Monday 1 July

Written by A. Neil Stockley

Well it seemed like a good idea when the great Mr P asked me to step in to do one of the famous updates. I've now watched tonights's episode about four times on the old video and I'm sure about 90 per cent of the cast have made an appearence. Anyway enough of my troubles - on with the show.


We open to a rare outside shot of Jim's Cafe before heading inside, I think the outside broadcast unit must have been short of work as this is the first of many external shots. The cafe is closed as it's a Sunday and Sir Roy and Alma are busy giving the place a spring clean. It transpires that Sir Roy is very fond of cleaning as his dad was a 'polisher' which is the top of the tree in the cleaning trade. As Sir Roy blows up his rubber gloves and sets about cleaning the oven with what appears to be a toothbrush the one and only Lily makes her entrance. Lily is giving a hand in place of Phylis who is still ill back at 'Mayfield Court'. The very mention of the court sets Lily off moaning about how 'Lord High and Mighty Alf Roberts Ohh Bee Eee' is about to change it's name to 'Alf Robert's Court'. It is very clear that Lily is not to happy with this state of affairs.


Alf is trying to convince Audrey that it's a great honour to have an old folks home named after you and points out that the home has been highly commended. Even the Dutch have been across to give it the once over! Audrey's not too convinced and wants something more salubrious for hubby to be remembered by. The door bell rings and who should it be but the local navvy, Jim, come to fix the patio complete with a four pack of alchohol free larger. Jim points out that after doing the patio he wants to watch the football on the Roberts' Sensaround 3-D Widescreen Cinema TV. (Another bit of topical commentry but no mention of who's playing in what is the final of Euro96). We next see the Roberts in an outdoor scene admiring Mayfield Court from the comfort of their car. Audrey, is by now very impressed, as Alfie is to get his name on a sign at the entrance. In fact she comments that it is better than the OBE as it will still be there after he has gone. (She has such a lovely way with words)


Another outdoor scene at an open air market. Mike is back on his home territory selling K-Bek seconds to an unsuspecting public - 'you won't get stuff like this in the high street', he shouts, 'I know the bloke that makes them'. Trash has come along as his helper and is still moaning, this time about getting up early. For some unknown reason Claire is also working at the market and has taken to wearing a ridiculous French Beret, maybe she's had a Josie cut and can't face the public. Trash and Claire have a bit of a chat about men and Trash moans about how she can really pick them, now there's a surprise. By the end of the day Mike has cleared his stall and has even managed to sell an off the shoulder black KBEK number to Trash. Not content with this he sets about selling the china from the next stall holder - who has bet him £10 that Mike can't sell more than he usually does. (According to the credits the China seller has the same surname as Claire - could this be her dad I wonder?) Alma arrives to see Mike in action and just like a good stooge buys some plates. On their way to the Rovers to celebrate Mike selling all his stock Alma and Mike spot Don. Alma tells Mike to eat humble pie and to tell Don that Josie can have her job back as he can't operate without her. On hearing the name Josie Don goes into one of his rages and gives Mike an ear bashing telling him that Mike might want her back but he certainly doesn't. Much to Mike's confusion.


Kevin has now set up camp on Don's doorstep as he still hasn't been paid. Don arrives and tells Ken that he is getting it sorted. Kevin wants an explanation but Don just gives him the same old excuse and shuts the door in his face.


Another outdoor scene in the Platt's garden as Martin prepares a Bar-B-Que for all and sundry (why isn't he watching the football I wonder). Sally is having a good old moan about Kevin not getting paid. The fumes from the Bar-B-Que go to her head and she starts to contemplate emigrating to Australia. Unlike Martin, she points out, who has nursing skills, there's unlikely to be opportunities for people like her and Kev who have no qualifications. Jelly can't believe they'd want to go. Sally replies that she'd go anywhere if things would buck up. In fact she's trying to kick start herself into doing something but she doesn't know what. (Something big is about to happen I can feel it in my water)


Curly is relaxing reading the paper when he comes across a section that has been cut from the middle of one of the pages. After making out that it was nothing of any interest Raquel confesses that it was an advert for a ten week aromatherapy course in Maidenhead. She thinks the course is out of the question as it will cost a fortune, and anyway she is only dreaming. Far from being put out by all of this, and the fact that Firmans don't have a branch in Maidenhead, Curly is very supportive and tells her to find out all the details as this is her chosen career.


Rita and Alec are having a cosy cup of tea and hot cross bun in Alec's new flat. It's not too long before they get round to discussing life in general. Alec sets out his plans for the future in that he wants to start up his business with 'the acts'. Is the work still out there for such entertainment, Rita asks, and what about the venues? Alec tells her that there are opportunities for a club that can offer real acts. (I wonder which piece of real estate he has in mind?)


Liz has been looking all over for Jim as she has received some urgent telephone calls from Ireland. She finally bumps into Jim in the Rovers and has the terrible task of breaking the news to Jim that his mother passed away that very afternoon. Jim is clearly shocked by this news and begins to feel guilty about not being there so he plans to get the next flight to Ireland. Liz makes her way to leave but Jim stops her and asks if she'll be going over with him. Liz tells him that she won't as she is no longer part of the family. Jim looks as if the knife has been given a further twist in his stomach. Andy rushes out of the Rovers to try and talk his mum into going. But Liz points out that she is no longer a McDonald.


After their cleaning stint Roy and Lily have gone to the Rovers and are joined by Percy. Roy has managed to find a Weatherfield History book, published by WART (Weatherfield Association of Retail Traders), which gives a detailed account of Mayfield since the time of the black plague. It turns out to be a place steeped in history and was the site of the May Fair in days gone by as well as being a gathering place during the Napoleonic wars, much to Percys delight. Audrey and Alf join the party and announce that they passed the internationally famous Mayfield Court that very afternoon. Lily gets her tongue sharpened and points out to Alf that he should study his local history. She likes 'Mayfield Court' named the way it is and it's name will be changed to 'Alf Roberts' Court' over her dead body.

Roll Credits.


Best Lines - Lily on the subject of Alf: "he could sell his grandmother to a fat chandler (?) for a three cornered hat"; Alec to Rita on the naming of Alf Roberts' Court: "the ultimate status symbol a post code after his name".

Eastenders Award - goes to Mike 'Barra Boy' Baldwin for his outstanding salesmanship at the local market - clearly his natural environment.

Glamour Award - Almost went to Trash and her little KBEK number, but I'm sure Paul would go mad on his return. Needless to say this award goes unclaimed in this episode.

Wednesday 3 July

Written by Dianne Fishman

The opening shots of Don hoppin' along the street towards the garage were spot on topic as it was raining (just like at Wimbledon!)


Don hands Kev and Tony their 2 weeks wages and fudges the issue when asked if he'd sorted it all out with Josie. After Don leaves Tony grouses on about not knowing what was going on with Don. Later, Sally also joins in. She has been to the bank and checked the balance. They are close to going in the red if Don fails to pay up again, so Kev girds his loins and beards Don in his den. Don of course goes ballistic at being bothered at home and takes the opportunity, if one were needed, to go on about Baldwin letting the machinery be used into the ground etc. Kev offers to leave but Don calms down and agrees to tell him what had happened that Josie and him had split up permanently. He swears Kev to secrecy.

