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2008 - JUNE 9
Roy reckons Jason is bringing out the best in Becky. Cut to Becky perched on Jason, howling like a spider monkey and feeding him chips. She's in love and she can't understand why Jason doesn't say he is too. All Jason wants is a night off. Or two. And for things to s-l-o-w d--o--w--n (like the bionic man). Eileen is encouraging him to talk to Becky. 'Encouraging', in Eileen's case, means a slap on the head at regular intervals. They begin to resemble Laurel and Hardy more and more each episode, these two.

Claire fails to solve the Street Cars Rubik's cube so decides to offer her house to Steve and Michelle but Legohead overrules Steve and decides they can't afford it so Ashley insists Claire put the original deal back on track with Sally.

Dan wants Steve to move the cabs parked outside the bookies. While the row is simmering Norris appears with his paper-round trolley and, unwitnessed, scrapes an artistic looking scratch along a parked Street Car. For a moment it looked as if he was using a thing like that bloke in Ben Hur used on Charlton Athletic's chariot wheel, but it was only a brolly. Steve assumes Dan did it and has a go at him. When that doesn't work, he instructs lickle Kev to send the bill to Dan. Of course, The Bill is where Dan came from so he wouldn't be interested. Which Kevin works out and tells Steve he'll be addressing the bill to Mr S McDonald. Leeanne points out that if Dan had been involved, he'd have had the cab towed and crushed. Legohead points out that she might yet have Steve towed and crushed. And all through this, Norris is lending Steve a sympathetic ear and accepting free drinks.

Meantime Mother Treeza, Jerry's ex, Ricky Hatton in a fright wig, is extorting more money from Lloyd. He'd like a DNA test to be sure the little lad is truly his but falls for Treeza's line that if they go to court he'll have to pay 8 years arrears. And she, naturally, spends his money on booze and chocolates. (Ah - THAT's the funny smell I keep getting off the update cushion).

David '666' Platt is released, after inviting his loopy pad mate to 'look me up when yer get out'. So that'll be another new character on't cobbles, doubtless with a comic Mum not far behind. Why we need another while we still have Gail "he may have thrown me down the stairs but I still like cooking for the lad" Platt is a mystery. Now Tina has attached herself to the family, as has Ted "looks like Skeletor, talks like Tom Courtenay". However, Audrey alienates herself by not only refusing to give Tina a job but announcing she won't be taking David back, thank yeh vereh much. And before Gail bars her, she points out that Ted was vereh luckeh to miss his daughter's teenage years.

Leeanne and Carla end up on a girls' night out with Legohead and actually end up bonding a little, after they've thrashed out the thorny question of which is more morally reprehensible - relying on sugar daddies and insurance policies or making your way via arson and insurance fraud.

Steve and Dan have a playground fight in the Rovers after hours - all pushing and hair pulling - and Steve pushes Dan into the cellar and locks him in overnight, unaware that Dan has a ruptured spleen. Comes the dawn and an ambulance is summoned, in which Dan goes into cardiac arrest which he survives in order to have his spleen removed. As someone points out, his heart's in the right place even if his spleen isn't. As someone else points out, anyone who thought he had no guts is slowly being proved right. Dan reports Steve to the police and claims Steve deliberately tried to kill him Amy looks to be on course to having both her parents locked up for violent crimes.

And Becky catches Jason out telling lies in order to avoid her. And Eileen takes up the challenge of the Street Cars Rubik's cube and fails to solve it. And one-eyed Tony turns up at Carla's. And the Mortons do some stuff. Then the Mortons do some more stuff. And Tina carves a kebab blindfold. Don't ask.

Writers this week - Martin Allen, Joe Turner and Debbie Oates

John Dean



























































































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