. Not her fault but Deirdre goes snaky at the thought. When will she ever learn that she can't trust Ken!!

The Barnes' have gone back to the Webster's house for another drink and Steph starts something by asking Sally if she's got her own bank account separate from their joint money. She is quite surprised when Sally says she doesn't and Kevin says there's no need, she doesn't want one. But when Steph rattles the cage a little more as is her wont, by asking Sally where would she be if Kevin ran off with another woman and she didn't have her own money, Sally decides maybe it would be a good idea. Nice one Steph. (which is exactly what did happen when Kev ran off with another woman in 1997 and he took a fit when she withdrew money from their account to pay the bills and had to get a job to make ends meet) After they leave though, she admits to Kevin she's not really all that bothered about having her own account. Good, he peeps. Good???!!! Well, no he didn't mean it like that. What would he do if she did have one, he wouldn't like it would he? She ponders that maybe Steph has a point after all. Now let's not start something here, Kevin asks. (what, a trend? an argument? what?)

Ken and Wendy get ready to go to bed when the phone rings. Sure enough it's Deirdre. She doesn't want her daughter anywhere near THAT WOMAN, she must go back home. Now. No chance, Tracy wants to stay and under the circumstances with you not here to take care of her, he thought it best to (cause trouble) let her stay... (oh yeah, make it sound like Deirdre's neglecting the kid on top of everything else you ... well I can't bring myself to say that particular word. Fill in the blank will you?) He says Tracy is sound asleep and he's not going to wake her up now. Deirdre harasses and harangues a little longer and hangs up in the middle of one of Ken's packaged offense/defences.

But she's back bright and early in the morning. After dropping of her cases, she checks in with Emily who apologises again. Not her fault she is assured. She determines the proper sequence of events, that it was still early when Emily called and asked Ken to bring her home, Tracy wasn't in bed at that time. She's off to confront them just as the door knocker sounds. It's Percy returning from the hospital by ambulance so Deirdre goes off.

He tells Mrs. Bishop that since he was allowed to come home, he wanted to come as early as possible and the nurses kindly obliged. I'll bet. He knew she would be too happy to take care of him. oh, yes. of course. She leaves him in the wheelchair and goes into the next room. They'll have to move his bed downstairs temporarily and he mentions that she'll have to do a few things for him that a man usually likes to do for himself. She freezes, back to him, like a deer caught in the headlights. Like? she asks cautiously. Oh, his shopping. She sighs, of course she would be happy to do it for him. And there's another thing that's rather delicate to have to mention. She goes white. Perhaps he'd better tell her. Well since he can't go up stairs to the bathroom... Yes? Well he'll have to wash himself from time to time in the kitchen and .. yes? (I think her eyes are about to roll back in her head) well she'll understand if he has to close the kitchen door for privacy. Emily practically sinks to the floor in relief, of course. Absolutely. She also makes the mistake of mentioning Phyllis's offer to help do for him and he gets angry again, saying it was her that did all this to him and if she comes round, he'll run over her!

In the garage Mark and Ken discuss Des's good luck and his carefree attitude toward life's good luck and bad (ie the car trouble). Kevin wishes he could be like that but he worries about everything, even when there's nothing to worry about, he figures it's too good to last. Mark chuckles and points out that at least he doesn't have to worry about a wife like Steph, who's faster than that motor there!

That wife is in the shop admitting to Sally that unless it can be microwaved or boiled in a bag, she doesn't know how to cook! They have a chuckle and Steph leaves as Don comes in. He drops off a grocery list to be filled and cheers himself up with a chocolate bar. I couldn't see if it was Cadbury's. He explains to Sally about the court case for assaulting the lad that stole his car and doesn't realize that Mike has overheard it all. Mike asks if Don has a good barrister and Don huffs that he's sure Mike is taking plenty of pleasure at his misfortune and stalks out. Mike turns to Sally and asks what did he say? Did he say he wasn't sympathetic? Poor old Don, he starts to grin and then breaks out into a very satisfied chuckle, well, well, well.

Deirdre arrives at the house of THAT WOMAN just as Tracy is leaving for school. She insists Tracy come home with her now (and what about the truant officer, Councillor Barlow?). She rakes Ken over the coals, accusing him of waiting until her back was turned and enticing Tracy to him. Well he's not taking her daughter away from her. She has basically the same thing to say to THAT WOMAN, telling her she stole her husband and she's welcome to him but she's not getting her daughter too. Wendy keeps a low profile sensibly. Deirdre then insists, orders, begs and pleads that Tracy come with her NOW but Tracy defies her outright, although she's hanging on to her father for support (hasn't developed that teenage spiteful attitude yet that so many 13 year olds have) Deirdre can't make her see reason and though I would have pulled her by the wrist along, Deirdre just turns and walks down the drive in tears.

Writer PETER WHALLEY Director IAN WHITE Bitparts: Ambulance Man OWEN AARONOVITCH

Wednesday (3045, 19 March 1990)
Des and Step launch a plan. Who's in a frenzy? What was Tracy's plan?

Percy is peeking from behind waving curtains and sees Deirdre stumble home alone. He informs Emily who was just brewing up and launches into disapproval of divorce and how people today do what they want and beggar the children. Emily arranges herself hastily, scolding him for spying from behind the curtains as if he didn't have anything better to do. (he doesn't!) She scarpers off to see Deirdre to find out what happened and finds Deirdre shouting in frustration at her solicitor who was trying to get her to see reason. Let Tracy sort this out for herself. That's not good enough for Deirdre who has worked herself up into a frenzy of hate, hurt, spite, resentment and any other negative emotion you can think of. How can Tracy decide for herself with Ken ramming his opinions down her throat. And then there's THAT BITCH! (Don't worry, I'm not about to change her title but you get the picture!) She snatches up a few photos and rips them into little pieces, while regretting bitterly that she went away at all. Emily tries soothing her and suggesting that she had to keep up a normal routine. If she lived life around the problem, Tracy wouldn't see what's normal. NORMAL! Nothing's normal anymore. Emily also suggests that Tracy is testing her and her feelings but Deirdre is in full blown spin and there's just no seeing reason.

Des and Steph are having a bit of breakfast and discussing Sally and Kevin, aren't they a proper Mr. and Mrs.? Probably childhood sweethearts, Steph speculates, never been separated. Steph thinks Kevin fancies her but Des scoffs at the thought, she isn't the be all and end all to every man alive and anyway, thought she said Kev and Sall were inseparable. She decides she's going to use her considerable wiles to get him to hurry up the car repairs. Des realizes he's late for work, she didn't remind him! Course not, she's not his keeper! He scurries out, in a panic because not only is he late, he has no car and will have to leg it! She smiles and sits on top of the counter eating yogurt.

Ken and THAT WOMAN drop Tracy off to school which is already in. They tell her to lie and say they slept in. (Good practice, jerk! But then he's so good at lying, it's second nature!) He arranges to meet her on her dinner break from school at 12:30 and she runs off inside. He then apologises to Wendy for the scene on the doorstep that morning. Yes Deirdre certainly can entertain the neighbours. Ken smarmily says if Deirdre chooses to spend her precious time off on a council binge and Tracy happens to form her own conclusions about her mother's actions with no help from him, well, what's a dad to do? Wendy warns him to tread very carefully, Tracy needs her mother more than she or he realizes but he has that snotty grin on his face and says Trust Me! (Trust me! You can feel triumphant and self satisfied now but Pride goeth before a big, big fall!)

Steph arrives at the garage looking very pretty in pink. She moves in close asking Kevin isn't there anyway she could have her car before tomorrow, a working girl on her day off??? Her arms slink up around his neck, Please Kevin? For me? Oh, well alright, we'll see if it can be ready this aft. Mark approaches quietly then clears his throat to let them know he's there and offering to go drive around the block again to give them a little time alone! Kevin jumps 10 feet and stutters and stumbles as Steph leaves Kevin to Mark's merciless teasing. No, she's a happily married woman! Mark thinks if that's happily married, he'd hate to see bored stupid!

Phyllis comes round to Number 3 with a potted plant for Percy and knocks on the door. Percy is half way up the stairs and has to struggle back down on his bum and by the time he gets to the door she's left and gone into the Rover's for a drink. Bet reckons Emily might have had him out for a walk. Alec makes a nasty joke at Percy's expense and Phyllis defends him as an invalid. Phhtt! Alec is of the opinion that Percy has done for invalids what Jack Duckworth has done for the working class, the only way he'd be an invalid is if he'd broke his jaw, not his foot! Bet makes Phyllis smile, telling her Alec doesn't have an ounce of romance in him! She even has to wear red upstairs to get him to notice her.

What Alec has noticed is Don come in and serves him. Don launches into the boring "It's not fair I have to go to court" routine, telling Alec it was only a scuffle though Alec reminds him that's not how the law sees it. No, and then there's the money for the solicitor, he should be able to defend himself, after all, he's innocent. Alec whispers to Bet that even he's never been that naive! Steph and Des are having a drink and she tells him she's getting the car back later this afternoon but he thinks that means she failed in her mission. NO way, stick with me kid, she says, have a little faith, she'll have Kevin seeing the real meaning of life before too long. He grins at her in a challenge, how much do you want to bet!!! And the trap is set.

Tracy comes down a school staircase at dinnertime to see her mother there waiting for her. She rips into Tracy demanding to know why she did it, what's she playing at, she never tried to stop her seeing her father, did she? She says she didn't want to stop with Auntie Emily, she wanted to stop with her dad. Didn't she ever think about what her mother wanted? What about my point of view? Tracy accuses her mother of not seeing it from her point of view. Dad misses her. Deirdre interrupts with a nasty "He made his bed, he can lie on it" but Tracy says she misses her dad too and she's about to meet him for dinner. Fine, but tell him that she hopes he's satisfied!

They sit on a bench and have their butties, Tracy telling her Dad what went on with her mom just then. Ken in the guise of pretending to be fair, says her mother is just a bit shortsighted just now. Tracy agrees, they all make mistakes to which he heartily agrees but then she starts explaining what she meant. We all make mistakes but it doesn't mean forever, does it? He made a mistake but he could change his mind and come back home again couldn't he? He could get back together with Mum? Seems her plan was to see him and then he'd realize what a mistake he made by leaving his family and change his mind and come back. He's shocked! Is that what this was all about?

Emily is in the Kabin. Rita is telling her that Mavis is driving her spare with all this house business. Emily sympathises but has her own troubles, Percy being the least of them and proceeds to tell her about what happened with Tracy and Deirdre. She doesn't see what Deirdre could do about it without making the situation worse!

At the Garage Kev makes Mark stay in the garage rather than test drive a motor when Steph arrives to pick up her car. Does he want payment by cash, cheque or (suggestively) what?? Whatever (much to Mark's amusement). She lifts one of them long legs to balance her chequebook on it as she writes out a draft. He goes back to a car and bends over the motor so she brushes up behind him to hand him the cheque and thank him and slides back out the door, leaving Kevin to further ribald jokes from Mark.

Phyllis finally catches up with Percy and is in the house visiting to his consternation. She is in the middle of a criticism about Mrs. Bishop who, Phyllis feels, has now got Percy just where she wants him. (Guess she feels all women are after Percy! No wonder she's so aggressive!) He just wants a bit of peace and quiet but she's arranged for a surprise. Don and Martin arrive to move his bed downstairs! Emily arrives in the middle of all the furniture moving and watches in amazement and then gets angry that Mrs. Pearce stuck her nose in. She can manage her own household thank you! Phyllis was only trying to help but is taken no notice of.

Rita has a visit with Deirdre who is telling her (deceptively) calmly how she struggled to bring Tracy up after she and Ray Langton finished and how it took her a long time to make the decision for Ken to adopt Tracy. But now she wishes she had never allowed it! never never never!!! Now here she is, can't say or do a think right in Tracy's eyes but Ken can do no wrong thought he isn't pushing but is still firmly backing her up. He gets what he wants without ever having to get off the fence. Story of his flamin' life! Now now, Rita hushes her, if any of us knew what the future had in store for us, we'd never budge off the spot! She tells Deirdre that Alan wrecked their lives but Jenny would hear no wrong against him even now. So what next? Bide her time. It's NOT FAIR! (tough. get a life. get two in case one runs out! DEAL WITH IT!) Tracy is all she has left, she moans endlessly.

Sally feeds spaghetti to Mark and Kevin. Mark asks for ketchup, the peasant! He also makes a few veiled comments about their female customers, like Steph but though Kevin is practically kicking him under table, Sally doesn't realize owt is wrong and tells Kevin Des invited them all for drinks later in the Rovers. Kevin's tongue has been swallowed down his gullet!

Tracy is having her tea with Ken and THAT WOMAN. She helps T.W. do the washing up and is asked if her talk with dad helped. She's very understanding but a little less so when Tracy admits she told her dad she wanted him to come home and get back together with her mother. And what did he say? Well we don't get to hear the answer in so many words but...

A bit later, Deirdre is sitting on the sofa, more cut up photos in front of her. A knock on the door barely raises her eyes, sunk into depression as she is. She hears the key in the lock as Ken brings Tracy home. (must have been Tracy's key since Dreary changed the locks, remember?) He looks rather sheepish which he does well. Tracy apologises to her mother and Ken apologises to her as well, he really thought it was what Tracy wanted (but he doesn't tell her at that point what she REALLY wanted). Deirdre hugs Tracy in tears. Ken hopes it won't prevent him seeing Tracy and Deirdre says they won't let it but he must see her alone. He agrees, if that's what she wants. Was there ever any question?????

At the Rovers that night, Kevin, Steph, Des, Sally and Mark are snuggled into a booth with Kevin looking distinctly uncomfortable with Steph beside him. Des tells the tale of the gambling addicts that come into the bookies every day. It's a risk, adrenalin, isn't it? You get into the habit of taking risks, Steph says, and soon you can't stop. All the while she's feeling up Kevin's leg! Kevin gulps and clutches his lager close to his chest within tightly folded arms. Serious body language!


Thursday (3046, 21 March 1990)
What's Tracy worried about? How is Ken like Derek? Steph pulls another one out of her bag of tricks.

Sally gives Kevin his morning toast and comments to him about how much she likes the Barnes's. They make her feel like anything's possible, not tethered to their lives as if they could pack it all in and get on a boat and sail away. (why am I getting deja vu here?). Kevin scowls and says they're both bubbleheads, especially her but Sally says that's what she likes about her. (oh, yeah, all my best friends are bubbleheads. Not. though a few of them are rather impulsive to say the least) Nope, Says Kevin, you just never know where you stand with her.

Where she stands is in front of a mirror, fixing her face for her day at the perfume counter as she and Des discuss furthering their plans for Kevin. She admits to him that she was stroking Kevin's thigh under the table which makes him laugh out loud. He never cracked, probably because Sally was there, and Sally never twigged did she? They've been married too long and Steph makes Des promise that they will never take each other for granted. At least we'll never be bored, Steph says she'd rather be dead than bored.

Ken is agonizing about Deirdre's wishes that Tracy spend time only with him and not THAT WOMAN but T.W. doesn't mind and reasonably thinks Deirdre may change her mind over time. Life isn't all nice and cosy as you would have it, broken marriages have jagged edges she philosophises. The conversation turns to work and she mentions that she would love to try to write something sometime, would be more interesting than selling advertising. He is surprised. He never knew that about her. She astutely nails him as someone who pigeonholed her from the first as a respectable spinster heading for a pension plan. (he does do that, you know, puts a woman in a slot and doesn't think she's got any more sides to her than what he wants to see or wants her to be and she's got his number. Funny though, she wants him anyway.) Now look at her, scarlet woman living in sin with a married man.

Deirdre is examining Tracy's worn out socks and decides a shopping trip is in order and they should also splurge on something nice for themselves besides socks and knickers. Grayt. But can we afford it? Deirdre looks at Tracy in surprise, of course we can. Where did that come from? She tells Tracy not to worry about money, she's got a job and her father does too. Wendy is bound to be footing her own bills so he isn't supporting two households like her friend Fiona from school. Tracy mentions that Fiona can see her dad whenever she wants. Yeah, well. Every divorce is different and she can't help the way she feels. ok? Ok. And she reminds Tracy not to worry about money, neither she nor her dad would ever see her go without.

Ken greets his boss, Jeff Richmond on the staircase at the office. Jeff asks about an advertiser Ken was supposed to be chasing down and reacts negatively when told Ken cancelled the appointment due to personal crises. He asks Ken to meet him in his office at dinnertime. I think he's thinking this personal stuff is interfering a lot lately.

Mavis is clucking over her dark gray carpet sample with Rita and Liz, wondering if she's made the right choice. Rita is about at the end of her tether you can tell though she doesn't quite lose her temper. Liz laughs and thinks dark is better anyway and with her lads tramping through the house with their muddy boots, they should just varnish the floor and have done with it. Only a week to go! Liz says yes, moving is stressful but she's so glad she's finally got her own little house.

Mrs. Bishop is serving Percy a cup of instant coffee which he appreciates, especially since she goes to all this trouble. He's not used to being dependant on anyone. He pessimistically worries about broken bones at his age causing complications (a very valid worry really. It does happen) but Emily reassures him that he is doing just fine. Ivy comes to the door and asks after Percy. Emily grimaces. He's doing fine. She's sinking into depression deeper every day. Ivy's brought over some homemade cakes for Percy as a treat. He thanks her but declines one as he doesn't want to gain weight while he's laid up. Ivy thinks he should get out in the wheelchair for some fresh air. He doesn't think that's a good idea. He'd feel too much like them old men in the park he sees, all rugged up and drooling! Ivy gives up, well it would do him more good than lying there dwelling on things. Other people have their problems too you know. She gets up and leaves.

In the Rovers, Alec tries to get Don to cheer up, he's got a face like a wet weekend and is putting the customers off. His court case is tomorrow, he thinks he might go down, six months inside you'll see, as he mopes off to the corner. Phyllis leans over to Sally and says he won't get sent down. But then they don't like people taking the law into their own hands. Sally doesn't think it's fair that he had to get his car stolen but he's the one arrested. Ah, yes, but, Phyllis proclaims, if everyone got what they wanted, she'd be Mrs. Percy Sugden! Rita vents to Bet how Mavis is driving her spare with the new house and all. Bet takes Mavis's side though, after waiting all these years to get a husband and a house, it's bound to go to her head isn't it? Rita wonders how life can be so see-saw. Just a few years ago she thought she had it all.

Ken confronts his boss who keeps turning down all Ken's innovative advertising ideas. Ken loses his temper for it and asks how they can even work together when Jeff doesn't respect any of his ability. Well actually...It comes out that Jeff feels rather lumbered with Ken as he came with the package deal with the Gazette (I'd feel lumbered with that git under any deal!). He had no choice. Well, Ken is highly insulted. He doesn't see how they can manage to work together now that that's all out. So what is he getting at, Jeff inquires, is he resigning? If that's what it comes to, yes! But Jeff calls his bluff and says there you have it. You might as well clear your desk out today! Ken's eyes bulge and his chin drops! Later he encounters Wendy on the staircase. She's off to see the advertiser he blew off the day before and he tells her Jeff fired him. But he backs down and then says that Jeff manipulated him into having no other choice. (Just like Derek! Bluff called!) Jeff passes between them but if looks could kill he'd be rolling back down the stairs! Ken promises to talk to Wendy later.

Stephanie brings a pink lamp to the garage and implores Kevin to please put a plug on it, it was a wedding gift and she wants to use it in the bedroom. She loves a soft light in the bedroom, doesn't he??? Des is useless at that sort of thing, oh, please Kev? Oh, alright. She's all over him like white on rice. How could he refuse, I can't see how! She says she hopes she didn't embarrass him the night before, but she's a toucher when she likes someone! He backs off and she leaves, smiling.

Phyllis must have bullied Percy because we see her wheeling him out of the house just as Liz and Deirdre are coming up the street together. They greet him and ask how he is and oh isn't it nice out for some air. He thinks they'll just go down the street and back but Phyllis has a nice walk planned. Liz accepts Deirdre's invite for a cup of tea and a new friendship is bonded!

Inside they talk about kids and falling out with their children. They agree that kids today question things more than they ever did and Deirdre says Tracy is more mature at 13 than she was at 17 (or 34 or 42 or..) That will help her deal with all this then, Liz thinks. Yeah, but what about lost childhood? Oh well things are back on an even keel now at least.

Tracy is walking home with Steve MacDonald and she's telling him about how she doesn't understand what happened, Wendy isn't nearly as pretty as her mom so why does her dad not want her mom anymore? Steve reckons his dad is more interested in the army than in other women but believes his dad still fancies his mom. Tracy says she'll get married and stay married, no divorce for her. As they move away from the cross walk we see Percy and Phyllis there. The poor crossing guard (why on earth do they call her a Lollipop Lady??? She's not exactly luring the children across the street with candy now is she?) Anyway, she asks if they are coming across but they're just watching (spending the time of day?) She looks at them and you know she thinks they're barmy. But Percy has just wanted to check out his replacement and make sure she's doing a good job. Phyllis thinks she is and later in the park she asks him why he goes there if it upsets him. She struggles to push him up an incline but lets go in anger when he tells her he faces up to his problems unlike her, afraid to face the truth, mutton dressed as lamb, that's her! He hollers as the chair starts to roll back a few inches!

Deirdre and Tracy are chatting with Mavis and Rita in the Kabin about Mavis's new house and general things. Deirdre offers to take Tracy out for her tea, pizza or chips or something. GRayt! But can we.. yes we can afford it, now off home to clean up. Tracy skips off happily and Deirdre has a last few words with Rita and Mavis, telling them that Tracy seems worried about money all of a sudden since the breakup. She always used to take money for granted but not now. Though, she admits, she can't kid her, things have changed haven't they. Still she's still got her job and so has Ken and he was never stingy where Tracy is concerned. (Things change, all right!)

Des comes home and backs off Steph who's wearing a perfume from the counter where she works but he doesn't like it. It reeks! Goes with the job. Kevin arrives to return the lamp and only stays long enough for Steph to stick her wrist under his nose to smell her perfume. He thinks it's alright, and leaves. Des is amused. He put a plug on that lamp when they first got it. All she could think of on short notice. Would have worked if he hadn't come home. Don't kid yourself, Des tells her, he waited for me to come home, Kevin is petrified of you. Yeah, she agrees, but he's fascinated and all.

Emily and Mavis discuss Percy and Phyllis's adventure in the Rovers this evening. Apparently they are playing silent draughts at the house because they aren't speaking. He accused her of nearly letting him roll down the hill to the lake. Phyllis confessed to Emily she was sorely tempted though! Next to them, Don is griping about his court case and having to follow orders. Ivy's that is, to keep his temper, keep his mouth shut, dress nicely in court. Nicely? What's wrong with me work clothes? Ivy sighs and asks Mavis and Emily why are men such slobs? Oh, my Derek isn't , he takes pride in always being dapperly dressed. One of the things she first noticed about him. Don reckons if he dressed nattily will he get off then? No chance, cock, Bet comments, they'll do you for impersonating a gentleman then!

Ken and THAT WOMAN discuss the events of the day. He knows Jeff never wanted him there in the first place and guesses that as soon as he's gone, Jeff will recycle all Ken's ideas, the ones he turned down, and present them to Ted Lucas the publisher as his own. Well he's not going. What? Well his resignation isn't on paper after all, he's decided to go straight to the top, Ted Lucas, over Jeff's head. Jeff is threatened by Ken, knows he could do his job better. We'll see.

Writer ADELE ROSE Director SARAH HARDING Bitparts: Jeff Richmond MALCOM SCATES Lollipop Lady JEAN STEVENS

Friday (3047, 23 March 1990)
Ken's pride goeth before his fall. Don gets done. Percy gets Alec.

Deirdre sees Tracy off to school with a kiss and change of scarf while Ken and THAT WOMAN discuss his decision to resign. Jeff Richmond was working him into this position all along. So why give him the satisfaction of quitting? Perhaps when they both cool off, she suggests, should I speak to him for you? No. He's blocked al Ken's ideas, he's afraid Ken can do his job better than he can and Ken's determined to talk to Ted the owner of the paper. They have an understanding, Ted and Ken (the old boy's network is implied) and even he thinks Ken can do Jeff's job better though no, he hasn't said in so many words. (So you're putting words in someone else's mouth again are you?)

Kevin is ranting about Steph to Mark who thinks Steph really wants "it" from Kevin. Kevin dismisses that though Mark reminds him that women want "it" to you know. She's right good looking isn't she? Kevin loyally defends Sally as right good looking and there's no paint, when you look at Sall, you see Sall and she's nice too, isn't she? Well, isn't she? Yeah, Mark half heartedly agrees. I think he likes Sall but let's face it, she isn't a fast little number like Steph, is she? He says to Kevin, You aren't half married are you? Yeah, and he doesn't half like it too. Still, Mark insists, it's nice to have someone fancy you isn't it (well, yes, I would have to agree with that). Kevin does too and says yes, but not in front of your wife! They both have a laugh and get back to work.

Percy begins a day of awkward collisions on his new found quest. (more about that in a minute). He knocks over the milk bottles on his way out the door, almost knocking over Don and Ivy who are dressed up for court. It's not right, Don should have a medal, Percy says, not have to go to court for assault and offers himself as a character witness. Couldn't get him up the steps of Town Hall! Right, Percy writes that up in his notebook. He's been making notes about places that are not wheelchair accessible since he's been forced to be in one. Got three pages full already! He wheels himself, wobbling down the pavement toward Alf's shop as Ivy gives Don some last minute orders, behave, keep your mouth shut and act humble, sorry! Don practices saying he's sorry while getting into the car, ad libbing a few lines along the way. "Sorry! I'm Sorry! Very sorry your Honour! Anything you want licking your Honour..." Honest! That's what he said! Cracked me up!

Down the road Alec comes out of the shop and topples over Percy and the chair and lands on the pavement, breaking his jar of mayonnaise and scraping several inches of bark off his shins! They have a holler at each other for not watching and Sally bends concerned over Mr. Sugden, blaming Alec for telling stupid jokes instead of watching where he was going.

Ken spends all morning draped over a chair trying to get ahold of Ted Lucas and waiting for his endless calls to be returned to no avail. He is filled with his own importance and is sure Lucas will make the time to talk to him but that's not going to happen apparently so he decides to come down to the office to see Ted in person, and orders the secretary to fit him into Ted's schedule! Guess the old boy network isn't as tight as you think! Derek thought the old boy network would support his position too after he had his bluff called, resigning over an unwanted job reassignment but remember where that got him? Selling rubber doggy poo. Oh OH I wish I could have the chance to see Ken Barlow selling that! Please please please?

Deirdre and Liz have a light lunch of barm cakes and cheese and get to know each other better. Deirdre says she's managing all right for money, Ken isn't stingy where Tracy is concerned and she's doing as much council work as possible to pick up expenses. Yeah, Liz says but what about otherwise? She almost left Jim once but didn't fancy being without a man. (and therein lies the root of Liz's personality doesn't it? Well, lets face it she never got to find out what life was like without did she, married and babies at 16) Deirdre says it's surprising how easy it is to get used to though, doing what you want when you want, only herself and Tracy to mind. She's quite enjoying it and doesn't cry herself to sleep anymore.

Kevin and Mark arrive at the Rovers at dinner. Steph blows a kiss Kevin's way but he ignores her so Mark scurries over to help her with her shopping. He's going to try his chances I think but even though he tries every lame line he can think of, Steph blows him off cold. Pity that, Mark is really kind of cute in a way. Later she tells Des about Mark's pathetic attempts at getting a leg up and they have a chuckle over it. She reports that Kev is coming along, but Des doesn't think so. Sally's ok but could do more with herself he thinks, but Steph says they like each other anyway. Not if she finds out you're after her husband!

Emily comes to Number 1 looking for Percy who seems to have been out all day. Liz says she knows he was at the shop earlier because they were still talking about it when she got there! Deirdre says Percy makes quite an impact in that chair! In more ways than one!

Percy and Phyllis, with Alma's help, are struggling to get him and chair installed in the cafe. After all that, all he wants is a cup of tea. Just a cup of tea? Oh am I taking up too much room in me chair? fine thing that! No no, ok, just a cup of tea. Phyllis tells him about an acquaintance in a wheelchair who's quite cheerful. Percy doesn't plan to be cheerful and the ever hopeful and upbeat Phyllis must be worn down because she comments that it's been noticed! Even Phyllis has her patience tested by Percy now and then, I'm glad to see, and she lets him know. However that doesn't stop him. He is on a quest, he's going to be the voice, the champion for all those in wheelchairs, fighting for better access to buildings and shops and such. He later tells Rita her shop was the worst he'd been in, small and cramped and offers to check out the new place. She puts him off and says she'll make suggestions to the builders. He commends Mavis's new house as easier to get to. A worn out Phyllis pushes him out the door while Mavis wonders if she can get Derek to build some stairs or a moat around their house to put Percy off from visiting! There's a holler from outside and Alec limps in. Percy's done him in again on the same leg as this morning!

Back in the cafe, Ivy and Don arrive for plates of sausage and chips after court. Don confesses he's been convicted for assault but given a £50 fine with an additional £120 for court costs on the lad's behalf adding insult to injury and now he's got a criminal record for life! But at least he didn't mouth off to the magistrate!

Ken finally catches up with Ted Lucas, in the loo! Isn't that a bit of a come down? I love it! Ken lords it by implying that Jeff knows he can do the job better and goes on how Jeff never accepted any of his ideas for the paper, unsolicited as Ted points out. He points out that he and Ted agreed that he should have some measure of creative control over that part of the paper as part of the takeover deal but Ted takes some blame for that. He has complete confidence in Jeff, he realizes that Ken thinks of himself as an editor but Jeff is a journalist. This is really between Ken and Jeff. Ken knows when he's beat and attacks Ted, likening him to Pilate, washing his hands (in the bathroom) of the whole issue (much like DP did with Derek not wanting to interfere with Derek's supervisor's decision to accept Derek's resignation) Ted says it's too bad he let it come to ultimatums. Ken has the rude affront to correct him, telling him the plural is "ultimata". Oh, I see and you gave Jeff the benefit of your superior education as well as your superior editorial opinions? Well he doesn't feel so bad now, someone like Ken is (using big words right back at Ken) erudite enough to be able to find another job suitable to his talents.

Back home Ken tells Wendy he's celebrating being over 50 and not allowing anyone to treat him like something they wiped of their shoe. Oh, I see. It's like that is it? He tell her that Ted and Jeff were in cahoots all along to get him to resign (that's right, deep into denial as usual). He's bought steak and beats it to a pulp with a tenderizer mallet! They continue to discuss the situation and he implies that she should put forth a grand loyal gesture and quit with him! She can't quit, one of them has to work to pay the bills. If you say so, he supposes. He doesn't really expect her to quit does he? (I hear the "chink" of the first brick of their tenuous relationship break away) No of course not but it will be awkward when she has to work for his replacement won't it? No actually, she informs him of a reorganization. She'll be newly responsible for a new page, a consumer guide. He is gobsmacked. Jeff is taking one of his ideas, one of many that he rejected, and turned it into one of his own as predicted and will have Wendy doing Ken's job! Not your job! Not yet. And for less money. She will be picking up bits of his job of course, right, he interrupts and more and more of it down the road until she'll be doing it for less salary than his. Not a chance. they'll have to pay her the going rate (for doing his job!). Oh, I see, he drips, thank you, that's very nice to know! (chink!)

In the Rovers this Friday night, the Websters and Martin and Gail are playing darts and having fun. Rita and Bet look on with a smile. Bet thinks she and Rita ought to get themselves two young lads, it's done wonders for Gail! Emily comes in with Percy who settles by the bar and notes that it's far too high for him. Alec sneers that it's law. Yes, the Awkward Customer's Protection Act of 1881, prevents the landlord from coming over and throttling them! A bit later the Barnes join the other young couples and Des sucks Martin and Mark in to an old trick involving blowing a toothpick across and dish of water, ending up by each blowing a face full of water into each other and all over the floor. They take the party to a booth and a laughing conversation ensues with Sally saying that Kev will do anything with enough drink in him and he agrees, relating his marriage proposal to her with a tot of rum in him though Sally corrects him as it was beer with fish and chips. Ah yes, I remember it well. Alec struts around looking for mops to allow Des to clean up the and ends up falling over Percy yet again, the third time. He pulls poor Percy around and ends up shoving him out the door, barring him, "On your bike!" (rather appropriate, well it's got wheels too!) as Ivy and Don come in wondering what's going on? When they discover Alec has barred an old soldier in a wheelchair, they leave too for the Flying Horse. Right barred! Barred! Bet shakes her head, that's going to look good in the papers now isn't it. Alec doesn't care!!

Writer JULIAN ROACH Director Bitparts: Ted Lucas

Originally transmitted: 26, 28 & 30 March; 2 & 4 April 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 30 March - Friday 3 April 1998
Episode Numbers: 3048 - 3052

Monday (3048, 26 March 1990)
Who's having a hissy fit? Who gets taken for a ride? Where's Kevin's party spirit?

Des and Steph chat about the cost of the party, Des thinks it's a bit obtuse that he has to pay out for a party so that Steph can win a bet...off him! She's confident that she'll win the bet, that Kevin fancies her even if he won't admit it. Just has to soften him with a bit of rum is all.

Kevin has told Sally that he isn't going to the party, but he won't say why, he just doesn't want to go. Doesn't like parties. Yes you do, you love parties, Sally scolds. She just doesn't understand why he doesn't want to go. She decides she doesn't want to go alone so thank you very much for making her miserable and all. He's not growing old, he's growing dead!

Ken has himself worked up to a high moral hissy fit. What kind of person takes the job of their lover after he gets sacked! She protests it isn't his job, well nearly it is! Not at all! She soothes him telling him she doesn't have near the talent or ability to do his job, he was the inspiration for the whole department, she's more or less just an errand person, a dogsbody by comparison. He is temporarily mollified until she asks what he plans to do that day. What does she suggest? Oh, lists, calls, letters... Oh, gee, I hadn't thought of that! (smack) She gives up and leaves with him sighing a great tempest of (hot) air into his teacup.

Mavis and Derek are selecting a variety of light bulbs for the new house in Alf's shop. Derek is being petulant about Mavis's request for a low wattage bulb for the bedroom and Alf agrees, some houses are that dark you can't find the furniture! Oh but you don't want bright lights in the bedroom, Sally says from Mavis's side of the debate. Mavis says Derek would have two fluorescent tubes over the bed if he could. Well the better to find his socks he mutters. You might find your socks but you wouldn't find her, she'd be sleeping elsewhere! he has to get off but runs over a list of things she mustn't for get, the gas man, electric,... Yes yes, it's all written down Derek, off you get. Steph drops in with a list for the party supplies and Mavis cheerily greets her new neighbour with a bright Hello. Steph gives her the "old granny" look and ignores her (don't think she realizes that's the new neighbours yet) so Mavis takes her shopping and leaves. Sally tells Steph that they won't be at the party due to Kevin's work schedule leaving him over tired. He wants to have an early night. Steph gets a very dangerous look in her eye as if to say You aren't getting away with that my Flower. She snaps that Sally had better get poor Kevin a hot water bottle then and flounces out.

Tina's back from Cypress and had a great time. Jack's glad she enjoyed herself and has Eddie Ramsden out of her system. You're well out of it. Alec wanders over in his coat and comments about vacations teaching people something, having the time to stand around doing nowt. Tina says, yeah, and she never heard one person being sarcastic on Cypress, teach you something and all! The nerve, Alec starts to wind up but Bet takes his arm and sets him on his task for the morning which she announces, much to Alec's chagrin, that it's to see Percy and apologise to him for barring him the other night. Oh, thank you very much, he still insists he was in the right and that Percy Sugden, now he's got wheels under him he thinks he's Ben 'Ur! Off you get! Bet and Jack fill Tina in on the incident which started with Percy's wheelchair running over Alec in the toilet and ended with Alec pushing Percy out into the street, barring him. Tina bursts into laughter and wishes she had come back early just to see that.

Alec tries to talk to Percy but Percy, balancing on his crutches from behind a door that is only open as far as the security chain will allow isn't hearing him. Alec tells him he can come back but noooo, he's barred, he was chucked out in the street in the dark where he might have been set on by youths. But you weren't! Perhaps, Alec concedes, he was a bit hasty. He's sorry. Can't hear you, speak up! Percy makes Alec apologise louder and louder about 3 times and still closes the door in his red indignant face!

It's dinner time in the Rovers and Steph rushes in to catch up with Des and let him know that Kevin doesn't want to come to the party. She pulls out a wrapped sandwich (which doesn't go unnoticed by Bet and Tina as against the rules let off this time) and she insists she can talk them around. Des thinks it's all off, Kevin is scared of her or else he told Sally she was after him and Sally won't let him near Steph. No, that's not it, you could tell she really wanted to go, herself. Not yet, she hasn't lost the bet, there's still time. Off she goes to formulate a plan.

Bet asks Emily how Percy is doing and she tells Bet and Alec that he barely budged all weekend, very low he is. Alec hisses that it's his own fault. He didn't accept the apology given after all but there's one more thing he is going to try, more than he really is obligated. What he tries is sending Jack off to take Percy for a walk. Jack wheels Percy down the street though Percy doesn't really want to go. But if Jack insists, then take him to the library. Is that all? that's miles!! No, the council offices, the shops, the post office. Right, but first, Jack decides he needs fortification and says a stop at the Flying Horse is in order and takes off across the cobbles with a hollering Percy at his mercy.

Rita and Deirdre have a drink at the Rovers and Rita asks her how things are between her and Ken. She says they barely speak, he just comes round to pick up Tracy. Rita thinks that's the saddest thing she's ever heard, Deirdre and Ken splitting up. Deirdre is philosophical now, over her hissy fit of last week, saying it's like history now. She repeats that she doesn't know what's going on with Ken or his new job as they just don't find much to talk about.

What's going on is Ken is pacing back and forth in front of the window in the Job Centre looking at the cards displayed. He can't quite bring himself to go inside and looks distinctly embarrassed that he might be caught looking at all! He isn't caught but later is walking down the street and comes upon Percy sat in front of a bookies' shop where Jack has spent the last 20 minutes. He asks Ken to take him home but Ken begs off busy (oh, you can't even find time to wheel an old neighbour back home you prat!) Just then Jack emerges to more abuse from Percy, about the ill-fates of the disabled being forgotten by society. Oh, what are you on about, you had your dinner, didn't you? I bought you chips! Then complains that Percy never saved him any. Percy thinks Ken ought to do a series for the paper on the disabled but is again put off by a man with such a busy schedule so Jack and Percy head off.

Emily and Deirdre are in the Kabin telling Rita that Jack is wheeling Mr. Sugden around. Rita chuckles and wonders who do you feel more sorry for? Well, Emily thinks the two are made for each other! Hahahaha. Mavis and Derek come downstairs, Mavis laden down like a pack mule with a curtain rod, curtains, various tools while Derek manages to manoeuvre with his hammer in hand and protesting that he's a busy man to be taking time off work. As they leave he reminds her again, you did call the removal men? The gas is turned on? The screwdriver? Yes! and the drill and the... *sigh* he turns to the three women you can't imagine how much he has to remember! (I remember he's a prat) The women collapse in gales of laughter when the door closes behind them.

It's half past 5 and Alec is now in a fit because Jack is late! Well what did you expect, letting Jack Duckworth go off like that. Alec DID send him out with Percy after all. Yes, Alec agrees but only thought he'd take him on a constitutional around the block and these pumps need changing! Well Surely, Alec, you can manage them yourself dear! Well yes, he could but what is he paying a cellarman for he rants. Curly comes in for a quick wind-down drink after the pressures of a day in the executive rat race. Bet stops and gives him a disconcerted look that says "right, cock. to each his own!" He chats to Tina about her vacation, his date that night with Kimberly and Des and Steph's party tomorrow night.

Which is what Martin is talking to Kevin and Sally about, trying to convince Kevin to go and not be a boring stick in the mud. Martin leans over a chair and teases Kevin, he knows why Kevin doesn't want to go! Steph fancies him and he's afraid he'll be snatched away! Oh, yeah, right, Sally laughs it off but when her back is turned Kevin near throttles Martin for letting the cat out of the bag! It's true then? (Martin heard it from Mark) Blimey! Yes, she's all over him and if Sally were to see that she'd go flamin' spare so change the subject!

Steph tells Des that Kevin really does want to come to the party and she'll just make sure he looks more of a goody goody if he goes than if he stays home. She thinks she knows just how to do it too... There's a knocking on the walls as Des jokes that it's to warn them to turn the volume down!

What it is, is Derek and Mavis installing a curtain rod. Well, Mavis is the one up a ladder doing all the work while Derek scrutinizes the placement. Up or Down Derek? Well yes that would be the choices he dithers, the important thing is to decide which! (good thing he doesn't have to make a decision whether to breathe or not!) Just then Mavis's arms give out and the curtain rod clatters to the floor!

In the pub, Jack is defending himself to Alec, Percy had him running up and down all over the parish all afternoon! he's knackered! Deirdre is asking Tina how her holiday went and Tina says all her other holidays were considered a failure if she didn't meet a bloke but this one was great specifically because she DIDN'T find a bloke! Deirdre understands and says there are other things in life besides men. Why does it not seem to matter how great it is when it starts when it always ends up with us running around after them? Emily comes in with Percy and installs him by the bar and Percy lets the cat out of the bag by telling Alec that Jack had him sat in the British Legion all afternoon while he played snooker. Jack decides he must do some work in the cellar with Alec in hot pursuit!

Ken tells THAT WOMAN about his day, how humiliating it was. All those depressing cards with their horrible little jobs on them, he was unable to accept that he was the sort of person that had to resort to that sort of thing. Yes, he guesses that makes him a snob and he's not proud of it (oh, yes you are, you just don't like being a snob from the bottom of the food chain instead of what you perceive as the top of it! Pah!) Wendy, who has more patience than I would in the situation, stands by her man, attempting to smooth the waters by telling him there's no stigma any more to being unemployed but he insists that is just not true! Well what about all his contacts from before his sold the paper? Well that would be too humiliating too, because nobody goes asking for a job after they've been let go, the prospective employer then will know that he's been sacked. But oh, no, he's not wallowing in self pity (he's not?). There's the phone and you can be damn sure it isn't someone offering him a job. (Course not, he didn't apply for any or get in touch with any contacts) Matter of fact it's Jeff, his old boss what sacked him. For Wendy. Gulp!

Sally and Kevin have a drink with Martin and Curly who's waiting for Kimberly. She's late but probably just missed the bus. They start to chat about the party when Des and Steph come in. She whispers to Des, just nod and say "I agree" to whatever she says. I agree. She puts on that they are reluctant to join the crowd for a drink. Curly asks can he bring a date to the party but Steph tells him the party's off because Kevin and Sally aren't going to be there. Aw, no, Sally protests that she really wanted to go but it was Kevin, he's working so hard and needs... Nope, party's off. It was really for the Websters and since they aren't coming, no party. I agree says Des. Curly and Martin put the pressure on Kevin as does Sally, he'll ruin everyone else's good time because he's a boring old sod acting 50. I agree says Des. Kevin looks around and says ok, all right, he'll go! Steph is triumphant as she pulls Des to one side, See? I haven't lost that bet yet. His tache (moustache) will be off by the end of that party and down our bathroom sink! Aha! So that was the particular detail of the bet!


Tuesday (3049, 28 March 1990)
Will Kevin bare all? Was Mr. Sugden right? Mike gets the next shot!

Kevin's off to work and notices Steph blowing him a kiss from her bedroom window and waving. He nods curtly on his way down the street. Steph runs downstairs, full of anticipation at the party tonight where she is sure to win her bet, skinning Kevin's face of his 'tache. Des doesn't think he can do it, that 'tache is Kevin's pride and joy but Steph, as ever, is confident.

Derek and Mavis are running down his clip-boarded list while the removal men are humping furniture to the van out the Kabin door behind them while Rita looks on with amusement and a distracting tiger on the shoulder of her sweater staring into the camera! Gas, Electricity, Phone, Post Office, Milkman. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Pets? Mavis will bring Harriet herself. Mavis is staying behind to supervise the removal men and make sure nothing is left behind, Derek is supposed to stay at the new house directing from that end but he is still concerned with all his arrangements and panics when he thinks he's lost the keys! Rita picks them up from the counter and dangles them in his face. Oh, yes. Of course. Mavis urges him to get on in spite of his last minute instructions and sentiments. After he leaves she tells Rita she can hardly believe it's happening. Rita tells her the hard part is over, getting Derek moved in, the rest will be a piece of cake.

At the garage, Mark realizes there is a party on and he wasn't invited (I think he made a mistake trying to chat up Steph the other day over her shopping bags). Kevin isn't really looking forward to it as Mark asks him to ask Des for an invite to him. No! Fine then he will wrangle his own invitation.

Alma's shopping in Alf's shop. Alf arrives, telling Sally that Mavis and Derek's removal van has arrived. He regrets that there isn't people moving in that are new to the street, therefore new customers rather than ones they already had. Deirdre enters, commenting how nice it is to have neighbours you already know move in. Uh, yeah. Sally asks to get off on time that night as she wants to get dolled up for the party. Alf doles out a rare compliment telling her she's already pretty as a picture and doesn't need all that make up and such. In the back part of the shop Alma is wittering on to Deirdre about Mike and the increased laundry load she has since he is fond of clean shirts. She tells Deirdre (who already knows) that Mike is more than the Mr. Nasty reputation he has round the neighbourhood, really. Much nicer than that. Deirdre just "hmm's" noncommittally.

Derek and Mavis welcome their first visitors, Emily and Percy who bring a bottle of wine. They don't plan to stop but Mavis offers a cup of tea, they can surely take 5 minutes out of unpacking. Of course, Derek declares, they are ahead of schedule after all. Percy moans on about the trials and tribulations of being in a wheelchair then notices the budgie who is quiet and watching him. Oh, dear. Moving a mature bird is quite detrimental you know, very dangerous, they don't like their surroundings changed. Nonsense, Mavis says, Harriet was chirping all morning. That's from distress, he warns, moving them is the worst thing you can do. Well we could hardly leave her there could we. Emily hushes Mr. Sugden and goes off to have a guided tour around the house while Mr. Sugden wheels himself over to the cage to inspect the bird a little closer.

Dinnertime at the Rovers as Mark and Kevin have a drink. Des comes in for a quick half while delivering the drink for the party. Kevin and Mark turn the conversation to Mark's plans for the evening, hasn't got any, while Des ignores the obvious ploy of trying to hook an invite, inviting Tina instead. But he turns back on his way out and invites Mark if he can find a date. Kevin teases Mark that he was only invited because of a date, Des really had him sweating there didn't he? Tina asks Alec if she can get off early to go to the party and he out and out says a determined No. Bet asks him why did he say that? Well what's the good of being an employer if he has to say yes all the time? So it was just for the pleasure of saying no? No, it was to make sure they know who's the boss around there. Alec and Alf have a laugh at Percy's expense while Bet is shocked that they have such a bad attitude about people in wheelchairs, they don't want that sort of reputation to get out! No, no they don't mind wheelchairs, not at all, it's just when Percy's in 'em!

(you know, I do enjoy Bet and Alec as actors working with each other, they play off each other very well but to look at Bet and Alec as a couple, they really don't seem like they should ever have gotten along romantically much less get married. They're just such opposites, he's not Bet's type at all, so I always thought)

Rita tells Gail she can hardly wait to follow Mavis to her own new home and shop. All she plans to leave behind is a few bad memories. Deirdre comes in to pay her papers and wonders if Rita could teach her how to do that. They have a chat about new starts and changes of scenery, with Gail declaring that she stayed put and it worked out well for her while Deirdre wonders if she shouldn't move house. They get philosophical about life's corners and life's surprises and not knowing what's behind the next turn, all three having had their worlds spun around in the recent past.

Mike runs into Wendy at Ingrahm's factory. She's there to do an advertising feature while he tells her they have a mutual acquaintance and that he works here now. Oh, yes, she remembers. And remembers Ken's animosity as well so given that, why....when Ken mentions that he remembers that Ken sold up the Recorder, does Wendy say that Ken isn't working there anymore? Mike guesses Ken's been given the push though Wendy, who probably realizes she shouldn't have said anything, doesn't confirm it. Now what will Mike do with that little piece of news, because you know he will something given the obvious delight on Mike's face when he's figured out the deal.

Now I predict that when Mike manages to spread the news, Ken will go ballistic when he finds out it came from Wendy who will be seen even more so as disloyal after she didn't quit a perfectly good job in support of his leaving his job. Me thinks that this relationship will very soon be on July Ice!

Meanwhile Ken brings Tracy home from school, making arrangements to take her and a friend on an outing Saturday week. After he leaves, Tracy moans that it's embarrassing for her father to pick her up at school in front of her mates (well that's a typical 13 year old reaction! heh heh) doesn't he have to work? Deirdre says he's probably just taken the time off to pick her up but she'll have a word with him about seeing her at a different time.

Rita chats to Alf about looking forward to her new shop now that Mavis and Derek are gone. He thinks they should count their lucky stars it all went well, after what he and Audrey went through. Yeah, but you're all settled now. Only after a lot of money spent, aggravation and time. They're very fortunate.

Which they know. Mavis and Derek have sat down to their first meal, toasting their new home with the wine donated by Emily. Mavis eyes her mashed potatoes hungrily, waiting for Derek to stop philosophising about life's voyages, safe harbours in storms. Just as he winds down and they are about to tuck in, loud music pounds through the wall from next door. The party has started!

Next door Kevin and Sally have arrived to Steph and Des's delight. Kevin is a bit grumpy but we later find out that he started drinking earlier around 6 on Sally's orders to get himself in a party mood. Steph tells Des there's plenty of time to whisk Kevin away and de-tache him, not to worry. Guests arrive, stories are told, drinks and food are imbibed, laughter and dancing abound.

Over in a rather quiet Rovers, Mike arrives to meet Alma and tells her he will never again take salesmen for granted, having seen that side of things for himself. He has a new respect for the trade after years of treating them like lower class members, dangling them waiting for orders. Emily and Deirdre arrive for a drink and Mike, never one to miss an opportunity, tells Deirdre he is sorry to hear Ken isn't at the Gazette any longer, got the push or something though he doesn't have all the details. Deirdre covers and says she doesn't have the details either but wonders what's going on now after she and Emily move to a booth for privacy. Alma scolds Mike for being quite wicked. Yeah, he grins, what can't you have a little fun in life after all? Bet takes pity on a sour-faced Tina and talks Alec round to letting her go to the party which he does reluctantly, warning Bet he isn't paying her for the time missed. He tells Tina she can get off and she's spiteful but does take the chance to get off leaving Alec to be insulted at her attitude and lack of gratitude.

Mavis and Derek are done their dinner, eaten to the kind of dinner music neither one of them would have chosen. Derek wants to go over and tell them to turn down the volume but Mavis doesn't want to get off on the wrong foot. Derek insists that he will be civil but firm and trots off with his napkin still tucked in his collar.

Des is quite amiable at the request but when he turns the music down the guests protest and Derek backs down allowing more volume than that. Soon the music is back to the level it was, and Derek has a whiskey in hand and has found himself slow dancing with Kimberly who has spent the party introducing herself around because she's not good at parties. Steph corners Kevin who's not drunk but feeling no pain just the same and doesn't protest too much when Steph leads him up the stairs promising not to hurt him. She gets him in the loo and tells him she's going to trim his moustache to make him suave, turning him away from the mirror so he can't see what she's doing.

Mavis frets about Derek then realizes something is wrong, she rushes out to Harriet's silent birdcage and gasps in horror. She rushes next door to fetch Derek, sobbing that Harriet's dead in her cage and there's Derek dancing! He didn't know did he and he leaves with her just as Steph leads Kevin down the stairs with a towel over his head. She unveils him and his newly bared upper lip! (Honest to God he looks about 14!) Des knows he's lost the bet, "I don't believe it!" while Sally gasps "Kevin" in anger!


Wednesday (3050, 30 March 1990)
Mavis and Derek cope with bereavement. Des pays his forfeit. Sally is not best pleased.

Sally is really ticed off at Kevin for letting Steph shave his tache off. Kev tries to defend himself, it's not his fault, he didn't want to go to the party in the first place and it'll grow back. But he didn't shave it off, he let her do it! What else did he let her do? No, she won't be pacified and stalks off to work with Kevin in hot pursuit but in the shop she tells him the subject is closed. Since she won't talk to him, he leaves giving Alf a look-that-could-kill when Alf innocently notices he's shaved off his tache! Poor Alf wonders what it was that he said! Steph later comes in but is cut cold by Sally who turns her back to Steph and won't talk to her.

Derek is saddened by grief and lack of sleep because of the party. In the shop (this was before Sally and Kevin came in) he tells Alf he started the evening as Captain of a new ship and ended up floundering in the sea like the Ancient Mariner only instead of a dead Albatross around his neck it's a dead budgie.

Emily is wheeling Percy to a check-up when Deirdre comes out for the milk and Derek passes by on his way home from the shop. when asked how the Wilton's are settling in he relates the sad news about Harriet the budgie and Mr. Sugden gets a chance to say I Told You So. He warned them and they didn't take heed. (But what's confused me is that yes, he told them that moving a budgie was bad for it but it was already moved by that time and we didn't hear of any other advice he had to offer to soothe the bird's ruffled feathers, as it were.)

In the Kabin Gail asks Rita where is Mavis. Rita gets all serious as befitting a supportive friend of one who has lost a loved one and tells Gail Mavis is off sick, her budgie died. Gail adopts a suitably sympathetic face and says she's heard and the two of them burst into gales of laughter. Poor Mavis! Gail wonders if the bird could speak (some do) and giggles, wondering what it said just before it fell off it's perch! She leaves Rita laughing, gasping for breath at the thought.

At the Wilton's, Mavis seems to be blaming the death on Derek or at least is angry with him. He was only meant to go next door to ask that the music be turned down, not stopping for a drink and a dance with a young girl while she coped with a crisis on her own. He apologises, how was he to know? Be fair, Mavis, he loved Harriet too, her chirping ways, her friendly finger-pecking, her whistle good bye. You must be realistic, Harriet was an old budgie after all and she lived a good, well cared for life. We should be glad, grateful we had her. Mavis apologises for the things she said and says she's ready to see Harriet now. what has Derek done with her? Oh, well, um, he buried her in the garden. OH Derek how COULD you! No prayer, no words spoken, out there in the wasteland of a garden with leftover workmen's cigarette packages! She shortly makes him go out into the garden with a little brass coal shovel to dig up the bird. Percy wheels down the side of the house and thinks Derek is just burying the bird and gives his advice as to the inadequacies of Derek's efforts. He also manages to get in a few more I Told You So's until Derek tells Percy he's digging the bird up and will go get a spade and dig a hole 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide, wheel Percy into it and fill it up!!! After this show of anger, Derek looks as if he surprised even himself!

At the Garage Mark teases Kevin on how young he looks now that he's clean shaven and tells Kev that he overheard Des and Steph in the kitchen and turns out the whole episode was done on a bet, a joke! yeah and I'm the flamin joke so Sally says. He asks Mark to keep it to himself, don't tell Sally.

Emily has lunch in the Rovers and when Jack asks how "Ben Hur" is, she tells him Percy is sat at home hiding (from Derek! hee hee!) It's a far stretch of her imagination to compare Mr. Sugden to Charlton Heston she declares. She tells Jack, who is joined by Alec, that Mr. Sugden has been making more enemies by insinuating that Mavis and Derek are responsible for the death of their budgie by not heeding his warnings. Alec can't get over all the fuss about a damn silly bird and Jack proceeds to tell a funny story about his auntie's budgie named Cyril. True Story! It seems Cyril had a stroke and lost the use of his legs. He could still fly but couldn't manage landing! The bird used to fly into windows to stop itself and then slide down. His uncle eventually "Necked it". (wrung it's neck I expect this means). Emily is not amused and tells the pair of them they had better not breathe a word of that story near the Wilton's. That damn silly bird was the only family they had though she doesn't expect they would understand. Alec swats Jack and scrambles to make up apologies to Mrs. Bishop (the only really understanding person truly sympathetic to Mavis and Derek's sorrow!).

Over in the corner of the bar, Bet asks Tina about the Barnes' party and is told about Kevin's skinning. Tina thinks he looks so young you could eat him up. Bet speculates that at least one person has him on her menu!

That person, Steph is cleaning up the house while Des reads the paper. She tells him she was cut dead by sally in the shop but Des thinks she'll get over it. Now, Steph says, when are you going to pay your forfeit, you're not getting out of it! Course not, a bookie never welches. He'll do it tonight.

Mavis has perked up a bit, Derek has put the bird in a safe place until she can be properly buried. Oh, that's quite comforting to Mavis and she asks Derek to turn up the heat while she gets the milk. Before he can stop her she screams! Derek has stored the dead bird in a shoebox in the refrigerator!

Ken drops off a cheque to Deirdre for Tracy's needs. She asks him if things are going well at work, is he adjusting well to not being his own boss. Oh, well, work is work, and he can do pretty much as he wants (especially now!). She tells him the gossip she's heard, that he isn't working there anymore and he sheepishly confirms it. He was forced to resign. She confirms that she heard it from Mike at his guess. He'll be fine though, he's always got something else up his sleeve and yes Wendy's been quite supportive (Hey! Deirdre didn't call her THAT WOMAN for once!)

Alf gets ready to close up but Steph comes in to have a word with Sally. She tells Sally she's taking all this the wrong way, there's nothing between her and Kevin. Well Sally hadn't thought there was but she doesn't like other women getting her husband drunk and doing daft things to them. Steph admits it was a joke, a bet. She was trying to make Kev fancy her so she could shave off his tache and as a credit to Kevin and Sally's good marriage she tried everything for weeks but had to resort to getting him drunk to do it! Oh????? Sally is very interested now and smiles that Wolf-grin, pretending it's all ok now to get all the info out of Steph. And just what sort of things did you do?? Uh huh. I think someone's in for a blast of nuclear proportions.

Derek makes arrangements by phone to have Harriet buried and assures Mavis she's not being silly, just sensitive. Moving house and personal bereavement are the two most stressful things a person can endure and she had both on the same day! She's also worried they made a mistake moving there, considering the noisy neighbours. Well he thinks that will be ok, they haven't heard a peep all day. Surely they can't have a party every night. He offers to take her out to dinner but she's not sure she could take waiters hovering so he says the Rovers then, with all our understanding friends.

Kevin comes home to a waiting Sally, who's ready for a fight. She tells him he made a fool of himself and he admits he was made a mug of but she then reveals that she found out about the bet and that Delilah Barnes has been trying it on with him for weeks and he didn't tell her! He didn't encourage her, he defends. yeah, but he didn't stop her either. Well he didn't want to make a scene in the pub. Why not? He wouldn't have been too pleased if it were Des fondling her thigh. Oh, well, Kevin thinks that's different. IT IS NOT (I agree, it is not!). Nope didn't get away with that reasoning, Kev. He quickly moves on. He didn't tell her because she'd have made a scene like she's doing now. Well Sally insists she has a right to know if another woman is after her husband. There wasn't anything in it, Sal, honest, he insists he isn't lying. She says he's lied to her before, so just what else has he let Steph do to him? She stomps up the stairs. Oh, Sal, come one, come down and have your tea. What tea? She retorts. If he wants tea he can go down the street and let his girlfriend make it for him! Slam goes the bedroom door.

At the Rovers later Mike and Alma are toasting to "us" while Rita is having a drink with Mavis and Derek and assuring them they didn't make a mistake moving. The young people are just letting off steam and things will quiet down. Bet comes over and offers her sympathy with a straight face and asks how they are holding up. Mavis tells her they are having Harriet buried in a pet cemetery with a headstone. Bet manages to keep serious while Rita keeps turning her face away trying not to let them see her rolling her eyes at what she sees as their absurdities. That's our Bet, a consummate professional! Des arrives and has a pint of bitter, not his usual Alec notes, he must be taking risks tonight. Yes you could say that. Alec makes small talk about how variety is a good thing while Des agrees and moves over to extend his sympathies to Mavis and Derek but as the camera pulls back we see he has no trousers on and the rest of the bar patrons one by one start laughing at his escapade. Alec loses his eyebrows up into his scalp and tosses Des out! Bet comments that she though Alec liked variety!!!

Over at the Webster's Kevin has brewed up as an apology, Please Sal come down and have a cuppa. He hears the bedroom door open and goes to the sofa, putting the tea things on the coffee table. He thinks they're about to make it up but Sally comes downstairs wordlessly with an armful of bedding which she throws at him.


Thursday (3051, 2 April 1990)
Will Harriet find a final resting place? Will Sally forgive Kevin? Who's gone up in smoke?

Kevin wakes up after a mostly sleepless night on the settee. Actually he oversleeps, waking to Sally's footsteps on the stairs as she's just about ready to go to work. Why should she wake him? He could always get his girlfriend to do it for him (Steph), she snaps. Kevin moans Aw Come on, anyway he doesn't even know why they fell out (thick as a plank, you are!). But he's left to forage for his own breakfast.

Rita tells Emily that Mavis was happy with her new house right up until she moved in. Some trouble with a wobbly radiator but the real trouble is the new neighbours who had a wild party the night they moved in, also the night their budgie curled up her tootsies and fell off her perch. The budgie is no more. (oh, come on! I resisted this as long as I could!) Oh, poor Mavis, but what can you do? Rita says the Wilton's are burying their dear departed in a pet cemetery with full ceremony much to Emily's astonishment. What I don't understand is why it seems like Emily doesn't know what's going on when just yesterday she was defending Mavis and Derek's grief to Jack and Alec in the Rovers.

Mavis is reverently carrying a pink-bow covered basket to the pet cemetery. They are early so there isn't anyone there yet and Mavis frets about lack of security. Derek tries to reason with her, there probably isn't too much to worry about, Grave robbers aren't likely to find much use for a feathered corpse. (I'd be a bit worried about the nuclear fallout, though, as the cemetery seems to be in the shadow of what looks to me to be 3 or 4 nuclear plant smoke emission stacks. But then, it seems to me that those kind of curved stacks are used for normal power plants, coal and such over in the UK) Oh, Derek, a tearful Mavis scolds. Well it looks like a nice enough place, should be for the cost of it, Derek comments. They stroll through the cemetery commenting on the names on the headstones, predominately names of types of alcohol. Brandy, Sherry, etc. Derek thinks it reflects more on the owners than on the dogs themselves though. They arrive at Harriet's plot and Mavis is dismayed to see Harriet will rest for all eternity beside a cat! this won't do at all. But, Derek points out, Harriet will never know! No, Mavis cannot rest easy with this and insists they leave.

In the back of the shop, Sally is trying to get Gail to see her side of the whole dust-up. Sal, as we know, thinks Kevin should have told her all along that Steph was messing him about. But Gail points out that Sally probably doesn't tell Kevin every time a man comes in the shop and chats her up. Oh but that's different, what Steph was up to was of a more serious nature! Oh, yeah? Gail asks Sally if she would have told Kevin had it been one of his pals trying it on with her, Curly or Mark? Well...probably. Probably not, Gail thinks, you'd do the very same thing. Say nothing and handle it yourself. She tells Sally she's very lucky that Kevin loves her so much.

Up at the front of the shop, Deirdre is getting her shopping rung up by Alf. Alf asks after Ken, he hasn't seen much of him around the street. Oh, he's keeping a low profile Deirdre says, even lower now (low is exactly the word I usually find to describe Ken. "Lower than a snake's belly in a tire track" my grandad used to say. But I digress...) She tells Alf Ken isn't working at the Gazette anymore. Packed it in or been sacked, she's not sure. But you know what? Deirdre says it's not her problem anymore.

Back at No1, Emily has told Deirdre about the bird funeral, still having trouble getting over the excess of grief on behalf of just a budgie, after all. I think she understands Mavis's grief at the loss of a pet but thinks she's taking it a bit far. Deirdre is writing a note for Tracy in case she doesn't get back from her council meeting before Tracy gets back from school. Emily offers to make Tracy her tea but Deirdre says Tracy doesn't mind, she's so independent these days anyway and can always make herself a sandwich if she gets hungry. As they leave, Deirdre wonders if Emily could rid herself of Percy by putting him in a cage and have Mavis take him on in place of her bird!

Mavis decides finally to have Derek dig a hole in the garden, a proper hole deep enough this time for the bird's wicker coffin. She gently places the basket in the grave with a few heartfelt words of goodbye. They plant a rosebush with the bird so as to be a reminder in future years. (So does that mean instead of pushing up the daisies, it will be roses instead? I think I've got it out of me system. And now for something completely different...)

Percy tells Jack in the Rovers that his crossing guard replacement isn't doing a very good job. He can tell because the woman always starts across the street leading with her right foot. Jack shakes his head and goes back to the bar, telling Tina that if aliens were to land and saw Percy as the first human they came across, they'd all be in big trouble. The aliens would see all humans as malignant and blow up the whole planet. Mavis and Derek come in (well I guess it wasn't so completely different). Mavis sits with Percy as Tina directs a man to Derek. "So you're the wobbly radiator?" (couldn't have described Derek better myself!) The man is Dave Barton, a repair man from Maurice Jones' office who was trying to get hold of Derek to fix the wobbly radiator. Oh, yes, Derek says, they were home but they were out in the back burying the budgie. Mavis tells Percy about the grave and the rose bush hoping that in some small way, Harriet will contribute to the future growth and blooms on the bush (might be a bit difficult since the bird is firmly ensconced in the basket with a string of birdseed on top. Do roses like birdseed?) Percy thinks it might be difficult too, not much nutrients in a dead bird. What she wants is a dead cat. Do wonders for apple trees, he promises to keep a look out since you'd be surprised what you see in gutters! Poor Mavis who had just recently rescued Harriet from spending all eternity beside a cat is not impressed. IN fact it looks like she's about to toss her cookies! (I wish she would, would serve Percy right). Just before we leave the Rovers we see Mark and Des come in and Mark is telling Des that Sally is still angry with Kevin.

In the shop Alma asks Alf what's wrong with Sally, she's usually so cheerful. Domestic problems, Steph shaved Kevin's tache off. Funny pair them Barnes's, comments Alma, last night Des came in the Rovers with no trousers on. Give over, Alf says, disbelieving. Just then Kevin storms into the shop in a fit of Machismo and drags Sally out bodily and back to their house so they can straighten some things out. She's furious with him for embarrassing her but he physically forces her to stay, shouting at her that she's going to listen to him. Basically he tells her she is taking it all out on the wrong person, he didn't tell her about Steph because she'd go spare, just like she's doing now and besides, there's nothing going on between him and Steph. He doesn't fancy Steph, she's nowt but a pile of binbags next to Sally! Sally is duly chastened and apologises, saying she was jealous. They kiss and Kevin steers her upstairs for a rumpeh pumpeh session to make up. Not a romantic bone in his body, not even the courtesy of asking her first, nor a smile on either of their faces! Weird.

Derek lets in Dave Barton to fix the radiator but then has a hissy fit when Mavis makes the man a cup of tea. He says that tea is the plague of England but Mavis says she and Rita find workmen do a much better job fortified with tea. Derek has a few more sulky comments to make and then petulantly asks where his cup is? Oh, Mavis says she'll get him one if he stops groaning. Don't forget the biscuits, he calls! She brings his tea and the biscuit tin from which Dave helps himself as well to Derek's obvious disapproval.

Across the street Tracy invites the MacDonald boys in to listen to records and "teps" since her mom isn't home and they can have the volume up. They accept then ask her if there's owt to eat and suggest she make a batch of chips. No problem. She lights the stove and puts the pot of oil on. But before long the teenagers are involved in the music and the pot bursts into flames on the stove!!!

Just as Dave is leaving the Wilton's, Steven stumbles out of the house hollering about the fire. Dave takes off across the road and in the house and helps Tracy and Andy out then going into the kitchen to investigate through clouds of black smoke. He puts the fire out in the pot and gets back out coughing as the neighbours hover around the kids making sure they're ok. Derek has called the fire department and Mavis takes Tracy home with her.

Kevin arrives home after work and Sally greets him with a kiss, telling him about the fire after. He wants to know if she wants to go out to the Rovers but she doesn't want to run into the Barnes's just yet though knows she can't avoid them forever. And no, she can't forget the whole thing, people can't just play games with people's marriage and get away with it. She's going to get her own back on the Barnes's. Just wait and see.

Martin and Gail have a drink with the Barnes's in the Rovers thinking Sally is still angry with Kevin. Des makes a comment about Kevin being henpecked and they all joke about Kevin's lost tache being akin to Sampson losing his hair and thus resulting his strength. That would make Steph Delilah! Jim comes in with Dave to buy him a drink to thank him for watching out for his boys and Jenny and Flick arrive to meet Rita, with all their belongings. They have decided to take Rita up on her offer of lodging at No7 and are moving in tonight. Rita introduces Flick to Jack but tells her not to be put off that Jack's a neighbour.

Ken is in No1, surveying the damaged kitchen when Deirdre arrives home, shocked at the condition of her house. Ken verbally attacks her, where the Hell was she? Tracy nearly burned to death! Deirdre makes to go across to the Wilton's but he stops her and tells her that her concern is too little too late. He's furious that her council business has yet again interfered with her home life. She killer their marriage with her council concerns, is she going to kill Tracy too???? (like he didn't have any part in it? As I recall he started it by reporting on secret council business putting her in the hot seat and then bonking the secretary that was really leaking information)

Deirdre sobs but Ken is not affected. He's too angry and scared at what almost happened.


Friday (3052, 4 April 1990)
Will Sally get her own back? Will Ken get his own back? Who's in the kitchen?

Ken is pondering job ads but not really concentrating on what he's doing. Wendy is ready for work and scolds him for not listening for a thing she's said. He snaps that he's trying to find a job but she knows that's not it. He's still stewing about Deirdre and Tracy. Yes, he agrees, Tracy's all right but no thanks to Deirdre, what kind of a mother would let a child Tracy's age go in the house alone? (now just let me interject here. Tracy is 13 with caring neighbours just on the other side of the wall. I was allowed home alone at 13 though ordered never to use the stove.) Wendy gives him what for and tells him he can go ahead and brand Deirdre as an unfit mother, beggar the fact that it isn't true and beggar the effect it will have on Tracy even more but go ahead if it will make him feel better! Oh, she just doesn't understand. Wendy insists she does understand what it's doing to him... and to them. (chink! I hear another brick of the relationship fall. What's that, 3? 4?) He turns petulantly away, laying his chin in hand so she sighs and goes off to work.

Deirdre surveys the smoke blackened kitchen while Tracy gets ready for school complaining about the smoky smell in everything. She also thinks she's probably made it worse between her parents after seeing how angry her father was. Deirdre reassures her it was just because they all were upset, he's not mad at her and yes, he'll probably still take her out on Saturday as planned.

Jenny and Flick enjoyed their first night in Rita's house, a far cry from a crowded and noisy dormitory. Rita tells them not to get used to being served tea in bed in the morning, it was just a one off spoiling! She goes off to work while Flick wonders to Jenny why Rita would give up a nice house for a smaller flat? Jenny, who probably knows why (bad memories, remember?) just asks Flick would she like to talk Rita out of it? No Way!

At the garage Mark's brewed up and makes a comment on Kevin's good mood. Yeah, well it's amazing what a good night's kip will do for you (and a good night's "make up with the wife"). Kevin hopes Sally will just put the Barnes's trick behind her and not try to get her own back as she had mentioned the day before.

Sally chats to Gail outside the shop. Gail asks how things are between her and Kevin and she smiles and says they're just fine, she shouldn't have over reacted like that. Gail laughs and says it was a daft thing to let Steph shave his tache off but that's fellas for you, they do dafter things after all, than that! Alf arrives, gauging Sally's mood. When it looks like she's over it, he even lets her go to her dinner at 12:30 so she can be with Kevin.

Dave Barton, the builder, drops in on Deirdre to see how the kids are doing. Deirdre invites him in and thanks him again. Tweren't nowt, anyone would have done the same. She says she's been on to the insurance people and now needs a couple of estimates. Dave volunteers to do the work for her and later in the day he returns to measure up. He'll get an estimate to her tomorrow. Be his pleasure.

Kevin comes home to dinner, having picked up chips on Sally's request so they would have more time to go into the Rovers for a quick drink. It doesn't matter if they run into the Barnes's. Hmm, what is she up to? Nothing, says a sweet and innocent Sally. (oh sure. She's got summat up her sleeve, I can guarantee you that)

In the pub at the same time Mark is commenting to Tina how close Kevin and Sally are, like jam and crackers while Jack is trying to snooker Jim into a game of snooker. Jim says he hasn't played for awhile so Jack's eyes light up but just before he can nail Jim down to a time and place, Tina warns Jim that Jack is only trying to make up for a lost 20 quid (betting?). Oh, Jim doesn't mind, Jack can put his money where his mouth is, he'll take him on. Jack, however, swiftly backs down and dances around the subject when he finds out that Jim was in the Regimental finals for three years and won twice. all of a sudden Jack isn't available! Tina delivers Deirdre's salad to her table as Rita comes in and joins her. Rita tells them the girls have settled in and she quite enjoys their company. Like a breath of fresh air it is! Deirdre tells Rita that Tracy is ok, Ken is the problem. He could make things very difficult for her but hasn't said anything yet. She wishes he would just say or do whatever it is he's going to and get it over with.

Sally and Kev stop into the Rovers for that quick drink and Des comes in. Sally is friendly and tells Des she isn't angry anymore though she didn't think the joke was very funny at first. But it's history now, no hard feelings. She asks Des to ask Steph to come see her later so she can apologize to her as well (oh, yes a plan is definitely being hatched.)

Deirdre decides she can't wait for Ken so she makes the sacrifice and journeys into the enemy camp, going to Ken at Wendy's house. He strings her along and criticizes her sharply for her neglect of Tracy. She feels quite as bad as he, more so and she will have to live with it. It was an accident after all. He isn't willing to give her any slack on it but does realize she is sorry. He's willing to leave it go since Tracy will start blaming herself and he doesn't want her to be hurt anymore. He's not doing it for Deirdre, mind. She's relieved and mentions that Tracy was even worried that he wouldn't take her out on Saturday. Later back at home, after Dave leaves, she reassures Tracy her dad isn't angry with her and yes, still plans to take her out.

Steph knocks on Sally's door and is ushered in with a sweet and innocent smile. She apologizes to Steph who assures her it was just a joke, no harm meant. Yeah, she knows. You Barnes's do take a bit of getting used to though. Then she fires the shot... Imagine if she'd have taken Des seriously when he was chatting her up while Steph was shaving Kevin? She'd have been there at a cocktail bar waiting for a man that never would have shown up! Steph's face freezes with flashing emotions of shock and disbelief as Sally turns away with an evil grin to brew the tea. Later she gleefully tells Kevin what she told Steph. He wonders if she didn't go too far but Sally is adamant, no way, she bought it and will probably laugh her socks off when she finds out it was all made up. (think so?)

Ken tells Wendy after she returns home about Deirdre's visit and mentions that poor Tracy was even upset that he wouldn't take her on their outing on Saturday. What? You can't do that, Wendy informs him. Her mother is coming to lunch, it was arranged weeks ago! He forgot but says Tracy comes first, what would he tell her? She doesn't care, that's his business but obviously expects him to change his date with Tracy while he obviously expects her to change her plans with her mother. (chink, chink...crack! that might have been a supporting wall of that relationship beginning to give way, and all!)

Ah yes, the victims of the latest joke. Will Steph think it's funny? Des arrives home to a screaming angry wife who drags him inside calling him many names like and the equivalent of two-timer, cheat, etc. Mavis and Derek peek out with dismay from behind the curtains. Think it's going to be another noisy neighbour night?

Apparently so, they are driven out of their house by the arguing and take refuge in the Rovers to Derek's indignation. He still thinks he should have gone over and pleaded for peace and quiet but Mavis keeps him from sticking his nose in. (Quite right too, even brave armed policemen dread going into the fray of a domestic quarrel) Vera happens to agree with Derek, he should sort those noisy neighbours out right away but she is told by Mavis to keep to her own business. Jack's business is to busily try to talk Vera into lending him 10 quid for his night off. It's embarrassing for him to go out and not be able to pay his shout you know. Yeah, you're right Jack, Vera sympathises. You'll just have to stop in then, won't you? Tina serves Flick and Jenny who tell her they are looking forward to having the house to themselves but Tina is doubtful that's going to happen soon, Rita seemed quite reluctant to break up the happy home when she were in there that afternoon!

Sally and Kevin stroll down the street arm in arm while Kevin tells Sally she should go across the road and tell the Barnes it was all a joke. No way. Let them have a taste of their own medicine. But across the road, they see and hear Steph toss a suitcase out onto the front walk with Des in front of it and lock him out. Now see? Nope, Sally is unrepentant, turning her head and walking into the pub while Des turns the case on it's end against the wall by the door, sits on it and calls Steph's name!


Originally transmitted: 6, 9, 11, 13 & 16 April 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 6 - Friday 10 April 1998
Episode Numbers: 3053 - 3057

Monday (3053, 6 April 1990)
Who's sulking? Who's made it up? Jack plays magician.

Sally and Kevin leave the house for work but Sally pulls Kevin back in, hiding from Des and Steph. Guess she's embarrassed about how her revenge seemed to throw a hammer into the Barnes marriage though as Kev points out, she's going to have to run into them eventually! When Sally peeks out and sees the car gone, she allows Kevin back out the door only it was just Des that drove away. Steph comes across the street so Kev decides to duck out while he still can leaving Sally to it. Steph tells Sally that she and Des made up last night once she realized that Sally had made it all up about Des chatting her up for a date. Steph seems quite sincere but Sally smiles uncertainly as if she is wondering when the other shoe will drop! Steph goes off to work and Alf comments that she's quite a goer but he likes her anyway. Sally tells Alf Steph tried to seduce Kevin. Oh Give over, Alf is sure Sally is exaggerating because why would Kevin ever even think of another woman when he has her to come home to. (Why indeed? Why? because Sally wasn't there to come home to and little Kevvy couldn't keep himself occupied and faithful for more than five minutes on his own ... 1997)

I can barely describe the sight of Ken Barlow sulking in his bed, reclining with the covers down around his waist and no pyjama top on, his white hairless chest blatantly declaring it's muscle-free zone! Fair put me off me morning toast, it did! Wendy is getting ready for work and insisting her mother's visit for lunch on Saturday is more important than his plans with Tracy. He insists Tracy is more important, she can put her mother off, Tracy's a child and won't understand! But the lunch thing was arranged weeks before his arrangements with Tracy, he just forgot about it (forgot about a date with his tentative mother-in-law? Heaven forbid!). Wendy is insistent that now that he lives with her, she should be his number one priority. She doesn't think she's being unreasonable and that's the price he must pay for his decision (i.e. leave the wife and kid for another woman. I'm not defending Ken, I'm really not but I do think THAT WOMAN is being unreasonable. But you can tell she doesn't have a maternal bone in her body! I don't have kids either but I'd certainly put the child first in this sort of situation) She won't be swayed though and later calls from work to nag him further until he caves and says he'll talk to Tracy and reschedule. (CRACK! Chip, chink, rumble... more than just a little chink out of the relationship wall on this one I think)

Dave stops in at Deirdre's to see if he can make a start at the kitchen that evening after his day job (works for Maurice Jones's crew). He offers Tracy a lift to school with Mom's permission and Tracy's obvious delight. Deirdre warns him about her hero-worship mates at school! He IS the one that saved her from the fire after all! Mommmm!

Jack is skint and tries to cadge a tenner off Curly but Curly is too smart for that. Oh come on, be a mate, it's Jack's day off and having no money in his pocket on his day off is like going to bed with a woman wearing a diving suit. (Now I couldn't work out whether it was supposed to be the woman in the diving suit or Jack himself but I suppose it would have the same end results... none! ) Curly couldn't possibly lend him any money, it would be too awkward between him and Jack as a friend and lodger when Jack inevitably didn't pay him back! Vera approves of Curly's decision. she mentions that Jack has already tried to go through her wallet but she anticipated the search and hid her brass in the pillowcase!

A bit later Jack goes into the pub and persuades Tina to let him have a pint on tick but disappears quickly after, surprising Tina who probably thought he'd be bumming ales all afternoon. He's back in the house taping newspaper around that old factory time clock that Vera nicked from Baldwin's factory just before it was torn down. Vera comes in the front door so Jack scarpers out the back way with it leaving Vera to wonder where he is and what the pig has pinched! She soon finds out because she's back to the pub asking Tina if Jack was in earlier and did he have the clock with him? Tina admits he was but didn't have the clock which apparently has great sentimental value to Vera, marking all the days she slaved for Baldwins all those years. So where has Jack gone, Vera wonders?

And I think I've just had the first sighting of the infamous ratucs "Ripper"! He had to be the one and the same, this man with long black bushy hair and a long black bushy beard that covered most of his face along with one dark bushy eyebrow.

Where Jack has gone appears to be a biker bar. At least there are a great number of various types of motorbikes parked out in front as Jack carries the clock inside with him.

Back at the Rovers, Kevin and Sally tell Martin that the Barnes's bust up didn't last long. Martin jokes that Sally should have shown Steph the evidence, then, the flowers Des sent her! Enough of that and enough about the Barnes! Yeah, well Sally states she couldn't let Steph get off scot free! Martin agrees, and observes that women are like that. (well, maybe we are) But Sally shouldn't be feeling guilty about it. You can see on her face that she does.

Rita returns from her dinner break telling Mavis she's made a spud pie for Jenny and Flick for their tea later. It's working out great and there's no room for ghosts at Number 7 anymore. Mavis wonders if Rita will stay on after all but Rita tells her she's been feeling a bit left out though the girls wouldn't make her feel that way on purpose but she knows they would rather be on their own. Didn't Mavis ever want to be on her own out from under her mothers "gimlet" eyes? She did not, Mavis assures Rita, she cried for weeks when she had to move away from home due to her job!

Later Rita observes Jenny and Flick on the phone and giggling over their conversations about this fella and that one. She asks when they want their tea but oh, my, we're sorry, we already had plans for a group pizza party. Rita apologises for not asking about their plans first and it becomes clear that Rita will have to move out. She tells the girls that when the shop is ready next week, she's going to move into the flat too. The girls are concerned that she feels forced out but she says she doesn't at all. It's just time. Rita seems to be a bit sad to leave off her house mothering but seems to realize that it's for the best all around to have all of them get on with their lives and fresh starts.

Dave arrives after work to make a start on the kitchen of Number 1. Deirdre offers him a share of their chips for his tea and a brew up which he gratefully accepts. After a meal and some light conversation during which Tracy is scolded for her personal questions of Dave (is he married...no... Why not ? TRACY!) there is a knock on the door. It's Ken come to tell Tracy that they can't go out tomorrow as planned but they will reschedule for next week ok? He's surprised to see a strange man at the dinner table and is introduced before his news is told. Tracy's disappointed but says ok, let her know when and she goes off to the kitchen to chat to Dave (hero-worship? puppy love?) Ken tells Deirdre the cancellation has to do with Wendy's mother and no he has no line on a job yet. His face is a right picture when he hears Tracy and Dave joking in the kitchen as they do the washing up. Must seem all very cozy and domestic to him! (As Wendy said to him that morning, that's the price you pay!!!)

It's getting later and still no Jack. Vera waits in the pub and accosts Mike and Alma when they come in, some rant or other about the time clock and what it means to her. The Barnes come in and join the Websters for a drink. Sally apologises to Steph and it's all friends and jokes again between the two couples.

Wendy serves dinner to a sulking Ken who says Tracy was quite philosophical about the change of plans. There see? nothing to worry about. I get the distinct impression Ken would rather there was a tantrum and tears and does indeed have something to worry about. How soon he is replaced!

It's 11:30 p.m. and Vera is waiting up for Jack. She hears a noise out in the back yard and opens the door to find a drunk Jack greeting his little swampduck. What's that? That is a Velocet 200 motorbike, a prince of a machine. Where's me clock? Well it turned into a motorbike, honey! See, he swopped it for the bike, and a few pints besides. First the disappearing act and then the magical switch. I don't think Vera is fooled. She calls him every low slimy name she can think of and slams the door on him. He sits on his new toy which by the way looks like it's been through every war in the last century and a half including Crimea and the India wars! There he sits, spitting and buzzing and making motor sounds. Probably the only sounds that poor piece of metal can make because I doubt very much it can run under it's own steam!


Tuesday (3054, 9 April 1990)
Crash goes whose relationship? Who's got no faith in Jack?

In an episode that covers a Saturday, which is unusual, we open with Jack, covered in grease, is tinkering with his new (old) toy. He tries to convince Vera of all the fresh air they could be getting once he's got it going but she says there's as much chance of getting her on a camel as on that ting! Vera is just not impressed by Jack's new acquisition and the loss of her time clock.

Wendy is preparing and checking over her produce for her impending lunch with her mom only it turns out it's her stepmother apparently who married her widowed father but they're quite fond of each other. Ken appears in his bathrobe in rather a chipper mood which surprises me considering the snit he was in yesterday at being forced to cancel his outing with Tracy for Wendy's mother's visit. He promises to be on his best behaviour, diplomatic considering Mother Sylvia, although knows that he and Wendy are living together, doesn't know all the details.

Rita is making signs for the old Kabin informing customers of the new location as of April 13. Rita hopes moving on Friday the 13th isn't bad luck but Mavis reminds her it's also Good Friday which to me is unusual to be open on a holiday but I suppose, considering the type of shop it is, might be open for convenience and newspapers. Anyway, Mavis asks if Rita had never considered opening a business entirely away from Weatherfield. She always fancied Cornwall herself, it's so magical with it's legends and lovely town names. Rita isn't that brave though, maybe 20 or even 10 years ago but all her friends are here, Jenny, Mavis, Derek (which makes Mavis smile). She'd rather stick with the known.

Curly and Vera are getting ready to go to work this Saturday which causes Vera to reminisce about the excitement of Saturday night dates when she was younger. Curly tries to convince her that Jack's new/old bike is a sound investment and could be worth some money when he gets it running (another man WOULD think fixing up an old motor is exciting, it IS rather a guy-thing isn't it?) Vera reckons they'll be pensioners by the time he gets it going and she's not going to be Hell's Granny for nobody! (LOL at the image of Vera in black leathers on a bike now much less at the age of 75) But Curly tries to make her see that it's a challenge, great for personal growth, educational! Ha! It was a challenge marrying 'im and look where that got me, Vera says with no faith at all in her husband. As they get ready to go, Jack spreads the table with newspapers and pours out a lot of old parts onto the table.

Wendy is decorating her table with freesias, chatting about her step mother. Ken seems dubious as to whether she'll like him when she finds out he's still married and Wendy tells him of course she will and reminds Ken he's in smoother waters now. Oh of course, no money, no job, a grasping estranged wife and a daughter that couldn't care less. (ah, now THAT'S the Ken Barlow we all know!) Now, now she soothes, you'll get a job and Tracy loves you! He bitterly says she was so heartbroken when she found out he couldn't take her out wasn't she? (Not) Wendy is getting exasperated at his attitude and says well, would you have preferred her to be heartbroken with tears all around? She warns him that he's in danger of becoming self obsessed (BECOMING???!!!) Tracy's just being sensible and adjusting to everything and being much more adult than he's being. (is that another crack in the wall I see?)

Meanwhile Tracy and Deirdre are chatting about Dave the Builder who's due to arrive around noon. Tracy asks mom if she likes Dave which she says she does as far as the little she knows him. Tracy says she wouldn't mind if her mom liked him, her dad has someone else and she should be seeing other men too if she wanted to. True, Tracy has a point but Dave isn't exactly wooing her with Champagne. But Deirdre's jaw drops when Tracy says he might if he were given any encouragement!

Over at Bettabuys Vera very casually directs a vegan customer to the tofu section where the "crank" foods are with a jerk of a thumb. Curly rushes to correct her, instructing her on the correct way to address customers "we don't call them Cock", organic foods "not Crank foods" and how to direct a customer to the requested section by leading them there rather than jerking a thumb. She apologises saying she's distracted over Jack and that blasted bike. Curly suggests a different perspective, after all Jack is reading educational manuals rather than leering at page 3 girls, spending time in the fresh air in the yard rather than spending his brass in the Rovers and maybe this might even be the end of the smelly pigeons in the yard too! Hey! that's not a bad way of looking at it!

Jack is at work later perusing an automotive manual while Bet and Alec demonstrate their lack of faith in his abilities by pointing out that the diagrams are over simplified and he'll never get it figured out.

Rita starts to pack up her gear at Number 7, starting with the buffet. She shows Jenny and Flick a red and black ceramic dog that Len's Auntie Edna gave them for a wedding present that she had to keep in case of a visit. But the old dear popped her clogs four years ago so it's probably time to get rid of it and Rita puts it in the pile to go to the charity shop since neither of the girls wants it! She sends Jenny to Alf's for more boxes and after she leaves, Rita comes across the tin that contains her personal papers. The very same one that Alan Bradley was messing with when he was trying to gaslight Rita. Rita takes the papers out and tells Flick that the tin isn't coming with her, it goes under the heading of bad memories to be left behind.

Back at Wendy's abode, Ken has decided not to tag along when Wendy goes to meet Sylvia at the train to give Wendy time to prepare her for meeting him. Is he actually nervous? He seems to be in a bit of a strange mood. Wendy assures him her mother will love him as she does herself. Well if he isn't going, then could he set the table, turn on the spuds and change into a nicer sweater than that. With that she leaves. Ken gets some silver out of the cupboard and looks as if he's being forced to do something he doesn't want to, kind of like a kid who has to clean his room. Confirmed by Ken dashing the silverware down onto the table top in a temper tantrum. When Wendy and Sylvia return he's gone with no note, no table laid. Wendy covers saying he must have gone to see his daughter. It is soon revealed that Wendy and Ken were together before the marriage broke up which isn't quite the way Sylvia perceived it at first and she looks vaguely disapproving much to Wendy's defence and discomfort. Where is Ken? Well we see him inside a cafe I guess is what it is, head in hand. Contemplating his navel???

Kevin and Sally had planned a Saturday drive in the country with a stop for tea and scones but Sally is having to work as Audrey has waylaid Alf with an urgent errand. He has to help her pick out a new portable tv for the bedroom! Sally feels sorry for Alf being jerked around by Audrey all the time so felt she had to work. Kevin is ok with it though and invites Mark to the Rovers instead where they enjoy a drink with Jenny and Flick. Flick has her very first hotpot which Jenny insists is essential to be a true coronation Street resident. Mark wonders if the girls will be throwing wild parties once they're on their own but that won't be the case. They'll be too busy studying. Betty is of the opinion that the young people are going to turn Rita's house into a squat with sleeping bags up to their knees with students using it. Bet thinks the young people today are so casual and it's so easy for them to just pick up and go on adventures like backpacking in new places. She wishes she were like that but Betty teases her that there's no place to plug in hot rollers in the Australian bush! No! not now, when she were younger! Jack looks forward to adventures on his motorbike while Bet teases him with her Martin Luther King impression "I Have A Dream!!" He says you can have dreams at any age but Bet scoffs saying that he should at least try for something more attainable, like building a space rocket!

Wendy has held off lunch as long as possible and is now serving on a table now set with linen, china and silver. Just as the two women sit down, Ken arrives and is introduced to Sylvia. Later he is cornered in the kitchen by Wendy but he won't say where he was, just that he needed some space. She tells him to straighten out his attitude as he hasn't said two words to her mother! right. They go back to the living room with coffee and he apologises to Sylvia who looks uncomfortably in the middle of something quite tense. She tells them she realizes he's putting on an act for her (over losing his job I gather) and it isn't necessary. She's a good listener if they need an objective party to talk to. Oh, Ken starts to demur, not necessary. Wendy apparently thinks it's necessary though and starts on a rant about Ken not being able to let go of his former family and his wife and Tracy are always there between them. Ken says he's under pressure, can't she understand that? But Wendy feels he's making the pressure himself and should just let his wife and daughter get on with their own lives and he can get on with his.

Over at the ex-wife's house, Dave has arrived a little late since Saturday morning finds him doing housework, laundry and shopping. Deirdre compliments him on being a competent little housewife and he swears he wields a mean dustcloth! Tracy greets him then appears to be giving them the encouragement she was talking about earlier when she asks if she can go to her friend's house, leaving them alone. Dave tells Deirdre Tracy's a great kid but Deirdre says she sure has changed from a month ago. Yeah, kids are resilient, and decides to stick his nose in asking Deirdre how she's getting along, is she getting over the worst of the aftermath of the breakup? Yes, she is, she's finally able to get up and look forward to each day now. This appears to be what Dave wanted to hear! I think he's been encouraged.

Alf visits Rita in her new shop while she's arranging empty shelves and sweeping the floor. He tells her he thinks she's quite brave starting over but it IS only just around the corner, not somewhere exotic like Cornwall as Mavis suggested. Still, Alf admires Rita's strength and offers her any help she might need, offering to introduce her to some of his contacts. (As if she didn't already have the contacts she needs after how many years running the Kabin? what's going on here?)

Curly and Vera come to the pub but Jack has just nipped home so Vera decides not to stay. Curly reminds her that she should support Jack and his hobby as she said she would do but when she gets home she is obviously not best please to see a greasy Jack examining greasy bike parts on the table.

Ken is pouting and reading the paper while Wendy has taken Sylvia back to the train station. When she gets back she tears into Ken, accusing him of trying to destroy them as he destroyed his marriage! (Wendy has seen the light! The truth shall set you free! The relationship has well and truly crumbled I think!)

Customer GILL WAUGH Sylvia Crozier AVRIL ANGERS

Wednesday (3055, 11 April 1990)
Will Ken find a job? Will Audrey find Alf?

Vera gives Jack the sharp side of her tongue (is there a dull side???) and she insists he shift the bike parts from the table. Jack anxiously pleads but she's not having her breakfast looking at that mess. He tries, saying there's more important things than a cup of tea but she can't think of any at the moment, now SHIFT IT! He tries to appeal to her by showing off a headlamp that he spit polished. But does it work? Oh of course it does and he taps two wires together and here's me thinking the whole thing is about to blow up but it doesn't! Nothing happens at all. Vera's not surprised and Jack is disappointed. So much for appeasement.

The Crozier-Barlow relationship hobbles along as Wendy wakes Ken up with a cup of coffee and instructions to do her shopping and he could drop in at the employment agency which is near the supermarket. She doesn't want to talk about the disastrous lunch with her mother the day before and he doesn't really want to talk about job hunting but she says there's lots of jobs going. Not the kind he wants but he insists he try anyway, at least think about going. Nag, nag, nag.

Percy hobbles into the Duckworth's yard on crutches and starts to pass the time of day with Jack who's banging on a bolt trying to loosen it. Percy gives Jack plenty of unwanted advice on what he's doing wrong but Jack says he knows what he's doing, he's no amateur. Percy riles Jack by observing that he's putting over a pretty good imitation of it! Jack chases Percy out of the yard by threatening him to knock off his cast with a sledgehammer. Problem is Percy is probably right about stripping that bolt and misaligning the wheels with all his banging.

Audrey chats to Alf about Rita's new shop but jealousy flashes when she finds out Alf had offered to help Rita shop for furniture for her new flat when he refuses to shop for furniture with her. She goes on about needing a new bed which he doesn't think is necessary and she reminds her that Rita is an ex-girlfriend and now single but he's married and best not forget it. Aye, aye Alf sighs.

Vera chats to Kimberly about Jack and the bike when Ken comes along pushing a shopping cart and wielding Wendy's list. He greets Vera and asks her to pass him a jar of coffee since she's standing between him and it. She takes great offence, quite loudly too, at being treated like a slave by someone like Ken Barlow. She leaves and Kimberly apologises, handing him the coffee. Later at the checkout Curly sees Ken and approaches him and does the manager thing asking him if everything was satisfactory ("mostly" is the curt answer) and also witters on about customer satisfaction to Ken who escapes the full lecture. Vera is hovering behind worrying and asks Curly what Ken said to him. More management Party Line about the confidences of customer-manager relations not concerning her. She shouts after him that it does it they were talking about her and to bear in mind it wasn't her that ran off with a flighty bit of stuff!

Mavis sells Phyllis some sweets she intends to give to Percy though she's having trouble tracking him down. Mavis reckons he's not letting grass grow under his feet now he's out of the chair. Phyllis mentions that Percy is going to try to get compensation (the accident happened at his place of work) and also tries to find out how much Rita's net worth is but Mavis politely says nothing and sees her out with her sweets for her sweetie.

Alf and Rita share a table in the Rovers at dinnertime where she again refuses his offer of help since she's got it all under control. However, when Derek appears and says Mavis has instructed him to be her shopping escort all afternoon, she gulps and tells him Alf has already volunteered. Alf chokes on his hotpot (probably picturing Audrey's response) and agrees with Rita! Now how is he going to manage this? Well he goes back to the shop telling a hungry Sally that he can't stay, he has to go down to Johnson's warehouse to pick out a bed for Audrey but it's a surprise. Sally wants to go to her dinner but he says she'll have to wait for Audrey to return but she could always help herself to a pie or a banana if she's feeling a bit peckish. When Audrey returns however, and Alf isn't there, she accurately predicts that he's gone shopping with Rita and if he has she'll skin him alive. Sally, trying to protect her employer, tells the "secret" that he's only shopping for a bed for her! Delighted, Audrey decides not to trust Alf's cheapo taste and goes to join him. But me dinner! Sally protests. Oh, dear, just help yourself to a pie or a "bananer".

Ken wheels the shopping cart to his car and sees the private Employment agency on the block across the street so decides to go in. Embarrassed and humiliated to be there he tries to leave when he realizes he needs an appointment but the receptionist gives him a form and assures him Mrs. Woods won't be 10 minutes. When she does finish with her current client he reluctantly enters her office. He makes sure he tells her he doesn't just want any old job. He has extensive newspaper experience and wants that sort of job. (Extensive??? Ken has had dozens of jobs over the years, newspaper has only filled the last 5 or 6 or so. But of course Newspaper editor is a much more sophisticated job in his mind than anything he's ever had and his pompous attitude reflects it) In any case, Mrs. Woods reads over his CV from the form and implores him to bear with them, they might find something right up his alley that he might not have thought about. He doubts it and finds fault with any job she comes up with. He only wants what he wants. She assures him it just takes time and a little give and take. He says, from up top of that high horse, that he doesn't want to take what they have to give. He starts to slide off the saddle after she asks why he doesn't go back to teaching? Apparently she was one of his students at Bessie Street school and tells him he was well thought of by her fellow students but he thinks too much water has gone under the bridge since then. She sees him out telling him to be optimistic though he's almost off that horse after realizing the only options pretty much open for someone of his qualifications and age are a job at the tax department or teaching.

Down at Johnson's Bed Warehouse, Alf and Rita are perusing the beds and the salesman hovers helpfully. One particularly nice one that Alf discovers is a bit pricey attracts Rita and the salesman, who thinks they are a married couple, urge them to try it. They go along with the assumption as a lark and both lay down on the bed. Along comes Audrey! You knew that would happened didn't you? It's not what it looks like, Alf protests, he was helping Rita choose a bed then was going to find one for her! Uh huh. Well this one you're looking at for 650 is nice. Not a bad price for it either. Audrey tells the salesman to write it up, they'll take it, much to Alf's dismay and Rita's amusement. That's the price you pay for going behind your wife's back and incurring her jealousy on top of it!

Jack comes out into the yard with a sandwich in his mouth and sees the rain start to pour down on his bike and runs to cover it with what looks like a coat as he rescues the owner's manual from the wet. Later Vera comes back from work looking tired but hits the roof when she sees the bike strewn all over the living room and her raincoat ruined from grease! He defends it as the first thing he came across, he had to prevent the bike from getting rusty in the rain! (GETTING?) Her voice hits unprecedented decibel levels and as Jack tries to sneak off to work, she prevents him, telling he must get rid of the bike to the yard. He doesn't have much choice as Vera sits there and contemplates her bad luck in husbands and her ruined raincoat.

This makes Jack late for work. Curly and Kimberly are in the Rovers for a drink. Tina asks him where Jack is but he hasn't been home and Kimberly reckons he's preoccupied with his bike. Tina says Alec is on the warpath and indeed Alec tells Bet that Jack has 5 more minutes and then he's on his bike. Bet laughs but Alec doesn't see what's so funny. If he doesn't know, then she can hardly tell him can she! Jack arrives to a scolding from Alec. Tina wipes the grease off his cheek and tells him he's got to start acting like a human being instead of a grease monkey and people might actually start treating him like a human being. He is already disheartened and says he's always being treated like a grease monkey anyway. Tina warns him not to be that late again or Alec will give him his cards.

Wendy comes home after an after work drink with a client and since dinner isn't ready, nags Ken into telling her what he did all day. He says he did her shopping and got a load of abuse from Vera Duckworth for his troubles and then went to the employment agency where he was told by a former student from eons ago that the only thing he was suitable was either a job at the tax department or teaching both of which he'd have to apply for himself without their help. You went to the agency? Yes, doesn't he believe her? Well of course she does, so how did it go? She tells him not to give up hope and anyway, why not go back to teaching? It's a good job and he's well enough qualified to walk into a position. What's wrong with teaching anyway? He loses his temper and tells her it's underpaid, undervalued, overworked, men his age are leaving that profession by the dozens and anyway, if she thinks he left his house, wife, child and business to go back to something he left 15 years ago then she doesn't know him very well. And that worries him even more than not having a job!

Bitaprts: Salesman NIGEL MAKIN Receptionist VICTORIA FINNEY Christine Woods OLWEN MAY

Thursday (3056, 13 April 1990)
A bathtub is slimed. A date is made. An era ends.

Jack is industriously scrubbing away at some rusty parts on the kitchen table. Vera is industriously whipping jack with her tongue for all his junk on her tablecloth course newspapers WERE the tablecloth in his house so how would he expect to know any different? He tries to win her over with memories of outings on a motorbike years ago when they were dating, adventures with all their mates but all she remembers is being dead petrified cold! No really, what about that time... he relates when they got soaked and she and the bird his mate were with had to strip off their wet clothes and ... That weren't me! oh right, that were Cynthia Parsnip. Vera remembers her, she would go with anyone not that many would have her (don't see why not with a name like Parsnip!) and Vera could bet Cynthia Parsnip wouldn't be having greasy junk on her tablecloth! Shift it!

Even though it's Good Friday, Wendy is off to work and Ken is sulking . She admits being a bit insensitive moaning about a job when he doesn't have one and he admits to being overly touchy but he's still in full sulk and it doesn't get better when she starts in on him to look up some old contacts.

Mavis and Rita clear up a mix up with the paper boys and girls and Mavis is left charged with minding the old Kabin all day while Rita supervises the fitting out and removal men at the new Kabin. Mavis will still be selling papers and redirecting customers but it will be a long boring day until the evening papers come to be sorted out. Some company does find her in the person of Mr. Sugden who reminds her it's Friday the 13th and apparently Mrs. Fairclough isn't superstitious about starting a new business on that black day. They discuss superstitions though neither of them seem to hold any count with being of a superstitious nature and Mavis manages to hold fast under Percy's boring rendition of Hitler's belief in all things superstitious.

General conversation in the Rovers through the day includes Steph teasing Des as usual and Sally telling Mark that Kevin didn't want to go out for the day, preferring to stay home, as usual. Deirdre has a drink with Emily so she could get out of Dave's way as he is still beavering away on her kitchen. Jack seems down in the dumps due to the backlash of Vera's tongue, moaning on about how Vera never lets him near her car and anticipating adventures on his bike. Curly has taken Vera on a drive out to visit her Auntie Lil.

On the street in front of the Daily Mail newspaper offices, Ken greets an old contact, Charlie but alas there's no jobs going at his paper. He promises to ask however and tells Ken that if he wants to get all the latest gossip including jobs to go to the Lamb Hotel which is the watering hole for all the newspaper hacks. this he does, which you would think he would already have known since he spent untold years in the business himself! The Lamb Hotel is a big Victorian barn of a place with a small crowded dark little pub. Ken enters through the deco stained glass doors but spies Wendy across the bar having a drink with Ted Lucas and a few other colleagues. She sees him and calls out but he leaves quickly.

Alf calls in at Rita's new Kabin, manoeuvring around Jenny and Flick who are helping stock shelves and the removal men who are just finishing up. He has come to his shop on a bank holiday to check the freezer. No, he can't seem to stay away, he laughs and she understands though he mentions Audrey never can see it. He also manages to point out that Audrey can't understand or at least doesn't care about his theory that Rita's new shop across from his will benefit the trade of the pair of them. It sounds suspiciously like Alf is heading into a "My Wife Doesn't Understand Me" phase of disillusionment. And at his age too!

Vera and Curly arrive back unexpectedly as Auntie Lil who never goes out, wasn't in! Jack hurries downstairs looking rather nervous and when Curly tries to go upstairs to the toilet he tries desperately to get him to use the outdoor bog (oh gross, that probably hasn't been used for yonks, can you imagine the state it's probably in?????). Vera intervenes telling Jack to stop mithering but Jack tells her he's not mithering, she's mothering the lad, it's manly to use the outdoor bog! That won't wash and Vera insists Curly go ahead and use the toilet so Jack gets out of Dodge as fast as he can, telling Vera he has to bo out and out the back door he runs. Summat's up but Vera doesn't clue in. Curly comes back down the stairs to the tune of the flushing toilet and looks thoughtful, calling "Vera" rather tentatively. He tells her she ought to see what's in the tub. Is it alive? Well if there was anything alive in it, it isn't now. She peeks in the bathroom door and screams! The tub is filled with motorbike parts soaking in what Curly calls "gunk" which is also up and down the sides of the tub as well. It's a kind of soaking oil used to degrease metal things. You might know, the way Jack was brought up, well dragged up. His house didn't even have a tub, just a tin bath hung on a nail on the outside wall! She's furious!

When Wendy finally finds her way back home she sees Ken lying dejectedly on the couch listening to classical music which he turns down once she gets in. She asks him why he rant out of the pub but it was because he didn't like the company she was keeping (Ted Lucas). They start nit picking and he is into his usual rant about no jobs and nobody wants him not even his daughter. Then he starts in on her working in his job for a man that fired him (conveniently blocking out the fact that Ken quit!) and broadly hinting that she should quit her job in deference to him but she doesn't bite, snapping that one of them has to work to pay the butcher's bill. He turns away in a huff and turns his music back up again.

Dave is ready to knock off for the day. Deirdre compliments him on the wonderful job he's doing but has to decline his invitation of a drink next door because she's waiting for Tracy to come home from an afternoon at a friend's. (Guess she won't trust that kid in the house alone for awhile!) But another time, all right? He shores up his nerve and asks her if she and Tracy would like a day out next week somewhere with him? She perks up at this and says she thinks they would. Tracy is always saying they never go out anywhere but it's a bit difficult because she doesn't drive. So she won't say no, and proceeds to say exactly that "No, that would be lovely!" They fix a date for Easter Monday and Dave seems chuffed and says he thinks it will be a great day, he has a feeling. Aw! He IS rather cute isn't he and really a nice man!

Mavis reminisces about the 16 years in the old Kabin with Derek, fond memories of the shop and their first little flat as a married couple. Derek reminds her to look to the future but a very philosophical Mavis says that as they get older there is more to look back on and the past becomes more important, not less. (Just ask Percy Sugden!) Derek embraces her and quotes from Shakespeare who said it as eloquently as he always does, "Grow old along with me, The best is yet to be". *sigh* I barely have the heart to point out that it's a quote from Browning (isn't it?) since the sentiment is really quite lovely and romantic and not boring and pedantic as Derek usually is. Rita enters just then and shoos them off to the Rovers to have a drink to the future and she'll join them after she locks up. She turns out the lights and looks around with obviously mixed feelings and blows a somewhat tearful kiss to the past. An era has ended and a new one begins.

Jack finally comes home clad head to toe in leathers, a helmet and goggles, scaring the life out of Vera. He bought them off a bloke reasonable but Vera isn't impressed. Get that tub cleaned out. No he can't, cleaning tubs is women's work. Wrong thing to say!!! She threatens to throw out three pieces of his bike a day until he does and grabs one from the table and runs out into the street, chased by an objecting Jack. They slang in the street as she tosses the part down the middle of the road in view of Rita, Jenny, Flick and a passing beat constable all of whom just observe! Nothing unusual apparently! Rita tells the girls she'll have to see if she can't take a bit off the rent to make up for their neighbours!

Another briefer era seems to be whimpering along to it's end. Wendy tries to talk to Ken about if he saw any of his contacts but he more or less gives her the silent treatment so she says she's off to bed since he's going to be like that. He gets up indignantly and starts in yet again about her having his job and after all she wasn't working when he saw her she was drinking, no, boozing with the man who fired him! That's not fair, he knows it's often hard to separate the job from the drinking! And anyway she can't just pick and choose her jobs no matter what he might think, she just can't go and tell Ted Lucas what she thinks, no, what HE thinks of him after all! Stop making her feel guilty! He can't put her on a chain. It didn't do any good with Deirdre and it isn't going to do any good with her! And she stalks out leaving him .. well, I couldn't quite work out what that expression was supposed to be. He looked rather like a wooden plank with jowls and eyes, not angry, not disgusted, not thoughtful, not as if she struck a nerve or anything. I guess it's the all-purpose Ken Barlow dazed expression!

Bitparts: Ted Lucas STUART GOLLAND Charlie Meakin NOEL GREIG Removal Man DUDLEY JAMES

Friday (3057, 16 April 1990)
Who's prepared? Who's busted? Who's warming Rita's flat?

Dave drives up to Number 1 in a little red car instead of his work van to discover Jack on his hands and knees crawling over fences, Mavis's to be precise. He shakes his head and goes to Deirdre's. Mavis peeks out her upstairs window to see Jack on her front garden and, opening the window, asks what in Heaven's name is he looking for? He's vague and mentions something about searching for that which has been chucked away by woman. Me dreams, me youth! Well, Mavis sighs, you'll not find them in my garden! Apparently, he's been on his hands and knees searching since 8 this morning and suddenly spots something. He holds up a small motorbike part in triumph, pocketing it, goes back to searching. Only one more bit left to find! Mavis shakes her head, wondering for Jack's sanity and retreats. Across the street Dave, Deirdre and Tracy emerge for their Bank Holiday (Easter Monday) day out. They are laughing about the eccentricities of Jack Duckworth. Emily comes out for her milk on the doorstep and wishes them a good day out. I noticed that one of the places they are going is Alton (Elton?) Towers which, if I'm not mistaken, is where Ken had planned to take Tracy and her friend only it was cancelled for the lunch date with Wendy's mother. Wonder what he's going to say when he finds out Tracy went there with "THAT MAN" (well can't you see that coming?)

Sally and Kevin tease Mark about the latest in a long line of his girlfriends. They have a bit of work to do but Sally makes Kevin promise they'll be done by noon as they all planned to go out somewhere.

Back at the Duckies', Jack is sorting through a box of parts. Vera picks a fight with him yet again over bikes and parts and oily bathtubs. Curly is trying to urge Vera to get on *her* bike as they are due at the store to do stock taking. Curly mentions to Jack that it will be a "long flaming day". Poor besieged Jack sighs that it will be a "long flamin' life an' all!"

Ken, looking jaunty with his sweater over his shoulders, seems to be cheerily putting together a gourmet picnic lunch complete with a long stick of bread and a bottle of wine. He jokes that he could always use the bread as a spanner should they run into car trouble. They prepare for their outing and apologize for recent conflicts. Let's not let it break us, Wendy implores. (Sorry. I think it's too late if you ask me! The cracks are way too deep)

Bet and Tina prepare the pub for opening and Tina, looking rather conspiratorial, tells her there's no sign of Jack yet. But as Bet goes to the back, Tina rushes to the front door and hurries Jack in. Jack's carrying a bike wheel and stops on the public side of the bar and puts the wheel on the floor between his legs and the bar because Alec comes through. So you're finally her. Yes Boss. He doesn't move. Well? inquires Alec. Yes, Boss, ready to work. But he's not moving because the wheel has tipped and is leaning against his leg and if he moves it will clatter to the floor. Alec has decided that Jack has gone right round the pipe. Tina distracts Alec so that Jack can scoot over to the cellar door with his wheel and takes it downstairs with a thumbs up to Tina.

Jenny and Flick assure Rita that there won't be endless rounds of parties, they have work to do too. Rita doesn't mind what they get up to as long as there's no complaints from the neighbours though Heaven knows it would take some doing to be noisier than the Bickering Duckworths. Still there's the Brennan's to be considerate of. Speaking of parties, Jenny approaches Rita, they were thinking of having just a couple of friends over. Rita tells them they don't have to ask her permission, it's their house now. And with that, she carries the last couple of bin bags full of stuff out the door, leaving the girls jumping for joy at having the place to themselves finally. They immediately start planning an evening with wine, pasta and two fellas, Tom and Justin. There is a bit of argument over who gets to have Tom, the more desirable of the two apparently.