Fi/Liz/Max/Tony/Steve (yes, Steve, reappears)

Liz thanks Fi for agreeing to go and visit Steve in her place. She says that Steve will open up more for Fi if she isn't there. I don't know where this woman has the brass neck to ask Fi to go or why Fi is actually agreeing to do it. Liz leaves some bits and pieces for Fi to take to Steve. Later we see Fi and Steve at the table in the visiting room (I looked closely and no conjugal canoodling was going on in the background). He looks rough as usual although this scene is split in two parts and the second part he is given a different camera angle (right profile instead of left) and he looks a bit better. He works hard at shmoozing Fi. He's hit rock bottom he's going to change, start afresh. Oh and by the way Vicky has filed for a divorce. Fi, astute as ever ;-), begins to feel uneasy about the way the conversation is going and leaves early.


Alf is complaining to Rita in the Kabin about Lily Dempsey, or SuperGran as she is fast becoming. Rita is hard put to know who Lily Dempsey is so Alf gives her a potted history of the feud between the Dempseys and him after Alf got made mayor in Arnold Dempsey's place. You know, Rite, Lily Dempsey. Something about a scandal and Arnold Dempsey's drains. Alf was adamant that he wasn't going to give in over some widow's revenge. Mave appears to say that Derek had found some carpet to keep his vegetable beds cosy. What a treasure. Later Martin comes in and ribs her about Des and a beanstalk. Rita cracks a "joke" about Wilton carpets and Mavis is ecstatic because she had written in the paper book the time when she predicted Rita would tell just such a joke and she was less than an hour out.


A war committee is in session in the cafe. Lily and Percy are geeing each other up for the coming fight. Lily has placards ready. Emily is horrified and tries to be "a voice of reason" but any reason is good enough for this lot to have a good barney. "Attack, attack and keep on attacking" Lily cries, eyes ablaze! Apparently Phyllis Pierce has told her they aren't being militant enough. Lily tells Emily there's a placard for her and she is much discomfited. Alma and Gail mull over the possibility of telling Audrey that Lily does some cleaning for Alma but they resist the temptation of a boycott.


The Mayor and his consort are talking to each other but not listening. Audrey is whittering on about a new sun lounger she wants to pick up that she's seen in a magazine. Alf is going on about the fact that the Town Hall have called and he has to greet a delegation of Germans [see best line award]. Audrey puts her foot down and refuses to accompany him. Later at the cafe Alma berates Audrey for being so stubborn "You're going to have to realize that Alf is a big man". "Oh, fat you mean", parries Audrey. She tells Alma that she is possessed by Ivy Brennan's ghost, forever condemning. Alma goes back to the counter and Gail comes over. Audrey spitefully says "If it were Canadians we were meeting we'd be killed in the rush" Gail says "Hush mam" as usual. Alf comes in and says that he is going alone to greet the Germans and that as he was being put upon too much by the council he was going to resign to spend more time with Audrey, after all they should be taking it a bit easier at their age. Audrey is horrified and marches him off to get ready for the delegation. "I didn't get you where you are today, Alf Roberts, for you to resign." Is Alf getting clever?


As Fi is leaving, dolled up to the nines, for her prison visit, who should walk into the salon but Tony. She makes a lame excuse and leaves and Max lies badly. Tony is now deeply suspicious. Later in the Rovers he watches as Andy talks to Fi, thanking her for visiting his brother, and is beginning to put things together. he goes over to join the girls and tells them that he thinks Kev is keeping something from him about Don and utters the line, dripping with irony, "Nobody likes to be kept in the dark" .

The Corner Shop

A new sign "Maureen's Mini Market" is being screwed in place, witnessed by Sally. In the shop Percy is trying to buy some groceries while Maude is trying to get a rise out of him. Well , it's a bit boring being stuck behind the counter. Curly is in buying foot plasters and Maude lets slip that perhaps he and Raquel won't be going to Bali for their hols after all but going down south. This is a reference to the snippet of info that Raquel had told Maureen earlier, in the Rovers (actually I thought she said Barry, I wondered why Maureen mentioned grass skirts, not much call for them at Barry Island). She had rung about the aromatherapy course and it was very expensive. Maureen tries to cover up for her mother and Curly leaves, perplexed. Alma comes in to buy a bottle of sparkling rose wine (what would we do without Lambrusco) and lets slip about Audrey and Alf being at the Town Hall with the German delegation. Percy can't wait to get his shopping and leave. Maude is astonished. "Aren't you going to argue about the prices?" she asks, "I haven't got time, woman", he replies mysteriously (for Maude, that is. We know what he's up to!)

Raquel/Curley/a bowl of soapy water

Curly who has been climbing over rubble at the rebuilding of Firmans warehouse (clue to new sets to be introduced ready for 4 times a week?) is soaking his feet in the aforementioned bowl of suds. Raquel offers to dry his foot for him and he is embarrassed. (And this is the man who asks her to play French maids!) The phone rings and interrupts proceedings (Emily after a book of R's). Curly picks up a book and the missing newspaper clipping flutters out. He asks R if she has rung. She, busying herself looking for the book for Em, says yes but it was rather expensive. But in that way, you know girls, the way we do when we want the DH/SO to say "Oh go on, I'll get it for you". :-).

The Town Hall

The scene we've all been waiting for. Ranged along the front steps of the Town Hall are the, silent (this has been a busy episode with lots of speaking parts, the money had run out. The extras have to be stone silent), German delegation, looking like they had enjoyed a glass of sparking rose and some Ferrero Rochers, and Alf and Audrey. Audrey is wearing a light green ensemble with a hat made by the same person that makes Cilla Black's. Just as they are posing for the official photo along come the protest mob, otherwise known as The Olds, headed by Percy and Lily, placards awave. Lily calls Alf a Fascist (consorting with the Germans?) and Audrey's thin veneer of respectability crumbles spectacularly and she begins to fishwife it (she earns the Vera Duckworth award). Turmoil is ensuing and Alf asks the interpreter to explain to the delegation (does she use sign language, she hasn't got a speaking part either) that its just a local demonstration. Lily throws an egg and gets Audrey fair and square on the chest. Hat askew Alf tries to pull her back up the steps. CREDITS

Best line award: Alf: "We're being twinned with a town on the Ruhr. Gripewater or some'at."

Glamour award: The interpreter on the town hall steps. She was gorgeous. Long dark hair....

Friday 5 July

Written by Graham Allsopp

The Watts

It's another morning - so that means another episode of The Street. In Nº7, Curly is making the breakfast whilst Raquel reads the post. She's been sent a prospectus from that well-known Institute of Aromatherapy. "How much ?" asks Curly. "One thousand, eight hundred and seventy five pounds - plus VAT" replies Raquel. "It's a professional course - you can expect to fully recoup your investment within the first 3 months". Despite her protestations that she wants to go on holiday, Curly realises that Raquel does want to go on the course and become Weatherfield's answer to Anita Roddick.

Later Curly turns up at home to Raquel making an inventory for the holiday. "Trunks - you need new trunks". Sheepishly, Curly tells Raquel that Firman's Freezers is being completely reorganised, and he has to memorise the barcodes of all the Instant Whip packets, so there's no way he can go away. Raquel pulls a face, and Curly suggests she go on her own, and then, why not go to Maidenhead on the Aromatherapy course ? Raquel refuses for a little longer - just to make sure, and then they kiss and agree.

