Monday 3 March

Written by Jayne Hollinson Directed by Lee Salisbury

Owen is preoccupied and doesn't notice his family coming down the stairs. Izzy and Gary arrive and tell them that the baby is feeling much better. Owen hurries Gary out the door quickly and tells him they have to keep calm. Sally calls Good Morning. Owen doesn't really say much. They then take greetings from Lloyd and Andrea and they are all introduced around to Andrea and Tim. They're all abuzz about Dev's surprise party later on. Sally is Sally and Andrea smiles through gritted teeth by the end of the short conversation when they all go their own ways.

Peter has been with Tina overnight but Carla's back today. Tina's getting a new flatmate today, Steph so things are going to change all around. He hurries out the door and she looks thoughtful at the reality coming crashing back.

Sophie pops up from behind the counter and surprises Dev with a cheer and a card. She pretends she didn't know he was only 50 but that doesn't make him laugh. He's in a foul mood and complaining about his age and how his kids buy him nothing but mugs. Mary shooed him out the door early so he figures they're wrapping up another one for his pressie. Sophie gives him up for a lost cause, calls him miserable and leaves.

Liz is outside in a long warm onesie cleaning up around the ashtray as Tony comes along. She moans about the mess and he reckons part of it might be a hangover. She agrees, sheepishly, but they both concur that they had a great night out and should do it again. He presents her with a single red rose, the romantic fool. They kiss but Jason comes out the door just then and shoots them a deadly glare. Uh oh.

Owen and Gary are in the van and trying to decide what to do. They don't know what to do for the best and if the police get involved, regardless of whether Phelan is dead or not, Gary could go back inside so Gary thinks it might be a good idea if he runs away. Bad idea. Someone comes along to open up the gates to the building site.

Aadi and Asha present Dev with a mug each. He makes out he's pleased, of course, and displays their cards on the counter. He tells them he's having a night in. Boring, they complain. They're never turning 50! Mary takes them off as Stella comes in with a card. She invites him for a drink at the Bistro. He's pleased and accepts. Things are looking up!

Peter has Carla back in the flat. She's glad to be back with him but not so much being in Weatherfield. Peter says he's not seen much of Roy so they agree they'll make time to see him today. Peter is very romantic and diverting her from going to work

In the Bistro, Leanne, Kal and Stella talk about birthdays. Stella recalls they didn't do much for her 50th as it was about the time of Nick's accident. Kal compliments her on looking far younger than her age. Steve pops his head in to cement the plans for later. Stella's going to have Dev back to her house by about 7. Synchronize watches and rally the troops! Kal leaves with a smile in Stella's direction

At the mill, Owen reckons Phelan will be fine and will probably not press charges because his wife will find out. He thinks Phelan will be ready to forget the whole thing and they need to keep their heads down.

Steph is waiting for someone with Sophie outside Tina's flat. A car pulls up, loud music blaring out the window. This is Steph's little brother, Luke. They all get stuff out of the boot of the car to take to the flat where Tina comes out to let them in, a bit disconcerted at all the stuff they're carrying. Luke flirts with Tina who cuts him dry as she's just seen Peter and Carla go into the cafe. Carla is about to go over to see her but Peter pulls her in through the door, as Tina looks busy.

Back to the mill project and Gary spots Phelan's car arriving but who's driving? Owen wants to do all the talking. Nervously they wait, but it's not Phelan that gets out of the car, it's a mechanic whose done a service and is returning it as requested. He tosses the keys to one of the other workers. Gary and Owen look more worried.

Anna and Izzy are in the corner shop with the baby. Dev wants to know if the cologne he's wearing is appropriate for a first date. Anna calls it perfume. Hmmm. Well, he thinks maybe they can help him decide between two shirts but they leave before he can bring them back out of the back office.

Michelle tells Steve she's not going to the party because she's having a night out with Carla to catch up. Liz approaches Jason who's giving her the silent treatment. Tina is having lunch in the pub, growly that she's got a roommate she didn't want. Tony arrives to see Jason. Jason's rude and Tony backs off. Liz tells him he's got to try harder but Tony reckons Jason isn't interested.

Anna and Izzy have got the baby to sleep. Looks like they're both having a day off work. Izzy asks how Anna is after the Phelan episode. She seems a lot calmer and confirms Izzy hasn't told anyone. Izzy lies and says no.

In Tina's flat, Sophie and Steph are surrounded by her stuff while Luke's on the floor looking through cds. Sophie is talking about Maddie and Steph reckons Sophie got too attached. Sophie leaves to get ready for work. Luke is hanging around hoping to see Tina who shows up as Sophie leaves. Tina's not happy to see the mess and the people and decides to leave again and go get a coffee, blowing off Luke when he offers to come with her. Shot down again.

Sally calls for Tim but he's not dressed to her level of standards for the party. She insists he change or she won't go either. He tries to call her bluff but can't. He doesn't want to dress a bit smarter. Sophie comes in, face on the floor and mutters that Tim looks fine to her but Sally wins the battle and chases him up the stairs to pick something out. Sophie is left downstairs at the table, trying to compose a letter to Maddie and it's not going well.

Michelle and Carla arrive at the Bistro and find Tina at the bar. They invite her to sit with them. Tina is reluctant but is persuaded. Stella greets Dev when he arrives and hands him champagne. He compliments her as she does for him and they toast being 50. She looks nice enough, I notice she's not wearing beige much anymore. It's always black.

At the building site, the workers are wondering where Phelan is, though one of them says he doesn't miss him because he's always on their case. Gary starts to shout but Owen cuts him off and tells him to take a break. Owen explains that Gary is just tired, having a baby that wasn't well.

The women in the Bistro pour the wine. Tina doesn't look comfortable when Carla tells them how she and Peter got reacquainted that morning. They tease Tina about Steph's brother who is "totally fit!" but Tina just writes him off as "all right" with no enthusiasm. Carla's all loved up and Tina looks like she'd rather be anywhere else.

At the bar, Stella gets a text which is the signal that they're all set for the party. She invites Dev back to her place to have some brandy. He's up for that, a bit nervous but excited. Over across the road, everyone hides in the dark behind the sofa. Stella and Dev come in and when they go through, he stops her putting the light on. He tells her she's wonderful and special and really helped him get through the past year. She's trying to stop him, knowing the room is filled with friends and he's going to be embarrassed even more when he finds out. He says he can't hide how he feels about her and leans in for a kiss. The party people can't stand it any longer, turn on the lights and yell SURPRISE!!

Gary is convinced he's killed Phelan and is going to go down for life. Owen says there isn't any evidence but Gary says he'll know. Owen tries to reassure him, think of his son and Izzy. Just then they hear something. Someone comes into the site and it's the Missus, Phelan that is, and she demands to know where Pat is!


Written by Jonathan Harvey and directed by Lee Salisbury

Valerie Phelan wants to know where her husband is. He's stood her up on their anniversary and his car's parked outside the building site but Owen and Gary maintain they have no idea.

At Dev's surprise party everyone is being falsely jolly and avoiding mentioning what's just happened. Stella has a quiet word with Kal in the corner. She's mortified and worried she inadvertently led Dev on but Kal reassures her that it only happened because Dev fancies her. Sally is the next one to be mortified when Tim calls across the room to Dev and tells him he was punching above his weight by trying it on with Stella. It's clearly an evening for embarrassing people because then Steve lets it slip to Andrea that Lloyd also once tried to kiss Stella.

Unable to face any more Dev goes out the back to have a quick cry on his own but Stella hurries out to find him. Dev tells her that after Sunita he didn't think he'd have the same sort of feelings for anyone again. Stella is so sorry and promises they'll be friends for life but it looks like it's just good friends and no more as far as she's concerned.

Back at the building site, Phelan's wife is still giving Owen and Gary the third degree so Owen plays the sympathy card and tells her that they have more important things to worry about because Gary's baby was taken to hospital. She calms down slightly at this news but she asks them to give Phelan a message if they see him first. She says to tell him there's a warpath and she's on it.

Tina meets up with Peter at the flat. She tells him Carla's just ordered another bottle of wine so they have an hour. He gives her some flannel about respecting her, even though she saw him snogging Carla earlier, and then he suggests he gets her out of her wet clothes. "But they're not wet . . ." begins Tina before laughing at Peter's cheesy seduction line.

Meanwhile in the Bistro Michelle and Carla are discussing Tina. Michelle says she doesn't totally trust Tina but Carla defends her and says all she needs is to meet a decent bloke. Michelle reckons that girls like Tina never stay without a fella for long.

And how right she is. We now return to Peter and Carla's flat where Peter and Tina are lying in bed together. Conscious that Carla could come home at any moment, Tina jumps up and grabs her clothes. Peter says he's sorry and promises to make it up to her but Tina says she knows the score.

Valerie's warpath has led her to Anna's house. But Anna quite genuinely has no idea Phelan is missing and tells Valerie that Owen didn't say anything to her. "Did he not?" asks Valerie in a menacing tone as she pointedly asks for some ice to go into her whiskey. Sophie has gone to hand in her notice at the homeless shelter. The woman in charge is disappointed but Sophie won't explain her reasons. She just asks her to pass on a letter to Maddie. The woman tells Sophie she can give it to her herself and points to where Maddie is coming through the door.

Tina arrives home just as Katie is leaving. Tina accepts the offer of a beer from Steph's brother who comments that she seems in a better mood. It's clear he really fancies her.

As she drinks her whiskey Valerie tells Anna how she and Phelan have an 'arrangement' whereby he gets to play away and she gets to live in a nice house. She's obviously unhappy and Anna asks why she puts up with it and doesn't just leave him. As the two women glower at each other Valerie asks Anna again whether she knows anything. When Anna denies it Valerie looks at her and says that the problem is that there's always a stream of dozy little tarts ready to help him out. As Valerie leaves Anna tells her that she shouldn't just judge the women, judge him too because maybe the women aren't always willing. Valerie's parting shot is that Phelan is her husband to slag off and not Anna's.

Eileen is sitting at home watching Jason and Eva eating their tea of sausage and chips. She suggests going to the Rovers to add some excitement to her evening. Jason's not keen as he might bump into his Dad but he soon changes his tune when his Mum says she's paying.

Owen and Gary arrive home. Anna asks whether Phelan's done a runner. Owen looks surprised she knows so she explains that Valerie has been round. She also tells them that she thinks she might know why Phelan's gone missing.

Anna confesses to Owen that Phelan tried it on with her. She adds that she thinks he was worried she'd tell Valerie which is why he's done a runner. Owen manages to look surprised. Anna says she's worried it's her fault they've got into this mess but Owen tells her not to even think that.

Eileen is in the Rovers talking to Liz who tells her that she and Tony are starting to get close. Eileen makes out she's more interested in his relationship with Jason. At that moment Tony comes in - Liz gives an awkward smile, Jason ignores him, Eva gives a cheery greeting and Eileen scowls. Liz suggests Tony should go over and bond with his son, adding that she doesn't want to be the sort of girlfriend that comes between a man and his kids. "Why, how many has he got?" asks Eileen and they all laugh slightly nervously.

In the homeless shelter Sophie watches Maddie open the envelope. She takes out a bracelet which she puts on before reading Sophie's letter. Sophie tries asking her how she is while Maddie asks Sophie why she's leaving. Neither of them answer each other's questions. Maddie says thanks for the bracelet and tells Sophie it will come in handy when she's short of dosh. Maddie makes an excuse and then hurries out of the room at which point we see her face crumple as she starts to cry.

Kal and Leanne walk into the Rovers together, laughing about what happened at the party. To their embarrassment they turn round to see Dev coming in behind them. He manages to make a joke about being at the 50 year old laughing stock of the street so, in an effort to keep up the banter, Andrea adds that it's like Steve said, everyone's had a good crack at Stella. She realises she may have said the wrong thing when she catches sight of everyone's faces, including a stony look from Leanne. However, it's still Dev's birthday and they all manage to raise a smile, including Dev.

Owen and Gary come into the pub. Owen is telling Gary in no uncertain terms that they're not going to tell Anna what he's done but all Gary can think about is the fact that he's certain Phelan is dead.

Carla comes home to find Peter just emerging from the shower. He follows her into the bedroom where he hastily removes a stray hair from the pillow before sitting down on the bed. "Let's get you out of those wet clothes," he says, using an all-too-familiar phrase. But Carla's also heard that one before and tells Peter he needs to come up with some better chat up lines.

Back in the Rovers Owen is telling Gary to pull himself together. He says he might as well have the word 'guilty' tattooed across his forehead.

Across the room, Liz and Eileen are observing Tony talking to Jason. Liz thinks it's a happy scene while Eileen has a more cynical view. Liz says she tends to be more of a 'glass half full person'. "Just so long as it's not so full it's making you see double," quips Eileen.

Owen and Gary leave the Rovers. Owen is still telling Gary how he must handle everything as a figure emerges from the shadows. "Compadres!" exclaims Phelan as he reveals himself. "Did you miss me?" he asks as Owen and Gary stare at him, open-mouthed.

Round at Tina's, Steph's brother is just leaving. He makes a joke about leaving an item of his clothing for Tina to sleep with. He's very cocky but Tina is equally self-assured as she turns down his offer. Steph then joins Tina on the sofa and sees she's just received a text. She asks who it's from. Tina makes out it's just a friends who's having a bit of man trouble and then changes the subject by saying she's trying to watch something on tv. Steph asks if her moving in was a mistake as she can tell Tina's being a bit off with her. Tina says she's sorry but she just has a lot on her mind. She pulls herself together and they start laughing about something on the television.

Meanwhile, Phelan, Owen and Gary have moved from the street into the ginnel. As they face each other, Gary says he's sorry, he shouldn't have let Phelan wind him up but Owen adds that he also shouldn't have tried it on with his missus. "Do you get me?" he asks. Phelan says that lots of people do things they regret to which Owen replies maybe Gary regrets not finishing him off. Gary asks Phelan what he's going to do and he replies that it's the million dollar question. He says he hasn't quite decided yet but he's really going to enjoy working it out.

"So you two stay lucky," threatens Phelan as he walks off into the night.


Wednesday 5 March

Anna and Owen are having a quiet conversation. She's worried that he's hardly said a word all morning, he says he's got a lot on his plate. She knows she should have told him about Phelan, but she knew he wouldn't take it well. She wanted to spare him. Just then Izzy and Gary turn up with little Jake who is fine now. Anna then picks up that there's something going on that she doesn't know about, and eventually Owen tells her that Phelan came to see him last night. "Why didn't you tell me?" she cries. "I wanted to spare you," he says, "sound familiar?"

Sophie tells Sally that she's quit the shelter, she won't be going back there again. Sally knew the novelty would wear off eventually, and she's not sorry, it wasn't a safe place for a young girl. Sophie isn't interested in safe, she wants to do some good. Sally says they need some young blood in the charity shop in the precinct. Sophie's not interested. When Sally has gone, Tim tells Sophie she did right to pack it in, and she should put it all behind her now. Outside, however, Maddie is hiding round a corner, but watching the house.

Tina comes out of the Kabin and sees Peter and Carla walking arm in arm down the street. However, they're having a chat about a business deal and Carla isn't happy. She goes off muttering that she wishes she'd stayed in Paris. Peter goes over to Tina and tells her he meant what he said about treating her right. She says that saying it is the easy part. He asks how she'd like a night in a swanky hotel - tonight? She wonders how he would swing that, but he says that's his problem and promises to text her. Then he pushes her back into the Kabin doorway and kisses her.

Back at Anna's, Izzy is learning that Gary hit Phelan with a lump of wood. She's aghast, did he realise what it could mean to her and Jake...all of them? Gary gets angry and protests that Phelan was winding him up, if they'd heard the things he was saying, he was asking for it! "So you just had to give it to him!" Izzy is furious. Anna wonders why Gary didn't ask her about it before he went charging in, she was handling it. Owen says that Phelan wants revenge, he wants to make them suffer, so they will have to cut their losses and pull out of the deal. Anna says they can't pull out now, they'll be ruined. Owen says they have to, there's no choice.

Peter is in the office at Underworld, making the hotel booking. (Rather dangerous?) Carla comes in so he hangs up quickly and goes off to get her coffee.

Eileen and Deirdre are chatting in the cafe. Eileen says how Liz wound her up, sticking her oar into things and people she knows nothing about. Deirdre guesses that Eileen is really talking about Liz and Tony, and wonders if Eileen doesn't like them being together. Eileen assures her that Liz is welcome to Tony, but doesn't want her meddling with her family. Deirdre suggests that Eileen joins herself and Liz for lunch in the bistro, they're all too old to be falling out over fellas.

Owen and Gary arrive at the building site to see Phelan. Owen warns Gary to let him do the talking. He tells Phelan that they're finished, he's taking back the money he put in, and he expects it to be in his bank account by the end of the month. Phelan tells him not to be so hasty, Gary could get done for GBH or even attempted murder if he goes to the police. Owen says he'll say it was self defense. Phelan tells them to come to the office, there is something they should see.

Back at Underworld, Peter invents a situation with one of the other members of the alcohol support group, whose wife has allegedly left him and taken the kids. All leading up to Peter having to go and keep him company overnight, no doubt, but before he can broach this, Carla reminds him that he still hasn't got her the coffee he promised. He goes off to get it, and as he leaves the office his phone rings and Carla answers it. It's the hotel, telling her that Peter's booking for tonight has been upgraded.

Owen and Gary have gone with Phelan to the office, where he shows them CCTV footage of Gary hitting him in what appears to be a totally unprovoked attack. He suggests they sit down and talk turkey.

Owen tells Phelan that he won't be blackmailed; Phelan says it'll be a shame for Gary, he'll miss all the milestones in little Jake's life. Owen then asks him what his terms are. Phelan tells them they will finish the job to his exacting standards, they'll be on site by 7.30 each morning, and last to leave at night. He says Gary must give up his share in the company, and when the flats are sold Owen will get his investment back, but there will be no profit in it for either of them at all. He tells Owen to go away and think about it.

Maddie goes into the corner shop where Sophie is working. She starts by telling Sophie she was just passing, but then it becomes obvious that she's come to see Sophie and she tries to kiss her. Sophie jumps back as a customer comes through the door. Maddie then asks if Sophie is free tomorrow night. Sophie says she is, so Maddie goes away saying she'll be in touch.

