Friday 1 December

We open in Danny's flat, the kitchen is littered with half eaten meals and half-drunk drinks. A gaunt and grim faced Danny shuffles into the room and switches on the radio, and finds his ears assaulted with Christmas songs.

Listening to the same songs, in the rather more cheerful frame of mind, Frankie is making breakfast in the house in Coronation Street. Jamie comes in and kisses her and they go back to bed.

In the Battersby residence, Chesney isn't keen to go to school. Les tells him to get a move on or he'll miss the bell. "She will be all right, won't she?" asks Chez. Les assures him that she will be. "Cancer means you die," says Chesney. Les is adamant it doesn't, and he'll look after Cilla. Just then Cilla comes downstairs and Chesney jumps up and hugs her. She tells him she'll still be there when he gets back, and Les tells him to get off to school. Resigned, he goes. On their own, Les tells Cilla he'll make her breakfast, but she tells him she only wants a coffee, same as ever. "Calm down, Les," she says, "don't go soft on us now."

Gail sees Claire knocking at Tracy's door and tells her that if she's looking for one of Josh's footballs, Tracy's probably put a fork through it. She adds that Claire should get her solicitor to send a letter. Claire tells Gail that's not what she's there for, she and Tracy have become mates. Gail remarks that Tracy doesn't have mates, and asks Claire what she's using her for. Claire protests that she's not that terrible, but Gail thinks she is. Claire tells Gail that she's worried about Tracy at the hands of Charlie. Gail thinks they deserve each other, but Claire is sure that she wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Tracy. She asks Gail to keep and eye out for her, and Gail eventually says that she will, just the one! "Don't you put your trust in her," says Gail, "she's a right little……minx!" Claire says she won't. Gail walks off and Claire turns, to see the Tracy's curtains twitching.

Across the road, Norris is trying to scrub the wall of the Kabin clean of the new lot of graffiti that has been painted on it. Blanche comes along and as they look at it, Amber comes up and tells Norris he shouldn't mess with someone's 'tag'. "They'll get righteous on your person for that," she says. Norris asks if she knows who did it, but she doesn't. Norris thinks it's Chesney, but Amber is scornful. "Chesney can barely write his own name," she says, and suggests Norris gets night vision goggles if he wants to catch the culprit. "Pricey mind," she says, "150 big ones." Norris isn't sure he wants to catch him that much.

Cilla and Les are on their way to the chippy. Cilla wants to see Yana and tell her the news. A worried Les tries to get Cilla to let him go in first – to prepare her, but Cilla won't be put off. "Just hold off for a couple of hours, that's all I'm saying," he says, rather desperately. "What's up?" Cilla demands to know, "have you been up to something you shouldn't?" "Course not," says Les. Cilla says he'd better not have been, "Cos if you have, I'll wheedle it out of ya," she tells him.

She marches into the chippy and tells Yana she needs a word. It's Yana's turn to look flustered and worried. "What's the story, Morning Glory?" she stammers. Cilla comes right out with it. "I've got cancer," she says.

In the factory, the workers are sorting out Christmas decorations, and tell Liam he's too young to be a "Mister". Hayley says she's heard that most senior roles in multi national companies prefer to be referred to on a first name basis, it leads to a friendlier and more relaxed atmosphere resulting in greater productivity and a happier workforce. "There you go!" says Janice, "We call you Liam, you flog more knickers." Liam, however, won't be swayed and tells them to go on calling him Mr. Connor. He reminds them that the Christmas party frolics don't start til the evening, and he suggests they put in a full day's work. As he walks off, Sean mutters, "Scrooge!" "That's Mr. Scrooge to you," quips Liam, as he walks away.

Jamie comes downstairs and finds Frankie sitting on the sofa. She tells him she wants to go to Spain and speak to Warren, and she wants to go alone. "We need to find you a flight," he says. She tells him he's too good to her, but looks worried.

Norris and Rita are in the pub, talking to Blanche about the graffiti. Rita thinks the extra cleaning he's doing keeps him out of mischief.

Liam comes in with his brother, who asks him how work is without the cockney. "Smooth of course," says Liam. Michelle rushes over, telling them that she's swung it with Liz and she's coming to the works do.

Yana is sitting with Cilla and Les, (not sure why she's not working at the chippy at what must be the busiest time of day?) Cilla tells her she might need to cover for her at work now and again, but mostly she just wants her to be a mate. Yana glances at Les who looks very uncomfortable. "I'll always be one of them," she tells her.

They leave the pub and head of in different directions, Les and Cilla towards their house, Yana towards the chip shop. Les makes an excuse to Cilla about forgetting his fags, and goes back to talk to Yana.

Claire goes to see Charlie at the yard, and asks how Tracy is. He says she's fine. Claire says she hasn't seen her, and Charlie says she's still fine. Claire asks him to tell Tracy she was asking after her.

On the street corner, Les and Yana are agreed that their liaison was a one-off, a mistake that will never happen again. Les looks up and sees Chesney watching them from across the road.

A few moments later, as Cilla sits down with a hot drink, Chesney and Les burst through the front door. She asks her son if he had a good day at school, and he tells her it was all right. Les tries hard to get Chesney upstairs to do his homework, but Chez says he wants to sit with his mum. "We've got a lot to talk about," he tells Les. Cilla says she doesn't want to talk about it any more, and goes off to the kitchen to make something to eat. Les sits down next to Chesney, telling him he wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea about him and Yana. "Are you going to look after my mam?" asks Chesney. Les assures him that he will.

Over at the factory, Liam tells the workers they can finish for the day. Kelly asks if they can use his office to get ready for their evening out. He says they can't, because he's going to use it himself. While he's in there getting changed, Kelly spots a chink in the blinds and peeks through. She then whips out her phone and takes a picture of Liam getting changed and shows it to all the others. As they are all ogling the picture he comes out and takes the phone and deletes the picture. "Don't mess with me Kelly," he says, "it's a mismatch, there can only be one winner."

Tracy is making dinner when Charlie comes home. He tells her that Claire went to see him, worried because Tracy didn't answer the door. He tells her that the Tracy he knows would answer the door, tell her to get stuffed and how best to do it. He can't understand why she would hide behind the curtains. She tells him that she's been lonely, she doesn't have any friends and whilst she doesn't want to see Claire as often as Claire would like, she doesn't want her to stop coming round altogether..

Blanche is in the Kabin with Rita when Norris comes in, he's been out and bought some night-vision glasses. He takes them out of the box and puts them on. Blanche takes one look and leaves in a hurry, and Rita says, "You won't go out in them, will you?"

Danny is wandering round his untidy flat in the semi-darkness. He doesn't look any happier than he did when we saw him earlier.

Over at Underworld, the festivities are in full swing. Fizz asks if Danny's coming, she's got mistletoe! Sally asks if there's any wine, but Hayley tells her there's only beer, which Sally doesn't like, she thinks it's a man's drink. Liam starts to say that this is only meant to be a quick drink before they go to the restaurant, and he's sorry there isn't more choice, when he's interrupted. In walks a dark haired woman, holding a wine bottle in each hand. "Enter Crimbo drinks fairy!" she says, as they all turn round and stare. It's Carla, Paul's wife.

Back at the party, Carla tells Paul that she can't wait for a good old goss with the girls. "Why's that?" he asks her. "Because there's so much they don't know about you – yet!" she murmurs.

Frankie and Jamie step out of their front door, watched by Danny who is sitting in his car along the street. He drives up in front of them and tells Jamie he thinks they should have a proper chat. Frankie doesn't want him to go, but Jamie agrees to go and gets in the car. As they drive off, Frankie stands in the road shouting. She pulls out her phone and rings him, but Danny grabs Jamie's phone off him and throws it out of the car window. "Just you and me son, on our own," he says, "we're going to finish this tonight."

Anne Logan

This was another night they decided to run two programmes, so here is part 2.

We open with Frankie outside the Rovers trying to contact Jamie on her phone. There seems to be no reply. She comes inside looking quite distressed, so much so that Eileen offers her a drink. Liz gives her, her thoughts about mobile phones; how they can take photos, do downloads, probably make coffee, but as for making phone calls - pah ! (my thoughts entirely!).

Frankie then says that Danny has driven off with Jamie and he has driven off with him at fast speed. She is worried about him.

Over at Underworld, the girls are getting into the Christmas spirit. (Notice is always the machinists that get involved, where are their colleagues, from distribution, marketing, packing, accounts etc.? ;-) ) The girls are generally chatting to Carla about Paul. They say they don't know much about him. Hayley pipes up with there is no reason why he has to tell them anything about his personal life. Then Carla and Paul try to score points off each other - he says that he realises that she doesn't want people to know that she has been released from ..... Carla butts in that he has never been witty, and Paul says she has never been sober!

In the Corner Shop, Amber comes in and the place is in darkness. She calls for Rita but there is no reply. Then Norris suddenly appears in his night-view glasses. Rita tells him not to be so creepy. Amber calls him 'Norris Letcher', a bit like Hannibal but no so scary.

Danny and Jamie arrive at the top of the viaduct, what Danny calls "journeys end". Danny says he has had a lot to consider, nothing to do with the Middle East Crisis, "but you in bed with my wife".

The Underworld staff (well only the machinists!), arrive at the restaurant. Fiz goes to sit next to Liam, but Carla says the seat is reserved for Michelle, and tells her to go and sit with her mates.

Back over at the Rovers, Eileen thinks Danny and Jamie will thrash it out, whatever their problem is. Frankie says the two of them have been at loggerheads since Danny took up with Leanne. Eileen thinks that Jamie will just bop Danny, but by this time Frankie is back trying to contact Jamie on the phone.

Danny asks Jamie if he is scared of heights. Jamie tells him to get on with whatever he wants to do. He wants to get back to Frankie. Now Danny's phone rings, but instead of answering it, he chucks it over the side. Meanwhile Frankie is going out of her mind with worry. Eileen suggests that she calls the police. Frankie obviously doesn't want to do that.

Jamie asks Danny if he is going to give him a lift home. Danny says not until we have had a chat. Jamie asks what about, he surmises that Danny is going to do him in. Danny says he loves him, "you're my son". Danny then sits on top of the wall, on the precipice.

Norris is at home spying with his night glasses to try to catch the graffiti artist. Emily suggests that he calls the police. Norris thinks that would be a long time arriving, besides he claims that he is the local hero. He then asks Emily to keep watch while he goes to "the little boys room" !

Danny is now standing on the wall. Jamie is worried that he is going to jump. Danny tells Jamie that he has treated him like something on the bottom of his shoe. Danny suggests to Jamie that he gives up Frankie. Jamie asks what the alternative would be, would he jump? Danny confirms that it is his intention to jump, but Jamie says that if agreed, Danny would know he is lying. He says he can't give her up.

Frankie tells Eileen and Liz that Danny is a bit of a psycho. She should know, she was married to him. Eileen and Liz think he must have had his reason to take Jamie away. However, Frankie thinks they are blowing it out of proportion, and the reason why she cannot contact them is she is getting a poor signal on her phone. She decides to go home to try from there on the landline.

Norris comes back from the loo, and the room is in darkness. He is frightened by Emily and then calls her a "wicked woman".

Danny tells Jamie that he now doesn't want Frankie back, because they are "damaged goods". Jamie asks what he does want. Danny replies that he wants to apologise and forgive him. Jamie asks "how is it gonna happen?" . Danny asks him to "come up and join me".

Emily wants to know what she can do while Norris is spying. Norris corrects her and says "observing". With his night glasses he looks around the street and focuses on Tracy and Charlie in the bedroom They spot him. Panic-stricken he calls for Emily, and tells her that he thinks someone may have got the wrong end of the stick. Next moment Charlie is banging on Emily and Norris' door. Emily answers it and says it was probably just a misunderstanding. Norris, sheepishly arrives at the door. Charlie tells him that if he sees him with the glasses again he will "have him". As Charlie goes, Norris tells Emily that he is going to be spoken to like that. Emily then tells Norris to put the glasses back on. "Do you think so?" queries Norris. "No" says Emily, "you are a blithering idiot". she replies.

Back at the viaduct, Danny tells Jamie that he was not a model father, but then neither was Mike to him. He tells him he went to Mike's grave today for the first time since he died. He wonders how long Jamie would remember him for if he did jump. He says that Jamie took the most precious thing in his life. Now you may as well take everything else, his home, his car, his business. He says that he hasn't made a will, so everything should go to Jamie and Warren anyway. He says that is his apology, and Jamie's apology would be to accept it.

Jamie then queries who would believe him that he as the right to all of Danny's goods. Danny offers to write him a note explaining it all.

Back at the Underworld party, Carla has had enough and wants to go home. Before going she tells Kelly that she should treat Paul like a boss and not a mate, otherwise she will be wobbling down at the job centre.

Danny writes the note and offers it to Jamie and as Jamie goes to take it, he pulls Jamie with both hands and then leans backwards. Jamie tries to pull him back, but he is too heavy. Danny looks at Jamie's face of fear and allows himself to be pulled back to safety. Jamie then picks up the note. Danny then tells him "you were always a sweet boy. My first baby". He gives Jamie a kiss on the forehead and then walks off into the night ... never to be seen again (well it is not scripted for in the near future!).

Martin Rosen

Sunday 3 December

Anyway Tracy is hoovering as Charlie enters and grabs her rear end causing her to scream out loud (although she knew he was coming) - which Claire did not know and almost falls off the sofa next door on hearing the noise. Even Charlie thinks Tracy was a bit over the top! Tracy suggests that Charlie might like to join her looking at her parents' holiday snaps - or perhaps a drink with Jason? Mobile to hand he phones Jason!!

Chez Battersbys Kirk has produced a massive fry up - which would be his last meal on earth - with brown sauce. An awkward silence descends, broken by Cilla observing that she is not sure they have brown sauce in US jails! Les suggests that they should convert the attic to give Chesney his own room.

At the Quays the Baldwin flat is empty - Danny really has vanished and yet has not even taken his overnight bag. Frankie packs to go and see Warren. Then before she goes Jamie phones Warren to ensure that Danny has not turned up there. Jamie says he will go with her if necessary - but she says she has to tell Warren.

Tracy removes the outside handle from her bedroom door, phones Claire to make sure she is in (but does not speak) then shuts the bedroom door (with Amy inside), locking them both in. Within seconds she starts banging on the wall and shouting out of the window for help. All the neighbours notice - Les peering out through the curtains tells Cilla about the shouting Tracy - "So common" says Cilla. Chesney returns and says he has had a big meal - eyes bigger than his belly. Cilla was like that when she was younger - he will grow out of it, although Fiz hasn't. Les tells Chesney about the new bedroom but Cilla, obviously not feeling 100% retires to bed.

Eventually Claire hears the god awful noises Tracy is making and is told to go round the back as it is open and to come upstairs and let Tracy out. Tracy thanks her and lies claiming that the handle is always falling off - but Claire does not believe her and wants to know where Charlie is - having a drink with Jason. Tracy crying asks Claire not to tell anyone - anyone at all.

So having returned home Claire immediately tells Bev what happened! Bev reminds Claire that it sounds exactly like Shelley - she was always being kept in her bedroom!

Gail visits the garage. She is now made of money (new hairdo and new clothes) and has decided to buy David a car to tinker with and learn how to repair and look after before he starts to learn to drive. Anyway she is willing to spend £150. Having departed Kevin looks into the night to see his father arriving. Bill's back! The kids are glad to see him - and it appears he has a job and is staying until after Christmas and that Maureen will not be joining him. Sal observes they can hardly have seen each other in recent months - the secret of a long and happy marriage Bill observes!

Dreary and Ken return from their trip to Portsmouth and are met by Bev who is dying to tell them about the latest news concerning Tracy. Once Bev has spilled the beans Dreary rushes over to see Tracy who refuses to open the door to her. She tells her mother that all is well and tells her that Claire is just causing trouble and she will call tomorrow before going indoors.

Jamie is driving Danny's BMW and is taking Frankie to the airport. Frankie is not so sure Danny has gone and that he will re-appear when not expected. Sean sees them and asks if all is well - after all Danny did not turn up for the office do. Jamie says all is fine and that they will catch up later.

Carla decides to flick a chip off mouthy Janice's shoulder - but falls short of dealing with the five pounds of King Edwards on the other shoulder!! I shall miss Danny and his various nicknames for the factory girls.

Carla and Michelle then exchange words - as Michelle explains to Liz they have a love / hate relationship. Carla hates her and she loves Carla. Later Carla observes Steve mooning after Michelle and asks if she knows that she has an admirer. She does. Anyway Carla starts winding up Paul by suggesting that she likes powerful men and Steve owns the pub and the taxi firm.

Sean hears from Jamie about Danny's disappearance and suggests that he tells Liam as they are partners. Jamie reckons not - Danny will probably turn up at work tomorrow as normal.

Dreary decides to go and hear about events from Claire and tell her that she thinks that Charlie has hit Tracy. Dreary goes into the garden for a smoke and observes that whilst Tracy can be a real cow she would give anything to get the old Tracy back and she promises Claire that she will get her back!

See you again for Friday shortly.

K Richard W

Monday 4 December

Part 1

Outside Ashley just meets Claire who says Josh went to school fine. Claire then asks if he thought about Bev being a godmother with Eileen. Tracy from the bedroom window tells Claire the handle has come off again and will she come and let her out. Charlie comes back in his van and asks what is going on. Ashley says the handle has come off again. He then tells Claire if she wants Bev to be a godmother as well its fine.

No 6 and Charlie looking at the door asks if she has done this. Tracy just tells him to let her out. He says some one has unscrewed the handle. He then lets her out saying if it wasn't her and wasn't him who did it. Tracy says she was in there and a big gust of wind slammed the door then she could not get out. Charlie smirks and shows the screws. Tracy pretending to huff says don't believe me then.

Peacock's household Bev is using a glass to hear what is happening next door. She tells Claire she can't hear any thing. Claire asks what are they going to do. She says call the police and say the next door neighbour is being tormented. Claire says she will wait till Charlie's gone. Bev asks if she should come but is told to stay and look after Freddie. Claire then asks her to be godmother along with Eileen. She is thrilled. Claire looks out the window and sees him go.

Outside Charlie goes in his van and tells Jason that Tracy took the door handle off and started shouting for help. Jason asks why. Just then Deirdre walks past and Charlie asks how she is. She says she is watching and he will do well to remember that. Charlie tells Jason maybe Tracy is giving her something to watch. Audrey is going into the Salon when Gail comes up and says she was meaning to phone her. She asks if she wants to go for a drink later. Audrey says yes and she can tells her all the gossip. Gail says there is none but Bill is back and walks away. Audrey shouts her back.

Rover's back room and Liz asks if they have a tree. Michelle says people set fire to them. Steve comes in asking for Vernon. Liz says he is getting the Christmas decorations in the cellar about an hour ago. Just then he comes with one box. Steve asks if that's all he could carry but is told the rest are moldy. Steve asks if he is driving today but is told it's his day off. Vernon then asks if he will go buy more Christmas decorations. Steve says he will go as its his day off and goes. Vernon says Steve works too hard. Vernon then asks if he shall put the decorations on the bar and goes. Michelle asks why he does not just put them up but is told by Liz, they are going to put them up.

No 6 Tracy tells Claire that she does not think he believed her. Claire says she's not the only one and tells her Charlie took off that handle so she could not get out. Tracy says its her who's saying that and not her. Claire says she knows. Tracy tells her not to tell any one else and says she might go get something for their tea at the supermarket.

Factory and Liam tells his brother that he does not know where Danny is. Paul asks if he needs him to hold his hand but is told to sign cheques and be here when he does not want to be. Liam knocks on the window to Hayley telling Paul they have the best seats and should know. Hayley comes in and he asks if she knows where Danny is. She says no and that no one else has said any thing. Liam says he is sure Danny will turn up and she goes. Liam tells Paul if they don't know Danny has really disappeared. The rest of the gang asks what he wanted and she tells them that he can't find Danny and he thinks something has happened to him.

At the Rovers Bev asks Liz if she could do a do after the christening. She thinks it's what Fred would have wanted in what was his pub. Liz asks for how many and Bev says she will get back to her. Steve comes back with more Christmas decorations saying they cost a lot and they are not to go into the caller. Steve then asks where Vernon is. Liz wants to know why he always asks, then says he is doing jobs for her. Steve says she does not know and any time there is something to do he is never to be seen. Steve then shows a mistletoe to Michelle who says she is allergic. Steve asks if she comes out in a rash. She says she gives out punches.

No 6 Charlie has come round and says the door handle fell off with the wind. She says it did. He says she took it off. She asks why she would do that and he says so everyone thinks she has to live with that nasty man and get her own back for Maria. He says he would have expected something better and a bit less sneaky. He then says, if that's the best she can do and goes. Tracy smirks and says right.

Rovers Charlie tells Jason he is confused by woman. They say do what makes you happy, so you go off with another woman, they find out and have a go at you. Jason asks if he is joking. Vernon asks Liz who put the decorations up and says its all wrong and next year he will show her how it's done and then asks for another pint. Factory girls try to listen as Sean tells Jamie they were asking for Danny. Just then his phone goes off and it's Frankie. Jamie says on the phone that there is no sign of Danny and Warren does not know anything. Janice says there is something up. Fiz says it's not for them to worry about. Janice says it is when Danny has to sign as well as Liam so they can get their pay.

