Wednesday 1 June

Tracy opens her front door and is handed a large brown envelope. "What is it?" she says, opening it. She pulls the contents out and frowns.

Steve and Becky are in the back room of the Rovers with Max when Tracy barges in, saying she's just been served an injunction. "A prohibitive steps order, actually," says Steve, and tells Becky it stops Tracy from doing a bunk with Amy. Tracy protests that all this is not necessary, he can see Amy any time without involving lawyers. So Steve suggests he and Becky have her all weekend. "Fine," says Tracy, "you see, you only need to ask." Becky and Steve are delighted and plan all sorts of things round being a proper family again. Steve suggests they start by having a family day out. "What today?" asks Becky, and Steve says they deserve it after all they've been through.

Fiz tells Maria, Chesney and Kirk how she couldn't sleep all night. She says that Sally and Rosie were right about John all along, she was a mug. Maria says she's going shopping, and asks if Fiz needs anything. Fiz says she might go herself later, she needs some air. Maria warns her to be careful, John is still out there. "A killer on the loose," says Fiz, "my husband!"

David is on the phone making an arrangement for a social worker to call, he reckons the only way they'll get Max back is to tell the truth. Kylie is worried, she's sure it's not legal to sell your own child. Gail comes downstairs and David tells her the social worker is calling so they can get a bit more access to Max. Kylie would be uncomfortable if Gail was there. Gail says she's off for a filling anyway, and leaves.

Fiz tells Chesney the police will be round soon. He asks what she's going to tell them. She says she'll tell them everything. "What, even the stuff about you pretending to be Mrs Fishwick so you could defraud Joy Fishwick's estate?" Fiz admits she's not going to tell them that, she's sure they wont be interested! Chesney warns her to be very careful what she does say, if she says the wrong thing she could end up in very deep water.

The social worker has arrived to see David and Kylie. Kylie, with some prompting from David, explains that she and Becky and Steve fell out and now they won't let her near Max. She tells how Becky can't have kids of her own and helped her get Max out of care.

The police officer is talking to Chesney and Fiz. He says they're looking at a possible murder enquiry. Mr and Mrs Hoyle knew John as Colin Fishwick and say he was engaged to their daughter Charlotte. Fiz says she knew they were colleagues at school, but had no idea there was anything more. Fiz is adamant that the first she knew about any of it was when she found them all in the basement.

Graeme lurks round the corner until he sees Xin leave the flat. Then he runs and lets himself in. He's just bundling clothes into a bin bag when Xin comes back, she's forgotten her purse. She's horrified when she realises that he was waiting for her to go out, and says they can't carry on like this, they need to talk.

Steve, Becky and the two children arrive back from their day out. Tracy is waiting on the pavement, smiling. This soon fades, however, as Becky says that when she was doing the rotas she realised there weren't enough shifts to go around, so it has to be last one in, first one out. "You're sacking me?" says Tracy, aghast. "Let's just say you're surplus to requirements!" says Becky, grinning. The grin soon fades, however, when they walk in to the Rovers. The social worker is there. She asks to have a word, Kylie has made some very serious allegations.

Xin tells Graeme that she wanted what happened the other day, to happen. She wonders if he's running away from his true feelings. She doesn't want to hurt Tina, or break up a happy couple, but she wants to be with him. She moves towards him but he jumps back. "Whoa!" he says. "You don't want me?" her voice trembles. He tells her it's complicated, but he wants a divorce.

The social worker tells Becky that David rang them to say that Kylie wants Max to live permanently with them. Becky says that's a non starter because the court order says he has to live at the pub. "Only as long as everyone is happy with the arrangement," says the social worker, "and we are made fully aware of all the circumstances." She then goes on to say how Kylie has said she's not allowed to even see Max, and then drops the bombshell, Kylie has revealed how Becky and Steve paid her £25,000 and demanded that she leave the country. Becky declares that Kylie is a liar, it's all lies. The social worker says that she's there to hear their side of the story. Just then the social worker's colleague arrives, and it's the woman who came when Becky pretended to be Kylie all those months ago.

The policeman is still with Fiz. She finds John's tablets in the house, so he's obviously not taking them. She explains that John had become increasingly agitated, and no wonder, he had Chesney locked up. She explains that she started to think John knew where Chesney was when Katie was planning an abortion and John said he'd heard from Chesney. So she followed him to the Hoyle's house, the rest is known, but she has no idea where he is now.

In the Rover's back room, Becky confesses that she did say she was Kylie because Kylie had gone abroad. They couldn't stop her. Steve points out that Kylie has hardly been a doting mother, she didn't want to stay there cooped up with a kiddie. Becky tells them that Kylie knew she and Steve loved Max so she used it to manipulate the situation. She blackmailed them. "And you gave in to her demands?" asks the social worker. Becky points out that the alternative was that he sat in a creche all day while Kylie was off cage dancing. The little boy needed a proper home and they were happy to give it to him. The social worker says that there will have to be a full investigation so they can work out where Max's long term needs can best be met. Becky says how settled he is with them, and how they love having him. The social worker says he's not being cared for under the terms of the agreement (paperwork!) so they'll have to take him back to foster care. Becky becomes distraught, wailing and begging them not to take him. The social worker says she's off to ring her colleague and then they can have some time on their own to prepare Max. (The thinking behind this still baffles me, the child is happy and settled, I can't see how putting him through the trauma of taking him away is in his best interests.) Steve holds Becky close as she howls.

Graeme and Xin are talking. He's anguished, he loves Tina. "But you slept with me!" says Xin. He says it's not a real relationship. Xin tells him she'll be gone soon, she has a friend in Edinburgh, that's why she made up the fake job there.

Becky pulls herself together and goes to tell Max that he has to go away for a few days. "Can't you come too?" he asks. She says she can't, but she's packed him a little bag with his Buzz Lightyear pyjamas and two of his favourite books. There's a tap on the door, the social workers have arrived. Becky asks for 5 more minutes.

The police officer arrives and asks Fiz if John's passport is in the house. She checks and finds that it's gone. The officer says John may have fled the country, but they can't be sure, so in the meantime Fiz should keep her windows and doors locked. When he's gone, Chesney asks Fiz if she'd like him to stay the night. She assures him she'll be fine and says he must get back to Katy. She sees him out and then locks and bolts the door.

Back at the pub, Becky tells Max that Steve will take him to the car. As he goes through the door she calls to him. "Love you," she says. He turns. "Love you," he replies.

Fiz walks about cuddling a crying baby Hope. The camera pans upwards, through the ceiling and there, in the loft space, reading a book by lamplight, is John.

Steve puts a sad looking little boy into the waiting car. Kylie and David see this from across the road. "They're taking Max away," says Kylie. "You don't know that," says David. "Trust me, David, I know," mutters Kylie. Steve looks up. "Happy now?" he says.

Inside the pub, Becky sadly tidies away Max's toys.

It's dark, Fiz is asleep in bed. John quietly lowers himself out from the loft and goes and stares at her for a moment or two. Then he goes into Hope's room and looks through the bars of the cot. She turns towards him and whimpers. "It's OK," he says, "it's only Daddy."

Anne Logan

Thursday 2 June

Steve comes down to find an angry Becky sitting in the bar.

Fiz gets an early knock at the door. It's Kirk. He puts the kettle on while Fiz goes up to Hope. She takes Hope to change her, not seeing John hiding behind the nursery door.

Tina's come in and begins to sort out the bar. Becky apologises for the mess and goes through the back to find Steve shouting at Social Service on the phone demanding to know where Max is. He's close to tears as he promises Becky they'll get Max back.

Also getting annoyed with Social Services is David. They won't tell him anything. He waits for Gail to say "I told you so" but she stays quiet. He thinks she's pleased that Kylie's been done over by Social Services. Gail tells him he needs to open his eyes. Kylie's listening from the top of the stairs. She smiles as she hears David tell his mum that nothing she says or does will stop him loving Kylie. And if it comes down to a choice between Gail and Kylie, Kylie will win every time. Kylie comes down and advises David to take it slow with Social Services. "They don't like it when you go in all guns blazing." David tells her that now they know Steve and Becky bullied her, she stands a good chance of getting Max back.

Steve's nipping out for a bit and asks Tina to keep an eye on Becky.

Anna's pleased to see the back of Sylvia, who's gone to the cash and carry. She sits to chat to Owen about Chesney being kidnapped but he tells her he doesn't gossip. Owen's sorry Chesney couldn't be tied up for another couple of hours so Katy could have the abortion. He thinks the baby will mess up her life. Anna assures him Chesney's a good kid with a good heart. Owen says Katy could do so much better.

The bit that Steve's nipped out for is a piece of David. He's got him by the shirt front, backed up against the Kabin window, shouting that everything was fine until David started interfering. David says he's glad Max was taken away because now he can come back to his real mum. "His real mum?" shouts Steve. "She doesn't want him. That's why he was in care in the first place. She sold him once and she'll sell him again. Or swap him for a nice pair of shoes." He tells David to stay away from Max but David refuses. Steve wants to know why David's trying to ruin his life. David says now Kylie has him in her corner they can get Max and be a proper family. Steve warns that David's only known Kylie for five minutes and they'll be divorced by Christmas.

Tina finds Becky being quite charming to Social Services on the phone. She hangs up and tells Tina she's figured out where they've put Max. Refusing the coffee Tina's brought her, she says she's off to get her boy back.

Kirk's going shopping for Fiz. He's going out once Julie arrives. They've organised a rota so Fiz won't be on her own. Fiz gives him a hug and tells him she's not alone. She's got Hope. She agrees that Kirk doesn't need to go out yet. He goes up to the loo, passing the room where John is still hiding.

Steve arrives back and asks Tina where Becky is. She tells him what Becky said. He's annoyed Tina let Becky go out but Tina points out she was just asked to keep an eye on Becky, not chain her to the radiator. "Oh, this is bad. This is very very bad," says Steve.

Owen's ripping out nails when Chesney and Katy arrive. Ches wants to say something. "You do realise I have a claw hammer in my hand," points out Owen. Chesney says after what he's been through he's not scared of anything. He just wants to say that no matter what they thought, he would never ever run away from his responsibilities. Owen says speeches won't change anything. Katy is still pregnant. Chesney says Owen can't force Katy to have an abortion. This angers Owen. "I don't force my daughter to do anything," he shouts. "What kind of a man do you think I am?" "The sort who shouts when he doesn't need to," says Katy. Katy says they planned the baby and she wants to be a mother. Owen sort of backs down, suggesting that if he bangs his hammer around a bit more he might get used to the idea. Katy hugs him but Ches still looks a bit wary.

David tells Gail and Kylie about Steve grabbing him. He says he's seen Steve's bullying now. Kylie reckons she's a rubbish mum. David says she might have made a few mistakes a mum. "So what? Look at mine!" Gail's annoyed by this and says he's being very hurtful. He says he'll take it all back if she backs them with Social Services. Kylie tries to tell him it's hopeless. She knows what they're like. "I've grown up with them my whole life. There's no way they're going to let me have Max back."

Max is doing circuits of a yard on a plastic trike, watched over by his foster father - the same foster father he had previously. Becky peeps round the gate.

Back at Fiz's place, Kirk mentions Julie's name just as there's a knock at the door. He thinks he's psychic but the knock is the detective, there to talk to Fiz about Joy Fishwick. He tells her John was a frequent visitor to Joy's house, according to a neighbour. Fiz acts innocent, denying knowing anything about it or ever meeting Joy. Upstairs, John smiles as he hears her lie.

The foster father goes to fetch a smoothie and Becky dashes in and grabs Max. The father comes out and tells her to put Max down. "If you don't let him go now I'll have to call the police." Becky refuses, saying she just wants to take Max home. Steve arrives in the nick of time and tells Becky this isn't helping. She starts to get hysterical. Steve says she's just giving Social Services more reason to refuse to let them have Max. The foster father takes Max from Becky's arms as she promises Max he'll be back with them soon.

Julie's arrived with Sean. Fiz insists she's fine. The need to look after Hope means she's kept busy and doesn't have time to dwell on things, she says. Sean says optimistically that maybe John's on a plane to South America. Fiz doesn't want to talk about it. Upstairs, John listens.

Becky's weeping on the sofa. She asks Steve if he meant what he said about fighting for Max. A policewoman and a social worker arrive. "I'm in trouble again, aren't I?" The social worker agrees she is.

At Fiz's they'd folding enough baby clothes for octuplets. Hope cries and Fiz goes upstairs to see to her, leaving Julie to ask Sean whether he thinks Fiz has turned to drink. Fiz finds the cot empty. John, Hope in his arms, slams the door behind her.

The social worker tells Becky that she might be upset but now so are Max and his foster family. "They were really scared." Becky says it's not fair. "Max is my little boy." The social worker says that given the circumstances nobody wants to take this any further but Becky must stay away from Max. She says they're exploring the possibility of Max being returned to his birth mother. Becky rants that everything's ruined. "One little routine visit and everything's smashed to pieces." "It wasn't a routine visit," says the social worker. "We decided to investigate Max's living arrangements after an anonymous call." Steve looks very worried. The social worker leaves. "Someone grassed us up," Becky tells Steve.

John tells Fiz he hid in the attic like Anne Frank. He reckons they can still get away from here if they're careful. Then they can be together. Fiz doesn't want them to be all together. "You're ill." John ignores her and goes on about them adopting new identities. Fiz wants him to give her Hope. She doesn't want him to hurt the baby. John demands to know how she can think that. "I can think that because I don't know who you are," she says. "And I'm frightened of you and I want my baby back now." She lunges for the baby but John dashes past her, down the stairs and out the door.

Fiz, Kirk and Julie give chase. Chesney and Katy are in the street and realise it's John. As Fiz dashes into the road she's hit by a van. Well, I say hit. It's more like she runs up to the van, bangs on the front of it with her hands then reels away and lies down in the road. I know they used a stuntwoman for this but it's so badly done there was really no need! Owen says he never saw Fiz. "She just ran out." As Julie calls an ambulance and everyone's attention is on Fiz, John makes his getaway with Hope.

The End
Wait for Duncan to tell you what happens next.

Meantime, here's a link to a picture of Martin explaining to Gail that he can't help with anything because he's busy selling cheese at the Cheshire Show: http://tinyurl.com/62z35fg

Margaret Carr

Friday 3 June

Just one episode tonight. We are in hospital as Fiz comes round, having suffered bruising and concussion. Her first question is the whereabouts of Hope, but John has disappeared with her.

Becky is heartbroken over losing Max. She is saying to Steve that the foster family won't play with Max or spend time with him like she would. Steve assures her that both Amy and Max will be back soon. Becky finds Max's shoe down the back of the settee and contemplates who would have grassed them up to social services. Her first thought is Kylie. Steve tries to persuade her that Kylie never wanted Max and wouldn't risk the phone call backfiring but Becky has become convinced that Kylie reported them out of spite, and a look of rage dawns on her.