At the pub during a busy dinnertime, Alec beams with joy at the sound of a steadily ringing cash register, causing Bet to comment that he's the only person she knows that can get excited over the sound of 25p for a bag of nuts! Jack continues to act like Spy vs. Spy, smuggling in boxes of bike parts to the cellar. Mavis and Emily comment to Bet on Jack's rather odd behaviour today, well odder than usual that is, relating his hunt in Mavis's garden. They wonder if he's under some kind of stress lately? Bet jokes that Jacko doesn't get under stress, everybody else around him does! Sally and Mark come in for a drink while they wait, very impatiently in Sally's case, for Kevin who wanted to finish just one more radiator. It's always one more radiator, or carburettor or something with that garage. She tries to call him but the line is engaged so she orders a half a lager while they wait. He won't be long, Mark assures her.

The line is engaged because Kevin is on the phone with a customer who appears to be begging him to come out to a broken down car. Kevin sighs, feeling obligated and says he'll be a half hour but the wife won't like it! Kevin drives up a lovely residential street to a car parked to the side of the road and guess who it is? Ken Barlow! Guess that bread stick wasn't much good as a spanner after all. Ken introduces Wendy and apologises profusely. It stalled upon braking and won't start up again. Back at the garage Kevin announces it's a faulty carburettor causing the engine to flood and it will need replacing. The cost of parts, labour and the tow will be upwards around £250. The car is driveable but only barely. Poor Ken looks like he's lost his lunch, well you know what that sinking feeling is like when your mechanic lowers the price of doom on you so unexpectedly don't you? Anyway, Ken says he'll take the car home and let Kevin know since it can't be looked at until the end of the week anyway and finds himself apologising to Sally when she, Mark and his bird arrive looking for Kevin. Kevin tells Sally they can go now but she's not impressed as he's all full of muck! Guess they won't be going as far as she had hoped.

Rita calls Jenny from the flat to test the new phone. She's planning to have a few quiet hours on her own with her feet up but this is not to be as the buzzer sounds and it's Alf, arrived with a bottle of wine to help warm Rita's flat.

A little later Audrey is in the pub after failing to find Alf in the shop where he said he would be. He promised to take her out but found excuses to go into the shop for an hour anyway and now he's nowhere to be found. Where do grocers go when they aren't grocering she wonders? Elsewhere in the pub Jack has evidently been avoiding Alec and trying to be extra industrious in his cellar man profession. Alec sees the greasy state of his hands which Jack says is just because he was working on the bike that morning. Alec banishes him to the cellar for the day to clear it out since he's already dirty, much to Jack's delight.

Where *does* a grocer go? Well it looks like the grocer is gone halfway to his cups after a few glasses of wine much to Rita's discomfort. And also to Rita's discomfort, Alf seems to be getting sentimental, telling her how special she is and how he's always had a soft spot for her. He keeps moving closer to her and pouring out more wine and she keeps moving away. Saved by the bell as Audrey arrives much to Rita's relief.

Sally and Kevin are walking through some lovely greenhouses and Sally is explaining to Kevin that she always feels like the garage comes first before anything else, including her and it's really bothering her evidently because Kevin offers her a real vacation that summer, maybe abroad. Sally considers that they really need to do up that other bedroom and they don't have the money to do both. Kevin seems concerned that Sally's so low spirited though she says it's not his fault. She just wants them to be happy. He watches her walk away wondering what that was all about.

Back at the Crozier residence, Ken and Wendy are eating their picnic lunch at the dining room table while Ken mutters about his balance sheets, seeing the £250 car repair bill as a disaster. Wendy offers to help out but he is quite adamant, he won't be sponging off her! He'll have to sell the car and whines about being over 50 and not in a financial state to even run a car. Wendy's attempts to soothe him only cause him to lash out, between Wendy and Deirdre they have cleaned him out. His wife has his house and everything else he owns and Wendy has his job! He raises his glass to the pair of them!

Percy hobbles into the Rovers under his own and Emily's steam and makes great pains to make sure everyone notices he's not in his plaster anymore but still must be careful of his fragile old bones. Bet has no patience and tells him to remember that Emily isn't his personal walking stick! Bet later has a word with Mavis about Rita's flat and the goings on at the house at Number 7. Mavis tells Bet that Rita wants a quiet night in on her first night in the flat but the girls are expecting company. That won't do, Bet says, and she organizes a bit of a party, inviting Mavis and Emily to Rita's, along with a bottle or two of plonk. Percy is insulted that he's not being invited but let's face it, Bet tells him, with his fragile bones he wouldn't manage the stairs would he? If he has trouble getting home he can always use Alec as a stick! Over in the corner Dave and Deirdre are snuggled close together on one side of a booth. Tracy is on an overnight with a friend so he tries to convince her to go out somewhere with just him. She gently keeps him at arm's length but takes his hand and smiles and says it was a lovely day and they must do it again sometime.

At No7, the girls wait impatiently for the boys who are late. They are a bit touchy and edgy and seem like it wouldn't take much for them to fall out.

Rita seems much happier with the ladies there to warm her flat as it's wine all around. They wonder how the girls' party is going but Mavis is forecasting disaster once she finds out it's just two boyfriends. You never know what you can get yourself into in this day and age, says a tiddly Mavis. Oh, Mavis, Bet asks, you don't really automatically think of sex and danger in the same thought? Well it can be, she would be quite worried about the girls if they were hers but Rita figures the girls can take care of themselves, having already been on their own at the dormitory anyway. If they were going to get up to something they had plenty of time to do it then. The buzzer sounds, more company! It's Jenny, Flick and more wine, much to Mavis's relief. They make light of the fact that the guys stood them up and they all settle in for a jolly hen party.

Vera moans in the pub about the long day stock taking and Alec remarks to Vera about Jack being covered in grease. That'll be the bike and tells Alec she made Jack get rid of it from her house. She doesn't know where he took it but is glad it's gone. Alec sees the light! Jack is industriously pounding away on the spokes of a wheel and tells Alec, who calls him upstairs for a pint with Vera when he's ready, that he'll be up in a minute. Then he looks up, realizing Alec's call came from much closer than the top of the stairs! Alec looks like he's on the warpath, "Youuu Wastrel!" Busted!

Bitparts: Katie JANINE BIRD

Originally transmitted: 18, 20, 23, 25 & 27 April 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 13 - Friday 17 April 1998
Episode Numbers: 3058 - 3063

Monday (3058, 18 April 1990)
Who's deceitful? Who's been confirmed? Who's being daft?

The motorbike parts are back in Jack's yard, transported from the pub and Vera is again back in Jack's face about it. Jack earnestly promises he can have it like new in no time but Vera wants it gone today! This er.."conversation" is observed by Jim MacDonald from out his upstairs back window. He approaches Jack in front of their houses to chat about the bike. He tells Jack that he's a lucky man. You sure you don't have me mixed up with someone else? Jack asks. Jim admires Jack's bike with envy. Jack heads down the street to work, completely ignoring Percy's inquiry as to if he's seen the postman yet. Something wrong with a person who can't be civil he tells Emily who sighs and tells Mr. Sugden that perhaps the whereabouts of the postman just isn't as important to Mr. Duckworth. Mr. Sugden is awaiting news to see if he'll get a cheque as compensation for his on the job injuries. The cheque is much better in his bank account than in the postman's bag!

Kevin is enthusiastically promoting a Portuguese sun, sand and surf holiday to Sally, he and Sall, Mark and his bird of the week! But Sally isn't all that interested as if there's something on her mind.

Ken sits in his chair, depressed over having to sell his car. Wendy took a call from someone who answered his ad and will be there at 1. He had a prompt sort of voice so he'll not be late. Ken is just in a knot about selling it but won't take financial help from Wendy so she, exasperated, tells him to just sell the damn car then if that's what you want!

Goings on at the garage include Jack trying to convince Kevin to let him store the bike there in a corner. He can work on it and they'll never know he was there. He'll even pay for it which perks Kevin up but when Jack says he'll pay a couple of quid, Kevin tells him to get lost. Kevin remarks to Mark that he'd be borrowing their tools and they'd end up putting it together for him! Speaking of borrowing tools, Martin arrives to return a borrowed tool, he is given a hard time by the mechanics but counters with the fact that if he didn't do the work himself, they'd have to and it's much too complicated for them with the resulting failure being detrimental to their confidence as tradesmen! The three of them have a look at the holiday brochures that Mark has, describing a Portuguese villa and Martin offers to fill the remaining 4 sleeping spaces with him, Gail and the kids! They're not to pleased with the prospect of rugrats invading their romantic vacation but as Martin wasn't really serious anyway they chase him out the door. Now all Kevin has to do is persuade Sally who wants to spend the money on a bedroom suite. Sheesh, women and their priorities! (She didn't say a bedroom suite, she said they had to do up that other bedroom, she didn't say how!)

At the pub Jack is in a very bad mood and even the lovely Tina can't get him to get his finger out. Bet has a go but even she sympathetic to the trials and tribulation of the saga of the Velocet. Women just see it as a lump of iron whereas men see things like that as a thing of beauty. Elsewhere Emily has a drink with Deirdre and tells her about Mr. Sugden's moaning about waiting for his compensation. She takes her leave to go home while Deirdre stays to finish her drink.

In a silly attempt at a holiday ambiance, in walk Kevin and Mark wearing sunglasses and sleeveless ugly green t-shirts. Tina thinks they're daft as brushes! they have a seat and a drink while waiting for Sally. Jim enters carrying a newspaper and has a chat to Jack about the bike and sympathises with his problems with an unsympathetic wife. Jack looks forward to regaining his youth on the restored bike and Jim again identifies with him. Like minds and all that, women just don't understand. Jim then utters such a combination of consonants and vowels to express his disdain for women, something similar to (say it out loud with a huff of breath, making the "ch" sounds rather soft and Germanic like you were clearing your throat) "Achshach" "Women don't have a clue". I think it's a Celtic thing because I've heard Scottish speakers utter similar throaty ..um... expressions to convey anything from approval to dissent! Anyway. Jim tactfully offers to buy the bike off Jack to ease his predicament you understand. Very tactful so he is. He'll give a good price but wants to see it a little closer. Well.... All right but Jack doesn't promise to sell you understand!

Emily returns home to find Mr. Sugden staring at a letter. He's very upset and tells her he's been sacked by the council from his crossing guard job because he's too old! How can he be too old now when he wasn't two weeks ago before his accident?

Emily hurries back to the pub to catch Deirdre before she leaves and tells her the problem and can she investigate? Poor Mr. Sugden is terribly upset. Sally arrives at the pub to catch up with Kevin and when she sees him and Mark in their get-ups thinks they're drunk or something. They look stupid! But she has a look at the brochure and says it's very nice but they'll have to talk about it later. She loses her temper when Kevin and Mark continue to try to talk her around and leaves. Well, says Mark you talked her around nicely he doesn't think! Well, Kevin insists he won't be talked around to a new bedroom suite. We'll see.

And who wants to buy Ken's car? Turns out it's Curly! Of course Wendy wouldn't know the voice. Curly is delighted he is dealing with a mate and, having checked the used car retail guide offers Ken no more than 1450. Ken, who was only going to insist on 1400, acts like it's not a great offer. Curly insists though, saying it's fair and if there was anything wrong, Ken would tell him, as a mate, wouldn't he, of course he would. Ken stays schtump and accepts the offer, not saying a word about the work that has to be done on the car. Some mate! (Ken's ability to lie and deceive quickly on his feet in an impromptu situation without any preplanning constantly amazes me) Curly later arrives home in his new chariot, followed by Vera who tells him it was driving jerkily. He's a bit disconcerted and then awkward as Deirdre walks by but she just wishes him luck with the car.

Jim appears to have talked jack around to selling him the bike as it's now in Jim's back yard. Jim and the boys look over the parts with Jack sadly gazing over the wall. The boys aren't impressed, wishing it were a cooler bike like a Suzuki. Jim and Jack discuss that the boys just don't appreciate the poetry in motion qualities of a proper lady! The boys just roll their eyes as Liz comes out and, being just as unsympathetic about the bike as Vera asks what that's doing there and what on earth do you want a motorbike for?

Gail comes in to check out the new Kabin and sees Jenny and Flick helping out sorting papers as it's Mavis's half day. But when she leaves, Jenny tells Flick that Gail was the local cradle snatcher she had told her about. Not what Flick expected, thinking she should have been more glamourous (or even look like she would at least have been lucky enough to be painted with the "average stick" rather than the ugly one. Sorry, I like Gail (at least at this point in Corrie history) I really do but ...homely!) Anyway Rita brings a familiar image to mind when she scolds the girls telling them they sound like a couple of old biddies confabbing in a pub snug! Then she tells them that now that they have the papers organized they'll have to deliver them!

Ken smugly tells Wendy how Curly insisted on paying £50 over what Ken was going to ask for the car and Wendy says Well done, there's hope for him yet (sorry. All hope is lost. She doesn't know yet he was deceitful)

Deirdre arrives at Emily's to tell Percy some news that he isn't going to like. Apparently he was sacked because though he listed his age on the compensation form as 68 which is the truth, he had his age listed on the original job application as 62 (which means he hasn't had the job 6 years, I would assume) Also, because he lied on the original application, he won't be insured so won't get compensation! Oh the deceit! He's not impressed, as predicted, saying at least he was trying to do a job rather than sitting on his backside getting old doing nothing. Oh dear.

In the pub that night Jack is ignoring Vera's request for a drink. Holding a grudge apparently. Curly is bleating about men and their chosen vehicles and decides to go take it for a spin, bragging to Liz and Jim as they enter that the car in front of their house is his. They go to the bar and Jim and Jack get into a guy type discussion on bikes while Liz chides Vera for making Jack sell the bike since she didn't want it around their yard either, and her with two impressionable lads and all. (Now I would think that would be a good male bonding project for a father and his sons but I guess she isn't chuffed about the lads wanting to drive it once it's put together) Anyway she tells Vera Jim paid £150 for it which causes Vera to exclaim That Lyin' Toad!

Down at the Webster's, Kevin arrives home for tea late having been called out on a breakdown (I wonder if it was Curly! *smile* though he doesn't say so, so it probably wasn't). He apologises to Sally about being silly in the pub and she apologizes for losing her temper. He asks how was her day and she says she spent it confirming something. What's that? She's pregnant! Kevin stares with a forkful of food halfway up to his mouth! And don't choke on that banker either!


Tuesday (3059, 20 April 1990)
Who's got a secret? Who's told a secret?

Now that the bomb has dropped, Sally is unsure how Kevin feels about the unplanned pregnancy. She hadn't told him before because she wanted to confirm it first and never had a chance with him wittering on about a holiday but really now he can see they will need the money to set up the baby. How does he feel about it? Don't know, scared, it's the responsibility isn't it. We planned it and talked about it but talking is not the same thing. But yeah, he's happy and he loves her. He gets up and hugs her close.

Steve and Andy are helping their dad mess about with the bike and chatting about it's top speed much to Liz's horror. She scolds the boys and sends them inside to clean up and comb their hair, they're coming with her to visit their grandmother though they'd rather be playing with the bike. Liz can't understand how that pile of junk inspires men to romantic thoughts of driving with the wind in their faces. Jack overhears and says it's just that women have a hormone that prevents them from seeing the passion of a beautiful machine! She just shakes her head and thinks Jim has caught a second childhood from the chap next door! Jim asks Jack if he'd like to help but Jack's breakfast is on and he's got a pigeon with a scabby wing to tend to.

Jack takes the pigeon inside, to find Vera cackling over two piles of cash that she's gleefully counting and dividing up. It's the money he got from Jim for the bike which he never told her about. She knows all his hiding places and since he got the bike by trading her clock she figures she deserves half, much to Jack's dismay. Curly arrives down ready for work and adds to Jack's misery by wondering why Jack ever sold the bike in the first place, going on about the freedom of the road and all that. The crowning glory in Jack's pain is the sight of his bacon burning under the grill!

Over at the garage, Sally arrives with a sandwich for Kevin. Mark comments on Kevin's unusually good mood all morning and the pair of them go off into the office where they giggle and chat about the baby and this afternoon's doctor's appointment. Mark comes back and they tell him they're pregnant but Mark is not best pleased, a disaster he sees it as.

Later he is seen in the Kabin with a face like a wet weekend and talking in riddles about friends lost and people talking in a different language (baby talk I guess) but he's sworn to secrecy. Jack enters looking like the end of the world prompting a similar type comment from Mavis. Poor Jack, there's Vera squeezing every penny out of him and there's Curly waving his pay packet around and the two of them with cars. Mark says that the car Curly just bought isn't all it's cracked up to be, having just been in the garage on a breakdown just a few days before and he fills Jack in on the details.

Mr. Sugden is sunk into depression, hardly wanting to even come out of his room. A visit from Phyllis is hardly going to improve his mood, Emily silently thinks but Phyllis takes Percy to task for giving up the fight, he's lost his bottle hasn't he? Given up! He should stand up to the Town Hall on behalf of all people put on the scrap heap by age discrimination. A bit later, Emily and Deirdre find the two of them making protest posters and planning an assault on Town Hall now he's got his bottle back. Emily wonders why they want to go to all the trouble, they are at the time of life where they can relax and do what they want, well Mr. Sugden says, he wants to work. Deirdre warns that drawing all that attention to themselves might not work in their favour in the long run but they're determined and go marching off.

Sally gets ready for the doctor when the door opens but it isn't Kevin, it's Audrey checking up on her. No she's not that sick though yes, she does have a doctor's appointment. Kevin arrives, he's going with her because (lame excuse) the doctor's pushy. Audrey's radar goes up and she pokes and prods as to Sally's symptoms until Sally admits she's pregnant but asks Audrey to keep it quiet for now till they know everything's ok. A delighted Audrey promises, Mum's the word! Later when they return from the doctor's they see Martin on the street so Kevin invites Martin and Gail to the Rovers tonight to celebrate... that they both have jobs to go to! Almost slipped! Martin accepts on the condition that they can get a sitter.

Jack goes to the supermarket to try to wheedle 20 quid out of Vera for the vet bills as the pigeon is ailing but she doesn't give an inch or a pence as the case may be. Meanwhile Curly is extolling the virtues of his car to Mr. Holdsworth who one-ups Curly by telling him he used to drive Daimlers for a limo company but is only driving a Mini now for economy's sake of an 850 engine. He strides off as Jack approaches and tells Curly Mr. H. is probably just jealous that his assistant drives a bigger car but then informs Curly what Mark said about his car and is surprised that Ken never told Curly about it. Later that afternoon Curly corners Ken in the aisles of Bettabuys and questions him about the car and why he wasn't told before he bought it that it needed a lot of expensive work done to it. Ken in his usual slick talking politician's voice tells Curly it's all a matter of perspective, that he bought an old car below book price, he should have expected there to be some problems. The untimely arrival of Mr. Holdsworth allows Ken to make a getaway.

Mark apologises to Kevin for his poor attitude to the baby, he's chuffed if Kevin is. Kevin admits it was unplanned but he's getting used to the idea. They'll just have to enjoy Portugal without the Websters.

In the Kabin Mavis comments to Gail about her paper bill which of course is none of her business and Rita tells Gail to pay no notice (but please pay the bill! ) It's all due to comics which are Martin's not the kids she tells them. Audrey comes in and looks at the cards and Gail asks her to sit for them that evening. Rita offers backup and Gail tells them she and Martin have been invited to the Rovers by the Webster's to celebrate (though she doesn't know what). Audrey squeals, so they told you then? I think it's wonderful and they'll make great parents! You wot? Gail's shocked, but Rita and Mavis are clucking like mother hens. Oh dear, Audrey assumed Gail knew from what she said, there, she's gone and done it again.

A drenched Phyllis and Percy return to Number 3 to the amazement of Emily. What on earth happened? Well it seems they were protesting in front of Town Hall and were asked to move but they wouldn't because they thought they were being put off but it also turns out that the reason they were to be shifted is because "two yobbos" started hosing down the monument. The crusaders were in the way and got splashed thoroughly by water and pigeon muck! Emily hands around towels and tells them they should do what most people do and write it in a letter, then they might actually live long enough to get a reply!

That night Kevin and Sally arrive at the Rovers only to be greeted by the Barnes, Curly and Martin and Gail, all of whom already know their news! Martin jokes around with one of Sara Lou's dolls, and Gail tells them that Audrey let the cat out of the bag by accident, thinking they already knew. The grapevine works well and the pub is abuzz with stories of babies, and memories of the children of various neighbours. Jim comments that the best thing about babies is they're the only people that ever smile in the morning! (I thought that was so cute!! Can't you just picture a sleep deprived parent in the kitchen hugging a mug of caffeine with a gurgling smiling baby in it's high chair!) Vera says that's not true, Jack still smiles in the morning only it's his teeth in a glass without him!

Back at the baby party, Martin kids Kevin that at least they're married, not living over the brush which causes Gail to abruptly get up and head to the Ladies' followed by Sally. Is Gail all right? Yes, well, no Gail answers. When asked why she doesn't get Martin to take her home she replies she can't stand being caged up in the house another night with him. OH, it's like that is it? (feeling a bit closed in are we?) Gail asks Sally when she's due, Christmas week (which, by my sums makes her about 4-5 weeks gone) and tells Sally she's due too, the month after!! (which by my sums makes her about 1 week gone!!! So how on earth could she possibly know? Even if it means just that she's due in January, which is only a couple of weeks after Christmas, she'd still be 2-3 weeks gone which is hardly time enough to figure you're pregnant. But I'm anoraking again. IOAS It's Only A Soap)

Gail makes Sally promise not to tell a soul.


Wednesday (3060, 23 April 1990)
Who's best defence is a good offence? Who ought to know? Who needs a solicitor?

Though Gail swore Sally to secrecy about her own pregnancy, Sally has told Kevin. She herself is reluctant to tell too many people about their baby as it's early days yet (although, hello? everyone already knows!) so she can see why Gail doesn't want to say anything yet. Kevin wonders why she hasn't told Martin yet, he loves Gail's kids. Yeah, Sally points out that even so, Martin isn't married to Gail and can leave anytime, he might feel trapped by a child. No, Kevin thinks Martin would be pleased and he isn't going anywhere having got his feet so far under her table that he's dug a tunnel!

Poor Curly, can't get his car started no matter how much he yells, pounds, insults or threatens the car. Jack is not altogether sympathetic and offers to try as some folk are just more mechanically minded that others. Not a chance!

Alma sits and actually has a civil chat with Phyllis, mostly about babies. Phyllis wonders how many Sally and Kevin will having, extolling the virtues of large families. Gail doesn't seem impressed by the ever buzzing grapevine and tells Alma curtly that she's popping out for a minute. She goes over to the corner shop and gets Sally in the back for a word while Liz and Audrey chat about motorbikes and the bad influence on teenage boys. You know, Liz thinks, bikes are like smoking really, if they were to be invented today, they'd never be allowed. Gail informs Sally that the gossips are out in full force discussing baby names and whether they should stop at two children. She might not mind but Gail does and she warns Sally again not to say a word. She leaves the shop again without having said one word to her mother who watches her go thoughtfully.

As Curly was late for work that morning, Mr. Holdsworth has a word with him. Apparently Curly had told him he was feeling nauseous as well as having car trouble and Mr. H. decides his must have a word with Mr. Watts about "his problem" which doesn't sound like the car problem Curly has. He implies Curly should have informed him about his problem at his job interview and that his father had the same problem for years. He goes off down an aisle leaving a ver puzzled Curly scratching his head.

Percy tries to convince Deirdre that she should make the age discrimination problem an issue to council, it's not right they should toss people on the scrap heap if they are willing to work. But really, Deirdre points out, it isn't an issue it's more of a complaint and he ought to write a letter about it. He DID lie after all and they take a dim view of that and if she made it an issue, it would probably backfire with the council likely to take the view that younger crossing guards were needed, not older one. He continues to complain but Deirdre is saved by the doorbell. It's Dave the Builder come to finish off in the kitchen. Percy doesn't have a good word to say to him either and leaves, feeling rejected. Deirdre is relieved that Dave's come to her rescue once again! Well he figures it's good to be welcome for one reason or another at least!

Curly arrives on Ken's doorstep and proceeds to quietly and politely state his position. He thought he bought a decent car from a decent bloke (not ver perceptive are you, mate?) and is quite disappointed in both! Ken bloody Barlow insists it isn't his problem but invites Curly in anyway. Curly tells him that the law is on his side but Ken laughs that off as preposterous and decides the best defence is an outright offence and tells Curly that he can certainly go ahead and throw good money after bad by wasting it on a solicitor but he'll still be right in the end. Ken works himself into a frenzy going from sarcasm over Curly's assumption that an old car with 52,000 miles on it be in perfect shape to an outright verbal assault threatening to throw him out if he didn't leave. He is in a frenzy by the time he starts in on everyone he knows wanting something out of him for nothing and expecting him to roll over and take it (sounds like there's some higher issue here doesn't it?) Curly keeps his temper and stays polite but leaves saying he's not heard the end of this. Too bloody right I have, if you know what's good for you!

Don joins the MacDonald men in the yard where the bike is not a pile of junk anymore and actually resembles what it's been long rumoured to be. The boys think it ought to be in a museum but Jim and Don extol the virtues of a British made thing of beauty. They go on and on about the Percy Sugden line of thought, about British made machinery being the best there is and pity they don't make as many things as they used to like ships, radios and the like. Andy has a few wishful thoughts about doing 140 on a bike which sends Liz into the house. He gets a scolding from his father about upsetting his mother over that as Jack looks down on the group longingly from his upstairs window. (Seems to me that Jack is going to lose his temper over the whole situation soon what with Vera's nagging him to get rid of the bike and then taking half the money he got for it and taking the guff from Curly bragging about his car, broken down though it is. A man's ego can only take so much)

Dave and Deirdre chat about teenagers and Dave offers the typically male opinion that he loved being a teenager, he had a great time. She didn't. She says when you're a teenager nothing seems right, you don't know what you're on about most of the time and for her, she was painfully thin with big specs and that only added to the misery. Dave says the solution to not knowing what to do is to pretend you know it all in spite of it possibly getting you into trouble. She laughs and says Ken was like that, dating all these girls and pretending to be committed to one or the other and knowing everything and all the while knowing nothing about anything. He's still like that, a know-all. She offers Dave some lunch, saying she'll go get some pies from the pub though he offers to take her out. She is still keeping him at arm's length though tells him he's a nice bloke and she's grateful for all he's done for her.

At the supermarket, Vera asks Curly how he got on and isn't too surprised to hear he got nowhere with Ken. He is later approached by Kimberly who wants to show him something in the stock room but he's not interested in any of "THAT". No, it's store business and it turns out someone has been having a wash and shave in the sink in there. Curly tells Kimberly to leave it with him but he'll deal with it on his own and won't bother Mr. Holdsworth with it. Mr. H. meanwhile is asking Vera about Curly and his "problem". Vera mentions that poor Curly hasn't been eating well lately and has been a bit sick and also has had a lot to deal with (meaning Ken) but is astonished to find out that Reg thinks Curly has been "imbibing". She says no he was only late due to car trouble though had been sick before that. Reg is thoroughly confused and takes the bull by the horns and approaches Mr. Watts directly. Was he sick or was it car trouble because two reasons for being late really is an embarrassment of riches and does he have a drinking problem? Certainly not! Curly wonders if the whole world has gone mad!

Martin comes into the cafe to see what Gail wants done about the kids. Don says they're at his house having their tea so Martin offers to pick them up and take them over to Sally and Kevins for a visit while Gail finishes up there. Gail loses her temper and tells him to do whatever he wants, stop asking her about every move! Martin takes it in his stride and he and Don leave.

IN the pub Percy is toasting and it takes an Irishman (Don) to remember it's an English "holiday", St. George's day. Jack says "I should have remembered seeing as I live with the dragon!" Elsewhere Audrey's interest is piqued when Alma makes a comment that Gail moods have been very up and down lately. Mike thinks that's just typical women. Dave and Deirdre come in so she can buy him a thank you drink and takes complains from Percy about the noise the renovations were making and more flack from Vera who tells her about Curly's predicament with Ken's car. That's none of her problems anymore and she apologises to Percy for the inconvenience. Poor Dave wonders if all her neighbours are like that and Mike tells them they were all much better in the war, they really do need a Blitz to straighten them all out again. He teases Deirdre about having a new man already, Hero and Handyman, Mike wishes he knew Dave's secret!

Down at the Webster's, Martin is gathering the kids to leave since Sally is getting Kevin's tea ready. Sally asks how Gail is and almost assumes Martin now knows about the baby until he starts talking about her being overworked but, no, the kids are no problem and he wouldn't mind another one around. Wouldn't Nicky like a baby brother to boss around? Yeah! Martin starts to warm to the idea and starts talking about maybe talking Gail around to having a baby before he leaves. There you see? Kevin is convinced that Martin should be told and tells Sally since she is the only one that is supposed to know about it, she should be the one to tell him.


Thursday (3061,25 April 1990)
Gail's got a plan. Bettabuys has a visitor. Vera's got a mission.

Curly leaves his car in the capable hands of Kevin and Mark for an estimate on the repair job. When asked why he didn't bring the car in to have one of them look at it before he bought it, Curly tells them he didn't have Ken Barlow down as a crook, did he? When he returns at dinnertime he is told the repairs will cost him £370 and that's cutting costs to the bone so Curly tells them to go ahead with the repairs, what choice does he have?

Wendy understands Curly's frustration but seems to agree with Ken's side of it when he says Curly bought the car cheap and should expect things needed to be done on it. (figures she'd be on the same moral or immoral side as he, knowing as she did that there was serious repairs needed before the car was sold. she certainly didn't encourage full disclosure on his part either did she?) On to more important matter, he's been staying inside brooding too much so she tells him she'll be round at 12:30 so they can go out to lunch together whereupon he sighs, lays his chin in hand and looks even more pathetic than usual.

Tracy tells her mother that even though Dave is finished the kitchen he'll find some other excuse to come round and see her. It's obvious Dave likes her but if she doesn't like him then she should tell him before he decorates the entire house, says a wise teenager.

Sally rings up Don's shopping and tells him she feels just fine. Audrey's off to town but asks Don about Martin and Gail. Don mentions that they seem ok together as a couple only Gail was rather snappy the day before, poor Martin couldn't do a thing right! Audrey is sure something's up and asks Don to make sure Ivy is careful around the pair, none of them want to make things worse if it's heading in that direction so it seems like Audrey is attributing Gail's bad moods lately to a breakdown of the relationship. Sally thinks everything is ok, of course knowing what the real problem is but not able to say more.

At the cafe Percy asks Gail if she could get him a cup of tea and toasted tea cake without snapping his head off like yesterday. She is overly polite and tells him she just had a bad day. I'll Say! He utters. Here he is thrown on the scrap heap of life because of his age, if anyone has reason to be snappy he does but you don't see him taking heads off, he has more control than that. Gail makes faces at him behind his back and Alma offers an ear if Gail needs someone to listen but Gail, exasperated at all the undue attention tells her she has nothing to say.

Reg is striding around his little kingdom and encounters Mrs. Dodds who is anxious to talk to him. Seems she thinks he's been avoiding her and they need to chat about it. In another aisle Curly advises Vera on sell by dates. She's finding it hard to concentrate being so distracted by Ken's dirty tricks with the car. Curly asks her to please leave it off and concentrate on her job more, what with the mood Mr. Holdsworth is in, she could easily lose it today. He slopes off and is approached by Kimberly who informs him that she has found a sleeping bag and blankets in the storeroom cupboard. He'll deal with it and turns to find Mr. Holdsworth. Curly strides toward Mr. H. and Mrs. Dodds so hunched over that it looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He attempts to talk to Mr. H about the storeroom but is aggressively spurned as it's a too trivial matter for a manager to deal with. Fine.

In the pub at dinnertime Don tells Ivy that Audrey seems to think there are problems with Martin and Gail. Ivy smirks and isn't surprised since she didn't think too much of that relationship in the first place but is more concerned for the children. Kevin props up the bar and tells Jack and Tina that the car repairs are going to cost Curly over £300. Tina is disgusted, she had thought Ken Barlow was one person sure to be trusted but Kevin says any bloke that can do that to his wife and nipper could do anything. (TOO right!)

Wendy and Ken leave the house to go to lunch but are confronted by Vera whose mouth is in high gear. Ken spouts the usual defence that he knew about the problems but Curly paid low price blah, blah blah. (See, he shouldn't have admitted guilt to Vera, that's a mistake because before it was just his word against Curly's. Now he's telling everyone!) Vera thinks Ken still could have said something but you might know, considering who he is and what he's done and all... Wendy asks what she means so Vera explains, loudly. Curly trusted Ken, so did his wife and so did his child.. She is cut off as the two get into the car, Wendy highly insulted (well she did ask!) and they drive away to the sound of Vera screaming after them in the middle of the street, threatening a fight since he seems to want one!

Looks like the wise teenager was right. Surprise, surprise who comes to see Deirdre? Dave! He was just passing (which neither of them believe) and he nervously asks her out for a meal that evening. Later when Tracy comes home from school her mother tells her what happened but that she turned Dave down, she has too much council business and is up to her eyes in ironing (But I thought that was one of her hobbies???). The Wise One tells her mother that wasn't the real reason though, was it? Deirdre sighs and admits she doesn't think she's ready for another relationship so soon but Tracy says it's just a date, not a marriage! Call him back and accept. Which she does because the next time we see her she's dressed for dinner. Dave arrives to pick her up much to Tracy's obvious approval as she runs next door to get Auntie Emily who is apparently sitting with Tracy.

Back at Bettabuys Vera tells Kimberly that Ken is no higher than a snake's belly and isn't going to get away with it. She's going to tell everyone what a rat he is. Kim and Curly chat about the stock room problem and she tells him that this is his big chance to really prove he can handle management issues. This seems to galvanize RCurly into a plan.

At the cafe, Ivy comes in to offer a night of babysitting for Gail if she and martin want to go out together. (She kept offering the same when Gail and Brian's lot was crashing just before he died too, in an attempt to help them stay together. She isn't trying that again is she? I thought Ivy didn't approve of this couple?) Gail is surprised but says it's Martin's night off and yes, thank you, that would be lovely. She fancies a night out. Ivy leaves, looking satisfied while Gail goes back to a brochure and tells Alma she is thinking of attending a catering seminar in Birmingham. Alma and Liz chat about supermarket prices and Jim's new job fixing televisions.

That night, in a darkened Bettabuys, someone is sneaking around the store with a torch. He comes closer and we see it's Watts, Norman Watts, Agent 007 brackets Trainee. He searches through the store then goes into the office for a minute. Later he hears a noise and investigates in the storeroom, shining his light on none other than Mr. Holdsworth looking like an animal mesmerised by headlights! They are next seen sharing cans of ale while Reg tells his sad story. His wife found out about his affair with Renee Dodds. Curly thought it was over months ago but apparently, according to Reg, the damn woman won't leave him alone so his wife chucked him out! Oh, Norman what's to become of me! he sighs tearfully, I was the brightest rising star in the Bettabuys universe! Now look!

Martin and Jim play dards and chat about army life and life in general, Jim's philosophy imparted to the younger man is life is what you make of it kid! Gail and Liz chat about Jim's missing army life but they don't talk about it since some things are better left unsaid. Gail quietly agrees. Tina, Vera and Jack discuss the romance (Jack's view) or lack thereof (Tina's view after relating a drowned rat-like incident) of motorbikes. Kevin and Sally have arrived and Jim, having soundly beaten Martin, grabs Liz for a game of doubles against Kevin and Martin so Gail and Sally speak quietly about Gail's plans. Sally tries to convince her to tell Martin but Gail isn't about to. Well she has to sometime, it's not something you can hide for long but Gail shocks Sally by telling her Martin never has to know because she's not going to have it at all, she's already make arrangements to have an abortion so just drop the subject!


Friday (3062, 27 April 1990)
We open with Gail telling Martin over breakfast about her trip to Birmingham. When Martin lightly suggests that they could make it a family get-away, Gail rages at him that she intends to go alone, saying that it would be incredibly boring for him and the kids. He is deflated at her reaction but as heads out the door for work, he meekly volunteers to look after the kids while she's gone if Audrey won't.

Meanwhile, while eating her cornflakes, Tracy tries to draw Deirdre out about Dave (the good-looking and oh-so-helpful carpenter) but Deirdre tells Tracy that they are just friends.

In Bettabuys, Reg discusses his predicament with Curly. In Reg's analysis, he reckons that Mrs Dodds is the "root of the problem". (The fact that he's been messing around with her behind his wife's back has nothing to with it I suppose...) The answer of course is to "remove" Mrs Dodds!

When Gail goes into Alf's Mini Market to ask her mum to look after the kids while she attends the "trade fair" in Birmingham, Audrey readily agrees. Sally realizes the true purpose of Gail's trip and in a quiet aside, asks if she's told Martin yet. Gail snaps at her, no she hasn't and, "Martin must never know!". Poor Sal meekly says that he won't hear it from her but she is pondering the situation and you know she thinks Martin ought to know! Once Gail is gone, Audrey slyly hints that Gail isn't going to a trade fair at all and tells Sally that she reckons Gail is just giving Alma a taste of her own medicine, see how she copes with running the cafe on her own!

Ken goes to the garage to settle his bill with Kevin for the work he did on the car before he sold it to Curly. (Guess he can afford it now that he's richer by £1450 from selling that dud!) When Kev tells Ken that the repairs needed will cost Curly the better part of £400, Ken snaps that if he'd sold it for less than what it was worth and then came looking for more money later he wouldn't get it, would he? Kevin has to agree. Ken departs saying, "At least you and me are straight now and I can't say that to very many people at the moment!"

Behind the Rovers' bar, Jack muses to Tina over an article he read in the paper stating that most murders are one spouse killing the other. Tina reckons that, in that case, people are better off not marrying, but then she adds, "Or, maybe it means you should kill your wife before she can kill you!" As Jack half-considers this notion, a smile crosses his face. LOL!

On the other side of the bar, Ivy is moaning to Don (again) about the fact that she is out of work and has nothing to do with herself all day. Deirdre and Phyllis are at a table having a quiet drink and talking about Deirdre's new life as a single. Phyllis tells her that if she ever needs someone to talk to, she will listen. (I miss Phyllis so much!) Audrey comes in and casually mentions to Ivy and Don that she will be looking after the kiddies while Gail is away. Ivy is none too happy at the news and wonders why on earth Gail didn't ask her to babysit!

Reg has the solution to the Mrs Dodds problem. After consulting with head office, he tells Curly that Mrs Dodds will be transferred to the store's Bolton branch. On what basis, you ask? Well, she's been around too long, everyone knows that she is the store detective, right? And what good is a store detective without anonymity? Brilliant Reg! So when are you going to tell her?

"Now Norman, that is just what I'd like to discuss with you! I can see that you will one day make a fine junior manager..." Why, thank you, Mr Holdsworth! "...and I would be remiss in my duties in training you if didn't give you the opportunity to experience every facet of this operation, wouldn't I? (Call him gormless, Curly still doesn't see what's coming!) So, Mr Watts, since I have to be away this afternoon, the 'throne' is all yours! (Curly blathers a protest in vain.) You see, Norman, to me this is just another routine chore, to you, it's a learning process!" Poor Curly - ROFL!

Ivy bombs into the cafe to pick her bone with Gail but Gail defends herself saying she only asked Audrey to babysit because she felt it would be unfair to impose on Ivy again since she'd only recently taken the kiddies. Ivy counters by saying that she is always there for her grandchildren then she huffs back out again. As Gail clenches her teeth, Alma quips that she doesn't see that the trade fair is worth all the agro it seems to be causing. Gail loses it and screams that she isn't going to a trade fair - she is going to have an abortion!

Alma has made Gail a cuppa and they sit talking quietly as Alma provides a shoulder for Gail to cry on. Gail says that she has no doubt Martin would welcome the baby with open arms but explains that she doesn't want the baby to become Martin's reason for staying with her. She is convinced that because of their age difference, the relationship is not destined to last and is afraid that a baby would make him feel obliged to stay with her for all the wrong reasons. Alma reassures Gail that she is doing the right thing and confesses to having herself undergone an abortion, years earlier, when her marriage to Jim was floundering. Percy comes into the cafe and interrupts their tête à tête, ordering tea. When Alma asks him to help himself to a cup 'on the house', Percy tells her that's no way to run a business! Good old Percy! :-) Turning back to Gail, Alma doesn't know quite what to answer when she asks: "If I'm doing the right thing, why do I cry every time I think about it?" She tries to console her by saying that it'll all be over by this time tomorrow. Far from being comforted, Gail looks more disturbed than ever.

Back at Bettabuys, Curly undertakes to do the dastardly deed... Mrs Dodds' disdain for Curly's authority is apparent as she enters the office and plonks herself down opposite him atop his desk... (okay, Reg's desk). A little unnerved at her attitude, poor Curly is already at a psychological disadvantage because she is looking down at him... He tells her that she has become too well known as the store detective and the loss of anonymity can only interfere with her ability to perform her job effectively. But she turns the table on him by pointing out that those that know her, also know enough not to try anything when she is around. Only slightly deterred, Curly steadfastly plows through the business of informing Mrs Dodds of her new post, but is met with derision and insult. She jeers that she should be talking to the "organ grinder" and he is after all, "only the monkey"! She leaves him with the warning that she won't go quietly!

At the Webster household, Sally tells Kevin about Gail's plans. Kevin is terribly upset that Martin doesn't know about Gail's pregnancy. He thinks the whole thing is "diabolical".

Meanwhile, Gail and Martin are in the kitchen clearing after supper when he gives her (what he thinks is) the good news that he has arranged to have the next two days off so that he can accompany her to Birmingham! Slapping her dishtowel down, she snaps at him that the trip is NOT a holiday and that she is going alone! Poor Martin is crestfallen as he comments, "I guess this means some of the magic has gone out of (the relationship)..." Gail regrets her outburst and softens a little, giving him reassurance and saying she would just like to be alone for a day or two.

Pangs of conscience must be air-borne in Wetherfield this night because we next see Ken approaching the Duckworth house, seeking Curly, no doubt. Before he reaches the door, he spots Dave about to knock on Deirdre's door and can't help seeing that he is carrying a lovely bunch of flowers! Ken finds no one at home at the Duckworth house and proceeds to the Rovers, looking somewhat downcast about the state his life is in. (Good!)

In the Rovers, we find Liz, (a slightly chubbier and larger nosed woman than the Liz we know and love today) nagging away at Jim about that bloody bike yet again. Ken enters and seeing Curly, asks if he can have a word with him about the car. Before Curly has the chance to respond, the Duckworths, in perfect unison, direct a verbal assault at Ken, calling him a crook among other things. Annoyed by their rudeness, a frustrated Ken says that he wants to talk to Curly and would they please be civilized? Vera thinks that's pretty rich, "coming from a man who left his wife and daughter", as she shouts for all to hear! Mike wastes no time getting into the fray. In a split second he is out of his seat and taking pock shots at Ken. Ken whirls to face him, telling him to keep out of it and pushing Mike away. Mike seizes the moment and seizes Ken knocking him down with three quick punches. Suddenly, Big Jim comes from behind and pulling Mike off Ken, tells Mike to "leave it out!". Mike, satisfied at having got the better of the situation, glibly says that he didn't start it. Ken snorts back to Mike that yes, he did start it - he started everything!!

Back in Deirdre's sitting room, Tracy has gone upstairs so as to leave Dave and her mother alone. They are amused at Tracy's inclination to matchmaking, but after a brief chuckle, they gaze into each others' eyes, embrace and share their first kiss. (It looks like the start of something nice for these two!) In front of the Rovers, Ken thanks Jim for his help and as he steps off the sidewalk and onto the cobblestones, begins a slow, mournful stroll down his former street, past his former home, blotting a hanky to his wounded nose as he goes... (Altogether now... Awww!)


Anita Bélanger

Originally transmitted: 30 April; 2, 4, 7 & 9 May 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 20 - Friday 24 April 1998
Episode Numbers: 3063 - 3067

Monday (3063, 30 April 1990)
Who broke a confidence? Who broke Ken's face? Who broke the bog roll display?

Gail is getting the kids' things together for their overnight at Granny Audrey's. She is still a bit touchy which seems to mystify Martin but she assures him it's it's not about them. She'll ring when she gets there as she doesn't have a hotel room fixed yet. Martin gets off to take the kids to their respective destinations before doing his shift at the hospital. Before she can leave, though, Gail gets a visitor. It's Sally. Sally confirms that Martin still doesn't know about the baby or the abortion and doesn't understand how Gail can not tell Martin. She is reminded that Gail's situation is very different from her own, Gail's two young children have had enough disruption in their lives and she doesn't want Martin to stay with her for the wrong reasons leading her to possibly take out her resentment on the child if he ends up holding it against her in the future. Sally sadly understands and is glad she doesn't have to make the difficult decision. Gail does seem quite regretful but it's the best thing and it's her life and future, no one has the right to tell her what's right and what's wrong, which Sally also understands. Before Sally leaves Gail does tell her she isn't going to Birmingham, that was just a cover, she's really going to a clinic in Liverpool. (Shouldn't have said that!)

Ken has kipped on the sofa where he landed after walking around until the wee hours of the morning. He wakes to the sound of rattling milk bottles outside and his face looks like something the cat dragged in, literally. Angry red bruises and painful looking scratches and a lovely red-blue ring around one eye. Wendy comes downstairs and is shocked to see his face! He tells her he was in a fight in a bar and walked around all night. She then gets angry because he never called and she was worried sick, awake half the night! The wrong half since Ken said he came home around 3 or 4 and she obviously didn't hear him come in. Who did it? What happened? Why? He tells her Baldwin did it and she wouldn't understand why. She won't be fobbed off but he isn't going into any details. Later he apologises before she goes to work but she's still angry. He goes upstairs and stares at himself in the bathroom mirror. I think he's supposed to be looking as defeated as a man can look but he can only widen his eyes and lift his eyebrows a bit as if he is surprised at what he sees. (should be used to seeing a loser in the mirror!)

Sally stops back into the shop but doesn't stay, she begs off for another hour since there is something she has to take care of, you understand! Thanks Mr. Roberts and she leaves. Alf sighs and wonders out loud when pregnancy gave a woman reason to skive off. That was the wrong thing to say with three customers there to hear every word. Every one of them having given birth in their day, Ivy, Liz and Deirdre! Alf takes a verbal hiding from them for being so insensitive and tactless, as Liz says, You men don't mind stoking the fire but it's us that always has to carry the coal bucket! Alf runs for cover in the back room and Deirdre is enlightened by a witness to the fight the night before, Liz, who tells her that Ken just blew up. Didn't she hear the commotion through the wall? (New Love must be deaf as well as blind!) Must have been something Mike said to him! I'll just bet is about what the look on Deirdre's face says.

Over at Bettabuys Reg tells Curly that Mrs. Dodd's transfer has come through and he appreciates immensely Norman's efforts to help him (breaking the news to her yesterday) Snatching him from the jaws of Death, as it were. As it were, Mrs. D. (That's Dodds, not Death) is approaching them and Mr. Holdsworth clasps Curly's arm preventing him from leaving but it seems that Renee is going to be reasonable so Curly is allowed to run off. However, she does get a bit difficult, telling Reg she has told her husband about the sex pervert she has for a boss and he isn't' going to take it lying down. An Ex Marine is Archie! Gulp! Oh Dear!

At the Rovers it's tea all around as the staff discuss the fight from the night before. Jack says it was Ken's fault but Betty contradicts him saying it was Baldwin's fault, he hit first and should be barred. Oh, no Alec is quite reluctant to bar such a big spender and fellow "sophisticated" businessman. Bet points out it is only fair, he barred Percy so he should bar Mike but when Jack insists Ken started it all messing about with Curly, Alec is determined to bar Ken Barlow. Who doesn't even live round there but Bet says Alec won't have thought about that, he once barred the Invisible Man!

Sally has gone to see Kevin at the Garage telling him that she couldn't persuade Gail (to tell Martin). Kevin is angry for Martin's sake and Sally is just wishing she never knew at all and insists it must be kept confident. She angers Kevin even more though, when she defends Gail's point of view, it's her choice, not Martin's anyway even though she does believe he should have been told. Kevin tells her she better not be getting any ideas or God help you because I won't!

Alma is supportive of Gail, telling her to stick to her guns when Gail finally arrives, telling her about Sally's visit. Alma thinks Gail is doing the right thing, although I rather think she's just saying that, figuring if Gail thinks it's right then who is she to judge? That's my crack on it anyway. Alma looks more sympathetic than she does approving.

In the supermarket Curly checks the alcohol stock, passing an obviously uncomfortable Mr. Holdsworth. Sure you're ok? They are interrupted by a very large man in a muscle tshirt asking for the whereabouts of the vodka. He looks quite like Phil Collins though a bit taller but it isn't because I checked the credits. Could have sworn though! Anyway, Mr. Holdsworth hides behind Curly thinking this man looks like a likely ex-Marine and Curly directs the very polite man to the appropriate aisle. Curly then tells his boss that he may know of a place he can live rather than the supermarket storeroom but he should check it out in person. Get back as soon as you can says a nervous Reg.

Where Curly goes is to see Alf about his flat but Alf is not predisposed to the headaches of letting the flat out again and it's full of stock now anyway. He tells Curly he still owes him £80 and when Curly complains about his debts, reminds him that he should take care of his old debts before entering into new ones. Alf's eye's flash at the colour of Curly's money however as Curly counts out the 80 quid.

Back at the shop later, Sally is back and Alf has to step out, making sure he is sensitive and tactful about Sally's "condition", telling her to be careful if deliveries come, let the drivers do the heavy lifting. Sally says she's just fine now however. Before he can leave, Mr. Holdsworth arrives and introduces himself. Reginald Holdsworth. This is in fact the first time we find out his last name only since I already know it, I've been using it before now! Anyway they immediately start talking groceries while Audrey arrives. She picks up some tins of Ravioli for Nicky and witters on about Gail's trip and why didn't she fix it so Martin could go. Sally keeps her back turned and her mouth shut.

Kevin doesn't keep his mouth shut though. He drives up to the hospital and finds Martin, takes him to a quiet spot and proceeds to break all the rules. "She'll" kill me but there's something Martin needs to know. Kevin knows because Sally told him. Martin thinks it's another bloke Gail has but Kevin tells him Gail's pregnant and then tells him she's off to Liverpool to get rid of it. Oh no she's not, says Martin and runs off.

Curly stops Vera from sneaking off to an early lunch for a hair appointment and cuts off her complaining saying when Mr. Holdsworth is out, he IS the manager not the assistant and what he says goes. Vera is put out and is sorry she ever stuck up for him. He goes off to inspect the bog roll display. An irate customer comes up to Vera and asks for the Manager. Vera spitefully points him Curly's way then gets Kimberly to watch while Curly gets a lesson in customer relations. The man is rather short with a very 70's disco hairstyle rather like Michael Palin's in that time period and tightly pursed lips. He strides purposefully to Curly and, doing his worst, pushes him into the display, much to Kimberly's horror. At least Curly had something soft to land on! :) He then spouts off about sexual harassment and spinning on his heel, walks off. Curly assumes that was Mr. Dodds. (Not exactly an ex marine if you ask me, even the cooks are tougher looking than that!)

Martin storms into the cafe and though Alma tries to cover for Gail, he shouts that he knows where she's gone and why! He seems even more upset that everyone else seems to know and he's the last to find out. He charges out and speeds off to the train station to try to catch the train.

Will he?


Tuesday (3064, 2 May 1990)
Will Martin stop Gail? Did any of the warriors tell over whom they were fighting?

A taxi pulls up to the train station and Gail gets out. Her jaw is set with determination and she buys a return to Liverpool, goes to sit in the station lounge to wait. Martin arrives too and finds her there, standing at the entrance a few minutes to collect his thoughts and then goes over to her table. She's a bit surprised but doesn't ask how he found out (I suppose she's going to blame Sally no matter that Kevin did the telling. Sally still shouldn't have told Kevin is how Gail will see it)

Sally and Alf stand outside the shop since they aren't too busy. Alf misses the factory which brought in business. Alma comes along and needs to talk to Sally privately so Alf goes back inside. Alma is angry because she thinks Sally told Martin but she insists she didn't tell anyone...well only Kevin but he promised not to tell. Alma is astonished! Well Kevin IS her husband. Yes and Martin's best friend, Alma reminds her and he obviously told Martin! How could you? Alma hopes Kevin can live with what he's done is all.

Kimberly and Vera comfort Curly in the staff room after his somewhat violent encounter with Mr. Dodds and the bog rolls. Kimberly thinks he should see a doctor and Vera regrets sending Mr. Dodds to Curly. Mr. Holdsworth arrives, having heard about the fracas. Curly tells that he just stepped back and fell over the display and the women don't contradict him even though we know well that he was pushed. (Is that the old writer switcheroo? Don't know since the credits weren't aired when I taped it!) Vera tells him that Mr. Dodds might be back once he realizes he's got the wrong bloke which makes Mr. Holdsworth scared but angry and orders are to make sure to call the police if Dodds ever returns. He ushers the women back to work then sits down with Curly, anxious to find out if anything was said about him in the argument. Curly explains that Mr. Dodd's only mentioned that he was angry his wife was transferred, no mention of matters sexual, harassment or otherwise. A much relieved Reg does his little twitch of watch checking and peering around the room as if on guard for something and then thanks Curly for putting him and Mr. Roberts together. First class, just the job! I take it that means he's taken the flat and will now be a Streeter.

In a very bad piece of acting, Martin gets angry with Gail, moving his lips furiously while never moving his teeth or jaw! It's his "baybee" but she retorts it isn't anyone's baby yet. He promises he'll stand by her, marry her but she doesn't want another child and insists on going to get rid of it. It's a mistake that's all it is and she doesn't want him to have to stand by her. They argue back and forth and he does his best to prevent her from getting on the train including trying to physically hold her back and begging and threatening not to be there when she comes back. But he can't get onto the platform because he doesn't have a ticket so she boards the train alone. The train slowly pulls out as Gail sits resolved in her seat but looky there! Martin bought a ticket and is coming down the aisle to sit in front of her!

At the Rovers, Deirdre is trying to find out what happened in the fight between Ken and Mike. Jack gets up on his soapbox and begins to tell the story of her husband (Bet clears her throat) sorry, separated husband (LOL sounds like Ken is just a mess of separate pieces!) got into an argy with Curly and he embellishes and elaborates to their frustration but in the end he doesn't really know what set off the set to between Mike and Ken so Deirdre tries phoning Ken but the telephone is off the hook. She leaves and Sally arrives to have a word with Kevin. She's angry that he went and told Martin but Kevin is unrepentant. He'd do it again and isn't sorry, only because she's upset with him. She's vowed to never tell him anything again which suits him fine!

Ken sits in the garden and Wendy arrives home on a flying visit. She's got an advance copy of a job ad going in tomorrow's Gazette so thought he could get a leg up and get an interview before anyone else. He apathetically says he'll call but doesn't seem all that interested. Case in point, he shoves the paper under a book when she leaves.

Martin tries again to talk to Gail. He asks her if she wants to be rid of him but she says no even though she's getting rid of something they made together (his words not hers). So he doesn't understand why so he says he'll even go to Liverpool with her to the clinic and wait for her if he has to so she'll know what it's doing to him. She accuses him of only being upset because of how if affects him. She feels forced by him but she doesn't want the baby because she already has two little ones that have to grow up without their dad. This is different but she doesn't see it that way. She's doing it because of the past and what might happen in the future. Martin gets up in disgust, at least she can choose, unlike him. He can't! he gets off the train at the next stop and walks away. She doesn't watch him go.

Deirdre goes to Ken's to find out what happened. He says he got caught up in an argument with Curly then Mike got his face in there and Ken just had enough. She is really only concerned that things might have been said about her (no concern for him at all! Proper thing!) but he says if it was about her there were only the two of them that knew it. She's satisfied with this but asks him to stay away from Coronation Street and the Rovers unless he's picking Tracy up. She has to live there and it's hard when the nosy neighbours come spreading stories about him fighting in bars. He apologises and says it won't happen again (does that mean the fights or that he won't come round. In typical Ken fashion he dances around the question without answering it) She buys this and leaves.

Kevin comes to pick Sally up after work and tries to talk her round with a box of chocolates. He can't get round her that easily, but she smiles and says that's a good start! They go home to the tune of Kevin singing, we have to worry about our own baby now, not everyone else's. Alf goes back in the shop, noticing Dave at Deirdre's door. (more nosy neighbours)

Dave is there to ask Deirdre out and didn't they have a nice time the night before? She takes him out in the hall to chat privately, leaving Tracy in charge of the stove (stupid woman!) She tells him she wants to let the dust settle for a few days so she won't go tonight. What dust? HE was hoping that because last night was.. well they have things to talk about (*perk* what? I thought all they did was have a snog... did they perhaps do a little Hokey Pokey too???) She's on about nosy neighbours and he gets the idea she's trying to give him the push though she says she isn't. But he leaves in a huff telling her he's going so her neighbours won't tell stories and Tracy won't have to report to her father that her mother's seeing someone. Deirdre tells him not to be Schtewpid but he says why break a habit of a lifetime!

Wendy blows her top when she finds out that Ken didn't even bother to call that manager. He had a great chance and blew it. He first says he didn't think he could very well go to an interview with a beat up face, managers don't hire people who fight in bars. Nope, he could have made up an excuse, so then he says he didn't think he'd really fancy that job. Nope, it's right up his alley. Yes, but... It's pathetic that's what it is... She doesn't come right out and say HE'S pathetic but near enough to warm the cockles of my heart! Then he tells her Deirdre came round but only to find out if the fight was about her. Wendy says after the way he's been the last few days she's a wonder that he even has the energy to fight!

Martin sits at home with head in hands. It's dark now and Gail comes walking up the drive! She didn't have it, she could have if he didn't know, could have done it without a qualm but not now. He's pleased and pledges to stand by her but she's angry that she is being forced to have a child she doesn't want because he's too selfish and maybe just too young to realize what it's going to do to her and the rest of her life. He's got what he wants. (But at what price?)

Wednesday (3065, 4 May 1990)
Pop goes the Weasel's relationship. Can Gail justify herself? Can Martin talk her around?

Gail didn't get much sleep over it all. She has today off though because everyone thinks she's either in Liverpool or Birmingham. Martin admits Kevin told him but what's the difference who told? She says she can still go to the clinic , maybe she has to. She tells Martin that another baby will be very costly, how would they afford it? She'd have to give up the cafe and he doesn't make much money. It's going to change things completely, for Nicky and Sarah Louise as well, they're lives will be turned upside down. (I don't think they'd think it was such a bad thing, though) She wonders if that even matters as long as she has the baby. Martin has a suggestion. He'll pack in his job and take over in the cafe and then when she wants to go back to work after the baby is born, he'll stay home and mind the kids so they won't have to pay a child minder. that would work wouldn't it. But she's not talked round that easily and tells him he doesn't know what it's like, she does and she doesn't want to go through all that again.

Jack is reading the paper though I don't know how he can be seeing straight since his glasses are laying on his face at about a 70 degree angle with one arm of them missing. Vera has told Jack what happened with Mr. Dodds and Jack thinks Curly missed out, he could have a great case for compensation and time off work! (Jack WOULD think of that!) Then he tells Curly that Mr. Holdsworth was taking him for a mug, letting Curly take the fall (literally!) for him. Well maybe but he springs the news that Mr. Holdsworth is going to be living on the street in Alf's flat and Jack again shakes his grizzled old head. Shot yourself in the foot there, lad, having your boss living over the road. Cold make life tricky. On their way out to the car, Kevin walks by and tells Curly the car is ready. Vera thinks Curly should have another go at getting the money out of Ken, she'll even take him round there at dinner but Curly isn't inclined to try again.

Ken is looking very much like Spot the Dog with that bruised circle all the way around his eye. Maybe he was peering into a greasy rimmed milk bottle? Anyway, there he is despondently twiddling his thumbs (how do you do that when one thumb is apparently firmly stuck in?). Wendy wants him to get his thumb out and call about that job. Oh why do I bother she sighs. He probably has no intentions of calling. Ken "er's" and "um's" confirming her suspicions and she has a go at him for laying about the house like an old man, a zombie. Ok, so he's had some set backs but after today, she thinks he ought to take a think positive attitude right? "Er, Um"...

Someone knocks at Gail's door so Martin answers it since Gail's supposed to be away. It's Ivy who has a note for Gail to apologise for being short with her the day before over the kiddies staying with Audrey. Martin accepts it, will give it to Gail when he sees her but Ivy insists on coming in to retrieve her library book, forgotten there last week. Gail hides in the kitchen as Ivy puts her hands right on it and also comments with surprise and approval to see that Martin is folding laundry. She leaves and Gail comes back out, thinking out loud that Ivy would certainly have a few choice words about this situation (wouldn't' she though!). She sighs and moans that it would all have been over with by now and no one would have known about it.

Curly must have changed his mind because Vera and he arrive in front of Ken's. Vera is ordered to stay in the car (lest she cause more trouble!) and Curly knocks on Ken's door. Ken loses his temper again and ends up forcing Curly to take his wallet, it has money and credit cards, take what you want! Want the jacket too? No? fine, and slams the door in Curly's astonished face. (Curly does "astonished" rather well don't you think? He seems to go through life looking astonished!) He puts the wallet through the letter slot and leaves. He picks the car up after work and pays half the bill now, promising the other half at the end of the month.

In the corner shop Sally tells Betty that she has more energy now that she's pregnant than before. Yes, Betty says it can take some women that way. (the one thing that can put two women, aged three generations apart, on the same equal footing is pregnancy!) Alf tells them he's got a new tenant, what could he do? The man was out on the street without a roof? Sally laughs to Betty that Alf is just doing it for the rent and they agree to let Alf think he's being charitable. Mike comes in and listens from the background for a few minutes as Betty describes a woman's lot in her day. Didn't matter if you were pregnant or poorly you still have to do all the housework, mind the kids and make the husband's tea. Mike pipes up that that's only right! Ooooh! No, really, he teases, you depend on us financially, you live longer, it's only right! He pulls Betty's other one by teasing her about the brawlers in the Rovers the other night, he was set upon by a hooligan! Betty leaves, having enough "fun" for the day. Mike has had so much fun that he then forgets why he came in!

Gail is on the phone to the clinic when Martin comes back from the store. She's only rang them to apologize for not making the appointment, nothing more. Martin makes her promise to tell him if she does make another appointment. Then she brings out the "What if" ammunition? Martin's only 21 and she's 32, down the road he'll be 40 when she's 50 and isn't going to want to be committed to her for life because of a baby. But he says so what? when he's 100 she'll be 110? Big deal? He's been here this long without a baby, how would she explain that? If everyone worried about how the future would go they'd never get anything done! He loves her and he wants the baby but if she doesn't, don't make out like he's the reason.

Ken hears Wendy come home. She finds the wallet that he's been too zombied out to pick up off the doormat all afternoon. He brushes over the Curly bits and tells her that he has to talk to her. She interrupts to have a go about the job but he makes her listen. He's made the biggest mistake of his life. He should never have left Deirdre or Tracy and should never have let her believe they had a future. He's thought about nothing else for weeks and decided he has to leave. BANG. The last beam falls. Pop goes this Weasel's relationship! She thinks it's just because of the bad things that have happened lately losing his job and the car stuff and they'll get past it, he's just being Stewpid (no, not Schtewpid). No he's decided. She thinks he is just blaming all this bad stuff on her because it happened after the marriage went bust but he thinks the end would have come eventually no matter if nothing had happened. She gets angry then, accusing him of leaving Deirdre and now leaving her, there won't be anyone else to leave soon! She doesn't want to go back to being alone, maybe they could talk it out? No he's very sorry but it isn't going to happen.

Reg gets his keys to Mr. Robert's flat. The men exchange memories of old fashioned grocery shops, bacon slicers and exchange first names with a handshake.

Dave sheepishly returns to Deirdre's but only comes in the hall so she can easily throw him out if she wants. She tells him she didn't throw him out last night! Yeah, well I guess I did throw meself out, he admits. He apologises and asks her and Tracy to spend the Bank Holiday Monday with him and she smiles and accepts, if he's sure. He smiles back and says he can't stop long, kisses his finger and lays it on her lips. I wish someone would bite the finger when I see someone trying to be romantic like that! It always cracks me up!

In the Rovers later Jack is fixing his specs while Vera tells him about the wallet incident. Jack is surprised Curly didn't take any money out but Vera scolds Jack, you can't just take things out of other people's wallets! jack grunts that she takes out of his wallet all the time! Alma and Audrey come in for G&T's. Alma sees Sally and Kevin and gives Kevin a right going over for telling Martin about the baby and abortion. What if he was able to stop her? Can he live with himself if Gail is forced to have a baby she doesn't want? Alma righteously huffs off. I don't think Martin feels one shred of guilt over that. Alec implies to Bet that he'll show Ken or Mike the door if they come in but doesn't really think it's likely they will fight again. Bet can't understand either of them fighting as it's out of character (not if you knew the history!). Alec wonders if it's not something in the air!

Martin thinks his plan will work financially. Gail grudgingly admits it might do. Martin holds her and tells her, ok, if she's scared he won't want to be tied to her for life he'll leave. When the kid is 21. That's it. She seems to be giving. He promises he won't desert her and says Come On, lets have a baybee. She seems to soften a bit and tells him not to push, she's got to get used to the idea but she lets him kiss her so maybe things are going to be ok after all.

Ken is packed and the taxi is waiting. Wendy is crumpled up on a low chair. He apologises and says he'll be in touch. Don't bother she cries, just go. He leaves and gets into the taxi as she cries behind him. He drives off looking thoughtfully out the window. I wonder where he's going because if he tries to beg Deirdre, she won't have him back!


Thursday (3066, 7 May 1990)
Who got surprising news? Who's the smooth playboy? Who's a gooseberry?

Dave loads up the car. Don is doing the same. Dave is taking Deirdre, Tracy and one of Tracy's friends, Donna to a surprise destination. Ivy and Don are taking the kiddies to Southport. After Dave drives their crowd off, Ivy snidely remarks that it didn't take Deirdre long to fill Ken's shoes did it? (A Damn Sight longer than it took Ken to fill Deirdre's shoes!!!)

Alf is opening up and Audrey is moaning about never having a bank holiday off. Phyllis is the first customer of the day, an hour after opening so Audrey spitefully makes a gift to her of a packet of mints. Alf scowls but says nowt even when Phyllis expresses surprise that they're open and thinks they should be gone out somewhere spending that brass he has. After he leaves Audrey asks Alf does he mind that everyone thinks he's a miser? Not one bit! Honestleh! Just then Reg comes blustering in and introduces himself to the vision that must be Alf's Lady Wife. Audrey looks down her nose and goes to make a cup of tea.

Gail gets the children ready to go. Ivy and Don arrive with Don hurrying them along so as to get ahead of the holiday traffic. Martin is working but Gail declines an invitation to accompany them using housework as an excuse. Before they drive off, Alma arrives. Gail waves them all off and laughs that Ivy will probably be wondering why Alma is there. Which she does. What kind of cafe business could they have to discuss that they can't do tomorrow? (Ever hear of friends, Ivy? Thought not.)

Alma is actually relieved that Gail didn't have the abortion. She was just anxious for Gail, what with three kids in this day and age and was probably more worried for her if she had gone through with it, Gail having such strong Mother Earth instincts. Gail seems to appreciate the support and has told Alma about Martin's Mr. Mom plan. Ah, well we'll see how he likes being a full time mother when the time comes, Alma predicts. He's not a Mike, Gail reproaches. We'll see. Gail tells Alma she changed her mind because of the look on Martin's face, every inch pleading her not to go through with it.

Dave has taken Deirdre and the girls to a wildlife park where the jungle animals roam free. Deirdre seems to be a bit nervous of the pack of lions, one of which has a lick at the car. Dave teases her that there's not enough on her to make a lion look to her for lunch! later after they picnic, the girls go over and check out the elephants while Dave stretches out on the grass, head in Deirdre's lap and they chat, looking quite cozy. He was worried that everyone wouldn't like his choice for the day but Deirdre assures him he's a big success. Over by the fence Donna asks Tracy if her mother is going out with Dave but Tracy says they're just friends and looks a little concerned at the cozy little picture. (I don't know why? She was the little matchmaker, encouraging and assuring her mother she should find someone else! Reality must be a different kettle of fish.)

Alf is having a look through a war magazine in a deserted store, Audrey having gone home as well. But Alf is determined to make a penny and has kept the shop open. Reg returns from a 4 mile walk and persuades Alf there isn't enough business to stay open. He talks Alf into cutting his losses and go down to the pub with him. When they arrive at the Rovers, Alma is there chatting to Bet, on her own since Mike is working. Reg spots the two lovely ladies like radar hitting an ocean liner and moves in. Introductions are made all around. Meanwhile Curly and Kimberly come in and join Vera. Curly's car broke down again (hey, wouldn't there be some sort of short term warrantee? He just got the car out of the shop the other day!). Reg cringes and the sound of Vera's stringent voice carrying across the pub. He's not impressed to see three of his staff members but turns back to the ladies with all the charm, poise and smoothness of what he perceives as a slick playboy, using such tired old lines on Alma as "shall I tell you my life story or will you tell me yours?" (I remember now why I detested Reg the first time around. Pompous little man with a Napoleonic complex but I shall endeavour to try to see and appreciate the eccentricities of the character this time around. I will.) He tells Alma his life has been dynamic, aiming for the top from the start and his own talent frightens him (but I didn't say it was going to be easy!) Staying at Alf's flat is a minor blip in the grand design.

As Reg is waxing eloquently, Vera and Jack wonder why he's in Alf's flat in the first place. Vera reckons it's got to do with a woman somehow and Kimberly agreeably agrees as she always does. Curly knows but he isn't saying and decides he and Kimberly ought to leave. I don't think he is too impressed to have to share a local with his boss!

Meanwhile, Reg is trying to find out if Alma has a female friend to make a fearsome foursome with he and Alf and really doesn't let Alma get too many words in edgewise, so busy is he trying to impress her. Alf is enjoying the show but Bet makes sure he remembers he has a wife. Alec arrives just then and isn't happy to see Bet enjoying herself and the attentions of this pasty faced Elton John lookalike and he gets his face in there right sharpish. It doesn't take long before Alec has the number of Reg, "Squire", after he is informed Reg and Bet will soon be ballroom dancing. He especially doesn't take to Reg's suggestion of a happy hour. With the punters they get in there, they'd just stay the hour then take off to drink the Legion's cheap ale after that. Audrey arrives just then, along with Mike, just as the party is getting jollier and a little drunker. Mike quickly marks his territory to the Jolly Squire and Audrey simpers to Alf, did he miss her? Alf just makes a strange sound that might be part laugh and part pain!

Away from the insanity, over at the Webster's, Gail has arrived for a visit and Sally is please to hear she didn't go through with the abortion. Kevin gingerly makes an appearance but Gail isn't angry though she does want to know why he told Martin. Kevin knows Martin would love to have his own kid and felt he should have a say. Gail tells Kevin he was right after all so it's ok. She thought she was doing it for the kids and so that she would be trapping Martin but she realizes down deep she knew better. She asks them not to spread it around just yet, she'll tell when she's ready.

Jack and Vera come back home after closing and sneak in the house. The inside door is closed so they figure Curly and Kimberly are there. Jack is a bit sozzled and asks Vera does she want to go upstairs or does she want to play gooseberry? She giggles and says (uncharacteristically) that she wants to play gooseberry, after all, Jack has had one too many and she doesn't want to be disappointed again! (oh, well in that case I guess it wasn't unlike her) They sneak up to the door and burst in on Curly and Kimberly who were lying on the sofa snogging. They get up all flustered and Jack plonks himself down between them waving a deck of cards.

Dave and Deirdre unpack and clean the dishes from the picnic, chatting about their day. Dave won't hear of Deirdre contributing to the expenses of the day. There is someone at the door and Dave wonders if it's Tracy back from Donna's already. Deirdre laughs at the disappointment on his face, it might not be. Well if it is, he jokes, give her a few quid to go to the pictures! But it isn't TracyLuv. Deirdre is gobsmacked to see Wendy Crozier on her doorstep!

Wendy came round because she thought Deirdre ought to be told that she and Ken have split up. Wendy asks if Ken is there but he isn't (of course) Why? Deirdre asks. Well it just didn't work out. Deirdre wisely doesn't say much one way or the other (though I would have been laughing out loud by this time!) Wendy admits she's a bit bitter but if honest would have to admit it never would have lasted. Anyway she's brought around some things he forgot, his passport and ... well, things. Wendy even tells Deirdre she's sorry for it all though knows it's a bit late for it now. Again Deirdre just nods her head in acknowledgement, handling the whole business gracefully thought it's probably more just shock! Wendy walks away and Deirdre comes back inside and tells Dave the news. She dumps out the contents of the envelope on the table, opening the passport to a picture of Ken that has to be 15 years old! Well 10 anyway. She says to the picture, you idiot, Ken, You poor bloody idiot. Dave offers to leave but the scene ends there so I don't know if he left or not. (CBC is famous for cutting short bits out of scenes to make room for commercials but I have no way of knowing if WTN does it too though there doesn't seem to be as many annoying breaks as there is on CBC weekdays.)

Back at the pub later, Kevin and Sally sit with Curly and Kimberly. Curly says he lost at the card game and proceeds to tell in excruciating detail what a horrible day it was. Oh God, says Sally, he's in one of his depressions again. Turns out to cap it all off, it wasn't Jack he lost all his money to, it was Vera who beat them all! Alf and Audrey come back in for a drink though Alf is somewhat more sober now and suffering from indigestion much to Audrey's non-sympathy. Jack is not interested in any of Jim's bike talk and Liz says he must have gone off motorbikes.

Back at Gail's the kids are home and getting ready for bed while Martin chows down on a big plate of supper like any good young growing boy. Gail tells the kids that there's going to be a baby. Nicky seems unimpressed and asks when. Around Christmas. Oh well, Nicky dismisses, that's ages away. Went over like a lead balloon that! No reaction at all! Martin asks what that was about. Well we ARE going to have a baby and Gail decides it's time to tell Audrey and Ivy next, bugger the consequences! (and I thought Gail was due the month after Sally not the same time!!!)

Bitparts: Donna JENNY SIXSMITH Probable last appearance of Wendy Crozier (ROBERTA KERR)

Friday (3067, 9 May 1990)
Ivy is suspicious. Dave is threatened. Alec is anticipating.

Jack and Vera agree that Mr. Holdsworth has an eye for the ladies and Jack thinks Vera could play on that to her advantage. She forbids any hanky panky by the sugar bags but Jack says there's more than one way to skin a rabbit. He has a plan, invite him for tea, he's probably lonely in the flat and as well as being her boss he is also a neighbour. that doesn't seem to be a bad idea in Vera's mind.

Deirdre collects the post and one letter has her very thoughtful. Dave knocks on the door and since he has a few things to adjust at the Kabin he thought he'd invite her to lunch at the Rovers for 1. She's a bit distracted and tells him that the letter was from Ken to tell her where he's staying, digs in Chepstow street. She assures him they can talk about it at dinner in the Rovers and she's looking forward to it.

Nigel Ridley calls Alec to have him come in to the office this afternoon at 2:30 but won't say what it's about. This has Alec nervous and he barks at Betty who's just sat down for 5 minutes with Bet. He and Bet squabble about Betty's right to sit there, mainly because he didn't get a chance to tell Bet there was important brewery business before she started in on defending Betty. Well why didn't you say? Betty takes the tray of tea out to the others and Bet asks Alec what was all that important brewery business anyway. He doesn't know. So you were just showing Betty who's boss then? No, no. He tells her about Ridley's call and that it can't be anything good when Nigel gives him more than just the time of day.

Phyllis comes in to the cafe looking for Percy who apparently was in earlier but has gone on his way. She stays for a cup of tea as we hear Gail fixing a time for Don and Ivy to come to tea tomorrow. She's invited Audrey and Alf too, she tells Alma so I guess she's going to tell them all in one fell swoop as long as Nicky doesn't get to his grandparents first!

Sally speculates with Liz if Dave has stayed over since she saw him there last night and leaving this morning. Liz squashes that little tidbit because she saw Dave arrive this morning and they both agree that Tracy's morals are still intact which was Sally's only concern. Liz thinks Deirdre deserves some happiness after what she's been through. Ivy arrives to drop off a shopping list and she and Alf soon discover that the other was invited for tea at Gail's. Gail hadn't told either couple the other was invited. Ivy is instantly suspicious.

Vera and Kimberly wonder why Mr. Holdsworth has left home so suddenly and Vera still thinks Mrs. Dodds must have been involved. Curly hasn't said anything to Kimberly. Mr. H. walks by and Vera follows him to the frozen dinner section. She works up to asking him to tea by first describing a lovely lamb chop meal and thinking that maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to invite the boss for tea after all. Reg's face falls but then he begins to drool again when Vera reckons that maybe it would be ok since they are neighbours and after all her lodger IS co-management with Mr. H. Yes, yes, and Reg concedes that he couldn't possibly be uncharitable in refusing an invitation for Mr. Watts' sake. So tea tonight it is and he's quite pleased.

Don comes home on a break and Ivy tells him about the little dinner party at Gail's. She is sure something is going on and probably there will be an announcement. Ivy thinks Gail and Martin are going to tell them all that they are getting married and if that's the case, Ivy wants nothing to do with it!

In the Rovers, Kevin remarks to Martin that he looks like a changed man. Martin happily agrees, he does feel like it now Gail's told the kids about the baby. It means that she's going to go through with it and Kevin is happy for his mate. Don comes in for an orange juice and approaches Martin about the dinner party. He tells Martin Ivy thinks a marriage announcement is impending but Martin assures him that's not the case though he doesn't say what is. He tells Don to tell Ivy to rest easy. (Pppphtttt! there goes me tea! Sorry. I'm just thinking a baby out of wedlock isn't going to go over any better than a marriage proposal in Ivy's mind!)

Vera and Kimberly sit in the staff lounge on their break and Vera wonders if Shepherd's Pie is all right for tea. Kimberly thinks it's fine but she'd better find out if Mr. Holdsworth is a vegetarian. He don't look like one, Vera frowns. Well you can't tell by looking, Kimberly reminds her. Vera calls out to Curly and asks him if he knows if Mr. H. is a vegetarian and curly can't possibly understand why Vera would want to know that. Why so she knows what to serve him for his tea! Curly thinks there is as much chance of Mr. H. accepting a tea invitation as there is of him buying Bettabuys. Start saving, Vera informs him, he's coming to tea tonight! Curly looks astonished (as usual).

Don tells Ivy that there is to be no marriage between Gail and Martin but she's not convinced. Why would Gail have us all over at the same time. Don thinks it's probably just more convenient with Martin on shift work. Yeah, you're right, Ivy concedes. That's probably all it is. And she seems to feel better.

Phyllis is back at the cafe, she still hasn't caught up with Percy so has another cup of tea, hoping he'll come in. Martin arrives to tell Gail and Alma about his encounter with Don. Don has told him that Ivy smells a rat and an announcement. Alma decides Nicky has spilled the beans but Martin tells them it's marriage that Ivy expected! They are all three tickled at that idea and chuckle at the thought of how Ivy is going to react when she hears the real reason.

Alec nervously heads off to the brewery, wondering if he's dressed too prosperously in case Nigel is out to raise the rent. Bet tells him he best not be late or that will be one more thing Ridley can put in his computer. Dave and Deirdre meet for lunch, though Dave was a bit late. He's still not sure where he stands with Deirdre now that Ken has left his fancy woman. (I'm sorry. There's just nowt "fancy" about Wendy Crozier that I can see) She assures him nothing has changed but he doesn't look convinced. She doesn't want Ken back even if he does ask which he hasn't. They go to join Liz and Jim over in a booth.

Liz comes back to Deirdre's house after dinner for a cup of tea and they chat about Dave. Liz thinks poor Dave just wants to know where he stands but Deirdre has assured him and can't understand why he's being like that when they have a nice relationship going. He's feeling threatened is all, Liz explains, by Ken's now single status, maybe she wants him back, maybe Tracy does but Deirdre is firm. Ken will not be back in her home. Then she should tell Dave again. And anyway, Deirdre adds, Dave seems to want more from her, a commitment and she's just not ready for that yet. Why is life so flaming complicated! (Isn't that just the question of all humankind!)

Picture this. A woman in a white suit. We see one hand holding a teapot, pouring cups of tea. the other hand with it's long blood red nails, a long cigarette holder balanced between the index and middle fingers, the fourth finger holding the lid on the pot with an immaculately manicured nail, and the little finger extended out delicately. You know it's Bet even before the camera pans up!

Alec arrives back in a jolly mood. It went well then? Very well, Nigel didn't even mention the rent. So what did he want? Well... Alec warms Bet up by wittering on about new clientele such as Des and Steph who are not exactly the pie and pea brigade and new images and juicy profits. Nigel Ridley is a man of Vision, Alec greedily describes, they both admire large profits. Bet is listening with a growing feeling of doom I think!

Mr. Holdsworth is appreciative of the home cooking and the company, Norman's quite lucky. Vera tells him that curly's not just a lodger, he's like family. Reg mentions that Vera has settled in nicely after a rough start considering she has no retail experience. She picks up this as bait and starts on about only needing a chance to prove herself and then mentions the possibility of promotion. Curly nervously changes the subject several times throughout Vera's attempts to keep to the previous line of thought but even Jack tells her to quit the shop talk when Curly brings up bikes and Reg makes out like he knows all about the old models.

Deirdre tells Tracy about Ken's news. She's pleased and smiles, glad THAT WOMAN is out of her dad's life but she is crestfallen when Deirdre tells her that nothing has changed and her Dad will not be coming back home.


Originally transmitted: 11, 14, 16, 18 & 21 May 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 27 April - Friday 1 May 1998
Episode Numbers: 3068 - 3072

Monday (3068, 11 May 1990)
Who's shocked and appalled? Devious is as devious does.

Tracy is having a nostalgic look at the holiday snaps from last summer's family vacation to Northumberland. It was more fun that she had anticipated and she wishes things could be like that again. Deirdre tells her things weren't that good even that far back with Wendy leaking council business to Ken and her taking the heat. Yeah, but now Wendy is gone! Deirdre tells Tracy that you just can't turn the clock back and ignore what's happened.

Martin is planning the meal for tonight's dinner party with instructions and reminders from Gail. She jokes that he's a right Mavis Riley with all his fancy recipes! Nicky is hard pressed to keep the baby secret and also decides that the baby must be a boy because girls are stupid. Martin laughs, they're ok... in their place so Gail pulls a face at him and tells him we all have to accept what we have, like it or lump it!

Jack and Curly discuss judging books and their covers and Jack reckons one look at him and folk can tell he's 100 percent red blooded male. Vera looks up from her newspaper and says then they really would be judging a book by it's cover! With a sideways glance at her Jack continues, saying you wouldn't think Reg Holdsworth was such a ladies man from his looks. Curly looks up from his newspaper, informing the other two that there's more to attracting women, like charm and charisma (funny he knows that when he doesn't have much!) Vera squawks that that's two more things Jack missed out on. Jack sighs with impatience, "Are you needling me for any particular reason or is it just a habit of a lifetime"! Bit of both, she retorts, angry that he derailed her attempts the night before to put the idea into Reg's head about promoting her! Give over, Curly would always let her know when there was jobs available, wouldn't he? Curly looks up and smiles rather weakly.

Dave comes to Deirdre's before he starts work at the Kabin, cadging a cup of tea. What about kettles at the Kabin? No, he shudders, Mavis Riley scares the pant off him. She laughs and invites him in but Tracy isn't particularly pleased to see him, saying very little when prompted. Dave invites the two of them out to dinner that night but Tracy declines as she's going to a mate's, just telling her mother now. She goes upstairs to get ready for school and comes down to catch Dave and Deirdre chatting about trips to Cheshire and beyond, quite cozy in the kitchen and she's not best pleased. (This would be the turnabout of Tracy. She wasn't all that bad before this, I didn't think but I think she's about to become unbearable!) Deirdre opens the post while Dave's there and finds a letter from an estate agent asking if she'd be interested in selling her house. She just thinks it's just a spam to drum up business. I smell a rat behind this, a blonde rat named Ken Barlow, mark my words.

Gail is still giving Martin instructions on the meal when he drops her off at the cafe while Alma witters on about how hard Mike is working these days. After Martin goes off to the supermarket, Gail remarks that Martin seems to think that they can all play at happy families once the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. She admits it's more than just playing even now, it's quite real and nice but she just feels like she's lost control of her life with the baby coming unplanned as it is. Alma reminds her she's made her own choice, she didn't have to get off that train in spite of Martin's emotional blackmail. What's worrying Gail most is telling Ivy and that's got her on edge. A bit later when Phyllis orders toast dripping with best butter, Gail rushes off to be sick (how come Sally isn't suffering too?) Alma tells Phyllis it was just something didn't agree with her but Phyllis, a wise old wife, seems to suspect otherwise.

Ivy picks up a frozen cake for the kiddies' dessert and Sally comments on the calories. She's not planning to eat for two and end up waddling around! Smart girl but Ivy doesn't think so, no fad diets, lady! Ivy also doesn't approve of all this new man stuff, ironing, dishes and changing nappies is women's work! Not in her house, Sally tells her, Kevin is going to be a 50/50 partner when the baby comes (wanna bet?). That's different, Ivy approves of that, they are a proper married couple starting a family, Martin is just a snip of a lad, no proper job and no prospects. Alf and Sally defend Martin but Ivy says she's only going round there because of the children. Martin won't be around long, Gail come to see her senses and find a proper man soon! (wanna bet?)

Vera, Betty and Jack share a joke while getting the pub ready to open. Alec takes Bet aside and tells her that Mr. Ridley wants the two of them to go see a refurbished pub called the Riverboat, the ex-Dog and Bottle, an old dump as it was. It's been fixed up in a similar style to how the brewery wants to do up the Rovers. Bet isn't very optimistic but goes. The Riverboat has Stars and Strips and Confederate flags everywhere, rock music thumping and waiters and barmaids in cowboy hats or dressed as saloon girls (I'll just leave you to figure out which is which!). Bet is appalled but Alec is smiling as he hears the cash registers chinging. This is our future Bet! Not her future, by the look on her face!

At Bettabuys, Vera finds out that there is a check out job coming available and Mr. Holdsworth has told Kimberly that she's in line for it. It's not definite yet but instead of being please for her mate, Vera is angry at all the trouble she went to fixing dinner for nowt and feels like she was stabbed in the back. (Well Kimberly DOES have seniority!)

Tracy has offered to buy Steve dinner in the cafe so she can bend his ear. She tells him about her dad and Wendy breaking up and wonders if she can get her parents back together in spite of Deirdre not wanting to turn any clocks back and Dave being in the picture. Steve says if Dave wasn't in the picture then the two would be back to square one and could eventually fall into each other's arms, basically telling her what she wants to hear so he can get a free lunch! She wonders how she can get Dave out of the picture. Hmmm.

In the Rovers Mike is bragging about how hard he's grafting and Liz and Jim start a conversation about Deirdre who was off to get her hair done for her date. Liz is glad Deirdre is having a bit of happiness. She doesn't know Ken very well but he seemed like a bit of hard work to her. Audrey tells them Ken was always too intellectual for her (you're tellin me!!!!) and she likes a man with a bit of a sense of humour (so why is she with Alfeh!? He only has a sense of humour if it doesn't cost him owt!) Liz wonders how a nice girl like Deirdre always gets mixed up with the wrong men. Mike puts that to rest by saying she doesn't always, with a wide-boy grin on his face! Elsewhere Sally and Kevin almost get caught out when they are discussing Ivy's reaction to the baby. Audrey passes by on her way to the loo but apparently doesn't overhear anything for once in her life!

Bet and Alec return from the Riverboat, silently staring daggers at each other until they get into the living room and then it's full squabble. Bet doesn't think that style is suited to the pair of them, young staff and clientele but Alec accuses her of being resistant to change, can't accept progress. I smell an impasse.

Tracy returns home from the shop and Dave comes over to see her. Tracy tells him about the letter Ken sent. He knew about that. Did he also know Dad wants to come back and her mom is going to let him and they're all excited? No, but when Dave asks if Deirdre is home, Tracy says no, so Dave writes down his telephone number and asks Tracy to get her mother to call him and stalks off angrily. She has the decency to look guilty at least.

When she comes in she seems like she's trying to tell her mother something but her mother is excitedly ironing a dress and looking forward to the date, nay, the rest of her life! She finally feels like a complete independent and free person, ready for anything, even Dave! Why not? Tracy pouts and doesn't tell her mother about Dave, about the telephone number or anything and takes off to her mate's. Later we see Deirdre dressed and ready to go. Waiting. And waiting.

Alma peps Mike up since he's knackered after a pig of a day and feeling the youthful competition. Reg comes in to buy they both a drinkypoo but he's followed by Vera who wants an explanation. Why did Kimberly get the check out job and not her when it's really more in her image! Stacking shelves is for kids and after he was fed and dined and all! Well he thought it was an act of kindness not a bribe and then slithers out of it by telling her it was more or less Curly's final decision who got the job. She is shocked and betrayed!

Ivy and Don had arrived at Gail's a bit early and Nicky nearly spilled the beans but after dinner, with Alf still poking back the trifle, Gail says she has an announcement. I told you so, Ivy whispers to Don who says it's probably that they're moving house or something. Gail stutters and tries in fits and starts and finally gets out the new. We're having a baby! Ivy sputters, you're having a baby? with HHHHHIIIIMMM??? Her face is a treat, horror, disgust, rage and shock as the kids cheer and dance around the table!


Tuesday (3069, 14 May 1990)
A mix up is cleared. Ivy is on the moral warpath. Bet is putting up the first defence line.

Tracy spend the night with a mate. Deirdre spend the night waiting for Dave. She tracks down Dave's phone number and leaves a message with the landlady to have him call her when he gets in. Tracy arrives home to pick up a few things she needs for school and asks how her mother's evening went but still doesn't fess up when she finds out Dave stood her up. She checks the letter Ken sent and scoots off out the door. At dinnertime she goes to his digs but he's out and his landlady doesn't know where. Tell him Tracy was here would you? Tracy who? He'll know. The landlady doesn't look altogether too confident that this schoolgirl with no last name isn't involved in something shady with her new tenant!

Bet tells Betty about the Riverboat and what a change from the old Dog and Bottle. There's not a meat pie in sight, all southern fried chicken and pastrami on rye. It's nowt but a glorified youth club now the old landlords have taken early retirement. Alec hisses at Bet when he realizes she's telling confidential brewery business to a casual employee. Betty is not a casual employee, she's a valued friend, informs Bet, and she's been here so long she's just like part of the fixtures and fittings and as such she deserves to know what is going to affect her. The odd hotpot at dinner is one thing but let's face it, neither she nor Betty would be able to cope with 200 portions of corn pone and possum belly soup. Don't be ridiculous, there's no chance it will be turned into another Riverboat, but then, he doesn't really know because Nigel Ridley hasn't told him any details yet. Bet orders him to go and find out, then because before he thinks on turning the Rovers into the Gone With The Wind wine bar, remember, Scarlett O'Hara, here, is NOT ready for early retirement! (end of subject as Bet swans out).

In the corner shop Audrey is fretting about Gail, hoping she's all right. Alf doesn't want her to interfere but Audrey wants to go round to see her alone without Martin or Ivy breathing down their necks. But before she can leave, Ivy marches in and, not seeing Audrey in the back, demands to know Alf's view on Gail's bringing an illegitimate child into the world, such a disgrace. Audrey defends her chick, she doesn't necessarily agree this is a good thing, having this baby but it's Gail's business and if Ivy can't support it, stop out of it! Ivy gasps that she can't support something that's going to bring shame to everyone! Audrey retorts that she doesn't feel shame (well, she's been there, done that) and warns Ivy not to go round to Gail's and make her feel guilty or she'll have Audrey to deal with. But when Ivy starts bringing up God and the grandchildren, Audrey lunges at her. Alf separates them and soothes Audrey like the good Voice Of Reason that he is and Audrey, near to tears, threatens to swing for Ivy if she hurts Gail. Ivy doesn't hear that because she beat a hasty retreat and Alf holds Audrey to comfort her. Poor Sally's been hiding in the back the whole time!

Alec goes to see Nigel Ridley about the bar and discusses Bet's misgivings about the Riverboat's decor not fitting in with Weatherfield and admits Bet is not good with change. Nigel smoothly alleviates fears, the Rovers won't be at all like the Riverboat, for one thing it's too small and for another, they can't have two bars the same within spitting distance of the other. He wants to go for something more Northern rather than the South. Alec mutters something about Good Old Northern Values but even Alec is taken aback when he realizes Nigel wants to turn the Rovers into an intimate, chrome and glass New York style bar called Yankees.

Dave finally calls Deirdre who's a bit shirty with him. But when she realizes he's seen Tracy the day before and Tracy didn't tell her, she tells him he had better come round. He does and after talking at cross purposes for a few minutes, Deirdre realizes Dave thinks Ken is coming back home. Who told him? Tracy of course? Turns out Tracy told him Deirdre wasn't home when she was and didn't give her mother the phone number either. Yes she lied about it. Now what? Well. After school Tracy runs to answer the door, thinking it's her dad but it's Dave. He greets her warmly acting as if nothing was amiss and then jokes with Deirdre about a story about a ladder and a dog preventing him from coming down. All intended to make Tracy realize that her little trick didn't work.

Alec returns and takes Bet into the back room. He tells her the bar won't be done up like the Riverboat but she pulls the rest of it out of him. He reluctantly tells her about the glass topped tables, sophisticated with subdued lighting, calling it Yankees. YANKEES!? Now, now don't dismiss it out of hand before you think about it. Bet snaps, she's thought about it. And with a magnificent wave of her hand says, I've dismissed it! He tries to win her over with images of burlesque pictures on the wall, gangsters etc. She overruns with sarcasm and says she can picture it, people in the doorway, piano playing softly, Studs Gilroy in a black shirt and white tie, exchanging amusing conversation with the local hoods! I'll tell you what's wrong with it, Al Capone, she hollers, I like it the way it is. (and there's an end to it! Well not exactly.)

Jim comes home early from work to catch Liz hanging sheets up and jokes about a little afternoon delight right there in the backyard but he's been pulling her leg because he's just received the final piece of the puzzle, the necessary part to turn the bike on rather than Liz. Later he and Andy work on the bike and when the motor starts up for the first time it near brings a tear to Jack's eye.

Bet gets the regulars all fired up by telling them all about the proposed changes. Mr. Sugden is particularly outraged at the thought of an American style bar in his neighbourhood. Betty warns her that Alec won't like it that Bet has fired off her first line of defence against the new bar but she defends herself. If he wants to turn this into a speakeasy, he'll have to expect one or two to run off at the mouth, won't he? In a quiet corner Alf and Don agree to stay neutral but it won't be easy keeping their wives away from giving Gail their opinion though Alf defends Audrey since she is Gail's mother. Audrey is apparently already gone round to the cafe to check on her daughter.

A while later Nigel comes to the Rovers intending on reassuring Bet but she's in the bath, Alec tells him. Nigel decides to wait on the public side of the bar, getting himself involved in the conversation that Mr. Sugden is leading with some of the regulars against the refurbishment and Americans in general. It's good to find out how the customers feel but Alec is nervously pacing behind the bar watching. Jack nags Jim to let him drive the bike just once. Liz assures Jack that Jim won't see him wrong but Jim, too busy eavesdropping on the American Bar debate, just says "We'll see". (Where's RTina? Haven't seen her for ages!!!) Alec scolds Bet when she returns for sowing the seeds of discontent among the regulars, not that Bet's bothered by anything Alec has to say! Martin comes in and Don asks him how Gail is. Well she was fine until about three minutes ago when Ivy arrived! Uh oh!

Ivy tears into Gail about the illegitimate child and the shame and disgrace of it all. Gail tries to tell her it's none of her business and no, she isn't worried about her reputation. Ivy thinks she should be because of the kiddies but is told to leave the children to their mother. Ivy blinks like an owl in surprise when Gail admits she doesn't want to be saddled with a baby at her age, risking losing Martin if he doesn't want to be a father after all but no it isn't a matter of right or wrong. She just doesn't want it! Ivy gasps but nearly has heart failure when Gail tells her she had arranged for an abortion. May God Forgive You! Ivy is equally gobsmacked when Gail tells her it was Martin, "irresponsible" Martin who talked her out of it but if he hadn't found out, she'd have gone through with it and nobody would have known. But God would and you would have to live with it for eternity. Gail says she could have. Poor Gail can't seem to do right for wrong, damned if she has an abortion, and damned if she has a child over the brush. What does Ivy want her to do???? Marry him! Now it's Gail's turn to be gobsmacked. Marry him????


Wednesday (3070, 16 May 1990)
The Yankees are coming! Martin's got hold of an idea.

Martin and Nicky are horsing around on the sofa. He and Gail chat about being a kid, she wonders, at her age, why you bother growing up at all. So what did Ivy say to you, Martin asks, deducing she's still enduring the fallout over Ivy's tirade the night before. Oh she said the usual, "Them Kiddies, Our Brian", she dealt them out like cards, did Ivy, and she gold Gail that if she wanted to redeem herself in the eyes of God, she should marry Martin! Gail never gave her an answer but it seems to have put the idea into Martin's head. He spends the rest of the day nagging Gail and telling her it's not such a bad idea to which she continually resists.

Bet and Alec are having an all out barney in the bar this morning about her telling all and sundry about Yankees resulting in the regulars harassing Nigel Ridley when he came round. It's sabotage! She told them all half a truth deliberately to get their hackles up! (quite effectively too, I might add!) Bet insists they had a right to know! They continue to squabble about refurbishment, improved takings and liking things the way they are. (I'll give you two pence to figure out who was on which side of those arguments!) Alec accuses Bet of being a barmaid that never grew out of it, If she doesn't move with the times, she'll move right down the dole queue. Bet ridicules Alec for spouting the Ridley party line, right out of their phrase book! How dare she! She dares! They continue until the final shots are fired and Alec goes through to the back.

Deirdre decides to approach Tracy about her performance the day before. She asks Tracy why she seemed surprised to see Dave come round yesterday and asks her where the note is that Dave gave her to give to her mom. She forgot. Remembered to forget, more like and lying too, that behaviour is not on! Tracy protests that she didn't lie. You told Dave your dad was coming back. Tracy's in full "lip" saying, well he might be! (Don't let her off the hook, Deirdre, don't!!!) Deirdre sits down, "Oh, Luv" she sighs and puts it as firmly as she can, nothing has changed even if Wendy isn't in the picture anymore. There's no room for him here anymore, you have to get used to that. (She did let her off! That kid is well old enough to take a little heat about lying!) She also tells Tracy she really likes Dave but doesn't know if she loves him (right, give the kid more fodder for hope!) Liz soon arrives along with the post. There's another letter from an estate agent on behalf of an "unnamed client"!

Jack sneaks a peek under the tarp covering the bike but is caught out by Jim who seems to have changed his mind from "We'll see" last night to "No way" today. Jack is not having a ride on that bike.

Jenny and Flick seem to be getting on each other's nerves, with Jenny playing more than housemother on Flick's case about the chores and a dirty bedroom. She doesn't want Rita to think they're slobs not taking care of the place. She also doesn't want Flick to paint her bedroom which causes even more friction. (you're not the boss of me or this house! LOL)

Audrey and Gail chat at the back of the shop because Audrey doesn't realize Sally knows about the baby yet. Gail is telling Audrey about Ivy's visit, Cheeky Mare is Audrey's reaction. Gail's not overly bothered, being used to Ivy being on her back since she was 21. Audrey wonders what Sally must be thinking seeing everyone whispering in corners in the shop but Gail tells her mother that Sally was the first to know about the baby. Audrey's gob hangs down, rather insulted I think! Up at the front of the shop Jack is complimenting Liz who wonders if Jack is trying to chat her up. No Chance she tells him, Sally says so too, in case he's working his way down the row. Jack protests that it's the bike, you see, he just can't get it out of his mind. Liz comments why did he flog it then if it meant so much and Jack follows her out begging to be allowed to just sit on it! She does relent because we next see Jack sitting on the bike spitting out engine noises. Liz gives him the keys so he can start it up but she's nervous when he revs the engine loudly, figuring the whole block will hear and she'll be caught out since it was going to be a secret from Jim.

In the Rovers, Percy is leading the discussion among a group of regulars against the updating of the pub. Even Emily has a well thought out and politely put comment about the brewery hoping to attract a new clientele but what about the rest of us, don't we have any say? Percy's final comment about democracy being the reason they fought the war causes Alec to lose his temper. He's sick to the back teeth of Percy's opinions and if he can't keep them to himself, he's barred! Betty and Jack watch with concern over Alec's Little Hitler attitudes but Jack goes off in raptures about the bike again.

Sally and Kevin come in but Martin won't let them sit with him and when they join Jenny and Flick they are put in with the continuing argument. Flick gets thoroughly ticked off and leaves, warning Jenny she pays her rent and thought she had a 50% interest! Martin had been expecting Gail and continues to badger her about getting married, pouting when Gail replies that it would be the wrong reason to get married. But he wants to marry her, even if there wasn't a baby (yes, but it never entered his mind until there was one and Ivy started in on it!) During all the angst, Alec takes a phone call from Nigel Ridley's secretary informing him that Nigel wants to see Alec and Bet in his office at 4. Alec is sure that after the heckling Nigel took last night, he's about to sack them.

When they get to the office, Alec tries to do some fancy footwork, political chat up to smooth things over but Bet tells it like it is. They've, well She's worked long and hard at building the pub into something good; is he saying that isn't good enough for the brewery? Nigel assures them he isn't showing them the door and he's used to lippy customers. That's normal, with people resisting change. He only wanted to show them the plans for the pub. The contractors will be ready to start at the back end of next week! Yikes!

Over at Deirdre's, Liz and Emily have been helping her to stuff envelopes and Liz promises to shanghai the lads into delivering them and maybe even Steve can win Tracy over to helping. Emily understandingly comments that Tracy's shenanigans are only normal for a child her age who sees life in such simple terms. (simple minds = simple terms??) Liz goes off to make the tea for her crew and Deirdre asks Emily if she's been getting any letters from estate agents, thinking developers could be sniffing around again. After all the offer seems to be above market value. Emily hasn't heard a tick so it's just Deirdre and she wonders what's up. Emily later, in the pub with her, suggests could it be Ken? Deirdre thought of that but how and why? He's skint. She's just keeping quiet for the meantime. It's bound to come to light eventually.

Jim comes home and immediately assumes one of the boys had sparked up the bike since Sally told him she heard it going earlier. Andy protests that they were both in school and before Jim can get in another accusation, Liz confesses she's the one that let Jack start the bike.

Rita donates some old curtains to Jenny. She looks around, thinking it's strange to come back but it's got a nice atmosphere. Atmosphere it has but rather tense actually. Flick comes back just as Rita is leaving and Jenny attempts to make up but she comes over sounding more like a landlady instead of a room mate when she allows Jenny to paint the bedroom if she wants to and Flick calls her on it, then goes upstairs to work.

Jim interrupts the Duckworth's tea, ranting to Jack about taking advantage. Curly is caught in the middle and tries to use a few truths, like the fact that the two of them treat that bike like it ought to have candles around it and it's got all five of us arguing. Liz suggests that Jack have a ride to get it out of his system much to Jim's objections but Jack and Vera jump on that and talk themselves into their leathers and on the bike in spite of Jim's protests! I'm surprised that Vera was so excited, insisting on going with Jack, but go she did. Jack starts up the bike and Jim instructs him nervously about treating the gears gently, just around the block and no faster than 50 mph. Jack and Vera happily go off but just as they get a wind up, a siren is heard.

Back on Coronation Street a crowd is nervously waiting. What's taking so long? A police car comes round the corner from the Viaduct and Jack and Vera come behind, pushing the bike. The constable addresses Jim, he caught Jack speeding on a bike that was untaxed, uninsured and no MOT!

Back at the put, Bet tells Betty that the refurbishment is going ahead, next week in fact. Alec seems pleased that he's won and Bet is defeated and sad.

Martin is still on to Gail about a wedding, it only makes sense with "My Baybee" and her kids already liking him. Why not? It's not that she doesn't love him because she does but she's just getting used to one shock. She's not ready for marriage yet but she hugs him and tells him not to stop asking, one day she may surprise him and say yes!


Thursday (3071, 18 May 1990)
Ivy's contempt hits a new low. Alec backs down. Jack gets professional advice.

Percy is out for his morning constitutional, pausing to look up at Number 7. He saunters over to Rita and comments that the students will probably be sleeping the best part of the day away! No he's not complaining, he's just saying. Rita doesn't get nasty like you know she wants to but cracks on that of course Percy wouldn't be complaining, he never does!

Jim is not in the mood for any cheek from Andy after his own public embarrassment the night before. Andy gives it to him anyway, teasing him about being a bad influence on his children and it would serve him right if they grew up to commit equally horrible motor vehicle offenses! Isn't it Jack's fault for driving the bike? But Jim accepts that it's his fault as the owner for letting Jack drive it, knowing it was not insured, etc. Liz takes some of the blame herself for encouraging it. Andy is excited though, that the bike is driveable and suggests that maybe they can ride it off-road?

Flick has irritated jenny further today by telling her of a friend, Rod, whom she offered the use of their sofa since he was being kicked out of his digs and had no where to go. Jenny is adamant that he isn't staying there. Word gets around and they'll be running a doss house in no time! Have a heart, he's homeless! Jenny won't be moved.

Vera tries to make Jack go to see Jim. Jack tries to wriggle out of it. She nags him and he sweats but Curly takes Jack's side, thinking Jack should say nowt at all, it could make his case worse if he goes off at the mouth. This makes perfect sense to Jack since that's what he wanted to hear. Curly and Vera drive off to work but Jim comes out before Jack can run back inside and he prevents Jack from closing the door on him. They need to chat so Jim follows Jack inside. Jack is going to take Curly's advice and says very little. Jim's giving him fair warning though, Jack drove the bike so he has a part in this mess. No comment. But Jack does comment after a bit, accusing Jim of letting him drive it knowing it wasn't insured. How could it be? Don't you have a brain??? Jack thinks a minute and says again, No Comment. (hee hee hee) Jack then says he's been given advice, Professional Advice to say nothing, knowing full well Jim is going to assume Jack has seen a solicitor. Jim leaves saying he'll be hearing from him. I think Jack's made it worse! Jim goes home and looks up a solicitor in the yellow pages of the phone book, telling Liz that Duckie has seen a solicitor so it's fight fire with fire time. Liz is more concerned about more trouble with the neighbours.

Betty arrives late for work, being held up at the butchers. Alec takes out his bad mood on her at first bet then asks her why Bet can't be more adventurous, theme pubs are 'in' so why does she need to be dragged into the future kicking and screaming. Betty quietly asks why he needs to do it? Alec thinks a glamourous surrounding would suit Bet's magnificence but Betty, too, likes the Rovers the way it is. Well you would, you're not adventurous either, Alec snaps. They wind down the conversation with Alec asking what's for lunch. Toad in the Hole. Toad in the Hole? What about Hotpot? Betty retorts, she's being adventurous! (good old Betty!)

At college Jenny and Flick are arguing again, still, more, about the proposed house guest with neither giving in. Jenny thinks Rod is just a bum. Flick promises he won't be there long, just enough to fix something else up but Jenny says no. Ho Hum, more of the same.

Bet tries to reason with Alec in the hall. What if she doesn't like the new bar? Newton and Ridley won't come round and change it back. Alec tries to convince her that shaking cocktails is much classier than pulling mucky pints. Oh Alec, sighs a defeated Bet, will I have to wear star spangled knickers and all? She walks away, head down and for the first time, Alec seems to realize how much this means to her. He goes back into the bar as Jack arrives up from the cellar. Jack spots Liz with Rita and tries to make Liz a deal, he'll pay the fines if Jim gives him the bike. No chance, that bike is worth something! So are the fines but Liz isn't going to be sucked in to that and scolds him for going to a solicitor, surely they could have settled it without that. What solicitor? That professional advice was from Curly, he DOES work for a supermarket you know!

Alec takes over the conversation with Rita and Liz and admits that Bet still isn't keen. He tries to get Rita's sympathy by identifying with her new surroundings as someone more accepting of changes (not quite the same thing there, Alec!). Alec tells them the new bar will be unrecognizable. Liz gently says happen that's what worries her and Rita adds that you can hardly blame her, this is her home, livelihood and there's more at stake than the rest. Alec is looking downright guilty now. He goes to the back and the ladies sit down as Audrey comes in to have a word with Ivy.

Audrey congratulates Ivy for coming round to it, accepting the baby and telling Gail she should marry Martin. It's so good for the children, after all, to have a proper father. Ivy hits a new low by telling Audrey that wasn't why she did it. She's not having that child a Tilsley, it's not fit to bear her son's name and neither is Gail! (whoah! I'm shocked. Are you? I knew Ivy could be evil, contemptible and spiteful but this is something even worse!)

Back at the MacDonald house, Jim returns from seeing a solicitor who just took his statement and was reassuring but didn't say much else. Liz proceeds to leave Jim sputtering in amazement when she tells him Jack's "professional adviser" was Curly, their lodger and guess what else? Jack said he'd pay the fines if Jim gives him the bike! Ha! That family's a liability, Jim curses but is half laughing in disbelief at the utter cheek! He'll be paying hospital bills too when Jim breaks his nose!

The pub shuts for the afternoon break, Bet is still down and Alec's gone out. Betty commiserates while Bet laments that it's the end of everything, the pub, home, living, friends. Well, she's manage to cope, that's the one thing she can always do, cope. Betty hugs her. (and I think Mrs Walker would be spinning in her grave if she's dead yet at the thought of an American bar replacing the Rovers)

Where is Alec? Well he's at the brewery meeting with Nigel Ridley. He puts on his politician's hat, putting the better part of the objections on Bet's shoulders but telling Nigel that "We've" decided not to go through with the refurbishment. Nigel seems equally polite and tells Alec the brewery wouldn't force any changes on them that they weren't comfortable with. Alec is quite grateful that Ridley seems so understanding about it though says it's a great shame. Alec thanks him very much, leaving after further reassurances that no Yankees will be coming after all. After Alec leaves, Nigel looks rather thoughtful, maybe just resigned to it. Win some, lose some.

Flick is barely speaking to Jenny now. Jenny make her position clear so that's an end to it and of course she's still talking to Jenny. (barely!) Jenny's going to a disco but Flick decides she must stay at home and do some work. But when Jenny finally gets home she discovers that Rod is there after all, against her wishes. Flick is just too soft hearted I guess, not wanting to see a mate homeless.

Jack bleats to Sally about Jim letting him go off driving the bike , etc, and Sally too thinks it was a dirty trick to play. Alf just thinks each of the neighbours deserves each other. Jack is caught out in mid rant by Jim who has caught up with him. Jim sticks the knife in by telling Jack he's seen a solicitor and the advice from one of them is loads better than what you get from an assistant management trainee! Jack knows he's busted! Andy comes in to fetch Jim because the police are at the house so Jim takes jack by the ear back to the house. We later see the three adults looking like they've been sent to the principal's office, being severely chastised by PC Nailor who is also in Andy's face about being sensible and not taking to the open roads as well. After he winds down he tells them there's not sense in prosecuting idiots so they won't press charges this time but next time the book will be thrown. Got that? Got it. Liz assures the constable that they will be getting shut of the bike so there's no worries about the lads being tempted. Now, if there isn't anything else, does Jim mind if he has another look at the bike? Jim discovers the man is a fellow bike aficionado and the two of them go off to chat bike stuff.

Bet tells Betty, who's on her way home, that Alec just won't see that it's the end. If Yankees, by some miracle is a success, he won't be able to keep up the pace and if it's a failure it'll be blamed on them and they'll be out the door. His head's in the sand. Alec returns just then and tells them straight out that he's cancelled the refurbishment, he's told Nigel and Nigel understood and was very good about it. You can forget you ever heard the word Yankee. You've done right, Alec, Betty congratulates him and Bet sighs with relief, pleased Alec has done it for her. Alec just moans half heartedly about lost takings but doesn't rub it in.

Tracy comes home from school and Deirdre shortly greets an estate agent who apparently phoned earlier. Now what is this all about? Deirdre doesn't want to sell the house, they are quite happy there. They expected that and the agency is offering £5,000 above market value, someone wants to buy the house for £30,000 ! That makes Deirdre stop and think! (Now I forget how this storyline ends I think but I have an idea now, who it might be and it isn't Ken. But I'm saying nowt for now.)

Bet is happy, spreading the news. Liz and Jim come in and Vera buys them a drink to thank them since Jack isn't in trouble after all (not their doing! They didn't convince the police to drop the charges but who refuses a free drink!) Jim ends up telling them he flogged the bike, to the constable for £800 ! That shocks Vera (what did he buy the bike from Jack for? £150 I think? Nice profit!)