Rovers back room and Steve has the mistletoe. He tells Michelle he wonders how the tradition starts. She asks what tradition. He says who ever stands under gets a kiss. Betty appears and Michelle says after you Betty. Steve throws the mistletoe and Michelle says what happened to tradition.

Out in the Street, Deirdre asks Tracy if she is happy. Tracy says she is happy over there. Deirdre then asks if he locks her in her room. Tracy asks if she looks as if she's locked in her room and says she gets her idea from nosy neighbours. Tracy asks if they will take Amy as she gets in the way and Tracy wants to give Charlie a special night. They say they will take her and Tracy goes away happy. Deirdre says she does not know what to think now. Ken says none of them do.

Factory and everyone is saying Hayley and Janice should go. They don't want to all go so they don't look like a mob. Paul goes in the office and tells Liam to barricade the door. Just then he says too late as Hayley and Janice come in. Janice comes out with are they going to get paid. Liam says if Danny is not back by Friday they will have arrangements in place and will get paid. Hayley says they will tell the others. Paul asks what arrangements and Liam says Danny will be back by then or he will be doing a disappearing act as well.

No 6 and Tracy tells Amy her granny is going to read her a story. Just then Charlie comes in and she tells him Amy is going to her mums. He says he is not taking her out for a meal. Tracy tells him she thought she could do one. He asks if this is so he will forget about her performance earlier. He says if the meal is good he will forgive her and goes up stairs. Tracy tells Amy its time to get her safely out of the firing line.

Peacock's house and Bev tells Ashley that Liz just needs numbers and she will pay. Ashley says Claire is having it here. Just then she comes and says no to the idea. Bev says Fred would have wanted it there in what was his pub. Claire says he would have wanted it more in what was his home. Ashley says it was a nice thought. Claire says what would have been nicer was asking them instead of Liz first.

Rovers and Liam asks if Steve is still giving her the eye. Michelle says she might like him if it was not for his mum. Liam then asks if anyone has told her where Danny is. She says no. Liam then asks Paul who says no to helping him out. Liam then says they have a few signed and will hope they last till Danny gets back. Gail tells her mum about getting David an old car so he can do it up and keep him out of trouble. Audrey asks if she knows where Bill is working. Gail says she is not listening to her. Audrey says she is and says she was thinking if he is working miles out of Weatherfield he won't be back until ten. Steve comes in and asks if there is any pie left. Liz says there is. He sees Michelle and says she is safe, as he does not have mistletoe. Vernon then asks Liz if there will be any pie left for him.

Rover's back room and Michelle has followed Steve. She takes the mistletoe and asks if he has changed his mind. He says no and they share a long kiss. Liz comes in and they are still kissing. After they stop Michelle goes and Liz says she came to see if there was any pie for Vernon.

No 6 again Tracy who is all dolled up and Charlie have just finishing their meal. Charlie says that was really nice. She says he might not like what is next on the menu. She tells him she wondered what they'd do after their meal, watch a film, go out for a drink or have an argument. Charlie laughs. Tracy says she thought the argument would be better. She tells him before they do she needs to go change and tells him just to finish his drink and she will be back in a minute.

For what happens next, look out for the second part of this report

Amanda Souter

If the words "nasal packing" strike dread into your heart, then you'll know everything you need to know about my brief hospital stay and why we've been juggling episodes this week!

Anyway, as we swing into the second part for Monday, Tracy swings downstairs, changed back into ordinary clothes, and won't listen when Charlie tells her she can't have a row on her own. He'd rather watch a film instead. She opens the window and says it's so the neighbours can hear. He says there'll be nothing to hear and tells her to close it. "NO! NO, I WON'T, CHARLIE, ARE YOU GONNA MAKE ME?" She quiets. "There. We're having a row already." I almost feel sorry for Charlie. He's lying on the sofa, reading the Daily Pulse and Tracy is shouting at him. She rips the paper from him. "All right, let's just stop this, shall we?" he asks quietly, getting up. Tracy screams: "No! No! Charlie, stop! Get away from me!" Then she shouts at him that he should "put that down" and smashes a plate on the floor, followed by a second.

Of course, all this is being heard next door. Bev suggests calling the police but Claire tells her not to. She heads off to fetch Ken and Deirdre, closely followed by Ashley. Of course, as soon as they've gone, Bev picks up the phone and asks for the police.

Outside, Gail is already stopped outside the noisy house and Ashley stands with her. Les comes out, shouting about this being a respectable neighbourhood! Claire manages to alert Ken and Deirdre and they come out.

Inside, Tracy is still screaming at Charlie, who by now is shouting back that she should just get out if she doesn't like it. While her parents and neighbours huddle outside, listening, she shouts that she wants to go somewhere she and her child will be safe. That's enough to cause Ken, Deirdre and Claire to come in through the unlocked door. Tracy drops her voice and says to Charlie: "Row over." She tells them all quite insistently that they were just playing a game. Charlie corrects her. "You were trying to prove a point." Tracy replies that she was trying to prove she wasn't as predictable as Charlie thought." Ken still can't understand what all the shouting was about, and, frankly, nor can Charlie. Deirdre just wants to know that Tracy is all right. Claire obviously doesn't believe that it was Tracy smashing the plates.

In the pub, Les is telling everyone about the shouting. He says some people don't know how to behave. "If you're gonna have a row with your missus, at least keep the windows closed!" Michelle is still flirting with Steve and Les notices. "You're well in or I'm a Dutchman," he says. In an accent that owes more to Sean Connery than Holland, Steve replies that Les might be right. Liz comes through lugging a huge crate of mixers and dumps it on the bar, almost knocking Vernon's pint out of the way. "I've got to go out the back," he tells her. "Give me a shout if you need a hand." Still puffing from the effort of carrying the crate, Liz thanks him. Audrey comes up and casually (hah!) asks if Bill Webster has been in. She gets yet another G&T.

Outside Tracy and Charlie's, Claire, Ken and Deirdre try to explain what went on, but Ashley suggests they all go into their place. There, Deirdre and Ken explain to Gail, Bev and the Peacocks that Tracy claimed it was all a game.

In the bar, Bill arrives and his ears are assaulted by Audrey calling "Well! Hello, you!" and sounding very much like Dick Emery as she does so. Before Steve can stop him, Les tells Liz that Steve thinks he's cracked it with Michelle. At a nearby coin machine, Jamie tells Sean that Frankie's told Warren the news and he hasn't taken it very well. He says he's going back to the flat to have another look. Audrey coyly asks Bill if it's only a job that's brought him back. They're interrupted by Rita and Norris arriving.

Liz goes out the back, where Vernon has his cowboy boots up on the sofa. He tells Liz he's not lonely back there and it's best if he keeps out of their way. Liz is surprised to hear that he's back there because he's being considerate. "Because everyone else thinks you're back here because you're lazy and idle." Vernon laughs. People have always said that about him. He doesn't mind because they're all wrong. "You mean you're too lazy to be bothered that folk are saying you're lazy?" Liz asks, incredulous. She changes the subject and asks if he thinks Michelle is after Steve. He must have noticed they've been circling each other like pigeons. Vernon hasn't noticed. "No, that'd be too much effort," Liz mutters. Vernon gets her to turn off the central light before she leaves the room.

Tracy is sweeping up shards, asking Charlie if she was good. "I could have been an actress." She hopes her performance will have stopped Charlie from treating her like "a pathetic little wifey thing". She didn't like those plates anyway. They're interrupted by flashing blue lights outside, which Charlie immediately suspects are Tracy's doing as well.

Tracy tells the police that it was just a game and they're sorry the police were called out. The police won't tell Charlie who called them. When the policewoman asks if it's right that neither wants to make a complaint against the other, Charlie replies immediately, but Tracy makes a big show of glancing at Charlie before saying rather hesitantly that she doesn't want to make a complaint.

In the Rovers, Liz fronts up to Michelle and wants to know what's going on between Michelle and her son. She hopes Michelle isn't leading him for a bit of a laugh. Michelle says that if she was, she's not now. "And thanks for the reminder." "Reminder?" asks Liz. "Of what I so nearly got myself into," replies Michelle. Nearby, Norris tells Bill he's nothing against the European Community ("They'll be so relieved," mutters Rita), but if Bill went over there to work, why is he back? It implies there's something superior about Britain. "The beer's cheaper," Bill says. Audrey suggests it might be the people drawing him back. But Norris thinks Europe's got a long way to go to catch up with the UK. At the bar, Steve asks Michelle why they don't go somewhere once her shift is finished. Because, she tells him, "If we did, your mum would be there two minutes later to keep an eye on what we were up to!"

Jamie and Sean have arrived at the flat, but there's no sign of Danny. There are two messages on the answer phone, both from Liam. Jamie shows Sean the envelope on which Danny signed over everything. "This means you're my new boss!" Sean points out cheerily.

Back at the Peacocks', Claire is admitting that she thinks Tracy is scared of Charlie when the police arrive. Bev admits she made the 999 call. "And I'd do it again." The police question everyone on what they heard, which Bev says was like someone was going to be killed.

Poor Steve can't understand why Michelle has suddenly gone cold on him. Les is no use explaining the fickleness of women. In a nearby booth, Bill says he has to go because Sally is keeping him some dinner. As soon as he's gone, Norris, the frog, fires a poison dart. "Is he paying any taxes? And if he is, who to?" Audrey comes back from the loo and when she finds Bill has gone, leaves too. Michelle's son comes in and asks if he can go into the back to watch telly. Liz agrees.

In the back room, Vernon is asleep with his cowboy hat on and cowboy music on the telly. The lad shuffles himself enough room on the sofa, reaches across Vernon for the remote and changes over to the football.

The police are still trying to get an idea of exactly what's been going on. Ken says they can't claim that Tracy is being kept against her will. When Charlie threw her out, she went straight back. The police leave a couple of cards in case Tracy does want to get in touch.

Tracy and Charlie are discussing the police visit. Tracy thinks maybe Claire or Deirdre called the police. Or Gail. Charlie says whoever it was, it's given them all something to talk about. He suggests they should take a cloth cap next door and take up a collection.

Norris sees the police going. He sees Chesney out walking Schmeichel and tells him they've come about the graffiti and they'll be locking him up next. Poor Ches! Les comes out of the pub and says he's going home to see Cilla. Ches thought she looked a bit tired.

As Charlie and Tracy see the police drive away, Charlie asks if they're straight now. "No more fun and games?" Tracy tells him she can't say that. "Well, let me know when the next round is," he says, leaving her at the window. "A lot sooner than you think!" she mutters behind his back.

The End.

Margaret Carr

Wednesday 6 December

We open with Norris and Rita surveying yet more graffiti, this time it's on the large door of Kevin's workshop. It's a really good car picture with the word Vroom written above it. As Kevin and Sally come along, Norris asks if they've seen it. Kevin isn't at all bothered by it, he thinks it's quite good and might even bring in business. As he goes off to open up, Gail comes out of her house. "Your David in all night last night, was he?" asks Norris, pointedly. "Are you accusing David, Norris?" asks Gail, not amused. Rita hurriedly says he wasn't, and ushers Norris into the shop. Gail turns to Sally, "Too much like hard work for David," she smiles, and they both laugh.

Charlie appears not to be speaking to Tracy. When she questions him about this he tells her that if he starts talking he'll start shouting, and if he starts shouting some nosy neighbour will pick up the phone. He thinks that would suit Tracy, to show him up in front of the whole street. He says it's getting boring dealing with her little episodes. She follows him to the front door, grinning, until she sees Ken across the street, and puts on a distraught face. "Charlie, I'm sorry!" she calls, making sure that Ken hears. He looks over and asks if everything is all right. She says it is, but asks him to have Amy for the day.

Les and Chez are checking out the loft. Les seems to be regretting promising to make it into a bedroom for Chesney, and tells him it's a big job. "You can do it," says Chesney, "you can do anything, Uncle Les." Les agrees that of course he can. Chesney turns to Les, "She will be all right, won't she?" he asks. Les assures him that Cilla will be fine, and says that the project of turning the loft into a bedroom will keep the two of them busy. "A real father and son project, eh?" he says.

Ken and Deirdre are in their back yard discussing Tracy's situation. Ken says he saw her and Charlie and they appeared to be arguing. He tells Deirdre that she seemed very subdued. Deirdre can't believe Tracy would allow anybody to treat her like that. He says he agreed to look after Amy for the day and Deirdre is pleased, "Good," she says, "away from HIM!" "Today, perhaps," says Ken, "but what about tomorrow? And the day after that?"

Gail walks into the salon to tell Sarah that she and David will have to make their own tea tonight, she's going round to see Kevin, he's got some details of some cars for David. Emily, sitting having her hair done, is surprised. "Is David already old enough to drive?" she asks. Gail admits he has another year to go yet, but she hopes he'll take and interest and possibly learn a trade while he's at it. She's also hopeful it'll keep him out of trouble. Audrey offers to go with Gail, and Gail asks what she knows about cars. Audrey says she knows about as much as Gail, but anyway, it's ages since she had a long chat with Sally. Maria nudges Sarah and asks, "Is Bill staying with them again, or has he gone back yet?" Audrey looks all innocence as she says she really doesn't know.

In the yard, Charlie and Jason are discussing the events of the night before. Charlie tells Jason that he knows that Tracy organised the whole thing the night before, to show him up in front of the neighbours and have the police called, as revenge for him and Maria. He's only surprised she didn't manage to get him banged up for the night. "These games you two keep playing," says Jason, "trying to get one over on each other all the time, what's the point?" "That," says Charlie, "is what I'm beginning to ask myself!"

Eileen and Claire are walking along discussing Eileen's religious instruction classes. Eileen tells her the vicar told them all the story of Doubting Thomas, and has told Eileen she's the maverick of the group. Claire tells her it means a lot to them, her being baptised. Eileen says she's happy she's going to be baby Freddie's godmother. Just then Emily comes along and tells her she's heard she's getting on very well with the vicar, who's quite a character. Eileen admits she thought it was all going to be 'buck teeth and bicycle clips' but it's quite trendy really.

As Emily goes on her way, Bev gets off the bus and shows Claire a christening gown she's just bought. Claire tells her she should have said, because Freddie will be wearing her old christening gown that was her mother's before her. Bev smiles and puts it back in the bag, saying it's an excuse to go back to town to do more shopping.

In the Kabin, Norris is moaning about the police's apparent lack of interest in the graffiti, and Emily expresses to Rita her surprise that Gail is buying David a car for Christmas, especially as he's only 16. Rita tells her that apparently he has an interest in cars. Norris gets all of a twitter. "You never said anything to me!" he blusters. Rita asks why on earth she should say anything to him about it. Norris is furious, and declares that there'll be engines revving, the car will be up on blocks with loud music blaring. "What with that, the graffiti and the police round here every night, the place is turning into a war zone!" he huffs.

As Charlie gets into his truck, Tracy comes along. She tells him she can't believe he's being like this. "What, narked?" he asks her, "because you nearly had me slung in a prison cell?" She points out that she didn't in the end, and explains that his escapades with Shelley and Maria were eating her up and she wanted to get him back. "So that's it is it?" he asks, "revenge over and done with – even stevens?" She tells him yes, it is, and she'll even cook him dinner tonight. He says he's tasted her cooking – but she can get him a takeaway. She smiles and agrees, and he drives off, not looking convinced. Just then Claire comes along and apologises for Bev calling the police. Tracy puts on her 'poor little me' act and tells her she's going to cook something special for Charlie's dinner, but doesn't know what. Claire suggests a chicken and tells her to call if she has any problems.

Gail and Audrey arrive at Sally's. Sophie immediately pipes up, "My Granddad's not here, Audrey!" Sally tells her not to be rude, it's 'Auntie Audrey'. "You boyfriend's not here – Auntie Audrey," says Sophie. Audrey laughs, somewhat embarrassed, and Rosie then teases Sophie about a boyfriend of her own, her new dance teacher. Sally tells the two of them to go upstairs and get on with their homework. As Sally clears the table, Audrey asks, "Err.. Bill not around?" Gail frowns at her, but Audrey claims she is only making conversation!

As she gets off the bus, Deirdre meets Ken walking down the street with a bag of fish and chips for their tea. He tells her he thought it would be a treat for Amy.

Kevin shows Gail some details of cars he has found, but explains that some need parts that are more expensive than others. Gail admits she never thought about parts. Audrey comments on the look on Emily's face in the salon when she heard that David would be getting a car. "What do you mean?" asks Gail, frostily. Audrey points out that no-one will be thrilled when David is working on a battered old wreck in the street. Gail says they'll keep it in the garage. Audrey says she still thinks it's a funny kind of present – what would be wrong with a couple of video games and a jumper? Just then Bill comes in, and decides he's like a pint of Newton and Ridley's. "Sit down Kevin, you're going nowhere," says Sally, quickly. Audrey says that she is supposed to be meeting Rita in the pub soon, so suggests the two of them go together. "You never said you were meeting Rita," says Gail. Audrey laughs it off and suddenly she and Bill have gone out of the door. When they've gone, Kevin turns to Gail, "Did your mam just pick up my dad?" he asks.

Norris is peeping out through the front door, into the darkness. Emily suggests that as it's only five minutes to seven the criminal is hardly likely to be defacing the shop right then, and suggests he come for his tea.

Eileen is in the pub singing hymns, much to Jason's embarrassment. Les is at the bar, asking Charlie for some advice with turning his loft into Chesney's bedroom. "One wrong move and I could come through the ceiling," he says. He offers to buy Charlie and Jason a pint. "All right," says Charlie, eventually, "but just advice, I'm not coming anywhere near it."

Bill and Audrey are sitting in the corner, having a cosy chat. She asks how long he's staying this time. He says he's playing it by ear, he's always had itchy feet, but now he's getting older….. "What time are you meeting Rita?" he asks. Audrey reckons she must have been held up. They both laugh.

With their pints in front of them, Charlie turns to give Les the advice he was seeking. "Get a professional in," he tells him. "What?" Les isn't amused. "That was my last few quid, that," he tells Charlie. Charlie tells him that advice will save him a lot of time, grief and money. Les goes off, disgusted. Jason turns to Charlie and suggests that was a bit harsh. "Do you see me asking him for free cab rides?" says Charlie. Jason asks if it isn't time Charlie was getting off home for his big making up session with Tracy. Charlie tells him that she can wait, "She's starting to forget who calls the shots in this relationship," he says, sipping his pint.

Across the street, Deirdre delivers Amy back home. Tracy offers her a glass of wine, but Deirdre declines. "Charlie not around?" she asks her. Tracy tells her he's at the pub, but there's nothing wrong with a bloke going for a couple of pints after work. She says she must 'put her face on'. "Why?" asks Deirdre, "you're not going out are you?" Tracy tells her she wants to look nice for when Charlie gets in. Deirdre shakes her head.

Chesney is showing Sophie the loft that is going to be his new bedroom. Sophie is worried about Les doing the work, "Your Uncle Les is useless," she tells him, and suggests asking her Granddad to have a look. But Chesney is adamant that he and Les can do it.

Just as Norris is putting the milk bottle out, he hears the distinctive rattle of the spray can being shaken, and glances across the street to see a dark figure standing outside the Kabin. He calls Emily, who suggests they call the police. He tells her to stay there in case he dashes past. "And do what?" she queries, "rugby tackle him?" Norris thinks she might be able to identify him, and sets off towards the culprit. He sneaks up behind him and grabs him round both arms in a bear hug. There's a struggle, until the graffiti artist elbows Norris and leaves him keeling over, winded. Emily rushes to pick him up, with Rita suddenly appearing from the other direction. "It's not like the old days," says Rita, "when you could give youngsters a clip round the ear-'ole."

Deirdre is still waiting for Tracy to come downstairs, when Charlie walks in. He asks her if Tracy has been filling her in on her little prank last night. He says she could do an article for a magazine, "A hundred and one ways to get your own back on your cheating bloke," he says, as Tracy comes downstairs. She tries to hustle Deirdre out of the door. "Don't tell me she hasn't told you about her little performance last night," he says, as Deirdre is pushed towards the door. "It didn't look like a performance to me," says Deirdre, but Tracy pushes her out of the front door. "What's going on?" she asks her, but Tracy just tells her that she'll cause another massive row. "See you tomorrow," she says, slamming the door.

Back inside, Charlie wants to know why Tracy didn't tell Deirdre it was her who caused the row the night before. Tracy says she did, but Deirdre didn't believe her and has been going on about it all day. She points out that Deirdre has always thought the worst of him, even before he and Tracy got together. She smiles, and gets him a beer.

Anne Logan

Friday 8 December

Events in Weatherfield tonight were written by Mark Wadlow and directed by John Anderson, whilst copyright remains with ITV Productions and any infringements will I hope be treated leniently.

Norris is removing the latest graffiti from the wall observed by Rita and Ken, the latter wanting to know what was depicted - Doris sends him home to read his Guardian. A little later a hoodie is uncovered - Chesney, who is challenged as to his whereabouts the previous evenings - apparently in bed. Rita defends Chesney - but Norris wants to see the contents of his rucksack - no paint can can be found and in disgust Rita pulls her hood over her head and says that Norris will be accusing her next. Norris is determined to show everyone that he will catch the graffiti sprayer. Norris decides to stay in the shop overnight so that he can catch the perpetrator.