Percy/That Dempsey Woman/Audreh/Alfie/TV Reporter/Bob Greaves - yes ! THE Bob Greaves

Percy and That Woman are sat in the cafe. Percy points out the headline in the paper which screams FORMER MAYORESS STRUCK BY EGG ! Lily just continues knitting like Madame Guillotine. She's just happy with the publicity, but Percy points out there's good and bad publicity. He thinks peaceful protest is the way forward - That Woman shuts him up by asking if that's how he got rid of the Germans, and thinks their next course of action should be to put the Roberts' windows through. Percy walks off, saying he's going to apologise to Alf.

Percy rolls up at Grasmere Drive offering his apologies. Alf accepts, but Audrey is at her vituperative best - "I've been publicly humiliated, and a £100 suit ruined." Audrey takes Percy's apology as an admission of guilt and tries to get Alf to fetch the police. Percy ends up being toyed with and taunted, like a cat playing with a semi-dead mouse. I felt quite sorry for him in the end.

Back at The Rovers, where the whole Street meet for the lunchtime session of "Alcoholics and Proud of It", That Woman dangles the promise of TV coverage in front of Percy's eyes, and before long he's outside Mayfield Court, telling the reporter he's the spokesman. That Woman then turns up and brushes Percy aside, and despite the fact there's a hoarde of people with cue-cards behind him, Percy storms off. [Bill Waddington had a bad episode].

The Roberts are just finishing their tea, and Audrey's feeling smug, knowing the mental capacity of a pensioner is so low that this will all have been forgotten by next pension-day, when up pops Bob Greaves (I'd have put Audrey in the Stuart Hall/Look Northwest camp myself, but I suppose he doesn't come cheap). Bob introduces Lily: "If they think they can walk roughshod over us residents, they've got another think coming"....


Don takes Kevin out to lunch - at The Rovers. Tony isn't invited and feels left out. Don starts moaning on about Josie, how she wants to see the business fail, just to prove she was right - but Don's having none of it. He's going to turn the place into a little goldmine, even if he has to work 24 hours a day, just to prove her wrong. All he needs is another partner, and Kevin fits the bill exactly. Kevin just sees problems as he always does: "a partnership gives you twice the agro for half the say". If Kevin's going into the garage business, he does it on his own - and then admits it was Sally who was far keener than him all along. He advises Don to get a business partner - not a mechanic with a spare bit of cash.

On the way back from lunch, Tony quizzes Kevin about the power lunch, assuming he's in line for redundancy. Kevin tells him, and lets Tony know he isn't interested. Five minutes later Tony is on Don's doorstep, saying HE might be interested - and it takes the whole of the commercial break for this to percolate into Don's tiny brain and invite Tony in. It turns out that Tony's dad owns Allied Carpets (Weatherfield) plc, and he's probably got £20,000 in his back pocket (so why is Tony working in a backstreet garage ?)

After work, Kevin and Tony are back in The Rovers. Conveniently, Sally walks in as Tony leaves for Fiona's (see later), and hears Tony say "By this time next week I might be your new boss !" It takes Sally about 5 seconds to get the story out of Kevin, who comes up with some pathetic excuse as to why he didn't consult her. She knows the real reason he didn't ask is because Sally would have said yes. As she says: "We don't want Sally making any big decisions. She's too busy feeding the ducks and making the tea." Sally gives him a hard stare. She knows that ITV have found a 1988 storyline at the back of a cupboard, and if she doesn't do something, they are going to be turned into Brian and Gail Tilsley. Kevin just contemplates in a Kevin sort of way. He's already got the greasy overalls, how would he look astride a Triumph Bonneville 750 ? Perhaps he should go down to the gym....

Alec and Joyce

Alec's looking for a new cleaner both at the office and the flat, and asks Joyce. He asks her round for a chat - but she has to consult her personal organiser - free with the catalogue ! Once they've sorted out the groundrules, and Joyce has used her Percy-smarm "Discretion is my middle name" to assure Alec that cash-in-hand is fine, Alec pours her a half-pint of cheap Greek brandy to seal the deal.

They start to discuss Alec's theatrical past: "In my time, I've handled all Manchester's top acts" (ooh err missus). He then reels off a list of the famous - Huwie Moston and his ukulele, Rita Fairclough, Phil and Shelley Parker - Manchester's answer to Peters & Lee, little Dicky Lynch, Mike Bland - who would have gone far if he had changed his name, and Cliff - Leadbeater, not Richard.


Liz is round at the salon trying to find out if Steve got his conjugal rights when Fi last went round to the Strangeways Hotel. Fi says he was looking forward to being a free man as Vicky had served divorce papers on him. Liz gets the Argos catalogue out to look for wedding dresses, but Fiona says that she now thinks she has seen Steve enough, and doesn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. Liz gets ready to tear her apart when Tony walks in - Liz has to make her excuses and leave.

She can't leave a prospective daughter-in-law alone though, and she's back round later in the afternoon. She tells Fiona how much her visits mean to Steve, and Fiona has to spell it out that there's no way she going to be waiting at the gates to play happy families when he is released. She also hates herself for lying to Tony.

In the end Fiona decides that Steve has to stop messing up her life, and so when Tony (on Prosac) enters the salon direct from The Rovers "You would not believe what's been going on over there today - I've pulled the carpet from underneath both of them", Fiona can only confess what's been happening. Tony becomes more than a little upset, and when she tries to defend her actions "I only wanted to help Steve. We didn't sit there holding hands or anything", it only makes matters worse. Tony feels betrayed and threatened - he feels he can't even begin to compete with Steve. "But I'm not even trying to compete with him. If you give that slimeball even the time of day, then you're not worth knowing". Roll credits.


A rather dull episode, where a number of plots were being developed, but nothing came to fruition. For once, the men of The Street had all the action, so the women all dressed down (except for Liz, of course), so the Glamour Tiara stayed firmly in it's box. I may have been tempted to award it to the news reporter, who had put working-class rags in her hair specially, but as she obviously came from Cheadle Hulme, she isn't eligible.

Alec had all the best lines, but again, unless he has to deliver them in drag whilst playing with one of his boobs, it's all too easy for him.

Monday 8 July

Written by Glenda Young

Ken / Jelly / Kev / Sally

Ken tells Jelly he can't afford to keep her on as his live in nanny any longer and she dissolves in tears. Jelly thinks Ken is keeping the truth from her, that she's really an alien child kidnapper in disguise. Still hoping to find someone else she can drown with her tears, Jelly goes to see Sally who offers her (rather small) shoulder to cry on. Jelly is still convinced Ken hasn't told her the real reason he's sacking her but Sally assures her that Ken wouldn't tell lies. As Ken is walking home past Sally's house, she jumps out on the poor bloke and gives him a right earful about sacking Jelly. Ken tells Sally that he's having financial problems and can't afford to keep Jelly but he's too embarrassed to tell Kelly the full details as she is an old school pupil of his. Wanting to interfere further into other people's business 'cos she's got nothing else to do, Sally relays all of this to Kevin who just isn't interested at all. They end up arguing when Sally tells Kev she wants more out of life than her house and her family and blames Kevin for the fact that she hasn't had any decent lines for years. "Get back to the kitchen, little wifee, and make my dinner" roars Kevin as he swings his caveman club around.