Friday (3072, 21 May 1990)
It's the lodger from hell, what a thing to wake up to in the morning! There's Rod unwashed, smoking, loud music blaring and he's even trying it on with Jenny. He knows she doesn't want him on the sofa so anytime she wants him in her bed, just say so! (ew!) Jenny is rude to him, not hiding how she feels in the least, especially about his smoking. She won't even give him a saucer for an ashtray and he tries to get round her by telling her that gagging on second hand smoke is purely a psychological reaction. He continues to wheedle his way into staying a few more days by promising to clean up and cook the tea tonight. Jenny finally gives in, two nights only, as long as he doesn't take over the place. Flick was on Rod's side but it doesn't look much like she's please to see he used her folder for an ashtray or to find out he helped himself to her last yogurt without asking.

Deirdre seems to be half considering the £30,000 offer on the house. It's probably more a "what if we did" attitude and Tracy seems more concerned about leaving her friends and school district and what if me dad was upset about it, like he were losing us forever? Deirdre doubts they'd move out of the district and Ken signed the house over to her so he has no say whatsoever anyway.

Jack wipes down the tables and chats to Tina (about time, where has she been?). Jack seems to be on Alec's side, thinking Yankees could have pulled in a lot of brass. Tina seemed more concerned that the older regulars like Phyllis wouldn't have a local close at hand. It's a moot point though, as Alec, called the Giant Killer by Tina, comes through. He puts on like he made a brave stand up to the brewery for Bet's sake, walk through fire for his wife. (I just wonder if Newton and Ridley really are backing down that easily)

Mavis is sorting greeting cards and chatting about trying to get Derek going on renovations to their garden, he seems to be stalling. Rod stops in for cigarette papers and is quite polite to Emily, holding the door for her as they pass paths at the door. He was a stranger to Mavis and Rita but Emily informs them that the young man is a friend of Jenny's, seems to be staying there too. News to Rita.

Dave arrives at Deirdre's for lunch and a kiss. He asks after Tracy. She's fine though studiously avoids talking about Dave, and maybe a bit worried that Deirdre plans to move them to the back of beyond. She tells him about the £30,000 offer much to his surprise and all.

Mavis and Derek have lunch at the Rovers. Mavis nags Derek again about the garden, not wanting the neighbours to think ill of them with knee high grass and rusty prams in it. Derek promises to dig up any rusty prams before they start flowering and can they change the subject? Des and Steph rattle the Wilton cage by loudly making jokes over the next booth about them neighbours and their disreputable garden as Kevin gets up to buy his shout. At the bar he chats to Ivy and Emily who ask after Sally. He tells them she loves being pregnant and of course he's spoiling her. He asks Ivy how her grandchild-in-the-making is but is told in no uncertain terms that it is no grandchild of hers.

Deirdre arrives in the pub for a tonic and chats to Jim about her estate offer. She had thought it might be Maurice Jones up to his old tricks. Over his dead body, Jim decides. Alec wouldn't mind though, more ale is sold when there's labourers about. A bit later she and Bet chat about the same thing, Bet making jokes about the potential buyer having a crush on Emily. It couldn't be Ken, he's got no money so Bet suggests that Deirdre get on to the estate agent and demand to know what's going on. This she does, and the estate agent, Mr. Simpson promises to come round later and put her in the know since she is insisting she won't sell the house until things are cleared up.

When Jenny is in the Kabin, she is quite surprised to find out that Rita knows about her "lodger" already. Rita reminds Jenny how fast the local grapevine works. Jenny tells her she doesn't want him there, he might be a charmer, full of chat but he's also a waste. (of time? space? what?) She was hoping Rita would play the hard hearted landlady but Rita tells her she must fight her own battles. Jenny can't understand how Flick can stand up for him, sure he's homeless but he is the kind who would always land on his feet. Rita asks if Flick fancies him. Jenny says Flick told her no but Rita wonders. She would say, wouldn't she?

At college, Flick and a friend are discussing that very same subject. Flick is indeed turned around in her opinion of Rod and his annoying habits of taking over the living room, eating their food and smoking. He's bound to come between her and Jenny and she can't tell Jenny she's on her side now because that would be admitting she was wrong. Jenny comes by on the way to class and apologises. Rod can stay, it's all right with her. After she goes, Flick wonders why Jenny has changed her tune. Well she would wouldn't she? (implying that Jenny fancies Rod?)

Steph comes home from work knackered. She's going to have a lie down on the sun bed in the back room. Des warns her to watch out if Derek is in his garden working, he doesn't want poor old Derek to pop his clogs after a look at Steph walking around nude. They joke about the possibility of getting Derek to fix up their garden too.

The girls arrive home to loud music and no tea made. Jenny has lost a key and Rod witters on about the theory of visualization to help her find it. They both ask him what's for tea but it turns out he's completely forgot about his promise, much to their annoyance. He offers to get a takeaway if they lend him a tenner. He can't believe he forgot, completely unlike him! Flick sarcastically suggests he use visualization to remember.

Derek is digging up the garden and Des comes out to chat over the fence. Hard work but it has to be done. Des asks Derek if he's a vegetable man (wasn't sure he was going to add "man" to that!) Derek supposes he could be a potato man (or head) but really flowers and shrubs are more his speed. Still, it has to be done. Yes, Des agrees, it has to be done. Des mentions that they've turned their back room into a solarium and gym and he won't be put off if Steph happens to be up there with an all over tan, if you know what I mean? She's not very discreet, is our Steph. Derek promises to avert his eyes and carry on and Des goes back inside leaving Derek with that little image. (spending more time in the garden lately are we Derek? Still I suppose she's a far cry from Guinevere the gnome)

Mavis waits for Derek in the Rovers. He arrives, shattered from the hard work. They chat about Des, as he has enjoyed his first neighbourly garden conversation over the fence. No he doesn't think the Barnes's are keen on gardening. Well at that age, Mavis points out, they wouldn't be. Stephanie probably only wants a garden to stretch out in the sun! Derek gulps. Jack tries his hardest to get a free drink out of Liz and Jim but no matter what he says and how he says it, they don't bite.

Elsewhere Ivy and Vera discuss the loud music coming from Number 7 though yes, it really has only just begun with that young man staying there. It doesn't bear thinking about what that's about, one man, two young girls. Vera wonders if they shouldn't complain to Rita about the racket though and they turn the conversation to Deirdre who was lucky to get such a good offer on her house. Some of us just get it served up on a plate!

Not as lucky as that I should wonder. The estate agent arrives and Deirdre insists on knowing the names of the person who made the offer on the house. Well, no it's not Ken playing games with her. In fact it's the brewery, their expansion plans include breaking down into the house next door, hers! But they cancelled that? Only publicly she's told, privately they're still going ahead so this must remain confidential! (Well this wasn't what I thought was behind that offer, I though it might have been Mike doing it to give Deirdre a bit of money to start her off but then I was also suspicious that the brewery did take Alec's cancellation too easily! Deirdre already knows that Bet and Alec think it's off so will she break the confidence?)


Originally transmitted: 23, 25 & 30 May; 1 & 4 June 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 4 - Friday 8 May 1998
Episode Numbers: 3073 - 3077

NB: There was no Monday 28 May episode due to the ITV Telethon. A five-minute 'special' was included within the telethon. It didn't get an episode number

Monday (3073, 23 May 1990)
Who's put off her toast? What's the latest offer? Who's Derek's garden nymph?

Mavis has been called in on early paper duty though Rita is sorting the papers while Mavis peruses a gardening magazine. They chat about settling into new houses and designing gardens. Mavis decides that starting in on a garden means you've really settled in. Rita feels the same way about her Busy Lizzie (eh? Wot's that?)

Meanwhile Derek is having his morning coffee and surveying the garden, sorting through all the possibilities in his head, feeling much like Capability Brown, he tells Des who's come out for a chat. Who? Des asks. Capability Brown, a landscaper that designed grounds like Chatsworth. Mate of yours, Des asks (and I genuinely think he doesn't know who CB is but then you never know with Des do you?). No, heavens, he's been dead hundreds of years. Oh, that won't do you much good. Des gets his own back though, by mentioning the only gardening he ever did was building an Octopus's Garden in his dad's fish tank, you know like the song by Ringo? No idea, has Derek. (surely the only person in Britain that could have survived the 60's and not heard of the Beatles HAS to be Derek Wilton!) Derek decides there must be some sort of miniature stretch of water in the garden too, all gardens must have water.

Vera and Ivy speculate about the sleeping arrangements of young Rodney inside Number 7. One of them must be soft on him they figure. Times have changed, Ivy, Vera tells her, they're more educated today, more knowing. Yes, Ivy agrees on that point but says it still only takes one mistake to ruin a girl's life (like getting involved with Rodney!) Inside Number 7, Flick wakes Rodney and is not best pleased to find his socks drying on the stove. They weren't even washed, Rodney admits, you don't have to wash your socks unless you're particularly sweaty (oh, gross!) and anyway detergent is bad for you. (I've just lost me eyebrows into me hairline. But wait, it gets better...) Jenny comes downstairs and gives Flick more aggro about having a word to him about the toenail clippings he lined up on the bath (that does it, I'm off me toast!)

Deirdre asks Tracy how she wold mind moving but Tracy knows very well if Deirdre decides to move, there isn't anything she can do about it. Deirdre insists Tracy has a say. Oh like she did when she wanted to see her dad? Be fair, Deirdre implores, she was in a state then. Really, what would you think? Tracy finally says that if her mother really wants to move and when she had made a decision, then come and talk to her!

Flick pays Rita her week's rent and they end up chatting about Rodney who it turns out is upperclass and though tries not to let it show, does choke on the plum every now and then. Rita had thought that the lodger from hell was Flick's particular friend but Flick says no, she thinks Jenny is soft on him or maybe she just likes to collect strays but someone has to give Rod a kick up the backside. Probably her!

Tina rushes in very late for work much to Alec's annoyance. He gives Jack aggro too but Jack has uncharacteristically got ALL the chores done. All of them including feeding the ferret? What ferret? Oh well then you've got a very friendly rat, Jack jokes. Alec moans about the lack of trade when Deirdre arrives to sell him raffle tickets and instead of buying just the one for 20p he buys the 12-for-2 quid deal, again another one being uncharacteristic! Deirdre susses him out about the brewery deal but Alec and Bet agree, well Bet mostly, that they just couldn't cope with the upheaval. Bet muses that the pub becomes your whole life and then someone somewhere makes a decision and your fate is sealed. I think Deirdre's decision is just made too.

Confirmed when Mr. Simpson comes round to see if he can hurry her decision along. She tells him on the whole the deal is off but he pressures her into meeting with a representative from the brewery that night at the Coach and Horses. Can't hurt to hear what they have to say after all and they just might come up a bit in price (along with a few more pressure tactics no doubt). She agrees but only one representative, not a whole team or she leaves.

Derek arrives home with a small pitchfork to make the garden turn over easier as the builders left it full of bricks. Mavis discusses some of her ideas for the garden and they're amazed at their psychic connection when Mavis mentions they must have water like Chatsworth on a smaller scale of course. He mentioned the very same things to Desmond that very morning! He's off to change to work clothes but puts her off when she offers to help him, worrying no doubt that she'll get a gander of Steph in the sun room. (Want that little pleasure all to yourself eh Derek?)

In the pub later, Vera complains to Jenny and Flick about the loud music shaking the house. They promise they'll have another word with Rodney but Vera is unable to suss out which one he's shacking up with, to Ivy's disappointment. (At least it gives her something else to think about besides Gail's baby!) Jenny and Flick then realize that each thought the other fancied Rod but in reality neither of them do! They gag and laugh over the misunderstanding. I think it's soon going to be Bye Bye Rodney!

Derek is busy digging but keeps glancing up at the Barnes's window where he gets a dekko every now and then of Steph clad in only a towel walk by the window. Des laughs from behind the curtains and they laugh about the dirty old man next door. But when Des teases Steph that he wont' want to see her nude when she's Mavis's age, she jumps up off the sunbed and after him and Derek gets quite an eyeful before she covers up. Both Barrels as Des puts it. He nearly has to bury his chin in the hole he's been digging and Huffs, Oh Really! as if he was disgusted and jams the pitchfork down... into his foot! Mavis? Mavis? MAAAAVISSS!

So here we are at the Coach and Horse. Deirdre has brought Dave along for support and the brewery representative is none other than Nigel Ridley himself. Dave manages to make sure a pint is in order before the negotiations start. Himself soothes Deirdre's fears that her friends, the Gilroys will be put out, the brewery will always look out for the sitting landlords, have no fear. He doesn't want to rush her by no means. He mentions that if she didn't sell, they might always expand around the corner into Rosamund street if necessary though planning permits might be a problem. He backs down pretty quick when he learns that Deirdre is a councillor though and admits that if she doesn't sell, the brewery will Probably just forget about the refurbishment altogether. She mentions her main reason being that she is going through a divorce and her daughter has had enough upheaval so no, she's not going to sell. He pressures her with the comment that he thought that would be a good reason to want a new start (hit a nerve there I think) and then offers her another £5000, making the offer £35,000 which is £10,000 over the value of the house. He needs an answer within two weeks though and leaves her to think it over. She wonders what to do, what to do? What about Bet and Alec's lives? But Dave thinks £10,000 in her pocket trumps out friendship any day. Take it! (No! Don't!)

Rodney Whitworth PETER TEMPLE Mr. Simpson NICHOLAS FRY Landlord RON McCORMICK

Tuesday (3074, 25 May 1990)
Who's told Rodney? How does Jack remember his first honeymoon? Why is Mavis flushed?

Right, Who's going to tell Rodney he has to find a new place to kip? Jenny and Flick argue in the kitchen and agree to tell him together. Jenny wakes Rodney with cries of Fire! They take the indirect approach by implying that the sofa must be uncomfortable and of course he has no privacy and the deplorable lack of space. He has a slick comment for each and every excuse and goes off to change. Well, that went well. They have another go later and insist he find another place today, telling him they just don't want any lodgers at all and Rita isn't too keen as well. He is hurt, supposedly, and promises to see to it today.

Deirdre's being very Dreary wittering on to Tracy about should she sell up, there's more money...Tracy witters on in kind, she doesn't want to move, likes it here, mates nearby. Blah, Blah, Blah. Deirdre makes the mistake of commenting that Dave thinks they should sell and that sets Tracy's resentments off again, what business is it of his anyway!

Derek is limping but says it's lucky the prong of the garden fork only really grazed him (I suppose a hangnail would be cause for a full arm cast then?) Mavis thinks Derek is going at the garden entirely too hard. Gardening isn't supposed to be a hard slog, it's supposed to be relaxing, a place to and stand and stare or sit and stare (yes, well, Derek has been doing more than his share of staring lately hasn't he?) Mavis suggests they need a garden seat, something rustic and Derek thinks that's a capital idea. (Gets tiring standing and staring all the time doesn't it?) He promises to meet her at the garden centre at dinnertime to pick one out. Mavis leaves for work and encounters Des and Steph. They ask after Derek's foot, saw him limp across the street last night (sure!!!). After hearing the details, they chuckle all the way to their car once Mavis is out of earshot. In the car, Steph says she best stay out of sight from now on or Derek is liable to be missing a few vital body parts! Des doesn't want to spoil a good stunt.. Unless, Steph counters, we can think of a better one! (uh oh!)

Deirdre tells Emily about the higher offer on the house but not who is making the offer and why so Emily is suspicious that it could be someone very unsavoury and untrustworthy. What about the neighbours, don't they come into it? Deirdre's guilt is further nipped when Bet comes around serving them their hot pots with a friendly word or two. Behind the bar, Tina is asking a very glum looking Jack about his holiday. Seems Vera is taking him to Blackpool for a second honeymoon but when Alec overhears, he tries to get Alec to tell Vera he can't do without Jack and he'll take the money in lieu. Whether it's the money Alec doesn't want to pay, or the happy thought of no Duckie for two weeks or both, but Alec happily agrees to let Jacko have his two weeks. He proceeds to take the mickey out by telling Jack that a second honeymoon could be upsetting, what if he's not up to it, it IS honeymoon after all. It could be embarrassing, Jacko, like a video recording without a picture! Food for thought.

Derek and Mavis unload a wooden and very rustic indeed garden seat. Liz happens along and soothes Mavis's fears that it doesn't suite a town garden, she's envious that she doesn't have a garden. They manoeuvre it into the back yard and Derek decides that the very back of the garden is the sunniest place for it and places it facing the house. He sits in it quickly and glances up at the Barnes's window to check the angle while Mavis hugs him from behind, wittering on about ambience. Derek says, again the prophet, that soon she'll be telling him he looks like a gnome!

Later in the Kabin Mavis crows on about the garden, the seat, the delights of gardens in general as Rita uninterestingly mutters an appropriate response when required. Finally she reminds Mavis that she will never know the delights, living in a flat as she does. Steph comes in as Mavis apologises for making Rita jealous then tells Rita that she's actually surprised that Derek has taken to gardening so. (he's taken to something... or someone! Never had Derek down as a dirty old man!) Steph tells Mavis and Rita about her sunbed and thoughtfully offers Mavis a try tonight if she likes. I smell a stunt in the making!

Jenny and Flick return but it turns out Rodney completely forgot he was supposed to be looking for new digs, one problem after another and that went right out of his head but he promises to do it tomorrow. They're not best pleased.

Steph gives Mavis instructions on proper sunbed use, safe as houses, 10 minutes a side. She and Des are practically laughing out loud as they leave her to it. Mavis draws the curtains. When she's done, all nice and pink and glowing, she buttons up and opens the curtains again to see Derek sitting on the bench, newspaper in hand staring up at her! Uh, oh, Derek's face says he knows he's busted. Mavis is very unsettled and it's made worse when she goes downstairs and Des remarks that Steph never closes the curtains. Steph puts the finishing touches on the stunt by saying if you can't walk around your own house in the nude, I don't know where you can! Mavis looks like she's going to be sick!

In the Rovers Bet enquires of Vera about her second honeymoon. It's North Wales where they had their first one though Jack thinks they were in Blackpool, that's how much he remembers! At the bar, Jack is asking Jim about his honeymoon. I have to replay the conversation as closely as I can because it was too funny: Jack asks Jim where'd you have your honeymoon, then? Italian Lakes. Where's that, Jack enquires. Italy (rolls eyes). Jack asks, alright was it? Jim, surprised, answers, of course it was, it was our honeymoon! Jack leans in a little closer and puts forth,"see much of the wife, then?" Jim is astounded, it was our honeymoon! We were't staying in separate hotels! Jack informs Jim that he seems to remember having a good time on his honeymoon only Vera doesn't seem to figure much in it! Well, Jim says, you must have seen her the first night, know what I mean? Now I'm not sure what Jacko said here but it sounded like "Not on". Typical Jack isn't it. Over at the booth, Ivy is concerned that trying to bring back memories of what Vera always told her was a disastrous honeymoon might not be a good thing. How long has she been married? 30-odd years, Vera tells her. It's risky, Ivy thinks, bound to have high expectations. Vera says it was never that bad, well, let's face it they didn't exactly break new ground (BWAHAHAHA that's one way to put it!) and Jack was drunk as much as he was sober but she had stars in her eyes, she loved him and thought she could change him. He's going to North Wales whether he wants to or not! She's just hoping for 2 good nights (out of a fortnight?), they had at least that the first time round.

In another booth, Jenny and Flick are telling Mark and Kevin about their dodgy lodger. Mark volunteers to go over and tell him to get on his bike and he does. Only he's a bit heavy handed, insisting when Rodney politely insists he promised to do it tomorrow, it's too late tonight and anyway, he thought they were getting on so well! The girls come in just as Mark threatens to thump him and Rodney lays on the guilt thickly. They didn't have to resort to these measures, he thought they were friends! But he does leave. Jenny and Flick, feeling suitably guilty, then round on Mark calling him an animal! Can't win for losing. Have I said lately how cute Mark is?

Over at Deirdre's she's distracted, thinking about selling the house. Dave drinks her ale and smokes homemade ciggys and tells her she should go for it, all the way to the bank. she's worried about the usual, neighbours, Bet and Alec, and Tracy. Kids are resilient, she'll get over it. It's a good deal and she should take it. but another excuse is that since it's being rushed, where will she live until she finds somewhere she likes? Simple, move in with him, Dave suggests. She's taken aback but thinks it could be the answer! Tracy is over hearing at the door and obviously doesn't think so. I don't remember how the sale doesn't go through though obviously it won't. I suspect a very manipulative teenager puts a spanner in it somehow.

Rodney Whitworth PETER TEMPLE

Wednesday (3075, 30 May 1990)
Mark arrives at the garage even though it's a bank holiday. Nothing better to do I guess, and Kevin is surprised too, thinking Mark would be out with Flick somewhere. Wasn't that why he offered to toss the tosser? To impress her? Mark is downcast and tells Kevin that Jenny and Flick blew him off, instead, calling him an animal! Women, eh?

Meanwhile Jenny is reading a magazine article to Flick that describes the lofty future of women in the 90's. It's our decade, wouldn't Flick love to be a big executive running a big company from behind a big desk? Sure would! Jenny dreams of a credit card, endless travel, a discreet lover...Definitely, agrees Flick, especially about the lover. But she is still guilty about Rod, hope he could find a place to stay on a holiday weekend. Jenny assures her that Rod will always land on his feet, a professional stray dog, will always find someone to sponge off him. Flick expresses a little more sympathy for Rodney, countered by Jenny's opinion that Rodney is not coming back, he's not housetrained, he pongs in warm weather and has an appetite like a cement mixer. That's why they're both so skint! Flick agrees she doesn't want Rodney back but then turns her worries to Mark, hoping he wasn't too insulted that they were so ungrateful. Jenny laughs at her, Mark is Mr. Macho Man, can't be too hard on him. Flick defends him a little, he was only trying to help us. And we thanked him and sent him on his way (No... you called him an animal and tossed him out on his cute little buns!) Flick tells Jenny she can be hard sometimes but Jenny defends that she's had to be. What are you going to do when you have to lay off half your workforce? We women of the 90's have to be ruthless. (and that my friends, is probably the full measure of Jenny as we know her!) So what are they going to do today, since they are both so broke?

Deirdre finds Tracy doing her homework. Tracy has been quiet all weekend and finally tells her mother that she overheard Dave make the offer to let them move in with him if she sells the house but she didn't hear her mother's reply. That's because there was none. Haven't decided yet but admits she probably will sell up. Tracy figures if Deirdre didn't say no to Dave that means she's considering it and leaves in disgust.

Mavis declines an offer by Rita to leave early and seems inclined to want to have a serious advice chat. She asks Rita if all men lecherous? Do they think about women all the time? Mavis has little experience with men (or thinking about the delights of men, I'd wager!) Rita nearly swallows her gum (well she would have if she had been chewing it, such is her reaction!) Well, Rita carefully considers, fellas talk about us and sex so it must be on their minds but then have you heard some of the women who come in the shop twittering about the male strippers? Rita reckons it's six of one, half a dozen of the other. It's mainly all talk with fellas, though, thank God. Rita is suspicious of Mavis's motives on this particular line of conversation and asks her if Victor is back on the scene or if Derek has developed any unusual habits..you know...unusual... demands! Noooo! Mavis's expression adds, The Very Thought! Just asking.

Vera cleans feathers and muck out of her one suitcase. Turns out that Jack has been keeping a poorly pigeon in it (another ploy to avoid the holiday). He pays for it with an earful. Vera's sick of them having nothing and vows to buy two new ones, one for each them. They're having a holiday in style, new cases, new outfits and they'll look just as they did on their first honeymoon. Well, she will anyway. Jack turned up in an old mac! Then she nags him to finish his breakfast, it's nearly 11 o'clock. It might be his day off but where is he taking her? Taking her on Flamin' holiday! Jack accuses her of wanting TOO FLAMING MUCH! Conspicuous consumption, that's what it is, bad for the planet (ploy number 2, the 'Reduce, Reuse or Recycle' excuse). Doesn't fly though. She can't figure on how one case all her married life is wanting too much. More griping and complaining on both sides with poor Curly sat between them. 30 years! Vera sighs. Don't bear thinking about , Jack sighs. He's incredible, Vera comments to Curly who returns with "a case of severe arrested evolution". That and all, Vera utters with contempt.

Alec is sorely put by when Jenny and Flick order one orange juice and two glasses, moaning on to Bet about the slow trade. Betty chats to Emily about her visit to Gordon and Emily asks if she's planning to move to London to be nearer her son but Betty is happier in familiar surroundings. Emily wonders what starting fresh, a new adventure would be like. She's been thinking about it after all the drastic changes proposed around here. Betty assures her the pub won't change. But Emily prophetically predicts it might down the road. Kevin and Mark come in and Mark goes off to sit while Kevin offers to buy Jenny and Flick a drink. Mark seems to be avoiding them. Embarrassed? Flick asks Kevin if Mark is upset and he affirms that Mark is devastated! He helped you then you told him to leg it! Mark isn't used to that kind of treatment from women. Flick says they didn't mean to be ungrateful, please tell him. But Kevin just razzes Mark about what kind of animal the girls specified that he was. Don, Ivy and Vera arrive to Alec's pleasure (more trade, such as it is!) Vera lets slip though, that Ivy is going for a job interview, which Ivy hadn't told Don. Later Ivy tells Don she's too bored staying home and yes, the money would come in handy. He gets all macho and wonders why she doesn't let him support her like his father did his mother. She chides him for his dated view, they're partners! He backs down and agrees and they have a quick snog before Vera joins them.

Kevin and Mark walk back to the garage, chatting about why Mark "played it cool" in the pub with Flick at lunchtime. Well, they can't stand it when you ignore them, drives them crazy doesn't it, Mark informs Kevin, that's always been his experience. Kevin reminds him that Flick and Jenny are different, they're intelligent! Mark insists that women are all the same and he is proven right when Flick arrives. She apologises to Mark for overreacting to his methods of removing Rodney. He tries to get her to go out with him that night but she says she has a date and leaves, much to Kevin's amusement. (ok, I know Mark does think a lot of himself but I'd go out with him at least. I do wish he were a bit taller, but those blue eyes *are* a treat and he does wear his jeans well!)

Alec continues to moan about slow trade, Derek sitting in the corner for an hour staring at a half a bitter, and the questionable business decision they made by turning down the brewery. For the last time, Alec, Bet orders, the pub stops as it is! Mavis arrives to join a rather cold shouldered Derek. Bet comes over and Mavis orders an orange juice. Mavis backs down (yet again) and admits maybe she made too much of it, she realizes he just can't help it. Can't help it! Derek is outraged and Bet who is delivering the OJ is curious. She goes back to the bar to Alec and says "You think you have problems, Sunshine!". It's too funny, as Mavis catches their attention when Derek accuses Mavis of calling him a sexual deviant! Bet and Alec stand at the bar, staring at owt but the Wilton's, but leaning together quite close against that side of the bar, listening. Back to the matter at hand. (it's hard not to laugh though... so I do!) Mavis tells Derek it's because he's a man that he can't help it. Derek admits she's right and proceeds to lecture her on Mother Nature and the procreation processes of the species without which there would be no species and about the little sliver of the primitive still left in civilized man left there in case of the need of survival. He promises to suppress the primitive side of him from now on and is forgiven with a kiss. Bet asks Alec if she ever pictured Derek Wilton as a sexual Deviant! Wouldn't have thought!

Dave drops in as Tracy leaves for Debbie's with as much attitude as a 13 year old can muster, which is quite a lot. Deirdre explains to Dave how upset Tracy is over his offer to live with him, she's been through a lot poor kid. So have you he soothes, and she deserves a new start too. He promises it will all work out.

But Tracy can't seem to find a friend, Debbie wasn't home. She tries to drum up some attention from Steve MacDonald but is unsuccessful when he and Andy drive off on their bikes, making her feel very unwanted in the process. She dejectedly goes to Ken's boarding house and waits outside for him.

Jack arrives at the pub in a white disco suit, lapels and collars open, half cut from an afternoon at the Legion. He greets the Macdonalds cheerfully and chats up Liz, much to Jim's amusement. Alec cajoles a susceptible Jack into upping trade and buying Liz and Jim a drink and Vera joins Ivy who scolds her for getting her in a spot of bother with Don. Seems the place where she's trying for a job is Ingrahm's factory where Mike works! Jenny and Flick share another OJ, bored after a long day of doing nothing. Kevin and Mark arrive and Flick is caught out. She tells Mark her date wasn't really set in stone and he promises to take her out the next night. Looks like she's in a spot of bother, herself!

Ken arrives home to find Tracy. She tells him her mother is selling the house and they're moving in with Dave Barton and she doesn't want to do either. She starts to cry and he comforts her. It's amazing how well he fits around her little finger isn't it?


Thursday (3076, 1 June 1990)
Who's carrying a grudge? Who gets revenge?

Jack has a screaming headache this morning (hangover?) so Vera tells him he needs a holiday. Not the thing he wanted to hear! She heads out the back door to see Ivy as Jack mutters that his problem is that he is going on holiday... with you! (but she doesn't hear that last part, lucky for him!) Curly comes down looking for Vera . Jack tries again to get Curly to cancel Vera's vacation but Curly says that's Jack's problem, and where is Vera anyway? He berates Jack for letting her go to Ivy's when they're due at work. Jack sighs and says that's your problem, son!

Ivy is down the ginnel and we see her helping Ivy with the washing on the line and unsupportingly tells Ivy that she doesn't know why she wants to go back into a job in the rag trade again anyway, and after working for Baldwin! Well, Vera supposes, all bosses are the same anyway. Ivy tells her she could be more supportive and wish her luck which, Vera relents, is why she came down in the first place but she can't stop, got to get to work. Ivy goes back inside and Don asks her where the job is anyway. She admits it's at Ingrahm's and Don gets upset. He thinks she's going to be working for Mike but she loses her temper and tells him Mike Baldwin isn't even in the frame, she won't even need him to put a word in for her! She's getting this job on her own (something tells me she's going to have to eat those words!)

Tracy gathers her things for school. She asks her mother if she's seeing HIM at dinnertime. Deirdre doesn't rise to the bait and just says probably. She wants to know if her mom has given Dave an answer but Deirdre says nothing is decided and when she does decide... but is interrupted by a snarky teenager. That's right, YOU decide, and goes on the usual about nobody caring what she wants not ever her dad. What? Tracy admits to telling Ken all about the house sale and the proposed living arrangements but he didn't say much and it's obvious he doesn't care about her either and she storms out. (going to be another one of those days!)

Mark returns from picking up a part in sharpish order, surprising Kevin who teases him about the sudden change of character. Turns out Mark wants to get off a little early to get ready for his date with Flick. Kevin predicts that Flick is not Mark's usual type, all blonde and fluffy with cotton wool between the ears, she's intelligent, has a brain. He doesn't know what Flick sees in Mark! (I could tell him, but Flick doesn't see it either!) some of us have it, Mark instructs Kevin, and some of us don't. (That's the truth!)

An aside here. We always see the Garage from the inside or very occasionally from outside the main bay doors. The last few days we have seen the boys walk under a tunnel (the viaduct?) to the side door and have seen Kevin under a car which is jacked up on the side of the street. Surely that would be illegal? Seems to be a lot of traffic on that road too.

Flick and Jenny are buying popsicles in the Kabin and it's evident that Flick is not keen on going out with Mark. Mavis and Rita don't know why not, Mark is quite polite and a nice lad and Rita adds that plenty of girls would love to go out with him in her day. Of course, she admits he isn't her type. There you see? Mavis asks Flick why she's going out with him then? Jenny describes Mark as not the type of man to ever take no for an answer and further to this says he thinks so much of himself that his best friend is his mirror. Mavis thinks he's quite presentable and thought they would be flattered for the attention but it doesn't seem to be so. After the girls leave Mavis partially agrees that perhaps Mark is a bit transparent. You need a bit of mystique in a relationship and crows about how lucky she is to have Derek. Rita sighs. Guess Derek isn't her type any more than Mark would be!?

In the pub, Percy reminisces about Wales with Jack and then joins Mrs. Bishop. Jack tries yet again to get out of his holidays, hating to leave Alec on his own with this lot, he'd be glad to stay and help out! Alec is in fine sarcastic form as he postulates that he is often moved to tears at the sacrifices Jack is willing to take for them but he reckons that General Custer had a better chance of survival than he would if he told Vera he was cancelling Jack's holidays! Jack goes off to sulk as Mike and Alma arrive. Alec tells them there are worse things he can think of than a fortnight holiday with Vera. Alma asks incredulously, Like What??? Like a Month!! LOL

Tracy chats to her mate Debbie about the move and Dave and her father and bleats that nobody loves her, everybody hates her, she's going to eat some worms... sorry. Just tired of hearing it. She says something about hoping Ken would come back but there's no chance of it now because he doesn't want us anymore. See what I mean?

Back at Number 1, Deirdre and Dave discuss Tracy's fears and insufferable attitude but Deirdre has to sort it out on her own. (I'm sure. Dave's interference would only make it worse given Tracy's attitude to HIM). Dave leaves after a kiss and who should he meet on the doorstep but Ken, glaring daggers at Deirdre. We need to talk. Deirdre tells Dave it's ok to leave and lets him in. He wants clarification on what Tracy said to him. She assures Ken nothing is definite and no decision is made yet though Tracy had made it sound like it was a done deal. Naturally. She tells him Dave just offered a roof over their heads between houses that's all and that gives Ken the moral leverage to try to take. I must say though, that Deirdre really holds her own in these sorts of slanging matches, usually getting the best of Mr Ken High Horse Barlow. That's all???? he hollers, you are selling the family house, uprooting our daughter and moving in with another man and you say that's all??? He thinks Tracy is right to be concerned but she tells him that's his problem. If she wants to sell the house, it's no longer any concern of his (Point). The offer is just too good to pass up. Oh, (and here he makes a big but typical mistake) and you think moving in with Barton is being concerned for Tracy's future? Not the best example to set for her. Deirdre takes aim and fires both barrels, throwing his own pathetic recent example of walking out on his daughter for another woman. He can't even look at her while she's firing this off and backs down for a minute. But glutton for punishment that he is, he insinuates that she's made up the story of the offer just so she can start anew. (as in "Oh yeah?") And she retorts ("Yeah") that she HAS had an offer and it was a good one. Someone desperate to get their hands on the house because it was next to the Rovers, Newton and Ridley (oops!) and you can forget I said that! She reminds him that Tracy is more than capable of twisting them both around to her own end as well. We don't see the end of the conversation but I think it's match and set to Deirdre.

Ivy's interview at Ingrahm's goes very well and though no formal offer can be made, it seems like she's a shoe-in for the supervisor's job...if... she can get a reference. Ivy is surprised, didn't think she needed on since her last job was the cooperative working for Ingrahm. Oh yes, company policy I'm afraid. The interviewer offers to locate Mr. Ingrahm for her but Ivy says she'll sort it out herself. Later she tells Don to tell Vera she'll be a bit late for Bingo as she's going to Gail's for a minute. In reality she's gone to track down Mike Baldwin to ask for a reference! He's incredulous after what she did to him over the travel bags. It looks like he's going to be talked round after she points out she's still and always was a good worker but she blows it when she tells him the job is at Ingrahm's. He tells her in no uncertain terms that she betrayed him and he's not having her work where he works and will not give her a reference. She goes off a bit tearful, thanks for nothing then. Alma comes out to the car then and asks what it was all about. She seems a bit perturbed that Mike wouldn't give Ivy a reference though I'm sure she supposes it's typical of him. He does look a bit guilty and says he does admire her guts for asking.

Dave comes back to find out about Deirdre's conversation with Ken and is told the chapter and verse. She also, however, disappoints Dave by telling him no matter what, she can't accept his offer to move in with them. He protests that it's only a roof over her head but she insists that they both know he's offering more than that and she's just not ready.

Kim and Curly settle down for a night in alone as Vera is off to bingo and Jack is working. They have a pizza and Curly pours out some RED wine. A full glass and a half glass, water goblets I might add, not a small wine glass. He gives Kimberly the full glass (got to be a 10 ounce glass at least! LOL) Later on, the wine seems to have proven it's aphrodisiac powers as Kimberly gets all cuddly and loving but just as things get down and personal, Vera arrives back home early. Ivy stood her up (as far as she knows but poor Ivy is probably home licking her wounds). Foiled again!

Flick, Jenny and Rita wait in the pub for Mark. Flick's nervous and is hoping that Mark has stood her up though he's only 5 minutes late. He arrives, looking quite spiffy as opposed to her less that date-ish outfit of jeans, blouse and a denim waistcoat. She persuades him to stop and have a drink with them. (doesn't want to be alone with him, the fool!) She stalls for time but eventually she has to leave with him.

Bet is standing thoughtfully behind the bar. Tells Alec that she was thinking about the older regulars and where they would have gone if the bar had changed over. The cocktail crowd would have come and gone but the older set would still have sustained the pub. The life's blood of a pub like this and Alec sardonically uses the same line on Percy who is buying a half and orange juices for his companions and he righteously agrees.

He takes the drinks back to Emily and Mavis as Ken 'Petty/Vengeful/Righteous' Barlow enters. The noise level in the whole pub seems to go down several notches and speculation starts. Jack serves Ken politely and Bet greets him cordially, asking what he's been up to. Supply teaching is the answer, to keep the wolf from the door.

Mavis wonders what Ken could be doing there suddenly after so long away and wonders... romantically, if he and Deirdre... Emily pooh poohs that idea, there's no more chance of them getting back together than there is of Mr. Sugden walking down the aisle with Mrs. Pearce! Percy is insulted and tells them they're going to put him off his beer if they continue! He goes off to the loo, leaving the women in gales of chuckles.

Ken throws out the bait by asking Alec and Bet about the refurbishment. Alec smugly tells him that the brewery saw fit to realize the experience of their landlords and understood when they cancelled. Ken smugly reels them in, asking them was that why they've put in an offer on Number one? Wot? You didn't know? (Ken you bastard!) Oh yes from what he knows it's an offer that Deirdre can't refuse. Guess the war is far from over, eh? Bet and Alec look as if their world has just crashed.


Friday (3077, 4 June 1990)
Confusion reigns at the Rovers. Deirdre's getting it from all sides. Mike happily fires another shot.

Mike and Alma are on their way to their car, greeting the postman who's just on his way in. Nothing exciting in the post, not with his luck. Oh, Alma chides, you told me last night you were the luckiest man alive. That was last night. (Got luck then did you Mike?) Today it's back to the old grind working for someone else. Alma suggests that's why he didn't give Ivy a reference, because it would show him up, now being bossed by someone else. No way, he'll never be bossed! There's no reference because of what she did to him and because of that little runt of a husband of hers. (runt? Mike isn't exactly a tower of a man himself!) You're rotten, you are, she sighs. He proceeds to tell her that references aren't worth the paper they're written on anyway unless you read between the lines. He tells her a story about one of his workers years ago. But then he starts grinning and says maybe he will give Ivy a reference after all. Uh oh. Should we trust this man to give a good reference or will he sabotage Ivy? Stay tuned...

Bet and Alec have breakfast and talk about Deirdre's betrayal and deception, not saying a word even though the subject of the cancelled updating had come up not two nights before. She just stood there like a nodding dog, saying owt. That's slippery councillors for you, Alec believes. They first decide to confront her but then wonder if it's only Ken up to tricks trying to get revenge. He's not above it, having caused bother the last couple of times he was in the Rovers. (fight with Mike, argument with Curly). They decide to call Nigel Ridley instead to get some clarification.

Jenny finds out the skinny on Flick's date with Mark which didn't seem to impress Flick any. He took her to Capone's which according to Jenny's reaction must be a bit of a dive. There they ended up driving a couple of his drunken mates home. Then it was too late to get a bit to eat, all the restaurants were closed so they ate at a service station on the M62. Flick describes how she told Mark that she didn't think she was his type and to put it down to experience. She was very clear. Think he got the hint? Well apparently not because as she goes out the door, he's standing on the doorstep offering her a ride to college! Flick however, deliberately includes Jenny in the invite and Mark has no choice but to accede gracefully.

There is general chat in the pub before opening. Alec is on edge waiting for Mr. Nigel to return his call and Jack and Betty don't make it any better with their complaining about having to do the cleaning as there is no regular cleaning lady. Jack pushes Alec's limits further complaining yet again about the flipping holiday. Betty tells him at least it will be nice to get away from "it all" but Jack scowls and says Vera's coming. He's taking "it all" with him! Alec takes more of Bet's usual teasing and finally has had enough and takes his newspaper to the back.

At the garage a stranger comes in on the recommendation of Don Brennan so Kevin sends Mark out to look at the car. Kevin tells the bloke that Don owes him a pint and I don't see the whole point in this scene at all except for a few lines at the beginning where Kevin seems to be teasing Mark about his date.

Don, meanwhile is having a pint. Bet remarks to Jack that she doesn't want to confront Deirdre, she doesn't trust herself. Don and Ivy discuss her chances of the job at Ingrahm's with Emily but Ivy says she's changed her mind and won't accept the job if it's offered. (because she doesn't want to tell Don that she asked Mike for a reference and he turned her down). She leaves to go make dinner and Don starts to follow her but is stopped by Jack who tells the secret about Yankees being back on again and there he'll be missing out on all the excitement. He must also have told Don about Deirdre, evidenced by a scene in a few minutes. Jack is caught spreading the news by Alec who is irritated even more than he was, still not having heard from Nigel. Alec tells Emily to warn her bosom friend that she'd better not show her face in the Rovers, park her broom elsewhere! What??? Emily is astounded and mystified when Alec tells her that Deirdre has stabbed him in the back.

On her way home, Ivy is stopped by Mike who hands her an envelope out the window of his car. It's a reference for her job! Ivy is astonished and hopes it's a good 'un and Mike only says "I'll just bet you do". (that doesn't sound good, does it?) Later, inside, Don is already there and is taking a call on a fare even though it's his day off. He feels he has to cover for one of his taxi-mates but that's ok with Ivy who is now dressed in her wedding outfit, planning to go to Ingrahm's after all to have a chat with them. Don presses her on why she's changed her mind again and maybe she shouldn't push them. She tells him he's pushing her now and he backs down. She says she's just going to lay her cards on the table and see what's what. (but doesn't really say why. I'm confused. I just know she's changed her mind, knowing of course, it's only because she has the reference that she needs and has already been assured she'd probably get the job with the ref.)

Deirdre leaves the house to go shopping and encounters Don on his way to work. Don warns her to avoid the Rovers and when he makes a crack about house prices she realizes the gossip has got hold of her plans to sell up.

At college, Flick stops to lend a tape to a mate and Jenny sees Mark drive up to give them a lift back home. She teases Flick unmercifully at this development but they aren't ones to pass up a convenient ride home.

In the Kabin, the news has spread. Percy is moaning about American influences and the horror of calling chips French Fries. Councillors should protect their constituents not undermine their way of life. Into the fray walks the very person, Councillor Barlow. After taking a share of flack from Percy before he leaves quite indignantly, she tells Rita she appears to be in a no-win situation. Rita seems sympathetic but warns Deirdre that traditions seem to mean more round here than the right to sell your own house. Deirdre leaves and Jenny arrives, wanting to give Mark and Flick a bit of privacy back at the house because....

Flick is trying to convince Mark that she doesn't want to date him, doesn't want to get involved, silly girl! He seems quite hurt and sincere telling her that she's different, more serious but a lot of fun and he really likes her. He even bought her something. Mark proceeds to reach into his jeans pocket while I wait with bated breath to see what it could possibly be. It's a heavy flat gold chain (no box, no presentation at all! stuffed into his pocket? That wouldn't be a subtle reference to the... ahem..."family jewels"?) She turns it down firmly but later when Jenny's back, Jenny points out that Mark has left it on the telly, giving it to her whether she wants it or not.

Don and Ivy are doing the washing up after tea while he tells her about the adventures of the afternoon fare to St. Anne's. A rather confusing and frustrating journey where the fare couldn't remember the name of the nursing home his mother was in and in the end his mother didn't even recognise her own son. Makes you weep, Don shakes his head. (seems to me the apple just didn't fall far from the tree!) Ivy tells Don she got the supervisor's job at Ingrahm's! (I'm amazed I thought for sure Mike would sabotage her.) Don is pleased for her and can't wait to rub Baldwin's face in it. Ivy gently persuades him that it would not be best (yes, I'll bet!)

An aside. Why is it that men always call each other by their last names only? It isn't always a sign of contempt though on Corrie it usually is, Mike calling Ken, 'Barlow' and he and Don referring to each other in less that respectable tones as 'Baldwin' and 'Brennan'. Do they think it makes them sound more masculine? as if 'Mr.' is too prissy? You can call someone Mr. so and so in a pretty contemptuous tone of voice that gets the point across. Women never do that. Although... my grandmother's nickname was Johnny (Johnston) but that was a more affectionate moniker. I'm mystified.

The bar is buzzing. People seem to be taking sides or sitting firmly on the fence in Derek's case (you weren't surprised!) Alec doesn't seems to want anyone to make any formal protests or make waves. Jack avoids going home to help Vera pack and tells Curly the best way to avoid second honeymoons is to avoid going on the first one! Curly joins Kim and is trying to persuade her to move in with him for the fortnight that Vera and Jack will be away. She's tentative and doesn't think her parents will buy a lie that extends that long. Two or three days then, aw come on! She timidly says of course she wants to and all right, she'll see. Curly goes back to the bar to hear Jack tell Vera he must cancel his holidays since Alec is in a spot of bother now the bar is set to be changed over. The captain needs all his crew around him. Vera and Curly both object very loudly for very different reasons.

Nigel Ridley finally deigns to show his face at the Rovers and goes into the back with Bet and Alec to show them the plans for the new bar. They will be living in Number 1 and the old living quarters will be turned into a carvery restaurant. Alec stops short at the promise of 400% more profits but Bet lays it on the line when she finds out the rent will go up 300%. They can't afford it and feels he's trying to force them out and get in a manager instead. What about his promise to them? He slides out of that one by saying he told them he wouldn't force them into anything .... that wasn't in their best interests. He feels this would be in their best interests. What if we just can't do it? Nigel assures them he wouldn't force them out but leaving of their own accord would of course be up to them. The brewery wouldn't see them out on the street, there's a little pub just come vacant. Bet and Alec both are horrified to hear it's a place called the Quarryman's Rest!


Originally transmitted: 6, 8, 11, 13 & 15 June 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 11 - Friday 15 May 1998
Episode Numbers: 3078 - 3082

Monday (3078, 6 June 1990)
Ivy's first day of work at Ingrahms and Don is taking her in the taxi in style. He wishes her luck even if she did go to that Baldwin behind his back for a reference. (Oh, yeah, I realized I forgot a bit at the end of last episode. In the pub, Don and Ivy arrived and Mike asks her if she got the job. Don says she did no thanks to him and Mike thoroughly enjoyed telling him that Ivy asked him for a reference, didn't she tell you?) Anyway. Curly comes out on his way to work and the Brennans ask if Vera and Jack got away to Wales on their holiday all right. Oh, yes bright and early. Well, you just come and ask if there's anything you want or need, Ivy offers. Thanks but he can manage. He gets into his car with a sly look on his face, that "I'm going to 'get lucky' look I would wager!

"The Quarryman's Rest". (in future to be referred to as QR) Alec keeps repeating it like it's the end of the world. The QR is apparently the armpit of the pub world in Weatherfield, located by a disused quarry and a cemetery. Oh yeah, plenty of trade from the cemetery! Alec tells Bet it's as run down and damp on the inside as it looks on the outside and the customers are either chronically depressed or have personal habits that have had them barred from every other pub in town! There's even a ghost of a dead quarryman who's body was never found. That's it, Bet says, we're not going. Not if there's a ghost! So much for any quasi-optimistic suggestions Bet had of fixing it up.

At Bettabuys Curly is setting the stage for a romantic evening in with the lovely Kimberly who is not entirely happy about having to lie to her mum and dad about staying at Alison's. Something else she's never done, lie to her parents. Curly assures her it will be ok. Later Mummy Taylor comes by to give Little Miss Head In The Air a forgotten toothbrush and to remind Kim to give her best to Alison's parents, thus compounding poor Kimberly's guilt and nervousness. Curly reassures her, tonight nothing is going to go wrong (virtually assuring that it will. You must know by now you NEVER utter words like that out loud on a soap!)

Flick seems to be in a predicament over the gold chain that Mark left her. She doesn't want to hurt his feelings by giving it back but if she keeps it he'll get the wrong impression. She just doesn't know what to do. Well you have to choose one or the other, Jenny tells her. Leave it for now and let's get going.

At the corner shop, Deirdre comes in and the visit ends in a full frontal attack. It starts by a conversation between Sally, Mavis and Alf, all wondering if Deirdre is going to sell up. Alf predicts it will lose her votes, Sally isn't looking forward to the noise and Mavis wouldn't have bought the house had she known the pub was going to be turned into a free for all. Deirdre of course, hears it all and confronts them. It's her house, and it's her business if she sells. Well, Mavis says, you can't blame the neighbours for being concerned about the resulting effect. It's not her that's turning the pub over, Deirdre reminds them and she's perfectly entitled to sell if she's gotten such a good price. But she in turn is reminded that she knows why the brewery is buying the house and she can't expect them all to be pleased about it. Alf has no opinion, he doesn't live round there anymore. Deirdre knows he's just concerned about how many votes she'll lose but as he insists, voters have long memories. She does to, she says sarcastically, she remembers when she had a husband and a home and was living among friends. She's lost her husband and now it looks like she's lost her friends and all. The only thing she has left is the house so she might as well get what she can for it. She leaves in anger. Mavis sighs "Oh Dear!" Alf says Deirdre won't get far with that attitude (huh? that comment makes no sense to me. Get far where? Reelected I suppose he must mean, what does he care? He should be pleased since she defeated him in the first place!)

In the pub at dinnertime, Betty tells Emily she will probably retire rather than be a cowgirl in the "Wild West" of Yankees. You won't go to the QR with Bet and Alec then? Betty is determined she'd stay at Yankees and wear a Stetson before she'd go to that God forsaken place! Mike comes in and rubs Don's face in it joyfully, asking about Ivy's first day and isn't it great he could help her get a job. He buys Don a drink even though he "knows" Don was just waiting for him to come in to buy him one to thank him for the reference. Mike has thoroughly enjoyed that and Don has nothing to say in return, just look humiliated. Kevin, in a red T-shirt with a big grease stain on the front, and Sally come in for a drink. Kevin thanks Don for referring his cabbie friend to the garage from yesterday. (I didn't know what it had to do with anything but it becomes clear later). The buzz in the pub about the negativities of Yankees starts up as does Deirdre's name in conjunction with words like "stupid woman", back stabber and making profits. Normally in this sort of case you would complain to your councillor but ... well... Mike listens quietly and then slips out to go next door. He knocks on the door and smiles that wide-boy grin, asking Deirdre if this was the house of the woman that's sold her house and her soul to the devil? Beginning to look that way. Oh, good then he's got the right house, mind if he comes in to tell her something important? He goes through and sits her down. He knows she's been getting a lot of flack from the neighbours. She says she's almost afraid to go out of her house these days in case she's confronted by an angry mob with placards. He says don't let the moaning minnies get to you, everyone of them would do exactly the same thing in your shoes if they had a chance to make a nice profit selling their house and they wouldn't care about any one else. She must think about what's best for her and her daughter and no matter what, she still has one good friend (him). He gets all soft and sentimental and reminds her it could have been more than that once upon a time if things had worked out differently. She just looks at him for a minute, remembering and then reminds him she only let him in to talk about the house. He smiles and then tells her he thinks she should sell up! (and I think he loves her. Always has. Probably always will, the one that got away? I wonder if Deirdre is the one true love of Mike's life although I know he loves Alma too. I still think it all comes back to Deirdre and I think she knows it too. She probably always had a soft spot for him as well).

At the garage, the cabbie comes back to pick up the car, interrupting Kevin's teasing Mark about Flick and does he think she's seeing someone else besides you? No, Mark decides Flick probably isn't seeing anyone else, she just works hard, and was probably just waiting for him to come along. The cabbie returns and asks Kevin did they find anything in the car? Like what? Like a gold chain. Wife lost it, reckons it was in the car. Cost a few bob and then there's sentimental value. Kevin says he didn't but then Mark was the one who worked on the car. Mark denies seeing anything too so the cabbie goes on his way, thinking his wife probably got it wrong and it'll turn up somewhere. (Like Number 7 Coronation Street?)

Sally pops out of the shop and runs into Jenny and Flick. They have a bit of girl chat about Mark and dates and babies. Meanwhile Curly and Kim drive up and Kim ducks down behind the dashboard, fearing that if the girls see her, they'll know what she's gone there for! Curly assures her they won't notice and won't think that anyway. She tries to duck in the door but is seen and hello'd by Sally and Jenny and once inside, is mortified with embarrassment. Curly tells her they won't think anything is up, and tells her tonight they should just think of each other. You can tell the poor girl isn't too sure.

"Quarryman's Rest" Alec is still moaning. Bet is determined they won't go anywhere there's a ghost. Alec then decides to turn his anxieties towards the regulars, (no he's in the back not out in the bar). He thinks they should be more supportive, but they'll probably just stand there and take it and then smarm up to the new owners. Why are they not taking up petitions? Marches? Alec is determined to shake them off their apathetic bums and let them know they are losing their much loved landlord and landlady (right on one of those two scores at least!). Look at Poland, East Germany, Romania! They took to the streets by the hundreds and thousands to oppose the yoke of tyranny! It could happen again!

The bar is busy and Rita and Mavis are at the bar. Alec approaches them, intent on getting their support. Between the frustration of them ordering drinks and crisps from Tina around him he manages to get his point across about customers organizing against losing their landlord and landlady being shifted to the QR. Rita and Mavis are aghast at the thought, they hadn't heard where the transfer was. His plan backfires somewhat when Percy Sugden overhears and pledges himself to leading the campaign in their hour of need as only an old soldier can! Alec seems to be horrified, mostly at the thought of what kind of impression Percy will make on the brewery which is exactly what Alec says later after Percy and Phyllis have made the rounds, accosting everyone that comes in the pub, taking names and explaining the problem. Bet reminds him about taking to the streets. Yes, Alec says ruefully, they'll take to the streets to get away from him! He thanks Percy for his valiant attempts but says to Bet privately, he doesn't know what kind of effect Percy will have on the brewery but it frightens him to death!

Kim and Curly do the washing up after tea and Reg comes over to the door with a bottle of wine, now realizing that Curly has a guest. He tries to back out tactfully, leaving the lovers to their soft music and candles but Kimberly insists he stay for a drink. Curly glumly opens the wine.

Nigel Ridley visits Deirdre and is not best pleased that the little secret is out. Deirdre tells him it's due to her former husband who, when he found out, sailed into the pub and announced it to all and sundry. He could cancel the deal as confidentiality was a part of it but he says, no the offer is still on the table but he wants a very quick completion. Deirdre agrees and tells him she wasn't sure until today when she thought some more and talked it over with a friend and now wants to get away as quick as possible.

After Reg leaves, Kimberly confesses that she just can't relax. It doesn't really have anything to do with what other people think, it's what she thinks. She wasn't brought up that way, there's just some things you do AFTER marriage. She knows Curly respects her. yeah. He wouldn't try to force her into anything she wasn't comfortable with. no. Poor Curly is the epitome of disappointment but ever the gentleman. He understands he isn't going to get lucky tonight.

Jenny teases Flick about what she must have had to do to be given a gold necklace after only one date. Flick doesn't take the joke well and thinks if Jenny can think that after one date, even in a joke, others will think it for real. She wishes she could just chuck the thing in the bin. Don't do that, Jenny urges her, Mark'll think you kept it and you don't want that. She gets Flick to go for a drink and says they can give it to Mark to take back if he comes in. When they get to the pub they are joined by Kevin and Sally and tell them about the chain. Kevin sees the chain and looks shocked to his shoes!

(Now why didn't Flick just give it to Kevin to give back to Mark or why didn't that thick cloth eared bint (thanks MarionH!) offer to take it and give it to Mark the next day? That would be too easy wouldn't it, writers?)

First appearance of: Mrs. "Mummy" Taylor MARLENE SIDAWAY

Tuesday (3079, 8 June 1990)
The bomb drops. The virgin remains. The chain is lost.

Bet and Alec are both exhausted from the worry and sleepless nights. Alec woke at 4:08 a.m. as usual and he wonders if that's the time set down for him to pop his clogs! He's depressed and wondering when do they go from here? The Quarrymen's Rest? They might as well take us out and shoot us. (feeling quite sorry for himself, is Alec). Bet wonders if they shouldn't agree to Yankees after all, at least they'd still have their home. Alec reckons it's too late now, Ridley made it clear, he's not happy and doesn't care what the regulars want as he's really after the Pilsner/Pernod crowd. Alec, defeated, didn't think it would come to this. Bet, ever the optimist, says it's not the end of the road. Well you can't get much farther down it than the QR! Bet suggests they leave the trade altogether, maybe build up the entertainment business again. Used to be a nice little earner. No, says Alec, the bottoms gone out of that. It wouldn't keep Bet in tights now. No home, no job, no savings to speak of. It's not much of a future to offer her anymore. Alec is almost in tears and he apologizes to Bet. He wanted to give her a decent living until they retired. Retire? Well he wasn't planning on working all his life but it doesn't look like an option now does it?

Kim has spent the night in Jack and Vera's bed with Curly in his own across the landing. He rings her up a cup of tea in the morning. They agree that neither slept very well thinking of the other just a few feet away but Kim is ever so grateful that Curly respected her and didn't make a midnight visit like some men would. He thought about it but she would have said no, wouldn't' she? Course! Thought so, he says glumly. (Knows his place, does Curly. I like that in a man! LOL) Kim apologises and asks if he's still angry? No he wasn't angry, just disappointed and he still loves her.

Kevin has told Sally all about Mark appropriating the chain he "found" and gave to Flick. She thinks it might not be the same one but Kevin insists it's the identical one (he never saw the one the man lost, how would he know?) and there's too much coincidence. (Well that much is true) Sally thinks maybe Kevin should just ask him rather than speculate. why? he had his chance to admit it when the cabby asked them if they'd seen it and he lied. WELL, maybe that's because he didn't find it. Kevin chides Sally as being too soft and naive to believe a friend could do something wrong (aw, the little woman syndrome? Grow up Kevin!) She contradicts that by saying she just isn't anxious to be judge and jury like he is. She questions Kevin on if Mark has ever done anything dishonest before? No but Kevin has never seen him so smitten with a woman before either.

Kim and Curly are still lounging on the bed, a new one apparently. That surprises Curly seeing as he didn't think Jack and Vera would care to share the same room let alone the same bed. But down deep they really love each other, Kim predicts, just that some people have a harder time showing their feelings. The conversation turns to themselves. Kim tells Curly they've known each other for 8 months, one week and 3 days. Curly seems to be moving toward trying to convince her that they've known each other long enough, it's not as if they just met, doesn't she trust him? Course she does, it's just that... oh, come here! They start to snog (not that I think it would ever progress to more than that). No worries on what would have happened because there's a knock on the door. Curly opens it to see a raging Mummy Taylor. She knows Kimberly is in there and comes in the house like a mother lion, bellowing for her cub. Kim runs downstairs and mother lays in. She has no intention of believing either of their protests that it was all very innocent. Kimberly never lied to her before she met Norman. How can she believe they slept in two rooms when they're standing there half naked (Curly in full pyjamas and Kim in a long night dress and dressing gown, probably showing less skin than when she's in her work uniform!) Mummy lays it on thick, including such a guilt ridden phrase as your father will be heartbroken! She orders Kimberly to get dressed, she's coming home with mother.

At the garage Kevin tells Mark that Flick told them about the chain in the pub last night. Mark is chuffed thinking she liked it. Course she did, Kevin says, solid gold chain, what girl wouldn't. Mark, showing the first crack in the veneer says defensively, who says it was gold? He is saved further questioning by a customer arriving. Later he and Kev bring chippie takeaway back to Number 13 and Kevin finally asks Mark if the chain was the same one the cabbie lost. Mark goes on the offensive, highly insulted that Kevin is accusing him of stealing the chain and leaves, telling Kevin to get knotted! (crack number two, the best defence is an offence). But later in the garage, Mark admits it's the same chain but he didn't steal it, he found it on the floor. He didn't know it who it belonged too. An outraged Kevin points out that it still wasn't his to give away and he'd better get it back.

Bet goes to see Deirdre. Deirdre shows her political colours rather despicably in this scene. She sympathises with Bet and Alec's predicament but she has to consider her daughter's future and her own situation and she thinks Bet is being over dramatic. (Bet? Surely not! LOL) She is a bit surprised when she hears Bet and Alec are being chucked out and banished to the back of beyond to the QR but says that isn't so very far. She must know it's a dump, why the Rovers is a Ritz compared to that pighole! And it will probably be torn down a year from now and then where will the Gilroys be? Deirdre thinks the Brewery won't see them homeless after the working relationship they've had with them and would find them somewhere else (but where to you go from the QR? Bet insists that they like it here, do you know how long she's lived in this street? Deirdre, sounding very much like she's been taking Ken lessons, spouts the BS about that being a perfect excuse for a fresh start somewhere else. That's all right for you, madam, Bet spits, you're a few years younger than her and Alec and tells Deirdre she's very worried about the stress, making Alec a prime candidate for a heart attack and it will be on her conscience. A fact that doesn't seem to make a dent. Deirdre says she's truly sorry and wishes none of this had happened but it has. What would Bet have done in her shoes. Bet says nowt, just gives Deirdre a contemptuous look, well deserved if you ask me, and leaves. Honestly you can really see the slick politician in Deirdre in this scene. Puts her right up there with Mike in a ruthless deal or Alf minding his brass!

At Bettabuys, Reg has a bit of an inappropriate nudge, nudge, wink, wink conversation with Curly about Kimberly and the goings on last night, that must be why she's called in poorly this morning. Curly insists he behaved in a completely brotherly fashion and knows when to draw the line, referencing Mrs. Dodds when Reg refers to some nuts being harder to crack, some women more amenable than others. Kimberly finally arrives, looking peaky. Reg insinuates and then leaves Curly to ask Kim how it went. Awful, they were both at her, not believing a thing she said. She wants Curly to go speak to them, she thinks they'll listen to him. Why when they won't listen to you? Kim says they never listen to her, please Norman?

At the pub, the whole room of regulars agree with Percy that they should stand up and let their voices be heard. They decide to send a delegation to the brewery but Percy is quite insulted when he is voted down in favour of Mavis and Jim. Even the staff votes, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Curly is reluctant to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, maybe let them cool off first but Kimberly insists. However Reg approaches to confirm Curly is working late tonight arranging cheeses for the impending dairy promotion. Norman you promised! Sorry Kimberly, the Stiltons must come first, it's me career, you understand. She goes off in a disappointed cloud of dust and Reg pats Curly on the arm. Must have been prearranged between them!

Mark goes to see Jenny and Flick and tells them there's an unspecified problem with the chain and he's very sorry to have to ask for it back. The problem becomes very specific when he is told Flick doesn't have it anymore. She's given it to the charity shop on Albert road!

Mavis and Jim arrive at the Brewery. Nigel Ridley keeps calling her Mrs. Wilson. They put forth their position, saying everyone likes the Rovers the way it is and the new place will just be a white elephant! a failure! Ridley listens to their piece and then begins to dismiss them as the usual type of people unaccepting of change. Jim observes that he might have listened patiently but didn't take a blind bit of notice what they said. Mr. Ridley slickly turns it around on them accusing them of looking out for their own interests and property values, not for the good of the community in general. Mavis snaps at him to correct him calling her Mrs. Wilson and is worried about hordes of noisy lager-louts. He picks up on that and tells her she's contradicting herself. If there are hordes of people, it will hardly be the failing white elephant will it? Mavis is losing her temper, (Yes! Mavis! Really!) and accuses him of being concerned more for profit than for people and he spouts a line about he must be concerned for the stockholders, the market research showing a high demand for switched-on leisure outlets, good day to you both. But Our Mavis won't be dismissed that easily! She's not going to go quietly and she calls him a greedy selfish man, only thinking about money not what people want. She for one hopes that his precious switched-on leisure outlet blows up in his stupid arrogant switched-on face! Come on, Jim! Jim says nowt, just gives Ridley a look that says You've been told! before he follows Mavis out the door.

Back at the pub they break the bad news to Percy's delight, after all they should have sent him! Jim says Ridley didn't care and Bet and Alec agree he probably already had his mind made up. Derek hopes they didn't lose their tempers and just as Mavis is about to confess that she did say a few words, Jim speaks up and takes the blame that he did, as predicted, lose his temper and said things he shouldn't have. Bet and Alec aren't upset though, at least they tried. Probably wouldn't have made any difference anyway, the little swine always goes his own road.

Just then, in walks the little swine himself! White with anger, he takes Bet and Alec into the back and gives them hell for causing trouble. In spite of all the obstructions, the changeover is still going on and then he drops the bomb. The brewery does not feel they can have a viable working relationship with troublemakers. Bet incredulously asks, does he mean that they aren't even good enough for a rancid fleapit like the Quarryman's? Your words, not mine but, he admits, that's basically it. Bet threatens a strike, to Alec's dismay. Nigel warns that he'll bring in a relief manager and they'll be out even sooner having broken their tenancy agreement. (but what else have they to lose?)


Wednesday (3080, 11 June 1990)
Who's protesting? The siege of the Rovers Return begins. Curly finds himself railroaded!

Bet wants to think out a plan of action but Alec is defeated, there's nothing they can do. Right, says Bet, You're just going to lie down and let Nigel Ridley walk all over you? We don't have to take it, he's already treated us like muck, he's lied to us, threatened us, doesn't it bother you? Of course it does, the pub is Alec's life too but he's too old to start over, nothing they can do. Bet wants to fight, why not lock it all up and tell them why. You can't win if you don't try and they should kick them where it really hurts, in the pocketbook!

Over in the shop, Steph doesn't see what all the fuss is about. It's only a grotty pub (ONLY A GROTTY PUB????!!!! BITE your tongue, missy!) She likes a place to have a bit of flash (she's also the prime target that N & R is aiming for!). She leaves with a t'ra and Jenny comes in for teabags. She chatters on to Sally about the gold chain that Mark gave to Flick and about Mark having the nerve to ask for it back. Sally hopes she gave it to him but is told that Flick gave it to the charity shop on Albert road instead. Sally then spills the news that it wasn't Mark's to give away in the first place!

Kimberly is quite upset. Her parents just don't believe her protestations of innocence especially since she won't bring Norman around to see them. But he was working, Curly protests in his own defence. Sounds to me like Kimberly's easily brainwashed by her parents because she is beginning to think her parents were right, her dad's opinion is that he's just like all the men who use a girl then fling her aside like an old glove (completely forgetting that she wasn't used at all!) She rushes off in tears and Reg comes along. He must not have seen any of that scene because he's just filled with the joy of a beautiful day! Makes you glad to be alive. Curly looks like he'd rather the floor swallow him up!

Jenny's red headed temper is flaring and she storms into the garage to tear a strip off Mark for giving Flick a stolen chain. He tries to protest that he only found it but she's not mollified and continues to shout at him. Kevin tries to play peacemaker. Jenny tells Mark to stay away from Flick and her both and leaves. Mark is highly insulted, she can't talk to him like that! Kevin thinks Mark should just keep quiet, he's not exactly in the best position, is he?

Tina opens up. Alec is sunk into despair. Bet tells Betty and Tina that they'll not be going to QR. Tina asks if it's that bad? Bet explains that the QR got drummed out of the dart league for smearing poison on their arrows! Tina fears for her job but is assured by Bet that her youth will suit the new pub. Just don't let Nigel Ridley catch you getting older!

Deirdre catches Emily telling Alf that what Deirdre is doing is unforgivable. Oh, Carry on, don't mind me! So she does, Emily isn't afraid of saying the same things to her face. Changing the Rovers to a playground for drunken hooligans is a disaster for the Street. Deirdre defends her choice, saying £10,000 over the market had to be considered. Deirdre reminds Emily that her house will now be next to the pub and if they make her a similar offer, then we'll see what you do! (probably true. who wants to live next door to a noisy bar?)

In the pub Sally scolds Mark. Ok he "found" the chain but he didn't try to find out who it belonged to either. Kevin is more concerned that Don doesn't overhear since it was his mate's wife that lost it. It could end up in court and affect him, the garage, and all of them.

Kim is being followed around the back corridors of the store by Curly who is trying to get out of seeing her dad while he's still blazing angry. Kim says you don't know me dad, he could come round looking for you. Gulp! She thought Curly loved her! Oh, don't cry, Curly scrambles, not round here! The brainwashed innocent tells her beloved that her mother was right (Curly cringes, but wouldn't most men at that little phrase?), he is only after one thing! She dashes into the Ladies' and Reg comes around the corner and wonders if Miss Taylor was crying? No, no , something in her eye. But Reg has put his thinking cap on and realizes the pair of them are socially intimate (but not to what extent I don't think. Casual dating seems to be ok) Norman is informed that Reg is not a starry-eyed man and wonders if something that shouldn't happen, has! He hopes Mr. Watts hasn't gotten one of his workforce into difficulties! (pregnant!) Head Office frowns on that sort of thing. Poor Curly seems to be getting in deeper and deeper. (and it doesn't end here...read on...)

Percy informs Alec that his mistake was being too soft with the brewery. Deputating Mrs. Wilton obviously made the brewery think he was a pushover. (but he didn't see Mrs. Wilton in action!) Percy is apparently the bane of Alec's existence isn't he? Alec snaps that his mistake was stopping in the licensed trade in the first place. He should have stuck with his original idea, tropical fish! Right! Alec has made a decision, and he announces to all and sundry that he's shutting up shop. The cheers turn to complaints when Alec tells them to sup up and clear out now! He calls the brewery and gives them what for, threatening every top court in the land, legal advice from his son-in-law and tells them and Englishman's home is his castle and an Englishman's pub is sanctuary! Bet is so proud of him for not letting them take their self respect and Alec relents and tells Tina and Betty that they're still on wages for the time being. The siege begins.

Flick comes home and Jenny breaks the news about the stolen chain. Sally quickly joins them. Sally wants to go get it back but Jenny and Flick insist it's nothing to do with them anymore. Sally is worried Mark could get into trouble and if he does, it will be because of them but they seem to have washed their hands of it all.

Percy is guarding the outside of the pub, informing all comers that the pub is closed and why although there's a hand written sign on the door to explain as well. A man shows up and it turns out he's a relief manager sent from the brewery. From the upstairs window, Alec starts wittering about misunderstandings with the brewery but Bet pulls him aside and gives the man the boot. They are warned they are doing no good with this attitude. No, Bet insists and neither is Nigel Ridley. You tell them that Alec Gilroy suggests he go and take a running jump! Alec Gilroy looks a bit as if he disagrees with this suggestion, now a bit nervous at his impetuous decision! Percy wholly approves and tells the manager that the local patrons are behind the landlord 100%. The brewery stooge takes the sign down off the door and leaves.

Sally and Mark are in the charity shop looking at the chain. They want £35 for it and Mark doesn't have enough on him. Sally lends him the rest, he has no choice but to do the right thing.

Percy informs Rita that the pub is closed until further notice and nobody gets a drink in the Rovers. Nobody, that is, except Des, Jim and Mike sneaking in the backdoor, let in by Alec.

Kim arrives home with Curly in tow to talk to her parents. High time too, as Mrs. Taylor does most of the talking. Kimberly is not that kind of a girl, right Daddy? Curly attempts to explain. Daddy explains that they are church goers but know what goes on in the world. Kimberly takes more disappointed scolding and guilt for lying and Norman insists he does respect her and they agreed to wait until marriage. Everyone stops talking at that and Curly realizes he's done it now! Mrs. Taylor's demeanor changes 180 degrees, Kim never said you were engaged (not that that makes it all right, you understand). Norman stutters that "engaged" is really just a word but it's too late. Curly has now been engaged by the slip of his own tongue and Mr. Taylor happily takes him down to his greenhouse to view his tomatoes. He built the greenhouse himself from a kit, you know.

Alec tells his three punters that he got on to the papers and radio. Percy is marching the first watch outside but Alec won't have him in for a drink (the perfect excuse to get Percy out from under his feet, I'll wager!) but Bet thinks it doesn't seem right. No, Alec insists, he loves it!

Mummy Taylor is now on the phone to Auntie Louisa spreading the news of the engagement while Norman stands in the parlour looking like his life is over. Mummy warbles on about white weddings and Daddy decides a glass of that sherry given to him Christmas before last is in order. But, Mummy wonders, won't we want that for the wedding? Well maybe so but they decide to push the boat out anyway!

There's a knock on the pub door and Percy seems quite anxious to refer Alec to the side door. Thinking he wants in, Alec is reluctant but Bet says it's only fair and opens the side door. What Percy was trying to do was warn them...That Nigel Ridley was at the side door! Alec seems inclined to pander but Bet is in Nigel's face as only Bet with a grudge can be! Nigel looks past her and tells Alec he ought to teach his wife some manners (poncy little macho twerp!) but Bet moves in closer and warns him that she's forgotten more manners than he'll have ever had!, you "Great Poncified Streak of Aereated Gnatswater! (YES! Don't you love it?) Get out of my home and off my carpet before I forget I'm a lady! She beats him about the head with one of those "draft" doggies right out the door. She smiles triumphantly, knew that draft excluder would come in hand one of these days. Alec has turned white and gasps that's it, We're finished!

Mr. Smedley GARY LUCAS
First appearance of Mr. Taylor JOHN JARDINE

Thursday (3081, 13 June 1990)
The siege continues. Legal advice is taken. The media gets involved.

Curly approaches Kim in the locker room at Bettabuys and asks her to keep their engagement a secret. It's company policy that coworkers are not allowed to be couples. He doesn't want Reg Holdsworth to find out that it's more than friendship. No, not even her friend Jackie who is second only to Vera Duckworth who, Thank God is still in Wales. (But Reg already has insinuated that Curly has gotten Miss Taylor pregnant and has seen them having candlelight dinners. So is it ok if it's a casual fling?) Kim is just thrilled to be engaged and wants the whole world to know but says all right, she'll keep it quiet at the store. Later they have coffee together in the staff room. She's over the moon, he's so masterful the way he handled her parents (yeah, handled them right into a commitment!) He tries to get her to understand that he feels rushed with the events sweeping them along but she's loves that feeling of being swept off her feet. She tells him her mother has already told half the relatives in Scotland and tells him her parents really like him.

Alec is pessimistic, are they being daft with this course of action? Bet thinks they are but what choice do the have? Alec is worried what they're in for but Bet explains you can't jump half way off a cliff. They tossed Nigel Ridley out on the pavement with a flea in his ear, their feet are well and truly whistling now! No use weakening at this point.

Mark pays Kevin the money he owes Sally and is told he must go and return the chain but don't make the garage look bad. Things get conveniently found after awkward questions are asked, don't look good does it? Mark doesn't know what to say but will make up a story. Make it a good one, Kevin warns. When Mark returns he says he told the truth, more or less, about finding it. C'mon Kev, let it drop now, ok? They agree to let it drop and make plans to have a pie in the pub at dinner.

Tina arrives to work but Alec tells her he's very sorry but she should consider herself laid off. Bet warns him she'd be in for compensation and tells Tina she can be kept on basic wage for some cleaning duties for now, but not sure for how long.

The Gazette Reporter and photographer arrives. The photographer ends up taking up much of his film on Tina, shooting photos of her in, around and on the bar, much to Bet's chagrin after dolling herself up. Bet and Alec give the reporter the skinny on the state of hostilities between them and the brewery. Photos are eventually taken of Tina and Bet who flashes her best red-lipsticked smile. Alec takes a phone call and there's going to be a live radio interview later! The Gazette reporter later tries to get a quote from Councillor Barlow but being the experienced politician that she is, all he can get from her is that she is selling her house but there's no comment to all other rumours and insinuations. Tracy comes home and the reporter is pushed out the door.

Tracy isn't pleased to see the media circus and complains that the MacDonald twins are harassing her and calling her the Brewery "Hair-ess". Just ignore them, she is instructed, they're just daft jealous lads. Tracy comments that she wants to have so much money that it makes everyone sick! Now money isn't everything, Deirdre admonishes her. But it's turned around on her when Tracy accuses her mum of not minding it (obviously, since she just couldn't turn down a £10,000 profit! Well said, Tracy!)

Alec furtively lets in a few of the old regulars while Percy canvasses the neighbourhood, under the impression that the pub is closed to everyone, no exceptions. Alec warns the crowd that if anyone official comes they are to go to the sitting room and are to be considered private guests. The radio reporter does arrive so the gang is sent to the back and Bet and Alec hang out the upstairs window to be interviewed. They firmly state their position and relate the story with their little band of supporters listening in on the radio inside. Bet says that she and her hubby run a neighbourhood pub, that's what it's always been and the locals like it. They are standing up for the right of the ordinary folk to have an ordinary drink in their ordinary local, not a Disneyland do! Alec gets patriotic about the English pub that Britons have fought and died for and the group in the living room burst into a rendition of Land Of Hope And Glory, surprising Percy who is outside! Percy realizes he's being taken advantage of (or rudely excluded is the actual story!) and he goes around to the door and gives Alec a righteous piece of his mind and really, he's right, he did wear his feet out gathering support for a closed pub when the pub was open to select business making a fool of the old soldier. Alec is spared further ranting when Vicky and Tim arrive.

Curly has poured out his heart to Sally and Kevin, telling them it was all about this tomato business. He went to the greenhouse to look at Mr. Taylor's tomatoes and the next thing he knew, Mrs. Taylor was informing the Highlands and Islands that there was going to be a white wedding. He didn't know an invitations accepted to view a man's tomatoes meant he had to marry his daughter! Did they know about this tomato business? Did tomatoes play an important role in their courtship? Poor Curly seems like he's reeling from it all but Sally and Kevin are pleased as punch that he's engaged. Of course he loves her. Being engaged is ok, it's just the thought of marriage and kids... He'll probably get used to the idea.

Vicky and her dad heard the interview on the radio. Tim hears the guests and was under the impression that the pub was closed? Strictly private guests, Alec assures. Vicky thought they might need legal advice unless they've already consulted. Alec is just overwhelmed, that's what he is, overwhelmed. Bet tells him to stop being overwhelmed for a minute and listen to what Tim has to say. The upshot is that they've already broken the tenancy agreement and can continue to operate and sell independently until they vacate or a new contract is signed, keeping all the profits since they do have a license to sell liquor. That is, until the brewery shuts them down. They have to offer alternative accommodations. They have, he is informed but it's unacceptable. Still, they've done that step. The next step is that the brewery will claim back the trade side of the building, confining them to the house but until then they might as well sell all they can. In any case, yes, they're up the creek and the brewery has all the paddles. Alec sighs and decides they might as well go down with all guns blazing as true Gilroys. He tells Vicky there was a Gilroy at Waterloo. Tim says it's guns to the left and right of them, it truly is Waterloo, only they're Napoleon! (That seems entirely appropriate to describe banty little Alec as Napoleon!)

Reg watches a glowing Kimberly work on the cash and compliments Norman on finally finding the right buttons to push but seems to be praising Norman's management skills. After he strides away, Curly mutters it isn't management, it's matrimony and he can't do it with all of 'em!

Gazette Reporter STEWART HOWSON Photographer ANDY ABRAHAMS Radio Reporter MIKE SHAFT

Friday (3082, 15 June 1990)
Mavis and Rita have a read of the Gazette's story on the barricaded pub. Rita is afraid the brewery will come down on them now like a ton of bricks and they'll lose it all (they're going to lose it all anyway, between Nigel Ridley's threats and Tim Arden's gloomy legal predictions) Mavis is astonished at a quote by "Attractive Bet Gilroy, 39, (Rita scoffs!) wife of the stocky, balding landlord Alec Gilroy wherein she promises to ride naked on a white horse through the streets of Weatherfield!

Alec is astonished too. Bet says she would if she thought it would help and he'd spring for a new (long) wig but she was just pulling the reporter's leg. Alec says good thing, the RSPCA would have her done for cruelty to t'horse! And anyway, Alec points out, they did get their facts wrong after all. "Stocky, Balding Alec Gilroy", he's not stocky, just well built in a compact sort of way. Balding ok, a bit thin on top. I'll say, Bet winds him up, you certainly couldn't ride naked, not much to hide and beggar all to hide it with! In the bar Tina is admiring her photo! Won't her mum be chuffed, her Tina getting her photo in the local newspaper. Betty wonders if Bet minded that her picture wasn't used. Reminds one that you're getting on a bit. Still, it's the least of her worries, she supposes.

Kim teases Curly about her dream last night in which he was very naughty but she just couldn't possibly tell that! Reg walks by so Curly covers by sharply criticizing her shelf-stacking technique. She's a bit hurt at his sharp tones (really doesn't this girl have ANY clues?) Curly has to remind her again that Mr. Holdsworth must not find out they're engaged and she goes all soft and mushy on him again. He pretends to scold her again as Reg is again in the vicinity.

Alec smokes and paces. Bet smokes and sits, telling Alec his pacing is getting on her nerves. It's too quiet, he says. They haven't heard from Nigel Ridley since they chucked him out. Bet suggests Alec call him, then, but Alec is never one to trouble trouble till it troubles him! Bet thinks they must keep moving on their feet, keep the brewery off balance. How? Don't know, but leave it with her, She'll think of summat (she usually does, does our Bet!)

Deirdre goes into the Kabin to pay the paper bill. Mavis asks about the house and whether she's sold it after all since she hasn't cancelled her papers yet. She's will have it sold by this time next week but won't have to get out until she's found another house, they won't be knocking through right away. They will also have to get planning permission and she's staying out of any of those hearings at council since she has an interest. Mavis starts ranting about how Derek says the new pub will devalue their house by thousands and they won't be able to sell it, it'll be like a millstone around their necks. Rita warns Mavis to stop harassing Deirdre who says she doesn't mind, she can take it it's only when Tracy gets it taken out on her that bothers.

Speaking of which, at the school the MacDonald boys encounter Tracy in the halls and give her another go but Tracy stands her ground, telling them she'll be moving to a better house and going to a better school with better lads and all.

Curly is still in a mood about his forced engagement while he has his dinner with Sally, Kevin and Mark. Sally says she thought he was in love with Kimberly. Uh, yeah, I am, I think. And aren't you glad to be engaged? Uh, yeah, I am, definitely. But you wouldn't be too sure to hear him! He agrees that Kim is smashing but part of the problem is Mr. Holdsworth who could be very awkward about it. (if it was his idea he'd probably be ok but events have settled themselves when he hadn't even entertained the possibility!)

The bar is host to a few of the locals. Percy is there and can't understand why Alec told the media a load of rubbish about being closed when he's certainly still open to some extent. Percy carries on about honesty, much to Alec's annoyance. Alec begins to tell the group a story about one of his ex-contortionists, La Sensuella, who could wear a bathing suit front to back and turn herself around so it was back to front while she was still in it! Betty interrupts this story and he goes to the back door leaving Liz, Mike and Don wondering if that sort of thing is possible. Don thinks so, if you're standing on a chair. (*giggle* I won't even try to picture that ! )Rita is at the back door but so is the infamous Paul Rigby. Alec is not best pleased to see the man that almost broke up his marriage while Rita goes through to the bar, telling Betty, Honest To God that's who it is! Maybe he's here to have another go?

Seems Bet has called Paul over. He is this year's president/chairperson of the License Vics (?) and she thought there might be something he could do. He promises the Vics will give the Gilroys all the moral support they can at next months meeting. That's too late!!! Well, he and Stella are going to the Algarve on holiday and he'll see what can be done when they get back. Don't bother, he is told. Oh, well, if you say, Paul also mentions that that's why there's a welfare fund, isn't it? Alec strut about having no good to say about Paul Rigby, reinforcing his former low opinion of the man. Give it a rest, implores Bet, She only thought it might help. Betty tells Alec there's a phone call from the Gazette, one of the National papers is on to the story and wants to sent a reporter around later! This is great news! More publicity!

Curly straightens up around the check outs and advising Miss Taylor on the price of a can of tuna but she follows him and says she only asked the price because she wanted to hear his voice! After another stern warning on professionalism, she invites him home to tea. He argues that he wanted to be on their own but she says at least at home there's no danger of them getting carried away with themselves, is there? True, Curly agrees sarcastically, no danger of that.

In the shop Alf asks Deirdre if she'll stand for council again after all this mess. Of course she will but Alf thinks she won't get far. She's sure people should judge on her past record and if the theme pub causes trouble she can help from the inside. She's also getting tired of all the abuse people are slinging at her but Liz comes in and overhears and puts her pence in by saying that of course she can't expect them to be happy about it, her helping to turn the Rovers Return into the Yobbo's Return. Deirdre gives Liz an earful about her yobbo lads harassing Tracy over it.

Curly tells Sally in the shop that Kim's parents are all right but ... Sally reminds him that he isn't' marrying them (don't be so sure!). Her dad was awful, just awful but it didn't put Kevin off. Curly cheers up a bit but Sally dashes him down unknowingly when she mentions that they do say a girl will go like her mother as she gets older (Not the sort of future you want to be putting in the mind of a rather reluctant bridegroom at this point, not with in-laws like the Taylors!) He leaves and says thanks ... a bunch.

Deirdre and Tracy have their tea. Deirdre promises to sort out Andy MacDonald if she sees him but Tracy says no, that's ok. She can handle it. She's just sick of them all going on about it. Deirdre apologises, it's her fault making things awkward but Tracy get's up and hugs her mother and tells her she's on her mum's side. There's lots of houses for sale and she suggests they have a look in the newspaper. There's a knock on the door and it's Dave with a bottle of wine. Tracy even has a smile and a joke with him for some reason

Curly is sitting on the settee between Mummy and Daddy Taylor with Kimberly hanging over his shoulder. His body language is priceless, he's sitting with his arms firmly folded across his chest and his lips tightly shut as Mrs. Taylor is showing him the family photo album of Kimberly's childhood and droning on and on about holidays, boarding houses school prizes and poor Curly looks bored to death.

The evening patrons at the Rovers tease Tina about her pictures in the paper and maybe she'll even make Page three of the nationals! Reg stops in and wonders where Curly is and wishes he was young again and off painting the town.

Painting the town, he is not. Curly is looking at the fish tank while Mrs. Taylor brings in the tea tray and the conversation turns to wedding gift lists. Daddy mentions several times about a greenhouse self assembly kit being the best gift he could think of. House plans are mentioned and yes, Curly and Kimberly plan to get a house of their own rather than move in with the Taylors (heaven forbid!). Mrs. Taylor is not impressed that Curly has no savings at all, having spent them on his car but he can always start again. And they know he's not a drinker because he didn't even finish the glass of sherry they had the other night (because it wasn't ale-flavoured no doubt!)

Someone arrives at the back door of the pub, Alec assumes he's from Fleet Street but Mr. Barret as he's called is there for a different purpose. He's served official notice to Alec from the brewery, a notice of forfeiture. Newton and Ridley will be there in the morning to repossess the licensed premises!


Originally transmitted: 18, 20, 22, 25 & 27 June 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 18 - Friday 22 May 1998
Episode Numbers: 3083 - 3087

Monday (3083, 18 June 1990)
A gripping episode today, filled with drama, jubilation, romance and even a little surprise at the end. Plot twists abound! This will be a longer update than usual because I just couldn't bring myself to exclude as much detail as I often do!

Tina and Betty come to work early and as Deirdre gathers in the milk from the step, Tina makes a cutting remark about blood money. Tina is feisty this morning, the last morning of the Rovers Return and isn't about to go down without a fight.

Bet and Alec have given up the fight as they sit, defeated in the living room. Alec says they couldn't have done any more than what they did when Bet wonders if they should have taken up the new pub after all. But she admits it wasn't right for them, would have been like working on a fair ground and besides, Annie Walker would never have forgiven her... they had no chance nor any choice in the matter in the end, Alec sighs. Betty and Tina pop their heads in, promising to have the bar looking like a new car so the brewery will know what kind of folk they're chucking out. Bet and Alec smile and see them back to the bar. The brewery are coming in at opening time to run it for themselves, they've long since learned how to get blood out of a stone, Alec says ruefully. (wishing he knew how to do the same, knowing RAlec!) Bet whispers it's like waiting to be hung.

At Deirdre's, Tracy's getting her things together for school and asks her mother if this is the end of all the aggro with the pub. Probably not, she is told but it will be the worst day. To Tracy's question, Deirdre says of course she's bothered by what people will say about her, everyone wants to be liked but sometimes you have to do something that makes you unpopular.

Tina and Betty are beavering away in the bar, whistling while they work though the tune sounds more like a funeral dirge. Bet admires their hard work and elbow grease, the place is gleaming! They in turn compliment Bet who is gleaming herself! Bet is wearing a brilliant red suit with a little triangle of red netting on her back and a large wide white collar and lapel, decorated with cutouts. Bet declares they'll all go down with flags flying. She goes to brew up while Betty and Tina agree that Bet's heart is broken. Aye.

In the living room, Bet finds a very dapper Alec clad in a gray double-breasted suit. He gently tells her they will have to sort out where they will live. Bet is startled and is thinking that the brewery had to get a court order to evict them from the living quarters. Aye, but they'll have done that, Alec suggests maybe a little house somewhere and a toffee shop. (Can't picture Bet selling penny candy, can you? for one thing, wouldn't she have to wear a shop keeper's pinny? Nope, not Bet's style at all) Bet isn't crying yet but you can tell it's just beneath the surface, something like the lump in my throat. Bet tells Alec she's been barmaid and landlady there for 20 years and does he really know how proud she was to see her name go up over that door? It meant she finally made something of herself and after working for Annie all those years, she who could be quite nasty when she wanted to be, Bet was finally on a par with her. Alec proudly exclaims that Bet made a better job of it, too. Well, Bet decides maybe not a better job but she didn't do too bad of it, did she? Alec calls her a living legend, a Saloon/Bar Boadicea (or Boudicca for you purists! I looked it up!). Bet finally breaks down in Alec's arms and cries, I don't want to go, Alec. (tears are spilling over onto my cheeks as well!)

A break in the drama has us over at Bettabuys where Curly has told Kimberly that he's been watching her. Oh, she sighs, what have I done now? Curly tells her she shouldn't doubt herself, she's an exemplary employee, one who mirrors the Bettabuy ideal! And by the way, he thought they'd go looking for an engagement ring at dinnertime! They do that, and it's like a kid in a candy store, Kimberly is that excited with all the choices. She does ask him if he is sure, not getting engaged because he feels pressurized to do the decent thing but he assures her, No (yes), and that he wants to be engaged.

In the shop, Sally arrives with the news that a carload of men have arrived at the Rovers. It's the beginning of the end, predicts Emily as she leaves. Alf thinks it will liven up the neighbourhood (and his trade!) but Mavis is afraid of just that. She leaves too and even Sally's a bit concerned at the noise level affecting her baby's sleep patterns.

Yes, the group of men have arrived to take over the trade side of the pub but the door is locked so they pound on it, hollering through to Mr. Gilroy. It's not use, they can always break down the door since the tenancy is forfeit. Some of the neighbours gather nearby, right in front of Number 1 as it happens and holler sarcastic abuse at the men who ignore them. Alec finally comes through to the bar wondering what the racket is and realizes the door is locked. Tina admits to it, she had to, she just had to! Alec just shakes his head and opens the door. Did you want something? He's told that they've come to take over the premises and enter the pub. Alec looks accusingly at Nigel Ridley, asking did he come to dance on their grave as well? The band of neighbours pledge their support if he needs help throwing the lot out. Alec thanks them and goes back inside. The door of Number 1 opens and Deirdre walks through a silently accusing crowd. The silence is broken by Don asking her if she isn't staying for the funeral?

Inside, the relief manager is introduced (the same one that tried to get in the pub the other day). The staff is asked to retire to the living quarters. Tina balks but Alec tells her there's no point, go on. Alec walks through with dignity past Nigel who says it needn't have been like this. As Alec disappears, Nigel comments, Silly Man. (Arrogant twit! Nigel... not Alec) Alec tells the staff they are confined to quarters. Bet softly declares, they'll have to carry her out, this is her home! Tina hotly agrees, you show 'em, Bet! Bet hushes her.

Nigel and his cohorts leave the new manager to it but just as they're about to leave, a Rolls pulls up outside the pub and an elderly man is ushered out of the car by a chauffeur dressed in livery. Nigel is astonished to see Uncle Cec (Cecil Newton). Nigel follows him in, squawking Uncle Cec? What are you doing here Uncle Cec? Uncle Cec makes him stay in the bar with the suits and goes to the back to find Bet and Alec. He finds the staff toasting each other with a brandy and asks to speak to the Gilroys in private. Alec asks Betty and Tina to go to the pub, they won't be barred from there anyway. Bet and Alec are surprised to see Cecil, thinking him retired to Spain, growing roses. That's Mrs. Newton's roses and could he have a brandy, please, he's been travelling since 7 a.m. Alec wonders if he has come to wave them good bye (rubbing it in) but the Gilroy's aren't hostile toward the old man. He tells Them he has come to sort out a mess but hopes it isn't too late. That's what happens when you leave the Nigels of this world in the executive chair. They insist on fixing what's not broken, probably to justify their excessive salaries. Bet anxiously urges him to get to the point, not daring herself to hope. Well, he tells them, he stopped into the office before he came to the Rovers, barked a few orders, scared a few people silly, the effect, he hopes was to put the brakes on this theme pub business. the only theme a good pub needs is a good landlord, good ale and good company. Alec asks him "what are you saying"? He's saying, nobody is changing the Rovers Return. while I'm alive! He suggests that if they're bags are packed, to unpack them, please. Bet says they aren't but if they were she'd be that swift unpacking. Oh, Cecil, I could Kiss you! He chuckles and says close proximity to a beautiful woman never hurt anyone, even at his age, what are you waiting for? So she does, plants a big one on his cheek joyfully!

In the bar, Betty and Tina watch the clock along with the rest of the suits. The three emerge from the living room, Cecil tells them to leave Nigel to him. He tells Nigel the Rovers is not changing and the Gilroys are not leaving. Nigel stands up to Uncle Cecil and says oh yes it is and they are! But Uncle Cec hisses back not to make him get nasty, it is not a pleasant sight! Nigel arrogantly reminds him that he is running the brewery now and calls Cecil an old fossil. Mistake! Uncle Cecil gets nasty. He doesn't leave much fur on the young pup, making his opinions about this theme pub obsession very plain and throwing in veiled threats about banishment to Australia in for good measure. The Rovers stays as it is, it's a working men's pub where working men live. Nigel again tries to pull rank but is very publicly reminded that Uncle Cecil is still on the board and has plenty of friends and Nigel is very welcome to take this dogfight to the boardroom if he dares. Don't like it? Take himself off to the City, or better yet, get into the time share business. He stalks out leaving a chastised and humiliated Nigel Ridley to scamper out with his tail between his legs, wiping all that egg off his face, much to the jubilation of Betty and Tina! Well Done, Cecil Bet says through the biggest most brilliant smile ever and Alec tells the relief manager his isn't needed there. The manager leaves without a word, being the flunky that he is. Bet and Alec embrace behind the bar.

Deirdre goes into the Kabin looking for plasters. Rita is friendly, Mavis is barely civil. Deirdre turns away to search a shelf and Tina bounces in for a comb and is bubbling over with the good news, much to Deirdre's amazement and horror.

Kevin complains about the salad he is expected to eat for his tea instead of steak and potatoes like any proper working man should have. She declares they're all going to be eating healthier, it's better for all three of them. They are interrupted by Curly and Kim, come to show off her engagement ring. Sally oohs and ahs and it's congratulations all around.

Later that night there is a grand party at the Rovers with Streamers and Balloons and a loud boisterous sing along. Bet looks magnificent in a silver lame blouse with matching silver shiny earrings and red shiny lipstick. Alec is giving out the first drink free but isn't advertising it all that widely, much to the consternation of the Brennans and MacDonalds. Alec will never change and Don and Jim start complaining about business folk only ever being concerned with the almighty pound as their supreme being but their wives shut them up and tell them to relax, have a good time for heaven's sake! Emily and Percy arrive and Bet thanks them for their support which Percy of course, thinks is only his due for all the work he did, gathering names for petitions. Emily apologises that she didn't really do much but Bet tells her she was there in spirit (not the warrior then that she has evolved into!) They wonder if Deirdre knows. Percy figures she does as bad news travels fast and it's bad news for her that was going to sell her house. Bet's expression freezes and says she couldn't care less for Deirdre's troubles. She could have nipped this in the bud but she was too damn greedy.

At Deirdre's, the sounds of celebration echo through the walls as Dave shows up. Deirdre is obviously upset and tells him the deal is off. The Rovers is staying as it is so there is no use for her house. She called the brewery and was told by Nigel Ridley's secretary, he probably being to chicken to face her (no doubt out licking his wounds in one of his theme pubs somewhere!) It was all for nothing, she cries, all the worry, the upset, the rows. What's Tracy going to think when she finds out? Deirdre feels she's an outcast in the street now, yes as bad as all that and she cries in Dave's arms.

Kimberly and Curly must be the only two residents not at the pub. They are sitting at home watching telly. Kimberly is still excitedly admiring her ring and telling Curly she feels different somehow. He explains that civilization is really just a series of defined stages. Kimberly tells him not to be so boring about it (wow, she really IS different now!), she's so excited that she can't stop trembling. In the front door walks Vera, back from Wales early and knackered. She is delighted to spot the ring and is really happy for the pair of them, let's have a dekko! She had a fabulous time in Wales. Curly asks where's Jack, in the pub? Well it would be a miracle, says Vera with a wide smile. She left the rat-faced dog in Wales!


Tuesday (3084, 20 June 1990)
What a difference a day makes! A much lower key episode today after all the excitement of yesterday's showdown.

The staff is busy cleaning up after the party, bagging streamers and collecting glasses. Alec seems quite stroppy, blaming Cecil Newton for using them as pawns in his boardroom political manoeuvring. But, as Bet points out, We won! Isn't that the main thing? Lucky we did go to all the trouble of the protests, petitions and publicity, if we hadn't then Cecil Newton wouldn't have stood up at all! Tina and Betty are told that Alec is never happy unless he's got something to complain about anyway. Harsh words are spoken about Deirdre but Betty sympathises with her. No point holding a grudge when you've got to live as neighbours is there? Life's too short! That gives Bet something to think about.

Vera cooks breakfast for Curly. She's even going back to work rather than sit around waiting for the toerag to return from Wales. Curly asks when Jack is coming back. Soon, likely as he doesn't have a penny. Turns out he did nothing but drink, play snooker and throw darts during the entire second honeymoon until he embarrassed her on the dance floor in front of everyone. That's why she left him there. It wasn't much fun, then? Vera gives a sly smile and said it had it's "compensations" until he stuck his oar in. Well, he's paying for it now, isn't he?

We switch to a view of Jack walking down the side of a motorway, hitching for a ride. Later on a woman in a flash car does stop but when Jack gets close, she drives off. Probably didn't realize this was a middle aged man though I don't see how, Jack's bald spot is fairly evident from the back view!

Tracy wants to avoid school now that the house isn't being sold after all. No chance of that, madam, says her mother. Aw, Mom, but you don't know what it's like when they are all taking the mickey out of you for moving somewhere nicer and now aren't going at all. (I'll bet she does!) Deirdre contradicts her and asks how does she think her mother feels, , she's had them all on her back for weeks. Just don't let it get to you, brass it out. Tracy moans that she doesn't have much choice!

Vera tells Kimberly all about her holiday and it's "compensation", a lounge singer (lizard) named Lester Fontaine. He were tall, tanned, a bit like Englebert Humperdink (before Kimberly's time). He asked her to dance after his set, he had been watching her, he said. Should have seen him! he were a real gentleman, he smelled nice with aftershave and had all this chunky gold jewellery! (bwahahahaha I'm picturing a middle aged man in a polyester disco suit with wide lapels, shirt unbuttoned to there, 4 or 5 gold chains, sideburns and greaser boots (those chunky heeled boots with the side zippers, that's what we always called 'em!) Oh, yes, and fluffy sideburns and an obvious hair dye job! *chuckle* can't you picture it? He's probably still using that old line, "What's your sign, baby?") Kim asks if Jack minded? No, he spent all his time drinking (etc. as already described) so she wasn't going to be a wall flower. Kim sighs and says it sounds better than a second honeymoon! (I'm surprised she approves! this engagement ring must have come with a pod in the cellar!) Vera smiles and says it was until Jack burst in and ruined it all. Just think, she could be sitting in the Kentucky Suite right now holding a highball of Lester's in her hand! (ohmygod, I can't believe they let that one air!!!! hee hee hee) Instead, she's standing here looking at jam butties!

Dave is visiting Deirdre and listening to her rant about plucking up the courage to show her face. She's also feeling guilty for Tracy's sake and all she's had to put up with. He suggests she can still sell up and move even if she wouldn't get the same kind of offer the brewery were going to give. There's a knock on the door and it's Bet. Deirdre and Dave both are not very polite, thinking Bet is there to crow about her victory. But Bet is offering the olive branch of peace. She who was afraid of the hostility of the neighbours doesn't seem to inclined to take the offering though. Bet points out that either one of them could have lost out and further points out that although Deirdre was the one to lose, she still has her home. Had the Gilroys lost, they would have been out on the streets. She wishes it had been someone she didn't know but it was and since they are still neighbours, couldn't they try to let bygones be bygones and start over? Maybe, says Deirdre, rather coldly but maybe not for long. Her house is still on the market.

At Weatherfield Comprehensive, Andy is taking the mickey out of Tracy, blocking her way into a classroom until Steve comes along and rescues her. He warns his brother to pick on someone his own size and is rewarded by Tracy with a bright smile. Things go from bad to worse, however, later in the day when a supply teacher for one of her classes turns out to be none other than Ken! Tracy is mortified! He asks her to stay after to wipe the blackboard as an excuse to talk to her, telling her he had no choice, needing the job and having to go where the work was offered. She doesn't want to hear it and is too anxious to get away. (when I was in junior high school, about Tracy's age there was a girl in our class who's mother was the science teacher and she always found it awkward though I don't remember if she got any grief over it or not. She was always really smart in all her classes so we couldn't accuse her of getting good marks in her mother's class)

Mike and Alma have a drink with the Roberts in the pub at dinnertime. The conversation turns to romance but neither of the men is inclined to a romantic soul. Mike says the only reason for a man to get married is to take advantage of the new tax laws. A man can save a fortune! Before Audrey can question this further, Alf hustles them back to the shop. But Audrey's got a bee in her bonnet now and though she tries to find out from Alf what he knows about the tax laws, he protests that he knows nothing about it, leaving it all to his accountant, avoiding the subject by going to the cash and carry and changing the subject continually. Audrey knows he's hiding something (probably his cushy tax refund!). She asks Alma about the laws but Alma doesn't know either so Audrey corners Mike later in the day. Mike isn't about to be put in that little awkward situation and tells her to ask her husband. She has, to no avail but Mike isn't forthcoming and leaves. Alf enters and nervously asks what Mike was saying, much relieved that Audrey didn't find anything out. But Audrey has the look in her eye that says there's more than one way to skin a cat!

Back in the pub, Percy is thanked by Bet, and reluctantly Alec, for all his help with petitions and the rest of the campaign. Percy says it was only right, you have to fight for justice, it's the price of democracy. He is, however outraged when the price of democracy turns out to be a price rise of tuppence on a half of ale. Alec logically says the lockout ate into the profits. That's the price of democracy!

Betty notes that Vera is back but there's no sign of Jack. Tina mischievously wonders if Vera wore him out, it being a second honeymoon and all. Betty tells her not to be so disgusting and Don and Tina share a laugh over it.

Jack finally arrives home, sweaty, dirty and road weary. Alec spies him and gives him a hard time, mithering him about boozing while they faced eviction, doesn't that concern him at all. Not very much, Alec. Alec protests that he had to divert the biggest disaster the street ever saw but Jack, unlocking the front door, says the street hasn't had the biggest disaster yet. But it's about to.

Deirdre sets the table for tea. Tracy arrives home and Deirdre finds out if she's still upset like she was that morning. She seems calmer and tells her mother nothing about her father's teaching job. Deirdre tells her they might still sell the house but doesn't get much of a reaction.

Vera and Curly arrive home from work. Jack approaches her angrily calling her all sorts of names, like Jezebel. It took him 12 hours to get home! Serves you right, Vera snaps. But jack thinks he was in the right since it was Vera chucking herself at that clapped out geriatric. Vera tells him snidely that Lester was very virile and lets Jack think there was more to their relationship than a flirtation. Jack loses his temper and leaves, threatening not to come back. Vera isn't bothered and turns to make tea for her and Curly. Late that night he returns, drunk. (how, I don't know. He didn't have a farthing. I suppose he used his sob story to cadge free drinks at the Legion) He calls Vera a hussy and insults Lester some more. Still, he is made to sleep on the sofa anyway, Vera doing him a favour since he couldn't possibly want to share a bed with a fallen woman. Curly gets caught in the line of fire (of pillows and blankets) and gets to bed before Jack can steal his room!

At the pub (this would be before Jack got home) Reg is wittering on to Curly about a foot loose and fancy free, unmarried and unfettered man going far in the Bettabuys world. Curly nervously watches Kimberly at the other side of the bar flashing her engagement ring, hoping Reg doesn't spot it. Tina is trying to find out what's going on between Jack and Vera but when she asks Curly, he won't tell, saying that living through it once was bad enough. Curly hustles Kimberly out before Mr. Holdsworth can catch on. Dave and Deirdre come in for a drink (that's certainly taking the bull by the horns!) Alec serves them cooly and Bet approaches. Deirdre apologises for being so rude earlier and offers to buy Bet and Alec a drink. They accede. Forgive and Forget, Deirdre asks? Bet agrees and they smile and make up.


Wednesday (3085, 22 June 1990)
Audrey is still stewing over Alf's conspiracy of silence over the tax issue. Despite his many protests, she knows he's keeping something from her and she's going to find out what it is. Later at the shop, Alf tries to make peace but she isn't willing unless he's going to stop treating her like a daft kid. He can't or won't tell her, either because he thinks she's too thick or because he doesn't want her to know. It's not like that... (but it is) He says it's just business matters (what? don't bother you're pretty little head about it????? Nope, Queen Victoria is dead, Alf!) Tina interrupts the argument to pick up a few bottles of milk for Alec, mentioning Jack's bad mood but not why. She tells Audrey she's lucky to be married to someone as rock solid and Alf. Alf smiles smugly and Audrey tosses her nose in the air.

Jack has started badgering Curly, warning him how bad married life is. It's a dog's life, worse because the RSPCA would be on your back if you treated a dog the way Vera is treating him. Curly wants to stay well out of it and hopes to make a hasty exit when Vera comes down, ready for work. It is not to be. She tells Jack he can put away that lot and all (dishes, breakfast things etc.) and he snarls back that he can think of someone else needing to be put down. Vera sticks the knife in and starts complimenting Lester, how well he keeps himself, how fit and how much pride he has. Then she asks Curly where she would go to find out about evening classes. She wants to brush up on her ballroom dancing and waltzes her way out the door, Jack's evil look following her.

Tracy still hasn't told Deirdre that Ken is teaching at her school. In fact, she's quieter than usual but assures her mother it's only because there just isn't too much to talk about. She's fine but late. Later at school, Ken calls her over, in the middle of the hall filled with kids and her friends, the dolt! He wants to know how things are at home and is her mother kicking up a fuss because he is working at her school. Tracy tells him she hasn't said anything and can she go now. (Now. Don't you think he could have asked her this in private during one of his scheduled visits AFTER school???? Why make things worse for her, showing her up in front of her friends! Sheesh!)

Jack is in a very bad mood at work. When he realizes that Betty and Tina don't know what's going on at Number 9, that Curly and Kim had kept their gobs shut, he opens his, 'reluctantly' and makes it sound like he was good enough to take Vera on a second honeymoon but she did a runner with another fella. Poor little innocent victim, was Jack. He loses his temper, upset about it and stomps down the cellar stairs. Betty wonders why Jack is upset, he's usually pleased to get shut of Vera. Tina explains that this is different, this time Vera got shut of Jack. Ah. Alec comes in and wonders if Jack is skivving off already and is told by Betty and Tina that the mood Jack's in, they wish Alec would just lock the cellar door and leave him down there. Alec is mystified, not having heard the gossip, and having seen Vera gone off to work with a smile on her face that morning. That's because Jack didn't put it there! Ah.

At Bettabuys, Kimberly calls to Vera to replace a broken bag of sugar. After the customer leaves, Vera wonders how Kimberly can stand to hide her ring around her neck instead of flashing it all about. But it's next to her heart at least, Kim tells her. Aw. Vera then suggests that they have Kim's parents over to tea tomorrow night and the ever changing Kimberly ACTUALLY LIES and says her parents are busy for the foreseeable future! Reg interrupts their chat and shoos them back to work. Curly later tells Kimberly he's glad she deflected Vera's invitation, what with the state of war at the Duckworth's at present. She moans about having to hide her ring, etc. and just as Curly takes her hand, Reg comes up so he pretends she's caught it in the till. Any damage, asks Reg? No, thanks, the finger's fine. But Reg meant the till! No. no damage to the till. Reg leads Curly away, with his arm around Curly's shoulder and warns him away from any physical contact with the staff while on the floor, it could be misconstrued. Curly looks pointedly at Reg's arm and the two part uncomfortably.

In the pub, Don is hearing Jack's side of the story but when Jack expresses his outrage, Don sarcastically mentions that he can see why Jack feels that way, a man who never looked at another woman the whole time he was married. Jack turns away, suddenly and strangely quiet! (wonder why?) Bet takes her turn at the bar and asks Audrey if there is indeed a note of dissention in the Roberts' household. A petulant Audrey describes a brass band of dissention. Audrey tells Bet that Alf is keeping information from her about income tax and asks Alec shouldn't trust be important in a marriage? Alec hastily agrees but is dumbstruck when it doesn't seem to be what Audrey wants to hear and mouths the word "Women!" after she leaves.

Steve comes home after school but Andy isn't with him. Why not? Well, Steve launches into a story about Andy playing a last minute game of cricket. When Liz expresses her suspicions, after all neither of the boys plays cricket, Steve decides he's hungry and hastens to the kitchen for a snack. Later when Andy gets home, he and Steve discuss the prank that Andy got caught for. When Liz comes in, Andy seals his own fate by assuming Steve told her! Steve, shaking his head in defeat, says he told her Andy was playing cricket. Which, of course, Liz never believed for a minute so out with it! the truth! A bit later, Big Jim comes home, with the boys banished to their room. Liz tells him Andy got kept after school and yes, he deserved it but there might be more local repercussions for what he did. Let's hear it. (but we don't just yet, find out what it is...)

Bet and Alec count up at closing time and Jack is still hanging around. Bet wonders why, since Jack is usually through that door like a greased ferret come closing time. Not much to go home too. So Bet sticks her oar in (not too long after telling Alec they should always keep out of other people's business). She tells Jack that Vera wants a bit of romance in her life. He should try to bring a little romance into her life, treat her like a lady, do a few chores around the house without asking. Show her you've still got a streak of romance in you and you are just as good as Lester the Letch. This seems to make Jack think.

Vera and Curly arrive home after work but Ivy is coming home too so the two women have a natter on the pavement. Ivy seems to disapprove about Vera's conduct on holiday but damn straight wants to hear the details. Vera tells her she's heard Jack's side of things, now she's going to hear the truth!

Back at No9, Jack is earnestly trying to convince Curly that he should break off his engagement but Curly is now insisting he wants to get married and have a family. (got used to the idea, then.) Jack makes assumptions and Curly indignantly protests that Kimberly is not pregnant (because pigs do not, in fact, fly!) So why? Ok so now the sun shines out of your Kimberly but just you wait. She gets you married and into a 2 up 2 down and she'll be bent of making your life a misery. He does reminisce about the picture Vera was when she got off that roller coaster. He used to work on a fairground and that's where they met. He was 6 feet off the ground when he first went out with her and now she wants him 6 feet under it! Curly insists that Vera really cares for him. Oh, right, that's why she left him in Wales! You've been warned, my son. Jack decides to go have a natter with his pigeons, they make more flamin' sense than some people he knows.

Percy is in the pub boring everyone and especially Audrey with complaints about Alf's prices. He can't complain to Alf because for some reason Alf thinks Percy complains too much! Can't imagine why! Audrey is rescued by Alma who has sore feet and Percy tells her she complains too much!!! LOL Alma later seems to have given Audrey a good idea and she leaves as Mike comes in to get Alma. Don and Ivy discuss the differences between Jack's and Vera's story and end up chuckling over it. Vera arrives and Jack doesn't want to serve her (so Bet's little talk probably didn't have much effect after all). Vera tells Kim and Curly that she's fixed it, Kim's parents are coming to tea tomorrow after all. Kim and Curly look distinctly unhappy.