Maria is seen for the first time in weeks as Audrey lets her and Sarah into the salon. Audrey wants her nails done. And Audrey's love life is the subject of conversation in the salon - makes rather a change from either Maria or Sarah! Audrey and Bill later cross in the street - she invites him for a simple dinner at around 8. Bill heads over to the Battersbys - they want a loft conversion and it will not be cheap. It will be ten grand and Les chokes on his tea. Les starts shouting at Bill for ripping them off and he throws Bill out.

Tracy is reading a magazine when the door bell rings. Claire is there and reluctantly Tracy opens the door. Claire has brought an invitation to the christening - and she sill have to check with Charlie they have no other engagements. Claire returns home and helps Bev unpack the shopping.

Doris dressed all in black loads new batteries into a torch and places it in a rucksack. Emily observes he looks like the man from "Milk Tray" - he almost forgets his flask! However she then refers to "Midget Gems", most confusing. He sits in the shop reading a book by torchlight and when feeling peckish shines the light on the Midget Gems bottle pours out a quarter (having paid for them) and then hears a noise outside.

Outside someone is spraying and Norris grabs him and drags him in the shop. Ryan Connor is unmasked. Doris calls the cops. Ryan calls his work "street art". Doris says there is no art involved and Ryan should record his work on paper or canvas - not the shop front. The police arrive and Doris tells them of events. He wants Ryan booked. Ryan tells the police a pack of lies and alleges that it was nothing to do with him and the others he was with had run away. Doris has no witnesses - and the police accuse Doris of kidnapping. The police want his family.

Bill arrives at Audrey's. The microwave has failed to cook the chicken kievs - after 30 minutes. Bill suggests trying the oven - but Audrey wanted to do something special. Nice bottle of wine and black forest gateaux. Bill opens the wine.

Chesney and Rosie are in the former's loft with a yellow flashing light they had lifted earlier. Chesney tells her that Les will be doing the conversion himself as Bill is too expensive.

Claire recounts her visit to Tracy to Ashley and Bev. Bev seems unhappy at the invitation having been issued. Claire reckons that Tracy is scared of Charlie and his temper.

Next door Tracy and Charlie are arguing over who will be ringing for pizza. Charlie sees the invitation and asks if Tracy is going - she thinks so. Tracy denies she will be turning into a suburban housewife. Tracy tells Charlie that Claire is nicer than she thought a few weeks ago.

Over at Audrey's the white wine is being consumed. They compliment each other on their hands. Audrey did not feel she would be with a man again. They are about to kiss when the kitchen timer goes - chicken kievs are cooked. Then the phone goes - she can see it Gail and it let to ring and they start kissing and cuddling. Eventually they eat and then as it is after 10 Bill makes to depart. Audrey offers for him to stay, then regrets it - but Bill wants to stay. Audrey drowns her wine and is dragged off to bed.

Doris tells the police they have got completely the wrong end of the stick. Ryan is a criminal. Doris rants at the police - it is travesty - a miscarriage of justice. Michelle arrives and starts calling Norris names. Norris feels that there is nothing he can say. The police then arrest Norris to give him a caution.

K Richard W

Sunday 10 December

Hello again. It is getting close to Christmas so the relevant storylines are starting to get much warmer as we head for the inevitable heart warming stories over the holiday period. Tracy has gone lulu, Audrey has reverted to type and as we near the year end let us not forget residents past.

Bill has not come home - well boys and girls we know where he spent the night don't we? Rosie and Sophie are however in ignorance and when he does turn up they suggest he ought to have phoned to let them know he was safe (which he was!!). Bill apologises and said Audrey had told him Sal would be worried - really responds Sal. Kev tries to ease the situation by reminding Bill that whilst he is an adult, he is a married adult and that it is wrong to let the kids know he stayed with Audrey - but Bill points out that he was in the spare room (how he can say that with a straight face I cannot imagine!).

The Peacocks are preening themselves for the christening. Bev offers to bath Josh in competition with Claire's mum - it seems Bev cannot sleep she was up hoovering the place clean at 6:30 that morning.

They let Norris out but he is fuming about unfair arrest and detention - which was I thought he did to the spray can kid in the shop!! Elsewhere Ryan is telling Chesney and Amber about the events and how Norris made an error taking him as a hostage. And the way he bricked it when they said they were arresting him! Rita and Emily are listening to every word and Rita accuses him of lying. Again he claims he is responsible for Street Art and not graffiti. Amber chips in and says Ryan had pushed Norris too far.

Lulu Tracy is told by Charlie that he did not know that vampires like her were allowed in church - they will all be waving garlic at her. She wonders if the vicar will notice if she wears her ipod. He grabs her and holds her on the sofa and tells her she will go straight to hell - and she sweetly responds that he will already be there waiting for her. Charlie suggests that Tracy throws a sickie and miss the christening. Tracy says that if she did Speccy four eyes would be round with the chicken soup and so on to make her better - she's so nice. Charlie remarks that Tracy does not do "nice", and Tracy knows he does not want her any other way. Charlie however is not asleep and warns Tracy that he does not believe her current act.

Elsewhere Eileen is getting the jitters - after all she is getting baptized first. Sean and Jason just wind her up further. When they arrive at the church she tells Claire how nervous she is and Jason laughs saying that it will be fine until she drops the baby. Sean laughs and says that Eileen will stop swearing now she has found the road to Damascus; Jason wants to know where that is - Sean responds by saying it is just behind Sainsburys - turn left at the traffic lights!

Sally tells Gail that Bill had stayed at her Audrey's overnight. "In the spare room". Sal adds that might be the case but if she were Maureen that would be unacceptable. Gail answers that Audrey is out for a good time and does not care what anyone thinks - including her own daughter.

We reach the church and Bev remembering her last visit, for Fred's funeral, is already in tears. Hayley re-assures her that they must like her as she has been asked to be a godmother.

The vicar welcomes them first for Eileen's baptism and then Freddie's. So first Eileen is baptised and then the church door opens to allow a very late Tracy to slip in, having delayed her arrival to maximise the impact. She sits next to Steve who is probably hoping that the expected thunderbolt does not miss the intended target. Claire is obviously ecstatic that Tracy has managed to get away from the evil Charlie Stubbs. Freddie Thomas is then duly baptized and sleeps placidly through the entire event.

Over at the Rovers Bill admits to being like Pinocchio given the number of lies he has told. Audrey answers a question about the colour of the spare room by saying that she will tell the truth if asked - she would rather be a tart than a strumpet. Bill says he will have to revert to the sofa - but Audrey says her "spare" room is always available. They start laughing at the thought of the coronaries Gail and Sal will endure when they hear! If they are in adjacent hospital beds then they can save money on petrol fir visits. If he does move in then she will have to cope when he returns to Germany. She is past caring and so they agree to break the news.

Liam asks Jamie if the missing man has appeared. No sign and Liam is convinced that Danny had a plan to let Liam work himself to death and then take the profits when does re-appear. If it does not happen soon then Liam is going to get his solicitor on the case.

As soon as the service is completed Tracy tells Claire she must be getting home to Charlie; Claire tells her to say to Charlie that she would simply not take no for an answer and that she must stay for tea and cake. Tracy reckons she will be alright for ten minutes. Hayley thinks the bead work on the gown is wonderful and asks a very bored and nearly sleeping Tracy if she noted this. Tracy, almost comatose says not and Hayley observes that she knows a great bead site on the internet. Tracy looks at the clock and tells Claire she really must be going and looks very worried. Roy quickly snaps a picture of Hayley with a silly expression, a grinning Tracy together with a smiling Claire in the picture.

Gail snipes at Eileen who responds by saying that she has learnt to turn the other cheek. Later Jason wonders why Eileen simply did not flatten Gail. Sean agrees that she has changed since she jibbed Satan. Jamie arrives and tells Sean he is determined to claim the inheritance which Danny had let - starting with his share in the factory and move into the flat.

Claire wants to say a few words. She thanks her mum and Bev and Ashley. And then she observes that Fred would have loved the day and how he would have made a speech, that he would have wanted to see his grandsons growing up and tell them scary stories about butchers. They miss him loads but he lives on through Ashley, Joshua and Freddie and they drink a toast to their parents.

Audrey tells Gail, Sarah and David that Bill will be moving in - to she spare room asks Gail (probably more in hope than anything else). Audrey tells her it is none of her business - and David notes that the spare room seems unlikely! Gail instructs him to go upstairs and his increasingly silly haircut looks at Audrey and says that they will need the therapist again soon. Sarah points out that Bill is married - but Gail knows that a living wife is not going to get in the way of Audrey having a good time.

Sally takes the news from Bill even worse that Gail if that is possible. Sally tells Kev to say something but he refuses - not his problem. He takes his bag outside and puts it into Audrey's car watched by both families. Gail notes that it is extremely public and Audrey snorts and suggests a blanket over her head. David says that the Health and Safety people would not think that a good idea when driving. And if Maureen turns up? Audrey will cross that bridge when it arrives!

Kev tells Bill that the sofa will always be available. Disapproving stares from Gail and Sal have no impact as Bill gets in the car and asks Audrey to take him to her love nest and she roars with laughter. Kev waves them off but is clearly expecting ear damage later!

Christmas is coming Audrey's getting stuffed
Where is Bill's better Half (I believe she has left Emmerdale behind)
And has Charlie worked out Tracy's plan?

K Richard W

Monday 11 December

Out in the street Bill and Audrey pull up in the car. Bill says her place at six. Audrey gives him the key to the house. He says that's not something you do lightly. She says she knows and gives him a kiss. Sally who has seen tells Kevin says they are not being discreet about it. Kevin says they may want everyone to know. Sean tells Jamie that everyone is asking where Danny is and he knows more. Jamie says if he gets into the Factory, his job will be safe and says he thinks Danny is going to turn up. Jamie then says he likes the idea of Sean calling him Mr. Baldwin and giving him tea. Sean tells him not to joke as he has lost friends for less then that.

No 6 Charlie asks if it's going to rain then says it will after he went away to this job and unloaded all the timber. She says it's his own fault for taking a job so far away. He then looks at the place that's a mess and says she is starting to let herself go. He says she does nothing. She tells him to go and never come back. After he goes she pulls the curtains shut.

Rover's bathroom and Michelle asks if Violet is in the toilet as Liz thinks she is skiving. Violet comes out looking really rough. Michelle asks if she is hung over. Violet says she is not. When Michelle asks if she has been sick, she then asks if she is pregnant. Violet tells her to mind her own business. Liz comes in and Violet says she is just coming.

Outside Ashley and Claire are walking Freddie. Claire sees the curtains are pulled closed at No 6. Ashley says maybe she is having a lie in. Claire goes over and shouts for her. Tracy smiles and from the inside without opening the door she tells Claire she is fine and says she was up half the night with Amy. Tracy then says bye. Claire goes back and tells Ashley she does not believe a word she said.

Factory and Liam is on his mobile and says Danny is on a business trip to Maulisha. Kelly has over heard. In the office he tells Paul everyone wants to talk to Danny. Paul says him first and can't believe he has done this to them. The phone rings and it's Liam is says how can I help you Jamie. Kelly is telling the rest of the girls who think she has misheard, as Danny would have said.

No 6 Charlie comes back and Tracy says it's not raining. He says it is where his job is. He then asks why the curtains are closed and he is told the sun stays on the tv. He says there is something up with her. He thinks she is depressed. He tells her to sit next to him and then she pulls back from kiss him saying she has to go and get Amy. He says it's bad enough she's a couch potato but he won't have that.

Back room of Rovers and Michelle says the coast is clear. Violet says sorry for snapping. Michelle then asks if she was right. Violet says yes. Michelle asks if she knows who the father is, she is told it's Jamie. Michelle asks if she has done a test and she says no. She is putting it off. Michelle tells her to get one, as it will do her head in until she finds out.

No 6 again and Tracy asks if that's it. He says yeah. She says just because she won't jump in the sack with him but he says it never stopped her before. He thinks she has not forgiven him for Maria. Tracy says it's not like she's never going to forgive him but he says she is not the forgiving type and that this stinks. Charlie says he wants out.

No 6 and Charlie says he thought when he gets back if she does not sleep with him, he was going to get end it. Tracy says she has been a cow since she found out again Maria but she is going to change. He says no as she would be putting on an act. She goes over to him tells him this is not an act and starts to rub his shoulders. He says he can't turn it on and off but they end up kissing.

Rover's bathroom and Violet comes out the toilet. Michelle asks if she is pregnant. Violet says it went blue and is must have happened when they were on holiday. She says she is eight weeks and is always careful but this one time. Violet says people try all the time. Michelle says she is not awful. Violet says she wants kids just not now and says she is dreading telling Jamie.

Factory and Jamie has comes in. Sean comes up to him and says this is very unexpected. As Jamie goes in the office the girls start asking Sean what is up. He tells them to go back to work and they ask when he became supervisor. Jamie tells the Conners that he thinks Danny is not going to return. He then says the night he left, he wanted him to have the flat, villa and share of the factory.

No 6 again and Charlie comes down to find Tracy ironing. He says he must be dreaming, as she hates doing ironing. He says they should go over the road and get something to eat. He kisses her.

Factory and Jamie shows them the note. Liam thinks he was drunk at the time and this is a wind up and he's about to jump out from the filing cabinet. Paul tells his brother to calm down and then asks Jamie what he thinks should happen. Jamie says he should become partner. Liam laughs saying no and that you have to go through procedures for change of partner. Jamie says he was hoping they would not have to do that. They tell him to go see his solicitor and show them the note. Liam says he knows where they will tell him to stick it.

Outside Gail comes out her house and meets Sally and Kevin who are talking about Bill and Audrey. Sally says Kevin won't speak to his dad. He says his dad does what he wants. Sally asks about Maureen. Kevin says he does not care, as she's not here. Gail asks about her mother but Kevin says she is old enough and tells them to let Audrey and Bill get on with it. Kevin then asks if Gail wants any thing and she says she has been looking through the information he gave her about the cars.

Rovers, Tracy is all over Charlie. Claire and Ashley come in and they see them. Ashley tells Claire that everything is ok between Tracy and Charlie. Violet takes their order. Tracy then sees them and pulls away from Charlie who says she is playing it hot and cold. Violet has got the order wrong and Liz tells her it's her break and Violet says she will buck up. Tracy and Charlie leave.

Outside, Charlie gets a call and tells Tracy that a whole lot of timber is getting dropped off at the yard and is going. Claire comes out and says it's nice to see them being nice to each other and asks if it's ok between them now. Tracy says it's so so and Claire goes. Tracy looks as if her plan is not going to well now and needs to take it to the extreme.

Rover's backroom and Michelle think she should tell Liz as it's beating her up. Violet says she is so stupid. Michelle says it takes two and Jamie does not know so why should she go through this herself. Violet says she does not want Jamie to know she is dealing with it and if she is going to get rid of it, she wants to do it quickly.

No 6 again and Tracy is waiting, looking worried. The ironing is on and steam is coming from it. She goes over sobbing and picks it up. She puts her hand on the board and repeatedly says come on. She then touches herself with just the end and screams. She slams the iron down in rage.

Outside Jamie pulls up in his car. He gets out and sees Sean who asks how his meeting went with the Conners. Jamie says they laughed and thought it was a joke.

In the house Jamie asks why he would say all that stuff if it was not true. All the stuff Danny game him is not his. Sean says if Danny gave him them but Jamie says he needs shared property deeds, mortgage, and car registration. He thinks Danny done it to get back at him. Sean then says why do you give away your worldly possessions and then says he didn't have much to live for.

Back to No 6 and Tracy is sitting at the table with tears running down her face. She fills up her glass with vodka and say no pain no gain. She goes over to the iron again puts her hand on the board and takes a deep breath. There is slight mark where she first touched herself with just the end. She is about to put the iron on her arm again.

Well that's all for this episode, as I finish his report on Saturday 16th after x factor final, I am so disappointed that Ray didn't win.

Will Tracy try to burn herself again? Find out in the next report

Amanda Souter

Welcome back ! I am sure it only seems a few minutes ago you were reading part 1 of tonight's report.

Well as we left the story Tracy had a burning ambition to find out how hot an iron can really get! Now she is putting her arm under the cold water tap. She notices Claire and Bev in their garden next door, and starts screaming for Charlie to stop. (He is not even there!). Of course Claire takes the bait and round she comes to Tracy's door. Tracy wraps a towel around her arm, and answers the door. Claire says she heard shouting. Then her great powers of observation sees the towel on Tracy's arm. Asking what happened, she tells Claire that she was ironing and decided to "iron myself". However, she denies she was screaming. So when Claire asks where Charlie is, she says he is not in, and tells her that she must have screamed when she burnt herself. Claire takes her along to the Medical Centre. Tracy insists that Claire tells them that it was an accident.

Violet who we know is in the "family way" makes an appointment with the Family Planning Clinic. So not to raise too much suspicion Michelle tells Liz that she needs to see a "special clinic". She tells her that she was told to bring a friend along with her, so she is taking Violet with. Liz is not happy, but suspects that Michelle is pregnant.

At the Medical Centre (as opposed to the Special Clinic), we have Tracy and Claire there. After explaining to Gail, as receptionist there, what had happened, she says she will get a doctor to look at Tracy's arm.

Violet rings for a taxi. Michelle thinks it maybe Streetcars, but Violet says she has got another company. (You mean there are two taxi companies there?!). Michelle was worried that if it were Streetcars, "you know who would find out". However, Liz is overhearing what is being said, but gets hold of the wrong end of the stick, and still believes it is Michelle that is pregnant.

Sophie is talking to Chesney about her dance class. Chesney wonders if she will go on stage, and tells her that she doesn't stand a chance as there are thousands that apply. Sophie says Vince St Clair did. (Before reading on, hands up those of you who remember Vince St Clair).

Jack overhears the kids and asks Sophie how she knew the name. She says that used to be your singing name didn't it. Sophie says she gets voices in her head.

They all go into the shop. Norris is suspicious of Sophie and Chesney and tells them they can look around with their eyes but not their fingers! Then Sophie says "Dulcie Froggat". Jack looks concerned and Sophie tells him that these names just pop into her mind. Rita vaguely remembers the name. She asks Norris if they deliver papers to her. Jack says she was a friend of his a long time ago and tries to shut her up, saying nobody wants to bring up the past.

At the Medical Centre, Tracy is in with the doctor. Claire takes the opportunity to voice her concerns about Tracy to Gail. Gail says she will tell the doctor later, so he can add it to his notes. Then Tracy comes out with a dressing on her own. She says she has been told that if she keeps it on everything will be ok. She says she feels a bit of a fraud. As they head home, Tracy asks Claire not to mention what happened to Charlie. She thinks she will find her a bit of a wimp. Then she sees Charlie coming out of the house calling her. She runs off, making Claire think that she is frightened of him.

Claire invites Tracy round to her house. There Claire opens up about what happened when Freddie was born and she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She said one thing they were taught there was to face up to problems. So, Claire says she has a question and she wants the truth. "Was it Charlie?" Tracy says "no" (which of course is the truth), but Claire doesn't believe her. Then Tracy promises to tell Claire the "truth", provided she doesn't pass it on. Of course Claire agrees. Then Tracy claims it was her own fault, she wound up Charlie so much that he got really angry and burnt her.

Steve comes into the Rovers, and immediately Liz tells him that Michelle maybe pregnant. She tells him that her and Violet have gone off to a special clinic, and didn't want to book Streetcars because she didn't want you to know anything about it. Steve says he doesn't know anything about it, but he never touched her other than kissing her under the mistletoe.

Back at Claire's, Tracy's "confessions" continue. She claims that Charlie is like a time bomb; she never knows when he is going to go off. Sometimes he reacts to the tiniest thing. At one time she thought he was going to kill her. However, she says she is willing to give him one more chance. After all he is "nice as pie" afterwards. Claire thinks she must be mad.

Gail joins Audrey and Bill in The Rovers. Audrey says that when she comes over for Christmas dinner, she would like to bring Bill with her. Gail, although clearly not happy, tells her that it is alright, she "expected" him!

Violet and Michelle return. Liz confronts Michelle and asks if she is pregnant. She tells Liz that she couldn't be more wrong if she tried.

Tracy is going to go home. She says it will be alright because he will be full of apologies after this. Claire, not too convinced says that she will ring her after about 10 minutes. She says she will ask about a lost recipe book. If she answers "yes, it has been found", then she will know everything is okay, but anything else and she will be round.

Back in the pub, Michelle tells Steve that she fancies a lump of coal and some ice cream! Steve says that she should tell his mother, not him. Liz then tells Michelle that someone needs serving. Michelle jokes they were just thinking of baby names. Liz admits to Steve that she may have been wrong about her. She denied that she was pregnant.

Liam tells Paul and Carla that he has been to see a solicitor. He advises that if Danny doesn't turn up then he should call a meeting of the shareholders so that he can sign cheques. He says he was also told that if he doesn't turn up in six months then he can get rid of him altogether. Carla doesn't really believe it was a solicitor that Liam saw.

Back home with Tracy and Charlie, he asks how serious the burn is. Tracy says it is not too bad, but because she mentioned it Claire insisted she went to the Medical Centre. Charlie wonders why she didn't mention it when he saw her earlier. Tracy says that Claire is scared of him. Then the phone rings, and Tracy confirms to Claire that she has the recipe book. Charlie wonders what she found. He is surprised they are swapping recipes now.

Norris is fishing for information. He asks Bill if he is staying around for Christmas. Audrey butts in by saying that he is staying with her and going round to Gail for their Christmas meal.