The police are asking Fiz if she knows where John might have gone but she has no idea. When she is left alone, she feels helpless over not being able to do anything. Maria assures Fiz that John wouldn't hurt Hope as he dotes on her.

Tracy and Amy come back from a spot of shopping and Ken advises Tracy to keep a low profile in case Becky assumes she made the call to social services. Tracy tells him that she wishes she had.

John is dressed up in a doctor's coat and carrying Amy as he sneaks into Fiz's room and closes the blind. Fiz looks panicked but tries to keep it cool. She asks to hold Hope but John refuses. He says that he has a plan but if Fiz doesn't want to hear it, he and Hope will be gone. She quickly tells him that she does want to hear it.

Becky storms into the Salon, quickly followed by Steve, where she pins Kylie against the wall by her throat and accuses Kylie of making the call as she couldn't stand to see her or Max happy. Kylie tells Becky defiantly that she would never want Max to have what she had and wouldn't even put a dog into care. Becky examines her closely and realises that she is telling the truth.

John is explaining the night of Charlotte's death to Fiz. He is telling her that Charlotte was crazed and was threatening to blow their family apart. Fiz agrees with him that he only acted to protect his family. He says, with an insane tone, that the falling tram was like a blessing from God to cover up the death. As John speaks, Fiz secretly presses her alarm. John is saying that their happy future is still achievable.

John is now talking about Joy Fishwick and assuring Fiz that he was only trying to care for her and her death was an accident. Fiz says that she will accompany John and sits up. She asks to hold Hope as he fetches her a wheelchair and he hesitates. She tells him that he should be able to trust her to hold her own daughter. He is in the process of handing her over when a nurse bustles in. John realises that Fiz was stalling for time and runs out with Hope as Fiz screams for someone to stop him.

Becky is drinking while Steve chats to Dev. Becky interrupts to ask Dev if he reported her. Dev coldly tells her that she was looting money while people died to keep that boy so he would hardly want her to lose him. At this point, Tracy waltzes in with a wide grin and Becky thinks she has solved the mystery. She accuses Tracy and Tracy plays along to wind her up. Becky becomes hysterical and has to be restrained by Steve. As Becky screams accusations, Tracy looks worried and retreats from the pub.

Fiz is crying and wailing that she should have snatched Hope from John as police launch a search of the hospital.

Becky is banging on the Barlow's door and ordering Tracy to come out. Ken shouts for her to go away. Steve tries to calm Becky down as she raids the back of Owen's van and grabs a sledgehammer. Steve warns her that if she swings that, they will never see Max again but Becky screams that they never will anyway. Owen and Jason storm up to her to get their equipment but Becky swings it wildly at them, causing them to back off. She is insane by this point and, a Tracy cries through the door that she is innocent, Becky smashes the handle of the sledgehammer through the door's window.

John is sneaking through the hospital but is spotted by police. He retreats into an elevator and the police realise that he may be heading for the hospital roof. Fiz is determined to go up and Chesney helps her out of her wheelchair as police rush off in pursuit.

Becky is bashing at the door with the sledgehammer and shouting threats at Tracy. David gleefully films the whole scene on his mobile phone as Steve tries to calm his berserk wife down. Becky smashes through the door and tells Tracy that it's time to speak to the sledgehammer. She has a psychotic expression on her face, highly reminiscent of that famous scene from 'The Shining': HEEEEERRREEEE'S BECKY!!!

John climbs onto the roof and overlooks the city while he holds Hope. A bit of trivia for any Corrie-geeks who are interested this scene was actually filmed atop the building of the Corrie studios so if you've ever wondered the location, then now you will know!

Becky is well and truly in to the Barlow front room now as a terrified Tracy backs away in fear. Ken and Steve can do nothing but watch as Becky smashes up ornaments and furniture in her path of destruction. Deirdre comes in and is horrified by what is happening. Tracy tries to get through to Becky that she didn't do anything. Becky screeches that she is a liar and asks what she said down the phone to social services. Did she report a happy loved, well looked after boy whose life needed ripped apart. Tracy pleads her innocence again but Becky responds by smashing up the dinner table with her hammer. As Becky advances on Tracy, one of the men finally finds some bravery unfortunately it's the mid-70s man and Ken wrestles the hammer from Becky. Undeterred, Becky grabs an ornament and swings at Tracy, evidently trying to kill her. Before Tracy can get a real life insight into how Charlie Stubbs must have felt. Steve has screamed at Becky that it was him who made the call. When he swears on Amy's life and describes the phone call, Becky looks dumbfounded and loses all fight, before slumping into his arms and looking distraught. Deirdre pulls a shaken Tracy into a hug. Ken just looks mildly put out by events, much like he did during the tram crash.

The police warn Fiz not to give John any surprises as she approaches. He is right on the edge of the roof. John asks her why she betrayed him but she says that she didn't and begs him not to hurt Hope. John cries that all he ever wanted to do was teach and people have died for it. he bitterly regrets the way things have turned out and is tearful over the prospect of never hearing Hope's first word. Fiz tells John that Hope has everything that's good about him. John looks into her eyes and hands Hope over. He tells Fiz that he has known a perfect happiness before falling backwards over the edge and landing in a bloody heap at the bottom.

Becky has packed a case as Steve hurriedly tries to explain his actions. He says he did it to keep them all together and thinks that the truth is the only way of being sure to keep max. He tells her that nothing can change how good a mother Becky would make. She stays silent throughout his entire speech. When he finishes talking she simply spits in his face before walking out.

Fiz is sobbing with relief as she clutches Hope in her hospital bed. The lead police officer comes in and informs her that John's body has gone.

The horrific possibility that John is still alive dawns on Fiz and suddenly, nothing seems resolved anymore…

Duncan Lindsay

Monday 6 June

Written by Ellen Taylor Directed by Laurence Moody

Fiz and Hope bond in hospital but her blood pressure rises again with the arrival of the detective who has a few more questions for her. He wants to know about Colin Fishwick. He says "Colin" was teaching in Rochdale last year and the staff there recognized a photo of John. Fiz insists she didn't know John was pretending to be Colin and is saved further bother by a doctor who comes in to let her know she can go home today.

Lloyd comes to the pub to see a very hungover Steve who has no idea where Becky has gone. He is upset thinking he might have lost her for good (well, what did he expect?!) but the answer is about to be revealed. There's a furious knock on the door and Sylvia is let in. She tells Steve that Becky broke in last night, got drunk on sherry and made herself a fry up this morning. She wants Becky removed! Lloyd cautions Steve to think about what he wants to say before going over.

Ken is cleaning up the wrecked front room while Deirdre sobs over one of her ruined home-made pots. Tracy points out it could have been worse as nobody got hurt. Deirdre wants to call the police but Tracy talks them out of it. She wants to keep Steve sweet over the custody deal and doesn't think it necessary to sacrifice a few leaky teapots. Even Ken more or less backs her up on that point! Deirdre is disgusted with the pair of them.

Dennis is helping out in the Kabin much to Norris' dismay. Rita points out that he has Mary helping him all the time and she's no more an employee than Dennis and at least Dennis is useful. Norris gets his nose into the day's gossip, the newspaper screaming headlines about John Stape. Sally comes in to hear that John has apparently survived and complains about Rosie having to relive her horror, all of which is again in the newspaper as Rosie has taken full advantage! Sally reckons people should have taken more notice of their opinions rather than welcome Stape back into the fold. Rita says it was for Fiz's sake but Norris thinks Fiz might have been in on all of it all along and even helped John hide. Sally agrees. Rita winds up Norris and says that the attics all run together so maybe Norris helped hide John too! How could he not hear something up in the loft? She's got a point.

Sunita and Dev referee an argument between the kids. Apparently Sunita's aunties are coming from India today and it's going to be all lies again, knowing the old women will be judgmental about their financial and non-married situation. Sunita agrees to lie about the house and the marriage.

Steve comes for Becky who is subdued. He apologizes profusely, saying he feels terrible about what he'd done. He promises they'll get Max back. She says she'll never forgive him. She'd finally got the family she'd always wanted and a dear little boy who's now in care. She orders him out as she breaks down again.

Norris changes the newspaper signs just as Julie is going across to Number 5. He asks if Fiz could have been involved in it all and is given a right mouthful for his opinion. He likens John and Fiz to famous crime couples like Bonnie and Clyde. Probably not a good argument as Chesney and the dog arrive to hear the end of it. Schmeichel growls up at Norris and Chesney adds to the ear bashing that Julie has been giving Norris.

Graeme sees Xin checking the Edinburgh newspaper for jobs. He apologizes for how this all turned out. Things are awkward between them so Xin goes to pack.

Steve is in a booth, slowly getting drunk again. Tracy arrives to see him. She tells Steve she persuaded her parents not to press charges because she's not a complete witch (oh no???). She's trying to be a good parent and offers to bring Amy around after school. Graeme comes in and Tina is excited that Xin will be gone soon. Graeme doesn't seem so much. Tina reminds him it's been awhile but she's sure he remembers how. (awhile? Didn't he stay over at hers just a few days ago?) He goes to the gents' as David looks on with curiosity. He asks Tina why Graeme is out of sorts and promises to get to the bottom of it.

Fiz is home and is a ball of nerves. Chesney assures her that John won't come back. She's worried about how much the police know and she knows she claimed Joy's money illegally. He doesn't think there will be a problem and in classic soap timing, there's a knock on the door. Fiz opens it to the police detective who's brought another one with him. He says they've had a sighting of John at the ferry to Ireland. He also wants to talk a bit more about Joy Fishwick.

The aunties have arrived and are concerned that they have not been brought to the right house. Dev says they're having building work done at the other house. The older women have apparently had a tempestuous flight.

David asks Graeme what's wrong and promises to keep it confidential. Graeme makes him swear and then admits he slept with Xin which makes David laugh.

The detective says someone claimed Joy's estate and though Fiz continues to deny it, badly, the detective explains the proof that he knows it's her. She finally admits everything.

Sylvia removes yet another cider can from Becky who's drunk. She scolds Becky and orders her to pull herself together. Becky calls her a heartless old cow. Sylvia tells Becky in no uncertain terms that it seems to her that Steve loves her, he's sorry and she's punished him more than enough. If she throws away her marriage out of a "misguided sense of grievance, then in thirty years' time, you'll be the heartless cow. Trust me. I know." (was that a crack in the facade?)

Dev and Sunita lead the aunties into the small house where they're expected to sleep on camping beds. They refuse and Sunita offers them their bed. The two women continue to bicker, which they apparently have done all the way from India.

Fiz tells the story of how John stole documents and got a job and then persuaded her to go along with it. She describes how Colin died and John hid the body under the factory floor but she didn't know anything about that bit until John dug up the body last week. She admits to helping him move the body. Chesney looks completely flabbergasted.

David can't see why there's a problem. Xin is leaving and he can get back with Tina who will never know. Graeme isn't so sure. Tracy arrives with Amy.

Fiz tries to persuade Chesney she did it all for Hope and is in tears. The police arrest her for suspicion of the murder of Colin Fishwick (totally stupid, they should have arrested her straight off for fraud. She's admitted that.)

Becky comes in the back door and finds Steve and Tracy playing happy families with Amy. Steve sees her as she backs away and goes after her.

Norris is outside sweeping, hoping for an eyeful and he gets exactly that as Fiz is led out, crying, and into the police car. Norris, Julie and Sally as well all witness this.


OK. Events in Weatherfield tonight were written by Debbie Oates and directed by Laurence Moody. Copyright remains the property of ITV Productions.

Steve still wants Becky - his Becky back at the pub as he chases her along t'ginnel. Tracy simply brought Amy round because he was feeling low, indeed he is still feeling low. Steve says that things could have gone the other way and he says she knows that if David had not interfered. Becky reckons he should not have gambled with a kid. He reminds her of their failed first wedding - which she missed by being too drunk and whom he found singing Bonnie and Clyde on the bog at the registry office. She tells him that she should have been left there - but he couldn't, he loved her and still loves her. He tries to tempt her back with a pint of cider. He heads back, whistling Bonnie and Clyde, but she does not follow him.

At the police station they are interviewing Fiz, Fiona, Stape. Back on the Street Norris has already convicted her. And the police secure the factory as a crime scene - even Owen cannot work on it.

Fiz tells her story of entering the factory, finding John with the shape - a wrapped up body - in a rug from John's grandmother which had been in the loft. The smell was terrible. But Fiz did not call the police because John had told her they would both go to prison. Fiz admits to keeping Colin's mother money. Fiz explains that she co-operated with John to avoid Hope going into care. They put the body in the canal.

Tracy offers to make spaghetti but she and Tracy discuss Becky's unwillingness to return. Tracy goes into the bar and Becky appears and gives Amy a cuddle. Tracy cannot resist a dig at Becky over Max.

Cheryl wants Lloyd to get the decorating done - and promises him a surprise once it is done.

Becky hates Steve and the pub - it is like her first night in prison. Steve tries to talk her round - they have both made mistakes before. Becky recalls when they got married and when she could not believe how lucky she was - but she no longer feels that she belongs. Steve assures her they will fight to get Max back and without Max then Becky cannot be there. Steve suggest moving and Becky considers far, far away so they can start new lives. But Steve cannot leave Amy. Tina needs help in the bar and Steve tells Becky to think about the possibilities of trying again.

At the canal side Fiz vaguely recalls the events of the night then dumped the body. She is not sure where it was dumped - but John could not have gone far with the weight of the body and bricks to weight it down. Another crime scene is marked off.

At the new bistro, the aunts order nearly everything on the menu whilst Sunita and Dev try to avoid ordering anything.

The questioning continues at the police station - Fiz did not want to move the body - all she knew was that she did not want Hope in care. The police do not understand why Fiz behaved as she did. She admits she let him carry on with his deception - but the police do not understand it. Fiz says that she did not know Colin was dead - she could not kill anyone - she wants to get home to her baby. Fiz gets arrested for fraud - a new charge. The interview is terminated and Fiz is going to be locked up for the night.

Dev's credit card gets rejected and so does the second one. He takes Cheryl to one side but cannot pay. Sunita asks the aunts to chip. She tells the aunts they cannot take advantage because they are hard up. There is only the one house.

Lloyd has not made much progress with the decorating - he has been in the pub and has had a pint and the package in the cab office is a 42 inch plasma screen tv as a thank you for his efforts. She is not impressed and seems fed up with just how lazy he is. Not everything is happy in happy ever after land.

Becky and Steve talk - but she cannot face starting again in front of everyone, because she cannot make it work. She takes his hand and puts her wedding ring in it and tells him not to follow her.

Owen is spreading stories about Fiz - whom we see briefly in a cell before the window in the door is closed.

Roll titles.

See you next week.
K Richard W

Thursday 9 June

A disheveled Steve is sleeping on a bench seat in the Rovers. He's woken by a hammering on the door - it's Tina, arrived for her shift. The place is a mess and smells of cigarette smoke. Steve flops down again on the seat. "You know where everything is," he mumbles.

