Friday 1 October

We start tonightās episode with Charlie trying to persuade Shelley to come back early from the hen night sheās going to. Liz interrupts and Shelley tells her that as sheās away sheās going to put Charlie in charge. Liz is not pleased!

Martin has paid £165 to have the squirrels removed from Gailās loft. Tommy gives Fred the rattle back and Fred tells him to keep stum. ćObviouslyä says Tommy!

Kirk is comparing Maria to a dog! He says that her love life may be a disaster and maybe no one likes her but sheās still a nice person. Maria asks if this is supposed to be cheering her up!

Charlie says goodbye to Shelley as she goes off to the hen night. He goes back into the pub and Liz asks him about his fling with Shelleyās mum. He tells her it was a mistake and says that as far as heās concerned Liz is in charge of the pub.

Kirk asks Tyrone to persuade Maria to go the pub.

Kevinās family are waiting for the Rosieās friend Pippa to arrive. Chesney starts choking on an olive but donāt worry heās ok! Someone knocks on the door and Sally opens it. Itās Pippa Popadopalis!

Charlie sees Liz coming his way and turns up his music.

Tyrone is at Mariaās door. He asks her if she wants to go for a drink later and she agrees. He is very happy!

Liz has come into Charlieās office to apologise about having a go at him earlier. He accepts and she wants to know if they can start again. He says itās a good idea and they shake on it.

Sally and family are out at dinner. Sally finds out that Pippaās parents run a kebab shop. Jason and Candice decide they are going out together. Liz is struggling behind the bar but Charlie canāt help because heās going out so Steve offers.

Pippa is talking about her family. She says she thinks her family doesnāt have class and that itās too late for her to be adopted by another family. She says that Oak Hill has taught her that sheās different from her family and that when she grows up sheās going to move as far away from her parents as possible.

Fred gives Roy his rattle back. He sees Steve behind the bar and asks whatās going on but Liz explains. Roy shows Martin the rattle and he finds out that the squirrels came from Fredās house!

Charlie, Jason and Jamie's brother are out at a club. Charlie sees two women and decides to see if he can pull them. He brings them over for the boys. Martin questions Tommy about the rattle and he admits it but points him towards Fred. Tyrone and Maria are having a drink together. Fred reluctantly gives Martin the £165 that he had to pay to get the squirrels removed. Tyrone is about to tell Maria how he feels but she interrupts. She makes him promise that whoever they go out with theyāll always be friends and he agrees.

The lads take the girls to another club and leave Charlie.

Liz and Steve are in the pub talking about his dad and Karen. She sends him home to Karen.

Sally is worried about what Rosie says about her and Kevin to her mates. Kevin says that they canāt change who they are but Sally thinks that they are changing her by sending her to that school. She thinks that when she grows up sheāll move away from them. Kevin tells Sally that everything will be ok. He also says that he never wants to lose Sally ever again.

Charlie has come back to the pub. He gets himself and Liz a drink. They start talking about the pub and empty houses (!) and Liz says heās quite deep for a builder. He gets really close to her and leans in for a kiss but Liz backs away. He says heās getting signals but Liz says sheās not sending any and tells him no. He kisses her anyway but she pushes him away and shouts at him. He grabs her arm and kisses her again but she slaps him! She says if she ever fells his breath on her face again itāll be the last one he takes! Go girlfriend!

The End

Helen Edgar

Sunday 3 October

We open with Charlie in the back room. Liz comes in and he tries to be friendly, but she's not about to forget what happened the previous night. Liz tells him she's going to tell Shelley everything when she comes back as she wouldn't wish scum like him on any woman. Not getting through to her, Charlie warns her not to play games. Liz is undeterred.

Les is about to leave for work and he wants a kiss from Cilla. Making a show of how annoyed she is, she eventually gives him a kiss and he is chuffed (he's easy pleased, anyway) In fact, he's so delighted he'll treat her to a meal. uhhh right...calm down there, Les.

Sophie is telling Sally and Kevin that she wants a dog for her birthday. While Kevin doesn't seem to mind the idea, Sally lists the problems it would cause and firmly discards the idea.

Jason is offering himself to Liz and she ponders whether all men are the same. Warren comes in, and as if to prove the point, talks of women as if they're nothing more than sex objects, even encouraging Jason that it wouldn't be bad to cheat on Candice. (We aren't all like them, honest!!)

Frankie comes in to the pub and Jamie greets her. So does Leanne, but in a slightly less friendly manner. Maya soon follows in and Leanne gives her an earful. Maya is apologetic for what happened and she offers to buy Frankie a drink. Frankie doesn't know what Jamie sees in her so Maya concludes that men have no sense. (Hmmm, people aren't optimistic about the male gender tonight are they?) Frankie asks why Maya is there and Maya simply answers that she doesn't want to be forgotten. Liz goes out to the bank, leaving Fred behind the bar.

Norris is telling Sally in the shop that a child needs a dog as a companion and Rita points out that he doesn't feel the same about Chesney and his dog. Sally is certain that she's thought it all through but Rita thinks it would be good for Sophie to have one too.

Shelley enters the pub and Maya comes hastily over to ask if she's heard from the newlyweds. "I got a postcard and it said wish you were here," Shelley says coldly. "Did yours?" As Maya storms off in the direction of the toilets, Shelley tells Fred that she gives her the creeps. Charlie comes in and Shelley asks him through to the back. He's worried...


...but he needn't be as Shelley has the explaining to do. A man danced with her at the hen party and tried to kiss her but she rejected him. Taking her lead, Charlie tells her something similar happened to him as a drunken Liz tried to kiss him. Apparently he rejected her and ran upstairs and she even knocked on his bedroom door (my he has a rather big ego, does Charlie). Shelley is fuming.

Frankie asks Maya if she wants to go shopping but she has a wedding to go to (as all their meetings end with that line, hasn't Frankie clicked yet!?) Frankie thinks it would be a good idea for her to turn up at the reception but Maya puts her off and leaves. Frankie goes seconds later.

Kevin is protesting Sophie's case to Sally but she still will not be convinced.

Fred welcomes the returning Dev and Sunita back from their holiday. They're beaming having evidently had a good time. However, Frankie is looming and soon tells them she's just been speaking to Maya in the pub. "Has she gone?" cries Sunita. "You wish!" smirks Frankie

Les pulls up in a cab with Sophie, Chesney and Schmichael who head over to the house for tea. Kevin comes over and asks Les not to build up the joys of dogs to Sophie too much (why would he? Cilla's not that great) Cilla comes out all dolled up and she tells Les she's off to bingo with a depressed mate. Les points out you don't go to bingo like that but Cilla retorts that she doesn't want to look like a sack of spuds (don't worry Cilla--you'll never elevate to that level...) Chesney is wary as she's in the outfit that was her ex lover, Ronnie's, favourite...

Liz gets back to the pub to see Charlie behind the bar. He tries to put her off again, but she storms through to tell Shelley the truth. Shelley cuts her off however, asking why she wants to replace her in the pub and her bed! Liz is annoyed that Shelley is being naive when she realises that Charlie told her she tried it on with him! She tells her it was the other way round but Shelley refuses to believe her and after a bit of a row (in which there were some classic lines!), Shelley tells Liz to pack her stuff and fires her. As Charlie walks in and comes face to face with Liz's icy glare, the credits roll, but somehow I'm convinced the trouble may only just be starting...

Things we've learned from this episode:

A dog is a bad idea for the following reasons:
--need to exercise them regularly
--they poo whenever and wherever takes their fancy
--bark all the time
--savage sofas
--stop you going anywhere nice for holidays
--guests may have allergies and get a randy dog slapped to their thigh

Cilla looks even worse in the morning
Sophie doesn't like surprise birthday presents
Warren always wears the same England top
Maya and Frankie kiss each other when they meet
According to Norris, some Rovers regulars have a vocabulary of less than 100 words

Well thatās all for tonight. Until next time!

Duncan Lindsay

PS Although I make all these comments about Cilla, there's nothing wrong with the actress Wendi Peter's appearance--I'm not THAT mean!!

Monday 4 October

Hi everyone. Here is the first episode of Monday evening.

We start in the room at the back of the Rovers, Liz is telling Charlie that he got in first with Shelley with a pack of lies, because he knew that she was going to tell Shelley what really happened. Shelley is believing nothing Liz says, and tells her to pack her bags and get out. No job, no room. She grabs Charlieās T-shirt and tells him heāll regret this for being a liar, and tells Shelley sheāll regret it for being the most stupid woman sheās ever met. Shelley screams at her to go, and then cries on Charlieās shoulder.

Over at the Websterās, Sally is preparing tea (and it looks like something other than beans on toast for a change!) Sophie asks where Rosie is and is told that sheās having her tea at Pippaās. Sophie wants to go to Chesneyās for tea, but is told she canāt because she hasnāt been invited, and anyway, itās different for Rosie because she has to get to know her new friends. Sophie then asks if theyāve decided about the dog, and Kevin starts to say that theyāre still thinking when Sally contradicts him and says they are not still thinking, the answer is no, because dogs are a lot of work and they cost a lot of money. Sophie points out that theyāre not as expensive as Rosieās new school, and Sally tells her that Rosieās education is important. Sophie then has a tantrum and shouts at Sally telling her that she gives Rosie all the attention and she just gets ignored. She tells Sally and Kevin that she might as well live out in the back shed for all the attention she gets because the two of them donāt want her. She storms off, leaving Sally muttering ĪThatās not true··.ā

Back at the Roverās, Shelley and Charlie are discussing Liz, and how she had it in for Shelley from day one. Charlie reckons she obviously thought she would be running the place by now, and Shelley tells him how Liz and Jim tried to buy the pub once, but were beaten to it by Jack and Vera. She also tells him how last year Liz was working in a pub in Blackpool and having it off with the landlord. Charlie is obviously delighted with this snippet of gossip and tells her that Liz obviously makes a habit of it. Shelley tells him sheās glad he didnāt fall for it, and she doesnāt think sheād ever get over it if he had.

Steve and Karen are in the cafŽ, Karen is telling Steve that itās a new moon soon and sheās heard thatās a good time for conceiving. Or is it a full moon? Ah well, at the rate theyāre going theyāll catch them both. Roy comes over to wipe down the table and Karen asks him when the next new moon is. He tells her heāll have to look in his almanac. Karen asks if thatās a good time for women to conceive, but Roy tells her that fertility is not within his area of expertise.

Charlie comes into the cafŽ and sits with Jason and Jamie. He tells them that if Shelley asks what they were doing last night, theyāre to tell the truth that he went home early.

Fred is at the foot of the stairs at the Rovers and nearly falls over a suitcase. Liz comes down with more bags. He asks whatās going on, and she tells him that sheās been given her marching orders by the lovely Shelley, for stealing her man. ĪYou never did!ā exclaims Fred. ĪNo,ā says Liz, ĪI never did.ā He takes her into the back for a drink and to tell him all about it.

At the Websterās, Sally is wondering where Sophieās outburst came from, was it all because she canāt have a dog? Kevin tries to explain that it was nothing to do with the dog, she does give Rosie all the attention, and also heās told her before about contradicting him in front of the kids. Heās cross because she just gave her decision without talking to him, and Sophie has been getting less attention than Rosie lately. Sally still thinks a dog would be too much hard work, and Kevin concedes that maybe a dog isnāt such a good idea, but they should think about the way they tell her if they want to avoid more tantrums.

In the back room of the Rovers, Liz is assuring Fred that she gave Charlie no encouragement whatsoever, and she doesnāt fancy him in the slightest. Fred tries to tell Liz sheās reinstated, but Liz says that she appreciates his support, but if he does that heāll lose Shelley. She also feels that sheās best off out of it, as Shelley had been on at her every day. Fred wonders if Shelley has cooked this up to get rid of Liz, but Liz just feels that Shelley believes Charlie, because the alternative is too awful. Fred wonders where heāll get another barmaid, Liz is darn good, heāll miss her. Liz tells him sheāll miss him too, but something will turn up, it usually does.

Les is trying to watch tv and eat his tea, but he canāt concentrate and he ends up dropping his mug on the floor. Fizz is of the opinion that her mother canāt be at bingo as she got all tarted up. She tells Les he ought to go to the bingo and spy on Cilla, wait outside until she comes out. Les isnāt keen, but Fizz points out that itās better than sitting there fretting. Kirk says he reckons theyāve got her all wrong, at which point Fizz looks daggers at him, ĪItās a good job I love you, Kirk,ā she mutters. Les says he thinks itās completely out of order to spy on Cilla, but Fizz says at least then heāll know.

Karen and Steve are getting amorous on the sofa, and she is just unbuttoning his shirt when the doorbell rings. Karen tries to persuade Steve to leave it, and then they hear someone coming in. They jump up, breathless, when in walks Liz. She explains that she thought they werenāt in, so she used her key, and she tells them that sheās had a falling out with Shelley and lost her job at the Rovers and wondered if she could stay with them for a while. Karen is not at all pleased by this news, ĪYouāve upset your boss and weāve got to pick up the tab?ā Karen doesnāt want Liz to stay there at all, but for once Steve puts his foot down. This is his mother, and until she finds somewhere else sheās staying there. Karen looks devastated.

Frankie and Maya meet up at a restaurant. Frankie asks how the wedding went, Maya tells her it was fine. Frankie tells her that Dev and Sunita turned up after sheād gone, Maya looks sick and hopes they didnāt get married while they were away. Frankie tells her they didnāt, but they have set the date for their wedding ö the 25th October.

In the Rovers, in Shelleyās hearing, Jason tells Charlie he missed out on a great night last night. Shelley pricks up her ears and asks what happened. Jason tells her they tried to lead him off the straight and narrow but he wasnāt having any of it. Jamie tells her sheās got his card marked good and proper. Shelley wonders if Candice knows about this, but Jason tells her that nothing happened really, it was just a wind up. Shelley tells him he should keep his mouth shut, or Candice might get the wrong idea. Jason is sorry he spoke, and goes off. Shelley asks Charlie if he put them up to that, but he gets irritated and tells her he flaming well didnāt. He points out that heās expected to believe her, she says she turned another bloke down, but how does he know? She tells him that he isnāt about to walk through the doors and give Charlie another version. Charlie says that Liz has really got to her, and does Shelley really think that if he was going to stray heād mess on his own doorstep with an old slapper like her? (Err·.well, yes!) Shelley apologises, and he tells her he would never do anything to spoil their happiness. (Yeah·right!)

Sophie and Chesney are watching tv and discussing Sophieās tantrum. Chesney reckons it should bring a result, especially if theyāve never seen her go off on one before. Sophie tells him it was the first time theyād noticed her in six years. Sally and Kevin come in and tell Sophie that they think she has a point, and so she can have a pet. Sophie leaps up, delighted, and tells them she will take it for walks first thing in the morning, and when she comes home from school. Sally tells her she doesnāt appreciate how much hard work a dog is, so instead she can have a guinea pig. Sophie looks crestfallen, and tells Sally she doesnāt want a guinea pig, she wants a dog. Sally tells her it will be easier, cleaner and cheaper, and great fun watching it run round on its wheel, or whatever they do. (No, Sally, thatās hamsters). Chesney, at this point clamps his hand over his mouth and turns his head away. ĪAnd maybe in a year or two·..ā begins Kevin, only to be interrupted by Sally telling Sophie they donāt live that long and itāll be dead a long time before she gets fed up with it.

Les and Fizz have turned up outside the bingo hall, waiting to see if Cilla comes out. Les still isnāt sure this is a good idea. They wait, peering round the corner, until Les decides to go across the road and get some chips. ĪWhat if she comes out?ā asks Fizz, and Les tells her to give him a whistle. In front of the chip van, Les encounters a tall, blonde girl, and starts chatting her up. ĪWhat have you been doing?ā she asks him, ĪWaiting for my luck to turn,ā he tells her, ĪAnd has it?ā she asks, and he looks her up and down. ĪLooks promising from where Iām standing,ā he says. Just then Cilla comes out of the bingo hall, and Fizz tries desperately to whistle at Les, but only succeeds in attracting Cillaās attention, so she ducks back round the corner. Cilla says goodbye to her friend and starts walking over towards the chip van. Fizz whistles again, louder, and finally Les turns round and sees her waving frantically. He tells the blonde he has to go, but as he runs away heās spotted by Cilla. ĪLes?ā she calls, he turns, ĪCilla, what are you doing here?ā he asks, all surprised. ĪIs that Fizz over tāroad?ā asks Cilla, as Fizz ducks out of sight, and the blonde comes over, ĪDo you know this bloke?ā she asks Cilla, and tells her Les was coming on to her. Cilla is not amused, ĪWas he now?ā and she demands to know what is going on.

Dev and Sunita are in their flat, and discussing invitations to their wedding. He thinks she should give her relatives another chance and invite the whole lot, what has she got to lose? She has to keep on knocking they canāt ignore her for ever. Sunita isnāt convinced, but he tells her she has to keep on wearing them down. In the end she agrees to give it another go, like he says, what has she got to lose?

Back outside the bingo hall, Les tries to deny he was spying on Cilla, and the blonde tells him that it looks like his luck has turned again. Cilla shouts at Fizz to come out, she knows sheās there, and then demands to know whoās idea it was. Fizz confesses it was hers, but says it wouldnāt be the first time Cilla's played away. Cilla asks how Les could think it of her, and he tries to point out that she got all dressed up. Sheās also cross with him for trying to pull her best mate. Les says he didnāt know she was Cillaās best mate. She calls him a lazy, two faced low life, and then gives the prize she won him, Status Quo, The Complete Collection, to the blonde. She then marches off with her friend, whose name, I think, is Yana, saying sheāll make her own way home.

At the restaurant, Frankie asks Maya what her long term plans are. She says she might try London at some point. ĪTo get away from Dev?ā asks Frankie, but Maya says he doesnāt take up that much space in her head. (No?) Just then a man walking past the table stops and asks Maya, ĪHowās married life?ā Maya looks extremely uncomfortable, and makes out she doesnāt know what heās talking about. He says he drove her to her wedding the other week in his taxi, and how strange it was for bride and groom to both travel together to the wedding. Frankie looks on, puzzled, as Maya blusters and says no, it was her cousin and she was going to someone elseās wedding that day. ĪWhat a weirdo,ā says Frankie, after heās gone. (Well somebody is!)

In the back room of the Rovers, Fred is holding court. ĪWhoās telling truth?ā he demands of Charlie, Īyou or Elizabeth?ā Shelley says she believes Charlie more than Liz, but Fred is put out because theyāve lost a good barmaid. ĪYou never liked her,ā he tells Shelley, who replies that Liz never liked her. Fred wonders if they cooked it up between them to get rid of her. Shelley says she would have dreamed up something better, and anyway, when it gets out there will be more gossip about her picking another loser. She gets up and goes out to the bar. Fred sits down at the table and tells Charlie he knows it is not the first time there have been stories about him and barmaids of a certain age. Charlie counters this with what he knows about Liz and staff in Blackpool. Fred asks him outright, ĪDid you try it on or not?ā Charlie sticks to his story and Fred says heāll leave it there ö for now.