Fiona / Tony / Maxine / Liz / Jim

Tony is still furious with Fiona that she's been visiting Steve. Maxine rings Tony at the garage and tells him to talk to Fiona if he wants to patch things up between them. Tony turns up at the salon to talk to Fiona but she isn't interested in hearing what he has to say and wonders why he came at all. When Maxine admits it was her that rang Tony, Fiona is furious, and so is Tony who walks out of the salon calling Maxine "cotton-wool brains". Who should be having their hair done while this argument is going on? Liz McDonald is sitting in the salon having her candy floss hair sugared to perfection. She's hoping that if Fiona and Tony do break up, that Fiona will have more time for visiting Steve. Liz tells Jim she's interested in buying his share of the house. Added to the £4,500 his mother left him in her will, this should make Jim have a bob or two in his pocket, money he tells Bill he wants to invest in the business.

Don / Tony

Tony's dad wants to see the financial books for the garage, which Don hands over, before he lends Tony the money to buy into the garage. Don is like a dog with a bone thinking about the money Tony will be giving him, he's not at all interested in taking on a partner, just wants the money. His tongue is hanging out and he sweats every time he sees Tony, his meal ticket. (Mind you, I'd be the same if I was in the same room as Tony, specially if he was wearing that tight black t-shirt).

Alf / Audreh / Supergran Dempsey

Alf is happy the whole Mayfield Court saga is behind him but Audreh wants recognition for Alf at any cost. The Chairman of the Planning Committee of Weatherfield Council comes round to Alf and Audreh's house to apologise for the fray over Mayfield Court. "Does this mean you're taking full responsibility for everything that happened?" asks Audreh "If so, who do I see about getting a new suit?". The Chairman of the Committee tells Alf that the Council wants to do something to honour his contribution to the community and instead of renaming Mayfield Court, Alf can have any Street in Weatherfield re-named after him, and of course, Alf chooses the place he's been most happy, Coronation Street!. Audreh and Supergran Dempsey have a row in the corner shop and Supergran tells Audreh that things are far from over, so I guess this means they'll start another war to stop Coronation Street being renamed Alf Roberts Street. Actually, I'll probably join in!


Best line: When Jelly told Ashley that she'd be moving out of Ken's house and back in with her parents, Ashley moans that he won't be able to stay overnight. "I've just lost my job" she blubbers "and all you can do is think about is rumpy-pumpy".

Glamour Tiara Award: This stayed firmly in its box in this episode. However, I was tempted to award it to Jelly who looked like she was wearing one of Ken's tea towels. Paul Baker would never forgive me if I did, so I didn't.

Wednesday 10 July

Written by 'Felicity Kendall' aka Jo Horridge.

Sally appeared to be decidedly pre-menstrual and kept yelling at Rosie and Sophie, because she was dissatisfied with life as an ordinary wife and mum living with Mr Nice-Guy-with-no-ambition-Kevin. He offered to take her out for a meal and she snapped that he couldn't placate her with a treat like one of the children. Rita saw Sally moaning at Rosie and suggested they should have a heart-to-heart over a coffee. Sally confessed her sudden attack of boredom and said she wanted to spend more time away from Coronation Street and needed to go out to work for stimulation.

Sally got dressed up in a beige power suit and went to see Baldwin about a job. He was sexist about her child-care arrangements and said she was too good for his factory, but offered her a job anyway. When she tried to tell Kev the 'good news' he was too busy with his own problems and shooed her away, which was why he later learned the 'glad tidings' from Baldwin at the Rovers later on.

Alf had previously said he wanted Coronation Street named after him instead of Mayfield Court. Audrey, being her usual snooty self, said Coronation Street was a 'tatty little back street' and suggested there would be trouble from the residents over the proposed new name. Lily Dempsey saw Emily in The Rovers and was cock-a-hoot that the council had backed down over Mayfield Court. Jack suggested The Rovers could be re-named 'Duckworth Arms'.

Rita, Emily and Audrey were chatting in The Rovers and Audrey invited them to a 'special do' next Weds and confided that Alf would be announcing the street to be named after him ...... Coronation Street!

Kevin told Don he didn't fancy having his assistant Tony as his new boss and was considering looking for work elsewhere. However, Tony's father wouldn't come up with the money after seeing the books and Don got more paranoid than usual and was very rude to Tony who walked out.

Maxine admitted to Fiona that she grieved longer over a broken fingernail than a broken heart and thought Tony was a good bloke really. Jack accused Liz of joining the Salvation Army because she was wearing demure clothes for an interview about a mortgage. Liz admitted that they were borrowed from Deirdre. Fiona decided to go and see Steve, but when she got there she told him she wouldn't be going again. Maxine then told Tony that Fiona would not be seeing Steve again.


Runner up for worst insult: Rita to Sally "Well if you want a PROPER job" !!!

Worst insult: Audrey to Rita and Emily (two of Coronation Street's longest standing residents) "Why he had to pick a little backstreet when he could've had somewhere decent - you know it just beats me" (Tactless or what?!)

Best dressed men: the prisoners who looked like they were about to play netball in red team-tops!

Prize for worst dressed female: a tie between Rita and her blue plastic bead necklace and earrings which didn't match the rest of her outfit, and Sally who was wearing a pink shirt with hideously printed leggings which didn't match.

Friday 12 July

Written by Paul Calter

Hi folks,

It falls on me to be the last of the Paul Baker stand-ins (I think). I hope you find it up to the same fine standard of all the others.

I don't know if Mike is still around or if he's gone on holiday now, so just in case he has, on his behalf I'd like to say a big thankyou to all the stand-ins for their brilliant efforts over these two weeks, and also to Paul Baker, hurry up back. It's hard work!!

Alf/Audreh/More eggs

Alf and Audreh are having breakfast, over a never-before-seen (on screen, that is) map of Weatherfield, with Audreh's red-nailed, much-ringed hand pointing out Coronation Street. They discuss what it could be called (besides Alf Roberts, of course), and when 'Circus' is mentioned (as in Piccadilly), Audreh says "Well, theh wouldn't have far to look for the clown". As if to prove her right, Alf chucks most of his chuckie-egg down his tie. My guess is Sue Nichols and Brian Moseley are about to appear in adverts for a dry-cleaners. Later, after Alf has been to see the man at the council, he tells Audrey that it's all settled. He still wants it to be Coronation Street that gets renamed, but instead of "Alf Roberts Street", it's going to be "Alfred Roberts Place". Audreh likes it - 'Place' has a nice ring to it.

Kevin/Sally/Don/Tony/MVB Motors/The Bank

Kevin is still doing his "I'm the breadwinner, you're the little lady at home" bit. Miraculously, though, he seems to have changed his mind about a partnership with Don - and it has *nothing* to do with Sally getting off her pert little bum and getting a job - honest! In the meantime, Tony has decided he likes singing "You can't get better than a Kwik-Fit fitter" and wants to be one, so Kev gives him his P45. As he leaves, he passes Maxine in the street (something *I* wouldn't do) who gives him a hard time. Little does she know what he'll be giving her later.... Don is desperate (wouldn't you be, having to utter lines like "I'm a taxi driver, I don't know nowt about mechanics!") without Tony and he and Kevin are trying to find a replacement. Kevin tells Don he's now interested in a partnership, and tries to drive a hard bargain. The proposition is that he'll join MVB Motors, provided Don invests 10 grand into the business. (Surely if Don had 10 grand, he wouldn't need a partner?) Still, Don hobbles off to the bank to try to get the money. Unfortunately, the bank manager has other ideas. Don tells the manager "Oh yes, I'm confident about the way things are moving forward." But after he mumbles and fumbles through a few answers to the manager's questions, it becomes apparent that the manager doesn't share that confidence. When he finds that 'Mrs. Clarke' is no longer involved, and that Don is considering 'Mr. Webster' as a partner, he shoots off and has a chat with another official. When he returns, he causes Don to say "You can't drop *that* on me!!" by telling him that not only can he not have ten grand, he now has seven days to repay the six grand that he borrowed three months ago, otherwise ".... it's the receiver!" Meanwhile, Kev comes home from work, and opens a bottle of wine to celebrate his partnership with Don. Oh dear, I can just see his face when he finds out that not only is there no partnership, there's probably no job either! (And he's still mithering Sally not to take *her* job).