Chesney goes to see Fiz. After she's asked after Hope's well being, she says she's up in court soon and she's terrified. Chesney asks if it's about the deaths, but she says no, it's about the fraud over Joy's will. She says she knows it looks bad, but she has nothing to do with Colin's death. Chesney's having trouble getting his head around it and wonders why she helped John to move the body. She insists she didn't want to, but John dragged her into it, saying she'd be in trouble if they were found out. She panicked. Now they've exhumed Joy's body, they think she was in on that too. She'll only go home after the court case if her solicitor can get bail. "Is there any chance you can be there?" she asks him. Chesney grips her hand across the table. "Try stopping me," he says.

It's breakfast time in Dev's house. After making cutting remarks about whether he can afford to give them breakfast, the aunties refer to his empire of 6 shops. He confesses that it's not quite as large as it was. They want to know how many shops he has now. 5? 4? 3? He admits it's just the one now, and the kebab shop. Sunita walks in then, back from taking the children to school. The aunties tell her that they know about the drop in their fortunes, and say they're not happy that they were lied to. They tell her if there's anything else then she should tell them now. "Ok," says Sunita, and then reveals that she and Dev are not married, they were - but then they got divorced. The aunties put their heads in their hands and groan. "So now you know everything," says Sunita.

Chesney is telling Maria, Kirk and Katy about Fiz and her predicament. Maria says she and Kirk should go to court too, Fiz will need all the support she can get. Katy says she'll stay home with Hope.

The aunties berate Dev. They tell him he's failed as a husband and a father, he's brought dishonour on the family. Sunita and Dev are furious and get up to leave. Sunita says she'll see them later when they've calmed down.

There's police tape all around the factory and the police won't let anyone in. Carla and Frank tell the workers that it's closed until further notice. Sean has income from his job in the Rovers, but Julie has had nothing coming in for two weeks. "Still, compared to Fiz we're lucky really," she says. Sally is unsympathetic. "She deserves everything she's got coming to her."

A terrified Fiz is brought into court where Maria, Kirk and Chesney are waiting. Just as proceedings begin there's a slight disturbance as Norris and Mary hurry in, late. As the charge is read out, Mary brings out her sandwiches but is hushed by both Norris and Chesney. "Are you guilty or not guilty?" asks the judge. "Guilty," says Fiz.

Xin is packing. Graeme sits around trying to make small talk. Eventually she tells him he doesn't have to hang around, they've said all there is to say. Just then Tina comes in and suggests they all have a last drink at the Rovers. Xin agrees. Tina hugs Graeme. "A couple of hours and then we'll be free!" she says. Graeme doesn't look so happy.

Back in the court room, the judge announces that in view of the seriousness of the case, she is committing it to trial at Weatherfield Crown Court and asks if there's an application for bail. The prosecutor puts the case against, believing that Fiz might abscond. However, Fiz's man argues for bail, pointing out that with Hope being premature and Fiz having no funds, it would be unlikely that she would go anywhere. The judge agrees, and bail is granted, on the condition that Fiz continues to live in Coronation St and reports to a police station once a week.

In the Rovers, Tina, Xin and Graeme are having their last drink. Tina chatters on, she's sure Xin can't wait to get away and she can't believe they've actually pulled it off. Xin and Graeme don't seem to share her enthusiasm, however. Tina gives her a last hug, telling her she'll never forget her. "And I'll never forget you," murmurs Xin, sadly, looking at Graeme over Tina's shoulder.

Fiz and co. arrive home and are greeted on the doorstep by Katy and Hope. As she takes hold of her baby, Sally comes scurrying across the road. She's amazed Fiz is free, and makes some nasty remarks about John. Fiz says she doesn't need this now, but Sally carries on until Kevin comes across and hurries her away.

Tracy goes to see Steve to see if they can settle things without involving lawyers. Steve says he did it because he can't trust Tracy, and if he hadn't she'd have been long gone by now. Tracy says she always wanted Steve to be part of Amy's life, it was just Becky that she didn't want near her. She says she doesn't want it dragging through the courts, and if would freak Amy out by all the judges and lawyers and she and Steve screaming at each other. (Surely the children don't go to court in custody battles?) Steve suggests that he gets his solicitor to draw up an agreement giving him full access to Amy, Tracy signs it, and that way they avoid it going to court. Tracy agrees.

Kevin has taken Sally to the pub. Sally goes on and on about John and the time he kidnapped Rosie. Kevin tells her to stop winding herself up. Sally reckons the whole thing is Fiz's fault, she can't believe Fiz knew nothing about it.

Back in the flat, Xin calls for a taxi to take her to the station. She tells Graeme it'll be about 10 minutes. He hesitates, then says he doesn't want her to go, he can't bear the thought of being without her. She starts to tell him it's too late, but he interrupts. "I mean it, I want you to stay."

The aunties and Sunita are in the pub, they're buying her a drink to apologise. She tells them it's Dev they should be apologising to. They ask how old she is. She's 33. They tell her she's still young and has time to find another man. "I don't want another man," she says. They say she needs someone with prospects, and their eyes fall upon Steve behind the bar, someone with two businesses. Sunita gets up and leaves.

In the flat, Xin is in turmoil. Graeme told her he loved Tina, so what's changed? He says he's confused. He doesn't want to cheat on Tina. "You love her?" asks Xin. He says he does. "Then that's it, I'm going to wait outside," says Xin. He stops her, saying he can't bear the thought of never seeing her again. She tells him she's not getting involved in some sordid affair. He says he doesn't want that, she starts to cry, saying he's playing with her feelings. Eventually she tells him he has to decide quickly, either he leaves Tina and stays with her, or she's out of his life forever. She gives him 24 hours to make up his mind.

Fiz and her supporters are sitting down to a meal. Fiz says she could have done without the welcome from Sally, and didn't like seeing Norris in court sneering. She's angry that she got involved with John, she's got herself into a complete mess now. She's free now but soon she'll be tried for fraud and possibly murder too. Kirk protests that she didn't kill anyone. "How do I prove it?" she says. Unless there's a miracle she could go down and Hope could be a young woman before she sees the light of day.

Anne Logan

Friday 10 June

Good afternoon/evening/morning and welcome to another Corrie Friday.

Xin wanders around a fairly chaotic flat, looking tearful.

Graeme climbs his ladder and Dev makes the fastest out-of-shower-and-into-towel descent of domestic stairs in history. He can't understand why Graeme is at his window at 8am (Dev, if you haven't got your corner shop open by 8am no wonder you're going broke!). Graeme says he couldn't sleep and assures Dev he didn't see anything and won't mention the dancing. He even offers half price on the windows.

In the cafe, James arrives to see Sophie and Sian. He's off for a secret meeting and wonders if the girls are up for running the soup kitchen today. He's on his way out but is ambushed by Sylvia, who sarcastically tells him he's not welcome unless he's actually buying something.

Tina packs her stuff, watched by Rita in a rather fetching robe. Tina explains the plan to get back together with Graeme. Rita, changing her tune from previously, thinks Tina's been a good mate to Xin. Rita's even bought a bottle of Freshco's best Cava so Tina and Graeme can celebrate in style. Snap! Tina's bought Rita a bottle of Freshco's best Cava.

Sunita's busy shouting at everyone at breakfast except for Dev, who's rushing around looking for his keys and trying to tell them all about Graeme at the window. This is very odd because if everyone else was up and dressed before him, someone must have noticed him race downstairs in his towel and shower cap to harangue Graeme at the front door. Nobody's listening to him.

David arrives in the cafe to see Graeme. Graeme tells him, "I think I'm in love with my wife." And Xin's given him 24 hours to decide between the two women. He says he needs to tell Tina the truth. "Are you criminally insane?" asks David. Graeme says there was talk of that at one stage but it was ruled out. Graeme insists he's going to tell Tina.

Fiz tells Julie and Sean that next time she goes to court she won't be coming home. Sean says the court won't see her as a murderer. They'll see her as a wonderful, loving mother who's been led a merry dance. Fiz says she's already signed to say she signed for Joy Fishwick's money. Sean thinks she should forget about it and sew some knickers, though the factory is closed.

James finishes showing the girls the ins and outs of running the soup kitchen, including the security and the need for putting the chairs on the tables at the end of the day. He reveals that he's off to see a place the organisation might have found to use as a hostel.

The aunties are in the cafe moaning about the standard of the tea. They decide they need to find Sunita a proper man with a good job, a respectable position, younger, with nice hair, polite . . . "Your tea, Dr Carter," says Sylvia and the aunties see the man behind the newspaper at the next table.

Tina calls out for Graeme in the flat but he's not there so she rings his phone and leaves a suggestive message on his voicemail. She's startled when Xin comes from the other room. Xin says the Edinburgh hospital's put back her start date. She says she's still going. Tina asks if Graeme knows Xin's there. She realises from Xin's demeanour that something's going on between Xin and Graeme. "Has he fallen for you?"

In the cafe, Auntie Upma approaches Dr Carter for advice about an unwell Auntie Grishma. She's got terrible ennui and chest pains. She wonders if he could make a house call to No 7. Dr Carter's noticed that Grishma was in the cafe ten minutes ago. Upma says she had to go and lie down. She thinks she's dying.

Tina asks Rita if she's seen Graeme. Rita hasn't - not since he did the windows at 7.30am. She knows something's up but Tina rushes out rather than explain.

Chesney's telling Katy and Fiz a market story. There's a knock at the door and Katy goes to explain Fiz isn't up for visitors. "Tough!" says Carla. "Who sent you? Julie or Sean?" asks Fiz. Carla says that doesn't matter. The factory will reopen on Monday and she wants Fiz there with her head held high. Carla explains she knows how it feels, though Fiz says she doesn't know how it feels to go through this with a baby as well. Carla thinks Fiz is made of sterner stuff than she is. She demands to know about Katy and Chesney's schedules and bullies them into agreeing to look after Hope while Fiz returns to work. Reluctantly they agree.

Julie wouldn't mind trying jail for a day, as long as they let her go home and nobody hurt her. Tina comes into the pub looking for Graeme. Julie hasn't seen him since this morning but says he looked very wan.

Dr Carter is at No 7 but Grishma's chest pains seem to have subsided. "Dr Carter, are you married?" asks Upma. Sunita comes in and the aunties shove cakes in front of the doctor and ask Sunita to sit down. "Oh no," she says.

Tina asks Sylvia if Graeme's been in. When she hears Graeme and David were talking she asks if Sylvia heard what they were saying. Sylvia denies having any time for eavesdropping or the slightest interest in the love life of a window cleaner. "I might have caught something. . ." she admits. "It was something about having to tell somebody the truth." She refuses to divulge any more and Tina rushes out.

There's been an unfortunate tea accident and Sunita's trying to mop up the doctor. Dev comes home, worried to see the doctor there. "Is everything OK?" "Medically speaking, everything's fine," the doctor says. Sunita tries to get the aunties to apologise and the doctor tries to get away but Dev tries to get him to look at what might be athlete's foot. Ick.

Tina bursts into the salon demanding to know where Graeme is. David denies knowing anything, though he admits he saw Graeme earlier. Tina threatens him with the hair straighteners. "What are you going to do? Straighten me?" Nope. She grips him firmly by the nose. "Don't hurt me! Not in my place of work. Think of Mrs Couperthwaite!" he says, pointing at the client he was just about to colour. Tina storms out and the camera pans so we can see Graeme hiding in the back room.

James arrives at the Websters' to see the girls. He tells them the soup kitchen's been burgled. It seems they didn't lock up properly. He says he blames himself for telling the others the girls could be trusted. The windows weren't locked, it seems, and there's equipment missing.

There's another knock on Fiz's door. It's Brian Packham, Colin/John's former colleague.

Tina's back at Rita's when Graeme arrives. Rita says she'll go and relieve Norris for a little while. Tina takes one look at Graeme and puts her hand to her throat. "Oh god. Am I about to get dumped?" She asks why Xin is still here and Graeme admits he told Xin not to go. Tina says Xin didn't say anything. She doesn't know what's going on but she feels very stupid and lied to. Graeme admits he slept with Xin. Tina's face crumples.

The end of episode one.
Margaret Carr

Graeme is telling Tina that he and Xin tried to fight their attraction. She asks him how long it has been going on but he insists that it was only once. Tina wants him to tell her that it meant nothing but he can't.

Brian is trying to get the lowdown from Fiz about what happened with John but naturally she doesn't want to talk about it. He becomes fascinated by the fact that he is in the same room where Colin and Charlotte died.

Tina storms by Rita and quickly tells her what Graeme has done. Graeme follows her but she doesn't want to see him. Rita is very cold with Graeme.

James is telling Sophie and Sian that the computer isn't fixable and all the money is gone from the collecting tins. Sophie offers to give him her laptop but he declines. He tells them that he shouldn't have given them so much responsibility. Sophie and Sian are consumed by guilt.

Brian is commenting that Fiz is a very loyal wife for standing by John for so long. Fiz snaps that she loved John and never imagined that things would get so out of hand. At this point, Julie calls round and her face drops when she sees Brian.

Graeme tells David that he has told Tina the truth. David is amused and asks if Xin is the final choice. Graeme says he feels bad for hurting Tina but David warns him that she will probably be baying for Xin's blood.

Julie is telling Brian that he ripped out her heart but he assures her that he fell for her and he and his wife had to stay together for the sake of their camper van. Now that the van is gone, so is his wife. Julie isn't having it though and storms out.

Rita finds Tina in the pub. Tina thinks she has been so stupid but Rita tells her not to blame herself.

Sunita's aunts are eyeing up Nick in the bar. They ask Cheryl if he is single. They are enthusiastic when they learn that he is the owner of the bar.

Graeme comes back to the flat and tells Xin that he chose her. They embrace and start kissing, only for Tina to walk in and comment coldly that they seem cosy. Tina tells Xin that she has stolen her life and gets angry when she keeps apologising. Tina orders them both to get out.

Sophie asks Dev for an advance on her wages and explains why. Dev gives her a lecture on how it wouldn't help her in the long run but Sunita intervenes and orders Dev to hand over the money.

The aunts offer to tell nick's fortune and tell him that a beautiful and passionate woman is on the cards for him. He tells her he doesn't date older women but they tell him it's for Sunita. He says he doesn't know what's going on but he doesn't want to be involved.

Tina looks at a loss and finds a photo of herself with Graeme and Xin which she promptly rips up.

Sophie has called James round and gives him the money but he tells her it's just a drop in the ocean. Kevin comes round and is angry that James is taking the money. Sophie tells Kevin that it's her choice what to do with her money.

Graeme texts Tina asking for his and Xin's stuff. She responds by opening the window and throwing all of their things across the Street and warning them never to set foot in the flat again.

Brian is telling Sean how he feels he is a walking target: john may be back for him at any time.

The aunts are asking Rita about Marcus and are impressed when they are told he is a nurse. They ask him to join them but Rita hints that they may be onto a loser.

Kevin is ranting at Sophie that James is taking advantage and she shouldn't be feeling so responsible. Sally agrees with him and he bans them both from going back to the shelter.