Liz, Eileen and Deirdre are in the bistro. Deirdre asks Liz how things are going with her and Tony, and Liz tells her they're good. Eileen is skeptical, she knows Tony and she's not sure what his motives are. Liz concludes that Eileen is jealous.

Peter and Carla go in to the Rovers, and Carla is delighted to tell Sally that she and Peter are off to Summerford Lodge. Tina is working behind the bar, and hears all this, and Peter looks uncomfortable. Tim asks what the occasion is, and Peter tells him it was a spur of the moment thing. Carla tells him she'd had some bad news and Peter wanted to cheer her up. "Ah, what a sweetheart," says Tina, adding that she would like to meet someone like him, romantic, thoughtful, always putting her first, but she always seems to go for the liars and the love rats. Carla is sure there is someone out there for Tina.

Liz and Eileen are still debating the situation with Tony, while Deirdre sits in the middle trying to keep the peace. Eileen then warns Liz to get shot of Tony before it's too late. Liz is furious and tells her she won't let Eileen give her orders, and then a row breaks out, until Stella comes over and asks them to keep the noise down. Liz tells her not to worry, she's going!

Peter goes out to the back of the Rovers, and tells Tina he's sorry. She doesn't want to listen to his excuses, she's upset and disappointed. He says he'll make it up to her. She knows she's always going to be second best. Peter says she knew the score from the start, wouldn't she rather he told her the truth? She says she thought she could handle it, but now she's not sure she can.

Owen goes to find Phelan and tells him he'll finish the job and then walk away with no profit at the end of it. Phelan laughs and walks off, gloating.

Anne Logan

Friday 7 March

Carla and Peter arrive back in a black cab. Carla moans about having to go to work but admits the real world beckons. When she goes into the factory Peter looks longingly down the street towards Tina's flat.

In that very flat, Steph's choosing a boyfriend on the basis of photographs on her phone. She tells Tina it's a new app where you accept or reject the photo and then start texting the bloke/s you like the look of. Steph suggests they have a girls' night in, since Tina's not working tonight, and though Tina's not really in the mood she agrees.

Anna's going to work early. Owen's moaning about Phelan and having to do 10-hour days for no reward. Anna's proud of him for doing this for Gary. Owen says he's also doing it for Izzy and their grandson. He's upset that what was going to be their big break has turned out badly.

Todd and Eileen talk about the argument with Liz. Jason comes down and Todd tells him about it, even though Eileen's asked him not to. Jason says Tony is not worth arguing over.

Liz is also talking to her son about the argument, with Michelle adding her own comments. She thinks Liz was trying to wind up Eileen. In fact, she and Steve aren't sure Tony's worth defending. Liz argues she was thinking of Jason. Tina comes in and doesn't have time to open her mouth before Liz tells her No, she can't finish early; No, she can't have tomorrow off, and No, she's not going to mess them around again.

Carla comes in, skiving off work, and starts giving Liz a detailed account of last night in the romantic hotel chosen by her romantic husband. Tina, looking upset, listens from out in the hallway. Carla's conversation starts a semi-argument between Michelle and Steve over whether or not Steve's romantic. Apparently a candlelight dinner doesn't count if it's just up the road in the bistro. To prove how unromantic Steve is, Michelle gets Carla to recite all the gifts Peter gave her for Christmas. Hearing this doesn't improve Tina's mood.

It's tea-break time on the building site but Gary seems to be powered by those bunny batteries. He's working so hard he's puffing when Owen eventually gets him to stop. He wants to go to the police and confess all but Owen tells him he's not leaving Izzy to bring up Jake on her own.

Steve's trying to suggest something romantic, like going to the movies and cuddling up in the back row, but Michelle doesn't think sticky seats and overpriced popcorn are the answer.

Peter comes into the Rovers and seems about to speak to Tina. He's startled when Carla comes from the direction of the toilets. Tina tells Liz she's going to put out the recycling. Peter orders a drink then tells Liz he's going out for a ciggy. What a coincidence!

Steph's helping Sophie choose something to wear for her date with Mad-Eh. Tim comes in and they tell him they're planning a girls' night in.

In the pub yard, Tina doesn't want to talk to Peter. Peter says he feels terrible. "Do you, Peter? Do you really?" She tells him she's had to listen to Carla going on about last night in great detail. Peter tells her he'll make it up to her. In fact, he'll make it up to her tonight. She says she's got plans. Peter moves in (and the world's non-smokers think "bleargghhh!"). He promises her he'll make it worth her while to meet him tonight. He kisses her but she turns her head away.

Kal sees Dev talking to his Dad and goes over. Kal's father is trying to persuade Dev to put in a sauna. Kal points out they have to establish the place as a gym first but his father argues it will bring in more customers. He also asks what they think of Graham, his builder. They're all joined by Tony. Dev apologises to him for dumping Jason and says Graham came in with a price ten per cent lower than Jason's. Tony tells him he should support local tradies. "Don't you care about folks round here?"

In the cafe, Anna's distracted. Izzy levitates inside with Katy. Izzy is worried about Gary. Katy's angry that they're letting Phelan get away with this. Anna tells them the whole family is in this together.

Tony comes into the cafe, sees Jason and goes over to tell him he might have a job for him. Jason reminds him what happened last time he took job advice from Tony. "I've managed 30 years without your help!"

Round in the taxi office, Steve's getting relationship advice from Todd and Eileen. They advise him not to take Michelle to see a musical which is on in town. Steve spots an ad in the Gazette - karaoke night at the Hen and Squirrel, with beer just a pound a pint. Todd needles Eileen about Liz but this is an argument Steve wants to stay out of.

Sally goes into the factory office and finds nobody there. She sits in Peter's executive chair, as if trying it on for size, and is a bit flustered when he comes in. She asks him to sign an order and scurries out. Carla comes in with bags of food shopping. Unlike real people's bags of food shopping, Carla's carrier bags are thick and unwrinkled and unbulging. She sits on Peter's lap and tells him she's going to cook Indonesian food for him tonight. Oh, no! It seems Peter's just had a call from his AA buddy Jimmy. Jimmy's in a bad way, staring at a bottle of booze so Peter's going to have to go and be with him. He won't be home for hours. Carla's not worried - they'll just eat later.

Tina's sulking. Liz decides to hit her with some home truths. Peter will never leave Carla. And he's thinking of Tina in the same way he thought of bottles of booze - when he's finished with her he'll chuck her out with all the other empties. "Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Eileen's hovering around the door of the Rovers, unsure whether to go in or not. When Tony comes along, she has a go at him and tells him he never should have come to the Street. He protests that he missed Jason and points out that he never missed sending a card for birthdays and Christmas. Eileen tells him to do one.

Gary's angry again because he and Owen have to stay on site until six. Owen reminds him what got them into this mess.

Tina goes home to find Steph and Katy admiring a dressed-up Sophie. She gets a text from Peter saying he's waiting for her and tells the girls she's heard from a friend who's been dumped. She can't stay for the girls' night in.

"Naisby Builders" says the name on the van. Tony, who appears to have some tools secreted about his person, approaches the rear doors. He's interrupted by Sally, who sees him from across the street and calls out a greeting. He pretends he's just stopped there to talk on his mobile phone.

In a dark alley, Peter flashes his car lights at Tina and she slips into the passenger seat. They kiss and Peter tells her he's only got a couple of hours so he's booked a room in a B&B just round the corner. Tina's angry. Carla got a night, "my night," and all she gets is a couple of hours in a B&B? Peter says he couldn't just magic up a night away. "Why not?" demands Tina. "Because she's cooking dinner," Peter says truthfully. Tina tells him she knows what he wants her for and he's not getting it. She goes to get out of the car, though Peter asks her to wait. Tina mutters that Liz was right and that panics Peter. What does Liz know? Is Tina going to talk to her? "Where are you going?" he asks. "What are you going to say? Just wait. . ." But Tina's walking away.

The end of episode one.
Margaret Carr

Good evening.

Anyway turning to the matter in hand this episode was written by Mark Wadlow and directed by Lee Salisbury. Copyright remains the property of ITV Studios and I thank them for their indulgence.

We open outside the flats with Tina hanging around waiting for Peter. When her phone goes she does not answer it and continues home where Steph and Katy are testing cocktails. She bad temperedly goes into her room.

Eileen comes into the pub and asks for Liz who comes out of the back room. Dev tries to encourage Jason in conversation but Jason is not very keen. They banter about football without great success.

Peter is leaving messages for Tina but she is not calling him back.

The builder comes out the new gym with Kal and when he opens his van he finds all of his tools and he will not be able to carry with the building work.

Peter returns home and Carla is cooking madly - she is trying to cook his favourite Indonesian meal and she wishes that he really liked beans on toast.

At the Rovers Liz emerges from the back room and asks if Eileen has come to have another go. Eileen gets up to leave but Todd convinces her to apologise. Liz says she will enjoy this and crosses her arms in anticipation. After a little more banter, Eileen says (in a very quiet voice) "sorry". And then asks for a vodka and coke. Liz says it is the quietest most pointless apology she has ever hears - but she will accept it and they have a hug and make up. Dev suggests that if he and Jason are proper friends they should rise above this and offers his hand. At which point Kal arrives to say they are a builder short on the job!

Sophie rushes indoors and upstairs, telling her mother not to talk to her.

Steph and Katy have turned to talking about Tina being a bit moody and Tina is listening and decides that she would be better off joining in their fund and comes out of her room with a broad smile on her face.

Graham the builder reckons that nothing like this has ever happened before - and he was not making any money as he was doing the job as favour to Kal's father. But he is not going to stay.

Carla's meal is close to a disaster - underchopped ginger - they decide to bin the majority of the meal. Peter keeps sending text messages to Tina - who is sitting with the other girls setting up some house rules. Tina says she is off men - and Katy says that is why she is bad tempered - because she is not getting any! Tina tells a story of an argument with a "mate" who is seeing a married man.

Sophie is not telling her Mum and Tim why she is upset - but she goes out the front door to find Maddie has had a bit of a beating.

After the break she takes Maddie indoors and when they see the injuries Tim offers to take her to the hospital.

Tina reckons "Cheryl" is wrong to sleep with a married man. Katy reckons that she and Ches were simply too young. Steph reckons that it will end badly. Tina says the couple have just had an amazing two weeks and she reckons all will be well.

Tony is offering Liz a curry and Graham is definitely off the job. Tony passes this onto Jason who hotfoots it over to Dev and Kal to offer to take the job on. The latter have little choice. Jason is on the job from Monday. Jason does however wonder if Tony had something to do with the lost tools - and so does Kal. Tony denies seeing anything suspicious.

Owen and Anna are talking about Faye's imminent birthday party and Anna tells Gary off for throwing away all of the financial benefits out of the mill job.

Katy goes home and Tina and Steph fall to discussing Cheryl further - and Steph says she should not be wasting her time on a married man. Steph is sure she will get dumped and tells Tina to pass on that she should bin him off.

Maddie and Sophie are in A&E waiting. Maddie still has the bracelet - she would not let them have it.

Peter is getting nowhere trying to get hold of Tina. Carla comes out and asks if they are OK and Peter confirms there are no problems and instantly says he is off to get some cigarettes. Carla continues distressed - but then she has some big news.

Tina and Peter meet in the ginnel. Peter apologises - and he asks her if they are OK. Tina says she loves Peter and he is stunned and does not respond - not the answer she was expecting. She sends him home and he merely says good night. He stops briefly to look back and then goes off and we close with the camera on a distressed Tina.

And nice bits tonight - Eileen's apology and Liz's response. Carla asking Peter if they are OK and then Peter asking Tina exactly the same question in the same words. Bad bits - are Owen and Gary ever going to see the light of day again? They are now working dawn to dusk and beyond. And Tina - you know Steph is right.


Monday 10 March

Written by Simon Crowther Directed by Alan Grint

Faye's school rucksack has a broken strap and Anna says she'll have to make do. Faye starts to play up sarcastically, pretending it's a dog that she has to pull behind her on a lead as Gary comes in and Owen comes downstairs. Owen tells Gary they can get through the job sooner if they start early and finish late.

Eva's made Jason's sandwiches, much to Todd's merriment about sexual stereotypes. Eileen leads Tony in. Tony remarks on Jason's hefty tool belt. There's a blast from the past when Jason remarks that it used to belong to Charlie Stubbs. Tony's trying to get Jason to let him help out but Jason's determined to do it on his own.

Steph is hanging off a chair upside down as a hangover cure. Tina brings up her "mate", says she told her fella that she loved him and he never said it back. Steph's remark that he probably tells his wife he loves her all the time cuts deep.

Outside, Peter is thoughtful. Tim is up a ladder outside the Kabin and greets Sally as she comes out. She asks him if it's interesting doing peoples' windows. He doesn't seem to think so but the worst part is everyone that goes by singing the old song about cleaning windows. They have a cute little scene as they recall the lyrics. Tim offers to cook tonight, much to her delight.

On the building site, Phelan is doubting Owen's tactics. Owen promises they'll be finished on time. Phelan annoys Gary by calling him "Tonto". Gary's not best pleased.

At the factory, Sally has been informing everyone about Tim's turn as Master Chef that evening. She doesn't even care what he's going to make, as it's a nice break for her. They all talk about food and chefs. Everyone's phone alarms sound the lunch break. It's down tools quickly for the girls but in the office, Carla seems out of sorts. Peter is off in another world and apologizes, pretending he's waiting for the printer to work. She offers advice, belt it. He does and it spits out a piece of paper. Hmmm.

In the cafe, Dev and Michelle are at the counter. Anna shakes a charity collection box at them. Michelle drops in a few coins. Dev is promoting his gym memberships already, with printed leaflets and everything. Michelle isn't bothered and Anna reckons his "first month free" offer is only free because the cost of the other 11 months is probably a little higher to make up for it. Sussed it in on, I think. Roy comes in toting a few full bin bags. Anna makes a remark about the lesser spotted Cropper making a rare appearance. Julie arrives so Dev tries his offer out on her. She takes the leaflet and promises to look at it. She then feels pressured when Anna points out the charity box, making a big deal out of how much she should put in.

Sophie is at A&E when Maddie walks out, brushing off Sophie. She tells Sophie she's going to a mate's, a "he", but that's a lie. Sophie asks her to come with her but Maddie isn't so inclined though she does thank Sophie for her help.

Eva has brought a cake to the gym building site for Jason. They have a chuckle then Eva looks around and comments that he hasn't got very far. Well, Jason points out, it *is* only the first day. She gently suggests it's a lot for one person but he says he can cope. Dev comes in and complains about Jason taking a break. Again, he wonders why there isn't more progress. Day 1, boss.

Steph and her brother (who's called Luke) are in the cafe with Tina and Steph is wittering on about the new gym off and even she can see it's a bit of a scam though it she agrees that people like to think they're getting a deal. Anna agrees as well, pointing out that people buy anything if it's on sale. Luke asks Tina where she got her top and is told it was on sale. Luke's made a good impression on Anna but Tina is a bit thoughtful. Steph tells Luke that Tina's worrying about a friend.

Phelan sends Gary to help another worker but he doesn't want to, he's busy. Phelan insists and Gary starts to lose his temper but Owen sends him off, much to Phelan's delight.

After the break, Jason is explaining to Dev that things are going to go slower if he's stood there all day asking questions. Dev suggests Jason employ some help. Jason's getting fed up and when Dev leaves, he dials a number. It's his dad that he's ringing.

Sophie sees Maddie coming out of the corner shop and in the end, invites her to stay overnight at Chez Webster. She'll ask her mother but is pretty sure it will be ok. Maddie isn't so sure.Sophie goes off.

Owen is warning Gary to keep his cool. He doesn't want Gary to rise to the bait that Phelan is waving at him. Gary is resentful and surly. He thinks maybe it's a good idea if they call Phelan's bluff. He won't go to prison, he says, because Phelan is a bankrupt and stands to lose just as much. Owen explains that Phelan has no scruples and they'll end up with the short end of the stick. Owen offers Gary a chance. Go ahead. Tell Phelan to go to the cops. Gary isn't so sure after all. Owen reminds Gary he was caught on tape battering Phelan. Overhead, Phelan has walked up on the next floor and is observing and taking in the conversation. Owen warns Gary to call Phelan's bluff. No? Thought not. Gary scowls. Phelan smirks.

Julie and Fiz are trying to come up with fund raising ideas. What would Hayley have wanted? They go into Number 9 to brainstorm.

Tony arrives at the gym with his own hard hat on. Jason offers him some work but Tony says he had two job offers just in. He says he'll try to reschedule one of them and tells Jason he should be knocking off for the day. They head out to the pub together.

Maddie is watching nervously from across the road. Inside, Sophie is trying to persuade Sally who is not forthcoming. She points out that Sophie's idea of a couple of nights are like dog years! Sally expects Tim to be on her side but Sophie makes a few pointed remarks and Tim realizes that Sophie's going to out him (about Maddie beating him up) so he changes his tune. Sally gives in. One night only!

Roy is in the cafe. When asked if he'll be in the cafe tomorrow he only replies Perhaps. He does understand that Anna and Jenna are carrying the load and does appreciate it but he still seems distracted and leaves. Faye is moping about her torn bag over at a table.

Peter comes out of the factory and sees Tina who is on her way to work. He is uncomfortable with them walking over to the pub together. She accuses him of being scared she'll tell him she loves him again and she replies that she doesn't know how much longer she can keep quiet.

Sophie's told Maddie the news and she's invited for tea as well. Maddie asks why Sophie is doing all this for her.

In the pub, Todd is ribbing Jason for getting Tony's help. Dev arrives and makes a remark about Jason quitting for the day. Oh give it a rest, Tony chides, and tells him that he will be helping and it will all be done on time. Tina and Steph are chatting at the other end of the bar. Luke is mentioned and Tina says that she won't run after him. Steph has already sussed out that this friend Tina was on about doesn't exist and she's the one that's having the affair with a married man. Finally, with someone to talk to about it, Tina admits it. Carla has ordered pineapple juice and Michelle wonders why. Carla puts it down to having had too much caffeine in Paris. She's out of sorts and moody and Michelle wonders if everything is ok with her and Peter. Carla assures her it is but then nervously admits, she thinks she might be pregnant! She then swoops away and runs for the ladies' loo, leaving Michelle's jaw on the bar.