Audrey nips back to the shop and tells Alf she won't be bothering him anymore. Oh, Good.....why not? She tells him she's got a good idea from Alma, she's going to the taxation office first thing in the morning. They'll tell her what she wants to know! Busted!

Liz comes to Deirdre's, first making sure Tracy isn't around because she might be still upset over this school incident. What incident? Deirdre has no idea what Liz is on about. Liz explains that Andy wrote a daft thing on the board, a big heart and arrow with the initials "K.B. and W.C", for Ken Barlow and Wendy Crozier. It wasn't to get at Tracy though, Andy had had a run in with Ken earlier in the day. Deirdre is shocked to find out that Ken is teaching at Tracy's school! Tracy never said a word!


Thursday (3086, 25 June 1990)
Who gets told? Is it a dinner party or a dinner artillery match? (Three guesses and the first two don't count)

It's morning at Number 1. Deirdre makes small talk about exercise programs and then gets to the point. Tracy never said Ken was at her school. Does it bother her? Yes, it flippin bothers her, Tracy blurts out. Of all the schools why did it have to be hers? They sit and have a chat, she didn't tell her mother because she didn't think mum would like him being there. But Deirdre is more concerned because Tracy didn't want him there. Tracy complains that her mother doesn't know what it's been like, all her mates laughing, teasing about her parents splitting up and then his girlfriend chucking him out. Tracy is beside herself so Deirdre tells her to stay home from school and decides to go to talk to Ken to try to sort things out. Like what, whinges Tracy. Don't know but something.

Vera is menu planning for her dinner party. Curly wonders if there might not be a better time to have the Taylors over, preferably when Jack and Vera are speaking to one another. Vera dismisses it as a silly dispute but Curly rather feels like he's been caged with two hungry Rottweilers! Oh, Vera says, it's summat and nowt. Jack disagrees strongly with this assessment, pointing out that coming in at 4 a.m. with a greasy gigolo is not summat and nowt! Vera explains that particular evening, Lester was giving her Lambada lessons but Jack implies he was giving her something else! Curly feels they should cancel but Vera won't have it and Jack is determined he won't be there anyway. He later protests the same thing to Alf. He asks Alf if Audrey, being an attractive woman, has had a roving eye and complains about public humiliation. Alf's wife at least is attractive, Vera is an old boot. But she's his old boot!

On the way to open the shop earlier, Audrey insists she is going to talk to the tax people and when they tell her there's nothing to know, then she'll be satisfied. Alf finally caves and tells her there's a few business matters he hasn't told her about. She goes off to do a few errands and returns just as Jack leaves the shop. Alf tries to justify his actions first by saying he's old fashioned and thinks the finances should be left to the man. Audrey insists she's a modern woman and believes a wife should share the load (and rightly so!) Turns out Alf has her down on the books as a part time employee for a tax deduction. He stalls on how much he's got down that he's "paying her" but she finally drags it out of him. £2,000 a year. She excitedly counts up the 5 years since they've been married and tells him she owes her £10,000, shame on you for trying to fiddle your own wife out of that kind of money! (She never saw any of it!) He's flabbergasted but she later tells him she never expected him to pay that and makes him open a joint bank account for the future earnings. He tries to get the bank book from her but it's no go. She'll keep it in a safe place, knowing fair well that Alf would then be able to NOT put money in there, hiding the evidence. (I want to know why the British Revenue isn't after Audrey for not paying income tax on that £10,000 income!)

Enough of financial matters for the moment. Back to Ken and Deirdre and this awfully boring storyline. Deirdre's at Ken's rooms and confronting him about working at her school without letting them know first. Ken shouts down from his high horse about needing the job, did he need her permission? She wonders if it isn't just another of his plots. Oh yes, he snaps back, a plot to pay the rent and buy some groceries. Anyway, Kids exaggerate. (oh, and you would know would you? I think not) Not likely she says, she's just left Tracy in floods of tears for taking stick from her mates. Ken first makes light of it and then takes his usual best defence, the offensive (and I do mean offensive in the most unflattering light) and hollers that he needed a job and this one was on offer. But Deirdre doesn't take any of his stick and tells him where to get off that high horse. She doesn't give a damn about him but does care about Tracy. hasn't he put her through enough? He looks suitably chastened. He's been told, well enough.

At the supermarket, Kimberly tells Curly that her parents are really looking forward to the dinner party, her mother is even fussing over what to wear. Curly suggests a good bullet proof vest. She should warn them that Jack and Vera can be, um, eccentric. Kimberly says they are all right, just a bit colourful (language and all! And let's face it, her parents are about the most colourless couple I have ever "met"!) Vera comes by, brimming with plans but is dismayed to hear that Kimberly's parents are Chapel and don't drink, smoke, swear or gamble. What'll we talk about? Kimberly mentions her father's guppies. What? Curly says, Tropical Fish. Ooohhh. Well! That's all right then and Vera trots away happily. Kim and Curly look like they think it's going to be the last meal before the execution.

Deirdre brings Ken back to the house to talk to Tracy. Your mother tells me you're upset (and you never noticed that she's been avoiding you and not very anxious to talk to you while at school, did you, you dolt!) He's sorry he showed up without any warning, he was only thinking of (himself) the job and anyway it's only a few weeks until the end of term. He used to be thought of as a good teacher. Yeah, she accuses, long ago, yonks, before you owned the Gazette. She tells him she was right proud of him for owning the paper and her friends thought it was pretty cool too. He thinks this is all about snobbery then, and says he's disappointed in her (No wonder this man can't keep a child of his blood withing 10 miles of him in the end! He must have been born 50! and all those years of teaching children and he doesn't have a clue how they say one thing and mean another when they're upset! *sigh* off my soapbox now)

Anyway, he gets told again by Tracy who shouts that she's disappointed in HIM, it's all his fault that he hasn't got a proper home, proper job and they aren't even a proper family anymore. They both hang their heads for a minute and he offers to stay out of her life from now on. He doesn't quite get away with it because she then moans that she doesn't want that, she loves him, it's just that she hates the way it is at school (which is of course the real problem all along but he's too thick to get it!) Can she stick it out to the end of term? She isn't sure so Deirdre finally tells him to leave or he'll be late. Leave things with her for now.

What Deirdre does is goes to see the head mistress of the school, Mrs. Jeffers. She tells the Head the whole story and Mrs. J. is very understanding. She suggests Deirdre has been leaning on Tracy for support a bit much, expecting more of her than a 13 year old can give and suggests bending the rules a bit. Take her out of school for a few days and go on a holiday, just the two of you, to get reacquainted. Tracy's needs have probably been overlooked in the last few months.

In the pub Jack is complaining about his pride and self esteem being mortally wounded but gets no sympathy. (How does it feel Jack? Anything like how Vera might have felt after the Dulcie Froggat incident? or his date with Tina?) Mike tells Jack to stick to his guns (he would!) but Ivy argues that Jack takes no notice of Vera and then takes umbrage when someone else does, he's a dog in a manger! Jack barks back but again, is not taken any notice of other than a chuckle or two from some of the regulars. Vera comes in to see if Ivy will lend her a few things, a tablecloth and a cruet set and in the course of the conversation, Jack overhears her tell Ivy that the Taylors don't drink. You What??? That's right, tonight the house will be alcohol free! Then Jack is determined he's not flamin' coming!

Deirdre returns home from the school and tells Tracy where she was and what she was doing. The Head was really lovely about it and tells her they are going on holiday. Tracy lights up with a smile. Later when she is trying to decide what to pack, Dave comes by. Deirdre gives him the abbreviated version of things and he almost has a few acerbic things to say about Ken but holds himself off from sticking his nose in (stick! stick!) He offers to drive them to Scarborough or come over on the weekend to join them. Tracy isn't pleased to overhear that but Deirdre turns his offer down. This holiday is for her and her daughter and no one else this time. We don't see Tracy's reaction but she's probably smiling again.

Ken gets told by Mrs. Jeffers. (just not your day is it?) He is scolded for not filling her in on the background situation. He didn't think it was necessary, what did my wife tell you? Well they had a long chat and things will sort themselves out. Ken apologises for getting her involved but she takes exception, Tracy is one of her students (and she at least obviously cares about the kids!). She also mentions the incident with Andy MacDonald but he passes it off as boy's cheek, nothing he couldn't handle. (my God he's arrogant!) She tells him that he is required to give the parents 24 hours notice when he's planning to keep a student in after school. Since when? (see?) She tactfully tells him it's been a long time since he's taught and he ought to update himself on more recent developments in the profession. Of course, he says, sheepishly.

Vera is wearing a blue glittery frock, one Lester loved her in. She wonders if she's overdressed, too much makeup? Curly says it's her house and she can dress as she likes and anyway, she looks great! He is surprised to see a disgruntled Jack appear, wearing the wrong tie, so Vera abrasively informs him. The Taylors soon arrive and small talk is made about general things. Terry is mentioned and Vera passes it over, telling them Terry has long stood on his own two feet and is in business, she tells them vaguely. (since she doesn't have a clue what he's doing or where he's at!) Jack nearly chokes when he takes a sip of the tropical fruit punch used as a toast to Kimberly and Curly (it has no alcohol) but Vera tactfully suggests to their guests that Jack isn't used to exotic drinks. Yes, what she said.

Ken checks in with Deirdre after school to see how Tracy is. She's better, they're going away for a few days. If Mrs. Jeffers thinks it's all right, then he has no reason to. Well, he doesn't think it's necessary to baby kids keeping them out of school for every little upset. Deirdre's dander is rising and she tells him it's not down to him to decide if it's necessary. He spitefully asks if her boyfriend is going on this little jaunt and is told (again) in no uncertain terms that it's none of his business and is shown the door. (good one!)

Over in the pub, Liz and Alma are congratulating Audrey on her investigating tactics and all three agree there shouldn't be any secrets in marriages. Over beside the bar, their significant others, and Don, suspiciously eye the women. Alf dejectedly says Look at 'em, just like a coven of witches! LOL The men all agree that a few secrets are all right, with Mike noting that he doesn't tell alma about every tenner he makes. They ask Jim who tells them that in the army his wages were an open book, but now, well.. he blusters self-importantly. Alf deflates him, telling him he'll never get away with anything. Women are programmed to probe. That's why they have long hair, to hide their quivering antennae!!! And he wiggles his fingers up by his ears! heh heh heh. At last, a man who understands women. He's right, you can't get away with things for long!!! :))

Back in the Duckworths, the truce lasts until the trifle is served and it crashes and burns from there. Kim is already looking at holiday brochures for the honeymoon while Curly is protesting that it will probably be a very long engagement. Various locations are mentioned but when Mrs. Taylor innocently mentions Jack and Vera's recent holiday, things go downhill. Did they have a good time. Together they answer, "Lovely/Lousy" Curly tries to intervene but it's no use. Jack leans forward, saying he didn't see a lot of his wife. Vera tries to be tactful and polite but the first round has been fired and volleys of ask him/ask her bandy about. All out artillery fire streaks the sky like a scud missile over Lester and it ends with Jack screaming at Vera and calling her a trollop! The room goes silent and Mummy Taylor has another spoonful of trifle, self consciously.

Now I find myself comparing Corrie of 1990 to 1998. You would never find such innocent and naive storylines about a teen's school embarrassments and Daddy Taylor's Greenhouse trials and tribulations. Bettabuys shelf stacking crises and unauthorized back room tenants have given way to Firman's Freezer's battles with the eco-warriors and the show has become "relevant". No more gnomes for us. It's all gangsters, murderers, relevant issues. Of course we always had some issues like unplanned pregnancies and infidelity and the odd nefarious criminal like Alan Bradley or the man that broke into Val Barlow's house, the back bone of soaps as we know them but I really think Corrie has lost its innocence and optimism.


Friday (3087, 27 June 1990)
A Load of what? Does size really matter? New rumours circulate.

Mavis helps Derek measure up the garden before breakfast. Derek wants to be precise but she doesn't see why. Des and Steph come out to see and Derek asks Des to explain to Mavis how important is precision. Mavis is of the opinion that you only have to know it's a small garden, and you don't have to measure it, you can plainly see that! Derek sighs and tells Des that Mavis thinks any old guess will do. They discuss the relative size of the garden as compared to other. Yes indeed it's larger than some but, as Des points out, it's like a tray of cat litter as compared to some others. Des, with that devilish look in his eye, asks Derek if size really matters. Derek doesn't "get it" (most men would! But that's Derek for you). Derek cracks Des and Steph (and me) up with his declaration that he has always been the last one to think that size is important. Mavis says, quietly, quickly and to the point. "Quite." and goes in to finish making his breakfast (and I'm on the floor at this point. I might as well stay there because this episode has a couple of classic, priceless comedic scenes! Read on...)

Curly is off his toast and when asked by Jack if he's sick, admits he is, sick with embarrassment after them having a stand up row in front of Kimberly's parents last night. Jack accuses Vera of starting it and it nearly starts all over again as they each accuse the other. Curly breaks it up and leaves in disgust, claiming it's like living in a monkey cage! He's never bringing anyone around again! Vera sits down and implored Jack to just forget the whole thing, he can't keep stewing over it forever. But Jack says it's like a festering wound and comments that "Lester" isn't much of a name anyway, named after a city. Could be called Eccles! Vera says you shouldn't fester over Lester (you knew it HAD to happen!). He says a more emotional man would have upped sticks over it but he won't this time. His heart is in silent rupture! You mean rapture! No, Rupture now let's have Curly's plate! (never one to waste a plate of food, is Jack, no matter in how many pieces is his heart!)

Audrey is feeling poorly today but isn't getting much sympathy from Alf who tells her to take the day off rather than breathe germs all over his shop. Liz comes by and mentions that she kept Steve home from school, complaining about stomach pains. Must be something that's going around.

Mavis and Rita sit outside the shop, enjoying their cup of tea in the late June sunshine. Mavis tell Rita that Derek thinks a good load of topsoil would get the garden off to a good start. Rita remembers it hasn't been that long since Mavis had to crack the whip over Derek to get him to work in the garden. Not anymore, Mavis confides, now he's even reading gardening books in bed. Well, Rita says dryly, you got to do summat in bed, hadn't you? Mavis smiles in agreement until she has a think about the implications and her face slowly falls!

Kimberly is angry at Curly for Jack and Vera's performance. Her parents were quite upset and Daddy needed two cups of cocoa before he came around (LOL and I wonder what was IN those two cups of cocoa!) Curly protests that it isn't his fault he lives in a cave with the neolithic man (yes it is, you aren't jailed there are you?) He had hoped that they would have been able to behave themselves for once in their lives. Then he gets a bit stroppy with Kimberly for pricing something wrong and she goes off in a huff as Vera approaches. What's wrong with her? What do you think! Vera takes exception, it was only a tiff, everyone has them! Not like you they don't, Curly accuses, you're tiffs are like a major hiccup in the process of evolution! He stalks away and Vera hollers Hiccup? Are you saying we were drunk!!!

(Perfect line after line in today's episode except for one think. Why is Ken Barlow in this episode? None of his scenes seem to have any point to them except for a rumour he unwittingly starts)

Which brings me to.. the school where Ken encounters Andy in the hallway and starts needling him about his behaviour and his brother, accusing him of being the brains of the outfit (MacDonald twin team) or at least thinks he is and has he written on any boards lately. (is he allowed to do that to a child?) Andy keeps his cool and says yes, sir and no, sir and mentions that Steve is home sick with a stomach complaint, reckoning it might have been caused by the chips he ate at the cafe. Andy asks about Tracy and that sets Ken's teeth on edge, why does he want to know? Andy just thought she might have been ill with the same thing that Steve has. He is told that Tracy is on holidays with her mother. (So it's ok for a teacher to badger a student but not ok for a student to ask about the health of a mate even if he has harassed that mate in the past? Actually I think the twins like Tracy just the same)

In the pub at dinnertime, Derek is showing off his precise scale drawing of their garden, explaining impatiently to Mavis that the squiggles and blobs and abbreviations stand for something. You'd think anyone with an ounce of intelligence could decipher a map! Mavis is offended but feels better when Tina asks Derek is it a new board game he's got there? Behind the bar, Jack teases Betty about her hotpot causing the rash of ailments going around and Percy warns him that it's dangerous to start such kinds of rumours! (he's one to talk!)

Ken signs papers for another day's pay and asks to see Mrs. Head. He wants to know if he'll be kept on until the end of term. His life is in flux right now and it would be nice to have one thing sorted out. Wrong thing to say. She mentions how difficult it is to run the school without having problems with supply teachers too. He realizes she means the trouble with Tracy and she adds the detention incident as well. She tells him he's already brought his personal life to school and warns him to leave it at the door. She's making no promises to keep him on. We'll see.

Later Ken knocks on Emily's door and is well satisfied to get an answer to a question that's been bothering him. Deirdre and Tracy went on holiday alone, Dave did not go with them. Emily invites him in to have a cup of tea. Percy greets him and thinks he's around the street checking up on Steve who, he assures Ken, really was off colour as his mother told Percy. A stomach ailment. Ken mentions what Andy said, about Steve maybe getting it from something at the cafe which causes Percy to wonder. A bit later, Liz passes Emily on the street and says Steve is on the rec with his football. Either he was swinging the lead this morning or has made a miraculous recovery!

In the cafe, Audrey, still feeling ill, is having a cup of tea with Gail. Alma teases her and wishes she had a husband to give her thousands of pounds. Gail's tongue slips and she says she just wishes she had a husband! Ooops, forget she said that, she's happy the way she is. And anyway, mum, can wealth really buy happiness? Audrey doesn't know but is sure going to give it a hell of a go finding out! Phyllis comes in for a cup of tea and complains to Audrey about Alf's high prices so Audrey sighs and pays for the tea.

Back at Bettabuys Vera is trying to tempt Curly to coming home to have his tea but Curly is adamant that he's eating elsewhere. Kimberly seems to be giving Vera the silent treatment and Curly is having no success trying to persuade Vera to do any real work!

The cafe has suddenly gone very quiet. Jack comes in and it's empty but Gail and Alma just think it's one of those days but Jack only orders tea and bypasses the offer of a free cake. They realize something is up when he alludes to the rumours and they drag it out of him. There are rumours that the round of illnesses are caused by cafe food! Percy told him! Percy later comes in for a plate of food so he clearly doesn't believe what Ken told him but Gail and Alma refuse to serve him and is roundly criticized for spreading rumours. Percy realizes Jack was talking and chastises them for berating a loyal customer who was trying to support them in their time of need. And anyway, he heard it from Ken! He leaves 'forever' and Alma and Gail discuss who gets first crack at the butcher knife! (me, me, please!)

Now we come to the best scene of the show where we realize that size indeed DOES matter, Mavis and Derek at the garden centre discussing topsoil with the man who works there. They are told how much topsoil depends on the size of their garden. Derek queries the man, How big's a load? A truckload, big garden needs a few loads, a small garden, you want a load and a very small garden you want a half a load. Mavis says it's a very small garden. Then you want a half a load. Derek contradicts, it's not *very* small! Medium? Yes, medium but Mavis interrupts and insists it's very small. Is it small or medium? Mavis affirms, very small. Derek interrupts with a "Mavis, do you mind?" There's no way that garden is anything but small, Mavis insists. Well everything is relative, Derek says. Relatively small says she. Half a load then? the topsoil man suggests. Derek thinks it's medium. Then you want a load and a half to two loads. Well, Derek suggests, medium to small? one load. What d'you think, Derek asks (he just hates to make a decision!) You can have whatever you want. Poor man. Mavis suggests a half a load and they can always get more if they need it. But Derek makes an unilateral decision. A load. (he'll probably get enough dirt and have to create hills and valleys in the garden!) the worker mutters about small gardens and half loads and takes them off to sign the paperwork. Can't you picture the mountain of topsoil that's probably going to land in that garden? he'll be able to cover the gardens of all three houses most likely!

At Number 9, Jack and Vera are having tea of potatoes and some other disgusting unappetizing looking brown mess with brown sauce. Vera is sad, wishes they were normal and that people probably think they're dead common. Never! Curly is ashamed of us too. He won't ever bring Kimberly around anymore. She feels like he's a son but doesn't want to know them, just like their Terry. He never comes to see them. Does Jack think Terry thinks they're common too? That's just life, youngsters flying the nest. Jack assures her they aren't common, just look around! Nice house, nice furniture, loft full of pigeons, good food on the table and nice pictures! Who could think they're common? Vera thinks they really ought to try to stop shouting and fighting so much and act normal so Curly won't be ashamed of them. Jack uncertainly says it'll be asking a lot.

Meanwhile Curly has had his tea with the Taylors and ends up defending jack and Vera, as not all that bad and he rather likes staying there. Mummy Taylor politely criticizes them and correct's Curly's grammar in there too. In the end our poor Norman finds himself railroaded into lodging in their spare room with Kimberly gushing that it's just like being married!


Originally transmitted: 29 June; 2, 4, 6 & 9 July 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 25 - Friday 29 May 1998
Episode Numbers: 3088 - 3092

Monday (3088, 29 June 1990)
At Gail's house, Nicky is trying it on, hoping to be allowed to take a lunch to school of crisps and pop but is firmly told otherwise. Martin arrives home after a busy night shift and backs her up on it when Nicky tries to get his opinion. Gail is facing a tough day after a sleepless night worried about the food poisoning rumour. Martin thinks it will all blow over but she's not so sure, knowing how gossip spreads. You would think Ken Barlow would have more sense than to start rumours!

Vera is feeling peaky this morning (heartsick is more like it) Curly comes down for breakfast and agrees she doesn't look good and advises her to stay home. He wonders if Jack isn't sick too because (obviously they have finally made it up over the Lester thing) Jack comes over all sympathetic to Vera, offering to be nursemaid and sending her back up to bed. He tells Curly that Vera's not a bad lass, folk just get her all wrong because they are rowing all the time. More to her than meets the eye. Curly tells Jack he's probably going to be moving out into the Taylors' spare room!

Derek is anticipating a swift transformation into a well groomed garden. He's got a firm schedule now that the topsoil is due to be delivered this morning. (that poor little rose bush, you know, the one they buried over the budgie, it's probably going to be buried under that truckload of dirt and then the bird really will be six feet under!) Mavis promises to leave a note on the door for the delivery man telling him where she is to be found and promises to direct the delivery to the back garden.

The cafe has only been open 15 minutes but Gail is already moaning about the slow trade. Some mornings they're queued up to get in. (oh it can't be THAT good can it?) Alma agrees with Martin's opinion that it will all blow over but Gail can't wait to get her hands on Ken Barlow and it isn't for lascivious purposes! She's about ready to murder him, there will be something for the newspaper!

Curly directs a customer then leans over the freezer to talk to Kimberly who's on the other side. She's warbling on how wonderful it will be to have him living in the same house, her parents really like him and her dad offered to let him use the greenhouse whenever he wants, if he wants. (oh. Yes. I'm there now. Not.) He tells her he's had a word with Jack but Vera doesn't know yet and Reg interrupts their discussion to have a word about Vera, to see if she's really sick or just skiving off. Curly vouches for her this time though, telling the boss she couldn't even eat her breakfast.

Meanwhile, seeing as it's cheaper than a prescription and better for you, Vera is attempting to cure what ails her with drinks in the Rovers. Jack warns her only to have one more after the three she's already had and it's off home for her else she'll have a skint full! Over against the wall, Des is waiting for a sandwich order and passing the time with Rita who observes that under the influence of drink Jack and Vera can just about tolerate each other! Des mentions that Mavis and Derek are keen gardeners and Rita informs Des that although there are in fact 5000 types of grass, to hear Derek tell it sounds more like 50,000! Not many people would know that, Des laughs. Funny thing, though, Rita points out, this time last year, Derek didn't know his lupins from his hollyhocks! Before Des goes, Rita tells him and Tina that the Wilton's are expecting an overnight transformation in the garden now they've got special soil coming but Des figures if what they already have will grow weeds, it'll grow owt! He leaves with a laugh, leaving Rita to tell Tina that she already tried to tell Derek that but he's an expert. Now.

Back to jack and Vera at the bar and she asks Jack if Curly has said anything about moving out. Jack winces but denies it. Vera says she'll be just heartbroken if he goes, she knows he's not flesh and blood but he's still family all the same. He's someone to look after. She still has that mothering instinct to care for someone. She and Jack share a little laugh over a daft comment he's made and agree the pair of them are a good match. Jack tells her that Bet always says the Duckies are made for each other. Vera wonders if they should knock some off Curly's rent as an incentive but Jack doesn't think so, that was the whole reason for him being there in the first place. What will they do if Curly goes, Vera sighs.

In the cafe, Phyllis is scrutinizing the cakes and pies and biscuits, can't be too careful at her age, much to the frustration of Gail and Alma. The door opens and it's Ken, in for his dinner. He's got some nerve! Gail has a right go at him for starting rumours. What rumours? Oh you remember, Steve MacDonald? Pains in the stomach? Our chips? Oh that. Steve's fine, probably just an excuse to skive off for the day. Gail and Alma are astonished. He told Percy that Steve blamed it on their food and he's told 'em all! Ken's turn to be astonished. He didn't think Percy would take that seriously. Then you don't know Percy! He promises to put Percy straight and apologises. Look, there comes another customer now!

But it isn't, it's the health inspector. Phyllis takes all that in with curiosity, later spreading the news to the pub. Alf and Betty think there might not be smoke without fire and Alf always wondered about that cafe food! But when Tina says you could get food poisoning from anywhere, Alf takes offense that she might be implying that the food in his shop could be suspect. Dangerous way to start a rumour, that. (oh NOW you think so! not 30 seconds ago you were quite willing to carry one yourself!) Also in the pub at dinnertime Mavis and Derek are discussing the non-appearance of the topsoil. Derek is hopping mad and Mavis says she was very firm with her disappointment on the phone with the garden centre.

The health inspector has a good look around but aside from a few minor scolding points, seems satisfied at what he finds. Clean bill of health it seems.

Later that night Percy is in the pub lecturing on how you never got food poisoning back in his day but Phyllis reckons that was because there was a war on and you didn't like to complain about something so minor! She starts to flirt and Percy gets up and goes to the bar in disgust just as Ken comes in to have a word. He scolds Percy, not so much for starting the rumour, it seems to me, but for pointing the finger at him! (Again, more concerned with his own reputation. As if he had any!) He insists that it won't happen again because he just won't talk to Percy in future and also assures Percy that the food in the cafe is just fine and he can spread that around in his own little ways too! Pint, Please, Jack.

During the afternoon break, Jack goes to Bettabuys to plead his case to Curly. He apologizes for the upset with the Taylors and it won't happen again but please will he reconsider and stop with them? It's Vera you see, she'll be heartbroken. Curly protests that he can't be a crutch for their relationship and he's got his own obligations, he can't live his life to suit them. jack agrees but thinks that Vera will take it personally, he's like a son to her. He leaves Curly with that thought as Kim approaches, wanting to know what's going on. Curly will only tell her about the apology. Too right it won't happen again, she assures him, because he'll not be there for it to happen now he's moving in with them. Curly doesn't look to sure.

Steph Barnes seems to have caught Derek's gardening enthusiasm though not quite in the same way. No planting flowers, she can always buy them. But as she and Des catch some sun in their garden, she dreams about jacuzzis in solariums, conservatories and barbeque parties that go on all night!

By 6 o'clock as the Kabin closes up, Derek is now frantic that his soil isn't delivered and he's going to have to tear up his schedule! He takes Mavis by the arm and they head down to the garden centre where he rudely interrupts the owner's wife as she's serving another customer. She politely tells him her husband takes care of the delivery side of things but he's off today, so come back in the morning. That's not good enough but Derek can't do anything else but go off in clouds of threats that she hasn't heard the end of this.

Back at Number 9, Vera is even sadder now that Jack has told her of Curly's decision. Curly arrives back from work with flowers for Vera to cheer her up and tells her maybe he overreacted (the Taylors thing I think). She tells him that it were all them. Well, he suggests, let's let bygones be bygones. Vera tells him she's going to miss him and Curly tells them he's been thinking about his decision and it's probably better all around if he stops on with them for awhile. Not quite ready to leave the nest yet! (and glad of the excuse not to have to discuss Daddy Taylor's tomatoes on a daily basis, too, I'll wager!) Vera and Jack perk up immeasurably and a bottle of Cinzano is opened for celebration. Later in the pub, Curly gets round Kimberly by telling her that if he stayed with her, he might not be able to keep a grip on his carnal urges should they find themselves in the house alone together. She sees this as a reasonable excuse and agrees it's ok he stays where he is. (God Forbid that poor girl be tempted in anyway! ;\ )

Martin has taken the kids to the cafe before he's off for a night shift and glad to hear everything went well for Gail with the inspector. It's all over now. After he leaves, Alma suggests to Gail that they go out tomorrow night for a drink to celebrate but is informed they will both be giving the place a good scrub down first! Just to be on the safe side!

Mavis calms Derek down by telling him it's not the worst thing that could happen, not getting their topsoil on time and he realizes that he's overreacted. He offers to take her out for a really nice meal, anywhere she wants. They chat about what they'd like to order as they turn into the street and behold a mountain of dirt in front of their house on the pavement, the front garden and halfway out into the street itself! No soup for you!!


Tuesday (3089, 2 July 1990)
A curious crowd gathers around Mount Wilton much to the dismay of Mavis and Derek inside. Derek is going to the Garden Centre to insist that someone move the soil, he's not going to give them any choice. A delivery means in a suitable place after all!. Mavis worries that there is too much soil but Derek is confident that it will be fine once it is spread properly (does he expect the GC people to do that too?) Outside, Percy and Emily are joined by Des and Steph. Steph thinks the mountain would look just right with a little garden gnome on top! Des teases her that she never did get Kevin Webster off her mind! (Can Arthur and Gwenivere be far behind? Actually Alec is the one that reminds me of a garden gnome!!) Mavis and Derek go outside, assuring them all that the soil was put there in error and he promises it will be moved. Alf wonders if hi's got planning permission and Percy reminds Derek that if it is still there when it gets dark it will want lighting and bollards (? those orange traffic cones maybe?)

Gail lays out her schedule for the day to a sleepy Martin. Opening up as usual and then top to bottom cleaning when they shut. Arrangements have been made for the kids as Martin is still on nights. He'll have some chores to do and he'll have to fend for himself for his dinner, all of which he takes good naturedly.

Curly is having to re-explain to Kimberly about why he made the decision to stay with Jack and Vera. Kimberly doesn't let him get many words in as she drones on about their hose, saving because he wouldn't have to pay rent and she just doesn't understand why he's got against the idea. He tries to assure her but she tells him her mother commented (brainwashed her by putting ideas into her head) that perhaps Curly is just looking for and excuse to avoid marriage all together. Curly tells her it's not fair of her mother to say things like that and it's not true. Vera sticks her head into the staff room to warn them that Mr. Holdsworth is in the building. Curly tries to assert his right to decide for himself but has to come over all professional in a split second as Reg pops through the door. (Ok, so he's not Kramer of Seinfeld fame but he does make a rather quirky entrance, does Reg) Kimberly goes off and Mr. Holdsworth tells of an appointment he must attend that afternoon at Head Office and hints to Norman that he may not be encumbered with the Brackets Trainee part of his title much longer! Curly smiles proudly.

Audrey stops in the cafe to confirm that she's picking up the kids, only Alf got the wrong end of it and she just wanted to confirm that what she understood was right. After she leaves, Alma tries her best to get out of the cleaning. She first says she forgot and told Mike they would be going out. She then tries to get Gail to pay for industrial cleaners. But that's too expensive. Gail tries to impress on Alma that it's important after the close call so Alma tries to hint that if they did the cleaning it would be as much as admitting guilt. No go. Gail blackmails Alma, saying she'll do it alone if she has to, knowing even Alma wouldn't let her do that, pregnant as she is. (I worry about the fumes from the cleaners and bleach!)

Mavis gets increasingly touchy as the morning goes on and one after another, each customer asks what that soil is doing on her front step. She snaps at them all that it was a mistake and will be taken care of. Meanwhile, Derek is his usual masterful self and getting trod all over by the Garden Centre owner. He is told it's his own fault for not giving them full and proper instructions where to deliver it! Derek blusters and insists but all he gets is a sales pitch for a barrow and a spade.

In the pub at dinnertime, Liz (clad in a loose red blouse and short white skirt, not too short and tight but not too tight but we're seeing more leg than we have before) Well, she asks Betty and Emily about Ken Barlow. He's teaching her lads and all she knows of him is him leaving his wife or getting into fights in the Rovers. Betty and Emily assure her Ken is a very nice man and an excellent teacher. Jack isn't so sure (smart man) and cites his making a mess of everything, his marriage, his business and even his girlfriend chucked him out. Emily reprimands Jack, saying they all make mistakes. Jack doesn't see that as an excuse. It's a character flaw, Ken being one of the half a bitter brigade that seems afraid to get their throat wet. That should be in his favour, Betty thinks, but Jack corrects her on that opinion. A man who makes a fool of himself from the drink at least has an excuse. If he only drinks half a bitter, he has no excuse for making a fool of himself. Derek belly's up to the bar and orders a half a bitter. Need I say more? Derek is telling Mavis that he was basically blamed for the botched delivery. He'll just have to set to himself, there's no alternative. Mavis wishes she could do something to help. It was a rhetorical question but not where Derek is concerned. Does she think Rita could spare her that afternoon? He could find the spade for her!

Under very green lighting, Reg is telling Curly he's just getting off to Head Office (I suspect the cameras were shooting under the fluorescent lights without the benefit of extra lighting. Very distracting) After he leaves, Kimberly approaches and sadly tells Curly her mother was right, he doesn't want to get married and she gives him back the ring, rushing off in floods of tears. Later she tells Vera that she regrets her hasty actions. She realizes Curly was right about the living arrangements but he'll probably never speak to her again now. Vera comforts her and we hear Curly's voice paging Miss Taylor to the manager's office, immediately. There now, he'll be wanting to make it up!

Alma returns to the cafe, having bought out Bettabuys' cleaning materials department, and gazing dubiously at the walls, of which every inch must be scrubbed, according to Gail. The MacDonald boys are just about to leave but are sidetracked by Percy who thinks they ought to take up the challenge of helping out a neighbour by moving a mountain for the Wiltons. When he were a lad he would have relished the challenge. Yeah, yeah and the boys have plenty of excuses why not. Percy shakes his head over the state of the youth today while Phyllis looks up lovingly and says he's more of a man than the two of them put together. (at his age, it would take 3 or 4 of them!). He looks at her and just as I expect a "you're barmy, woman" he actually tells her that for a daft old woman, she does make sense some of the time!

The boys have had a think about the project though, and approach Mavis in the Kabin offering to shift the load for her but for a price. £10 between them. Rita counter-offers 5 but they won't do it for that. Mavis calls them back and agrees to give them £10 if they can have it moved before Derek gets home. She can hardly wait to see the smile on his face! She tells Rita later that she's almost glad it was left in the wrong place!

The boys are busy beavering away to Percy's approval when their mother comes by. What she wants to know is are they in some trouble that they're making up for or are they being paid over the mark. They admit they're being paid well. Oh, that's all right then. Get on with it!

After the cafe shuts, Alma makes one last effort to get out of cleaning as they don the rubber gloves and mix the bleach but it's no use.

Later in the Kabin, Jack is perusing the racing forms as Mavis comments to Rita how well the boys are doing with the dirt. What dirt, Jack asks. Rita and Mavis are stunned to realize that Jack, who has walked past the dirt back and forth all day, never noticed it. He says he just has so much on his mind! He read about a fella named Albert Einstein, think he was famous but not sure what for. The Greek Chorus replies, Scientist. Oh, probably, Jack says, anyway, he was always going out in all sorts of weather without a hat or coat, not even any proper shoes except carpet slippers. He had so much on his mind all the time that he never noticed the weather. (and you're comparing yourself to Albert Einstein???? Well maybe the hair looks the same first thing in the morning! oh, yeah, and you're both men. though in jack's case, Vera would even contradict that one!)

Later Kimberly is at the Duckworth's for tea. Seems Curly did want to make up and gave her the ring back and everything. Kimberly is so happy and relieved that she didn't mess it up after all. Curly comes down in a nice sweater and shirt, reminding her that he has to meet up with Mr. Holdsworth later in the pub to see if he did get his promotion. Vera is confident and it's about time too!

Derek is indeed breathless and excited that the soil has been shifted and Mavis tells him she saw to it, got the MacDonald lads to do it. But when they go out back to see, Derek ungratefully complains that they just dumped it without even spreading it. It is an identical mountain in the back garden as it was in the front. How you can do that without pouring it out of the back of a lorry I'll never know! (And the rose bush has disappeared under the 20 foot high peak! Steph and Des come out and Step asks Derek if Mavis made the earth move for him. Mavis is annoyed and says "She did! But she won't be doing it again. He can make his own earth move the next time!" (hahahahaha) She storms back inside, followed by Derek. Des laughs to Steph that a good trick would be to move it all back to the front after dark. You wouldn't! No! he wouldn't (too much work!)

In the pub Reg tells Curly that he is indeed now officially an Assistant Manager. He also tells Curly that Head Office thinks he will go far, a coming man! A word of advice, right or wrong, the firm looks down on management-staff liaisons and he's noticed Curly and Kimberly spending a lot of time together. The future can be yours, Norman, but don't expect to see Miss Taylor by your side! Understand? Yes, sir!

At the hospital, Martin and his friend Nick are taking care of business when a stretcher patient arrives through emergency. It's Gail!! Alma says she had a fall and though she might be losing the baby so Alma called an ambulance! Martin rushes down the hall behind the gurney!!

Mr. Linkwater KEITH CLIFFORD Nick Norbury MARK HALLET [I also noticed that Steve MacDonald's credit is now Simon Gregory Allen!]

Wednesday (3090, 4 July 1990)
Gail has a close call. Alma causes trouble. Where are Jenny and Flick going?

We begin shortly after where we left off yesterday, it's still the evening after Gail was rushed to hospital. Martin and Alma are waiting anxiously for some word on her condition. Ama tells Martin that they were almost done their chores. Gail was up some steps and the next thing Alma knew she wasn't up there anymore. Martin, in his anxiety, looks to blame someone as is the usual response for this sort of thing. I just wish he could learn to be angry, the actor that is, he's doing that fake tight lipped grimace and mumbling again. He accuses Alma of letting Gail do such heavy work, she's pregnant, you should have stopped her. Alma reminds Martin how difficult it is to stop Gail doing anything she's determined to do. Blame her if you must but it was an accident, truly. Then Martin insinuates it wasn't an accident at all, since Gail never really wanted to be pregnant in the first place. Alma thinks that's just stupid, she wouldn't go around chucking herself off ladders. That's the last thing she needs to hear and he's the last person she needs to hear it from! The Ward Sister comes out and makes it known that Martin is quite the secretive boy, isn't he, for keeping his obviously full personal life a secret from those he works with. She tells them that Gail is all right for now but needs her rest so they should wait a bit longer to see her. martin apologizes to Alma and they go off to find a cup of tea.

Percy is telling Don and Ivy (and anyone else's ear he can find to bend) in the pub about the MacDonald lads' neighbourly gesture helping out Mrs. Wilton at his suggestion. He doesn't know yet they were paid over the odds for it! Jenny and Flick come in telling Tina and Betty that they have been sacked from their summer job in a sweet factory. Who needs it anyway! They discuss the situation and decide to go to France to try to get jobs. Jenny tells Flick of her adventures in France three years ago when she went over with Martin but got separated from him, ending up picking grapes and falling in love with and getting engaged to a Frenchman called Patrice. Flick is dubious and doubts the story. But they decide to go the day after tomorrow, stopping off at Flick's parents' house in Canterbury for a night or two on the way. Except when Flick tries to call her parents, her flaky sister gets on the phone and Flick decides the message probably won't get through so decides to call tomorrow.

Reg is still talking to Curly after telling him about his promotion. He warns Curly of the dangers of getting involved with staff members, it's just policy. Curly things it shouldn't concern head office but is told if he wants to reach the high echelons he's got to toe the line. The chairman is fond of the Jesuits! Vera and Kimberly come in, hoping to hear if Curly got his promotion. They watch the two men talk and Kimberly observes that Curly doesn't look too happy. Vera says that Curly doesn't smile all that much so that doesn't mean anything. Reg notices them come in and leaves them to their celebration but mind what he said. He despises the policy as much as Norman (can you say Mrs. Dodds???) but there you are. Vera and Kim are delighted to hear Curly is now an official assistant manager.

Back at the hospital, Martin's friend Nick tells Martin it would be ok to nip home and sort out the kids and get some stuff for Gail even though he's on duty so Alma stays at the hospital in case Gail needs anything. Martin tells Alf and Audrey about the news and in the end they decide to take the kids back to their house for the night and see Gail in the morning. Alf gets volunteered to go and tell Don and Ivy. Alf looks like he'd just as soon face the lions in the Roman Forum as a doomed Christian!

Later in the pub, there is general chit chat as Mike waits for Alma and Vera and Emily talk gardens. Vera doesn't see the need for any more space than to hang her washing and put out the dustbin. Emily thinks it would be nice to be able to plant some flowers though and watch them grow from seeds to blooms. Vera comments that they cost money though, flowers, they don't grow on trees! HHHHHeh! She seems quite pleased with her little joke and I'm laughing out loud. That's my girl! (I know it's a sad little joke but that's just the sort I like! LOL) Over by the wall, Curly is sounding Kimberly out about if she'd ever like to work somewhere else but she's so very happy at Bettabuys, never wants to work somewhere else and with Curly there, that's just an added bonus! he seems quite reluctant to break the news that Head Office will frown severely on their relationship.

After hearing the news, Ivy wants to go straight to the hospital in case Gail needs anything but Don puts her off until the morning. She won't be alone, she's got Martin if she needs owt. Ivy doesn't look as if she thinks that's an altogether great prospect.

At the hospital, Martin visits Gail who's hooked up to a baby heart monitor. She's feeling ok but tired. She tells hm that all thoughts and doubts about being pregnant went out the window when she was lying in the ambulance thinking she was about to lose the baby. She really wants it, she does. Martin tells her not to worry.

The next morning, Alma is picking up some shopping in Alf's and they chat about Gail. No news yet this morning. Phyllis overhears Alma's complaint about the busy caff and offers her temporary services. Alma actually accepts and sounds grateful! Ivy drops in to see Alf and says things about Gail's predicament being in God's hands now which is all true but then she says something about some folk thinking they can flout the natural way of things and there's usually a price to be paid. This seems a bit dicey to me but giving her the benefit of the doubt, she might be talking about Gail tempting Fate by doing all that heavy cleaning while pregnant. However, Alma puts words in Ivy's mouth and misinterprets it, assuming she meant that Gail deserved losing the baby either because she isn't married or because Martin is so much younger and the two of them slang it out while Alf, in the middle, tries in vain to break it up. Alma calls it primitive superstition and Ivy tells Alma to look to her own values before questioning others', she'll not stand for taking that abuse from Alma's sort.

martin brings some flowers to Gail and updates her on the kids. Sister comes in to check and gives him the 5 minute warning. Poor Martin was up all night at work and has to come in later, which he confirms to Nick who comes to find him. Gail asks Martin to bring in a picture of the kids so she'll have something to look at if she ends up being in there awhile.

At Bettabuys, Vera and Kimberly observe Mr. Holdsworth and Mr. Watts having a discussion. Kimberly is in awe of their businesslike demeanor, always talking about serious things while us women just talk gossip.

What they are discussing is an idea that Curly had had awhile back. Reg took it to Head Office and they gave it the go ahead. That was the idea about a free bus service locally to and from the store to help bring in more customers. Curly is pleased that his idea had merit but is overwhelmed when Reg gives him all the responsibility of organizing it. The poor lad's head seems about to explode with questions as he encounters Vera and Kim. What do you know about busses? You need a bus, where do you get one? What size do you need? And drivers. You need a driver. What about bus stops? Do you need 'em or can you just stop anywhere these days? Remind me not to put forth any more suggestions! He goes off in a daze leaving Kim to say I told You it was a serious discussion. Vera looks after Curly and says, sounds more fatal to her!

In the pub at lunch Jenny gets Betty to back up her story about France and Patrice, which she does. Mike and Alf chat about Gail and the cafe and Tina tells Jenny that just because she had a bad experience in France doesn't mean they will, and wishes them well. Mind you, you won't be going with a football team will you! (but put it that way and it sounds a most interesting adventure doesn't it?!)

In the cafe the twins pull Alma's leg about ordering chips (re the most recent food poisoning scare) while Phyllis fusses over Percy. Percy praises loudly for the boys' recent chores and pays for their snack. They admit to him that they did get paid but let Percy think they did it to begin with out of the goodness of their hearts, expecting no recompense. Alma tells Martin her interpretation of Ivy's bible thumping but that he's not to tell Gail. He should probably keep Ivy away from Gail though if Ivy's going to go on like that and he agrees.

Flick has bad news for Jenny. Her grandmother is ill in Karachi and her parents have to fly out to see her. That means Flick has been given the responsibility of looking after her little sister, Joanne who wants to come up north to stay. It will only be for a few weeks and then they can go to France after that. Jenny is disappointed but understands.

Martin finds Don and Ivy visiting Gail and immediately assumes the worst, being very rude to them. He confronts her with her ideas that Gail deserves this and she vehemently denies that she would ever say that Gail deserves this but she knows where it came from! He doesn't want Gail upset and they end up rowing furiously until the Ward Sister breaks it up and throws them all out leaving Gail to lean back and look utterly miserable. Or maybe she's just thinking. You can't always tell with that face! :))

Ward Sister LAURA COX Nick Norbury MARK HALLET

Thursday (3091, 6 July 1990)
Gail's feeling much better today and the ward sister says she'll be allowed out of bed today but only the doctor can say when she can go home. Sister seems to be a great admirer of Martin, telling Gail he can cope, he's a very capable bloke. She has lots more praise for Martin, saying he's made himself indispensable in this hospital. Not only in the hospital, Gail smiles lovingly. (What is it about Martin and older women falling for his charm? At this point he's just a skinny lad but he's got the pair of them eating out of his hands!) Meanwhile, Martin is hoovering and has the house in ship shape order. Don comes to the house for a word and Martin knows what about. He was tired and overreacted and he's sorry. Don says that in the end the both of them upset Gail which she doesn't need. Martin reckons maybe he should just stay away from Ivy in future given the trouble between them. Don doesn't think that's a good idea, after all they both really have Gail's best interests at heart. Don says there's nothing Ivy wouldn't do for Gail and the kids. Aye but she does have a funny way of showing it sometimes doesn't she? He doesn't want Ivy going on about sin and all that, adding to Gail's stress, he's going to make sure Gail is all right and has no worries.

Flick shops at Bettabuys and runs into Curly, literally, as he steps back to get a perspective on a poster and crashes into her cart. He asks her about the new poster advertising the new free bus and would she use it? Sure she would, if it's convenient. She is assured it will be. Reg admires the poster greatly . It's simple, catchy and rhythmic. They have a professional discussion (if you can call that pompous discussion professional) about the poster and its logistics, semantics and all of its parts from the authoritative banner to it's slogan to it's open space at the bottom allowing changeable messages, notices and bus route descriptions. Supreme praise from Mr. Holdsworth causes Curly to quote him, where there's a will, there's a supermarket manager. Curly is able to clap Reg about the shoulders as Reg usually does to him. The routes are all decided and awaiting approval, will be printed and delivered. Curly has taken this project firmly and enthusiastically in hand in spite of an initial bout of doubts.

At eh cafe, Audrey is complaining to Alma about Ivy and Martin's bust up in front of Gail, she's supposed to be kept quiet and rested, anything could have happened. Percy and Phyllis tussle over her interruptions to his reading with her table cleaning efforts and he ends up leaving in a huff, after complaining about the staff to the management. Audrey jokes to Alma that if Phyllis can get rid of Percy, maybe they should bundle her to the hospital to ward off Ivy!

Flick struggles home with her shopping, up the ginnel. A bag breaks near the MacDonald's house and Steve, who is out back shining up a bike that Jim is fixing for someone, gallantly helps her. He is then teased for it by his brother who is supposed to be revising for a test. They decide to take a break from their respective chores for a buttie and a go at the cafe fruit machine at the cafe.

In the house, Flick puts away the shopping and tells Jenny about the new free bus service coming, and praises Steve for helping her. Once the bus starts there will be no more struggling with bags.

Alf and Audrey chat generally in the shop and Alf mentions that Alma isn't really a ver good business person. You've got to be one step ahead in this business especially if you are running a small business. Look at that empty retail shop across from the rovers. If either one of them had any sense they'd have the cafe moved in there before someone else got their hands on it. You've got to be alert to changing circumstances. (I don't think he's going to like the changing circumstances of a one-step-ahead free bus service taking his trade. It's all right to be a dog-eat-dog if you're the eater rather than the eaten!)

Steve and Andy mess about with the fruit machine. Steve doesn't want to give Andy any more money after he already lost his pound so Andy puts his own 50p in until Phyllis warns them off since they are underage. They figure she just wants the to leave after watching them for a half an hour because she knows the jackpot is about to go. She righteously tells them she doesn't gamble. But they do win a small jackpot of what looks like 6 or 8 £1 coins and go off happily, leaving her to hit the machine in frustration (don't gamble you say?) She does smile however when she finds a forgotten £1 coin in the tray!

Curly has one of his posters in the pub and is putting a "coming soon to Coronation Street" notice in the Open Space. Percy notices it and approves of Curly's idea. Curly tells him it will start up in a few days. Elsewhere Jenny is having a drink with Liz while Flick goes to fetch Joanne from the train station. Jenny wonders if they'll need advice from Liz as a mother of teenagers and tells her that Flick was singing Steve's praises for helping this morning. Liz reckons it was only because he thought Flick was an attractive girl and Jenny smiles and agrees. Liz says that Steve was always the thoughtful one, unlike his brother (Scuse me? have they had a personality transplant/switch with each other since they first appeared on the show?) She hopes they do well enough to stay on in school and get some qualifications. Jenny thinks they surely will, they're both bright enough. Liz says Steve will muddle through, he always does, but Andy thought smart, gets lazy about it. (right! definitely a personality switch! These days Andy was always known as the smart one, the "good" one, the one who was meant to do something with his life not like layabout Steve. Liz made it sound the opposite in those days!) She says Andy is just like her at that age and look what happened to her (i.e. pregnant at 16).

A taxi arrives and Flick and Jenny get out with Andy helping with Joanne's case. He seems quite taken when he is introduced to Joanne and they exchange shy smiles.

There is not shy smile on Alf's face when he crosses the road and sees the poster for the free bus service in Rita's shop window. Percy says it's competition and about time! Later back in his own shop he is in full fret, upset that Rita is promoting Bettabuys. After all, he took a half day off and went bed shopping with her! Audrey tries to hush him and calm him while fussing over Sarah Louise. He thinks this could very well ruin him, he can't compete with Bettabuys' prices! Emily tactfully suggests the bus might just be a novelty soon worn off. And after all he's done for Holdsworth, Alf continues (right, a roof over his head for which Reg pays dearly for!) Audrey takes the kids over to the hospital to visit Gail and warns Alf not to fret so much, she doesn't want to be visiting two people in hospital.

At tea time, Joanne isn't hungry, having eaten on the train. Flick fusses and is annoyed by Joanne calling her "Fizzel" (I think, something like that) which must be a childhood version of "Felicity") Joanne mentions often being hungry at midnight and Flick has something to say about bed time hours too. They agree on a deal, though, after Joanne scolds Flick for acting like a mother, this is supposed to be a holiday for her, an adventure. The deal is, Flick will stop acting like the heavy older sister if Joanne stops calling her Fizzel. Joanne then asks if she can raid Flick's closet rather than wear her mother's choice of sensible clothes that she was made to pack. Jenny speculates that Joanne will be a handful and need keeping an eye on. (You have no idea!

Audrey has the kids in to see Gail who is up and about. She agrees to take them to Ivy for their tea but Audrey honestly doesn't know how Gail can be so charitable towards Ivy. She doesn't want any running feuds. She does mention worrying about the cafe but Audrey tells her not to rush it. Alma and Phyllis can manage. PHYLLIS!? Now Gail really has cause to worry, with Alma in charge and Phyllis aiding and abetting but Audrey tells her to rest. It's all ok. Gail thinks the sooner she gets well, the better!

The Bettabuys bus, festooned with balloons and banners, arrives at the back of the supermarket to the cheers of the onlooking staff. Reg and Curly board the bus to have a look and a photo op out the side window of the drivers seat. Curly gets to sit at the wheel since it was his idea. He must be so proud. Reg wants a couple of the more photogenic female staff in a picture but Vera and Kimberly push their way on instead! Kim clutches Curly and Vera clamps on to Reg with enthusiasm. (that's what I like most about Vera. She may be common and loud and rough around the edges but she has so much enthusiasm for life and I do love her sense of humour and her strength!)

The doctor checks over Gail and tells her she can go home tomorrow. He tells her to take things easy and when he hears about the cafe which his physical work and standing, he says he suggests she not go back for awhile but it's up to her.

Audrey leaves the kids with Ivy, saying Gail especially told her to. After she leaves, Ivy sarcastically comments that Audrey was really just glad of the break but Don gently scolds her. Ivy says she just wishes people would say what they mean. (oh, like you do I suppose???) Don agrees with me and says sometimes it's better if they didn't.

In the pub Alma is moaning about Phyllis driving away customers. Maybe she should ask Audrey to help out but doesn't really want to because Audrey has so much on her plate already. Mike says profits are more important (he would) and Alf might be glad of the extra income if this bus takes off. Reg comes in, checking the place out first and thinks the coast is clear so advances to the bar. But the coast isn't clear as Alf was lying in wait in the corner and accosts Reg for trying to ruin him with the free bus. Reg is very political and says he would never be vindictive to the man who gave him a roof over his head. This was all Norman's idea and head office gave him the go ahead. Not up to him at all.

Gail fondly greets Martin who is pleased to see she's up and about and coming home tomorrow. What about the cafe he asks after apologising for causing the trouble the night before. She tells him she won't be going back to the cafe right away, there are more important things now.

Doctor ROGER WATKINS Ward Sister LAURA COX First appearance of Joanne Khan TANIA RODRIGUES [Steve Macdonald's credit seems to be back to SIMON GREGORY]

Friday (3092, 29 July 1990)
Gail's home. Andy's in Love. Reg has been warned.

This morning we see Mike sorting through his mail and deciding which is the lucky bill to be paid this week. Ah. The gold card. Alma remembers when Mike used to boast about his bills rather than moan about them and, seeing the gold card bill, reckons he could do or suffer anything but keep the gold card! He laughs, use it or lose it! (The status, you understand). He asks when Gail is coming back to work but Alma has no idea and knows that Gail wouldn't be off unless she had a good reason. Well she didn't lose the baby did she? Mike asks, and says having a baby is one thing, running a business is another. Alma should tell her to get back to work or get another partner. Right and should I tell her that when she's in the hospital? No, of course not, wait until she gets home. You lose a fortune running back and forth to the hospital all the time! Oh, if she thought he was as much of a swine as he pretends! Anyway, she's got to go open up, hoping Audrey might be able to help out later.

Audrey is, at the moment, going to mind Sarah Lou and do a bit of cleaning up while Martin goes to get Gail and fetch her home. Martin thanks her for all she's done, knowing she and Gail don't always see eye to eye. Audrey protests, she's my child! No matter what, as you'll soon know, you never stop worrying and fretting over them. It's healthy when it's your child but Alfeh is doing it over his shop!

Indeed he is, as he comments to Jim that having the manager of Bettabuys living in his flat is like adding insult to injury in the bus business.

Liz lectures Steve for reading a motorbike magazine instead of his school books but Steve rather thinks it's more practical, he'd have a better chance at a job at a bike shop than a bank anyway. Liz asks where Andy is to which Steve comments Who Cares? Actually he's upstairs trying to make himself look like Mickey Rourke (not in a million years!) Who? Oh Mom! Well she doesn't know who it is, what does he look like? Steve describes that rather rough and tumble sexy actor as a constipated gorilla and figures Andy's half way there already! Liz wonders what's brought all this on and Steve hasn't a clue.

What it is, is Joanne Khan who is at that moment, laying on the sofa, reading a magazine of her own, chewing bubble gum and happily plugged into her walkman. Flick nags her to take the rubbish out so she, leaving the music on her head, bounces and dances outside and when she notices Andy hanging out his window, sashays a little more, not letting on she's seen him. When she goes back inside, Flick sighs over her.

Gail comes home under Martin's watchful eye to a perfectly spotlessly clean house. She picks up Sarah to Audrey's warnings but says the doctor told her to just be sensible. She's not going to be like an invalid lying down all the time. Audrey is on her way to the cafe to help out which greatly puts Gail's mind at ease though, after Audrey leaves, wonders if it isn't any worse having Audrey and Alma in charge than it was having Alma and Phyllis in charge. But she promises not to worry about it. Martin is glad she's home and glad she didn't lose the baby. She agrees and thinks on the close call she's had.

Phyllis is, indeed driving Alma nuts. They bicker over Phyllis's habit of wiping tables in and under and around customers who are still eating. Very unappetizing, Alma says, rather she wait until they leave when the table is empty. Audrey arrives much to Alma's relief and Phyllis's outrage. Audrey doesn't even know cafe work and Alma will spend all of her time showing her how but Alma won't be side tracked. Please, Phyllis, Please! Audrey is ready to get stuck in and asks what first? Shoot Phyllis, implores Alma. Honestly, everything is an argument and she loves it! Audrey promises to stay as long as needed, rather be there than in the shop with Alfeh today!

Why? Because the Bettabuys bus is heading down Coronation Street, with Curly on the loudspeaker and handing out vouchers. Customer's board and Deirdre and Sally stand outside the shop watching. Alf, however, is not amused and charges at the bus in full rage, throwing himself in front of it, to stop it. He lets Curly have it with both barrels, threatening him and damaging the door of the bus a bit, for taking away all his customers. Curly defends his passengers as it was their own free will to get on, after all and Coronation Street was the more convenient route to Victoria Street. Even Emily boards the bus but only after establishing that she isn't obliged to shop there, only wants the free transportation partway into town. Alf blusters and rages so much that Deirdre and Sally try to calm him down, fearing for his health. They pull him away so the bus can get on but he runs out into the street, calling after the bus, You won't get away with this, You Traitors! (I would think the official city transit unions would have something to say about this wouldn't you? Seeing as Halifax is currently embroiled in a transit strike, these things are upmost in my mind at the moment!)

After a guilt-nag lecture, Liz manages to get Andy off his butt and go to the shop for her to get some butter. He does and who's there but Joanne who becomes much less talkative when Andy walks in. (Sally had been engaging her in a get to know you conversation). On the way out, though, she smiles at Andy who isn't long following her out of the shop, butterless! Alf tells Sally he has to go out for a bit.

Andy catches up with Joanne and persuades her to go for a walk. He plays the bored teenager living in a boring neighbourhood. I don't think she is overly impressed with his lack of ambition, especially when he tells her he's leaving school soon, he's 16 after all. I suppose thinking he sounds grown up and worldly but she's not impressed. She's staying on, herself, and planning to go into sciences. He tries to backtrack saying school is just boring that's all but she points out that he seems to be bored with everything. He tells a bit whopper when he says he has a brother, but "much younger" and makes plans to see her that night.

Liz is on the verge of sending Steve out searching for Andy or to the shop for that butter when Andy returns. No butter. Where were you? Went for a walk. Just a walk, alone. Liz wonders if he's got a girlfriend but Steve thinks that's hardly likely.

When Joanne gets home, she, too, gets the same lecture. Where were you and why didn't you tell her (Flick) where she was going? Joanne accuses her sister of being pathetic and pompous and runs upstairs. Jenny rather agrees with her but poor Flick is feeling the weight of the responsibility. Jenny thinks Joanne is sensible and intelligent but Flick isn't so sure about the sense part.

at Bettabuys, Vera is trying to convince Kimberly that she and Curly should go on a holiday together. What's wrong with it, you're engaged now? Kim witters on about saving to get married and Vera asks her if she's saving "everything" till she gets married now that she's engaged. Of course she is, didn't Vera wait until marrying Mr. Duckworth? (little prig, not for wanting to wait but for being so obnoxious and sanctimonious about it) Vera says that particular little piggy bank had already been rifled plenty! Mr. Holdsworth strides up, head looking around like a weathervane swinging! He tells them that if anyone asks, they haven't seen him and don't know where he is. He slinks off down an aisle and not long after, Alf comes up to Vera and asks where Reg is. Vera manages to keep her gob shut without telling an outright lie (over which she's rather pleased) so it's Spy Vs. Spy as Alf tries to trace Reg's whereabouts through the aisles of the supermarket, encountering Emily! (Et Tu?) She tries to make an excuse but then says she has the right to shop anywhere she likes. Alf, betrayed, points out that the jam price has only saved her tuppence!

Later, Reg pokes his head into the empty pub at opening time, and seeing the coast is clear, comes in for a pint. Jim comes in behind him, hoping to have a bit of peace and quiet in the early opening hours but ends up snapping at Reg, not wanting to hear his offered opinion on ... whatever, didn't catch it and it's probably not al that important anyway. Alf enters and Reg knows there's no escape. Alf gets in Reg's face about the bus, the inconvenient to him and probably illegal bus. He ends up threatening Reg with homelessness if he doesn't reroute that bus far from his shop!


Originally transmitted: 11, 13, 16, 18 & 20 July 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 1 - Friday 5 June 1998
Episode Numbers: 3093 - 3097

Monday (3093, 11 July 1990)
A lot of beans are spilled. Andy gets bird dogged. There are many unofficial, unappointed bosses!

Martin is having a time this morning, Nicky and Sarah are being awkward about eating their breakfast this morning and on top of all that aggro, Phyllis shows up, mainly i think, to make sure Gail knows she's pulling her fair share in case Alma or Audrey complain to Gail that she isn't. She SAYS she's there to check on Gail and is told she's fine, but needs her rest. Gail comes downstairs anyway. Phyllis wastes no time launching into her attack on Alma and Audrey both, a matching pair that don't like to get their hands dirty. Especially Audrey who really isn't cut out for work at all, one of life's customers, her! Martin tries to divert her, Gail doesn't need the stress but Phyllis has her say. (Strategy!)

Reg is trying to backpedal about the bus. He tries to convince Curly that they need to fine tune the routes and feels they should bypass Coronation Street because alf is breathing fire and smoke. Curly quotes Reg, Buisiness is not charity. But Alf is a friend and landlord, Reg protests. However when Curly points out that Head Office won't look kindly on doing a competitor a personal favour, Reg backs down, "aye, aye. Right. Carry on then."

In the shop, alf tells Sally and Deirdre that he has firmly put his foot down to Reg over the bus issue, confident that there will be no more problems with busses taking away his customers. Deirdre supposes alf threatened him? No, of course not, there's just an esprit de corps among grocers, a moral code. Moral Code? You mean "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours?" Alf looks as if he is being accused of something underhanded. (You know, some of these actors have such expressive faces, don't they? Alf, Curly, Vera... You can read every emotion on their faces. Just about all of the cast at this point is like that, really, the more i think of it. These days.....*sigh*)

At Number 7, Flick is giving Joanne the once and twice over about how late she came in last night (only 10:30!) and she gets the expected "You're not the boss of me" reply. Flick insists she is for the duration, she's responsible. etc. etc. She leaves the room and Jenny quickly asks Joanne where she was and who with, hoping for a good gossip. She gets it. Joanne admits she was with the boy from Number 11. Which one, Jenny asks? Andy of course, i wouldn't go out with his brother, he's just a little kid! Jenny tells Flick she's the one that's been victim of a little kidding! Flick then takes Joanne off to help with the shopping.

Over at Number 11, the kid is chewing his fingernails and watching the tv, much to Liz's annoyance because he can't think of anything better to do (which? the fingernails or the tv?) Andy comes down with a jacket that needs cleaning and offers to take it and his dad's jacket to the cleaners and can he borrow some money? He wants to get his hair cut. Steve razzes him for that but before Liz can send Steve to the barber with him, Andy's out the door. Liz knows something's up and so does Steve, especially since Andy wouldn't admit where he went or who he was with last night.

With the lunch rush (barely) over, Alma folds her pinnie and decides she must go for supplies. Need supplies to run a caff! While she's in the back getting her coat, Audrey cynically reasons that Gail was right, Alma certainly does swan off when she gets the chance. Phyllis sniffs and says there's another one not fond of work. This little barb makes its mark and it doesn't get by Audrey. She and Phyllis then start arguing when Audrey tells Phyllis to start the washing up. Phyllis informs Audrey she isnt' the boss of her and they both insist they are in charge when Alma is out. Alma hedges her bets when asked, saying they are just one big happy family! She scoots out before she gets caught in the crossfire which is the glaring daggers looks Phyllis and Audrey give each other down their noses!

In the shop, Liz suggests to Sally that she have a chair by the cash. Can't be too careful, look what happened to Gail when she was overdoing it. Sally agrees. Jenny bounces in and spills some beans by teasing Liz about her Don Juan son sweeping Joanne off her feet, no not Steve, Andy! Liz promptly picks up the beans, takes them home and spills them all over Steve who is still staring at the tube. Andy's mystery woman is Joanne Khan, Felicity's sister. Steve figures she must not be much to look at if she's interested in Andy but Liz says, she's quite pretty!

(This is where the transmission when afoul and all i got for the rest of the show was coloured blocks moving about as if it were one of those 3D pictures that were all the rage a few years ago and you had to look at them cross eyed to see if there was a sail boat amids the monotonous patterns! Anyway, i got the sound so any other descriptions are guesses!)

Alma is late to meet Mike in the pub and has a glass of "supplies". Mike drones on and on some more aboutGail not pulling her weigh at the cafe, useless as a partner, babies and business don't mix, blah, blah, blah. (change the record!) Deirdre ops in and tells Alf that the Bettabuys bus just went by the shop in spite of his earlier statements that he's taken care of it! Alf spits out his beer and runs out. (heard the glass hit the bar!)

Jenny gets back from where ever she is and notices that Joanne is home but not Flick so gives Joanne a letter she found on the mat, no stamp! Inside, an unsigned sheet contains a love poem ("If I were what the words are and love were like the tune..." Is that a real poem written by someone famous? It wasn't half bad but could have been just something made up for the show). There is also an invitation to meet "me" at the cafe. They both assume it's from Andy and Joanne is thrilled. What are you waiting for? He's probably already there! Joanne goes off smiling.

In the Bettabuys staff room, Curly is telling Melanie, Miss Bettabuys, that she looks appetising, just like their products. (Now. I cannot imagine how she must have been dressed but my guess is much cleavage is displayed, Curly you couldn't get away with a statement like that these days, nor will you a few years from now!) Miss Bettabuys is not impressed with the duties assigned to her, she must pass out leaflets on the bus. She complains that she was promised that she'd be treated like a queen. Curly explains that queens have duties and sends her off. Kim must have been watching from across the room because she is in Curly's face in a split second, does he find Melanie more attractive than her? Curly unconvincingly says no, not a chance. Well he did tell her that she looked appetising like the products. (Think fast, lad!) Curly tells her not to forget some of their products are in fact, cheap. (nice save!) She wonders if she could be Miss Bettabuys next year, 1991. but to save her the embarassment of being a victim of Reg's lustful advances, he tells her that she doesn't really want all those men (or one of them) lusting and leering at her. She agrees and says she'll be Mrs. Watts by next year anyway and she'll be his own private beauty queen then won't she? I'm killing to know what Curly's expression was at this moment. A weak smile being probably part of it.

At the bus stop, Jenny joins Emily and it turns out they are both only taking the bus for the free ride into town. Andy comes by and Jenny teases him about meeting Joanne in the cafe, shouldn't he be there because she left to meet him 5 minutes ago and by the way, she really liked the poem he wrote though Jenny says, she didn't think it was all that original. Beans trickle down and bounce off the cobbles, as does Andy's chin, i imagine. He goes off and Alf boards the bus before it leaves, greeted by a very bored sounding Miss Bettabuys reading the party line like an Oscar presentee.

In the cafe, Phyllis and Audrey bicker over table wiping. Joanne arrives but it's Steve who introduces himself. He's the one that wrote the poem and yes, he's younger than Andy... by 20 minutes. She's amazed at his cheek and thinks she really ought to go but he smiles and flashes those baby blues (not into eye rolling yet, or he wasn't earlier in the show) and she sits down with him. Alma returns and asks if everyone is happy. NO! They both answer in unison. They launch into attacks on each other with words like Lady Muck and impossible being slung about. Audrey complains that Phyllis is rude and treats the customers the same way. At least Alfeh knows how to treat his customers and she stalks out, ending her shift with the last word.

Alfeh is showing us how he treats those customers by castigating them severely on the bus. No more Mr. Nice Guy! Forget about shopping late at his shop, no more tick and you, Mrs. Bishop, I thought you were a Christian and he won't be putting any more of her charity jumble sale posters up in his window! Emily tries to defend herself as not breaking any commandments that she was aware of (except taking a free bus to a supermarket to cheat the city transit out of it's fare, and not even shopping there! I still think the transit union would have something to say about this scheme!) When the recorded message plays, Alf even accuses Bettabuys of brainwashing his customers and gets off the bus.

Phyllis continures to insult Audrey to Alma, she's nothing like Gail who is a real worker. Oh, Give it a rest Phyllis. And what are all these kids doing here? Is it becoming a youth club or something? The youth are Joanne and Steve chatting at a table, Steve having just asked Joanne if she wants to go downtown to see a new record store when Andy walks in. What's all this then? Steve triumphantly tells Andy that he and Joanne are going downtown. You're going? with Him? (voice dripping with disgust!) Uh, yeah. See ya. and they leave. (callous, isn't she? not even a "sorry" You're better of without him, lad!) Andy sinks into a chair and Alma asks him if he wants to order anything. "Wot?" (i am imagining an dumb look, here) He tells Alma he doesn't want anything, nothing at all. Alma sighs and thinks the cafe's definitely becoming a youth club.

Alf won't give it a rest and rants on but Audrey takes her turn at a good moan and once on the roll, Alf can't get anymore of his wimpers in. She is expert at it, don't forget and makes sure everyone knows how hard she worked all day, fingers to the bone, hair, skin and clothes ruined by steam and grease and will need a whole new wardrobe if this goes on much longer. Alf tells her he won't be paying for it. He's decided Reg must go, he can't live under Alf's roof and take money out of his pocket with the other hand, he's already got someone doing that!

Back at the MacDonald's Liz wants to go out tonight. Jim suggests the Rovers but she wants to go somewhere else. Right, fine he agrees. Andy comes home (with a major knot in his face) and says he isn't hungry and Steve isn't with him and no he didn't get his hair cut. When Jim offers to speak to him, Liz says leave him alone, he's courting. Oh, well, that explains it, Jim laughs, good on you, lad!

In the Rovers that evening, Curly tells Reg they have a major problem with the bus, they are beset with freeloaders taking the free bus ride but not shopping at the supermarket. But he has an idea...Tomorrow, Norman, Reg interrupts, tonight i need to forget! So Curly goes to sit with Kim (and Martin i think), saying Reg's mind isn't on the retail trade like it used to be. Kimberly tells Curly that she doesn't think her parents will let her go on a holidy with him especially abroad (Greek Islands, they were discussing it a bit the other day), engaged or not.

Reg is not allowedc to forget because Alf comes charging in and tears a strip off Reg for continuing the bus. It mgiht be Curly's idea but he's the boss of Curly. That's it, he's to be out of the flat that minute! Reg objects and sputters about the law and rent books but Alf tells him if he won't pack his bags, Alf will do it for him and turns and leaves. Curly tells Reg, Alf will do it! Surely not, not all my personal and important papers and all? He can be quite pigheaded, says one who knows from experience. Reg rushes off after Alf and Curly decides to go as well with Kim on his heels. Elsewhere in the pub Mike is blathering on .. .new partner...buy her out.. .(change the record, please!)

At the flat Reg finds Alf tossing his flat, throwing things in a case and confusion abounds. Alf is ranting that he doesn't care about rent books and throws Reg's important papers out the window, that's right, all Reg's mucky magazines!!! Curly and Kim arrive as the magazines, mucky pictures up, float down. Kimberly! Kimberly! Avert your eyes! (probably grabbing her and covering her eyes with his hand). Everything allright up there? Reg hollers out the window that he blames Curly for it all, it was his idea, this bus scheme and is pushed aside by Alf and I hear the thud of a case hitting the pavement (clothing spilling out???)

Couldn't read the crawl as the visual transmission is still throwing a wobbly.

Tuesday (3094, 13 July 1990)
A face is worth a thousand words. Curly goes upwardly mobile. Liz is exasperated.

Curly pleads to Alf on Reg's behalf but Alf will not let Reg come back to the flat. Curly is afraid to face his boss but Alf says that's Curly's problem, not his.

Gail and Martin get the kids ready for school. martin asks Gail what her plans are for the day, Paris on concord? Champagne lunch at the Rovers? She laughs and says just a little shopping and she might pop into the cafe to see what's up. martin objects, it's alma's problem if she can't work out staffing troubles but Gail knows it's her problem too. She's a full partner. But the doctor said a few weeks, maybe, but not before so put it out of your head! What's more important anyway? She admits the baby and family is more important right now.

Steve and Andy bicker over Joanne. Andy accuses Steve of only going for her because he has to have all Andy has, always has, it's a game with him, but Joanne will soon suss him out. Steve reels Andy in with an "you always were a bad loser". Jim holds Andy back as he lunges for his brother and Andy then goes upstairs. Steve leaves the house and Liz and Jim sigh in exasperation, Liz not being sorry to see the back of Joanne.

The front of Joanne is finishing breakfast, taking the curlers out of her hair and waiting for the bathroom. Jenny emerges and gives the all clear but makes her clear the table first. She moans that she doesn't have to at home but is reminded that she isn't home now (Jenny is taking Flick/mother lessons I see!) Flick reminds Joanne that there's lots she does here than she is not allowed to do at home, like seeing Andy MacDonald. Lot she knows, Joanne smugly tells her, she's not seeing Andy since she met his brother, he's got more going for him.

Kim is worrying that Reg will take his eviction out on Curly but it's actually turned out for the best. Reg is all smiles today and informs Curly that the only place he had to go was home and his wife seemed glad to take him back in. They're back together and Reg seems genuinely pleased for it, really chuffed! Curly smiles and is glad it all worked out and Reg bounces happily away. I swear he almost broke into a whistle!

Phyllis does Emily's appetite in by wiping the table under her teacup with a dirty dish cloth. Anything else besides tea? Er, no thank you. Emily asks after Gail and then Alma directs Phyllis to deliver a plate of something or other to another table. Audrey comes in, late after a hair appointment. Alma assigns her the chore of scratching the eyes out ... of the spuds! Audrey objects strenuously, it would ruin her nails! Phyllis had her turn yesterday so she refuses too. She reminds Alma of the "one big happy family - share and share alike with the mucky jobs" but Audrey is determined and explains that she is only at the cafe to do Phyllis a favour by helping out and Alma seems like she is going to cave and make Phyllis do the eye-scratching. You can see how we're fixed, Phyllis. Well Phyllis certainly can see how it's fixed. She loves working in the cafe and will do anything for Gail but she's quitting, won't be treated like a floor cloth. I'll get me coat! Phyllis is definite, she's not stopping if Audrey is and Audrey counters that she's not to be forced out of her own daughter's cafe so off Phyllis goes, leaving Alma to sigh once again.

Curly asks Kim does she still want to go on holiday to the Greek islands? Only there was a cancellation for a few weeks' time and he has to let the agents know tomorrow. She worries about asking her mother and father, she's never been on holiday without them before. Curly leans over her shoulder, buttons up his lips, clenches his teeth and whispers out of the side of his mouth "Kimberly, we're engaged!" (Cracked me up!) She knows but Curly knows what her parents are like, they like things done proper.

Deirdre joins Emily and Liz in the pub around dinnertime. Liz is glad of an excuse to get away from the strife in the house and she tells them about the lads fighting over Joanne who Liz feels can't leave soon enough! Mark is propping up the bar, staring into his beer like it was the last one on earth. Tina tries to flirt with him to cheer him up. Where's his mates? He's seems dejected from rejection, they're all under the thumb these days, needing written permission from their women to do anything! He perks up at her attentions a bit though, saying maybe he needs something to put the fire back into his belly. Tina whispers throatily that she can do that for him, she'll get him a plate of Betty's Beef casserole! Aw Shucks!

Curly and Kim stop over to the Taylors' for a cup of tea at dinnertime to ask if Kim can go to Greece but in their usual methods, the round about route via the back forty acres, they don't get right to the point in time. They mention holidays and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor jump into the conclusion that he wants to go on holiday with them! It'll be a bit of a squeeze in the caravan as it only sleeps three but Curly can always sleep out in the awning! Kimberly does make a feeble attempt, telling her dad that she and Curly weren't planning to go to Barmouth but to no avail. We always go to Barmouth! You're in for a rare treat, Norman! (uh huh.) Later back at the store, It seems Curly thought Kimberly wanted to go with her parents and she thought he did so neither tried to get out of it. (uh huh.) It turns out neither of them wants to go to Barmouth. (but you're stuck with it now!) Kim bounces up to get back to her station and reminds Curly to put in for his holidays for the first two weeks of September. She already has (and you say you don't want to go with your parents? Seem pretty keen to me!) Curly's face is a treat (as usual) looking like this holiday will be the end of him.

In the corner shop, Flick encounters Steve and warns him that she doesn't want Joanne getting into trouble. She's too young. Steve says they're only having a laugh, how far can it go, she's leaving soon anyway. Well, Flick says, just so we understand. Steve leaves with a moan to Alf about his prices on the way out.

Gail gets home and is out of sorts. She's worried about the cafe. Phyllis is gone and Audrey swans around leaving Alma to do handstands keeping the cafe running. She really feels she has to go back though she's torn between her living and her health. Martin makes it clear how he feels but she thinks she won't get any rest at home knowing the cafe is falling apart (got a point there) she has no choice but to go back.

meanwhile Alma is sulking over a drink at home, completely fed up. When Mike gets home, he makes her another drink and she tells him that it looks like she might have to buy Gail out after all rather than grin and bear it.

Reg tells Curly that he is giving Head Office glowing reports about his progress. They are so impressed that they mentioned giving Norman a big promotion, Number Two man in the Mega Mart Bettabuys in Hartleypool. Wow! Reg, as he is getting into his car, tells Curly that he gave Head Office the impression that they'd be wasting their time offering Mr. Watt's the position, You wouldn't be interested! As he drives away, Curly looks stunned and says, Oh but I would be, very much so! (big promotion, solution to an awkward situation re: Kimberly. Who wouldn't be?)

Mike and Alma discuss her idea further but he rejects the idea outright now though he thought it was a good one not that long ago. She had suggested selling the Spanish real estate for what ever he could get it, even taking a loss, and go in with her but he thinks that would be financial suicide letting the property go now. And he hasn't got any other money to lend her. She realizes the truth, what's yours is yours and what's mine is mine. That's the truth isn't it, Mike? He's standing behind her and his face says it all.

Martin comes in from an errand and tells Gail she won't have to be doing anything daft like going back to the cafe. He put in his notice at the hospital and he will take over her spot at the cafe. After all, that was the plan anyway, once the baby was born. He'd quit his job to mind the baby so Gail could work. Gail's face says it all, she thinks it's not a bad proposition at all!

Andy is moping in the cafe, Gail comes in with Sarah Louise for a visit. Alma is pleased to see her and Audrey warns her not to overdo it. Alma asks when she's coming back but is told it won't be for awhile, there's more important things to think about like the baby and her health. I see. Alma warns her not to bank on there being a cafe there to come back to!

Later in the pub, Curly tells Kimberly about the promotion and she's very proud of him though somewhat disheartened that he'll be all the way up there in Hartlepool. She'll never see him! There'll be weekends! It's more money so they can save quicker to get married, she wants that doesn't she?

Jenny chats to Tina about movies, then she and Flick join Liz and Jim and the conversation turns again to the Joanne-Steve situation. Flick feels the weight of responsibility, Liz is feeling the (familiar) weight of exasperation with the lads but Flick believes that the pair are only just friends. That's the impression she got after having a word with Steve but I think she fell fool to the Steve MacDonald charm just like everyone else!

In fact, Steve and Joanne are kissing on the settee with some nice music in the back ground. The tape is changed and they get back to business. Who should come in? Jenny and Flick who catch them up to it. this is not good. Flick throws Steve out. He calls to Joanne, See you tomorrow but Flick tells him not to bank on it, Sunshine and pushes him out. Joanne is in tears in Jenny's arms, claiming to hate her sister!


Wednesday (3095, 16 July 1990)
Jack is cuddling a pigeon, feeding it from a tin cup, and listening to Curly's boasting about his promotion. Hartlepool, eh? There's more power, more money, second in command. So will he be moving there? Well through the week yes, but still wants to keep his room at the Duckie's for weekends so Jack agrees, for the same rent. That's not fair! Curly vows to find another place and Vera agrees, he would, he'd just cut and run wouldn't he? Poor Kimberly talked of nothing but that holiday in Barmouth and now look what happens. Curly wonders why no one seems genuinely happy for him? Save the excuses for Kimberly. He gets fed up and tells her it's none of her business, AND they're late for work, AND After half past 8 it's Mr. Watts to you!

Jim witters on about cranky tv owners (I couldn't figure out why until I remembered he fixes them for a living!) Steve comes down not dressed (waiting for clothes in the dryer). Liz asks him to do an errand for her. He gives her the usual Aw Mom Do I Have To attitude and she insists. He is to take £10 to his grandmother and have a look at her system as she reckons it's overflowing. (System. That's what I kept hearing. Is she incontinent? Or was it "Cistern" that was the word? I shudder to think!)

Flick is still ragging on Joanne, on what could have happened had they been any longer getting home. It was just kissing! Jenny wishes they would just stop on at each other. Cool it down and put it in perspective. Surely they both must be able to see each other's points now, they've each explained their respective sides enough. Flick feels the need to explain further a few more things and orders Joanne to stay away from Steve or she's had it. Joanne flounces out and Flick looks at Jenny over there stuck in the middle and tells her there's just no talking to her!

Alma has told Audrey that Mike wouldn't lend her any money and she's quite put out about it. Audrey tries to find out what the money was for but Alma only says it was a business proposition that was Mike's idea in the first place. Gail comes in and is filled in by Audrey on the latest, hoping Gail will help her get the information out of Alma. Gail stays out of it and tells Alma the bad news/good news. She's not coming back to the cafe (bad news) but Martin is. He's packed it in at the hospital. Is that ok? Yeah. great. Solves all her problems. Alma doesn't look convinced.

Betty and Tina are setting up for opening. Tina is daydreaming about having pots of money. Bet asks Betty if Tina is saying that money buys happiness? No, not really, Tina replies. Good, says Bet However it IS good for a few laughs and she's about to take Alec's credit card for a giggle or two around the precinct (where has Bet been lately? I've missed her!) Betty tells Tina that some of us slave and some spend! However, Alec manages to get out the door before Bet and tells her he'll not be back until dinnertime. She's to stay for the draymen, one of us should be there, we have a pub to run after all. Sarcastically she replies. Have WE?! Betty confides to Tina, he's off to buy a few laughs. With any luck he'll bring some back for us! Bet turns up her nose as only Bet can and swans out back.

Kim serves her customers, nearly in tears. Curly tells her it's not the end of the worlds, it's only Hartleypool and there'll be weekends. She thinks she'll just die if he meets someone else. He tries to cheer her up, he loves her, can't she be happy for him and for them? They should turn it to their advantage, all that fun catching up on weekends! Nope. Tears spill over and Vera takes her away for a cup of tea, accusing Curly, hope you're satisfied, "Mr. Watts"!

Joanne sneaks a phone call to Steve. Andy takes the call and nearly drives the phone receiver into Steve's chest when passing it over. She is at her winsome best, simpering and bragging that Flick didn't give her anything she couldn't handle. She can't wait to see him, doesn't he want to see her? (like a dog running across a field he does!) He doesn't want her to get in trouble, though. She assures him Flick just makes wounded animal noises and plays the boss to impress Jenny.

Alma meets Mike in the pub and tells him that Martin is taking over Gail's job in the cafe. Well it all worked out then! Aren't you glad you didn't go ahead and buy her out? She accuses him of really beating the band, it was his idea in the first place and she quotes back to him all his previous nonsense about cutting out the useless partner. He turned around quick enough as soon as money was mentioned. Good thing too, He smugly says, it would have upset Gail too much (OH, NOW you're concerned! Ratbag!) He says he doesn't know if it was intuition or experience but something told him it wasn't right! (good Heaven's I haven't heard a line like that since a drunken sailor tried to convince me to marry him when I was out with the girls just before my wedding day 16 years ago!.... Hmm. I guess I should have taken him up on it considering how the marriage turned out LOL)

Alec returns. Jack tries to assure him that he's got it all under control but Alec is sceptical. Betty tells Alec that Bet couldn't wait until he returned so he asks What's she buying now? Oh just the minimum, Betty tells him, coats, tops, bottoms, frocks... Don't be sarcastic, he snaps, man over there wants servin'. Jack laughs but Alec just stops and gives him that look. The one that goes along with what he says, "Remember, what I pay you, I could get a real human being!" A bit later, after the pub is closed, he asks Betty and Jack to sign a paper. Jack is all ready to but Betty wants to know what she's putting her name to. Alec admits it's a new will so are they going to sign or does he need to drag in a couple of drunks off Rosamund Street, "I'm not fussed!" They put their names to paper as witnesses and Jack goes back to set up the bar before he leaves, on Alec's orders. Betty stays behind and asks Alec if he's all right, concerned about why Alec is making a will. Yes, why? No reason. She goes and leaves Alec grinning over his papers. (So it doesn't look like there's owt wrong. My guess is that he's putting Sandra and Victoria in his will, sharing the wealth. Wonder if Bet will mind? It's not like Victoria will need it with a well off father.)

Betty goes back to the bar and Jack is all smiles, thinking that since Alec wouldn't let them read the will, he must be leaving them something in it! Good Old Alec! Don't be so daft! Betty sighs. You can't be a witness if you are a beneficiary, them are the rules. (Are they?) Jack's mood quickly changes to bitterness, Alec not even willing to recognize loyalty with a few quid after he's gone and Jack heads off muttering.

In the park, Steve and Joanne are walking around a white pillared gazebo type thingy (looks a bit like a cake top!) Between kisses, she says she'll lie and tell Flick she wasn't with Steve, it's just her word against her sister. But it isn't. Andy is walking along a path down the hill and sees them. How much you want to bet he'll squeal like a pig!

Flick storms into No11 when Liz opens the door and demands to know where Steve is. What's he done now? Nothing, she hopes. She tells Liz that Joanne was meant to stay inside but she's gone and she thinks she and Steve are at it again. Liz's maternal feathers are ruffled at Flick's accusatory tones and reckons Joanne is too much for Flick to handle, best pack her up. Andy comes home and goes through to the living room, all ears, just waiting for his chance. Liz calms down and tells Flick there's no surer way to put them together than to keep them apart. Stay cool and it'll die down, says the voice of experience. Flick says the last thing she needs to have to tell her parents is that Joanne got into trouble and asks Liz to talk to Steve. Well as far as Liz knows, Steve is at his grandmother's doing an errand for her. Andy sees the opening and jumps right through and tells that he saw the pair of them in the park and what a lovely couple they make! Flick runs out and Liz shakes her head. Andy is quite pleased with his day's work.

Curly is clean and showered and wet-headed as he sits down to tea. Vera is apologetic for having a go at him at work. She just doesn't want to see him do something he'll regret, leaving Kim on her own. Out of sight, out of mind you know. Curly says he does love her but to be honest, he's really glad he won't have to go on holiday with her parents. Vera sympathizes, they turn their noses up at sterilized milk, they would! Still, it's no reflection on Kimberly (I'm not so sure. She sure seems easily influenced/brainwashed by them!) Vera assures Curly that she'll look after Kimberly, keep her from getting lonely and mentions a few nights out with a few bevvies. Curly's eyes widen. Eh? Oh, yeah, she tells him about a little bar that some folk say is a pick up joint but they have a good band on Friday nights and she's never had to buy her own drinks only don't tell Jack, will ya!? Curly's face, ever expressive, is frozen in fear, eyes bugged out that the only thing keeping them in his face is his specs!

Three of the MacDonald's are sitting down to tea when Steve saunters with his story at the ready. He had to wait over long at gran's and then missed the bus coming home but he sees their faces and Andy confirms it. You liar! But you can call her? (stupid thing to say) because they've already done so and know he was never there. Jim threatens one more lie and he'll regret it and gives it to him good. He was seen with his week girlfriend in the park, he lied to his mother, let his grandmother down and then tried to lie his way out of it. Upstairs! OOIUYY, where's that tenner? He tries to protest that he was going to take it by this evening but it's too late. She needed it that afternoon. Off with you!

Joanne is getting flack from Flick but calls her sister a hypocrite. She was way worse at 15 only Joanne, turning the knife, brags "I don't need to do all the chasing" That's it! Flick charges but Jenny holds her back, well and truly sick and tired of all the aggro. Jenny sends Joanne upstairs and tells Flick to calm down. You're her sister not her mother. Ignore her. She'll be gone in a few days (You don't know how true that is!)

Alec rushes out again to check out a problem with an act and will be back for cashing up, much to Bet's frustration. He tells her she can stay and work and earn her keep after all she spent that day! He's not a bottomless pit! Tina wonders why fellas expect you to look the part but not pay for it. Bet tells her that men expect them to be ladies in the drawing room and tigers in the bedroom. If you can manage to pin 'em down when playing Tiger, you have a better chance at extending your credit. (er.. no comment. LOL)

Curly tells Kimberly that Vera might put ideas in her head while he's away and to avoid her, not spend so much time at the house. What will she do nights, she asks. What did you do before you met me? Not much, stay in and watch telly (and be brainwashed. Now I know what REALLY goes on in that greenhouse!) She was nothing before she met him! (NO! AUUUGGHH! Get a grip Kimberly!) She thinks Jack and Vera are two of the nicest people she's ever met!

Betty comes in on her night off to have a word with Bet to tell her about Alec's new will. Is he allright? Nay, Betty, Bet says seriously, I would have noticed. Betty doesn't want to worry Bet but reminds her that you can't always tell.

Andy and Steve bicker in their room about Joanne, each trying to bait the other. It's the same old thing, Steve wants what Andy has. Steve is calm and really throwing out the line to reel Andy in and finally touches a nerve and the two of them end up rolling and crashing around the room until Liz comes in , What's going on!!!


Thursday (3096, 18 July 1990)
Teenage angst. Who benefits if Alec pops his clogs? Kimberly worries.

Bet decides to make Alec eat muesli and toast with margarine not butter for his breakfast. Alec calls it parrot food and wonders why he's being subjected to the health kick. He's never felt fitter. Bet admits that Betty told about the new will. He might have known Mother Hubbard'd get her mixing spoon out! He's just updating the will and she couldn't be witness because she's a beneficiary. He says he'd live a lot longer on a full breakfast so Bet smiles and offers to make him some eggs and bacon.

Vera explains poor Kimberly's fears to Jack, that she thinks Curly might not come back from Harleypool. He might meet someone else! Curly? Jack thinks not. Well, why not asks Vera. Who? Anybody! Curly's very eligible, lovely nature and all, not like he'd know anything about that. Right, Jack agrees, he wouldn't Vera gets all soft and says she'll miss him. First Their Terry and now Curly. Then there will only be the two of them, no more little smiles, no more intelligent conversation. Curly bursts in and hollers Vera! It's the same thing every morning. You'll just have to start finding your own way to work! Slam!

Steve and Andy are not speaking to each other now. Jim tries to get them to go to their room to clean up the mess they made while fighting and assures them them *will* be paying for the damages. No way. Andy is not going to be in the same room as "that". at least Jim does realize that Steve was the instigator, provoking a jealous Andy but he tells them to grow up and cool it, no more fighting. Steve goes upstairs and Andy goes out back to work on the clutch cable on Jim's bike (and I'd like to know where it came from!) He lays down the law, making sure Liz knows he forbids either one of the boys to see that wee girl but she's angry because it's always her that has to carry out the orders. You can't stop Steve seeing Joanne, he's 16 and can make his own decisions. Nope, she's off limits. She reminds Jim that he's not in the army now and is still out at work all day so she si the one left to think how to keep them apart. She will think of something, she usually does.

And she does. Steve mopes in his bedroom and hangs out the window to wave at Joanne in the back of her house. Flick ushers her back inside and hangs out her washing. Liz walks past down the ginnel with her shopping and stops in. She apologises for saying some things the other day when they argued, don't take it personally. Flick wonders if maybe she was wrong to stop them seeing each other, but she just wanted to prevent more trouble. Liz tells her the boys fought hammer and tongs over Joanne which is nothing new. It's happened before and will again. Steve is a "love 'em and leave 'em" kind of guy and hopes Joanne won't get too hurt.

Kim and Vera are having a cup of tea on their break. Curly tries to call Kimberly over about a work related matter but she avoids him and goes to the Ladies', about to cry. Reg finds his "Elusive Pimpernell" of an assistant manager to help him with the computer. Vera interrupts loudly (how else?) not to blame Kimberly for the mispriced item (which is what Curly wanted to speak to her about). Poor girl's got enough on her mind. Thank you , Mrs Duckworth. Vera protests that she's still on break so it is suggested she go and see if Kimberly is all right. She's not, you know! It's that obvious. Reg holds Curly responsible for the staff morale which seems to be falling apart! The staff has pulled together like a happy smiling team since he came. Curly tells his boss that it will no longer be his responsibility. He'll be in Hartelypool (as far as I know Head Office hasn't formally made the offer?) Kimberly, supported by Vera, comes back out and when asked to see him in wine and spirits, just sniffs and looks at him with sad teary brown eyes and a red nose.

Jack tries inviting Tina to Blackpool. who'll run the pub? Bet and Alec. You mean you, me and Betty? Nay, Betty wouldn't be interested. Tina doesn't look very interested either as she yawns widely but apparently that's because there are builders working on her flat and they've woken her up early to fix the leaky ceiling. Something about flashing. Jack tells her a horror story about how it could take weeks and weeks instead of a few days. Phyllis comes in looking for Percy as usual. He's not around so she says for a light ale which Mike pays for. But she won't be talked around to returning to the cafe, she tells him, she's not going back until Audrey leaves. He's not going to. He tells her Audrey won't be there much longer which perks Phyllis up but then tells her about Martin going to work in the cafe, Alma won't need any other help at all then. Phyllis looks disappointed.

Bet tells Betty that there is nothing to worry about regarding Alec's will. She was just being paranoid because of so many bad experiences with men. She has learned not to trust any man, even her husband. Especially not husbands, Betty adds and asks if Alec showed her the will. Which he didn't but her mind is at rest now anyway. Betty unrests it by telling Bet about a woman her Cyril arrested. Seems this woman killed her husband for the money but in the end he had left it all to his grandson anyway. (Great, give Bet something new to worry about!)

Jenny is upset their French holiday plans were ruined because Flick has had to mind Joanne. It shouldn't be much longer Flick hopes. Joanne comes down for the tape player and gives them both the silent treatment. Jenny continues, criticizing Flick's handling of the whole situation, you're her sister not her mother. Joanne is not a child. Flick says she is by law. Jenny tells her to get on with sorting their differences! Then we see Jenny and Joanne having a cup of tea on the settee. I guess that was where the original break was but on WTN we get two breaks, one about 10 minutes in and one 12 minutes or so later instead of the original half and half as broadcast in the UK. It can be very disconcerting at times. Like being in a time warp.

Anyway, there they are and Joanne tells Jenny what her sister was like at her age, staying out till gone four one time after going to see Adam Ant. She apologizes for messing up their holiday. Flick returns from an errand and tells Joanne she's told Steve he can call round but not to stay out too late. Joanne is grateful, asks to borrow a T-shirt and goes off happily to get ready. Satisfied, Jenny? It's an improvement.

The staff clean up while the bar is closed and Jack is further discussing Tina's renovation woes. Alec is off to get his car fixed so Bet tries to find out if Jack saw the will when he witnessed it. Jack takes the mickey out by telling her he saw about 6 different women's names so is banished to the cellar with a clip around his ear for his troubles. Betty realizes Bet is still upset. Bet says when she and Alec married they had each other, all they needed, but it's changed. He's more preoccupied with victoria now, she's taken summat from Bet even though she doesn't know it. Betty says it's his flesh and blood after al. Does she reckon Alec left her something in the will? No doubt, the question is, how much? Bet is worried that he's left her the lot and where will that leave her? How will she manage? Betty urges Bet to ask him, surely he will show her the will. (or not)

Joanne and Steve are cooing in the cafe as she fusses over his bruises and being rather pleased to think they were fighting over her. Audrey and Alma reminisce over what it was like to be that age and in love. Audrey moans about her dishpan hands and asks should she pop in for a few hours tomorrow or can Alma manage without her. It seems to me that Audrey has had her fill of real work! Alma works on her, telling her it's Gail she's doing the favour for but Audrey's had enough and can't be guilted into it. She can manage to give Alma a few hours in the afternoon but is told that's not good enough. She needs her for another week until Martin can work out his notice at the hospital.

Jim comes home and finds Andy fixing the bike and still in a silent bad mood. Jim sits on the bike and talk to him, telling him he understands how he feels. Jim recalls a wee girl he was trying to impress with his first motorbike and ended up embarrassing himself by running it into her father's car. Be careful, Andy, you almost smiled there! Jim says he's tough on them for their own good but there's no favourites. He loves them both the same. He praises Andy's work on the bike and gives him a fiver for his efforts and gets a real smile from the lad.

Steve and Joanne confess their undying love. Joanne doesn't want to go home and hopes to stay the whole summer.

Alec returns in full rant about ineffective mechanics. Then he mentions taking Victoria to Alton Towers for a day out and Bet asks him what he's changed in the will. There's nothing for her to worry about, Alec says. But she is worried, surely he can see that, he's keeping something from her. He's changed in Victoria's favour, hasn't he? Alec admits he's leaving her a little something.

Vera is still upset for Kimberly and asks Jack to have a word with Curly, there'll be more promotions. But Jack says he can't stand in Curly's way. Vera says she'll miss him too but Jack says there's plenty more fish in the sea. They can get another lodger.

Bet tells Tina that Alec left Victoria a little something in the will. But Tina reckons Alec's obsessed, he probably left her the lot. Thank you very much for the vote of confidence says a displeased Bet. Tina says she won't find out until it's too late anyway. Oh won't I? Bet is now determined. And you know what that means. Nobody is safe! LOL

Flick tells Jenny that her Gran is much better and her parents are already on their way home. Europe here we come. They can set off tomorrow, drop Joanne in Canterbury on the way but she hasn't had a chance to tell Joanne yet. (That's not going to go over well) She'll soon forget Steve ever existed.


Friday (3097, 20 July 1990)
Loyalty and Betrayal. Home and Away.

Joanne is adamant she's not leaving. She doesn't see why she has to go back just because her parents are home now. She implores Flick to ask her father if she can stay longer even promising to do all the cooking and cleaning. But Flick and Jenny are going to France. No amount of "please, please" is going to work. or is it? Later Flick is showing signs of doubt. She understands Joanne's reasoning. Their father is very strict and she was biting at the bit at that age too for a little freedom. Jenny says she had all the freedom she wanted at that age and what she really wanted was a father to set the ground rules. Seems Flick can't win either way and she tells Jenny she could always go without her. No way, they were meant to go as a team and Jenny doesn't want to go alone. Flick thinks Joanne probably is missing her sister, they were very close before. Jenny reminds her the only reason Joanne wants to stay is because of Steve.

Vera tries to convince Curly that he'll miss these nice little normal family breakfasts as Jack moans about his broken egg yolk. Vera hollers at him for being so happy that Curly's going. Jack says he's proud of Curly, onward and upward! Even Curly agrees that Jack is only being practical discussing a new lodger and he knows of a friend of Mark's who is looking for a place. Should he tell the boy to call Jack. No, no, Jack says, he can't take in just any old lusty youth. (any particular lusty youth you have in mind, Jack?)

Bet reminds Alec that Victoria's father has loads of money and doesn't need any from him. She doesn't know why he made a new will. He's getting exasperated at the continuing needling and says it was just changing a few things on the old one, be fair after all, she's his only granddaughter. He didn't know she existed when he made the other one. Bet doesn't let up, only wants to know how much the little something is but is told she is out of order. A man's will is personal, between him and his maker. He'd certainly respect her privacy to distribute her bits and bobs. We're not just talking about bits and bobs, Bet declares. Alec has enough and decides to go get some breakfast somewhere he can eat in peace.

In the cafe, Joanne is telling Steve of her impending departure, thinking she might be able to talk Flick around to letting her stay if Jenny doesn't stick her nose in. They both understand why Jenny and Flick want to go to France, though, and wouldn't it be nice to be able to pack a rucksack and just take off? They dream about adventures on the road, being somewhere together without any relatives to nag them and interfere. Oh, Steve wouldn't it be wonderful? (the footwork for an idea hatching me thinks) Audrey and Alma watch the young lovers while Audrey is slathering her hands with cream and saying she wouldn't be a teen again for all the tea in China. That's when she met Gail's father, all hair and good looks and not much else. (hair I can see but if there were good looks, Gail didn't get a sniff of them!) She was 18 and one big hormone and didn't care about prospects and kindness. She wouldn't have given a man like Alf the time of day had she met him then. Alma implies that she and Mike are still happy though not like the teenagers, there, but that doesn't last does it? Alec pipes up from his peaceful breakfast asking for another cup of tea.

In the pub, Jack approaches Tina about her problems with her digs and he works up to offering her Curly's old room (A-HA! I should have seen that coming, did you?) She objects at first but then says it does make sense. Jack jumps on it and lists all the advantages but she says the hard part will be to convince Vera. She doesn't seem to think he'll be able to do it (neither do I!).

Kimberly tells Vera that she's proud of Curly but scared of losing him. All those girls up there looking up at him and hanging on his every word could go to his head. Vera thinks, Not Curly (yes, Curly, isn't that what happened with Kimberly? She adored him and he fell for it!) Now if it were her Jack who thinks a traffic warden giving him a ticket is really just chatting him up... Curly loves her! Kimberly hates being so pathetically possessive but Vera doesn't consider not wanting your fiance to move away as possessive. Tell him not to go but Kim can hardly stand in his way, he'll hate her for it. Vera takes matters into her own hands by having a word with Mr. Holdsworth in his office while he's having his dinner. She pleads for him to tell Curly the promotion is off for Kimberly's sake. He wouldn't do that though, Head Office doesn't make up its management structure while considering the hysterical reactions of an over emotional girl. he dismisses her.

Flick makes arrangements to take Joanne home on their way to France so it seems Jenny has her seeing sense. Joanne is really upset. Flick understands about Steve, though, and tells her sister how she got hurt with her first love and it took a long time to get over. Joanne only wants to stay a little longer.

As soon as Alec returns Bet starts in again, accusing Alec of giving Victoria the lot just to spite her. He doesn't care now he's got his precious family back and she only wants to know she still matters. She does! Why won't she believe him! Because he won't tell her the truth. He avoids the situation by accusing Bet of only being interested in how much she will benefit by his death which will be sooner than later if she nags him into it! So after he leaves, Bet rifles through his personal papers, looking for a clue. Betty comes in and disapproves. Bet finds a key to a safety deposit box which she didn't even know Alec had. (it's too late now, Alec!!)

Reg is on the phone to Head Office about a new computer network to be installed. It's all very technical and though he makes out like he knows what he's talking about, he really doesn't have a clue. He's near panic when he realizes he's going to have to go on a course to learn about laser scanners, SCU's and EDI's until he gets an idea and calls Miss Maxwell in the personnel office. A bit later, Curly arrives, having been given a message from said Miss Maxwell that Reg wanted to see him. Ah yes, very efficient, Miss Maxwell. She wears her skirts too short, Curly says. Really? Hadn't noticed (not much you haven't!) He tells Curly the promotion has been cancelled, he doesn't know why Head Office in their infinite wisdom did it but then mentions computers to Curly, as in, he had heard that Curly is interested in them.

Steve tells Liz that they're making Joanne go home tomorrow. Liz is gentle with him, suggesting writing and a visit and he did know all along that she'd have to go. He was just hoping it wouldn't be so soon. Andy arrives and can barely contain his glee demonstrating that he too can instigate a fight, calling Steve a sloppy pillock for losing his marbles over a stupid bird. (sour grapes in season, I see!) They start pushing each other around until Liz breaks it up, sending Steve upstairs. She scolds Andy for starting it and says someday he'll get his heart broken by a woman and maybe then will be more sympathetic. Me? No chance! (sorry, mate, you just put the jinx on yourself. Bound to happen now!)

Gail has popped in to the cafe to see how things are going and to get herself out of the house. Alma says Audrey pops in for 5 minutes then out to get her hair done and Gail smiles and sarcastically reminds her about pots and kettles. Alma wonders if all the responsibilities get her down sometimes. What responsibilities? A Widow, third child on the way and a toy boy live in lover at home? they have a laugh as we see Joanne and Steve still cuddling at a table in the background.

Tina tells Alec that Bet went out and didn't say where she was going or when she'd be back. Alec seems quite antsy even though Jack reckons she's just gone shopping. (wonder why? I think he suspects Bet is doing a little investigation of her own) Curly is in with Kimberly and having told her the promotion is off, seems to think he has done something to ruin it for himself. Reg mentioned computers and thinks Head Office might have something on him. Kimberly assures him that he couldn't possibly have done anything wrong. They just changed their minds, happens all the time in big business. Anyway she tells Curly the really wonderful thing about it is that now they can go on holiday with her mother and father to Barmouth! Fabulous. Curly is now lower than he was! Jack finds out Curly isn't moving out after all, "Piggin' eck!" he curses. You sure? Definite. Tina leans in to tease Jack that Curly's plans aren't the only ones to have been expunged! Kimberly shocks Curly by saying it was all due to Vera who had a quiet word with Mr. Holdsworth (doesn't know that it wasn't the reason he changed things!) and Jack reckons Vera's tongue has worn down better men that Reg!

Jenny and Flick are packing and chatting about France. Flick tells Joanne that Jenny ran away to France at 17, the original rebel (you're going to regret telling her that!) Joanne goes off to finish packing.

Alec comes back from searching for Bet at all her usual haunts and even calls Sandra on the off chance. He must figure she's up to something. Audrey and Alma are giggling and laughing and taking the mickey out of Jim, flirting with him over his masterful ways on the parade square. He's loving every minute of it. When he goes home he finds Steve making up a bed on the settee, not wanting to spend any more time with his brother than absolutely necessary. Liz says it's gotten worse. Well, Jim says he's tired and suit yourself, he's going up to bed and Liz follows him.

Bet finally comes home very late. Alec says he was worried! She tells him she was shopping and then to a nice dinner and a picture too since she thought he didn't give a toss about her. Or at least half a toss. (wait for it...) Oh, yes, and she went to the bank and went through his safety deposit box that he conveniently forgot to tell her about. That's private! He objects and she couldn't get into it without his authorization anyway. She confesses to copying his signature, that was a bit naughty of her but he left her no choice. She should be ashamed! He is feeling quite betrayed, what kind of a wife would stoop that low! The kind of a wife whose husband goes behind her back and leaves his granddaughter £20,000! 20 grand, Alec, that's one hell of a flaming keepsake!

Joanne waits on the darkened street with her red rucksack. Steve wheels Jim's bike out to meet her. They get on and drive off into the night!!!


Originally transmitted: 23, 25, 27 & 30 July; 1 August 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 8 - Friday 12 June 1998
Episode Numbers: 3098 - 3102

Monday (3098, 23 July 1990)
On the Road again. It's the Bickersons! Who's not happy with his situation?

Dawn breaks. Liz comes downstairs, tells Steve to get shifted from the sofa, turns on the light and sees...No Steve! Jim comes in with the post and figures Steve probably crawled back into his own bed in the wee hours but when Andy comes down later, he tells them Steve wasn't in his own bed all night. Hmmm. Probably went out early to see Joanne off.

But at No7, Jenny and Flick are packing some last minute things and wondering if Joanne is hogging the bathroom. She's not there, though. Probably down to see Steve but then Jenny notices that Joanne's rucksack is gone too!

Curly plays with his sausage, not very hungry. Sick to the teeth about losing out on the promotion if the truth be told and angry at Vera's interference. Vera defends her actions as doing it for the sake of him and Kimberly and their future together. Curly isn't convinced. He informs her he's not going in and to tell Mr. Holdsworth that he's got two week's leave coming and he's taking them as of today. If he goes in, he'll be sure to say something he'll regret! He stalks out, leaving his sausages to Jack who tells Vera she ought to get to work, herself, else risk having her job on the line. Vera calls Jack useless but Jack says he knows when to keep his mouth shut. (eh? what was that last bit all about, not related to owt I can tell! Not that Vera ever really needs a reason to call Jack useless, I suppose!)

Alec is ranting and accusing Bet of betrayal, along with the bank manager. She tells him if he wants someone to blame to look no further than his shaving mirror! Alec still thinks it was his own business but she thinks that £20,000 is quite a "little" rememberence and Vicky will be laughing all the way to the bank while she herself is chucked out on the street (then I take it that the will didn't specify an amount for Bet, just that she would get the balance of the estate. Knowing Alec, he's as crafty as Alf when it comes to hiding his brass away!) He assures Bet she'll be just as well provided for as Victoria but that's not what Bet needs to hear, that he's put her on equal footing with a 12 year old he hardly knows. Bet tells Alec in no uncertain and very sarcastic terms that she considers Alec to be inconsiderate and goes back upstairs, leaving him to sort out his own breakfast.

Just as Liz and Jim are discussing that Steve must be with Joanne (though they don't know how right they are), Flick and Jenny come looking for Steve. Joanne's gone with all her gear and they thought Steve might know where. Dread crosses Liz's face and tells them they better come in. It gets worse. Andy tells them that the bike is gone too and they all realize what's happened, pointedly described by Jim who calls Steve a "Stupid brainless wee eejit"!

Alec continues to defend his decisions, the bequest to Victoria was just a gesture. Too right, says Bet and a gesture not only in Victoria's direction! She tells Alec if he keeps on fretting he'll definitely to first! Betty arrives and is told that Bet had a look at the will, she had no choice. Betty disapproves but asks if the new wasn't good for Bet. Not good for Alec and Bet both, Bet says, but doesn't tell Betty any further details.

Reg arrives to see Curly about the misunderstandings. The decision to withdraw the promotion had nothing to do with what Vera told him about Curly and Kimberly. The day he lets a mild flirtation get in the way of Bettabuys is the day he packs away his management diploma for good (too right, Mr. Pot!) No, the reason is that all of the stores are being completely computerized and Head Office wants Norman to head up the project for their branch and who was Reg to argue with Head Office? (who indeed!) He further lays on the butter telling Curly that his talents are recognized at the highest echelons! Curly's face changes, a little less angry. That's different, then, isn't it? Reg points out. He attempts to ruffle Curly's hair but doesn't have much luck with all that gel in it! Wonder he could even get his fingers back out! He tells Curly they'll talk in the morning in his office. (Who's a good boy, then?)

Andy assures his parents he has no idea where Steve would have gone, he wouldn't cover for him as he's had it up to "here" with his brother. And as previously seen, would take great pleasure in ratting his brother out! Liz wants to call the police but Jim is against it. Steve is on an untaxed and uninsured bike, he has not qualifications to drive it, is underage and had no permission to take it. He'd have the book thrown at him. Liz is more concerned that he is an inexperienced driver and could end up in a ditch somewhere. Jim is concerned too but thinks they'll be back once they've had a think about what they've done.

But Steve, handling the bike quite well it looks like, and Joanne are driving down a scenic road in what we will later find out is the Lake District. They spend the day walking on the wharf (Lake Windemere?) and taking a boat ride on the lake, enjoying being together. Joanne wants to call Flick to let her know she's ok but Steve convinces her they don't need anyone and he'll look after her.

Back at home, Flick makes up a story for her parents about her and Jenny having to mind the shop for Rita who's down with a bug. Flick worries that Joanne must really hate her but Jenny says she's just a daft impressionable kid like she was when she ran away to France. She soon came back when she realized the big wide world wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Joanne will too. Jenny later sees Rita and when Rita realizes there's more to it than just a change of plans, Jenny takes her across to No7 to tell her all about it.