Tina finds Graeme and Xin in the Rovers and demands the keys back before saying that she never wants to see them again. David offers them a place to stay...but only for a while.

The aunts are trying to persuade Marcus to take Sunita but Sean comes over and they learn that Marcus is gay. Rita suggests that they get their gaydar sorted. Sunita comes in at the back end of the conversation and tells the aunts to stop what they're doing.

Tina breaks down in tears in the flat and sinks to the floor.

David goes inside to twist Gail round his finger while Graeme and Xin wait outside. Xin feels guilty and thinks that she and Graeme don't deserve to be happy but he says that they owe it to themselves and to Tina to be happy after all they have been through. He assures her that Tina is strong and will get over it. As they embrace, Tina watches, crestfallen, from the window.

Duncan Lindsay

Monday 13 June

Written by John Kerr Directed by Graeme Harper

One quick scene of Tina lying awake after a night sobbing her heart out and we're over to the Platt residence where Graeme and Xin have had a rough night, too, kipping on a couch that's only big enough for a 10 year old. They're breakfasting with Kylie and David. Gail isn't sure why the newlyweds are on her couch. Some dodgey lies are spouted and Gail just sighs and goes to work, hoping they won't all be underfoot for long. Kylie mutters that Gail hates her and everyone else anyway so don't worry about it. David points out Gail got on great with Tina. Doh.

Eileen and Sean are getting ready for work. Sean is having wobblies about the fact that they were working right over a dead body. I don't blame him. I would and all! Eileen calls him a big girl and Marcus calls him a wimp. Marcus also springs a surprise on Sean, saying he's offering to book them 2 weeks in Las Vegas because he's getting some unexpected tax refund cash back. Nice! That perks Sean up considerably!

Rita visits Tina to lend a supportive shoulder. Tina tries to talk herself into not really obsessing over things so much. She hates them and that's an end of it. Rita reckons Graeme did love her at one time though it's not much help now. She makes a cuppa for Tina who's going to get ready for work.

In the factory, Sean is moaning about his machine not working properly. Eileen says it could be the police from stitching someone up! (ha!) But Sean isn't the only one having collywobbles about the former dead body in the factory. Izzy got the heebie jeebies and Julie is spraying air freshener around. Sally blames John and figures Fiz knew all about it. Carla comes out and rousts them back to work. They do all want to know exactly where the body was buried and Carla points to Julie's machine sending her into another frenzy of spraying. Fiz comes in and offers to sit at Julie's machine instead, and sits down looking cautiously at everyone else.

James finds Sophie in front of the shop and she tells him her parents have forbidden her to work at the shelter anymore. James is sorry and explains he was going to have something to talk to her about but doesn't go into detail since Sophie won't be able to do it anyway.

Graeme and Xin have a snog and a cuddle but Gail interrupts them, back for her lunch. Xin decides to go into town but Graeme stays behind to talk to Gail, thanking her for letting them say. He promises they won't be there long. He tries to explain everything was his fault and he feels bad for having hurt Tina. Gail says that he at least has someone to help him through it all.

In the pub at lunch, Fiz appreciates the support of what friends she still has (Eileen, Sean and Marcus) while Sylvia glares over at them. Sean takes a phone call and it turns out that Violet was in a car crash and has some serious back injuries. Dylan is ok though. Kylie and David come into the pub and Tina finds out that's where Graeme and Xin stayed overnight. Kylie makes a smart remark that winds up Tina so David sends her to the jukebox and starts to apologize to Tina. But Kylie plays a song that starts with some Chinese or Japanese style music and Tina ends up flying at her after Kylie's remark about "You dim sum you lose some". (It was actually pretty clever, that!) Steve chucks Tina out to cool off after pulling her off Kylie. Even David doesn't defend his wife.

After the break, we're back in the factory. Sean is still worried about Dylan. He doesn't think Vi's gran is up to looking after Dylan. Eileen and Fiz reckon he could look after the lad and Eileen says it's ok with her if he brings him home. Sean isn't sure it would be fair on Marcus.

Tina comes home and Graeme is there waiting, because he thinks he's left his wallet in the flat. She makes him go up alone but then follows him anyway.

Steve is still trying to get hold of Becky. His solicitor arrives for their appointment about the custody agreement. They sit down in a booth.

Marcus sees Eileen coming back from the cake run and she is about to tell him about the situation with Dylan.

Sophie has called James to the house to find out what he was going to tell her that morning. James admits he and the other admins were thinking she was ready for more responsibility, a team leader for things like fund raising. She accepts right away even if it's unpaid. She says she can handle her parents.

Graeme searches everywhere for his wallet. Tina makes a few snide remarks, wondering where in the flat he and Xin had sex. He apologizes again and says he really did care about her. The thing is, he felt that Tina never needed him but Xin does. He didn't see any of it coming. Tina pulls his wallet out from behind a cushion on the couch where he always loses it. Graeme says he doesn't want her to hate he and Xin. That makes her laugh at the irony of it all since it was her idea to set them up in the first place. She says all she has to do is ring immigration and spill the beans. Revenge sorted. He begs and she throws him out. Uh oh.

Back to Steve and the solicitor, he confirms the agreement will give him a lot more access to Amy. He will make sure Tracy agrees to it. Lo and behold, Tracy and Amy come in. Amy shows off her new shoes. Steve compliments Tracy on her top but she's suspicious. He asks Tracy to do a shift, and he's unfiring her, implying that she was good at her job. She's still suspicious but seems likely to take it.

Fiz is offering cakes around but Sally snipes at her and rakes the whole thing over the coals, implying Fiz knew all about John's crimes. Eileen points out that Sally didn't know Kevin was having it off with Molly and that her baby was Kevin's. Point, Eileen! Sally isn't having it. Fiz admits to taking Joy's money but that's all and she did it because she was alone with a sick baby. Sally has the grace to look a tiny bit guilty but Carla comes out and hollers at them all for skiving again and tells them all that if anyone is upsetting Fiz, they can be shown the door. Everyone is quiet and Fiz says there's no problem. Marcus arrives just then, to see Sean. Carla sees there's just no hope today and gives up.

In the cafe, Sophie and Sian are giggling at a table. Sylvia makes a few snide remarks about lesbians being vegetarians before leaving them to it. Sophie has told Sian about James' offer. Sophie is planning to quit her job at the shop, too, to work full time at the charity and Sian supports her.

Outside the factory, Marcus says he's canceling the holiday because of Dylan. He tells Sean Eileen told him the problem and wonders why Sean didn't tell him? Sean expresses his insecurities and Marcus says it's absolutely fine with him if he wants to bring Dylan back to Weatherfield. Sean gives Marcus a kiss and thanks him.

Xin helps Gail in with some shopping. Graeme is frantically packing their things and tells her that Tina is threatening to call Immigration. Graeme admits the marriage was originally just to keep Xin in the country though they have since fallen in love. Gail realizes that Tina may only be threatening because she's angry. Graeme and Xin start running around filling bin bags while Gail looks on.


Events in Weatherfield tonight come from the pen of Jim Cartwright, were directed by Graeme Harper and the production remains the copyright of ITV Productions who are thanked for their forebearance in not preventing this transcription (and the inevitable snide comments).

Xin and Graeme are packing rapidly, just as we let them half an hour ago. David says they have no need to runaway. Gail tells them that someone needs to talk to Tina. Xin refuses to go - but Graeme says they have to get going.

At the factory Sean is asking Carla for some time off - tomorrow and the day after. He explains he needs to go and pick up Dylan. She wants extra out of him when he returns. Sean departs.

Gail goes round to see Tina - who is scrubbing the floor. Gail asks if she has phoned - but Tina thanks he for the reminder. Gail asks if she has thought about what she is going to report - a young married couple who are in love?

Along at the Corner Shop the aunties arrive. Dev reckons their faces will turn the milk sour. Sophie decides that she cannot work tonight - and she wants to hand in her notice. Dev is not being particularly sympathetic. Sunita is a little more understanding - and Sophie explains that she would rather work in a doss house rather than the corner shop. Sunita is understanding. The aunts are not surprised - rats leaving the sinking ship.

Gail and Tina discuss the situation - Tina is angry but Gail points out that she was partly responsible in putting the two together. She really loved Graeme and this was not supposed to happen. Gail says she Tina has to pick herself up - betrayal is not nice but revenge is not the answer. Tina just hates him so much. Tina crying has to acknowledge that Gail is right when she says that sometimes love is about letting go.

Deirdre is surprised to fine Tracy behind the bar in the Rovers and that Steve has offered the best barmaid in town her job back. In a booth Julie and Fiz are discussing Brian and how they seemed to fit together and yet he preferred his wife. Fiz has to tell Julie that she and John split them up on purpose. They had to because Brian knew about the secret. They made up lies about Julie and the latter thanks her for the revelation. Julie instantly starts building a huge Romeo and Juliet scenario of denied back streets love.

Dev wants to know about Sophie quitting and going to work at the refuge. Kev knows nothing about it.

Gail returns home with Tina and she says she is not going to ring immigration. Xin and Graeme thank her. Tina departs heartbroken.

Marcus finds Sean sitting on Maxime's bench. Sean is worried that Jason may be right about being unable to look after Dylan. Sean is worried that there is a lot to organise. Marcus reckons Sean can prove Jason wrong. Sean takes a deep breath and says he will.

Julie has decided she must get in touch with Brian and Fiz agrees to help track him down. Julie reckons that if it is destined for them to be together, nothing will keep them apart.

Sean returns home and Jason apologises for his earlier attitude. Sean knows he can do it and is ready to head off to London.

Graeme is outside the closed butcher's shop paying his respects to Ash - a truly good man. Graeme looks up and down the Street - memories and he watched much of it from on high cleaning windows - from that view it was beautiful. David has been listening to this and offers to buy a farewell pint. Graeme turns and pays final respect.

In the Rovers Steve is sure he has made the right decision - as he tells Tracy he needs a bar manager - giving her the distinct impression that she will be the girl to fill the job - as she immediately tells Deirdre, saying that there will be some changes. Xin joins Graeme - just 5 minutes until the taxi arrives.

Sophie finds Kev at home in a foul mood. Sophie has been at the soup kitchen all day. Sophie is not worried about the money - but she tells Kevin that he needs to have some regard for those who have no money.

Graeme thanks Gail for her help with Tina and for all of her assistance whilst he has been around. Graeme winds up Norris one last time and then he and David hug a final farewell. "Tara one and all" and Graeme leaves the Street. Tina yells down the Street "Graeme" and the two approach each other in bright sunlight. She tells him that he broke her heart but she could never hate him, she has been very hurt. But she does not want hi feeling guilty - he must get on with his life and forget about her. Now he can go. He cries but does not respond verbally and walks off to the taxi and climbs in without looking back. Gail has watched this and asks if Tina is alright before embracing her with the closing shot being one of Tina crying in Gail's arms.

See you all next week.
K Richard W

Thursday 16 June

Lloyd and Cheryl are leaning on a taxi discussing Becky's whereabouts. Steve comes along looking worried. He's not so sure he'll ever find Becky after what he did, but adds that a solicitor is coming round soon with an access agreement for him and Tracy to sign, so everything should be great as far as Amy is concerned.

Tina's working in the pub looking glum. Tracy tells her to cheer up and serve the customers with a smile. Steve comes back in and Tracy tells him how she sorted the latest delivery by herself. She likes to be pro-active, she could have the place running like clockwork, given the chance. Steve makes appreciative noises and tells her to take the rest of the afternoon off as she's been in since first thing. He suggests she comes back at 7 pm and they'll talk things over then. Oh, and his solicitor is dropping off the access agreement thingy and they could do that as well. Beaming, Tracy departs.

She goes home and tells Deirdre that Steve has given her the afternoon off, buttering her up so she takes the manager's job. She's going to go back and talk about it later. Deirdre has her head in a book about pots and vases and isn't really paying attention. Tracy tells her that soon she and Amy will be living next door with Steve, like a real family. Deirdre remarks that her room will make a great studio. "I don't believe you, all you think about is yourself!" snaps Tracy. Words like pot, kettle and black come to mind!She goes off to town to buy a new outfit so she can look super-hot for Steve.

Steve interviews someone for the manager's job, but she's totally unsuitable.

Norris is cleaning the window of the Kabin when Sean, Marcus and little Dylan get out of a taxi. Norris is aghast that they should have care of a small child. Rita points out that Sean is the child's father and hustles him back inside the shop.

Tina is in the bar flirting with Tommy. A blonde haired lady comes in and stands close by. Eventually she tells Tommy to get on with it and ask Tina out, so he does and they arrange a date. The lady introduces herself as Stella Price and asks for Steve. He shakes her hand and takes her to sit down.

Gary waits for Izzy outside the factory, but when Julie and Eileen come out they tell him he's just missed her, she's gone to meet a friend.

Stella's interview continues. She asks lots of questions about the pub and the staff. Steve explains about Betty, a legend, who has been there over 40 years and her employment is non negotiable. Eventually Stella tells him she has to live in, and if he offers her a bit more money she'll take the job, and he agrees. She says she'll let him know by closing time.

Izzy is in the cafe chatting to Will when an angry and jealous Gary walks in. She introduces them and Will offers his hand, but Gary ignores it. Sylvia's clearing up and announces that the cafe is closed, so Will departs. Izzy explains that Will is an old mate from Freshco, she bumped into him earlier, but Gary doesn't look any happier.

In Eileen's house, they are all fussing round Dylan, Julie tries to feed him with a spoon, pretending it's the chuff-chuff train until Eileen persuades her he's too old for that. Sean is on the phone to Violet telling her he's got loads of help.

Tina arrives in the wine bar where Tommy is waiting. He suggests bubbly, but Tina wants a pint and a shot of tequila.

Gary and Izzy are in the pub. He asks what he was supposed to think, she'd gone missing and turned up in the cafe with a random bloke. She tells him she was having a coffee with someone she'd worked with for 2 years.

Tracy arrives in the Rovers, expecting to be made bar manager. Steve introduces her to a solicitor and waves the access agreement at her, and suggests they go out to the back.

Sylvia arrives at the bar. Rita greets her and suggests she joins them.

Gary tells Izzy he's not having a go at her, he just thinks it would be nice to know what her plans are. "Fair enough," says Izzy, "tomorrow night I will be going to town with the Freshco lot to get trollied. Happy?" She glares at him and leaves.

In the wine bar, Tina is still downing the shots and getting merrier by the minute. When she goes off to the ladies, Cheryl warns Tommy that although it may seem like it, Tina is not a girl having a good time, she's a girl trying to drink herself into a coma to blot stuff out.

In the back room of the Rovers, Steve wonders if he and Tracy would make it to a smart restaurant in time, so she signs the agreement in a hurry without reading it first.

Tina comes back from the ladies and Tommy thinks it might be a good idea if she goes home to sleep it off. She takes offence and staggers outside. He follows her, and then walks with her to her front door.

Back in the Rovers, Eileen and Julie are talking about Brian. She would like to find him but doesn't know where to start looking.