Back to the Mill, Phelan says the doors that were installed were perfect but he has changed the doors. Owen protests that he told them yesterday that he'd decided but Phelan insists he changed his mind and Owen has it wrong. Gary loses his temper again and starts pushing Phelan around.


Written by Debbie Oates and directed by Alan Grint

Owen is doing his best to restrain Gary from thumping Phelan who is making the most of the fact that he now has the upper hand. He tells Owen that he should buy Gary a muzzle.

Michelle has followed Carla into the ladies' following her revelation that she might be pregnant but she then discovers that Carla hasn't yet plucked up the courage to take a test.

Out in the bar, Steph's giving Tina the benefit of her advice on how to have an affair. According to her friend Shania who's had "billions of affairs" - well, more like two - the secret when dealing with a married man is to go for bling over chocolates when it comes to presents so that you have something to sell when it all goes wrong. Tina wanders over towards Peter who wants to know what she's been saying but Tina ignores him and goes to serve another customer.

At one of the tables Eva is telling Jason he's being pig-headed by not asking his father to help him out but Jason is arguing that he doesn't want his dad thinking he can't cope. Just then Tony walks in.

Carla comes out of the ladies' and sees Peter but before she can join him and get stuck into her glass of wine, Michelle drags her away for a quick word.

Out in the street, Sophie and Maddie are sitting on the curb. Maddie is worried she won't be able to cope with the social graces required to have a meal at Sally's house - and who can blame her?! - but Sophie reassures her it's only tea and she'll be absolutely fine.

In the Cafe, Fiz and Julie are waiting to have a word with Roy who returns from a shopping trip but his distracted by a problem he's just encountered with the electronic stopping sign on the Wayfarer bus. After he disappears upstairs Julie and Fiz tell Anna that they were going to discuss an idea they've had to do some fundraising in Hayley's name. Julie announces they need some blue-sky thinking but Fiz says she's not keen on the idea of being sponsored to jump out of a plane . . .

Back at The Mill, Owen has taken Gary on one side for some tough talking. When Gary implies that Owen doesn't know the meaning of being brave, Owen soon puts him straight. He describes how he had to bring up a baby and a young girl when his wife walked out on him when all he wanted to do was end his own life and now Gary is prepared to risk leaving Izzy to bring up their baby on her own just because he couldn't stop himself from thumping Phelan. Owen tells him that if he wants to prove how brave he really his, Gary needs to swallow his pride and do everything Phelan tells him to, including licking his boots if necessary.

Meanwhile Michelle is also giving Carla a talking to. In this case, she's trying to persuade her to take a pregnancy test but Carla is terrified of the result. She says she doesn't want kids and she hasn't spoken to Peter because now's not a good time. "So, you want to tell him but you need to know first but you don't want to take a test first because then you'd know," sums up Michelle. "Nailed it," replies Carla as Michelle firmly removes the glass of wine from her hand.

Round at Sally's, they're having pasta for tea and Maddie asks how she should eat her spaghetti. Sophie says there are no rules on how to do it. This gives Sally the chance to raise the subject of house rules. Maddie says she's used to rules in the hostels she's lived in - like no taking or dealing in drugs. Sally's horrified - she hopes they'll need no rules like that in her house. "Oh and no offensive comments," adds Maddie. Sophie says if they had that rule in their house, Sally would never be off the naughty step. A comment from Sally about passing the salt sends the two girls into hysterics over a joke they were having earlier and Maddie makes an excuse about having to leave to pick up some of her belongings.

Back in the Rovers we see Michelle pour Carla's glass of wine down the sink before Carla rejoins Peter. She makes out Michelle wanted to speak to her about a problem with Ryan. Peter goes off to buy another round. "Same again?" he asks, failing to hear Carla's muttered ‘no' as he walks away.

Liz is talking to Tony when Jason comes over and thanks his dad for helping out earlier. Looking Tony straight in the eye, Jason adds that it seems like whoever did that van over was doing him a favour. The moment Jason is out of earshot, Liz asks Tony if he knows anything about the van. "Me?" asks Tony, trying to sound all innocent. But there are no flies on Liz and she points to the doorstep and tells him in no uncertain terms that she doesn't want any trouble on her side of it and adds that any fella who doesn't understand that stops on the other side of it and all.

Peter goes up to the bar and speaks to Tina. While Steph watches on in the background he asks if Tina's said anything but she ignores his question and just takes his money for his round of drinks.

At the building site Owen goes up to Phelan to ask for some money he's owed for overtime. "More like under time if you deduct the time wasted on hissy fits," comments Phelan. He counts out the cash while the two men make a pretence at a civil conversation. "See, it's not hard is it?" Owen asks Gary as they head for home.

In the Rovers, Owen is counting out the money from Phelan. He's also managed to pick up a couple of sheets of his headed paper from the office. Gary comments that Owen thinks he's the one to take stupid risks but Owen reckons that Phelan wouldn't think they'd dare to nick a few bob off him. Then Katie comes in and joins them and Owen insists on giving her some money for Joseph and buying her a drink.

Peter keeps glancing towards the bar. He's actually looking at Tina but Carla thinks he's craving a drink and insists they go home. Phelan and his wife come in. She says her husband enjoys a pint but they only have wine bars in the posh part of town where they live. Owen makes a couple of digs about enjoying a ‘good honest' pint and even goes so far as buying one for Phelan. Gary can't stand to be near the man a moment longer than he has to and leaves.

Maddie and Sophie are in the cafe, having a laugh together over Sally's house rules. Sophie jokes that the good news is that she has the right to a phone call. "Who would I phone?" asks Maddie. Sophie says she's sure she could think of somebody, batting her eyelashes at her in a jokey and exaggerated manner. Maddie laughs and they continue their companionable banter.

Roy appears and sees Anna is still working away. She says it's fine but Roy decides to close up and tells everyone it's time to leave. Anna hands Roy a parcel that arrived earlier and he's distracted once more and disappears upstairs before Fiz and Julie have a chance to speak to him.

Back in the Rovers, Katie comes out of the ladies' and, seeing Phelan on his own by the bar, decides to give him a piece of her mind. She calls him a pathetic, spineless bully and says Gary should have hit him harder so he couldn't get back up. But Phelan's not about to be intimidated by the likes of Katie and he leads her back to the table where he proves who's boss. He tells Owen that he's decided to bring the completion date forward by two weeks. Katie protests that it's not possible. "Hark at our teenage construction expert!" mocks Phelan.

Over by the bar we see Tina reading a text message on her phone and she's looking thoughtful.

Sophie and Maddie are at home getting comfy on the sofa together. Maddie asks for a beer but Sophie is keen to try and stick to Sally's house rules. With a ban on alcohol and dirty pots in the sink, Maddie decides to try for something that isn't on Sally's list but as she leans in for a kiss, Sophie stops her. It's not that she doesn't want it as much as Maddie but it doesn't feel right under the circumstances so Maddie stomps off to bed on her own.

Owen's also about to turn in for the night. With Phelan on his back he has to leave for work at 6am but as he says to Anna, the sooner he can get the job finished and be shot of Phelan, the better. He hands Anna some money and tells her to spend it on something for herself but, ever the caring mother, she plans on buying a new school bag for Faye. Anna tells Owen she thinks he's being amazing for staying so positive throughout all this but Owen admits that he feels like he's rotting inside. Anna looks at him tenderly and gives him a kiss.

Peter and Tina meet outside in the street. She's really upset when it transpires he only wanted to speak to her to check she hasn't revealed his identity to Steph. She asks him how come he makes her feel so great one minute and so worthless the next and says she needs someone to talk to. Peter says she can talk to him but that's not what Tina needs. She tells Peter she's sorry for putting pressure on him but says she can't live like this. Tina says she could cope if she felt loved and lonely but as it is she's just lonely. Peter tells her not to be daft and that he wouldn't risk all this just for a bit of fun. "So you do feel something for me, then?" asks Tina. Peter has to do something quick to resolve the situation so he utters those three words Tina is longing to hear. "I love you, Tina. I do. I love you," he says as he pulls her into his arms. But his face tells a different story as the camera pulls back and we see his expression over Tina's shoulder.


Wednesday 12 March

Hello, I'm here in place of Anne, who's on holiday.

It's morning and Steph and Tina, who seem to have become best buddies in about five minutes, discuss the fact that Tina's MMM (mystery married man) told her he loved her. Tina insists they love each other and just want to be together. Steph asks about the MMM's wife but Tina thinks she's irrelevant. Steph points out she's not. The wife will be furious when she finds out the MMM has been having an affair and will want money and revenge. Tina says they just want to be together with no complications. Steph warns her to enjoy it while she can. "When that bomb goes off there is going to be mess everywhere!"

Carla's cooking breakfast for Peter. This is so unusual he wonders if he's forgotten a special occasion. She tells him she loves him and asks if he's happy. Peter says he's never been happier. Her phone rings. It's just Rob so she rejects the call.

Sean's gone in to book a taxi but he's not had a chance because of Steve going on (and on and on and on) about Tony and Liz. He thinks everyone's forgotten what Tony's really like. Sean eventually gets a word in about booking a taxi but Steve won't do it until Sean gives him an honest opinion about Liz and Tony. "It's a car crash," says Sean. This last bit causes some confusion when Lloyd and Andrea walk in. Steve says they were talking about a crash which held up traffic earlier. He asks Lloyd what he'd think if Tony was dating Lloyd's mother. Lloyd says he'd bite his tongue, hope she was happy and listen for the sound of crashing cars.

Maddy, her face all scratched, eats breakfast with Sophie in the cafe. She's annoyed by Jenna and reckons she fancies Sophie. Sophie confesses they used to go out.

Fiz and Julie come in. Julie tells Roy they've got lots of idea to raise money in Hayley's memory. I suspect Roy hopes they're all better than her first - a silent sponsored sew!

Katy's on her way out for coffee when she find Peter skulking in the builders' yard. He gives her some rubbish story but we all know he's keeping an eye on Tina's flat. When he sees Steph leave he slithers over to the door and furtively rings the bell. He had a good look round first, but surely everyone in Roy's Rolls can see him? (Including Katy, who went there for coffee)

Tina lets him in but says she has to go to work. He suggests she might be getting a migraine and needs to lie down in a darkened room.

On the building site, Gary very grudgingly replies to Phelan's cheery greeting. Phelan, continuing his mind games, tells Gary to go round the back and dig a hole so they can give a dead pigeon a funeral. When Gary's gone, Owen tells Phelan not to push Gary because Owen might not always be there to calm Gary down.

Steph's forgotten her phone and heads back to the flat. She stops outside to chat to Katy.

Steve stops Tony and Jason in the street and says he needs a private word with Tony. Tony says he can say anything in front of Jason. Steve stutters a bit but says he wants to know what's going on with his mother. After all, Tony's not exactly got a good track record round here. Tony wonders whether Liz knows Steve's warning him off. If she did, she'd stop his pocket money and make him sit on the naughty step, he says.

Steph's upstairs but doesn't seem convinced by the sudden-onset-migraine story. She even asks whether Tina really is alone in the flat. When she finally gets rid of her flatmate, Tina asks Peter whether he meant what he said yesterday. He insists he meant every word. "Then why are we still sneaking around?" asks Tina. "Why can't we tell the truth?" Peter hugs her but looks a little worried.

Tina says she wants to be with Peter. She knows it will be difficult to tell Carla. She accidentally lets slip that she's been talking about this with Steph, though she insists Steph doesn't know any more than that Tina's seeing an MMM. Peter's really annoyed, which surprises her. He says she's taken a massive risk. Steph will watch her like a hawk trying to work out who it is. He promises to tell Carla when the time is right and kisses Tina.

Katy's taken some paperwork to Owen on the site. Phelan asks if she is authorised to be on site. He knows she's Owen's daughter because he never forgets a face or a stroppy attitude. Katy snaps that she never forgets a coward or a bully. Phelan says her dad is a real grafter who will turn his hand to anything. Katy agrees. Phelan demands that Owen wash his car. Owen refuses but Phelan insists in a very menacing way. Katy says she'll do it but Owen sends her home.

Michelle gives Carla a pregnancy kit and tells her she needs to know whether she's pregnant or not. Carla just keeps hoping that if she ignores the whole thing nature will take its course and remove the problem. Carla says she'll go home now and do the test. Michelle wants to be the second person to know the result.

Maddy and Sophie are in the street and Maddy calls out Hello to Sally in a very sneering sort of way - getting louder as Sally tries to ignore her. The other machinists with Sally ask about Maddy and Sally explains she's just someone from a difficult background whom Sophie is trying to help. Julie says Sophie's a credit to Sally. "Well, we do what we can," says Sally glibly.

Steph's brought Tina some cake as a migraine cure. She has worked out the MMM was in the flat when she came round earlier. She says she's worried about Tina. Tina insists she knows what she's doing. Tina would like it if she and the MMM could just go away somewhere nobody knows them and be themselves.

Peter's in the Rovers teasing Michelle by ordering a double whiskey. She's about to pour him a fruit juice when he gets a text summoning him home urgently.

Sean, Lloyd and Jenna sit in a booth discussing what they might do this evening. Lloyd is already going out with Andrea.

Bungy jump? Parachute jump? Sally asks Julie why all her suggested sponsored activities seem to involve heights. Can't they have a nice sponsored walk? Hayley loved walking. And she loved dancing. They could have a dance marathon and all get dressed up, Sally suggests. "A sky dive in ballgowns!" says Julie. Sally walks away from her.

Steve's broached the subject of Tony and Liz is annoyed. She's sick of Steve pointing out Tony's a liar, cheat, thief and robber. Jenna asks Steve what he thinks about Andrea going out with Lloyd. Steve advises her not to get involved with other people's relationships.

Peter arrives home to find Rob there. George is dead. George. You know - Carla's stepfather. Carla hated his guts but seems a bit shocked to hear of his death.

Steve tells Lloyd he's worried about him. He's only known Andrea five minutes. Lloyd's annoyed that Steve's interfering and says Steve never liked the idea of Lloyd and Andrea going out. As Lloyd and Andrea leave the pub arm in arm, Liz comments on what a lovely couple they make. She's deliberately taunting Steve.

Steve asks Michelle why everyone he knows is diving head first into terrible relationships. Michelle says it's all his fault. "If you tell someone they're with the wrong person , suddenly that person becomes ten time more attractive!" As if to prove this, Liz takes Tony through to the back.

Rob and Carla come in. Carla looks so shocked Michelle assumes she's had a positive result on the pregnancy test. Carla says she didn't get a chance to do the test. George has died. She feels weird, numb, confused. "Just let me deal with one bombshell at a time, please." "OK," says Michelle, "as long as you do deal with it." The credits roll as Carla sits there looking awful.

The end
Margaret Carr

Friday 14 March

Carla drags herself along the street. Peter, who's popping out for some milk, says he didn't know where she'd gone. She says she's just been for a walk. Peter can't understand what's bringing her down because she wasn't close to George. Carla says it's brought back a whole lot of memories.

Steve complains to Michelle that she hogged the duvet all night and slept spread out like a starfish. And she snored. Michelle pooh-poohs his complaints. Liz and Tony come in and he's obviously spent the night. It's Tony's birthday today and Liz thinks they should all help him celebrate. Steve's reaction is, "I need to set up," and off he goes.

Sinead and Chesney call in to return a DVD and to ask Fiz and Tyrone if they'd like to have their tea at the cafe tonight. Fiz says she's promised to give Roy some space and this leads Sinead to speculate about Roy becoming a reclusive hoarder. This leads Fiz to consider what Hayley would want her to do and she agrees to go along.

Tina and Carla pass in the street and Tina has to work to get Carla's attention. Carla says she was miles away. She's had a bit of bad news. You can see the enthusiastic expectation on Tina's face. But Carla says she's heard that her stepdad has died. She tells Tina they weren't really close and she'll snap out of it.

In the corner shop, Maddy's really annoyed because she cooked breakfast and all Sally did was complain about the mess. Sophie tells her to keep her voice down and Maddy reacts by grabbing a bottle of vodka and hiding it inside her jacket. Challenged by both Dev and Sophie, she puts it back and runs out of the shop. Dev tells Sophie to go and sort it out.

Maddy and Sophie shout at each other out in the street. Maddy says Sophie always ruins everything. Sophie asks if Maddy was trying to make her lose her job. "Just because you can't be bothered to work doesn't mean the rest of us can't!" Maddy turns away and Sophie returns to the shop.

Ozzie stinks. Marcus thinks he rolled in something. Even Fiz can smell it. Marcus takes Liam and Ozzie off to school, giving Maria the chance to tell Fiz she thinks she's finally found one of the good ones.

In the factory, Sally's making a big drama telling Sean all about Maddy's mess in the kitchen. They don't see Carla and her foul mood approaching from behind. Sally's wondering about Maddy's cooking skills - "How often do you see a homeless person with a camping stove?" she asks. "How often do you come in here and actually do any work?" asks Carla behind her. Sally's taken aback. She points out that there's still two minutes until starting time. Carla's spoiling for a fight but Peter drags her away. He says he knows she's stressed out about the funeral and promises to go with her. Michelle comes in and Carla accuses Peter of calling her for backup. Michelle says she's just come to ask if there's any news about the funeral. She arranges to meet Carla for lunch at the bistro.

Eileen's annoyed by a customer on the phone. Lloyd and Andrea cuddle up on the chair behind her. Eileen gets a text message telling her there will be drinks to celebrate Tony's birthday in the Rovers later. She doesn't think she'll be going. She doesn't want to see him and Liz together. "I find public displays of affection nauseating!" she tells the two cuddlers. Steve comes in and she asks if he'll be going. Lloyd says Steve finds other people's relationships wind him up. He suggests Steve look at his own track record before criticising other people.