In the Rovers walks Jamie. Violet looks very uneasy and serves him. He calls over to Violet to ask if she was alright, but she rushes into the back. He asks Michelle if she knows if something wrong. She asks Liz to continue serving him, while she goes into the back after Violet. She then tells Michelle that she has decided that she is not going to have a termination. She says she will tell Jamie that he is the father, and then bursts out crying.

Well there we go. Looks like Tracy is continuing to play games with Charlie and Claire. I wonder how Jamie's relationship with Frankie will continue once she finds out that he is going to be a daddy? Find out more, in the next exciting episode coming to a computer near you ... very soon !!

Martin Rosen

Wednesday 13 December

Hi all, here's the report for Wednesday 13th December. Sorry for the delay.

Outside the Kabin, Norris, Rita and Jack are surveying the latest graffiti. It's a face, looking uncannily like Norris himself, with the word 'Noz' underneath. Norris turns and sees Ryan and Michelle going past and calls out that he thinks this is Ryan's way of getting his own back over what happened last week. Michelle defends her son, "He didn't do it," she calls back, and says they can always call the police if Norris would like. Norris suddenly backs down, and Rita tells him to leave it. Down the street, Michelle says to Ryan, "You'd better be telling the truth!"

It's bacon sandwiches all round for breakfast at Eileen's, but Violet takes one look and feels ill. Sean asks if she's on a diet, so she tells him she's pregnant. He asks who the father is and she tells him it's Jamie. "By remote control?" asks Eileen. "Well, I'm eight weeks, so I figure it's the traditional method," says Violet. She tells them she's going to keep it and she's planning to tell Jamie today.

Sally asks if Bill's going to be around for Christmas. He says he is, but he's accepted an invitation to have Christmas dinner at Gail's, with Audrey, he didn't think Sally would want her round their house. "Nonsense," says Sally. Bills tells her he's already accepted. "Well, unaccept," says Sally.

When Eileen sees that Violet is intent on keeping the baby she gives her a big hug. "Congratulations," she says. Violet asks Sean if he thinks she's stupid. He tells her no, as long as she's not keeping the baby in case she gets back with Jamie. He hugs her and tells her he'll always give her a hand.

Jamie, meanwhile, is on the phone to Frankie in Spain. She tells him that Warren wasn't too pleased with her news and she's coming home tomorrow.

As Violet and Sean come out of the front door on their way to work, they see Jamie. Violet goes over to speak to him. "The thing is, I'm pregnant," she tells him. He says he didn't know she was seeing anyone. She tells him she isn't, the baby is his. Jamie is horrified.

Claire goes round to see Tracy when she sees Charlie leave. Tracy tells her that Charlie isn't a monster and is really sorry for what he's done. Claire is not convinced, and gives Tracy the phone number of a women's refuge.

Back at the Baldwin house, Jamie is still in a state of shock, as Violet tells him she intends to keep the baby, but she assures him she doesn't want him to marry her. He tells her he'll give her all the support she wants, he'll do what he can. Violet then leaves the house and goes back to Eileen's.

Sally and Kevin come into the pub and see Bill sitting with Audrey and Gail, so they join them. The conversation gets around to Christmas dinner, and Bill tells Audrey that Sally has invited her to join them. Gail says she thought Audrey was going to her house. Sally tells her that Bill doesn't want to disappoint his grandchildren on Christmas day. Gail says that Audrey doesn't want to disappoint her grandchildren either. In the end Kevin suggests that they all get together and have Christmas day together, and they all decide to pool all the food and share the cooking.

Jason and Sarah have had lunch together in the cafe. They then decide not to go back to their places of work for the afternoon and jump on the bus and go off to the Weatherfield Arms.

Tracy takes the phone number that Claire has given her and makes a call. She tells the person on the other end her name and that she needs to speak to someone.

Sophie and Chesney are in the cafe, as is Jack Duckworth. He tells Betty that Sophie knew all about his singing career as Vince St. Clair and thinks she must be psychic. Betty is not convinced, so Jack asks Sophie to show Betty what she can do. Sophie starts to say she's not a performing seal when she stops. "I'm getting something…big gold chain, it's all shiny," she says. Jack reminds Betty that she was once the Lady Mayoress. Betty reckons anyone could have told Sophie that.

Tracy is still on the phone, telling the person she's talking to all about Charlie burning her with the iron, and then suddenly hears him coming in. Hastily she hangs up. "Cup of tea?" she asks him, sweetly.

In the back room of the pub, Michelle finds Violet sitting on her own. She tells Michelle that being back in the Baldwin house with Jamie brought back memories of how it used to be. She says she was hurt when she saw how horrified he was.

Ryan arrives, saying he forgot his key. As Michelle hands him hers, she spots some paint on his jacket. He tries to tell her he did it in Art, but she doesn't believe him. She looks in his back pack and finds a can of spray paint.

Jason and Sarah arrive back from their afternoon out. He tries to kiss her but she draws back. Then she tells him she's taking Beth to see Santa tomorrow and asks if he'd like to come. He says he would.

Michelle takes Ryan down to the Kabin and makes him apologise to Norris. She tells him he'll scrub off all the paint, and do lots of other odd jobs as well. Norris makes a meal of it and starts of by lecturing Ryan, and adds that it's a pity the stocks aren't still available. Eventually it's decided that Ryan will do odd jobs after school for a week.

Jamie goes to see Violet and confesses that he's seeing someone. Violet asks why he's telling her, and he says that he thought she might think they would get back together. She assures him she doesn't want to get back with him, and then asks who it is he's seeing. "Is it anyone I know?" she asks. Jamie admits that it's Frankie. Violet is just saying that she doesn't believe it when Sean comes in the front door. Violet suddenly realises that was the reason that Jamie had it all going on in his head when they were together. She sees Sean and tells him that all the time they were wondering if Jamie was gay it was because he was fancying his own stepmother. She then realises that Sean already knew, and is furious because he hadn't told her. Just then Eileen arrives home and asks what's going on. "You mean Frankie hasn't told you that she's sleeping with her stepson?" yells Violet, adding that it will give them something to talk about when Frankie gets back. Eileen is shocked and speechless and Jamie looks very uncomfortable.

Anne Logan.

Friday 15 December

If it's me, this must be Friday's update, and so it is.

Jamie's at home when he gets a call from Frankie telling him she'll be home today.

Out in the street, Violet tells Sean she can't understand why his loyalty to Jamie should outweigh his loyalty to her. After all, she'd asked Sean to find out whether Jamie was gay, so when he found out abut Jamie and Frankie, he should have told Violet. Perspicacious as ever, Todd asks them if everything's OK, because he's noticed a weird vibe between them. Violet tells him she's pregnant. "What, with his kid?" he asks incredulously, looking at Sean. "Don't be so ridiculous!" Sean tells him. Violet explains that it's Jamie's, which Todd can't quite take in, because he thought they'd broken up. Sean says he didn't want Todd to know because he's old fashioned and doesn't think anyone should be told until three months have passed. "Whereas I," says Violet, "don't give a monkey's who knows – about anything!"

Jamie's still on the phone to Frankie when Eileen knocks at his door. He hangs up and answers the door, asking Eileen if he's about to get a lecture. "Would it make any difference?" she asks. She comes in and tells him that Violet's like a daughter to her. "I'm concerned about her. I'm concerned about you for that matter – and Frankie." He admits that Danny knows, and Warren knows. But he says Frankie doesn't know that Violet is pregnant. He's picking her up from the airport so he'll be able to tell her before anyone else does.

At the Battersby-Browns', Chesney is still worried about his mum. She's just having a lie in, Les tells him. She'll get her test results tomorrow, which is also her birthday. Fizz says that'll be a really good day to get some good news. "If it is good," mutters Ches. Fizz and Les tell him that all these tests are just a formality. Les goes on about the doctors being so scared of people claiming compo that they order unnecessary tests. "And when someone's really ill, like your mam, they haven't got time for 'em. . ." He's interrupted by Chesney, who's spotted the flaw in the argument. "But you just said there were nowt wrong wi' her. She's gonna die, i'nt she?"

Tracy is walking along the street when Steve cruises up in the taxi and asks if they can talk about Amy and Christmas. Tracy tells him off for picking a bad moment. But she agrees to get back to him.

Norris goes into the butcher's shop and finds Claire working there. He really should be a tabloid reporter. When she tells him she's helping out while the Christmas rush is on, he asks immediately who's looking after the children. You can tell he's hoping for a "neglected children" scoop. Claire, instead of admitting she's chained them to the kitchen door within easy reach of the fridge, tells him Bev's taken them to Santa's Grotto. "Keeps her out of mischief," she says. "Keeps her out of the Rovers at any rate," mutters Norris, before ordering three slices of ham. He's noticed Claire isn't wearing her glasses, and she says she hasn't been wearing them for weeks. Ashley mentions a last-minute rush on turkeys and Norris says he hopes it won't result in the usual last-minute price increases. "Oh, is that what you do in the Kabin?" asks Claire, neatly turning Norris's nastiness back on him.

Tracy turns up at the yard and suggests Charlie close up so they can go shopping. She tells him at least they'll have plenty of time together over Christmas because she might be able to offload Amy on Steve for a couple of days. "That's assuming you want two days of uninterrupted pleasure with me."

Jamie meets Violet in the street and tries to apologise but she's not giving him any time. Fizz meets Les and he tells her that Cilla's banned any mention of her birthday or Christmas just in case they're the last she ever sees. Fizz thinks that's all the more reason to celebrate.

Tracy goes into the Rovers where Steve is eating alone. He's defensive straight away and is stunned when Tracy offers him Amy for two days over Christmas. "But, if you just want her for a couple of hours, Steve . . ." She plans to drop off Amy on Christmas Eve. Steve asks if she's going away. She tells him everything's fine with Charlie but he's not really a fan of Christmas. She says it in such a way that Steve immediately thinks there must be something wrong, but she assures him there is not. Nearby, Violet is talking to Sean about betrayal. Nosy Norris is listening so hard his flapping ears will probably give Steve a chill. Michelle asks straight out what they're talking about. Though Sean wants to keep it a secret, Violet doesn't. "Jamie is having an affair with Frankie," she tells Michelle. Norris's ears have stopped flapping but his chin has hit the floor. "Did you get that, Norris?" asks Violet. He acts confused and Violet tells him directly: "Jamie Baldwin. He's sleeping with his step-mum." "With Frankie?" asks Norris. "Yeah, and I'm pregnant with his child but he's staying with her." (Malcolm Hebden is such a good actor – as Violet tells him this, Norris's eyes go straight to her belly!) Sean tells Violet she's going to regret this, but she says she won't. "I am sick of tiptoeing around people when all they do is let me down. I owe nothing to anyone – not any more."

Sophie wants to try out her mind-reading on Tracy. "I bet she's got loads of things she doesn't want anyone to know." She Chesney stop and stare at Tracy, who looks behind her, just to check there's nothing going on there, and thunders: "What are you staring at, you pair of freaks?!" and storms off. Sophie nods wisely. "Guilty conscience or what?" They're interrupted by Fizz and Kirk calling out that they need Ches. They won't tell him what for unless he comes inside. Taking his chance, a passing Norris feels impelled to pass on the news in a suitably doom-laden voice. "You'll have heard about your neighbours, I take it ["I take it" is Norris-speak for "Oh, I really hope I'm the first person to tell you this!"]." They haven't. "I've seen some sorry stuff in my time," he tells them, out of Ches's earshot. "But things have come to a sorry pass when incest rears its ugly head." Kirk is astounded. "Incest? Jack and Vera?" No, no, Norris tells him. He means their immediate neighbours. "And I don't mean me and Emily!" Now Fizz is aghast. "Where did you hear this?" Norris explains that he got it from Violet, who also revealed she's carrying Jamie's baby. Kirk points out that Frankie isn't Jamie's real mum. "Oh, of course, that makes it all right then, doesn't it!" sneers Norris.

In the Rovers, Steve sits eyeing up Michelle, who's giving him the eye in return. Sean asks Michelle's opinion of whether he should have told Violet about Jamie and Frankie, but he doesn't really want an answer. "I don't suppose he's asked you out yet," he asks, nodding in Steve's direction. "I'm a very good Cupid if you need any help in that direction." Michelle's brothers come in and she takes the chance to reveal the reason Danny probably did a runner. Liam thinks it could explain why Danny was acting peculiar, though Paul can't understand why Danny would then sign everything over to Jamie. "He's lost it, obviously," Liam says, though Paul thinks Danny is smarter than that. Michelle agrees with Liam. "When the love of your life jumps into bed with your son – not sure anybody's smart after that."

Norris has stationed himself on pavement-sweeping duty outside the Kabin, from which strategic vantage point he spots Frankie getting out of a cab. She tells him she's been to Spain to see Warren. "Oh, nice," says Norris, in that sneery voice again. "Jamie doesn't mind sharing, then? From one son to another – keeps it in the family, I suppose."

Michelle cheers up the very second Steve asks her if she's doing anything tomorrow night. She's not, she tells him hastily. "Good, then can you do a six to eleven – we're one short." Michelle refrains from strangling him with the dishcloth in her hands. When she starts crashing glasses around on the bar, Steve asks if there's something wrong. Michelle tells him she actually thought he was finally going to ask her out. Steve is very confused. He thought she wanted some space and he didn't want to pressure her. "All right, what are you doing on Thursday?" She's busy. "Sunday lunch?" She's taking Ryan out. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Steve accuses. She points out that she does have a life outside the pub. She says a week tonight would be good. Steve looks at the roster and tells her she's working. "Well, get some cover then!" Of course, after that it's Christmas and then New Year, so Steve agrees. "You've got yourself a date!" a very happy-sounding Michelle tells him.

Jamie arrives home and Frankie's already there. She thought she'd surprise him. But she got the surprise because people know about them, don't they? She thinks Sean's been telling everyone, but Jamie admits it was him – he had to tell Violet because she's pregnant, "and it's mine."

Ashley and Claire are walking home discussing Bev and her usefulness as a babysitter. But before they get to the house, they can hear Wagner blaring out. I thought maybe Bev was trying to teach Josh about famous composers, but no, she's playing spacemen with him. He's killed her 16 times already. Claire and Ashley are appalled. Claire had asked Bev to have Josh ready for bed. Bev is shocked when she realises the time. She heads for the kitchen to put his tea on. "What? He's not had his tea yet?" asks Ashley. Bev says he's had some pop and some sweets. Claire says ironically it's no wonder he's so relaxed! Bev reveals that they saw Santa, who gave Josh a space-cadet badge so she bought the rest of the space gear for him. Ashley shouts that Josh will be getting enough toys for Christmas. Claire says they've been rushed off their feet all day and the last thing they wanted was to come home to chaos. Bev apologises and asks if there's anything she can do. "Oh, I think you've done enough!" Claire tells her.

Jamie explains he just thought he owed Violet a proper explanation. He can't believe Violet's told everyone. Frankie is quite upset. So Jamie tells her the solicitor says the piece of paper is worthless unless Danny comes out of the woodwork. "I'm wondering if he's known it was worthless all along." Frankie looks at him. "I'm wondering if he's still alive," she says.

Cilla arrives home to a lit birthday cake and is very grumpy, because she specified no party! She looks at the hand-made card and softens a little. "Quite nice, I suppose." Even the cake gets a "not bad" from her, and the can of lager Les gives her cheers her up even more. They suggest getting a Chinese takeaway and having a bit of a celebration so they can forget all about it tomorrow. "Oh, go on then," she says.

Frankie thought everything was a mess before she went away and now Violet's added to their problems. She wants details of exactly what Violet wants from Jamie. "You haven't got a clue what being a parent means, have you?" Jamie tells her that Violet means nothing to him, but Frankie thinks she'll still have to share Jamie with Violet, because Violet will be asking him for favours all the time. Jamie expects Violet will be reasonable, but Frankie doesn't think Violet is being reasonable by going around telling everyone about them. "What if she turns into Tracy Barlow?" Frankie feels like the whole world's against them. Jamie says the worst is over. But Frankie is distraught. "Warren isn't talking to me, Danny's still missing and Violet's pregnant! It's only just beginning!"

The End
Margaret Carr
(sending this while watching a documentary about a pack of African wild dogs with a leader called Chesney!)

Sunday 17 December

Events in Weatherfield tonight were written by David Lane and directed by Duncan Foster. Copyright ITV Productions.

Frankie is wandering along the Street where Becky accosts her and asks if she is on early shift - no says Frankie she could not sleep. Becky remarks that if she was with Jamie she could not sleep either. Then Becky asks if it was sort of weird sleeping with Jamie after sleeping with his father. Frankie says "No not really". Frankie returns home and Jamie asks where she has been - getting some fresh air. Frankie has been trying to sort out the mess in her head. He kisses her. They discuss Violet's baby. Jamie tells Frankie he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her - and together they can sort it all out.

Kirk is doing the paper round with Chesney because Fiz does not want Chesney left alone. Chesney tells him to go home - he cannot afford to share the wages because he wants to buy Cilla a special present. Chesney often thought he would wake up one morning and find Cilla gone - but with Uncle Ronnie, not like this.

Jason delivers a Christmas tree to the Platt's - but they already have one - he has been working at the garden centre. He asks if Sarah is still taking Beth to see Santa later. He then sells the tree to Bev - Claire had been talking about getting a plastic tree

Cilla is writing her Christmas cards. Cilla tells Les she has always been jealous of Yana for two things - she's tall and blonde - but it is not natural - blonde that is. If she loses her hair she will have a long blonde wig - she can do nothing about her height. Fiz arrives and wants to go with Cilla to the hospital - but Cilla insists on going by herself. Both Chesney and Kirk are worried.

Across the Street Jason and Sarah either side of Beth and they are off to see Santa. Hopefully Beth will say what she wants as she has not told her mother. Kirk suggests they should go and see Santa too but Chesney reckons he is too old, but Kirk says they should - it is magic to see the elves and listen to the music.

Frankie and Jamie visit the flat and open the post. Nothing has gone from the bank account and the credit card has not been used. All the clothes are still there. Frankie wants to report his absence to the police but Jamie says not before Christmas.

Ashley and Claire arrive home to find the real tree has been decorated by Bev and Josh, this leads to Claire shouting at Bev about the plastic tree. Bev turns and they both see her tears. Ashley tries to pour oil on troubled water but Bev explains that Josh had seen the fairy on the top of the tree and had announced that it was an angel from heaven - the one looking after Granddad. Bev tells them that if Josh helped with the tree she would take him into town and buy him a special stocking for his bed. Claire tries to discourage her - Josh is excited enough but Bev reckons a bit of excitement is OK at this time of year.

Cilla is waiting at the hospital. Yana arrives at the Battersbys and asks Les if she can come in and wait until Cilla returns. Along the Street Frankie knocks and the door opens to reveal Violet. Frankie would prefer to talk in the house once Violet confirms that it is Jamie's baby. Frankie tries to explain - there was nothing going on when Jamie was with Violet. Violet reminds her that Danny said something similar. Violet starts crying. Eileen comes in and the discussion ends with Frankie dashing out. Eileen eventually follows to find out what is going.

Les and Yana wait - until Chesney comes in and they try to re-assure him that nothing is going on. They head out to the Rovers. Cilla goes in to see the doctor. He sits and reads though her notes. Good, no sign the cancer has spread. He tells her she will need a check up in a couple of months and that they have caught the melanoma in time. Cilla can hardly believe her ears - there is nothing wrong with her. She cannot believe it and then rushes over to the doctor and gives him a huge kiss. She departs floating along about five foot off the ground.

Charlie wants to start on the spare room wardrobes which need removing - she is going to pop round to see Gail - although she does not sound convincing - sewing buttons on a shirt - Tracy and sewing in the same sentence? She leaves. At Gail's she asks for some cotton. The banging noises come through the wall. Tracy says that Charlie is unhappy because a job has fallen through and he has no Christmas spirit at present which is making it difficult for Amy. Gail offers a drink and Tracy stays for a while. Later Gail offers a meal but Tracy says she has to make dinner for Charlie, and imply that this would cause trouble. Gail smiles. Tracy is glad she can mend the shirt - a favourite one, insists on wearing it when he goes out.

Bev announces that she has spoken to Shelley and the latter would like Bev to join her for Christmas but she cannot leave the boys behind and she would see nothing of Shelley anyway. Claire and Ashley try to convince Bev that she should go with little success.

Chesney tells Sophie that Cilla is going to die. Sophie can hardly believe it - and then Chesney tells her that he would have to stay with Les and if Les and Yana get together - Yana does not like children. Sophie (who is turning into a rather attractive young lady) tries to re-assure Chesney - and he knows Cilla is not going to be alright. Sophie says that perhaps Cilla could go to America for treatment - but only rich people can afford that. Cilla arrives home and she wants a drink. Chesney gives her a hug and says that she must not leave him with Les and Yana like when they were together and Cilla was away. Cilla is intrigued and wants to know what he means. Chesney tells her what happened. Fiz and Kirk arrive and reveal that Les and Yana are in the Rovers. Cilla heads in that direction to break the medical news.

Frankie has spoken to Danny's mother - no sign of Danny. Frankie is starting to think he has done something stupid. And now Danny's mother will start to worry - they have to report it to the police.

Becky (who is turning into a much younger version of Blanche - never opens her mouth without putting both feet in it) observes to Violet that getting dumped by a man is bad - but for his own mother - now that really takes the biscuit. Violet walks away.