And thatās it for now from me!

Annie Logan

Here's the second episode from Monday.

It's breakfast time in the home of the McDonald extended family . . . well, maybe not extended. Liz is probably more like one of those rickety lean-to rooms stuck on the back the house. Karen is off to work, but not before warning Steve that his mother is NOT staying there forever. "I want her out by the end of the week," she hisses, before meeting Liz in the doorway and wishing her good luck with her job hunting. Steve asks if she should have a word with Shelley, but Liz doesn't need long to think about that proposition. "NO WAY!!" Liz has no choice but to tell him what really happened.

Meanwhile, over at Eileen's, it's Ms Grimshaw's birthday. She's got a card from Todd. Jason says he'll get her one later and she says he's never forgotten to get her something before. "That's because Todd used to get 'em," Jason admits.

Back at the flat, Liz has told Steve the whole story and he's very annoyed. "I'm going to have a word with him," he announces. He's not so much worried about her losing her job and home, but he points out that she's lost her reputation as well, if word gets round. . "Say Dad finds out." Liz points out that having Steve scrapping with Charlie won't do her reputation any good either. She says she'll go and see Charlie and shame him into admitting the truth.

In the pub, Charlie is doing some lifting and carrying for Shelley. She's fretting about not having any staff and Charlie suggests asking Fred. He says he's had a word. He warns her not to take Liz back on, and says he knows she's soft and she'll be tempted to do that.

In the Les-Kirk-Cilla zone, Kirky is chortling over a comic. Les comes in and sends Kirk outside to sit in the taxi so he can have a word with Cilla. He tries to grovel but it's like trying to catch a shadow and she twists him around until he's not sure why it's gone so wrong. He leaves in a filthy mood, but Cilla is smirking.

Les goes out to the taxi and snaps at Kirk to get out of it. Kirk comments that Cilla was in a good mood until Les came home. Also out in the street, Liz meets Charlie. She tells him she knows he probably just told Shelley a lie on the spur of the moment, but it's time to tell the truth. "I don't deserve this and you know it," she says. "I don't want the job back, but I do want my reputation." "Sorry," says Charlie, "but no." Liz is furious. "Are you standing there telling me to my face that you'll keep on lying?" "Yep." He tries to tell her that she's been giving him the come-on for weeks. This doesn't make Liz feel any less angry! Charlie goes away as Deidre comes out of her house. "What's happened?" she asks. "Him!" snaps Liz. Ken also comes out of the house, closely followed by Tracy. He has to explain to her that he can't take Amy with him because he's going to the library. "But I'll be left on my own with her again," whines the selfish one. "Again?" asks Ken. "It's happened before, has it?"

Inside their house, Deidre and Liz have sat down. "He's played this game before," says Deidre. She tells Liz about Shelley's Mum and how she had to leave after ending up in bed with Charlie. Liz can't believe Shelley would believe Charlie again. "You might believe him once, but twice?"

In the Rovers, Fred is having a word with Shelley. "Is there any possibility of you two putting it all behind you . . . so to speak?" he asks. "NO!!" He tells Shelley he feels responsible for Liz because she's on her own (maritally, he adds, when Shelley points out Liz has a son living nearby) and he convinced her to move back to Weatherfield. Shelley points out that Fred is welcome to invite Liz back to the Rovers, but he'll need a new manager if he does.

In the factory, Sean is fiddling with tying a bow with tulle. It's a present, he says. The others finally get out of him that he has a gift for Eileen's birthday. Karen is moaning on about Liz being in the house.

Back at the pub, Liz comes barging in to the back room while Fred and Shelley are talking. Liz tells her she knows why Bev left. It's nothing to do with Liz, Shelley says. Liz points out that this might have been true until Charlie did the same thing again -- lied to Shelley. She asks if Shelley really thinks she would have risked everything for a fling with Charlie. "Yeah, I do believe that," says Shelley. "After everything he told you about your own mother? Well, I feel sorry for you." Shelley says there's no need. But Liz insists there will be. "You can't fool yourself forever, not with a rat like that."

[break while Shelley looks pensive]

Steve is on the phone to Liz when Tracy comes into the taxi office. He gets her to look after the switch while he goes off somewhere.

Les and Patrick are hanging about outside, apparently with no passengers likely. When they see Steve leave they vow to finish work early and get drunk.

Steve has gone round to the yard to see Charlie. He tells him to shut up lying about his mother, but Charlie points out that Liz is the only person doing any talking about what happened. He dares Steve to hit him, but Steve manages to restrain himself, telling Charlie to watch his back.

In the pub, the girls and Sean are talking about babies. Sonia says she'll have Karen's baby once Karen gets fed up with it, though Karen denies she ever will. "My Mum got sick of me," points out Fizz. Sean sees Jason and give him the gift to give to Eileen. Ken and Deidre come in and Ken is having a moan about Tracy expecting him to take Amy every time he goes out. Deidre is more interested in asking Shelley how she could possibly believe Charlie twice. Shelley asks Fred to serve them, because if he doesn't they won't get served at all.

In the taxi office, Tracy wants to ask a favour -- that Steve and Karen have Amy for a while. She dresses it up to sound as if it will give Steve a chance to get to know his daughter better, and Karen a chance to see what having a small child in the house is really like. But Steve points out that it will also give Tracy a rest. He refuses her "offer".

In the pub, Jason and Candice meet Eileen and Jason gives her the gift, conveniently neglecting to mention that it's not from him. At the bar, Les and Patrick are discussing why Les is suspicious of Cilla (apart from the fact that she's a lying, scheming, evil, selfish, manipulative, sly, dishonest cow, I suppose they mean). Les says he was with Janice for 14 years and would have trusted her with his life. But then she suddenly announced that she had been seeing someone else. He's terrified of that happening to him again. Sunita comes in and she and Shelley go into the back. The girls and Sean are heading back to work when Sean sees Eileen looking at her gift, which seems to be clothing. It's only when she speaks to him that she suddenly realises it's not from Jason. "Let's say it's from both of us," says Sean.

In the back, Shelley is asking Sunita whether she's "the most stupidest woman on the planet". Or does lightning strike twice in the same place? (Actually, it does) Sunita tells her that Charlie wouldn't risk what he had with Shelley. (Actually, he would) Shelley says that when it first happened, she believed Charlie and ignored what others said. "But you can't not listen to yourself, can you?"

Out in the bar, Charlie comes through. He goes into the back room and Sunita gets up and say she must go or Dev will wonder where she is. Charlie tells Shelley about being threatened by Steve. "Is it really like you said?" Shelley asks him. "Hang on, what is this?" asks Charlie. "I told you the truth." "Did you, though?" she asks him. He gets angry and tells her he doesn't have to stand there and be put on trial. Then he says "It's the end of a beautiful friendship," and leaves. Shelley is stunned.

The End

Margaret Carr

Wednesday 6 October

Written by: David Lane
Directed by: Colin Cant

Lesās house. Cilla appears looking scary with a white face pack on. ćBeauty day,ä she informs Les, reminding him he promised to take her ćto tānew club by tāfish market.ä Les says theyāre going for a drink with Patrick instead. Cillaās not impressed: ćThe human sleeping pill?ä But she perks up when Les tells her that Patrick is seriously rich, from his ćtime on the oil rigs,ä and all he wants is a good woman to spend his money on.

Thereās no milk for coffee at the McDonald household. Thereās no coffee either. Liz tells Steve, whoās in a very grumpy mood, that sheāll leave as soon as she finds another job, as itās obvious Karen has been getting at him. Karen appears, and suggests maybe Liz could get a job on a cruise ship, where she could also get a tan: ćA real one.ä

In the Rovers, itās Kenās 65th birthday and heās feeling a bit down, and wondering whether he should have had a party to bring the whole family together. Deirdre sensibly points out that, with their family, togetherness is not such a great idea.

Karen is also in the Rovers (having presumably given up the idea of coffee in favour of a pint), talking as usual about having a baby ö she reckons tonight might be the night. Fizz doesnāt think having the mother-in-law on the premises will be helpful, on the subject of whom, Shelley asks Karen if Liz is at the flat.

Cilla and Les come in, and Cilla is noticeably friendly with Patrick, especially when he takes out a wad of cash.

Les, in his professional capacity as taxi driver, asks Deirdre and Ken if theyāre ready. Ken looks mystified, till Deirdre tells him theyāre off to Dublin, as his birthday present.

On the way out, Les tips the wink to Kirk, who theatrically asks Patrick to lend him some dosh to take Fizz out; Patrick gives him £50. Fizz is suspicious.

Tracy has a go at Karen outside the pub, taunting her with more ćbarren Karenä comments. ćBedroom ceilings of Manchester could be your specialist subject,ä Karen says, and Tracy replies, ćYou should ask Steve what *my* specialist subject is.ä Karen lunges for her but Sean grabs hold of her. ćOooh, Mr Macho,ä Kelly says to him after Tracy has gone. ćI think I need a lie down, me knees have gone all knocky,ä he admits.

Shelley has gone to see Liz, and asks her to come back to the pub. Charlieās gone, she says. Liz says itās too late ö her mate Bet needs her in Brighton for a couple of weeks. Shelley says sheāll keep her job open for her. Liz asks about Charlie. Shelley says, ćI didnāt want to believe that he was capable of anything like that; I wanted to believe that you were lying.ä She cries on Lizās shoulder.

The first person Shelley sees on her way home is Charlie, whoās just coming out of the Kabin. She walks straight past him, and he follows. He says he wants to talk to her for five minutes. She says he has to pick his stuff up anyway.

Liz is ready to leave for Brighton, but before she goes she has time to interrogate Steve about whether he really wants a baby with Karen. ćI want to make Karen happy,ä he says. Liz thinks Karen only wants a baby to get back at Tracy; what if she gets fed up of playing happy families and leaves Steve with the baby? Poor Steve seems to have already thought of that, but he says if Karen doesnāt have a baby sheād probably be unhappy and dump him anyway, and at least this way heād have a chance of keeping her. Bless him.

In the pub, Charlie wants to talk to Shelley in the back, but Shelley has to work to cover for Lizās absence, so they stay in the bar. ćI canāt live without you,ä he tells her. He admits heās been a bad lad in the past, but says now itās different, and Shelleyās the person heās been looking for all his life. Sheās almost persuaded but luckily interrupted by Patrick wanting a large brandy, which seems to jolt her into reality a bit. She tells Charlie sheās heard those words (not the ones about the brandy, the ones Charlie said!) too many times before. He replies that the difference is that heās never said them before ever in his life, and leaves. Sheās about to follow but has to stay to serve Fizz and Kirk.

Kirk gives Patrick his £50 back, and has to tell Fizz about the honey trap to catch Cilla. Cilla comes in, dolled up in pink sling-backs, white mini skirt and her trademark cleavage which she proceeds to place in close proximity to Patrick. Eventually he offers her a drink. She says sheāll have her favourite; Les never buys it for her because he doesnāt understand itās the way to a womanās heart ćand other parts.ä ćItās a bottle of lager, is it?ä Shelley says. Cilla gives her a killer look. ćChampagne cocktail,ä she says. Patrick looks faint.

Champagne is also on the menu at the McDonaldās, where Steve is popping a bottle in the fridge to chill. Heās also got the soft music, a red rose and two glasses on the table. The doorbell rings, and we see Tracy outside, leaving baby Amy in her pram. Steve thinks itās Karen, and puts the rose between his teeth ö which Amy finds highly amusing when he answers the door. Thereās no sign of Tracy, though weāve seen her hiding round the corner grinning. Steve tries to ring her, but obviously she doesnāt answer.

The champagne is going down nicely in the Rovers, where Patrick is having to fork out for another one for Cilla. She asks him about the oil rigs, and is suspicious when he says he was in the middle of the Irish Sea. ćI thought it were North Sea? Thatās why they called it North Sea oil.ä Cilla is flirting away with him, and itās all being watched by Fizz, Kirk, Kelly and Sean. Cillaās onto the ćIām feeling sick and I need a lie down,ä line ö but not so sick she canāt finish off the rest of her champagne before they leave.

Itās good news and bad news for Karen when she gets home. Liz has gone to Brighton to give them some space ö but they have a little visitor, who promptly proceeds to cry.

Les arrives in the pub looking for Cilla and Patrick. Heās pleased to hear Cilla fell for the trap, but not pleased to hear theyāve gone home. When he gets in, Patrick is sitting in the armchair in his vest and boxers. Cilla spilled wine on his clothes, he says, and has taken them to soak. When Cilla comes downstairs she tells Les she knows all about his little game. She shoves Patrick outside in his underwear. Fizz, Sean etc are coming out of the pub and see him attempting to run past. ćWhy am I glad that thongs arenāt Patrickās undie of choice?ä Sean says.

Karen is trying to offload Amy by ringing Roy and Hayley, but theyāre in Halifax at a demonstration of a ducking stool followed by a pea and pie supper. Karenās really upset that Tracy has managed to spoil their plans again, and is worried that Tracy might be right, and she might never be able to have a baby of her own.

Sue Haasler

Friday 8 October

My video cut out near the end of this episode so unfortunately a bit of the ending is missing!

We open tonightās episode with Steve holding Amy in his and Karenās flat. Karen tries to call social services but Steve wonāt let her. After a lot of shouting (!) he asks her what he was supposed to do; leave her on the door step? Karen says that was what Tracy did. She says that if Steve isnāt man enough to put Tracy in her place then she will. She tries to pick up Amy but Steve wonāt let her so instead she takes the dirty nappy and says that Tracy can have that back for starters!

Shelley greats the new barmaid with a lovely warm welcome ćWho the Īell are you?ä! She introduces her self as Violet. Shelley isnāt impressed! She asks Fred if heās trying to undermine her to make her leave. Fred tells her that with her affairs as they are he didnāt think she would relish the idea of recruitment. She tells him she can still do her job but Fred says thatās his final word on it. He says heāll come back later to show Violet the ropes. Shelley has a quiet word with Violet and tells her that her staff are honest and the toilets are clean!

Karen storms over to Tracy in the street. She tells her sheās sorry she didnāt call the police when she left her kid on their doorstep. She asks what kind of world she lives in where itās ok to leave her kid in a doorway. Tracy says the kind of world where parents share the responsibility for the fruit of their loins! Tracy says she is not prepared to discuss Amyās child care with an outsider. Karen says donāt you dare get on that bus but Tracy isnāt listening. Karen screams at her to get that brat out of her house and throws the nappy at the bus window!

Cilla has made Les sleep on the sofa! She tells him that if he wants to show that he trusts her heāll have to do it day by day. However she decides to settle for a present!

Karen tells Steve that the next time she sees Tracy, Amy is going to become an orphan! She asks Steve what she is even doing getting involved with that ćspawnä! She asks Steve what happened to the promise he made that that baby would never come between them. Steve asks how he has broken that promise. Karen says that she was going to make bucks fizz for their baby making weekend but instead Tracy has got him running around like Mrs Doubtfire and all she wants to do is whack that bottle over his flippinā head!

Jason asks Charlie how heās getting on with Shelley but he says heās not bending over backwards for her. Fred comes in and asks Charlie that if heās going to the pub at lunch time could he tread carefully. Jason asks if that was to do with Shelley. Charlie says that round Īere people are either morons or they want to run your life! He says that he could ring a mate and leave the country next week. Jason asks who would run the business but Charlie says he is the business. Jason asks what about him? Charlie says what about him?


Les has caught up with Patrick in the shop. Patrick tells him that he never touched Cilla, ćsheās got some scary movesä! Karen asks Sarah if sheās got anything to shut Amy up! Sarah suggests she tries a dummy and Karen says she didnāt mean to upset her. Sarah says she doesnāt mind talking about Billy as long as everyone remembers that he had a name. Sarah says that Amy likes Karen because sheās smiling.

The man who Ciaran beat at the auction has come to his restaurant. He tells Ciaran how he obviously isnāt doing very well. He offers Ciaran the chance to walk away; he wants to buy the restaurant.

Karen has finally got Amy to be quiet and drink some milk. Steve says sheās full of surprises and Karen says she surprised herself. She can do this. Steve tells her sheās going to make a fantastic mother. Steve says he thinks he could get used to this so Karen says itās time for Amy to go. Steve says sheās already settled but Karen says that she shouldnāt be settled there. Steve goes to get her things.

Les tells Shelley she should smarten herself up as Violet is competition now! Violet tells Shelley she looks awful. She asks her if Charlie is really worth it. Apparently there are only two things you need to know about men; are they a blast between the sheets and how are they fixed money wise! Shelley asks what about feelings but Violet tells her that you will never know what a man is feeling. She tells her that blokes will say what they want and all the time theyāre eyeing up your mate. Shelley tells her that she and Charlie were happy enough but Violet says that is what they say about her Nanās jack Russell: heās had a leg off! Les gives Cilla a gold necklace which seems to impress her!

Steve tries to give Tracy her baby back but she says sheās got plans. She says sheās meant to be seeing Ciaran and she doesnāt want to loose him. She doesnāt want to be on her own any more and sheās fed up with seeing happy couples everywhere. Steve agrees to take her but tells her to come round at 9:00am on the dot.

Jason is telling his mum about Charlie leaving. Eileen asks Shelley about Charlie leaving and laying off Jason but she says she had no idea. Jason keeps staring at Violet so she offers him a picture! Ciaran has sold the restaurant for £60,000. He tells Tracy to never have a dream. Shelley tells Violet sheās just nipping out. Candice has come in and Jason gets her a drink.

Les is singing and Cilla comes downstairs but she doesnāt look happy! Sheās had an allergic reaction to the gold necklace that Les bought her. It was made of nickel! Les tells her he got it from some bloke whose brother went to prison! Les promises heāll get her something better than that and Cilla tells him he better had or sheāll have to think about their future! And heās still sleeping on the sofa!

Karen is waiting for Steve to come home to do some Ībaby-makingā! Steve walks in with Amy and Karen is not happy! Karen asks how ling Tracy is going to keep this up and Steve says heās sure sheāll be round in the morning. Sheās got to come to her senses some time! Steve says they can have another try at Ībaby-makingā later when Amyās asleep. Karen goes to make Amy a feed and Steve tells Amy not to say a word.