Sean and Fiz leave the factory, chatting away about some celebrity. They see Todd over the road and Sean tells Fiz that Todd's apparently seeing some mystery man. It's all very hush hush. Fiz wonders whether Todd's just trying not to hurt Sean's feelings. They meet Anna, who's had to make a quick dash out for some milk because Roy forgot to order it. She doesn't know where Roy's got to. But if Fiz sees him could she let him know the funeral director called to remind him to pick up Hayley's ashes.

Michelle stomps into the factory office - she's just been in the bistro and Carla didn't turn up. Carla explains she's got a funeral to make time for and she's really busy. Michelle says she needs to eat, especially since she might be eating for two. Carla can't imagine herself with a family, though Michelle says she can. Carla says she got showed more kindness from the dog next door than she did from her own mother. She's clearly scared she won't be able to show a baby any love or kindness - just like her mother. She tells Michelle she's sorry she ruined her lunch but she needs to be on her own now to think.

Marcus is in the pub and Todd goes over to see him, though Marcus tells him to go away. It's best if they're not seen together. Todd points out it's no longer against the law. Maria comes in and Marcus goes off to the loo.

Jason and Eva are in the cafe. She thinks he should buy Tony a present but Jason doesn't want to. She thinks he should get a card as the minimum. He won't. He does promise he'll go with her to help Tony celebrate, though.

Andrea wants to know why Steve and Lloyd have fallen out. Lloyd explains what Steve said about their relationship. "He's been dead against us from the off." Andrea looks thoughtful.

Maria shows Marcus a photo of a new property on the market.

Tina goes to talk to Peter where he sits alone at a table. She's angry that he hasn't told Carla about them. He promised. Peter says he only promised to tell her "when the time was right" and it wasn't. He'll tell her after the funeral. Otherwise it would seem cruel. Tina pounces with what she thinks will prove he's lying: "Carla told me they didn't get on." Peter insists he'll tell Carla when the time's right.

Liz goes to the taxi office and has a go at Steve. How dare he be rude to her fella. "Did I not bring you up with one shred of human decency?" Steve mutters that he doesn't like Tony. Liz says she didn't like most of Steve's girlfriends but at least she was polite. It seems Liz believes Tony really has changed. This makes Eileen laugh. [There is NO mention at all that Steve's wearing a crown and Eileen a tiara, both fashioned out of newspaper, and Eileen's cutting up more paper!} Liz tells Eileen that jealousy at her age is very unattractive.

Carla meets Michelle in the street and apologises. She says she has a picture of herself as a big, kick-arse, take-no-prisoners woman. Then George dies and she's a stupid, scared little girl again. Michelle tells her she's not stupid and history doesn't have to repeat itself. Carla says she's never wanted kids. She loves her job, her man and her life and she's rubbish with Simon. Michelle points out that Carla's child will have a very different home life and will probably be sent to private school. Carla isn't sure that's the same as love. "What if I can't give it love like she couldn't?" Michelle urges her to do the pregnancy test and to talk to Peter. Carla's scared to do it on her own. Michelle puts an arm round her shoulders and leads her home.

Maddy's cleared up all her mess. Sophie tries to find out why she stole the vodka. Maddy threatens to pack her stuff and leave. Sophie says that would just give her a chance to play the victim. She's not getting out of it that easily. "Out of what?" asks Maddy. "Of me and you!" Sophie says. She says Maddy just took the vodka to get a reaction. Maddy says Sophie was getting on her nerves. "Are you mad at me?" She sits on the sofa beside Sophie. "So where do we go from here?"

Fiz, Ty, Chesney and Sinead arrive at the cafe for their tea. Anna doesn't have much left - lasagne, two servings of chips and two jacket potatoes. Fiz says she hoped to see Roy but Anna says he's not back yet. He said something about going to a toy shop. Fiz discovers there is a large cabinet taking up floor space in the cafe. Anna says Roy brought it down from upstairs though she doesn't know why. Sinead says at least they know he's not a recluse.

Tony's at a table in the Rovers with Liz, Eileen, Eva and Jason. Liz asks Steve to join them but he refuses. And he says he doesn't want Tony staying at the Rovers any more.

Peter and Tina face off in the pub. She's really angry and wants him to tell Carla. "Just take a deep breath and tell her. Go." Peter goes but instead of going directly home he stops in the street for a cigarette and a bit of a think.

Carla's peed on the stick and she and Michelle wait anxiously for the results to appear - baby or no baby?

The end of the first episode.
Margaret Carr

Good evening again. Without delay or comment this week we will head over to The Street and bring ourselves up to date with the latest events in Weatherfield. This episode was written by Mark Wadlow and directed by Alan Grint. Copyright remains the property of ITV Studios.

We open with a stunned look on Carla's face and the camera then moves to Michelle opposite her saying "Congratulations", no Cliff Richard songs here - Carla is pregnant and is clearly not really happy with the situation, which Michelle acknowledges by continuing "stroke commiserations ". Carla had convinced herself she was not pregnant but as Michelle points other plans exist. Carla says she cannot be a mother - she does not have the time, but Michelle tries to calm her down and asks her it is really that bad. Carla tells her that kids are not part of the plan.

Outside Peter meets Tina who is checking up on him telling Carla about them. Tina wants to be called the minute Peter tells Carla and she agrees to return to her flat. Peter promises to call her.

Back in the flat Michelle is still trying to calm down Carla. Carla however is only concerned about her marriage and her factory - they drive her and children do not and she does not want to jeopardise that. And as Michelle points out if she is really against having a baby then there are things which can be done. Carla makes it clear that Peter is not to be told until she has made a decision. Peter returns and finds Carla distressed and crying. Carla attributes it to the shock of George dying. She tells a story and Michelle departs. Peter gives her a big hug (and does not tell Carla their marriage is over).

In Roy's Rolls Fiz and Anna are looking at the displaced cabinet and wondering what else is being moved around by Roy upstairs. Perhaps he is giving the place a makeover - or perhaps he is having a clear out. Roy comes in with a bundle of parcels having been shopping but does not let them go upstairs.

Back at the flat Carla claims she has been knocked for six and Peter offers a bath and a nice dinner.

Roy returns and says he is merely undertaking some minor re-organisation upstairs. It is reported that Hayley's ashes are ready for collection and Fiz offers to accompany him and they agree to go together on Monday morning. Roy is feeling a little tired but otherwise he is OK. Roy retreats.

In the Rovers Steve and Lloyd are hardly talking and Andrea points out that they are best mates and they should kiss and make up. Andrea asks if Steve is jealous of her relationship with Lloyd. He denies it and she calls him a complete twit. Fiz comes into the Rovers and joins Ty who takes a phone call - apparently the garage is not properly locked.

Maria and Marcus come in talking about a house they were looking at and Todd makes acerbic comments from the sidelines before leaving the Rovers. Marcus slips off watched by Fiz who is having suspicions.

Carla has decided to go out to see Michelle and she tells Peter to enjoy the bath. She goes outside and sits down heavily on the bench - she needs to think about what happens next.

Marcus runs after Todd and drags him round into the ginnel. Marcus tells him that what happened was a mistake and will never happen again. Todd continues to wind up Marcus and Fiz notes them both emerging separately from the ginnel, confirming her suspicions that something is going on.

After the break we are in the garage where Luke Britten had spotted all the kit in the unlocked garage and it seems that he knows his stuff as a mechanic. He is a qualified mechanic - but works for firms who go bust. Luke reckons that he is a Fiesta expert. Although his first car was an old Nova which he did up.

In the Rovers Tina and Steph are talking about splitting costs. Tina tells Steph that her lover is about to tell his wife. Steph decides to hang around. Tina assures Steph that her lover will call but is then stunned when Carla storms into the pub looking for Michelle and a large glass of red. Peter texts Tina to tell her that he needs to see her now.

Maria and Marcus are discussing buying a house and Marcus seeks to assure that he does want to buy and move. Maria wants a boiling hot water tap as part of the kitchen fittings.

Along the Street Sophie is trying to talk to Maddy who is mad and just turns the tv up and refuses to speak. Sophie wants to know why Maddy is winding her up. Maddy says she does not like her. They argue and Maddy asks to be taken to bed. Maddy is only interested in being taken to bed. Sophie refuses and goes upstairs.

Michelle comes through from the back and tells Carla she should not be drinking if she is going to keep the baby. Michelle tells her it hard work and she still has sleepless nights. Yet despite all of that it is the best thing she has done in her life. Carla is proud of her factory, her flat and her gold card. And children would take over and prevent that. Carla does not want to lose her figure and suffer the pain. Michelle suggests an elective caesarean. Schedule the birth between meetings. Carla does not want a screamy whingeing mucky kid around the place. Michelle says Carla must talk to Peter.

Tony goes through the back to talk to Steve. He tells Steve that it is a word of warning - he does not want to be on Tony's wrong side. Tony reckons he and Liz have a future and does not want Steve in his face or his way. Steve says he does not have a problem. Steve follows Tony out into the bar and tells him that if he is staying the night it is brown toast for breakfast and then immediately heads out to the back again.

Carla is also worried that Peter does not want a baby. Michelle asks if she would have an abortion without telling Peter and Carla falls back on the old line of what he does not know won't hurt him. In the meantime Michelle notices that Carla has hardly touched her wine.

Peter tells Tina what happened - how Carla was already distressed. Tina spots that Peter is too feeble to come clean and she decides that she will tell Carla.

In summary: Carla is pregnant and does not know what to do, Fiz suspects that something is going on between Marcus and Todd, Peter does not want to tell Carla his dirty secret and is getting grief from Tina, Tony has his feet under the table and we get to meet Luke Britten who is apparently an ace mechanic on the cars which Ty cannot fix.

See you next week.

Monday 17 March

Written by Jayne Hollinson Directed by David Kester

Roy is standing on a corner looking confused. Emily passes by and tells him she's been meaning to stop by to see how he is. Why? he asks. The man has no clue! He looks distracted and watchful for something, maybe the bus?

Sally has taken a phone call and it's from Kevin. Turns out his dad is finally well and Kevin's coming back on Friday. Sophie is pleased and says it feels like he's been gone ages. It has been ages. Tim looks worried to hear Kevin is coming back for good. Sally tells Tim to take his van to Tyrone to have a look (the van won't start) and he's ordered to tell Tyrone about Kevin while he's at it. Sally thinks he's worried about the van. Maddie seems a bit perturbed, too.

Outside, Sally's running down to the factory passing Carla and Peter on the way. Carla's off, Peter thinks it's because it's to do with the funeral. She doesn't take his concern well and bitches at him as they go into the factory, a point which is not missed by Leanne and Michelle coming out of the Kabin. Leanne is a bit gleeful but Michelle, knowing what's really going on in Carla's head, looks thoughtful.

Anna serves Marcus in the cafe. Tina chats to Anna about Jake. She tells Anna she's given up fellas. She leaves as Todd comes in. Todd orders and joins Marcus who isn't best pleased to see him. Marcus mentions he's on his way to work. Todd asks about the house hunting. Marcus tells him about a show home they're going to see at lunchtime though he's a bit worried about the price of it. Fiz and Chesney arrive to accompany Roy to pick up Hayley's ashes but he's gone out (as we've seen, obviously avoiding his two earnest companions). Fiz doesn't like that, and she says they'll go to the funeral home anyway to see if they can catch him there.

Steph's brother is nosing around the garage, bothering Tyrone for a job. Tyrone is too busy to talk to him. Tim comes along to ask if Tyrone can see to his van but Tyrone is snowed under. Tim nags, Tyrone says he'll try. When Tyrone finds out that Kevin is coming back, he's not too happy about it. He goes into the office where we see piles of papers and invoices on the desk, clearly unseen to. Tyrone shoves them all into a cabinet.

Marcus is finished his breakfast and has to get to work. Todd tries to persuade him to pull a sicky and he looks tempted but Maria arrives with bad news. She can't make the showing at lunchtime due to a wedding party. Marcus seems relieved due to the aforementioned financial issue. Ah but Maria has good news, too. She was telling his mother about the house and his parents offered to give them a deposit! Marcus doesn't really look too happy about that but pretends he is and makes sure she knows they would pay them back. Todd pretends to be interested. Marcus gives Todd a dirty look and tells Maria he'll go look at it anyway and if he likes it, then it's on. There's nothing stopping them now!

Roy is pacing outside the funeral home, unable to make himself go in the door but he's noticed by someone working inside. The director recognizes him and as Fiz and Chesney come along, he is ushered inside even as he is trying to avoid it as Fiz appeals to his practical nature.

Leanne sees Nick and Kal warming up for a run and exchanges a few laughs with them. Nick says his program is working which pleases her. Just before they run off, Kal's father comes along. Nick runs on ahead and Kal talks to his dad who was visiting to keep an eye on the gym's progress. Kal runs off.

Roy doesn't really want the ashes, finding it a romanticized notion. He sees he's upset Fiz and apologizes. The director brings a carry bag in with the ashes inside. Fiz takes it. It looks like a fabric or felt "box" and is apparently biodegradable material, as Hayley wanted. Roy looks distinctly uncomfortable.

Todd comes into the salon to ask for a trim and a little trouble stirring. Maria is working on another client and they chat, with Todd planting a few doubts, wondering if it's only the deposit that Marcus seemed put off with. Todd reckoned maybe his heart wasn't in it but Maria doesn't think so. Todd admires her commitment considering Marcus' "preferences". Audrey takes a call and the wedding party have cancelled their appointment with the salon. Maria is happy because she can get to see the house after all and plans to surprise Marcus. Todd decides he's not going to get his hair trimmed after all and needs to be somewhere. Where ? Stay tuned.

We're in the pub next, with Maddie and Sophie. Maddie wonders why Kevin is coming back. Sophie points out it's his home and his business is there. Maddie is afraid Kevin won't like her. Sophie reassures her. I don't think Maddie is feeling any better. Tim brings drinks over and has some questions about Sally and Kevin as well. He asks if they're going to get back together. Sophie is fed up. Sally comes in just then to join them. Tim mentions he might cook dinner. For someone so swamped at work, Tyrone has still made time to come to the pub for a pint and a butty. He tells Sally it's great news about Kevin but when he's back is turned, he's definitely looking worried. Peter comes in and Tina immediately goes out the back on her break. Michelle asks if all is well with his and Carla, referring to the earlier argument. He gets stroppy about her sticking her nose in.

Marcus is being shown around the fancy house. Todd comes running in pretending he's Marcus' partner and it's odd the estate agent doesn't even blink an eye considering she must surely have made the appointment with a couple named Marcus and Maria. Todd tells the agent they'd like to look around on their own. She agrees and leaves the room. Todd tells Marcus he was just curious about the house.

Fiz, Chesney and Roy arrive back at the cafe. Roy takes the bag from Fiz and goes up to the flat, not allowing them to come up with him. Fiz is worried about him, he's still not himself. Anna thinks he's just feeling a bit off due to their task. Upstairs, Roy comes in and puts the box of ashes away in a cabinet. He looks into the flat, and says "Where was I?" as if he was in the middle of something.

Audrey offers to drive Maria to the house. Kylie's not keen on holding down the fort until David comes in but there you are.

Kal and Nick come around the corner, done with their run. Nick goes inside Victoria Court and Kal's dad comes back across the road. He's not happy with the decoration paint scheme. Lime Green!!! He prefers white. Emily comes along and Sharif pulls her over and gets her opinion on the colour scheme. But he's taken aback when, though it looks as if Emily would agree, she then says that the green would be much more cheerful after all. Kal thanks her. Told you so!

Fiz and Chesney are at the garage talking to Tyrone about Roy. They're still on about Roy avoiding them. Tyrone is running back and forth. He thinks they could be overreacting but Fiz thinks otherwise.

Todd and Marcus are in the house. Todd pictures the happy little family in the house. The problem is, it's all wrong. Marcus gets angry. This was all his choice. Todd says it will be a lie and he doesn't have to stick with his choice. They sit down. Todd says he cares about Marcus and knows he cares about Todd. Marcus protests, he wants all this, a stable relationship, kids! Todd grabs him for a kiss and Marcus doesn't push him away. In fact they start undressing. Outside, Audrey and Maria drive up (you know they would!). They approach the house and open the front door as the end of this episode arrives.


Written by Jayne Hollinson and directed by David Kester

Maria opens the door to the living room in the house she's come to view and in two seconds her whole world comes crashing down at the sight which meets her eyes. Todd stands up and covers his confusion with a cushion while Marcus gazes up at Maria like a rabbit caught in the headlights. As Maria rushes outside Audrey hurries after her and asks, rather unnecessarily, if she's alright. Marcus hurriedly puts on his trousers and rushes outside, half dressed, but he's too late to stop Audrey driving off with Maria.

Kal goes into the Bistro and Leanne can't help noticing the way her mum rushes to serve him. Stella admits she does rather fancy him although she insists she's not going to do anything about it. Meanwhile, Nick asks Leanne if she and Simon would like to go round for dinner. She doesn't seem that enthusiastic but she does at least agree to go. Then Tina comes in for a chat with Steph.

Now at home, a devastated Maria pours her heart out to Audrey. How is she going to tell Liam? How long has this been going on? Was Marcus just pretending all along that he loved her? Then something occurs to Audrey - Todd was in the salon earlier so he knew Maria was going to the house. "Oh my God!" exclaims Maria as the realisation dawns that Todd set the whole thing up.

Back in the Bistro Steph eventually stops talking about herself for long enough for Tina to tell her that she was right after all. Tina's 'married man' hasn't left his wife so she's dumped him. Meanwhile Stella looks decidedly jealous when she spots Leanne having a friendly chat with Kal and rushes over on the pretext of booking some gym sessions with him.

We return to a tearful Maria. Audrey is trying to convince her that none of this is her fault and the person she should be blaming is Todd. But all Maria can think about is the fact that she trusted Marcus and, when they had all their rows about whether or not he was gay, she should have listened to her instincts.

Outside in the street, Marcus is on his way round to the flat to speak to Maria. Todd tries to stop him but an angry Marcus tells him to back off because he's done enough damage. Then Audrey comes out and starts in on them both, much to the interest of Rita, David and Kylie who happen to be passing by. Eileen is the next to come round the corner, just as Audrey is accusing Todd of setting the whole thing up. Eileen asks what's going on and David tells her that it seems that Todd's been playing away with Marcus. As Audrey lays into Todd, Eileen steps in. She's had enough of the public spectacle and wants to have a word with her son in private. Seeing the look on her face, I wouldn't want to be in Todd's shoes.

