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November 29, 2014

Depressed Steve sees his GP, clutching his chest with a panic attack and in a bad state. It’s awful to see one of our favourite characters in such pain, mental and physical, and dreadful to see the way his mum and girlfriend are treating him too. But as in soap, so in life, and if this storyline, as they say, helps just one person suffering from depression to get the help they need, then it’s done its job. Things move swiftly in soap of course. While depression in real life can go on for months, years even, before a person plucks up the courage to talk to someone, whether a friend, relative or their doctor, with Corrie it’s over and done with in a few weeks. The doc wants Steve to talk with someone, but Steve retreats into himself. For now, anyway.

In Barlow’s Buys, Tracy puts Rob’s bit and bobs up for sale. Tony takes an interest in the shop with one eye on the business bottom line and one eye on Tracy’s. Carla’s incensed to see her brother’s stuff being sold in the shop and when Tracy gives Beth a pair of Rob’s cufflinks that Carla had bought him for his birthday, she snaps. Beth does the decent thing and hands the cufflinks back to Carla.

Norris finally (finally!) receives his parcel this week. It’s a telescope that had been sent to him from his brother Ramsey, before he passed away. Norris is over the moon (and the stars) with the telescope and talk turns to Curly in the Kabin, who was also telescope-obsessed. Young Craig-me-laddo shows Norris how to use an astronomy app on the iPad he’s just bought from Barlow’s Buys. It’s Rob’s iPad that Norris has bought and has a murderer’s mucky fingerprints all over the screen.

Julie goes out on a date with Dev’s mate Dom. But Dev’s jealous and scuppers the date by telling Julie that Dom’s in an acrimonious divorce and tells Dom that Julie’s a mad cat lady. Julie confronts Dev who admits that he’s jealous and wants to date her himself. Julie swoons and falls into Dev’s arms, onto his sofa and into his life. As easy as that. Mary’s put out, of course, as you’d expect, she was cornering Dev for herself. Julie tells Dev he has to put Mary out of her misery and in a lovely touching scene, he pours Mary a glass of the strong stuff and they sit and have a chat. He tells her how much he wants her in his life – although it’s not in the way that Mary had dreamed. A lovely scene.

Michael collapses in the Bistro this week, clutching his heart. Son Gavin continues to look dodgy and nervous and seems to show an interest in Gail and Audrey’s financial situations. Oh no, it’s Richard Hillman all over again! Anyway, Gavin turns out not to be Michael’s son after all. We know this – but Gail and Michael don’t - after pseudo-Gav gets on the phone to talk to the real Gavin, and for now he’s passing himself off as Michael’s son. But if Gavin isn’t Gavin, who’s Gavin?

And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week’s writers were Jonathan Harvey (double Monday), Jayne Hollinson (Wednesday), Damon Rochefort (double Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at


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