Shelley asks Charlie whatās this about him leaving. He says heās thinking about it. Shelley asks him why and he asks if he needs a reason. He says she certainly isnāt a reason to stay. Charlie says we do what we do best; he moves on and she thinks the worst in people. She says she wanted to believe everything that he said but all the time sheās telling herself off for being suspicious. She tried to trust Charlie. He asks what her instincts say and she says she doesnāt know what to think about him. He says he knows what she thinks of herself, that sheās not worthy of anyone who loves and cares for her. Shelley says maybe sheās not. This is where my video cut out so letās just say that everyone lived happily ever after!!

The End

Helen Edgar

Sunday 10 October

We open with a deceptively warm scene between Charlie and Shelley. They are all loved up, apparantely, Shelley's forgiven him. Fred walks in and Charlie leaves the room to answer a call. Fred advises Shelley that she should spend some time on her own, but Shelley's confident in Charlie in fact it's the happiest she's ever been (Hmmm, I seem to remember her saying that about Peter)

Karen has overslept and is angry at Steve for not waking her up. He did however, three times but she was totally out of it. This is down to Amy keeping her awake, something which Karen isn't overjoyed about. Steve points out that that's what they'll face when they have a baby of their own. Karen warns Steve that he better be in the mood for love when she gets back--or else! (We've all heard of tough love, Karen, but surely threatening your husband is a slight turn off....? Ahh, who knows what rocks their boat?!?)

Charlie is in a good mood at the building site and promptly sends Jason to buy some milk. Jason calls over to greet Violet and Charlie warns him tat Candice is just around the corner. Candice wants to go for a drink, somewhere other than the Rovers as it's boring (Where else can you see a weekly brawl, exposed truths and huge rows!?) Jason however is keen to go to the Rovers and we all know why. When Candice is out of earshot, Jason informs Charlie that he really must dump her.

Fred is asking Audrey out to dinner but she's got a lot on. Fred tells her to please herself as women normally do. Audrey cleverly notices that Fred is quite depressed, the sullen face and cynical comments obviously giving the game away. He tells her he feels lonely, but isn't one of those "settle for anybody types" (Yeah, that really speaks for itself doesn't it--I need to say nothing) He also tells her that he worries about Shelley. Audrey tells him to keep smiling.

Karen is telling the girls in the factory about her gift of caring for nature but refuses to believe a bond has anything to do with it, apparantely it's just common sense. As a gossip breaks out, Danny tells everyone to get on with their work.

Ciaran is dreading telling Penny about selling the restaurant.Tracy's proud of him (apparantely, anyway). She tells him to chill out. Ciaran asks how his sweetheart is so Tracy tells him Amy's with Steve. Ciaran looks a bit put out about this but Tracy insists there's nothing between her and Steve. The talk turns her thoughs to how Karen coped with Amy and Tracy has a giggle. She concludes that the pair of them are mugs but Ciaran thinks Penny is for placing her trust in him. Tracy comforts him and in the middle of a tender moment Fred walks in, crowing "Room fer a big un?"

Steve's looking after Amy in the cab office and Dev's not impressed. After some flippancy from Steve, Dev demands to know how long he'll keep this up. "The next forty years I hope!" comes Steve's reply. Dev, adamant that a cramped office isn't ideal for a child, storms out in a huff. Eileen asks Steve how Karen's coping--Steve tells her that everytime she sees Amy she sees Tracy (not a pleasant thing I'm sure you'll agree). Eileen says the baby suits Steve. And yes, she WASN'T being sarcastic this one time!

Ciaran asks Fred what he thinks of the steak. It's cooked to perfection. Fred concludes that Ciaran's restaurant has all the elements of success but some things just don't go to plan.

Sarah hands Sunita a cup of tea and Sarah realises that Sunita is doing her RSVPs. Sunita's apologetic but Sarah doesn't mind. At this point Jayesh and his daughter Jayeth ( I don't know if I spelt that right) Sunita is delighted and Sarah tells her to take some time off and catch up with him.

Penny walks in and asks Ciaran why the place is so deserted. Tracy lies about 16 people booking in the next day nd luckily the penny doesnt drop! God, I'm funny!! Penny isn't impressed that Tracy's on the payroll but Tracy tells her she's not, she's just helping the man she loves. Penny has to make some calls but she heads for a table and waves to Fred on the way by. He doesn't return it however.

Steve is singing (and he's doing it well, does Celebrity Stars in their eyes beckon?) to Amy on the swings. (Has anyone else noticed what a good actress that little kid is!? Did you see it when she was sitting on Steve's lap the other week and she looked up at him I think she's great I mean she acts better than half the Eastenders cast!! Ahem....)

Jayesh is looking at Sunita's flat and is complaining it's not suitable for children, but as Sunita points out, she doesn't have any.Sunita tells him she's really pleased to meet Jayeth. He apologises for his bluntness on his earlier visit but Sunita blamesher mother for sticking so firmly to tradition. Sunita thinks they should have dinner together. Jayesh invites her to have dinner with him and his wife--only without Dev (I can see the logic in that)

Danny is wishing Warren luck for is tryouts for football and Violet seems intersested until she hears that its for Weatherfield County. Jason tries to chat her up a bit and she almost seems...interested!

Danny's advising Warren not to be cheeky (Like you, you mean Danny?)

Charlie tells Jason to just ask Violet out and Shelley reminds them of Candice. They're undeterred. Big shock there.

In the restaurant, Penny asks if she can sit with Fred. He tells her he's lonely, not desperate.

Ciaran is disbelieving over Tracy's love. She tells him it's true--get over it! Tracy likes having the vision of knowing what Ciaran wants. She tells him that he doesn't have to play it as straight with Penny but Ciaran says that Penny isn't stupid. Tracy doesn't want Ciaran to give Penny the full 60k, she thinks he should make a personal deduction. All Ciaran has to do is say he sold it for less.

Sunita and Jayesh are rowing, Sunita saying he's just as bad as the rest of the family. Jayesh snappily relents and lets Dev come but Sunita continues to snipe. She tells him how good Devwas to her and that he was like a brother to her. She also brings up he's never been married but that doesn't count as he's been engaged twice! Sunita goes on to say that she made the first move on Dev and for some reason thats too much information for Jayesh (Geez how prudish IS he?) They start to bicker over their mum again when Dev walks in.

Penny and Ciaran have a small face off before she leaves the restaurant. He calls her a snotty bitch under his breath and Tracy takes advantage of his bitterness to plead her case to him again. It comes down to 20k for Penny and 40k for Ciaran and Tracy. She starts to talk to him about going away for a holiday then starting a new life together (Until the money runs out, yeah Tracy?)Ciaran is shocked by her ability to make a crazy scam seem sane and he eventually gives in.

So what did we learn today (not much really)
-Shelley isn't the even keel type
-Candice hates the Rovers despite the fact she spends every night of her life there.
-Sean can speak spanish
-The cab office isn't suitable for Amy but it is for Eileen
-Jayesh gets more irritating on each visit he makes
-Jim used to sing to Steve, so he did
-Dev actually has some good qualities

Well that's all for this week's report from me! Once again I apologise for the lateness-- I'll be punctual when my next report is due (In a matter of days lol!)

Bye for now

Duncan Lindsay

Monday 11 October

Hello, and because of a calamitous failure of the videographic recording device in the domicile of one Annie Logan (ie the tape didn't record properly!) you've got me for two episodes!

First, could I just mention that at the end of the last sub-optimal recording (ie, when the tape cut off at the end, we were left with Charlie telling Shelley that she shouldn't push away someone who loved her very much and who was willing to make a commitment to her. Cue clinch, with Shelley believing him and Charlie very much an insincere love rat. She was doing all the hugging and he was staring off into the distance with a smug look on his face. So "they lived happily ever after" was a pretty good summary at that stage!

Start reading here if you knew all this already: We begin with Karen beating the door at the Barlows' so hard it's a wonder there's any paint left. Eventually, Blanche comes to the door and is very supercilious towards Karen until she spots Steve with Amy. It's clear the senior Barlows had no idea Amy wasn't with Tracy. Karen tries to push the buggy through the door but Blanche closes it very firmly behind her. She's got a denture refitting at half past. Karen tells her she can go another time. "You wouldn't say that if it were you who had to suck your bread for two weeks." She bends down to Amy. "Mummy'll be back to rescue you soon." Mike yells at Karen from across the street and tells her to get back to work. "As soon as I am finished I am going to find her and nail her to the flippin' pavement," she promises.

In the restaurant, Fred is still eating . . . well, drinking mostly. Tracy is trying to persuade Ciaran to make a break with the money. She mentions going away to somewhere hot and Ciaran sees what she's up to. "That's what it's about," he tells her. "two weeks break in the sun." She protests that it's not her motive, but he thinks it's suspicious that she's gone from not being interested in him to hanging around all the time. Tracy, always ready with an answer, tells him she was scared. "It's a big step to admit you've got feelings for someone." He's not convinced.

At Dev's flat, they are talking to Sunita's brother. Dev thinks it's a slap in the face for Sunita, having her parents refuse to come to her wedding. But the brother says they have to remember that what Sunita did had the effect of cutting her family off from everyone back in India. She points out that she's marrying a nice Hindu Gujarati boy, just as they wanted. Jayesh points out that each time it's been about Sunita doing the opposite of what her parents want. She has to learn that what she does has a knock-on effect, not just on her parents, but on everyone. Who does she think had to pick up the pieces after she ran away from her planned wedding? Who had to tell her then-fiancŽās family and cancel all the arrangements? Sunita suddenly realises just how much fell on her brother's shoulders. She is sorry, but it doesn't change his mind. He won't be coming to the wedding because it would be like turning his back on the rest of the family.

In the restaurant, Fred is in his cups, giving Ciaran the advice that things will soon pick up. He asked what the discussion with Tracy was about -- a lover's tiff? Ciaran tells Fred they are just mates. Fred doesn't ask if he means that in the biological sense. Fred says things were a lot simpler in the old days. You took a girl out, got engaged and got wed. "There were commitment, loyalty and love. Nowadays you can't even mention the word for people laughing at you."

Back at the flat, Dev and Jayesh are niggling at each other. Sunita picks up the baby and says she's going out and leaving them to make friends.

In the pub, Candice and Maria are discussing Jason with the new barmaid, Violet. They point out that he's a two-timing toe-rag. Candice is only going out with him because there's no-one else she'd even look at around here. Plus he's got the three things you want in a man -- he's really "fit", he 's taller than her so she can wear heels, and he's got a job, so he can afford to take her out. At one of the tables, Warren is telling his family he scored a couple of goals in his footballs match for Weatherfield County. His brother is very scathing. "In whose net?" he asks. Warren admits County might not be Man U, but it's a start. Candice overhears the discussion and suddenly has visions of herself in a couple of years, living in a big house with electric gates and a Ferrari in the drive. Maria is astounded and points out that a few minutes ago Candice didn't even fancy Warren.

Dev and Jayesh are talking in the flat. Dev calls Jayesh a hypocrite. He points out that if Jayesh was getting married and wanted Sunita there, "do you think she would hesitate, even for a minute?"

Out in the street, Candice and Jason are breaking up, though Jason is somewhat put out to discover that it's Candice doing the elbowing. She says Jason just can't offer her what she wants at the moment -- a guy who is going places. Of course, when Charlie finds Jason in the street, Jason's story is that Candice cried a bit but he's given her the push. Karen is also out in the street in her hunt for Tracy. Ciaran is there too, which is unfortunate because so is Penny King. She's appalled that he's not at the restaurant when there was a big party booked, so tells her they cancelled. She's still not happy. "You can't just close whenever you feel like it," she lectures. "Maybe Mike's right. Maybe you are a waster. You get back there and open that place."


Sunita comes back to find the men sitting almost with their backs to each other and not talking. They say they haven't been arguing but have had a heated discussion. Things get a little warm again before her brother admits that Dev is entitled to speak his mind. A bit of him is afraid of standing up to his parents and making them move on. He's changed his mind and will come to the wedding.

In the pub, Tracy has heard that Karen is looking for her. She still stops for a drink, though. Audrey and Rita come in and chat to a very mournful Fred who says his friends are too busy to spend time with him. Jason is making a move on the new barmaid. She says the two hairdressers (NO! Not Audrey!) said he was great. "Great at lying and cheating!" He's about to get the elbow for the second time that day when Shelley takes pity on him. She tells Violet she can have the rest of the evening off if she lets Jason buy her a drink. Shelley explains she's a sucker for young love. Of course, this sets off Fred again. He goes on about Jason breaking Candice's heart just because he fancies someone else. Rita tries to defend the young people of today by holding up Steve and Karen as an example of a young couple who are willing to work at their marriage. "I hardly hear a raised voice from them these days." "OY!!" That's not Rita, but Karen has finally found Tracy. She berates her about abandoning her baby in a doorway. Tracy protests that she was around the corner, but Karen is in full flow and lets the whole pub know what has happened. Tracy tries to say she was just being generous in sharing her baby with a childless couple and ends up saying "I really don't care what you think because, quite frankly, it's none of your business. Then Karen fires her big gun, pointing out that it is her business. She and Steve have decided to apply for custody and since Tracy has already abandoned Amy, that should be easy. "See you in court." She turns to leave but Tracy moves so fast she almost beats Karen out of the door.

Outside, Karen approaches Steve with that look in her eye. "What have you been up to?" he asks. Before she can get a word out, Tracy has swept past her and is tugging on the handle of the carry cot shouting "You're not having that baby, give her back!" As soon as Tracy has possession again Karen spits at her: "If you think for one second that we wanted custody of that, then you are off your head." She then badger Steve into saying they don't want Amy any more. Tracy tells him it's time he stood up to Karen and she sweeps off with Amy.

Karen goes back into the pub looking very smug and bragging about Tracy's reaction. Steve doesn't look happy. Candice comes in and sees Jason and Violet sitting in a booth. Fred buys her a drink and tells her "I've been there, love -- flattered one day and dismissed the next." Once she has the drink she goes over to talk to Warren, leading Shelley to speculate that it must be a very good cure for a broken heart. Ashley and Claire come in and demand to know where Fred has been all afternoon. He's on his soapbox now and tells them that if they really loved each other they would get married. He hushes the whole bar and tells everybody that he is offering a weekend in Paris to any couple who can prove that romance really exists.

At Ciaran's, Tracy has come round to pick up a few things. He asks if she meant what she said earlier about having feelings for him. She says she did. He tells her what Penny said to him. "She's just like all the rest. The odds are stacked against me," he says. He'll go along with the plan to give her £20,000 and pocket the other £40,000. "Let's take the money and go."

Here we are with episode two.

Ashley and Claire are standing in their living room and Claire wants to know if he really does want to redecorate, since she knows he and Maxine did it together. He's determined and they start ripping and scraping at the walls. This draws complaints from Fred, who doesn't look well at all. "All that banging and scraping's going through my head like a skewer through diced chump," he explains. He remembers little of the previous night and Claire has to explain to him that he made the offer of a weekend in Paris as a prize for proving romance exists. Ashley isn't surprised Fred isn't well, after all that "Scotch and fret"! (LOL)

At Ciaran's place he's just realised they will need Penny King's name on the sale contract. He wants to pull out of the whole plan, but Tracy whips out a felt-tipped pen and signs Penny King's name on his body. She's been practising. "It's only fraud if we get caught," she explains.

In the pub, Fred is explaining to Shelley that he was "palatic". He might have been paralytic, too, but he's probably got a very dry mouth and that makes some words harder to say. Shelley points out that if couples want to impress Fred they will have to come into the Rovers. Fred is delighted and vows to brand the scheme a "pub promotion". Charlie comes in with flowers for Shelley and she has to pass Fred with them to go and find a vase. "That's a very nice notion," Fred tells her. "But don't go buying a beret. Pub promos aren't open to staff!" At the bar, Charlie is talking to Candice, who puts him right about who dumped who. Charlie explains that Jason was going to dump her anyway -- she just got in first. Jason is talking to Violet and ends up inviting her home for her tea. "I hope you've got something special planned," she says.

Over at the house, Claire and Ashley are under way with the stripping, though there is a good amount of tickling going on as well.

Back in the pub, Fred has been on the phone to a travel agent square dealer who tells him a weekend in Paris will cost the thick end of £500. Fiz and Kirk come to the bar and she appears to give him some prompting. He reads from a beer mat, asking for two glasses of champagne because he must have fizz for his Fiz." Shelley points out that they only do bottles and they cost £20. Undaunted, Kirk carries on, this time asking for a bottle of sparkling wine, making some very bad wine puns (corks popping etc). He goes on: "I truly know that deep in my heart, Garry Neville . . . " Ooops. Wrong beer mat. Fiz whips it off him, moaning that they'll never get to Paris. She can just picture them -- her up the Eiffel Tower, Kirk up the Notre Dame. . . Kirk wants to please and says he knows just how to make an impression. He rushes off, telling Fiz to meet him there later.

In a suburb somewhere, Dev rings a doorbell and Sunita's mother comes to the door. She's not pleased to see him. "You should have left my family in peace four years ago." He says there have been so many misunderstandings and he wants to clear the air. She is persuaded to let him in.


"I thought she might send you," Mrs Parekh tells Dev. He explains Sunita does not know he is there. Mrs Parekh tries to explain how she felt when Sunita ran off. "She shames us by rejecting the husband I had chosen for her, as if I had given it no thought." Her husband comes in and orders Dev out, but Mrs Parekh says Dev will be leaving shortly anyway.

In the restaurant, Tracy is introduced to the buyer as Penny King. While they are talking, Penny King and Mike Baldwin come into the restaurant. The real Penny explains that she will be seeing more of him as she has decided she will be more hands-on with the restaurant from now on. Ciaran is terrified. "It's one thing ripping someone off. It's another giving them ringside seats and a three-course meal to go with it."

At the Eliot household, Ashley and Claire are very hot and sweaty. Claire goes upstairs for a shower. Ashley keeps pulling off wallpaper and suddenly discovers Maxine's name underneath, written in the plaster. He sets to with the sandpaper.

Dev wants to know why Sunita's parents are letting pride stand between them. They explain that they cannot face their community now. Sunita knew the tradition and she knew what was planned but said nothing. She waited until the wedding was about to happen and ran away. "She was scared of me -- of her own mother. That's the most humiliating thing, and I don't deserve it," says Mrs Parekh. She cannot forgive Sunita. Mr Parekh says: "This is my RSVP" and rips up his invitation.

Eileen welcomes Violet into her house and says they are having gammon for tea. What would she like with it -- an egg or pineapple. Violet chooses pineapple and goes upstairs to use the facilities. Which is just as well, because Eileen has to send Jason off to the shop for some pineapple.

Tracy and the buyer are in the middle of negotiations when Mike suddenly realises where he's seen the man before and goes over to tell him the name of a golf course he had been discussing. Tracy gets rid of Mike very quickly. Penny is quite sure that Tracy must be seeing the man and has brought him to the restaurant to rub Ciaran's nose in it. She speculates that the man is married and Mike confirms it.