Eileen's word with Todd isn't going too well. She's feeling guilty for not saying something before while Todd accuses her of only caring about what other people think. He really has turned into a nasty piece of work and he slams out of the house to go and see Marcus, leaving his mother to shout at his retreating figure through the closed front door.

Todd finds Marcus sitting in the bus shelter. He tries to make out that he didn't set him up and says he has no idea that they would get carried away or that Maria would walk in on them. He says it's Audrey stirring it because she's always had the knife out for him since Sarah-Lou. Todd asks Marcus if he wants to go back to his house but Marcus can barely speak as he says he wants to be on his own.

Round at Fiz and Ty's she's cooking tea in the hope that Roy will come and join them but he's not answering his phone. Ty gets the sharp end of her tongue when he says never mind, he can come another night. Fiz is worried that Roy shouldn't be on his own today of all days when he's just been to collect Hayley's ashes.

And if Fiz could see what Roy is up to right now it would probably confirm her worst suspicions. He's sitting on the floor of his flat, tucking into a sandwich and reciting: "Ariadne, Aurora, Diana, Electra, Juno, Pandora . . ."

Jason comes home and wants to know what's for tea but Eileen tells him she's been too busy breaking up a slanging match in the street between Audrey Roberts and Todd to worry about cooking. Sean's eager to hear the gossip but wishes he hadn't when Eileen tells Jason that his brother had sex with Marcus and Maria caught them at it. "Is that what you meant when you were in love with someone else?" a shocked Sean asks Todd. He's even more horrified when he discovers Eileen knew something had first happened weeks ago.

Round at Sally's they're just finishing their tea. Tim suggests going for a drink but Sally says she's happy for him to go on his own. He seems reluctant and Sally observes he seems to be very clingy all of a sudden. She knows exactly why and after he's gone she tells Sophie there's no harm in keeping him on his toes.

Outside in the street Marcus spots Audrey taking Liam round to Kirk's so he takes the opportunity to go and knock on Maria's door. She comes out and he starts to say how sorry he is, he didn't mean to hurt her, it was Todd's fault for coming after him, blah, blah, blah. But Maria doesn't want to know. She is very hurt and angry and becomes hysterical as she starts thumping Marcus with her fists. Hearing the commotion Audrey comes rushing out to break up the fight. She tries to take Maria inside but Maria wants a drink and heads off towards the Rovers.

In the Rovers it's the hot topic of conversation. As Maria comes up to the bar Rita tells her how sorry she is and adds that Marcus seemed like such a nice young man. "Yeah, that's what Todd thought," sniggers David. Maria believes everyone could see what she couldn't but Rita tells her that everyone is a fool when it comes to love. Maria goes off with Audrey to drown her sorrows and Rita gets into conversation with Tim. He visibly perks up when she tells him that he seems to be making Sally happy but his face falls again when she adds that Sally and Kevin get on very well nowadays.

Meanwhile, unable to get hold of Roy on the phone, Fiz has gone round to his flat with Ty and Ches. Roy comes to the door. He's reluctant to let them in but Ty pushes past, saying he'll just take a look at his phone. But they're all stopped in their tracks when they see inside the flat. There are boxes and stuff piled everywhere and, in the centre is an enormous model railway.

Since Maria's thrown him out, Marcus turns up on Eileen's doorstep. Todd's delighted but Eileen says over her dead body. So Todd threatens that if Marcus goes he'll go too. "Good," says Jason. However, Sean asks Eileen to let Marcus stay for one night. Todd thanks him but Sean says he's not doing it for him. Jason says he's off to Eva for the night.

Ty and Ches are admiring Roy's railway and he tells them that it's a reconstruction of the original Woodhead line. He says that the locomotives were all named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology but there's one name that keeps eluding him. But Fiz's only concern is the state of the flat - where does Roy have room to sit or eat? Roy says he finds the odd space although he adds that it will be difficult when he constructs the other reservoirs. "Other reservoirs?" asks Fiz, sounding horrified. She tells Roy that he can't carry on living like this and says that he's not even running his business any more. Roy says that there doesn't seem much point any more. The others look awkward and Ty changes the subject by asking to have a look at Roy's phone. He admits that there's nothing wrong with it - he just put it in a cupboard as he didn't want to be interrupted. "Is that what we are - an interruption?" asks Fiz, sounding hurt. She tells him that they don't want to interfere but they're just worried about him. Then Chesney asks if they could come back tomorrow and have another look at the railway and Roy looks genuinely happy to agree. After they've left, Roy goes to a cupboard and gets out the box of Hayley's ashes. He puts it on a shelf and touches it saying "Minerva . . . that was the one . . . goddess of wisdom."

Tim arrives back from the pub and asks Sally if he can have a word with her in private. They go into the conservatory so Sophie and Maddie hide round the corner and listen in. Tim tells Sally that he . . . well . . . he loves her . . . sort of. Sally laughs and asks him if he's only telling her that because Kevin's coming back. Well yes . . . well no . . . but, well, he would have said it anyway, admits an awkward Tim. Sally says she loves him too and then shouts at the two girls to behave as they snigger round the corner.

Michelle has taken Maria back to her flat. Maria asks Michelle if there's something about her. Michelle says of course not, apart from the fact that she's probably too trusting and maybe men can sense that. Maria says not any more. From now on she's not going to trust any of them and if Marcus thinks this is over then he's wrong. "I want him to know how it feels. I'm going to hurt him like he's hurt me," vows Maria.


Wednesday 19 March

Welcome to the fallout zone.

We begin with Marcus folding up his bedding after spending the night on Eileen's sofa. He snappily refuses any help from Todd. Eileen comes down and tells Todd she hopes he didn't end up down here. She's changed her mind about letting Marcus stay and tells him he has to go. Todd tries to defend Marcus but Marcus can't bear to have Todd touch him and growls "Get off me!" before leaving the room. Eileen tells Todd that Marcus can't put it plainer than that.

Roy's making changes to his railway model using tweezers but his heart doesn't seem in it. He almost seems to wake and look around him at the chaos in the flat.

Over breakfast, Sophie gets a text message from her dad asking if she wants to meet up on Friday. Sally wonders whether this message is meant for her as well but Sophie says no. Maddy, wearing a singlet top, is having a good old scratch. Sally objects not only to the scratching but to the armpits at the breakfast table. Maddy makes to leave the room, saying she doesn't like boiled eggs. Sally says that for a homeless person she's a very fussy eater. Sophie protests but Sally points out that Maddy's the one living in someone else's house, eating someone else's food and sitting on the sofa all day watching telly. Tim agrees with Sal. "Look who's talking!" snaps Sophie. But it seems Tim was just going to ask Sally if she wanted to eat at the bistro tonight, his treat.

Fiz and Chesney are both at the garage talking about Maria with Tyrone. Fiz says Maria's not answering her calls. Tim comes past to ask whether his van's ready and Tyrone snaps at him. It's not ready, even though it's been there since Monday. Fiz and Chesney beat a hasty retreat. Chesney's going to see how Roy is and tells Fiz to concentrate on Maria.

In the salon, Audrey and Gail gossip about Maria and Maria walks in. She can tell they've been talking about her. Audrey offers to make her a nice cup of tea but Maria says sarcastically that of course a cup of tea will make things better. "Well, coffee, then . . ." says Audrey. Kirk comes in to tell Maria he's just been speaking to the lady locksmith. Gail says she loved their album with Paul Simon! Belatedly, Maria checks with Audrey that it's OK to change the locks. Audrey thinks she's being a little hasty but Maria's done with Marcus. "He's made his choice."

Chesney goes to see Roy. He's impressed with the railway and even more impressed when Roy starts the trains going.

In the factory, Maria's again the main topic of conversation. Sean isn't surprised by the developments. He always said "Bi now, gay later," he reckons. Julie defends Marcus. He really loved Maria, she says. Stella comes in, prompting Julie to say how out of place she looks, "like seeing a dog in the playground at school." Oops. Stella's come to tell Eva she's just had Kevin on the phone. He's expecting to move back into his house when he gets back on Friday. He told her he sent written notice weeks ago.

As the trains run, Roy explains some of the finer points to Chesney. Like the little figure which Roy got in a Christmas cracker years ago. Chesney thinks it's an odd thing to find in a cracker but Roy tells him it's not when you have a wife who knows how much you love railways. "I never had the knack of getting the perfect present," he admits. "That year I got her a box of Turkish delight and some new insoles for her walking shoes. Chesney says that when he was younger and was upset, he would lock himself in his room with Schmeichel and talk to him about it. He tells Roy he can't lock himself away forever.

Kirk and Maria put some black rubbish bags outside the flat door. Marcus comes over and asks if he and Maria can talk. Nope. Maria doesn't want to talk. But she had Marcus's Mum on the phone today and she told her everything that had been going on. "You told my Mum?" asks Marcus. Maria tells him they've changed the locks and his clothes are in one of the bin bags. The other contains some of the toys he bought for Liam. Eileen walks past and Maria sneeringly tells her it was sweet of her to give Marcus a bed for the night. Did he and Todd end up snuggled up together, she wonders. Kirk wants her to go inside. "Why? In case I make a fool of myself?" she asks. "That ship's sailed." She snaps at Sean and when Audrey tries to help and get her inside, says she won't go inside because she's done nothing wrong. Watching on, Julie says it almost makes her glad she's single.

Fiz has managed to get Maria back inside but while she's calming her friend down, Fiz manages to let slip that she had suspicions about Todd and Marcus but didn't say anything. "Is there anyone in my life who's been straight with me?" asks Maria. She tells Fiz that with mates like her, who needs enemies! "Get out!"

Maddy's on the sofa feeling sorry for herself because Sally doesn't want her there. Sophie switches off the TV and tells her she can't mope about. If she's missing Ben, she should phone his foster family and ask if she can see him.

Kirk has ducked out of work to be with his sister. Maria says she doesn't need babysitting. He offers to pick up Liam and give him his tea but Maria declines. Kirk tells her gently that Liam thought the world of Marcus and maybe she should talk to Marcus.

Tyrone is home and tells an upset Fiz not to worry about Maria - she's just lashing out. He says he's going back to the garage after tea. He wants to catch up on the paperwork before Kevin gets back. His face brightens as he thinks maybe he'll bring the paperwork home and Fiz and he can work on it together. But Fiz thinks she'll go to see Roy.

Over in the bistro, Stella says she's talked to her mum (where did Gloria end up? I think we should be told) who remembers a letter about the house arriving. She put it in a biscuit tin in a cupboard.

Sally and Tim arrive without a reservation and with Sally being particularly patronising.

Out in the street, Maddy and Sophie have been to the supermarket. Maddy offers to cook.

Up in Roy's flat, the room looks much better. He's taken down some of the terrain models because they were really just scenery. Plus they made it difficult for him to watch Newsnight sitting down. He offers her tea and tells her what a nice person Chesney has turned out to be. So has she. He says that without them he really doesn't have much to look forward to. Fiz tells him they love him and miss him. He asks if she'd like to see the trainset working before he puts it away.

In the bistro, Sally talks to Leanne about Kevin coming back. Tim's annoyed. "Is everyone Kevin's bezzie mate>" he asks. Sally says Kevin's just a normal bloke. He's a bit territorial and possessive and he does have a short fuse, and that time he got banged up for assault was a one off. . . She laughs when she sees Tim's face. She's just winding him up. She thinks he and Kevin will get on like a house on fire.

Stella's spoken to Kevin again and he says they don't have to move out as long as he can have one of the bedrooms. Which one? Eva says she'll move in with Jason for a while until they have somewhere to go. Stella sighs that she never thought that at her age she'd be waiting on tables and flat hunting.

Maddy's going to make a shepherd's pie from scratch. Sophie's amazed at such talent. Maddy says she's not very good at saying thank you. She kisses Sophie, though it's not just a thank-you kiss. Sophie tells her the food can wait and they rush upstairs.

Todd tries to talk to Marcus. "Never mind about Maria. What about me and you? Why are you making this so difficult?" Marcus curtly points out that he's just destroyed Maria's life, so Todd hasn't got it tough. "You make it sound like you didn't have a choice," Todd says. He asks Marcus if he can honestly say he could have gone the next five or fifty years without going with another man. He wants to know where Marcus is staying. All Marcus will say is that it's a workmate's sofa. "A straight mate?" asks Todd. Marcus can't believe he might be jealous.

Roy's flat is almost back to normal. He picks up the little figure he talked about with Chesney and puts him in a jewellery box. He places this on a bookshelf next to Hayley's ashes. He looks around the flat and his eyes fall on the coathooks. He goes over and picks up the red anorak and folds it. He puts it into the carrier bag the funeral director game him when he collected the ashes.

Eileen's at home being very curt with Todd. She tells him this might have all been a bit of fun to him but Marcus's whole life has been turned upside down. Todd says if he only wanted a bit of fun he could go to Canal Street. "Just get this into your head: I want Marcus and I know he wants me. I don't care what anyone else thinks - not you, not Jason, not that simpering little hair dresser, we are going to be together and you can put money on that!"

Marcus has gone to see Maria. She says he's got two minutes. She's just got Liam to sleep. Marcus asks what she's told LIam but she says that's none of his business any more. Marcus tells her he meant every single word when he told her he loved her. She wants to know if that means Todd was just one last fling before he settled down. Marcus says he loved her but he was struggling with his feelings. He doesn't want to end things like this. "You don't get to choose any more," she says. You stay away from me and you stay away from Liam. Now get out!"

The end
Margaret Carr

Friday 21 March

It's morning at Sally's house and Maddie wonders whether Sophie's having second thoughts. Sophie admits she's worried about her mother's reaction and perhaps things had better be kept quiet for a while. Tim interrupts them and Sally asks whether Sophie's still on for a day out shopping. Sophie agrees to go because she needs to get Kevin a welcome home gift. Maddie looks a little lost and says she's got things to do and doesn't know Kevin anyway.

Julie's in the cafe seeing what Roy thinks of her fundraising idea - the machinists doing their own nude calendar, a la Calendar Girls. Roy doesn't think a calendar of naked women, let alone Sean or Kirk, would be right tonally or aesthetically to raise money in Hayley's memory.

Julie bumps into Todd and tells him to keep his pecker up. Todd says he's worried about Marcus sleeping on someone's couch. Julie would love to chat but she's late for work now and she hurries off.

Tim's going out and asks Maddie not to break or steal anything while he's gone. "You didn't mention arson," she says. She thanks him for not telling Sally about Sophie and her - she knows he knows. Tim says he doesn't need any trouble right now with Kevin due home.

Tyrone's on the phone apologising to someone. Steph's brother Luke comes in to tell Ty he's the answer to his prayers - he's a good mechanic and works hard. Tyrone's trying to give him the brush off when Tim comes over to see whether his van's ready. Yes, the same van he brought in on Monday and asked about on Wednesday. He's missing out on business. It's not ready and Ty's blustering when Luke interrupts and says it will be ready later today, because Tyrone's got him now. When Tim's gone, Tyrone tells Luke he can have a week's trial.

Dev's doing his stretches, watched by Kal. They're having an argument over whether or not to have a water fountain in the gym. Dev doesn't want one because he thinks they'll be able to sell a lot of bottled water. Stella comes past and they ask her for an opinion. She says if they didn't have a water fountain she still wouldn't buy bottled water. She'd bring her own. Kal says he owes her a drink.

Roy's mind still isn't quite right. He's got David's sandwich order wrong. David and Kylie talk about the fact they never have any time alone together any more.

Maddie addresses a note to Sophie.

In the Rovers, Carla isn't hungry and looks tired. Michelle tells her that if she can see it then so can Peter. She offers to go to George's funeral with Carla.

Tony comes in and starts flirting with Liz so Jason moves away to talk to Tim. Tim says he's going to do a bit of DIY. Jason thinks he's trying to impress Sally. He says Kevin and Sally have a record of breaking up and getting back together so Tim should watch his back.

At the bar, Tina asks whether Carla's OK. Carla snaps that she would be if people would just leave her alone.

Down at the other end of the street, a taxi pulls up and Kevin gets out along with a mini-me, leather-jacketed Jack. Dev sees him and welcomes back the prodigal mechanic. Kevin asks after Sophie and is told it's her day off. When Kevin looks around, Jack is gone. He reappear from the Kabin and Rita calls out to ask if he belongs to Kevin. Kevin goes over to give her a big hug and she invites him in for a cup of tea and a catch-up.

While his back is turned, Maddie comes along the street with her luggage. She sees Kevin's cases abandoned on the pavement and snatches the holdall.

Kevin comes back out of the Kabin to fetch his bags and finds one gone. He asks Rita to look after Jack for him.

It's really quiet at the bistro. Leanne doesn't have to fetch Simon because he's gone to a friend's. Kal comes in and Stella goes to serve him (and to chat and flirt). Nick notices and points out to Leanne that her mother is flirting. "Good luck to her," says Leanne.

In the Kabin, Kevin brings in his other bag. He says he'll go to the garage and see if Ty's seen anyone suspicious hanging around. He's already called the police. The bag had his camera, iPod and some of Jack's toys. Rita says there's been a bit of a mini crime wave round there. A builder's van got broken into, there were two burglaries in the next street and then Sally's house was broken into. This is news to Kev. Rita tells him Tim scared off the burglar.

In the pub, Liz talks to Julie about charity fundraising ideas. Todd comes in and sits with Julie. The crafty manipulative little [expletive deleted] tells her he just wishes Marcus had somewhere round here to stay. Julie has the bright idea that Marcus could have her spare room.

Stella discreetly asks Nick whether Kal's seeing anyone. Nick says No and thinks she should go for it. Leanne says there's only one way to find out whether Kal is interested.

David's on the phone to a customer, apparently changing her appointment to another day because they have a double booking this afternoon. Liar! He and Kylie are planning a bit of fun in the back room. Kylie's about to lock the door when Dev comes in to make an appointment for the twins. Then a naked David appears from the back room to find out what's keeping Kylie. He tries to tell Dev he was hot. I was very impressed that we got to see his "Tina" tattoo - good attention to detail since I don't think it's been mentioned since he got it about six years ago. That tatt has to be an opportunity for a storyline when Kylie decides she won't put up with it.