In the pub, Jack tries to find out if Betty knows anything about why Bet and Alec are fighting but Betty is staying out of it, knows nothing and thinks Jack should stay out of it too. A bit difficult since at one point later in the day, Bet and Alec are playing "tell him/tell her" over a phone call with Jack playing monkey in the middle, leaving Alec to miss the call because of what he called Bet's childish games. Not good for his blood pressure you know. That's ok, that way Victoria will get her precious inheritance that much sooner.

Also in the pub, at dinnertime, Curly is ranting about his situation to Kevin and Sally who think he's being daft. It's only because Reg doesn't know one end of a computer from the other and he couldn't wire a plug without blacking out half of Weatherfield! He's probably home trying to get Channel 4 on the microwave! Kevin tries to get him to see reason, after all, he's got a good job, nice girlfriend and great digs. Right. A manipulative, crafty boss, a girlfriend whose parents think they own him and a landlady who isn't' happy unless she's trying to run his life, Curly defines. It's a recipe for disaster, that! He feels trapped in a giant web with three great 'orrible spiders who are ready to gobble him up if he tries to have a mind of his own. Well, Sally gives up, there isn't any more to say is there. But better watch it or he'll end up with nothing, no job, no girlfriend and no digs.

Deirdre comes by to ask Liz to help distribute council flyers but drops that idea when it's apparent that Liz is very upset and goes inside to talk to her. Liz is frantic with worry, every time the phone rings or someone knocks at the door she thinks it's the police with bad news. She's done her best with them and stuck with it when she didn't always want to because she wanted them to have a good chance. Where has she gone wrong? Deirdre soothes her with understanding words, why, Tracy ran away once too so she knows what Liz is going through. The kids today have much more sense and he'll be back when he realizes what he's missing out on.

Curly returns home from a blissful two hour drive without Holdsworth, the Taylors and Vera organizing his life. Vera hollers at him from worry, not knowing where he went without a word and anyway, she doesn't organize his life. She has enough to organize her own and proceeds to tell him Kimberly is coming over tonight. Curly says he wasn't supposed to be seeing her but Vera says he is now. He needs someone to bring him back to the land of the living since she and Jack don't seem to be flavour of the month these days! Curly looks like he's going to punch out the wall!

It's getting on near nine o'clock and Liz is anxiously staring at the phone and then cries that they can't just do nothing, and she wants to call the police. Jim won't have it though, just think how Steve will react if he's dragged home by the cops, he'll not stay around long after that! Let him get it out of his system, he won't be gone long, he only has his pocket money. And, Liz discovers, £20 she had stashed in the cookie tin.

Steve and Joanne drive up to an old house, with a rusty car in the yard, broken windows and peeling paint. It's abandoned and Steve announces they can stay there tonight. Joanne is completely disillusioned at this, never thought she'd be spending her first night with him in a grotty derelict house! She makes him promise it's only for the one night. He promises. Trust me. (Yikes. Shades of the future?)


Tuesday (3099, 25 July 1990)
Trouble in paradise. Curly makes a stand. Alec launches a plan.

It's Curly's second day home. Jack suggests that he clean out the pigeon loft if he has nothing to do. Curly claims he has plenty to do, like reclaim a life sadly gone astray. He's going to clear the weeks and straighten the paths, starting with his digs. he puts in a two week notice of leaving the Duckies' house. He's let the dust settle too long. He thanks them and leaves Vera to angrily expand upon all the things they've done for him and all the thanks she gets is cracks about her dusting! Jack wonders if Curly's on drugs, all this about clearing weeds and here we don't even have a garden! It's hallucinations that's what! Drugs! Or else a dodgy meat pie! (I had to watch this twice. I couldn't hear it for the laughter. Mine!)

Liz and Jim debate the pros and cons of calling the police to report Steve's absence. All the usual positions are stated with none of it affecting Andy's appetite. Jim thinks after a cold night sleeping rough, they'll soon get tired of it.

Joanne certainly is. She seems to have been up most of the night as Steve sleeps like a log on the floor. When he finally wakes up, he finds her outside in the field by the lake. Seems she laid awake all night listening for rats though Steve was still up for adventure of camping out. She has done some camping but it was with the Guides, with proper facilities...toilets! (oops? Has she been holding it in or did she end up tangling with a hedge?) She's not going to stay there another night so they go off in search of other accommodations. Later in the day they find a caravan and Steve breaks the lock so they can go in and forage for food and have a wash. Joanne is nervous that someone might come and find them and in the end insists they leave. She just wasn't comfortable. They talk about money and Steve promises he'll find them jobs. It's tourist season and hotels and resorts are crying for people to work without asking too many questions. I think Joanne's illusions in love and adventure are slipping away.

Liz goes to see Jenny and Flick but they don't want the police called yet either so Liz is outvoted in spite of her frantic concerns for Steve's safety. She warns them she won't wait forever and leaves. Flick remarks to Jenny that Liz has nothing to complain about, it's her son that caused it all. (what complaints? It's maternal fear!)

Bet admires a photo of Betty's grandson but Alec ignores the view. Bet and Alec soon start sniping about the will, the money and his secret tactics. More of the same. Then Alec accuses her of wanting him dead but he will not be moved in spite of her proclaiming that she hopes she is the one that goes first, then all this will be beside the point!

Deirdre asks Rita in the Kabin about the runaways but then they hastily cover when Percy comes in. He caught the tail end of the conversation and the name "Steve" and wonders if they are talking about Steve MacDonald. They hastily cover up and make out it's a different Steve so he goes out with his mints, still a bit puzzled, I think. Jenny wonders if they aren't making too much of the runaway situation, they'll be back. But later, a visit from Liz brings the information that she couldn't wait any longer and called the police. They're coming round any minute. Flick looks sick!

Curly is preaching in the pub that he's making a stand. Wot? asks Martin, sitting here in the pub? No, making a stand by not going to work. Kevin thinks it may backfire and he might wake up and find his cards through the letterbox, it's not exactly a pistols at dawn kind of thing after all. Curly doesn't think he'll get fired, they've spent too much money training him to throw it away. From the bar, Jack observes and asks Betty if she knows anything about drugs. No and she doesn't want to. He says Curly has been behaving oddly, insulting Vera, not wanting to go to work. Oh is that all? Betty thinks living with Jack has just rubbed off! Reg comes in to see Curly and to have a word. Curly is ready for battle. What's he playing at, Reg asks! He's just trying to make his position clear, he's a victim of injustice! Mr. Holdsworth tells him it's too late, the position in Hartleypool has been filled and he's got to put it behind him and get on with it, working where he has been. Ah, that's the questions isn't it? When Curly climbs back into his seat at the back of the booth he tells the others he's put in his notice!!! Making a stand doesn't mean standing in a dole queue, Martin says. They're all dismayed but Curly thinks he's won a moral victory. Oh yes! (that's lost digs, lost jobs. 2 out of 3 things!)

Alec clarifies that the it was the sum of money that rankled Bet, right? Well he's going to do something about it. Not change the will, oh no, but it will be something else. Alec takes off out the door, a man with a mission.

Jim drives home to find the police car in front of his house and rushes inside in a fright. But they tell him there's no news. It's just the constable taking information and assuring them that Liz did the right thing calling them. No word of any trouble or charges, he only gets information on the bike and descriptions so they can start looking for the kids. Outside, Percy sees the police car too and his imagination is launched. The police go to see Jenny and Flick as well, to get the address for Flick's parents in case the kids went there. Flick knows now she must call her parents before the police contact them and is not happy about it. She leaves the room, and if looks could kill the room would be a carnage of bodies. She does call, later, when her dad is still at work. Still, her mother hits the roof just the same when told the news.

Alec returns to the bar. Bet greets him warmly, deciding there has been enough argy bargy, they should put it all behind them. But it seems Alec has taking out another £20,000 policy with her as beneficiary to make it all equal. She thanks him and is grateful but he's not letting her off the hook that easily. He begins moaning about the cost of the premiums and how economies will have to be made now to make up for it. But there's not price too high for his beloved. Looks like he's going to make her pay and all!

Vera brings Kimberly home to talk some sense into Curly. Vera tells Jack that Curly's quit his job, he's gone that far round the twist that she wonders if he'll ever come back! Curly affirms that he did indeed quit his job. Kimberly pleads with Curly, she can't face work without him there! AND, he says, he's not going to Barmouth! Didn't want to go in the first place! He's definitely not going and righteously stalks out.

Up in the Lakes, it's raining. But the bike slowly stops and it's evident there's a problem. They get off and Steve jiggles parts and wires and determines there's petrol but something's definitely broken. The two of them argue about leaving or staying and also about lack of funds. She wants to say so he says, fine! And he begins pushing the bike up the hill. She runs after him.


Wednesday (3100, 27 July 1990)
Curly rises from the ashes but gets a douse of reality. Alec turns the screws. The runaways find a roost.

Another classic Jack and Vera scene: Jack is feeding his pigeons and Vera comes out to accuse him of causing Curly to leave. It's his stinking birds and leaving the bathroom a mess. Jack says it's not his fault! Surely Curly is being irrational and anyway her cooking didn't help! He never said that! She defends, only that her salad wasn't so hot. Jack delivers another priceless line when he tells her that her spuds aren't so hot either, let's face it, there's not a lot left after spuds, is there? Vera praises Curly's honesty, says that he's filling the gap left by RTerreh. She feels needed, that's what she likes! Jack declares, "I need you!" (as if to say, what do you mean? I need you!) She says, once a month after a channel 4 film! Noooo, not just that, Jack protests, he needs her for all sorts, for everything! Vera sharpens her tongue on Jack but turns all sweetness and light when Curly comes in, dishing up a plate of bacon and eggs for him. She offers him a newspaper and sends Jack out to the shop to get one. On the way, he picks up the phone, it's for Little Lord Fauntleroy!

Steve has a mechanic look at the bike. There's blockage somewhere in the carburettor. Steve offers a swop, let him fix the bike using the mechanic's gear and Steve will work free labour for him for a few days. But it's no money, no deal! Steve stashes the bike in an old shed near a building site. Flick isn't happy and they argue about her moaning and his money spending. He tries to get round her and she reluctantly kisses him.

Rita warns Flick that Percy Sugden is suspicious and to give him a wide berth, admitting nothing. Rita offers sympathy and support when Flick says her parents blame her. She takes Flick for a walk to get her out of the house for awhile. While she's gone, Jenny takes a curt phone call from Mr. Khan. He's on his way up north and will be there tonight! Flick looks sick when she finally returns and is told!

At a resort, Steve has managed to get them jobs in the kitchen of the hotel with accommodations. She's relieved but not quite so much when they are given the tour of the kitchen but a rude and abrupt manager who runs down all their duties, including mountains of washing up! He knows their story is probably a sham and that they are probably runaways but he doesn't say so outright. He ends up by showing their room, up several flights of stairs, both outdoor and indoor. It's only one room with a double bed however, not separate rooms and Flick is shocked!

Alec smarmily lets Bet know how generous he's being to her about the policy despite the cost. She needed proof of his love after all. She snaps that she needed assurance, not the flaming Magna Carta!

At the bar, Jack is telling Deirdre that Curly used them but she believes it was the other way around. Vera wouldn't have got her job if it weren't for Curly but Jack turns that around again, saying that was so that Curly could lord it over them! Sounds like they're talking about two different people! Just then Curly comes in, dressed in his very best Mr. Watts suit and tie, risen from the ashes. He announces that he's got his job back and a new title, Deputy Manager responsible for new technology and a pay rise of 20 quid a week included! Well done say all his friends, (Deirdre, Phyllis) Jack asks if he's staying on but is told only if there are improvements. Jack reels away. Alec says that's a bit strong for a lad in specs, isn't it? Curly says there's no point skirting round the edges...it's a tactical revision of circumstances. If everyone settled their life like that, there would be a lot less misery. I seeee, says Alec. Yes, Curly tells him he has his job back, nobs up (knobs? re: pay rise), jack is cleaning the bathroom and Vera isn't interfering in his life. Cheers!

Elsewhere in the pub, Phyllis tells Percy about the policy Alec bought for Bet, how romantic it was, while Percy mutters about Steve and policemen and suspicions. She asks Percy if he's made a will! No he hasn't, there's no one to leave it to! Rita has a drink after spending an hour or two bucking up Felicity but can't tell Bet what's on her mind. She warns Jim that Percy can start rumours just to see how long it will take for them to come back to him. She tells Jim that she thinks Steve will be all right. Then he'll be a lucky young lad!

Over in the booth, Curly is basking in the amazement and admiration of his pals, the Websters and Martin. He had the stamina to stand his ground so cheers to me! But Kimberly comes in, furious. She can't believe what a pig she's been going out with, an animal that trods on people! He masterfully suggests she sit down but she surprises everyone. She says she doesn't know where he gets his ideas but she knows where he can shove 'em and she masterfully pours his beer over his head after telling him they're through and tossing his ring on the table (much to the amusement of the others). Alec leans over the bar and declares, "Oh yes, I get your drift now, Curly. Tactical revision of circumstances! Very impressive!" (imagine Alec at his slimiest!)

Joanne sweats over the dishes, and angrily goes over to Steve and accuses him of trying it on, getting a room with a double bed. He promises to sleep on the floor. She doesn't trust him he already tried it on once. yes, he tried, but she said no so he backed off! For how long, she asks. He gets fed up and tells her that to be honest, she's more trouble than she's worth. The manager interrupts and tells them to do that on their own time, get on with it. Resentment runs high as Joanne goes back to the sink, very near the breaking point.

Andy is asked by Flick if he has any idea where Steve and Joanne might have gone (yet again, poor lad must be ready to tell the lot of them to sod off! he keeps getting asked over and over by all and sundry!) Liz and Jim return from where ever it was that they were but there is no news. Flick tells them that her father is coming and she'd terrified he'll blame her for not going to the police sooner and she crumples in tears. Jim says they'll just skate around the issue and they try to comfort her but she leaves. Jim says, she's right. He assures Liz that they'll be ok but what about us, eh? Hope he knows what he's putting them through and the three of them have a group hug.

Steve finds Joanne packing. The trouble at home would be better than him slagging her off here. He calls her a little kid for running back home when things get tough. Oh grow up, Steve, she says the difference between them is that she ran away for love, he did it because he wasn't getting his own way at home! Running away with him was the biggest mistake of her life! He calls her a stuck up spoiled bitch and she leaves, determined to get home on her own. He whines after him, don't tell them where I am! Please! (sounds like she's right!)

In the pub that night, Jack is working and Vera is staying out of the house so Curly and Kimberly can work things out. He has a lot to cover his tracks. Kevin laughs that Curly just might end up with Quiche on his face and a broken nose (as opposed to egg on his face?). Vera says Kimberly surprised her (me, and all!) she wouldn't say boo to a goose when she first met her. Sally praises Curly for putting his foot down, though. (on somewhat soft ground as it's about to turn out). Alec is still lording it over Bet who tells him enough is enough, if the money cuts that deep, he can just trade it for a personality. Cut it out, it's gone past a joke now. She walks away and Alec quietly says "you don't know" with a sneaky half-grin. (what's he up to?)

Curly does a nice dinner for Kimberly with wine and candles, he's made a quiche but she declares he can't get round her that easily. He apologises for all he's worth but she's tough. He says he cares, he loves her and he's very sorry. She asks him if he'll still go to Barmouth with her and her parents. Yes, yes he will, he humbly agrees.

Mr. Khan arrives. Where's Joanne? Flick can hardly look him in the eye.

Joanne is walking down a dark road. A car stops and waits but she freezes. When the driver sees she isn't going to get in, he drives off, leaving her there to continue her journey.


Thursday (3101, 30 July 1990)
First Contact. One Wanderer returns. Curly wriggles out of it.

A Lake District hiker strides past a little stone shelter and stops when he sees a crumpled figure sleeping on the bench inside. It's Joanne who wakes up, startled but the hiker just goes on his way without a word, seeing he was all right, not dead! She jumps up and starts walking in the other direction. A but later she quickly and angrily gets out of a transport lorry, with her gear tossed after her by the driver. (probably tried it on).

Mr. Khan is hashing it all out with the MacDonalds, trying to put all the blame on Steve for persuading Joanne to go with him. She's a good girl and wouldn't have gone on her own. Tempers flare as Liz defends her chick and Jim insults Mr. Khan's chick, saying she was a fast wee girl who had his lads ready to kill each other, dating one and flirting with the other. Mr. Khan won't have his daughter insulted and leaves. Liz runs after him and tries to apologize for Jim who speaks first and thinks later but Mr. K. can't talk, he's much too angry.

Back at No7, Flick is getting the once over for Joanne's alleged behaviour with the twins. She and Jenny tell him that Joanne was just friends with the boys, nothing more and they were never alone in the house (liar! but it was only once) Joanne only made a few friends and agrees her dad wouldn't have liked it, (implying how strict he is). She and Jenny both assure him that Joanne's a good girl (and they're right. Ok she flirts but she's obviously not as fast and rebellious as she let on that she was) In spite of Mr. Khan's blaming Steve, Jenny says Steve is not a bad lad really.

Martin arrives home and tells Gail that the car has broken down and it looks serious. She's to call Kev while he gets to the cafe for his first day there.

The phone rings. Liz is up to her elbows in flour so asks Andy to get it. He takes his sweet time and needs an extra holler from his mother to go pick it up (guess he's the only one not worried about Steve's safety after all!) And it's Steve on the phone, calling collect! Andy hisses that he's in big trouble, Dad will have you for this! Liz grabs the phone. Steve only has time to ask if Joanne got back safely and that she set out for home on her own before the hotel manager catches him and he rings off.

Meanwhile Joanne is being fed a full breakfast by a motorist who must have picked her up and given her a ride. She gives him a story about a fight with her boyfriend and that they were working at a hotel. It becomes increasingly clear that he's nothing but a letch when he asks if she and Steve were sharing a bed and Joanne becomes increasingly uncomfortable when he talks about taking the scenic route back to Manchester rather than the direct route and she runs off when he goes to the toilet as they are on their way back out to his car. Strike two.

Liz apologizes again to Mr. Khan for Jim. They're all upset. She defends Steve as a good lad by a typical teenage boy who thinks he's a adult and you can't tell them otherwise or they'll prove them wrong. He does agree with that. Flick says it could have just as easily happened at home in Canterbury and Joanne could have picked worst than Steve to run off with, he'll take care of her. Liz then has to admit that Steve called and said that Joanne has head off for home on her own but didn't say from where! Oh boy. That didn't help!

Kevin and Curly have a half in the pub at dinner. Kevin teases Curly about slacking off (Curly is still on a week's leave) Bet tells Kevin he's one to talk, spending half the day laying on his back under a car. Yeah, laying on his back covered in oil! That must have produced an interesting picture for Bet as she sighs and says "My dear in Heaven!" Kevin tells Curly, Audrey and Phyllis that Martin's car has given up the ghost. That's all he needs just as he's given up his job at the hospital, Phyllis declares. She uses it to score another point off Audrey, saying if she had still been at the cafe, Martin would still have his job at the hospital. Audrey rises wonderfully and says it's too bad Phyllis couldn't keep up. Curly says he still has to sort out Barmouth and the caravan holiday. You just watch it rain!

Ken brings Tracy home (must have been a long visit, haven't seen either of them for weeks!) Deirdre offers tea and is all friendly, no hostility at all! She points out a letter that came for him. It turns out it's from Ken's son, Peter and Peter's getting married next week. Tracy is to be a bridesmaid so she's excited! But as Ken reads the rest of the letter, it's evident that he's never told Peter that he and Deirdre are split up and that he's no longer working at the Recorder, or anywhere else. never got round to it, he tells Deirdre, as if it was no big deal. He assumes the three of them will go to the wedding but Deirdre declines. He tries blackmail, how would you feel if your mother didn't come to your wedding. She doesn't rise to it, saying she only met Peter half a dozen times and she's not his mother. He says it would be devastating to find out all this on his wedding day when a man wants his family around. He'd be mortified! No go. Deirdre says they aren't a family anymore, which is sadly overheard by Tracy.

Martin is told by Kevin that the engine is toast and it will cost £700 or £800 to fix. £50 for scrap. Martin is really P.O.'d at the incredibly bad timing of it all. Kevin says Mark is working on an Escort that would suit the growing family but he can't afford it. Later, Martin and Gail go over the finances and the bank loan payments and upkeep of a car is just out of the picture. Martin says he'll get a second job but Gail doesn't want him slaving and drudging. She'll never see him then. Martin suggests they use some of the money Brian left for a car. Yes, she has the money in the children's name for their future but this would benefit them. She says it would be too easy to pick away at it once they started and she insists the matter is closed. That money is not to be touched. Ok, then what do we do? We get along without a car, Gail says. They'll be healthier and wealthier.

Mr. Khan and Flick worry endlessly over how they are going to find Joanne when they have no idea where she might be. He threatens to force Flick to return home with him with Joanne. She couldn't look after her sister so she probably can't look after herself! Why doesn't she call (why indeed? ever hear of a collect call?)

Curly makes an arrangement with Mr. Holdsworth whom he meets in the pub. He tells him the problem is this holiday to Barmouth. He wants to go on a computer course instead. Mr. Holdsworth jokes feebly about computers being able to do a lot but probably not sort out Barmouth. And anyway he's already scheduled for a course in October not September. Curly gives him a pointed look which Reg catches deftly and looks through his date book. He says that, oh! October is just too inconvenient for Mr. Watts to be away from the story so would he be able to go on a computer course in September instead? The very same weeks he had planned to go to Barmouth? Curly grins and shakes his hand, Thanks Reg (first time he's called him by his first name!)

A car turns into Coronation Street. A woman is driving and Joanne is in the car. She panics when she sees her father's car but the woman stops anyway. Mr. Khan and Flick come out but all Dad does is hold out his arms for a hug and takes her inside, past a smiling Jenny. One down, one to come.


Friday (3102, 1 August 1990)
Confessions, Gifts and Aggro.

In the wee hours, Joanne gets a glass of milk. Flick has followed her downstairs. Can't sleep? Flick tries to get Joanne to tell why she ran away and what happened to make her come back on her own and didn't she even think of what it did to them at home? Joanne is flip about it and not inclined or ready to talk to her sister.

Next morning at the MacDonald's there is more angst and worry, the usual. Liz is almost at the end of her tether but Andy has no trouble eating as usual. Jim asks Andy YET again if his twin psychic instincts tell him Steve is ok. Tell your mother he's not in a ditch. Of course he's not, at least he flipping well had better not be. Oh thanks. That helped.

At No7, everyone is preparing to leave. Jenny and Flick are finally going to France and Joanne is going home. All are travelling with Mr. Khan, as far as Canterbuy at least. Flick tells her father than Joanne is not telling them much but Jenny thinks she was ok, nothing happened, it was all just an adventure gone wrong and she's probably just embarassed. That reminds them, shouldn't the MacDonald's be told that Joanne is back?

Martin gets ready to go to the cafe. Gail reminds him that tea is at Ivy's, and isn't it great that everyone is helping out, pulling their weight? Martin ruefully says he's not but Gail says he's working all the hours God sends, of course he's helping out! He is just down about not being able to afford the car is all.

Tracy is upset that her mother isn't going to Peter's wedding to see her in all her glory as a bridesmaid. Deirdre says she just can't go and pretend eveyrthing is unchanged, and tells Tracy that her father hasn't told his other children that they have split up. Why? You'll have to ask him that. Which she does in the park later. But he says they wouldn't be pretending, that it's not a question of pretending (at the wedding) it's just enjoying themselves, acting normally. (oh, right. it's all a bit act and that's not pretending???? Ken should have been a politician!) He didn't tell Peter because they live so far apart, it's not the kind of thing you say over the phone. Tracy says that's pathetic, he could have written. Well he could have, but he's had a lot on his mind lately. (pathetic, indeed!) Tracy sees right through him i think. She says this is the second wedding that she was a bridesmaid in that was spoiled. Two??? The first time was at Susan and Mike's wedding when Ken didn't want to go because of some silly arguement with Mike. Ken has the grace to look embarassed, he didn't think she knew about that. Dad, I'm not thick! (no, dear) Now it's her mother spoiling things, Tracy accuses them both of being purely selfish, only thinking of themselves instead of her. (no, I'm not going to take on about Tracy. I think that's a normal reaction of a 13 year old who doesn't understand adult relationships yet, poor kid)

Mr. Khan goes to see the MacDonalds to tell them that Joanne got back safely but she didn't or wouldn't say where they were or where Steve was. He infers again that Steve was the one to blame. Jim roars back that he will not have his son insulted and taking all the blame, he's been well brought up to know right from wrong. Oh sure, he ran away with an underage girl and stole a motorbike. Sounds like he knows right from wrong! Mr. Khan leaves and Jim rages that Mr. Khan thinks they are rubbish, that they just came out of the bog (i wonder why!?) Liz doesn't care, she's just wants to know Steve is all right.

Audrey visits Gail and Gail tells her about the car. The only money is the children's money from Brian and she's not touching that. Audrey thinks she should be practical. Gail seems concerned for Martin's pride, after all, the house is hers and half the cafe too and there's the age difference though they don't talk about it much. She can't let him take out a loan. Oh why did this have to happen now?

Liz goes to see Joanne before they leave but Joanne won't tell her where Steve is. Liz begs but Joanne says if Steve wanted her to know, he'd have called. Flick tells her sister she's being ridiculous and Jenny interrupts that Joanne is only being loyal. She's told by Flick to butt out (and what the heck does Joanne need to be loyal to Steve for? They didn't exactly part on good terms! She's lucky she didn't end up with pneumonia with the sleeping rough and biking in the rain)

While Mr. Khan and Flick are out to the shops looking for a little something for Mrs. Khan, Joanne and Jenny have a chat while packing. Jenny remembers what being on the road was like, cold, scared, hungry. Joanne opens up to Jenny and tells her that Steve did try it on but backed off when he realized she really meant it when she said "no". It was just a silly crush and Steve is just a silly boy. It was something else that has upset her. Joanne tells Jenny about the two male motorists that made veiled advances and how she handled it. Jenny smiles and tells her she handled herself and the situations like a mature adult. (a lucky one, too, though Jenny didn't come out and say it)

Kevin picks Sally up at the shop, he's made lunch. Yeah, chippy is more like it but she's not complaining. Kevin mentions to Audrey about the car Mark is working on for his mother, an Escort that is well worth the £2000 asking price but Martin couldn't swing it. Audrey thinks on.

Joanne goes to Liz to say good bye. Liz is in the middle of breaking down and hopes Joanne is a mother someday so will know what she is going through. But Joanne then gives her a paper with the address of the hotel where she left Steve. If he's still there. Back at the house, Jenny tells Flick and her dad that Joanne went to tell Liz where Steve is and that Joanne told her that nothing happened with Steve. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone that's not so close. Mr. Khan wants to put it all behind them, now let's get the car loaded. Jenny considers not going after all but Flick knows she's joking and kids her into a smile. They all load their gear. Andy comes by and says good riddance to Joanne and Rita is there to wish the students a good trip. After they all drive off, Liz comes over and asks a big favour of Rita. Can she borrow her car to go fetch Steve? No problem!

Ken tells Deirdre that Tracy is upset. She'll get over it, she's had to get over worse. (not quite so friendly today, then, and it gets worse) Ken says surely they can give her this one weekend but Deirdre will not be blackmailed, it'll be worse if they pretend to be happy families and Tracy starts believing it. Oh she won't. She might, folk believe what they want to. Ken admits he told Tracy that he didn't want to tell Peter and Susan the bad news on the phone but Deirdre counters with, They don't live on Mars, you could have visited them. She correctly points out that Ken just bottled out of telling his children that he dumped his wife for another woman. Oh right, twist the knife, he didn't know she was so vindictive! It's all past history now anyway (so does he think out of sight, out of mind? He never forgot her affair with Mike and has carried on a lifetime feud with him as a result but that's past history too isn't it??? Prat!) Well she insists she could never forget. He figures she has learned well from all that in-fighting on the council, how to dodge an issue and shift blame. Shift the blame? Right, Deirdre doesn't want to go, Ken analyses, so she's making it his fault. Well who's fault is it then? He sidesteps that by saying that Wendy isn't in his life anymore but that great lout is still in hers and proceeds to insult the level of Dave's intelligence (see it all comes back to that doesn't it? Snob AND a prat!) Deirdre throws him out!

Liz gets tot he hotel but when she arrives, the manager says Steve is off duty and he doesn't know where he is. Liz has to wait. (but at least she knows he's still there or was at his last shift) Meanwhile, back home, Andy tells his father that Mum has gone to get Steve in Mrs. Fairclough's car. After first sighing with relief that Steve has been found, he hollers, Why didn't she come and get him! Because, Andy points out, she wanted to bring him back alive instead of dead!

In the Kabin, Derek tells Rita he thinks she's very foolish. She tells him the feeling is mutual (LOL) but he doesn't get it, too intent on making his sanctimonious point. She shouldn't have lent her car to an overemotionally upset woman in no shape to drive in unfamiliar car. Fine, next time she wants to do a friend a favour, Rita snaps, she'll ask his permission first!

Sally tells Phyllis and Ivy about the runaways. Ivy is horrified, knowing how she'd feel if her child went missing. Phyllis thinks young love is romantic. Ivy thinks it could just as easily be Joanne's fault, these young girls today have no morals! It's the parents' fault! She leaves and Alf wonders where Audrey is. Sally tells him that she went out, not saying where but she can manage on her own if Alf needs to go out.

Audrey is knocking on the door of Ivy's a bit later. Gail and her crew are there for tea and Audrey brings them outside to show them something. There's a snappy little car parked out front and Audrey gives Gail the keys. It's yours, drive it in good health. Mam!!!!

In the pub Kim is trying to get Curly to tell her what's on his mind, she can tell there's something from his body language. So he spills. He can't go to Barmouth because he is being made to go to a computer course the same two weeks. He begged and pleaded but he has to go then. It's for the good of his career! She understands doesn't she? Doesn't look like she does.

The hotel manager tells Liz that Steve is back and is in the kitchen. She goes in to find him doing a mountain of washing up and says she wishes he'd do that at home! How did she find him? Joanne. She got home all right then. Liz asks him is he ready to come home too? He unties his pinny and they leave, arm in arm.

Hotel Manager ANDY HAY Mr. Khan MARK ZUBER Last appearance of JOANNE KHAN and according to my books, FELICITY KHAN. She and Jenny take off for France and my books say Flick doesn't come back.

Originally transmitted: 3, 6, 8, 10 & 13 August 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 15 - Friday 19 June 1998
Episode Numbers: 3103 - 3107

Monday (3103, 3 August 1990)
Defensive measures, economic boosting, persuasion and rejection.

Steve and Liz get in the car. He knows he'll have to face his father but she says she won't let Jim touch him. That bad, is it? Liz doesn't say but they both know. They drive off. Andy and Jim wait anxiously at home. Andy stirs it up under the guise of j ust making conversation but Jim knows what he's doing. Andy speculates that Steve will get away with it as usual. Jim insists strenuously that Steve will not and Andy smiles to himself smugly.

Martin and Gail are delighted with the car and Audrey gets them all in it for a drive. Gail shows much genuine appreciation to Ivy for her contribution of the evening tea, it means a lot to her but there's a major knot in Ivy's face. They drive off and sh e later complains to Don that she feels shown up in front of her own house. She can't compete with gifts like that. Don assures her that her gift of time and attention is more valuable than Lady Bountiful but Ivy's not best pleased.

Tina serves Alf up a doorstep of a sandwich, as he's missed his dinner. Audrey is two hours late picking him up! Alf eats and talks (at the same time!) with the regulars and then Don and Ivy arrive. She sulkily gets to tell Alf about the gift of the car a nd Alf nearly swallows the doorstep whole! He knew nothing! The pub buzzes about the gift and Alf's surprise while Alf grills Don and Ivy about the details of the car! All they know is that Audrey said it was expensive but she didn't say how much and the car, although second hand, wasn't a banger.

Over at Gail's, Martin feels like they shouldn't accept the car although he's grateful for Audrey's gesture. It's too lavish a gift and he wants to pay her back but Gail assures him that Audrey won't be persuaded to take a penny. They end up laughing over Ivy's and Alf's (potential) reactions and it looks like they'll keep it after all.

Back at the Rovers, everyone leans over the bar as Audrey comes to pick up Alf. She's taken aback a bit when she finds out he already knows, courtesy of Ivy but that's all right. She fields Alf's frantic questions on how much it cost, telling him what a relief to her it is that Gail won't have the stress of worrying about a car and how pleased they were. She finally tells him it cost £2,000 but she beat Mark down a bit, got a really good deal. £2000! Alf nearly blows a vein! She tells him she d oes too have that kind of money, from the funds in the building society account that he transferred in her name. That wasn't to spend, that was so he wouldn't have to pay taxes!!!! Audrey dismisses it as a boring old tax, life is for living! They leave w ith Alf blustering and ranting. She won't let him in the car until he calms down. It's done now anyway.

Liz and Steve arrive home. Ready? He nods but looks scared to death. When they go inside, Jim heads right for Steve but Liz steps in front of the boy. Hiding behind another woman, Jim taunts? Liz tries to send Steve upstairs but Jim keeps coming so she ag ain stops him. He grabs her by the arms and shoves her out of the way so Steve stands up to him, defending his mother. Fancy yer chances do you? Jim grabs Steve by the shirt but Liz screams that if he harms a hair on Steve's head, she's gone. She insists she'll leave and he'll never see any of them again! He realizes she's serious so he lets Steve go and leaves the house.

In the morning he's hungover, with the lads hiding safely upstairs. He insists Steve needs to learn a lesson and he needs to know Steve won't do it again. Liz thinks Steve well learned his lesson and Jim is only taking out his humiliation on Steve. He ca n't belt Joanne's father so he wants to take his revenge by belting his son. (Joanne's father insulted Jim's honour and tried to put all the blame on Steve) Violence isn't going to teach Steve a lesson. Jim says a good belt never did anyone any harm (oh, yes, that's the Jim we've come to know and ...um... love) She tells him that if he flays Steve alive, he'll regret it afterward and Steve will never forgive him as long as he lives. (but he managed to bring that about anyway, didn't he? re: the 1997 Fiona disaster) Liz tells Jim to go to work, let the dust settle and talk to Steve later. He has nothing to say to the boy and the only thing he wants to know is where's his bike!? Steve comes downstairs after Jim leaves the house and ends up assuring his moth er the bike is safe.

Alf is angrily darting around the shop, flipping and banging crates and tins and not talking to Audrey, who is behind the till, filing her nails. Of course, they end up bickering and arguing when she says she objects to being treated like a wayward teenag er and of course he accuses her of acting like one. One thing leads to another and Audrey ends up complaining about the tin pot shop and Grasmere Drive which really was just a compromise. Her whole life is one boring compromise and she's sick of it! She w hips off her pinnie and says she's going out to find a little excitement (and for her that means spending money). Alf hollers that she can't in fact spend the money he knows she's planning to because he's found the building society passbook and has it in his hot little hand. It's not about money, "actualleh", what she wants is a little appreciation! She slams the shop door and he slams the book down on the floor. Not quite as satisfying as slamming a door though, i'll wager!

Andy quietly baits Steve and Steve grabs him for a roll on the floor which Liz breaks up, fed up with the pair of them. Isn't there enough trouble in the house without this too? Andy whines that Steve "just went for us"! (little sh** disturber!) but Liz k nows what's what and tells Steve to go get dressed and tells Andy to go find something useful to do. Andy gives her a bit of lip and she grabs him, Don't tempt me, young man!

Tracy and Deirdre return from a big shopping trip to buy the bridesmaid dress. Tracy is anxious to take the dress to show her mate but before she leaves, she asks her mother what should she say when people at the wedding ask why Deirdre isn't there. Good question. Tracy doesn't want to lie but Deirdre says she had better ask her father. (who'll ask her to, well if not lie, to evade the truth!)

In the pub, Alf gets sympathy from Jack and Derek about wives spending money behind their husbands' back but gets a bit of a surprise from Kevin and Mark who tell him that Audrey only paid £1,800 for the car, having dickered the price down like a pro . (Alf obviously doesn't remember her saying that she beat the price down!) Now we know where the money for her "excitement" will be coming from, adding insult to Alf's injured pride. LIz and Deirdre chat about teenage angst and absent fathers. Liz think s sometimes she could manage better on her own!

Ken approaches Dave Barton over the road where he is supervising some unloading of materials. Wants to have a word. Dave looks down on Ken (he's about 4 inches taller!) and wonders what they could have to say. Ken says he's not there to cause trouble and proceeds to do exactly that. He thinks Dave should know that it looks like he and Deirdre will be getting back together. Tracy would be much happier and Dave is just in the way of that. Dave is skeptical though Ken assures him Deirdre hasn't told him beca use she's just putting up a front. Pretty lame explanation and i don't think Dave's bought it though his face shows a shadow of a doubt just the same as he watches Ken jauntily knock on the door of Number 1 and is let in.

Inside he gets to admire Tracy in her dress and amazed how grown up she looks. She goes to change and Ken gets right to the point. Take me back!?

In the pub, Sally shows Derek and Mavis the sonogram picture of the baby and they are amazed at being able to see the baby before it's born. Audrey is swanning in a new purple with white dots outfit bought in an expensive shop that Sally says she likes bu t Mavis tactfully says is "tasteful". (i hate it!) Alf comes in and starts right in on her about the £200 difference and not to try to soft soap him, he knows where the money came from. Audrey ignores him and brings out the soft soap anyway, telling him she's arranged for a romantic candlelit meal at a little bistro, lots of wine and, nudge, nudge, an early night in. Whether it's the promise of food or the promise of Rumpeh Pumpeh, Alf leaves the pub on Audrey's arm, smiling.

Deirdre tells Ken that she knows Tracy would be pleased if they got back together but she's too hurt and betrayed. He tries to use Tracy as a guilt ploy but she stands up to it and thows Wendy Crozier back in his face. He didn't mind Tracy's feelings when he left them! That was a mistake, he says. He says it's not just for Tracy's sake, he still loves Deirdre too! It's too late. Maybe just for a second, he's always been persuasive but no, it's not going to happen. He says he insulted Dave the other day be cause he was jealous! He regrets everything, he was schtewpid and wants to be with her, he knows she still cares for him too. Please? he begs. Please don't kill it just for revenge! No. he's wrong. She doesn't love him anymore. Please go. He does and Trac y sees him go. The door to the living room was shut but she probably heard some of it. She throws the dress down the stairs in anger. (the turning point for her dreadfully annoying and whining personality?)


Tuesday (3104, 6 August 1990)
The Phoenix Rises. The Tip pays out.

Alma takes a call from Peter Ingrahm while Mike is in the shower. It seems Peter rearranged Mike's schedule for the day, cancelling a lunch with a potential client, which annoys Mike to no end because he could have had a great order from that client if he had been working on his own.

Hung over again, so he is. Liz feeds Jim black coffee but he prefers milk to settle his stomach, no fried bacon, please. He got in after 1 a.m. and gets no sympathy from Liz. Jim asks her if Steve said anything about the bike but Liz said the subject neve r came up. You'd think he cared more for the bike than his own family. It's not that, but it's worth a pretty penny, it could get stolen! Liz hopes it does, she'd just as soon never see it again, it was nothing but trouble since he got it (and just when w as that, then??)

Deirdre gets Tracy organized for her trip to Portsmouth and the wedding and warns her off the champers lest she ruin her trip. Tracy sulks that the trip was spoiled before it even got started. Deirdre talks to her about what she overheard the day before b etween her and Ken. (though it isn't exactly clear just what she did hear). Deirdre tells her it would be just going to a wedding, neither she nor her father would see it like that adn it's better in the long run for all three of us. You mean all four! me aning Dave. Deirdre assures her Dave is a good friend, nothing more.

Jack tries to get a lend of a fiver from Vera but she turns him down. She tells Jack that Curly is not paying full rent while he's away on his course, maybe not anything if he doesn't come home weekends, maybe a tenner for a retainer is all. They argue ab out money and the lack of. Vera says if she weren't married she'd be living with a rich man. Jack counters that if he hadn't married her he'd BE a rich man! Give over, you're the one always stealing from me, she shouts. Well what if Curly doesn't come home on the weekend? Vera thinks he will, though and plans a nice steak tea for his first Friday home. Curly comes down to get ready to leave for work and tells them he's not sure of his plans and will let them know.

Alma and Martin discuss ice cream and Alma makes a vew vague references to excuses for her to leave but Martin is all over her like a dirty shirt. He's not a pushover and she can't get away with it with him! Don't push your luck! She must have managed to sweet talk him because the next time we see her she's in the Rovers with Audrey. Just popped in for a minute.

At Bettabuys Kimberly has a major knot in her face over Curly's impending four week absence. He tells her he'll be free weekends so why doesn't she come down to Milton Keynes on the weekends with him? She's delighted but he has to do some fancy footwork when she suggests he come to Barmouth on the weekend that she'll be there. He goes off and Vera comes by and has fun teasing her about their "dirty" weekend but then realizes it might mean that Curly won't be coming home weekends.

Back to the Rovers, Des is waiting for sandwhiches which, yes are more expensive than those sold in Alf's shop but Alf doesn't serve a pint while you wait. Alma has just popped in after picking up a bag of tomatoes from Alf's which was her excuse to get out of the cafe. But before she can get back, Mike comes in and really needs to talk to her. While Des is waiting he and Jack start talking about bookies and horses and tips and Des seems to wind Jack up by telling him he could never give him the inside line but would have to give him hints. All Des does say about the race at 2:15 is that the favourite won't win. But he doesn't say what will much to Jack's frustration. Then they start that stupid nose tapping for the rest of the scene and Jack starts taking what Des is saying as a secret hint, after Des leaves with a jaunty "Arrivederci". After Des leaves, Jack asks Kevin and mark if Des is really on the up and up, got all his chairs at home does he? He's not that daft, not with the job he's in and Jack makes out like he's not realized that Des was a bookie. He finds out a little later from Liz that it's Italian and he consults the newspaper for the horses racing and finds one called Italian Boy. He steps out later and places a bet.

Over in the corner, Mike is telling Alma that he's going to start up a business again in spite of the legal document he signed for Peter Ingrahm, guaranteeing he wouldn't for five years. He's tired of doing all the work and Peter getting all the profit. He won't try a different line because all he really knows is the rag trade. Alma warns him he has too much to lose but he thinks he's found a way around it. Hire a manager to run it for him. You're playing with fire, Mike!

Dave comes round to Deirdre's and gets all defensive about his chances with Deirdre, saying he didn't realize she was only trying to make Ken jealous. Deirdre extracts from him what Ken told him and sets him straight. She is not getting back together with Ken. He says he shouldn't have taken Ken at face value (and you should realize that by now!!). Snap says Deirdre, that was her mistake too. (and i'm all excited because i never knew where the "snap" expression we use on #coro came from! I just thought it was something we all just did!) She tells him that Ken will be picking up Tracy later on that afternoon for the wedding trip that she isn't attending. So you see? Nothing to worry about! She'd love a night or two away in a hotel herself as a nice break. No, not with Ken. It takes him a minute to clue in and then grins from ear to ear. You propositioning me? Slow on the uptake!

Alma finally arrives back at the cafe 2 hours after she left, without the tomatoes, to face the wrath of Martin Platt. Halfway through the rant, Audrey arrives with the tomatoes and almost tries to invite Audrey on a shopping trip but bites her tongue when she sees Martin's face when she spills the beans about seeing Audrey in the Rovers.

Liz is doing her nails so asks Steve to put the kettle on. Anyway he owes her a few favours, it would have gone a lot worse with his dad if she hadn't stopped it. That goes both ways, Steve says, it's like being in a prison this house. Oh, been to prison, have you? (not yet! give him a few more years!) His father hasn't spoken to him and all he cares about is the bike anyway. He'll tell him where the bike is... if he asks.

Vera tells an old schoolmate about Curly, his computer expertese and his lodging habits with the cap on the toothpaste which annoys Curly to no end. She makes a few pointed remarks about 'affairs' and weekends away and tries to find out of he's going to come home on weekends, no charge! He wasn't planning on paying anything if he does! (I wouldn't push it if i were you Vera!)

Jack gets a bite in the cafe and flashes around his money. Turns out the horse paid off for him! Martin scoffs but Jack promises he is about to turn professional, make a living out of it! what is the sport of kings, he asks. Alma thinks it's shooting pheasant and Martin counters with "Shooting photographers?" (too right!) Jack has lofty dreams of being a full time punter. Martin says it's a mug's game. Do i look like a mug? Alma and Martin just look at each other. No worries, Jack says, he's got a system but it's hush hush.

Jim comes home and Liz manages to break the ice by suggesting that he take Steve to work with him tomorrow. Jim wonders if she can trust the two of them together and Steve sulks that he IS in the room, you know! Well the first thing his father has to say to him is to ask if he knows what he put them though, he could have been dead. Steve says or worse yet, crashed the bike! Well he didn't and he's sorry, dad. That's easily said, Jim snorts. As a matter of fact, Steve says, it's not easy to say with him al ways sniping at him. Jim apologizes too and asks where's his bike!

Mike shows Alma some contracts he's drawn up in the name of Phoenix Fashions, his new business. Alma doesn't want to get involved! No way! Just drop it will you?


Wednesday (3105, 8 August 1990)
Mike gets in deep. Jack tips Don. Ken tells lies.

This morning, Alma insists she will not Stand By Her Man if Peter ends up throwing Mike into jail for breaking his contract. Mike is at his cocky best, no worries. If Peter finds out, he'll have to go to court to file papers enforcing the contract, then he'll be a good boy. But if Peter doesn't find out, Mike is laughing! Alma sighs, what to do with you!

Betty, Liz and Audrey having a gossip in the corner shop and Audrey wins for the best bit... Deirdre went away with Dave! Liz wasn't told but thinks it's nice that they get a day away. Especially if they get an early start, says Audrey, she knows they did because she saw them leave LAST NIGHT! Chins drop but Liz is pleased for Deirdre and hopes she has a good time. Audrey plans to watch for the signs that she did! Liz tells Audrey, she's going to be really terrible in a few years (??!!! She's terrible now! She's going to be insufferable in a few years!)

At the hotel, Dave has ordered room service breakfast for two. He serves Deirdre a cup of tea in bed and she wakes up, basking in the glow and pulls him down for a kiss as she sighs "Wonderful!". (And that was no "acting" kiss!!!)

Jack is yodelling but it's supposed to be opera I think, much to Alec's irritation. Pavarotti he's notti! Give it a rest, Jack! Alec notes that Jack seems rather full of himself this morning. Jack smugly says that happiness is a fiver in his pocket that Vera doesn't know about! Alec envies Jack, he really does (wait for it...) it must be wonderful to be so simple minded. Jack brags about the win on the horse but Alec doesn't believe him. Jack starts tapping that damn nose again and says it's not the winning but the way you win. Alec just pushes him to get on with that Lav! Jack prophesies Blessed are the simple minded for they will get there in the end! (more like get theirs in the end! like a kick up the backside!) HE goes off to clean the lav with a simulated Italian song on his lips.

Mike interviews a sharp young Indian man for the manager's position. Mike glosses over how own history, elaborating and exaggerating his past accomplishments. He needs a trustworthy manager. The young man says it sounds like Mike is looking for more than just a manager job and he's looking for more than just a job. He suggests that a man would only work his socks off for someone if at the end of the day he may own one of the shoes. He wants an option to buy into the business after six months. Mike isn't sure he's ready for that but is impressed by the man's style and ambition and promises to think about it.

Mike's next interview is a tall dark haired woman, similar build and looks to Alma as a matter of fact. Mike is surprised, as he was expecting a J. Williams. J for Jackie he is told. Mike obviously admires the cut of her jib though isn't sure he wants to hire a woman as manager. A first for him. She knows it too but completes the interview anyway. She doesn't really reveal much and he doesn't think she's all that serious about taking the job. She says that's only because he isn't serious about employing a woman as manager. Could be. Anyway, Mike promises to get back to her and swears her to secrecy, all that competition you know. She is cynical and appears to be hiding something. (Shall I spoil it????? Skip to the next paragraph NOW if you don't want to know.... Jackie Williams is really Peter's wife, Jackie Ingram! Boy is Mike in for one big surprise)

Jack tells Don all about Des's tips but Don is sceptical, why would Des let Jack of all people in on a hot tip? Human Nature, the lad wants to show off that he's got the inside track but he's clever, he just drops clues. Tina interrupts to get Jack to see Alec in the yard... Now! Des comes in and Jack comments to him "nice one! arrivederci... nice one! and Oh, Geez, he's got his fingers all over his nose again! *sigh* I know that's basically a sign for "It's really a secret that I'm "not" telling you!" right? Well it looks stupid!

Later Mark, Des, Kevin with Tina cheering them on are singing some old favourites, like Summertime Blues and something else that Jack suggests, oh yes, "Country Boy" (But not the John Denver thing). Jack figures it's another clue and keeps poring over the racing lists at each bar of the song, especially when Des wipes the side of his face and nose! Alec shuts the lads up (not really into music appreciation today, are we Alec?) but not before Jack figures out another clue to a horse named Shore Tee though it's history is dismal. Jack tries to get away to place the bet but Alec hauls him back into the yard to re-clear it and he gets to the bookies too late, after the race started. And look who's in the crowd at the bookies! The Ripper!!! I know that beard anywhere!

Mike stops in the cafe and lets Alma know he has to work late since he took the morning off for the interviews, telling Peter he was sick. He saw two people, that sharp young man and a woman with great legs (to wind her up) He tells her they are invited to the Ingram's house for dinner tomorrow night as well. After he leaves, Alma comments to Martin that you have to admire Mike, she supposes. Can't keep him down for long! (Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Well I know why but ...)

Steve, Andy and Jim have returned to Weatherfield with the bike, which is covered with mud. Steve is ordered to clean it before he has anything to eat or drink though he protests that he's parched. Liz can't even talk Jim out of it. He says if Steve was in the army he'd have to clean his weapon before he was allowed to eat and it's a good rule. Steve moans that he's not in the army. Too right, if you were you'd be toasted in 20 separate pieces for what he's done.

At the wedding Ken is sitting out on a patio nursing a beer and accepting compliments on his dignified speech from a friendly man who is a family friend of the bride. Ken says a few self pitying things about not being there for his son and daughter, not knowing them all that well at all (so what the hell are you doing sitting out there by yourself instead of inside with your children whom you don't see once every five years!) He says, perhaps he had better try a little harder this time around with Tracy (perhaps?????? Guess he didn't and guess he gave up altogether once Daniel appeared on the scene! Oh, oh, oh! Don't get me started!)

Steve is progressing with the bike, it's beginning to look familiar again! Jim comes out and asks did he enjoy any of his trip? Steve says yeah, some of it. Jim tell Steve he took a lot of stick from Joanne's father and he moves a little closer. He says Steve shouldn't have let her come home on her own, he has to learn to finish what he starts but he's using a gentle tone of voice and Steve smiles. I guess that's Jim's way of making up? Must be because he slaps Steve on the back and ruffles his hair and Steve looks like it's all ok again. For the minute.

Dave and Deirdre return from a walk. She's bit tired and unused to walking (of course she is, she's wearing a skirt and NOT walking shoes!) They snuggle up though and she tells him he's had some pretty good ideas. His insecurity rises again and he points out that the trip was her idea and he wonders if it was only to get up Ken's nose. Deirdre gets up wordlessly and shuts herself in the bathroom. Dave knocks on the door and she comes back out, telling him she is "her" not "her and Ken". He doesn't exist, he's just a technicality and after 1992 he won't even be that. Say you're sorry and kiss me. He kisses her but I didn't hear an apology!

Tracy and Ken sit in a cab and chat about the term "giving the bride away" and how it seems to mean the bride is property. Old fashioned term but Ken says it will still feel like he's losing her when her wedding comes. She doesn't think you can lose your children but he says there's lots of intangible things you can lose, hope, confidence, way of life. She wishes he and her mother would get back together, she REALLY does. He knows and he says (no, don't say it!) they will, it might take a bit, but he promises, they will (oh you said it!).

Des massages Steph's neck and back after a long day on her feet and they make plans to go out to eat but not the rovers. Des says Jack is acting like his new best friend, hanging on all the time and saying weird things. He's creepy! (does he really not realize? I thought Des was doing one of his stunts again but maybe not!)

Don comes to see Jack. Turns out the horse, Shore Tee, won against the odds 11-2! Jack is pretty ticked off that he missed out getting the bet placed but Don figures he can make it up soon enough with another tip. Don gives Jack a wad of money he had saved away and cautions Jack not to say anything to Ivy (but his eyes are glowing with anticipation!) and they both, *sigh* rub noses. Say nowt!

Counter Clerk ELIZABETH DUGGINS Jim Chester ROBERT WHELAN Room Service Waiter MIKE LUNNEY Jackie "Williams" SHIRIN TAYLOR (First appearance of Jackie Ingram) Mr. Akhtar DENNIS CONLON

Thursday (3106, 10 August 1990)
Mike leaves for work and reminds Alma not a word when they're at the Ingram's tonight. He's out the door while she wonders what to wear?

Des hurries Steph along. Jack comes to the dor hoping for another tip as he thanks Des for the one the day before though he missed betting on it. What tip! Des says he doesn't give out tips. Oh! Right. Got ya! (blessedly leaving his nose alone) Jack casts an admiring eye over Steph's tight outfit and continues to try to see if Des has a hint for the next race but Des says if Jack wants to gamble, stick with fruit machines. Jack however thinks this is another tip and rushes out, thanking him. Des and Steph, mystified at Jack's strange behaviour, leave for work as Jack rushes home to check the horse listings. Don sees him go in and leaves Ivy to her own devices and goes to have a word. Jack tells him what Des said but there's not horse named Fruit Machine. However Jack "cleverly" figures out the connection, there's a horse named Three Lemons and that must be it! Three lemons is a winning line on the fruit machines right, and the odds are 5-1. Des has to be clever with his clues after all so if his boss asks did he tell someone to bet on Three Lemons, he can say he didn't. Don accepts this explanation and they agree they must use a different betting shop so Des won't get into trouble.

Peter asks Mike if he's feeling better, a 48 hour bug was it? Mike says he doesn't know what it was but felt dog-rough while it lasted. Peter confirms the dinner date, saying Mike hasn't met the missus yet, has he. No not had that pleasure. Well Mike gets off, see ya, then. Peter leans back in his chair and says to himself, You sure will. (I have a feeling about this!)

Alma notices Ken and Tracy in the cafe. There's a bouquet of flowers on the table and Tracy's bridesmaid bouquet as well. She then chats to Martin. She tells him she's had compliments on his chips and he brags that all the best chefs are men and even most chippies have a man cooking. Alma, not wanting it to go to his head :) tells him he's not a patch on Gail for slapping marg on bread though! over to the side, Ken and Tracy are apparently killing time because Deirdre isn't home. She knew what time they were expected (and I swear I've seen Tracy use her own key and surely Emily has one too! I'm sure she could be trusted to stay at home a short time as long as she promises not to make chips!) Anyway Steve and Andy come in and are told that Ken is going to be on teaching staff permanently next term. Tracy isn't fashed though I don't know why, she was pretty bent out of shape when Ken first started teaching at her school!

Don and Jack have their heads together at the bar discussing who's going to place the bet and Mark overhears. Mark figures out they've got a tip and wants in but Jack doesn't want young lads spilling their secrets. however Mark blackmails them, threatening to tell where they got the tip (he's sussed that it must have been Des) so they let him in but swear him to secrecy. (lot of that going around lately) Vera calls the bar but doesn't want to speak to Jack which to him, proves that he's got good luck! She's planning on having a do at the Rover's to send Curly off on his course tomorrow. Alec is told to let Jack know he's got to put his hand in his pocket for the party but then Jack seems pretty confident there will be something in there to find, bragging that his luck is running good. (And in my experience, words like that, spoken aloud, are always a jinx to the luck. Same as a couple on a soap sighing how happy they are! Doomed!)

Ken and Tracy come down the pavement toward home and see Deirdre get out of Dave's van, overnight bag in hand, leaning back in for a good bye kiss. The bag does not go unnoticed and the three of them stare at each other and Deirdre shores herself up in case there's a confrontation.

I guess there wasn't because the next scene shows Deirdre arranging the flowers. Tracy seems pretty hostile and when Deirdre asks her all about the wedding, she snipes, if you wanted to know you should have gone with us. Deirdre covers the same old ground, saying she wasn't prepared to play happy families. We are not a happy family. And who's fault is that!

At Bettabuys, Curly suggests a drive out back of the golf course with Kimberly to watch the moon rise over Weatherfield for his last night in town. She thinks it sounds lovely and asks him will he miss her? Of course he will and he starts on about having something to remember her by though she tell him that Vera, (without consulting him by the way) has arranged a party for him in the Rovers tonight and they can't disappoint her. Curly then tries to get her to come away for a weekend but she's concerned that they might lose control! Well why not? We *are* engaged!

Jack closes the curtains and opens a can of Boddingtons and sits down to watch the race. He gets so excited he squeezes the can and the lager shoots straight up and all over him!

Ken arrives back at Deirdre's. He can't hold his peace any longer (he wants Deirdre to go back to holding it for him, remember?) She thanks him for the flowers but he needn't have bothered. He sulks that he wishes he hadn't now. (Oh, it's going to be like that, is it) She's sorry she got back later that she planned, inconveniencing him. He is more upset that it was painfully obvious to him and Tracy that she had been away with her....*boy*friend (dripping with contempt) What's your point? He accuses her of making prior plans so she wouldn't have to go to the wedding. She reminds him that she told him why she didn't go to the wedding, she was not playing his games, not pretending. He didn't want her to pretend, he made it clear that he wanted to try again, making it up for what he did to her. what's the point of him trying to mend their marriage when she's going to go sneaking off.. (it *does* take two and he's making it sound like *they* were trying a reconciliation and *she* was screwing it up, making her the guilty party.) But you have to hand it to Deirdre, she takes no guff off Ken and gets right back in his face. It's none of his business, it stopped being his business the day he waked out. He's wasting his time and he can't just pick up the pieces. She's a changed woman and has had to get used to living on her own. She's got used to being without him and now that is the way she wants it. His face falls further and further, surely we can have a future, the three of us. She finishes him off, telling him she's sick of him interfering in her life, criticizing what she does and who she sees. We're finished. Go find some other woman to... (hold your piece?) Just get out of her life and leave her alone! He can see Tracy but stay away from her and the house, he can meet Tracy outside. She opens the door and asks him to leave HER house. He leaves wordlessly, looking like he's about to cry (but don't think for a minute I'm sympathizing. I'm just reporting the facts! I'm sitting here grinning from ear to ear writing this!)

Three Lemons lost! Don and Mark are really angry with Jack, he said it was a certainty! That's what Des led him to believe Jack defends! They both blame Jack and call him a prat but Jack says it must have been one of Des's jokes! Don is out 50 quid but Mark is out 100!!

Des and Steph relax at home and amuse themselves planning a joke on Mavis and Derek. They eschew inviting them for strip poker and laugh about telling Mavis they lost their pet python, Tommy and could they check the airing cupboard incase he got through to their house? (We never see if they actually do it or not)

Alma and Mike are getting ready to leave for dinner. Alma is uncomfortable at taking Peter's hospitality while Mike is jerking him around behind his back. Mike isn't bothered at all, swaggering around and bragging that he's smarter than Peter. (yikes, another jinx)If the roles were reversed, *he'd* know if Peter was doing deals on the side.

Jack and Don argue further. Jack asks Alec for a wage advance but you can well imagine Alec's response to that. Jack pleads that he's swimming in shark infested waters but Alec just advises him not to splash around! Vera, Curly, Kimberly and Ivy arrive for the party. Jack and Don, both skint, both manage to escape paying for the first round when Curly takes the shout as he's flush at the moment. Jack tries to convince Curly to let Jack keep his money save while he's away but Curly sees through that and ends up lending Jack a tenner. Curly tries to convince Kimberly to leave early and tries to convince her to...you know.. he tells her they should put the seal on their commitment, they *are* engaged after all. She's not sure. He says he'll end up leaving frustrated and could be vulnerable to some unscrupulous woman while away for a whole month! You wouldn't! He says he's not that strong and she seems like she's going to bend to help keep him strong. While he's paying for the drinks though, Vera and Ivy make plans for sausage and chips after the pub closes and Kim tells Curly they can't disregard defrosting sausages, after all. Vera tells him this will be a night to remember. But not for the reasons he wants to remember it, from the look on his hound dog face!

Mike and Alma arrive at a very nice house. While Peter gets drinks, Mike spots a familiar female face in the other room. It's the woman he interviewed yesterday! Alma is horrified and can't look at Peter when he returns with their drinks. He then introduces them to the woman, his wife, Jackie! She smiles and says hello, Mike, Nice to see you again! Woops! Oh by the way, Peter says, we need to talk don't you think? My office, Monday first thing! (the jig is up!)

SHIRIN TAYLOR now credited as Jackie Ingram

Friday (3107, 13 August 1990)
Vera is cooking breakfast. Turns out she's on a week's holidays but tells Jack that she doesn't want to lie in bed all day like a slug. She plans a little shopping trip uptown with £100 she has saved. Jack tries to wheedle some of it out of her. Why are you so skint on a Monday morning? Treachery! You can't trust a soul these days, Jack cries. Three Lemons, that's what he's on about. Eh? He's only gone and lost his whole week's wages on a bet on a horse named Three Lemons but it was on a sure tip from Des Barnes! That stops Vera from getting really angry, and she thinks well anyone can make a mistake but Jack insists it must be one of Des's tricks. That really gets Vera's dander up and she faults Des, not Jack, especially when Jack butters her up further telling her the winnings were to throw her a do for their anniversary! (Right, the one time he would remember, wouldn't he, would be to get out of a jam!) He'll still try to get her a prezzie though. But a lend of a tenner would help, he whines!

Mike is taking his time going to work because he figures he's going to get the sack anyway. Alma wonders if interviewing Jackie was just a coincidence but Mike insists it's not. (how could she be so naive?) Peter found out what he was up to and sent in his wife. Guess Peter was a little more clever than he thought, and Mike seems to have a bit more respect for his boss at that comment. Even worse, he'll get the sack and then won't be able to work for 5 years in the only trade he knows because of the contract he signed that Peter will be sure to enforce. What he wants to know is, how did he find out? Well, Mike was to see Peter at 10:30 but is made to wait well over an hour by that snotty secretary defending the drawbridge of a busy man!

Alec is grousing because Tina is late. Jack mentions that Tina wasn't well when she left last night and was going to do the mopping of the floors when she got in. Alec stops Bet from doing it, her that's supposed to be doing it will, when she gets here. He stalks off and Bet sighs, sarcastically, Masterful, isn't he? You wouldn't think he had Donald Duck on his toothbrush!

When Tina finally does get in, Alec is next seen cracking the whip over her and her bucket. She apologizes over and over but he's at his dictator lowest today it seems, snapping and barking. Bet gets him in the back and before she can tell him he's being too hard, he tells her he already knows what she's going to say. Thing is, he's had a letter that morning that Tina is to be named Barmaid of the Month for Newton and Ridley's and he doesn't want it going to her head. Instead of her taking on airs, he's going to get a good day's graft out of her before he tells her. Bet tries to tell him that people work better when they're appreciated but no... Alec thinks that them that have greatness thrust upon them would do well to remember their humble origins, it's simple psychology. Her sort need a lot more stick than carrot and anyway, she's only a barmaid, one step up from skivvy! WRONG thing to say to your wife who's spent much of her life as a barmaid. Bet's face freezes as she tells him in very clipped and cool tones, she's sure he's right. Treat her like dirt for a day then tell her she's Skivvy of the Month. Simple psychology, Alec. Alec's face falls, seeing the cracks in his own logic but he's not losing face over it, no! Not Alec!

Vera finds Steph selling perfumes in a very dulcet tone of voice. Vera, in a very un-dulcet-like blast turns many heads and ears telling the whole department that Steph and her husband are cheats, giving duff tips and causing Jack, Mark and Don to lose money. Steph tries to defend Des but Vera is on a roll so there's nothing to do but walk away before she shoves something in Vera's mouth!

Mike finally gets to see Peter who rakes him over the coals. Mike is somewhat cocky but is soon cut down to size by Peter who tells him he should be very nervous. Sacking and the binding contract means he will be on the dole for 5 years and then he'll be past it. Mike wants to know how Peter found out and does agree that Peter is more clever than he thought. Peter only says that Mike has a big mouth and was bragging about his manoeuvres. It's a small community, the rag trade. What if Mike promises it will never happen again? No dice. He signed the contract and that didn't stop him from trying it on. Peter tells Mike he's a man of no integrity (that's true!) Fine then, thanks for the job, no thanks for the lecture and reminds Peter he's owed two weeks pay and starts to walk out. Peter calls him back. He's decided to make Mike the Works Manager. He would be cutting his own nose, Mike is devious and sly but he's a worker. He's keeping Mike in the factory where he can be watched and warns Mike if he ever tries to break the contract again, he'll sue him for every penny.

Don, Mark and Jack share their misery. Don is willing to believe that Des made an honest mistake but Jack thinks not and Mark is really upset and wants to "get" Des. Don tells him to keep quiet because once everyone knows, Ivy will know! Jack asks Tina to bring him over a pint but Tina snaps at him, she's busy clearing classes and ashtrays. Rita comes in and notices Tina is out of sorts. Bet says that's Alec's idea of how to run a happy pub, the Workhouse method! Tina gets more and more tired and angry and fed up with Alec as the day goes on. Later Sally defends Des as a prankster but he's not malicious. Vera arrives and tells them she gave Steph the sharp side of her tongue. Jack cheers her on and Sally and Kevin think it's rather unfair to accuse Steph when it was Des they are angry at.

On the factory floor Mike greets Ivy on her tea break and asks about an order with the "I'm the boss attitude" of olden days. He gets the answer and a lot of stick about him not being her boss and not to be going on like he is anymore. Peter comes in and asks what's the problem. No problem! But Mike is given another lecture about getting the information that Peter wanted without ruffling the staff so Mike takes it out on Ivy. Thanks a lot, only wanted a simple answer to a simple question. Just like old times!

Steph tells Des about Vera's visit and wants to know what he's done now. Nothing!!! He never gives out tips! How should he know why Vera is going on like he did and taking it out on Steph? Steph sighs that she wishes sometimes that she wasn't married to the court jester. So Des goes across to see Don, telling him that Steph has a problem with Jack and Vera and thought they might know something about it (I can see it's pretty pointless to try to talk to Jack and Vera, considering the mood their in!) Don had tried to stop Des from coming in but Ivy hears him and invites him in so in the end Ivy hears all about it, Des is very sorry he and Mark and Jack lost money but insisting he never gives out tips. Don tries to let him off the hook, a man must take responsibility for a bet he places but Ivy is livid! Don says that Jack insists he gave a tip. Well one of us is lying, who are you going to believe? In spite of being friends with Jack for years, it looks like Don and Ivy both figure it was Jack's fault!

Mike comes home, to the relief of Alma. He tells her he still has his job, as works manager and has had a long day on his feet, high workload and tied to the factory with all it's problems, in charge of the women too just like at Baldwin's Casuals but without any of the profit. Peter has cut off all his escape routes and he is out of ideas. Alma tells him it's not ideas he's lacking, it's breaks!

Don and Ivy come into the pub to confront Jack and Jack realizes Ivy has found out. She doesn't just blame Jack, she blames everyone! Des and Steph come in too, to set the record straight. He insists to Jack he gave no tips and Jack insists he did, though it were in code. Code? Well, Des told him if he wanted to gamble to stick to fruit machines and the horse was named Three Lemons! Des says he only meant what he said and the others groan at Jack's stupidity. Des says he does not give tips and they should stick to Bingo, and that's not a tip either! Vera, Don and Ivy glare at Jack! Oh sure, he says that now!

Elsewhere Derek and Mavis (wearing dark glasses) are having a drink with Rita who tells Mavis her eyes look much better. (what's that all about? I'm guessing the actress must have had a medical problem in real life and it was explained away quickly in the show) Rita has had a postcard from Jenny and they are having a rave up in Paris and are heading south to the Riviera. They all sigh over holidays in the sun of St. Tropez and Derek gets very thoughtful. He mentions that the beaches in St. Tropez are topless! Derek! You shouldn't be thinking of things like that! (I never realized just how much Derek DOES think like that! I think the poor man was repressed and shut away from all things even vaguely sexual as a young man by an overprotective mother from all accounts) They notice Tina's glum face and think she could do with a holiday and all.

Bet insists Alec lighten up and tell Tina about the award so he finally does call her into the back. What. She snipes. He tells her the news, she's going to the ball, Barmaid of the month with Champagne and photos so dress your best tomorrow night! She blasts him for treating her worse than he'd treat his dog and she doesn't even know if she's coming back to work let alone for a stupid award! (There's how your simple psychology works, Alec!)

Ingram's Secretary (Sandra) KATE BRISLEY Mr. Dobson MICHAEL LEES

Originally transmitted: 15, 17, 20, 22 & 24 August 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 22 - Friday 26 June 1998
Episode Numbers: 3108 - 3112

Monday (3108, 15 August 1990)
Will she or won't she? Life at the factory... goes on?

Vera hollers at Des for parking his car in front of her house. Steph asks doesn't she keep her car in her garage? (What garage??? Where are there garages for the Streeties to keep their cars?) Vera's still annoyed at Des for humiliating Jack in the pub the night before, making sure everyone knew it was Jack's fault that he, Mark and Don lost money. Des is sorry they lost money but was only putting it all right. You humiliated my husband and that means you humiliated me, and NOBODY humiliates me! Especially not a young whippersnapper like you! Vera makes her point. Jack keeps trying to tell her to leave it off but can't stop her now she's on a roll. He walks away to go to work and she declares that someone has to stand up for their family or they'll all be throwing muck at them!

Jack is joined by Tina who teases him about Vera's screaming, reminding him there's laws about noise of that level. Jack just grunts so Tina decides he must have lost his sense of humour on the horse along with the money! They enter the pub for another day's work and Alec calls Tina to the back. Bet sighs and prays, Dear Lord help me get through this day, I'll even stop going through Alec's wallet! In the living room, Tina still has the defiant attitude and Alec asks if she's going to show up for the Barmaid of the Month ceremony if she's got all that teenage rebellion out of her system. Not the attitude to take, Alec, and Tina informs him it's her night off and she's made plans with her mates. Alec tries a feeble attempt at guilt, telling her she'll be letting him down, (so?) and Bet and the pub and Nigel Ridley... Stuff Nigel Ridley and Stuff Barmaid of the Flaming Month! is Tina's succinct response. She leaves. Bet asks Alec if he's ever taken a "Man Management" course. No, he hasn't. Thought not. Alec tries to convince her that Tina will come around, her sort can't resist being the centre of attention. If you say so, Alec. I do! But all during the morning shift Tina insists she isn't coming every time Alec looks her way.

In the cafe, Martin serves Sally a gooey cake and they joke about her and Gail's growing appetites and figures. Alma is distracted over Mike's job now that he's not on the road anymore. He feels like his wings have been clipped. Martin jokes that she should tell Mike she's preggers and then see how clipped he feels! You can't keep the Cockney Kid down for long, Martin prophesies.

At the factory, Peter, Ralf Dobson and Mike are reviewing plans for a new factory program. Mike is confident there will be no problems switching over, he's done it before. But not on this scale, Peter reminds him, this isn't a backstreet factory. Same theory, same know how, though, and Mike doesn't foresee any problems and assures them both. Mike is also asked to sort out some minor staffing concerns and building repairs like he was the general dogsbody. Or at least that's what Mike's face is saying though he manages to keep his mouth shut.

In the pub, Bet tells Don that she's starting to feel sorry for Jack with them all taken against him but Don nor Mark have no sympathy. Don tells Mark it was Jack that got the wrong end of the stick over the tip so then Mark doesn't seem so keen to thump someone, can't very well smack and old man now can I? Alec slips out to the corner shop where he had hoped to find Alf to see if he would be able to return or refund some money on the food he's ordered for the "do" in case there is a lighter turnout or it gets cancelled for any reason. But Alf isn't there and Sally more or less just looks at Alec, so Alec backs off and slinks away.

Meanwhile Bet asks Tina if she's not cutting off her nose to spite her face, why not enjoy being queen for the night even if it is a tinpot crown, just to get back at Alec? Tina reminds her of how she was treated. Bet says Alec thinks he can get blood out of a stone by bashing it, just like all fellas, they just never rocked enough cradles. Wouldn't it be worth coming in just to see Alec push the boat out? Tina promises to think about it but Bet cautions her, not too long.

When Alec returns from the shop, Tina says she'll come. Alec pays her back by letting her think it's not on anymore, he's put Betty's name forward instead. What???? Can't you see he's joking? The twinkle in his eye? (Hardly, he stood with his back to her the whole time he was talking!) She asks if he's really pushing the boat out. Oh yes!!! Well then she wants a new dress too, but his is outraged that she thinks he should pay for a new frock so she tells him to get stuffed and marches back out! Bet hisses, why doesn't he let her deal with the staff, for God's Sake!!!

In the corner shop, Mavis and Phyllis tell Sally how good she is looking. She says Mr. Roberts wants her to do an advert, for a perfect pregnancy, work in Alf Roberts' shop! They laugh. Mavis speculates that that could be taken two ways, couldn't it? How do you mean? They both look at her, curious. Well it rather implies that... well you can surely see, that Alf is responsible.. um, for the baby... Don't you think? Mavis tentatively points out. Phyllis and Sally, barely containing themselves, say they didn't think so at all. Phyllis rattles Mavis' cage by implying only someone with a dirty mind would think that and Mavis goes off with her morals highly insulted! Sally tells Phyllis she's evil for enjoying that! Phyllis chuckles that Mavis is such a goody goody, she probably makes her husband close his eyes when she gets into bed!

On the factory floor, Mike tries to get Ivy to tattle on the other workers, who's the troublemaker, who's the "Vera Duckworth" but Ivy retorts that with his beady eyes, he'll have that sussed out in no time all on his own. She walks away and Peter chastises Mike for his treatment of the staff and warns him there will be no abuse.

Alec tries frantically to get ahold of Nigel Ridley but he's not to be contacted. Bet walks by, ignoring Alec's frustrated mutterings but he follows her into the living room to make sure his opinion is heard. Bet is lounging on the settee and thoroughly enjoying the pickle Alec has got himself into. What could he do?? Hmmm. He could try to get hold of Tina and let her buy the dress at his expense. Nay. Well he could try to pass someone else off as Tina. Nay, Nigel has met her once. yes, Bet agrees, once seen, never forgotten, "Like me actually!" (love it!) Yep, he's in a pickle all right. Alec uncertainly decides she'll turn up, her sort can't resist the attention. Like the call of the wild, the limelight! Bet says we'll just have to see if you really are the expert in female psychology that you say you are, or if you're like most fellas and are talking out of the back of your pants!

Des and Steph return home at teatime to find the only parking spot handy, right in front of the Duckworth's, filled with two metal buckets and a broom across them. Steph gets out to shift it but she and Vera end up in a loud slanging match in the street with Des and Jack pulling their respective wives away. Vera even goes inside when Jack orders her but he does leave the broom and buckets when she instructs him to, through the window, and Des decides to park elsewhere and not push the issue. Phyllis walks up to Jack and tells him rows like that are better than going to the pictures!

Bet looks splendid in blue satin and black trimmings while Alec just looks frantic, waiting to see if Tina's going to show up and worrying about the cost of wasted food! Alec says he has a long detailed story concocted about Tina's dying granny but realizes it's pretty lame. The crowd is out in full force and Nigel arrives on time. Still no Tina. Alec stalls for time, introducing Nigel to anyone he can get his hands on, much to Nigel's irritation. Audrey and Alma are having a drink as Mike is working late but Audrey implies that he's not really working with a "Is that what he told you" tone of voice.

But Mike IS at work. He's going over papers and figures. Peter comes by as well, tired after 18 holes of golf. The two men chat about things in common like factory problems and golf. Mike makes the mistake of second guessing Peter's figures for the new program and is accused of high ambitions. Why not, Mike asks, it doesn't hurt Peter's factor if he keeps it running top notch. But Peter sees Mike as trying to work his way up into the number 2 spot once Mr. Dobson retires and he's not having it. Mike says he could have worse but Peter is adamant and hotly tells Mike he'd rather have a cobra as his number two, with Mike there, he'd always have to be looking over his shoulder (watching for knives in his back, no doubt and no doubt he's right). Mike's attitude during this all is actually rather genuine, not cocky. But suddenly Peter collapses, gasping for breath and Mike calls 999 right away.

Just when it looks like Nigel is going to get fed up and leave, Tina is announced with the ring of the bar's bell. She appears, dressed in a short leather outfit, no sleeves except for some long fringes, a low neckline and lots of metal and chains and zippers hanging from the frock. Alec looks at her astounded and even Nigel gets a good eyeful as he insists she is never a politically correct bar"person" but a bar"maid" through and through. Bet and Tina pose for pictures and Tina whispers that she came for Bet's sake, not Alec's.


Tuesday (3109, 17 August 1990)
Jack and Vera are having a morning chat. Jack couldn't shave because he had no shaving foam and Vera confesses that she borrowed it. Oh, no, that means she shaved her legs and probably knackered his razor with the new blade! No, she apparently used the foam for something else, a surprise! Later, she catches him checking out the racing forms in the paper and accuses him of not knowing one end of a horse from another. He mutters that he should, he's spent the last 30-odd years with someone who looks like the back end of one. Vera grabs him and takes him to the door for her surprise! Turns out she's used the shaving foam to write "Get Lost You Yupis" on the windshield of Des's car! Des and Steph make loud pointed remarks about the poor spelling and generally insulting Vera's intelligence to Phyllis who's come along with a few veiled threats for good measure but they don't push the issue as Des is late and they have to get going.

Mike calls the hospital and is told that Peter is still in Intensive Care. Alma is still astonished, Peter is in such good shape and only about 40! You never know when it's going to happen!

Bet has brewed up and Alec is in a good mood. Bet mentions hearing Alec singing in the bathroom that morning, not complaining mind you, rather hear him singing than moaning. Alec brags up his voice and says he's singing because of last night. Last night? Bet thinks and shrugs, not bad she decides. Alec witters on about Nigel Ridley and Bet realizes they are talking about two different things, she thought, she whispers, he was talking about *after* the Barmaid of the Month ceremony! (nudge, nudge!) Alec goes on to say that he thinks Nigel Ridley respects him. Bet is cynical but Alec insists he has studied human nature, has a Master of the Arts from the University of Life. (short memory there, Alec).

On the factory floor, Ivy and a coworker ask Mike to confirm some rumours going around. Mike says Peter took a heart attack in the office last night and is in intensive care. He was with Peter and did all he could, called an ambulance and even went to the hospital. That's all he knows though. He leaves and the two women joke about how Mike would just as soon go through your handbag if you were collapsed on the floor. They speculate that probably Mr. Dobson will be in charge of the factory for the time being though Baldwin probably thinks he is! A few hours later, Mr. Dobson announces that Peter Ingram has just died! He gently tells them to carry on best they can but Mike cracks the whip, back to work the lot of you. Ivy glares. (and By God she's got a glare on her, doesn't she?)

Audrey complains about having to be in the shop and tells Sally that Alf always plays hedgehog whenever she mentions spending any money (hair, dresses etc.), he rolls himself up into a tight little prickly ball and hopes she'll go away! They laugh. Mavis comes in for teabags and Audrey spreads unconfirmed gossip about Vera spraying shaving foam on the Barnes's car. Mavis confirms said rumour, she witnessed it through the window though didn't tell Derek, he's so concerned about the ozone layer! But when Audrey speculates that Mavis could be called as a witness if there's any bother, Mavis hurries away, saying she would never get involved. (but you know that little bit of information is going to get spread around!)

Tina and Jack, looking rather unevenly shaven, clear up from last night's party. Jack encourages Tina when she considers asking Alec for a rise in wages due to her award and all. He says you don't get nowt in life without persuing it. But when she does ask Alec she's turned down flat. Everyone gets to be Barmaid of the Month eventually and she might think she does a good job but no one else does! There are plenty out there who would kill to work for him and as she stalks off, he mutters, Don't know what's happening to fold these days, it's all money, money, money, gimme, gimme, gimme! (look in the mirror lately, Alec? LOL)

Later, Tina gets a call from a fella. Jack tells Kevin and Sally that Tina is fed up because she asked for a rise and didn't get it. This is overheard by Bet and she's not surprised at the outcome. Tina rushes back, with a smile on her face and asks Bet if she can have tonight off in lieu of coming into work the night before. Bet gives her the go ahead, especially since it seems Tina has a date! Kevin teases Jack about duff horses and tips and Sally elbows him, give over, Jack probably gets enough teasing from Vera. Funnily enough, Jack muses, Vera never was a tease... more's the pity!

Mike is on the phone bullying some maintenance people but hastily puts the phone down when Dobson leads in the tearful widow. He extends his condolences and then sticks his foot in the door telling her not to worry about the factory, he'll see to it!

Alma and Martin close up the cafe with some banter about Martin's modest ego and "their" pregnancy. She says they all tell her that all men have an inferiority complex but she's yet to meet one that has! Further teasing about getting the sort of men you deserve and they get stuck in to the washing up rather than leave it till morning, at Martin's insistence.

Des and Steph comment on the Duckworth feud, with Steph threatening to sort Vera out personally if she lays one more finger on their car. They decide to go to the Rovers for a drink in spite of the probably presence of the Duckies. It's our local too!

In the pub, Jack tells Vera to leave off with all her moaning and threats about the Barnes's, who, Vera says are yuppies, all three piece and no knickers! (ROFL!) Jack says any trouble in the pub and he'll get the blame for it! Alec notices Jack's untidy shave. Jack tells him that Vera took his shaving foam so Alec has a go at Vera, suggesting she should let her tache grow! (Ding!) Alec is surprised that Tina has the night off and Bet accuses him of getting a reputation for not even giving a bloke the steam of his tea! Kevin and Martin have a drink while their wives are at prenatal class, huffing and puffing (and aren't they supposed to be there helping instead of working out the elbow??) The Barnes's come in and manage to have a quiet drink or two, ignoring Vera's loud insults and they later decide to go to the chippie so they leave with dignity. Vera gets more and more riled up about them and Jack's humiliation in general as the evening goes on and she has more to drink.

Mike discusses peter's death with Alma. No use waiting for life to be fair because it's not. You never know when you're time is up so you have to make the best of it. She asks about him starting his own business now Peter's gone but Mike says the contract was with the firm not Peter personally. He'll be running the factory if he has anything to say about it but it's a whole new ball game now and he's a very good player!

Mavis and Derek relax after a long hard day. Derek decides he should invent some sort of executive bath toy to help executives unwind. Something not too duck-like (how about a ball of sting! Unwind that!) They snuggle in their jammies, cocoa in hand and all is right in their little world.

Des and Steph are walking back from the chippie and nearly trip over a piece of stone cladding on the sidewalk in front of Number 9. Jack and Vera weave their way back from the pub, somewhat into their cups and Vera's mouth gets revved up. Des points out that their stone cladding is falling off but is then accused of ripping it off himself! Steph insults the stone-clad house and Vera's stone-clad makeup job and that's it! Vera charges, stopping up to pick up the piece of cladding along the way. The Barnes' have gone inside and are watching from their window as Vera chucks the stone.... right through the Wilton's window, nearly giving them apoplexy! They retreat, horrified. Derek comes out with brolly in hand to defend his castle with a trembling Mavis close behind for "protection" (such as it is). They don't see anyone and Derek even looks up to the sky before they go back inside from a quiet and deserted street. (But it being quiet and at night, you would think they would have heard Vera's and Jack's hollering!)

Laura Collins LINDA ROOKE Ralf Dobson MICHAEL LEES

Wednesday (3110, 20 August 1990)
Mike manoeuvres. Derek accuses. Steph strikes back.

Derek holds the piece of stone that came through the window and uses all of his deductive reasoning to decipher the approximate position of the person who threw it through their window. They were standing in the street! But it doesn't tell us who it was or why, Mavis quivers. Why indeed! Derek can't think of anyone that could be bearing that kind of ill will towards them. Mavis does wonder about a frail old lady who accused her of short changing in the Kabin. Too frail, it was thrown with some force by someone younger, Derek deduces. Then he notices the MacDonald twins horsing around in the street. Aha! He goes out to watch them. Jack sees him coming when he opens the door to get the milk and hurries back in before Derek can see him!

Inside, Jack tells Vera that he is sure "Hercule Flamin' Poirot" suspects something, out there tossing the cladding in the air and surveying the street! Vera doesn't seem to show any remorse, saying if he hadn't grabbed her arm, it would have gone through the window it was intended to break! She shouldn't have thrown it at all! Well, Vera is sure nobody saw her (clueless to the fact that the Barnes's left them in the street only mere seconds before the fact!) She threatens Jack against telling anyone but Jack is offended, how could she think he'd rat on his own wife? She knows how rats behave when they're cornered! He swears his lips are sealed,

Alec has to do some of Jack's chores in the cellar and complains about being short staffed last night because Bet gave Tina the night off. Tina comes in all smiles and teasing. Her date the night before must have gone well! Jack rushes in behind her, late as usual. Jack thinks someone's found out about the window incident when Alec makes references to Jack being up to something and Bet remarks about targets and firing lines. But all it meant was that Bet was actually explaining that Jack only got the brunt of Alec's temper because he was in the firing line, the actual target (Tina) being out of range at the time. Jack mentions that tonight is his night off, it being his and Vera's wedding anniversary. Tina asks how many years but Jack sighs if he counted them, he'd cry! Aw you wouldn't have it any other way! After last night, he'd have it every other way? Why what happened last night, Tina asks? More than his life's worth to tell but it isn't what she thinks! Tina persuades Jack to get the bucket and mop for her but Alec redirects him to the Kabin for a newspaper that didn't get delivered.

In the Factory Ivy and a pal have a cup of tea and discuss the possible changes now Peter's died. The first change that occurs is Mike, not wasting any time, moves his desk and other office things into a space just off the factory floor. An office with windows looking out on to the floor as well! So he can keep an eye on you lot, be where the action is, just like old times, eh Ivy?

In the Kabin, Mavis and Rita chat about the window incident. Mavis is still upset and nervous that it might have been a deliberate attack. Jack arrives for Alec's paper and acts very oddly indeed around Mavis who asks Jack did he see or hear anything outside last night? She tell him what happened and that it seemed to have been thrown from the general direction of his house. You accusing me??? No of course not, Mavis just wants to know if he heard anything. No, no Jack insists, they had an early night but he will ask Vera if she heard owt. Mavis thanks him with gratitude. what are neighbours for? (what, indeed!!!!)

Derek supervises the window installer anxiously. Derek shuffles the stone from hand to hand, wittering on while the man works wordlessly but with a long suffering expression on his face! Derek spots Steve and Andy and goes across the street. Where were they at 10 last night? They soon realize he is accusing them and insist they were watching telly with their dad but he isn't home to vouch for them. They go inside and Derek hollers through the letterbox that it isn't over by a long chalk!! As Derek is hovering outside between Numbers 9 and 11 he notices that the stone fits perfectly on the front of Jack's house where there is a space lacking it's stone. Jack emerges from the Kabin and Derek calls him over. Jack nearly has apoplexy but sighs with relief when Derek is sure that the perpetrator is the same one that vandalized Jack's house and used it as a missile on his window. And he knows exactly who it was. Jack holds his breath. Derek points determinedly at Number 11 and Jack breathes again.

Later Derek is polishing his new picture window and sees Jim come charging across the street towards his house. Derek nearly squeaks in fear as Jim pounds on the door and when Derek opens it, "Yes?", Jim storms into the living room uninvited. Derek tries to insist he must leave for work but Jim prevents it and proceeds to tell Derek that his lads did not break the window, they were indeed watching telly with him last night. Well you would say that wouldn't you? Jim advances and shouts is he calling Jim a liar? Derek nearly wets himself but attempts to explain that any parent would cover for his child. Jim insists he knows his lads are no angels and wouldn't stick up for them if they did do it but they didn't. And if he doesn't drop it, Jim will be less friendly the next visit!!! After he leaves, Derek's legs turn to jelly and he collapses on the staircase weakly gasping for breath.

At the factory, Mike sorts out a question about an order that Ivy was going to go to Dobson about. Dobson who everyone assumes is in charge but Mike is obviously manoeuvring into a place of power, undermining Dobson's authority. (it's called "Stickhandling" here in Canada...a hockey reference)

Bet tries to get information out of Tina about her new bloke. Tina describes him as young, slim, handsome and rich but doesn't give a name, just call him Superman for now. Jack overhears and jokes that someone must have mentioned his name! Bet tells Jack about Tina's bloke, what they were told at least and Jack asks is he married? Bet agrees that was her first thought too. Tina serves the Websters and Mark who tease her about her picture in the paper and talk turns to beauty contests and swimsuit displays. Sally thinks Tina wouldn't want to display herself in a swimsuit in front of a lot of lecherous morons like these two but Tina figures if you've gorrit, flaunt it! Sally tsks in her new morality as a mom-to-be instead of the little tearaway she used to be, that Tina is getting to big for her boots!

Back at the Kabin, Steph overhears Mavis telling a customer about the troubles and decides to stir the pot a little. She didn't exactly witness anyone throw the missile but she's pretty sure who did...Vera Duckworth! Why? Well... (and off screen she tells Mavis and Rita about Vera throwing the stone through the Wilton's window though the Barnes's were the apparent target).

Jim and Liz also chat about his encounter with Derek. Is he sure the boys didn't do it? What with their history and all. Yes he's sure, they really were with him. Liz can't believe Derek, wimp that he is, called Big Irish Jim a liar or as good as. Jim laughs and that he must be losing his touch!

Meanwhile Mavis has her foot firmly down, insisting that Derek must go across the road and see the Duckworth's. Derek is still quite wobbly after his encounter with the Irish mobster and wonders if Steph is telling the truth and if she is, it was just an accident anyway. No, Derek, you must not let them get away with it, having connected Jack's strange behaviour in the Kabin earlier and convinced Steph was not having them on.. She then accuses him, more or less, other words, of being a coward, not minding having to deal with two children but it's different with adults. He'll have her know he stood his ground against Jim (on feet of clay). He then suggests that Mavis go instead of him. I don't think he's going to be able to hide behind Mavis' skirts though. Mavis can be quite tough when she wants to be, can Mavis.

At the factory Mike bullies Ingram's secretary, Sandra, into working late. But Mr. Dobson goes over the agenda each morning! Well Peter went over it the night before and so does Mike, each has their own ways and he gets his way, quoting extraordinary circumstances calling for extraordinary demands.

Derek reluctantly heads across the road, stopping on the pavement of his side, chewing his knuckles in trepidation until Mavis knocks on the window, urging him on. Jack and Vera are getting ready to go to the Rovers to celebrate their anniversary when Derek comes to the door. He approaches the subject warily, saying an unnamed source confirmed it was Vera who chucked the stone through his window. Vera can't get out of him who told him so thinks Jack grassed her. An argument ensues with Vera angry at Jack and defensive with Derek and Derek insistent on repayment of costs. Derek finally scoots out as Jack holds Vera back from attacking him, threatening the law if she doesn't pay the bill. Vera is disgusted with Jack but makes him take her out anyway.

At the Barnes's Steph convinces Des that they must go to the Rovers tonight in spite of him wanting to avoid the Duckies. She's up to something! They do go and sit with Sally and Kevin, discussing that at least neighbourhood and family feuds are free entertainment. Sally hopes she and Kevin aren't like the battling Duckworth's after 30 years of marriage (something tells me you won't make it 30 years, married to a prat like Kevin!) Vera and Jack come in arguing at the door fiercely but paste smiles on their faces as they advance to the bar.

The Brennans and MacDonalds help toast the "happy" couple but just then a very handsome policeman comes in, dressed in uniform but with one of those high rounded "bobby" caps that you don't usually see the local constabulary wearing, at least not the ones I've seen in the show. He approaches Vera about an allegation and Vera thinks the jig is up! But the man starts clapping his hands and stripping and chanting an anniversary message though it includes a line about throwing stone cladding around. Steph acknowledges the "gift", her way of saying Happy Anniversary. Vera is embarrassed and show up and vows to get her for this!!!

Coppergram Man ANDREW SHAKES Laura Collins LYNDA ROOKE Sandra Rogers KATE BRISLEY (This is Ingram's secretary now given a real name!)

Thursday (3111, 22 August 1990)
Vera grousing about the state of the garden, the pigeon muck and such. No more or less than usual, Jack states. Well she's not standing for it or anything else anymore, still smarting from her embarrassment of the night before. She's got her pride! Even the stripper thing, which Jack says was a good laugh, doesn't sit well because she thinks they were laughing all right, at her and it's all Jack's fault from the start. It was him got involved in the horses!

Don has just got home from a night shift, knackered and Ivy is getting ready to go to Peter Ingram's funeral. Don is concerned it might bring back bad memories for her and offers to go along but she insists she'll be ok, she's going for the sake of the widow. She knows what it's like to lose a loved one before their time. They make plans to meet in the Rovers at dinnertime instead.

Jack starts down the road to work and is greeted by Des and tells Des about his sad old life. He's got Vera breathing down his neck, Alec buzzing about like an angry wasp and he's skint! Des feels bad and a little guilty I guess because he breaks his own rule and gives Jack a tip on a horse to at least solve the money problem. It's not a dead cert, nothing is but near as! Jack takes the piece of paper that Des has written the horse's name down on and looks thoughtful.

More chat in the Kabin about the window thing. Mavis mentions a lovely neighbourhood where they looked at a house and thinks you wouldn't get bricks thrown through windows there. Rita advises Mavis to drop the issue and put it behind her. Derek said the same thing Mavis adds. Des comes in and Mavis puts a new plan into motion, inviting the Barnes's to a Sunday barbeque but asks him not to tell the Duckworths because they are definitely not invited. Rita is surprised at Mavis's change of heart towards the Barnes's but Mavis thinks they aren't as bad as people made out (or you made out, Rita adds) Mavis starts party planning and worrying about the weather.

Tina is dropped off by a man in a flash red car down at the end of the street by the corner shop from which Phyllis has just emerged. Phyllis watches as Tina and the man kiss before she gets out of the car and sashays down the road to work. When she gets inside, late and cranky from lack of sleep (oh? up to that were we?), Alec has a go at her for her heavy perfume and being late. She argues back and flounces off but Bet tells her later she shouldn't be trying to get on the bad side of Alec, it's all in the interest of keeping the peace. Tina still won't tell Bet the name of her fella and Bet asks if he's married. Why should he be? (can't tell if Tina is covering up or genuinely doesn't know if he is or not) In Bet's experience a fella who comes over as a saint is usually a two timing ratbag. Tina cries why can't Bet just be happy for her!. But Bet has a bad feeling about this. So do I.

After Peter's funeral, Dobson comforts a composed Jackie but does bring up the factory, telling her not to worry, he's got it all in hand. Mike is there to hold the car door open and continues to undermine Dobson, saying HE has the factory well in hand and infers that Dobson, a sales director, doesn't have a clue about the production side of things, that Mike, with all his experience, has, but don't you worry!

Jack tells Don about the tip from Des but Don doesn't want to go down that road again. Later when Mark comes in, Jack tells him too but Mark thinks Jack is a mug for believing Des Barnes, well known for his jokes and he wants nothing to do with it either. (Jack should have just kept his mouth shut!) Phyllis angles and receives an invitation to Mavis's barbeque when she hears that Percy is invited. (The barbeque appears to be common knowledge now). Phyllis later tells Bet and Mavis that she saw Tina getting out of a flash car driven by a fella. In her day, she'd have made sure she got dropped off in front of her house where the neighbours could all see how well she'd done for herself instead of at the end of Viaduct street where nobody at all would notice. Bet takes all this in and has further suspicions written all over her face.

Emily shops in Alf's and expresses concern over Sally's working so hard on her feet but Sally feels great and would not want to be at home with the four lonely walls. She's having a baby, not on her last legs. Ken comes in with a cardy slung jauntily around his shoulders (as if he was a Oxford Old Boy! putting on airs again!) and asks Emily where Deirdre is. Emily informs him that Deirdre and Tracy are visiting her mother for a few days and she'll let them know he was asking when they return. Ken leaves and encounters Rita in front of the Kabin. She is friendly and asks how he is. He asks about the empty flat next to her and she kindly offers to let him look at her flat as it's similar. He accepts and will fix a time. Back in the shop, Sally wonders how a man like Ken Barlow can do such stupid things to cause himself to lose everything, he had his own newspaper, a nice home, smashing family and loads of respect and now look at him. Emily says there are some things she'll never understand!

Steve and Andy argue about tennis rackets and Andy baits Steve who is worried about his exam results. Liz breaks it up and assures Steve she knows he did his best. Later Liz chats to Jim about Steve's exam worries, the results are due back tomorrow. Jim tells Andy he could very well have his marks take a dive when Andy has bragged himself up and Andy smugly points out that he worked hard and will do all right while Steve skived off and ran away. Jim is confident that Steve will do ok. Wouldn't bet on it, Andy cracks. Hey now! Nobody likes a smart alec no matter how good his marks and Andy then takes umbrage that all they ever talk about is Steve, Steve, Steve when they have another son too! (oh grow up! it's no wonder Steve turned out the way he did. I remembered Andy as being a goody two shoes but he's really more of a pot stirrer than Steve is, Andy seems to feel the sibling rivalry much more than Steve, even though by rights, he would be considered the "good" brother, the smarter anyway even if the two of them are about equal at thinking of trouble to get into.)

Ivy finally returns very late from the funeral, obviously distraught. She forgot she was to meet Don for dinner and admits to him that he was right, the funeral did bring back bad memories of Brian's death. She was all right until she saw the coffin and it all came back. She went to the cemetery after and then to church to light a candle so he'd know his mother still thinks about him even if no body else does. Don comforts her gently and tells her that life goes on but there's nothing wrong with grieving.

Apparently, Mark and Don's words to Jack persuaded him not to bet on the horse and now Jack is really ticked off because the horse came in at 20-1. A £10 bet would have won him 200 quid! Alec has a go at jack as well but his harsh words for Tina whom he let off for the night seem to indicate he's taking his aggravations over her out on Jack. Bet points that out, no use getting up Jack's nose because Tina can't keep her mind on her work for dreaming of this new man. Alec asks if Bet knows who it is to which Bet denies knowledge. Vera comes in with more defensive ranting about them Barnes's and Jack hollers at her to give it a rest! Vera mentions the Wilton's barbeque that everyone is invited to but Jack breaks the news that the Duckworth's are not invited!

Derek is putting their new barbeque together in the living room and the two of them proudly reflect on their new long handled utensils, new barbeque in their own little garden. Mavis chatters about the hoped for success of the food, the party and all but then Derek is dismayed to hear that 16 people are invited. He surveys the surface of the grill, counting out to see if there are 16 spaces. (Ever hear of shifts? cook in batches and keep warm in the oven!)

Mike is still shuffling papers in the empty factory. Or almost empty as Jackie walks in. She's come to get some of Peter's things. She says the factory meant so much to Peter, he spent more time there than at home. He lived for it and in the end, .... Yeah, Mike gently tells her she should look to the future and assures her he can manage it for her, he's got plenty of experience. She agrees he does but has decided to sell up!!!


Friday (3112, 24 August 1990)
Steph leans out the window for a chat with Mavis. Nice day for a barbeque at least! Steph is in her nightie and a bare-chested Des comes up behind her. They ask what time does the party start and are told about 5 since Derek thinks that if it were for lunch then people tend to drift away early, mid afternoon. Des says quite right too, as he caresses Steph's arm, that gives them time to go back to bed for a quick "cuddle". Mavis looks distinctly uncomfortable!

Vera calls Jack downstairs, thwarting his attempts at a Sunday lie in. She wants to decide where to go today since they aren't invited to the barbeque. Jack asks does she really care if they to go to that potty little party? She feels humiliated with all her neighbours over there peering back across the street at her and laughing. But Vera's lips tighten when she finds out that Jack is working tonight after all, he swopped nights off with Tina. You'd rather do that blonde trollop a favour than me?? Now that you mention it....

Emily and Rita smaile over Mavis's party preparations, Mavis having borrowed most of Emily's kitchen that morning. No disposables for her! Andy comes in and Rita tells him that Jenny and Flick are having a great time in France. Andy seems morose and Rita asks him about his exam results thinking he didn't do so well but is well pleased for him when he tells her he did all right then recites all his high marks, A's and B's. His parents must be proud! Yeah, he says, in a tone of voice dead sarcastic, over the moon.

Back at the MacDonald house, Liz is ironing and Jim is fixing a plug on a cord. Steve comes in, head down. His marks were much worse than Andy's and he is quite upset about it. Liz and Jim aren't upset, knowing he did his best and will crack it next year when he resits the exam. They're proud of him but Andy overhears and says it's nice to see they are proud of one of their sons at least. Jim rolls his eyes over that remark.

Alec is distinctly annoyed that Tina didn't ask him if she could swop with Jack and tells them both they have to work. Tina's next night off is Tuesday and she can make her plans for then. Bet criticizes Alec for complaining about Tina's attitude, late arrivals and drinking his coffee to wake herself up after a late night with her new boyfriend. What has he got against the kid having a bit of fun? She can have fun in abundance on her own time he scowls. Elsewhere, Don, the Websters and the Barnes do not seem to be anticipating the big barbeque party very much, thinking it will be boring and bland. Alec suggest they come to the pub instead but Des says he couldn't stand Mavis's puppy dog eyes reproaching him over the back fence and Steph adds, She told him he had to go, too. Sally wonders why it's only women that seem to have consciences.

Over at the Wilton's, Derek is surveying the preparations, criticizing the food and testing the garlic dip. Subtlety, Mavis! Then suggests a different dish needs more spice and asks what's for lunch. Mavis has no time, he can fix himself a sandwich and don't you think we need more chairs? Trust me, Mavis and "tactfully" starts to mention past parties given by him and his ex-wife, Angela, the comparison to which Mavis does not care for. He explains that the secret to a good party is mingling, when people park their bottoms on chairs, there they stay. He finally exasperates Mavis enough that she tells him to go water the garden again.

In the pub, Jim complains to Don about kids and aggro and asks Mike if he has any kids. Mike says no and goes off to make a phone call, followed by a very sharp look from Bet. (what's up with that? Does Bet know something about Mike that we don't know?) Mike calls someone and makes an appointment to see that person at 6 o'clock rather than wait until tomorrow.

Back at the MacDonalds at mealtime (lunch i assume) Andy shocks the family by announcing he isn't going back to school, he's going to join the army! Liz reacts very badly but Jim thinks Andy is only just winding them up. Liz doesn't know why Andy would want to join the army (a sore spot for her, obviously) when he had such great marks and they both agree Andy's marks were marvelous. Andy enters and points out that it's the first time they've referred to and praised his marks since he got them. They don't know what he means.

Derek has made a punch, his "Wilton Warmer" (herein to be known as WW). Mavis tastes it and coughs, very strong apparently and Derek says it caused the success of many of his and Angela's parties. Mavis pleads with him to stop referring to Angela and he apologizes. He don's a tall white chef's hat which nicely tops his jeans, plaid sport shirt and red and white kerchief tied around his silly neck. Well when i say nicely i mean it looks ridiculous! :) Just when Mavis hopes everyone shows up, there's a knock on the door and the first guest arrives an hour early. It's Phyllis who came supposedly to see if she could help. Derek offers her a WW and she asks if it's alcoholic. I'm afraid so, says Mavis. Well then in that case, Phyllis accepts though even she has a cough over it, saying when Perdcy comes, them sausages won't be the only things sizzling!

Awhile later, guests arrive, WW is passed around, the barbecue is finally lit and smokes the food for a bit. Emily informs Phyllis that Percy had an emergency bowling committee meeting and can't come. Sally figures he probably volunteered for it! One conversation covers Peter Ingrams death and what it might mean to the factory, Ivy's job and Mike's job but Don doesn't give a toss what happens to Mike, he hopes new management tosses him back to the gutter.

Vera stews about the party. Jack tries to convince her that it would be a boring one anyway bit she's upset just knowing everyone else is there. She didn't do anything so bad, just broke a window, not like she tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament! Jack cheers her up, telling her he'll take her out somewhere because Alec cancelled the shift swop and he's off after all.

Meanwhile Mike is at his prearranged meeting, with the Widow Ingram. He puts forth his case for keeping the factory open (and his job with it), telling her that if they do stay open, they will need new contracts and opportunities and he's yer man! He has the experience, the know how, the chutzpah and the motivation. What motivation? Jackie asks. He's been to the bottom and he's not going back. If he does well, then she profits too. She agrees he certainly has the chutzpah!

Liz is still fretting over Andy. Mavis frets how slowly the food is cooking as the crowd seems to be getting restless, and very hungry and very tired of standing around! (Remember? Derek's mingling theory? they all have sore feet and hungry tummies by now however!) Food is finally ready as Mavis rings the dinner bell to cheers.

A bit later as people are having to balance food and drinks and eat standing up, Ken comes to the front door looking for Rita. Mavis tells him they are having a party and would have invited him but... Ken understands and offers to leave as he doesn't want to barge in uninvited but Derek, who is one rather Warm Wilton by now, boisterously offers Ken a drink and pulls him out to the garden where the crowd, once hungry, is forcing themselves to eat food that doesn't appear to be tempting their collective appetites. Rita jumps at the chance to go show Ken her flat, which is why he was there and escapes. Des remarks, there's the first one over the wall, who's next!?

At the flat, Ken is admiring the size and rooms. Rita wonders if he really wants to move back in the Street. You mean, after the mess he's made, Ken putting words in people's mouths as usual. But Rita's not judging him, having lived in many a glass house herself. He implies that given time, he and Deirdre will make a fresh start but Rita points out that it only works if they both want it. He thinks Deirdre does down deep but Rita isn't so sure. Deirdre might resent Ken moving in. He assures Rita he would never interfere in Deirdre's life (like he just finished doing a very short time ago, planting false ideas in Dave's head and trying to black mail her into going to his son's wedding. That wasn't interfering???? We're obviously using different dictionaries, Ken and I) It would be wonderful for Tracy too, having him close by. Tracy isn't the issue, living in each other's pockets isn't necessarily the best thing. Well anyway, he hesitates, he probably can't afford the flat anyway so it won't matter.

Vera dnJack are in the pub and Vera is pleased that Alec has let Jack have the night off. Alec says he hasn't actually said he could yet (but i thought if Jack and Tina weren't allowed to swop nights off, then it would officially be Jack's night off. Don't ask. I'm confused too.) Jack pleads for his Lady Wife's sake and Alec consents, saying it will be pretty quiet in there tonight anyway but quickly rescinds when Bet tells him Tina has called in and won't be in to work, she's in bed with a bug. (How obvious, Tina! You can't swop nights off so you are now ill?) Alec sees through that one saying it's not a bug she's in bed with (a rat, more like!) Jack objects to his night off being cancelled again because Alec said it would be quiet. But just then most of the barbeque party arrive and Jack is ordered behind the bar.

The Wilton's say goodbye to Phyllis (first in, last out) and then look around them. They decide it went well although it's only 7:30 and the guests have all left (i think chairs might have kept them there longer and maybe better food). Yes, it's a working day tomorrow so that's why they all left. The don't sound too convinced but soldier on anyway into the Valley of Denial. There's mountains of food left but Derek says that's a sign of a good party, better to have too much than too little. Right. Angela always used to say... er... Mavis gives him that look so he just says he'll wash if she dries. He sadly removes his hat and they retreat into the house as the camera pans down to a glass on the ground by the pond with a pink drinks umbrella and a half-eaten drumstick inside it.

The pub is buzzing with folk and Vera crows when she finds out the barbeque was a bust. Alec is still ranting about Tina's absence.

Tina, however has met her fella in a posh bar overlooking the river and is telling him that she can wrap Alec Gilroy around her little finger because he knows she's worth her weight in gold. The camera comes round to show the face of her fella and it's Nigel Ridley, just as I suspected. He warns her that Alec can be obstinate but also asks if his identity is still unknown to the Gilroys. She hasn't told them but wouldn't she love to see his and Bet's faces if they knew she was going out with Nigel Ridley!

She IS getting big for her boots, isn't she? I smell pride coming before the fall! Well with the fall actually. This is the last WTN show of the season until September, folks. That's all she wrote....


Originally transmitted: 27, 29, 31 August, 3 & 5 September 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 14 - Friday 18 September 1998
Episode Numbers: 3113 - 3117

Monday (3113, 27 August 1990)
Alec is grizzling over Tina's recent behaviour but Bet defends her. It's just this new fella and how long d'you suppose that'll last? Bet thinks they should just wait it out until the inevitable end of the romance, seeing as Tina's really a good barmaid and a right little earner for Alec's bank account. Alec is not to be consoled and wants to give Tina her cards but Bet points out that he has no proof that Tina wasn't poorly last night and the words "tribunal" and "unfair dismissal" seem to pacify Alec for the time being.

Tracy and Deirdre arrive home from a holiday at Deirdre's mum's. Emily greets them but Deirdre does not seem to have had an enjoyable break what with her mother on at her all the time about getting back together with Ken. All Deirdre wanted was to get away from him. Looks to me like Ken will have an uphill battle if he wants to woo Deirdre back again. And indeed, Percy mentions that Ken has been seen around the neighbourhood the last few days and does that mean they're getting back together? Deirdre sighs and goes inside while Emily chastises him, "MISter SUGden!!!!"

Steve reminds a sleepy Andy that army life means up early and a 5 mile run before breakfast. Downstairs Jim has his hands full persuading Liz that Andy is only winding them up about enlisting. Steve anticipates having his own room so he's not about to try to persuade his brother not to go and Jim says leave it with him. Liz is under the impression that they both agree that the army is not something Andy should consider at all. Jim goes back to his newspaper.

Tina is late for work. Betty doesn't think Alec will give her another chance but Jack wisely tells her that Alec doesn't know anything about how to handle women like he does, having picked up a few knots and wrinkles...mostly wrinkles, after 33 years of living with RVera! When Tina arrives however, she is evasive about her illness and not receptive to advice from either one of them when they warn her that Alec is not best pleased. She says Alec will get her respect when he earns it (and that little madam is riding pretty high on her horse i think. It's a long way down, girlfriend!). In the back, Alec is still grousing when Tina comes in, toting a bag with a pretty dress for an afternoon delight..er... date. They exchange words about being late and dress allowances and Bet seems to be cottoning on to her and her attitude with a sense of foreboding. Bet plays it cool though and sends her in to make a start, telling Alec afterwards, give her enough rope, 'appen she'll 'ang herself! (I think she's right)

Rita pops in to visit Deirdre with a warning that Ken was sniffing around trying to buy the flat next to hers and that he still seems to be under the impression that their breakup is only temporary. She stops short of sticking her nose in any farther only to say that she told Ken herself that it was a bad idea. Deirdre is in turns horrified at the thought of Ken as a neighbour and relieved that he couldn't afford the cost.

Alec struts around the bar, smelling anarchy in the air and deciding to run a tighter ship. He puts the kibosh on Jack's hoped for nip-out to the bookie. Tina is leaning on the bar bragging to the Websters about her fella but not imparting many details as to his identity. Jim arrives with Audrey not far behind and they chat about Andy's decision to join up which is what had had Liz in such a down mood in the shop earlier. Percy thinks there are worse things for a young man than to join the army and he fully supports it! (well he would!) When Alec gives Jack the run over showing betting slips in the pub, bad for his good name (Alec's) you know, Tina takes a dangerously low shot with her opinion of his "good" name not being worth a thing at the brewery or anywhere else (to those of us in the know that was a large hint as to the identity of the boyfriend!) Alec nearly sacks her on the spot but Bet drags him to the back, wanting to sort it out herself.

Liz comes back later with her shopping after a side visit to her mum's to find Steve out and a bored Andy reading and feeling neglected. Jim has apparently said nothing to Andy yet and Andy feels there's nothing to stay for as they'd not notice if he was gone anyway. Liz and Jim argue about the situation, Liz blaming both of them for not making sure they were a proper family what with it being a bank holiday but she's off to her mother's and Jim's in the pub, as usual! Oh, what? we should take him to the zoo and a picnic? Liz says they should at least take Andy more seriously and she urges Jim upstairs to talk Andy out of joining up. Well Jim does that...sort of. he tells Andy that he joined up because he was thick and wasn't good for owt else but Andy is much smarter. He praises Andy's grades and assures him he loves him. He suggests Andy wait a few years, get his A Levels and if he still wants to join the army, go for officer training. That's a much easier life! All Andy can do is pout that Jim spends more time at the pub than with him. (teenagers!!!!!)

Tina dresses for her date but before she can go, Bet insists on a word and proceeds to read the riot act, especially about her snide remark to Alec this dinner time. She better not think she's indispensable in spite of Bet's belief in her as a great barmaid. She has to come back to earth where she still has friends. She can't afford to burn her boats and do something she'll regret. But tina smiles smugly and says she was just going to say the same to Bet. She flounces out and Bet's face tells us that she sees the beginning of a terrible and bloody end!