Cilla sits down with Les and Yana. The news is not good (she has been taking lessons from Pauline Fowler). It is the hardest thing she has ever had to say. Cilla launches into a wonderful piece. She has had some wonderful years with Les and when you are with a soul mate as she has been you really love someone from the bottom of your heart. But with what she has found out she thought about packing and leaving before anyone knew. But there is nothing that can be done, there is going to be a lot of pain. Les asks nothing? No says Cilla it is terminal. Les and Yana are both heartbroken. Kirk, Fiz and Chesney have heard everything. Cilla wants her revenge and I would start worrying.

K Richard W

Monday 18 December

First part of the normal two episodes for Monday night

This episode of Coronation Street is Written by Stephen Bennett
Directed by Piotr Szkopiak
Produced by Steve Frost
Coronation Street is Copyright ITV Productions.

Firstly before I tell you what happened in tonight's Coronation Street I want to say sorry for the delay in getting this report to you but I have been busy wrapping Christmas presents etc. I have only just finished getting everyone's things on Christmas Eve, so bad lol, any way on with the report.

Another week, another Report. It's Monday again so that means you have me Amanda to report what happens in the first thirty minutes for tonight's episode.

We start tonight's episode in the Baldwin's household. Frankie is coming down the stairs, followed by Jamie. She tells Jamie that she has to go to work or they never will get out the house. Jamie tells her to be ready. She jokes saying she might ask Roy to do a free Coffee for the best comment. Frankie then says that they have nothing to be ashamed off and if people see them they might get used to the idea. She says bye to him and goes out the door.

Over at the Battersby's place and Cilla is in the kitchen. Les is on the sofa and just wakes up. He asks what the time is and Cilla tells him about eight hours later since she asked him if he was coming to bed. He tells her he was depressed and asks how he is going to get through this situation. She asks if depression comes in cans now. Cilla then says as least she didn't have him stinking next to her all night. He asks what he is going to do and Cilla tells him stay drunk while she deal with this. He says he can't afford that much drink and he needs the fags to take his mind off the drinking. She tells him she is sorry she can't relate to his problems. She then says if she is the one doing the Elvis has left the building exit why is she doing all the comforting. Les says, because it's him who's going to be left and she won't be here. He then says he is going to drink himself into oblivion. Les then goes out the door.

Over at the Cafe and Janice is getting served by Frankie. She then starts to slag off Frankie by saying she thought Frankie would be off as it's school holidays. Janice then asks when they are at it do they play the song Family Affair and starts singing. Becky is not impressed and asks Roy if she wants her to throw out the poison dwarf. Frankie tells them to stop and tells Janice if she has upset her in any way she can get her sandwiches somewhere else. Roy says he does not want any bad feeling but he will do without her custom before she abuses his staff. Janice who is going out the door says he needs to look at his staff. Eileen comes in. She asks what is up with Janice and is told Frankie has upset her. Eileen says she won't pretend to know why she is doing what she is up she is her friend and stuck with her. Roy then says the coffee is on him.

Outside at the Peacock's door and Ashley tells Claire she can't spend all day with a glass on the wall and tells her it's been quiet for a bit now. Claire says that worried her as well now as when they are shouting. Ashley says they are worrying about it too much. They then say they have their own problems and missed their chance yesterday. Ashley says he just wants to say to Bev sorry no offence but we want you to go. Claire tells him to change the locks but he says there is no need, as they will tell her today.

Over at the Garage and Kevin is doing something to the car David is going to get later today. He tells Gail he will bring it round at lunchtime. She tells him that is fine as she will send him out and when he gets back the car will be there waiting for him. Kevin says David is really lucky getting this car at his age and says he never got anything like this at his age. Gail says if this does not bring him round she doesn't know what will. She thanks him then goes.

Over at the Corner shop and Les is buying fags and drink. Dev tells him that is not a good diet. Les says he can criticise his diet when his wife tells him she has cancer and is doing to die. He tells him until then he should bag and keep out of his business. Dev is really sorry and says he didn't know. Les tells him just to forget it. Eileen comes in wondering what she has missed and what scandal. Dev tells her to leave it. Les tells her that Cilla is dying and says there is no point in dressing it up and picks up his bags and goes out.

Over at the Rovers and Liz is cleaning a table. Vernon comes in and asks if there is any thing he can do like help clean. Liz asks what he is after and he says that could have hurt him. Liz says he is not. He then tells her that Dennis phoned and there is a big gig on but its double booked and now they need a band. Liz says that's not his problem now. Vernon says he wants to get the Rock Rhythm. Liz says he has not been away from them for two minutes. He says they have sold four hundred tickets and it will help the Rock Rhythm. He says they need a singer. Liz says she might have to work. Vernon says they are looking for the younger side so he has to ask Michelle. Liz who does not look to happy says she might have to work. Vernon says that she could give Michelle the night off. Vernon says it will put the Rock Rhythm on the big time and says music is in his soul. He picks her up and spins her around. Liz says to him to promise her that it will shut him up and give him a wee hit on the cheek.

Battersby's again and Les opens one of the beers he has got. He says that's better. Cilla says that won't help her. He says he needs the beer to settle his nerves then he will try to settle hers. Cilla says she has cancer but it's all about him. Les tells her he will do any thing she wants or do any thing that needed. She tells him she would want to think while she is on the cloud that's my Les he turned my last few months into parricide because he really loved me after all. He says he does lover her and will do anything. She says she would hate to put him out because she is dying. He says any thing and tells her to name it. Cilla says she wants to swim with dolphins before she dies. Les says that is pricey. She says she is dying. Les says he will find a way if he has to rob a bank or borrow the money. Cilla says you will do that for me. She has a smile on her face as Les look's in the yellow pages.

Over at the Cafe and Bev tells Frankie to ignore what everyone is saying. Steve and Bill say they are not saying anything. Frankie tells them why miss out on the fun. Frankie is shocked as Viv walks in. She hugs her and is told she has come to find out what is going on. Becky says am not so sure she does. She gets out her mobile and texts Jamie discreetly. She tells Roy he has met Viv and they shake hands. She then asks if she can go for a bit and Roy says its ok and tells Viv they can talk at home.

Outside Frankie's mobile goes off and she tells Viv she will catch her up. Its Jamie and she tells him he has to come home now as Danny's mum has come. She says she is at work as well but has left and he can do the same. She goes back over to Viv and says it was Jamie asking if she has heard any thing. They continue to walk to the house.

Baldwin's household and Frankie asks if Viv would like a drink. She asks for a brandy and Jamie says he will get that. Frankie says she can stay in the spare room. Viv says it's not like Danny and she has phoned all his friends. Frankie asks if she heard about the Factory. She says yes and says work never got to Danny. She then asks if they have had a falling out. Frankie says no more than usual. Viv asks about Leanne and Jamie says she's well gone and that they have all moved on.

Over at Streetcars and Eileen is on the phone taking down a job and says it will be with them in twenty minutes. Steve takes the job. Les comes in and says he wants to work all the hours he can. Steve says he needs to work today and Les can't. Les says he will do what he has to if Cilla wants to swim with dolphins. Steve asks how much he has had to drink. Les says most of it was from last night but Steve still says he is not working and tells him he is so sorry and goes. Les tells Eileen he is losing a day's wages before he starts. Eileen says he could stop the fags and drink, as that's ten minutes of dolphin action. Les says she is right and is going to give it up

Outside in the street Kevin is just dropping the car off. Gail says David is going to be surprised when he sees this. Gail says it's just a lump of metal to her but is sure David will like it. Bill is on the phone and lies to his wife saying he can't get flights and it's a nightmare and won't be back until after Christmas. Just then David comes yawning and asks Kevin who has broken down. Kevin says he's leaving it not taking it. Gail says she should not let him have it till Christmas but it's too big for under the bed. David is thrilled. Gail says it's worth it just to see his face. Kevin says it needs some work but will keep him busy till he can drive it. David asks if he can go in and Kevin says it would be a start. He goes in and beeps the horn as Kevin goes.

At the Baldwin's household Jamie says they should tell her. Frankie tells him to just leave it. Viv shouts from the living room saying its not like Danny at all and when she last spoke to him he was happy and was over the mood he was getting back with Frankie. Frankie then says she does not know how he got on with Liam at the Factory. Viv then asks what the police said. Frankie says they didn't as Jamie says they never thought of doing that. Viv is horrified and says they should have phoned. Jamie says they normally tell you to wait a few days. Viv says she is going to the police station. Jamie says its just Danny playing games. Viv says they can have them for wasting police time then.

Over at the Cafe and Ashley and Claire come in. Becky approaches them asks what she can get them but they say there are not staying. Becky looking at Bev, Josh and baby Freddie asks if this is a day center and walks away. Ashley says they have been thinking about Shelley's invitation of Bev going to stay with her. Bev says she does not want her mother cramping her style. Ashley says he thinks she will be happier with Shelley. Bev says they will be happier if she goes. Ashley says no offense but Bev says she has obviously outstayed her welcome. She says she will pack her bags as soon as she gets home.

Police station and Viv is at the desk. Jamie asks why she let Viv stay. Frankie says she is Danny's mum and could not say no to her. Jamie says she is going to find out about them and they are going to wonder why they didn't say any thing before. Frankie says they have done nothing wrong or to be ashamed off. Viv tells the man she wants to report a missing person and does not want him to tell her it happens all the time. Jamie tells Frankie they should of lied to her saying Danny has went away to get his head round what has happened and that's why they are not worried. Frankie says she wished he looked as if he didn't give a toss at least for his Gran's sake. Viv is told to sit down and asks Jamie and Frankie if there has been an argument or any thing. Jamie say last time he spoke to Danny he was saying about him getting back with Frankie but just as he finishes they are called.

At the Rovers and Audrey is sitting drinking alone. Bill comes in and sees her. He tells her he has told Maureen that he is stopping here for Christmas. Audrey tells him she does not want to know if he has told her a tale. He says he will shut up then and get the drinks in. Vernon is trying to get Michelle to sing saying it's two hundred pounds. She says some extra money over the Christmas would be good, as Ryan wants a psp. Vernon says everyone from the band is coming back and she is the missing link. She asks what Liz thinks and he says Liz is all for it. She asks when and he says fright night. She tells him she is going out with Steve. He asks her if Pink Floyd postponed their big reunion because he fancied a curry and says this is rock and roll. Michelle then tells him to leave it with her and she will think about it.

Police station again and they are in a room. The female officer tells them they are taking this seriously but people who go missing sometimes turn up in a few days wondering that all the fuss is about. Viv says he has been missing more than a few days now. The female officer says if she is that concerned why has she not reported it until now. Viv looks at Frankie and Jamie and says she thought it had been done. Jamie says Danny likes to wind people up and play games and says that's why they were not that worried. The officers ask for a description of Danny. Frankie says brown hair, slim and blue eyes. The officer asks what he was wearing and Jamie says jeans and a shirt and no tie. They ask if they were the last people to see Danny. Jamie says as far as he knows yes. The male office says he has to go make a call and will he back in a minute. Viv asks he can't do it in here. The female officer says she is sure he won't be long.

Battersby's household and Les comes in with a jar. He says this is from Dev, this is from Norris and this is from me and puts money in the jar. She asks what the jar is and he says it's her dolphin fund. Les then says he is not going to smoke or drink until she has been swimming with her dolphins, unless donated from people. She asks how much is there and he says its sixty five pound. Cilla reminds him that she is fading fast and that won't go far. Les says this is just the beginning of things and he has big plans. He then tells her not to get up and he will make his own tea tonight. He gets up and goes into the kitchen.

Back at the Police station and a man from CID comes in. Viv asks what is going on and asks if someone has seen Danny. The female officer tells the man from CID that this is Mrs Baldwin. He says they pulled out a man from the canal two days ago and that it matches the description they gave of Danny. Viv says, no he's not dead. Jamie says he would not do that. Frankie also says he would not do that. Frankie says it could be anyone though. The man says that is what they are hear to find out. Viv is shocked. The man says they need someone to ID the body to find out if its him. Jamie says he will go but Viv says they will all go.

Is Danny really dead? Did he kill himself? Find out in the next part that will be along very soon

This report is copyright M@nda

Amanda Souter

I am writing this report under extremely difficult circumstances. Our cat has decided to sit on my lap, so I was poised with pen and paper trying to balance them without upsetting little (!) Mousey.

Well Frankie, Viv and Jamie go off with the detective to the mortuary to identify the body. Frankie decides to go in on her own. The detective tells her that the body has been in the water for about two days. The mortician pulls back the sheets and Frankie gasps.

Cut to The Kabin and Vera talking to Rita and is pointing to Sophie who is browsing the magazines, Vera says that she has put the wind up Jack. She doesn't know exactly what, but according to Jack she "knows things". Sophie realises they are speaking about her. Vera asks her if she knows what is happening at no.7? Sophie turns to Rita and says "did you used to live there?" Rita responds "years ago". Sophie says it must have been awful for her. She reminds her that Alan Bradley used Len Fairclough's name to borrow money. Rita asks if Sally had been talking about her. She wonders how she could have possibly known. Sophie smiles and says "I couldn't possibly, could I?" and walks out of the shop. Vera looks on in amazement.

Viv and Jamie are waiting for Frankie to come out from identifying the body. She says that Danny was not the type to do himself in, and why would anybody want to do him in? She says that he has made mistakes, and he shouldn't have got involved with Jamie's girlfriend .... at that point Frankie comes back and says that it isn't him. Viv asks her if she is sure. Frankie says she is. Viv is thankful that it isn't him. However, Frankie says it is somebody's son, husband or father.

David is fixing his car. Bill asks him how it is running. David says "not well". Audrey snootily says he won't be driving it until he is 17 and has got a license. Gail says that it is correct, but he is fixing it in readiness. Gail asks her mother if she notices the difference in David. Audrey says she doesn't. Gail tells her that he has a smile on his face. Audrey mutters about what does he have to do for a decent Christmas present - burn the house down?

Les finds a cigarette end in the street. Steve says he thought he had given up. Les says that if people drop them then he can take it. Steve then offers him one of his. He tells Les that the lads (who/where are they?!) are donating their Christmas tips to the fund to send Cilla away to swim with the dolphins.

Fiz and Cilla argue over who is making dinner for Chesney. Les comes in and Cilla "volunteers" him to make everyone a meal. When he tells her that the lads are donating their tips, she says she doesn't want pity. Chesney says that he has read on the internet that swimming with dolphins can be very therapeutic. Cilla says she feels that she may yet "beat" the tumour!

Sean asks Michelle whether she has weighed up the pros and cons of going out with Steve or Vernon. "Is it going to be romance or the bright lights of show business" She says she likes the buzz of being on stage plus the cash would come in very useful at Christmas. She says Steve has been married and divorced twice, and it took a long time for him to ask her out. However she does like him. Liz then asks Sean if she has decided. Sean says she hasn't for certain decided to go for a night with Steve or Vernon!

Bev is out in the garden and on the phone to Shelley. She says although she doesn't want to impose on her, and says she will see her soon. Claire and Ashley overhear her conversation. Ashley asks what she is doing. He asks if she is going to go to Shelley's for good? Claire exclaims "that's good", and then adds "for you of course".

Norris, outside The Kabin chatting to Jack, he sees Viv and says to Jack that it is a very murky business. Viv wonders why they are all staring. She shouts over, "Is there something you want to say?", "no, no", Norris and Jack reply.

Viv gets in and decides to unpack. Frankie says that Jamie's room is a tip and tells Jamie to tidy it. Jamie says he will tidy it up and make it look as if he doesn't sleep there

Bev is at Elliot's butcher's shop. She offers to pay for the meat she has bought, but Claire and Ashley won't accept it. They say they feel that they are pushing her out. She tells them not to worry, otherwise they would never have got rid of her. Audrey then comes in with Bill and they are talking about David's car. Ashley says he hopes she (Bev) will keep in touch. Bev tells Audrey that she is leaving.

Ashley says before she goes, he wants her to join him to scatter Dad's ashes. Bev says she doesn't want to come. Ashley says he would like her to come.

Liz brings in a collecting box, for Cilla's fund, onto the bar at The Rovers. She announces that all tips are to go in there until further notice. Steve tells her that she can't do that. Liz says that Cilla has cancer. Michelle says she is a single mum and works hard for her tips. Liz says sarcastically that she's notice. Cilla then comes into the pub. Liz asks how she is . Hayley says she will look after Fiz and Chesney if necessary. Cilla then notices Hayley putting money in the collecting box, but Cilla says she doesn't like being the centre of attention. Les and Yana come in together. Cilla queries where they may have bumped into each other. She says Les has got to get back to work, so she says she has come in to keep Cilla company. Janice then calls "aw-rite?" She then realises that she made a bad choice of words. She knows she is not well and hopes that Les is looking after her. Cilla says he's like a Saint. Janice admits they have had their differences, but wouldn't wish this on her.

Cilla asks for another drink. Les suggests that she gives up drinking. Cilla queries why? "For health reasons? - Bit late now". Les says it is him trying to prolong her life.

Sean thinks Michelle should speak to Steve about Friday night. She says she doesn't know what to say. Sean tells her that she is not ditching him, just postponing the date. When she goes to speak to Steve, his immediate thoughts are that his Mum has asked her to work. She explains about Vernon reforming the band and that the money would come in useful for Christmas. Steve, unhappily, agrees that it is for the best. Michelle then tells Sean, obviously picking up the wrong vibes, because she says "He couldn't have cared less".

Sophie tells David that she can't wait to tell Rosie what he got for his 16th birthday. Gail says "don't expect your mum and dad to buy, just cos I have". Sophie says she'll make her mum feel like a bad mother. Sophie tells Gail how her mother is going all out for Christmas. She has made the stuffing herself, cranberry sauce herself. After she goes David asks his mother if she is going to serve the Christmas pud that were being sold off from last year?

Viv tells Frankie that tea is "not working". She wants something stronger. She suggests that they go to the pub and talk to people. Frankie says she doesn't feel like talking to anyone. Viv feels that someone must know something. As she is about to leave she sees Jamie. She says she feels awful about kicking him out of his room. Jamie says he will be ok on the sofa. Then Frankie tells Jamie, screwing up her face, that Viv wants to go to the pub. Jamie, surprisingly, thinks this is a good idea, although Frankie obviously doesn't agree. "Why not", says Jamie. "People are already talking enough" replies Frankie. Viv says she will go on her own. Frankie and Jamie then argue about letting her go. Jamie says he has been tidying up an empty room for the last half hour. Frankie decides she is going to the pub after all. She doesn't want Viv to get into conversation. Jamie responds, "you mean finding out about us?" He thinks it is about time she found out.

Liz tells Cilla she can help out with the money-situation. She will organise theme-nights at The Rovers, maybe a darts marathon. Cilla then shouts out, "beans", she would like to see Les sitting in a bath of beans and get sponsorship for it. She then turns to Yana and suggests that she would like to join Les in the bean bath! (yuk, on both accounts!). Liz realises that she will never get the bath inside the pub, so Cilla suggests they do it outside in the street on Christmas Eve.

Sean thinks Michelle ought to give Steve one more chance. She says "no way". Then Steve comes up to her with a suggestion. He would come to the gig and then they could both go out afterwards. She agrees, but later tells Sean that she would find it very embarrassing singing in front of .... Sean adds "..boyfriends?".

Viv comes into the pub and introduces herself to Liz and the others as Danny's Mum. Liz says she thought she recognised her. She says she is Liz, and points to Steve, her son. Viv thinks it is very nice a mother and son relationship. Steve and Liz look at each other knowing about Jamie and Frankie.

In the cafe, Liz asks Sophie exactly what can she do? She asks "is it like spirits?". Sophie says things pass into her head. She gets messages about people. Jack tries to distract the conversation by asking for a refill of tea. Vera offers to pay Sophie for a reading. Sophie seems surprised. Jack asks what currency does the spirit guide deal in? Vera says he is being very cynical and says she wants to know if there is anything to look forward to. Sophie tells her that she gets messages from the past. There are lots of people that Vera says, she would like to talk to again.

Back at the Rovers, Liz and Steve and Sean are chatting whether Viv knows about the mother and son relationship in her family. Steve believes she doesn't. Frankie and Jamie join Viv. She says she feels everybody is watching her. Jamie says there is something that you should know. Frankie says "not know". Viv responds, "am I missing something?". He then puts his hand onto Frankie's. Viv realises that they are together. Jamie says they are not embarrassed on ashamed about it. Viv says "You are mother and son and are sleeping together..". She says she bets the police don't know about it. She then says she is going to tell them and leaves the pub. Frankie then turns to Jamie, almost crying, and asks if he is happy? He replies "you wanted her to hear it from us".

Right I must get to my bed now and wait for Father Christmas!

Seasons greetings.

Martin Rosen

Wednesday 20 December

Season's greetings to all! Hope all of you are having an absolutely brilliant Christmas. Here's the update for Wednesday 20th December.

On the way to work, Janice is delighting in gossiping to Kelly about the Frankie/Danny/Jamie situation, and the way Viv took the news in the pub the night before. (Badly and with volume!) She tells Kelly that Viv seems to think that Frankie and Jamie have bumped Danny off, and she wouldn't be surprised if they actually have. Sean tells Janice not to be ridiculous.

Janice then spots Frankie across the street, and shouts out, "There she is, the Black Widow! Is it true that you and Jamie have done Danny in?" Frankie hurries on along the Street, as Janice wonders loudly if they did it, how they did it. Then she remarks it would take a stake through the heart to kill Baldwin.