Things are very grim at the Grimshaws, even when Violet admits she's nervous and Eileen confesses about the pineapple. She has to, anyway, because Jason got chunks rather than rings. Then Violet spots Todd's photograph and comments on it. She thinks he's "fit" and Eileen shouldn't be short of grandchildren. Eileen tells her Todd is gay and Violet endears herself to Eileen immediately when she says: "It must be tough coming out round here."

In the pub, Sunita wants to know where Dev has been and is horrified when he tells her. "All you have done is give her the satisfaction of putting you in your place." Kirk comes in and goes to join Fiz at a table. His arm is bandaged and it turns out he's been to see a mate called Pogo Pete, or Bozo Pete, I couldn't catch it. This guy is a fantastic tattooist and one tattooed "Love" and "Hat" on the knuckles of someone Kirk knew. Fiz tells him it would have been "Hate" rather than "Hat", but Kirk sticks to the story. "The parlour got raided before he could finish." Pete operates from his front room now. Kirk is about to reveal his new pride and joy when Fred hushes the bar to make an announcement. The challenge stands -- the winners will go to Paris Hotel, Bridlington . . ."No, but it's right on the front," he tries to explain as jeers ring out. Kirk likes Bridlington. Fiz takes him up to the bar to unveil his arm in front of Fred and Shelley. "Must as I liked Tommy Cooper, I prefer a nice Panama hat," Fred says. Pardon? But we can see his point. "I love Fez" is not the most romantic thing to have tattooed on your arm. In the restaurant, Tracy and Ciaran admire Mr Walker's cheque. Presumably he made it out to just Ciaran, because otherwise Tracy would have to open a bank account in Penny's name, provide three types of ID and a utility bill and the names of all Penny's mother's second cousins . . . All must be well. "I can't believe we pulled this off, Ciaran," she says and kisses him passionately. (Maybe Tracy and money will be the perfect couple?)

The End.

Margaret Carr

Wednesday 13 October

Written by: Jonathan Harvey
Directed by: Charles Lauder

Ciaran is suffering a bad case of guilt and a loss of appetite. No such problems for Tracy as she tucks into a bowl of soup and contemplates their holiday in Spain. Maternal as ever, sheās heard of a company who provide villas with childcare thrown in: ćI can practically drop [Amy] off at the airport and I donāt need to see her again till I fly back out.ä

In Fredās shop, a new female assistant (ćWork experience from Weatherfield High ö Iām guessing the remedial endä) is sneezing over the pork pies Sean is buying. Sallyās buying kidneys to devil for Kevinās tea. Sheās laying it on really thick in a very staged conversation with Sean, just how romantic Kevin is ö obviously she has her sights set on that trip to Paris. It doesnāt impress Fred: ćAre you on medication Sally?ä

Clare and Ashley are getting frisky while doing the decorating, but just in a cute way because young Joshua is making a rare appearance (heās normally upstairs like the Webster girls always used to be) and is watching them.

At the Duckworthās, Tyrone is asking Jack if heās ever been out with someone, split up with them and then had a crush on them again. Jack is telling him about a girl who stole his wallet and his heart at Butlins in 1951 when Vera arrives with a load of washing from the Baldwinsā. Tyroneās been drawing a picture of Maria, and Vera says it looks like ćthat woman with the eggs· Edwina Currie.ä

Ken and Deirdre are back from Dublin, where Deirdre enjoyed the shops and Ken couldnāt be prised out of the art galleries. Theyāre met on the pavement by Tracy, Ciaran and Amy, and Tracy immediately asks them to look after their granddaughter for a while. Penny King is seen getting out of a car behind them, and overhears Tracy saying that after today they wonāt be spending much time in the restaurant. She asks why, and Tracy says she meant just her, as she needs to spend time with the baby. Penny says sheāll pop round to the restaurant later to see Ciaran.

Charlie shouts to Fred (whoās outside the shop having a smoke) that he has a hot tub going spare ö he ripped it out of the mental hospital where they used it to calm the inmates. Les overhears, and says Cilla would love that, and how big is it. ćItās absolutely massive,ä Charlie says. ćCilla would fit in easy.ä

In the corner shop, Sunita is angry that Dev went to visit her mum without talking to her about it first. Sheās worried it might have jeopardised her relationship with her brother and niece.

The Duckworths are tucking into a meal, and Tyrone is wondering if there are any songs with the name Maria in them. They come up with quite a few, which prompts Vera to observe that itās a very common name, and you donāt get many songs called ĪVera.ā

Clare and Ashley seem to have got tired of using a paintbrush or a roller to do the walls and are now dipping Joshās feet in the paint and using him as a brush instead. The sight of the wee footprints on the wall makes Clare all emotional. ćThis is what loveās all about, iānt it? The little things.ä She says she used to listen to ĪStayā by East 17 and fantasize about Brian Harvey, but now she realises that love isnāt big things like that, but the little things. Ashley gives her a wee kiss and they look so cute and happy ö if Fred could see it the trip to Paris would be in the bag.

At Ciaranās heās breaking the news to Penny that heās sold the restaurant. Sheās furious, wondering how he did it without her signature, and wants a full explanation.

Sally and Kevin are in the Rovers; Sally is still doing this act of Kevin being the most romantic person in the world, but Fredās not impressed by the idea of Kevin scrubbing Sallyās back with a heart-shaped loofah. The Macdonaldās are, of course, trying to outdo the Websters in the race to be Weatherfieldās most romantic couple. Karen has a necklace with the numbers 831: ćEight letters, three words, one meaning ö I love you. He got it me.ä ćEr, heās got a name,ä Steve says. How harmonious. Ashley and Clare coming in, still in their paint-covered overalls. Ciaranās having a hard time explaining things to Penny. She says heās ripped her off. The place was hemorrhaging money, he says, and she wants to know why he didnāt talk to her about it. He says he didnāt want to look like a fool in front of her. ćHow do you think you look now, Ciaran?ä she tells him, ćCos Iāll tell you something for nothing ö I refuse to look like a mug. Got that?ä

Back in the Rovers Sean is telling Eileen and Violet (who has apparently known him for years) that heās finished with romance after his relationship with Louis the scaffolder ended in him losing the custody of Shandy the border terrier ö who had one eye and an eating disorder. ćCan dogs have eating disorders?ä Eileen asks him. ćHave you ever seen Janice Battersby within five feet of a saveloy?ä he replies.

Ms Battersby is currently rather drunk, sitting with Patrick, and getting a bit maudlin, because when she was a child she didnāt have any castanets to go with her Spanish Onion outfit (donāt ask).

Sunita comes in to join Dev who is already in the pub. Sheās been out walking for hours. They kiss and make up, in time for Fred to call for silence ö Ken has a few words he wants to say. Heās written a poem for Deirdre:
ćA rose by any other name but Deirdre is not a rose at all
A shoulder to cry on
And beneath, two arms to steer me
My safety net to catch me lest I fall
My north, my east, my south and west
My safety buoy, my life vest
I close my eyes and sniff her heady scent
For yes, a rose by any other name but Deirdre
Surely is not a rose at all.ä
Applause all round. Ashley asks for a quiet word with Shelley.

At Ciaranās flat, Tracy canāt understand why Ciaran is feeling so bad and is trying to cheer him up, which seems to be working as he chases her to the bedroom.

In the pub Sunita tells Dev to leave the family problem to her.

Sean is teasing Tyrone about Maria. Maria is amused but Tyrone definitely isnāt and walks off. While Sean is away spending a penny, Violet tells Eileen and Jason that sheād be round their house a lot more often if Sean was living there. A couple of times during the episode Jason has said that he likes Sean, and the thought of seeing more of Violet is the final incentive ö he tells Eileen that Sean can move back in with them. Maria buys Tyrone a drink. Heās sitting with Fizz and Kirk, and Fizz knows how crazy Tyrone is about Maria, so she tells Kirk that they have to find a way to get Maria and Tyrone together.

Ashley comes out of the back room of the Rovers with Shelley. Clare wants to know what theyāve been doing, and he says heās been giving Shelley meat advice! But then he calls for quiet. Shelley puts ĪStayā by East 17 on and they dance together. Janice is snogging Patrick in the background but no-one really notices ö all eyes are on Ashley and Clare. Ashley kneels down.
ćHave you hurt yourself?ä Clare asks him.
ćNo, Iām just kneeling down.ä
ćBrian Harvey never knelt.ä

Ashley says, ćBrian Harvey never asked you to marry him. Iām mad about you. Every time I look at you I hear car horns beeping just like England have won a big game. Every time I feel down I just have to look at you and you lift me up dead high. You make everything so much brighter. So will you? Will you make me the happiest man on Godās earth? Will you do me the honour of being me wife?ä Clare says yes, and an emotional Fred hands them the tickets to Paris.

(Sue Haasler)

Friday 15 October

Helen is away this week and so I volunteered to do the update - then had a somewhat strange weekend leading to a late update, apologies all round.

Events in Weatherfield tonight come from two names, one of whom I have not previously noted - writing by Mark Burt and direction Charles Lauder by whilst sponsorship is Cadbury's Snaps and copyright remains with ITV Television.

Events tonight are dominated by couples.

Ashley and Claire are preparing for lunch with Claire's mother. Fred has a claret and a desert wine. Fred hands over two tickets to Paris, France - he has not sent them to Bridlington after all. Claire's mother arrives - Ivan the Terrible according to Fred. Claire says she will tell her mother. Yvonne, the Tax Inspector arrives and thinks Claire is a bit stressed - when Claire says she has something in the oven her mother "jokes" badly that she hopes it is not a bun. Claire looks harassed.

Fiz has drawn Kirk a picture. Fiz is arranging for Tyrone and Maria to have a blind date at the pizza place - they have to get them in the same place at the same time. Step 1 is Maria, Fiz has breakfast with her at Roy's Rolls and convinces Fiz convinces her to join Kirk and herself at the "Eat all you can buffet" at the Italian, by suggesting there are a lot of posh boys going. Fiz has to forego breakfast. Fiz comes clean and says that Tyrone will be there. She manages to convince Maria to go, but Maria insists she will tell him they are only mates. Tyrone is going for a bike ride - and he wants to get fit, he cannot do much about his face - but he can improve his body. Kirk finds it hard to get him to go to the pizza place - but Kirk lets slip about Maria's plan and so Tyrone agrees to go.

And along the Street Sunita remains unhappy with Dev over his attempt to get her family to the wedding - he re-assures her it will all turn out well. A little later Frankie gives Sunita a piece of her mind about the quality of wine on offer and reminds Sunita again about Maya. The latter is upset - she has lost everything. Frankie has only one friend - Maya. Frankie is glad that Maya is causing some angst in the about to be married couple.

Lastly Ciaran is packing whilst Tracy is reading about the resort. She is not packing - she is going to acquire a whole new wardrobe - goodbye Tracy Barlow, hello Tray-Lo (more like trailer trash if you ask me).

After the break we resume at the pizza place. Maria arrives looking for Fiz and although both know - both deny that they are expecting each other. Maria notices Tyrone's after shave! After a while we se them at the end of the meal. They discuss the meal cheerfully and in very good humour. Tyrone is about to say something meaningful so Maria stuffs a final piece of pizza in his mouth so that the moment passes. They walk back to the Street and Tyrone takes her up to the top office above the builder's yard. He wants her to see Blackpool again - he points at the 'Luminations and they remember their time in Blackpool. He wanted her to remember and she does. Maria makes a joke of it - and kisses him on the cheek.

Dinner is going well until Ashley knocks wine all over Yvonne. However there are a few barbed comments across the table. After the meal Yvonne calls her daughter immature - with which Fred disagrees. Yvonne sees life as a balance sheet - and there are too many minuses - Ashley is not right for Claire. Fred tells her that she is dead wrong - pounds shillings and pence are not important and in his view Claire has enough credit for the rest of her life. Claire breaks the news concerning the engagement. Yvonne gets up and leaves them to their celebrations - she does not even congratulate them. Yvonne believes she is throwing her life away. Claire says that she must not choose between her mother and Ashley.

Sunita locks the shop door and she tells Dev he is taking the rest of the day off so that they can go and choose flowers. Sunita is getting more and more cheerful - the advice she received has helped her make her mind up to enjoy it.

Ciaran is still packing when Penny arrives for her money. He writes a cheque for £20,000 and they discuss the position. Penny was the only person who has ever had any faith in Ciaran. He cannot handle it. He explains what he has done = he lied about how much he sold the restaurant. He writes a cheque for a further amount and then smacks him around the face. Penny accuses Tracy - and is going to see her solicitor. Ciaran tries to explain it - and he tries to apologise. He is not a businessman. Penny departs

Tracy is leaving the Barlow household - Blanche reckons it will not last five minutes. Tracy is taking a risk - which is more than anyone else does. Tracy accuses Dreary of constant nagging and Blanche is sent to clean her cauldron. Tracy is going where the sun shines and you can stick that house where it doesn't. Tracy leaves the baby in the cab office and goes up to Ciaran who tells her the money has gone. And of course with no money Tracy finds him as attractive as a week old dead fish and rushes out into the Street where they argue, watched over by Maria and Tyrone from on high. Tracy says she does not love him - without the money he is a sad pathetic loser.

Great little episode. Poor Claire - her mother will have to come round at some point. Ciaran should never listen to Tracy - and the latter is quite clearly totally disturbed. I wonder if she will ever come to her senses. And Sunita if Dev changes her mind some of us will look after you.

Helen will be back next week. Cheers.

K Richard W

Sunday 17 October

Evening all

Tonight's episode opens with Fred coming to join Claire and Ashley for breakfast, but there's more than a little bit of atmosphere in the air. Claire, for a start, isn't hungry, she feels quite sick (seeing Fred tuck into his food can be a nauseating sight for even the least squeemish of people, I suppose) Ashley suggests that she rings her mum, but Fred concludes that it should be her mum ringing to apologise. Claire decides to get it over with and dials the number. We hear the phone ringing, but it's necessary for Claire to clarify the point by saying: "It's ringing"

Over to Ciaran's place and he's stuffing all of Tracy's things (but sadly not Tracy herself) into a bin bag. It's at this moment that Tracy walks in. She tells Ciaran she didn't mean what she said and apologises. She tries to talk him round, but he's having none of it. Tracy tells him that "creaming a little bit hardly makes them Ronnie Briggs" (A little bit: 40,000 pounds!?) but when he doesn't see her point of view, Tracy changes tactics and gets snappy. She asks what he's told Penny and he tells her she knows no details but that he's going to see her later to plead with her. Tracy tells him that, as he got them into this mess, he can get them out of it. As she storms out, Ciaran demands his key back and she reluctantly puts it in his hand.

Claire is rowing animatedly with her mum over the phone, and we can almost hear the clichŽ arguments from her mother such as he's not good enough or it'll all end in tears. Claire protests that she loves Ashley and she hangs up in a rage. She vows she'll never ring again, that's her and her mum finished.

It's breakfast time in the Barlow household and they get an unexpected visitor--Amy who has been pushed through the door by Tracy. Tracy tries to be casual as if nothing's happened but Deirdre tells her she's not welcome in the house and she is backed up by Ken and Blanche. Tracy tries to use Amy to support her argument but as far as Deirdre is concerned, Amy can stay-but Tracy can go to Hell!

Violet comes screeching in terror out of the ladies' toilets in the pub. Is it a giant spider? Or even a dead body? No, it turns out to be something much worse: Charlie. Violet thins he's a peeping tom but it turns out he's just fixing a blocked toilet (don't tell me Cilla got stuck on the pan again) Shelley thanks him.

Tracy asks if the Barlow trio will come around with a sufficient amount of begging as she's done a lot worse before (well you can't fault her on that one) She starts begging but they won't come round so she takes Amy and leaves. Her conscience overcoming her, Deirdre asks Ken to go after her. As he does so, Tracy smirks as she gets her own way again.

Maria brings a doughnut over for a working Tyrone (On Sunday? That's a bit harsh!) She thanks him for the previous night, saying she had a great time (Is she deliberately trying to mislead him!?) He looks delighted.

Gail asks Charlie if he'd be interested in building a cabin bed, whatever one of those is, for Bethany. He suggests sending Jason around. This amuses Gail but not Jason. Charlie agrees to Gail's request.

Ciaran is trying to talk Penny round in the bar and she is convinced that he plotted the con from the start. He pleads his case and apologises but also points out she has no evidence as he gave her all her money in the end. He assures her if the police become involved, he'll deny everything. Mike comes over to take Penny out to lunch.


Fred is handing Shelley a tray of pastries in the butchers shop over the noise of an aggravated Ashley beating the hell out of some meat with a cleaver. Shelley asks Fred to remind her not to get on the wrong side of either of them. Fred tells Ashley not to let his mother in law to be get to him. Ashley goes home to check if Claire is all right.

Mike asks Penny where she wants to eat, but she's not really hungry, particularly when he suggests McCarthys. he tells him that she and Ciaran have decided to sell up and Mike is shocked as she loved the place--it was her pride and joy (Ummm, excuse me but it was only open for a matter of weeks and in that short time she only made brief appearances in it!) He's concerned when she breaks down into tears.

Ashley comes home and hugs Claire. He concludes that it's understandable for her mum to worry but she's still not standing for her mother's behavior. Ashley suggests they postpone the wedding but she's not having her mother stand in the way of their happiness. Ashley again asks her to move in but she wants him to traditionally carry her over the threshold on their wedding night. He's fine with it.

Penny has told Mike the truth about Ciaran and heās bewildered about how he did it. He also wants to break his neck but Penny doesn't want him involved. He asks her who bought it--his friend Frank.

Kirk and Fiz approach Tyrone and Fiz is desperate to know how his "date" with Maria went. He's all smiles but simple Kirk is confused as they didn't "cop off" or snog. Maria's not like that is Tyrone's protest but Fiz crows "Don't make me laugh!"

Claire is in the salon talking to Maria and Candice. Candice asks about the ring and quotes what some feminine mags say about how much a fiancŽ should spend on a ring. Fiz comes in and congratulates Claire. She also tries to discuss Tyrone with Maria, who gets annoyed, saying they're just mates and it'll always stay like that.

Violet asks Shelley if Charlie went out with her mum, but Shelley tells her not to listen to gossip. They serve the two builders simultaneously and also make their plans for the night. A cosy night in for Charlie and Shelley and a wild night out for Violet and Jason (So if they're both having free nights, who's running the pub!?)

Fiz is confused over the Maria/Tyrone situation and suggests they need another push. Kirk tells her to stop interfering.

Fred is opening champagne while Ashley answers the phone. Dozy Claire asks why they're celebrating and Fred confirms that it's her upcoming nuptials.