Rita, Dennis, Sylvia and Norris start talking about Sean and his little son Dylan. Norris doesn't approve but Sylvia remarks that two men probably couldn't do any worse than a lot of today's parents. Norris says that he would expect her to have a flexible opinion on the subject. "Am I? Why is that?" asks Sylvia. Rita tries to change the subject, but Sylvia expresses surprise that Roy and Hayley never had children, Hayley's just the type. Norris tries to speak but Rita kicks him under the table, and then drags him off to the bar, telling him he's not to tell Sylvia about Hayley.

Steve and Tracy bid farewell to the solicitor and at that moment Stella comes back. Steve introduces her - the new manager! Tracy is aghast, she thought he'd promised her the job. He then tells her that her services are no longer required, either behind the bar or anywhere else. "You can't sack me!" says Tracy. "I think he just did, love," says Stella. "You are going to regret this!" snarls Tracy and leaves the pub.

Anne Logan

Friday 17 June

Steve's very cheerful and when he meets Lloyd in the street he says he's happy because he's got one over on Tracy. He explains he got her to sign the access agreement by letting her think she'd be the Rovers' manager, then once she'd signed he gave the job to someone else. Lloyd taunts Tracy as she walks past. She tells Steve that if his selection of a manager is anything like his selection of friends or wives, he'll be sorry.

Sean's trying to get Dylan to eat something. Eileen says he should get Dylan into a nursery and Marcus offers to rearrange some of his shifts to help with the childcare.

Stella arrives at the Rovers and Steve tells her where she can put her stuff. She doesn't have anything with her. "The van's coming later," she says, startling him. He starts to tell her about the way the bar works. Tina comes in but immediately leaves to be sick. Steve tries to apologise but Stella's not the sort to fall apart when a barmaid calls in sick (Betty) or another had a skinful the night before.

In the corner shop, Marcus starts to tease Sunita about the aunties lining him up as her new husband. This is all news to Dev. He wants details but Marcus feels very awkward. Maria's there and Marcus invites her and Liam for a trip to the Red Rec. Dev's still going on but now Maria's feeling awkward, too.

Stella thinks the cellarman should be sacked but that's Steve. Tommy comes to see Tina. She's not Scottish so she still looks terrible. A bacon roll and a couple of cans of Irn Bru would have put her right! As Steve answers the phone, Tina tells Stella the date wasn't the best but Stella thinks the fact that Tommy came to check on her shows he's considerate as well as handsome.

Steve's phone call is about some transactions on his credit card. Becky!

Anna serves Dylan, Sean and Marcus in the cafe. Sean and Maria discuss the stress of caring for a wee one.

Steve has to go out. "My wife. She's turned up. Hotel. Manchester. Using my credit card as a weapon of mass destruction."

Izzy has a phone call and arranges to meet up with her old mates from Freshco. Gary doesn't look happy.

Stella introduces herself to Eileen and Julie and asks why there's bad feeling between Steve and Tracy. Julie's about to tell her everything, but Eileen says she should ask Steve. Norris and Mary are nearby and their tongues are winding up like toy aeroplane propellers. They tell Stella that Becky hasn't been seen since she wrecked the house next door with a sledgehammer. Stella's very interested but Norris suddenly says: "Maybe we've said enough." The camera turns to show us Tina glaring at them from behind Stella. "Yeah, I think you have and all!"

Steve arrives at the posh hotel. Becky's registered as Becky Grainger but the receptionist refuses to tell him the room number. She offers to ring the room but there's no answer. The phone goes and it's someone complaining about the noise from a party in the middle of the day - "Room 1461, the Fitzgerald Suite," she confirms, writing it down. And whoosh! Steve's off towards the lifts. Who else would be staying in a suite and partying in the middle of the day?

There's a pile of trays and plates from room service outside the room where all the noise is coming from, and an annoyed guest peering out to watch Steve hammering on the door.

Becky tries to slam the door in Steve's face. The suite is full of people and mess. "Glad to see you haven't let things get out of hand," he says as Becky slumps on to a sofa.

Sean thinks taking a child to the Red Rec is like wearing clown shoes and running through a minefield - dogs, broken glass, swings . . . And he's so fast!

Gary catches up with his mother to tell her he can't make it for dinner. He's meeting a former army mate, he says.

Becky refuses to talk to Steve. Though she does say nobody there would lie to her or let her down.

Dev's really angry now. He's shouting at Sunita when Nick comes in and tells him not to talk to Nick's intended like that. "In fact," he says to Sunita, "I think you and I should discuss your aunties' kind offer over dinner tonight." Dev demands to know whether Nick was first choice. Sunita says No and tells Nick to stop winding up Dev. Lloyd's been watching wryly. Dev tells Sunita she should tell the aunties they're getting married again. They don't need all the fuss they had last time. They can do without all the flowers, the white horse . . . "The romance," says Sunita. She's not impressed by such an unromantic proposal. Through gritted teeth she says she's going to check on the twins.

Gary arrives in the Rovers to see Izzy and one friend who are having a drink before meeting the others. He stands at the bar to keep an eye on them. Norris is going on about the standards of modern parenthood because Sean, Marcus and Maria are having a drink. Mary speculates on what a good father Norris would make. He's not that much older than Rod Stewart, she tells him.

Tommy comes in and Maria sort of apologises for being short with him this morning. He talks to her about Fraser Island (Australia) being paradise. He met a girl there, turned up on her doorstep in Jersey and discovered it was her hen night. I'm sure there'll be some point to this story eventually.

Sean's had word that Violet's back is worse than they thought. She needs surgery and will be laid up for months, so he'll need to have Dylan for a lot longer.

Steve tells Becky how he found her and asks her to do the sensible thing. He says she worked away from this life before because she hated living like this. She says she hated living like him. He says he married her because he loved her and he still does. "Your mistake then," says Becky. She's very low. He sighs as he leaves the suite and walks away.

The end of the first episode.
Margaret Carr

Stella's husband/boyfriend (I'm not keeping up very well at the moment so not quite sure which is correct) Karl arrives on the Street in a moving van. He casts a disapproving eye around and comments to Stella that it's like being in a time warp. Stella tells him not to have a negative attitude and they kiss.

Sunita is telling Dev that he embarrassed her but, after apologising, he goes out, confident that things are made up.

Gary asks Izzy and her friend if he can tag along. Izzy tries to assure Gary that he will find a Frescho reunion highly boring but he insists.

Stella and Karl are moving a lot of belongings in. Steve is surprised by Karl's presence and asks Stella why he wasn't informed. She doesn't see it as a problem so Steve says that if he's staying he will have to make himself useful ...starting with clearing out the cellar. Hayley and Roy come in and Stella introduces herself. They ask for Becky so Steve takes them through to the back to explain.

Sean is getting stressed about his impending responsibility of full time fatherhood. Marcus calms him down and tells him to see it as an opportunity. He promises to be there with Sean every step of the way.

Steve has told Roy and Hayley about Becky. Karl barges in, singing and dancing but Steve tells him to go away. Steve tells Roy and Hayley that he doesn't feel that he can do anymore for Becky so he will leave her to her own devices. He has cancelled her credit card so she will be back when the money runs out. Roy tells him that he is not willing to take that risk.

Dylan has arrived and Sean and Marcus prepare to bath him. Dylan asks for a story and Sean says nervously that he will read him one before he goes to bed.

Karl is moaning that the rovers is a dump but Stella disagrees and comments that she feels right at home. At that point, a girl of about eighteen to twenty comes in, in floods of tears, and tells Stella that she has left her fiance as he cheated on her. Karl answers Steve's questioning look by telling him that Eva is Stella's daughter.

Roy and Hayley have arrived at Becky's party and she is in a drunken state. Roy and Hayley try to take her home but she tells them she doesn't need res cuing...her life is here now and it's up to them if they want to be a part of it or not.

Sean is reading a story to Dylan. The lad drifts off to sleep and Marcus congratulates Sean.

Karl is asking Eva how she found them. Eva is asking for a place to stay but Steve says he has had enough of dramatic women for one day. Before she leaves however, he feels a pang of guilt but reluctantly says she can stay for a week only. Karl takes Eva through to unpack while Stella introduces herself to her next customers, Ken and Deirdre.

Roy and Hayley are sitting uncomfortably in the midst of the party. Becky turns up the music and tries to get them to dance. A drunk man grabs Hayley but Roy pulls his hand off of her. The man tries to pick a fight with Roy and calls him an idiot, causing Becky to slam him to the wall by his throat. She warns him never to speak to Roy like that. The hotel manager and security come up and order everyone out.

Stella asks Ken and Deirdre about their children. When they mention peter, Stella is reminded of a story she read in the paper about a hospital wedding. Ken and Deirdre talk to her about the night of the tram crash. She seems interested when Leanne's name is mentioned but they are interrupted as Dev comes in a tuxedo, plays the classical theme from Romeo and Juliet and proposes to Sunita. He is crestfallen when she turns him down and he walks out, telling her and her aunts that the show is over.

Izzy and Gary have left the party early, and it's clearly down to Gary. Izzy is getting texts from her worried friends and she is even more irked when she learns she is missing out on karaoke. She seems appeased when Gary promises to take her out to karaoke.

Roy and Hayley are trying to persuade Becky to come back with them and tell her that Steve has stopped the credit card. She rummages around, looking for the cash in her bag and realises that she must have spent it. She has no option but to come back to Roy and Hayley's but she insists that she'll be gone for good the next day.

Marcus tells Sean that he has done very well. Sean replies that he couldn't have done it without him. They both realise that life is going to be very different from now on.

Sunita comes home to Dev and asks for his reasons for proposing. She reminds them that their life is good as it is and he has nothing to prove and they make up, much to her aunts' dismay.

Hayley gives Becky the coffee and notifies her of Steve's new staffing at the Rovers. Becky is upset that Steve seems to have moved on but Roy tries to explain that it is a business solution only. Becky sighs that she wishes she'd never seen Max's smile and wonders how she has ended up back here.

Duncan Lindsay

Monday 20 June

Written by Chris Fewtrell Directed by John Anderson

Sylvia is loudly moaning about having to have her breakfast in the cafe because Becky has taken over the flat. As expected she's got nothing good to say and Hayley defends Becky stoutly. Sylvia has no sympathy and offers to do the kicking out if need be. Hayley points out that Becky is like a daughter to them which sends Sylvia off on another rant about how long it's taking them to produce grandchildren. This makes both of the Croppers uncomfortable, obviously and the subject is changed. Becky arrives, all smiles. She refuses to speak to Steve and says she's ready to face her future. She denies that she loves him anymore but catches her breath when she nearly talks about his betrayal, still hurting very much, in reality.

Steve, meanwhile, is gazing at his wedding ring. Stella and Eva are bickering about her split with her boyfriend. Stella reckons Eva could reconcile but Eva is adamant that she won't. Karl comes in and Stella takes his newspaper and points him to the situations wanted section. She orders him to find a job. Poor Steve just seems overwhelmed with all this.

At Number 11, Sean has been on the phone to Violet's gran, assuring her that Dylan is getting on fine. Dylan doesn't seem inclined to want to eat his breakfast, missing his mother, Eileen figures. Marcus reminds Sean to pick up Dylan at Maria's later (isn't she working at Audrey's again? maybe just part time?) as he's working. All in hand, Sean promises.

Sylvia is mithering Roy about the grandchildren issue. He asserts they are happy as they are, or ... as they were, with a skeptical look in her direction. Sylvia takes the religious side of things, as children are what marriage is meant for, procreation and brushes off Roy's statement about not being very good with children. She says Hayley would be doing most of the work anyway. Sylvia then decides there may be a medical problem, implying first it could be him needing assistance or if the problem could be with Hayley. Roy ends the conversation.

Elsewhere, Karl has come in looking for Lloyd who's having breakfast. He's looking for a job and Fat Brenda told him they may be hiring. He establishes his credentials and Lloyd takes him on trial. Karl asks Becky for a breakfast as she was behind the counter just then. She's not serving but after getting a better look at him, seems to perk up considerably and doesn't so much as flirt with him as come on to him like a train crash. Roy ushers her out the door quickly.

Simon and Peter are kicking a football around and Carla ends up on the receiving end of the bouncing ball. There's a bit of banter and she takes off down the street.

Sylvia is in the Kabin looking at chocolates. She takes the opportunity to poke her nose in and ask if they know why Roy and Hayley doesn't have children. Norris does tell her that they did try to adopt once and Rita tries to divert Norris from telling Sylvia about Hayley's origins. She even resorts to standing on his foot quite painfully when Sylvia reckons the problem lies with Hayley. No success there and she leaves.

In the factory, Hayley gently points out that Fiz's work the day before was not up to standards. Fiz apologizes and Sally snarks. Carla excuses Fiz but says to pull up her socks.

Steve finds Becky at the bus stop. She doesn't want to talk to him. She gets up when the bus arrives. He makes a remark about retail therapy. She glares daggers at him, buying things isn't going to make up for the pain and she gets on the bus, as she can't even finish the sentence. That's him told.

Roy has told Hayley about Sylvia's questioning. Hayley thinks they should tell her the truth. Sylvia returns to the cafe and reveals that she's been talking to neighbours and has snooped in Hayley's private belongings and has found Hayley's prescription. She knows what it's for and can totally sympathise. Hayley, of course, thinks Sylvia has figured out the truth and is really understanding about it all but it turns out that Sylvia thinks Hayley is going through early menopause, just as she herself did. Oh dear. Talk about wrong end of the stick!

After the break, we're in the pub with Tracy at the bar giving Stella the low down on Steve, implying that he hits on the barmaids but she seems to have Tracy's cards. Steve tells Lloyd that Stella's doing a good job and his days of fearing women are over... oops, Becky's arrived, and Steve looks terrified! Becky looks ready for war. Stella holds her own ground in spite of Tracy's cutting remarks and Stella's peacekeeping words. Becky quietly asks for a pint of cider.

Maria and Liam find Marcus and Dylan. Marcus had taken Dylan to see the doctor as he'd had a little fever but he's just fine now. Marcus has now cancelled his shift and is going to take Dylan to the pictures.

In the cafe, Hayley and Roy are discussing further what to do about Sylvia. Hayley still thinks the truth is the best. Roy seems happy to let Sylvia think what she wants but Hayley figures someone will tell her the truth eventually and it will be worse. Roy doesn't want his mother's cruelty to hurt Hayley but Hayley says she can handle anything Sylvia throws at her, she's handled worse. She decides, they'll tell her tonight.

Eva is hollering on the phone to her ex. Karl tells Stella he's got a job. She tells him that Steve's missus arrived and though it's going ok so far but Becky's been drinking 'snakebite' all afternoon and reckons it still could kick off. Karl thinks that might be worth seeing. They kiss and Eva comes back in from the kitchen in a bad mood.

The workers are coming out of the factory. Sally is still moaning about Carla going easy on Fiz. Sean points out she was given a break when she needed time off but that was when she was ill, Sally points out. Sympathy is good for the soul, Eileen says. Maria comes by and tells Sean that Dylan had been feeling a bit poorly and had been to the doctor. Sean gets frantic and guilty but Maria says Dylan was fine and Sean is angry that Marcus didn't let him know.