David is tinkering with his car when Gail comes along. The discussion turns to Christmas puddings and Gail, not wishing to be outdone by Sally Webster when they all sit down to Christmas dinner together, expresses the wish to make her own. David is horrified, "You've never made a Christmas pudding in your life!" Gail smiles mysteriously, "I know a man who has," she says.

With her hair all tucked into some weird kind of crocheted beret, (is this another Ena Sharples in the making?) Claire goes to see Tracy to see that she's ok. Tracy makes her promise not to tell anyone about her burnt arm. Claire invites Tracy and Amy round for tea on Christmas day, and Tracy smiles and says, "That would be lovely!" but adds that she's not sure that Charlie would like it. Claire snorts that she's not inviting him, but Tracy says nervously that she couldn't come without him. She starts to close the door, so Claire says she can bring him too.

Chesney is worried about the 'reading' that Sophie has arranged to do for Vera. Sophie, however, is not at all worried about it and tells him it'll be sweet and she'll put the fiver in his mum's fund. She says at least it'll get her out of the house for a while as Sally is constantly experimenting with stuffing recipes. "I'll be sick of the sight of the stuff by Christmas!"

Meanwhile, in the cafe, Gail is trying to get Roy to divulge his Christmas pudding recipe. He offers to make her one to order, but she insists she has to make it herself. He tells her he hates to think of her dinner being ruined, but it's a cafe best-seller, and if it was to become public…… She swears that if he gives her the recipe she will take it to the grave with her.

Becky and Charlie are teasing Frankie about murder. Then Becky asks her, "Did Jamie get two presents from you this year – you know, one from his girlfriend and one from his mother?" Frankie retorts that she's not his mother. "So he never sent you any Mother's day cards then?" replies Becky, quick as a flash, smirking. Frankie stops in her tracks, lost for words. "Cheap year ahead for him then," Becky carries on, "no Mother's day cards to buy, and no Father's day either, if Danny's mum's telling the truth!" Frankie explodes then and insists she had nothing to do with Danny's disappearance. Becky tells her she's glad to hear it, because she wouldn't last five minutes inside.

Sophie, Vera and Chesney are sitting round a small table in a darkened, candlelit room. Sophie's breathing deeply and Chesney tells Vera she's making contact with her spirit guide – a Native American called Southern Wind. "Southern Wind, are you there?" asks Sophie. They all jump as the phone rings! It's Roy asking if Vera can come in for a few hours. She protests that it's her day off but then agrees to go in later.

Charlie has come home, and Tracy tells him about Claire's invitation, but says she doesn't want to spend her Christmas with a pair of freaks like them. She tells him the true meaning of Christmas is getting wasted and receiving very expensive presents. He tells her that depends on whether she's been a good girl or not. "Oh I'm always a good girl, Charlie," she tells him, flirtatiously.

Back at the seance, Sophie tells Vera that Southern Wind is telling her about a journey made to France in the past, a large building and a flag – no, not a flag….. "Knickers!" exclaims Vera. Chesney says Sophie is doing her best. Vera explains that it was knickers on the flagpole when she went to France years ago. "We did get a bit rowdy," she says. Sophie tells them that her guide is now going on about a hat. "Where's the hat? He keeps saying: Where's the hat?" she tells Vera. Vera looks shocked but goes out of the room and comes back with a gendarme's hat. She says she's been hiding it for over 25 years.

Steve arrives at the taxi office with a takeaway meal for Eileen and asks if she can stay on for a couple of hours, so he can pop off and do something. When pressed he says it's to get his mother's Christmas present. Being a mother herself, Eileen is only too pleased to oblige.

Out on the Street, Sophie bumps into Blanche. "Well if it isn't little Doris Stokes," she says. "Who?" asks Sophie. Blanche says it's a pity she didn't meet her earlier, she could have given her the Irish Lottery numbers. Sophie tells her it doesn't work like that.

In the pub, Bev tells Liz she'll be leaving on Friday, and asks if she can take the few remaining things that were hers and Fred's that are still around the place, as mementoes. Liz says that won't be a problem.

The police arrive at the cafe. Becky cries, "Put the eggs on Roy, the bacon has arrived!" Frankie asks if there's any news, but they tell her no, but there have been developments and they'd like a word. Roy tells her he's already asked Vera to come in so says she can go.

Steve gets back to the taxi office with a bag, which Eileen grabs and looks inside. It's a man's shirt! She asks how long Liz has been cross-dressing, and he confesses it's for his date with Michelle. She tells him that with his quiff he'd look better in a rhinestone jumpsuit – so he takes the hint and goes for a haircut.

Back at Frankie's house, the police tell her that Viv has told them all about her and Jamie. They ask if it's true and she tells them it is. They say she should have told them, "It's important that we know what Mr. Baldwin's state of mind was," they tell her. They hint at the possibility of foul play. She's adamant that she could never harm him. They ask whether Jamie could. She hesitates for a minute before replying, "No, of course not."

Bev is going round the pub, collecting up quite a lot of items that were part of her life with Fred.

Vera is sitting at a table, telling a very incredulous Blanche about Sophie's 'reading'. Blanche says she can't believe Vera fell for it. Vera insists that only two people ever knew she stole the hat, Ivy Tilsley and Hilda Ogden. One's dead and the other's living in Derbyshire. Vera can't see how Sophie Webster could ever have found out about it.

David is still messing around with his car, and Gail tells Audrey he's a changed lad. However, David is the least of her worries at the moment, and she tells Audrey about Roy's pudding recipe. It was all going fine till she went to stir it, then she found the spoon wouldn't move! Audrey says she'll probably have to buy one. David says he could use the pudding to patch up the bodywork on his car.

Steve comes in, fresh from having his hair cut, and is horrified to find Bev removing a vast quantity of fixtures and fittings. "She's going to have the place empty in a minute," he says. Liz says they can't begrudge Bev a few bits and pieces. Steve says she'll need a fork lift truck to pick up the box with all of them in. "She's already had the cord off the bell," he moans, "how are we going to call time?"

Eileen asks Michelle what she thinks of Steve's new haircut. She admits that he no longer looks as if he's going to break into 'Jailhouse Rock'. Eileen then tells her that Steve has bought a new shirt. Embarrassed, Steve protests that he needed a shirt and his hair was too long. "All on the same day?" asks Liz and wonders if he's up in court. Eileen explains it's all for his date with Michelle.

Claire meets Gail in the Street and tells her how she's invited Tracy for tea on Christmas day, and how she's getting more and more worried about her. Just then they see Tracy coming. When she gets up to them, Tracy says, "Look, about Christmas, I've spoken to Charlie and we can't come." Claire protests that earlier she wanted to come. Tracy pretends to be upset and rushes off.

Jamie has come home and Frankie is telling him about her day, and how people were making pointed remarks, about they could 'murder' a cuppa or 'kill' for a bacon sandwich, and how the police then arrived. She then tells him she has to know the truth! "I have told you everything!" he cries. She tells him she knew he'd come to hate Danny, she saw it the morning he chucked him out. "He half killed me, Frank, have you forgotten that?" he reminds her. She tells him that proves her point, there were no limits as far as they were concerned. "So what are you saying? That we got into another ruck and I killed him?" shouts Jamie. He looks at her in disbelief and walks out of the house.

Anne Logan.

Friday 22 December

Well as we arrive at the holiday season we are having a little swap around with your reviewers, so instead of Margaret's excellent report you have to put up with me today!

Today's programme starts off with Eileen suffering the after-effects of the curry that Steve bought her. Steve is trying to comfort her. Steve is a bit unhappy because Eileen told Michelle about the shirt that he bought, and now he can't wear it.

Cilla is at Audrey's hairdresser's. She won't accept the money and says put it towards the fund that is trying to get you to swim with the dolphins.. Also at the hairdressers is Rita. She is talking to Sarah about Sophie's "voices". She claims that Sophie told her something that nobody else knew about.

Ashley is talking to Bev about dignity. He is trying to persuade her to sprinkle her half of Fred's ashes at the same place as him. Bev says that she has a different set of memories about Fred and that is why she wants to do it her way.

Steve goes over to Claire to ask her if she will cover the switchboard at the StreetCars. She says she can't because it will be her and Ashley's first night in together for ages. Besides she does not feel ready to come back yet. Claire goes off just as Michelle comes by. She asks Steve what she was talking to Claire about. He says it was about her Christmas bonus. Steve said she didn't want to take it, because she has not been working much recently.

Rita comes out of the salon to say goodbye to Bev. Rita mutters about Norris and Christmas cards and Christmas carols, however, Bev notices Audrey standing outside her salon. Bev goes over to her and asks if it was really her (Bev) that he loved. Audrey assures her it was. They then give each other "big hugs" !

Sophie is the corner shop and Dev teases her by asking if she had written to Santa Claus yet. Sarah comes into the shop and dismisses her "visions". She asks Sophie to demonstrate her "power". Sophie says she can't just turn it off and on. Then she suddenly says two names are popping into her head. A guy called Brian and Sarah's mother's friend Suzie Birchall. With that Sophie walks out grinning to herself.

Bev is ready to go off to Shelley's. She says goodbye to Deirdre and Rita and gets a taxi to (Manchester) Piccadilly Station. However she stops on the way and catches up with Ashley and Claire, Joshua and Freddy who have gone to sprinkle Fred's ashes in the Derby Dales. Ashley and Claire are about to sprinkle them when Bev calls out. She has come with her half of the ashes. She wants to part friends. She says she has been selfish. Ashley tells her that she is part of the family, regardless of the fact they didn't actually get married. They then sprinkle the ashes together. Ashley's eyes are welling-up as he says goodbye to his father.

Over at The Rovers, Michelle is waiting for Steve who is already late for the gig. Vernon comes in and says they will have to go. Michelle tries to delay it, but Vernon won't let her hang on for him. Sean says he will tell Steve that she has gone, when he arrives. Steve is, in fact, still at Streetcars answering the phones as he has found nobody to cover for him.

Ashley and Claire return from the scattering of the ashes and Claire notices Charlie outside his house. She stares at him He yells at her asking her what she wants. She just says she is watching him. He laughs and says "don't make a habit of it" !

At the home of the Baldwins - it is older son and step-mother (Jamie and Frankie) in case you are lost with the characters! Jamie returns home after their argument Frankie runs downstairs and they give each other a "big hug" (all this hugging is getting catching!). She wanted to know where he had been, and when he says he stayed with a mate she was relieved it wasn't another girl. Jamie says they should pack up straight away and get on a plane to Spain. There won't be the people there whispering and pointing to them every time they walk down the street.

Steve eventually makes it to the pub only to find that Michelle and Vernon left about half an hour ago. He then tries to persuade Les to cover the switchboard for him. Les says he and Yana are collecting for Cilla's fund. They should do well on Christmas Eve. However, Les is persuaded once Steve puts £20 in the bucket and offers to pay him double time for covering. (Does that mean they are now down one - and only - taxi driver down ?!).

At the Club, Michelle is outside looking for Steve. Vernon rushes out to her and tells her to come in "it's showtime" !

Rita and Audrey are chatting in the pub about what they are doing for Christmas Day. Rita says she is going to go all out, because she doesn't know how many Christmases she has left. She doesn't want to sit in a corner being miserable.

Steve goes back into The Rovers, all dressed up. Just as he is about to leave to go to Michelle's gig, Tracy calls after him. She asks if he can babysit. She lies to him by saying that Charlie has work to do at home and wants quiet. She tells him that Amy is restless, and therefore noisy. Reluctantly, Steve agrees.

Jamie and Frankie are cuddling on the couch. Jamie once again says they ought to go off somewhere. She agrees they will go after Christmas. Jamie says the police will let them know if there are any developments concerning Danny.

Tracy goes home to Charlie telling him that she is free. She says Steve has Amy. Then Charlie tells her that he and Jason are gong out for a "works Christmas do" He then tells her that Claire told him that she was watching him. Tracy thinks she must be a nutter, probably because they turned down her invitation.

Steve comes back into the pub with Betty who he has persuaded to babysit. Sean comes into the room and reminds Steve that Michelle is due on stage any moment and he is half an hour away from the gig. Steve says okay and dashes off.

Once Charlie has gone off, she goes round to Claire and asks what she said to him. He is in a terrible mood she tells her. Tracy claims that he has just thrown his dinner against the wall. Claire writes down a note of the incident. It seems she has been making notes of all the 'incidents' that have happened so far.

Sophie is doing a little dance in the living room. Rosie sees her and starts laughing at her. Then as Sophie goes to sit down she grabs a book from the arm of the sofa. Rosie wants to know what the book is about. They start tussling for the book. Rosie manages to get hold of it. Sophie says she found it in the attic of Chesney's house. It is a diary, it belonged to some woman called Ivy Tilsley. Rosie starts to read it and realises that is where Sophie is getting her "voices" from. Rosie says she is going to give it to her mother. Sophie tries to persuade her that it was a bit of a laugh, and she wouldn't do it again. Rosie asks her to promise, and she agrees - keeping her fingers crossed behind her back.

Steve gets into his car and rings Michelle to say that he is on his way, he should be with her in twenty minutes. He then reverses his car and knocks over Fiz's scooter. Eileen comes by and says that is Fiz's pride and joy. Fiz comes out to inspect the damage. It seems the mirror has broken off. Fiz (who instantly knows the price of spare parts), says that cost one hundred pounds. Steve pulls out a wad of cash from his wallet and hands it to Fiz and then drives off.

At the club the gig is finished. Michelle is looking for Steve who hasn't arrived. Then a guy approaches her and says he thought she was very good. He introduces himself as Sonny, and says he and some mates are going down to the pub for a few drinks and invites her along (doesn't she know about going with strangers?). As they go off, Steve appears. He asks Vernon where Michelle is. Vernon replies that she is off on a hot date, pointing to a car that is driving away. He tries to run after the car to no avail and realises he has missed out.

Right that finished, I can now join my wife for Christmas Day !!!!! We are going out with her Aunt for a meal. Pressys come later! Have a good one everyone.

Best wishes.

Martin Rosen

Sunday 24 December

Christmas Eve - some residents had better beware what they wish for delivery from Santa.

Les and Yana are raising money for Cilla by sitting in a bath full of mushy peas. (IT was supposed to be beans but Les could only get the sot with mini hot dogs included and Yana thought that was an unwise risk - they might get anywhere. This took most of the episode - devotion above and beyond the call of duty until the scene in early evening rather let the cat out of the bag when we could see the warm mist rising from the bath - obviously not as cold as Les's shivering implied. At one point Janice offers a tenner if they stay in the bath until midnight - which she duly drops in the mushy peas when paying up! Anyway Les eventually rebels are returns home, although their dressing gowns have vanished and the front door is locked against them - inside Cilla has that evil grin on her face.

Rosie of course is 16 and is opening presents, including a book of love poetry from Craig in Germany with the book in German. Sally claims that they must be sophisticated - translating German poetry and consuming Bucks Fizz. (No I am not sure how that makes them sophisticates either!!).

And how did Michelle's date - amazingly well, although Steve was not involved and Steve is telling his side of the story in the cab office to Les and Eileen. Later Steve tries to apologise to Michelle handing over some flowers. He asks her out again for New Year's Eve - but she already has a date. Steve dejectedly admits defeat even when Michelle offers to put the other guy off. He would never make it.

David is sent to borrow chairs from the Websters and runs into Sophie who tells him again that the stories are voices in her head. David runs into Rosie who explains that it is not voices - it is an old diary and is surprised when David points out that Ivy was his Gran (well sort of - Ivy is Sarah's Gran). Later she tells Rosie that as the diary is Ivy's it really belongs to David and she should hand it over - which Rosie does, pointing out that Ivy was bitter and twisted and it is obvious where David gets it from!

Rosie having gone Maria joins David in his car and he reads pieces of the diary to her, particularly about that dirty mare Gail carrying on with Martin Platt - she is a filthy tart like her mother. Maria then reads another bit about Gail - that she will rot in hell and then pretends to David that she cannot read the handwriting. David grabs the diary and reads for himself - Gail went to have an abortion but if Martin had not stopped her the innocent child inside her (David) would be dead now.

Sonny turns up - he had lost Michelle's number and wants to check the arrangements are right for New Year's Eve. Liz notes the discussion and confirms to Eileen that she is not shedding any tears about Steve missing that particular boat (I am surprised she did not refer to a dirty little tramp boat).

David wraps the diary and labels it as a present for "Mum Lots of Love David". Unhappily he throws the book to the end of the bed and lays back thinking of his Christmas wishes.

K Richard W

Monday 25 December


This episode of CORONATION STREET is Written by Stephen Russell
Directed by Tim O'Mara
Produced by Steve Frost
Coronation Street is copyright ITV Productions

At the Platt's Sarah and Beth are opening presents. David comes down with presents saying he was not going to get up early with Bratney. Sarah being sarcastic says funny and gives Beth her present from David. He then goes over to Gail and gives her a present that's in the shape of the Ivy's diary. Gail is over whelmed. She opens it and it is a book that David says she will like. Sarah thanks David for the present he gave Beth as that's what she wanted. David then says its his birthday and Sarah goes to give him is present but he says any one that has got him driving gloves is just pathetic and sad. Sarah then puts the present back down.

Over at the Webster's house Rosie and Sophie are getting ready. Sally is asking Kevin if he is not going to wear a tie. Kevin tells her he will be the odd one out then. Sally is working on her stuffing. The girls come to the kitchen and Sophie asks if she is as sweetly scented as the apple Pippin. Kevin says she smells nice. Rosie says she likes anything that makes her smell like a chav. Sophie says it's better then smelling of sick. Rosie says going to a prep school does not make her bulimic. Kevin tells Sally her stuffing needs more salt.

Out in the street Josh is on his bike and told to wait as Claire's earring is caught on her scarf. Ashley undoes it and says he knows why she does not wear dangle earrings. Ken, Deirdre and Blanche say merry Christmas to them. Ken says happy anniversary. Deirdre asks Claire if she has seen Tracy, as they have not heard anything from her. Blanche says she is stuck having a meal with the old people and will probably be liquidised turkey through a straw. Ken says it's only a meal with their friends. Claire tells them to have enjoy them self's. Rita tells Norris to stop moaning. He says he would rather have his Christmas meal at home. Rita says they have accepted now. Emily, Rita and Norris see Ken, Deirdre and Blanche and they both wave. Jack comes out his house as Molly shouts at him. He tells her he is going for a quick pint. She says he can have this can of beer if he waits till Vera opens her present and then can go to the pub and stay there. He comes back inside.

Rover's back room and Steve comes through with Amy. Liz and Vernon are kissing and he says he does not let Amy watch horror movies so she should not have to watch that. Vernon says he is expressing his love. Steve says it should be in writing in his case. Liz says Steve is upset, as he does not have a woman. Ken, Deirdre and Blanche come through with presents for Amy. Blanche says she has got Betty to get the drinks through. She says what's the point in having a dog and barking your self. Liz asks what she means and is told why do they employ Betty if they have to do the work. She then says she is going to the toilet upstairs. Liz says upstairs and Blanche says she is family and they would not want her using the public one. In the bar Bill offers Audrey another drink and she says yes. Liz says to Steve that Blanche is using the toilet. Steve says lucky her as when he goes to use it Vernon is always in it.

Grimshaw's house and Eileen says she thought Jason was good at fixing things. He says with a hammer. Sean comes in with a dvd and chocolates. Jason asks him how you fix the dvd player and is told with a magic wand. Sean gives everyone a chocolate bar and sits next to Violet. She asks if they have fallen out. He says chocolate heals all and offers her two chocolate bars and says not to tell the others. Sean then says festive truce. She agrees.

Back at the Platt's and Sally says they should just say the Chicken is cooked. David says its not much of a turn out. Sally says the girls will be along soon. David asks his mum if she thought about having him induced early. She tells him of course not. He then says if she remembers sixteen years ago today or if she was all fuzzed out on pills. Gail says she does remember it and her and Martin was happy. Just then Bill and Audrey arrive. Audrey says the traffic was bad. Kevin says merry Christmas to his dad. Audrey says happy birthday to David handing him a present. He says she smells nice and she thanks him. David smiling then says Gin and tonic ain't it.

Rovers and Liz tells Steve her and Vernon might go upstairs. Vernon says for tv. Steve asks if his mum had a boyfriend. He says not that he knew of but he always wonder why his sister was chinese. Liz laughs. Betty comes through saying this is not her idea of Christmas. Steve says it's the same for him. Betty says she was meaning having to look after Amy. Steve then heads for the back room.

At the Platt's Bethany is asleep in Sarah's arms who says the early start has tired her out and takes her up stairs. Everyone at the table is having a laugh. Kevin says the Chicken is really nice. Rosie says the stuffing is really fine. Sally says it was from a packet and she had a problem with the salt. Everyone laughs. Kevin says she worked really hard on it but it just tasted awful. David says they need to exchange gifts. Gail says they have. David says he has another one for her and gets up and goes to get it.

Over at the Duckworth's Vera says she is having a really good day. Tyrone says it's Christmas and she should be having a nice day. Vera says she can't think of one Jack has not spoilt, he got her a nice present, and is all dressed up. Jack says she always wants him to be like this and now she has got her wish. Molly gives Jack his Christmas dinner. She then goes to get the other ones. Vera then says he is up to something. Jack says she just has a suspicious mind. Vera says she didn't have one till she met him. Molly says they are not going to argue and they are going to sit down and have a nice dinner. She then says Jack is going to wash and Tyron is going to dry the dishes.