Ciaran catches up with Tracy and tells her that Penny won't be seeing the police. Tracy moans that she's still 40k out of pocket.

Mike is in a restaurant with Frank, the guy who bought McCarthy's. Mike tells him that his girlfriend worked on that restaurant but it didn't work out. Frank's sorry about that but insists nothing underhand went on. Mike mentions Penny's name and Tracy's face pops into Frank's mind. This precedes an extreme confusion over which one is actually Penny but let's just save the complicated explanation by saying that Mike eventually clicks that Tracy pretended to be Penny.

Ashley explains that Maxine's mum, Doreen, was on the phone wanting to see Josh. Fred raises a glass to Ashley and Claire and says for them not to let anything get in the way of their happiness. Claire worries Ashley by repeating what Candice said about rings, but she's only joking (That's when the big clump of tumbleweed drifted by) When she's of the room, Ashley admits to Fred that he's worried about Doreen's reaction to the news. Fred assures him she'll be fine about it, which obviously means she won't.

Tracy is buying her parents a drink and vowing she'll be a good daughter from now on when Mike approaches and calls her a scheming bitch. Penny stands up and wonders what is going on as do Ken and Deirdre. The truth about her involvement in the scam is announced by Mike, who goes on to warn her that she faces a minimum sentence of five years!!

So what have we learned today?

-Ciaran and Tracy still refer to Penny as "Penny King" despite knowing her for a considerable while now
-Claire and Ashley get more exciting each day
-Blanche always goes on mystery tours to Cleveleys
-Deirdre can stand her ground for almost a whole minute
-Blanche can actually manage to do sympathetic looks
-There's an extra who looks like Jarvis from Emmerdale
-Mike takes random pieces of paper out of filing cabinets and lays them on his desk during his lunch hour
-Audrey has a plant in her salon that consists of an abstractly framed twig with no leaves
-Fred almost takes up a whole settee
-Claire regularly fails to inject humour into her and Ashley's relationship

Well, that's all for tonight--Keep watching and reading!!

Bye for now

Duncan Lindsay

Monday 18 October

Hi everyone ö video working properly tonight, so here is the report of the 1st episode:

Penny and Mike come out of the factory, Penny is annoyed that Mike interfered in what was her business. He felt that she was letting Tracy and Ciaran get away with it, but she tells him that Preston ran her life for too many years, she doesnāt want him to do the same thing. She gets in her car and drives away.

Charlie comes out of Gailās house. He tells her heāll be along in the evenings after heās finished his other jobs, to build the cabin bed she asked for. She says sheāll farm the kids out to Audreyās while heās doing it.

Over at the Barlowās, Blanche is scurrying about throwing Deirdreās cigarettes into a bin bag, because Deirdre bought them from a chap at work who brought them over from France, thatās smuggling, and the police could be round at any minute with a search warrant. She is just despairing over Tracyās latest stunt, when Tracy herself comes into the room, accusing them all of thinking the worst when she hasnāt had a chance to defend herself. She insists that she didnāt know what Ciaran was doing, but Blanche tells her that Īonly following ordersā didnāt convince then and doesnāt now. Tracy sits down and tries to tell Deirdre that she thought she would understand, especially as she had been caught by a con man too. Deirdre is enraged and tells her not to compare what happened to her with what Tracy has done. Tracy goes on protesting her innocence, saying that she didnāt know what Ciaran was up to, and when she did find out it was too late. Deirdre tells her she could have told her or Ken, but Tracy says she didnāt want to worry them. Deirdre says she doesnāt know what to believe any more. Tracy turns on the Īlittle girl lostā act and says sheās really scared. Deirdre softens.

Over in the pub, Jason is not overjoyed to hear that Violet has invited her friends along on their night out together, clubbing. Just then Charlie comes in to drag Jason off to work. Shelley asks him where he fancies going tonight, but he says he wants a quiet night in. She looks a little disappointed, but says she will make him something nice for his tea.

Tracy has gone over to Ciaranās, hoping to butter him up. Ciaran is not having any of it, especially when she tries to hug him, saying that heās the only person she can talk to, they are in this together. ĪHug someone else, sweetheart,ā he says, pushing her away, Īyou go down, I go down.ā

Shelley has gone over to Sunitaās, and she talks about Charlie. Sounding more as if sheās trying to convince herself than Sunita, she tells her that ever since the business with Liz she knows she has to trust him and feels itās made them a stronger couple. She tells Sunita of their plans for a romantic evening in, sheās going to run him a bath and then serve him a lovely meal while they are surrounded by candles and soft music. Sunita tells her she hopes he realises how lucky he is. Shelley smiles nervously.

Back at the Barlowās, Ken and Deirdre are sitting at the table as Deirdre says she canāt believe this is happening to them. The Duckworthās or the Battersbyās, yes, but not to them. She canāt believe her daughter could finish up in prison. Ken tries to reassure her, pointing out that it may not come to that, Penny King got her money back and Tracy is a single mother with a little baby. Blanche comes and joins them then, and seems more concerned about showing her face in the Rovers again, sheās already had to live with the shame of seeing her own daughter go to prison, without having to go through it all again. She then adds that when it all comes out, others will be wondering just how innocent Deirdre was in the past. Deirdre is shocked, ĪI canāt believe you just said that!ā she tells her mother, Ken is furious and shouts at Blanche, ĪWill you shut your nasty little mouth!ā he storms, he says she doesnāt care who she hurts with her vicious tongue, even her own family, she just says the first foolish piece of nonsense that comes into her head, the more hurtful the better. He says that if it all becomes common knowledge there will be ignorant people making stupid remarks, and heāll not have them in his house! Blanche looks dumbstruck for a few seconds and then gets up and rushes from the room.

In the Rovers, Dev and Danny are comparing wedding customs of the Allahans and the Baldwins. Les is lurking in the background, and pricks up his ears when he hears Dev says that they have to show generosity to all their servants who have shown generosity to them. He tells Danny that itās going to be a lavish wedding, and Danny tells him about someone he knew who hired an elephant to get him to the church. Les rushes over to Kirk and does his best to persuade him to get Dev an elephant for his wedding, so that Dev will show his gratitude generously. Kirk explains that he only works in the kennels and the biggest thing theyāve got there is Schmeikel. Les tells him he must know someone in the animal business.

Over at the bar, Jason is now inviting all his friends to go on the date with him and Violet. Tyrone is asked but refuses, until Maria comes in and asks if she can go too. Ty has a sudden change of mind.

Tracy is sitting morosely on Maxineās bench, out in the street. Ken comes and sits beside her. He says sheās behaved appallingly and is still trying to make out she hasnāt done anything wrong. Tracy goes on lying, and still insists that she didnāt know what Ciaran was doing. Ken tells her that despite trying to be good parents, time and again he and Deirdre are left to deal with the wreckage of her latest piece of nastiness. She goes on playing the injured martyr, and accuses him of just presuming she was guilty without listening to what she has to say. He tells her that even if she is telling the truth, she deserves to suffer just like she has made everyone else suffer. She asks whether he cares if she goes to prison. He tells her of course he cares, but it might be the best thing that could happen if it stops her from being a selfish, manipulative, devious little cow! He tells her that if she manages to wriggle out of this, if she lets them down once more, she can go to hell. He gets up and walks away, Tracy sighs, and closes her eyes.

Penny walks into the Rovers, to be followed by Tracy. Penny turns and tells her to go and crawl back under the rock she came from. Tracy begs to be allowed to explain, and when they sit down the lies pour forth, and she does the Īpoor little innocent meā act, telling Penny that it was all Ciaranās idea, he said it was a laugh and that he wanted to wind Mike up, and by the time she knew what was happening it was too late, and Ciaran told her that she was in it as much as him, so she couldnāt go to the police. She turns on the waterworks and Penny hands her a tissue.

Dev and Sunita walk into the bar. Something is worrying Sunita, and Dev finally manages to get out of her that sheās worried about the wedding ö the fact that on his side will be all his family, and on her side, one bridesmaid and her brother. Dev tries to tell her that it doesnāt matter, but Sunita is not convinced.

Shelley takes their orders, but Sunita is concerned that sheās not out the back, grilling Charlieās steak to perfection. Shelley looks a little worried, but tells them that heās not back yet, heās still working. Sunita suggests she asks Jason where he is, (Jason has already embarked on his night out and is sitting with Violet and his friends) but Shelley nervously tells them that Charlie wouldnāt like her checking up on him like that. Sunita orders a bitter lemon, but they are still in the cellar, Charlie was going to bring them up when he came home.

Kirk is on the phone, trying to order the elephant for Dev and Sunitaās wedding, only to be offered a llama.

Violet is describing her friends to Jason, and then says that perhaps heād better not meet them. Jason tells her heās a one-woman man, but Maria overhears and asks, ĪSince when?ā Jason reckons when you meet the right person you donāt want to play around. Fizz asks Kirk what his phone call was about. He tells her it was meant to be about elephants but ended up being about llamas. Fizz wonders where llamas come from, and Kirk informs her they come from a kennels over in Yorkshire. Fizz tells him she meant where they come from originally, and he tells her ĪDerbyshire.ā

Tyrone strikes up conversation with Maria, telling her he agrees that when you meet the right person you donāt want to play around with anyone else. Maria tells him that sometimes itās too easy to get involved in a heavy relationship, itās more fun playing about. He tries to remind her that they had some laughs, living with Jack and Vera, but she tells him, somewhat bitterly, they didnāt laugh much at the end.

Shelley phones Charlie, wondering where he is. He answers curtly that heās in the Weatherfield Arms. She thought he wanted a quiet night in, and he tells her heāll have one, when heās had a couple of drinks. She points out that she got some steaks in, but he tells her not to bother for him, heās had a sandwich, and he hangs up. Shelley looks upset.

Over at the Barlows, Ken has just got Amy off to sleep, but no-one knows where Tracy is. Blanche apologises to Ken for the harsh things she said, but she always thought it was right to speak her mind and not bottle things up. Ken says he hopes that a few harsh words are the worse thing thatās going to happen to Tracy.

Kirk and Les are in the pub, and Kirk has still had no luck finding an elephant. He tells Les he was offered an ox, and Les asks how big that is. Kirk thinks itās about horse size. Les rushes over to Dev and tells him that they, his loyal servants, have a wedding present for him. Dev, who is enjoying a drink with Danny, turns and tells him he shouldnāt have, and then goes to turn away again. Les tells him he overheard him saying he wanted an elephant. Dev turns back, looking a little worried, ĪNow Iām serious,ā he tells them, Īyou really shouldnāt have.ā ĪDonāt worry,ā says Kirk, Īwe couldnāt get one.ā Dev looks more worried, Īwhy do I dread whatās coming next?ā he wonders. Les tells him he will be going to his wedding on a fine stallion, think Derby winner. Dev tells him a horse that walks will be fine. Les then tells him that he knows about the custom to reward the loyal servants, and Dev says yes, they will receive the first produce from their gift. Kirk and Les look puzzled. (Not difficult for Kirk, heās permanently puzzled). Danny remarks that thereās only one thing he can think of that a horse produces·.but they will have the finest roses in the street.

Shelley tells Violet to go off with her friends, sheāll wait for Charlie. Violet tells her to give him bread and cheese when he finally turns up.

Maria has a quiet word with Tyrone and tells him that just because they had a good time the other night, it doesnāt mean theyāre a couple now. She tells him she doesnāt want a serious relationship with anyone, not just him, she just wants to have fun and he should too. She tells him heās still her best mate though. When all the others go off to the club, Tyrone decides to give it a miss.

Over at a table, Tracy is still talking to Penny. She tells her it must be hard for her, inheriting a lot of money and having people like Mike waiting for her to make a hash of it. Penny wonders what business it is of hers. Tracy tells her that if what happened got out, people would laugh at her. Penny is furious. ĪAnd the alternative is that you get away with it?ā She fumes, Īrather than having a couple of pathetic crooks laughing at me?ā She gets up from the table and storms out. As they get out into the street, Ciaran is being put into a police car. Ken, Deirdre and Blanche are out on their doorstep. ĪTracy Barlow? Iām arresting you on suspicion of deception,ā a policeman tells her, and Tracy too is taken off and put into the police car. As Deirdre bleats, ĪTracy!ā rather pathetically, Mike stands there grinning!

And thatās it for now···..donāt miss part two!

Annie Logan

You can always tell when Daran Little has written an episode of Coronation Street, because as the former archivist for the show, he remembers to have the characters refer to people and things in the past. And so it is tonight as we turn to the second episode of the evening.

In the back of the pub, Charlie is putting on his boots when Shelley comes down and asks what time he got in. In a needy sort of way she wonders why he didn't have his boozy night out with the boys at the Rovers. He points out that the Weatherfield Arms has something the Rovers doesn't -- ugly barmaids. He claims he didn't want his mates trying to get off with her. He goes off to work.

The Barlows are gathered round the table and things are not looking comfortable. Blanche is holding forth. "She gets it from her real father, Ray. He was more or less raised in borstal. I don't know how I am going to tell our Beryl. No doubt she'll just bring up your cousin Marion's new conservatory all over agai . . ." "Blanche! Will you just SHUT UP!!!" Ken is really annoyed. He asks Tracy what the police said and she tells them she was arrested for deception and interviewed. She didn't see Ciaran and she doesn't want to. "He'll probably try to blame you," Ken warns her. Tracy ends up in tears and Ken gives her a hug and tells her he only shouts because he loves her. "We all love you."

In the builders' yard, Jason is napping and is rudely woken by Charlie chucking water in his face and telling him things could have been taken while he was sleeping. Jason had a long night with Violet and didn't get home till the early hours, though Violet is only letting him go so far. How did Charlie manage, he wonders, when Shelley was making him wait. "I had other options," Charlie points out. Jason says he couldn't do that. "I love Violet." He wonders if Charlie still has options, but he doesn't get a definitive answer.

In the Barlows' back yard, Deirdre is having a cigarette when Ken comes out. She asks if she's going to work, but she's already rung in sick -- "sick with worry!" Ken asks if she thinks Mike is pushing for Tracy to be prosecuted in order to get back at Ken and Deirdre. Deirdre doesn't think so, but she plans to go and see Mike. "What? And beg him for old times' sake?" asks Ken. "If I have to," she says. "Tracy needs me and I will do anything to keep her out of prison." She says there's no time like the present and goes off to find Mike.

In the pub, Ciaran is confiding in Shelley. He tells her Tracy is poison and he hopes never to see her again. Shelley can't believe he got involved. "Don't," he says. "I fell bad enough." Fred, apparently absorbed in a newspaper crossword as he leans on the bar, says without looking up: "You'll be looking for work, then." Ciaran is startled. "What?" "I've got big ears," explains Fred. Ciaran gets upset about Fred listening, but Fred points out that if it was a private conversation he'll leave. "But if it was a little chat between three pals who've worked with each other a while," then he might consider giving someone their job back. Ciaran points out that he was just saying he's in trouble with the police. "I know you're in trouble with the police, but that Penny and Mike are a pair of cheating, lying, low-lifes and if you have caused them any trouble, that will do for me." Shelley tells Ciaran he'd better get down to the cellar and bring some crates back up.

In the factory, Deirdre has gone to Mike's office. She tells him she knows Tracy has done wrong, but if she goes to prison it will hurt Deirdre and Amy and Ken too. Doesn't he know what it's like in prison? "Please, Mike, don't put her through that." Mike tells her that Tracy is no innocent. She didn't have to forge Penny's signature. "She broke the law." Deirdre resorts to groveling. She asks Mike to withdraw the charges for her, for all that they meant to each other. She's down on her knees in front of him, begging him. "Deirdre, stop it, get up," Mike says. "What on earth is going on," Penny asks.


In the pub, Cilla has come in and Shelley seems to be pumping her for information. Cilla is only too happy to oblige, telling her the Weatherfield Arms was really busy last night, but not while Charlie was there. In fact, he didn't stay long at all. He got a phone call and left early. "Ooh, I hope I haven't landed him in it," she says.

Penny and Mike are in the factory office. She wants to know why he didn't mention the history between him and Deirdre. He says he didn't give it a thought. Sure, he once wanted Deirdre to leave Ken, and he wanted to raise Tracy as his own child, but that was a long time ago. Penny points out that it makes all the difference. He was the one who wanted to press charges. He asks her nicely if she will drop the charges and she agrees. "You'd better run me to the station."

In Ashley's house, he is talking to Doreen. She comments on how much it has changed with the redecoration and says she hasn't been able to bring herself to touch Maxine's bedroom, "even though Maxine hadn't lived at home for years before she . . . " She chokes back the tears. Doreen also praises Claire and says she's a wonderful nanny and she thinks Maxine would have approved of her.

At the Barlows', Deirdre has told Tracy she's off the hook. Tracy says she's been waiting all morning for the police to come and get her and was worried Amy would say her first words and take her first steps without her. She cries and Deirdre hugs and pats her and tells her to let it all out. "Remember how this feels," she tells her daughter. "You have got to stop hurting people, hurting me and Ken -- we're getting too old." Tracy has sat up by now and wants to know what her mother said to Mike to get him to change his mind. "I begged him because he loved me once," Deirdre replies. "I would do anything for you, Tracy. You're surrounded by people who love you. Stop fighting us."

Out the back of the Rovers, Charlie is on the phone to someone, seemingly making some sort of appointment "while the kids are out of the way." Shelley comes in and he continues his phone conversation. He says he has to go and when Shelley says she's got pies heating for their dinner he tells her off for whining. He can't stand whining. And why did she question Cilla? "If you don't trust me, just say. And he thrusts his face into hers with such menace that she doesn't contradict him.

Out in the bar, Fred is still leaning on the bar with his paper when Penny and Mike come in and are startled to see Ciaran behind the bar. "If you don't approve, you can take your custom elsewhere," Fred says without raising his head from his paper. "You won't be missed." They are about to argue when Dev comes in and asks Mike to be his best man.

Over at Ashley's, Claire is telling Ashley he has to tell Doreen about them. If he doesn't, she will. Ashley tells Doreen they have something to tell her. She thinks it's that Claire is leaving. When they tell her they are to marry, she says: "But you're not even an item!" They tell her they have been seeing each other. "I suppose life goes on . . . for some," she says, choking back the tears again. Ashley says he would have told her earlier, but it was difficult to find the right moment. She agrees there is no right moment for some conversations. She remembers her manners and wishes them every happiness, but by now she is crying. "I must get on. Bye Joshua." She is gone and Ashley hugs Claire.