Deirdre has filled Emily in on the Ken thing when Tracy arrives home from Lindsay's. She's all for her dad buying the new flat but is disappointed that he can't afford it and petulant that her mother thinks it's just as well that he doesn't move back into the Street.

Audrey has heard about Andy's decision (from Jim, remember?) but Steve tells her he's glad Andy is going to leave. Audrey sympathizes to Alf with how Liz feels about losing her son to the army but Alf has fond memories of his time served with Frank Barlow, Ken's dad. They were like brothers when they were in together and he pulls out an old photo of the two of them, reminiscing. Anyway the discipline will be good for the lad. Audrey blames the army life, moving about so much for the twins' discipline problems, not the boys themselves.

Tina is late back from her date. Even though it's a bank holiday it isn't busy yet. Bet assures Alec she's had a word (fat lot of good it seems to have had though). Jack, Rita and Percy discuss staff disciplining. Audrey is back again (does she drink a lot or what?). She grouses to Rita because Alf is still at the shop, trying to make that last penny while Percy decides that shopkeepers staying open has been the ruination of the family who no longer spend bank holidays with their families. Deirdre has a few words with Audrey about Ken, telling her how her mother was desperate not to have her friends scandalized by the fact that her daughter's marriage had broken up. Of course it's not that big a deal these days but you can't tell that to Blanche! Deirdre would be happy if she never clapped eyes on Ken again!

Meanwhile Alf is just ready to lock up when Ken comes to the door, pretending he just has to have a packet of mints. Alf shows Ken the picture of him and Frank Barlow and Ken has a smile over memories of his dad. then the real reason for Ken's visit. Wait for it.... he wants to let the flat above the shop.

Tea is ready at the MacDonald's but Andy isn't hungry. Jim calls him down and tells him he should eat or he'll never pass his physical for the army. Liz picks up her chin and starts ranting how Jim had promised he'd persuade Andy off joining up. Jim tells her that Andy won't be persuaded and he knows his own mind. Andy looks surprised and says he thought his dad wanted him to wait a few years first. Jim just wanted to make out how keen Andy was and, well, if you're going to join up sooner or later, it might as well be sooner, he'll start making inquiries. Andy looks bewildered, confused and not a little perturbed at one of his parents supporting his plan (calling his bluff, more like!), a major change of attitude, and insists he wasn't joking. Jim continues to eat his tea and says he's not joking either while Liz is flabbergasted. (now you KNOW Jim is just using reverse psychology on the boy, don't you?)

Alf is reluctant to rent out the flat at first, having had some bad experiences recently but when he arrives at the pub later, all smiles, he admits to Audrey that he has found the perfect tenant. Ken Barlow. Audrey moans and lays her face in her hands.


Tuesday (3114, 29 August 1990)
Alf and Audrey arrive and emerge from their little blue car to open the shop and are greeted by Deirdre crossing the road from the Kabin to her house. Audrey watches her pass then scolds Alf for renting the flat to Ken, why not just hold a loaded gun to that poor girl's head!? He must turn Ken down, lie if he has to. Alf defends himself as Sally chirps in for work. Audrey fills her in and gets Sally on her side. Alf naively thinks Ken jus t wants to be near his daughter and how do the two of you know Deirdre will be that upset?? Audrey challenges Alf to go and tell Deirdre himself and see if she dances a happy jig or crowns him with the frying pan. Alf sud denly finds that he is very busy with a shop to run to nip out just now.

Jim and Liz do the washing up from breakfast. Liz slings accusatory phrases at Jim like "signing his life away" and "letting him give up school". Jim explains his apparent turnaround in supporting Andy's decision. He hims elf signed up with the army mainly because his parents were so adamantly against it. Reverse psychology although Jim doesn't use big words like those! Andy is just as pig headed as he was, so Jim suggests they appear to s upport him and he won't sign up in the end...Trust me! Andy plans to go down to the recruiting office that morning so Jim offers to drive him if he waits until the afternoon. Andy looks confused as Jim grins at Liz over his head.

Betty and Jack ready the bar for opening. Alec announces to them that Tina is sacked as she didn't turn up at all last night and that was the last straw. They all offer excuses on her behalf but Alec is not to be consoled . After he leaves Bet confides that he will probably huff and puff when she first comes in but eventually give her the job back and they'll be back to normal. (I wouldn't bet on it!)

Sally holds Deirdre back from leaving the shop, telling her Mr. Roberts wanted to have a word and she calls Alf out from the back. See the thing is, Alf begins, and tells her that Ken was round wanting to rent the shop f lat but he doesn't get much farther than that when Deirdre interrupts. No. No Alf! Deirdre insists that she doesn't want Ken anywhere near her, her life wouldn't be her own with him watching her every move (I just forget, now, is Dave still in the picture?) When will Ken get the message? Alf knows he's in bother now!

Tina is late for work today too and Alec insists he's not changing his mind. Bet humours him. She also promises Betty she'll nip out later to the Kabin for serviettes but in the meantime, Jack suggests he might pop round to Tina's to see if she's ok, on his time off of course. (you'd think he'd learned his lesson about chasing her by now, wouldn't you?) Bet suggests that if he does find Tina, he help her concoct a good story...he's just t he perfect one to do it! Percy overhears Sally tell Kevin that Ken is thinking of moving back to the street. When she realizes he's heard, she scrambles to back out, saying she might have misunderstood but Percy can see t he logic in Ken's desire. He spent all his life round here after all.

Jim and Liz dish up dinner. More of the same of Jim reassuring Liz he knows what he's doing, and Jim making more supportive noises to Andy.

On to the good stuff..Bet comes out of the Kabin with the serviettes and spies Tina round the corner, getting out of a flash red car with none other than Nigel Ridley! Tina gives Nigel a kiss on the cheek while he peers a round to see if anyone's looking and Bet dives back into the shop before she can be seen. She tells Rita that Alec's on the warpath, gunning for Tina but Tina's got much bigger artillery behind her.

Tina swans into the pub and is oblivious to Jack's warnings about Alec planning to sack her. She arrogantly marches back for a word. Bet rushes in behind her, chucks the serviettes at Betty and heads back through where Al ec's riot act is just warming up. Tina is standing there like butter wouldn't melt when Bet bursts in and interrupts, sending her into the bar to get to work. She smugly flounces off and Bet closes the door and turns to a sputtering Alec. She manages to get a word in edgewise and tells him that Tina's boyfriend is none other than... you get the drift. Wot? A trollop like that? Trollops like that can wrap men like Nigel Ridley round their little finger if they've a mind to (and she should know!). It explains everything, she's flameproof! No Way! Alec storms out, she's still sacked. But he comes right back in and nervously wonders if they have to sack her just yet. The two of them, the recent near-miss with Nigel over the Yankees debacle still all too fresh in their minds, nervously flit around the living room. Bet bodily throws Alec on the settee, yanking his feet up so h e can have a lie down, pulling on his collar and the drapes as Alec frantically witters on. Bet promises he won't have to see Tina, she'll suss out the lay of the land.

Jim chats to Andy on the way to the recruiting office about good and bad reasons to join up and that it takes courage sometimes to change your mind. He advises Andy just to talk about the officer about his options, not ma ke any final decisions just yet. The officer soon finds out that Andy is only 16 and, as if he is used to this sort of situation, quickly launches into a discussion of what kinds of careers are on offer for a young man.

Sally and Audrey quietly discuss Deirdre's reaction to Ken moving in until Alf arrives. But Alf thinks Dierdre's got herself into a state over nothing (my, oh my, men are the king of denial aren't they?) Audrey wants him to tell Ken he can't move in after all and the arrival of Tracy, with Ken's address when asked, stifles Alf's excuse number 15 as to why he can't tell Ken (Because he doesn't know where he lives!)

Bet brings a cup of tea out to Tina in the back yard. Tina nearly drops her mug when she realizes that Bet has figured out who her boyfriend is but recovers quickly. Bet seems to sympathise with her, but makes subtle rema rks about how Nigel never lets her meet his friends and how secretive they are. Well it's because of his position, you understand. Oh, of course, Bet agrees but warns Tina that although she says she's been discreet about his identity to people she's really on the verge of giving it all away with her behaviour and attitude...baiting Alec, being late for work. It's all bound to be found out and Nigel might not make a public stand for her i n a showdown like she thinks he would. Tina doesn't get the hint and tells Bet she's just jealous and tells her that she and Nigel have plans and just let Alec try and sack her! (Silly girl!)

On to Mr. Morality... er, that would be Ken. Alf has come to try to back out of the rent deal and admits it's because Deirdre is upset. In shades of the incident when Ken sold Curly a knowingly defective car "as is", Mr. M. says It's none of Deirdre's business where he lives. He insists he has a legal right to move in since Alf accepted his money and gave him the rent book, ignoring Alf's pleas for the moral ground (well he wouldn't, woul d he?!) Alf can always evict him if he doesn't turn out to be a suitable tenant but better come up with better reasons than what Deirdre thinks! Alf's goose is truly cooked now.

Emily and Audrey chat about Audrey's new neigbours. Audrey admits her neighbours keep to themselves more than they do round here (i would too if Audrey was my neighbour!) which suits her because she's not been one for gos sip. (?????????) Tina is relaxing behind the bar, bragging to a cowed Alec about Nigel's confidences in her about other licensees and directing the rest of the staff who are scrambling to do her duties. Alec says nowt and Jack realizes summat's up but can't get Boo out of Tina. Jim and Liz discuss how far to let Andy go with his plans. Until he thinks he's got nothing to prove, an unusually wise Jim advises.

Alf arrives and relays the bad news to Emily and Audrey and neither Audrey nor Alf are willing to tell Deirdre. Emily takes it upon herself (you could see that coming, couldn't you?) to go and tell Deirdre that Alf couldn 't persuade Ken to back down. He is determined. Deirdre isn't having it, none of it, whatever she has to do, he's not moving in!

Recruiting Sargeant TIM MAXWELL CLARKE Nigel Ridley JOHN BASHAM

Wednesday (3115, 31 August 1990)
Right! Rows, Confrontations and Resentments.

Alec has had a letter from the Brewery, It's started already! They want more in house entertainment, he reads. Tina's spying on them for Nigel,that's what it is. All them presents are payment for it. A sleepy Bet spoons cornflakes into her and reckons she's getting paid for summat but it isn't spying. Nigel is using Tina and will dump her sooner or later. Alec wishes he'd marry her so he'd be shut of her.

Tracy has begun her impossible phase and has started the rant that will carry her through the next couple of years, much to our dread. She's blaming her mother for causing al the trouble in her life when Dad only wants us to get back together. Eat your cornflakes, Deirdre snaps. Not to be outdone, Tracy continues her mantra after informing her mother they're all out of cornflakes. Deirdre gets up and determinedly dashes out to get more cornflakes but she isn't off the hook that easily, as Tracy skitters behind her like a puppy, right in to the shop. Deirdre grabs a box of cereal off the shelf and a box of burgers out of the freezer and proceeds to the counter, completely ignoring the customer who's already there, Steve.

Deirdre lays into Alf for betraying her by renting to Ken for the money, no matter who it hurts. Alf tries to serve Steve around Deirdre's mouth and defe nds himself with his explanation of trying to get out of it and anyway, Tracy is glad her father's back in the neighbourhood at least. She's not buying it, hollering that she and Ken are split up and Tracy is just going to have to accept that and he's only made it harder for her to do that. She stamps out with her goods. Poor Alf feels terrible and won't even go after her when Sally points out that she didn't pay!

Andy must have started spouting about the Army and postings to Northern Ireland again because we next see Liz and Jim both telling him he's not joining up, with Liz going on about the worry on top of it all. Andy threate ns to just leave home anyway. Steve enters and want's to gossip about the cracking row in the shop but he doesn't get far amid the trouble and strife, some even directed at him because in all the confusion in the shop, he came home with Deirdre's frozen burgers instead of the frozen fish he was sent for.

Tina chats to Jack and Betty with the suggestion that they get rid of the dartboard to modernise the place a little. Darling Jack, in all his forthright logic asks what r'we going to throw the darts at?? (that still makes me chuckle) Alec isn't pleased at the idea either, must be Nigel's idea, eh?

Liz visits a distracted Deirdre to exchange fish for beast. She's heard about the row and tries to elicit sympathy for herself by telling Deirdre about Andy wanting to join the army but Deirdre isn't really listening so L iz gives it up and leaves. Deirdre snaps at Tracy to clear up the mess.

Tina tries to get Betty to serve Percy as she's doing the glasses but Bet sets her to it with a light bur firm touch. She does, dripping with sarcasm which Emily and Rita don't this is warranted and they call her childish in so many words. Bet wants to have a word with Tina and Alec is full of doom and gloom.

In the shop, Ken arrives to take up residence, much to Sally's glee. Since Alf won't say owt to Ken, Audrey makes her feelings known. Ken doesn't want to be rude but he is anyway, telling Audrey it's between him and Deird re, ok Alf? Alf bends like a willow and allows it, causing Audrey's disappointment and wrath to fall on him, telling him he never has any trouble saying no when she wants something. She must have run right over to Deird re's because we next see Deirdre knocking purposefully on Ken's new door. She finds him surrounded by an unorganized stack of his precious books and there's no flatwarming plant or gift in her hand so i guess this isn't a social call! :-)

All she can ask is why he did it! He waffles, it's handy for school that's all. (NOT) But she doesn't believe it, spying a cozy family photo propped up on a side table and she insists it's over. He's giving Tracy false ho pes. He counters with a suggestion that she be the one to move if it's so bad for Tracy. No, he can't get away with that, she reminds him that they agreed she would stay in the house. You can almost her his gears going ro und in that sneaky skull, "Think, Ken, Think!.... Aha!" He understands her pain (Oh, give me a BREAK!), because he's been there too (another dig about Mike) and he's living proof that you can get over it. He asks her was it just Wendy or would she have left him anyway. She (schtewpidly) admits it was just Wendy but insists it's over between them. Too late, Big Mistake, you can tell he's not giving up now. As she turns her back to leave, h e tells her he loves her. She hesitates but continues out the door. He goes to the window to look down and listen as Alf catches up to her to apologize. He plays up the friendship angle, being caught between to warring friends who have split up. He was doing Ken a favour, not doing it for the money like she thought, money doesn't mean everything to him and he doesn't want to lose her friendship. She lets him have his say but isn't very r eceptive and asks is that all? Well, he reminds her she hadn't paid for the cornflakes and burgers! (When will he ever learn!) She leaves and Ken watches from the window and sees Tracy lurking around the corner and waving up at him.

Tracy visits her dad as he is righteously telling her that being a good parent, spouse and indeed, human being is a long process of making mistakes and learning from them. He admits making a really big mistake and but the bigger the mistake the more you learn and Deirdre will realize that. Tracy admits that she doesn't think her mother will ever take him back. He winces but insists she will.

Down at Number 11, Liz orders Andy down to tea but he's being pig headed and refuses. Right, she takes the food back off the table, claiming that they eat as a family or not at all. Right! Jim thumps up the stairs for ano ther talk. Is he going to abandon his support tactics and try another approach? Sort of. He tells Andy he should be allowed to sign up because he'll soon be back after a taste. It's not that he doesn't have the bottle, i t's because he's got something more, brains. the Army only wants the men to obey, not to think, they try to beat it out of you. He thinks Andy should try to go in as an officer. They are allowed to think though many choos e not to! Liz listens at the door and objects. He's not going!!! Then you talk to him! Jim shuts the door behind him.

Right! Liz tells Andy to pack his bags and go now if that's what he wants. She's not going through this again. (oh good. Take the child from minor neglect to out and out rejection!) She settles down a bit and in a crackin g scene she tells Andy like it was. Jim joined the army to find a family like many of the waifs and strays in the army looking for the same. The army becomes their mother and they are all brothers looking out for each oth er, drinking with each other. The army becomes everything to them. She was just a diversion, a novelty that wore off. Her resentment mounts as she tells the tale and i am wondering how she can get all this out without bit ter tears spilling down her cheeks. She got in the way of "The Lads", the Army. Andy was too young to remember but it was the same way every time he came home on leave... the brief 1 to 2 day honeymoon period and then the fidgeting and the excuses to start rows so he could storm out to the pub with The Lads, not wanting to spend time at home talking to his wife and kids. Andy doesn't want to believe it but Liz doesn't blame Jim, she blame s the Army. The Army made him that way and he missed out on all sorts. She doesn't want to see Andy change like that. She's proud of how she brought her son up to be a decent lad.

Ken and Alf saunter down the street and Ken offers to meet Alf in the Rovers to buy him a drink in thanks. Alf is still feeling mighty guilty but Ken insists Deirdre will get used to it. (I have me doubts!)

In the pub, everyone is buzzing over the news about Tina and Nigel Ridley when Ken arrives and orders a pint from Tina. Sally buzzes to Kevin about the Ken and Deirdre goings on of the day. Tina insults Percy after a sarcastic remark he made to her about collaborating with the enemy (Nigel). A row ensues between Tina, Jack and Betty with Percy getting more than his two pence in besides until Tina rounds on him and bars him! (Eek! That's the line crossed there, my petal!) Jack insists Percy stay but Percy wants to go anyway, highly insulted. Several others turn away from Tina in support to be served by Jack and Betty rushes back to tell Bet that Tina's only gone and barred Percy. (Alec isn't in this evening as we shall see later) It was only Percy but that isn't the point and Bet goes in to action. Right! She grabs Tina and pulls her into the back and tells Jack to give Percy anything he wants on the house.

I'm on the edge of me chair as Bet starts in, You don't give orders to nobody, Evita Peron!! Bet sacks Tina and tells her not to think Nigel will be of any help. At accusations that she's just jealous, Bet spits out that Tina is a fool! Has Nigel ever taken her out in daylight? (well yes, actually, at least once that we saw) She's his dark secret, his bit of the side and bits on the side are supposed to keep their mouths shut. She's blown it and Nigel will come down on her like a ton of bricks. Alec has arrived and been told Tina is sacked but Bet is on a roll and continues, telling Tina she's made a fool of herself over a man who doesn't care about her. She knows, because she's done it herself. Tina sashays out with a "we'll see about that". Alec scurries behind her saying he's the landlord only he can say who's sacked. By this time they're in the bar which has gone quiet as Tina threatens, wait until Nigel hears, then we'll see who's landlord!!! She strides out through the silent and astonished clientele which bursts into buzz when the door closes, Sally more than most as she hadn't heard that Nigel Ridley was the object of Tina's recent bragging! (Too busy stocking up on Barlow gossip!)

Andy comes down to tea quietly and informs his family he's not joining up, using the excuse that he'd miss them too much. Liz lowers her head in relief, knowing her words have had the desired effect. Jim wonders what she said. "Nothing much" (considering it wouldn't put him in a very good light!)

Alec criticizes Bet for sacking Tina, fearing for their livelihoods. It was only Percy Sugden! It was the principle, something Alec keeps hidden away in a dark corner of his wallet.


Thursday (3116, 3 September 1990)
At the Wiltons, Derek is rushing about dramatically, because he slept in and has 3 important business meetings today. Hes out the door in a flash, off to make the paper products world a better place.

Over at the Mini Market, Percy is complaining (again!) to Sally about getting a full and proper apology from management at the Rovers after Tina barred him. When he is gone, Sally comments to Alf about Tina sailing close to the wind since she took up with Nigel and Alf agrees that she can afford to.

Through the back at the Rovers, Alec is off is his brekky because of the Tina situation. Alec wants Bet to have a word with Tina about the sacking, but Bet feels that life wouldnt be worth living with Tina back behind the bar. The phone rings and its Betty calling in with a bug or summat. Bet is properly sympathetic, but Alec is not - he thinks thats all they need. Bet has all in hand, she is off to town. Life may have stopped for Alec, but not for Bet! Alec is worried Nigel might ring. Bet tells Alec to spell it out for him whos boss, and it isnt Tina Flaming Fowler. (Never heard Flaming as a middle name before!)

Deirdre is in the Mini Market, giving Sally an order to fill, but she is going to take the beans for Tracy's dinner. (So this is where Sally learned to cook for the kiddies!) Ken comes in and general good mornings all around but Deirdre totally ignores him and walks right out with her beans. Ken follows her and tries to convince her that he is only there for Tracys sake, but Deirdres not buying it. Ken goes on and on and on about her accepting his presence in the street and at Tracy's school. She shuts the door in his face.

Back at the Rovers, Jack answers the phone while struggling with a couple of cases. Its Nigel on the line (surprise, surprise). Bottom line is Nigel wants Tina re-hired and Alec, in his usual sycophantic (yay for spell check) way agrees, telling Nigel that Bet will be no trouble.

Dave is at Deirdre's for dinner - he suggests the Rovers, but no, she wants to be home for Tracy and of course, to avoid Ken. Dave reminds her she cant stop where he lives or works, but she can stop giving him the satisfaction of reacting to him. She should show Ken she has her own life to lead and get on with it.

At the Rovers, Alec is muttering to Jack about Bet being late back from town, and Jack adds to it by reminding him that she has his credit card. Liz and Jim tell Alf about the boys going back to school. Percy comes in and demands an apology, but not quite yet - wait til the place fills up! He wants as many witnesses to the apology as there was to the barring. Good logic, old boy! Alec offers Percy a half a bitter to close the incident but Percys not accepting - and then who walks in but Tina! And she heads back behind the bar, cool as a cucumber, and Percy walks out.

Dinner time at the Wiltons and Derek is pleased as punch with the success of his morning meeting. Mavis is pleased too, but gets distracted - what is it that she hears in the kitchen? A budgie - sitting on the sink! (I must say that the expression on Maviss face when she was gesturing for Derek to come see was lovely - Thelma Barlow caught the joy and amazement perfectly).

Back to the Rovers, where Jack is telling Alec how Bet is not going to like Tina being back behind the bar, just as Bet arrives. Alec tries to warn her that Tine is back, but not in time. Tina trips by with a "hiya" and Bet wants to know what she is doing back from Alec,

Bet orders Tina through for a word, and Alec tries to explain, but no, Bet is in control. (Or almost out of control?) Alec follows Bet through, but she sends him back to the bar to help Jack.

First thing out of Tina is "Who the hell do you think you are?" Great scene between Tina and Bet, with Tina hitting close to home about Bets past and the future Tina sees for herself. But, showdown time and Tina is sent packing by Bet. Tina has the last word about what will happen when Nigel hears about this. Alec rushes back to find that Tina is gone and "This time she wont be coming back!"

At the Kabin, Mavis is in raptures about the budgie. Wonderful scene with Rita and Mavis, they are superb together (all the more so as Mavis is no longer on the show). The looks on Ritas face as Mavis goes on about Harry being a gift from heaven are wonderful. And Ritas sarcasm with Mavis is sooo good. Rita plants the seed about Harry belonging to someone else, but Mavis is not listening.

We Return to the Rovers (ha ha, get it?!) and Alec is still worried about Tina and what Nigel is going to say. Bet sets down her final word on the subject - if Tina comes back, Betll pack her bags and leave.

Steph and Des are at the wine bar, probably the only couple there married to each other. They see Tina walking through. She looks like she is on a mission. (I thought she looked somewhat robotic - blank look on her face, marching in time to the music). She heads straight for where Nigel and another woman are sitting. Nigel looks distinctly uncomfortable when Tina walks up, but Tina wants a word. Tina tells him what happened at the Rovers, and the other woman wants to be introduced. Tina asks if she is a brewery employee and gets the reply "Hardly". I am of mixed mind about this whole situation - poor Tina, taken for a ride and now all her bridges burned, but then again, she is the one who burnt those bridges.

Tina's finally caught on and she ends up throwing Nigels wine (when I originally typed this I forgot the space between Nigels and wine, making it Nigelswine - which is pretty close to the mark!) for a little something to remember her by.

At the Kabin, Mavis wants to give Rita an early night, so she will pop home to start Dereks tea, and then come back and close up for Rita - but Rita susses out the real reason, Mavis wants to go home and see Harry. So, Mavis heads home and Derek is there, thrilled by his achievements of the day. They seem to be having a conversation but are talking about totally different things. And Mavis has the quote of the episode today - "You dont think hes constipated?" What a laugh - Derek thinks shes talking about Victor and Mavis really means Harry! Mavis is still so thrilled about fate bringing them Harry and filling an emptiness in their lives.

Tracy is getting a bit of what for from her mum for being at her dads and Deirdre suggests some ground rules for seeing him, and Tracy thinks the ground rules should apply to Dave too.

At the Rovers, Jim comments to Jack about Alec and Jack says that Alex is dealing with something completely alien to him - work! Alec is still paranoid about every phone call being from Nigel, but no, its just Betty, still ill. Bet tells Alec hed better get a grip, or she and Jacko will be the only ones running the place, as he will drive himself to an early grave. Des comes in and notices that Tina is not there, and then tells Bet and Alec about the scene at the Wine Bar. Alec looks relieved, but Bet says she gets no satisfaction out of what happened to Tina.

Final scene - Mavis is closing up the Kabin and a woman comes in to post a card for her lost budgie, Boris. Poor Mavis, the look on her face was so sad. And Mavis has a moral dilemma.what to do, what to do!

Girl in Wine Bar: HILARY TONES Mrs. Featherstone: LINDA POLAN

Friday (3117, 5 September 1990)
Sex, Lies and Frustrations.

Audrey is awake very early because of Alfeh's snoring. She turns on the telly to relieve the boredom of the bedroom but it's not working well no matter how she adjusts the aerial on top. She makes pointed remarks to Alf who has woken up about it not being the only thing that doesn't work in the bedroom. He protests in defence of his overworked body and sadly bruised ego and promises to call the repair shop later.

What to do? Mavis is torn but how can she give their little budgie back to a family that named him such an undignified name as Boris? Derek comforts her saying one green budgie looks very much like another anyway. Mavis points out that the Featherstone family house always looks a tip and they never pay their paper bill on time but she still wonders if it's ethically right to keep the bird though it probably does belong to the Featherstone's. Derek insists the bird is better off with them. And here i thought Derek was always one to do the right thing? I never thought of Derek as morally challenged. Somewhat vulnerable to the odd temptation where pretty birds of the two legged variety are concerned but not this sort of caper!

Tracy gets ready for her first day of the new term as a third year (huh? my ignorance of the British School system here, would this be the third year of post-elementary school?) She is chattering about helping her dad decorate the flat much to Deirdre's annoyance. Deirdre sets down rules though, homework first before she goes out to her dad's or elsewhere after school. Ken comes by to pick up Tracy who isn't embarassed anymore to be seen with him at school. Deirdre isn't pleased to see him on her doorstep nor to hear he's made arrangements with Tracy before clearing it with her first. But then she can hardly say no or she'd be the bad guy right? Tracy bounces down the stairs before Deirdre can work herself up into a frenzy this time and Ken leaves with a self satisfied smirk on his face.

Rita and Mavis discuss Tina's departure. Rita notices Mavis is not full of budgie talk today like she was yesterday and Mavis covers up by saying she realized Rita wasn't very interested. Rita admits this was true and apologizes but Mavis is quite glad to change the subject.

Bet picks up some grocery supplies as Betty is still off sick and Sally mentions Tina. Bet says good riddance. In the back, Alf is bellowing to the repair shop because the telly is still under warrantee. Audrey tells Bet about the busted bedroom telly and Bet pulls Alf's leg about his marital obligation, suggesting Audrey might have to borrow Mike Baldwin from Alma since Mike seems to be able to balance a full day's work and still have leftover energy. (and 20 years younger might have summat to do with it).

Dave visits Deirdre but is put out by Deirdre's busy day. He tries to suggest Tracy go to Ken's that night so they can go out but that's not good enough either and Dave sulks that Deirdre never has time for him. He's always pouting about that it seems to me!

Percy sees Mavis looking at a box of bird seed and thinks she's still upset about Harriet's death. He advises her to move on with her life rather than hanging on to the past. Mavis snaps at him (so he doesn't suspect anything) that he's one to talk, him who's life is permanently attached the Western Desert! and she huffs out the door while Percy is glad to see he's not the only one who thinks Mavis is overly tetchy today, as Alf had pointed it out too.

The Repairman comes to the Roberts' and has caught Audrey in the bath. She comes to the door in her terry robe and it's Jim!! Within seconds he's in the door and subject to Audrey's fluttering eyelashes and mincing protestations that he drop the professional "Mrs. Roberts" as it makes her feel like her mother (who was never Mrs. Roberts on a good day!) She directs Jim to the bedroom but rushes upstairs to clear it of unmentionables first, not as if a man like him has never seen such things before. She comes back downstairs dangling some white lacy things from her fingers so he can get a good eyeful before she puts them in the pocket of her robe. Jim just rolls his eyes leaving us in no question that he knows what she's up to. Sounds to me like she's got the "Repairman and the Bored Housewife" scenario practised to perfect!

Meanwhile Alf is moaning to Liz about repairman taking all hours to show up and how folk think he's boring because he works all the time... It's True! Liz tactfully says nowt. He continues to say that Audrey is always complaining because he's either sleeping or working (i'd complain too!) but she'd not like it if there was no money in the bank. Liz comments that Jim really isn't happy in his job fixing tellys, it's not the same as soldiering but if he's the one they've sent out then they'll have 100% satisfaction. He's very good with his hands, is Jim.

Will Audrey find that out? Well, Jim is using his hands to adjust the aerial on the tv and telling her what she really needs is an outside aerial in spite of what they told her at the shop where she bought the telly. Audrey lures him to the bed to show him how the picture goes off but of course it doesn't do even when she bounces and leans in to him in her loosely closed robe. Jim springs up like a scalded cat and decides it is time to leave, advising her of her repair options which could be costly so she should speak to Alf first. Audrey moans on the doorstep about another boring night in bed then lifts an eyebrow, pleased that several of her neighbours have overheard and seen her in her robe saying good by to a nice looking repairman!

Mavis has told Derek over dinner about her run in with Mr. Sugden. She feels like a criminal but Derek again assures her that he has no moral problems harbouring an escapee from an oppressive regime though there are always fanatics (Percy) who would insist the refugee return to his home and native land for further persecution. No, the bird is better off with them. They must close ranks in the interests of democracy and freedom (and covering up of petty theft...."Pet"-ty theft....get it? Har, har, har!!!)

Deirdre admits to Emily that she doesn't want Tracy to spend so much time with Ken but she can't very well stop it. She doesn't want Ken's feet back under her table (or in her bed) though he keeps pestering her. Every time Tracy goes to Ken's, she feels like he's winning. Tracy comes home and tries to hide that she's got homework but her mother was young once too and makes her go upstairs to do it first before she goes to her dad's. She remarks to Emily that Tracy's math grade wasn't so good last year.

Mavis and Derek are still discussing moral issues after work when a knock is heard at the door. Mavis starts! She rushes to cover Harry's cage, urging him to be a quiet little birdy as Derek lets Percy in. He's come to apologize for upsetting Mavis earlier which really was a nice thing to do wasn't it? Mavis apologizes too for being sharp with him and he settles himself in for a visit, cup of tea and a tour round the house. The Wilton's manage to avoid the kitchen during the tour but just when Percy is about to leave, he hears one little budgie peep. He exclaims it sounds like a budgie in their kitchen! Derek covers with a sad joke about how he thought they were having chicken for their tea and they usher him out. Close call!

Mrs. Featherstone arrives at the Kabin at closing complaining that Mavis had put her card advertising the lost bird way out of the way in the corner of the window where nobody could see it. Rita covers when she realizes the subject of the advert, saying (truthfully) that they hadn't had any response to the card yet, but she's twigged Mavis now!

Jim leaves the Rovers as Alf and Audrey arrive and exchanges a few words about the aerial. Audrey hadn't told Alf that Jim was the repairman but all she can moan about is that the telly isn't fixed yet. Over at the other end of the bar, Percy is insisting to a bemused Jack and Des that he did hear a budgie in the Wilton's kitchen though they tease him and assume he was just hearing ghosts or bats (in the belfry!).

Deirdre criticizes the messy job Tracy's done on her homework and insists she redo it. Ken comes to call and Deirdre's long held-in frenzy erupts but he's really just there to say he's had a word with the math head and Tracy won't have to be held back in a slower class all year, just one term. Of course Deirdre didn't know anything about it because Tracy never said (typical teen, that!) so has one more reason to resent the whole situation. Ken will use his influence but Deirdre lets loose with the rest of her rant about him ruining their lives and he can just worry about Tracy's future at school and let her do it there at home and she chucks him out. Tracy is forbidden to go to her father's for not telling her mother a few important things...


Originally transmitted: 7, 10, 12, 14 & 17 September 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 21 - Friday 25 September 1998
Episode Numbers: 3118 - 3122

Monday (3118, 7 September 1990)
The storyline for the birds. Jim climbs a ladder to ... heaven?

We open today looking across the back of the old houses, Jack's pigeons greeting the rising sun and Percy Sugden clapping lids on rubbish bins. He's not slept well for worry about the bird he's sure he heard in the Wilton's. 'Appen it's trapped in there and they don't hear it! Emily thinks it is more likely he heard the telly or a kettle whistling but Percy is insulted at the suggestion that he can't tell the difference between a bird and a kettle.

Stephanie is in the Kabin relating the goings on of the previous night in the pub to a bemused Rita and a distinctly uncomfortable Mavis. Tales of Percy Sugden telling all and sundry about the bird calls and such. After she leaves, Rita has a wind up with poor Mavis, Didn't she tell Percy about her new lodger, then? Mavis prevaricates that she didn't want Percy's advice is all. Rita moves in for the kill, throwing the advertising card up for proof. "Ohhh" Mavis moans. You might well "Ohhh", Ladeh, Rita scolds and tells Mavis about Mrs. Featherstone's visit the evening before.

A bit later, a conversation between the two shopkeepers goes a bit at cross purposes when Mavis says that "he had a restless night", revealing it was Derek who did, not the budgie. She witters on how unsuited the Featherstones are to the responsibilities of pets. Besides Harry's settled in quite nicely. Just this morning she saw him staring at himself in the mirror while shaving. Shaving?? asks a startled Rita (me and all!) the budgie? No! Derek! (ah!) They are a proper family again. Rita still thinks Mavis should take him back...the budgie, not Derek, or at least just to find out for sure if Harry is really Boris or not.

Deirdre sees Tracy off to school as Emily arrives with a mis- delivered piece of mail. Deirdre tells Emily that Tracy is having a bit of trouble with her maths at school but wouldn't have found out had Ken not come over and told her. Little Miss having tried to hide it. So, Emily points out, there is at least one advantage to Ken working at Tracy's school and living down the street.

Alf and Liz talk aerials. Liz assures Alf that Jim wouldn't have told Alf he needed an expensive aerial if he didn't and besides the money Alf pays Jim's employer pays Jim and the money Jim brings home, Liz spends in the shop so it all comes back to him anyway! (got that?) Alf wasn't disputing it, he was just saying and reckons Audrey will be good and tired of staying home for repairmen by now any road.

Not so. Audrey, in a strapless sundress, is under Jim's feet, literally, as he attempts to avoid her offers of a stronger drink because he is up the ladder to the roof to install said aerial. She offers to nip to the bedroom and switch on which causes Jim no end of embarassment because the neighbour is out in her yard listening and spying from behind her shrubbery! Audrey just smiles and says a little louder for Jim not to take too long in getting back into the bedroom! Right, Mrs. Roberts is Jim's attempt at professionalism for the neighbour's sake. I think he's got his hands full, or at least Audrey wishes he had! ;)

It's dinnertime at the pub. Derek is rushed for time while Jack whistles very much like a budgie at him and makes jokes about Percy's announcing Derek's new bird. Derek cuts him cold and takes his sandwich to a table. Alec gets in on it by admonishing Jack not to make such "Cheep" jokes at the customer's expense. Har, Har. Jack just looks at him, disdainfully and goes off to the cellar leaving Alec to pick his... ahem.. 'cheep' joke up off the floor where it soundly landed. Dave is seen coming in to find Deirdre who buys him a drink to apologize for not going out with him last night. She agrees to go for a nice drive and a quiet country inn dinner tonight instead. Mavis has told Derek that Rita thinks they should take the bird back and Derek gets huffy about Rita's interference. They aren't criminals after all (oh yes you are! you've stolen a budgie!) Mavis knows they can't hide the bird for too long and it might be selfish to keep it but Derek pompously goes on and on about refugees and betrayal of trust and besides nobody takes Percy seriously (and this is the kind of typical annoying-to-me storyline that always made me dislike Derek! what a berk! I'm sorry, i know there are plenty of Derek fans out there but he just always got on my last nerve! Mavis was ok though especially with Rita.)

Percy is in the Kabin and after waiting for the customers to leave he ascertains that Mavis has gone to dinner before making inquiries of Rita. Hasn't Mavis been acting queer this morning? No worse that usual, Rita counters and effectively side steps Percy's comments on the bird situation. But Percy insists his famous family Sugden persistence will out!

Audrey drapes herself on the bed waiting for Jim who hurriedly slips his head in and out of the doorway to check the telly and leave. But Audrey just won't let go (talk about persistence!) She manages to get him into the room to move her telly around the length of the lead wire. He no sooner says she should stay away from the window lest the neighbours get the wrong idea than she prances over to the open window and obviously shuts it (neighbours watching of course.) Jim just as obviously opens it again with a look out the window as well. He makes it back downstairs to neutral territory and fends off Audrey's further attempts to ply him with alcohol, having already taking advantage of her culinary hospitality in the form of biscuits, tea and sandwiches and after assuring her nothing more can possibly go wrong with the telly, makes a clean getaway. "We'll see about that" is written all over Audrey's face!

Rita passes by Derek as he goes back to work. He accuses her of interfering and she reminds him he's guilty of birdnapping and once Detective Inspector Sugden is on the case, they'll have no choice!

Sure enough, later we see D.I. Sugden sweeping the pavement in front of the Wilton's house trying for a look see as Jim returns home from work to see Andy and Tracy chatting on the cobbles. He's had a rough day, so he has! Derek and Mavis watch through the curtains as Percy heads back across the street to regroup. Mavis feels trapped, under siege as does Derek but while Mavis is faltering, Derek just wonders why the three of them can't be happy. He holds steadfast.

Percy bores Alf as Ken waits for Alf to find him something in the freezer. Dave comes in all dressed flash in a jacket and tie and buys a box of choccies, much to Ken's consternation. What a lip on him, now as he watches Dave leave. Emily will be minding Tracy and when Dave comes over, it seems he has actually bought the chocolates for Emily and Tracy! Smarmy, but sweet! Dave, not the choccies! Deirdre tells Emily if Ken should call round to tell him she's out with her fella!

The next manoeuvre: Percy is caught out by Rita as he wipes down the Wilton window, cleaning off (imaginary) bird muck and trying to get a closer look in but it's useless. The curtains are well drawn.

Dave and Deirdre are sitting in a nice country in perusing the menu. Deirdre is obsessing non stop about a false Ken-sighting that afternoon and though Dave tries to turn the conversation away, Deirdre always manages to bring Ken's name back into it. (Now i don't want you all thinking that she's being boring because i know for a fact what it's like that first year after a breakup. You find yourself talking about the ex and the situation to anyone that will listen. Yes it's boring but you get over it and become your loveable self eventually. Poor Dave is stuck in the rebound!)

Rita stops in to see Mavis on a paperboy related errand. Mavis makes her stay to admire Harry but insists the drapes be drawn first, cloak and dagger-like. Rita chides her and lays a little more guilt Mavis' way but leaves it with her to decide on her own what the right thing to do is.

Back in the pub for the evening shift, the Barnes' are telling Jack about the Wilton's queer behaviour (Hey, i thought the Duckies and the Barnes's were feuding over that broken window incident?) Jack notices Percy and announces the Birdman of Weatherfield has arrived. The two men make more "cheep" jokes and take the mickey out of Percy mercilessly (and say THAT 10 times quickly!) but Percy can't see the humour in it, insisting he's got ears like a bat and something is definitely fishy.... er ....feathery in the Wilton's house. (I'm having fun with this, can you tell?)

Over in the corner Liz is trying to find out why Jim is so subdued tonight, not like him at all. He finally admits he's spent the last two days fending off the advances of May West of Grasmere Drive. Audrey??!! Give Over! Incredulously, Liz can hardly believe it. Believe it! Flaming hoossy! She is a bit taken aback when Jim admits to being on the bed but with his shoes on and believes him when he says nothing more happened. Elsewhere Bet is asking Ken how things are going but when she mentions that a night out on the town would do a single man like himself some good, he corrects her. He's still married!

Meanwhile, Dave is sat waiting for Deirdre who seems to be lost in the loo. he pays the bill and meets up with her near the middle of the room and ends up rowing with her in public when he finds out she's been so long because she had to wait for the phone. She wanted to call home to see if Ken's been round. Dave has had enough, he wanted to come out to forget about him but all she can do is talk about him. She apologizes but he's too angry and tells her to sort out her own problems and walks out to the car.


Tuesday (3119, 10 September 1990)
At the Barlows, Tracy is getting ready to go off to school and is asking her mum about her date with Dave the night before. Tracy wants to know why Dave didnt come in, did they have a row, but Deirdre will only say they had a very nice meal and mind your own business. Deirdre jumps to answer the phone, but its only Debbie for Tracy - who apologizes for her mum being short by saying shes got boyfriend trouble.

Derek visits Rita at the Kabin to say that Mavis is late because she had a very stressful night with very little sleep. Rita offers for Mavis to take the morning off, bur Derek thinks its better for her to work to keep her mind off the "you-know-what situation". Mavis has apparently had some bizarre dream about eagles, smashed windows on the no39 bus, militant cuttlefish on the handrails! Symbolic? Derek wasnt able to convince Mavis not! Rita thinks its time that Derek does something as Mavis is the only one she knows that could find a budgie and break half the commandments at the same time. After a discussion about Mavis highly developed sense of guilt and her compassion, Rita provides the quote of the episode "If I have another day of Harry the budgie, or Mrs. Featherstone, or Mavis tussle with original sin, I m liable to chuck summat."

At the McDonalds, Andy is rushing off to school and Jim teases him that its because hes rushing to meet a girl. Liz tells Jim she had better not find him around the playgroundwhich leads Jim to admit that he likes older women (but I guess not as old as Audrey!) Jim feels that he was made for better things than entertaining middle aged women under pretext of repairing their tellies. Liz guesses that he means Audrey and Jim goes on about her asking him onto the bed, but Liz insists that she must be just flirting cause Audrey wouldnt be willing to throw away her marriage to Alf (and his wallet!)

Jack and Sally and Alf are having a chat at the Mini Market about what poor Jacko has to do between the time he starts and the time the pub opens - far too much according to Jack! Audrey comes in to tell Alf that the bedroom telly is still not working, but she is going to take care of it.

While Rita and Mavis are stock taking at the Kabin, it is obvious that Mavis mind is not on the job at hand. Mavis finally admits that she has to talk about it (and 3 guesses what "it" is!). She witters on about Harry but Rita is well and truly sick of hearing about Harry, between Derek and Mavis. Mavis is trying to justify taking Harry back to Mrs. Featherstone, but needs Rita to agree with her. Rita wants Mavis to forget about Harry til she gets home and then deal with it.

Dave knocks at Deirdre's door and they both apologize for last night. He gets invited in for coffee, and they still both go on about Ken. (Get a life, the pair of you!) Dave offers to have a word, but Deirdre thinks not.

Audrey is calling the TV repair shop and is pleased as punch that they are sending Jim around. She makes up to Sally that she is doing Jim a favour by not telling his boss that he botched up in the first place. Audrey seems a bit distracted as she finds the teabags (visions of Irishmen dancing in her head!)

Over at the Wiltons, Mavis picks up Harrys cage and has a chat with Harry that some things are right and some things are wring and if Harry belongs with the Featherstones, thats where he belongs. Mavis takes Harry to the Featherstones, where a young boy answers the door. Mrs. F is not home, so Mavis tells the boy that she will leave her name and phone number. She hands the cage to the boy, while she writes out her name, etc. but after she hands it to him, he slips inside and shuts the door. Cheeky little beggar! Mave is left on the doorstep, calling through the mail slot, but finally turns away.

That Jim has impeccable timing, walks right in the door as Liz is putting his dinner on the table. Although, she figures he would rather have a large whiskey, especially when he hears that his boss has been on the phone and wants him to go around to the Roberts. Jim is not pleasedin fact, he thinks that Audrey is obsessed!

Everyone at the Kabin has a long face today - Emilys is because Percy is in a hard done by mood. Ever since Percy thought he heard chirping at the Wiltons, people have been making fun about his hearing, and Percy doesnt like to hear any criticism of his faculties! After Emily leaves, Rita comments to Mavis that this has caused havoc all round - poor Mavis looks so woebegone. Poor Mavis, raptures one day, the pits of hell the next.

Jim goes to the Roberts to have another look at the telly, and Audrey is insistent on making Jim a cuppa - bit no thanks. Jim thought Alf would be home, but no, not for at least another hour. Audrey tries to tempt Jim with something stronger than tea, but Jim resists. Audrey wants to go upstairs with Jim to show him the problem, but again, no way. Jim insists on Audrey staying downstairs.

Derek has come home with a toy for Harry - but oh no, Harry is gone. Mavis tells him she has returned Harry but Derek is up in arms thinking Mrs. Featherstone now has 2 birds - but finally Mavis explains it was the boy that kept him. Some very melodramatic lines from Mavis - but touching because she really meant them. The doorbell rings and its Mrs. Featherstone returning Harry. Mrs. Featherstone proceeds to tell Mavis all about the soft looking fellow who looked like he was out of the weekend who brought Boris back in a cardboard box. All the while, Derek is listening and he gets all dodgy when he thinks Mrs. Featherstone is coming in! But no, she is on her way and the Wiltons are a family again.

At the Rovers, Liz is tempting Bet with a catalogue, and Alec feels Liz is doing him no favour as now Bet doesnt even have to go out to spend his money. Mavis tells Rita all about the happy ending with Harry and all about the simple sort who brought Boris back to the Featherstones - very lucky as that sort can get very attached to animals!

Dave is at the bar when Ken comes in and Dave asks Ken for a word. Dave tells Ken that Deirdre wont even come in here because of him and suggests that he steer clear. Ken turns it around as usual, and the two of them banter back and forth, with Alec keeping an eye on them. As Alec steps in, Dave leaves and Ken seems none the worse.

At the Roberts, Jim is taking the telly to the shop, and Audrey is still trying to get him to stay for a drink, but Jim only wants to go home for his supper and to see his kids. (Right, Jim, it sounded as though they were about 7 years old!) Jim finally lays it on the line to Audrey that he is not interested and then hit her with a really low blow - look in the yellow pages for attention. (I guess UK yellow pages have different categories than Canadian ones!) Ouch! Audrey now says that she was only joking, but Jim thinks not. From the look on Audreys face, Jim is going to pay for that remark!

Darren Featherstone: ANDREW KNOTT Mrs. Featherstone: LINDA POLAN

Wednesday (3120, 12 September 1990)
Over breakfast, Jim complains to Liz about having to continually fend off the advances of the persistent Mrs Audreh Roberts. Liz humours him, gently suggesting that Audreh was only teasing and that he's making too much out of it. But Jim's sense of helplessness at the situation and his revulsion towards Audreh are growing.

Meanwhile, at the Roberts' breakfast table, Audreh is sulking over the possibility that Jim might expose her as a lecherous housewife. Alf, his usual chipper self, reads the morning paper and looks over the morning mail. His cheeriness evaporates when he opens the bill from the TV repair shop. He is chagrined at being charged £45 when it's so far taken three visits and even now the set is at the shop, still unrepaired as far as Alf knows.

Vera and Ivy see one another on their way to work, Vera riding in with Curly and Ivy being driven by Don. Ivy asks Vera about playing bingo that evening, but Vera tells her she has a "previous engagement", she is going out with a "colleague". Ivy feels snubbed and tells Don that she doesn't believe that Vera's going out with a "colleague" at all.

Back at the Roberts', Alf tells Audreh that he's fed up with the antics of Jim MacDonald and his shop and that he will be the one to stay home and wait for the television to be delivered. Audreh knows she is likely to be found out so she confesses' to Alf, putting herself in a much less incriminating light rather than strictly adhering to the truth. She works in a bit about Jim getting the wrong end of the stick and saying that he actualleh was quite insulting towards her - I mean, realleh!

At the TV shop, Jim's boss, Frank Gregson is interested to know why a perfectly good set is in for repairs. Jim explains that Mrs Roberts is a funny customer, that she keeps finding things wrong with the set when in fact, nothing is. He brought the television in, as a "customer relations" strategy, he says. Frank doesn't approve of Jim's strategy and tells him to get the set back to its owner today. At Bettabuys, Vera and "colleague" Brenda are firming up their plans for the evening, a trip to see a spiritualist. Curly happens by and tells them to see to their work or their future might include a trip to the unemployment line if they don't get back to work.

At the corner shop, Deirdre moans to Emily about Ken being more involved in her life today than he was when they were living as husband and wife. Emily is sympathetic, speculating that Ken simply doesn't want to see things as they really are.

Still in the shop, Sally, seeing that Audreh is a million miles away, asks about Alf, whether she's worried about him, has he gone to the doctor's or sommat. Audreh, obviously drowning in the murk of her own making, comes out of her trance long enough to reassure Sally that everything is fine, then recommences furrowing her brow.

At this very moment, Jim is ringing the Roberts' doorbell, TV set in hand, and anticipating another unpleasant encounter with Audreh. The surprise on Jim's face as Alf opens the door is mistaken by Alf to be a look of disappointment at not finding Audreh at home. Jim hardly has time to protest before Alf lights in to him about the bill, the numerous "repair" trips and, leaving the best for last, the fact that Jim has been chatting up his wife! Poor Jim's heard just about enough, telling Alf that dealing with Audreh is like fighting off a swarm of bees. While Alf is still stunned from this retort, Jim shocks him further by letting the television smash to the floor before storming out. "I came to drop off your telly so here it is!"

We next see Alf calling in at the TV shop and discussing the situation with Jim's boss, Frank Gregson. Frank is willing to give Alf a new set and to write off the repair bill but obviously thinks Alf is reaching when he starts talking damages, saying they'd better think about involving solicitors.

Deirdre and Liz are having a tête a tête in the Rovers, Deirdre moaning about Ken as usual (I never realised what a complainer she was even then) and Liz recounting Jim's problems with Audreh. Ken walks in, positions himself at the bar and directs his smarmy gaze at Deirdre, miming an offer to buy her and Liz a drink. She stares back in contempt before getting up and walking out with Liz. Ken, so deep in denial that he can't fathom rejection, tells Bet that Deirdre must be rushing off for a council meeting.

When Alf finally makes it into the corner shop, Audreh is on tenterhooks waiting to hear the worst. He tells her about Jim's "lunatic" behaviour, how he broke the television set and even accused Audreh of making passes at him! Audreh's still trying to recoup her composure when he ends by saying the McDonalds are henceforth barred from the shop.

At the McDonalds' Liz answers the phone and hears from Jim's boss that Jim hasn't been seen since first thing this morning when he went out to deliver the Roberts' TV. Liz, fretting over what Jim might have done now, tells Mr Gregson that she'll have Jim get in touch if she hears anything. No sooner does she hang up than himself walks in and heads straight for the whiskey. Liz demands to know what's going on and Jim tells her what happened with Alf. She anxiously asks him if he hit Alf and is relieved to hear that only the television suffered any injuries. She also asks him about the business with Audreh, is he sure there's nothing he isn't telling her. His immediate "no!" is so ardent it erases any doubt in her mind. He takes another sip of whiskey and tells her one thing is certain: "No more shopping at the corner shop for this family!"

At the Rovers the evening crowd has gathered. Jack, Don and Ivy are discussing Vera's evening with the spiritualist. Ken strolls in and from the bar, locates Deirdre and Dave sitting in a booth. Absorbed in conversation, they don't notice him until he sends a drinks to their table. Deirdre is livid, telling Dave about Ken's nerve earlier when he tried to get her and Liz a drink. Dave is trying to calm Deirdre down when Ken appears at their table, no doubt expecting a thank-you for being so gracious. Deirdre forgets her manners and through clenched teeth tells him: "Just leave me alone!" Fuming as Ken returns to the bar, she tells Dave she's had enough and wants a divorce.

Vera comes in and joins Jack, Ivy and Don at the bar. She laughingly recounts the goings on at the spiritualist meeting. Vera apparently doesn't take it too seriously but her mate Brenda from work does. Don and Ivy don't hesitate to pronounce the whole thing a "load of twaddle". But Ivy is visibly shaken when Vera mentions the one baffling facet to the evening -- the medium had received some messages from a spirit named Brian...

Frank Gregson JAMES QUINN

Thursday (3121, 14 September 1990)
The episode opens with a shot of the street and a bloke driving down the cobbles on a bicycle...that's gotta hurt!

But I digress. Dave's little red car comes round the corner just as ken leaves his flat for school. Ken eyes the car and Ivy hurries out her door, passing Vera who's bringing in the milk. Ivy is a bit distracted and doesn't want to hear Vera going on about spirits from the other side. Ken walks by just as Deirdre has opened the door to Dave and gives Dave a withering look which does not go unnoticed. Dave comes in and starts to ask Deirdre has she made a solicitor appointment yet (I thought she only decided last night? As if a lawyer's secretary would be in the office that late or this early!). She cuts him short because Tracy is just coming down and ready to go to school. She does with a snide remark put Dave's way over her shoulder. Once they're alone, Deirdre tells Dave she doesn't want Tracy to know about the divorce yet until she's ready to tell her in her own way in her own time. And no, she's not fixed an appointment yet and no she doesn't want Dave to do it for her (she's a big girl now, Daddy!)

Alf rants on about the MacDonald family what with Jim wrecking the telly and insulting his wife. Audrey hedges and says maybe that were accidental but Alf plans to get5 a new tv at the shop and an apology.

At the shop, Jim's boss confronts him about the smashed telly. Jim blames Alf and his missus trying to get him round the house and all that nonsense. In a line that made me laugh out loud, he tells his boss that the telly is fine, it's her horizontal hold that needs seein' to! (sure and wasn't that exactly Audrey's whole plan, so it was???) Ah, the boss sees the big picture now and tells Jim that's part of the job isn't it? no need getting stroppy with the husband. He asks after Audrey's appearance and Jim admits she's attractive (if you like scarecrows, but then look who he's married to!) so the boss reckons he might go round himself next time and gives Jim one of those lewd grins. With that man's teeth it makes him look like a zombie or something out of a Boris Karloff horror movie!

Dave and Deirdre discuss Ken. She knows him best, knows what Ken wants and what he does and how he goes about it (we do and all! and it isn't flattering!) Dave thinks she needs to do two things - start divorce proceedings and move in with him... or he can move in with her! (and wouldn't that just put a twist in Ken's knickers having Daves feet under what was his table!) And Dave agrees with me. He tries to tell her how he feels and it's the next step and wouldn't it just show Ken?

At the supermarket, Vera and Brenda discuss Ivy's reaction to the "Brian" "message" from beyond. Curly breaks up the conversation with a managerially constructive criticism on product display. I.E. they're paying more attention to their chat and none to the labels on the tins! He struts off like the Laird of the Supermarket and the ladies continue with their visit, discussing Curly's state of mind after he'd been on his manager's course and also away from Kimberly who's still in Barmouth.

Deirdre has many excuses why she can't move in with Dave and he has just as many answers why she should. She has a right to start over again after Ken walked out but she is feeling rushed even though Dave insists he wants her in his life and Tracy too. But he mentions the "M" word (Marriage) and she really balks. She's never getting married again. Even when he belittles that, oh you will in time, think of the security. But she likens marriage to the security of bars on the window - supposed to keep folk out but feels more like caging them in. Dave gets huffy but she doesn't back down. She doesn't want to be told what she needs and what's best for her by anyone else (stick to your guns, girl!). She's sick of it, sick of being pressured and leaned on. Ken always did that, when she wanted to do something and he didn't want her to. He would put the pressure on her, the guilt or he'd start organizing her just like Dave's doing now. Dave takes this as out and out rejection and threatens to leave and never come back. Speak now or that's it. She stares at him with a stone face. Silence. He gets his coat and stops to look back... nothing. so he leaves. for good i guess. Deirdre just sighs but she doesn't seem to get upset. Not at this point at least. Guns are stuck to.

It's dinnertime at the Rovers. Sally cradles her belly and tells Kevin and mark about the mysterious feud between the Roberts and the MacDonalds. Audrey stopped Alf from telling her what it was about. Sally tries to get it out of a passing Liz but Liz is keeping Schtump, as Mike Baldwin would say. Kevin thinks it's just something and nothing, who cares anyway. Sally does, she feels in the middle of the war zone (and also curious as hell!).

Derek and Mavis are finishing their dinner. Rather, Derek has finished his but Mavis is off her feed with guilt about Harry (sigh). Some poor child has lost his budgie and she's got it. (oh. but it was ok when it was the Featherstone child's budgie that she was determined to keep!)She witters on endlessly and finally Derek confesses he bought a budgie at the pet shop and gave it to the Featherstone's who couldn't even tell it wasn't their original bird. Mavis is shocked. He did it so she could keep Harry. Mavis goes ballistic as only Mavis can. She jumps out of her chair and orders Derek home as she has things to say to him in private. Now, Derek!!!

They leave and Ken comes in, both eyes travelling the place in case Deirdre might be there. Emily declines the offer of a drink and, tactfully as ever, politely asks Ken why he drinks in the Rovers at dinner when there are pubs closer to school. Some people think he is determined to pursue Deirdre. Do they now? he answers coolly. Is it true? And he replies that it's no concern of anyone but he and Deirdre (he is SO rude!).

Meanwhile Deirdre encounters a fellow councillor who also happens to be a lawyer and has given her advice on her marriage bust up in the past. She needs to see him again on such matters so they fix a time for later in the day.

Mavis rounds on Derek, How Dare you deceive me! in the Worst kind of way! Well it seemed like a good idea at the time is all Derek can muster for an excuse (and i have to admit for all i dislike him, it WAS a good idea!) and to add insult to injury, he admits Rita was in on it too as he had consulted her advice (but no. he didn't want Rita's advice when it contradicted what he wanted to do, keeping Boris. That was interfering!) Mavis accuses him and Rita of plotting and scheming and treating her like a child who isn't to be told there isn't any tooth fairy. (she's got a point) The three of us are now living a lie and Mavis insists that Derek take Ha...Boris back! Derek has had enough and must get back to work and tells Mavis it's her bird now, if she doesn't want him, she can take him back herself!

After a busy dinnertime, Alec has pound signs in his eyes and Bet has aching feet. They need more staff, Duck Egg is only as good as half a person. That half is having a half with Don who has come in to ask Jack to get Vera to stop going on about messages from the other side from someone who says he's Brian. Ivy is upset and she'll never get over the loss of her son with Vera reminding her all the time in this way. Can't you get her to stop? Son, if i could have, i would have a long time ago! Don turns away with a knowing smile and we see Rita come in on a late break to get away from Mavis. Mavis isn't speaking to her and won't say why.

Alf is pleased. He's getting a new television set at the shop later. Audrey offers to go get it because of Alf's terrible temper (and to head him off at the pass i shouldn't wonder) but Alf is insistent. Ken has come in during this argument and whispers to Sally about the tension in the air. Sally sticks both feet in it saying it's a wonder some folk can stay married at all! Oh. Sorry!

Deirdre's solicitor friend, Peter, comes to Number 1 to see Deirdre, where it's more private than at the town hall and he can relax and have a drink if it's on offer. Deirdre tells him she wants a divorce and that Ken's badgering her. He's got a flat on the corner, a job at a local school and finds any excuse to be on her doorstep. Peter says the key question is what does she really want? She wants him to get the message that she doesn't want him back and this divorce seems to be the only way to do it. She wants the divorce as soon as she can get it.

Derek creeps in after work with flowers for Mavis who is looking less combative, contemplating the bird in the cage. Derek apologizes, he only acted for the best and she apologizes too, for snapping at him. She doesn't really want him to take Harry back, after all, she couldn't bear to be parted with him. Derek starts spewing out nonsense about refugees and sanctuary and it being only ethical that they keep him (twisted ethics!). Mavis thinks it was meant to be and they gaze on Harry and musing on destiny and the Big Picture. Thank God this storyline is OVER.

Vera and Jack discuss Curly's apparent power trip management style since he's been on his course. Vera complains that she's been like a mother to him. Jack been a father to him and all, just like Terry. Yeah, Vera points out you never did anything for RTerry either. Don and Ivy come in and Ivy and Vera make up their little spat. Ivy asks if Vera doesn't really believe all that stuff about mystics and spirits and Vera gets huffy again. She never said she believed it and anyway, Ivy's the one making such a fuss over it. Audrey arrives while waiting for Alf.

Alf, who is at the repair shop picking up the new telly. The boss assures complete satisfaction or he'll come over personally. Jim comes through from the back and Alf demands and apology and one for his wife but Jim refuses, telling Alf he's got the wrong end of the stick, implying things are Audrey's fault.. Mr. Gregson insists. Jim tells him he can take his job and stick it and picks up the new tv and lets that one drop too before he stalks out.

Peter Blackstone ANTHONY SCHAEFFER Brenda Thornton MAGGIE TAGNEY Brian Gregson JAMES QUINN Probable last appearance of Dave Barton

Friday (3122, 17 September 1990)
At Mike and Almas flat, , Mike is planning on entertaining a few friends. Mike has big plans for Ingrams, he wants to be king of the kingdom and is going to work on Jackie over smoked salmon and vino. Alma gets to do all the shopping, but Mike wants her not to overdo it, they are not feeding them, just giving them something to occupy their hands.

Breakfast time at the McDonalds and Andy is working on his homework, til Jim comes in. Andy asks for £2.50 for a science trip which Jim wont hand over til Andy shows £2.50 worth of enthusiasm. After Andy leaves for school, Jim breaks the news to Liz that he hasnt a job to go to. Liz thinks he should just turn up and apologize and all will be forgotten, but Jim thinks the boss will still be picking up the pieces of the telly he threw on the floor, so its not likely to be forgotten.

Alf and Audrey are having a row at the Mini-Market, still over the telly. Phyllis at the register with Sally wishes that her hearing was better so she could hear them. Audrey is still trying to twist things around and blame it all on Alf, but Alf tells her that he knows it was all about Audrey giving Jim "the glad eye". Yeeeoooowww, that has Audrey on the warpath, and she heads out of the shop to the McDonalds to deal with Jim. Alf is right behind her. Phyllis asks Sally what the row is about, and Sally replies "I dont think this is the row, this is just the rehearsal". Alf manages to get Audrey back into the shop.

Now its Jims turn to calm down his wife! Liz is all for going for Audrey, but Jim tries to convince her that HE chucked his job, Audrey was just incidental. Liz doesnt agree, but Jim insists that he packed in the job because he didnt like being told what to do, ripping people off, or be encouraged to get in there if the woman is good looking. Liz reminds Jim that the boys need new shoes and that costs.

At Ingrams, Mike is doing dodgy stuff with an order for 500, but he delivers 5000, and Ralph is not too happy.

At the Rovers, Alec is banging nails into the stairs while Bet gives him what for about his timing. The bar is busy and Bet goes to the kitchen to fix some food, so Alec gives up his hammer and nails and goes to help Jack. Percy is once again talking about the war and Kevin and Mark are giving him a hard time. Jack complains to Alex about being short-handed and Alec says he would have given Tina a second chance (short memory Alec, old boy!) As Bet is collecting glasses from Deirdre and Liz (no, not those glasses!) Liz comments on how short staffed they are and Bet ends up hiring Liz as the new barmaid, to start that night!

At the Ingrams, Jackie is signing cheques and Mike is trying to sell the idea of expansion. Ralph makes a comment about proper expansion, not the type Mike tried earlier, but lets it drop. Arthur and Ralph clear out as Mike and Jackie want a word with each other, and Mike lets Jackie go first. Jackie reminds him of her job interview with him, when he was trying to start up again, and break his contract with Peter. Jackie wants to know why Mike is working so hard to keep Peters company going, now that he is dead. Mike explains to Jackie that Peter took advantage and Mike was doing deals for him, and starting building bridges. Mike deflects the rest to another day, and invites Jackie for tomorrow night, saying that Alma thinks she should start getting out and meeting people. Mike mentions Phil Jennings, who will be at the flat, and Jackie should try to clinch a deal with Jennings, as even Ralph would cheer up!

Bet is locking up at the Rovers and tells Alec she has hired Liz McDonald, and Alec is not pleased at all.

In the McDonalds back yard, Jim is working on the motorbike when Liz tells him she has been hired at the Rovers. Jim is not pleased.

At the Kabin, Ivy is asking Mavis about her religion, and Mavis tells her about some obscure church with a sister chapel in Glossop (the Divine Church of Tinky-Winky, perhaps?) Rita walks in on their discussion on spiritualism, and Ivy tells them she is watching out for Vera, who has been to a meeting.

Liz has arrived at the Rovers and Alec is telling her how important the bar staff are, the show must go on! The footlights, the curtain goes up and smile, smile, smile! He emphasized to Liz that as her features appear crest-fallen, she must smile. And demonstrates with a lovely, unnatural grimace! Alec also suggests that she wear something.shall we say, a little more provocative? (So now we know who to blame/credit for Lizs short skirts and snug sweaters!) Jack comes up from the cellar and Alec asks him to show Liz the ropes, but Liz thinks she may not be staying, until Jack sets her straight on who the boss it - Bet (of course) and how to get around Alec. He gets Liz laughing and she decides to stay.

Mike drives up to see Deirdre struggling to find her front door key, so he invites her to the Rovers for a drink. She declines, as Ken might be there, and Mike reminds her that he told her to get rid of Ken years ago.

Liz is serving a bloke at the bar, with Jim watching like a hawk from a table. (Anyone surprised?) Mike comes in and Alma is waiting, and Mike goes to the bar to get them drinks. Ken walks in and Mike loudly says to Alma that they should invite Deirdre around tomorrow night, and Ken gives Mike a withering look. (OK, so as withering a look as Ken can deliver). Meanwhile, the bloke Liz was serving orders a pack of nuts, and Jim jumps up behind him and has the quote of the episode "Right you - grab your nuts, take your pint and go sit nice and quietly in the corner"! It was brilliant! Jim wants him to keep his eyes off his wife and hustles him away from the bar. Alec thinks Bet has done very well - they will end up with no customers!

Vera has popped over to Ivys with some frozen fish (as Ivy is Catholic) that was going to be thrown out cause the freezer at work was not working. Ivy asks Vera if she is going to another spiritualism meeting, and Vera thinks Ivy is going to give her a hard time about it but no - Ivy wants to go with her. They set it up for tomorrow night, but agree to say they are only going to the bingo. The show ends with Ivy lovingly touching the photo of dear, departed Brian.

Ralph Dobson: MICHAEL LEES Man in Rovers: DAVE BUCKLE

Originally transmitted: 19, 21, 24, 26 & 28 September 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 28 - Friday 2 October 1998
Episode Numbers: 3123 - 3127

Monday (3123, 19 September 1990)

Mike and Alma discuss plans and guest lists for the cocktail party tonight. Deirdre is invited because a man named Phil Jennings is coming. Mike calls him a business man, whatever that means and with him it could mean anything. (uh oh, don't like the sound of that!) Apparently Mr. Jennings likes to meet councillors, they could come in handy to know. *UH OH* Mainly it's to get Jackie Ingrahm there so Mike can get his feet under the factory table. She still needs more convincing that he's the man to be in charge of it all! You mean, Alma points out sarcastically, there are still people in this world that don't trust you? yeah, don't understand that! (I do!)

Jim is perusing the want ads. Liz doesn't want him to take the first one he sees but his main interest seems to be to get a job so she can quit her new job at the Rovers. It isn't that she's doing the supporting, it's that he doesn't like her talking to other men. Barmaids are ok, Heaven knows he's spent enough time around them but they weren't his wife, so they weren't! (Eyes turning a tad green?) She needles him about his jealousy so he stalks off to the job center.

Alf is still huffing and puffing over his telly and Jim's remarks to and about Audrey's morals. Audrey reckons to Sally that Alf is like an elephant, never forgets. After he bellows a bit more, she asks Sally does she know anyone who owns an Elephant gun, he wants putting down! See, he's had Audrey aside, insisting he wants an apology from Jim, especially after Audrey looks him right in the eye and bold-faced lies, no she was not leading him on! (Lucky job her nose is already a good length, hides it growing longer!) She's very convincing too though not enough to sway him to realize that it's embarrassing to have people talking about her reputation (truth hurts!). Alf still insists on an apology on his Wife's Honour's behalf.

In the pub at dinnertime, Liz counts her change under Alec's careful eye. He doesn't trust anyone where his money is concerned and assures Bet he'd even want references if they were to take on Mother Theresa! Liz does seem to be getting the hang of it though and serves Phyllis who's come in for a light ale. Don is in as well and telling Jack he's pretty sure he's talked Ivy out of going to see the spiritualist so can he make sure Vera doesn't get her going again (poor naive man. Doesn't realize his own wife is the instigator rather than the usual Vera!)

Deirdre pays her paper bill and accepts compliments on her new hairdo she's had done for this do of Mike and Alma's. She's had it straightened from that awful perm and done in an upsweep, looking slightly Gibson-ish. (I can't possibly say Gibson *girlish*!) She doesn't know why she was invited unless it was to do the washing up, feeling like she'd be quite out of place but going she is. After she leaves Mavis puts her foot in that place in her mouth permanently reserved for it by remarking how much of a social disability it is these days to be single when you never get asked out anywhere. Oops. But Rita actually agrees with her though says she is quite content being on her own.

Liz is back from shift with sore feet but Jim is surly and isn't at all interested in her work stories and half-hearted complaints about her aching arches. He even throws in her face that she was the one that made him pack in the army or he'd not be looking for a job now and stomps out into the back yard to play with his toys...er...work on the bike.

In the shop, before Audrey can get away to nip out to the butchers, Alf hears Jim's bike start up and decides there's no time like the present for an apology and he heads straight over. Phyllis is in the shop hoping to glean more gossip but Sally doesn't really know anything new.

In the MacDonald back yard, words are flung and Jim really baits Alf by taunting him about his wife's bedroom antics, saying he's sorry... that Alf doesn't know what his wife gets up to in her bedroom when he's not there. Alf flings more than mud when he pitches Jim's bike over on it's side and fists almost fly but Liz and Audrey arrive to head off the violence that's sure to come. Alf leaves threatening solicitors and Jim tells him not to come back and "Take yer randy wife wiv ya!". Later he and Liz are snuggling on the settee. He reminds her they nor any of their family are to set one foot in Alf's shop anymore. Not that they'd be served anyway. Jim remembers he's heard that alf has a heart condition and reckons he could have killed him had he hit him. Liz smiles and thinks maybe Audrey would like being the (merry) widow! Aye!

Vera and Ivy are after getting ready to go to the church where the spiritualist/psychic medium speaks/preaches/begs for money. Ivy is definitely taking this way more seriously than Vera who would much rather go to Bingo but Ivy is determined and Vera goes along for support. They head out as Mike drives his shiny green Jag up to get Deirdre and take her to his place for the party. She's wearing this God awful bright orange two piece suit with a pleat in the back of the jacket (almost a peplum, i swear) and a sweetheart neckline. Who does she think she is anyway? Bet? Anyway all this is observed by Ken who has such a knot in his face that i think he'd prefer it if Dave were back on the scene. I don't think Ken believes he could compete with Mike, Alma on the scene or not! (too right!)

In the pub later, Alf and Audrey peek in but the coast is clear, Jim and Liz aren't in tonight. They are dismayed when they find out that Liz is now working there. Ken is propping up the bar with a face like a month of wet Mondays. Jack tries to make conversation but doesn't get very far. Nor is Ken open to a free drink offered by Rita and Mavis and he sulks off home. Mavis tells Rita that Ken used to be her ideal of the perfect man, handsome, considerate and everything. (she would, though. Look who she married and thinks is Mr. Wonderful! No accounting for taste! Hahahahaaaaaa Just had a thought, can you picture Mavis as one of Ken's women? *chuckle* thought not.)

Ivy and Vera hesitate in front of the church. Ivy hopefully confirms with Vera that the dearly departed really do seem to communicate with their loved ones through this man. yeah, they reckon so, confirms Vee. So they enter. Ivy listens to the sermon and all the medium has to say about the dearly departed wanting to help the living and she thinks it all makes perfect sense. Vera isn't too sure but she goes along being supportive of Ivy just the same. As the preacher goes around the room channelling "messages" to people Ivy waits to see if there's any communications for her. There isn't and Ivy seems both relieved and disappointed and after the service, she vows she's coming back again and again until Brian contacts her!

Mike's cocktail party is in full swing. Ralf Dobson seems to be having a bit of a time controlling a red headed wife with a fondness for alcoholic refreshments. Dobson doesn't think Jackie is coming after all and Mike is disappointed. He has a chat to Deirdre in the kitchen about Ken, more of the usual Mike/Ken dislike and Deirdre even admits to wishing Ken had stayed with Wendy so he'd not be under foot. Mike spies Alma opening the door to Jackie who looks nervous and fragile. Off he goes. Deirdre is introduced to Phil Jennings and they have a little chat about Mike "Is he trustworthy and honest or is he just like the rest of us?" LOL

A little later Jackie is weeping in the kitchen so Mike gets in there to comfort and support her in her grief, missing Peter moreso because she's out alone. He manages to subtly point out the corporate disaster of a wife Dobson has, as he has now had to lead her out, her being nearly legless. This makes it hard for Dobson to concentrate on his work, you know. Slick, sly and at his oily best. But do his words have any effect? Only time will tell!

Back in the pub, Sally and Kevin have some first-time expectant parents chat about how much the baby can hear before it's born, since Sally really doesn't have any new information to tell about the Roberts/MacDonald feud.

The party is winding down. Phil and Deirdre are still talking together on the potential for politics and business together (is that a metaphor or what???). Mike is well pleased at his triumph. Alma accuses him of using Jackie for his own end and though he admits he will benefit he does also truly want to help her. (But he wouldn't if he weren't going to benefit we all know that!)

Ralf Dobson MICHAEL LEES Enid Dobson DOROTHY TOWNSON Medium COLIN MEREDITH Woman in Congregation JEAN BURNSTON First appearance of Phil Jennings TOMMY BOYLE

Tuesday (3124, 21 September 1990)

Morning in Coronation Street. Breakfast at the Brennans, and Don is in a rush while Ivy seems off in another world. In the yard at the Duckworths, Jack is seeing to the pigeons as Vera goes on about mediums and spiritualism. Jack thinks its a scam for money, and Vera tells him Ivy went with her. At the McDonalds, Andy is making a withdrawal from The Royal Bank of Jim, when the phone rings and Liz says its Pattersons about the job for Jim.

At Mike and Almas flat they are doing the clearing up from the night before. Mike thinks it went well, his pal Jennings impressed Jackie from a business perspective and Deirdre from a personal. Although Alma was a little ticked about the attention Mike paid Jackie and reminds him that he couldnt do it without her, much like Clyde without Bonnie!

Alf and Audrey are still going on about the McDonalds at the Mini-Market now that Liz is working at the Rovers, they cant even go there for lunch. Audrey tries to talk Alf into taking her for lunch at the Flying Horse, but no go, so Sally has to make them some sandwiches.

At the Rovers, Alec is telling Bet that hiring Liz McD has cost them 4 good customers the Roberts, and Jim and Liz herself. Bet leaves the bar to pick up something for Alecs tea at Alfs and Sally is telling Kevin and Des what she knows (not very much) about Audrey and Jim. Rita is showing around a postcard from Jenny whos in Spain to Percy and Don. And Percy seems to think that Spain is much too dangerous for young girls on their own. Don asks Jack what Vera and Ivy are up toDon of course, didnt know what he was on about until Jack tells him they didnt go to the bingo last night and gives a broad hint as to where they were.

Deirdre is at Liz's telling her how Jim has gone for an interview, and how she is tired of all this kerfuffle with the Roberts. Deirdre tells Liz about the party at Baldwins (she doesnt seem overly impressed with Phil Jennings) and that she has filed for divorce from Ken.

Bet drops into the Mini-Market to find Alf and Audrey eating their sandwiches. Bet wants to know whats going on, all Alf will say is that Bet took Liz on as barmaid but Audrey wont discuss further. Ken comes in as hes forgotten marked papers for school but before he goes upstairs to get them, Alf hands him a letter that has mistakenly come in their post.

Now Liz drops into the Mini-Market and apologizes for Jim! Actually, Liz does a bit of a dance around poor Alf and ends up complimenting him on his maturity and giving him a peck on the cheek! Leaving Alf to explain to Audrey and Sally whats going on, while wiping the lipstick from his cheek!

At school, Ken is trying to teach a class, but is very distracted by the letter he got earlier. Andy McD, one of the students, makes the mistake of giving Ken a hard time and Ken grabs him, hollers and then leaves the classroom.

At Ingrams factory, Phil Jennings drops in to see Mike. Phil enjoyed the party and the business opportunity with Jackie and Deirdre. Phil seems to think that Deirdre, being a councilor and on the planning committee is a good one to know.

Back at the street, Ken is marching to his own drummer to Deirdres where he confronts her about the divorce papers. He wants to know why and we hear the litany of Deirdres complaints.finishing up with Deirdre is sick of men running her life. Ken will do anything, but no, Deirdre wants a divorce. (Some lovely bug eyes and tendons in this scene). After Deirdre has shut the door on him, Ken bangs and hollers but shes not opening the door.

Over at the McDs, Liz is folding laundry while Andy is doing that which teenage boys do so well eating! Jim comes in, nicely turned out in a suit and tie (and not a court case in sight!). No luck on the job front and to cheer Jim up, Liz tells him that Alf and Audrey have apologized. Jims not much interested, but Liz tells him that Audrey did say shes really sorry. (Righto Liz, this ones gonna catch up with you!).

Vera and Ivy bring home almost past the best by date shopping to Ivys and Don confronts them about where they were last night. Don tries to convince them its dangerous.

Jim is at the bar while Liz is working and Jim is nervous about seeing the Roberts. Des and Kevin are egging Sally on to fill them in on the gossip. In come Alf and Audrey and Liz plays peacekeeper by buying the round. (I just love the word peacekeeper reminds me of my mum-in-law who is European and once told me that a friend had a peacekeeper in his chest!) Jim apologizes just as Liz told him to, hands are shook, and all is well, except Audrey is keeping tight-lipped and uppity. Kevin and Des are right disappointed that there was no blood and guts, and Alec is just glad that theyre at least drinking again.

Ivy's on the phone trying to arrange a private session with the spiritualist, no luck, but she will be at the next meeting. She tearfully looks to her crucifix on the wall and says shes sorry but she has so many questions.

Back at the Rovers Jim looks like hes been drinking non-stop. Hes chatting with Des about work and Des suggests that he do something that he loves with the bikes!

Ken is sitting in his flat, head in hands, with a bottle in front of him. Rita brings him a cuppa and sympathy. Ken tells her Deirdre and Tracy are the most important things in his life. He seems really distraught about losing them. Rita asks if he really did not see it coming and Ken responds no.

Its late and Mike is still at the factory, on the phone with Alma. He tells her Jennings is placing an order. As he heads out, Jackie comes in. She tells him shes selling, and even when Mike tells her about the Jennings deal, shes firm in her decision.

Phil Jennings: TOMMY BOYLE Jackie Ingram: SHIRIN TAYLOR
Written by: PAUL ABBOTT Directed by: JOHN DARNELL

Wednesday (3125, 24 September 1990)

In the aftermath of the party, Mike is reeling from the news that Jackie Ingram plans to sell up and close the factory. Alma tries to console him but he snaps at her to go to bed and leave him alone.

As he leaves for work Don confronts Ivy about her visits to the spiritualist. He tells her that he's worried she isn't accepting Brian's death and that he feels left out by her involvement in the whole business. She assures him that she accepted Brian's death a long time ago because she had no other option. Then she softens and tells him she doesn't mean for him to feel left out which Don takes as an assurance that she'll stay away from the spiritualist from now on.

Liz takes a break from her housework to ask Jim why he isn't spending more time looking for work. Jim is melancholy, ruminating over ideals that have somehow slipped away. He tells her that what he really longs for is to have his own bike repair business. She can't see that it would translate into much of an income. After all, of the two bikes that he's fixed up, he only made money off one and that (£200 after six months' labour) wasn't even as much as a paper lad earns. He maintains that if he could work at it full-time it would be different and she reluctantly agrees that he should give it a try. Jim is ecstatic at the prospect.

Ivy confides in co-worker Laura about her visits to the spiritualist but when Laura poo-poos the whole thing, Ivy breaks down in tears. Laura feels awful at upsetting her and goes to see Mr Baldwin in his office. Obviously caught up in his own troubles, Mike isn't bothered about Ivy and tells Laura that if Ivy can't handle the workload she can be sacked. With that, he leaves the office in a huff with a folder of papers under his arm.

In the staff-room of the factory, Laura tells Ivy that she didn't mean to upset her and apologizes for being insensitive. Ivy breaks down about Brian's death, the unexpectedness of it all and the injustice that she never even had the chance to say goodbye to him.

At the Rovers, Alec is still grumbling to Bet about how unsuited Liz is as a barmaid. Bet disagrees and tells Alec to lay off her. He complains that Liz doesn't have a clue how a barmaid should dress, calling her outfit (white denim knee-length skirt and loose blouse in tones of brown and gold) a "cry for help"! Bet in return quips that he is off to see the doctor to get some happy pills... She remarks that some folk have an off day when they're feeling a bit bitchy but he's the only one she knows who's built his personality around it.

Liz lingers at the bar as Jim is telling Kevin and Sally about his new venture. Liz, seeming more like a patron at this point is interested in getting Kevin's opinion on whether Jim can be successful at repairing and selling old bikes. Kevin seems confidant about the future of such an endeavour and tells Liz that so-and-so has been quite successful at it. (We know that so-and-so is successful because Kevin mentions the kind of car that he drives and I'd tell you what it is but even after rewinding three times, I couldn't catch the name!)

Alec, who thinks Liz should get back to work, tells her to watch Betty who would never ignore customers and to "learn something" from her. Ironically, at this very moment, Betty is bending Deirdre's ear about her recent illness. She continues to give Deirdre a blow-by-blow and only moves away to resume serving the other customers when Ken (rather rudely, I thought) pushes his way past her and plonks himself down beside Deirdre in the booth.

Deirdre isn't best pleased at having Ken join her and clenches her teeth when he says he wants to have a civilised conversation with her about their situation, so if not here and now, when? Grudgingly, she agrees to go back to the house to discuss matters.

Meanwhile, Mike has arrived at the widow Ingram's with papers for her to sign in tow. When he lightheartedly quips about "major decisions" she becomes defensive and tells him he isn't going to talk her out of selling the factory. But Mike is cagey and lowers her defences by pretending to agree that she has made the right decision. Lulled into thinking of him as someone she can share her feelings with, Jackie asks him to stay and talk. He plays it cool, saying he has business to attend to but will come back after hours if she wants. She is only too happy to have him return later.

At Chez Barlow, Ken tells Deirdre that he has the solution to their problems - marriage guidance. Dumbfounded that he is still trying to patch things up, she is adamant that a divorce is what she wants. Ken, in desperation, tries to guilt her by stating that she hasn't tried hard enough to make a go of their marriage. Typically one-sided, he has the gall to remind her that it was she who asked him to leave the family home. Enraged, Deirdre reminds him that he was having an affair at the time! But Ken isn't fooled by the sheer logic of the truth - he insists that she is reacting out of fear that what he's saying makes perfect sense. (Gee, you know for someone who is supposed to possess superior intelligence, this guy is really stupid!)

In the living quarters, back of the Rovers, Betty remarks to Alec that she thinks Liz is going to work out just fine. Alec, taking a different tack, agrees that she should get on very well but he doesn't stop at that. Planting the seed of insecurity in Betty's mind, he reminds her that Liz is much younger and more energetic than the rest of them and goes on to say that he hopes she won't make them seem "past it".

Mike drops in at the cafe to have a word with Alma who is still ruffled over being snapped at the night before. He hastily apologizes and then tells her that he is going to see Jackie Ingram when he finishes work for the day. Alma is not keen on the idea but he tells her he has no choice. "She wants to talk -- if I'm not there to listen, how will I know what she's talking about?"

As Betty leaves the Rovers at the end of her shift, Bet remarks to Alec about how quiet she seemed, that she hopes she is alright. Alec doesn't let on about his earlier chat with Betty, but smiles secretly that she seems to have taken to heart his insights' concerning Liz.

Later on, when the Rovers is busier, Kevin and Sally are having a drink with Liz and Jim. Kevin has a lead for Jim, a friend of his is selling his motorcycle and he thinks it might be a good investment for Jim. Liz is flabbergasted to learn the bike may cost as much as £2000 but Kevin says that after it's fixed up it may be worth £4000. With that, Jim and Kev are out the door to go and see the bike leaving Liz and Sally on their own.

Ivy is in attendance at yet another spiritualist meeting, this time with her friend Laura from work. She is bursting with anticipation as the medium tells her he has a message for her. But she is puzzled when he mentions the name "Martin" instead of her son Brian.

At Jackie's home, Mike is indulging her by listening and she tells him that she is grateful for his friendship. It's clear that she is trusting him more and more as she also says that she thinks her late husband probably misjudged him. Mike's charm is working, she is beginning to feel that he is more of a friend than a business associate.

Ivy returns home from her meeting in a state of anxiety and is met at the door by an even more anxious Don who demands to know where she's been all evening. She puts him off while she goes straight to the phone to ring Gail. Asking her about Martin's whereabouts, Ivy seems momentarily reassured and rings off. Don wants to know what's going on and is furious to learn she has again been attending the spiritualist meetings. She says she can't help going, that she knows there's something to it now and that she's received a grave message concerning a "Martin".

The message, about Martin and a crash, has Ivy convinced that something dire is about to happen and she must do something -- but what?

Laura Collins LYNDA ROOKE Jackie Ingram SHIRIN TAYLOR
Written by PAUL ABBOTT

Thursday (3126, 26 September 1990)

Ivy upsets a lot of people, Bet gets the shock of her life.

Don makes a few snide remarks to Ivy about the Powers from the Beyond and tells her she has no business passing cock and bull messages and stirring things up. What if it's true though! Ivy asks, what if she doesn't say anything and Martin has an accident? Don feels Martin is more likely to have one if he knows, because it will make him over cautious. Ivy is genuinely worried but Don wants her to pack it in and get back to normal! (Is Ivy ever normal??)

Mike tells Alma about his latest strategy. He is supporting Jackie's wish to sell the factory. She's had a tough time, a grieving widow and needs someone she can trust, a mate! She doesn't need some Johnny Come Lately telling her what to do with the factory. By the time it comes to sell up, the decision might be different..

Ivy has decided she can't leave it out and goes to see Gail before work. Gail is wearing a most ugly maternity smock like something out of the 40's. If Sally can find pretty maternity tops, why can't Gail? But back to the point...Ivy tells Gail about the admittedly vague message from the Beyond to do with Martin and a car crash. It might be something and nothing but Ivy felt she had to warn Martin just in case. Gail is initially skeptical but it's put a bug in her ear. Ivy remembers that there was an Elizabeth mentioned and though Martin doesn't appear to have any relatives named that, Ivy felt she would never have forgiven herself if she hadn't brought it up, not trying to cause trouble you understand. After she leaves, Gail is obviously worried and calls the cafe but the line is busy.

The MacDonald boys cadge some money for school lunches (Why? I've seen them plenty of times at dinnertime in the cafe so if they can get to the cafe, they have time to come home and eat their dinner at home!) Someone comes to the door. It's a delivery of spare motorcycle parts that looks like a heap of scrap in the back of the van. Jim's paid 50 quid for it, more money out the door Liz remarks. Liz supports this bike venture but steadfastly refuses to let him drag the dirty, oily parts through her house to the back yard! The boys can't help either, they're late for school!

In the cafe, Percy peeks round the door. Martin informs him the coast is clear, Phyllis isn't in. She has apparently been chasing Percy around all morning trying to get him to join and art class with her! Martin laughs and hopes women will still be chasing him around at Percy's age. You'll regret that!! Martin is duly warned. Percy sits down with his toasted tea cake and cuppa. Just then Gail comes in and sees Martin with relief. What's up? She feels daft for worrying about it but tells him that Ivy had been round and that she told Gail about the message from "the other side". Martin makes me laugh with his come back, "Other side of what? Other side of the street??" She came round to see if he was ok because the telephone was engaged. (But she could have waited 5 minutes and called again! Oh, ok I suppose seeing him with her own eyes was better for the soul)

Liz is a bit late for work and finds Betty vacuuming which was supposed to be Liz's job. She gets stroppy with Liz for no apparent reason, really. She accuses Liz of trying to impress Alec with her efficiency, shoves the vacuum hose at Liz and storms back to the kitchen, passing Bet on the way. She has a few short words for Bet before continuing. Bet asks Liz what is wrong with Betty but Liz doesn't know. She's had her head bitten off and she's just barely arrived! Well Summat's up! She's not herself!

Mike passes Dobson's office and is summoned. Ralf wonders why Mike is parcelling out advice to the grieving widow, encouraging her to sell the factory. He's near retirement but knows Mike would benefit more if the factory wasn't sold. Mike plays his cards close to the chest and says he is just trying to support Jackie, telling her only to do what she feels is best. After all, what would the world be if everyone only thought about Number One (That's too funny coming from Mike but you know he doesn't mean it. The world would be just like Mike!!) After all, he smoothly tells Ralf, we all just want to do what's best for Jackie! (Yeah, don't we just!)

Betty serves up hotpots while Deirdre tells Liz she just wants a divorce and to be shut of Ken off the street. Liz isn't sure it's such a good idea to push the divorce through early and name Wendy Crozier as the co-respondent. Ken could get nasty and start raking the muck. That is. If there's any muck to rake. Deirdre is non- committal and says everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet. (one particular skeleton with the initials of M.V.B. wouldn't you say?) Liz admits to one or two things in her past she wouldn't want brought out! That makes Deirdre think twice.

Percy comes in followed closely by Phyllis who is still trying to talk him into coming to the art class. He has nowt good to say about it so she tries another tact. There will be models! She thinks she has hit the right button because he stops and looks at her..."Models?" Aye young lasses that pose without clothes for you to draw. Wrong button pushed! What to you think I am, woman, A Pervert????? He's certainly not going into any Den of Iniquity and there's an end to it. She goes off, highly insulted and hurt, licking her wounded pride as Bet makes a joking comment to Betty who cuts her dead saying she's got work to do. Bet follows her into the back and asks her what's up because there's something. Betty gets huffy and says if Bet thinks she's not up to the job anymore all she has to do is say. But she also defends her skills and energy level favourably against the much younger Liz. Bet has no idea what she's on about but Betty thinks she must have, they must have discussed it! Bet assures Betty she never discusses staff members with other staff members, especially not new ones. No, with Alec! He was the one that told her she should look to her laurels if she wanted to stop there and Betty assumed he and Bet had discussed it. Bet assures Betty and says not to worry, she's not going anywhere and leave Alec to her.

In the corner shop Don comes in and Audrey has a go at him for Ivy's upsetting Gail that morning. Don is sorry. So is Audrey, she's concerned for her "heavily pregnant" daughter's health! (True, given Gail's history which is why she's not working in the cafe!) He promises to have a word with Ivy.

Bet relaxes after closing, waiting for Alec who arrives home in a very good mood. He met an old friend at the cash and carry and went to lunch with him and for a game of billiards. Bet confronts him with one word, "Betty". Loyal Betty who has served them so well all these years. Well that's a matter of opinion, is Alec's opinion (so he was trying to get rid of Betty even back then!) Well, Bet's opinion is that alec owes Betty an apology! Apology! For that little pep talk? All Alec was doing was trying to get more work out of them, out there gassing all day. As opposed to him, out playing billiards all afternoon? That's different, he's the licensee, he can do what he likes. Yes, well after the staff all walk out he'll be stuck behind that bar a lot more so she advises he apologize to Betty. He does but we don't see it on camera.

Jim has a greasy dirty 2000 quid motorbike in the yard. Liz brings out some new boxes for his spare parts. (oh, come on, the BIKE parts, what did you think i meant? ) He's pleased she's so supportive and figures it will be no problem to sell the bike when it's fixed up. In the meantime if there are going to be parts in her house, they'll be in clean boxes! He hugs her and calls her a real belter (i guess not quite the same kind of "belter" Jim ends up being in a few years!).

Deirdre and Ken meet on the street. She tells him he was right, no sense having a third party airing their dirty washing in public so she's decided to withdraw the divorce petition. Ken's face breaks out in a smile and he tells her she's made the right decision. She's doing it for Tracy, she reminds him. But there's a condition. She'll withdraw the petition if he moves out of the street! With that, she goes inside leaving a somewhat stunned Ken. (that's a bit redundant isn't it? Isn't he always somewhat stunned?)

Ivy gets home to find a really pissed off Don (Sorry there's no other word for it!) He's upset because he's had a hammering from Audrey about Ivy's actions in the morning, upsetting Gail! This has got to stop! Drop it before she loses what's left of her family and friends!

Jackie and Mike have a drink since the sun is past the yardarm which leads to a discussion of ships' yardarms. Jackie is obviously warming to Mike, thinking he likes to let people think he's a hard nosed villain but underneath he's not like that. Mike withholds a smile and says you have to be tough in this business and they should build it up so they can more easily sell the factory as a going concern. Jackie reckons Peter might have had the wrong idea about Mike all along which is exactly what Mike wants to hear!

Percy comes in to the bar for his evening half and inquires about the rubbish in Jim's backyard, reckoning that it could attract rats! Jim manages to check his temper at the old man's interfering and tells Percy he'll have it cleared up soon. Don and Ivy arrive and Don's after having a stronger drink that usual, ordering a whiskey from Bet. Percy moves on to them hoping that the business with Gail is sorted. Martin comes in too and begins to give Ivy what for, for upsetting Gail. Martin has no Elizabeth in his family and doesn't even work in the hospital anymore and the whole spiritualist thing is rehashed. Bet overhears all this and suddenly looks like she's had the stuffing knocked out of her as her face freezes in shock. She staggers out back while Alec quiets the argument then looks around for her but she's left. He goes back to find her shakily smoking a cigarette, looking very much like she's had a serious shock. She just says she's come over all funny like and he gets concerned, sitting her down. He'll manage on his own, and asks if it is that Betty business because he's apologized like she wanted. No it's not that, Bet tells him she'll be fine. He leaves and we see Bet's face start to crumple in agony.

I wasn't going to explain this but I consulted the 35th anniversary book and this had already come out in 1974 and 1975. Now you long time viewers will know the story behind this but for those of you that don't here's a brief synopsis. Elizabeth Lynch (RBet) had a son when she was 16 and adopted him out. His name was Martin. He came to the Rovers but was disgusted to see Bet flirting with the customers so he never identified himself to her. In 1975 one of his army mates approached her and told her Martin died in a car crash. He was 19.


Friday (3127, 28 September 1990)

Don and Ivy are out in front of their house arguing about the spiritualist stuff Don wants her to drop it. As Don drives off, Bet approaches Ivy and asks if she can come in for a brew.

Jim is working on the bike (or rather, sitting on the bike) in the backyard, and he asks the boys if they will help him after school. Sure they will, until they hear that he wants them to help fixing up the yard. Off to school they go.

Ivy is telling Bet about what the medium said about Martin, Elizabeth, the hospital and car crash. Ivy is certain its about Martin Platt, who didnt take kindly to hearing all this. Bet wants to know whom the message was from but Ivy doesnt know or think it important. Bet is really preoccupied with this.

At their flat, Mike is telling Alma how well things are going with the factory and how he may be late. He tells her that most women wouldnt be so understanding of all the attention hes paying Jackie, but Alma knows its just work. Mike also has a good feeling that Ralph Dobson is on the way out and that means the coast is clear for Mike!

At the Rovers, Betty and Liz are having a chin-wag, which doesnt please Alec. Betty thinks hes in a foul mood because of a row between him and Bet, but no, theyve not rowed. Betty tells Alec that something is not right with Bet and he goes to see her.

Mike intercepts Jackies secretary Sandra ordering a taxi for Jackie, and heads off to drive Jackie himself.

Back at the bar, Alec thinks Bet is poorly, but she insists that shes healthy, there is just something on her mind. He kindly tells her to go and have a sit down, very considerate but then, as per usual, he says he really doesnt want someone serving who looks like shes ready to jump off a cliff!

Mike picks Jackie up and she seems pleased to see him and for the company to the house she and Peter were planning on buying.

Betty goes through to talk to Bet. She can tell something is really bothering Bet and encourages her to talk about it.

Jackie shows Mike around the house and shares some of Peters dreams about renovations. Mike tells her she should do what she wants, sell the factory even if its not the best time to sell. Quote of the day to Mike "Money is not important, your happiness is". Right, Mike! And he said it with a straight face!

Bet tells Alec all about her son, how she was swept off her feet at 16 by Joe Mason, who disappeared as soon as he found out she was pregnant; how she had to give the baby up for adoption because of her mother; how the boy, when he was 19 joined the army, and then was killed in a car crash. And that she named him Martin. Alec was quite lovely in this scene, very supportive and sweet.

Out in the front of the bar, Liz is telling Mavis and Emily how working for Alec is worse than flood and pestilence. Alec comes from the back, sees Don sitting and has a quiet word with him about all the trouble Ivy is causing with the spiritualism talk.

In the McDonalds backyard, Jim is working on shelves or summat, and Liz is not pleased cause shell have nowhere to hang her laundry. Jim promises her a tumble dryer when he makes his first million and assures her its only temporary while he looks for premises. Liz is worried about the boys with all the motorbikes around.

Ivy arrives home from work and Don tells her about Alec having a word with him about Bet. Don tells her Bet's story and how Ivy has opened up heartache and agony with all her talk about the medium.

Deirdre is in the Rovers for a quiet drink and Ken comes in and wants to talk with her. He thanks her for what she said yesterday. Deirdre is confused and clarifies with Ken that she is not backing down from the divorce, but will wait the 2-year waiting period if Ken will back off. Poor Ken shattered again!

Ivy and Don come into the bar and Ivy asks Alec if she can speak with Bet. Ivy tries to convince Bet to accompany her to the next meeting, but Bet wants to leave it be.

Mike and Jackie are at Jackies and Mike is telling her that she has to go with her instincts and he wont try to influence her. He asks if she goes ahead and buys the house is it for her or for Peter. Jackie changes the subject around to Mike and his instincts how is it that he bought a flat obviously suited for one person, but Alma is living there with him. Mike admits that he did look for a small flat and he tells Jackie that Alma has not given up her own flat and that should tell Jackie all she needs to know. (RAT!)

Sandra Rogers: KATE BRISLEY

Originally transmitted: 1, 3, 5, 8 & 10 October 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 5 - Friday 9 October 1998
Episode Numbers: 3128 - 3132

Monday (3128, 1 October 1990)

Mike calculates. Ivy sees the light. Ken manipulates.

Mike is anxious to get into work early and might not be around for a drink at lunch because he needs to head Dobson off at the pass before he can get to Jackie with any of his subversive talk. Ah, yes, because Mike wants to do that for himself, right? Alma guesses! Spot on! Alma complains she he sees more of Jackie than he does of her these days but he says it's for her good as well as his because if he loses his job he'll be underfoot and hard to live with (as opposed to keeping his job and leaving altogether?) He flips through the mail as she goes to change. He's reading a postcard. Who on earth could be sending Mike a postcard???

Don gets ready to go to work and finds out that Ivy is going to the spiritualist church again that night and loses his temper again. Hasn't she caused enough trouble with Bet? Ivy feels that wasn't trouble at all and now Bet's poor son's soul is at rest because of it. She thinks Don might feel different if he went with her to see for himself but there's no way! If he was honest, she accuses, he'd know it's not nonsense and says, Flippin' 'Eck, people round here think *I'M* narrow minded (so she *does* know what they and we think!) but she accuses Don of really taking the biscuit.

Ken and Jim cross the road from the Kabin in what looks very much like late evening. The sunlight is orange and there a long shadows on the ground but it's supposed to be first thing in the morning. Ken isn't listening to one thing Jim has to say about his motorbike empire building though he keeps asking Jim, What was that? Jim cottons on but even his speech about the shroud of Weatherfield with the image of a Kawasaki on it only elicits a "Right. Right." response from Ken. Jim gives up and leaves. Tracy comes from picking up teabags at the shop and at least Ken manages to pay attention to her. Tracy can tell something is on his mind though. All he'll say is to ask her mother about it.

She does. Deirdre tries to avoid it but realizes she has to tell Tracy the truth and does. She tells her about the impending divorce and that Ken is forcing her into it since there seems to be no other way to make him realize they won't be getting back together. Tracy complains about changing her name but Deirdre assures her Ken's always going to be her father but this will make things run smoother in the long run.

Audrey and Alma are perusing the newspaper in the cafe. The music is turned up loud and Percy is bellowing louder so Alma turns it down, accusing Percy of only disliking the competition. Alma and Audrey go back to the horoscopes. Alma's warns of a stranger coming into her life, she reckons that's Mike since she sees so little of him, (I reckon it's a tall thin dark haired grieving widow who looks remarkably like Alma in a lot of ways, have you noticed?) Mike's horoscope (Aquarius) mentions business uncertainty and avoiding antagonizing those in charge. Spot on, that!

At the factory, Mike has a bellow at Ivy over an order. Dobson smugly informs Mike that there's a chap coming round to look over the factory. A potential buyer who must have heard about the factory on the grapevine since it's not officially for sale yet. Mike is mystified that Jackie never told him and Ralf gloats over it and takes off with Mike looking very calculating behind him. (Or would that be better termed a Poker Face????) Later when Jackie comes in, Mike asks her why she didn't tell him and he warns her and Dobson that the deal will never fly. The business is viable but the interest rates are too high. It's a bad time to sell and they won't get a reasonable offer. They both think he's just using scare tactics to save his own ass. he restates his party line, whatever she thinks is best for her but if the man makes a decent offer, he'll take a pay cut. We'll see, gloats Dobson confidently. (And now i know, Mike would never make a bluff like that without an ace up his sleeve!!!!)

Don is moaning to Alec over Ivy's obsession with the spirits. Alec agrees it's a good idea to have her priest have a word, threatened with excommunication, that might do the trick!

Percy purports to be a supporter of Jim's new venture to Liz's skepticism. No, he's not having her on (as if Percy could *ever* make a joke!) No, really, Jim's a real friend of the planet ... the scrapman always had the respect of the community! Liz takes insult at this and Betty comes along to distract Percy with her hotpot! ;) But right on top of this, Kevin and Sally come in and Kevin has a little joke at Jim's expense and Liz storms off out back for a break! It were just a joke, Mr. Gilroy!

At school, Tracy tells Ken she knows about the divorce but this is not really the place to talk about it as the bell for class rings. Tracy gets away to class but Mrs. Head (Jeffers) stops Ken for a word. She wants him to take part in the lunch Police, keeping an eye on the students that decide not to participate in the school lunch program and eat elsewhere. They can't be forced but some of them don't return after break and that's what she want's to keep a lid on. Ken agrees to take his turn. (Why do i think the MacDonald lads are going to be involved in this somewhere!) She compliments his smart looking suit before she goes which raises at least a smile on his face. (SO! It started here? Fast forward, what? 7 years?)

Ivy and her friend laura see Jackie and Ralf lead a Mr. Travers around the factory, while expounding on all it's modern measures and good points, selling it hard. They introduce Ivy to him, as the cutting room supervisor. She tells him she likes working at Ingrahm's, so modern, much better than the last place she worked at, Baldwin's Casuals. Not nearly so modern as this. Oh? Travers asks, Sweatshop? Well, hesitates Ivy, summat like that. The trio go off and Ivy reckons to Laura that "She's" after selling the place just like Mike did and there go all their jobs!

Mike surprises Audrey and Alma in the Rovers later and he's in a bouncy mood in spite of the fact that there's a sales pitch going on at the factory. He doesn't seem to bothered. (Suspicions mount) Percy leads in three young bikers who, it turns out, were looking for Jim who has been advertising his parts for sale in the Gazette (isn't that illegal? ;-) ) much to Liz's surprise. Alec thinks he sees three thirsty young men but the three of them only order halfs of shandies and orange squashes, much to Alec's disgust.

Ken leaves the shop with barely a mutter to Emily as she enters (How rude is that man, he never ceases to amaze me though i shouldn't expect any more of him) Sally confides to Emily that Ken has given his notice in to Alf on the flat.

In Jackie's office later, Mike gets to say "I told you so" when they reveal a pathetically low offer made by Mr. Travers. He crows and they eat it in humiliation as Mike gets in a dig at current management structure being the reason.

Liz is dragged out of the shop by an excited Andy to find Jim proudly displaying a wreck of a car that looks like it will fall apart if you washed the dirt off it. He bought it for 600 quid and then reveals two sad looking bikes in a trailer in the back that he bought for £100, the pair, to break down for parts. With all this money going out of the bank like water for bikes, cars and adverts, Liz is finding it a little more difficult to be supportive! (oh, yes, and this is the afternoon closing and the sun is still at the exact near-sunset angle it was first thing this morning!)

Emily and Deirdre aren't having much luck helping Tracy with her homework. Emily tells the news that Ken is moving so Tracy rushes off to see him. It seems he's applied for a job down south but she shouldn't say anything to anyone yet because he might not get the job as his teaching resume is patchy. She wants to know why and is it mom's fault. He plays Mr. Subliminal by telling her no, it's not your mother's fault that she wouldn't meet him half way to reconcile and she has a right to feel bitter. No it's just that he needs a fresh start. Tracy moans and whines and he reassures her. Nobody cares what she wants! (you know the routine!)

Ivy turns Gail down for babysitting duties because she's going to the spiritualist church. Again she and Don argue the same old same old and she leaves.

Jim comes in to the pub for a drink. Alec grips about the light drinkers in earlier. Oh sure, you'd prefer they drink themselves under the table and then cause a pile up on the M62? Alec reckons they couldn't afford the petrol to get to Alf's shop and back! Ivy arrives back from church early and she seems a bit dazed and distracted. She doesn't stay, instead goes home for a cup of tea. Don gloats to Alec that it looks like Ivy has seen the light and now this stupid obsession with spirits will be over. (And you notice? Everytime he goes on like that, things only go from bad to worse!)

Alma arrives home to find Mike and an old east end London mate sharing cigars, drinks with the best part of a bottle gone, and a few laughs. the mate's name is Charlie Travers. Sound familiar? Yep, apparently this man has the cheek and owed Mike a favour called in and posed as the mystery buyer. It was all a set up! I wasn't surprised. Alma doesn't want to know about the favour, she'd rather not know anything about Mike's business deals so she won't have to commit perjury when he gets caught. The men have another good laugh at what they term a practical joke and Alma calls Mike a sly old fox.

Ivy is sitting at table staring off into space or the heavens or where ever when Don returns. He apologizes for having a go at her and is glad she isn't going back to the church. She tells him she doesn't have to, they were speaking to her as clear as he is now. What? the spirits! Ivy has been called! Chosen! Don looks about as gobsmacked as i've ever seen anyone!


Tuesday (3129, 3 October 1990)

Mike does what he does best - manipulation! He has Jackie as his puppet and he us pulling the strings. He has talked her into not selling. And has convinced Ralph Dobson, at a private lunch that he agrees with Ralph that she shouldnt sell. And then, when Jackie announces that shes not, Mike turns the table on Ralph and agrees with Jackie. And Ralph storms off.

Jim's sign on the window for bike parts for sale has Percy upset and trying to get Deirdre and Mavis upset along with him. Jim finally tells Percy that if anyone has a problem to talk to him directly.

Ivy has received a message from "the other side" from Ernest, Emily's late husband. Although Gail, Martin and especially Don try to talk her out of telling Emily, Ivy insists on speaking to Emily, who tells her exactly what she thinks - that Ivy is deluded and to keep her messages to herself.

Deirdre is upset that Ken is upsetting Tracy with his talk of moving away. Ken reassures Tracy, but then Deirdre tells him that hes only doing it to drive a wedge between her and Tracy, who will blame her mom if Ken moves away.


Wednesday (3130, 5 October 1990)

First thing in the morning at the factory and Mike is looking very self-satisfied, whistling a happy tune after his triumph of yesterday. Poor old Ralph, in contrast, is a study in melancholy and when he and Mike run into each other he tells Mike off for having betrayed him. Mike pretends he doesn't know what the other man is talking about and dismisses Ralph's accusations that he's nothing more than a scheming con-artist.

While the Brennans are having breakfast, Don takes another stab at dissuading Ivy from the spiritualism business. Never one to appreciate anyone else's perspective, Ivy doesn't want to hear it and she manages to look wounded when Don tells her that she is upsetting people with her messages'.

Jim, stopping into the Kabin for his paper, leads Mavis into stating her objections to his motorbike repair business. Mavis sputters about the impropriety of running a business in a residential area and when Jim points out that the Kabin is also a business and that he is simply trying to make a living like everyone else, she goes into a rant about the supposed lowering of property values on "this" side of the street. Jim storms out after telling her off. (I must apologize for not remembering what he said exactly, my VCR is broken and I was taking notes on the fly. I do know that he used the phrase, "I'll tell you this and I'll tell you no more", I believe for the first of many times.) Whatever he said to her, Mavis remarked to Deirdre after Jim left, that her stomach was churning and her legs felt like rubber. (Oh - forgot to say that Deirdre had come into the Kabin in the middle of the confrontation.)

In the corner shop, Audreh and Alma are having a laugh at Ivy's expense. In the back room, they are spoofing Ivy's close encounters of the spiritual kind and laughing at their own hilarity, oblivious to the fact that Don has come in to the shop. After listening for half a minute, Don shouts out to let Audreh know that he's taking a loaf and walks out, looking quite fed up.

At the McDonald's, Liz cautions Jim to go easy on the neighbours. She wants him to be a little more sensitive to the fact that they may not welcome the new business in the street but they'll be less apt to complain if he uses a measure of diplomacy in dealing with their angst.

Don must have dropped that loaf of bread home just inside the door because he's already made it to the Rovers where he offers to buy Emily a drink to try to make up for Ivy's shenanigans. He tries to impress on her that Ivy is most sincere about the spiritualism and really doesn't see the harm she's doing. Emily sniffs and tells him that "sincerity can be almost as dangerous as charity".

There was something then between Don and Alec and Alec must have said something sarcastic because Don left suddenly and he was not happy. Anyway, at that point, Emily sat down with Deirdre and heard all about Tracy's threat to leave home and go to live with Ken when she's 16. Emily reassures Deirdre that teenagers say things like that all the time but they don't really mean them. (You're telling me - my daughter said that to me regularly when she was 13, 14 and 15. She's now 21 and still living at home and frankly, at this point I wouldn't mind a sewing room!)

Speaking of Tracy, it's her school lunch hour and where is she now but wasting her time and money in the amusement arcade with Andy McDonald and a bunch of other kids from school. Ken walks in and sends the whole gaggle of them back to school. He takes Tracy in hand privately to warn her that she's flouting the school rules by being in the arcade, besides which, she's too young and the place is "unsavoury". He assumes that Andy McDonald led her into going but Tracy says that she went in on her own and it's the first time she's been in there. Ken gets her to promise that she won't go in again and she asks him not to tell Deirdre about it as "she'll only go on at me" about it. Ken smugly agrees to keep it between them.

At the factory, Jackie tells Mike with concern that she's afraid Ralph is thinking of resigning after the confrontation between them yesterday. Predictably, Mike is neither surprised or upset at the news. He casually quips that Ralph must be taking her decision (not to sell) hard.

Having heard from her mum about Audreh's and Alma's little mockery in the shop that morning, Gail goes to visit Don. She tells him that Ivy is becoming a laughing stock. Don unburdens to her about the fact that Ivy's obsession with the spirit world makes him feel inadequate but that she seems oblivious to that fact. Gail says she doesn't want the children to be hurt by all this and that he must somehow get Ivy to stop stalking the dead.

When Ivy gets home, Don starts in immediately about the spiritualism nonsense. He cares what folk think, even if she doesn't, normal people don't accept it and even if they do, it's still viewed as "eccentric" and he's fed up with people thinking she's gone off the deep end..." She interrupts most calmly in the middle of his argument to tell him that she'll stop going. Having got his stunned attention, she tells Don that what she's been doing is wrong and that she intends to go to confession about it. Don's jubilance at this news lasts only as long as it takes Ivy to tell him why she changed her mind: her dead first husband, Bert, told her to stop!

