Coronation Street Weekly Updates

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2009 - SEPTEMBER 14

Tragedy! (when the morning cries and you don't know why it's ...) Leanne is discovered face down, cold and stiff. Deceased. Dead and never called me mother. Wearing her fur coat to the last. Yep, Simon's rabbit is no more. After considering whether he could get away with buying a ringer, Peter admits all to Si - "Leanne has gone to be looked after by Mummy" and Simon insists on a proper funeral where he makes a proper speech and Sophie Webster plays 'Bright Eyes' on her iPod. Blanche is in tears.

Becky has her final mixed grill at Roy's and says her farewells. But down at the cop shop she discovers the charges have been dropped. Steve
is so moved he goes to the bookies and puts a fiver on 'She's Out'. Turns out Hooch has 'lost' the drugs to be used in evidence. He concedes honours are even and he will stay out Becky's life as long as she behaves.

Leon's football team win and Jason is Man of the Match. They celebrate in a gay bar where the 'Mr Gay Weatherfield' contest is being held. The team decide to enter Jason. I'm sorry, I'll read that again. The team put Jason forward as an entrant in the Mr Gay Weatherfield contest and, of course, he wins.

Jesse advertises for a new HiaLowa and the first applicant to turn up is Halley ("Like the comet. Me parents were astronomical. Me sister's called Orion's Belt. Only kidding - I'm mad me!")

Eileen wakes up to find the house ransacked - DVD, TV, microwave camera, £50 all gone. Also the keys to Jesse's van which is also missing. And in a tizz she leaves open the door to the parrot's cage and John the Parrot wanders off. Not much of a flier but a sturdy little hiker. And he has a 1,000 word vocabulary - bigger than Jason's as Eileen points out.

It turns out Sean has brought home a young gentleman the night before who, on the 'first up, best dressed' principle has done an early morning sweep of the valuables, loaded them in the van and scarpered. And since Sean let him in the insurance company won't pay up.

Peter takes Si to Leeds to have a meal at the restaurant where Leanne works. There is a stirring in her bosom at the sight of the lads and she returns to Weatherfield, pitching up at Janice "Yesterday I couldn't spell anaphylactic shock but today I are treating it" Battersby's. She has a date with Peter who assures her he's been living like a monk ("Well, a couple of women, nothing serious, no-one you know") and will never let her down again. Leanne obviously doesn't watch a lot of soaps because she takes all this at face value and hops into bed with him. Meantime, Michele returns to the Street ...

Daryl spots Amber snogging Mitch and takes umbrage. Or is that where the Archers live? No, right first time - umbrage. So he breaks up with her. She is devastated. (Why? Has she taken a good look at Daryl?) And when she tells her Dad, will he be DEVastated? DEVastated! Geddit?!?

Sally persuades Rosie to stump up for a holiday for her and Kevin, thereby putting a severe crimp in Kevin and Molly's plan to combine a blown gasket on the A40 with a yoga session. Tyrone observes that Ryan Giggs does Yoga. But nobody mentions that Kev is a ringer for Ryan Giggs.

And Blanche soaks her tired feet in the washing up bowl. But removes it from the sink first.

And there you have it. This week's writers were Martin Allen, Jonathan Harvey and Joe Turner. Directors were Alan Wareing and John Anderson.

Written by John Dean
































































































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