Tracy waltzes into the pub and finds Ciaran behind the bar. They hiss insults at each other, with Tracy expressing her disbelief that he would tell the police about her part in it. Ken comes and drags Tracy away from the bar, telling Ciaran to stay away from her. Penny and Mike are sitting down and Penny is telling Mike she made a discovery today -- that she really doesn't know him. They've been going out for months and they see each other a lot and sleep together a lot, but that's all. Why? "Because that's the way we want it," says Mike, somewhat puzzled. "No it's not," says Penny. "We live separate lives." She tells him to forget it. "Forget about us. We've been together for months but we're no closer then we were at the beginning." And she stomps out. And the oracle at the bar with the newspaper says: "Oh, dear, Mike. Day not going to plan?"

Shelley is in the back room staring at her mobile phone. Charlie has hung up on her. Fred comes in and she tells him Charlie hung up when he saw her ID on his phone. She admits to Fred that Charlie is right. "I don't trust him." He tries to reassure him that she's lovely and Charlie wouldn't stray. But she says her being lovely never stopped Peter from getting involved with Lucy. She tells Fred she believes Charlie is cheating on her.

Dramatic music. The end.
Margaret Carr

Wednesday 20 October

Written by: Jonathan Harvey
Directed by: Anne Ross-Muir

Violet and Sean are helping Shelley and Fred to get the pub ready for, as Sean puts it, "the henna for the Hindu hen-do," otherwise known as a party for Sunita and her female relatives. Since she isn't speaking to any of them, it'll just be her and Shelley. This will be followed by a big party for both families. Shelley isn't pleased that Charlie doesn't seem bothered about attending.

Janice is having a "fat day" at Roy's Rolls; Hayley advises power walking and Tai Chi. Although Janice just wants to spend the evening in bed in front of reality TV, Leanne persuades her to go to the party at the Rovers.

Ashley and Claire are also dining at Weatherfield's premiere eatery, and Ashley chooses this romantic location to give Claire her engagement ring - "I got it off the internet." Claire loves it, but says she won't wear it in front of Doreen as they're both worried about upsetting her.

In the pub, Shelley asks Charlie if she's being too needy (my advice would be: if you need to ask then yes, you probably are). She compares herself to Hamlet - which she saw once on a school trip though she can't remember the name of it - she has the ghost of Peter Barlow hanging over her, and she can't deal with her relationship with Charlie because of her past. Charlie says he'll make an effort to get to the party, but as soon as Shelleyās back is turned he's arranging to do some work at Gail's house that evening. She says if she's out, he can let himself in as he has a key.

Doreen has brought Josh back from a day out. Claire's put out that Doreen has bought him a new top and thrown away his old one (which Claire bought him) because he was sick on it. Doreen bursts into tears, and says Maxine wouldn't have had a go at her like that. Ashley defends Claire, and Doreen just gets more upset.

The party has started at the Rovers, with Asian music and extras in saris. Janice is sitting with Roy and Hayley, and Patrick comes in with some white cards on which he's written (in the style of "the kid in Love Actually" he says, though I haven't seen it so I couldn't verify. But I can verify Roy's comment that its a homage to a Dylan video) the following messages: I'M SORRY...I SNOGGED YOU...THE OTHER NIGHT. It does the trick and Janice tells him to just get a bevy in and she might forgive him.

Dev's mum is flirting with Mike Baldwin and his dad is charming "Titian temptress" Rita. You can see where Dev gets it from. Sunita comes out of the back room, looking beautiful. Dev's mother comments: "she may be a shop girl, but she scrubs up incredibly well!" Dev thinks she looks "Incandescent - like an angel." And into this lovely scene comes Maya, bearing flowers.

Someone else who looked "like an angel" was Maxine on her wedding day, according to Doreen who is looking at a wedding photo with Ashley. Claire joins them, and Ashley tell Doreen that he can't live in t'past forever. Doreen says that Ashley's lucky because he can get another wife, but she can't get another daughter. Then she apologises to Claire, who says that Maxine will never be forgotten by them.

"I know it's ever so slightly inappropriate for me to be here," Maya is telling Dev and Sunita. "But I had to come and give you my best wishes." She says the flowers she brought ought to be put in water, but Sunita drops them on the floor, saying, "I'll stick them somewhere else if you're not careful." Maya zooms in on Dev's father, then makes as if she's about to leave, but the senior Alahans decide she'll stay. Dev and Sunita aren't happy, and when Maya goes off to the ladies, Sunita intercepts her and makes it clear she's not welcome. Maya says she'd like them to be friends, but Sunita says she has enough friends "and most of them are on the right side of psychotic." Maya says, "I wish you wouldn't carry all this anger around with you... (dramatic pause) ... It's a killer." Eeeek!

I often wonder why parties are held so early in the Street, because we next see Charlie and Gail in her back garden, and it's broad daylight. He's fixing something or other, and they're musing about life in general. Gail feels in a rut and wonders whether life will ever have anything in store for hr. She's been to the travel agents to find out about weekend breaks, but picked up a brochure of romantic breaks by mistake. She'll give it to Charlie in case there's anything that might interest him and Shelley.

The party is in full swing. Sunita wonders where Charlie is, and Shelley says he's doing some work at a convent. Janice and Patrick are getting quite frisky, which is putting Roy off his game of "fantasy dinner party." They're joined by Leanne and Jamie, who prove to be useless at "fantasy dinner party" and end up snogging instead. Poor Roy and Hayley.

Maya asks Ciaran for a glass of red wine, asking him to fill it right to the top. She then proceeds to "accidentally" spill it all over Sunita's dress. Shelley throws Maya out, and while she's outside the pub, sees Charlie talking to Gail outside her house.

Sue Haasler

Friday 22 October

We start tonight's fantastic episode with Shelley in the pub looking at all the mess. She goes into the back and looks in Charlie's wallet. She finds a phone number and rings it only to find its Gail's! Ciaran comes in and he's in a surprisingly good mood: apparently he got lucky at the party last night! Shelley doesn't think it was a good idea to go off with someone at his ex's engagement party: she tells him that he's a waste of space and in walks Charlie. He asks her if it's the time of the month which she doesn't take kindly to! They leave to get "out of the line of fire"! Shelley looks in Charlie's backpack and finds a magazine for romantic breaks for two.

Fred isn't happy at Claire's mother for upsetting Claire and Ashley but they assure him that it was her that was upset and not them. Fred describes Claire as a pot of gold that should be cherished! He asks them if it has put them off getting married but they say it hasn't.

Shelley is getting into a taxi when she sees Gail walking into Charlie's work place.

Janice and Leanne are talking about what Janice got up to last night when in walks Patrick. He asks if she's alright and Leanne says she is apart from the sore lips! Jason asks Violet if she wants to go to a club but she turns him down. Ciaran tells her that Jason thinks she's all right but she starts to cry. Ciaran apologises but she says it's not him. She says she doesn't do love or love doesn't do her. It always ends up in heartache and she doesn't think she can put herself through it again. Jamie asks his dad for some money to take Leanne out but he refuses. Warren asks him for some money for some football boots and he agrees!

Shelley is trying on saris with Sunita when she starts to cry. Sunita forces her to tell her what's wrong and she says she thinks Charlie is having an affair with Gail Platt! She says she's seen them coming out of Gail's house laughing and joking and she's found her number in his wallet. Sunita says maybe he's doing some work for her but Shelley found a brochure for romantic breaks in his bag with a note on from Gail. She says he swore to her he wasn't like Peter.

Sunita doesn't believe that Charlie would be having an affair with Gail. Shelley says that she hopes so and goes back to the pub. Jason is moping around after Violet turned him down. Charlie says he can't believe someone so young can have so much self pity. He tells him that if he wants to go to the club he should ring his mates and go, you never know who he might meet!

Warren is telling Candice about his football trial but she's having a little trouble understanding him! Maria is going to the same club as Jason and Warren says she's a bit of alright. Candice slaps him round the head and he asks if she heard that then!

Claire and Ashley are trying to decide on a date for the wedding. Claire wants a Christmas wedding but Ashley thinks that's out as it's the shops busiest time of year! He goes through all the months and finally thinks that April would be perfect. Claire brightens up but then her face falls as he says "mind you"!

Shelley is staring at Gail. Jason, Maria, Tyrone, Fizz and Kirk are drinking in the pub. Maria shouts at Tyrone because he keeps copying her. Fizz asks her why she's being so touchy with him and she says she wishes he would stand up for himself instead of agreeing with her all the time. Kirk tells Maria that he calls Fizz his labradoodle! Very worrying! Charlie walks in and Audrey asks him to keep Gail company: he agrees. Ciaran tells Shelley that he's still waiting for an apology from her but she says he'll be waiting for a long time. Violet decides, with Ciaran's persuasion, to go to the club after all. She asks Shelley for a school uniform: she hasn't got one but she says if she wants to jump on her boyfriend she's sure he'll let her.

Ashley and Fred are still going through the months when they finally decide on August. He says if everyone's agreed they'll get married in August. August 2007 that is!!

The pub is closed up and Shelley goes through to the back. She questions Charlie about their relationship and says if he's not happy why doesn't he go out and have an affair. She tells him not to go for the obvious people why doesn't he go for the "oldest swinger in town" like Gail Platt! Charlie doesn't understand what she's going on about. She asks him where he's been and says that when he said he was working at the convent she saw him coming out of Gail's house. Charlie starts laughing at him so she storms out.

Leanne and Jamie are coming out of the chippy. Leanne tells Jamie that nothing ever happens round here it's just dull, dull, dull! Shelley starts banging on Gail's door and Charlie runs out of the pub shouting at Shelley to get back inside. Shelley tells Gail to get her hands off her fella. Gail tells her that she hasn't touched Charlie; he's been making a bed for Bethany. David comes out to see what's going on. Cilla sticks her head out of her window and tells them that rowing in the street is lowering the tone!! Leanne tells Shelley to smack Gail! After a lot more shouting Gail tells David to tell Shelley what Charlie was doing there. He tells her he was making a bed for Bethany! Ashley comes out in his boxers and nothing else (ooo lovely!!) and asks them to talk inside as they've just woken up Joshua. Cilla kindly tells Ashley that Shelley thinks Gail has been "bonking" Charlie. Gail tells her to go home and she goes back inside. Cilla and Leanne are disappointed that there wasn't a drop of blood!! Shelley starts to walk back to the pub when Charlie calls her a "thick bitch". He walks off and Shelley asks where he's going. Charlie says "like she has a right to know". Shelley looks distraught. Oh dear!

The End

Helen Edgar

Sunday 24 October

Good evening everyone, this is the report for Sunday 24th October

Dev and Sunita have just wed at the registry office, witnessed by Roy and Hayley, who is overcome by tears. Dev and Sunita head off to prepare for their proper wedding ceremony.

Shelley is outside Gail's house, scrawling a sorry note. However, she doesn't seem satisfied with it so she crumples it up and tosses it down onto the cobbles.

Sunita thanks Hayley and Roy for being her witnesses. She's extremely happy and is gushing with joy, so much so that she becomes extremely giggly with Hayley as they skip hand in hand down the street like a clip from the little house on the prairie.

Dev is getting ready and we are introduced to his parents, who are a lot less uptight than Sunita's mum and Pops. Dev's dad is fiddling around with a digital camera, while his mum gives Dev some form of jewelry that her husband wore on their wedding day. Dev's dad comments that his mum was worried he wasn't ever going to wed but Dev's mum says it was worth the wait.

Blanche is worried about how she looks and she believes that Deirdre has shrunk her shirt. Deirdre tells her no one will be looking at her. Les is coming up the street with an elegant looking horse in tow and he explains that it's Dev's "elephant" Ashley comes out of his house and comments that once Dev's finished with it, he'll have it in his garden for supplies of fertilizer. Claire is horrified. "You will not! What about RJosh!?" she gasps. (yeah Claire, it was a joke. Some people call it humour) Dev, Mike and the parents are coming up in the car and Les approaches them with the horse (which is either called Alice or Jumbo--it's been called both so far) Dev says it's traditional for the best man to ride on it, but Mike tells him the horse is all his

Candice and Danny are all prepared for Warren's trial for Weatherfield County. Danny ushers Candice out to buy Warren some energy drinks and when she's gone, he tells Warren that she's just a distraction. Warren argues, saying she'll be more of a reason to show off.(Something he doesn't often do, of course) Danny warns him not to waste his second chance.

Shelley is putting the final touches to Sunita's dress. Sunita's delighted with it, she says it's all like a dream. Ciaran comes through telling her that Jayesh has just phoned, causing Sunita to panic that he won't turn up. Ciaran tells her that he's just running late though. It's at this point that Sunita realises she has no one to welcome Dev and she asks Ciaran to do it.

Charlie is joking with Les across the Street, but when Shelley comes into view, his face hardens. Shelley comes over and asks why he isn't dressed and it turns out he's not actually going. He asks if she's apologised to Gail. Shelley says she was out but assures him she will apologise, but he just drives away.

Claire and Ashley are getting ready to go. Les has left some manure in a bag on their garden wall as a joke. He and Ashley laugh, but once again, the prospect of humour is lost on Claire.

Everyone is heading for the temple where the ceremony is to be held. Roy and Hayley join with Emily, Blanche, Ken and Deirdre. Roy cunningly notices that Blanche's skirt is black and he tells her it's bad luck. Not wanting to be responsible for the moment when Sunita and Dev are yelling divorce at each other, Blanche gets 30 quid from Deirdre and heads to the shops.

The parade begins led by a dancer and some drummers. Dev is on a horse, his face covered by a veil, thank god. The horse trots towards the crowd into a sea of applause. Deirdre asks Mike if he's alone. He tells her that he hasn't heard from Penny and isn't sorry about it.

Jason has placed half a bar mat on the bar and Violet is teasing him, saying she can't remember anything about it. She is also unable to retrieve the other half in her handbag. It emerges that she gave half to Jason, signaling they'd be together forever, but Jason brushes this off.

Sunita and Ciaran arrive at the temple in a pink mini. Ciaran goes all soppy, saying that although they had a good time, they were never suited to be husband and wife, like she and Dev are. Sunita is panicking as she can't see Jayesh anywhere, but he pull up, with her mum and Pops in tow. Mumsie isn't looking all too pleased, but Sunita is when she spots her.

Pops tells Sunita that she looks beautiful and Mumsie manages a "she looks well" Sunita hugs them both, but Mumsie's unease is clear. Sunita introduces them to Shelley, who is even more ecstatic about their arrival than Sunita was. She presumes Mumsie will want to take her role, but she wants to watch from the back.

Charlie is annoyed to see Jason back in the pub, chatting to Violet. Violet points out that it's mean of Charlie to let Shelley go to the wedding on her own but he turns aggressive with her, saying he didn't ask for marriage counseling. He storms off to go to the Weatherfield Arms. Jason finds the other half of the bar mat in his bag of crisps and asks Violet if they are officially going out. She concludes that she's officially outed his soppy side.

Shelley puts down a vasey thing at Dev's feet and he stamps on it. According to Roy, this is to show he isn't after material wealth.

Blanche comes in, now dressed in pink. Deirdre asks for her change but doesn't get any.

Pops is telling Mumsie that they ought to introduce themselves, but she's fine as she is.

Back in the Baldwin household, Candice is attempting to do Warren's hair. They're discussing his tryout, where he missed a penalty. Danny comes in and answers the phone. He passes it on to Warren as it's Weatherfield County. He tries the old trick of looking disappointed to make people think I didn't get it, but it was very obvious he did. He cheers merrily and leaps onto his dad, in a reaction a bit over enthusiastic for a local team.

Back at the wedding, there's a lot of music and dancing going on. Pops tells Mumsie that Jayesh shouldn't be playing the father role--that's his job! (whoa, slow down. Not much gets past you, eh Pops?) He takes Jayesh's place. Shelley is worried about washing Dev's feet and Mike decides to make a joke about verukas.

Ken is asking Claire and Ashley if they'll be next and she tells him they're planning it for Summer 2007. He sees no harm in that as they're just young, but Claire's fake smile hints that she doesn't share these sentiments. Because of course, anything could've happened by then. Affairs, death, financial split...

Blanche is being cynical about the ceremony while Deirdre notices the label on her jacket--she got it from a charity shop. Deirdre still doesn't get any change however.

Hayley is offering Mumsie her seat, but she's fine. Hayley and Roy get talking about how devoted Dev was for proposing to Sunita at a time when she could've died down to illness. It gets Mumsie thinking.

Sunita is talking to Pops, saying she's so happy they came, but she wishes Mumsie would play a bigger role. Pops tells her to give her time as she's a proud woman. At this point, Shelley tells Sunita to look at Dev. She won't as it's bad luck, but Jayesh convinces her and she sees mumsie washing his feet. Sunita is overcome with emotion. Charlie turns up, but blanks Shelley. Jayesh goes to fetch Sunita's handbag, which he's left with Maya of all people. He thanks her and she says she's pleased to do anything to help the day go smoothly (hmmm it looks like looking at Dev did bring Sunita bad luck after all)

As Sunita prepares to be taken off to Dev, Pops says he's such a proud father. The ceremony gets under way among cheers of joy and happiness from everyone. How very sweet--if only Mad Maya wasn't standing in the background, dropping rose petals in a sinister fashion with a horrendous glare on her face...Oh dear, things could be just about to kick off...

And that's where we end!

So what have we learnt tonight?
-I still haven't learned the names of Pops and Mumsie
-Hayley and Roy display emotions when they are moved in completely different ways.
-Shelley is a litter bug
-Dev is nearly twice the height of his mother
-Pops looks like the Hunchback Of Notre Dame
-Sunita thinks her mirror reflection is alive
-Shelley's a bit funny about feet
-Sunita rolled around in the flower patch in her garden this morning and as a consequence, got a load of flowers tangled in her hair.
-Charlie can stop laughing remarkably quickly
-Claire uses a purple furby as a handbag
-It's bad luck to wear black at a Hindu wedding
-Violet regularly tears bar mats and gives half to someone she wishes to spend the rest of her life with.
-Les always managed to hit the bell with the hammer at the fairground (or so he says)
-Blanche got her jacket from "Save the animals"
-Maya had the most cunning of hiding places, out in the open at the side of the crowd where no one could possibly see her...ahem...
-Maya has a harsh vendetta against roses

Thanks for reading and have a nice week!

Until next time!!

Duncan Lindsay

Monday 25 October

Hi everyone, here is the first episode from Monday:

We open with the continuation of the wedding, with Devās father taking photos of happy family groups. Dev tells Mike how happy he is that Sunitaās parents came, and then catches sight of Maya through the crowd. He looks very concerned. Steve, Eileen and Patrick arrive and sit next to Les and Cilla, it seems that Karen has gone straight to the ladies. After watching Dev and Sunita exchange garlands, Claire turns to Ashley and asks if they can have them too. Blanche overhears and asks if itās true that they are getting married in 2007, she tells them sheāll probably be dead by then! Cilla stops Charlie as he walks past, asking if itās true that he offers extras, she was thinking of getting a builder in. Charlie retorts that Shelley has an overactive imagination, and walks off. Dev quietly thanks Sunitaās mum for coming to the wedding.