Becky sees Karl at the fruit machine and makes a beeline for him. She slinks around him. He doesn't really bite but doesn't push her away either. She offers to go somewhere else with him but he turns her down. Stella hadn't seen Becky grab Karl's backside. Peter and Leanne show up as Stella is fixing something and she offers them free drinks for the delay. It wasn't that long, says Leanne. It's been too long, says Stella. Hmmmm... Leanne and Peter chat about their day and Peter mentions the near-accident with the football and Carla. Leanne didn't like that very much. Carla is in a booth watching, much to Leanne's dismay. Frank arrives to talk to Carla and tells her that they have a potential deal with a department store chain. The buyer is coming on Thursday. She's delighted.

Carla goes to the bar and Stella notices Becky holding Karl's hand flirting and lays into the pair of them, but mainly Becky who doesn't realize what the problem is. Karl is trying to extricate himself from Becky who keeps laying herself all over him until Steve arrives. What's going on!

Sylvia brings a huge aloe vera plant back to the cafe as a gift for Hayley. Aloe helps with menopause. Tracy arrives, hearing the tail end of that and laughs. Sylvia confirms that Hayley is going through menopause. Tracy wastes no time letting the cat out of the bag and informs Sylvia that Hayley used to be called Harold.


Good evening. Events this evening were written by Simon Crowther and directed by John Anderson. Copyright remains the property of ITV Productions.

We open in the Rovers where Steve and Becky are once again arguing(!) (the Street gets more like 'Enders every day and that is NOT a compliment). Stella tells Becky to get out and Steve tells Stella that he will do the kicking out and he turns to Becky and tells her to get out. Becky does not want kicking out of her own pub. Stella turns on her other half who is called Carl, whilst at the bar Carla wants a drink (no-one is serving) and Steve asks Becky to come through to the back. Becky and Stella trade insults over Carl (why - he is hardly that fit). Becky wants to know why Stella is there - she reminds Steve about his lying in court and his loyalty to her, he has blown the whistle on his own family. Becky says that at least some appreciate her. Steve and Becky argue. Eva comes in and is introduced to Becky. Becky assumes that Steve and Eva are already at it. Eva claims she can do better - and Becky tells her to fill her boots - she did last week. Steve looks mortified. She is winding him up - and he tells her to get out.

At Roy's Rolls Roy and his mother argue over Hayley. Hayley returns and Roy explains that Tracy has given away Hayley's background. Hayley is sure she has talked more difficult people through the matter than Sylvia - but Roy reckons it will be difficult.

The aunts are panicking about being late - and arguing about their choice of magazines, ending up back to back. They are not even going to ravel together. Dev arrives and they depart.

Marcus arrives home with Dylan, who is fully recovered and they have been to Cineworld - which has upset Sean who was worried - but the phone was turned off. Anyway Marcus hands Dylan over and Sean softens.

The policeman, Sergeant Redfern, arrives to talk to Carla. Peter watches the way Carla is harassed and Leanne watches in the background that Peter buts into the conversation and is clearly not amused that Peter is taking any interest in events around Carla. (Leanne's scowl is wondrous to behold). Carla tells Redfern that she has had a few drinks (which for an on-off alkie is probably not a good thing) and he would be better interviewing her tomorrow.

Can I digress? Is Carla an alkie? If she is it safe for her to drink at all? If she is and she has recognised it why has she not stopped? She must consume more gallons of red wine than the most ardent oenophile and yet she manages to stay vertical most of the time - are there strings attached? A magic restorative? Or is there another explanation of her ability to drink and yet not fall over. Anyway returning to the plot.

Redfern departs and Peter and Frank exchange a look. Leanne just continues to scowl.

In the back of the Rovers Stella is telling Steve how pretty Becky is when Carl creeps in a little shamefaced over his involvement in events. He claims he barely noticed. Carl asks if it will prevent him working on the cabs but Steve cannot see why it should - they eat at the same table, Carl is fending off his wife, he mas as well drive the cabs 'n all. Carl respects the retention of a sense of humour in the circumstances. Stella has done the ironing for Carl's shirt so he thanks her and the temperature starts to improve.

At Roy's Rolls Becky is sounding off about the treatment she has just had in the Rovers. Please Becky put a sock in it or take the transfer to the "Square". Cindy made it in the other direction with a dodgy accent. Becky tells Hayley that nothing really happened in the hotel room - certainly nothing like she told Steve, she just wanted him to think the worst. Roy calls her spiteful. Hayley tells her to look to the future. Hayley sends her for a shower and finally Becky asks if Roy and Hayley are alright and then realises they aren't.

Marcus and Sean are arguing over Dylan with raised voices. No more, no more. I have almost had enough, can no-one see what is wrong with this episode - loud raised voices are getting on my nerves. This is not entertainment, this is punishment, oh God what have I done to deserve this? Marcus accuses Sean of feeding him junk. Maarcus calls Sean childish and Sean says he is not sure he wants Marcus involved. Marcus storms out.

Leanne is still scowling.

Hayley makes Sylvia sit down and brings her a cup of tea. Sylvia rejects buns. Sylvia refuses to ask any questions. Hayley tells Sylvia that she is coping very well. Hayley explains how she and Roy came together. Sylvia says that you read about these things in magazines, but you do not believe they are true and she tells Hayley that she is not part of her family. Sylvia calls her a friend of Roy. Sylvia wonders what people would think. Sylvia calls Roy a homosexual. Sylvia says people have pitied her all her life - and she thinks it is because she has had to contend with Roy and now he has landed her with this - pointing at Hayley! Roy denies he feels ashamed. Sylvia says that Roy was a disappointment to her - but she always loved him. Sylvia then admits that when she saw the shop and his life she was so proud of him. And really nothing has changed since this morning when she thought the world of Hayley. Roy tells Sylvia she has nowhere else to go and she has no money, but he will be happy to see her go if she does not treat Hayley properly. if she is to go - she must go now. Sylvia goes upstairs and Hayley thanks Roy.

Leanne is not only scowling she is giving Peter a telling off for defending a mate. Peter smiles. Leanne scowls and tells Peter that she wants him to have nothing more to do with Carla - she has a problem, Carla makes her feel insecure. She does not like them having cosy chats together. Peter accepts she is not being unreasonable - Carla helped him recover his self-esteem and Carla's interest does appeal to his ego. Peter says he will try and keep his distance from Carla - short of being rude - Leanne is most important to him.

Stella and Marcus are discussing the earlier events and she promises not to talk about it.

Sylvia and Becky discuss marriage. Becky tells Sylvia to support Roy and Hayley rather than bitching about it - and Sylvia expresses her reluctance to accept advice from Becky! Sylvia calls Becky names and says that she does not understand any of it. Becky says she is Hayley Cropper - dead simple.

At the cab office Steve and Lloyd share a take away. Lloyd tells Steve he has to make a decision on Becky - but Steve is not sure.

Sean wanders in, looking lost. Marcus apologises for events earlier. They both discuss it quietly and if Eileen is babysitting then they can go out. All is reconciled.

Becky is on her way to find Steve - and is dressed up to the nines. If she makes an effort then he might. She sends the Croppers upstairs confirming that Sylvia knows her place. As she leaves the cafe Steve arrives. Steve starts sounding off. Becky tries to mollify him but she not slept with anyone. She does not want their marriage to end. She holds him and admits she is a nightmare. Steve says he is filing for divorce - he is being hard. She wants to come home - he will always care about her - but she cannot come home. It was never meant to be.

And so yet another McDonald marriage finally bites the dust. And I am sorry but the sooner Phil Collinson goes and someone who really understands the Street is in charge the happier I shall be.

K Richard W

Thursday 23 June

A miserable Becky is moaning about her situation to Hayley, and smoking. Roy and Sylvia disapprove, Roy opens a window and Sylvia says she finds smoking very common. Becky says she finds Sylvia very rude. They bicker a little until Roy tries to change the subject by talking about breakfast. Hayley goes off to work and Becky pulls Sylvia to one side. "Oi, why are you here?" she hisses. "Snap!" says Sylvia. Becky says she's there because she loves Roy and Hayley. Where's Sylvia's love? Sylvia retorts that love comes in all guises, some not always obvious.

Sean and Marcus are on their way to take Dylan to the Red Rec, after walking Eileen over to the factory. Rita and Dennis come out of her front door and she introduces them. Eileen asks if he is the same Dennis Tanner who scratched his name in the window sill of her house. He admits that he is.

Sylvia sits in the cafe and pulls a tattered old photo of a young Roy out of her bag and looks at it fondly.

Stella is cleaning the bar when a sleepy Eva wanders in, asking what time it is. She's not happy to find she was woken up at 9.30.

Frank arrives at the factory and is not at all pleased to find the place in chaos as the girls are wearing the merchandise over their clothes and singing loudly. He tells them there's an important buyer arriving in a minute and they're to get back to their machines. As Julie hurriedly takes her bra off, the buyer walks in. As Frank greets her, Hayley comes to tell Carla that her brother is on the phone. She goes off to take the call.

Over at the pub, Stella is excited because the sign with her name on is going to go up today. Steve comes in then and tells them that he's started divorce proceedings against her. (Only a week ago he was hoping to get her back. How soon things change in Soapland!) Then he says that he's off to Brighton for a few days to see Andy and celebrate their birthdays together. He's sure Stella will make a good job of holding the fort. Stella assures him they'll all be fine.

Roy and Becky have a chat outside the cafe. She apologises for being rude to his mother and says she should probably move out. He tries to interrupt her, but she won't be swayed.

Over at the factory, Sandeesh has returned and Frank is showing her round. Carla comes along, all charm and smiles, and offers to show her some samples that she has in the office.

The new sign is put up over the pub, and Stella is delighted.

Izzy meets Gary across the street. She tells him that after work she's off for a drink with some girls she used to work with, but he doesn't seem happy. "Will thingy be there? You know, Will?" he mumbles. She says he won't, it's just the girls. "But I'm doing egg and chips with mint sauce," he protests. She tells him just to do it an hour later, she'll only be an hour. "You're as bad as me dad," she says as she wheels herself away.

Tracy tells Steve she's not happy that he's dumping Amy, he was supposed to be having her this weekend. She doesn't want Amy to be a pawn in his silly games. Just then Becky comes along and asks where Steve's going in the waiting cab. He tells her about Brighton and Andy, and is driven away. Tracy and Becky bicker on the pavement for a few moments, then Becky wanders miserably on. She stops outside the pub and stares up at the new sign.

Inside the pub Stella gives Tina a pep talk about teamwork when Leanne and Peter comes in. She rushes over to serve them.

Over in the factory, Frank and Carla are discussing terms with Sandeesh. She thinks that they need her more than she needs them and lays her offer on the table. Carla looks at the figures and tells her it's ridiculous, in fact it's offensive, and if that's the best offer she can come up with, perhaps she should take her business elsewhere. Sandeesh decides to do just that, and leaves. "Nice one," says Frank to Carla, who sits looking tearful. Frank asks what's wrong with her. "Nothing!" yells Carla and storms out.

Gossiping behind the bar, Tina and Eva discuss Peter and his accident, and the fact that Leanne had an affair with -the guy from the bistro- ie Nick. Leanne comes out of the ladies and overhears and is annoyed. She says she could go and drink at the Wethy Arms if folk are going to bitch about her behind her back. "Or you could go to the bistro," suggests Eva, "oh, no, you couldn't, sorry, me and my mouth!" Stella hears the end of this and rushes over to ask if Leanne's all right. "Not really, no," says Leanne. Stella says she'll sort her out.

Carla comes out of the ladies, having composed herself. Frank tells her that she's been acting weird all day, and her behaviour has cost them a one hundred thousand pound turnover. "What's going on?" he asks. "My mum's died," she says quickly, going on to question the hundred thousand pounds. He stops her. "Your mum's died?" She explains that her brother has been phoning saying their mum was poorly, but she didn't realise how serious it was. "I do now, don't I, and it's too late."

Becky comes down into the cafe with all her bags and baggage. Roy and Hayley wonder where she's going. She tells them she's got her own home, so she kisses them both and goes out of the door.

Back in the factory office, Frank hands Carla a stiff drink and tells her to forget about Sandeesh. She tells him she's been ignoring her brother's phone messages, she's been so wrapped up with work, and the funeral is tomorrow. He gives her a long hug and tells her he's so, so, sorry and she must take off as much time as she needs, he can handle the factory.

Gary is pacing the floor, checking his phone and looking anxious. Suddenly he hears Izzy coming in, so sits down on the sofa looking calm and relaxed. "You've been ages," he says, accusingly as she wheels herself in. "I've been an hour, Gary," she says, "I said I'd be an hour and I was. Are you all right?" He tells her he just hates cooking and wanted to get it over with, and goes out to the kitchen.

Becky arrives in the back yard of the pub. She smiles, puts down her bags and lights a ciggie.

Julie is at the bar, chatting to Stella. Behind her, Dennis remarks to Norris and Rita that she's a strange one - ditzy. Norris informs him that she's Eileen Grimshaw's sister. Eileen walks in just then, as Dennis remarks that his mother's maiden name was Grimshaw. Rita remarks that she never knew that Elsie Tanner used to be Elsie Grimshaw. Julie then realises that they could be related, but the others think it's unlikely, Grimshaw is not an unusual name.

Leanne is at the bar, and Stella apologises for her daughter. Just then Eva comes in, and, realising they're talking about her starts an argument with Leanne. Just as it really starts to escalate, Becky comes in from the back and takes over, ringing the bell and telling all the customers that the next drink is on the house! When Stella starts to protest that Steve left her in charge, Becky tells her that she owns the place and she's back!

Anne Logan

Friday 24 June

Stella and Eva clean up the bar, moaning that if left to Becky the pub would never open.

Sophie and Sally walk towards the factory, discussing her work with the homeless. Sally's skeptical about homeless folk generally so Sophie invites her along to see what goes on. Sally accepts.

Carla's in the office, going for the whisky hidden in the filing cupboard when Hayley knocks and comes in. Frank's already told the staff about the order being pulled. Hayley shows Carla a fabric sample but Carla's not happy. It might be called "ivory" but it looks cream, she says. Hayley goes out and Sean comes in, inquiring about problems with his machine. Frank comes in when Sean goes. He tells off Carla for being at work on the day of her funeral. Carla says her brother is right and if she couldn't be bothered with her mother in life, she's got no right to turn up at her funeral. Frank points out that not attending the funeral will just give her brother a chance to tell everyone she couldn't be bothered. Carla points out she ignored her brother's messages for days. Frank tells her to say goodbye or she'll regret it. "Go on. Now." Carla gets her bag and keys.

Rita's explaining Becky's motivations to Stella in the Kabin when Leanne comes in with Simon. Rita introduces Leanne to Stella in case they haven't met and Stella apologises for last night. They make peace and Leanne explains who she's married to and about the bookies. Stella says she's fond of a bet so will probably see Leanne some time.