Marcus arrives at the pub, very grumpy at being summoned by Todd. Todd says he's found Marcus somewhere to stay and Julie says he's welcome to her spare room. "I don't think so," says Marcus, sure Todd's got some sort of scheme. Julie says she could do with the company. Marcus agrees and Todd smirks.

Michelle talks to Liz about having time off to go to the funeral with Carla. Tina overhears and says she thought Carla and her stepdad weren't close. Michelle says they weren't but his death has brought back a lot of difficult memories for Carla.

Kevin leaves Jack with Rita to go and find Sophie. He steps outside the Kabin just as Tyrone rolls up in the tow-wagon. They greet each other warmly and Kevin explains he's just been robbed. He's just finished giving a statement to the police. He asks if the business is going well and Tyrone says, "Yeah, good." Kevin complains he's going to have to share his house with Stella and Leanne and Tyrone invites him to stay at his. At least he knows them and Jack would be fine with the other two babies. Tyrone still looks worried, though.

In the bistro, Stella's working up some Dutch courage. Kal's about to leave so Stella goes over and asks whether he's doing anything tonight. His only plan is to sit in front of the telly with his dad, putting the world to rights. She asks if he might be interested in the two of them doing something together.

Kevin greets Jason in the street. Then, with Rita's stories of a crime wave still in his mind, he sees Sally's door wide open. He goes inside and finds a bloke apparently trying to unplug the TV, grabs him in a headlock and drags him outside. Sophie and Sally arrive home just in time to see Kev manhandling Tim this way. Kevin says he caught a burglar but Sally points out it's not a burglar, it's her boyfriend. Sophie laughs and Tim rubs his sore neck and head.

The end of episode one.
Margaret Carr

Good afternoon. Events in Weatherfield roll forward and so over the Street for this episode which was written by Carmel Morgan and directed by David Kester. The copyright remains the property of ITV Studios and I thank them for allowing these updates.

We open in the Street itself where Sophie runs up to Kevin and throws her arms around him to welcome him back [and I would like to hope that although he is again on leave as I write will soon be back in good health]. Tim is a bit put out at the moment - after all he is aware that Sal and Kev have a long history - even more so having been attacked by Kev. Kev suggests he puts some frozen peas on his face and it will be fine. Sophie rushes off to see Jack once Kev has told her about having one of his bags robbed. Sal ushers Tim indoors as she has some petit pois (social climbing as ever) in the freezer and then looks out again and tells Kev to be useful and stick the kettle on. He is bemused as no-one cares about the missing luggage. "Welcome back Kev" he says to no-one in particular.

Kal is apologising to Cindy (oops sorry wrong soap) Stella. But as she says she is free to throw herself at him and he is free to provide a knock back and he is not to apologise. Watching from the sidelines Nick and Leanne judge that the chat is not going well at all from the body language. Nick describes the car crash in slo mo to Dev who has just come in and cannot turn around to stare at the events. Stella promises to crawl into a corner with her bruised and battered ego (is that like battered fish but somehow less tasty?). Kal and Cindy part.

Kev likes Sal's new haircut and asks Tim what he does when he is not breaking and entering. Tim responds he is self employed with his own business. Sophie clarifies he is a window cleaner. The round has apparently trebled in size as he does such a good job according to Sal. Sal knows Kev is back - all the cupboard doors are open. Sal tells Kev off for wearing black - it always drains the colour from him. Will he be alright clothes - Tim cannot lend him any as he is so much taller. They josh back and forth until Sal calms it down. Kev is obviously feeling dispossessed. Jack finds the note which mad/bad/dangerous to know Maddie has left.

Along at the Rovers Julie is telling Eileen that Marcus will be staying with her for the immediate future. Eileen reckons the next stop will be Todd's bed. Julie it will reckon everyone to have a chance to calm down. Todd reckons that Eileen is more concerned for Maria than for her own son (he got that right). Marcus comes in and is ready to take his stuff to Julie's. Julie reckons that no-one set out to hurt anyone (being a bit blonde here she is as clearly Todd did indeed do just that). Eileen is clinging to her memories of her once kind, honest and too soft for his good son. She cannot believe how he has changed down in "that London". She reckons he must be in there somewhere. Answer came there none.

Tracy hammers at the Webster door - once opened she enters with a camera in one hand and a mad/bad/dangerous to know Maddie in the other, saying that she thinks these belong to them and she wants m/b/dtk Maddie dealt with for trying to sell knocked off gear. Kev claims it as his stuff from the bag that was stolen. Gross says Tracy, dumping on your own doorstep. Only one lesson here says Tracy - don't take in tramps. Only one tramp in this room Tracy responds Sal. Kev cannot believe the thief lives in the family house and Sal has to admit that Maddie does live there. Tim agrees - Maddie - she does what it says on the tin. Sal is grateful to Tracy for not calling the police but Kev points out that he has and he has a crime number. Maddie makes a run for it. Tracy tells them to keep tramps away from her shop.

Across at the Platt household, the wonderful Max wants granny to read the story for the third time which is about trolls and she does the troll impersonation so well that Kylie calls her the best troll in the world. Gail suggests that they take Max to the Red Rec to run off some energy. Kylie is totally whacked. David asks his mother if she can take the kids out for a couple of hours so that he can have some time with Kylie. David says Gail is the glue which keeps the family together. David reminds her that Gail got them back together and she agrees to take them to the cafe for their tea for three or four hours once she has pointed out how good David is getting at winding her round her round his little finger.

Back chez Webster the bag was found in a nearby Street - mad/bad/dangerous to know Maddie reckoned it was just lying there. Gail tells her to apologise to Kevin and she says sorry to Kevin. Kevin cannot believe how they have changed harbouring a thief in the family midst and Tim is also regularly dropping his thoughts into the conversation on how tough mad/bad/dangerous to know Maddie has had it. Sal supports Tim. Kev goes to stay with Ty and Fiz observing he does not fit in this house and then tells Sal she has a houseful of trouble - in fact she has a halfway house.

After the break we are in the Rovers where Maria and Audrey arrive. Maria wants a quiet drink in local for the last 14 years. Maria tells Marcus that he goes nowhere near Liam. She says Marcus is dead to her. Maria has her say and then orders a bacardi and coke.

Stella nee Cindy is mortified that her approach did not work. Leanne is oblivious that Nick is trying to talk her around as she phones Simon to check he is doing his homework.

At the kebab shop Tina is bringing Steph up to date about the married boyfriend whose wife is having a difficult time. Steph still reckons the boyfriend should be dumped.

In the Rovers Kev and Ty talk about how busy it has been and Ty reckons he has stayed on top of things, but has been incredibly busy since he has been on his own. Michelle wanders past and Kev asks what she thinks of Tim - she reinforces his opinion of Tim as a loser. Peter arrives and welcomes Kev and then discusses Carla with Michelle, the latter saying that Carla will need more time to return to normal. Peter says he will support her and with a cigarette in his mouth heads off to the smoking area. Tina appears through the doors and follows him out the back. Meanwhile Kev is recalling how he was stuck in the office for hours every night. Kev says if you let the admin slip you are snookered. Ty cannot meet his gaze knowing he will have to admit to the problems. Ty tells Kev about the new mechanic he is trialling on Monday. Kev says everything has changed round here.

Out back Tina is apologising to Peter and he says they do not know each other very well. He is right in saying that they do not know what is happening in their heads. Tina wants to go back. Peter says he cannot tell Carla in the near future in view of her loss and Tina accepts that. Peter backs off and tells her they will meet later.

Eventually mad/bad/dangerous to know Maddie comes downstairs and wants to know why Sophie has not told Sal she was doing a runner. Soph wants to know why mad/bad/dangerous to know Maddie was running away. Soph cares about Maddie - but all Maddie says is that is simply asking too many questions. Sal tells her that Maddie is on her ninth chance - and Maddie does not know what means.

Kylie is eating cheese, peanut butter and jam but David drags her off to bed and they fall over on the stairs when Gail returns.

Dev and Kal discuss Stella. As Kal departs Leanne comes in and Kal says he did not want to mess Stella about but he has interests elsewhere - he is not seeing anyone but there is someone he would like to see and even if gets nowhere he would not want to be going out with her mother. Leanne listens and smiles (she's pulled).

Peter and Tina meet in the ginnel. She has a pain for him and puts his hand on heart. They agree to give it another go and Tina will never doubt him again. He asks if she can get Monday off so they can have a day together. She thought she had freaked him out with the "L" word. He says less talking and more kissing (mainly because he was freaked out and I reckon Carla could be worse than a bunny boiler). Peter suggests they get out - perhaps to the Elms in Worsley? She reckons it sounds perfect. They cuddle and kiss and Peter smiles - a rough patch smoothed over.

In the kebab shop Kal finds Leanne ordering a kebab for Dreary. Who says Kal and Leanne explains the familial links. Kal reckons he will sort it out one day. He wants to know if she had thoughts about what he said. He offers a three course meal - she would like to - but there is Nick. He asks the score. She will love him and she always will - but the accident has changed him and he is still recovering. Kal knows Nick is carrying a torch for her which she acknowledges but she has made no promises - indeed just the opposite but if she started seeing someone it would hurt Nick's recovery. They would be rubbing his face in it. Kal reckons it is unfair and they agree they feel depressed - and he strokes her hair and they smile at each other.

And that is it for this week.

Monday 24 March

Written by Mark Burt Directed by Judith Dine

Owen and Gary have to start work at 6 a.m. and Anna's making their lunch. They're grateful, Gary's surly. Owen warns him to buck up. Don't be rude to your mum. They both kiss her goodbye.

The Dobbs house is heaving with people. They all have a joke this morning but Tyrone's looking glum. Kevin offers to buy him breakfast. Fiz can see there's something on Ty's mind. He admits he's behind on the paperwork and hasn't told Kevin. Fiz is supportive and thinks Kevin will understand.

David has seen an ad in the newspaper for a discounted posh hotel room. He's booked it for he and Kylie but hasn't asked Gail yet. She's not best pleased when she finds out it's already a done deal but succumbs to their begging after scolding them first. Even Kylie kind of agrees they do take her for granted but she won't allow David to cancel. She thinks they need to make tonight count and she'll think of something to make it memorable.

Carla is choosing an outfit for her step father's funeral and gets Peter's opinion. She's out of sorts but doesn't want him to go with her. Rob and Michelle will be with her.

Kevin and Tyrone are talking business at the cafe. Kevin thinks they should try to up their game a bit, go more techy. Luke comes in to join them. Kevin hands him keys to go to the garage to make a start. He goes off. Kevin realizes Tyrone is not himself and assures him he's not come back to take over. They're partners.

Nick is getting ready for another workout. Kal is at the Bistro to see him when Leanne and Eva and Stella arrive. It's a bit awkward with Stella and Kal and Eve opens her gob and tells Kal off for not wanting to date Stella. She bigs up her mother, much to the embarrassment of everyone, and slinks off to work. Stella apologizes, Kal is gracious. The two men take off for their session.

Peter and Carla come out of the flat, meeting Rob and Michelle. Peter manages to say the right thing to make Carla feel a little better before heading to the factory. Michelle sends Rob off to get the car. She turns to Carla but Carla heads her off. She'll tell Peter when she's good and ready.

Steph notices that Tina's quiet this morning and is appalled that Tina is going to see her fella later today. She gives her another dose of disapproval. Tina tells her that her man is taking her to a posh hotel later today. (hmmm wonder if it's the same hotel David and Kylie are going to? What are the odds?)

In the salon, David hears a Chuck Berry song and loves it because it reminds him of the Pulp Fiction movie. Audrey recalls she's seen Berry live back in the day. Kylie tells David she thinks they should dress up. Turns out she likes that film too and they decide to dress up like the two characters from the movie played by Travolta and Thurman.

Peter's waiting for Tina at a table in the hotel restaurant. It's the Elms Hotel as we hear someone at the desk say. Yep, that's the same hotel David and Kylie have booked. Peter suggests a drive to a country pub and they can come back to the room later. She thinks he always knows the right thing to say. Practice makes perfect he replies and she doesn't even see how many kinds of wrong that is!

Kevin heads to the garage office to make a call to a contact but Tyrone keeps trying to head him off. Luke is sent off for lunch and Tyrone finally has to admit the truth. He shows Kevin the mountain of paperwork in the cabinet where he'd shoved it. It spills out across the floor. There's even a fine from the tax office! Kevin looks furious.

Rob, Carla and Michelle approach the church through a cemetery, reminiscing about their not-so-happy family, Carla super critical about her mother. Rob gets fed up and walks ahead while Michelle reminds her that she's not the same as her mother which is what is really the matter.

Back to the Bistro, Kal comes in and Stella makes Eva apologize. Nick is now suited up and sends Kal to a table. Stella goes over to offer Kal some water and they agree they can be friends. Eva commiserates with Stella who doesn't blame Kal at all. Eva leaves but stops by Kal's table and does apologize for coming across strong and reiterates how great her mother is and he's still an idiot for turning her down. Leanne comes out of the kitchen and joins Kal and it's awkward between them as well. He apologizes to her for coming on a bit strong the other night. She's fine with it, she mutters as Nick comes out so they change the subject. Nick persuades Kal to stay for a quick lunch.

In the salon, David and Kylie are looking forward to their night out. They're all loved up and Maria gets sick of watching it, hollering at them for it. Audrey settles her down and she apologize. David and Kylie ask if they can leave early and Audrey is fed up so lets them.

Back to the Elms Hotel, Peter and Tina are now sitting in the bar admiring the place. Seems the hotel is tops in many areas. Tina admits it feels strange being out in public together, like a normal couple. He agrees.

Kevin is raging. He thinks Tyrone has done a lot to ruin the business. Outside, Luke tells Steph that Kev and Ty are arguing. Steph hopes it wasn't Luke's fault. In the office, Kevin shouts, Tyrone cowers.

At Platt Towers, Kylie is sporting a short black wig and talking to David, asking him to text her when he gets there. She goes upstairs to get ready and we see the shadow of a man looking in the back window.

Gary has cut himself at work and is at Anna's cleaning up the cut while Owen is pandering to Phelan on the phone for their slightly early removal from the building site.

Gail comes in with Max and Lily who's in a buggy and sees an older man standing in the room. He looks nervous and pretends he's there to check a gas leak that's been reported. It's soon evident that Gail doesn't believe him and realizes he's there to burgle the house. She shouts for Kylie, telling him to take what she wants and not to hurt the children. He looks shocked at the very idea.

Tina is trying to make sense of all the posh items on the menu in the dining room. She doesn't see the point of listing where all the food comes from/was grown as it all goes to the same place. Peter is bemused. Clearly not an environmentalist, is Tina. Tina glances over and sees David walk into the bar. Uh oh! Flamin' 'eck!

The episode ends as we wait on tenterhooks to find out if they'll be spotted.


Written by Julie Jones and directed by Judith Dine

Tonight's second episode begins in Platt towers where Gail is screaming at the intruder to get out. He pushes her onto the sofa and makes a run for it out of the front door with Kylie in hot pursuit. Despite the fact that he's well over twice her age he has time to get to his van parked in the street, climb in, start then engine and drive off while Kylie wrestles with door handle. She shouts at Fiz to get van's number plate but Fiz is in dopey mode and doesn't clock on until it's too late.

Meanwhile, at the posh hotel Peter and Tina are in a panic about how to avoid being seen by David who is sitting nearby. Tina decides the best way to avoid drawing attention to themselves is by climbing under the table. Fortunately she's saved from having to spend the entire evening hiding under the tablecloth when Peter points out David has his nose buried in the menu and they manage to make their escape.

Michelle is strolling along with Carla and Rob following their step-dad's funeral. They're in a cheerful mood since there was no love lost between them. Carla reckons George considered her and Rob to be a nuisance - a bit like Simon, she jokes. Rob comments that some people just shouldn't have kids. "So, anyway . . ." says Michelle to Carla as Rob walks away. "Not a word," replies Carla.

Gail and Kylie are shaken up after their brush with the intruder. Max asks his mum if the bad man's going to come back but Kylie reassures him he's gone away for good. Gail picks up the phone to make a call.

Back at the hotel David pays for his drink and announces he has to leave. Out in the lobby Peter and Tina are deciding what they should do next. She's all for going home but Peter suggests they should order room service. At that moment the decision is made for them when David appears. Tina quickly pulls Peter into the lift and they head back up to their room.

It's knocking off time at the garage and Luke suggests going for a pint but Kevin isn't going anywhere. He has a huge mess to sort out, thanks to Ty, and he makes it very clear just how furious he is. He tells Ty to get out of his sight but that's easier said than done, seeing as Kevin is staying with Fiz and Ty for the time being.

Gail is working herself up into even more of a state worrying about what the burglar might have done to them. Fiz wonders if it could have been the same person who broke into Sally's. Just then Kylie's phone buzzes and she suddenly remembers she needs to let David know that their night of passion is off the agenda.

In the Bistro Leanne's exhausted and her feet hurt. So when Nick suggests she and Simon go round to his for their tea her resistance is low and she finally agrees. But they can't be late on a school night she reminds him.

Kevin comes into the Bistro for a word with Stella. He wants to know if she's found somewhere else to live yet. She promises she's looking but Kevin needs her to try harder. He makes out it's because Jack's had too much disruption in his life recently and he needs to settle down.

Gary and Owen arrive back at their office to hear Katie on the phone, telling someone that they're too busy to take on any more work at the moment. Owen sends Katie off to the shop and then takes over the call himself. Gary's ears prick up when he hears Owen agree to take on a job and tell the customer that they can get hold of the tiles he needs. After Owen comes off the call Gary wants to know how they're expected to be in two places at once but Owen obviously has a plan.

Back at the posh hotel Peter and Tina are talking in bed. Tina tells Peter what a small and insignificant part of his life she feels but he gives her the usual flannel about how they'll be together eventually. Feeling the guilt, Tina tells Peter he should go home to Carla who will be needing him and then gets up to go into the bathroom.

Back in the building site office, Owen is trying to convince Gary that they can do a job on the side and get one up on Phelan by using his materials to do it but Gary's is understandably worried that they're not going to get away with it.