Back in Coronation Street, Danny tells Jamie that his brother is now officially a footballer again, and he deserves to have some cash in his pocket. Jamie is disgruntled because he has to give most of his wages to Danny. Danny is more concerned that Warren gives up his Īhairdressing birdā because sheās ruining his concentration. At that moment Gail and Audrey come out of the salon, and Jamie points her out to Danny, saying that she was the one Shelley had a ding-dong with. ĪHallo, hallo,ā says Danny to Gail as they get close, ĪI hear the landlady made you feel a right Charlie!ā and walks off chortling. Gail is not amused, but Audrey tries to calm her down by telling her that Shelley knew she was in the wrong. Cilla stops Charlie as he walks past, asking if itās true that he offers extra, she was thinking of getting a builder in. Charlie retorts that Shelley has an overactive imagination, and walks off. Dev quietly thanks Sunitaās mum for coming to the wedding.

Back in Coronation Street, Danny tells Jamie that his brother is now officially a footballer again, and he deserves to have some cash in his pocket. Jamie is disgruntled because he has to give most of his wages to Danny. Danny is more concerned that Warren gives up his Īhairdressing birdā because sheās ruining his concentration. At that moment Gail and Audrey come out of the salon, and Jamie points her out to Danny, saying that she was the one Shelley had a ding-dong with. ĪHallo, hallo,ā says Danny to Gail as they get close, ĪI hear the landlady made you feel a right Charlie!ā and walks off chortling. Gail is not amused, but Audrey tries to calm her down by telling her that Shelley knew she was in the wrong. They go off to the cafŽ to get some lunch.

Karen has joined the other wedding guests. She has been to a chemist to buy yet another pregnancy testing kit. She wants to take the test straight away, but Steve wants her to wait until they get home, this is Sunitaās day. Jayesh is about to hide the groomās shoes, (as we are informed by Roy who, in telling Hayley every step of the ceremony, keeps us informed too.) Les takes the shoes from Sunitaās brother, saying that heāll take care of it. Shelley tries to explain to Charlie that she canāt sit with him, but gets a frosty reception, and then we see Penny arrive. Deirdre comments that she hopes sheās not there to cause trouble. Shelley suddenly sees Maya through the crowd, and tells Jayesh that sheās spotted a gatecrasher and will deal with her. ĪOnce a landlady always a landlady,ā she jokes. She rushes over to Ciaran who is sitting next to Charlie and tells him sheās seen Maya, and they all rush out. Once outside they encounter Steve who is looking for Karen, and he misunderstands when they decide to split up and look for her, (Maya, not Karen). ĪItās not that bad,ā Steve tells them, Īshe just canāt do as sheās told, thatās all.ā

Inside, at the wedding, the ceremony has reached the point where Dev and Sunita are about to become man and wife. ĪWhereās Shelly?ā asks Sunita, and refuses to go on with the ceremony until Shelley is there, as sheās been there for her all the way up to now. Dev realises that his suspicions were right, and tries to persuade Sunita not to waste any more time in getting married, but Sunita insists that Shelley must be there.

Les is finally given permission by Dev to go and get some food, much to his delight, while Dev himself is still trying to persuade Sunita to get on with the last part of the ceremony so that they can be properly married. Sunita says she will go and find Shelley herself, but Dev is quick to stop her and says that he will go.

Les, Cilla, Patrick and Steve decide to go for first pickings at the food. Ashley would have gone, but is stopped by Claire, who reminds him that they donāt want to look greedy. Roy is dismayed and tells them that the marriage is not complete, and Hayley says they have no respect. Penny says a frosty ĪExcuse me, Deirdre,ā and pushes between Deirdre and Ken. Deirdre comments that she is now off the Christmas card list, although Ken thinks she seemed perfectly polite.

Penny approaches Mike, who asks if sheās come to apologise. Penny says she hoped he would apologise to her, for not respecting her decision in the restaurant thing, for ignoring her wishes in the handling Ciaran and Tracy, and for showing more respect to his ex than to her. Mike thinks she is just being over sensitive, but Penny is fed up because he never treats her as an equal. She tells him she watched her dad lose his business because no one believed in him, and that would have bought him time. She tells Mike that sometimes people have to take a risk in other peopleās dreams without having to apologise for it, or be ridiculed. She walks off, leaving Mike looking duly reprimanded.

In the ladies room, Maya has been sewing up a tear in Sunitaās motherās sari. Of course, Sunitaās mum has no idea who Maya is. She tells her it is handy having a sewing kit in oneās bag, and Maya replies that you never know when you might need to stitch someone up. Sunitaās mother asks if Maya is a friend of Sunitaās, but Maya tells her that her connection is more with Dev. Smiling sweetly, Maya disappears into a toilet cubicle moments before Sunita comes into the ladies. Her mother tells Sunita that Dev has some lovely friends, and she thinks he will do her very well. They hug, and Sunita tells her that she never wanted to make her mother ashamed. Her mum says that she must love Dev very much, and Sunita replies that she does. All this is listened to by Maya, standing with her back to the cubicle door.

Back in Coronation Street, Audrey is persuading Gail to go into the Rovers and accept Shelleyās apology with good grace. (I just wonder why they are not at the wedding, and how come they donāt know that the rest of the street are there?)

On the Baldwin doorstep, Jamie is persuading Warren that now heās got a job, and a grown up relationship he could have Īa birdā (Candice presumably) stay over. Warren falls for it hook, line and sinker and rushes off to ask Candice.

At the wedding, Les and co. are piling their plates high, and Les comments that itās like proper takeaway food. Karen approaches Steve, who accuses her of taking the test without him, but apparently Karen has come on and had to go home and change, so therefore she knows she cannot be pregnant.

Shelley is still trotting round the garden in her sari, when she is accosted by Dev who demands to know what is going on. She tells him she just came out for some air. Suddenly Maya pops up before them, in her words, like a specter at the feast. ĪNice feet,ā she comments, looking down at shoeless Dev. He tells her to go, or else heāll call the police, but she thinks he wouldnāt want to spoil the lovely atmosphere. She asks for five minutes alone with him, and then she promises sheāll go away. Shelley departs, leaving them to it.

At the Baldwinās house, Warren rushes downstairs with all his bedding, looking for the washing machine. Leanne and Jamie are on the sofa, giggling about him, as they prepare to tuck into a meal. Danny comes in, and is amazed to see Warren about to put the sheets into the washing machine. ĪWhat is going on, heās cooking and youāre washing?ā he demands to know. Then the penny drops, ĪYour bird aināt stayingā. Warren protests, just as Candice knocks on the door. Danny tells her, ĪYouāre not staying here, no way, no chance, not happeninā, just forget it.ā

Walking through the garden, Dev asks Maya what she hopes to achieve by being there, does she think he will say that heās made a mistake? He canāt imagine what itās like in her head. She tells him he wouldnāt want to, he has never had all his hopes and trust destroyed, and had to watch the person responsible dancing and laughing and loving someone right under his nose. Just then Jayesh comes up asking what is going on, closely followed by Ciaran. Dev goes back inside as Ciaran hustles Maya away, noticing Devās shoes floating on lily pads on the pond. ĪDonāt look at me,ā says Maya, ĪI donāt go in for amateur pranks.ā

Inside, Blanche is moaning at having to sit around for so long, as then Dev and Maya complete the marriage ceremony. The couple hug and have petals thrown over them, as Devās father tries to take more photos.

Mike asks Penny if she will be in the photo with him, and apologises, and she smiles and goes to take her place. Those eating are told to put their food down for the photos, as Shelley goes to find Charlie. He is still being icy, and she tells him sheāll never be that stupid again. Out in the garden, Ciaran hears the drums and tells Maya that his work is done, she can do what she likes now.

Sunitaās father tells her mother that she really looks happy and her mother says that she doesnāt think they will have any more trouble with Sunita. Just then, in walk several policemen and women. ĪAre you Sunita Parek?ā asks a policewoman. ĪNot now,ā laughs Sunita, ĪIām Sunita Alahan!ā She is then arrested for assisting an unlawful immigration and bigamy. Dev is arrested on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant! The smiles freeze and turn to bewilderment as Maya looks on·····.

Annie Logan

Monday 27 October 2004/ 2nd episode

Writer: Mark Burt
Director: Terry Dyddgen-Jones

Sunita is in a tiny, tiled cell, still wearing her bridal outfit, looking tearful. A policewoman informs her that her solicitor has arrived. Sunita asks ćWhereās my husband?ä and the sarcastic reply is ćWhich one?ä

Elsewhere in the police station, Dev is being questioned about how long heās known Sunita, how they met, and how long theyāve been ćintimate.ä On hearing that the answer to the last question is only two months, the copper remarks that it was a short engagement. Dev tries to explain, and is blustering a bit that the cop will soon be looking for a new career (maybe in one of his shops) when all this is sorted out, but has the wind taken out of his sails when the officer tells him, ćThe woman you call your wife is suspected of aiding, through marriage, the illegal immigration of seven men ö including you.ä

The wedding party is in disarray, and Mike is telling the guests that Dev and Sunita are in custody. Despite the party being chock full of the happy coupleās next of kin, Mike seems to be the one in charge ö he has a mate in the force, he says, ćso when I know more, youāll know more.ä

Itās Sunitaās turn to be questioned, about where she was on her various previous alleged wedding days. She doesnāt remember. Sheās shown four marriage certificates ö her real one and others, but all with her signature. Her own birth certificate was produced at all the weddings, the policewoman says. Sunitaās response is bewilderment and despair.

Dev is responding to similar lines of questioning more angrily than his wife. Heās asked if the names Walid Aziz [remember the bloke Maya ćmarriedä?] and others mean anything to him. Heās shown the marriage certificates with Sunitaās signature. Dev immediately realises itās all Mayaās doing, but heās going to have a tough time convincing the police.

At the pub, Jason is planning on spending the evening with Violet, but sheās cross that he didnāt consult her about it first.

Karen is telling the factory girls about the developments at the wedding. Janice is amused: ćShe asked for summat blue ö flaminā rozzers turn up!ä The raucous conversation (theyāre getting round to talking about Dev being strip-searched) is interrupted by an irate Steve wanting to speak to Karen.

Jason is jealous that Violet is apparent flirting with Ken(!), but sheās a former pupil of his; he thinks she wasted her potential, but she says sheās got plans and will make him proud. He says heās proud already (aaaahh!) but she shouldnāt let boys distract her.

Deirdreās still wearing her wedding hat ö it looks like a pink gauze oyster clinging to the side of her head, and quite out of place in the Rovers. Creepy moment alert ö when Deirdre describes Violet as the prettiest girl in the pub, Ken says, ćsecond prettiest,ä and gives her A Look. ćI think youāve earned yourself a detention tonight,ä she purrs seductively. He kisses her hand.

Steve is angry that Karen was having a laugh at Devās expense, but she says she was just trying to avoid getting depressed about not being pregnant. She's now in a positive mood, and to Steveās horror is going to go home and draw up a timetable of when sheās ovulating: ćIāll take me temperature, and when Iām hot Iām ready. Oh, and thatās where you come in.ä ćYou certainly know how to make a bloke feel special,ä sighs Steve.

Sunitaās mum is sitting by a garden pond. Maya comes up ö dressed all in black, and wasnāt Roy so right when he said black was a bad luck colour at a Hindu wedding? ćIām sorry,ä Maya says, blinking back the crocodile tears. In full drama mode, she tells Mrs Parekh about Sunita jilting Ciaran, and ćpretendingä to be pregnant to get another man to leave his wife (thatād be Danny Baldwin). Then she offers to act as Sunitaās solicitor and gives Mrs P her card! ćBecause I know sheās innocent,ä she says. Doesnāt she just.

A policewoman is asking Sunita why she didnāt report her birth certificate missing. Sunita says itās because she thought it was just lost ö but now she thinks it was Maya who took it. Sheās asked about Walid Aziz and the other names on the marriage certificates, which were also found on a list at the flat. Sunita says Maya must have planted it there. The policewoman says they havenāt been able to find any of the named men. She asks Sunita about her wages and other income. If itās true that Sunita only has her wages from the shop, how did she come to have £6,000 in a savings account in her name ö six transactions of £1,000 each, two of them matching the dates on the marriage certificates. Summing up, the policewoman says, ćSix men, six payments, six marriages. Seven, including today.ä

Dev is being allowed to go, but is told that the investigations will continue and that he canāt see Sunita.

Ciaran and Shelley are reassuring Mrs Parekh, who is worried by what Maya said to her. They tell her that Maya is mad. Mrs Parekh still thinks Sunita wronged Maya. Ciaran goes back to the Rovers. Shelley wants to stay, but Charlie tells her (nicely for once) sheās best off going home.

Violet comes to Jasonās house. He's ordered a pizza and stocked up with ćchick flicksä for a cozy night in, but Violet says she canāt make it, sheās meeting girlfriends. Heās annoyed. Violet leaves. Eileen reckons heās better off without her, but says that if he really likes her he needs to tell her.

Dev wont leave the police station without seeing Sunita. Jayesh is waiting there too. Dev tells him about Maya setting them up. Jayesh is angry and blaming Dev.

The policewoman is telling Sunita that everything points to her running the scam, and if thatās not the case she should do herself a favour and tell them who the brains behind it is. Sunita repeats that itās Maya. Sheās formally charged with assisting in the unlawful immigration of six persons into the UK.

Arriving back in the Street, Charlie decides that the first priority for Shelley should be to apologise to Gail. Gail doesnāt make it easy: ćItās called jealousy, Shelley, and it makes people who should know better act hurtful and stupid."

Tracey is getting drunk in the Rovers, and the factory girls are being raucous. Violet is working, and Jason isnāt pleased to see her there rather than with her mates. ćI donāt understand women!ä he tells Ciaran.

Tracy decides itās time to taunt ćbarren Karenä while fiddling with Steveās hair. Big mistake, and Karen goes for her ö Steve sits her back down. Thereās a slanging match, during which Tracy says she ought to act as a surrogate mother for them. ćNo thanks, weāve still got the fleas from last time,ä Karen snaps back. Karen definitely wins this bout of the contest.

Mike arrives in the pub with a bulletin from Dev: heās been released without charge. ćBut what about Sunita?ä Shelley asks, and we cut to a view of Sunita, in the same cell we saw her in at the beginning. Sheās dressed all in denim now, while a policewoman bundles her beautiful wedding clothes into a paper bag. Sunita says she needs her tablets for her tumour, which does at least elicit a look of sympathy from the policewoman. Then Sunita says some words in an Indian language, which she translates as, ćtogether we will nourish each othersā strength.ä We leave her sobbing and alone in the cell.


Outfit of the day: Penny Kingās understated pink (or was it orange?) silk number ö a nod to the Hindu proceedings without being over the top. Bad outfit of the day: Violetās red and white striped blouse with navy and white cravat. Nautique is so over.

Sue Haasler

Wednesday 27 October

Hi all, here is Wednesdayās heart wrenching episode:

Itās Sunitaās court appearance, Dev and Shelley sit in court and watch, as she is charged with assisting the unlawful immigration into the UK of 6 individuals. She pleads not guilty. She is also charged that between 25th September and 25th October she married six males during the life of her husband, Walid Aziz. (Must be the first one Maya married). Sunita pleads ĪNot guilty,ā again. Her application for bail is turned down, as the prosecution believe she will jeopardise and interfere with the police investigation. Her trial date is set for the 28th March 2005, so she is taken away, Shelley is outraged, and Dev buries his head in his hands.

Back in Coronation Street, itās tea break at the factory and the girls are talking about Sunita, the ordinary girl from the corner shop who got arrested on her wedding day. ĪThe whole worldās gone mad!ā says Angie, but Janice reckons maybe not, they donāt know all the ins and outs. ĪSo sheās been going round marrying lots of fellas? Get lost, Jan,ā says Karen. ĪItās like Four Weddings and a Funeral,ā says Sean, Īone minute the queen in the kilt is giving it loads on the dance floor, and the next minute ö brown bread!ā

Just then the doors burst open and Danny and Jamie wheel in something covered up with navy blue plastic. They unveil it to reveal an all singing, all dancing sewing machine, called a ĪSilver Stitcherā which apparently can overlock in nanoseconds and edge at the speed of light. If they use it they can do the same amount of work as usual but much quicker and go home early or earn more money, as Janice whispers to Karen. They all want to be first to use it, (there is only one machine) but Sean is chosen by Danny. He sits down and sews a seam, turns and tells them all: ĪWeāre talking Rolls Royce!ā

Audrey has set Maria, clad in pink rubber gloves and toting a black bin liner, to clear the rubbish from the hedge outside the salon. Tyrone comes over and offers to give her a hand, so Maria hands him the bag and heads for the salon door. Just then, Claire comes along with Joshua in his pushchair, and asks if sheās still on for tonight. Maria says she is and disappears inside, as Ashley and Martin come up behind Claire. Claire tells Ashley itās a girls night out, itās on the calendar ö Weatherfield Arms and then a club. Ashley tries to tempt her with a night in snuggling up to him with two cans of warm lager, but she turns him down. He says heāll just cry into his VAT returns, but Martin tempts him to go out for an old codgers night.

In the salon, Audrey is showing her disapproval of the way Maria is treating Tyrone, giving him hope where there is none. Candice says that the whole dating game is a nightmare, and if you have someone who wants to buy you drinks and make a fuss of you, well, you have to let him. Audrey thinks he deserves better. ĪWhat, better than me?ā splutters Maria, ĪBetter from you,ā says Audrey. Candice tells her that this is the way things are now, women have got to keep their options open.

In the factory, Sean is covering up his new baby and they are all off for their dinner hour. Kelly lingers behind and goes and leans seductively in Dannyās doorway. ĪKnock, knock,ā she says. He looks her up and down, obviously interested, and they carry on a flirtatious conversation around the fact that Frankie has gone to visit a friend for a couple of days, and Danny is cooking for himself. Just then Jamie comes in, and Kelly immediately stands up straight and stops looking seductive. He asks Danny if heās coming for a pint, but Danny has paperwork to do, so Jamie goes off to the pub with Kelly. On the way out Jamie turns and says to Danny, ĪDonāt even think about it.ā

In the Rovers, Mike, Shelley and Hayley are discussing the court case. Shelley thinks they should find his Ībunny boiling exā and throw away the key. Tyrone comes in and goes up to the bar to order a drink. Over at a table Maria is sitting with Audrey and Candice. Maria wonders if it would be all right to go and buy Ty a drink, or will he think it morse code for Īfather my babies?ā Audrey tells her to stop trying to twist everything. So Maria goes and offers to buy Tyrone a drink, and then suggests they go out for a drink one night next week. Tyroneās face lights up, as Audrey looks on, aghast.