Andy/Anne/Maxine/Curly/Curly's mobile phone (/and later,Tony)

This unlikely combination are off for a night out in a nightclub, and call in at Liz's 'The Hour Glass' wine bar first. (It's said that it was named after Liz's figure, but surely that would have been "The Rake"?) Curly's on the phone to Rackle, who's in Maidenhead on her course, saying how much he loves her, etc. Anne says "It's a funny way to start a family". Andy reposts "I think they're going to start doing it by post", to which Anne quips wittily "Well I hope it comes first class!" I dare say no more .... Jim walks in with Bill, and immediately gives Andy 'a score' (£20) for a round of drinks. Andy says, in effect, that as they are off to a nightclub, it won't be enough, so Jim gives him another thirty just to get rid of him. Jim wants to talk about 'the hoyse' with Liz, so it is. They decide to sell it, as Liz is struggling to get a mortgage. Perhaps she should have listened to Jack and worn a mini-skirt when she went to the building society! A little later, at the nightclub, Curly, much the worse for wear, tells Andy that Maidenhead is to aromatherapy what Oxford is to Greek literature. (????) Anyway, Tony turns up, even though he said he wouldn't. Maxine has obviously 'set her cap' at him, and soon drags him out the back (and down to her level), and ....... [censored on the grounds of public decency].

At The Kabin

Rita, sporting a necklace of linked-together Glacier Mints, admits to Emily that she's told several people, including Jack (so now the world and his dog know), about the renaming of the Street. Audreh comes in and (get this !!) says that it really *mustn't* get out until the official announcement. OOPS! Sally comes in, in all her innocence, and says she has some 'good news'. Audreh says "Congratulations" and looks at Sally's tummy. When Sally says "Ner, Audrey, not that! A've gorra job from Mike Baldwin," they lose interest and start talking about something else.

Ken/Kelly/Tony Turnip

Kelly is playing with Daniel, Rersie and Tony Turnip (a finger puppet with more acting ability than some of the cast). When Ken comes in, glum faced that he's sacked her but she won't go, she tells him that Sally has a job, and will contribute to the housekeeping (Ken's housekeeping!) which means that she (Kelly) can keep *her* job. Ken is overjoyed, and when Sally arrives, tells her so. He then commiserates with her when he finds out her job is at Baldwin's. She says "Well, Mike will soon have most of 'Alf Roberts Street' working for him.". Ken is amazed to find it is common knowledge (about the name, not everyone working for Baldwin). Some time later, Alf turns up at Ken's to ask him to a 'do' next Wednesday. He's very cagey about the subject of this do, so Ken (who, like everyone else, already knows) kids him along a bit. "I know, Alf. Your name's going to appear up at the end of the Street." "Has someone been talking?" queries Alf. Ken jokes "You've bought back the corner shop, and you've got the signs ready to go up!" Poor Alf.

The Hairdressers/Jim's Cafe

First, the boring bit. Fiona is talking to Steve McDonald on the phone. He's trying to get her to visit him again, but she refuses. Good. She also told Maxine she'd never get back with Tony, either. There's trouble brewing here. Now the best bit. Sir Royston (Yes!!! I was hoping he'd be in my update episode) is talking in the background to Maxine. Luckily, Fiona wasn't too loud on the phone, so after forty-seven rewinds of the tape, here's how it went: Sir Roy: ".... made in the USA. It's in a blue and white tub, about that size. It contains petroleum jelly and coconut oil - very beneficial to the scalp." Maxine: "Have you tried a chemist?" Sir Roy: "Yes, but apparently, it's only available to the trade. I've tried making me own, but it's not economical on a small scale, what with the price of petrol - and coconuts aren't two-a-penny!" I hereby invite suggestions of what it was he wanted ......

Later, he was in the cafe. "Hairdressers? I never use 'em. I've got this ingenious device. To the casual observer, ......." [he goes on to describe a comb-like device that you used to see advertised in Sunday newspapers in the seventies]. When Alma looks at his hair, and asks him when he last used this device, he says "Ah! Unfortunately, I lost the blade ..." He then mentions the fact that "I've got a boxful of gadgets at home. I can mend me own saucepans..."


Best Line: The top two places were both taken by Jack.

Runner-up: Ken had occasion to make a little joke to Jack about the stone cladding on Jack's previous abode. Jack replied "You see! You do your best for the environment, and all you get is insults!"

Winner: Sir Roy was talking to Jack about the renaming of the Street. Sir Roy commented "He [Alf] will be remembered for a hundred years - look at Hadrian." Jack's reply was "Very true, yeah, and he only had a wall!".

Glamour Tiara: As it hasn't been out of the box much of late, I though I'd dust it off and award it to someone who isn't likely to get much else in the foreseeable future. For the suit and tie he wore to the bank (now with tear stains), the Tiara goes to ... Don Brennan.

The Paul Calter Special Thankyou Award goes to Sir Roy, for honouring me with an appearance in my review episode.

The scriptwriter for this episode was Phil Woods.

Monday 15 July

Written by Susan Ashton

The impossible I do at once - the miracles take longer... Given one knackered video and 2 tellies with colour problems (one too light, one too dark)..and then the train was late and I nearly missed it (this is the last time I volunteer, mutter, mutter....)

Anyway here goes:

Opening shots, the usual pigeons etc, then the milk float - and who's this coming home with the milk in the morning?


Tony drops Maxine off while reminiscing about a girl he used to fancy. When Max tries to rush off he complains "You've had yer wicked way with me,and now you don't respect me!" Max explains she doesn't want to be seen by Fi.

Later, Max finds Tony in the pub and accuses him of only seeing her to get at Fi. She tells him to forget it and flounces off as if she means it.

That night Fi takes Max to the Rovers and tells her she's had a face as long as an ironing board all day. Max blames it on men and they agree they are both going into a convent. Fi confesses she's missing Tony, but reckons she could get him back.

Max meets Tony from work and tells him she thinks that he and Fi are missing each other and they could get back together. "Could, not should" she says and kisses him herself. "You know what I want" says he, kissing her back.

The Mallett Household

Judy is browsing through a catalogue (surprise surprise). She wants an intellligent toaster (Gary: "Like it fills in yer tax returns?") He wants to look at the catalogue, saying "Most of what I know about women came from the underwear section of me mum's catalogue" [and a random sample of the males in my household prove the universality of this remark - ed.] Now she's after a mobile phone - for security purposes of course - and an automatic pet feeder. Gary doesn't want to see any more catalogues and won't take any more deliveries.

Later in the pub, Judy relates the underwear catalogue story to Mavis, winding her up something rotten about whether there were catalogues when she was little, and rationing.... and Derek turns up in mid conversation and says happily that he used to get very excited when the new edition arrived.