Gail and Kylie are giving details to the police about the break in when David arrives home. They insist they're OK but Gail's obviously worried as she agrees to let the police forward on her details to victim support.

Rob, Michelle and Carla arrive back after the funeral. Rob's starving but a quick search of the cupboards reveals that all Carla has to offer is a packet of ancient noodles and half a loaf of mouldy bread. Rob asks what she feeds Simon when he comes to stay. Carla replies that's Peter's department, prompting Rob to observe that she's not exactly step-mum of the year.

After Rob leaves, Michelle asks Carla if she's made a decision. She replies that she doesn't want to have this conversation again, not today. She tells Michelle that the funeral brought the past back and it made her think that she shouldn't be a mum. "You only get one shot at life and I don't want to make a massive mistake," adds Carla.

Simon and Leanne's tea with Nick seems to have gone well. In fact, Nick suggests they should make it a regular thing. Leanne starts to look slightly panicked and suggests they should take one step at a time.

Carla and Michelle have now moved on to looking at old family photo albums. Carla suddenly says that Rob was right, some people shouldn't have kids. She adds that her mother was the perfect role model - of exactly how not to be. Michelle points out that Carla has given her a list as long as her arm of reasons why she shouldn't have a baby and yet here she is, still pregnant. Michelle says that if Carla was really sure she would have gone to the clinic straight away and asks what that tells her.

Back at Gail's they're still talking about the burglar. Max comes down. He wants David to read him a story.

Ty's sitting in the Rovers, looking like a wet weekend. Fiz joins him and is horrified when he admits quite how bad he'd allowed things to get at the garage. If only he'd said something sooner, she tells him which of course is a bit late now.

Stella and Sean are reminiscing over a song on the jukebox and Sean admits he had his first kiss at the school disco off a boy called Colin. He first impressed Sean in primary school with his penchant for eating crayons but Sean went right off him when he moved on to worms.

Sally and Tim come in and Fiz invites them to join her and Ty. Seeing the look on Ty's face they're a bit reluctant, thinking he and Fiz must be in the middle of a domestic.

Back at Gail's she's still stressing and is worried about the lock on the back door. Meanwhile, David and Kylie are cuddling up on the sofa and he suggests they've still got time to get back to the hotel since the room's already booked. Gail says what it Max wakes up? He'll want his mum. Kylie picks up on her real concern and says they'll all stop at home tonight.

In the Rovers Fiz and Sally are getting a round of drinks. While Ty nips out to the gents, Fiz takes the opportunity to ask Sally a favour. She tells her how Ty has let things slip at the garage and asks if she'll put in a good word on his behalf with Kevin. As Fiz says, Sally may not be married to him anymore but she's still the only person that Kevin will listen to. The thought of this makes Tim look very uncomfortable indeed.

Peter and Tina have arrived back at her flat. They talk about how they would spend their evening if they were a normal couple. Peter has to go. "You will tell her soon, won't you?" ask Tina. "I promise," replies Peter, lying through his teeth. He adds that he would stay if he could and then leaves her to go back to Carla.

Meanwhile Carla and Michelle have got to the photos of Carla's mother in the album. Carla comments that she never smiled and she used to think she was the one who made her unhappy. She says she used to envy the other children who had clean houses and clean clothes. Carla doesn't paint a pretty picture but then claims that underneath her expensive clothes she's just like her mother. Michelle tells her not to be ridiculous but Carla has it fixed in her mind she'd make a terrible mother. Michelle asks what about Peter and says he loves being a dad. Carla is adamant. She tells Michelle she doesn't want to be a mum and she doesn't want this baby. "Michelle, I've decided," says Carla with finality. "I'm going to have a termination."


Wednesday 26 March


As this Wednesday episode opens, Gary and Owen are up early to do a bit of tile-stealing before Phelan gets to the site. Gary's worried about them getting their stories straight but Owen's sure they'll get away with it. They'll tell Phelan Gary's sick so he can get off to the other job.

Carla quickly shuts her diary as Peter comes into the room. He thinks she's still thinking about the funeral. As soon as he's gone, Carla picks up the phone and calls to make an appointment for a termination.

In Tyrone's kitchen, Kevin calls his previous childminder and leaves a message. Then he snaps at Tyrone, who's like a nervous kitten around Kevin. "Apologising every five minutes isn't going to help!" Kevin tells him. Tyrone gives him Ruby's childminder's number.

The tiles have just been loaded into the van when Phelan arrives earlier than usual. He's got Mrs Phelan with him. Gary nips inside so he won't be seen, which is a problem when Phelan wants to go in and see how things are going. Luckily, Mrs Phelan is anxious to get into town so although Phelan looks suspicious, he goes.

Kevin's in the cafe phoning even more childminders. Sally goes to talk to him and Kevin has a good moan about the situation at the garage. He doesn't know how Tyrone managed to let things get so out of hand. Sally points out that not everyone is good at keeping up with the paperwork. I thought she was about to offer to help sort them out - after all, she used to do the books for the garage and this would throw her together with Kevin more. But no. She defends Tyrone. She says Tyrone had a lot on his plate. He was locked up after being wrongly accused of beating up his partner. That was when he started to lose control. Then Tommy went off without any warning. "I'm amazed Tyrone coped as well as he has," she says. She points out that Tyrone's also putting up Kevin and Jack and not many men would have done that after Kevin slept with Molly. Tim comes in and Sally moves away from the table looking guilty. She says she was just going back to work. She tells Kevin she thinks he should give Ty a break.

Sinead and Beth hang around outside the factory on their coffee break. They see the postie knocking on Beth's front door so she calls out to him, claiming she lives there. Maybe he knows her - he comes over with a letter she has to sign for. When she opens it, there's a letter from Maureen (the lady who got mugged at the bus stop after bingo) and a reward cheque for five thousand pounds. Woot!

In the cafe, Tim questions Anna about just how long Sally and Kevin had been talking. Anna tells him not to worry. She says Tim and Sally are a match made in heaven - they both put themselves first. Tim doesn't seem to notice the joke. Phelan comes in and Anna's smile vanishes. He asks how Gary is and, not knowing about Owen's scheme, she says Gary's fine. Anna tells him to get out before he makes her retch. Phelan just laughs at her.

Michelle goes into the factory office to see how Carla is. Carla insists she's fine and tells Michelle she's booked the appointment at the clinic. That's for the first appointment and after that they'll give her a date for the actual procedure. Carla says there's no point delaying. And no, she hasn't told Peter. She says she'll be glad to get it over with. Peter comes in and hears this last comment and Carla says she's talking about an appointment with a client this afternoon.

Katy finds Gary at the yard with the van full of tiles. He tells her he and Owen are doing another job with Phelan's tiles. She goes up to the office and Gary turns to find Phelan there. Phelan inquires after his health and Gary shuts the van door so Phelan can't see inside. "Don't forget your grout," Phelan says, pointing to it. Gary says he's putting that in the front because the back's full. Phelan steps forward and opens the back door to see the tiles inside.

Gary admits he and Owen are doing another job. "No doubt," says Phelan, "but the question is where did they come from?" Gary says they bought them. Phelan's amazed they're doing a job using the exact tiles he's using on the mill job. Gary says Owen saw those tiles and liked them so suggested them to the customer. Then he bought some in. Phelan doesn't believe him. "You're going to have to do much better than that, Tonto!"

Ches and Kirk are in the cafe when Beth and Sinead come in to tell them the news. Beth's on her way to bank the cheque in her lunch break and then they can have loads of fun deciding what to spend it on.

Valerie Phelan arrives at the cafe to cross-examine Anna. She seems suspicious about something. She asks whether Anna's notice any bad feeling between their husbands and asks whether Anna and Phelan have fallen out. "He likes playing games with people," she says. Anna says everything's fine and Mrs Phelan says there's no need to mention she's been to the cafe.

About 50 feet away, Phelan's accusing Gary of lying. He demands that Gary show him the invoice for the tiles. Gary blusters and is saved by Katy coming downstairs waving a piece of paper. Phelan looks at it and points out there's no price on it. "Yeah, 'cause it's an advice note," Katy says. Owen has an account with the company and they send the invoice at the end of the month. Phelan points out that they're still moonlighting on his time. When he's gone, Katy tells Gary she changed some details on the advice note emailed for the mill job tiles. Owen reckons Katy would make a good crook. She says she'd make a better one if they kept her in the loop. They need to make sure Owen knows what's happened with Phelan.

Gail seems settled in for the day at the bistro, though she jumps every time the door opens. Nick and Stella speculate that Gail's burglar will be on the other side of town where he knows no-one knows his face. "You'll be safer round here tonight than ever before!" Nick tries to talk to her about overcoming her fears and getting help but Gail's not receptive.

In the garage, Kevin arrives and says the childcare is sorted. Jack's going back to Louise. He apologises to Tyrone and says he shouldn't have left him to cope alone. "Let's just share the blame, eh?" He says there should be enough money in the bank to cover the tax fine and they can just put it all down to experience. But if Tyrone's getting into trouble again he must say before it gets too serious.

Craig and Kirk suggests electronics and holidays as a way of spending the reward money. Beth doesn't think there's a rush. She gets a phone call. Maureen's told the Gazette about Beth's heroism and they want to come and interview her tonight.

Owen's working late on the site and Phelan comes to talk to him, saying he doesn't like people trying to pull a fast one on him. He goes up to check on the work.

Sinead visits Chesney in the kebab shop. They discuss whether to ask Beth for some money to invest in the business.

Phelan thinks the work's looking good but he wants to talk about the tiles. Owen tries to tell the same story as Katy and Gary but Phelan's had someone do a stocktake and a whole pallet of tiles is missing. That's about as many as Gary had in the van. Owen says it was all his idea. Phelan won't leave it. He says last time Owen and Gary messed up he took all the profits away from them. Now he's decided to hang on to their 80 grand as well. Owen's appalled. That's his money he invested in the project. Owen's distraught. Phelan can't do that. Doesn't he know what that will do to Owen's whole family? "You never learn, do you, Owen?" Phelan asks.

The end.
Margaret Carr

Friday 28 March

It's Friday morning and things aren't going well at number 6. Anna's furious with Owen. Izzy's furious with Gary. Katy tries to make things better by saying that Phelan was going to screw them one way or another. This doesn't help.

Over breakfast, Carla seems very distracted and Peter has to try to balance between her mood and Simon's.

The Gazette is out and Norris is talking about Beth as if she planned the mugging so she could ask for a reward. Rita defends her. If she was being mugged she'd rather have Beth on her side than Norris. Beth comes in, which shuts up Norris. She buys up all their copies of the Gazette.

While feeding Jake, Izzy and Anna talk about their financial problems. Anna remembers growing up poor. She's keeping all this from Faye because she doesn't want her worrying. Izzy plans to ask Carla if she can go back to work full time.

In the factory office, Peter tells Carla how much better she and Simon are getting on. Beth comes in with a copy of the Gazette and Carla's very dismissive. Peter gets Beth to leave them a copy, though. Peter thinks he'll take Simon out later so Carla can have some time to herself, though she insists she's fine.

Leanne's wearing lipstick, which she insists was Eva's idea. Kal comes in and asks if it's OK to sit and do his paperwork in the bistro - he can't find anywhere quiet. Stella watches as Leanne appears to flirt with him. Nick chats with Kal and tells him he's making really good progress and hopes it won't be long before everything's back how it was. Does he mean including his marriage?

Sinead and Chesney find Dev and put their investment idea to him. They don't mention an amount or where they'll find the money and Dev says he's not against the idea.

Stella asks Leanne what's going on. Kal watches Leanne.

Peter's reading out the paper to Carla. Apparently Beth described herself as a "merchandise production executive" at Underworld. Carla says she'd better get going to meet this new client down in Bristol. Of course she's mentioned it before - Peter must have forgotten. If it all goes on too long she might have to stay overnight.

Owen's at the site. He's on the phone, appealing to Phelan to change his mind. Gary hears the end of the conversation and tells Owen how sorry he is. Owen snaps. It's all Gary's fault and he's sick to the back teeth of hearing him apologise. Does Gary have any idea of what this is all going to the family - what it's going to do to Fay? Gary protests that it's not his fault. Is Owen saying it was OK for Phelan to come on to Anna? Owen shouts that it's Gary's fault because he can't control his temper and can't think more than two seconds ahead. Gary gets in the van and drives off with Owen shouting after him. "Gary, where are you going?"

Back in the bistro, Kal's talking to Leanne who is almost drooling. Stella watches. Gary comes in and wants to talk to Kal.

In the pub, Beth's basking in the spotlight hoping to inspire others to have a go. Kirk likes the picture of her in the paper. Sinead and Chesney come in, though Sinead feels awkward and says she has to be back at work in 15 minutes. Rita and Norris have left Mary running the shop. Despite Rita warning him off, Norris asks Beth if she's happy with the photo. She wants to know why he's asking. He says some folk can be very mean. Rita drags his attention back to the bar.

Gary's told Kal the whole story. Kal says Phelan will never get away with what he's doing. Gary worries that he'll end up back in prison. What will happen to Izzy and Jake? "I can't let him do it," he says. He gets up in a hurry to leave. Kal tries to stop him but Gary says he's going after the evidence.

In the factory, Izzy wants to talk to Carla but Carla says to ask her later and hurries out of the building.

Kylie and David stroll along the street chatting and pushing Lily in her pram. Sally stops them to ask how Gail is. David seems surprised at the question and says she's fine. She's indoors and they're sure she'd welcome a visit from Sally.

Kal's worried about Gary and has gone to see Katy to warn her Gary's going to do something stupid. Owen comes in and Kal says Gary's going after the evidence. Someone needs to stop him.

Beth's now worried by what Norris said. Kirk tells her to forget it.

Carla comes into the pub wanting to talk to Michelle. Michelle's busy with pub stuff, shouting at some workmen or draymen (though I don't know why they'd suddenly be coming in the front door), and can't talk now.

Norris asks Beth if she'll be getting a copy of the picture from the Gazette. Of course she will. Kirk thinks she looks dead glamorous and sexy. Norris says readers of the Gazette don't agree with Kirk. "Take no notice, Beth," says Rita, but Norris won't be stopped once on a mission of doom and bad tidings. Norris tells her that since he was forced to read the article online (after she took all the Gazettes), he read the comments underneath and some readers raised questions about Beth's appearance. Sinead, Kirk and Rita all tell Beth to take no notice and tell Norris to shut up. Rita drags Norris away and tells him that wasn't very nice. "If you stick your head above the parapet . . ." begins Norris. "Shut up!" says Rita.

Michelle comes past Carla saying "two ticks." She can't chat yet.

Sally's round at Gail's. She's telling them about the sparring going on between Tim and Kevin and how easily Tim's wound up about it. She's quite enjoying having two men fighting for her attention. Gail thinks one would be nice. She warns Sally that she and Kevin have a lot of history and that's a powerful thing. Sally says she has to go, though Gail seems quite desperate for her to stay and have some lunch. Sally says Carla's in a bad mood so she'd best get back. Gail sees her off at the door then makes doubly sure it's locked. She goes back into the living room looking very forlorn.

Craig's on his laptop chatting with a friend in the rat group when Beth and the others come in. Beth shoves him aside so she can look at the story online. It's clear that Craig's already looked. Beth discovers there's loads of comments. Norris was right. She reads some of them out. "I wouldn't want to meet her on a dark night." "No wonder she scared them off!" Kirk's quite upset hearing these.

Stella is worried about Leanne and Nick working together. Leanne must realise Nick still has feelings for her. Leanne tells her there's no way back. "Me and Nick are over. Done." Stella's worried that if they're around each other so much neither will move on. Nick will continue to think there's a chance they'll get back together and Leanne won't feel free to do what she wants. Leanne says she doesn't want to jeopardise the progress Nick's already made. "So what about you?" asks Stella. Leanne says she's got work to do.

Michelle finally has a moment to talk to Carla, who is quite agitated and needs to talk. Through in the back, she tells Michelle she's booked the appointment and asks her to go with her.

Gary's up a ladder at the front of Phelan's house. He opens the cover on the alarm. It sounds but stops when he cuts a wire.

The end of the first episode.
Margaret Carr

Good evening. Well still heading towards retirement, less than a month to go now. I spent Wednesday this week visiting the Bluebell Railway in Sussex. One of the first major preserved railways and now recently reconnected to the national network at East Grinstead. A lovely ride through the countryside, steam engines and rolling stock in gleaming condition and some wonderfully restored stations. A wonderful day out and the sun was shining. Spring is sprung.

Meanwhile events in Weatherfield move on apace; this episode was written by Jan McVerry and directed by Judith Dine. Copyright remains the property of ITV Studios to whom many thanks.

We open at Phelan's house where Gary is disarming the alarm and then he drops down the ladder and goes around the back of the house. He manages to enter the house and is looking around and then heads upstairs. Outside Owen is arriving - and is talking to Anna on the phone because Katie has told her what is happening.

Back on Street Carla wants Michelle to drive her to the clinic and bring her back - but Michelle thinks the return could be difficult. Carla has booked a hotel close to the clinic. Michelle cannot put Carla up. Michelle thinks it will take some explaining but agrees to go with Carla.

Anna and Izzy are arguing over Gary and the trouble he is likely to be getting into. Izzy is starting to think that Gary has not got his priorities right and cares little about her and the baby.

Owen sees the ladder and rushes into the house and drags Gary out. Owen explains the alarm was linked to a remote station and there will be alert. Gary just wants the laptop so he can his hands on the incriminating video. They walk off down the street having departed in time.

Stella and Leanne have a heart to heart over Kal Stella has guessed. Leanne says it can never happen because of Nick and Stella. Stella effectively gives Leanne her blessing. Stella pours some wine and tells Leanne to go for it - she may not always be there. Stella feels like a student in a tiny house fighting over the bathroom. Stella is thinking of leaving Weatherfield - she needs a challenge and she is going to New York - an old school friend lives in Brooklyn. Stella says she will always be there for Leanne.

Beth is complaining to the entire household about the online comments being made under the article reporting her heroism. She is being called a sad old slapper and is accused of being involved in the robbery. The mighty internet trolls are at work again. Beth wonders if it is people she actually knows - a machinist at Underworld or similar. They bitch about her behind her back. And she has boobs like spaniel's ears.