Dev has gone to visit Sunita in prison. He keeps apologising, and wishing he could swap places with her. She is angry and upset, Sunita Parek, the underachiever from St. Julieās High School is in prison, try putting that on Friends Reunited. She tells him his money canāt get her bail, his love canāt protect her from the lunatic whose bed he used to share. She has been strip searched, all her things confiscated, her wedding ring taken away·.she becomes more and more agitated and hysterical until she is taken away, screaming that she canāt stand it in there. Poor Sunita. Dev sits and cries.

Later, Dev pulls up in his car outside Mayaās house. He bangs on the door and rings the bell, but she doesnāt answer, although we see her inside, standing out of sight of the window.

In the factory, the whole workforce is confronting Danny. He has made them feel like second rate machinists on second rate machines. Sean says it is not his fault he was the chosen one. They demand to know who is on the machine tomorrow. Danny says they could have a race to decide, a machine race. They go off, arguing. Kelly lingers a moment and says to Danny, ĪLooks like you did it again,ā and he tells her they are putty in his hands.

Sunitaās mother and brother have come to visit her. Jayesh says that their dad is sorting out a solicitor, but Sunita tells him that Dev has already got one. Jayesh tells her it might be better to let their dad sort it out, but Sunita insists that Dev is doing everything he can. Her mother has her doubts, she met the ex girlfriend and found her to be charming. ĪAnd sick, and twisted and mad,ā puts in Sunita. Her mother thinks that Dev must have hurt her very badly. Sunita tells her he just broke up with, that was all, and now sheās behind bars because of her. Her mother says that the police will take care of Maya, their priority is to get her through this ridiculous trial and help her rebuild her life. ĪThe life Dev and I have got planned,ā says Sunita, and Jayesh and her mother exchange glances. Dev has obviously not won a place in their hearts, although Sunita declares that they will grow to love him as much as she does. They look extremely doubtful.

Dev, meanwhile, is sitting in his car outside Mayaās house. He looks at his wedding ring on his finger, and then drives off, watched through the curtains by Maya.

In the Weatherfield Arms, all the girls are beginning their night out, dressed in their best clubbing gear, and they ask Claire what she doesnāt like about Ashley. Sheās hard pressed to think of anything, which prompts Kelly to ask if she lives Īināt real world.ā Violet comments that his squeaky voice would do her head in, but Claire loves his voice. She even loves his feet, although his toes are as long as fingers. Fizz says that she and Kirky have an agreement, his socks stay on at all times! (Yukk!) Kirk and Les are in the pub too, and Les starts to make comments until Violet suggests they leave, and Cilla, behind the bar, also tells them to sling their Īooks. They go.

Les and Kirk have arrived back at the Rovers, and find Ashley and Martin playing darts. Les, exaggerating wildly, tells Ashley that the girls are on the mother of all benders, and that Cilla is plying them with cocktails. Jason looks worried and asks if Violet was drinking cocktails, and Tyrone asks how Maria was. Les tells him she could hardly stand. Jason starts to tease Ty about Maria, and Ty tells him that they are going out next week. ĪIt wonāt be a premium night though,ā Jason tells him, ĪItāll be a Tuesday or Wednesday job.ā Tyrone decides then, to go home. Les then turns his attention to Jason, telling him that Violet is not exactly Īshrinkingā, so Jason decides to go home too.

Back at the Weatherfield Arms, the discussion has come round to Claire and Ashleyās wedding date, in 2007. The girls are all shocked, and, counting on her fingers, Kelly tells her thatās three years away. Cilla says it sounds like the twelfth of never to her. Fizz points at her and calls her The Head of Marriage Guidance for Great Britian. Cilla says this island would be a better place if she was. After a lot of discussion about wedding arrangements and the like, Violet tells Claire to face facts, Ashleyās feet arenāt just horrible, they are cold!

Maya creeps out of her front door with a bag of rubbish for the bin, looking carefully this way and that. She crosses the parking area, (thereās a red sports car right outside her window now, that wasnāt there when Devās car was outside), and throws her rubbish in one of the large rubbish skips. Just then she is pounced upon by Dev. He grabs her wrists and she tells him to make it a bit tighter and she will have some lovely bruises to show the police. With the wild eyed look we have come to know and love, she asks him how Mrs. Allahan is. He tells her her problem is with him, not Sunita. She suggests he get a Rovers petition. ĪDear Inspector Morse, it was the bonkers ex wot dun it!ā Dev grabs her chin and snarls that he hates her. Maya becomes seductive and dreamy, ĪI know darling,ā she breathes, Īthatās what gets me out of bed in the morning ö that and a fistful of happy pills.ā

In her prison cell, Maya is weeping on the top bunk, to the annoyance of her rather hard looking cell mate.

Maya and Dev are still talking by the bins. He tells her sheās insane, what did he do? He fell in love with somebody else, why canāt she move on with her life? ĪBecause itās so much more fun ruining yours!ā she screams. He tells her sheāll come unstuck somewhere. There must be a loose end and the police will find it. She is adamant that heāll never prove it in a million years, the shop girl has stacked her last shelf. She walks off, in the rain, towards her house, while Dev kicks and punches the bins··

The end.

Annie Logan

Friday 29 October

We start tonight's episode with Sunita crying in her cell.

Dev is telling Mike that he and Sunita should be waking up together this morning as man and wife. He says that Maya must have been planning this for months, the hatred she must feel for him is incomprehensible. Mike tells him that everything will be alright in the end. He says that Maya must have left a trail behind her. Dev says he was close to killing her but Mike tells him that if he lays a hand on her she'll have him exactly where she wants him. He tells him to play his own game; there must be someone that can identify her. Dev says he doesn't know what to do. Mike says that he must help Sunita but keep as far away from Maya as possible.

Fizz offers Maria a sausage but she runs into the bathroom. Fizz says she can't believe that no matter how drunk Claire gets she always talks about Ashley. She says it'll be worse when she's married, they'll never get her out of the house. ? says Claire had better make the most of it because if the weddings in 2007 she's only got three years of being single left. Claire storms out. The girls from the factory are moaning about Danny. Kelly defends him but Janice says that he's a boss, a southerner, and a Baldwin: three strikes and your out! Kelly says he's good looking though and he has a great sense of humour!

Emily tells Dev that she's never known a kinder more honest woman. Dev says she'll let Sunita know that she has a lot of support. Maya comes in and says she presumes the honeymoon is off. Emily says that's a horrible thing to say but Maya says she thinks all the old dears are delighted with gossip this juicy. Emily says that the 'old dears' have complete faith in Sunita, so she leaves. Dev throws Maya out onto the street but she says that he put Sunita in prison. She says that maybe Sunita will finally learn a trade but Dev grabs her and tells her that he'll kill her. Sonia pulls them apart.

Candice is going on about Warren playing football but Maria says she's only going out with him because she thinks she'll be the new Victoria Beckham! After more sniping between the pair Audrey splits them up and Maria tells her that Candice is really annoying her. Audrey says that she's worried to. She also tells her that whilst she is in her salon she will show a veneer of professionalism!

Ashley comes home and asks about her night out. Claire says that according to the girls all she talked about was him and their wedding. Ashley says that she's as excited about the wedding as she is but Claire says she doesn't know who she was trying to convince; them or herself.

Maya walks into the police station and asks to speak to someone. She says she's done something terrible. She's been withholding information and she wants to make a confession.

Maya tells the police that Dev used her. She was a lawyer so she knew about loopholes in the legal system. He just wanted her legal skills to put the wedding scam together. She says that Sunita couldn't pull something like this off, it's all Dev. The policewoman asks why she has come forward now. Maya tells her that Dev threatened her in the street and told her that he would kill her. She says she doesn't want to make a statement because she thinks he is capable of anything! The policewoman tells her not to worry; they'll be talking to Dev very soon.

Claire says she knows that Ashley wants to marry her and she wants to marry him to, but 2007! Ashley says he thought it was the best thing all round. Claire says she doesn't want him to explain. He was widowed in the most tragic way but Ashley says it doesn't affect the way he feels about her. Claire says she believes him but it does affect the way he feels about himself. He's not ready. He's had to keep it together for everyone else so he hasn't come to terms with it himself. Ashley says he knows and starts to cry. Claire says its alright, she just wants him to know that she understands.

Sonia tells the girls that the machine race is only another way for Danny to get one over on them. Hayley says it's in their best interests to work harder as they get more money. Kelly agrees with her. Danny asks if he can sit with them but Sonia says no! Janice says he's wanted over there by everyone over here!

The police arrive in Dev's shop and he says he's been trying to get hold of them all day. They say they want to ask him some questions and he says fire away. They say it might be easier to do it at the station; he says fine and grabs the keys. They seem a bit shocked!

Danny buys the girls a round of drinks and Kelly tells him she thinks he's alright. Sonia says she's had enough of his games and says they should draw a line in the sand. She says that instead of a machine race they should do a go slow. Kelly says that if they churn out fewer knickers their pay packets won't be worth having. Janice says she's only saying that because she fancies him but she says she doesn't. Sonia reminds Hayley that he tricked them once before so she agrees. Fizz and Janice agree so it's a unanimous vote (well apart from Kelly!)

Candice is doing Warrens hair before he goes off to play football. She tells Danny that football is about magazine spreads and TV appearances. Danny says he thought it was about scoring goals and Candice says that's nice as well. Danny sends them on their way, unimpressed!

The police tell Dev that Maya claims that he used her legal skills to help set up the illegal marriages. Dev says that Maya is behind all of it. She married the immigrants and then tipped off the police just before his wedding. He says he can't believe the police have fallen for it. He says he has to go and see Sunita. He tells them that he is just a business man who wants his wife back. He asks if he is under arrest and they say no but they need to follow up on the report that he threatened Maya earlier. He asks them if she would turn up to his shop if she was terrified of him. They say so he's not denying saying he would kill her but he tells them to grow up. He says its an expression; like innocent until proven guilty, not words to be taken literally.

Maya is at the prison to see Sunita. She tries to convince her that Dev must have sold her identity on the internet but Sunita is having none of it. Maya gives up and says it was her but says that without proof they can't do anything. Sunita says the police will find out but Maya says that she's picked up tips from her clients such as false alibis. Sunita says it doesn't matter because her and Dev love each other and that'll get them through. Maya says that Dev wont wait around for her he'll move on whilst she rots in prison. Maya leaves and Sunita starts crying.

The End

Helen Edgar

Sunday 31 October

Good evening all and happy Halloween. Those of us who thought our most terrifying moment tonight would be some trick or treaters yelling boo in werewolf costumes got a shock to tune in to Corrie to see Charlie's hand meeting Liz's bum and hearing discussion of Les and Cilla sharing a bath...

And who said soaps were ignoring Halloween?

We start tonight's episode in the back room of the Rovers where Charlie and Ciaran are discussing cars. Shelley gets rid of Ciaran and reminds Charlie that Liz is coming back from her holiday today. charlie doesn't seem to care but she also reminds him that she promised her she had a job. Charlie accuses her hotly of disbelieving him over the 'pass at Liz' incident but she assures him that's not the case. Still, he has a bit of a temper on him does Charlie...

Sunita is visited by Dev who announces his prescence by crowing 'Sunita!' at the entrance. Funnily enough, her expression doesn't brighten upon hearing that. Dev apologises about not being able to make it and Sunita tells him that Maya paid a visit to gloat. Dev angrily vows to kill her and curses himself for not being there. Dev tells her that people are asking after her but she can't bear to hear it, although, judging by his soggy sniffles, Dev appears to be taking it a lot worse.

Cilla is putting on heavy layers of warpaint (lets face it, she needs them) A semi dressed Les (not a pretty sight on a Sunday night) tells her she looks like a cross between Marilyn Monroe and Dolly Parton, cunningly leaving out Miss Piggy from the equation. Les wants a hug but Cilla tells him that he has no willpower. He's anguished that he has to spend more time on the couch, but Cilla is still smarting from that simply outrageous accusation that she was seeing someone else. Les tells her he has a special surprise for her but she says, until she gets it, hands off! (Oh, what a tragic forfeit)

The factory girls are preparing for the knicker race, Hayley clutching a stopwatch. Danny tells them if they aren't interested in the prize, then they needn't take part but Sonia assures him that they are. He pops out for a while, everyone simultaneously stopping for a cuppa after all that hard graft. Kelly however seems a little on edge.

Frankie's back home and Danny pops in. She's early so he doesn't have time to clear up. They embrace and catch up. She enjoyed her holiday etc. In a warm moment she tells him the 'sarf' doesn't feel like home anymore. Danny offers to take her out for lunch but she's already arranged to see Maya (when was the last lunch time she wasn't meeting Maya??) Danny reminds her about what Maya has been up to. Frankie brushes off the claims, believing Maya to be innocent. Danny doesn't want her involved but Frankie wants to choose her own friends (does she actually have another friend apart from Maya?)

Back in the prison visiting room, Sunita is confident that Maya has won but Dev tells her not to give up hope. Sunita starts discussing her cellmate who hasn't given up hope but she's been inside for 8 years. After that she begs Dev to stop coming to see her because she loves him and can't bear it and she goes back to her cell.

Liz comes in to the Rovers with her bags and the best part of a bird's backside in her hair. Shelley gets rid of Ciaran once again and her and Liz exchange small talk before Liz embraces her and tells her it'll get better, clearly thinking her and Charlie are still apart. Her face drops when Shelley tells her the opposite.

Everything is lazy in the factory until Danny comes in to view. Sonia uses coughs to signify hen to go and when to stop and they have soon stopped stitching again. It's gone lunch time and Kelly tells the girls that she has to go and pick her stuff up from her ex's while he isn't there. Her friends offer to go with her but she turns them down. The moment they're out of view, Kelly is back at her machine, working!

Charlie enters the pub and Shelley tells him about Liz. She concludes that she can't see Liz wanting to stay around now. Liz comes through and serves Charlie a pint, complete with small talk and the request to put the bad business behind them. Shelley believes it's a turn up for the books but Charlie eyes Liz suspiciously; he's clearly not convinced.

-BREAK (Is anyone else sick of this Cadburys Roses advertisement?)-

Maya and Frankie meet for lunch and embrace. Maya asks Frankie about her holiday, but inevitably, the conversation has soon turned to the Dev/Sunita fiasco. Maya asks if she's checking up on her innocence but Frankie assures her she isn't, believing it to be so awful for poor Maya. Maya tells her that she's planning to go to Italy to get away from it, maybe for good. Frankie asks if she's joking and Maya replies, after initial hesitation 'Yes of course!' they discuss how Dev must be the culprit and how he must've planned it all the time he was with Maya. Maya says the thing that hurts most is the fact that she's bent over backwards to be nice to them as there's no point in being bitter. But Frankie soon notices the pleasure Maya is taking in her rival's predicament, saying she hopes she'll be jailed for a long time...

Liz and Deirdre are chatting about Charlie and Deirdre soon fills Liz in on the trouble with Gail. Deirdre believes that Liz will be looking for another job but Liz is adamant she wants this one--even if she has to be as nice as pie to Charlie.

Kelly is still working away through her lunch hour (which means Liz has been very quick in taking time off to visit Deirdre if it's still lunch time) Danny comes through and the relentless flirting kicks off again.

Liz serves Dev (and she's back again, in the same hour still!) while the factory girls discuss their contest. Angela and Hayley are having doubts but Sonia convinces everyone to stick with it.

Charlie is glaring at Liz, who chooses this point to do an alluring shampoo advert style flick of the hair. Les approaches Charlie and asks him about the bath he wants for Cilla, which they should both be able to fit in. (He said bath, obviously meaning Manchester water park) Charlie is reluctant but Les pays him and Charlie assures him it'll be on his doorstep in the morning before going back to his glaring at Liz.

Hayley comes back from lunch and catches Kelly in the act. Kelly begs her not to say anything. The girls all return and Kelly feeds them a sob story until Hayley snaps and drops her in it. let's just say the girls' reactions aren't warm ones.

Mike and Dev are in the pub, the latter obviously Dev-astated (I know it's old, but I just had to--sorry) about Sunita not wanting to see him again. Shelley tells Charlie that she's going to ask Dev about Sunita, giving him the opportune chance to brush past Liz with his hand 'accidentally' falling onto her behind. Liz is furious, but as no one saw, doesn't kick up a fuss (Come on! The old Liz would've lamped him one!) A stricken Frankie comes in to hear Dev sobbing about losing Sunita. He also recalls what Sunita said about Maya taunting Sunita, prompting Frankie to give some information about the cab driver who drove Maya to one of the weddings. Hope fresh in his eyes, Dev asks if she would recognise him and Frankie nods causing Dev to sob out a string of thanks...but is he getting his hopes up too early??

So what have we learned in tonight's episode?

-Les has grey chest hair
-Sean has a soft spot for Brad Pitt
-Danny bought a welcome home banner for Frankie
-Sunita's cell mate is called Paula
-Brighton was a busman's holiday for Liz
-Shelley always keeps her word
-Sonia's shirt signified that she thought it was summer and she was in Hawaii
-Liz has an 'L' necklace so as not to forget her name
-The purple bicycle seen at the break is STILL outside the garden gate after about two years.
-Kelly is extremely subtle.
-Frankie finds it stylish to wear three sets of beads

Most grateful girlfriend: "It'll have to be a damn sight more impressive than a manky copper necklace" Cilla to Les
Most fact based comment of the day: "I'm so stupid" Sunita
Most unenviable situation: "You don't know how hard it is being in the same room as a sex goddess" Les about Cilla
Best reason for stopping your husband visiting you: "I love you" Sunita to Dev
Best advice for coping with Liz's return: "It does get better you know" Liz to Shelley
Worst case of wishful thinking: "I wouldn't be surprised if she brings her bags back down again." Shelley about Liz
Longest conversation potential: "So, what have you been up to?" Frankie to Maya
Favour of the week: "I even went to their wedding!" Maya about Dev and Sunita
Horrific vision of the year: "But they didn't actually..." Liz about Charlie and Gail's 'encounter'
Understatement of the day: "I'm dead keen, me" kelly to Danny
Second most horrific vision of the year: "The we can both fit in!" Les about Cilla and the bath.
Most terrifying threat: "You are for it now" Janice to Kelly
Most intelligent deduction: "I don't think she can stand it" Dev about Sunita in prison

Well, that's all from me tonight. Have a nice week and keep watching!!

Bye for now

Duncan Lindsay

Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Martin Rosen, Ann Logan, Peter Webb, Margaret Carr, Mary Earlam, Amanda Souter.

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