Jim is in the pub ordering drinks for Emily, Percy and Mavis. When Liz asks him about it, he says he's just taking her advice, trying to be friendlier with the neighbours. Percy and Emily are only too happy to have a drink on Jim but Mavis, though she reluctantly asks for another sherry, is suspicious that Jim's offer amounts to a bribe. Percy figures it's more a gesture of good will now that he's "put the fear of God" into Jim. Mavis protests that if anyone "put the fear of God" into him, it was her. Mike and Alma are also having a drink in the Rovers, he, not so quietly gloating about his triumph over Ralph Dobson. At Alec's skepticism, Mike asserts that he is "indispensable" (to Jackie's firm). At the factory, Jackie is in Peter's office, wistfully sorting through her late husband's personal effects when she is joined by Ralph. He regretfully hands her his resignation which she just as regretfully accepts. She asks him if his decision is final and he tells her he can't possibly stay now that things are so different. In that case, she assures him that she'll do her best to ensure that his retirement is a comfortable one. He leaves her with a word of warning. (I'm paraphrasing here.) "That scoundrel will destroy this company. All that Peter worked so hard for will be left in ruins. He's evil, I tell you - evil!!" Jackie's face registers something between puzzlement and shock as Dobson walks out for the last time. (Roll credits.)


Thursday (3131, 8 October 1990)

Mike is basking in triumph at the retreat of Ralf Dobson and dangling the keys to the Ingram's kingdom. (Ok I have been spelling that wrong all along but saw it on the factory wall today!) He crows about bagging Dobson as neatly as an elephant into a pit, what a clever boy am I! Alma wants to know if the elephant fell into the trap or was he pushed! She and Mike have a cuddle in the cafe, sharing the sweetness of success before he toddles off to the factory, fantasizing about stock options and glory. How can he not play the cards right when he's got the only hand on the table!

Who is this vision of loveliness walking down the street looking for an address? She's dressed in black from head to toe with a bright flower on her hat and a red scarf round her neck. It's Angie Freeman!!!!! She finds No7 and knocks on the door but nobody answers so she sits on the stoop and helps herself to the newly delivered milk. Don pops out to get his milk and says they must not be back yet but Angie knows Jenny is back from France so sits and waits.

Mike arrives at the factory and smiles. Inside, Laura and Ivy are wondering where they stand since they don't know if the factory is to be sold or not at this point. Ivy thinks they're probably on Queer Street. Mike bounces in and sees the look on their faces and correctly guesses their worries. He says, not to worry ladies. I know you think you're on the Titanic but you keep rowing, I'll move the iceberg!" Ivy figures if Baldwin gets his hands on the factory they'll really be in Queer Street! Later Mike discovers a lackey moving all Ralf's filing cabinets into Peter's office on the orders of Mrs. Ingram. Hmm wonder what's up.

Jenny opens the door to find not such a total stranger. Angie happens to be a school friend of Flick as well as a student at the Poly. She's already heard about Flick's adventures by phone and knows Flick is staying in southern France with a docker from Marseille! Jenny corrects her, it was a med student. Oh, a DOCtor! much less interesting then. She comes in with what's left of the milk and Jenny puts the kettle on. She tells Angie that Flick is working as a nanny minding two kids in a posh house. Nice work if you can get it. Anyway, Angie figured Jenny might need someone to share the rent. She was sharing with Paula and someone else but, well, two words and then Jenny can tell her the reaction. Rodney Whitworth. (remember him? the original couch potato?) Jenny moans. Point taken. It's now Paula and Rodney so Angie hit the bricks over to No7 on Flick's advice to escape the infestation of Rodney.

Sally and Kevin are making plans for their fourth anniversary. Kevin wants her to get all dolled up for him even though he says they're just going to the Rovers. He likes it when she dresses up for him. (A forerunner of that classic man's line, "What are you wearing"??? Oh, i forgot, it's usually what you're NOT wearing that they want to know about *wink*) Jim arrives in the shop and wonders if Kevin has any storage space in the garage but Kevin is right up full and suggests a man named Tom Mooney. They exit the shop and see Don who tells them that Mr M might usually be found in the cafe at dinnertime. Jim goes off making his plans as Kevin seems to be making plans with Don for a surprise for Sally. Don tells him he was able to get the black one not the white one but it's nicer anyway. ??

Jenny and Angie talk about school. Jenny isn't very enthusiastic about returning to Poly for another year of boring classes. She feels she has no direction. Angie assures her she's bright enough to do what ever she wants. All right for you, Jenny says, in fabric and Textiles, you've got the talent for it.

Mike comes in to Peter's office and cautiously asks Jackie about her plans. Full on confidence in her abilities, she tells Mike she is going to run the company herself. He made her believe she could do it! (backfire, plan A) She is determined to make a go of it. sounds like Mike needs a Plan B and fast!

In the cafe at dinnertime, Jim waits for Mr. Mooney who isn't in today as usual. Figures. Jim's lads are playing on the game machine and Tracy comes in. She tells the boys she got caught in the arcade again and is supposed to see Mrs. Jeffers in 10 minutes but is thinking of skipping out. However Martin and Alma shoo her off to school lest the school cops get on their case. The boys say their in sixth form now (and that means they are allowed to skip out????) Martin spies Mr. Mooney's car at the bookies' so Jim, on his way out, moves the boys on their way back to school. Mike pops in to tell Alma about Jackie running the factory. He's of two minds. Should he run it himself and let her think she's doing it or let her make her own mistakes and find himself out of a job when she runs it into the ground? Anyway, he needs a place to hide out for an hour so is off upstairs to the flat. (Plan B i assume?)

In the pub, Betty is chatting to Deirdre who is in having a drink and standing right beside the Ripper! Deirdre is on about Tracy's poor showing in math when Ken walks in to her dismay. He tells her they must put aside their differences for Tracy's sake and he needs to discuss Tracy. About the arcade business no doubt, but Deirdre won't listen. She loses it and accuses him of being manipulative and all that usual ranting she does lately. He says she's going to have to get over her little problem for Tracy's sake but that really makes her blow and she calls him a "Patronizing, "Top-me-ape- me" (i swear that's what i heard), B.." he interrupts with a cool "We can talk about me later". (showing just how patronizing he can be!) But she' rants a little more and walks out. Ken apologizes to the stunned listeners and goes out and after her. He knocks on the door but basically gets it slammed in his face with a threat of a bread knife in future. He mutters to a holler, Stupid, Stupid, STUPID at the door. (well i have to agree but he could have just spit out that Tracy's in trouble instead of coming at it round the back 40 as usual. get her attention right up front!)

Tonight, a snappy suited Don drives up and calls to Martin to see if Kevin and Sally are in the pub. Martin, with more of that annoying nose tapping thing, checks and gives Don the thumbs up. Don and Alma enter and join Kevin, Sally and Gail in a booth. Alma gives them a box of petit fours in celebration of 4 years and they all tease Kevin for not getting Sally anything. He got her pregnant, what more does she want, he teases. Sally goes on about how Kev hasn't got a romantic bone in his body, honestly. Martin compliments the pregnant mothers quite gallantly and Kevin, after putting that mental arithmetic look on his face for a minute, fakes a temper tantrum over being teased about not gifting his wife. He gets up and leaves in a "huff" to the women's amazement. He whistles for Don when outside then returns and grabs Sal's hand. All right, see if this suits ya! They go outside and Don drives up in a flash black car and offers to chauffeur them to the finest restaurant in Cheshire! Sally goes on a bit about the cost but you can see she's delighted and they get in the back of the car and kiss. They drive off and pass Liz and Jim who are standing down by the viaduct.

Jim is showing off to Liz. He's rented an arch under the railway bridge, well a space under one. It's a commercial space where he can fix bikes, NOT in the back yard. He's all excited and dances Liz around the empty room, assuring her they can cover the cost and they kiss.

Over at the factory, Jackie's confidence has taken a beating and she's not so sure anymore she can do this and make it work. Mike has been going over things with her and she's grateful he's telling her about the things she needs to know instead of pointing out that she doesn't know them. He tells her he knows every single aspect of the business from years of experience, rather than just sales like Dobson, a one job man. He launches the rest of plan B by telling Jackie she has his support as long as he's there. When he found out she was selling the factory, he put a few feelers out and has had a job offer which she connects to his "late lunch" today. Which is exactly what he wanted her to do. He had to think of his future. Jackie looks dismayed!

Laura Collins LYNDA ROOKE Eric TUBBY ANDREWS First appearance of Angie Freeman DEBORAH McANDREW

Friday (3132, 10 October 1990)

Jim has Andy give him a hand moving the bike parts to his new location, , although he wont let Andy hang around there while he goes to check out the cost of advertising. He wants Liz to find Andy at home studying.

Mike's resignation is being accepted quite well by Jackie, who has shared the news with Sandra, who Mike is sure will tell everyone. Later that day, Jackie has re-thought the situation and offers Mike full charge of everything, and more money, to stay, for at least a couple of months. Jackie offers Mike 24 hours to think it over.

Jenny's not sure if she wants to go back to college, and Angie and Rita try to convince her she must continue her education. Jenny eventually decides on her own that she will go back to school.

Tracy has been hanging out at the arcade and skipping school. The school calls Deirdre, and she confronts Andy McDonald, who denies influencing Tracy. Deirdre apologizes to Andy. When Deirdre confronts Tracy, she finds out that Ken knew all about it, and didnt tell her. She lets Ken know that he has done wrong by not telling her.

Sandra Rogers: KATE BRISLEY

Originally transmitted: 12, 15, 17, 19 & 22 October 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 12 - Friday 16 October 1998
Episode Numbers: 3133 - 3137

Monday (3133, 12 October 1990)

Who's a saint? Who's in trouble? Who's out of luck?

Alma works out Mike's plan. You tell Jackie you're leaving so she promises to put you in charge of it all but she's selling up anyway, so he's still stuck! True. But Mike knows selling is as complicated as keeping the factory going and she can't do either of them on her own. He's banking on her emotional roller coaster to keep her dependent on him (well he doesn't say that in so many words but that's what he's manipulating her into). Alma asks him if he has no qualms taking advantage of a widow? Hey, He's the best friend she's right now! Alma muses that Jackie is worse off than she thought. Mike says he's keeping the sharks at bay and making her a fortune while doing it? Oh, right so now you're a saint? Saint Michael? He grins and likes the sound of that, kisses her and goes on his way.

Andy is trying to get his dad to let him skip school and help him in the bike shop but Liz puts her foot down. He can help at the weekend. Jim gets off to the shop and Liz warns Andy about leading Tracy astray, doesn't want Deirdre coming over there again accusing him. Andy reckons Tracy has been taking herself to the arcade every minute she can without his help.

Meanwhile Deirdre is making Tracy promise to stay at school and stay away from the arcade. Tracy keeps her head down and answers sullenly and then leaves for school. Deirdre is pretty sure she didn't get through to her daughter.

At the factory, Laura and Ivy speculate about the future of the factory which is still up in the air as far as they know. Ivy relates how the gate at Baldwin's Casuals was locked one morning out of the blue and was a pile of rubble a week later. They see Mike come in and he calls Ivy over for a word, ordering her to tell Don to cease and desist spreading rumours about him getting the push from the factory. There's enough rumours around here and she's not paid to add to them. (She didn't, her husband did!) He orders her back to work and Jackie comes along, a stranger on the factory floor. Well she doesn't come around the floor much because she doesn't think she can cope with this lot. The machines or the women? Both. Mike laughs and says you can turn the machines off at least. She asks him about her proposal but he says he'll talk to her later as there are too many curious eyes and open ears around the factory floor. They pass Ivy and Laura and Ivy tells Laura that Mike can be nice to your face and turn on you like a snake. Laura observes that he's plenty nice to Mrs. Ingram, 'appen she has summat we don't. Yeah, a factory!

Deirdre comes over to apologize to Liz, she didn't mean to put all the blame on Andy. Liz understands the heartache when you find out your child is lying to you. Aided and abetted by her ex- husband, Deirdre points out. (he wasn't though, she just wouldn't be told!) Liz tells her what Andy said about Tracy going to the arcade all the time, not because it's a current fad among the kids. Deirdre thinks on this.

At the Rovers later, Gail comes in with Audrey, glad to be out of the house. She's bored stopping in. Over in a booth, Jim is asking Sally to give a flyer to Kevin to post in the garage window, advertising the bike shop. Sally doesn't think it's a good idea, might take business away from Kevin's garage. Jim points out that the two businesses are different. Sally might pass the leaflet on. Gail joins her and they compare pregnancy symptoms the way you do. Up at the bar, Rita tells Audrey she had to talk to Jenny about going back to college and thinks Angie is a good influence.

But at college, Jenny is getting a lecture from her tutor about missing the first week of classes and not passing in her dissertation. He drags up her past history of slacking off her work and bad attendance and though she says she'll work harder this term, tells her it's too late. She's used up her chances after many warnings and there are many students willing to put in the work for a place at the school. He's chucking her out and holds firm even though she begs and promises.

At the arcade at lunch, Andy is playing a video game (and how come he's not getting into trouble being at the arcade all the time, i'd like to know. Is it that he's 16? That he's in his last year and gets more free time?) Tracy comes to the door, sees Andy and hesitates but comes in anyway. She greets him but he's horrified to see her, figuring he'll get the blame again and tells her to get lost. No way, she can stay if she wants to but Deirdre has followed her in and it's Oh No You Can't!!! She drags Tracy out bodily, hollering at Tracy over Andy's protest that it wasn't his fault. (i think she realizes that though). She is bound and determined to take her to her father, maybe she'll listen to him!

And that she does, dragging the kid into Ken's class, hollering and screaming. (Deirdre not Tracy who is likely mortified to be shown up in front of the other students). Ken gets them out into the hall and is very disappointed to hear where Tracy was after she promised she wouldn't go. He sends her to class and faces Deirdre who is threatening to go to Mrs. Head. Of course she can do that, he can't stop her but wishes they could work this out on their own. Oh No, she accuses him of trying to get his feet back under her table but he's exasperated at her attitude. She complains when he doesn't take an interest and now when he does. If she wants to talk, she knows where he is, now he has a job to do, all right? No it's not all right. But he can't help that, he goes back to the class and she goes off in a neck straining frenzy. (now really, she is being unreasonable over this!)

Mike comes to jackie's office and tells her that he's taking the other job though doesn't want to leave her in the lurch. Still, no point in staying on if she's selling up. Poor Jackie just doesn't know what to do, sell or keep it going. Mike would stay if she was not selling but she's just so confused so tell him to take the job. He tells her he'll wait until the end of the day to hear from her for sure before he tells the "other employer". Later he's distracted when Ivy asks him about factory business and then asks Jackie's surly secretary where the boss is. He looks shocked and defeated when told she's gone home over an hour ago.

Jenny tells Angie that she decided not to return to Poly after all. She's decided she doesn't have to do all that work and go to boring lectures. She does if she wants a degree, Angie points out. But Jenny insists bravely that she doesn't want a degree! Jenny then goes to Rita's and tells her that it was a mutual decision between her and her tutors that she not go back. She makes it sound as if it was no big deal and no, she doesn't know what she's going to do instead. Rita is angry and disappointed with Jenny and Jenny gets defensive, saying she only went in the first thing because it was what Rita wanted and what her dad wanted.

Deirdre goes to Ken's and apologizes for making a scene earlier and tells her she didn't see the Head nor did she get very far with Tracy. She supposes if a child psychiatrist were to be brought in, she'd say that Tracy was taking her anger out and that it was understandable. He promises to do what he can from the school end of things and she says the same about the home front. But she balks at his use of the word "together" as in, if we pull together... She is determined she isn't going to be blackmailed into taking him back so that her daughter will behave. Again Ken is exasperated but Deirdre rants on along the same old, same old and leaves on the same old note that she's not taking him back and he has to accept it. I wonder if he does.

That evening at the pub, Alma waits for Mike and takes a call from him, telling her he'll be late. As usual. Alma tells Betty that Mike knows she'll wait for him anyway. (just like a doormat!) Ivy discusses Mike's anger with her husband and over in another booth, after Angie closely questions Jenny, Jenny admits she did not leave school of her own accord, to Angie's sympathy. She warns Angie she doesn't want anyone to know, though. They can just think it was Jenny's idea.

Mike stands alone on the dark factory floor, defeated but still hoping. Jackie does show up. She thought if she went home she'd change her mind or make it up or something. On one hand it would make life simpler if she sells but on the other, it's all she has left of Peter. She's decided if she can't make up her mind, she will do nothing. Not sell. will he stay on? Well.... go on then. Mike grins widely in triumph and with a touch of relief.

Deirdre tries to find out from Tracy why she went against orders. Tracy is again sullen and non-responsive and says nothing when Deirdre wonders if she's doing all this because she is getting her mother back for being angry at her Dad. So Deirdre acts as if she's fed up.


Tuesday (3134, 15 October 1990)

Jenny has well and truly packed in college, until she tells Rita, trying to convince her to go back, that they have tossed her out.

Mark Casey is having his 21st birthday and there are plans for a big party. His father drops into the Rovers to talk to him about the final numbers for the party.

Bet and Alec are going to Madeira, and due to the lack of summer clothes in the local shops, at Ritas suggestion, she plans a trip to London.

As the new General Manager at Ingrams, Mike throws his weight around a bit with Sandra, giving her orders and a very hard time. Jackie ends up giving Mike some advice - to give people a chance, after his threat to sack Sandra.

Alma is singing Mike's praises to all who will listen about how wonderful he is, being made General Manager after being there only 5 minutes.

Deirdre is so upset about Tracy going to the arcade that she goes there and blasts the manager, Dean, about letting underage kids in. She later tells Rita that she is on a mission to prevent underage kids, even if she has to picket the place herself.


Wednesday (3135, 17 October 1990)

Mike sacked the pouty Sandra but Jackie has promised to talk to Mike. Mark's birthday party for his 21st went over well but a big surprise was in store for both Kevin and Mark. Mark was given the garage for his birthday which gobsmacked Mark and makes Kevin wonder where he stands. Jenny has a new respect and interest in Mark now. There was something with Phil Jennings and Deirdre. He's apparently the owner of the arcades, the focus of her crusade against the leading astray of school children.

Thursday (3136, 19 October 1990)

Kevin is grousing to Sally this morning that he's been made a mug of. all this time Casey has been complimenting his work and then the pair of them (Casey and son) are planning to pull the rug out by demoting him. Sally tries to reason with him that Mr. Casey said nothing about Mark running the garage but Kevin thinks Mark is bound to be put in charge, now he's the boss.

At the factory, Mark asks Sandra to get onto the agency for her own replacement (a bit harsh, that!) but she actually bares her teeth (I think that's supposed to be a smile but if she really did smile all that makeup would crack!). She smugly tells him Mrs. Ingram might have something to say and then answers the phone as Mrs Ingram's PA (Personal Assistant). Mike tells Jackie that if his authority is overturned at the first little sulk, he might as well be teaboy for all the notice they'll take of him. She agrees but had only promised to talk to him on her behalf. Sandra has been there a long time and Peter always liked her and found her efficient. Mike speculates that Peter had different standards but this puts Jackie's back up and she defends Peter's high standards. Mike says he just doesn't get the best out of Sandra then. Jackie suggests a job in another department and Mike doesn't care as long as she's not getting up his nose.

In the cafe, Martin and Alma discuss the garage thing. Martin feels bad for Kevin who was properly gobsmacked at the news. Jenny comes in scrounging a free coffee and information on Mark as she's thinking of buying him a belated birthday present.

At the garage, Kevin has himself worked up into a lipless frenzy (Not a lip purser is our Kev, like some are, Deirdre for one. Ever notice when he gets angry his lips disappear?) He snipes at Mark about Daddy's prezzie but Mark seems genuinely amazed at Daddy's gesture. Kevin doesn't believe it though and figures the two of them cooked it up, Daddy bribing Mark to stay in Weatherfield since he had been on about going to California. Mark insists he didn't know and anyway, nothing's changed. Kevin really loses it then and says no, nothing's changed except now your the gaffer and i'm the oilrag (more like, toerag!).

Liz asks Deirdre out for a wild night since it's her night off and Jim's taking the lads to a match. Deirdre says, go on, she could go for a pizza. Liz teases her, there's no stopping you when you get going! She also ribs Deirdre about all her male admirers now she's a single lady though isn't criticizing, she's jealous! Just then a huge bouquet of purple flowers and white daisies are delivered to Deirdre and Liz's eyes pop! They're from Phil Jennings the owner of the arcades that Deirdre's been crusading against. A bribe probably to soften her up.

Jackie suggests to Sandra that she could take a job in accounts covering an upcoming maternity leave at the same pay. Sandra refuses to be demoted after 3 years as the boss's secretary. Jackie tries to reason with her that it's the best of a tricky situation since Mike feels he can't work with her, that she doesn't respect him. Too right, she doesn't, Sandra admits, the way he struts around giving orders without a please in sight. (not a good move, slagging off the boss!) Jackie points out the obvious, Sandra's attitude and also that she's been known to gossip. Sandra really gets defensive then, telling Jackie that she can too keep a secret, better than anyone realizes. But pushed too far, she also brags to the grieving widow that she'd been having an affair with Peter for the last 18 months before he died. She swans out leaving Jackie devastated.

In the shop, alf tries to assure Sally that Tom Casey is a smart businessman and knows who is the better of the two to run the garage. Angie is picking up a few tins for tea while Gail asks Alf where Audrey is. Shopping, Alf thinks. Jenny arrives and ends up asking Sally for any ideas for a present for Mark. Talk of the garage comes up and they all sympathize with Kevin's awkward position. Sally says she's never seen Kevin so angry. Angie wonders why Jenny is bothering to buy Mark a present when she didn't even want to go to the party in the first place. Jenny says she felt stingy with everyone else there with gifts and Gail mentions that Mark's walkman is broken. She knew because he was going to lend it to Nicky. A bit of a pricey gift, Angie comments. Jenny just waves it off saying Mark is a nice lad after all and you're only 21 once. (and he has the most lovely eyes, don't you think?)

tom Casey comes to the garage to talk things out with Kevin. He apologizes for not giving Kevin prior warning and confirms that Mark didn't know. Kevin grouses some more, as he's on a roll now. How hard he works and this is the thanks he gets. Casey tries to pacify him that there are no major changes, just two mates working together as a great team. But the chip is weighing rather heavily on Kevin's shoulder and he wonders who's making the decisions now. Casey admits it might be Mark but with Kevin's advice. He admires Kevin for turning Mark into a responsible young man from the layabout he used to be. Kevin doesn't look too impressed in spite of all Mr. Casey's gratitude and compliments.

Mike notices that madam has cleared out her desk and finds Jackie looking shattered in the office. She's glad to see her go. Mike is surprise she's changed her tune since she was on Sandra's side up to now. He realizes something's wrong though and it doesn't take much urging before Jackie spills about the affair. Mike doesn't believe it and thinks it's just that little cow's way of getting her own back after being sacked. Do you think so? He'd bet a box of his best cigars on it but even if it is true, even if Peter was tempted, surely she can forgive him now. She looks sad and doubtful.

Bet is showing off a wide smile and a very skimpy teddy or bathing suit or some such. It's got spaghetti straps, cut low in front and lower in back and it's a black and white animal type print, naturally. Ok, she's showing it off but she's just holding it up to her, over her clothes! Rita and Liz raise their eyebrows at the mental image of Bet in this little number and Rita speculates it will show everything she owns! Bet seems to think that was the point! A tan's the only thing likely to fit under it. Alec makes a remark implying he's bought a white tuxedo for the trip to Madeira which Bet questions. But all Alec can do is that finger on the nose thing. (Honestly! One of these days someone is going to do that and miss, there will be the finger up the nose or and eye poked out! I really really hate that gesture!)

Jenny comes into the pub and hits Rita up for £20 so she can buy something nice for job interviews (as Mrs. Mark Casey???) and Rita complies since Jenny has no one else to go to. (No other sucker, that is)

Mike is planning to move into Peter's office, with Jackie's approval it seems so i don't know where she's going to work but maybe this was an off-scene decision between them after the affair revelation over which Jackie is still bugged. Mike urges her to let it go, everyone has their weaknesses, even Peter. She hotly argues that she was never unfaithful, she had too much respect for what she thought they had together. She makes a remark about how much extra curricular activity this office has had and she leaves. I guess that was why she didn't want to work out of it anymore. Ivy comes in directly, using a feeble excuse about pay packets to find out if the rumour about Sandra's sacking is true. Mike sees right through her ruse and does confirm that it's true and he's moving into Peter's office as well. Ivy says she has to hand it to him, he really knows how to play his cards. In a really low blow, Mike says indeed he does, just ask her Don! (reference to Don's previous gambling problem when he got into debt to Mike for hundreds of pounds over a card game. Ivy paid the debt off for him).

Tracy comes home from school with Ken in tow. Deirdre scolds her for various clearing up chores undone and Ken wanted to let Deirdre know that Tracy would be needed for hockey practice during the half term break so she won't worry where Tracy is when she's out. Tracy is discouraged that he even intends to take her and pick her up but then, she's brought it all on herself. Deirdre knows this was just another one of Ken's excuses to get his foot in the door. Tracy notices the flower arrangement and comments on it but Deirdre will only say they're from a friend, no one Tracy knows. Ken, or should i say, Mr. Pot reminds Tracy that her mother has always had her fair share of "friends". Oh God I cannot STAND this two-faced hypocrite!!! Rather than start something, Deirdre just looks at him and says "Good Bye!" and he leaves.

Audrey brings out cups of tea to Sally and Alf in the shop and makes it clear to Alf that she won't be standing on her feet 8 hours a day, taking over for Sally when the baby comes. Alf just figures they can sort that out and says it will be difficult to find another as hardworking and trustworthy as Sally. Audrey points out that leave her out, as he always manages to point out to her, she doesn't have those qualifications!

In the pub, Jenny and Steph come it to meet Des. Jenny has met up with Steph on the bus and has slyly persuaded her to have a lend of some makeup and perfume but won't say what the special occasion is, just that she's tired of being a slob. They chat about the garage and Mark as Jenny shows off the expensive walkman she's bought for Mark and tells them about Daddy's birthday prezzie. Des is concerned for Kevin but Jenny haughtily sniffs that Kevin's just an employee, which raises Des's eyebrows. She gets off and later is seen in the garage, all made up, hair swept over to one side, dressed to kill and smelling sexy from Steph's perfume. She gives Mark the gift and he's more than chuffed. She turns to leave but he notices how nice she looks and ends up asking her out although he had promised to work overtime with Kevin. But he leaves anyway, to Kevin's "Whatever you say, "boss"!"

MIke shows off his new office to Alma who is really pleased that he's been getting such lucky breaks. They share a kiss, cuddle and champagne so i guess that office is seeing more activity, as the apparent tradition dictates LOL.

Back in the pub Alec admits he hasn't bought a tux, why would he want to spend £200 on a poncy thing like that. Bet is not surprised. Rita and Liz tease Deirdre about the flowers and ask what Ken said. Not much but he was fizzy with curiosity. Well good for him, he should have appreciated her when he had the chance. Deirdre points out that the flowers weren't meant for that but Liz says, playfully, you and i know that but he doesn't! You're a wicked woman, Deirdre laughs. Oh, Liz sighs, i wish i was. D'you suppose there's places you can go to learn how? (i think she must have found one, then!) The two of them invite Rita to come along with them but Rita declines so they leave. Jenny and Mark come in, with Mark now all dressed spiffy. Jenny tells Rita she couldn't find anything appropriate so can she just hold on to the money for now? Angie is there too but Jenny makes it clear that she's not welcome to accompany her and Mark out and they leave. Rita is surprised because Jenny used to think Mark was such a fool. Ah, Angie says, that was before he was an eminent garage owner!

Kevin comes in after working overtime, he had promised to have this car ready for tomorrow. He's still fed up and tells Sally he's jacking in in. No two weeks notice or anything, he's just not going in tomorrow! Sally gasps!

Sandra Rogers KATE BRISLEY [last appearance] Delivery Boy PAUL ROSTRON

Friday (3137, 22 October 1990)

Jenny goes to the department store, Steph wishes her good luck and later we find out that Jenny got the job selling fragrance as Christmas help and she's right chuffed with herself.

Some of Kevin's friends are still surprised at Mark's good luck and wondering where it leaves Kevin. Kevin's wondering as well and is acting childish toward Mark, Yes Boss and No Boss-ing him to death.

Bet is looking forward to her trip to Madeira, now armed with a lovely new wardrobe of summer exotic wear.

An old act of Alec's arrives to see him, Tudor Parry Jones, a man with a very loud tenor voice which he shows off in the back room for Alec who winces with an ear that seems to have cotton wool stuffed in it. The singing can also be heard out in the street and next door in Number 1 as well where Phil Jennings is trying to convince Deirdre to go out to dinner with him to discuss her tirade against his Leisure group, which owns the arcades. She's turned him down, though. I don't think he's going to give up.

Originally transmitted: 24, 26, 29 & 31 October; 2 November 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 19 - Friday 23 October 1998
Episode Numbers: 3138 - 3142

Monday (3138, 24 October 1990)

Angie and Jenny are getting ready for the day. Jenny seems to be putting on her makeup with a spackle knife for the amount of it and Angie makes a remark to that effect. Jenny says you have to wear a lot of makeup to sell to people. It's obvious that Angie doesn't think much of this job (but it's good honest work after all!) and comments how Jenny's feet will be sore after 8 hours on those heels she's wearing.

In the garage, Kevin is testing a motor. Mark tries to talk to him but ends up having to shut off the motor in order to. He tells Kevin about a part that was supposed to arrive but it hasn't and he's promised the car for Monday. Kevin sighs and suggests an alternate supplier but Mark's tried that one already. He has ordered a part from London but it won't be in until Saturday so wonders if Kevin could work the Sunday with him. But Kevin refuses, "Boss".

Alec is like a grizzly bear with a sore head, or in this case, a sore ear. Bet offers to make him breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day she reminds him. That's why you have a cup of tea and a fag, Alec asks? Two Fags. But she's not sick. And really, Bet seems to think Alec isn't all that ill either since his symptoms appeared as soon as she bought lots of new clothes for their vacation in Madeira! But Alec goes to make a Doctor's appointment after not getting much sympathy from his wife which causes a flicker of doubt to cross Bet's face. Is he faking?

In the corner shop, Liz wonders why Deirdre turned down the dinner invite from Phil Jennings. but Ken comes down and the two of them turn on their heels and leave him there looking stupid. (not that difficult to do). Ken says a sheepish apology to Sally for driving away her customers. They exchange a few friendly words about school half term and Sally's nearing full term.

Mark brews up but Kevin won't take a break with him. Snidely Webster makes more cracks, calling Mark "Boss". Mark tries to reason with him but his "Well, You know..." doesn't exactly verbalize his concerns about the situation. Snidely gets his back up and points out how behind they are as Mark just finished moaning about and slides back under the car, leaving Mark looking very much like a kicked puppy.

Bet tells Liz that earaches can be bad if brought on by "spend-itis", not from the cost of the holiday but the cost of the new wardrobe! Alec did get an appointment for this morning by bullying the receptionist so he's away. You'll hold the fort? He asks Bet. Remember the Alamo, Tiger. Hmm. There were no survivors of the Alamo Alec remarks. Bet leans over and whispers, No MALE survivors. Oh thank you very much for caring, and he waddles out, highly insulted. Liz laughs and reckons the pair of them are better than a double act.

At the shop, Angie is buying the cheapest shampoo going and mentions that Jenny got all glammed up for her new job. She doesn't do things by half, does she? She and Sally chat about Mark who isn't Angie's favourite, not her type at all. They agree that he wasn't Jenny's type either until he became a garage owner. Who's ears are burning? Mark walks in just then and Angie leaves.

Poor Mark needs to vent and remarks to Sally that Snidely has been hard on him since hi took over ownership. Mark knows how hard it was for Kevin but they were mates! Sally stoutly defends her man but Mark really has no argument. He didn't ask to be given the garage after all and lets slip that Kevin is playing that "speak when spoken to, yes, Boss, No Boss" game, shutting him out and not even taking tea with him. He doesn't want to lose his mate and wishes he was never given the garage now. But, he tells Sal it isn't her problem and leaves her, now squarely in sympathy with him.

Ken orders a sarnie in the pub for his dinner and expresses neighbourly concern over Alec's ear difficulties. Bet notices Alec has been gone a long time. Maybe he was telling the truth? Des shares a drink with Rita and they discuss Jenny's new job. Des thinks Steph just wants to teach Jenny how to screw as much as possible out of gullible men, like she did to him. (Oh? is the honeymoon over?) But Rita compliments Des and says Jenny would be lucky to find someone like him.

Phil comes to visit Deirdre and tries to convince her to go out to dinner with him tonight. She resists, figuring it's still just a butter-up and tells him not to be too disappointed because she's refusing. Phil shrugs and says it won't ruin his day and that seems to be like a carrot on a stick! I hear tunes changing as Deirdre, now not as pursued as she thought she was, says she'll go after all. Where and when?

Bet tells Ken how forward she's looking to her holiday when Alec returns looking rather glum. Turns out he has a severe middle ear infection and shows Bet the strong antibiotics. I'm wondering why he doesn't look triumphant, "I Told You So" and all that but he doesn't and tells a shocked Bet that the doctor has forbidden him to fly! Bet follows him to the back. She's never heard of that and thinks he's still trying to get out of it. (I've heard of it though, you could burst your eardrum flying like that!) he thinks they'll have to sell the tickets but Bet says they'll be insured. No, the insurance was optional and Alec had planned to get some at the airport when they left, as usual. Oh, Great! But Bet decides she could always go without him which shocks Alec to no end. She'll ask Rita! Oh don't worry about your poor sick husband! She does show another flash of guilt.

Sally dishes up Snidely's dinner and asks how things went that morning at the garage. He just says, OK. She admits Mark was in the shop and tells Kevin that Mark was really upset. No not just because Kevin wouldn't work Sunday either. She says Mark even wished he could give the garage back if their friendship was going to suffer and she criticized Kevin for calling Mark "Boss". Childish really. Kevin finally sees Sally's point and he says he'll make it up to Mark this afternoon. Sally kisses her fella and tells him she loves him.

Jenny looks quite smart selling her fragrances to a difficult customer. Steph comes over later and invites Jenny and Mark to a country pub lunch on Sunday with her and Des, over in Bakewell. (i smell a conflict arising!)

Mark arrives at the garage after a test drive. Kevin offers to work Sunday after all and apologizes for being a berk. they shake hands and Kevin even offers to brew up and invites Mark and Jenny out for a drink in the Rovers tonight. The puppy is wagging his tail again!

Jenny and Angie chat about sore feet. Angie doesn't want to go out to the Rovers tonight. Jenny has a gander at Angie's latest designs and doesn't seem too impressed but Angie has dreams of grandeur.

Deirdre comes to the restaurant to meet Phil who introduces her to the bartender and proceeds to order a drink for her without asking what she wants. (I hate that!!!!) Deirdre tactfully insists on a G & T instead and he takes it in good humour, promising not to try to interpret the menu for her as well!

Sally and Kevin get ready to go out. Sally wishes Jenny wasn't coming though. (I thought they were mates?) Kevin wonders the same thing. Sally expresses her reservations about Jenny's sudden turnaround interest in Mark. Suspicious lot, you women, Kevin exclaims. (Naive lot, you men!) Nope, Sally thinks Jenny Bradley is up to something (and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?). Kevin dismisses it, it's just a two week wonder, she'll find someone else soon enough. Don't be too sure, Sally says, worried about Mark.

Phil and Deirdre take their drinks to the table and make some small talk about Tracy and school and her interest in hockey. Phil is inspired to suggest he might donate a full set of sports kits to the school (in return for what, i would be asking if i were her!) The waiter brings over champagne and Deirdre looks impressed.

At the pub, Bet tells Alec she's decided not to go on the holiday without him, they can sell both tickets. Alec too, backs down and says there's no reason for her to stay but she insists and he looks pleased. Over in the booth, Jenny is bragging about her new job and chattering about how wonderful Steph and Des are. She tells Mark they've been invited to lunch on Sunday but when he tells her he has to work, she calls down from her high horse and says let Kevin do it, you're the boss after all. That sets Sally's teeth on edge and she lets Jenny have it! Boss or not, Kevin is no one's lackey and he won't be told by the likes of her who is only out for what she can get! She sure is keen on a "certain person" now he has a bit of money. Mark is resting his jaw on the table at this point, totally gobsmacked and Kevin is trying to calm Sally down but it isn't going to happen as the hormones kick in too. Sally storms out and i notice that Jenny has her eyes averted and chin down. Truth hurts, doesn't it?


Tuesday (3139, 26 October 1990)

Because of Alec's ear infection, he and Bet must sell their holiday to someone else, cheaply as it turns out. Mavis and Derek are the lucky "winners". They take the letter of entitlement to the travel agents to get the names changed and will pick up the tickets corresponding to it at the airport. Percy is going to take care of Harry the budgie, probably stuck his nose in and volunteered himself, knowing Percy.

Phil Jennings tells a skeptical Mrs Jeffers that he's donating a full set of sports strip to the school. She thinks he's a bit of a wide boy, all talk and no action.

Wednesday (3140, 29 October 1990)

Alma and Martin are making the day's sarnies. Alma seems to have a lot to complain about with Mike working all hours at the factory these days. (Not that long ago since you were bragging on how he's the new manager, Alma! Guess the grass isn't greener!) Just as Alma is referring to "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" who should walk in? Jacko! But he remarks eh's been called alot in his day but never that. (And I have to say that's true. Jack IS a lot of things but never ever dull! LOL) Martin laughs and Jack asks for a little respect as Martin's elder. Martin promises never to call Jack a workaholic again! Vera's burned the eggs again so Jack places his order for a heart attack on a plate (eggs and bac, fried bread, sausage, black pudding!) after all he's got the draymen coming this morning and Alec's out of commission with his bad earache.

Alec is gingerly patting his ear and wondering where Jack is, and if he's late for the dray, he'll skin him alive! Bet tells him he's in no fit state to skin anyone, which is as much sympathy as he gets from her as she insinuates that his ear wouldn't hurt quite so bad without the pain of the loss of £400. (Don't know how much he originally paid for the holiday or how much he sold it for) Bet attempts to pour oil into Alec's ear but Alec shies away, thinking the oil will chill his brain! Don't be daft, she's warmed it but then he's afraid she's pouring hot oil! I've not warmed it in the flaming chip pan, Alec! He babies some more, trying to avoid medieval torture and Bet tells him to think calm thoughts. LIke what? Like how happy he's made Mavis and Derek selling them a cheap holiday.

Ever hear the expression that if it seems too good to be true it usually is? That's running through my mind as Mavis and Derek are packing and checklisting. She's bought Derek a wide brimmed sun hat and they are very happily anticipating the aftermath of the airport check in hassles to the calm pleasures of the flight. Mavis muses that she will miss Harry, and philosophizes that creatures of the air shouldn't be stuck in cages.

Mr Sugden soothes the ruffled feathers of a land creature, Mrs. Bishop. He wouldn't presume to bring another bird into her house without permission, no he's going to be looking after the Wilton's budgie at their house. That's all right then, says she and he witters and mumbles on about how he always tries to be considerate *uh huh* and how he would never presume *of course* and if he thought he'd outstayed his welcome... Much to Emily's eventual growing impatience.

Ken meets Tracy in between classes and she tells him she is playing in the hockey game this afternoon. They encounter Phil Jennings who is bringing a load of boxes into the school. He greets Tracy and Ken curiously asks how they know each other. Tracy says he's doing something on council business or summat with her mother.

Percy gets the key and gets last minute instructions from Mavis on Harry's daily routine. Percy manages to ruffle a few more feathers by insinuating that if Harry's routine is upset as Beauty's was, well look what happened to Beauty (fell of her perch) and of course it's your business that you only have one lock on your house while you're away in foreign parts. So Mavis and Derek both get a dose of doubts and worries!

Phil brings the donated kits to Mrs. Jeffers. He calls her on her earlier skepticism, got them done quickly to prove her wrong. She admits she's impressed and grateful for his patronage to the school. He tells her that Deirdre Barlow initiated the idea and she preens as he flatters her, just to cement the deal.

Bet glumly asks Deirdre how can you possibly compare watching the sun go down on the ocean while sipping champagne with stopping here and cleaning beer stains off the bar? I'm as Happy as Larry, she assures Deirdre, with a sigh. Over in a booth, Alma chatters to Audrey but Mike is lost in thought over work matters... some decision or other that Jackie's made. Alma makes a remark but does seem to turn a slight shade greener. Audrey thinks Alma and Mike should have bought the Gilroy's holiday package but Mike assures them he couldn't get away on such short notice anyway and heads back to the salt mines, greeting Percy who arrives just as Mike leaves. Audrey puts a bug in Alma's ear, encouraging her to get some holiday brochures then work on Mike for a holiday. Percy shakes the rain off his hat and informs Bet that the Wilton's are just away now. Bet figures someone like Percy probably brought the news of the Black Death, and all. She makes Alec go outside to wave Mavis and Derek off in Don's taxi in spite of Alec's worries about getting a draft in his ear. (from the inside or the outside !LOL)

Percy has a quiet chat to Harry later, after the Wilton's have left and is scared out of his wits by Jack who has sneaked in the open front door.

At the airport check in, in a long line, Mavis isn't sure at all that Derek's statements are true. He's confident that he has it all in hand and is sure he has to exchange the letter of entitlement at the ticket desk but no, they are directed to the Sunrise Tour desk after all. Derek tries to sort out some confusion between the original owners of the vouchers and a complication where there doesn't seem to be tickets or a registration for either the Wiltons OR the Gilroys! The tour operator decides he better ring Rosamund Travel (Sunliners must not have bought them out yet?).

Martin is grousing at Alma who is sitting at a table with Audrey looking at brochures (from Rosamund Travel?) instead of helping him behind the counter. Ken comes in to meet Tracy and congratulates her on her hockey team's win! She shows him the new uniform but Ken is horrified to learn that PJ Leisure owns the amusement arcades!! (Wonder if Mrs. Head knows?)

Mavis and Derek wait and worry. Derek accuses her of sinking into a terminal decline at every sign of the least little problem. Surely the name confusion will be easily sorted out. However there's a summons on the PA system for "Mr and Mrs Gilroy" to the Sunrise Tour desk. Seems the operator was unable to get hold of the travel agency and there is absolutely no record of a holiday booked for either name but there is a man over there in the exact same situation. We see a poor sod, tired and frustrated, sitting in the waiting area as well. He too has a letter but no tickets. The operator promises to keep trying, there's still an hour before the flight! (Sounds like a dodgy tour operator. Trust Alec to sniff out one of them, even if it was unintentionally. Like does attract like doesn't it???)

Tracy comes home and says her dad wants a word so Deirdre reluctantly goes to the door. He's furious that she is involved in a sponsorship of children's kits from the arcades they they were trying to keep the kids out of! It's highly unethical of her and doesn't she realize that by letting them advertise, they are condoning the product? Deirdre protests that she truly didn't realize there would be adverts on the shirts (what the heck did she think sponsorship was about anyway?). Ken calls Tracy downstairs to show her mother but Deirdre thinks at least the money is going to good use. Ken is outraged, So it doesn't matter where the money comes from? what if it was from gun running or drugs? But it isn't and Tracy points this out, besides, it doesn't matter to her, she liked the arcades anyway! She runs out, frustrated that her parents have got into a barney yet again. I rest my case, smirks Ken righteously.

Bet looks down in the dumps as Alma checks out brochures but Alma thinks Bet got nearer than they will, the mood Mike has been in, He snaps at her but then he agrees they could take a 4 day weekend in Paris at least! Well, that was easy!! Rita and Emily are pleased for Alma though Bet just wishes she could go anywhere that isn't Weatherfield! Bet does join in somewhat grudgingly to a toast to Mavis and Derek who they think are probably in the air right now.

But it looks like their plane to Madeira left without them as they lean against the observation windows forlornly, and wonder what they're going to do now?


Thursday (3141, 31 October 1990)

We last left poor Mavis and Derek at the airport, hopes of getting to Medeira dashed, for now at least.

Now, after spending the night at the airport, Mavis pulls herself up from the bench she's been sleeping on, looking so cute with her little 'travellers' friend' around her neck. (One of those blow up pillows you wear around your neck.) Derek has brought coffee for her and their fellow stranded traveller, Ernie. Though the Wilsons are discouraged, Ernie regales them with stories of other places he's been stranded, telling them Manchester airport is nothing less than "luxurious" by comparison.

Back in the Rovers, Alec sings a merry tune as he and Jack are getting ready for opening. Jack inquires about his earache which is suddenly better. Betty and Bet come in with their cups of tea and take in Alec's newly regained gaiety. As Betty muses about whether they would have made the trip had Alec started the antibiotics two days sooner, Bet ruminates about what she gave up: "I just keep thinking about Mavis... laid out by that hotel pool... being attended to by one of those... big... strong... Portuguese waiters..." (her chest heaving sighs after every word). "But then you see, I look at my Alec... back to his old self... singing away... happy in his own insanity... and I think... 'Why's it all have to happen to me?'"

Percy is in the cafe, philosophizing to Martin about folk who aren't happy to stay at home, but insist on going abroad, where, according to Percy: "They can't speak English, are plagued with flies and can't make custard!" As Percy finishes sermonising on the pitfalls of leaving England, he notices that his teacake is soggy (hmmm...) but Martin cheerfully offers to reheat it for him. Audreh arrives in the cafe, exhausted from shopping and Alma relates to her that she and Mike are planning a well-earned getaway to Paris or Tenerife as a Mike needs the break. Meanwhile, at the factory, when Mike tells Jackie about his plans, she seems to have reservations about running the business alone when he's away.

We briefly revisit our stranded travellers, still waiting for some word on their status from the tour agent. Ernie is becoming increasingly bored with the waiting and after regaling Mavis (who is obviously a bit uncomfortable with the man's exuberance) with stories of his travels, talks about going home. Derek, who thinks their best bet is to wait it out, entreats Ernie to stay as he feels that together, they are more likely to get somewhere.

In the schoolyard at Wetherfield Comp, Ken is on yard duty with one of his fellow teachers, Fred, whose ear he is bending on the subject of the t-shirts supplied by Phil Jennings. He tells his colleague that he thinks the whole deal is "obscene" and likens it to "Al Capone sponsoring the Brownies!". Fred thanks him for the information and suggests that Ken enlist some support from other staff members.

Rita and Steph Barnes are in the Kabin, discussing vacations as Alec walks in. Steph has a go at him about selling his vacation package to Mavis and Derek (instead of to her and Des) and he gets defensive, gratefully agreeing with Rita as she suggests it was all a misunderstanding. Steph isn't placated, calling it "sharp practice" as she turns to leave.

Ken's steeled himself and feeling he has the support of fellow staff members now, pays a visit to Mrs Jeffers in her office. He sermonises about the folly of accepting sponsorship from people like Phil Jennings and asserts that next "tobacco firms, breweries and drug barons" will be lined up to have their images laundered by sponsoring sport kits for schools. Mrs Jeffers understands his concern but points out that things have changed in the 16 years since he's been teaching school. She patiently explains that although she doesn't like it either, she'd be naive to reject whatever help the school is offered these days. Ken still thinks it's hypocritical but Mr Jeffers catches him off guard by suggesting that perhaps he's not altogether objective in relation to the issue, after all, Jennings is a friend of Deirdre's.

Back at the airport, Ernie has had enough and bids Mavis goodbye and leaving her his phone number in case the situation changes. Derek missed Ernie's exit, as he was off checking to see if there's been any progress made in their behalf. He returns and chastises Mavis for letting Ernie get away. Poor Mavis just wants to go home at this point but Derek won't hear of it. "This little difficulty must remain strictly 'entre nous'!", he tells her. He doesn't want to return home now for fear they'd be the laughing stock of the entire street. She'll just have to reconcile herself to being here... But wait, she needn't suffer from boredom - he hands her "another word-search" book to fill the time! LOL

In the Rovers, Deirdre takes Phil to task when she sees the newspapers are publicizing his charitable donation to the school. She sees it as a cheap stunt, him seeking publicity about helping the school as a means of laundering his image but Phil tells her that at £2000, it wasn't "cheap"!

Finally, the hapless Wiltons are paged over the intercom. They are sure this is the news they've been waiting for as they hurry to see the travel agent. He tells them that he's finally got through to the travel agency and the owner will be there in half an hour to straighten the whole mess out. Too bad Mr Lumsden left, but Derek, forgetting to do unto others, neglects to tell the agent that old Ernie left his phone number. He should have waited after all. What matters is, at last it looks as if Mavis and Derek will be on the next flight to Portugal!

At the factory, Mike is briefing Jackie on how to run things in his absence when she breaks down and tells him she simply can't handle the business with him gone. Having succeeded in making himself indispensable, Mike isn't too upset at having to forego his holiday.

Deirdre is paid a visit by Ken who barges in to complain yet again about the t-shirts from Jennings. She takes exception to his undue interest but when he condemns her for the "moral example" she is setting, she really erupts. Who is he to talk about moral examples anyway?!

Rita's seeing off some trick-or-treaters in the Kabin at closing time when the phone rings. Poor Mavis is calling from the airport and relating to Rita the saga of their plight. The travel agent from Rosamund was supposed to be there hours ago but he never showed up and now it looks like another night on the bench at the airport. Mavis has to disconnect the call abruptly as she sees Derek coming down the corridor towards her. The look on his face when he sees Mavis on the phone - well, you had to be there. I can only describe it as shocked disappointment.

At home again, Alma is not impressed with Mike's news of their cancelled holiday. Mike's glee at having accomplished his goal of becoming indispensable to Jackie doesn't cheer her in the least as she cracks that she's preparing Wetherfield Stew for their dinner when they should be eating Boeuf Parisienne by now!

Our travellers are beginning to crack under the strain by now. As they bicker over Mavis' indiscretion in telling Rita, Mr Tasker, the airport's tour agent approaches and gives them the bad news. Mr Wilkinson, the owner of Rosamund Street Travel, has done a runner. Derek seems to think they'll still be able to recover their money since the travel agent was affiliated with BOTA. But alas, as Mr Tasker informs them, BOTA doesn't even exist. Now if it had been ABTA, they would have been assured of a refund. He makes the observation that Mr Gilroy was certainly "born under a lucky star", having unburdened himself of the bogus vacation package as he did. Mavis grips Derek's arm as his blood pressure rises at the mere mention of Alec's name. She holds him back as he seethes, "Gilroy! Wait til I get my hands on him!"

The evening punters are gathered in the Rovers as Ken tries to suss out Alec in regards to Phil Jennings. Alec suddenly recalls his former association with Jennings who went by a different name when he did business with him at the old Graffiti Club. Percy brags to Emily about the excellent care he is taking of Harry the budgie while Mavis and Derek are away and what a pity it is they can't be having even a decent cup of tea now. Des starts in on Alec about the "mixup" again but is drowned out by Rita who comes in blazing about the deception Alec has pulled at the expense of Mavis and Derek.

Everyone in the pub is hushed by the news an enraged Rita relays. The Wiltons never even got off the ground, the travel agent swindled them out of their £800 and went bust, and it looks suspiciously as if Alec was in on the whole scam all along. Alec is left befuddled and sputtering his ignorance on the matter as all eyes fall glaringly on him.

Written by PHIL WOODS

Friday (3142, 2 November 1990)

Alec's been up most of the night pacing the floor and worrying that his repuation is shot after the scene Rita made last nigt. When Bet comes down he tells her he's theratening to sue for slander. She tells him to stop feeling sorry for himself and come to bed - at least he has one, unlike poor Mavis and Derek! (In the interest of brevity, "poor Mavis and Derek will henceforth known as "PMD".)

PMD have had another restless night at the airport. Mavis is now begging him to let them go home but being the trooper (read 'stubborn prat') that he is, Derek refuses to capitualte. He's holding out in the hopes that Mr Tasker will have good news for them when he comes in for his shift. He tells Mavis to keep her chin up, that the darkest hour is just before dawn. She tells him she's noticed that.

Alec catches up with Rita in the street and tells her she was well out of order in her tirade of the night before. Rita is unapologetic, saying he deserved every word and when Mavis and Derek believe him, she will and all.

Ken calls in to see Deirdre who is just getting up. He tells her he has impoortnat news about her friend Jennings, and proceeds to tell her what he's learnt from Alec. He cautions her that Jennings isn't who he says he is and there is something more dubious about the man than she knows. Convinced this is just another of Ken's ploys, she dismisses him out of hand and angrily orders him out.

In the Kabin, Don, Rita and Percy are discussing what's happened to PMD. Don says they should give up and come on home but he can't believe that Alec ripped them off intentionally. Percy affirms that he will go on feeding and watering Harry until he is officially relieved of his duty. He reckons Alec knew the score, saying his eyes give him away. Rita has known Alec since the days he was her agent while she was a singer and recounts that she's seen him pull a lot of strokes. She says the man "makes Spaghetti Junction look like a straight line".

Jackie is feeling a little guilty over Mike cancelling his holiday. She wonders if Alma is upset but Mike lies about the situation, telling her not to worry, that Alma takes such things in her stride and that she knows business must come first. When Jackie asks if he and Alma are headed for marriage, he dismisses the notion. He and Alma are both free spirits and Alma's far too independant a soul for marriage, he tells her. (Wonder if Alma knows that?)

In the Rovers, Alec is moaning to Betty about his tainted reputation when Des and Steph make it a point to thank him for selling the holiday out from under them as it turned out to be a fake. He doesn't have time to reply before Bet and Percy chime in saying they don't find it funny. Percy goes on to say that he'll buy a beer from Alec but won't pay until he has the beer in his hand. This is the last straw for Alec who becomes indignant at the remark and probably would have barred Percy if Bet hadn't stepped in, ushering Alec to the back room and calling on Jack to serve Percy instead. Jack takes Percy's order, telling him that Alec's skin is as thin as a 5 note.

Deirdre is discussing Ken's latest allegations with Emily, who offers to find out more about Phil Jennings from Alec for her. Deirdre thinks that would be pointless since Alec probably told Ken all he knows already.

Tudor Parry-Jones is back!!! The 'Voice of the Valleys' is here to see Alec but has a lovely exchange with Jack while he's waiting. Jack tells him he's done a bit of singing himself. "Oh. Operatic?", asks TPJ. "Not strictly...", Jack tells him, "...more yer ballads and yer standards." "Oh, not professionally trained, then.", says Tudor, smugly. He has been trained by his own mother, Madam Gwyneth Parry-Jones, who's trained "the greatest" of singers. Recognizing defeat, Jack offers Tudor a drink while he's waiting but TPJ says, "No, no, I'll suck a lozenge."

In the living quarters, we see that Alec won't have time for Mr TPJ at the moment. He's determined to go to the airport and see PMD, putting an end to all this nonsense about a swindle. Bet's trying to disuade him as she's afraid he'll only get into trouble in his present state of mind. He won't listen to her though, his reputation has suffered enough.

A very cute scene at PMD's home as Percy goes in to see to Harry, accompanied by Phyllis who has come with him to water the plants. He tells her to do a proper job of it and when she's gone from the room he puts his face up to the cage to talk to Harry. "It's your Uncle Percy. Who's a pretty boy, then?" Phyllis, from behind him, leans in and says, "You are Percy!" LOL - poor Percy tells her to go about watering the plants or he'll throw her out. Poor Phyllis... foiled again.

At Manchester Airport, Mavis' face belies her depression. Once again, she asks Derek can they please just go home and forget this nightmare. Derek is finally ready to throw in the towel, much to Mavis' relief, when who should show up but Alec. He tells them he's there as a friend and a neighbour, not to gloat as Derek suggests. But Derek is in venting mode now and tells Alec that he's robbed them and "at least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask!". Alec gets his back up at this remark. He's heard all that kind of talk back in Coronation Street but he took Derek for an intelligent man. "Well you were wrong!", shouts Derek. "I trusted you which makes me a fool! You, you -- twister!" As Alec and Derek threaten to come to blows, Mavis jumps between them and oreders them to be civilised. Succeeding in quelling the unrest, she stands back and says her piece. "After all we still have our dignity, whatever else we may have been robbed of." Alec wants to know who she is talking about and she fixes him with a steely gaze as she says, "I leave that to your conscience, Mr Gilroy.". "That man hasn't got a conscience!", seethes Derek.

Deirdre is at home when Phil calls in to see her. She tells him about the talk she's been hearing and intimates he isn't who he he says he is. When he finds out that she's referring to what Ken and Alec have said, he tells her his story. He was a petty criminal in his younger days and was sent up for theft and assault. When he came out of prison he wanted a clean slate so he changed his name from Smith to Jennings. As for Alec, Phil's recollection of the man is that he was a "creepy little git".

The creepy little git, is at this very moment, driving PMD home from the airport. Is it a peaceful ride? Not hardly. Much argument within the car as Alec tries to mitigate his liability by painting himself as a victim too. By his reckoning, Alec is out the £400 that he sacrificed on the resale and with PMD out £400 also, (each) they are all in the same boat. Well, sort of... Derek begs to differ, causing Alec, who refers to himself as the "Good Samaritan" has had enough. The "good Samaritan" stops the car and in a fit of temper tells PMD they can find another way home. Dumping their bags on the roadway, he tells them a busdriver would never suffer the abuse he's taken from them. PMD are left standing by the road as Alec drives away in a fury.

At the factory, Jackie tells Mike about the trade fair at Harrowgate coming up soon. Mike thinks it would be a good opportunity for them to make new contacts, so they make plans to attend together.

In the Kabin, Rita is telling Percy the Wiltons will be home soon as Alec has gone to the airport to fetch them. Jack walks in and says that Alec returned from the airport without PMD and that he's in a terrible temper.

In the living quarters of the Rovers, Bet is furious when she learns that Alec has abondoned PMD on the motorway. She tells Alec that he's getting to be a looney and that he's driving all their customers away with his crazy behaviour.

In the pub, Mike is proposing to take Alma to dinner, her reward for being so understanding about the cancelled weekend away. When he tells her he has plans to attend the trade fair in Harrowgate, she quips that Jackie Ingram may have lost her husband, but she, Alma is the one who feels like a widow. Deirdre and Ken come face to face in the Rovers and she sets out to justify Phil Jennings' name change to him. She makes the point that he's made mistakes but now is moving on, unlike some people! Ken can't resist saying that she's always had a penchant for crooks, looking at Mike as he says this.

At the bar, the Voice of the Valleys is back and discussing the contents of his act with Alec. Rita comes in and demands to know why PMD were left on the roadside. Bet says that Alec was provoked but Rita is having none of it. She says the man wants locking up!

Percy is the first to see PMD as they emerge from the taxi that ultimately brings them home. He commiseraterates about the experience they've just endured and tells them he thinks Gilroy deserves a damn good hiding. Derek only just decides to defer that prospect until after they've had time to settle in and rest up from their ordeal. As they enter their home, PMD's relief that the ordeal is fianlly at an end is short-lived. They are shocked and horrified when a cursory look around the livingroom tells them their precious home has been burgled! Poor, poor, PMD!!!

Phil Jennings TOMMY BOYLE Tudor Parry-Jones CLAUDE CLOSE

Originally transmitted: 5, 7, 9, 12 & 14 November 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 26 - Friday 30 October 1998
Episode Numbers: 3143 - 3147

Monday (3143, 5 November 1990)

Mavis is bereft as Derek comes downstairs from surveying the damage left by the burglars. They've even been in the bedroom! She collapses in tears in Derek's arms as the police arrive. The woman PC takes over where Mavis is concerned and leads her to the kitchen, promising to make Mavis a cup of tea while Derek deals with the other constable. The two police officers seem very sympathetic, more with Mavis though. Poor Derek looks pretty well wiped, shaken and exhausted. Where's his support system, i'd like to know?

Alec and Tudor Parry Jones (TPJ) are discussing the evils of drink (TPJ doesn't imbibe) and laughing over Alec's show business war stories. The expression on Bet's face as she looks up from her paper and fag is priceless, a study in boredom, annoyance and impatience. TPJ bursts into a chorus of one of his signature songs just as Jack arrives. Jack asks Bet if TPJ is going to entertain at the Rovers. Not if she can help it! Jack mentions the police car outside the Wilton's house so Bet, glad for a chance to interrupt TPJ's warbling, tells Alec and wonders if the Wilton's have reported him for doing them out of 800 quid! That's ridiculous! Well why else would they be there?

Why else indeed? Derek gives the particulars of the last three days to the PC. They were supposed to be on holiday but Derek relates the fact that they have spent the last three days at Manchester airport and the sad story of the bankrupt travel agent. The officer seems incredulous? You've been at the airport for three days? Well, Derek protests, he couldn't give up without a fight! The poor Wiltons are shattered from lack of sleep, stress, being thrown out of the car by the man that sold them the false holiday to come home to this! The officer gently guides Derek back to the topic at hand, the burglary but remarks that there didn't seem to be any forced entry. Derek mentions that a neighbour had the key to check on the place.

That particular neighbour is asking his landlady if they will be going for a drink? But Emily is planning to have a night in with a good book. Percy mentions one of his favourite authors, a Bulldog Something or other and then discusses (albeit one sidedly) how fortunate the Wilton's are to have someone as professional as him to look after their home. Keep it secure. Emily looks up and around. Ever so casually. (you can hear her thinking, I must be patient. I must not kill him!)

It's Guy Fawkes day and Phil Jennings has brought round £50 worth of rockets and fireworks for the bonfire. Tracy is impressed and even Deirdre is looking forward to the evening out. They all don their coats and anoraks while Phil puts champagne in the icebox for later. He makes the women laugh and Tracy seems to like him (for the moment)

Jenny turns down Mark's invitation to a bonfire with some of his mates, preferring instead that he take her to a smart restaurant even if the "limo" is just the old banger.

Rita has been summoned and anxiously eyes the police as she waits for Derek to answer the door. The constables have finished their work for now but will be back on the morrow for more questions. Derek looks well past done in from it all as he sees them out and ushers Rita in. Rita finds Mavis fretting over Harry's cage, hoping that Harry wasn't hurt and then she collapses in tears in Rita's arms. The officers express more concern for Mavis but still none for Derek. As they are leaving, Percy comes across the street and is astounded to hear of the break in. The officer in charge is very interested to find out that this is the neighbour with the key, the CID will be interested too. Percy insists he had checked at 6 o'clock and there was no sign of a break in then. Derek accuses Percy of forgetting to lock the door and closes it in his face, turning back in to find Mavis urging Harry to eat something. Derek runs down the list of things stolen, electronic items, jewelry and Mavis's mother's watch. Rita insists Mavis come back home with her while Derek is left to tidy up. Derek lays the blame on that swine Gilroy.

Bonfires, sparklers, rockets' red glare and fireworks are admired at the community bonfire (on the Red Rec, I am assuming, from the look of the crowds). Deirdre watches Tracy's shining face, smiling up at the sights while Phil watches Deirdre's face.

In the pub, Percy is telling Phyllis about the break in and the news spreads to the Gilroys. Alec doesn't seem overly sympathetic and Jack queries Percy about his seemingly lack of house security duties. Phyllis and Percy both defend Percy's integrity but Phyllis uses Percy's upset to ply him with whiskey.

In possibly one of the best scenes I have ever seen Derek in, Derek arrives in the pub and immediately expresses insult at Alec's "concern" over the break in. The pub is silenced as Derek accuses Alec of never feeling an emotion in his life and continues to accuse Alec and lay blame at his feet for all and sundry because if he hadn't sold them the dodgy holiday, the house would never have been empty. He proceeds to chew the hide off Alec without mercy, calling him a cheat and a rotter and demands their money back plus extra for all the suffering and stress. He calls Alec an unctuous, Two-bit shifty chisler!!! (Right ON!) and he leaves. Alec calls after him, You're a raving maniac and you're barred! (oh, GOOD comeback, Alec. NOT) Bet and Jack both don't figure Derek will be back anyway. The patrons of the bar begin to buzz, having had something really interesting to talk about after that showdown! (and really, i did like Derek in this scene though i don't normally like the character. He's usually so sanctimonious and boring but pushed to the edge, he stood up and fought admirably!)

Rita is mothering Mavis after her hot bath, urging her to eat to keep her strength up. Rita is very sympathetic and supportive of her dear friend but Mavis is at her wits' end. First the Kabin was burgled while they lived upstairs and now their cherished home! (and it truly is a horrible feeling!) She feels her home is contaminated and she is near hysterics now. Poor Mavis. Has anyone else got a lump in their throat? I certainly do.

Back at number 1, there is a lavish spread of takeaway on the table and the three of them, Phil, Deirdre and even Tracy have had a taste of champagne. Deirdre sends Tracy up to finish her homework, much to Tracy's consternation but she thanks Phil at her mother's prompting and goes off. Deirdre wonders if Phil should have more wine if he's driving but she lifts an eyebrow when he says we'll worry about that bridge when we come to it, IF we come to it.

Jenny and Mark are in the kitchen and Jenny is making tea. Mark tells her she's beautiful. She thanks him but then i'm rolling with laughter when he asks what she thinks of him. She says he is a nice boy but he follows her to the living room sofa, protesting he's not that nice and proceeds to try to kiss her and put the moves on. She seems to be resisting and, saved by the bell, or in this case, the key, seems a bit relieved when Angie arrives home. Mark is put out though and stomps out. Angie jokes about ruining a beautiful friendship but Jenny says he'll be back. Angie accuses her of using Mark as her taxi and he won't stand for it long. Wanna bet? Jenny asks, confidently? Well, Madam, that horse is getting pretty high, isn't it???

Emily has come over to help Derek clear up the house and finally the poor man gets some cocoa and sympathy. Derek thinks he and Mavis are born to be victims, or at least that's the way it feels. Emily thinks it's just been a run of bad luck. Run of bad luck? That's an understatement, Derek exclaims, more like a rampant charge of total and spirit crushing disaster! Then he seems to fade and lays his face in his hands with exhaustion.

Alec is highly righteous that he is being blamed for the break in and Percy is indignant at the thought that everyone will think he is past it, he insists he did not leave the door unlocked and Phyllis defends him too. Well she would. Jack says maybe Percy was too conscientious. eh? Well after Percy points out that he checked the house on regular 4 hour shifts as any proper house sitter would do, with military precision even, Jack points out that the people watching the house would have noticed and then known when Percy would NOT have been there. That makes Percy stop and think and Ken agrees a varied routine is much better for foiling potential thieves. Percy is determined to find the burglar on his own to prove it wasn't his fault. Ken leaves the pub and notices Phil's flash car parked in front of Deirdre's house, still, at nearly closing time. He's not impressed. (Oh for heaven's sake, here we go again with the temper tantrums over Deirdre's boyfriends)

Derek arrives at Rita's to see Mavis and bring her home. He also has a surprise, he's found her mother's watch. They must have dropped it. He says he and Emily have cleared up and maybe she could think about coming home now. Mavis tells him she's sorry but she just doesn't feel like it's her home anymore, now it's been invaded and contaminated. She's staying here!


Tuesday (3144, 7 November 1990)

Morning in the street as Ken sets off he sees Phil Jennings car in front of Deirdres house. He storms into the house, wont accept Deirdre;s word that Phil hasnt spent the night, searches the house and then storms out after words with Deirdre, all in front of Tracy. Later that day, at school, Ken tells Tracy that he thinks Deirdre had Phil there all night, even though Tracy tells him no. Ken tells Tracy that adults can be devious and cunning, but Tracy retorts that her mum is not cunning. Phil drops in to Deirdre's, and she updates him on Kens actions. She tells him she is going to the solicitors to get a restraining order. But the solicitor tells her that there are not sufficient grounds for a restraining order but he will send a letter.

In the Rovers, Don mentions to Ken that he drove someone home around midnight last night - and Ken realizes that Deirdre was telling the truth. He pops over for to apologize but Deirdre will have none of it.

Mavis spent the night at Ritas and Derek drops over to say good morning to her and try to get her to come home, but you can tell by her face that she is unsure. During the day she procrastinates about going home, offering to stay in so Rita can go for lunch. Derek drops in to tell her he has all in hand at the house and suggests they go out for a meal tonight. Mavis arranges for him to pick her up at the Kabin, rather than her going home first. When Derek and Mavis arrive home after their meal out, Mavis quivers in front of the house before running hysterically into Ritas where Bet is visiting. Poor Derek is at his wits end, and does not know what to do.

Throughout the day, Alec is given a hard time from almost everyone about the trip and money that Derek and Mavis are out. Jack suggests to Alec that Derek should fiddle the insurance claim to get the money back. Bet continues to harp at Alec until he gets right snippy with her.

When Don is in the pub that night, he says to Alec that its too bad he hadn't put the trip on his credit card, because the credit card company would compensate him. You could smell the smoke as Alecs mind thinks about that!

Percy was in his glory, playing detective about the break-in at Dereks and Maviss, to the point where after he interrogated the milkman who came to collect at Emilys. The milkman was so put off he told Emily that he wasnt going to deliver to her anymore. At the Kabin, Percy upsets Mavis with more of his detective work - although he clears Rita as the newsagent!

Mark seems to be quite smitten with Jenny, to the point where he told Kevin that he would marry her. Jenny doesnt seem all that keen though, when Mark tries to find out when Angie wont be home so he and Jenny can have the house to herself.

Editorial: This episode brought to mind what an outstanding actress Thelma Barlow is and how much she is missed. Her character can be very annoying, but her acting is superb. You can really feel for her as the range of emotions cross her face. Her joy at seeing Derek after she spent the night at Rita's was truly believable.


Wednesday (3145, 9 November 1990)

Over their morning cuppa in Rita's kitchen, it would appear PM (Mavis) is refreshed after having a good night's rest. This is the second night that Mavis has spent at Rita's, still unable to go home since the burglary. When Rita reminds PM that PD has been alone, Mavis gets a bit defensive, telling Rita she hasn't forgotten Derek. Mavis' resonse is so emotional that poor Rita is left wondering what she said to upset her so. (Don't worry about it, Rita.... Don't take much!)

Percy catches up with the milkman as he goes about his rounds, delivering milk to all the houses on the street except Mrs Bishop's. When Percy finally spits out what passes for an apology, the milkman reluctantly agrees to resume delivery -- tomorrow -- *maybe*.

On his way to work, Ken passes the mailman and stopping to open the letter he hands him, reads the warning from Deirdre's solicitor. Now, I could be wrong in saying this but, most men learning that a court order will be sought if they persist in pestering their estranged wife, would probably understand that things are pretty serious. Not so RKen! He heads straight round to Deirdre's to tell her that involving solicitors is a silly waste of time and should be reserved for people who can't be civilised. She tells him that barging in to her home the way he did isn't what she calls civilised. For the umpteenth time, she reiterates that she doesn't want him bothering her, which notion he should have cottoned on to by now and incidentally, the very point of the letter! Ken, ever thick when it comes to what other people want/need, tells her that he wants her to forgive and forget and make a fresh start together. He can forget that! As Deirdre tells him, she's not up for any more "emotional persecution".

Rita comes to see Derek, hoping she can help him work out what to do to help PM. He really is at his wit's end, poor man. After all, he's been through the same turmoil as Mavis and yet, he's coping. Rita talks about Mavis feeling the whole thing more deeply as she is a woman and likens the break-in and vandalism for her, to being raped. Derek well understands the passion with which PM feels. As he puts it to Rita: "You and I might see a dead hedgehog and maybe give a sigh. But with Mavis, it's like a great gust of wind blowing through a forest -- where every branch is sorrowful and every leaf is green with pity!" He regrets that the insurance company can't recompense for the peace of mind he and Mavis have lost, as well as the material items. Rita suggests that he come up to her flat later and have tea with Mavis. She feels that Mavis might be persuaded to return home with some gentle coaxing in the light of day.

Behind the bar of the Rovers, Alec is on the phone to the Midas Credit Card Company. He's trying to suss them out on whether he's entitled to a refund for the vacation that never happened. Playing it very cagey, he's disappointed to hear that he can't claim for medical reasons (the supposed earache) but heartened to learn that he is entitled to claim on the basis of the tour agent going bust.

The Rovers now open, Deirdre is complaining to Betty about Ken's stubborn refusal to accept that their relationship is over. Betty suggests that maybe Ken still loves her but Deirdre's convinced it's more a case of his ego. (Who doesn't agree with that, hands up.... Right, no one!) Betty still thinks there's something to be said for having a warm body in your bed at night, it's years since she had male company, but Deirdre thinks *she'd* rather be lonely, thank you.

Alec slithers over to Percy as he and Phyllis are having an afternoon pint together. He wants to clarify that he wasn't blaming Percy (not exactly) for what happened at the Wiltons'. Percy states that he was doing his neighbours a favour and certainly doesn't appreciate being blamed when his intentions were good. Alec concurs completely and in fact, knows exactly how Percy must feel as he is in precisely the same boat. (Hah!) Alec leaves Percy with a pint of ale on the house by way of an apology. Bet is sceptical about Alec's uncharacteristic generosity, all the more so when he tells her he is being "magnanimous".

Phil Jennings arrives at Deirdre's to chauffer her to the town hall and she invites him in for a cup of tea. Meanwhile, Derek and Mavis are having tea too, in Rita's flat. It's apparent the very thought of coming home still upsets her and Derek tells her the situation is eating away at him. He is her man and he is taking it hard that she can't count on him to protect her. When he breaks down, Mavis sees the pain he's feeling and seeming to relent, tells him that they now need to begin a "fresh page". Derek lights up when he hears this, his wife is finally ready to resume living in their home. Uh, not so fast Derek - this is Mavis, remember? What she meant was, they should sell their home and start over in a new one! Poor Derek falls apart on hearing this and leaves in despair just as Rita arrives and sizes up the situation. With Mavis as her houseguest for the foreseeable future, she is entitled to some despair of her own. Poor Derek; poor Mavis; poor, poor Rita!

Back at Deirdre's, she and Phil discuss what effect the court order might have on the ever-stubborn Ken. Phil wants to know if his being on the scene is making things too difficult for her - does she want him to stop calling around? When she tells him she doesn't want that, he says he is encouraged to hear it.

As school lets out, Ken and Tracy are walking together but when she asks him if they can walk home together, he tells her he's decided it's time he spent some money, he's going to see about buying a car. From a nearby parked car, Phil Jennings and a friend watch with interest as Ken and Tracy part ways and as Ken heads off to the used car lot, they decide to follow him.

Bet and Alec are in their livingroom and being the magnanimous creature that he is, Alec tells her he wants to compensate the Wiltons for their unfortunate trip that never was. Suspicious, Bet harkens back to another time Alec decided to be magnanimous, the time he threw something to a busker in the precinct only to be chased halfway down Corporation Street and have it thrown back at him. She was embarrassed then and doesn't wish to be embarrassed again. She tells Alec he had better not be making an offer that's likely to insult PMD. He assures her that he is paying them back in full as it's his "nature" to be magnanimous. There's that word again. :-)

Jenny comes into the garage to see Mark and as it's obvious she's got something on her mind, Kevin takes his leave. She tells Mark that his efforts to have Angie leave so they can be alone have gone too far. (I must have missed something here. What's the lad said to Angie?) She tells him that if Angie goes, there'll be some other student to take her place and anyway, he's rushing things between them. Mark doesn't understand why Jenny doesn't want to spend time alone with him but we do... She's really only interested for what she can get, isn't she?

As Ken shuffles around the car lot, peering into windows and musing over what he'd like to be driving, Phil and friend walk up behind him and catch him by surprise. After introductions are dispensed with, ("Kenny, this is Benny") Phil proceeds to give Ken a friendly warning. If he doesn't leave Deirdre alone, there'll be tears. The car salesman happens to come out in the middle of this but turns and walks away as soon as he sizes up the situation, much to Ken's frustration. Putting the fear of God into our hero, Phil reinforces his warning as he and Benny turn to leave. He hopes he won't have to "remind" Ken again. With Phil and Benny gone, Ken's fear is rapidly replaced by indignation at the percieved threat. He whips out his notebook and takes down the plate number. The salesman returns now that the coast is clear but when Ken tries to enlist his support, the salesman says, "Men? I didn't see any men!" (Gee, do you think Ken's gonna buy a car from this man? Well, would you?)


Thursday (3146, 12 November 1990)

Percy is washing the back windows, Emily is emptying the trash. Amid this tidy picture of domesticity, pleasant words are exchanged. Percy obligingly accepts the task of returning Mrs. Bishop's library book on his way past the police station. He wants to follow up on any progress on the Wilton's break in. He dismisses Emily's protests that the professionals be left to do their job, pledging to get to the bottom of it first! Mrs. Bishop looks alarmed.

In the Kabin, Deirdre commiserates with Mavis who has told her that No4 doesn't feel like her home anymore. Her privacy has been violated! Deirdre assures Mavis that time and friends will help heal but she turns her face when Ken walks in for his paper. Ken walks out immediately with a stony face and barely a glance at the back of Deirdre's curly head. Deirdre asks Mavis to remember there is more than one way of dealing with a problem besides running away from it. She leaves and Rita tells Mavis that Deirdre is right. Mavis looks unsure and who can blame her really? Poor thing.

Bet leans back on the settee, red nailed fingers languidly holding a long ciggie holder and puffing on it elegantly. Legs crossed, blonde head laying back leisurely. What a picture! Alec arrives with a handful of bills. Bet can't understand how Alec doesn't mind handing £800 over to Derek for that non-holiday. He's never been bothered before what folk around there thing, especially when it comes to money matters! Alec shuffles and stick handles, saying he is sympathetic to the Wilton's plight, and since he seems to have come out as the villain it seems it's the price he has to pay! But £800 is more than a gesture, it's a fortune, Bet exclaims, puzzled. Alec brings it down a level and decides he could knock some off for the defamation and stress he's suffered. Bet doesn't seem to object but is still decidedly suspicious.

Mike and Alma get ready for their day. Mike is off on a business trip for a few days. Alma is disappointed their trip to Paris was postponed because Mike was too indispensable to be spared.

Mavis and Rita discuss a customer who's a recent widow. Rita turns it around on Mavis. Life goes on, much to Mavis' annoyance. They argue but Des comes in and when asked, no he's not seem much of Derek. Probably having a lie in, then, speculates Mavis. Des says, no, he's actually seen derek through the window, up and about early, doing his washing. Isn't that women's work? he teases and leaves. Mavis is somewhat put out that Derek has not been to see her if he's up already. Rita again reminds Mavis that Derek is just getting on with his life until she comes to her senses and goes home.

At the pub, Audrey and Betty discuss break ins and security systems in their respective homes. Alfeh even has a lock and chain on his wallet, Audrey jokes, been there since he married her! At the other end of the bar, Phil and Deirdre are getting their drinks and heading for a table. She relates Ken's cold shoulder treatment of her in the Kabin which surprised her. She didn't expect him to back down so quickly after his explosion after getting the solicitor's letter. (You can't have it both ways silly cow! If Ken had a clue, he'd realize that the best way to get Deirdre back is to ignore her. she always comes running, fizzy with curiosity then. I think she just likes to be pursued and have everything run her way!) Phil figures Ken's had time to think about it (with a little encouragement!). Deirdre is hopeful but baffled. If it only took one solicitor's letter, she could have done it a long time ago and had done with all the bother! She turns and Phil just tries to look innocent and says, Yeah.

Meanwhile Ken is at the police station to make a complaint. He's been threatened and he knows who one of them was! The Police Sergeant, however, outlines the case. He and his wife are separated. Wife is seeing another bloke and had to resort to a solicitor's letter to keep her ex from bothering her. He thinks the men were just trying to impress upon Ken the folly of continuing to harass Deirdre but no crime was committed. Clearly a case of a jealous ex husband, it seems the sergeant is thinking. It's a domestic matter and the sergeant also remembers another incident where Ken reported to the police when he thought his wife was missing in another domestic incident! Ken would be well advised to take heed but there's nothing the police can do. Rats! Foiled again!

Alma and Martin are trying to keep up with a busy cafe. Audrey is in the way, and inviting Alma out to a club tonight since Alf is going to a grocer's dinner. Alma isn't really interested in going to clubs and meeting fellas and having to lie to the fellas. She invites Audrey to her place for a drink instead. Audrey accepts, figuring she'll have Alma out after.

Jack ushers the last gaspers out of the pub at afternoon closing time. Staff disperse for the afternoon but Alec has a word with Jack first.

Across the road shortly after, Derek is just installing a few new locks on the front door when Jack comes to knock. Derek lets him in and Jack tells him he has a message from Alec. Derek is to come to the Rovers that evening to learn something to his advantage. Derek doesn't want anything to do with Alec. But the more Jack talks, the more Derek assumes he's going to get his money back from Alec. Shortly after, he races into the Kabin and tells Mavis the exciting news and they are joyful and triumphant as two Christmas angels. All he needs now to make his life complete is if Mavis would come home. Please? But no, she just "cawn't", Please be patient! But it seems Derek is running out of patience and tells her she's hiding away and if it goes on much longer it won't be her selling up, it'll be him! He goes off indignantly. No break for Mavis though as Percy comes in directly so Rita sends Mavis off to put t'kettle on. Percy eyes the waiting paper lad with suspicion, mentally adding the red headed youth to his list of suspects to be eliminated. He later confronts the boy, Nigel, outside but Nigel is highly indignant at Percy's insinuations and takes his cheeky self off, leaving a blustering Percy on the street.

Deirdre emerges from the corner shop and passes Ken who's coming the other way, studiously ignoring her. She can't stand it and turns and calls to him. Isn't' that what she wanted? Well she wanted him to stop bothering her but didn't expect her to ignore her completely! (See what I mean? you can't have it all!) But he protests it's better for his health that way, and proceeds to tell her that Phil and his gorilla threatened him if he didn't stop bothering her. She's mystified. Ask Phil!

Tracy later comes home from school as Deirdre is trying to ring Phil but he's not at the office nor is he home. She's left messages for him though. Tracy teases her about wanting to see Phil (romantically, so she thinks).

Ivy waits for Vera who is late for Bingo because, as Jack tells Ivy, she's in the bath. She stank when she came home from work, which he dutifully pointed out to her. Nearly put him off his sausage and chips! You know how to make a girl feel good, Jack, Ivy says sarcastically. Years of practice! yes. well.

We see that Martin has been let out on his own for the evening and he's having a drink with Des and Steph, asking them if they're ever going to have a baby. Des is game but Steph has objections. Besides, she's married to one! Heads up! Derek comes in the pub, ready to do business. Alec turns all smarmy and gets Bet to fetch the envelope containing cash. He loudly tells Derek (so everyone can hear) that he is making a "fair" retribution though accepting no responsibility for the mishap. Bet has joined him and casts a friendly smile Derek's way. But it isn't the £1000 Derek was expecting (that included an extra £200 for Derek and Mavis's pain and suffering) but only £500 cash! Alec protests that he's had incidental expenses and all. Bet and Derek's faces both fall as Derek takes the envelope, contemplating his position.

Audrey and Alma have a drink at the Baldwin flat. Audrey correctly assumes Alma doesn't want to go out because she's waiting for Mike to call (must be love!) but warns her that Mike is probably out on the town already. The phone rings, however and it's Mike, to Alma's delight! Mike tells her he's had a full day of seminars and expects the whole week to be the same. He's going to have dinner and and early night. He hangs up and it looks like he's in a hotel lobby. Alma crows to Audrey as Mike is joining Jackie in the bar!!!

Mavis wonders where Derek is. He's not at home. Rita wonders if he could be in the Rovers' making it up with Alec but Mavis is doubtful. He wouldn't go in there in the evening, not without her! Rita tries to get Mavis to go home to surprise Derek, she'll even stay with her till he comes home so she won't be nervous! But no. she just "Cawn't"!

Derek is in the Rovers. Extremely legless! he's leaned over the bar propping his head up on one arm and bemoaning the loss of Mavis to Des and Steph. After all you can't snuggle up to a budgie, can you? Percy and Phyllis discuss the paper lad's possible involvement but Phyllis warns Percy about unfounded accusations. (i have a feeling it's too late!) Bet is proud of Alec after all. But Don, having been the one to originally suggest the credit card refund for the bogus holiday, and having heard the latest from Jacko, spills the beans in front of Bet who now realizes Alec will get his entire £1200 quid back but has only given Derek £500! She chews his hide off good. He defends his expenses, namely her new frocks! She threatens that if he ever tries to pull a cheapskate on her again over clothes or holidays, she's going to write this whole story up in lights! Alec is indignant as only he can be! Bet feels bad for Derek over there with his chin practically on the bar, comforted by Des and Steph!

Nigel Chadwick RICHARD REDPATH Station Sargeant ALAN MEADOWS

Friday (3147, 14 November 1990)

Steph and Des see Derek getting the milk, in obvious agony from a hangover. Mavis is royally poed that Derek wasnt around last night when she called, nor has he been by this morning to see her. Mavis goes on and on and on until Rita finally snaps at her to serve Audrey while she goes to see Derek. At the Wiltons, Derek tells Rita about his shameful escapade last night at the Rovers, but Rita doesnt blame him at all. She is sick of Mavis staying with her and encourages Derek to talk to Mavis. When Rita returns to the Kabin, Phyllis has told Mavis all about Dereks antics last night and Mavis is so upset she has to go for a lie down. Later, Derek drops in to see Mavis upstairs at the flat, but Mavis is very unforgiving. Derek finally leaves (at his wits end) and as a parting remark, tries to guilt Mavis with talk of Harry being abandoned. After Dereks visit, Mavis tells Rita that she has made a decision but she needs Ritas help. That evening, Rita walks Mavis to her house, and with her encouragement, Mavis knocks on the door and is greeted with open arms by Derek. Rita breathes a big sigh of relief as Mavis goes in.

Percy has accused one of Ritas paper boys of being involved in the break in at Derek and Maves and the lads mother comes by the Kabin to tell Rita he wont be back and why. Emily overhears and later gives Percy what for and tells him his own home may be in jeopardy if he doesnt mind his own business. And that night in the Rovers, Phyllis and Des jump to Percys defense when the lads father threatens him.

At the Rovers, Deirdre tells Phil that Ken told her that Phil threatened him. Deirdre gets Phils version of the story and Deirdre asks him to forget it. Later that night, Ken tries to get information from Alec about Phil.

At the café, Alma is teased by Martin and Phyllis as she is waiting for a call from Mike, who is at a business trade fair. Jackie is also there, and as he tries to step out to call, she nabs him to speak with some prospective clients. Alma gets tired of waiting and finally calls, getting through from the hotel receptionist to Jackie, who quickly puts Mike on the line. Alma is not pleased to find out that Jackie is there, and Mike plays along that neither is he. Mike gets Alma to admit that she trusts him and promises her he will send Jackie home quickly.

Editorial: Mavis going home was very touching, although you really would love to strangle her at times, she is so.Mavis! And Phyllis jumping to Percys defense was great - she was ready to use her handbag!

Mrs. Chadwick: JULIE WESTWOOD Mr. Chadwick: RAY BURNSIDE Hotel Receptionist: JUNE LANCASTER
Writer: BARRY HILL Director: IAN WHITE

Originally transmitted: 16, 19, 21, 23 & 26 November 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 2 - Friday 6 November 1998
Episode Numbers: 3148 - 3152

Monday (3148, 16 November 1990)

Hi, Greggy here. :)

I'm filling in today for Diane Johnston, who is visiting Toronto this week. Actually, a bunch of us met her at a minipingfest yesterday, and it was brilliant! What a lovely bunch you all are. Especially Diane and Lori, two of the three WTN updaters.

This is my first (and last!) update by the way, so I wanted to get it all in. :)

The credits open with Eric Spear's familiar theme tune and the chimney's of Weatherfield. There's the laundry hung out to dry. There's the cat. And now we're looking down Coronation Street toward the old bricked up viaduct. A blonde woman walks down the sidewalk to our right. An elderly woman with a shopping bag walks down the sidewalk to our left. A red mini passes by right in front of us.

HEY WAIT A MINUTE, THERE'S SCAMPER! Almost ran over the shopping bag lady. Second thought, this is 1990. THERE'S SCAMPER'S MOTHER!

Today's episode begins in Harrogate, of all places. We're at a "textile conference" with Mike (hiss) Baldwin and Jackie Ingram. A silent but friendly looking waiter looks up from the enormous display of fruit that he has apparently just finished arranging and nods to Jackie as she strides purposefully toward Mike, who is wolfing down an English breakfast.

"I took you for a Meusli Man," says Jackie.

"Yeah, I normally am at home," says Mike.

So there you have it. From now on (or at least when I feel like it), Mike Baldwin will be "Meusli Man"! (ronnicat take note :)

Jackie orders coffee and toast from an unseen waiter. Meusli Man reveals that he got John Parkinson from Edmunds (?) to let Ingram's supply him with 12% of his total stock for his retail outlet. "Well that's terrific Mike!!" For some reason, they don't have sex right there in the restaurant, but you just know they are going to.

Meusli Man says that he wants to buy a new machine for the factory, and while they discuss this, he gets up to get more food. He selects two slices of toast, then he takes about a quarter of a pound of butter with his knife and puts it at the side of his plate. (!) Is this normal? I have never seen this in my entire life.

Behind Jackie and Mike, a nice looking young lady with brown hair sits alone and sips from a mug of tea. OK, pay attention now, FORESHADOWING ALERT! Mike says that he's going to spend the morning relaxing and beating a few machine salesmen down.


Mike, who is still piling food (and presumably more butter) onto his plate turns to her and smirks, "I WOULDN'T SAY THAT EXACTLY."

"HOW WAS ALMA?" Smirk disappears.

"Alma?" asks the Meusli Man.

"Well," says Jackie, "I thought she sounded a bit tense last night on the phone."

"No, she's fine," says Mike. "Don't like telyphones though. Don't know why. Her mother's like that as well."

Huh? Alma doesn't like telephones? Her mother too? Alma has a mother? Mike knows Alma's mother? So that's two things we've learned in the first five minutes of today's show. Mike is a Meulsi Man and Alma and her mother don't like telephones. And I am the man who gets to record this!

Jackie's breakfast arrives and Mike announces, "I'LL GET STUCK IN. I'VE GOT A LOT OF GROUND TO COVER TODAY." Know wot I mean? Say n'more! Ick.

The scene changes to The Kabin where Rita and Mavis are having a chat. Rita is wearing this ginormous pearl necklace contraption. Mavis tells her, "I didn't think I'd sleep a wink last night but I went off like a top." I like that expression. "And Derek was wonderful." (!) They've decided that the two of them should get back to normal.

Percy arrives and tells them that his investigations into the Wiltons' break-in are continuing. Rita gives him what-for for making her a paper boy short (he had accused the local paper lad and his father of planning and committing the burglary, with absolutely no evidence). Percy calls the boy's father oversensitive and says that he put him in his place last night in the Rovers.

"It was a good job that Phyllis was there riding shotgun," says Rita, "otherwise what started out as a burglary enquiry might have ended up a murder case." Percy doesn't know what to say, so he just leaves silently and is almost run over by a gang of "utes" playing football! I don't think I've ever seen that before on Coronation Street. Percy stands in the middle of the street and yells, "You shouldn't be playing with that thing in the street, it's dangerous!" Whereupon he almost gets run over by a Maurice Jones van. Oh the irony!! Well... Oh the attempted irony! :)

Now we're at Jim's Cafe with Alma and Audrey (and Marting working busily behind the counter - and a middle aged woman wearing a red coat and an elderly white haired man in a gray coat sat at a table - and another man in a gray coat on the phone by the counter - and a woman with big hair and a black leather coat stood at the counter, talking to Martin). By the way, I think that Sue Nicholls as Audrey is WAY better in 1998 than she was in 1990. No comparison.

Anyway, Audrey is trying to soothe her friend's concerns about Jackie being in Harrogate with Mike, but Alma is worried. "Come on," says Audrey, "She has just buried a husband you know." As she leaves she says, "Anyway, you should count yourself lucky that you've still got a bloke that women fancy. It's a long time since Alfie's given me any cause for sleepless nights. That's if you don't count the snoring!" Great Audrey line. Alma laughs.

Back to.... Percy, who is peering out the door toward the Maurice Jones van that nearly ran him over. It's across the road over by the new houses where the Wiltons' and the Barnes' live. A woman wearing a black skirt and a gray coat pulls a shopping bag on wheels along the sidewalk - this is something you don't see in Canada.

Emily comes down and tells him to close the door. Percy explains that he is suspicious of the driver. The van's been there for over an hour. "Well, they're mending the roof, that takes time," says Emily. But Percy's not having it. Doesn't she know that criminals always return to the scene of the crime? So that they can steal all the replacement articles that the insurance has paid for? Of course that's what this man must be doing.

Emily is furious! She tells him that he's not to investigate anything. So Percy decides that he should call the police. Emily tells him that if he leaves the house or calls the police, that she will evict him! "Do I make myself clear?!!" Percy hopes that she won't live to regret her stand, but Emily says "On the contrary Mr. Sugden, you'll be thanking me for saving you from having to talk yourself out of another embarrassing situation!".

Of course, if she hadn't said that, nothing would have been up. But since she did, guess what is going to happen.... You can see it coming from two miles away. Shall I tell you now? No, we'll wait to see what happens. I won't spoil it for you. :)

Over to Tracy's school. Ken stops her in the hall and tells her that he has to talk to her. Boring. "This isn't easy for me." Boring. It's about Phil Jennings. Boring.

Tracy says, "He's dead nice. He took us to a dead good bonfire. (!) He treats her (Dierdre) like royalty." Is this the usual form of entertainment at Buckingham Palace?? Hahaha. I always liked Tracy. She was a dead good little character. And Dawn Acton was a dead good actress too.

Anyway, Ken tells Tracy to keep her eyes open. Boring. About Jennings and council stuff. Boring. "Promise me you'll do this for me." Boring. Hahaha, I've always wanted to do that! (God, we're only 10 minutes in! Other stuff happened. The End. I guess I better keep going. Good, commercials! That'll kill of a couple of minutes!)

Back in the Kabin, Mavis is behind the counter and Rita is in front, fiddling with something or other. Beside her and toward us is Emily, and beside her is Bet. She is wearing a ginornous wig and a big white fur coat and because she is closest to the camera, she almost fills the left half of the screen. And she does everything she can to steal the scenes where the others are talking (eg. HUGE drags of her cigarette). I never liked Bet very much, can you tell?? :) They are talking about how ridiculous Percy and his investigations are. Bet says that Emily should get him to take a course in "high wire walking or going over gigantic waterfalls in a barrel." Hahaha, I don't get it. Bet isn't even pretending to pay attention while the others are talking, but she does do her lines at the right times.

Percy is out in the street, walking toward the van parked across the way. It has rained, but the sun is shining. Coronation Street looks beautiful. He looks behind the van and he sees.... three TVs and a grandfather clock!

In the Kabin, Bet and Mavis are chatting at the door. All of a sudden, Percy bursts in, runs to the back and grabs the phone. As he presses the numbers, he says under his breath, "ONE. TWO THREE." Now, I don't think that this is the Emergency number in England (is it??) I think that he was trying to keep track of how many times he was supposed to hit the buttons! Rita and Emily keep yelling at him as he is trying to talk to the police. "Percy!" "MISter SUGden!" "Percy!" "MISTER SUGDEN!" Don't they realize that the more they make fun of him and the more they yell at him, the more right he is going to be??? No, I guess they don't. Percy says, "The robbery is in process now."

This is where the commercial originally was, but WTN puts theirs in willy nilly, so we're right back in the Kabin, but everyone has changed positions. Percy is left front, looking out the door. The other four are behind, but of course Bet is in front with her ginormous hair, her huge fur coat, her massive earrings and her BIG leapardskin handbag. You can hardly see Emily behind her. Percy tells them to stay put.

"I just hope you're right about this burglar!" shouts Emily.

"I'm afraid I don't!" says Mavis, hers is one of the houses that may have been burgled!

Rita asks Mavis if Derek's in t'house. It turns out that he had a dental appointment. "He's back by the look of things," says Bet. "Derek?!" "His car's just pulled up." Mavis rushes to warn him. Percy stops her and voluteers himself. "Give over Percy!" says Rita. "You're in no fit state to accost a burglar!"

"Missus Fairclough," says Percy. "If I could face the massed armies of the Third Reich in defense of the realm, I can certainly go to the aid of a neighbor in distress!" Great Percy line.

He goes out and sidles up to Derek, who is getting out of his car. Derek is in pain from the dentists. Percy tells him about the break-in in progress. He wants Derek to go with him to the Kabin and wait for the police to show up. But Derek spots the burglar, over by the van.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Derek Wilton sit-com portion of todays show! "I'm not standing here and letting him get away with all my stuff again!" He turns, puffs out his cheeks, points toward the bad guy, sticks out his stomach, and waddles rapidly toward the van. The man throws him to the ground and runs off. Percy yells at Derek, who sits there forelornly and rubs his jaw. "My filling." Mavis runs over. "I think he dislodged my filling Mavis, can you see?" Thanks for watching the Derek Wilton sit-com portion of today's show!

Bet runs into the scene and tries to steal it. Everyone owes Percy an apology! Well, I never saw that coming! Fancy that! Percy was right after all! The whole thing was all Emily's fault of course. Plus, it turns out that the burglar didn't drive off because Percy had already taken the keys out of the dash!

Also, it turns out that none of the stuff in the van was Derek's and Mavis' anyway. Actually, the tree TVs and the grandfather clock belonged to Des and Steph! (?) (God, we are only 13 minutes into the show now! Only kidding. :)

The phone rings in the Cafe and Martin answers. It's "loverboy" (aka Meusli Man) for Alma. Mike is moaning about Jackie turning up in Harrogate yesterday to keep him on his toes. Thank God she's left! She went back yesterday. (Alma smiles) Mike says bye, hangs up, and walks toward.... Jackie! WHAT A LIAR!! Annie, get him! "Everything alright?" asks Jackie. "Hahaha, everythings fine!"

Let's go to the Rovers, shall we? Des is buying everyone drinks - Derek, Mavis, Emily (who caused the whole thing of course), and the hero of the hour, Percy! Betty is serving. Percy is basking in his fame. Emily apologizes (about time!). Des mentions (by way of the writers being lazy) that the culprit is now behind bars, and that it's the same man who had earlier burgled the Wiltons'. He had worked for Steph's dad when the buildings were being built, and had copies of the keys made then. Des offers Percy money, but he won't hear of it.

Bet runs in front of the camera (she's about a foot away from it). She fusses over Alec's coat as he departs, dons her fake smile, and goes over to Alma and Audrey. (Let me just say the Alec is a million times better in 1998 then here, when he was wasted as Bet's husband. No comparison.) Alma is ecstatic! Audrey was right after all, there was nothing to worry about. Poor Alma.

Dierdre is at home on the phone leaving a message for Phil Jennings. She sits down at a table covered with council business. Tracy arrives. She's wearing a dead nice blue coat over her school uniform. What she wants to know is what does the council do? Do they dole out money to businesses (and businessmen)? Sometimes. Tracy says she wants to know for civics at school. "Sounds interesting," says Dierdre. "Not really, it's like everything else in school." She's dead good, Tracy.

Back in the cafe, Alma's on the phone (with Mike). It doesn't look like she doesn't like telephones. Hey... wait a minute. HE WAS LYING!! HE'S A LIAR!! Anyway, Phyllis wants to tell Martin about what a hero Percy is, but he's heard it a million times, once by Percy himself. He came in right after the Rovers closed, "surrounded by a large collection of attractive ladies." Phyllis is down on "fair weather friends blowing hot and cold, when it suits them!" and she's off. :)

Alma says night night to Mike and tells him not to work too hard on the report he has to write tonight, she doesn't want him worn out when he gets back. Mike tells her to make sure that it's only Audrey that she's drinking with. Mike says "Goodnight sweetheart. See you.." He hangs up the phone, turns, and walks toward.... Jackie! What a scumbag. "Are you ready then? I have heard.. about alittlepubinthedales... that does the most fantastic steak." And off they go. Booo.

Steph is in The Kabin with Rita serving. I like Steph. Nothing happened in the scene by the way.

Back in the Rovers, Percy is at the bar with Alma and Audrey on his left, and Phyllis on his right. Jack gives him a free pint, even though he's already got a full one in front of him! Phyllis tells him that she's heard of the crowd of women surrounding him in the Cafe. "I have my spies." Jack says that he's jealous of him having so many gorgeous women after his body at his age. (Young man, at my age! At your age!)

Lovely Phyllis pulls Jack aside and whispers to him, "I'm the only one that's going to get him walking up the aisle."

Audrey and Alma are talking about how boring textile conferences must be. ICK! ICK! ICK! Ivy walks in. ICK! Alma suggest to her that she must be loving having the boss away. Ivy says that just because Mrs. Ingram is in Harrogate for a week doesn't mean that she has been skiving! For a week?? "She's come back today, surely", pleads Alma.

"Well, if she did, she didn't come into work."

Alma runs out of the Rovers.

Derek and Mavis are finishing dinner. Guess what, Derek's tooth is fine now. Hoorah! Everything's in the past now. Mavis wraps up the whole overacted underwritten overdramatic post-burglary pshychodrama by saying that the pain is still there, but that she'll "have to learn to live with it." Case closed.

Now we're back in Harrogate. The nice lady (played by Jane Lancaster) with a royal blue jacket and pink blouse is answering Alma's phone call.

"I'm sorry madam, I've rung Mr. Baldwin's room and I've paged him, but there's no response. There's nothing else I can do unless of course you want to leave him a message."

Alma says no thanks. "Oh, but before you go, you wouldn't by any chance have a Mrs. Ingram registered, would you?"

"Mrs. Ingram? Just hold the line madam."

And then the horrible wait. Alma looks like she is dying.

"Yes, we do have a Mrs. Ingram. Room 308. Would you like to speak to her?"

"N-No. That's fine thanks."

Alma's world falls apart. You can see it on her face.

Hotel Receptionist: JANE LANCASTER
Writer: KEN BLAKESON Director: IAN WHITE Executive Producer: DAVID LIDDIMENT Producer: MERVYN WATSON

Tuesday (3149, 19 November 1990)

Kevin and Sally are worried that Alf hasn't arranged to Sally's leaving at the end of the week. But, as it turns out, Alf has everything organized. He is keeping Sally's job open for her - and he has plans for Audrey to work in the shop while Sal is gone (but Audrey doesn,t know that yet!)

Mike and Jackie check of the hotel and Mike drives Jackie to her home. Alma knows Mike has lied about Jackie being at the trade fair and she confides this to Audrey. Mike surprises Alma at the Rovers at lunch time, home a day early. Alma is just sick all day, until that night at their flat, she tells Mike that she knows Jackie was thereand after a row, she tells him that she wants him to quit his job at Ingrams.

Don gives a taxi ride to Marie Ramsden with Jamie. It turns out that Eddie has left her. Jamie has hip problems and Marie has to take him to physiotherapy 3 times a week. Don feels sorry for her and doesn,t charge her for the ride. Later he tells Martin a nd Gail and Ivy her plight and Ivy is very cold and says it's what Marie deserves.

Ken tells Tracy that Phil Jennings has done time in jail, and that he is checking things out about him for her mum. Tracy later meets a friend, Graham, in the café and asks if his dad is weird too.

Phil drops in to see Deirdre, telling her that Ken has been inquiring about him at the police station, but Phil has friends in high places and they sent Ken packing. Phil tells Deirdre that occasionally he has to go to France or Germany on business, and that she should make sure her passport is up to date. Ken, meanwhile, heads to the newspaper offices to see if he can dig up any dirt on Jennings, and it is a former student, Linda Patterson, that is working there and helps him. She is going to talk to the reporters and Ken will drop back in tomorrow. She seems really pleased to help Ken, and tells her coworker (after Ken has left) that when Ken taught her she thought he was wonderful. Later, at the Rovers, Alec tells Ken that the Inland Revenue is interes ting in Jennings. Ken seems pleased.

Marie Ramsden: JOY BLAKEMAN Jamie Ramsden: ALEXANDER GRAHAM Linda Pullman: ROSY CLAYTON Graham Egerton: PAUL ASPDEN

Wednesday (3150, 21 November 1990)

At the Brennan household, they are making minute preparations for work and Ivy announces her intention to go to the Bingo after work. She tells Don not to worry, she'll be bringing home a bag of gold any day now. He says he'll need it the way the taxi business has been going lately. When Ivy comments that she doesn't know how young couples manage these days, Don points out that single mothers have it even worse. Ivy chastises him for going on about "that Marie" again. In Ivy's opinion, Marie should have planned things more carefully, thought about things before bringing a child into the world. Don cracks that the "Spirit of Christmas" has come early but Ivy contends there's just "too much of *that* sort of thing nowadays!".

At breakfast, Tracy is finishing up the homework she was supposed to do last night while Deirdre was out with Phil Jennings. When Deirdre takes her to task for not getting it done, Tracy turns the tables on her, asking if she has a hangover and whether her evening with Phil was a bust. Deirdre tells her that they had a fine time, thank you very much. Phil took her to Anton's, a very posh restaurant. Tracy is impressed by this, that's where her mate's dad takes all his girlfriends. She comments that Phil Jennings must be loaded, a fact Deirdre doesn't argue with. Tracy then asks if her school mate Graham, who she thinks may turn out to be just like Phil Jennings, can come for tea that night. Deirdre is surprised by the request but readily agrees. Tracy tells her mother to just make sure they don't have alphabet spaghetti for tea. Deirdre asks if burgers would suit to her relief, Tracy approves the menu.

A wonderfully scripted scene with Mike and Alma going toe to toe over his commitment to Jackie Ingram vs his commitment to Alma. He runs through the whole spiel, pointing out how hard he's worked and all he'd be giving up if he resigned now and ends by asking her if that's what she *really* wants. To his amazement, she answers with a simple "Yes". Mike shifts on his feet and tries again: "For the sake of your peace of mind, and the relationship and so I don't have to deal with Jackie again - I'm prepared to chuck the job in... Is that what you *really* want?". Yes, that is what she wants. He is frustrated by her response and tries yet again. She tells him her insecurities are festering because it's coming up to Christmas and she's recalling how he treated her last Christmas, dumping her for a blonde bimbo. He tries to brush off the notion that this would happen at this point in their relationship but Alma's not having it, she still wants him to quit Ingram's. Seeing that she's not going to change her mind, he finally throws up his hands and agrees to resign.

In Alf's shop, Audreh tells Sally she'll be glad when she's had that baby so she can get back to "useful work" like mopping up and cleaning the windows. (That's because Audreh herself would rather not concern herself with being useful!) Sally says that she'll have "a new status" when she embarks on motherhood and Gail cracks: "Yeah, mopping up sick and changing nappies!" As Audreh decides to brew up, she remarks that Alf still hasn't said anything about Sally's replacement and she wishes he's get the lead out already. While she's in the back, the girls share a giggle as Sally tells confides to Gail that Alf plans for Audreh to replace her only he hasn't told Audreh yet!

In the Rovers, Deirdre tells Emily and Liz about Tracy's friend Graham coming to tea. She is at a loss about how she'll deal with the situation. Suppose Tracy wants to take Graham up to her room to listen to records? While Liz teases her about the prospect of Tracy growing up too fast, Emily consoles her that there's nothing to worry about. Alf and Audreh are sitting at a nearby table getting ready to tuck into their hot pots. Audreh is nagging Alf to do something about finding a replacement for Sally. Poor Alf tells her she's giving him indigestion and would she please drop it for now as he's got it all in hand.

At Ingram's, the atmosphere between Mike and the widow Ingram seems pretty chummy, almost flirty. Mike is blustering with pride over the prestigious German order he's just landed. Jackie seems amused at his bravado and jokingly wonders what his achievement will cost her. When Mike suggests they have a meal together later to discuss his future, she insists that she'll cook for him at her place. She won't have him taking her out for a slap-up meal and then taking her for everything she's got. Teasingly, he tells her not to phrase it "like that". (I have a feeling he's forgot all about planning to resign after all... *smirk*)

Don has picked up Marie and little Jamie in his taxi again and is helping her upstairs with her parcels. He's taken quite an interest in her and Jamie and is appalled when he sees their living conditions. Their squalid flat, at the top of a run down old building, is in sad state of disrepair. As Marie puts the kettle on for tea, Don surveys the surroundings. He is obviously quite distressed to think of little Jamie being brought up this way.

At the café, Martin's under the gun trying to handle the lunch rush alone while Alma is preoccupied with worrying about "poor Mike" and the trouble she's caused him, asking him to give up working at Ingram's. He hasn't called to let her know what's happened and she's nervous over what might have happened. (Alma - wake up, honey. He's not going to call you and why should he? He's got you right where he wants you!)

Back at Marie's, Don attempts to suggest to Marie that there's something more she could be doing to help herself and Jamie. She's upset at his assumption that she isn't doing all she can and resents him playing the social worker when she's asked him in for tea. "Righteous indignation doesn't help the situation", she tells him.

Again in the café, Martin is finally getting his lunch break when Ken stops on his way out for a quick word. Martin casually mentions to him that Tracy's got a new love interest and Ken is surprised at the news. When Martin jokes that she's been in the café every night with an older man, we see the wheels turning in Ken's little brain as he jumps to the conclusion the "older man" is Phil Jennings. Martin sees that Ken is taking him seriously and admits that the love interest is a school mate of Tracy's, much to Ken's relief. Meanwhile, Alma's still fretting over what her love interest' is up to. She reckons she won't be able to live with herself if Mike goes ahead and resigns. Worse, there'll be no living with Mike!

Far from fretting, Mike is just now arriving at Jackie's home for their little dinner party. He is miffed when Jackie sends him away again as she's not nearly ready. She wants him to go to the off license for the wine and tells him she'll need a couple of hours to shower and get the meal on so not to hurry back. (Come on, lady, Mike doesn't care about "the meal" and neither do you!)

Very amusing scene with Deirdre entertaining Tracy's Graham. She struggles to converse with the lad but is constantly surprised at his precociousness. They go from discussing Graham's future which he seems to be taking quite seriously, even now, to how sorry he was to hear that she and Mr Barlow had separated. As she listens with rapt bemusement, Graham tells her: "These things happen. It's a sign of the times." Poor Deirdre tries to change the subject by offering him another burger. "No thanks, two is plenty." What about another coke then? "No thanks, two is plenty." She finally suggests that Tracy take Graham up to her room to listen to music. As the kids leave the table to go up, Tracy asks Graham if he's a Bobby Brown fan. When Deirdre quips that Victor Sylvester may be more to Graham's liking, he deadpans, "No, I've never heard of him."

Don has found Jamie's training cup in his cab and headed back to Marie's place to return it. Marie's very grateful as little Jamie would have been missing it soon and she again invites Don to stop and chat. They discover that little Jamie, who will turn two in a couple of weeks, shares a birthday with Don. When Marie remarks that the best present Jamie could have would be a day away from her, Don thinks it's a great idea and why don't they plan something like that? But Marie says she'd feel guilty as a day apart would benefit her more than the baby. Don suddenly realises that he's half an hour late picking Ivy up and rushes on his way.

In the Rovers, Audreh is moaning to Gail about Alf's stubborn resistance to getting a replacement for Sally, comparing him to a "mill-owner out of Dickens". She thinks he's got his head buried in the sand, hoping the situation will just go away. Gail knows better and gently suggests to Audreh that possibly, Alf has her in mind to fill Sally's shoes. Audreh says "no chance" to that notion. Anyway, she'll be far too busy with her new grandchild to be Alf's assistant. As Gail leaves, she coyly reassures Audreh that she can spare her whenever Alf needs her in the shop.

Deirdre is having a chuckle with Liz at her encounter with Graham the wonder kid, 14 going on 53. (I thought Graham was simply adorable - reminded me of a young Curly!) When Liz asks if Deirdre allowed them to go upstairs, Deirdre replies, "Are you kidding? I *sent* them upstairs!" She says she was half expecting Graham to give her 50p and send her for an ice cream! Ken comes in and sidles up to Deirdre. She's cool with him to start but when he tries to chat with her about Tracy's new boyfriend, she becomes angry. "What are you going to do, Ken - report him to the police like you did Phil Jennings?" She storms out but not before telling him she thinks he's despicable for going to the police about Phil and that he's a little old to be "telling tales"!

Still in the Rovers, Alma has now worked herself into quite a state over where "poor Mike" could be as she hasn't seen or heard from him all day. She tells Audreh she reckons he's probably holed up in some bar in Manchester, drowning his sorrows. Oh dear, what was she thinking when she asked him to quit his job?!

Not to worry, Alma. Mike is just fine. At this moment, he and Jackie are enjoying the after effects of quite an intimate meal. Candlelight, fine wine, and hand-holding as they look into one another's eyes and confess their feelings to each other. Mike tells Jackie he feels it was "in the cards". He says he realised he cared for her that day they went to look at the property she was considering buying. She thinks it started for her that day too. He wonders that they didn't come together in Harrogate when they attended the trade fair but she's glad they didn't, it would have seemed "sordid" at a hotel. But no matter, they're ready now, aren't they? He stops to pick up the bottle as they leave the table to go upstairs, in case they "get thirsty".