Back to the Platt's house and Sarah is at the table now. David has got his other present and says happy reading. Gail smiles and says she is going to get square eyes. She puts the present down and David tells her to open it as her dinner wont go cold. She opens it to find an old book and asks what it is. David says its Ivy's diary. Kevin laughs saying he didn't know Ivy could write. David says its a really good read and has marked all the best bits. Gail says she will look at it later but David takes the diary and says, Ida Clough's body odour then Vera's nasty coats. Kevin says she remembers that. Everyone is laughing. David then reads "I honestly do not know how the Good Lord has seen me through today's trial. Gail went for an abortion. If it weren't for Martin Platt that innocent little child inside her would be dead now" Everyone at the table is silent. David asks Gail if she wants the date or does she remember when she went to abort him. He then asks everyone if they want more sprouts.

Platt's and Sarah asks why he teats Gail they way he does and says he is a head case. David says he knows it's real as innocent was wrong. Sarah says she has had enough and goes. Gail tells David he is still here and she changed her mind. He does not want to talk about it to spoil the rest of the day. There is a long silence until Sally says the chicken was really nice and Audrey also says it was not dry. David tells her nice try. Gail says it his day he is ruining. David says she wanted him dead. Gail says she did waver and it was months before he was born and he was just a thing. Gail asks what she has to do to prove he is wanted. Gail then says Ivy over exaggerated it. Sally says they should clear the table and get dessert. David says like nothing has happened. Gail says nothing has. David then asks if her if she wanted to get rid of the other two as well or is he her special boy.

Grimshaw's household and they are all sitting down. Jason asks if his mum is going to cook Christmas dinner. Eileen tells him she has a gippy tummy from the takeaway last night. He asks if he will do it but Violet says that won't happen. Violet asks if any one took out the chicken. Eileen says, not me said the fly. Sean says, not me squeaked the flea. Violet says salad but no one is keen. Jason goes to get the door as Eileen says the cupboard is full of nibbles. Sarah has come round. Eileen asks if she is having a good one. Sarah says they are going to go to the pub. Jason says he can get crisps for his Christmas dinner and they go.

Rovers and Les asks Steve how much they made. He says a couple hundred. Cilla says that's not bad. Les wants a brandy warmed with is liter but Cilla says now. He then says he will do any thing for her even if it means having another orange. Liz and Vernon come back and she asks where Amy is. He says Betty has her. He then says Betty can't get the crates as its Vernon's job. Vernon says he is back and ready to go. Steve says first his fly. He turns round Liz laughs and then goes to serve a customer.

Platt's again and Audrey asks why he has to do this to his mum. Bill says his mum is doing the best she can. Kevin says he was around and he doesn't remember it being like what poison Ivy wrote but everyone was happy. David says the girls are being quiet and asks if they are scared he is going to say where they found it. Rosie says that does not matter and he is such a loser. Audrey agrees and she says he is a loser and brings it on himself. Sally says pudding will be in ten minutes. Gail heads for the door. Bill says he is looking forward to the pudding something he didn't get in Germany. Audrey's asks if they don't have pudding there. David being sarcastic says relationships are great at the getting to know you stage.

Outside Gail is saying hello and as she goes round the car some one appears and she looks shocked.

Platt's household and Audrey asks David where he gets his values. Bill says the tv as he holds hands with Audrey. Gail comes in whispering Bill. Just then Maureen comes in saying surprise. David has the biggest grin on this face. Bill is shocked. Maureen sits on his lap saying she got a flight and asks if he has missed her. Bill says he is so surprised to see her. David still smiling says so is he. She says little David. He say well was little David now big David. She then says the girls are getting big. Sally asks how long she is staying. She says she is always suspicious when that's the first question. She says a few days and asks if they are having a good time. No one says any thing but Sophie who says it has been brilliant and pops a party popper.

At the Rovers Sarah has told Jason about her brother. Jason says David is a psycho. Sarah says she knows. Jason says at least she got a nice dinner. Sarah smiling asks if that's all he thinks about. Blanche has come back from using the toilet and says the towel is dirty. Liz hits Steve and says he has to say something to her as it's him she thinks she is related to. Blanche moans saying why do they bother with turkey and all the trimmings. Norris says chicken is just as bad for making you feel bloated. Ken says Blanche always has a Christmas fight. Emily asks if any one will come to church with her but noone says any thing. Norris makes a noise but he says he might walk her home.

Back at the Platt's Maureen says it's a shame about Fred and asks if he lost any weight. David says you have to grab the opportunities while you can and asks Bill if he is right. Bill giving the evil eye says yes. David then asks when he has grabbed. Maureen asks where Martin is and Gail says they spilt. David says he is with his new improved family. Bill says he is going to stretch his legs. She thinks he is going for a smoke. Rosie asks if Kevin is going to do the same, he says yes. Gail says she is going to check on the pudding. Sally says she will help. David says after they can all flyaway home. Audrey says no one is in a rush.

Back garden and Bill is called a rat. He says they made assumptions and he never corrected them. He says he has a plan. Claire comes out the door and asks if they are having a good one. Gail says not a bad one. She goes inside and Kevin asks what the plan is. Bill says they go back inside he gets the keys off Audrey, then takes an emergency call out and goes to hers, gets his stuff and they make out he is still sleeping on the sofa at the Webster's. Sally asks if they should be leaving Audrey and Maureen and they all head back in.

Platt's and David asks if they enjoyed the air. Gail says the pudding is ready. Sally hands out plates. Audrey goes up to Gail and is told to give Kevin the keys. Kevin then says his mobile always makes him jump and goes over to Audrey. He then says he will be there in a minute. He says he has to go. Sally says it's Christmas. David smiling says Oscars all round. Maureen asks what he means and David says Bill has been a dirty dog. The girls laugh. David then asks Bill who he is sleeping with tonight, his wife or his gran. He then lights the dumpling and has the biggest grin on his face. Maureen shocked get up and knocks the table over and they all shout to put water over the dumpling.

Platt's again and Audrey says she is sorry. Bill says he will speak to her. Maureen asks what he is going to say. Audrey says they didn't mean for it to happen but Maureen says she does not want her pity, as she is a cow. David tells his mum she should put her feet up but she tells him not to speak to her. The girls thank Gail for Christmas dinner and say it was ...but stop and say "tat". David is sat smiling. Bill asks Maureen to let him explain but she says he would only be stating the obvious.

Duckworth's and Tyron says he is finished the dishes. Vera is confused and says she thinks aliens have invaded Jack's body. Vera then says the aliens would not have him. Jack says they would take one look at her and they would want him. Vera tells them to get going then. Molly gives Tyron money and says she is going to get him a pint and says, if they come back in half an hour they can have the leftovers. They hurry out. Molly tells Vera she is training them like a dog. Rewarding the good behavior, ignoring the bad. She says she is going to get a whole new Jack.

Back garden of the Platt's Maureen is sobbing. Bill comes up to her and says it is what is seems. He says he was lonely without her. She says he is playing happy families with Audrey. Bill says it does not mean he does not love her. She says he is a dirty man. Bill says he didn't know she was going to come. She shouts asking if that makes it right. David opens the window and asks if they have sorted things out. Maureen goes. Bill goes after her.

Outside Maureen says she is going to the hotel she booked for them and opens the car door. Sally and Kevin come out the Platt's house. Sally says she tried to get them to stop. Maureen says she was having dinner with both of them and making out they were married. She gets in the car and goes. Bill says for them not to look at him like that as he feels bad and asks if Audrey is still in there and if he should go talk to her. Sally says she thinks they should just go and let it things settle.

Back at the Platt's Audrey comes down the stairs and says it's all quiet. David tells her he thought he was going to be the main event but she totally eclipsed him. She tells him to shut up and tells Gail she is sorry. Gail says the day was in tatters anyway but she didn't help. David then says in Ivy's diary she referred to Audrey as a flighty piece and asks if that is code for slapper. Audrey shouts telling him to shut up. She says he is a stupid boy and wished that Gail did get rid of him as it would be better for the rest of them. Gail then shouts at her mum saying she can't say that about her child and she's been trying to tell him he is wanted. She then shouts telling her mum just to go. Audrey goes. David smiling his head off says someone in the family says what they really think of him. He then presses the button for his reindeer antlers, that plays music and flashes and he gives a look like he is so smart. Gail says nothing but looks as if she could hit him.

Webster's and Roise says she didn't know her granddad was going to be the entertainment. Sophie says she was almost going to explode, as it was so funny. Bill thinks he has blown it with Maureen. Sophie says she will soon forgive him. Sally says she thought it was going to be Sophie and Rosie who was going to make all the trouble as Gail shouted at them and not David. Kevin says he knows David was out of order but says it was funny. Everyone else agrees and starts laughing.

At the Rovers Audrey sits next to Sarah and Jason. Sarah asks how it went after she left. Audrey tells them she does not want to talk about it now and just sit in silence. Sarah says yeah. Jason asks if it's all right if he and Sarah speak. Audrey just looks. Blanche asks how much money Cilla needs to go swimming with whales. Deirdre says dolphins. Blanche says whales would be better suited for her and they would get less of a fright. Ken says she is ill but she says she is not paying a penny till she sees a doctor's note. Norris says she is the true image of Christmas. She says at least she does not let her friends down and reminds Norris he said he would walk Emily home from church. He quickly gets up and goes. Betty comes through from the back and tells Steve is five minutes is up. He asks if she is asleep and Betty says yes and he will be there to calm her if she wakes up. Betty says she is bored. He says he will be through in five. He then tells Liz he gets bored through there as well.

Outside Bill and Kevin are walking along the street. Bill says he has never cheated before and is a moron. Kevin says he believes him and tells him to stop going on. As they head for the Rovers Bill says he should keep his head down. Kevin then says Wetherfield Arms it is and they head back the other way. Norris says sorry and blames Rita. He says she never stops talking when she's had a few drinks in her. Emily says it's ok and she normally walks home from church on her own. A young girl walking holding a baby asks them if she knows anyone called Grimshaw. Emily says yes and they live at number eleven. She walks on and Norris says it will not kill her to stay thank you. The girl says thanks and goes. Emily tells him she does not think it was bad manners as the girl looks preoccupied. Norris says she can't be in a hurry as he thinks she would hurry up just to keep warm, as the girl does not have a lot of clothes on. Emily says it's none of their business and tells Norris they should go. The girl stops before crossing the road, looks at the baby in her arms and takes a deep breath.

Grimshaw's household and Violet is sobbing at the movie. Eileen asks if any one is getting hungry for real food. She then says they think she is going to break first. Violet and Sean both nod. The doorbell goes and she says they think she is going to get that as well. Again Violet and Sean both nod and start laughing. Eileen gets up and heads for the door.

Outside Eileen opens the door to the young girl with the baby. Eileen says hi and the girl asks for Jason. Eileen says he is out at the moment. The girl then says Jason Grimshaw who is a builder. Eileen then says yeah and she thinks they are talking about the same guy. The girl says her name is Emma and she met him in heaven and hell night club last Christmas. Eileen jokes and asks if he missed their one-year anniversary or something. Emma says she is a really good girl but just can't manage any more. She says she has tried and tried but can't take it any more. She gives the baby to Eileen and runs. Eileen shouts saying she will ring Jason. Sean and Violet come out. Eileen says for them to go after her. Sean goes after her and Violet looking at the baby says no way.

At the Grimshaw's house Sean says she just left you holding the baby literally. Eileen says yes and tells him he needs to go to gym. Sean blames the slippers and says they slowed him down. Violet says if it is Jason's he should be helping out. Eileen says from what she can remember of motherhood is soon going to change. Eileen then says if it is Jason they are going to need a king carrying gold. Violet asks if she should call Jason and get him back. Eileen says yes and to say it is urgent, very flaming urgent.

Over at the Rovers Vernon asks Tyron and Jack if they want another pint. Jack says they have to get back for the leftovers and says no to the pint. They then leave. Emily tells them about the services the church did. Deirdre says apart from not seeing Tracy she has had a really good day so far. Rita says she wished she went to church as she's not sang a carol. Norris asks if she is going to sing one now. She says no and Norris says he was just checking. Audrey tells Sarah she had a falling out with her mum. Jason's mobile goes off. Audrey says she said something unforgivable. Just then Jason says yeah and asks what is up. He puts down his mobile and tells Sarah there is an emergency and has to go. Sarah gets up as well and goes with him. Audrey is left on her own.

Over at the Grimshaw's Sean asks what its name is. Eileen says she didn't say and then says that's her granddaughter and she is a... but stops. Sean says a granny but Eileen says she refuses to be called that. Just then Jason and Sarah come in. Jason asks what that is. Eileen says the stork dropped off a baby. Violet and Sean say they are going to the pub. Eileen says according to Emma who dumped her on her says it's his. Emma said she is tired of looking after it and it's his turn. Jason says no it's not his. Sarah hits him calling him a pig. He says he does not know who Emma is.

Outside Sean and Violet are listening and say ouch.

Gimshaw's Eileen says he is not the builder called Jason Grimshaw who lives here. Sarah gives him a look.

Outside Violet says, that is a shocker then asks if he thinks it is Jason's. Sean jokes saying it is ugly enough to be his and they head for the pub. Claire and Ashley are walking. Her earring is caught again and Ashley says he will be glad when tomorrow comes so she does not feel obliged to wear them. They pass Violet and Sean and say merry Christmas. Claire takes them out. Ashley says it was good getting married on Christmas day but there is not a lot of places to go out to. Claire says he is lucky she is a cheap date and they go in the Rovers.

Back at the Grimshaws Jason says he does not understand and asks where. Eileen tells him heaven and hell. He says he has never been then but then says oh. Sarah says so you have been. Eileen asks if it was a successful night. Sarah then says when it looks like they are going to get back together he does something or something happens. She storms out. He tells her it's not his. Eileen tells him not to think about leaving. He says again it's not his and wants nothing to do with it. He then goes and Eileen says neither does she.

Platt's David comes in with his alloy wheels. He says he never seen her. Gail asks if it would have made a difference if he did. Gail then asks if he has any thing to say about today. David say if today has shown them anything it's that you reap what you sow and says she is reaping what she sowed all those years ago. Gail asks what right he has to punish her for what feeling and thoughts she had before he was born. He says, if she puts it like that he is going. Gail says after they way he acted today he is not going anywhere for a month. He says she is not catching on. David then says he is now sixteen and can do what he wants. She tells him not while he is under her roof. David then asks if she hears that ping and says it's the cotton thread of parental authority snapping. He says he does what he wants now and she will never tell him what to do again and walks out.

Over at the Rovers and Audrey says he didn't. Sarah says it's such a mess. Audrey says they are a pair. Both of them get their drinks and start drowning their sorrows. Claire asks Ashley if he is glad he married her. He asks what sort of a question that is and tells her he loves her and would have never got through this without her. She says they are a team. He smiles and says he wishes his dad were here. Steve asks why they are open on Christmas day. Liz says it would confuse the punters if there were not open. Betty comes through with Amy and says that is all she is doing and he it taking advantage. He takes her and sits her on the bar. Vernon puts a song on from the juke box and it's Queen's 'Somebody To Love'. The music plays as Steve holds Amy in his arms. Vernon kisses Liz.

The music continues as Eileen holds the baby walking back and forth in her home. She then looks at the baby. Emma the girl who left the baby with them is crying against a wall. In the Rovers Claire and Ashley kiss. Steve still has Amy in his arms and is slowing turning back and forth. Jason out in his back garden kicks the wall and then turns round and leans on it most likely thinking he has lost Sarah for good. Sarah and Audrey are sat at the table in the Rovers both looking up set. Audrey picks up her glass and Sarah nods. David is in his car and Gail shouts for him to listen to her. She starts to beg but he has headphones on and turns up the music. Gail has a look of shock on her face.

Back at the Rovers the music still plays but not as loud. Vernon pours more wine for everyone. Rita says they have forgot something. Ken asks what and she says a toast. Rita says come on. Ken, Deirdre, Blanch, Norris, Emily and Rita lift their glasses and all say happy Christmas.

And that's all for the Christmas day episode. I hope you all had a good one and Merry Christmas to you all.

This report is copyright M@nda

Amanda Souter

Wednesday 27 December

Greetings! Hope everyone had a really happy and enjoyable Christmas, and I hope the new year brings health and happiness to all.

Sean arrives home with a baby seat he's borrowed from Claire. Eileen wonders why Claire herself won't be needing it and Sean tells her that Claire is very organised and has two. Jason walks in and demands to know why 'that' is crying. Eileen snaps that perhaps it's because she's been dumped on strangers and is missing her mother. She reminds Jason that this is his daughter. He insists that it is nothing to do with him.

Outside, Les tells Yana that they've raised over £600 for Cilla's appeal. Yana pats his arm and gives him a comforting kiss on the cheek, telling him not to upset himself. He tells her he's going to get Cilla into the pub at lunchtime so that Liz can hand over the money. Yana says she'll see him later. However, all this has been watched by Cilla from the upstairs window across the road.

Jason turns up to see Sarah, who is in the middle of clearing up the mess made on the disastrous Christmas Day. He starts to assure her that the baby is nothing to do with him, but Sarah is not impressed. She asks if he's heard himself, and suggests he grows up and starts taking responsibility. "Every time something happens, you just run away," she tells him, "oh just go away!"

In the Duckworth household, Vera is trying without success to get Jack to lay the table for breakfast. Then Molly walks in and tells him that if he gets the table laid she'll give him an extra portion of bacon. Vera is amazed to see Jack leap to his feet. He tries to pinch a piece of bacon as he passes the cooker but Molly says sharply, "No! Lay the table and then sit!" (Obviously using the same training methods as for the dogs!)

Bill has been sleeping on the sofa in Kevin's front room when Sally comes in with the hoover. "It's after nine, Bill," she says primly, but then Kevin comes in a turns it off. Bill admits that she has every right to be angry with him, but she says it's not for herself, but it's the fact that the girls' Christmas was spoilt. Kevin however, reckons that the girls loved every minute of it. Bill says that it was better for them than being stuck in front of the tv all day. "The Granddad Show was more entertaining," he says. Sally goes off to make a cup of tea and Bill tells Kevin that he knows he has messed up big time. Kevin asks what he's going to do now, but he says he doesn't know.

The social worker is visiting, and Eileen asks what will happen to the baby. She's told that they'll make every effort to find the mother, and in the meantime she'll be put with foster parents. Eileen isn't happy at the idea of the baby being passed from pillar to post and thinks she would be better staying with them. The social worker seems to think that would be a good idea, and Sean and Violet say they'll be around to help.

Audrey arrives at Gail's, obviously regretting what she said to David on Christmas Day. She asks where he is, saying she feels awful and would like to apologise. Gail thinks he's upstairs, but adds that he's not talking to her. Audrey admits that what she said to him was unforgivable, and Gail agrees that it was, but tells her mother that so was what David did. "We've survived worse," she tells her, giving her a hug.

Back at the Duckworth's, Vera tells Molly that she's expecting Jack to come in at any minute and say he's just going for a quick pint, and then they won't see him til the dinner is ruined. Molly says that men are like dogs, they need simple commands, and to have their good behaviour praised and their bad behaviour ignored. She suggests that Vera tells Jack what time she wants him home, and tells him to have a good time. Vera says she doesn't want him to have a good time, she just wants him home for his dinner. Molly reminds her that her way worked this morning. Just then Jack comes in and, true to form, says he's going to take Tyrone for a swift half. Vera smiles and tells him to have a good time and that dinner will be ready at 2pm. Jack goes off looking rather stunned. Once he's gone though, Vera turns to Molly, "If he's back for two, then I'm the Duchess of Kent!"

Maureen arrives at Sally and Kevin's front door, and is spotted by Audrey who rushes over from Gail's. "Oh here she is!" snorts Maureen, "checking up on your boyfriend are you?" Audrey says that she never intended to hurt anyone, but Maureen is angry and says she had always heard Audrey was a go-er but thought she would have given up when she got her bus pass. Audrey retorts that Maureen ran off with Bill before the ink was dry on her marriage certificate to Fred. Maureen rants at Bill that she can't understand him playing away with an old prune like Audrey. (Actually - neither can I!)

Sally then explodes that she's had enough of her Christmas being ruined by a bunch of randy geriatrics! She tells Bill to go and sort things out, but Maureen says he needn't bother, she's going home. She tells Audrey she's welcome to him, and drives off. Bill turns to Audrey and asks her to go for a drink with him to sort things out. Audrey starts to say no, but to Gail's irritation she then changes her mind and off she goes.

In the pub, Jack is not happy with Vera's sudden lenient attitude. He tells Tyrone he's sure she's up to something. Tyrone says Vera just wants him to enjoy himself, but Jack is not convinced. "The smile," he mutters, "never quite reaches the eyes."

Les takes the card into the pub and gives it to Liz for people to sign, and tells her he'll be bringing Cilla in at around 2pm so they can give it to her.

Bill tells Audrey he's going to have to after Maureen, they've been together ten years, he hopes she understands. (Not sure Maureen will!) She assures him she knew he was married, but it was lovely while it lasted. He says she is an amazing woman. She laughs and tells him to tell her something she didn't know! He asks if she wants another drink but she says no, it's best they say their goodbyes now. He kisses her on the cheek and departs.