So the delivery van pulls up outside the Malletts', and Gary signs forthe delivery unseen (what a berk!) and is gobsmacked to be presented with a flatpack conservatory....

Can Judy talk her way out of this? Well, between her and her mother they confuse Gary enough to divert him into almost believing she won it. And they haven't evem got a garden. Ida/Tricia/the girls at the sweatshop

Ida starts banging on to Trash about taking on unskilled labour when there are experienced staff on the job market. Trash gets in a quick plug for government retraining before Sally turns up. Ida then goes nice as pie to Sally but has to remind her "We call him Baldwin. Not Mister."

Later, and hard at work(!) Sally starts talking about the cute things that her kids do. Trash wants to get away from that sort of thing, but Ida and the girls go all sentimental and want to hear more.


Some chat about the re-naming. Martin suggests renaming Weatherfield to Robertsville. Gail thinks Alf's not worthy of the honour. "I mean, what's Alf ever done?" Alma: "He married your mother!"

Nick wants to go skating but can't wheedle a fiver out of Martin. Martin says he'll give him a fiver if he can find a girls' name that doesn't appear in a song. Nick happens on Kevin and asks him about songs for various girls' names (Rosie, Sally, Josie - supply your own songs) To shut him up, Kevin tells him to get into some overalls and help him out in the garage and he'll pay him. It doesn't shut him up, though, but he ends up with a tenner. He's still trying to win the fiver for the song from Martin, though, and comes up with Bianca.

CLASSIC LINE: "Bianca... there can't be one about Bianca, I mean, nothing rhymes with it, nothing nice, anyway..." Martin promptly starts singing "Happy birthday dear Bianca....."

Kev/Sally/Kelly/Don (what a mixture!)

Kev and Sal set off for work, Kev having thoroughly briefed Kelly on all the kids' little foibles. While he's being neurotic, Sally just tells him that Kelly will cope (Yes, but can he?)

When Don finally shows at the garage, he tells Kevin he's still waiting to hear from the bank. Kevin says it needs sorting and Don waddles off hastily - to the pub.

Kelly shows up at the garage at ten past five. It's time for her to knock off and Sally's not back yet. She dumps the kids on Kevin and leaves. Kev takes the kids to the cafe for their tea. Sal finds them there and says the girls have asked her to the pub to celebrate her first day. But Kev turns the kids over to her and rushes back to finish up at work and try to see Don.

He does eventually pin Don down and drags him back to the garage. Don's brain cell has had a new idea - why doesn't Kevin buy into the business? But Kev thinks the business is a joke and very nearly tells Don where to stick it.

Meanwhile Sal has dumped her kids on Gail and tries to take Kev out for a drink. But he is depressed - and this is the last straw for him, when he was rowing with Don he kicked the customer's car and the man is sure to notice. Sally realises that things are serious (what a girl!) Kev wails "It could have been ours, we could have made it work" They move off disconsolately into the credits, with Sal cooing "We'll still be us....."

All awards this ep go to the scriptwriter, Frank Cottrill Boyce, for at least 4 LOLs from me, one of the oldest gags in the book (poor Nick) and Alec and Jack's meanderings about barmaids and variety acts.

And was that mention of Bianca a cross-reference to another well known soap? I think we should be told.

Wednesday 17 July


Joyce is having a hoover in Alec's flat, while Alec entertains, or rather, is entertained by "Pam the Paper-tearer" (see awards), a not very good performance artiste. Joyce tells Alec that "acts" like Pam are all the rage in the pubs she goes and that Alec should go ahead with his plan to have a talent night in the Rovers.

Alec mentions the idea to Jack who is not very enthusiastic, but Joyce suggests that Alec butters Jack up by telling him that he can have his own spot and that Vince Sinclair can live again! I have decided that Joyce is the devil. Alec makes the suggestion, and Jack agrees to it, seeing the chance of stardom.

Meanwhile, a sultry stranger saunters into the Rovers and oh dear, she's wearing a tan and bronzer and I bet you that if I let her use my comb it would come back filthy. Apparently her name is Samantha and she tells Jack that she hears that there's a job going for glamourous bar-maids. Jack can't wait to hire her, but Samantha plays it cool until she hears Betty being abusive to Jack and then she decides that the Rovers is the place for her. For our non-UK readers, think of an amalgamation of Tanya and Maxine and you have an idea of what Samantha is like.


Gary is wearing a vest and that chunky gold necklace so it must mean he's decided to install the conservatory in their backyard. Roy Cropper hears drilling and stops by to offer advice. It turns out that there are all sorts of things wrong with the conservatory plan - the backyard is not big enough, it gets no sun, and then Emily Bishop appears and giggling manically to herself, tells Gary that the last person who drilled in Coronation Street managed to demolish their house as it was built on a mine shaft. Gary gives up, causing the obligitary "funny" row between Judy and himself when she returns. "I'm off t' Bingo," she tells him. "Shurrup!" Gary decides to try to sell the conservatory to the Wilts.


Nicky has enjoyed helping at the garage so much that Don offers him a job there for the rest of the holidays. There is a lot of waffle about Nicky "following in his Dad's footsteps" (I DO hope so) and then Don suddenly gets the crafty idea to make Nicky his partner and take "ten grand" from him to replace all the faulty equipment. Naturally, Gail and Martin are furious and Martin and Kevin have a "Who Can Blame Don Most" argument, resulting in Kevin agreeing to have a word with Nicky about the pitfalls of having anything to do with Don. Kevin soon puts Nicky off the whole idea, and then Martin goes to see Don and disavows (I saw Mission Impossible last night and "disavow" is my new word) him from their family forever. As Nicky would say - "Ace".


Derek is pleased that Coronation Street is going to be renamed Alf Roberts Place - as it means that everyone will need new note-paper. Nobody else is very impressed with it, and Alf makes a big thing of how pleased he is that Audrey has kept it all a secret.

At the party in the nice living-room, it seems that Alf has invited the most middle-class members of the cast along - the Wiltons, Rita, Maureen, Fiona, Ken, Emily, Gail (well she had to be there because she's family). Alf makes his speech about the name change and Ken says it "stinks" and then everyone else swears too. Alf is a bit shocked, especially when he finds out that everyone already knew - Rita hangs her head in shame. But Audrey is defiant and says that everyone will have to lump it and "Alf Roberts Place is here to stay!" I don't think it is though. Credits.


Glamour Tiara

Sorry Samantha, I said Glamour, not tack - this episode, Pam the Paper Tearer wins hands down, with a stunning emsemble consisting of a glittery, spangly "show-business" costume, topped with a a gorgeous mop of white hair. Not only was she well-dressed, but she tap-danced, sang and made little paper figures. This woman should be on posters in hospital waiting rooms the world over, as an example.

Best line: Audrey, not so much a line as a noise. "Mhwah" happened several times as hostess Audrey planted a number of very obvious and fake kisses on various people's cheeks at the party.

Friday 19 July


We're in the cafe and Audreh is complaining to Emily about how it's a disgrace that no-one realises how much time and effort Alf has put into the community. "Without any thought of a reward," says Emily bitterly (having nothing to do all day means that she has plenty of time to think up these put-downs). Audrey goes on and on, and then insults Emily further by calling her "Emilah". Emily is having none of this and tells Audrey to leave her alone and let her finish her cream bun in peace. Audrey is about to respond with a hurt squawk but Gail raises that warning finger and silences her.