After Leanne and Simon have left, Stella tells Rita that Becky had a lock-in last night and hasn't surfaced yet.

Actually, she just has. She comes out, grabs a can and demands to know where Stella is. Eva tells her Betty's in the back in a grumpy mood and wants a word about running out of lamb for the hotpot. There was also a delivery this morning and nobody was there so nothing was delivered. She and Stella had spent two hours cleaning up after the lock-in and had gone to the cafe for breakfast. Becky is acting in a very objectionable way. Stella points out there might not be enough draught lager to last the day.

Gary's got some work so Izzy thinks she might go to a gig in Liverpool with her pals. Gary protests that he'll be home in the evening but she's determined, saying he'll be knackered.

Becky's been on the phone to the brewery and they say they can't deliver until after the weekend now. She tells Stella they'll manage. Eva gleefully tells her Betty's in a strop about the lamb and there's also no veg and no potatoes. "Still managing?"

Peter gets a text from Carla and tells Leanne he has to go out. He calls Carla and demands to know what she's doing. She says she's in Nick's bistro and really really needs Peter's help. She's got a bottle of red wine in front of her.

Becky arrives back with lamb but Stella says Betty got fed up waiting and has gone home. The lager's run out so Tommy and Tyrone have to settle for bottled. Hayley and Sean come in and Becky greets them as the first friendly faces she's seen today. When Sean orders bottled lager, Becky gleefully makes that point to Stella. Along the bar, Rita tells Ken this will all end in tears. "The question is, whose?" he says.

In the bistro, Cheryl watches Peter go straight over to Carla. Carla tells him she's just come from her mother's funeral. He tells her the wine is completely understandable. Carla says if she was a normal human being she'd be raising a glass. She says her not-so-nearest-and-dearest have just been telling her a few home truths. She says it's her fault. She didn't even invite any of them to her wedding.

Sally's arrived at the charity's dining room. James explains their aim. Sophie serves one client and explains to Sally how Jerry became homeless. Sophie and James tell her about the plans to buy a house. Having an address will give the clients a much better chance of finding work.

Carla says she went to see her mother in London in March. Peter says she's not a complete monster after all. Carla says as soon as she got in she wanted to get away. She makes the point that it would have been easy enough to see her mother or ring her more often. Peter explains that her mother could also have picked up the phone. Nick comes over and does a very poor "of all the gin joints" routine. "Leanne joining you?" he asks, offering to bring Peter a glass. "Carla's just come from her mother's funeral and she needed a chat. Is that all right?" Peter asks him. A contrite Nick backs off.

Leanne sees Cheryl and asks if she's seen Peter. He went out for some cigs ages ago. Cheryl says she was just coming to tell Leanne that he's in the bistro. "With Carla."

Izzy has to make do with bottled lager. Becky tells Stella they've got plenty of bottled and the older customers drink bitter anyway. "Until the bitter runs out," points out Stella.

Rita and Ken bemoan the lack of hotpot. Both will be eating something from the freezer tonight. Ken says Deirdre's too busy painting a vase to cook. Rita plans to stop in the Rovers just in case it all kicks off. Ken thought they were more civilized than that and Rita apologises. She's been spending too much time with Norris, she says.

While Izzy's at the bar, Gary looks at her phone. There's a message from Will saying he managed to get tickets for the gig and asking her to get in touch. Gary deletes the message.

Eva's back from a shopping trip. She tells Stella she could do so much better than the Rovers. Stella says it will all be sorted out once Steve's back.

Izzy's disappointed not to have heard from Will.

Becky's slumped in the yard, smoking. Stella goes out for a quiet word. She wants to know whether she's trying to prove she can run the pub better than Steve or into the ground. Becky thinks Stella looks down on her. "I have every right to be behind that bar and call the shots," she says. Stella tries to tell Becky that she's not the enemy. Becky doesn't care what Stella thinks. "You're not me mam." "And aren't we both glad of that!" says Stella.

Peter's still trying to bring Carla out of her black mood of self-blame. She's at the stage of saying there would be nobody at her funeral, though she admits Leanne might be there to dance on her grave. Peter says he's her friend and she should stop all this self pity. He takes her hand as, guess what, Leanne walks in. "Well! Don't you two look cosy!"

The end of the first episode.
Margaret Carr

Leanne is shouting the odds at Peter in the Joinery. He is telling her that he can explain but she says that it looks pretty obvious what's going on to her. Carla interjects and says that it's all her fault...she needed peter's support as her mother died. Leanne is temporarily lost for words but tells Carla that she can't keep leaning on peter. Carla says that she has no one else who will listen to her since she burnt her bridges with Leanne but assures her that it won't happen again. Before leaving, peter checks that Carla will be okay, much to Leanne's annoyance.

Sian is worried about how hard Sophie is working and reminds her that they need a break sometime. James comes through and says that the house they're after has come on the market but have no cash for a bid. Sophie suggests a charity auction.

Peter is apologising to Leanne but asks her what she expects him to do. She suggests that he starts putting his family first before reminding him that he was supposed to pick Simon up from a friend's 20 minutes ago.

Becky gives Tommy, Tyrone and Jason a bag of coins from the till and orders them to keep feeding the jukebox. Norris and his gang are bemoaning the level of noise and also the standard of the drinks. Norris goes up to the bar to complain but Becky necks his whole drink and tells him that it seems fine to her. He assures her that none of them will be drinking here anymore but she doesn't seem to care and has a laugh at Norris' expense. Carla comes in and orders a bottle of wine. Becky tells her she is welcome to get as drunk as she wants. Meanwhile, Tommy eyes up Carla but Tyrone warns him that going for her would be a suicide mission.

Nick is moaning to Gail that the Joinery is too quiet and says he wants to attract a younger clientele to the place. At that point, Norris, Emily, Ken and Deirdre enter and comment on how nice and quiet it is and that they can hear themselves think. Nick doesn't look enthusiastic as Norris helps himself to the free peanuts and Emily asks for the heating to be turned up.

Stella enters the bookies and Leanne snaps that she has ten minutes as she is closing soon. She goes on a rant about how she wouldn't recommend gambling as being married to a bookie means you only get lied to. Stella offers her a listening ear.

Gary suggests that he and Izzy go to the cinema the next day but she reminds him that she is going into Liverpool with Will tomorrow. She wonders why he hasn't text yet and Gary says that it probably won't be happening. She wants to phone but Gary sneakily takes her phone from the kitchen, turns it off and hides it.

Leanne apologises to Stella for her outburst. Stella asked what's on her mind and Leanne tells her that she wants her husband to keep away from a woman who has designs on him. Stella is just suggesting that she sits down with peter and talks it through when a robber armed with a baseball bat bursts in and orders Leanne to open the till.

Leanne refuses to open the till bravely despite the robber's threat to cave her head in. Stella sneaks up on him, grabs his arm and wrestles the bat from him. He makes as if to tackle her but she swings the bat at him and warns him to run away while he still can. He scrambles out the door as quick as his little burgling legs can carry him. Leanne asks if she is okay but Stella says that all that matters to her is that Leanne is unharmed.

James and Sian are pondering on a venue for the charity auction as Sophie spots Nick outside the Joinery. She asks him if they could use his place and she convinces him that it will give him a lot of good publicity as there will be a lot of local businesses there.

Tommy is making moves on Carla and predictably getting nowhere. Frank comes in and asks Tommy if he needs help leaving. He then tells an intoxicated Carla that he is taking her home.

Nick comes in to the loud Rovers and Becky jovially welcomes him in. He says that he was just checking whether the rumours that the place was causing disruption was true. Becky guesses that it was Norris who told him that and says that she doesn't mind him taking that age range of customer. Tracy comes in and warns Becky that she will call the police if she doesn't turn the noise down. Becky tells her to go ahead before downing another shot.

Peter sees the police out while Leanne thanks the heroic Stella. Stella lectures Peter for leaving Leanne to cash up alone and says it could have been much worse.

Frank helps Carla outside but she falls over, laughing. He drags her up and she realises she has misplaced her flat keys. He is adamant that she will stay at his place.

Izzy is worked up that Will will be wondering why she hasn't been in touch but Gary tells her to forget about it. There's a knock and the door and Gary answers. It's Will but he tells him Izzy is out and tells Izzy that it was just a religious group at the door.

Carla is back at frank's and she is telling him how hard it is to know that the one person who loved her is gone. He tells her that if it's love she is looking for then she won't have to look far. She pulls him into a passionate kiss but he rejects her, saying that that wouldn't be a good idea.

Becky is giving out shots to every customer who comes through the door as Stella looks on helplessly. Karl takes Stella through to the back and asks why she isn't doing anything. She bursts into tears but doesn't tell Karl about what happened.

Back at the bar, Becky's favourite song comes on and she throws all the glasses off a table and gets on top to dance. Ken comes in, unplugs the jukebox and cuts the wire with scissors. Becky tells him she will call the police and Ken urges her to so that he can also report what a nuisance she's been.

Carla has fallen asleep. Frank puts a duvet over her and kisses her head. He tenderly bids her goodnight...

So what have we learned?
-Frank's not one to stick his nose in
-Becky always liked Jason when he was all mouth and no trousers
-Peter's never short of the following things: excuses, justifications, explanations
-Sophie is more than just a pretty face
-Wine is nobody's friend
-Peter isn't Carla's Samaritans or St Bernard's
-Tyrone has always wanted to be a DJ
-Ken's bitter isn't up to the usual standards. Norris' bitter is like pond water.
-The king prawns in the Joinery are palatable
-Norris can't eat anything that stares back at him
-Frank's sofabed is very comfy
-Carla's imaginary friends don't take kindly to being sat on.

Dubious Awards

Optimist of the week: "It couldn't look any worse!" Leanne about Peter and Carla looking cosy. I could think of many ways in which it could...
Longest potential waiting time for an invitation to make an input: "When I want your opinion, Nick, I'll ask for it!" Leanne
Most interesting plot twist: "What are you saying? She's had her mam done in so she has an excuse to call?" Peter to Leanne about Carla. Stranger things have happened on the Street....
Person least likely to receive a call from Hollywood: "It's quiet....too quiet." Nick
Least generous donation: "Think of him as a little gift from me" Becky to Nick about Norris.
Most sympathetic words of comfort to a shaken robbery victim: "You could stick it up on YouTube!" Too late, Simon, it's already there!
And Sophie's suggestion that the local community could sell possessions in a charity auction got me thinking...just what might the locals of Weatherfield have to sell?
Tracy Barlow: Brings to the market a unique and decorative household figurine. Heavy, high quality and with just minor wear and tear and bloodstain from a genuine builder's head, it's a bargain.
Ken Barlow: A handmade, genuine Barlow original ceramic piece. It's phallic shape will provide years of entertainment for any buyer or even pass the afternoons by for a lonely housewife.
Nick Tilsley: If you thought face transplants were just in the films, wait til you see what this person brings to the market...a former face which he used to titillate the likes of Maria Sutherland. Nick made the choice to transplant his young, fresh face for that of a one that made him seem fifteen years older but you can have that Adam Rickitt look...for the right price...Hayley Cropper is also bringing former body parts to the auction...stay tuned for further details on that as they emerge.
John Stape: Ever wish that you led a different life but having a Nick Tilsley face transplant just wasn't enough. Then perhaps you need a brand new identity. Mr Fish-Stape has all the documents you need...you have to find him first though...

That's all from Friday; more soon.

Duncan Lindsay

Monday 27 June

Written by Joe Turner Directed by Noreen Kershaw

Jason's birthday today! Everyone sings the song and Julie gets all cuddly with him like a favourite auntie would. Sean is on the phone with Violet and says her recovery is going to take a bit longer so they'll have care of him a bit longer. Jason takes a birthday call from Todd and Julie gets sentimental about family, excited about the possibility of a new family member in the person of Dennis Tanner!

Carla is woken up by Frank who brings her very strong coffee. He reminds her, she drank too much and she's embarrassed. A moment of panic as she remembers the factory but Frank has that covered, he's already let Hayley know to open up. Carla asks Frank why he's doing this for her. He replies that she'd do it for him though she doesn't know that she would. Oh but she owes him one now, he chuckles. Oh.

Karl is moaning about Becky taking over when she's not shown she's even capable of the job of running the pub. Stella seems fairly cheerful. Eva is hungover. Becky arrives and shakes her head over the strangers in her house. She warns them that they'll be the casualties of her marriage war. Stella is unconcerned. Outside, Becky is having a fag as Jason comes along. She gives him a birthday kiss and then invites him to the Rovers and she'll throw a party for him. She insists! Peter and Leanne arrive to see Stella to thank her again for her intervention with the robber. Karl comes in and is just hearing about the scuffle now. Leanne invites the couple to come over for a meal that night. Stella tells Karl that Becky can run the pub. Karl tells newly arrived Eva about the incident as well but Stella brushes it off as nothing much more than dealing with drunks in pubs all these years.

In the cafe, Izzy has the cake run. Gary arrives and Izzy mentions their nice weekend, especially since Will let her down over the gig. Anna is bursting to tell them something but Katy comes in complaining about her dad which distracts everyone from Anna again. Just as Owen comes in as well, Anna shouts Faye can Stay! She's just heard and is delighted. She invites everyone, including Owen, to come for a celebratory tea. Owen accepts and gets off and Anna finishes up what she wanted to tell them.

Frank and Carla arrive at the factory. Frank reveals that it was Peter that told him to keep an eye on her. Norris pokes his nose in and wonders why they are late in and arrived together. She shouts None of Your Business!!! in his face. Inside the factories, some of the workers express their condolences. Carla accepts and gets to business. Julie tells her that Sophie is waiting to talk to them. Sophie is on the scrounge for the charity auction. She starts her pitch, hands out brochures, and explains that they'll get good PR in exchange for a donation for the auction. They are impressed so they say yes.

Tyrone and Tommy arrive and clarify that Becky is doing a party for Jason. They were going to take him into a strip club in town. Becky teases them and wonders why degrading a woman by having her take her clothes off is so much fun. They are chastised but then she turns it around, no worries, she'll hire a really hot stripper!! Wahey! The brewery delivery man comes in and starts in having a go at Becky for messing up his delivery schedule last week. She apologizes. Several times. He continues to shout, Becky continues to be patient until she finally just throws him out without another delivery. Stella comes in and is horrified. Becky orders her not to patch things up with the brewery and she'll sort it herself. Stella tells her she's going out that evening but is determined not to let Becky destroy the pub.

After the break, Norris is dishing out sweets for Sean who's buying for Dylan. Maria comes in to look at magazines and Norris gives her a hard time for browsing then tries to find out if Sean knows anything about Carla and Frank's late arrival. They looked pretty pally. That raises Maria's danger radar and she's appalled to hear Norris gossiping that Carla and Frank looked quite close. aria interrupts to get confirmation. Sean hums and haws and makes it sound like Norris' suspicions are true (which, at this point, they aren't). Maria is disgusted, Carla knows what Frank is like and doesn't understand how she could get close to him!