Owen and Gary return home and have taken their time as they needed an alibi with an argument at builders' merchants. Katie tears into Gary for his stupidity. Gary defends himself - he got them in this mess and he is trying to find a way out. Izzy has a go as well. Izzy tells him off for not thinking and calls him a waste of space and she wishes she had never met him.

At the clinic Carla is reported in good health and is definitely pregnant. Carla confirms that the factory is her baby. Carla runs down all aspects of motherhood. The nurse explains the tablet which Carla has to take - this one now and another tomorrow. Carla looks at the pill and then Michelle says that if Carla is having any doubts about the step she is about to take then they need to talk about it. Carla holds the tablet in one hand and a cup of water in the other.

We go to the commercial break.

Once we return she has not taken the pill and Michelle has spotted that she does not want to take it. The nurse says she can think about it overnight. Michelle gives voice to all Carla's doubts - could she be a mother? Could she never tell Peter, how would she live a lie for the rest of her life? Carla makes a decision and hands the pill and water back to the nurse and apologises. Michelle smiles as Carla decides they can head home.

Izzy is still giving Gary a piece of her mind. She goes on and on. Faye overhears and is worried about what Izzy says. Owen tells Gary he has to conform and Gary reluctantly agrees.

And now for some comedic relief. The Elms in Worsley is a rather nice hotel currently with some special offers. Kylie has scrubbed up for once and she saunters up to the bar, says evening to a dark stranger leaning on the bar and orders a mohito. The stranger is revealed to be David who responds that it is a cool place. He has adopted an upper class accent and says that he has never managed to get a drink and she has adopted a very faux eastern European accent. She apparently stays there all the time for work. They banter as he complements her hairdo. He is apparently Daveed as in David Ginola and she is Saskia. Her mohito is £9 for which David offers to pay and then realises he does not have his wallet having checked very pocket! He slithers along the bar and asks in a low normal voice if she can pay - he has left his wallet on the sideboard. She has no money either she informs him in an equally quiet voice. The fancy night out is not going well.

Kirk and Beth return home and Craig closes his laptop down. Beth opens it up and finds that Craig has been posting some complimentary posts to balance the nasty ones published before.

Stella and Leanne are descending the bottle of wine - Stella reckons that Leanne and Simon and maybe Kal can visit her wherever she ends up and Stella says that Leanne is young enough to build a new future. She cannot reconcile with Nick as he has changed so much (I am not sure I had realised they had divorced - I know they separated and also reached a point where Leanne gave up on him - but we have seen no recent evidence that he is not know back to being Nick - did I miss something?). Stella wants Leanne to move on from Nick and Kal may be it. The subject changes and turns to Eva who Stella claims is spoilt and asks Leanne to look after her because she is fragile. Leanne agrees.

The keys go in the Platt front door and Gail jumps out of her chair. Daveed and Saskia return - but they are going out again. He picks up his wallet whilst Kylie drops on the sofa to find that Gail is keeping a cricket bat next to her. Gail has been distressed by the burglar. Kylie tries to re-assure her. Kylie tells David she is not going anywhere until Gail is happier. David has left his watch as security.

Chesney wants some of Beth's money to buy into the kebab business. But Sinead will not hear of it. Beth asks Kirk if he thinks she has spaniel ears for breasts - but she forgets that he loves all dogs and therefore thinks such ears are wonderful.

Owen and Anna discuss how this business has dragged them so low and into so many problems. She is particularly worried about Izzy and Gary - her illness could get much worse and they could split up.

Carla thanks Michelle for coming with her. Is Carla going to tell Peter though?

Stella seeks reassurance that she is not going to lose Leanne again. She replies team Stella for ever and ever.

Across the Street they are being watched by Carla and Michelle and the latter points out that having a daughter might be important. They also discuss telling Peter and Carla cannot admit to Peter where she has been as that could be the ultimate rejection.

Cue credits.

So in quick summary: Stella is going but Eva is staying. Beth is thinking about implants. Owen, Anna and the rest of them are getting deeper and deeper in trouble. And Gail cannot be left home alone.

See you next week.

Monday 31 March

Written by Joe Turner Directed by Duncan Foster

Carla's on eggshells this morning. She knows she has to tell Peter her news but Peter is gung ho to get to the factory to prepare to meet a client this afternoon and he's determined to impress. He's out the door before Carla can say anything further.

Tina and Steve have breakfast. Tina's in a good mood and tells Steph she's not seeing her fella today but she *might* be. Or, well, yes she is but he doesn't know it yet.

Roy serves Sally and Tim who are more intent on watching Maddie and Sophie on the other side of the cafe. Clearly they've followed the girls there, much to their annoyance. Sally can't keep her eyes off even though it's obvious and is annoyed that Sophie can afford to treat Maddie for breakfast and wonders what they're giggling about. Tim just wants to have his meal. Elsewhere, Gail has an appointment to help identify the burglar from some photos the police will bring over. Julie chats to Roy about their charity for Hayley but they haven't settled on anything yet.

Faye is looking disgusted at the cheap tasteless cereal in her bowl. She has a letter from school which is asking for money for a trip. Owen comes in and donates some cash for her dinner money. Anna asks Owen to keep an eye on Gary.

Carla and Rob compare legacies from George, after Rob had picked it up at the solicitor's office. Carla has a tatty lizard brooch in her hands and Rob had received cheap cufflinks, both of which have ended up in rubbish bins. He takes off. Michelle is still there and raises an eyebrow in question. Carla emphatically hollers "No!" (she's not told Peter yet) She did try but Peter left quickly and promises to tell him today.

Peter's outside having a cig when Tina walks up. He says it might be difficult to see her but maybe can meet her after his afternoon meeting. They don't finish the conversation because they're interrupted by Leanne who asks Peter to take Simon to a 4:30 dentist appointment. He hums and haws but then says he can fit it in.

Owen and Gary bicker a bit on the building site. Phelan comes up and asks them if they know anything about a break in at his house. He is highly suspicious but Owen and Gary lie and say they don't know anything.

Peter comes into the factory office. Carla is distracted and tries again to talk to him. Eva comes into the office without knocking and gets an ear bashing from Carla. Carla is then further stressed out hearing Peter is on his way to his meeting and has to take Si to the dentist later. She's rude to Eva again.

AT the Bistro, we find out that Stella is leaving on Wednesday but she's not told Eva yet. Julie and Sally come in and tell Leanne they want to have a ladies' night at the Bistro on Wednesday with a sexy outfit swap as well. (Sally says that part hasn't been approved by their committee yet!) The other rule is, No Men! It's all in the aid of charity.

The Underworld boxes are stacked in the loading bay but Kirk has lost the keys to the delivery van. Carla is blowing smoke by now and shouts at him and really gives him a dressing down, way over the top. Poor Kirk is near tears. Rob comes in and directs him to a toolbox where there used to be a spare set and charges Eva to help him look. Rob asks Carla if she's ok. She says she's having a bad day and the tears start to flow. She storms out the factory door trying to hold herself together.

Kirk finds the keys in a drawer in Peter's desk. He'd assumed Peter had put them back where they belonged after. Obviously not. He rushes out to the van. Rob wonders where Peter is. Eva says he should be back from his meeting by now.

But Peter is at Tina's flat, squeezing a stolen hour before Simon's dentist appointment. He hears his phone go off and is told to ignore it but he says there's a crisis at the factory and has to leave. Tina insists she needs to see him but he can't stay. He promises to sort something out and she's left disappointed.

Everyone helps load the van under Rob's supervision. Peter rushes up the road just as they're nearly done. The two men exchange words because Peter's not too happy to see Rob there. He rushes inside to confront Carla.

At t'Mill, Owen tells Gary he's going to start picking up jobs to make extra money, nights and weekends, all the hours in a day if need be. Katy's instructed to start making phone calls. Phelan returns and makes another remark about the break in.

Rob and Peter are in the office with Carla. Carla seems to pretend it was all a lot of bother and the trouble was caused by Kirk. She was only angry because the delivery didn't get out in time but Rob knows Carla better than that. Carla thanks Rob for helping and tries to offer him some money. He looks disgusted and says not to bother. He's her brother! He strides out with a dirty look for Peter who insults him. Peter tells Carla he's landed his first big order. Carla asks if they can relax for 5 minutes but she's nervous. Just before she gathers her nerve, the phone rings. Peter tells the client his order is on the way now. He jumps back up to see where Kirk is. Carla is further wound up because he can't talk until after he takes Simon to the dentist.

Sophie asks her father for a bit of money. They're on their way to town and might see something they want to buy. Kevin gives in and hands over 30 pounds.

Kirk is ushered into the van by Peter, promising to do his best. Tina calls Peter just as the van leaves. She tells him she's got the flat to herself for the evening. Carla comes out to say she's booked a table at the Bistro, which Tina overhears. He looks scared to tell her but is clearly caught between the two. Tina shouts at him, ordering him to get out of it, it's her turn! She hangs up on him and he runs off to get Simon.

Kylie has looked through the photos with a female PC and offers to make tea before Gail has her turn. They had to do it individually on their own. Gail is nervous.

Anna questions Owen's decision to do extra work on the side. He says good builders are never out of work. Katy comes down and looks worried. There's nothing she can scare up.

Peter returns to the factory and then starts parading out that same old excuse about a friend who wants Peter to go to an AA meeting with him tonight so he'll have to skip the Bistro. Carla's accuses him of trying to avoid her today and she's really upset. She asks him to stay home tonight and put her first for once. He mutters that he wishes he could and she gives up. Forget it! She spins around and leaves him to call after her. What's a bloke to do!? Eva knocks at the door and comes in. She sees him upset and saw Carla leave, upset and wonders if it was something he said or did. He asks her to lock up and leaves, having made a decision.

Roy talks to Julie and suggests a sponsored walk in the Dales as Hayley loved the outdoors. He thinks Julie's Ladies' night is fine, as well, as Hayley loved spending time with her friends. Julie joins Stella and thanks her for her support. Eva arrives and sits down. Julie suggests the ladies dress up as pop stars but Stella nervously says she might not be able to make it. Eva wonders why.

In the pub, Luke and Kevin are relaxing over a pint. Sally and Tim come in and she's upset that he gave Sophie money, reckoning that Maddie will spend it and it'll be up to Sophie to pay it back. They argue over who should have a talk with Sophie and Tim thinks maybe Kevin should have a go. Sophie is always kicking off at Sally, maybe it's Kevin's turn!

Peter arrives home at the flat, seeing Carla sitting in the dark. He apologizes to her and sits down. She finally looks at him, tears running down her face, and says she's pregnant. She's been trying to tell him all day. His face freezes in shock.


Written by Damon Rochefort and directed by Duncan Foster

Peter is letting Carla's bombshell sink in. She tries to explain why she didn't feel able to break the news sooner, how it would make the whole thing seem real. She tells him she's sorry but he says he's the one who's sorry. Then Peter's phone rings. It's Tina, so he ignores the call and tells Carla it was nobody, nobody at all.

We cut to Tina who is leaving a message on Peter's phone. She tells him she really needs to tell him something in person and that it's "dead important".

Over at Anna's Katy is imparting some bad news. She's discovered that Owen's name has been removed from the local planning department's list of approved contractors. It looks like Phelan's been at it again and an angry Owen lashes out at Gary for getting them in this mess. Anna runs after Owen as he storms out of the house.

Meanwhile Stella's taken Eva round the cafe to break her piece of bad news but she messes up good and proper. First she tells Eva that she's decided to move on because there's nothing to keep her in Weatherfield and then she lets slip that she's already told Leanne. Without waiting to hear when or even where her mother's going, an upset Eva rushes out.

Round at the Platts' Gail is trying to steel herself to identify the intruder from a book of photos the police have brought round. Kylie tries to chivvy her along. After all, it wasn't that big a deal she says, compared with all the other things Gail's had to face – Nick's dad being murdered, her nutter ex-boyfriend driving the family into the canal and then being banged up after Tina's dad died. Gail desperately tries to shut her up as the policewoman listens on all agog.

Carla and Peter are lying on the sofa in each others' arms, talking things through. She shares her concerns over how things have been between them lately but Peter says it's all his fault, and that he hasn't been there for her, he's neglected her. He tells her that all that stops right now. Carla is still worried she's too selfish to be a good mother but Peter says she's the least selfish person he knows. Peter's worried that he's too old and says he'll be pushing a zimmer frame by the time their child leaves school. Then Peter's phone rings again. Carla picks it up but luckily for Peter it's Sally to say the alarm's gone off in the factory. So Peter has an excuse to go off and sort it out . . .

Kevin goes round to Sally's. He wants a word with Sophie on her own. Sophie tells him anything he wants to say to her he can say in front of Maddie. So he asks straight out, what's going on between them? Maddie gives him a straight answer back – they're seeing each other. Kevin wants to know why they haven't told Sally. Sophie looks awkward and tells her dad that he should know what Sally's like but Kevin says even so, she doesn't deserved to be lied to, especially under her own roof.

Eva marches into the Bistro with Jason and confronts Leanne. She calls her a deceitful cow for not telling her about Stella's plans. Leanne's just trying to explain that their mum wanted to tell her herself when Stella comes in. She sits down with Eva who is still angry but can see Stella has more to say. She tells her mum to spit it out. "You've just told me you're abandoning me in a few weeks, so what could be worse than that?" asks Eva. Eva stares open-mouthed as Stella admits it's not in a few weeks.

Round at Gail's she's just identified the intruder from the photographs. The policewoman radios through the result and reassures Gail that she won't be identified. Kylie tells her not to worry, it's all over now. But Gail is still worried. What if he comes back?

Owen arrives at the Mill. He confronts Phelan about speaking to the planning officer. But Phelan isn't about to admit to anything. We see Owen glance down and look at a large axe leaning against the wall and can almost read what's going through his mind. Owen asks Phelan why he's doing this. "Why does anyone do anything?" replies Phelan. " Fun? Spite? Power trip? All of the above?" he adds, nastily.

Peter bumps into Rob and Tracy on the street. He's not in the mood to play happy families and they get into a slanging match about getting handouts from Carla. In the process Peter calls Rob and Tracy's business a junk shop so Rob can't resist boasting that they're coining it in. "That's good," says Peter. "Because next month I'm putting your rent up by three hundred quid."

Sally has returned home with Tim and she's interrogating the girls about their behaviour. She wants to know how they spent the money Kevin gave them. She hopes they haven't been buying booze or worse. Kevin reassures her they're not doing drugs. "Well what are you doing?" asks Sally. "Each other," replies Maddie, bluntly. There's an awkward silence while Sally digests this latest piece of news. When Sophie mumbles that they wanted to be sure before they told anyone Tim looks exasperated and says it's been going on for weeks. This upsets Sally even further, discovering he knew and didn't tell her. So Tim digs himself into a hole by explaining they were blackmailing him and it all comes out that it was Maddie who did the burglary.

Julie's in the Rovers and she takes the opportunity to ask Tracy and Rob if they'll give something to her charity fundraiser since all the other local businesses have. When Michelle makes a joke about nobody wanting to bid on the sort of items they'd have to offer Rob jumps down her throat. Even Tracy notices what a foul mood he's in but he says it's no surprise after what Peter said and adds that he's not going to be happy until he's ruined their business.

In the Bistro Stella's finally managing to talk to Eva about where she's off to. Eva goes through the possibilities. Not Stella's friend Sharon in Darlington, surely? Or London? Eva's upset at the thought – it means she'll hardly ever see her mum. Stella admits that it's a lot further than that. "New York? New York in America?!!" exclaims a grief-stricken Eva before dashing off once more.

Peter and Carla are back in the flat having another heart to heart about the baby. Just as it looks as though they're both coming round to the idea, Peter's phone rings. Again. This time he answers it. It's Tina (of course) and Peter wanders over to the window where he sees her standing in the street. She threatens to ring the doorbell if he doesn't come and speak to her right now so he pretends it's a friend from the AA group. Carla insists he should go – after all, where would he be right now if he hadn't had the support when he'd needed it? Peter gives Carla a kiss and, after they both agree that it looks as though they're going to go ahead and have the baby, Peter goes off with Carla's blessing.

Roy turns up at Anna's with some leftover pie from the cafe, just as Owen comes home. Anna looks anxious, she knows Owen doesn't like to accept charity. But he's got more important things to worry about. He doesn't say much about his visit to Phelan but he does admit that Phelan is in control and says he doesn't know how they're going to get out of this mess.

Sally is upset and humiliated and is taking it out on Sophie and Maddie. Maddie does her best to apologise but Sally just tells her to shut up and adds that it's all her fault and if they hadn't gone to help out at the soup kitchen in the first place, none of this would have happened. Maddie decides there's only one thing for it – she picks up her things and leaves, slamming the front door behind her A distraught Sophie screams at her mother that she hates her before running up the stairs to her room.

Stella goes round to see Eva. While Jason discreetly leaves them to it and goes to put the kettle on, Stella tries to explain to Eva why she feels she has to move on and escape the memories of what Karl did. She says it might seem like she's a rat escaping a sinking ship (it does) but she's been to see Dev who says that Eva and Leanne can move into the flat above the kebab shop. This doesn't exactly make Eva feel any better. She tells Jason to come on, they're going round to his place, and walks out on Stella mid-conversation for the third time that day.

Peter arrives at Tina's flat. He seems in a hurry and asks why she needed to see him so urgently. She tells him that she hasn't seen him properly today and asks him to sit down but Peter hasn't got time for that. Tina looks taken aback when Peter asks bluntly what it is she wants. So she responds just as bluntly. "I think I'm pregnant," announces Tina. She goes on to say that she hasn't done a test yet but she recognises the signs. But Peter is too shocked to hear any more. Tina looks confused when Peter tells her he's not taking anything in properly and that he has to go. He says he'll speak to her tomorrow and walks out of the flat. Tina tries calling after him but Peter goes down the stairs and into the street where he collapses against a wall, as he desperately tries to catch his breath.


Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Martin Rosen,Duncan Lindsay, Christine Warren, Ann Logan, Margaret Carr, Tvor, Karen Jankel.