Marie Ramsden JOY BLAKEMAN Jamie Ramsden ALEXANDER GRAHAM Graham Egerton PAUL ASPDEN

Thursday (3151, 23 November 1990)

I'm breaking my standard of not having a personal preamble. I have to say how much i enjoyed meeting so many Guestbook and irc pals last Sunday in Toronto! I was so excited and very appreciative that so many people came to meet me! Even RLisa came from Buffalo, N.Y.! Thanks so much to Kathy (surlie) and RLori for organizing it and special thanks to RLori for playing tour guide earlier that morning, even if i couldn't persuade her to walk on the glass floor of the CN Tower with me! LOL Jan/Bubbles and I went out to dinner on Monday night in Yorkville and had a lovely visit as well and i enjoyed meeting all the crowd *SO* much. I know if i try to name everyone i will be sure to forget a name or two so i won't, rather than offend anyone! You know who you are and i send big hugs up your way, each and every one of you!

WTN Coronation Street, Thursday November 5

We open with a night view of the street and the 'Coronation Street' titles look different...i know, you don't usually see the title just as the action begins! And it begins in Number 5 . Don has just come in and Ivy is scolding him for forgetting to pick her up at 6:30. It went clean out of his head, he had another job but he looks like he's hiding something when Ivy says she rang the dispatcher, worried, and he couldn't raise Don on the radio. Fast thinking, he tells her the radio went all dodgy is all but she is not to be placated. It's not that often she asks him for a favour, after all!

Alma has dozed off, sitting upright on the sofa, waiting for Mike. She wakes when he finally comes in. It's 1 a.m.! She wants to know did he really resign?Well, he hesitates, that's what she wanted. Now she feels terrible about it all, irrational even. He milks it for all it's worth, letting her guilt increase exponentially as he baits her, telling her how he's left Jackie in the lurch. alma begs him to go talk to Jackie, hat in hand tomorrow. He has his back to her, making himself a drink and tells her that he can't promise it will work, since he doesn't know what kind of mood she was in when he last left her. And if that isn't a look on his face of the cat that ate the canary (or vice versa, if you get my drift ;-> ) then i don't know what it is!

The next morning, Ken intercepts Deirdre as she exits the shop, sarcastically asking her if he can ask a question, if that isn't considered harassment. He wants to know how she found out that he went to the police with his suspicions about Phil Jennings. Well she heard it from Phil himself (as Ken suspected). Ken moves in for the kill, musing on Phil's friends in "interesting" places and speculates that he must have a cop on his payroll, and probably a councillor or two as well. Deirdre takes umbrage, does he think she's on the take? He snidely implies that is Phil's probable long term plan, which infuriates Deirdre. She calls him sick and paranoid and he protests he is just worried for Tracy's safety. She can look after them both, thank you very much and she stalks off across the cobbles (is it possible to do that with any sort of dignity? cobbles are very hard to tread on with any sort of determination as you try not to turn your ankle or slip off one!)

Ken turns to enter the shop as Don watches from across the street. Ivy is still owly with him and decides to take the bus to work rather than take advantage of a free cab ride, since he seems to be in the habit of going places without saying where he was. He's sarcastic in return, vowing to keep a diary of his every move. They do get in the car and drive off, audibly bickering as the postman crosses the street behind the retreating car.

At the factory, it looks just like business as usual as Mike is going over some paperwork with his new secretary, Amanda-call-me- Mandy (lovely girl, tall, thin, long red hair in a thick braid down her back. Very elegant looking) Jackie arrives and requests coffee from Mandy who leaves to oblige. Jackie is all business, reminding Mike that she doesn't plan to let her personal life overflow into business matters, unlike her dead husband's habits. But Mike gives her a flirty, playful smile and wants to talk about"last night" but they are interrupted by Mandy and the coffee tray.

We see Don next outside Marie Ramsden's apartment block, holding Jamie and chatting to Marie who hides in the car when she spots the landlord. She doesn't have the dosh for this week's rent, the social barely covers food and nappies! (I thought social assistance covered basic shelter! It did later on when Mike rented number 1 to Tricia, he was paid directly!)

Emily is trying to flog hand carved and painted wooden rocking horses around the pub. The horses are made by someone at the hospital apparently but they cost 90 quid! Too pricey for Betty. Sally and Kevin come in the pub and have a good natured tease at each other. Seems this is Sally's last day at work at the shop before the beginning of her maternity leave!

Audrey comes in the cafe to get the latest update on the goings on at the Baldwin-Sedgwick abode. alma tells her that Mike did indeed resign and now she's worried he's going to resent her forever. She told him to go beg for his job back! Martin overhears and says "Strewth!" (he really did, Jubbly! LOL) "How do we men put up wi'you lot!" He is ignored. Alma hasn't heard from Mike yet today and doesn't know what's going on (deliberately, if i know Mike!). She can't call, what if she gets Jackie on the line (ever hear of secretaries?). alma is positively dripping with guilt from every pore - so bad for the complexion, darling!

At the factory, Mandy is off to lunch and Jackie returns and it's more business. He takes the hint and asks if last night was a one off, then. She didn't say that. Well, he points out, she didn't say much of anything, much less how wonderful it was and when can we do it again", you know, he's full of charm. She softens a bit and admits she's confused, is it really a good idea? He thinks they can separate personal and business "affairs" (ahem) but she's not quite sure and it hasn't been that long since Peter died. He pushes the right button, reminding her that Peter wasn't the most loyal of husbands. True, but what about Alma, she asks. (Wait for it! You KNOW what's coming....) Oh we have an open relationship, she has her life, i have mine! (Sheesh) She's unsure and feels like she's stumbling. He invites her out to lunch to stumble along with him and see where it takes them. He opens the office door with a smile topped off with "bedroom eyes" and holds out his hand to her. (You know, he really IS charming and attractive in a way. If only he wasn't such a manipulative, two-timing bastard!)

Meanwhile Alma is still stewing in the cafe (competition for the Rovers, then? LOLOL couldn't resist). She finally decides to call the factory as Gail waddles in, in a hormonally induced "fat" funk to Martin's amusement. Alma returns and tells Martin that Mike is still out at lunch and tells Gail, when she asks what it's all about, that it's a long story, hoping for a happy ending.

Sally is finishing up in the shop as Audrey is composing advertising cards for the Kabin and Post Office window. For a temporary replacement for Sally, that is. But Alf insists there is no need, there's money being paid into the building society on her behalf and it's time she earned some of it! Audrey has other ideas and you know in the end she'll have her way. She tries to get Sally on her side but Sally's saying nothing.

Don arrives with a box of groceries for Marie and refuses payment for it. Marie wonders why he's being so good to them and as she turns to the baby, he slips a couple of fivers under the edge of the box before he gets off back to work. Meanwhile in the Rovers, Ivy has been cornered by Hobby Horse Bishop and is actually persuaded to place an order for one of the rocking horses since part of the price goes to the hospital's charity. It's for Sara Lou's christmas present. Audrey and Alma arrive. Alma is practically limp with dread and guilt by this time as she still hasn't heard from Mike.

A blonde in a business suite comes around the corner, looking for an address and finds it. She rings Ken's bell just as he's putting toast under the grill. This is Linda a former student who has an "in" at the newspaper i believe. She's come with some information of sorts about Phil Jennings, as Ken had asked. There are rumours that Phil is being investigated for back taxes which pleases Ken immensely. He tells her that Phil Jennings is his wife's boyfriend, when she asks why he's so interested. He tells her the whole sordid story and she correctly deduces that he's still in love with her, isn't he? He admits he still loves her but "in love"? That's just an overheated emotion that causes you to act off balance and out of control and eventually wrecks your life! She observes that he's bitter. He feels like a fool. (looks like one too, oh yeah, and he burned his toast and all!)

Kevin comes home to find Sally busy on her first free afternoon. Not much the lady of leisure, she's been busy with housework all afternoon. She says that Alf didn't spring for a good bye gift. Neither of them are surprised and she thinks there will not be a problem with her being able to go back to work after her leave, thinking of Audrey's allergy to work! Just then there's a knock on the door and it's Audrey, wanting to apologize for bickering with Alf in front of her that afternoon. It looks like she's got more on her mind than that and sure enough, she pulls alf out of the shadows and he wheels a lovely pram into the house. He says he got so busy he forgot to give it to her before she left! Sally and Kevin are delighted with the gift!

Phil comes to pick up Deirdre for their date. He also invites her for a weekend in London. She hesitates but she's impressed when he says all the right things, acknowledging her newly independent life, freshly built protective walls and tender scars, he's just offering her a fun weekend, that's all and Ken could have Tracy for the weekend.

Don arrives home with flowers but Ivy still has a knot in her face. However, she tells him she ordered a Christmas gift for Sara if he'll go halves with her. But Don out and out refuses when he finds out how much it costs. 90 quid for a toy when there's kiddies out there starving!

Alma waits up. Again. Mike finally arrives home. He opens the wine. Why didn't he call? He strings her along, telling her it wasn't easy (looked pretty easy to me!) but he persuaded Jackie to take him back on. Alma is greatly relieved and tells Mike she loves him and trusts him and will never interfere again! She hugs him and his face is a picture of shiftiness over her shoulder!

Amanda Worsley SARAH NIXON Linda Patterson ROSY CLAYTON

Friday (3152, 26 November 1990)

Don is not pleased with Ivy, as she intends to spend 90 quid on a rocking horse for Sarah Louise for Christmas. He thoughts are with Jamie Ramsden, who has had to do without so much. When he goes to take Jamie and Marie to physiotherapy, he gets sharp words from Marie, for leaving money for her the day before. Don explains that £10 is a couple of rounds in the pub to him but much more to her. When they return from physio, Marie tells Don that Eddie is in prison, wrongly accused and convicted for thumping a copper. When Ivy gets home from work, she finds that Don is not there and she goes and does some shopping. When she gets home, she gives Don a hard time about working so many hours and no brass to show for it.

Deirdre tells Liz that she is going to London for the weekend with Phil.. When she goes round to the Kabin to cancel her papers for the weekend, she gets on the defensive with Mavis about her relationship with Phil. And then she sees Alec in the street and gives him an earful about idle gossip about Phil. Phil later gives Tracy a ride home from school, and has mentioned the London weekend to her - and she seems fine with it, somewhat to Deirdre,s surprise. Deirdre wants Tracy to stay at Lindsay's, but Tracy intends to stay with her dad.

Alma tells Audrey that Mike has got his job back at Ingram's, and her attitude has changed, and whatever it takes for Mike to get to the top she,s right behind him. At the factory, Jackie has returned from a successful meeting with a new outfit - her first since Peter died. She credits Mike for her recovery and increase in self-confidence, and has bought him a new watch in thanks for his support and encouragement. Mike gives her a kiss on the cheek in thanks. That night, as Mike is working late, Jackie comes in. Mike asks why she is here this late, and she tells him she fancied a meal out - but not on her own. And she has made reservations for them at 7:30. So off they go.

Des is in the pub waiting for Steph to get ready for their meal out, when Jenny mentions that Steph left early this afternoon from the perfume counter. When Steph comes in, Des questions her about it and Steph tells him she went for a promotions job, working a couple of nights a week. Des doesn,t think they need the money, but Steph isn't doing it for the money, but for the laughs.


Originally transmitted: 28 & 30 November; 3, 5 & 7 December 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 9 - Friday 13 November 1998
Episode Numbers: 3153 - 3157

Monday (3153, 28 November 1990)

Don staggers downstairs in the morning with an obvious hangover. Ivy gives him what for and tells him if there's something wrong, just tell her about it! He sighs, she's right, and sits down to tell her the long story. But she hasn't got time now, she's late for work! Indignantly, he shouts how are they supposed to sort it out if she won't listen? Equally indignant, Ivy points out she was home all on her own last night, he could have talked to her then rather than out pouring their money down the drain!

Mike and Alma are getting ready for work. (she does dress lovely for work doesn't she? She's got on this nice long silk blouse today with big white earrings and bracelet (though she does look more dressed for spring than November!) and really, even with a pinnie, don't her clothes still get sweaty and dirty in that cafe around the chip pan all day?) But i digress... The phone rings and it's a salesman of Mike's. He sits down in front of his open briefcase in which is the gold watch Jackie gave him last night. Alma notices it and when he rings off, asks him where he got it. He lies like a rug, telling her one of his reps gave it to him. It's not real, just a 25 quid knockoff from Taiwan. Alma offers to buy it off him for Martin's Christmas present so Mike hastily says he's already promised it to a golfing buddy. You'd almost think it was real though wouldn't you? Alma nearly gives him a heart attack when she jokes that he's going to get caught. Eh? How d'you mean? Receiving fake watches, smuggled goods!!! Nah, he kids, i'm too clever to get caught. (Now why do i get the feeling that he's just set a jinx upon himself?)

Drear (yes, Drear because she really is getting boring sniping at Ken at every turn, though yes, he does ask for it by knowing just which button to push. Still, I'm getting good and tired of her attitude.) Anyway, Drear has a word with Ken outside the Kabin and asks him if he can have Tracy for the weekend, starting Friday night. Oh anytime, he says, friday, Saturday... No Friday will suit her best and from that he deduces she's got plans which she admits. He manages to insinuate the trip to London is so Phil can see his high powered solicitors because the Inland Revenue is investigating him. She gets her back up and says if it's going to be a favour then not to bother, Emily can have Tracy. Ken smirks as she walks off, thinking he's scored another direct hit. (speaking of direct hit, Where's Mike Baldwin's fists when you need them?)

Angie's made Sally a bright pink maternity smock. Steph comes in to pick up Jenny to go to work and tells them all she's got a part time evening job as a promotions girl, flogging a new brand of cider, Pom De Lite. She asks Jenny if she'd be interested. Yeah, i'll try anything, me. Is her sprightly answer, much to Angie's chagrin. Steph doesn't need the money, she's just doing it for a laugh. They leave for work with Angie looking pensive.

Bet has invited Drear to some sort of home sales party and later has a few supporting words for her amid all the gossip going around lately. Drear tells her that the main problem is that Tracy wants to stop with Ken and he's being difficult. Bet offers to have Tracy with them and initially it sounds like a good idea but Drear decides that Ken could make a big deal of her abandoning Tracy and leaving her in a grotty pub surrounded by drunks. Oh, thanks! No, Drear assures Bet, that's only what Ken would say, not how she feels! Bet takes the joke as intended and is gracious when Drear declines the offer. She points out, though that Drear should go and to hell with the gossips, she needs to do something for herself. She can't let Ken run her life. (Listen to her!)

Alf has bought what looks like a truckload of crates of Pom DeLite cider which was on special offer at the cash and carry. I'd like to know how he fit it all in his car! Kevin and Sally come in and Kev gives him a hand shifting the boxes. And, as Audrey is nowhere to be seen (no surprise there) Sally helps out by serving a waiting customer. Mavis comes in and is horrified to see Sally working on her feet and when Alf comes back out, she gives him a dirty look and a harsh word but Alf has no idea what she's on about!

Don brings Marie and Jamie back to the depressing flat. He wasn't going to stop but Marie's shirty attitude makes him change his mind. (birds of a feather, if you ask me!) He lets her know that he heard she had been living in a different house when she married Eddie and wonders why she moved. Marie gets prickly then, telling Don to mind his own business. Later, after she's got Jamie down for a nap and Don has taken in on himself to do the washing up, she tells him that she's left Eddie. He really only wanted a convenient babysitter after all in spite of his former reputation as a dedicated daddy. She's better off alone than she was with him but she doesn't want him to know where she is when he gets out of jail!

Sally and Kevin join Mark and Des in the pub at dinnertime. Liz, Rita and Bet discuss the difficulties between Ken and Deirdre. Rita comes out on Ken's side with the opinion that he loves her still and wants to be sure she isn't involved with someone that will hurt her or Tracy (like Ken did???). Rita reminds the ladies how easy it is for someone to make a mistake. Alf extols the virtues of cider and tells Des and Mark that he can get them a good deal on a bulk order. But when he mentions the brand name, Des laughs and says his missus is working for them and can get it half price, undercutting Alf!

Ken comes to the Kabin and asks drear outside for a word. He offers to have Tracy for the weekend. Drear wonders if he plans on filling Tracy's head with gangster stories? Ken can't resist and counters with "Oh i won't mention Phil's name!". Besides, Tracy's an intelligent girl, she can see right through Phil all on her own. Not having much choice, Drear ends up saying ok to the weekend visit.

Alma's avoiding work as usual. She's on the phone with Mike while Martin's running around the busy cafe like a chook with its head cut off. Audrey comes in and Martin takes of to the men's room, leaving Alma to serve. Alma tells Audrey that Mike is working late again, meeting some consultants (get a clue!!). Audrey invites her out for a shopping trip since she's got a free night.

Gail stops in to Ivy's for a visit just as Don is taking himself off to work. He's not in much of a mood so i guess he's given up trying to tell his troubles to his wife after all. Gail asks Ivy what's up but Ivy honestly has no idea, he won't talk to her.

Jenny and Steph get off the bus after work and trot down the road. Steph gives Jenny the phone number of the bloke in charge of the promotions for Pom DeLite. Jenny wonders if she has a chance at the job. Well you don't know if you don't call. They plan to meet later in the pub and when they do Jenny is bubbling over because she got the job. She was surprised when asked for her measurements though, apparently there is a costume involved. When Mark hears this, he does a double take and gets all macho and jealous, what kind of costume??? But that's not known at this time. :)

Tracy and Deirdre have a bonding moment about the trip to London. Tracy doesn't mind at all that her mother is going without her, it would be nice not to have her middle aged frustrated mother around. Hey you! They have a laugh and a cuddle. Mother Daughter stuff.

Mike is driving Jackie home and they run into shopping traffic downtown. He decides to take her to dinner rather than sit in traffic, he knows a little restaurant nearby so he does a u-turn and changes direction. He pulls up in front of the restaurant and they go inside, laughing but are seen by Audrey who has come out of a shop across the street! Alma comes out and Audrey tells her she's seen Mike and he was with a woman. But upon description, Alma realizes it was Jackie and figures they are having that business dinner with the consultants. WAKE UP!

Phil pays a flying visit to Deirdre to confirm the weekend plans. She tells him she decided in the end to go, in spite of the gossips and Ken problems. She mentions Ken's insinuations about criminal behaviour and Internal Revenue investigations and how it would look, her being a councillor but Phil slides over that slickly and tells her he pays gossips no mind, she should too. She decides for sure and gives him a hug.


Tuesday (3154, 30 November 1990)

No one has seen Phyllis for a while, so Percy pops round to check on her. She has been poorly, with a flu bug, and is pleased to see Percy, who takes over and does some shopping for her. When he returns, he makes her some ox-tail soup (from a can, mind) and scrambled eggs on toast, which he serves to her in bed. Phyllis is so pleased to have him there, but he is his usual gruff, no nonsense self. Later, as Percy sits in the chair in her bedroom, Phyllis is talking away, but Percy has drifted off, so she covers him with a blanket. When he wakes up, its half past six the next morning and he is a grouch. His back is sore from spending the night in the chair and Phyllis gets an earful for not waking him. He heads home, and tries to sneak in without Emily hearing him, but hes caught - and she has been very worried, calling the police and casualty. Percy explains, but Emily is not convinced of the innocence of the situation. Later that day, in the Rovers, Phyllis wastes no time in telling Bet that Percy spent the night, and was most considerate.

Deirdre gets Tracy all packed for her weekend with her dad. Liz is there to see Deirdre off for her weekend with Phil, when the phone rings. Its Phil and the weekend trip to London is off. After a rant, Deirdre decides to go on her own, and arranges for Liz to drop her at the station. Tracy wakes her dad up with blaring music. Ken has plans for them later, and Tracy is agreeable as long as its not the zoo. Audrey pops up to ask if Tracy would mind keeping the music down, as it annoys Alf. No problem, Ken agrees with Alf. Tracys friend Graham has rung, and Tracy is off to see him for an hour, with a reminder from her dad to be back at 1:00. Tracy and Graham come back to Kens flat, and Ken is furious because she is hours late. Tracy wanted Graham to stay for his tea, but Ken is so annoyed, and Graham has the good sense to bow out quickly. Ken explains that he had tickets for a matinee that started 20 minutes ago, but Tracy doesnt care, he should have told her and even more importantly, he shouldnt have blasted her in front of Graham. She storms off to play her tapes loudly.

Mike has rung Alma at the café to tell her he is working late, and we next see him getting dressed at Jackies. Jackie wants Mike to stay, and as Mike has insisted to her that he and Alma are free agents, he has not much choice. He goes out to the car on the pretense of making sure its locked, and calls Alma on his mobile, telling her there was an emergency in Halifax and now theres a problem with the car., so he wont be home that night. Next morning, when Mike arrives home, he lies through his teeth about the hotel he stayed at and the problem with the car, while Alma makes him a drink and runs him a bath. Alms is a wee bit frisky - is Mike up to it?

Jenny and Steph model their promotions costumes for Angie, who is not impressed. Later in the Rovers, Jenny tells Steph shes a bit worried about the promotions event that night, but Steph reassures her.

Gail, Martin and the kiddies drop in to see Ivy and Don, but Dons not there - hes at Marie and Jamies, with a new lock for the flat door and a lot of groceries. Marie asks if his wife wont mind, but Don says Ivys not bothered with him.

Graham Egerton: PAUL ASPDEN

Wednesday (3155, 3 December 1990)

Phyllis is in the Kabin, still spreading the word about her "Angel of Mercy", Percy, or as Phyllis calls him, Dr Sugden! She tells Rita and Mavis she likes the ring of that and she always fancied being a doctor's wife... Rita's enjoying Phyllis' reverie but Mavis upsets the poor old doll but making a witless remark about what a shame it is that old people are left to rot. Phyllis indignantly informs her that she is neither "old" or "rotting"! Rita assumes her perennial role when Mavis says something daft, that of diplomat.

Jenny gets up late and starts making herself breakfast while Angie sits at her drawing board designing togs for youngsters. Again, Angie offers her opinion on Jenny's involvement with Pomme Delight and again, Jenny defends the venture as a laugh and a way to make a bit of extra dosh. She offers to cook something for Angie while she's in the kitchen, if Angie doesn't consider her too tainted, that is.

Ken and Tracy are having an outing at the bowling alley. When they spot some of Tracy's friends from school coming towards them, Ken assumes she's embarrassed about being seen with her father, although Tracy says she isn't bothered. He then proceeds to tick off the kids for having cigarettes which does embarrass her. (I know she would rather he hadn't done this but really, as a parent and a teacher, I think it would have been contrary to Ken's nature not to say anything. This may be the only time I side with Ken for a long time, but I think he did right.) Tracy objects to Ken telling the kids not to smoke on the grounds that he's not at school now. He can't understand why she should be upset, after all, if they were about to fall under a bus he'd intervene and smoking invites death just the same, albeit a slower and more painful one. Whatever his motives, Ken's not scoring big points with his daughter this weekend!

Phyllis has successfully spread the word that Percy stayed the night, which subject seems to be the main topic for discussion at the Rovers now, not to mention the source of some amusement. Jim, Liz and Audreh are all discussing Percy's "love life" and the prospects for matrimony between him and Phyllis now. (Wait till Percy finds out!)

Over in a booth, Sally is telling Jenny her opinions on the Pomme Delight affair. She thinks it amounts to exhibitionism and something she would expect from Steph Barnes but not Jenny. Jenny doesn't want to hear it, she's heard it all from "Ms Freeman".

Sipping her drink in the lounge of her London hotel, Deirdre goes over to the bar to call home. Unable to reach Ken, she calls Emily's number and Percy answers the phone. Deirdre's decided to spend another night in London and asks Percy to give Ken the message. Percy faithfully promises to deliver said message and takes himself off to the Rovers to do just that.

When he gets to the pub, after establishing that Ken's not there, Percy finds himself getting upset at the innuendo going around about his night at Mrs Pearce's. He becomes defensive when people start making suggestive remarks about their relationship. Percy soon gets fed up trying to set them straight and in the midst of the joking, he storms out, forgetting all about the message for Ken.

By this time, Ken and Tracy are home from the bowling alley and when they discover that Deirdre still hasn't returned home, Ken can barely conceal his disgust. He orders Tracy to get her school things for the next day as she'll be spending another night at his flat. "There's no telling what time your mother may come home!", he spouts with vigour.

Next morning, Mavis, in housecoat and hair-curlers, is seeing Derek off at their front door. He's off to see an out-of-town client for the day and won't be back till late, he tells her. She's worried because he's going off without breakfast, look what happened to that Mr Ingram! Derek assures her that "Wiltons are made of sterner stuff" and goes off into the world of the busy executive. She swoons a little as she calls after him that she'll wait tea for him. (Aren't they wonderful? Never saw two people better suited to each other!)

Knocking at Deirdre's door as they make their way to school and finding her still not at home, Ken's disgust is apparent. Telling Tracy he "hates to criticise" her mother, he proceeds to do just that. He lashes out about Deirdre "falling under the influence of an unscrupulous little creep" and becoming "as selfish as he is". Catching his breath, he tells her, "The world can't stop even if she's off in another orbit!", and off they go to school. (I wanted to slap Ken for this nonsense - hasn't poor Tracy had enough to deal with lately?)

Mike's busily adding up profits at his desk when his secretary peeks in to ask if he can spare a moment for a quick word with Mrs Brennan. "No such thing as a *quick* word with Mrs Brennan!", he quips, but tells Amanda to show her in anyway. Ivy wants to know what provisions there are for the office Christmas party this year. Mike tells her there won't be one this year and Amanda protests that Mr Ingram always had one. "Well Mr Ingram's not here anymore." Jackie, hearing the discussion from her office, steps in and says that some traditions are worth continuing. Mike is seething as Jackie turns to the women and offers £200 from the company to pay for the party, the remainder to be made up by the staff. Ivy and Amanda are thrilled with the generosity of the offer and thanking Mrs Ingram, they leave the office, oblivious to the steam coming out of Mike's ears.

Once they're gone, Mike ticks Jackie off for undermining him in front of the staff. She gently jokes about his male ego being wounded but he's not kidding, he's really p***ed off. She then relents, saying that she won't do it again which seems to just satisfy him until she throws him for a loop by telling him she'll leave the plans for how they'll spend Christmas entirely up to him.

At the Kabin, Rita's just after seeing a customer off when who should happen in to the shop but Victor Pendlebury. He's here to see Mavis and she's very happy to see him. When he asks for a private word she suggests they go next door for tea and while there, she can give him the tour as he's never seen their little home before. Just as Victor and Mavis are heading out of the Kabin, Derek happens in. He's back earlier than expected but his smile vanishes when he sees Victor is there. Mavis chirpily greets him and gushes the obvious, that Victor's come to pay them a visit and isn't that wonderful? Derek grudgingly agrees, "Oh yes - wonderful." Off they go then, Mavis and Derek can show Victor their cozy little home together.

Across the road, Deirdre's just arriving home by taxi as Ken and Tracy are returning from school. They stop in front of her door and as Deirdre steps out of the taxi, Ken lights into her about her irresponsibility. She doesn't know why he's so upset, didn't he get her message? The wind now taken out of his sails, Ken stands gawking as Deirdre and Tracy let themselves in the house. Typically self-absorbed, he goes off to his own home mumbling to himself, "Good-bye Dad. Thanks for a nice weekend, Dad." (I'm sorry but who is he kidding? What was nice about the weekend >from Tracy's perspective? Is it any wonder this kid ends up on drugs?!)

Steph's just getting up from the dinner table as Des jokes with Mark about going along on the Pomme Delight promotion to watch the girls do their thing. Steph tells them she doesn't know where they'll be and even if she did she wouldn't tell them as she doesn't want "groupies" along. When she goes upstairs to change, Des decides going along to watch wouldn't be such a bad idea after all and what's Mark doing around 7 o'clock?

Having given Tracy her 'souvenir' from her weekend in London, (something she bought at Harrod's) Deirdre gets to hear all about Ken's antics over the weekend, including but not limited to, the scene he made in front of Graham. Deirdre thinks Ken may be uneasy at the prospect of Tracy having her first boyfriend, fathers always are. When Tracy asks her about her weekend, Deirdre tells her that she ended up going alone and that she had a smashing time.

At Jenny's and Angie's place, Jenny and Steph sit making up their faces in preparation for their debut as Pomme Delight girls. Sally and Angie sit together on the sofa and Angie is once again lecturing on the evils of going out in public dressed as "apple tarts". She feels that while nudity is natural, dressing for sexual titillation is entirely different. She cautions that the male patrons may just think there's something more on offer than a free drink. Steph tells Angie that she's starting to get up her nose and Sally interjects that she thinks it's all a question of respect. Jenny tells Sally it's easy enough for her to talk of respect as the "smug little mum-to-be" with a husband to support her. (Shut-up Jenny!)

Phil calls around to see Deirdre but she gives him a very cool reception, refusing to allow him in. When he expresses surprise that she went to London without him, she blows up at him. Lumping him in with Ken, she tells him she's sick of being patronised and treated like a child by both of them. Phil tells her that he has nothing but respect for her and wants to know if they can do something for the evening. She sends him away with a flea in his ear and when he says he'll call sometime she tells him to "Just do that.", seeming not to care whether he will.

Des is watching for the girls' departure from behind the drapes and is chagrined when he sees them drive off in the car. He reports this to Mark, leaving me to wonder whether he expected them to walk to wherever they were doing their promotion.

Percy comes home to find Emily waiting for him. She has a grievance with him but it looks like he has a bigger one with her. He's upset at having become a laughing stock when all he did was look after a sick woman, no more than he'd have done for a sick cat. He relied on Mrs Bishop not to say anything about his night with Mrs Pearce and now he feels betrayed. Emily protests that she certainly hasn't said anything about it, leaving Percy to conclude that Phyllis must be the culprit. (Lookout Phyllis!)

Emily then tells him that he's caused "a great deal of distress" by forgetting to give Ken the message that Deirdre requested him to. Poor Percy. He didn't forget, he just got so wound up at being teased that it went clean out of his head.

Derek and Victor are coming into the Rovers together as Victor has requested a "man to man" consultation. Derek apologises for his earlier abruptness but not to worry, Victor understands perfectly. If he had a wife like Mavis, he would "guard her jealously too, like the precious jewel that she is". He did have a particular reason for wanting to talk privately with Derek. He has something he wanted to tell Mavis but now thinks it will be more fun for the two to tell her together, tomorrow.

Phyllis is at the bar when Percy returns to chastise her for giving out the impression that something's going on between them. She croons to her "Angel of Mercy" but Percy's not feeling very angelic at the moment. As he confronts her, she innocently protests that she only told people "the truth". While he blusters that she's letting people think he spent the night, Phyllis comes back with, "But you did spend the night". "Only because you were ill and don't make it sound as though I weren't a perfect gentleman!" With that, Percy storms out again, Phyllis calling after him, "See what a gentleman he is? He's only trying to protect my reputation!" Bet leans in and tells her she thinks she's blown it just now but Phyllis smiles and tells her, "No, it's good for his male ego."

With Derek and Victor still at the Rovers, Mavis is fretting about what might be going on between them. She tells Rita there's no telling what "hot-headed and impetuous" Derek might do if sufficiently riled. Rita thinks Derek and Victor are more likely enjoying a few drinks and a dirty joke or two. When Derek cavalierly strolls in, Mavis seems almost as disappointed as she is relieved that he and Victor didn't come to blows over her. He jovially announces that Victor will be over tomorrow for a "neighbourly noggin" as he has something important to tell Mavis. On her way out, Rita cracks that Mavis had better start polishing her "neighbourly noggin kit".

Back at the Rovers, Alma tells Audreh (with Alf) that she has a Christmas holiday in mind for her and Mike. She plans to surprise him with a trip so they can spend some quality time together, possibly Madeira.

Meanwhile, as Mike is cuddling with Jackie, she's envisioning quite another holiday for Mike, one with her. As she talks about sharing long walks in the country and vintage champagne together, Mike seems to be miles away. He can't spare the time away from the factory, he tells her. Jackie thinks the factory will carry on just fine without them, he's worked hard these last months and he really deserves some time away. A strange look now crosses Mike's face. Is he puzzling over what to tell Alma when he goes off on holiday without her? Or could it be he's actually feeling guilty about leading a double life?

Amanda Worseley: SARAH NIXON
Written by ADELE ROSE

Thursday (3156, 5 December 1990)

Mavis and Rita are curious to find out about Deirdre's "grabber granny" weekend in London. She's a bit vague about all the details but does brag about shopping until she dropped and treating herself to a posh tea on Park Lane. She finally admits she went to London on her own after Phil had to back out. Well, Why not? (why not, indeed!) Mavis is shocked (and a little admiring of Deirdre's bravery i think).

Clive Parnell's the name, promotions is the game, did anyone tell you i was coming? Such is the way he introduces himself to Alec in the pub. Alec has no idea, there was no star over the manger! Apparently Clive got the go ahead from "Nige" at the brewery to hold a Pom DeLite promotion at the Rovers tonight, a last minute schedule change. He's even bringing a bit of rump on the hoof, the Pom Pom DeLite girls!!! I don't know what's more annoying, Clive's pompous poncy attitude or his sticking a white medicated inhaler up a nostril every 2 minutes!! Alec agrees to host the promotion though Bet's not too keen. Des arrives and has a squizz at the promotions ads and he and Mark are "DeLited" to find out where the Pom Pom girls will be showing their wares tonight!!

Tracy walks the school ground with her father, still criticizing him for showing her up in front of Graham. He apologizes but she doesn't think he means it. He doesn't want her to have a boyfriend. That's not it at all, he protests, he knows he can't stop her from growing up after all. She thinks he's just trying to get back in with her so she'll spy on her mother for him. He protests that too, especially when she (correctly) guesses he was taking it out on her because he didn't want Deirdre to have a boyfriend of her own. He just doesn't like her mother to go off with some sleazy criminal. But she didn't.... Tracy finally gets a word in edgewise around Ken's patronizing protests and tells him her mum went to London on her own after Phil had to call and cancel. (Now i wonder what he's going to do with that little bit of information!)

Meanwhile, Deirdre opens the door to see a lovely bouquet of hothouse flowers and Phil peeking out from behind. She grudgingly lets him in though isn't sure she'll forgive him just yet. "When God forgives you, I will and i haven't heard from Him yet" is how she puts it. He thinks they should just write last weekend off as a disappointment but she's not doing that. She had a wonderful weekend on her own. He's put out at that, probably hoping she would have moped about alone. Now he's definitely got to make it up to her but she informs him it better be more exciting than a weekend in London, she's done that, after all. She puts one of his flowers in his buttonhole and it looks like all is forgiven.

Steph tosses something from a box into the microwave and rushes about getting ready for her evening job. Des asks where she's working tonight (with a knowing twinkle in his eye). She doesn't know, never does until she gets there and he's obviously keeping schtum. Later when Jenny and Mark arrive, the lads hope to get a look at their "penguin" outfits but it's not to be. The ladies rush off. Des confirms that Mark didn't tell the secret either and he makes a few phone calls to his mates for an audience for the evening's show.

Mavis is examining food articles in the shop that might be suitable for h'or d'oerves (i know i spelled that wrong but you know what i mean... munchies for the cocktail hour). Audrey reckons that food is always good to have when you are afraid you'll have nothing to talk about. Mavis doesn't think Audrey ever has that problem but hastily covers when she realizes she's put her foot in it, telling audrey it's just that she is always so confident, she wouldn't have to lean on Twiglets to the same extent. Mavis confides that having Derek and Victor in the same room might be a bit of a trial. If they were stags, she'd constantly be untangling their antlers. Audrey laughs and describes Alf's antlers, what he does have, as rather wobbly!

Jackie enters Mike's office and there's more lovey-dovey two timing slick lines out of Mike's mouth and lovesick ones out of hers as they make evening plans to go to the cinema and sit in the back row holding hands. (GAG) Later they are seen to be sitting in the car outside the cinema, having missed the starting time. Jackie wants to get chips and eat them in the car. Nostalgic tonight, are we? Mike observes. She just doesn't want to take him back to her home and then have to let him leave again. He can't stay tonight anyway, the word "Alma" hanging unsaid in the air, so they make plans for tomorrow night instead. (Alma has to cotton to this soon! Corrie never lets things carry on too long)

Derek nervously jumps as the doorbell rings. He ushers Victor and a woman in. The woman is small, has rather bird-like features and movements, she has rather over teased and backcombed hair somewhat reminiscent of a laquered hair-helmet such as my mother wore in the early 60's. (such was the style then, after all.) Mavis comes downstairs and is taken aback at this fluffy human being which Victor introduces as Mrs. Pendlebury, his wife! Mavis puts both feet firmly in it this time, by admitting she thought he was going to say it was his mother! She didn't mean Yvonne, which is her name, looked old enough ... Well she stutters and stammers her way out of it. Victor is proud as punch at his lovely bride who flutters apologetically, rather like someone else we know! :) He tells them they were married three times in one day, once in the eyes of the law, once in the eyes of the church and once on the moors in the eyes of Yvonne's friends who happen to be Yorkshire Druids. Druids?! Exclaims an astonished Mavis, not quite sure what to say! They are properly introduced and the two women touch each others fingers in a rather limp wristed half-shake and half-wave with fluttering fingers, the both of them as their hands part. Too funny!!!!

A minivan parks in front of the Rovers and two of the three Pom Pom DeLite girls object. it's their local and they aren't parading their green tights in there. Clive and his inhaler insist that would put Jenny and Steph in breech of contract and they wouldn't get paid! They end up going through with it.

Inside, A group of Des's mates arrive to join Des, Mark and the Websters as Alma is moaning to Audrey in the next booth. Audrey thinks Alma ought to look for another man, and that might put Mike to rights if he thought she was. Audrey suggests Ken Barlow which makes Alma dissolve into fits of laughter, You've got to be joking!!! (your tune will change soon enough, ladeh!)

Alec announces the Pom Pom DeLite girls who bounce in spritely in their green tights, sparkly bowler hats and long obnoxious apple earrings. Steph is furious as Des and his mates get the first laugh at her reaction. Tunes here soon change too. Rita later observes Jenny taking questionnaires but tells her she herself has had some pretty bad jobs in her day... but not too many. Des begins to turn greener than the ladies' tights at the sight of Steph smiling and laughing while she's filling out forms and giving out samples and coupons.

Over at the Wiltons', Yvonne is pasted to Victor's side, Mavis is looking a tinge green herself and Derek is his usual self. Victor makes plans for the four of them to have a nice lunch out tomorrow. Mavis begins to object but Derek accepts for the two of them, to Mavis' annoyance. A bit later, Mavis shows Yvonne to the "Little Girls' Room" and Victor admits to Derek that he was attracted to Yvonne because she is very like Mavis, they could be sisters!

Over at the Rovers, Des erupts, climbing out of the booth and pulling Steph away from her admirers. He insists she quit her job and a huge row ensues. After he orders her to take off her uniform she begins to do just that, in the middle of the Rovers, much to the "DeLite" of some and astonishment of others. Des gives up and storms out, followed shortly by Steph.

Mavis is vigorously rattling dishes and pots in the sink and Derek is drying up. Between the sounds of two slammed doors from next door as each of the Barnes' arrives home, they discuss the evening. Mavis likens Yvonne to a wet piece of string, what on earth can Victor see in her? Derek tries to tactfully point out that Victor was attracted to Yvonne because she put him in mind of his beloved Mavis. Perhaps just a slight superficial resemblance? Mavis should be flattered, really! Mavis is not flattered, outraged actually, that someone should bear any striking resemblance to a woman with the personality of last week's lettuce and the looks to match. Her bright pink marigolds are flung off and yet another door is slammed. This one the kitchen door in Derek's face!

Clive Parnell - CHRIS HUMPHRIES Yvonne Pendlebury - MARY HEALY

Friday (3157, 7 December 1990)

Well, the bad VCR gremlin taped over this episode, but I did watch it before that happened. So here is what I remember. But the VCR gremlin was kind enough to leave the last few seconds intact of the credits.

Derek and Mavis go for a lunch in a lovely restaurant with Victor and Yvonne. Mavis acts smugly superior towards Yvonne, and Derek does his best to be charming, but at the end of the lunch, while the ladies are powdering their noses, Victor accuses Derek of not liking Yvonne.

It is the Christmas party for the factory, and Mike makes his presence known by shutting down the DJ as the party hasnt started yet. He the opens the bar and gets things rolling again. Ivy and Laura keep a wary eye on him, especially when Jackie arrives. Mike is all around obnoxious to everyone but Jackie. Jackie makes a speech to all about how grateful she is to Mike about the support and contribution he has made since Peter died. Laura wins a bottle of wine, and Ivy goes to get a corkscrew out of the office.but as she enters, she sees Mike comforting Jackie. Now, Jackie was just feeling emotional over Peter and the time of year, and Mike had only offered her his shoulder, but Ivy is very embarrassed and backs out of the office.

Clive Parnell is at the Rovers, flogging Pomme de Lite, while at the Barnes, Des is having a go at Steph about the costume she has to wear for the Pomme de Lite promotion, and about all the men leering at her. Des is tired of yet another microwave dinner, and he wants her to stay home but Steph is going! Des threatens not to be there when she returns. And when Steph returns, at 2:45 am (I dont know why I remembered that!) she finds a note from Des in the microwave saying "Ta Ta".

Clive Parnell - CHRIS HUMPHRIES Yvonne Pendlebury - MARY HEALY Victor Pendlebury - CHRISTOPHER COLL Laura Collins - LYNDA ROOKE Waiter - PAUL KISSAUM Disc Jockey - AL ROCKWELL

Originally transmitted: 10, 12, 14, 17 & 19 December 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 16 - Friday 20 November 1998
Episode Numbers: 3158 - 3162

Monday (3158, 10 December 1990)

Ivy has a big righteous on about what she saw in Mike's office last night at the Christmas party (Mike and Jackie having a snog). Don thinks it just might be a party thing but Ivy is on a roll. Is that woman out of her tree? And only 4 months since Peter died! She feels sorry for Alma and how on earth is she going to be able to look her in the eye in the cafe? Don explodes momentarily, Don't go in the cafe, then. He's exasperated but he calms down, try to see sense, it's probably just two people having a kiss and a cuddle at a Christmas party! Ivy is surprised that Don would give Mike Baldwin the benefit of the doubt but Don asks her to drop it for her own sake as well as for him. It could cost her her job if she started telling tales.

Sally opens the curtains and lets in the sunshine, which wakens Des who has kipped on the settee. She offers him coffee and toast and he apologizes for landing on their doorstep, drunk, looking for a bed at midnight! he doesn't remember much of what he said so Sally fills him in. Something about teaching Steph a lesson. Not much of a lesson, then, he figures she didn't even miss him. Probably rented out his side of the bed! He promises not to bother them tonight but Sally is more concerned that Steph will be worrying where he is. Not a chance, Des laughs ruefully. Sally wonders if it has to do with the promotions job but Des is not really saying too much right now.

Mike talks tough on the phone and Jackie arrives, talking business. But the door is soon shut and the talk turns to last night. Mike is concerned that Ivy will have the story all over the shop floor by now.

Jackie is unconcerned. Even if she has, the gossip will die down in it's time. Besides they're both free agents, right? erm. right. They are interrupted by the secretary, Amanda with more business stuff just as Jackie has her hands all over Mike's face, which Amanda has seen, i do believe.

Over at Bettabuys, Kim deals with and then feels sorry for an elderly senior who is pinching pennies even at this time of year. Curly is more concerned about Christmas plans. Kim witters on about Presents and Christmas dinners when there's really only one Christmas Box that Curly wants to be given! ;) Later he corners Kim in the stockroom and manages to get his point across, through all her going on and on. He want's to "get to know her better" this Christmas, have some time alone. She gets fed up, not that again but he persists, The only thing he wants for Christmas is her! (Too much pressure, Curly, Lad, it's going to backfire, mark my words! For a liberated man, Curly you should understand that No means NO)

In the Kabin, Des is trying to get Rita on his side of the promotions argument. But though she doesn't think this job is the best for Jenny, Jenny is a grown up and can make her own decisions, even if it does mean wearing skimpy costumes to sell fizzy drinks. She's not interfering, he's going to have to deal with his wife on his

own. And she gives him a bit of advice. The more he pushes, the more she'll dig her heels in, just let her back down with dignity. Des, in his testosterone-poisoned youth, decides the best way to teach a snapping dog to behave is to keep it on a tight leash. Oh really? I think Des is about to get bitten!

In the pub later, Kevin orders a lager and lime for Sally. Jack comes in for abuse when he says that lime can bring on labour and Bet reckons he ought to try some then, sometime! Kevin brags that he's the only man in the ante natal class what's got the breathing right and he wouldn't miss the birth of his child for the world! IN the booth, Sally asks Mark how he feels about Jenny's exhibitionist job, doesn't he get jealous with all those men whistling at her? But Mark, wise beyond his years (even though he has the ugliest haircut these days!) says they can go at her all they want, she still comes home with him afterwards. Very sensible. (now if we could just do something about that hair.... long sideburns and all his hair combed forward into bangs. Yuck!) His mature attitude makes Sally think.

In the cafe, Martin has a chat with Angie, mentioning that Alma's heart isn't in her egg frying today (is it most days?). They disagree about Jenny's job which Angie thinks is degrading exhibitionism but Martin thinks is an expression of free speech. Later on in the day, Martin finally sits Alma down for a break. She won't say what's on her mind but he offers to do the washing up so she can go home early, if it will make her feel better. That, she says, is undecided until she sees what awaits for her at home.

Back at the factory, just at dinnertime, Mike waylays Ivy. Before he can get much out, she smugly tells him she knows what he's going to say, that it wasn't what she thought (that kiss last night that she

saw) and he'll have a grand explanation or excuse anyway. He acknowledges she knows him like a book. She assures him, with a great deal of sarcasm, that she's not a gossip and anyway, doesn't want to see Alma hurt. He says she's right, it wasn't what she thought and it's none of her business anyway, but has she told anyone else? No. not Don? She says he doesn't have to worry about Don, spitting out So You're safe as houses, aren't you? (safe as houses. in a show where a house, Number 7, collapsed!)

Don meanwhile, is returning to Marie's after Jamie's hospital visit but they encounter the gas man. Marie hasn't paid her bill in several months in spite of many attempts to contact her. The gas man wants to put in a taken meter, he has no choice. Don tries to talk him around. If Marie can't afford to pay the bill, how can she afford tokens? He ends up giving the man £25 against the £90 outstanding amount and the man gives Marie a last 48 hours to pay the balance. Marie is upset, she can't pay him back but Don says, he'll sort it out.

A brief encounter between Ivy and Jackie. Ivy needs the time cards signed and Jackie tries to hint at finding out what kind of talk keeps

the women on the floor occupied all day long. Ivy, uncomfortable, just says it isn't much if you even bother to listen.

In the corner shop, Audrey is clucking over her pregnant chick. Don is intently gathering groceries while the others chat about Christmas shopping. Jack wonders if Don has been working so much, he must be flush and then asks for a loan of a tenner for a card game. Don loses it and gives them all hell for being ungrateful that they have so much, shopping, card games when some can't afford anything for Christmas. He pays and goes, leaving the others astonished!

Mike finishes some dictation. Jackie comes in and says she's off for the afternoon. They are all business-like but then Mike is horrified to hear Jackie tell him she'll see him later at the house, in front of the secretary who gives Mike a knowing smile.

Jenny and Steph are about to have a coffee after their day job. Des comes down, packing a duffel bag for something or other and asks Steph again if she's going to give up the promotions job. But she won't be told what to do and they row with poor Jenny caught in the middle. Des threatens to make her give it up and storms out with Steph howling after him. She's more vulnerable than she lets on though and Jenny realizes that Des didn't come home last night. Steph seems a bit upset and thinks he might not come home tonight after this. But she goes upstairs to get her kit for the night's promotions.

Don returns to Marie's later. He's paid off her gas bill and she gets upset again because she'll never be able to pay him back for this and all the other bits of cash he's given her. What does he want from her anyway? He doesn't understand until she moves in, saying she doesn't mind... Then it dawns on him what she was willing to do in repayment and he gets up all hurt, embarrassed and shocked. He really did just want to help! Why did she go and do that for? She cries, he leaves.

At Jackie's later, Mike is furious at her. He's been running damage control all day while she's been dropping hints left and right about their involvement. They agreed to be professional at work, what's she playing at? She's convinced that Alma means more to him that he was letting on, judging from his panicked reaction at being caught last night and she won't be the bit on the side. She orders him to tell Alma about them tonight lest she find out from someone else. But Mike balks at the ultimatum and angrily leaves.


Tuesday (3159, 12 December 1990)

Des arrives home just as Steph is off to work. He wants to talk, but shes not letting him and his male ego interfere with work, so she leaves. Later that day, Des mopes in the Rovers, while Sally, Kevin and Mark discuss he and Stephs problem. At the perfume counter, Steph is telling Sally about Des, when who walks up but Des - who still wants to talk. Steph tells him this is not the time or place, but Des blurts out that he wants to start a family. Steph tells him to leave or shell throw something at him. When Steph comes home from work that night, she finds Des standing in the corner, with a big dunce cap on. (At least I think the "D" on the cap stood for dunce, could have been "dad"?!) Later that night, Steph and Des have made up (who could resists a man in a dunce cap) and are having a snuggle. Des brings up the starting a family topic again, and Steph tells him she has only agreed to discuss it, but our Des wants to start practicing.

Ivy wants Don to go to Christmas Caroling with her tonight, but he wants to work. Ivy tells him her Christmas Club at Bettabuys has £85, but Don isnt interested. Hes not interested in a night in with Ivy instead of Christmas Carols either, so he heads off to work. Later that day, Don and Ivy are finishing their tea and Don is rather short with her (not a reference to his height, but his temper) and Ivy insists that he talk to her. He tells her he cant talk to her, as her religion always interferes. She drags out of him that he is worried about Marie, that she might be led into wicked ways because she is so poor and has so many debts. Ivy is insistent that no matter what, Marie shouldnt do that. Don takes Ivy round to Maries flat, where Ivy feels so badly for her and Jamie that she invites Marie to stay with her and Don - over Christmas and maybe longer.

In the lunchroom at Bettabuys, Curly is telling Kimberly that he, she, both of them are in control, and so all Kimberly has to do when Curly tells Vera and Jack about their Christmas plans is nod and smile. (How do we know that Curly has other than innocent intentions?). At the Rovers that night, Vera is grilling Kimberly about Curly, what do they do when they are alone - oh, their only alone in the car, what is Curly like then. And Kimberly (either in total innocence and naiveté or just plain stupidity) tells Vera that Curly is very gentle in the car - after all, that is the way to make a car last! Anyway, Curly brings them their drinks and he tells Vera their Christmas plans: Christmas eve at the Taylors, Boxing Day with the Duckies. And oh yes, Christmas Day and Christmas night, and actually Christmas Eve night with his family in Crewe, that means two nights. . (How do we again know that Curly has other than innocent intentions?).

At the factory, Mike is in a right foul mood, shouting abuse at Ivy and company, and tearing a strip off of Jackie, rather nastily, in front of everyone on the factory floor. He shouts again at Ivy and then leaves. He heads right to the Rovers, it seems, to bribe Phyllis with a large drink to do him a big favour. He then heads to the café, where Alma is telling Martin she is on top of the world. In comes Mike, with Phyllis in tow, to replace Alma for the afternoon as he has taken the afternoon off from the factory. They go to a posh hotel, with a piano player and yummy looking desserts, and a heart to heart. Alms confides in Mike her insecurity as far as Jackie is concerned, but he insists that Jackie is only his boss. (Lying, stinking, rotten, two-timing..whoops, better stop.) Mike tells Alma she is very special to him and will always be.

Brenda Thornton: MAGGIE TAGNEY

Wednesday (3160, 14 December 1990)

Ivy's on a mission now that she's met Marie. As she and Don sit at the breakfast table, she enthuses about having Marie and little Jamie with them for Christmas. Don's kind of quiet on the subject and seems a bit reluctant about the whole idea. Since Don will be taking Marie to the hospital for their appointment later in the day, Ivy makes him promise to tell Marie that she really meant it when she extended the invitation yesterday.

Things are much friendlier in the Barnes household now that Des has accepted what Steph does evening to make a little extra money. As they munch their toast she asks him if he really doesn't mind now and he assures her that he not only doesn't mind, he loves what she's doing. She's got a very satisfied look on her face as they clear off for work together.

Alma greets Martin in the café with an apology for not coming back to work yesterday, Mike had other plans, she explains. No problem as far as Martin's concerned, Phyllis and he got on just fine. Martin takes Jack's order to him and when Martin remarks that Jack certainly can't be on a diet, Jack explains that he needs a full English breakfast because being married uses up a lot of calories. (???)

Audreh rushes in to the café and anxious for an update on the situation between Alma and Mike, asks Alma to meet her in the Rovers for lunch so they can catch up. Alma says she'll be there if she can manage to get Phyllis to stand in for her again.

In the factory, Ivy has waylaid Mike to ask for a couple hours personal time off. Jackie steps up and briskly informs Mike that some contracts have been forwarded to his office for his signature. He just as briskly thanks her and she goes on her way again without so much as a smile or a nod. Ivy puzzles for a moment before concluding what she just saw between Mike and Jackie was all an act for her benefit. Mike corrects her, telling her not to flatter herself. He goes as far as to say that's the way he and Mrs Ingram always speak to each other these days and the less they speak the better as far as he's concerned. Granting her request for the time off he leaves her to puzzle over what's changed between them.

In Bettabuys, Curly takes Kimberly aside and attempts to coax her into accepting his plans for Christmas. He begins by telling her that instead of going to his parents on Christmas day as originally "planned", he would like for them to spend the day alone at a hotel. Kimberly is aghast at the idea of spending Christmas away together in a hotel instead of with family. Vera interrupts their tete à tete to tell them to "get back to work" and when Curly protests that they were discussing work, she says she was only joking, that it's been said to her so often she just wondered what it would be like to say it to someone else. As Curly takes leave to get back to work, Vera asks Kimberly if she knows what Curly wants for Christmas yet and Kimberly tells her she has a good idea!

Gail stops into the café for a cup of tea and Alma joins her to bring her up to date on the situation with Mike. Alma's on cloud nine over the way Mike's been treating her lately and she figures the worst is behind them now. As she tells Gail, "I have the most attentive, the most considerate lover you could ever imagine!" Gail quips back, "Oh, does Mike know?" Alma's too bowled over by love to 'get' it. When she sees Phyllis come in, she jumps up to ask her to fill in for her again this lunch so she can go meet Audreh. Too late, Martin's got dibs on Phyllis - she's going to be covering for him this afternoon so that he and Gail can get in a bit of Christmas shopping while the kids are in school.

Ivy's time off is for the purpose of paying a visit on the quiet to Marie. She wants to reiterate her offer for Marie and little Jamie to come and stay over Christmas. Marie seems reluctant but Ivy does her best to convince her that she and Don would be delighted to have them. She wants her to take some time and think about it before letting her know and Marie agrees to call soon. Ivy says she doesn't want Marie to think she's just a "nosey old woman trying to run her life" for her and Marie assures her that she doesn't think that at all. (Wait till you get to know her a little better, Marie, then say that!)

Mike's at the perfume counter in the department store and Steph has just sold him a bottle of expensive scent, presumably for Alma. Mike asks her not to mention it to Alma should she run into her and Steph tells that discretion is assured. After he leaves, Jenny asks if they are still doing the Pomme Delite promo that night and Steph says of course they are. Jenny asks then if Des is okay with the idea now and Steph says affirms that he is.

Jenny naively wonders why Des had a problem with the job when Mark didn't, so Steph gives Jenny a lesson in the contradictions of men's thinking. Mark, being a bachelor, takes pride in knowing that other blokes fancy Jenny because he knows he's the one taking her home at the end of the day. The difference is that Des is a married man. Other fellas wouldn't want their wives doing the job and therefore, they think Des must be pretty pathetic as he can't stop Steph from doing it. Jenny thinks that's just "schtewpid" and Steph agrees but, she says, that is just the way men think.

Still, Jenny comments, the main thing is that Des has come around and accepted what Steph does. Steph doesn't believe for a minute that he actually likes it, just that he's putting up a brave front about it.

Des is, at this moment, in the Rovers getting ready to tuck into a hot pot when he's accosted by Jack who complains to him about all the money he's lost at the bookie's over the last week. Betty tells Jack to lay off Des, it isn't his fault if Jack throws his money away on the horses.

Rita and Audreh are down the bar a ways and Audreh's complaining about Alf keeping the shop open in spite of the fact that he claims people don't have any money to spend this close to Christmas. To her it would make more sense to shut up for a week since folk have no money!

Gail and Martin come into the Rovers and seeing Audreh at the bar, they tell her that Alma can't make it for lunch after all. Audreh remarks that she thought Alma was going to get Phyllis to pinch hit and Martin quips, "That's what Alma thought, too!"

Sally eases herself into a booth seat beside Kevin, saying she feels like she's been pregnant forever. When Des comes over to sit with them, Sally says she doesn't even want to see Steph with her trim figure these days. Gail asks to join them and as misery loves company, Sally happily pushes over to make room. Des reflects that he thinks it'll be quite awhile before Steph spoils her figure to have a baby, if ever.

Back at Bettabuys, Kimberly is confronting Curly over never having planned Christmas with his parents in the first place. She is revolted by the idea that he planned for them to be in a hotel all along, doing "that" on "one of the most holiest days of the year"! When he tells her that no one would know, she's even more outraged. The thought of deceiving the people they love on *Christmas* of all days totally repulses her. He tries to impress on her that it would be very special to him, "so special that it seems perfectly appropriate that it take place on one of the most special days of the year!" She doesn't know what to think about it now and Curly backs off a little saying he doesn't want to "pressurize" her.

Don calls for Marie to take her and the baby to their appointment and is surprised to hear that Ivy came by earlier. He's relieved to hear that all she wanted was to ask Marie again about Christmas. (I guess he never knows with Ivy!) They're on their way out when a loans collector calls. After Marie digs in her purse to pay her weekly installment, Don asks her what she owes. He's disturbed to hear that she doesn't even know the amount. She's afraid to add it up and as long as she can pay every week, that's all she concerns herself with.

Jackie comes into Mike's office and takes issue with him for not returning to work after lunch the day before. He tells her he has no intention of punching a time clock and she should leave him alone and let him get on with the business of running the business. She says she doesn't want the company to suffer because they've had a disagreement but he tells her that needn't happen as it's a big building, more than enough room for the two of them. She turns on her heel and snaps that she'll be at home should he need her for anything. Mike retorts that he shouldn't think he'll be needing her! (Oh - I can just feel the sexual tension building up between these two!)

As they finish up with dinner, Steph announces to Des that she's decided to jack in her job with Pomme Delite. He's happy at the news but wonders why she didn't give it up when he asked her to. She says he didn't "ask", he "told" her to give it up and now she sees how miserable it's making him, she wants to quit. She'll just go see Clive and let him know she won't be turning up.

In the Rovers, Vera's getting Curly a drink and inviting him to tell her what the problem is between him and Kimberly, when Kimberly herself walks in. Vera pushes the two of them into a corner so they can sort out their differences privately. Once alone, they both apologise, then Kimberly tells him that she's changed her mind about the hotel. She'll go along with his plan as long as he can promise that no one will find out. Curly is overjoyed at her change of heart and looks for a paper so he can immediately make arrangements for them.

As he goes to the phone with the paper in hand, Vera comments to Kimberly that perhaps he's ringing Santa Claus to make sure he gets what he wants for Christmas. Kimberly wistfully replies that "in a manner of speaking, he is doing that".

As Don and Ivy head out to the Rovers for a drink, Marie rings to say that she and Jamie would be happy to come for Christmas. Ivy is delighted but Don seems to be ambivalent. Ivy tells him they need to be together on this, it wouldn't do to have Marie there if she wasn't truly welcome. As they go out the door, he tells her she is welcome but they'll need to discuss things further before she comes.

Curly returns to the table where Kimberly is sitting and triumphantly informs her that he's booked Christmas dinner and accommodation for them. She's relieved to hear the place is "miles from anywhere", less chance of anyone finding out that way. Kevin and Des come over to join them and Curly fumbles for an explanation when they ask what he wanted the newspaper for. Kimberly replies that he was looking to see what movies are showing and Curly's saved from telling them what those movies are when Steph comes in bursting with some news of her own.

Turns out, when she went to the Pomme Delite offices to tell them she was quitting, they told her Clive had been sacked for "fiddling expenses and trying to have his evil way with some of the girls". Steph was offered Clive's former position and will now be running the show! (Uh oh... Des doesn't seem as thrilled by the turn of events as she is!)

Over a drink at the bar, Don explains to Ivy why he's having reservations about Marie at this point. He tells her about the debt collector this afternoon and that he wonders now just how much there is about Marie they don't know. In fact, he wonders exactly what they're letting themselves in for!

Kimberly Taylor: SUZANNE HALL Debt Collector: RICHARD COLE

Thursday (3161, 17 December 1990)

The opening shot shows the canal and pans up to a window...Mike's posh flat. Alma is running around getting ready for work and Mike is patiently waiting for her. She seems much more upset that she's late than he does, sitting on the settee grinning like he's got something up his sleeve!

Jack is trying to convince Curly to stay at Number 9 for Christmas dinner instead of going to Crewe to his parents. (or so he thinks) Curly hollers for Vera to hurry while Jack bemoans the fact that he'll have to be alone with Vera on Christmas day if Curly doesn't stay but as Vera comes in he backtracks and tells Curly he's only thinking of Vera's feelings, she thinks of him as a son! But Vera agrees, she thinks Curly should be with his mum and dad and wishes their Terry would feel the same way. Vera and Curly leave for work, with Jack rolling his eyes in frustration as he sits at the table.

Audrey is reluctantly helping Alf in the shop until morning rush is over, she says, but Alf reckons morning rush will take until 6:30 this evening so don't even think of skiving off! Audrey insists she's only staying until dinnertime. Ivy is witness to all this altercation adn then tells Audrey she and Don won't be coming to Grasmere Drive for Christmas dinner after all, they're having guests. She tells the Roberts that Marie Ramsden and her little one are staying over the holidays but then skips out before Audrey can persue the details! Alf admires the charitable gesture but Audrey just looks down her nose and haughtily says that Ivy wasn't keen to come to them anyway.

Mavis makes a date with Derek for dinnertime at the Rovers over the phone and seems to be reassuring him (yet again. Never have i seen a man with so many insecurities). She tells Rita that Derek feels his past is coming back to haunt him, Victor has been talking about reorganization in the company and Derek has already been the victim of that before! Rita points out that if Derek is as important as he thinks he is, he won't have anything to worry about. They won't be able to do without him! Mavis insists Derek IS that important, very supportive as always. Then why is he getting his braces in a twist? Mavis is confident that it will all be ok but Derek is the one needs convincing!

Ivy's mate, Laura, is skeptical about Ivy taking in Marie, they don't know much about her and even Don is hesitating over it now. Ivy knows what she's doing though, she can't leave them in that rathole over Christmas and besides, it was Marie's decision. She wasn't forced. (Ivy is seeing this charitable gesture as a deed toward sainthood at the pearly gates, no doubt.) Mike shows up and is harsh iwth them for standing around gassing, get back to work! Just then, Jackie comes by and is harsh with Mike over being late that morning, leaving her to look after a client that he should have been there to do. Ivy grins, having overheard Mike get a taste of his own medicine, from a woman no less! He scowls back at her and walks away.

Audrey comes into the cafe. Martin points out that she's been in and out of the cafe lately like a fiddler's elbow (love it!). Audrey has escaped from Alf and the shop and says the conversation is a sight more interesting than one on the price of corned beef! Alma sits down with her and gushes about this highly romantic Christmas with Mike that is looming on the rose-coloured horizon. Audrey imparts the gossip about Ivy taking in Marie. Martin and Alma are astonished and hope Ivy knows what she's getting into. Who cares? gushes Audrey, they'll have Christmas dinner in peace this year!

Liz pulls a pint for Jim, (WHO'S WEARING HIS SLEEVES-CUT-OFF TORONTO BLUE JAYS SWEATSHIRT! IS THIS THE FIRST APPEARANCE? ) but he's only in for a quick one before meeting some fellows who want to buy one of his bikes. Alec is glad business is good and hopes Jim can point his customers toward the Rovers to spread the wealth around a bit. Like last time. That reminds him, he better open a new bottle of orange squash! (LOL the last time three motorbikers practically shared a half and three straws, breaking Alec's heart!) Jim sits down with Sally and Kevin. Sally is feeling ungainly and anxiously awaits her due date, December 28. Jim warns them that things are about to change dramatically and Kevin promises he won't share his train set with anyone! Jack joins them and he isn't so cheery about raising kids. You give them the best years of your life, with your hand always in your pocket and what do you get back? (nowt! is implied) Jim disagrees, his kids can be holy terrors but he wouldn't trade them for the world! (Just you wait, Jimbo!) Jim's looking forward to a real family Christmas this year, all of them together. Alec lights a fire under Jack to get him back behind the bar and Jack hints to Liz that Christmas day is usually all hands to the pump. Uh oh.

In another corner, Mavis and Derek have lunch and she workds at pumping up Derek's confidence. Derek wonders why the monthly executive meeting was cancelled and why he was told by Victor's secretary not by Victor himself. (this man is obsessed by executive status isn't he?) He can't reach Victor either and that doesn't bode well!

During a queit spell at the cafe, Gail comes in to tell Martin of a change of plans this afternoon. Alf is letting Audrey off for the afternoon to finish her shopping on the condition that she spend the rest of the week in the shop. Gail's going with her and tells Martin to pick her up at her mother's no later than 6:30!! She gives him a book to deliver to Sally and leaves. Alma wonders why Martin didn't tell her about Ivy's news. What? And spoil Audrey's afternoon??

Jim is industriously scrubbing the rust off a wheel. Liz gingerly picks her way through the old parts on the floor and gives him a cuddle. Did he sell the bike? Sure did and gave them a good deal so they would tell all their friends! Liz brings up Christmas Day but has to interrupt Jim's excited plans. She tells him she'll probably be expected to work! That won't do and Jim says leave Alec Gilroy to him. Liz asks him not to cause trouble but Jim promises not to, there's more than one way to skin a cat!

Audrey and Gail relax after their shopping spree, surrounded by bags and packages. Gail teases Audrey, she's glad isn't she, that Ivy won't be coming for Christmas dinner? Well, Ivy isn't the heart and soul of the party after all! (that's one way to put it! hahahaha) But elsewhere, Martin takes the baby book to Sally and lets himself be dragged off to the pub for a quick half.

In the pub, Liz, working tonight as well, asks Rita about Mavis and Derek but Rita has had it to the teeth with that today. There isn't even anything wrong but you can't tell some folk who would make a hiccup into a ful blown drama! She goes to join Des and Steph but seems to have interrupted the beginnings of a row. Des is upset Steph is spending so much time at the promotions job, more now that she is running it! Rita doesn' ttake sides but thinks they just should make the most of what time they do get together. martin and Kevin arrive breathlessly andLiz teases them that their days of this sort of thing are soon to be at an end with the babies coming. They tease her that their part is done, the rest is all women's work. Elsewhere Kim and Curly are chatting but Kim mseems upset that she won't be good at it. It just doesn't come naturally to her. Curly reassures her that it comes naturally to everyone. Not THAT! Deceit! He tries to talk her round, it isn't deceit it's just not telling the whole story is it? It's for their own good so they won't get upset. Doing them a favour in fact. But just then Vera joins them so that conversation is cut short.

Elsewhere in weatherfield, Gail is impatiently waiting for Martin who's late. She calls Sally and finds out that he's at the pub with Kevin. She's not impressed.

Mike arrives home to a table set with linen, lace and crystal. Alma tells him that they're celebrating "us" and being together. He makes her a drink and asks what brought all this on. She's just making the mmost of things and not taking it all for granted. He's amenable and they toast each other. He tells her things were rather chilly today with Jackie. Alma isn't surprised since she thought Jackie was getting much too dependent on Mike and more than just professionally (understatement of the year!). She wants them to be all honest now things are all out in the open and they get down to business, forget work and Jackie. He can handle the Jackie Ingram's of the world. (like a pro!)

Back at the pub, Kevin and Martin are laughing at the fact that Kim seems to be leading Curly around by the nose now she's got her hooks in him. Martin's a pro on the proper marriage conduct and tells them all that you just have to show women who's boss!! Rita,Kevin and Liz all laugh knowingly. Jim comes in for a pint and a word with Alec. He informs Alec that Liz will not be working Christmas day and he's letting Alec know in plenty of time as a favour so he can make arrangements. (why do i think that's going to backfire?) Martin is about to learn who's boss. Gail comes in and tears a strip off him for forgetting to pick her up and expects numerous apologies from him. She leaves and he follows like a whipped puppy to the amusement of Rita and Kevin.

Mavis anxiously awaits Derek's return and is relieved to see him pull up. He had a last minute word from Victor... She interrupts, You see? He wasn't avoiding you after all! But it wasn't Victor it was his secretary telling him that Victor wants to see him in the morning to talk about the reorganization. It's last Christmas all over again! Thank you and good bye! Mavis is in for a long night, i think!


Friday (3162, 19 December 1990)

Mavis is seeing Derek off to work on this rainy morning. She is all in a tizzy because of his meeting with Victor, although Derek seems to think Victor is just being melodramatic. Mavis makes Derek promise to call her so she knows what is going on. At PPP Weatherfield, Victor tells Derek that the 2 factories are producing too much and the Weatherfield one may have to close. Derek is wonderful, echoing everything Victor says, but obviously worrying about himself. At 3:00 Mavis finally calls Derek, who pretends that he is talking to a prospective client in front of Victor, and so Mavis is unable to find anything out from Derek. Victor finds fault with Derek's telephone manner, but then he sees "RING MAVIS" on Derek's steno pad. Derek finally convinces Victor to let him go back to sales to turn things around. That night at the Rovers, Derek tells Mavis and Rita that he has saved the day!

Ivy stocks up at the Mini-Market for Marie and Jamie's visit, buying nappies. Later in the Mini-Market, poor Alf is up to his ears with customers, and Audrey no where to be found. He tries to get Sally behind the counter to help, but she says Kevin would go mad. While she is saying this, Gail walks in, and proceeds to go on at Sally about Kevin keeping Martin at the pub all hours last night. So Gail and Sally have a go at each other, and poor Alf finally shuts the pair of them up and Sally leaves in tears. Sally is still in tears when Kevin gets home and tries to comfort her. There's a knock on the door and it's Martin, who apologizes and tries to set up a meeting with the four of them that night at the Rovers. When Martin and Gail arrive at the Rovers that night, they find Kevin and Sally waiting. Gail apologizes and Sally accepts, except that she gets snarky with Kevin and she and Gail go off to the loo.

Jacko has bought discontinued Christmas lights for the tree and Curly and Vera can't get them to work. Jack fiddles with them and suddenly they light. (Very sad tree, by the way!) Curly is bare chested, ironing his shirt for his night at Mummy and Daddy Taylor's when suddenly the power in the whole house goes off - because of Jack's cheap lights! You can hear Curly yelling he's going to be late, Vera yelling because of Jack's being too cheap to buy proper lights and Jack yelling about where are his specs!

When Curly arrives late to the Taylor's, dear Mummy is in a mood - everything was timed just so and Curly has messed it up. Mummy has a card to post to Curly's family in thanks for having Kimberly for Christmas and Curly offers to take it with him, but no - Mummy says its much more polite to post. Daddy drags Curly out to the greenhouse, as per usual. When the "boys" come back in, Mummy and Daddy crack open a special bottle of spirits, saved especially for Christmas. Curly almost chokes on his when Kimberly comes back in from posting the Christmas cards.

In the office of the factory, Jackie tells Mike she is the owner of the factory and she doesn't have to answer to him. She then switches to the personal "Did you sleep with me before or after I made you Works Manager?" Jackie leaves very upset, and Mike follows, to find her sitting in her car. He gets in and tells her this is not about business and she is punishing him. He gives her a big kiss and Jackie tells him she must go home. Mike gets out of the car and Jackie drives away, quickly. Later, after Jackie's secretary has left for the day, Mike comes in and finds her in the office. He tells her he loves her and wants her. Jackie tells him she is prepared to wait for him, although she thinks of Alma all the time. They have another kiss and then the phone rings: it's Alma, wanting him home because she has a surprise for him. He promises Jackie she won't be alone this Christmas.


Originally transmitted: 21, 24, 25, 26 & 28 December 1990
Transmitted by WTN: Monday 23 - Friday 27 November 1998
Episode Numbers: 3163 - 3167

Monday (3163, 21 December 1990)

Brekkie at the Duckies. There's a scrawny tree in the corner of the front room by the door to the back room. Curly is shovelling food in his mouth while Jack and Vera do what they do best. Bicker and snipe. Jack is glad of one thing about Christmas, there's 12 months before there's another one! Vera has a go at Jack's cheap outlook on the holidays when it comes to sending cards or giving gifts. Jack figures if you have to put "Duckworth" on the card to remind the receiver who Jack and Vera are, then they don't deserve a card anyway. And who reads the little notes you put in em anyway? Curly wonders too but Vera reads very word. Makes it even more interesting once you figure out who the card is from!

Mavis remembers last Christmas and Derek's losing his job then. (Although with the training he had scampering over the roof of the church, he could have got a job as a chimney sweep!) This year, PPP is in trouble and Derek has been shifted from behind a desk back to the sales routes. Rita thought the business was doing well. Well to listen to Victor brag it up when he was visiting with Whatshername... Yvonne, reminds Rita. Mavis's face is a treat as she scrunches up her face and rolls her eyes and says "Yvonne" in a voice dripping with contempt. Mavis is concerned that business isn't going well and then what happens to Derek? Rita speculates that it might be revenge on Victor's part which seems to be on Mavis's mind also. Rita knows that Victor got the wrong end of the stick at lunch, thinking Derek didn't like Yvonne when it was really Mavis truthfully. Mavis sighs and thinks she might have to go see Victor though Rita thinks she should do nowt.

The corner shop is crowded three deep and four abreast with the noise levels reflective of a crowd at the January sales at Harrods. Audrey is run off her feet. Where's Alf? in the back practicing his speech. Audrey manages to get him out front and behind the counter and very slickly gets her coat as he looks away to find the Christmas book. She has to buy a new frock for the dinner, she must look beautiful when he gives his speech and she manages to get out of the shop, leaving Alf to take his turn holding the fort.

Mavis knocks and timidly enters Victor's inner sanctum. (his office!!! what did you think!) There is much wringing of her hands as she despairs that he might tell, no she'd just die if he, but he mustn't.... Victor has more patience than i would and gently asks her what it is he mustn't do? She doesn't want Derek to know she was there but doesn't want Victor to feel she was acting behind Derek's back (which she is!) She needs to know what's going on between Derek and Victor! (Probably thins it's that stag and antler thing again! LOL) Victor later explains the economics of keeping two warehouses open, Weatherfield and Darlington and how it's more profitable to just keep the Darlington one open in the end. Mavis worries that Derek is on the sales route for nothing and pleads for his sales ability but Victor wanted to give Derek the chance though seems pretty certain nothing will save the Weatherfield plant from it's inevitable closure in the end. It isn't personal.

Audrey tries to convince Alma to go shopping with her. She tells Alma and Martin about Alf's speech at the Weatherfield Association for Retail Traders, WARTS, which sends Martin and Alma into gales of giggles but Alma is too busy to go now so Audrey gets away on her own after being good naturedly teased by Martin (Mother in law joke)

Mike and Jackie clear up business so that Mike can go away for Christmas with Alma. They are back to flirting again and Mike tells her he is fond of Alma and can't tell her on Christmas Eve but will find the proper place and time. He's very fond of Alma but is crazy about Jackie and loves her!!! Jackie convinces him to take a celebratory lunch with her somewhere comfortable. Which happens to be a champagne lunch at her house where they flirt outrageously....(or is that foreplay?)

Lunchtime in the Rovers, Betty is serving hot pots, Christmas plans are discussed between Jim and Des and Jack gruzzles about buying Vera a gift. How do you know what to get them women? How do they even manage to buy for themselves with this not suiting and that not going iwth their handbag. Jim agrees, he doesn't know why women like what they like. Des has it right, Jewellry! There isn't a piece of jewellry that a woman wouldn't like.

Sally and Liz talk pregnancy. Liz tells Sal that it's nature's way of keeping you from getting too nervous at the prospect of very soon impending labour, you are so uncomfortable and sick of being fat and awkward that you just want it over with. Sally tells Liz that Kevin knows too many details about what's going to happen, he's driving her mad with his fretting which makes Liz laugh.

Back at the cafe, Alma changes her mind and manages to convince Martin to let her off for an hour or so. She really wants to buy something nice for Christmas day.

After work, back at the Duckie's, Vera is spraying her hair while the men watch footie. Vera wonders if hairspraying the Christmas tree will stop it's needles from falling. I'm rolling on the floor when Jack retorts that hairspray doesn't do owt for Vera so why would it do anything for the tree? More insults are exchanged about the sad little tree and which Curly points out didn't have any needles on it to begin with! Vera reminds Jack of her expectations of a gift on Christmas day and reminds Curly that Kimberly is expecting him. He isn't too impressed at the thought of possibly spending another night playing canasta and has nightmares of eventually growing to like it! He toffs off and Vera wonders if there's a problem with the young lovebirds but Jack is more interested in the telly.

Derek gets home after a long day on the road and blathers on and on and on about how good a salesman he is and (naively) will save the company single handedly. Much to Mavis's dismay. She makes a feeble attempt to hint that all might not be well but he's oblivious as usual and it's some time before he finally manages to ask how her day went. So so, she covers.

In the pub later, Curly and Kim argue about the hotel stay. She's subconsciously sabotaging it by dropping obvious hints, he accuses and she accuses him of only being interested in the "Obvious" anyway. He tries to persuade her how important "the obvious" is to a relationship but she's more concerned about the deceit of having to wear a wedding band before her actual wedding (oh, come on, this isn't 1890!) Elsewhere Alf tells Jack he'll buy him a pint for any usable CLEAN jokes he can use in his speech but Jack can only think of a very old one that isn't very funny. Vera makes sure Jack overhears her tell Ivy how disappointing her life and husband is.

Alma gets home from shopping with several bags. Mike is home already and though he seems a bit tired and says he has a headache, she's more interested in crowing about how her Christmas shopping is all done and wait till he sees what she bought for their trip. She goes off to take a shower and comes back all fluffed and pretty. He's more distracted than ever and tells her they can't go away for Christmas after all. She thinks it's work but he says it isn't. Silence. She knows. It's "her". Mike is obviously feeling bad and guilty and Alma is heartbroken but she keeps her dignity through her tears, telling him not to say anymore as he tries to explain, as the credits roll and the closing theme plays.


Tuesday (3164, 24 December 1990)

At the café, Martin tells Alma how stressed he gets at Christmas, but Alma keeps wiping dishes with not a word. Mike comes in and tells Alma he's just been to the flat and noticed that her stuff is not there. Alma tells him she's moved out, and that she should have done it weeks ago, but she couldn't face up to it. She tells Mike that she has moved into the flat upstairs and that unpacking will keep her busy over the Christmas hols. Later, Alma sees Martin off - she will do the locking up. She keeps up the pretense that she and Mike are going to Wales for Christmas. As she locks the door behind Martin, she turns the lights off and sits in the dark, finally breaking down in tears.

Marie and Jamie arrive for Christmas at the Brennan's. Ivy and Don tell her to make herself right at home, and they'd love to watch Jamie if Marie wants to go out. That night, Marie gets Jamie off to sleep, and then heads out to meet up with her girlfriends. And is Ivy pleased? No way, she is very indignant that Marie would go out her first night there!

In the Bettabuy's lunchroom, Vera and Kimberly are chatting about the Christmas hols, and Curly interrupts just as Kimberly was going to tell Vera something. Curly sends Vera back to work to stock depleted shelves, and starts telling Kimberly how he watches her at work, and imagines her without her uniform on. Kimberly is very uncomfortable with all this talk and Curly ends up in a state with the thought of nothing between them that night! When work is over, Curly wishes Jack a Merry Christmas, as he is off to the Taylor's and then to his parents. (Or so he wants everyone to believe!) Vera has a go at Jack about wanting a better pressie than a pack of fags and a can of lager wrapped in silver paper - and Jack takes off back to work. Vera tells Curly that she is going to ring him at his mums tomorrow to wish them all a Merry Christmas, but Curly spins a yarn about his mum believing that phone calls on Chrismas Day is bad luck. "A phone call on Christmas Day, means your year will not be, ummm, gay". At the dinner table at the Taylor's Kimberly is sitting with her arms crossed and eyes downcast, and not participating in the festivities of reading the riddles from the Christmas crackers. The phone rings and Mrs. Taylor answers it - oh oh it's Curly's mum! Curly tries to get Kimberly to leave right away, but no luck, Mrs. Watts tells Mrs. Taylor that they are not coming to them tonight and Curly is busted! Mrs. Taylor slams down the phone, Kimberly starts crying and then Mrs. Taylor is on her soapbox about Curly trying to seduce their little girl. Curly tries to defend himself but Mrs. Taylor throws him out and with " And a Merry Christmas to you and all", Curly throws his lovely pink paper hat on the dining table and is gone.

At the pub that night, Jacko is talking to Bert, who is in the bar with a dog, Boomer. Now Bert thinks that Jack should buy boomer as a Christmas pressie for the missus - she gets the pressie, but it's really his dog. Alec sees the dog and wants him out, so Jack offers to see them out... and the next thing you know, Jack is taking Boomer home to Vera, who is really pleased with such a present!

At the Mini Market, Audrey witters on to Sally about Alf being too cheap for a taxi to the council dinner they are off to tonight. On their way to the party, Alf practices his speech for Audrey who is still going on about the taxi. Just then, the car breaks down! Serves Alf right, cheap beggar! So Alf calls Kevin, who is snug at home with Sally, puzzling over Christmas cards. Kev sets off after picking up the breakdown truck from the garage, should they need a tow. When Kevin arrives, he finds that they do indeed need a tow, but he will tow them to their dinner, so at least Alf can make his speech. Kev also mentions that he doesn't think the place that last serviced their car did much of a job. So, we have Audrey and Alf being towed by Kevin, and both are going at each other, Audrey about how cheap Alf is and Alf about Audrey pocketing the money for the car servicing!

Back in the street, Phyllis is passing by and all of a sudden she comes upon Sally, who is in labour! Phyllis bangs on the McDonald's door and Liz comes to help. No time to wait for an ambulance, so Don gets Sally in the taxi to take her to the hospital, with Liz to keep her company.

Kevin is called and he stops the truck, unhooks the Robert's car, and leaves them stranded after telling them it's Sal - the baby's coming and he's off to the hospital and will be back as soon as he can!

But, there's not enough time to get to the hospital, and Don pulls the car over in Rosamund Street, where Liz delivers the baby for Sally in record time! (Shortest labour on record!) We close with the cries of the newborn baby.

Bert Latham: DAVE DUTTON

Wednesday (3165, 25 December 1990)

It's Christmas morning and Sally, now snugly tucked in her hospital bed, is positively beaming as she cuddles her newborn daughter. The young midwife assures her the baby is perfectly healthy and none the worse for having been born in a taxi. Sally says they,ll be naming her "Rosie" as she was born in Rosamund Street. (Well, not *in* the street - the taxi was in Rosamund Street when she was born!)

Meanwhile, the proud dad is on the phone from home, presumably with one of the relations and giving them the good news. Kevin's call is interrupted by Curly coming to the door, huddled in a blanket after spending the night in his car! Kevin expresses surprise at seeing him as he thought Curly and Kimberly would be at Curly,s parents, by now. He wonders if there,s been an accident. "No, not an accident. It was fate - malicious, malevolent FATE!", replies Curly. Explaining that he and Kimberly never got off the ground, Curly goes on to say that he is "destined to have the cup of pleasure dashed from (his) lips at the final moment!". When Kevin gives him the news of Rosie,s birth, Curly remarks that he,ll probably never get to be a dad, "unless it,s one of them artificial insemination jobs!".

At the Duckworths,, Vera is basting the turkey as Jack returns from a walk with Boomer, after showing the dog around "his new territory". When she greets the dog affectionately, Jack warns her not to be "soft" with him, lest Boomer become "soft". She says it,s her dog and she,ll be "soft" with him if she wants to. Jack sits down and is about to break open a Christmas cracker in front of the dog,s face when Vera shrieks not to as she won,t have him scaring her dog. Jack wants the dog to "get used to loud noises" so he can take him hunting! Vera tells him he,ll do no such thing with *her* dog!

At the Roberts,, Alf is hunting for his old slippers as Audreh puts the finishing touches on the table for their Christmas dinner with Gail and Martin and the kids. Audreh tells him to wear the new pair she gave him as his old ones are so "ratteh and smelleh". "Yes, I know", comes the reply, "where are they?" (LOL!) Poor Alf resigns himself to wearing the new pair when Audreh says she has trashed his old comfy ones. She trills gaily about how delighted she is that Ivy won,t be joining them for dinner. Having Ivy there always puts a damper on things for Audreh - "Just as you,re gerring comfortable after dinner with a nice drink, she always wants to jump up and do the washing up!", she complains.

Speaking of good old Ivy, she is at this very moment laying her own table while sounding off to Don about Audreh. According to Ivy, Audreh is one to "sit until she,s covered in cobwebs" after a meal, leaving the washing up for others to do! Just as she finishes her sniping, (or possibly she would have gone on barring interruption) Marie comes downstairs and bids them good morning. As Don hands baby Jamie over to his mother, Ivy looks at her watch and coyly comments that it is still morning, just! She halfheartedly makes Marie an offer of breakfast (she really would rather not be bothered serving breakfast now the table,s all set) and her disgust shows when Marie says that she isn,t in the mood to eat due to a slight hangover. Don says he,s glad that Marie had a good time out with her mates last night but Ivy, who disapproves of people having a good time, tells Marie through a clenched smile that in case she's feeling peckish, dinner will be served at 2 o,clock.

In the Rovers, Des and Steph are having a quick drink before leaving to have their Christmas dinner at Steph,s parents,. She cynically describes the event to Alec as, "Christmas dinner, followed by six hours of watching telly", obviously something she isn,t looking forward to.

The MacDonalds are also having a drink at the bar and Liz tells Jim that she,ll have dinner on the table by 2 o,clock and he,d better not be late. He makes a crack about time-keeping and the army but she pointedly reminds him that he,s the one who wanted a "family dinner" and he,d better be there for it!

Vera, who has left Boomer at home "resting", comes in to the Rovers to have a drink. Still chuffed over her present, she tells Alec what a wonderful dog he is. Alec says he hopes she isn,t talking about that "horrible mutt" that was in the bar last night but Vera counters that he isn,t horrible at all, he,s "soft". Jack, from behind the bar, chimes in that he,s only "soft" with them, that he,d be a different dog with a stranger. Boomer's a good guard dog to keep the burglars away, reckons Jack. "Burglars? Anything worth taking, they,d have to fetch with them!", retorts Alec.

Back at the Brennans,, Don and Marie are enjoying the Christmas spirit, opening crackers and amusing Jamie. When Don leaves the room to get another drink for them, Ivy wastes no time practicing her social graces. She sees that little Jamie is eating some candy that Marie foolishly allowed him to have before dinner and snatches it away from him, telling Marie he,ll spoil his dinner. Marie snatches the candy right back from Ivy, telling her that Jamie doesn,t like turkey anyway! Ivy asks if >Jamie,s ever even had turkey and Marie replies, "No, but he,s had chicken once or twice and he doesn,t care for that!". When Ivy insists it,s all a question of getting the child used to "proper food", (the inference being that Marie deperately needs the benefit of Ivy's wisdom in the ways of motherhood) Marie becomes indignant and says that,s it, she knew it wouldn,t work out and she and Jamie will be leaving now. Ivy,s jaw falls open at this just as Don returns to the room (having left only a moment since, remember!). Don, seeing Marie huff upstairs to pack their stuff, wonders what the flamin, eck is going on. He turns to Ivy for an explanation. "Don", she sputters, "I never said a word! I never said a word!!" (She bloody well did - I heard her!)

Vera and Jack are leaving the Rovers now, going home to get stuck in to their Christmas turkey. They witness the scene at Don and Ivy,s front door as Marie and little Jamie are bundled to leave, baggage in hand. Don is pleading for them to at least stay for dinner and he,ll drive her and Jamie home afterwards but she,s determined to go home now. As Marie stalks off, Vera asks Ivy if there,s owt wrong but Ivy snaps at her in reply: "No Vera, there,s nowt wrong!", before turning to go back into the house. As Jack and Vera continue on their way, she remarks, "See? We,re not the only ones who row in the street!" (LOL!)

Jack and Vera walk in to their home expecting to sit down to a nice Christmas dinner, but are shocked to see their turkey lying on the floor, half eaten by Boomer, who obviously isn,t near finished yet. As Vera stands back and seethes, Jack rushes towards him with admonishments of "Naughty dog!", only to be met with fierce growls and fiercer barking! As they turn to run upstairs, Boomer is fast on their heels and they get safely behind their bedroom door only a second before Boomer gets there. Panting, they sit down and commiserate over their lost dinner.

At the hospital, Kevin is visiting Sally and their new baby. As they ooh and coo over the baby, Sally asks Kevin if he "minds that she is a she?". (Pardon? And what, pray tell, if he does?!) As it happens, he doesn,t, but there,s always the next one, he tells her! "We,ll see", she says. (Now look here, Sally! No new mother finds the prospect of "the next one" appealing right after giving birth. But it,s what you deserve after asking such an inane question!) Kevin tells Sally about Curly,s plight and they both have a good chuckle over poor Curly being thwarted (again).

Curly's just going home to the Duckworths, now, just as Boomer polishes off the last of the turkey. Curly,s quite surprised to see the dog there but greets him anyway and the two take an instant liking to each other, oblivious to Jack and Vera cowering in the locked room upstairs. Jack is starving by this point and Vera blames him for the dog getting their dinner. The two stop bickering long enough for Vera to listen at the door for Boomer. She thinks she hears voices below but Jack says it,s only his stomach growling. He,d be inclined to have a snooze but you can't take a nap on an empty stomach! Vera sarcastically asks him if >they have to stay locked in their room until New Year,s but Jack assures her it,s merely a question of waiting a little. The dog will be slumbering after his feed soon and they,ll be able to make their escape then. Vera resigns herself to waiting but wonders what they can do to fill the time. (BONK!) Jack says the cards are downstairs, otherwise they could have a game but she tells him she wasn,t thinking of cards. That,s all the motivation Jack needs to decide on a nap - empty stomach or not!

Around Roberts, table, Alf, Audreh, Gail and Martin and children are enjoying a few laughs with their Christmas meal. Alf is relating to them a story which he thinks illustrates what a "card" his father was:

"He used to ask us kids if we,d rather have a plate of turkey or a shiny new shilling. We,d know pudding was coming later so we,d always take the shilling. Later, when the pudding was served, he,d say: Alright now, which of you children would like to buy some pudding for a shilling?,!".

As Alf finishes his story, only half listened to by his family, he again remarks on what a "card" his father was, always giving them a "right good laugh". When Audreh quips that Alf must take after his mother, Gail and Martin crack up but Alf doesn,t seem to mind. (He really is a good sport, old Alf!)

Young Nicky asks when they,ll be having Christmas pudding but Alf >suddenly remembers that the Queen,s speech is due to be broadcast soon and he jumps up to switch on the telly. More joking at Alf,s expense as Audreh remarks that he does that every year and she really thinks he half expects the Queen to mention him one of these days! This causes Martin to launch into an hysterically funny impersonation of Her Majesty:

"Our attention has been drawn to an outstanding grocer. I refer, of course to Mr. Alfie Roberts, soon to be Sir Alfred Roberts."

Amid the laughter, Audreh tells them that probably wasn,t far off what Alf fantasizes hearing. Seated in front of the telly, Alf, oblivious to Martin's little joke, is now hushing them as the Queen is about ready to start her address.

Mike opens the door to his flat and he and Jackie (rather tentatively) step in. She looks around and remembers aloud the first time she came there and how welcome Alma made her feel then. She wonders if it was difficult for Mike to tell Alma about "them". He responds, "Yes... Very....".

"Shame you had to tell her at Christmas", says Jackie. "Not that there,s a good time for news like that." she concedes. Mike replies that he hadn,t intended to tell her when he did but he couldn,t bear to see her trying so hard, kidding herself that all was right between them. Jackie notices Mike now has a file folder in his hand and her momentary pang of sympathy for Alma dispensed with, she asks if he,s got what he wanted. He leans in to kiss her and tells her as they leave the flat, he got "exactly what (he) wanted".

Alma, who never seems to get anything she wants, alone for Christmas in her little flat above the café, is at this moment sitting down with a cup of tea. She picks up an envelope from the coffee table and opens a Christmas card inscribed, "To Mike and Alma, Best wishes, Vic and Linda". The card flutters for a moment in her hand before she tears it in half and lets it fall to the table. Wiping away a tear from her eye, she gives a little sniff and a sigh. :-(

Vera isn't content to be at the mercy of Boomer any longer. With the bedroom window open, she's hanging outside now, hollering loudly for ",Elp!". Jack pleads with her to stop, lest they become laughingstocks. It,s not long before Curly hears her bellowing and comes out to see what,s going on, Boomer following close behind. When Vera sees the dog, she shouts a warning to Curly but Curly tells her not to be ridiculous - the dog is "soft"! Vera wants to know how long Curly,s been home anyway and he tells her he,s been in for a couple hours but he assumed she and Jack were upstairs because they wanted "some privacy". "Privacy! Privacy,s wasted on this fella!", spits Vera.

Back at Alf and Audreh,s place, the whole family is settled comfortably in the living room, contentedly winding down after their Christmas meal. When Audreh again remarks how glad she is not to have Ivy with them, Martin treats everyone to another of his impressions, this one mocking Ivy,s sentimentality and her propensity for getting weepy-eyed on very little provocation. (This was extremely funny, something about a leaf of mistletoe she used to clip to Bert,s belt. I didn,t catch it all, even after rewinding the tape three times, but it was really a good send-up of old Ivy!)

As Martin finishes his little piece, Gail is positively in stitches until she feels a sudden sharp pain. Easing herself up, she tells them it,s time to go to the hospital, her labour has started.

Curly's got hold of Boomer on a lead and is reassuring the Duckworths that he,s "soft" as they timidly descend the stairs, Jack pushing Vera ahead of him. Once Curly secures Boomer,s leash to the leg of the kitchen table, Jack finds his courage and leans forward to chastise the dog for his earlier mischief. "Bad dog! BAD dog!!!", he shouts. Curly objects, telling Jack he,ll make the dog "insecure". "Him insecure?!", shouts Vera. "He went for us!" Casting her gaze to the floor, she picks up a turkey remnant and says perhaps they can still glean a bit of dinner from what Boomer left behind. Jack won,t hear of eating the dog,s leftovers and suggests she get the chip pan out instead. Vera is appalled at the very thought of frying chips on Christmas Day. As she tells Jack: "I,m not a religious woman, but even *I* know you don,t get the chip pan out on Christmas Day!". (LOL!)

Martin and Audreh are all a flutter, Audreh instructing Alf to look after the kiddies so she can accompany Gail and Martin to the hospital. The doorbell goes and it,s Don and Ivy, who just "popped over" to wish them a happy Christmas. (Gee, I thought you were having Marie and little Jamie around, Ivy? What,s that? You say they left?) Audreh hastily ushers them in as she and Gail and Martin go out, Gail explaining that they are on their way to the hospital. When Ivy offers to come along, Audreh hastens to protest that they should stay and have a visit with the kiddies. Ivy helplessly relents, saying to let her know if there,s anything she can do to help. "Well, since you mention it, Ivy", Audreh replies, "I,d be very grateful if you could just see to the washing up!". (ROTFL!)

It,s evening in the Rovers now and the locals are gathered to enjoy an after dinner Christmas drink. Phyllis is at the bar inviting Bet to sniff her new perfume, Jezebel,, which, according to Phyllis, is "supposed to get the fellas going". Bet takes a sniff and says, "Jezebel She were in the Bible, weren,t she? About that time all the begatting were going on?" Phyllis smiles and says Percy,s past "begatting", to which Bet replies, "At his age, he,s lucky to be getting anything!"

Alec has worked himself into quite a state. He blusters to Bet that Jack was supposed to be back on duty at 7 o,clock and he,s nowhere to be seen! He,ll probably be sat in front of the telly in a stupor by now, reckons Alec. "I,ll give him his cards, that,s what!" he snorts. Bet deadpans, "That,s the way, Tiger. Peace on earth, goodwill toward men"

Rita, Mavis and Derek are seated in one of the booths. When Rita compliments Mavis on the lovely meal, Derek asks if she noticed the serviettes. "Why, no. Should I have?" Derek explains that they weren,t just ordinary serviettes, they were made from recycled materials, one of Pendlebury Paper Products, primary paper products! Rita does her best "impressed" look and Mavis goes on to tell her that even the doilies were PPP, so the entire meal was "environmentally friendly"! Rita says she bets the turkey died happy knowing that! (LOL!) Mavis wishes Rita hadn,t said that She could become a vegetarian with very little prompting, you know!

Percy,s at the bar now and enjoying his pint when Phyllis coyly asks if >he notices anything about the way she smells. Claiming he smells vapo-rub,, he inquires whether she has a cold. Poor Phyllis, hopes are dashed again - Jezebel, has failed her!

Sitting at the Duckworths, kitchen table, Curly patiently explains to Jack and Vera that angry voices brings out aggression in dogs. Jack stops to ask whether that means, if Vera "has a go" at him, the dog would "have a go at her". A sly smile crosses his face as Curly replies that it,s very probable. Vera finally asks Curly why he isn,t at his parents, as he and Kimberly planned and he "explains" that Kimberly developed a case of nerves so it was called off. She says she hopes the Taylors will still make it for the tea she's supposed to be having there the following day, although they sure won,t be having cold turkey now. Curly wistful look is interrupted by a loud knocking at the door. He gets up and opens the door to a very angry Alec, who barges straight in, demanding to know why Jack didn,t return to work at the appointed time.

As Alec hollers, Boomer becomes excited and starts barking at him. Realising he,s upset the dog, Alec steps back but it,s too late. Boomer has broken free from the table leg. As Alec makes a hasty retreat, Boomer chases him from the house and down the street. Running after the dog is Curly and lagging far behind are Jack and Vera. As Alec reaches the inside of the Rovers without being attacked, Curly manages to take hold of Boomer,s lead and as he begins calming him, Jack and Vera finally catch up. Jack can hardly contain himself as he laughingly pats Boomer, telling him what a "good dog" he is. But Vera sees things differently. "He,s had our dinner and now he,ll have your job!", she yells. She continues: "I,m not having two idle tramp-hounds about the house all day, one,s enough!" She tells Jack he has to make a choice; she doesn,t care which, but either he or "that dog" has to go! Vera stalks off towards home, leaving three long faces behind - Jack's, Curly's and Boomer's....


Thursday (3166, 26 December 1990)

Sally cuddles her little baby. Martin wheels Gail and their new baby down the hall of the maternity ward, congratulating her on a job well done. The baby is a "he"! Martin wheels Gail into the ward and there's Sally, delighted to see her new ward-mate! Gail and Sally admires each other's baby, introducing them to each other, Rosie and David though Martin calls, "It's Gazzer, i told ya!" (he just might be on some of those long nights walking the floor with the baby!) Sally and Gail are in the first waves of afterglow, totally besotted with their new children and ignore the sister's pleas for Gail to get into the bed next to Gail.

Boomer is chained in the back an being observed by Jack and Vera who wonder how a man's best friend can suddenly turn into the Hound of the Baskervilles from one moment to the next. Maybe he was deprived as a puppy, Jack speculates, there were 6 puppies and only 5 bones! Vera insists that the dog goes before the Taylors get their for Boxing Day dinner in case the dog chases them back out which was what Jack had in mind! Jack reckons he and the dog are both victims of deprivation but as he reaches out his hand to pat the dog he gets a bark and a nip on the fingers for his troubles! Andy pops his head up over the fence and says good morning. Jack asks did he want to buy a dog?

Inside, Vera is running the Hoover, cleaning up from the turkey and mess the dog made the day before. She is grizzling and complaining about the wild animal out back while Curly tries to interrupt. Not getting anywhere he unplugs the vacuum and tells her the Taylors won't be coming after all. They are not able to. But Vera, being in the advanced state of fractiousness takes that to mean that the Taylors are looking down on the Duckworths. But Curly explains that the Taylors have broken his engagement for him though he can hardly blame them and explains the whole hotel deceit to Vera. Vera is on Curly's side and calls the Taylors "Flamin' 'ypocrites, cracking on they never did owt like that when they were young" Curly doesn't think they did. Vera had wondered how and where he and Kimberly had got up to. Hotel, eh? Still, it beats the potting shed on me dad's allotment. (started in the dirt and haven't quite been able to rise above it yet!)

Alf is suffering with the noisy toys the kiddies are playing with and persuades Sarah Lou to give up her little plastic trumpet. Audrey and Martin arrive back. Martin promises to take Nicky in later tonight to see the baby after Gail has a rest. Nicky can't understand that, after all she's only had a baby! (eyebrows raised, anyone??? LOL) But to Alf's dismay and shattered nerves, Audrey encourages Martin to go home alone and get some rest and they'll have the kids a few more hours. Martin has to bribe said kids with pop and crisps but he manages to get out of the door alone. Audrey scolds Alf for complaining and gives Sarah Lou back her trumpet. Alf sighs.

Ivy insists it's been a lousy Christmas but Don has the opposite view. That Marie business? that wasn't Ivy's fault, she had the best of motives after all and how wonderful it is to have two new babies born! Ivy furiously polishes her knick knacks while Don reassures her she will still be Grandma Ivy to the new baby same as with the other two. Ivy's also ticked off that Audrey saddled her with the washing up when they weren't even there to eat the dinner.

Vera is now on her knees scrubbing up the last of the turkey leavings. Curly tells her he's tried to call Kimberly but her mother keeps answering the phone so he hangs up. He doesn't know how Kimberly feels about it all and about him. Vera tells Curly he must fight for Kimberly. You do want to spend the rest of your life with her? Curly opens his mouth without a sound and shrugs but Vera takes this as a yes and continues defending Curly and then decides to visit the Taylors herself. Curly objects but Vera insists Kimberly loves him still and wants to be married and have babies. Girls want that, a husband, babies and a nice house. She looks around her own room with a prideful smile, gesturing with her floor cloth and still on her knees. This is what she wants! Curly looks around, puzzled and doubtful.

Jacko shifts crates in the yard at the Rovers while his mate Bert has Boomer by the leash and defends the dog's good nature. Jack insists the dog caused havoc, ate the turkey and his mice pies and trapped him and the wife in the bedroom. He's just playful! No way, Jack wants Bet to take the dog back off him for 100 quid to compensate damages and pain and suffering. Bert objects and they argue. Jack approaches Bert which causes the dog to start barking and growling again, causing Jack to jump back quickly.

Inside the pub, Steph is looking very glam in a slinky red dress and Des is looking flash as well. They observe Kevin and Martin having several drinks to their new fatherhood. Rita is inviting folk to an open house/flat at hers this afternoon and then orders a gin and tonic. Out of tonic which sends Alec off in a (normal) fury looking for Jack.

Who is blocking the back gate while Bert holds the dog back from Jack by its leash. Jack isn't letting them go without at least getting his 25 quid back. Just when it looks like it might happen, Alec comes out shouting so the dog turns and growls at him. Alec keeps his distance and shouts at Jack some more to get back to work and get that beast out of the yard. In the end Jack leaves the gate and Bert and Boomer make their getaway, without reimbursing Jack's 25.

At the hospital, Martin and Kevin are cuddling the babies with the new mom's looking protectively over their shoulders. Audrey is there as well and Don and Ivy arrive! Ivy leans in for a look at Gail's baby. Audrey at least has the grace to thank Ivy for doing all that washing up. Ivy grits her teeth and has a look next at Sally's baby. Back at Gail's side, she notices the baby's bracelet says Tilsley and she gets insulted and huffs that the baby is not a Tilsley. Gail firmly says that's the hospital, they always used the mother's name don't they. Just when it looks like the worst is over, Ivy asks what the baby is called. Gail (rudely if you ask me and totally uncalled for) reminds Ivy that the baby's name is between her and Martin who then equally rudely rubs it in by telling Ivy that had the baby's bracelet said Platt she'd object to that too!

Tracy's at Ken's flat and is being presented with ...erm... presents. She thanks her dad but the gifts for her and Deirdre are from Susan, Ken's daughter and Tracy's half sister. Tracy wants to wait so she can open them with her mother and there's another gift Ken brings out for Tracy to give to her mother from him. Tracy thanks her dad for the telly (?!!) and goes home. Ken assures her he's got a nice evening planned, not to worry. (he does? more than just propping up the bar reading his newspaper?)

Vera implores Mr. and Mrs. Taylor to give Curly another chance but Mummy feels Norman Watts is not to be trusted with her daughter's virtue. Daddy tries to play peacemaker and says Norman perhaps was a bit foolish but Mummy spits out Degenerate!!! Randolf and Vera try "rash". Mummy, spotting that she is outnumbered, sends Daddy out to get potted. ... er, to get potting (in the potting shed of the greenhouse, rather symbolic with the revelation of Jack and Vera's initiation!) Mummy leans in confidentially and tells Vera that all men are beasts when it comes to "Certain Matters" to which Vera agrees but not with as much distaste! Mummy says even Randolf was the same though she's not satisfied he's entirely "cured" yet. (still got to deal with the twice a year "duty" Mummy?) Vera points out that Kimberly agreed to go along with Curly of her own free will but that just goes to show the moral depths to which Norman has led Kimberly astray! Mummy's lips are permanently pursed in disapproval as she explains all this. Vera speculates if Mummy and Daddy Taylor every, you know, when you're young after all... with our Jack it were the allotment shed but Mummy goes white at this prospect but is momentarily saved by Randolf poking his head into the room, inquiring after the location of the salt tablets!

Rita serves things on trays to her guests. Derek is bragging to Desmond about how he is single handedly about to save Pendlebury Paper Products with this new big order but does admit this order isn't signed, sealed and delivered yet, but as good as! Percy is boring and annoying Steph in the corner. Ken arrives, "not meaning to gate crash or anything"... Of course he meant to gatecrash, he didn't exactly arrive with a measuring cup looking for sugar, not wearing a sport jacket and tie, after all! He looks around at the guests, Deirdre not here then? No, Rita answers. (Rita hadn't actually invited either of them so as not to take sides or cause discomfort)

In the pub, Vera buys herself a drink but not one for Jack who is working and they exchange a typical Jack and Vera thing. Alec and Jack discuss dogs that dislike a person on sight, their scent, Jack feels. Jim and Liz come in. Seems Jim saw Jack's buddy Bert at the Legion and found out something interesting. (and i must say Liz looks smashing, bright blue off one shoulder sweater and long flowing hair. Much nicer than the straw that tops her head these days over top of a thin and haggard face). Anyway, Jim tells Jack that Bert has been making money off Boomer for years, selling him before Christmas, knowing the dog's factious nature, not gentle after all, and getting the dog back on Boxing Day. Jack is floored and is reluctant to believe it. Why do you think he's called Boomer? it's short for Boomerang! keeps coming back on Boxing day! Alec is amused. Jack isn't.

Back at Rita's, Mavis and Derek are two drunken heaps on the settee, giggling and crowing about Derek's successes, still supping wine too! But Mavis is brought to a grinding halt when she finds out that the order Derek has been bragging about is for a company called Hawthorne's. That's where Derek used to work, where his ex-wife still works. He's been negotiating with his ex-wife, Mavis accuses, staggering to her feet. Derek, totally oblivious to her distress admits, yes it's true. Mavis lurches off to the loo, feeling distinctly unwell. Ken has Rita cornered in the kitchen, telling her about his Christmas at his daughter's. IT was so nice to have someone totally on his side for a change and he is elated that Susan has encouraged him to stick with it and keep trying to get Deirdre back!

Deirdre meanwhile, is having wine with Phil who has see the yet-unwrapped gift from Ken. Nor will it be opened, she assures. Phil tells her his Christmas gift to her is a trip to Paris for New Years. Ken can look after Tracy though Deirdre is unsure he will want to if it's because she's going off with Phil to Paris. Well think about it, ok?

Midwifery Sister - HILARY TROTT Bert Latham - DAVE DUTTON Baby Webster - EMMA COLLINGE Baby Tilsley - THOMAS ORMSON

Friday (3167, 28 December 1990)

Alma comes down from the flat and opens the café, just as Martin arrives. She is very quiet, and as Martin is trumpeting the news about Gail and the baby, he doesn't notice that anything is wrong with Alma.

Breakfast at the Duckworth's, and Jack is telling Curly that he is better off without Kimberly. Vera tells Jack to lay off, but Jack keeps at it. Curly is in a state of cold fury and humiliation (his words) after being shown the door and called names by his fiancees parents. Curly says that Kimberly's parents are just too much of an impediment, so he and Kimberly have to finish.

Tracy and Deirdre are walking down the street when Ken approaches and offers an invitation to Tracy to spend the New Year with him. Deirdre agrees and Ken goes off looking pleased with himself.

At the Kabin, Mavis is in a state over Derek being involved with Angela - business of course - but Mavis is not pleased at all.

Back at the cafÈ, Martin is taking a phone order for bacon butties for the new mums. Martin finally gets Alma to tell him what is wrong, and he has some choice words about Mike dumping Alma for Jackie.

Over at the Barlow's, Tracy is ironing and trading quips with her mum when Phil arrives with a proposition. He suggests that Tracy come to Paris with he and Deirdre. Tracy tells him she has plans and that her mum is free to go to Paris. Some nice smart banter with Tracy in this scene, she is developing quite a sense of humour!

At the Rovers, Alec complains to Alf how poor trade has been over Christmas and Alf complains to Alec about how much company they had over the holiday. Jack offers to take Curly out now that he is a free man, but Curly asks for a raincheck as he is afraid that he will end up with someone called "Big Lil". Curly really thinks he is better off without Kimberly's parents running his life. Rita and Mavis come in, and Bet makes the mistake of teasing Mavis, only to be snapped at by a touchy Mavis. Vera comes in and tells Curly and Jack that Mrs. Taylor has called and they are all coming around for their tea today.

At the hospital, Kevin is taking photos of Sally's mum with the new baby. Mrs. Seddon offers to come and stay with them for a while to help out once Sally gets out of hospital, but the new parents say no, thanks, they'll manage. At the next bed, Audrey, Nick, Sarah Louise and Martin are visiting with Gail and their new baby. Gail asks Martin about Alma, but he is evasive. As Audrey leaves, Martin has a quiet word with her and tells her about Alma.

Back to the Street, where Vera has just dragged Curly away from the pub for tea with the Taylor's. She doesn't want Curly drunk when they arrive. Vera's going to feed them all on a tin of salmon, stretched with butter and breadcrumbs, "You know, to make it go further:.

Martin drops Nicky and Sarah Lou at the Brennan's for a bit, while he goes to the café. He invites Ivy and Don to see Gail and the new baby at the hospital tonight, but Ivy quickly says they were going to the pictures. Lots of funny looks between Don and Martin, as Ivy is being her usual funny self. When Martin leaves, Don reminds Ivy that she has 3 grandchildren now, but Ivy's not interested in No3.

At the cafÈ, Audrey is sitting with Alma and gives her some moral support and words of wisdom - she is better off without Mike. Alma tells Audrey that even so, she loves him even though she knows what he's like.

The Taylor's arrive for tea at the Duckworth's and Jack and Curly are stood up at attention, all decked out in suits and sneaking drinks. There is tension all around, and Vera tries to break it with a joke, but Mrs. Taylor has next to nothing in the sense of humour department!

Alf arrives home after a long day at the Mini Market, hoping for a quiet night, but Alma is there, and Audrey has invited her to stay for a few days. Poor old Alf, just settled in his chair with the paper, when Audrey wants him to put the kettle on!

Back to the Duckies, where Vera is dishing out the fruit salad. Mrs. Taylor asks about the salmon, and Vera tells her it was from her son, one of those fancy fruit hampers, all the way from London, "very erotic". Mummy Taylor gives Daddy Taylor a push to tell Curly their plan, which is for Kimberly and Curly to get married right away. Curly looks like a deer caught in car headlights when he hears that!

At the Barlow's, Deirdre is packing for Paris, with Tracy offering fashion advice. The two talk about Ken, and Tracy doesn't want to tell him her mum has gone to Paris unless she can help it.

The final scene is at the Rovers, with Miserable Mave still giving Derek a hard time with snide digs about Angela, and Emily tries to find out what's wrong.


See 1991 for 31 December 1990 episode


Written by Diane Johnston, Anita Belanger & Lori Berger Hegyi



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