Carla, meanwhile, is skulking around the corner from the betting shop, and sees Peter out having a fag. Peter points out that she's telling him to go away and the next minute she's stalking him. She only wanted to apologize for letting Frank know she needed someone. Peter points out that he would like to be there for her but he can't, and she needs to find her own way through it. Without booze if possible.

It's now 6 o'clock and the pub is already jumping. Stella and Karl are off to the Barlow Jr. residence, later, though Stella ahs a few reservations. Becky's unconcerned even though the bitter has just gone off. Looks like they'll be drinking bottled beer all night. Julie gives Jason a rainbow patterned wooly cap and he's trying to find out what is the surprise that Ty and Tommy have in store. The Boys Are Back In Town comes on the jukebox and all the young dudes start singing and air-guitaring to it. Next door, Ken is trying to read and listen to classical music. The jukebox from next door gets a little louder, so he turns up his radio in frustration. It's not going to work. (Surely after all these decades, he must be used to a few noisy nights at the pub now and then!?)

Outside, Will comes running across to see Izzy. He can't understand why she's been ignoring him and she's saying the same to him. He mentions that he came round Friday and Gary said she was out. Uh oh. Busted! Izzy says she didn't get the message but she's going to find out what happened.

In the pub, Maria is obsessed with griping about Carla and Frank. Chris is trying to get her to leave it but it's not going away. Becky tells T&T that the stripper will be there later. The jukebox has been turned down so she hollers for someone to turn it up again. Next door Ken is getting fed up. In the pub, Norris is waiting for Emily when Owen arrives. Frank and Carla come in together and Maria glares daggers across the bar. She's ready for a fight. (Seriously, though, it's nothing to do with her anymore. It's not as if Carla's her best friend or anything!)

Meanwhile, the stripper finally arrives, late due to traffic and a costume malfunction. Becky points out the birthday boy and she gets underway straight away. She sashays over to Jason and starts writhing around a black boa much to Julie's amazement and Eileen's disgust. Stella and Karl are just getting ready to leave and she's not happy about the stripper. Ken comes in shouting about the noise. He freezes, horrified. The stripper has come up behind him and turns him around, wriggling her business all over him, trying to relax him. Ken is highly uncomfortable as she runs her hands through his hair.

Izzy starts up a conversation with Gary back at theirs. She mentions how upset she is for Will letting her down. He brushes it off. She wheels into the living room, frowning. She catches Gary in a lie, by saying she wondered why Will didn't come round. Gary says he can't be a very good friend after all, not mentioning the visit. She reveals she's already talked to Will and what he said. So who's lying!

Back to the pub, Ken is still in the clutches of the blonde stripper and Maria charges over to Carla and Frank and starts in on her. She says everyone thinks something's going on between them and... How Could You!!! Carla and Frank both basically tell her it's none of their business and this isn't the time or place. But Chris takes exception to Frank's tone and the men start pushing each other. Once that starts, the rest of the hot blooded men start tussling and pretty soon half the pub is in a brawl, even some of the women. Becky pulls the stripper out and away from the dogpile and tries to pull some of the other people apart. Outside, Steve has arrived home and is paying a taxi driver just as a barstool comes flying through the window!! What the ........ He looks in through the broken window to see bodies and fists flying, and when several of them come shooting out the door he screams WHAT'S HAPPENIN' IN ME FLIPPIN' PUB!!??!!

Find out what's happening next half.


Here I am again. This episode was written by Mark Wadlow and directed by Noreen Kershaw.

Steve has returned to a disaster zone and Ken has been drinking in the Rovers for 50 years and he will never drink there again it has been dragged so low. Steve wants to know what is going on. Stella starts trying to explain - but gets nowhere - before being sacked. At which point Becky appears. The brawlers pick themselves up and dust themselves down and head off.

Izzy and Gary are arguing. He is lying to her about the visitor. He says she is blowing it out of proportion. He storms off. An argument. I do not want to hear it.

Stella tells Steve that Becky had given orders as his wife. Steve says he is back and will be giving the orders - board up the window and clean the place up.

At Anna's Owen, Katie, Faye and Anna sit down for a meal when Gary arrives without Izzy who did not want to come. It is obvious to Owen that Izzy and Gary have had a row. No-one other than Owen and Anna actually seem to be enjoying it. After the meal Anna and Owen chat and he goes to have a chat with Gary - but Gary is surprised when he tries to be a pal. Gary leaves.

Becky and Steve are still arguing. Stella tells the two of them to calm down, she grabs a bottle of wine and departs. Steve agrees he needs to talk to Becky. Out the front Becky points out she owns half the place and is entitled to live there - Steve says he is skint and suggests that Becky goes and moves to Roy and Hayley and their zed bed. Becky refuses.

Frank and Carla are having some very large glasses of red wine in the wine bar and her top is ruined. Carla lets slip that she considers Chris to be a thug - that Maria cannot stand the two of them together and Frank says that the only person he is willing to consider is Carla. She wants to order. He wants a chippy tea. I have a feeling that is not the only thing he wants.

After the break it is later and Steve is boarding up the window watched by Julie, Eileen, Rita and Dennis. Julie thinks she and Dennis may be related and for the first time since he returned to the Street he enters the house in which he and Elsie once lived. Steve accosts Ken leaving Number One and apologises for recent events. Steve tries to put matters right and normal service will be resumed. He admits Becky was responsible. Ken smiles - but is likely to accept free drinks.

Lloyd is about to start decorating the house he has bought with Cheryl. Inside the walls are stripped and he and Steve discuss the situation, particularly Becky. Apparently there are 78 version of white at the paint shop - but they are all still white. Lloyd reckons it is war - and reckons his money is on Becky if it comes to a fight. Steve realises that Becky will not leave empty handed.

Stella and Karl go round to see Leanne and Peter. Simon is sent to bed. Karl discusses Stella's sacking - but she reckons that is not a problem. Stella has spotted that Peter is not drinking - she knows his secret. At this point it becomes clear that Leanne is not Simon's mother. And then Leanne says she was not brought up by her own mum - but she loves Jan to bits. And do Peter and Leanne want any more children - well it looks like Leanne might but Peter does not spot this and says that one is enough! Peter admits to being a recovering alcoholic - about which he makes a joke.

Dennis finds it hard to walk through the house - so many memories as he looks around the kitchen. Julie is expecting to hear all his stories in her dictaphone, which she turns on and the stories from number 11 are retold. Alice is the first name mentioned.

Carla and Frank are discussing the quality of the fish and chips - not given very high marks. Carla recalls she made a pass at him the previous night and he resisted. He confirms this is all true. All women are resistible when they are incapable (so perhaps Maria did get him wrong? I wonder?). He was still flattered and if it were to happen again he might not be able to resist a second time.

Peter and Karl are discussing football teams. Stella and Leanne are discussing Peter's history. Leanne makes a brief reference to her history. On the walls are pictures of Les, Janice, R'Toyota and Leanne points them all out. Stella says she once had another baby girl whom she lost. Stella steals a photo of Leanne and then says they should be going.

Gary returns to Izzy and she tells him to sit down and she wants to know what is going on - she wants some honesty. He apologises. He was jealous and there is nothing to base it on - but Izzy is scared by it all. Gary gives an explanation - but Izzy does not like the lying. Gary worries about her when she is not there - and he promises he will never do anything like this again.

Steve returns to the Rovers and he and Becky start arguing. Stella and Karl return and Steve re-instates them to their jobs.

Becky and Steve start having a sensible discussion. Steve is not going to walk away - and he says the lawyers will take all their money. He gives her a cheque for £5k - enough to tide her over. She does not want his money. She wants to live there and she is not budging. Steve says Becky was only after his money from day one and he will kip on the sofa. She cannot believe it.

See you next week.

K Richard W

Thursday 30 June

It's morning in the Rovers. Stella and her hubby sit, looking uncomfortable, at the table while Becky clatters about and a sleepy Steve emerges from under a duvet on the sofa. He and Becky then proceed to bicker at each other.

Round at Izzy's, Gary is grovelling. He was a total pillock, he knows, but he likes it best when it's just the two of them. She says she didn't realise he was so jealous, and they do need other people, mates. She wonders if he's going to watch her every move, is every man she talks to at threat? She tells him she made up her mind a long time ago that nothing, and no-one, is going to stop her living her life.

Stella, clutching flowers, goes into the bookies looking for Leanne. Peter tells her that Leanne's gone to town, shopping. Stella puts the flowers down on the counter, she's brought them to thank Leanne for last night. Without realising it, she puts her purse down under the flowers. They start discussing Leanne's 30th birthday and Stella offers to put on a do at the Rovers for her. Peter's not sure, he thinks it's a bit OK Corral over there. Stella assures him it's all fine now, so he agrees. As Stella leaves, Peter's phone rings. "Hey, Les Battersby, you old reprobate!" he says when he answers. Stella stops short in the doorway and turns around. Peter waves her away, saying he'll pop across in a bit.

Becky's out the back of the Rovers, smoking. Newton and Ridley's delivery man has been persuaded back and has delivered the barrels of beer, and been given a bacon buttie and a sugared tea by Steve, by way of apology for Becky's behaviour. Steve then moans at Becky and tells her that her crowd nearly frightened away all their regulars. She gets up and starts to move off. "Where are you going now?" he asks. "Work," she says. "I live here and I work here, get over it."

Leanne arrives back at the bookies with the spoils of her shopping trip. Peter gives her the flowers from Stella, and then notices Stella's purse. He says he'll take it over later.

As Leanne goes off upstairs to the flat, he picks up the purse and opens the note section, presumably to check that it actually is Stella's purse, and frowns when he finds the stolen photo of Leanne tucked in there.

Over in the pub, Stella is not happy with the box of old decorations and says she'll have to go and get some new ones. Eva stands around looking sulky and says she wishes Stella made as much fuss over her birthdays, all she gets now is money stuffed in an envelope. They discuss food and Steve says he'll get Betty to do one of her spreads. Stella agrees, but adds that she really wants to push the boat out on this one.

Fiz sees Maria in the cafe and invites her and Liam round for tea later. Sean, Marcus and Dylan are going to be there.

Gary tells Anna that he and Izzy have made up. It was all his fault, he was jealous. Anna is delighted that all is ok again, and comments that she wishes a man would care enough about her to be jealous.

Peter goes into the Rovers, but is told he's just missed Stella, she's gone to get stuff for the party. He starts chatting to Karl, asking if they've been together long, where were they before, what brought them there, etc. Karl tells him that Stella was originally from round there, she wanted to get back to her roots. Peter asks how long ago it was that Stella lived there. At this point Karl asks if Peter's ever thought of working for the KGB, so Peter apologises, saying he was just making small talk.

Sean and Izzy are sitting on the factory steps when Gary comes along with a small, fancy bag. It's a present for Izzy from the posh shop in the precinct.

Stella has arrived back at the Rovers, and takes Peter into the back room where he gives her the purse, explaining that she left it in the bookies. She opens the wallet section and starts looking through it. Peter holds up the photo of the Leanne and asks if that's what she's looking for. Stella mumbles that she was looking at the photos on their cupboard and it sort of fell off. She hopes he hasn't told Leanne. He says he hasn't, but he will, he tells her everything. She begs him not to tell her, so he probes some more, demanding to know what's going on. Eventually she blurts out that she's Leanne's mother!

After the break, we find Peter still with Stella, she's made him a cuppa. He assumes that's why she's moved there, it's not just a weird coincidence. He wants to know when she was going to tell Leanne, because he's sure it's going to freak her out. Stella explains she didn't know when she was going to tell her, that she was afraid of rejection, she abandoned Leanne when she was a baby, she was young and just couldn't cope, and thought Leanne would be better off with out. Now she can't believe that her baby girl is about to turn 30. Peter asks if Karl and Eva know about it, and she assures him they don't. Tearfully, Stella says she just wanted Leanne to get to know her as a person, maybe even like her.

Tracy and Deirdre bring Amy into the pub to spend the night with Steve. He sends her off upstairs where, allegedly, Betty is making her a snack. Becky stands in the background looking gutted as Steve turns on the charm and offers them a glass of wine each on the house, in way of apology for the noise that's been disturbing them lately. Tracy wants to know why Becky is still around, seeing as Steve has started divorce proceedings. She tells them she's here for the money, protecting what's hers.

In the back room, Peter tells Stella she must tell Leanne soon. Stella begs him to let her wait until Leanne's birthday is over, she doesn't want to spoil it. Reluctantly, Peter agrees. Then Stella asks about Les and Janice. Peter assures her they won't be there, neither of them can make it.

Anna is outside the cafe, talking on her phone. Owen is loading up his van across the street, and when her call is finished she tells him that her landlord is selling her house. He's offered her first refusal, but there's no way she could buy it. He offers to take her for a drink.

At Fiz's house, Sean, Marcus and Maria are there with the children, and they're all singing "Wheels on the bus" when there's a knock at the door. It's the detective, and he's come to tell Fiz that after a post mortem on Joy Fishwick's body, they now believe she was murdered. He asks if she can shed any light on this. "You know I can't, I wasn't there," says Fiz.

Simon tells Leanne and Peter that someone brought a baby into school today. Leanne wonders if Simon would like a little brother or sister. Simon says it's not sharing his room, and Peter agrees that a man needs his own space. Leanne says she's about to hit the big 3-0 and they need to start thinking about these things.

Anna and Owen are talking in the pub. She tells him that Faye is really settled and the last thing she needs is to move house. He thinks she should check out whether she could buy it.

Norris comes in to the pub and moans to Steve about how noisy it was when Becky was running the place. Owen comes to the bar and agrees that a nice quiet pub is what people want.

The detective takes his leave of Fiz, and when he's gone Sean and Maria tell her they think he's just come round to freak her out. They don't think he can have any proof that Joy Fishwick was murdered.

Stella comes back to the bar and finds Becky and Steve silent and looking miserable. She quietly goes over to Becky and points out that it isn't working. Becky says she's fighting, she won't just roll over. Stella suggests that she goes and has a nice soak in the bath, an early night, and in the morning goes and finds herself a solicitor. Becky says she will.

After Becky has gone upstairs, Stella goes over to Steve who says he's already told Becky to find a solicitor but she wouldn't listen to him. He goes on to thank Stella, and apologises for the place being chaotic since she got there, but promises it will be plain sailing from now on.

Peter's been quiet, and Leanne asks him what the matter is. After some teasing about tea towels for birthday presents, she asks if it's anything to do with what she said about expanding their family. He asks if, since they're talking about family, if she ever thinks about her real mum. Leanne says she doesn't, why would she? Janice was her mum. He asks if she's ever wanted to meet her real mum. Leanne is adamant she doesn't, her real mum left her. She's off living her life, and Leanne is living hers. End of. She's got all the family she needs in Peter and Simon.

Anne Logan

Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Martin Rosen, Ann Logan, Margaret Carr, Stella McLoughlin, Tvor.