Coronation Street Weekly Updates

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2008 - JUNE 2
This week's theme from the producers was obviously funny voices. Dev continues to alternate putting his voice up and down the melodic scale  with making elephant noises, and Fizz has a voice that sounds like a cross between a star of Japanese Kabuki and a refugee from the Chinese State Opera. I should also warn that much of this week is taken up with the Mortons.  I find them so hateful and dreary that I haven't learnt all their names (and now I don't need to since Granada are quite properly getting rid)  so I hope you recognise them from vaguely libellous descriptions.

Norris gets his CCTV, courtesy of Nigel from Oh No You Don't Security  Solutions.Then there's a dreary bit with some of the Mortons. Then Kenzie and his mob return to the Street, bent on mischief. Then another boring bit with the Mortons with the tubby one hoping the yobs come back and try it on with him. Then Kenzie and the gang go to the cafe to rob Roy (Rob Roy! Arf!  Scottish connection!) Royston (or Sugar Roy Cropper as he becomes known)  effects a citizen's arrest while the yobs try it on with the tubby one  (Jerry! I remembered! Later to be Jerry and the Pacemaker) and give him a heart attack which he has in stages - in the street, in the Rovers toilet and finally (but not terminally) in the Rovers yard and so to the ambulance on the way to hospital. Things are not improved when his ex -Mother Teresa, turns up. She describes herself as "cavalry to the rescue" and is reminded that cavalry is " 'orses, not cows." Teresa retaliates by pointing out that Jerry falling over is hardly the best advert for the kebab business.

Chesney (who's starting to resemble more and more the meerkat left to keep lookout after the rest of the tribe have forgotten him and gone into the burrow for the night) has fallen in love with the Morton Girl Who Doesn't Want To Be A Policewoman and chooses this moment to ask her out. She declines, on the reasonable grounds that her Dad is busy with a heart attack. And she is also upset because, as she later tells Lloyd, she knows who's doing the robberies. Later, Lloyd tells the Dopy Morton Who Wants To Be A Policewoman that the MGWDWTBAP knows the robbers so the DMWWTBAP interrogates her sister who has been softened up by hearing about Ernie Bishop, late have-a-go hero of this parish. and second fastest milkcart in the west. Kenzie is duly dobbed in and picked up by the fuzz - not to mention pulled around by the short and curlies - only to resurface as "the man they couldn't cage!". But not before Surfie has pushed Chesney forward for the lead in "Moss Side Story" (as Nancy said in the Guardian "But soft, what brick through yonder window breaks?") and KayKay breaks up with KenKen to take ChesChes to the ChipChip.

Deirdre is outraged when Roger increases his final bill for the bathroom suite by £300 over the estimate "on account of it being Bank Holiday and needing more pipes than expected" but Ken defends him. Going up for her bath in the posh, new bathroom Deirdre describes it as a "bitter sweet experience" (or is that a bitter suite experience?) while Janice describes Deirdre as "a pair o' specs wi' a person crouchin be'ind them."

Becky is so excited at reaching the 4th date for the 1st time with a bloke that she and Jason end up defacing Eileen's sheets with the chocolate body paint Sean gave to Jason for Xmas. Don't ask. But Becky is starting to get a little too clingy for Jase. She goes all mushy when Jase makes her breakfast in bed and starts enthusing about how Eileen would be a much better mother-in-law than Gail.

Steve and Dan have a silly bet about which is the shortest route from somewhere to somewhere else and end up racing each other. Dan wins. Yawn.

Teresa Mama Morton and Lloyd discover they know each other. I mean "know" if you know what I mean. They shared a night of passion in a Ford Sierra 8 years ago. I say passion - actually, they just sh*gged each other. And Teresa alleges that Morton Minimus The Dopy Little Kid Who Looks Like Lloyd actually is Lloyd's son. Lloyd falls for this and is persuaded to stump up money for "new trainers" and "new jeans" for MMTDLKWLLL.

Vernon returns from his cruise with a craving for Liz's pickled onions. No, that's not a coded reference to some weird practice, he actually wants the jar of pickled onions. He discovers that no-one has missed him and Eileen didn't even know he was away. But he and the band have been invited back to the ship, so successful were they - an ominous marker against Vernon's future. Dev may soon be asking "Where's the Ancient Mariner?" and getting no reply.

Did you know they called Bruce Grobelaar, former Liverpool goalie, the Ancient Mariner because he stoppeth one of three?

I'll get me coat. But I shall return next week.

Writers his week were Lucy Gannon, Chris Fewtrell, Mark Wadlow and Simon Crowther.

John Dean

Blogging away merrily at





























































































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