Meanwhile, the Platts are about to go on some awful holiday and understandably Nicky doesn't want to go with them. There are gratuitous displays of bad-acting as Nicky and Sarah-Lou vie for the title of worst Child-Actor. Audrey tells Gail that she will keep an eye on Nicky, so Gail relents but says "no parties." When Martin arrives home he is not pleased - why would he want to spend any time with that dull child? And he is further enraged to discover that Audrey is to care for Nicky. "Couldn't we find someone a bit more responsible," he complains, but Audrey still has a few witchcraft powers left over from her early days on Rentaghost and immediately appears as if by magic to make Martin stammer and blush in disgrace. It is all he can do to thank her for agreeing to look after Nicky and then escape. "That's allright Martin," Audrey bubbles. "Ahm trying to be a bit more responsible. Now then Nicky, where do they keep the gin?"

News of Emily's attack on Audrey has reached Rita who has to ask about it, prompting Emily into a long speech about how she has been in Coronation Street for the longest (except for Ken) and she has never felt as if she's "fitted in." Rita offers words of consolation but we sense that Emily can never, ever be consoled.


Mavis and Derek are in their garden again which must mean that Des is about to loiter over the wall and tell them something which will destroy their delicate grasp on stability. "I'm getting an allotment," he announces, "It will come right up to your wall." Mavis pulls her tormented face. "It's not very big is it?" she twists. "Yes it is, ha ha ha!" says Des. He later tells Gary Mallet that he has managed to sell the allotment to the Wiltons.
[I think Paul means 'conservatory' when he says 'allotment' - Graham]


Maxine is having a new emotion - guilt. She knows that Fiona would like to get back with Tony, but she wants him all to herself. An anguished day in the salon follows, and then Fiona announces that she's off to see Tony. Maxine decides to have it out and wails "We never meant any harm in it." Fiona realises exactly what's going on and can barely contain her rage. Instead she smiles a dangerous smile and flounces off leaving Maxine looking as if she would like to cry, if only she had tearducts.


The bank have taken away Don's garage from him - and several men in suits are round, measuring things. Don moans but the bank people tell him that he's been a fool and he should have paid the £1000 to have an accountant go over the books before he bought the garage in the first place. Realising that it's the end, Don goes to the pub and decides to get drunk. To show that he means business he slams his money onto the counter and demands that Jack serve him.

Meanwhile, Sally, Ida and Trash are celebrating with their pay-packets. Ida can't decide whether or not to get blonde highlights in her wig, and Trish is torn between blowing the lot (£37.89) on lottery tickets or just drinking it all at the Rovers. The temptation to corrupt Sally Webster is too strong, and so the three go off to have a drink.

But Don has just told Kevin to take his spanners home as neither him nor his tools will be needed. Kevin is gutted, and rushes to the Rovers to give the bad news to Sally. "We'll need all our pennies now Sally," he gripes. They leave, which is a shame because they miss the big scene.

Mike and Alma are having a celebratory drink because they're rich when Don staggers drunkenly through the door. "You!" he screams. "It's all your fault they took my garage off me! You're a con man and a crook!" (to add further insult, the bank has had all the locks changed on the garage). The Rovers goes dead silent. Betty makes Judy go and fetch Jack (she won't go herself and miss out on the fun though). Mike responds to Don's insults with much better ones. "You're a wally you are, I knew it when I sold you that garage, and now you know it too.

"Rrrrarrrgggh!" squeaks Don, almost rivalling Jim McDonald in drunken grunting, and he tries to hit Mike, who ducks out of the way. Then Mike punches Don and sends him to the ground. Jack arrives and throws Don out (what about throwing Mike out too?) To emphasise how lonely and broken Don is, the camera pans right back and up into the sky - we are suddenly looking at Don as if he is an insect on the ground. "Waaaaahhhhhhh!" Don cries. Credits.


Best line: Mavis shows that when it comes to social issues she's got her finger right on the pulse. "Hhhhuh, that allotment, Des Barnes will only use it to grow cannabis in."

Monday 22 July

What were they playing at? Almost every member of the cast was in this episode and they all got about 5 seconds of air-time each...


Don spends the episode dragging himself round the hot-spots of Coronation Street, trying to get a reaction out of everyone. He's waylaid by Derek in the Kabin who wants to know if he has finished with his car yet. A new career as a martyr opens up before Don's eyes and he starts babbling about how the garage is now nothing more to do with him, and then flees before buying a newspaper. Next stop is Kevin's doorstep - Kevin must have been pulling faces when the wind changed because he now resembles a twisted rat. "You'll get no sympathy here Don," Kevin says, but luckily here's Bill Webster to put his foot in it ("at least he's got one" as Don would say) and make comments about how the garage won't run itself. Gleefully Don explains that it's all over for him.

The cafe is later treated to Don's whining and self-pity as Don makes an entrance, causing Alma to say "I'll serve you but I don't want any trouble." But Mike Baldwin comes in, prompting Don to say "Hit me again! Hit a man with one leg!!!" and tell Nicky that his grandfather's a loser and he's lucky to have never invested in the garage. Once Don has gone, Mike repeats all this to Nicky, just so there can be no doubt of the fact and I think even Kelly and Ashely would have got the message by now had they been in this episode.


The Wilts have invited Des round for a glass of cheap wine and to get him to let them have the conservatory instead. They whitter on for ages, but something must be wrong because Des can't even see the funny side of it any more.

Could it be to do with the fact that he's invited Claire on holiday and she's said that they always go with their parents? I'm profoundly sick of the pair of them.


Fiona has been treating Maxine badly all day at work (doesn't she always do this?) Tony offers to have a word with her, but Maxine says "no don't" and consoles herself by deciding to enter the talent night contest on Friday night, sensing an opportunity for another piece of story-line.

Meanwhile, Steve McDonald phones Fiona from the prison and pesters her. She hangs up on him.


Joyce has her manipulation hooks sunk deeply into Alec's little back now and they exchange a clutch of compliments which are all just untrue. "You're a very fit woman," says Alec. "If you lost a few pounds you could be an Adonis," says Joyce.


Liz is in a mood because she has to work and some people are coming round to view the house (and I only hope they've draped a huge blanket over all of it because anybody who gets a look inside will just run off screaming). Dreary tells Liz to bake bread, but receives a quizzical look. "Tell you what," says the Drear. "If you sell it quickly, you can come and live with me." "Whatever," says Liz.

Jim has got some inheritance money from his mother and it's either £4,000 or £40,000, but the way he was acting you'd think he'd got 7 numbers on the lottery or something. Bill, realising that Don's garage has folded is full of hints for Jim to invest - but it's all done so subtly that I couldn't work out if Bill actually wanted Jim to invest in the garage or not. "I've only just got this money so I have," says Jim, not wanting to spend it all straight away. And to prove this point, he goes and offers to buy Liz's house from her with the inheritance money.

The camera does an (unnecessary) close-up on Liz's face and it has quite honestly never looked so tired and wizened and depressing. Since Josie got on her broomstick and flew away the producers must have let the evil YTS hair-stylist loose on Liz because her perm looked so tight that bits of it were in danger of falling out. Liz realises that if she sells her house to Jim then he will have "won" and she'll have to go and live with Dreary, probably forever. Credits.


Best scene: Audrey trying to be responsible and looking after Nicky. It reminded me of Jennifer Saunders in Absolutely Fabulous. Picking up a Coke can after him was inspired writing.