Charlie and Tracy arrive back from their Christmas break to find that Steve has taken Amy to a Christmas show in town. Charlie is pleased and tells Tracy they can have more time in the pub. He goes off to put some music on the jukebox and as soon as his back is turned Tracy starts flirting with Liam.

Jason arrives home to find the house quiet. He assumes that Social Services have taken the baby away but Eileen tells him that she's actually asleep in the front room and Social Services have said that she can stay with them for the time being. "But she might not even be mine!" he says, horrified. "Oh, 'might not be' now is it?" says Eileen, "earlier it was 'definitely isn't'." She pulls a hair out of his head and asks if she's going to have to get a DNA test. She then hands him a list of things to go and get for the baby. "Think of it as a treasure hunt, a Christmas party game, and don't come back til you've got it all."

Yana goes into the pub and tells Liz that Cilla will be there in five minutes. Liz says that everyone has signed the card and they've had all the money changed into notes. Yana says that Cilla will be thrilled and asks for half a lager. Liz says it's on the house so Yana changes her mind and asks for a rum and coke – a large one!

Jack and Tyrone are on their way back home when they bump into Les and Cilla in the street. Jack touches Les's arm and wishes him a happy Christmas. Cilla comments that people have certainly found their neighbourly streak since her 'diagnosis'.

Jack and Tyrone go on inside, with Jack tapping his watch. "Two o'clock on the dot, my little cabbage patch doll," he says to Vera, who looks amazed. Vera then starts to tell Molly that the Yorkshire puddings are still in the oven. Molly looks at Jack, "Jack?" she says. Jack takes the hint, "You sit down, my little swamp duck," he says, and goes to get them. Vera looks shocked.

In the pub, Cilla isn't sure why they're there, they're skint. Yana says she'll get the drinks, so Cilla immediately orders a large vodka and tonic.

Charlie is playing on the fruit machine, so Liam goes to sit next to Tracy and asks if he can buy her a drink. She tells him he'd better not, she's got a very jealous boyfriend. Liam says he doesn't look that bothered, and anyway he's only being neighbourly. Tracy smirks and says in that case she'll have a red wine.

Liz then makes an announcement to the pub. She says that everyone has been chipping in and giving what they can, in addition to the 'mushy pea bath'. She hands the envelope to Cilla who opens it and looks suitably abashed to see the wad of notes inside. "There's only one condition," says Liz, "don't spend it wisely!"

Cilla reads out the card, "From all your friends and neighbours, wishing you well." Les tells her there is over 600 quid in there. Cilla says, "There are people who deserve this far more than me, thank you." Then she adds, "Thank you to everyone, but if I have to thank anyone it's Les, just remember this is all down to him!"

Over at a table, Blanche moans to Deirdre, "I never got owt for my hip." Deirdre is shocked, "Mother," she hisses, "she's got cancer!"

Yana tells Cilla it was worth every minute in the bath of peas, just to see the look on her face. "What did I do to deserve a pair like you?" she says. Then she gets up to say she's off to book her holiday to swim with dolphins. "No point in hanging about, is there," she says, "I don't know how long I've got left." She tells Les that Yana will keep him company, and goes.

Charlie comes back to the table and says he thought he'd find her flirting with 'slack jaw'. She tells him that Liam is all right. He sneers and says Liam is one chromosome short of a potato. Tracy says that she thinks in order to even things up between them, she should sleep with someone else, after all, he cheated on her twice. Charlie laughs and says she never stops surprising him – then he grabs her face and tells her not to push it.

Jason arrives back with the things for the baby, moaning that they've cost him a fortune. "I can't believe I got lumbered with a baby just because of a one-night stand," he groans. (Wake up boy! It happens to girls all the time!) Eileen asks why he didn't use protection. "Have I taught you nothing?" she asks him. She suggests he goes to the health centre, this baby might not be the only thing he picked up from his drunken leg-over. He protests that he always uses protection, it was just that once. Eileen remarks that she wonders how many unwanted and neglected kids are running around because of mistakes like that. She says she's going for a lie down. Jason is horrified. "Hang on, what about her?" he looks at the baby. Eileen tells him he'll have to manage, and leaves him alone with his daughter. (If she is his daughter – can we be sure?)

Anne Logan

Friday 29 December

It's the last Friday of the year, and here we are in the street again.

Cilla's obviously not a well woman – she's being nice to Fizz, who is worried that going on an international flight might be too much for her mum. As they walk towards Cilla's hair appointment at the salon, Cilla tells them they never know what's round the corner. "We might not all get as far as the airport," she says with a knowing smile.

At Number 7, Jamie's telling off Frankie for not wearing the jacket he got her. She's saving it for Spain, but he wants to see how fantastic she looks in it. She seems worried but Jamie tells her it'll all be different once they get to Spain. She wants to go to the cafe to see Roy because she feels as if she's leaving him in the lurch.

Jason knocks on the Platts' door. He tells Sarah he's faced up to things. He admits the baby is his daughter. But he's still having nowt to do with it. "Bethany is more my kid than that baby is." Sarah doesn't think calling the baby "it" is facing up to things. "I was on the receiving end of a lad like you once, but he was 13," she says. "Just go away, Jason," and she shuts the door in his face.

Sean calls in at the pub and tells Michelle, Violet and Betty they're the spitting image of the Beverly sisters (he's right, in a spooky sort of way!). Sean wants to know if Liz will need him to work New Year's Eve. Michelle says she won't be there, so he'll probably have to work. The others tell Sean Michelle will be going out with Sonny. "It'll be the best New Year I've had in a while," she agrees, while Steve listens to the whole conversation from the hall behind the bar. Steve comes through and tells Betty he wants to talk. Out in the hall he tells her she's too old to be working till 3am on NY Eve. She's mightily offended. Steve tells her he just has her best interests at heart and he's an enlightened employer. "Yeah? Well if you were, you'd know that age discrimination's been done away with!" (She's right – there's a new Act in the UK) "Betty, you're a hundred if you're a day. You deserve a..." and he's brought up short by Betty's threatening finger and her saying: "You deserve a clout!"

Jason's back home and grumping at his mother about her not just giving the baby to Social Services. She has another go at him about not understanding the basic facts of reproduction. There's a knock at the door and Jason refuses to answer.

It's Sarah, with a buggy, and Sean and Emily watch as she keeps knocking. "Does this mean that Jason's keeping the baby?" Aunty Em asks. Sean says he is for now, because he doesn't have much choice. Jason finally answers and refuses the buggy, but Eileen, behind him, accepts.

Sean's called in to see Jamie. He's upset about Jamie going to Spain. He upsets Jamie by pointing out that Jamie doing a vanishing act makes him just like Danny.

Les has a video camera which Ken Barlow lent him.

In the pub, Steve tries to tell his mother that Betty shouldn't be working. Liz thinks Betty would rather be there than stuck at home on her own. Steve says she's happy to join in the fun. "I just don't think she should be serving till one o'clock in the morning then cleaning up for another couple of hours." Liz thinks Vernon can help. Steve points out that Vernon will be drunk by ten. "I hope so," says Vernon cheerfully. Steve asks Liz who the punters would rather see behind the bar – Michelle or Betty. "Michelle," votes Jack from a nearby table. Liz agrees to ask her. Steve points out that Liz is the boss and can tell her. Yana and Cilla come in, with Cilla apologising. She'd left her purse at home and Yana had to pay for her hair and her nails. Yana offers her a drink, now. After a brief protest, Cilla accepts a double vodka.

Jamie calls in to close the paper account and buy a few magazines and to get interrogated by Norris about the reasons. Rita doesn't think the interrogation is necessary. "Are the magazines for your mother? For the journey?" Norris asks poisonously. "My mother lives in Birmingham," Jamie says. "She buys her own magazines." Rita wishes Jamie all the best for the future. As he leaves, he meets Violet. She tells him it'll change things but he says he'll still stand by her and the baby. "There's no need," she insists and leaves the shop without buying anything.

Les tells Cilla they're going to have a wonderful time. Chesney says she might even get a miracle cure. As Kirk aims the video-camera at her, Cilla starts to tell a few home truths. She says Yana is the last person she'd take with her, but if Fizz had a passport handy she'd take her and Kirk. "He's a daft beggar, but he's honest. Keep t'camera turning." Les says he's all set to go to Florida. "You're not," Cilla tells him. "You're stopping here with her. I know what the pair of you did, Les, and if you think you're flying to Florida with me after that, you can think again. You and her, you're going nowhere."

Eileen is trying to persuade Jason to come with her to take baby Holly out. He's refusing. He says he's reading the paper. "You are going to be the proud father pushing his daughter around the park." There's some "You are" "I'm not" to-ing and fro-ing until Eileen says she'll make him go. She grasps him by the ear and twists. That at least gets him to his feet and out of the front door, but he refuses to push the buggy. "Put your hands on there and be proud of your daughter." They set off down the street but have got about six feet when they're met by Norris and Emily. Norris scoffs at the name Holly at the same time as Emily is cooing over the baby. As Emily and Norris move away, Jason tells his mother she's had her fun and heads back inside. "The joys of fatherhood are fleeting, apparently," mutters Norris.

The camera is still rolling as Yana tells Cilla she led Les on. "In front of my little boy," Cilla accuses. Les is upset. "I'm begging, you Cilla. We might not have long left together," he pleads to Cilla. She says he's right, they've got about 15 minutes. This upsets Chesney, who thinks she means she's going to die in 15 minutes. Kirk, whose brain is much smaller than Chesney's, puts the camera down. "Is she? What's going on?" Cilla tells him to keep filming. She tells Chesney she got the all-clear before Christmas. Fizz is appalled. Les is ecstatic. "You're cured?" he asks joyously. "Cured of thinking you're the best thing that ever happened to me!" Cilla snaps. "Cured of thinking you're my best mate," she says to Yana. She tells Chesney she intends living to a ripe old age and enjoying every minute of it. Fizz points out that Cilla's had everyone worried, and Chesney in bits, because she lied about the cancer. Cilla is unrepentant. "I were trying to get me own back, but it got out of hand."

In the Rovers, Liz is trying to persuade Michelle that she'd be better than Betty working on New Year's Eve. Michelle points out that Liz said she had the night off, so she's made plans. "I'm sorry. I need you. You can have a different night off – take your pick!" As an annoyed Michelle turns back towards the bar, Steve and Jack quickly turn away as if they haven't been listening. She has a moan, but Paul points out that, after all, she is a barmaid. "Leave it to me," says Steve. "I'll have a word." No, I don't know what he's playing at, either. Frankie and Jamie come in, causing a sudden hush to fall over the pub. Jamie goes to talk to Violet and gives her their address in Spain and tries to give her some money, but she won't accept. Vernon, trying to be smart, tells Jamie his mother is waiting for him. He asks if she likes cocktails. "I bet she fancies sex on the beach..." WHACK! That's the sound of Jamie lamping him one. Frankie is horrified and refuses to leave the pub with Jamie. "I'm not going anywhere with you when you're like this." Like what, he asks. "Like your dad."

Cilla is getting into the taxi but Chesney refuses to go with her, even though his ticket's been paid for. Rita and Norris take an interest. Rita is worried about Cilla loading her own luggage. "I'm cured. There's nowt wrong wi' me," she says.

In the pub, Liz has taken Frankie into the back room and gets her a drink. She tries to find out how Frankie got herself into a state. She tells Liz she only went back to Danny because she wanted what they had 20 years ago. Now she realises that Jamie is getting more and more like Danny every day. "For a while, I really thought I was in love with him." Now, she doesn't know what she thinks about anything.

Chesney is still refusing to go. "You said you were gonna die." Cilla says that's what she told Les. "I told you I were gonna be fine." She tells Chesney the biggest fairground in the world is waiting for him. "I'm not going. You're the worst mother in the world. I wish you were dead," he says. Kirk is still taping all this. Les is still apologising. But Cilla steels herself and gets into the taxi. "I'll bring you back a present," she tells a weeping Fizz, and the taxi drives away.

The End
Margaret Carr
(Richard is away, so I don't know when you'll get the next update from the slacker who's standing in!)

Sunday 31 December

Here we are then, an update from last year!

As Sunday's episode opens, Jamie's giving Frankie the benefit of his advice on suitcase packing, but she thinks she knows how to pack. He can't understand why she's being so grumpy. "Is it ‘cause I decked Vernon?" He offers to go down and apologise. Frankie tells him she doesn't care what he does, and then tells him Liz is a mate of hers and Jamie was well out of order. "Make up your mind," he tells her, slamming the door as he leaves in a huff.

Fizz is in the Rovers very early, but with what her mother's put the family through, she tells Michelle she thinks she deserves it and she's lucky she's not on the meths. Liz reminds Michelle that it's fancy dress for staff, with the theme of stars of the silver screen. Liz bustles off to organise someone else, and Fizz asks Michelle what Liz is coming as. Michelle: "Lassie?" Jamie comes in looking for Vernon and Liz shouts for him to come out into the bar. "I'm trying to watch me Sweeny DVD..." he starts to complain. Ian Reddington is such a good actor. As Vernon spots Jamie, a look comes over his face, sort of a cross between arrogance, righteousness, and gloating. "Oh, look who it is. Oedipus." "I'm sorry," says Jamie. "I'm normal," says Vernon, heading back to his DVD. As Jamie tries to head for the door, his way is blocked by Paul, on his way in. Jamie thinks Paul just wants to have a go, but Paul claims he's come to wish Jamie well.

Jamie heads home to tell Frankie he's apologised, but the house is empty.

Les is sitting, head in his hands, complaining that he's going to have to give back all the dosh. And he's broke. "I'll flaming well kill her," he mutters. "What about you?" asks Chesney. Les points out that he didn't lie to anyone. "I thought it were true." Chesney points out that Les lied about him and Yana. If he hadn't done that, Cilla wouldn't have been forced to lie about having cancer. "Forced?" asks Les. "What about all the time she was seeing fellas behind my back?" He says he forgave Cilla for those. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," intones Chesney, confusing Les. "My English teacher, Mrs Prakash, she's got it on a coaster." Les sits beside Chesney on the sofa, telling him he's not whiter than white in all this. He knew about Les and Yana but didn't rush to tell his mother. "And then telling her, telling your own mother, you wished she were dead. Stick that on a coaster!"

Sean arrives to say goodbye to Jamie. He's bought him a smart business shirt. After all, it ‘s not every day your bezzy mate goes off to Spain. "I won't be able to look at me Enrique Iglesias calendar without bursting into tears. Jamie's more worried about Frankie.

Les catches Steve in the street to ask if he can do a shift. He points out that Cilla lied to him as well. Steve agrees that if Les does his shift for free, Steve will call off the debt with all the other drivers (all? other drivers?). On the switch tonight will be Fat Brenda, moonlighting from Ladycabs in Levenshulme. Les asks Kirk if he and Fizz can keep an eye on Chesney tonight.

Eileen doesn't know why baby Holly is crying. And Jason can't work out why Eileen doesn't know. She quotes from page 3 of an imaginary baby manual that says when your baby cries, feed her. Eileen needs the loo, but Jason refuses to hold Holly. "Page number eight: When your surly 23-year-old rejects his daughter, punch him." And she does. Jason still thinks the baby should be put into care. Eileen thinks maybe that would have been a good way out when Jason was a baby. Instead, she robbed to put food into his mouth. And the "most stupidest" thing is, she tells him, that she doesn't regret it at all. She hands him the baby, who is absolutely gorgeous and who just stares back at him.

Jack is voluntarily clearing the table and offers to make a cup of tea for Vera. She smiles gratefully at him, then mutters to Molly that she doesn't like it, this new man malarkey. "I've got no-one to argue with." It makes her feel like a spare part and she wants her old Jack back. Jack bellows out "You are my sunshine!" and Vera says, "This is weird, this."

Frankie finally arrives back home, but Jamie's relief turns to disbelief as she tells him she can't go through with it.

In the pub, the dressed-up staff have arrived. Violet is Marilyn Munro (Seven-Year Itch version). Michelle is Kirsten Dunst. Michelle tries to guess what Steve's come as as he descends the stairs. "Er . . . Shrek?" she guesses. He moves past them to the door of the back room. "Nobody comes in here," he says, with menace. Liz comes in, dressed in a black waistcoat and wearing a bowler hat (we can only see as far as her waist – she probably is wearing more than this). "I love Stan Laurel," says Michelle. "I'm Sally Bowles!" says a suddenly grumpy Liz. Sean comes in dressed as a cowboy. "Carry On Cowboy?" asks Violet. "Brokeback Mountain," he mutters sulkily. Violet's on her own at the foot of the stairs when Steve whispers for her to come into the back room. The table is set with champagne and candles and strewn with rose petals. "Can you do me a favour and make sure Michelle's in here by midnight?" he asks. "You bad, bad lad. What are you like?" she teases.

Jamie can't understand why Frankie has changed her mind. But she thinks that no matter where they go and what they do, she'll always be waiting for Danny to turn up and tell everyone what they really are. "It's not incest!" he insists. "Then why does it feel like it is?" she demands. He thinks going away and making a fresh start will solve it all. A taxi toots outside. Frankie says she's going to go and stay with a mate in Essex. Jamie is crying. Frankie has always been there. "I can't live if you're not here," he says. "Jamie, if you love me like you say you love me, then you'll keep on going." He says she can't leave, but she points out that she's not his mum, so she can. "Go then," he says angrily, and she does, looking back just once before shutting the front door.

Michelle is angry because she has to work. Steve's through watching telly and he could have worked so she could be with Sonny now. Violet tries to cheer her up by talking about the tips they'll make. Kirk comes in with Chesney and asks Vernon if Ches can stay. "He's no trouble. He's not got an Asbo* or owt like that." Vernon says it'll be fine if he keeps Chesney away from the bar. Ches is a bit gutted that he can't have a shandy, though. Over in a booth, Vera is complaining about Jack's breath, which smells like . . . well, she can't say in polite company, but his pigeons do a lot of it. Tracy and Charlie have come in and Tracy's asking Jason if, with Charlie having played away, she should pick one of the men in the bar to sleep with. Jason doesn't want to get involved. Charlie points out that the man she's selected can see she's with him. "No, he probably thinks I'm a fag hag – out with a couple of my gay mates," she says, turning to say hello to the man. Sean tells Violet he has to go out.

He's just in time to see Jamie watch Frankie leave, with not a word said between them. She turns her tear-stained face to look back as the black cab moves away. Sean puts his arm around Jamie's shoulders and they go inside. Nearby, Paul has been watching and he calls someone on his mobile phone.

Vera is still poking a metaphorical sharp stick at Jack, trying to provoke him into a fight. She tells him he reminds her of Michael Foot. His jumper is horrible. Jack replies that she told him to wear it, but Vera denies this. He can't have heard her properly. It's age catching up with him. "Aye, well it must be affecting my eyesight, because I'm still sat with you!" he snaps. Molly explains that Vera's trying to get the old Jack back. She tells Tyrone about the dog-training techniques. "I hope you've not been trying them on me!" he says indignantly. She hasn't, she reassures him, popping tidbits into his mouth and patting him on the shoulder.

In the back room, Steve sits waiting when he suddenly hears the New Year count-down. He rushes through into the bar with two glasses of wine, only to find Michelle busy kissing Sonny. "I'm sorry," says Violet.

Vera and Jack are trading insults properly now, and Vera couldn't look happier. Sonny tells Michelle that if he had to choose between a party and her, there was no contest.

Out in the street, many of the Rovers' patrols are dancing an exuberant "Auld Lang Syne" dance. Oops, more than patrons. They include Liz and Steve. Liz asks where Vernon is, but Steve doesn't know.

In fact, Vernon has just gone into the back room and discovered free champagne. Liz comes in and is taken aback. "Oh, Vernon. Have you done all this for me?" she asks. "Happy New Year, Tiger," he says.

Steve has taken his spare glass of wine up to Eileen's, where she, babe in arms, is watching the merriment from the window. Tracy is flirting with the bunch of blokes from the pub, but Charlie has had enough and drags her away. This is clearly just what she wanted in front of witnesses. Eileen and Steve clink glasses as they watch. "Very pleasant bouquet," she says. Steve says it wasn't cheap. "Classy drink for a classy bird," she agrees.

Violet takes her fruit juice and goes to sit on the stairs. She pats her belly affectionately. "Happy New Year, you."

At the Baldwins', the phone goes and Sean hands it to Jamie to answer, it case it's Frankie changing her mind. But it's not. It's Danny. "Hello, boy," he says, from what looks like quite a fancy party. "Sorry to hear about you and Frankie." Jamie stands up. "You bastard. How did you know?" Danny tells him he's sorted the factory and sold the flat and its contents. "So do us a favour. Shove the key through the letterbox, there's a good lad." Jamie says "you two deserve each other." He clearly thinks Frankie is with Danny. Danny wishes him well, which he can do with a beautiful woman on one arm and the glass of champagne in his hand. Jamie ends the call and tells Jamie Danny has been manipulating everything all along. "How does he do it?" he shouts. "How does he flaming well do it?" and he flings the phone handset away.

In a riverside apartment many miles away, Danny watches fireworks with the young lady hanging on to his arm. "Not bad at all," he says

*Anti-social behaviour order

The End.
Margaret Carr

Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Joanne McCartney, Martin Rosen, Ann Logan, Sue Haasler, Margaret Carr, Duncan Lindsay, Amanda Souter.