Best line: Gary Mallet - "Mega!!"

Anti-Glamour Award

It's thin pickings on glam at the moment in the Street - I suppose it's the "silly season" and the usual people employed behind the scenes at CS who are supposed to "pretty up" the actors/actresses are off in Ibiza and Fire Island, and they've just left a big box of last season's left-overs and told the members of the cast to fight it out amongst themselves. For this reason, I've decided to abandon the Glamour Tiara for a while, until this embargo is over, and concentrate on the next best thing - anti-glamour...

This episode saw several contenders - Gary Mallet - has anyone else noticed that he actually has sweaty hair? It's true. I bet it stinks. Also, as noted earlier - Liz McDonald is not looking her best at the moment, (here's a tip Liz - wash the mud-pack off next time). But the prize goes to Steve McDonald who is looking the worse for wear for being in prison. He must have been at Alma's black eye-shadow, because his eyes were just little hollows, surrounded by darkness and his hair had chip-fat oil dripping from it. As he angrily stomped off down the corridor after being rejected by Fiona he pushed past some other inmates. Once they would have called out something like "We'll get you in the showers tonight Pretty Boy," but now they just ignored him. Steve will have no trouble keeping his hand on his ha-penny from now on in prison.

Wednesday 24 July


Vera has decided to let Samantha stay on at the Rovers, despite not approving of Jack's choice. Vera tells her that she's in charge, not Jack, and then Jack says that he's in charge. Samantha gets all confused, and decides to ask Judy Mallet (who isn't very pleased because Gary's "eyeing" her up and making a lot of "oo-er" comments that probably would have been rejected by Sid James in Carry on Matron). Judy tells Samantha that Vera's in charge, which isn't very nice because we all know it's really Betty who cracks the whip there.


Jim and Liz have a "secret" meeting in the cafe to talk about him wanting to buy her house - dire wallpaper and all. Liz isn't very happy about it and tells him so. "You can't stand the fact that I've won," says Jim.

Tony calls for Fiona, she isn't going to let him in - but in a characteristic moment she changes her mind. "Don't sack Maxine," begs Tony. Fiona looks catty and says that if she does it will have nothing to do with him anyway. But later she tells Maxine that she can keep her job and will only sack her if she treats Tony badly(!) Then she says that she never really cared much about Steve or Tony and she's going to be a nun and join a convent (and I'm not making this up.)

Then Liz appears and tells Fiona that Steve's been "badly beaten" and will Fiona go and see him in the prison hospital. Fiona refuses and Liz pulls a face and says "Nurr!" and didn't this happen about three weeks ago?

At the hospital, Steve is in a bed and it looks as if Liz has been putting on his make-up for him because those familiar purples, blacks and yellows have made a reapperance. "What happened Steve?" moans Liz. "Oo Did this to yer?" Steve says that a fellow inmate was "doing his head in" which is a phrase that I thought went out of fashion in the northwest in about 1992 but I was wrong. Anyway, Steve picked a fight with this man and came off worse. Jim arrives and is proud that Steve resembles his father (ie is mad). Then the drugs (irony!) get to Prison-Boy and he goes to sleep allowing Liz a chance to say that Steve only got into the fight in order to lure Fiona into the prison on a mercy mission. "But she's stronger than he thinks," Liz rasps.


The Mallets are going to put up the con-serrrv-aTerry in the Wilton's garden, giving Judy a chance to show off her huge arms and honk like a big old duck. Gary is the supervisor which means that he tells Judy what to do. The Wiltons are on their best behaviour, secretly finding the Mallets to be fascinating (and probably a bit sexy - urrgh) so they allow them the run of the house to make tea etc.
When Mavis returns (hoping for a glance of Gary Mallet's underarm hair) she is upset to find out that Derek's prize turnip has been dug up and is now in little pieces. Judy goes "Gack Gack Gack!" and Mavis pulls the best wintery smile she can muster. When Derek returns he has to make light of it all too - as the excitement of the conservatory puts everything else into perspective.


Madam Manipulation has further ingratiated herself into Alec's life by doing his shopping and cooking him a meal. This is much better than the way she won over Percy and Vera and I'm surprised that Alec isn't proposing marriage at this point.


Trash calls to see Des and wants help in tracking down Terry. At first Des is reluctant, but Trash breaks down and says that she is pregnant - so Des offers to help. He gets the address from the Ortons and then offers to drive Trash to Sheffield.

In the Rovers Claire tells Des that she told her in-laws that she wasn't going on holiday with them, and they weren't very happy. Then Trash arrives for her lift to Sheffield and Claire looks her up and down. Des explains that he's doing a good deed.

We're now at Sheffield on some awful high-rise estate. Trash knocks on a door and an embittered looking woman answers and says she hasn't seen Terry in months and she'd like the £1800 back that he borrowed from her. Trash says "Oh". The door slams and Trash clatters off down the street - the camera lingers on her back view for a lengthy amount of time. Credits.


Anti-Glamour: She may never be allowed in spitting distance of the Glamour Tiara (because she'd spit on it) but for Trash, the Anti-Glamour award embraces her with open arms. No wonder that Claire's eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw Trash in the Rovers. She'd "dolled" herself up and taken nearly every accessory from the Coronation Street Dressing Up Box that she could lay her sharp little claws on. It was nice to see a good big pair of white stilletto heels again. All this ensemble needed was a car, crawling along the kerb next to her, which would complete the picture.

Friday 26 July


Liz McDonald drags herself into the salon and surprisingly it's not to beg Fiona to scrape off all the skin on her face and start again, but to tell her that Steve is in a "bad way" after getting beaten up and that he needs Fiona to get through it all. Fiona tells Liz that she hopes Steve is OK but she's not going to ruin her life over him. Meanwhile Maxine is trying to emulate Liz by wearing a green face-mask. The horror is too much and the director squeals "Cut!"


Audrey is visiting Nicky again, although Plank-Boy is not at all happy with her interfering ways. He tells Audrey to go away and Audrey is outraged and says "I'll tell your mother about your rudeness Nickeh! You're getting more like your father every day!" Nicky says he doesn't care so Audreh flounces off.

Later, we see Nicky, having packed all his possessions into a handkerchief which is tied to a stick. He posts his key through the front door and wanders off beyond the limits of Coronation Street (and hopefully out of our lives forever.)


The conserrrrvaterry is now complete and it looks very nice so the Wilts throw a party, inviting the few people who can stand them to come and drink champagne. Soon Rita, Des and the Mallets are there and Derek pours champagne (into cheap wine glasses). Everyone is looking very glam but Derek and Mave start snipping at one another prompting Rita to say "You know what they say about people who live in glass houses."

Later on, Des is feeding Becky and Claire, and Claire tells Becky about their plan to go on a boat together and leave Becky with her grandparents for two weeks. Becky waves her enormous nose around and tells them that she'd rather go with them on the boat, to Des's disgust.

Alec/Maxine/Showbiz Acts

Maxine is a bit worried about singing onstage, but she needn't have because all the other acts make her sound like Tina Turner. First up is a man whose "talent" seems to be that he can make his face go red and sweaty. After this is a strangely shaped woman whose talent is staying inside a tiny green lurex leotard for the duration of 5 minutes. She also rips a telephone directory in half and at one point is clearly seen to rub it over her body. But best of all are "Shadow and Son". Shadow is a rather confused Mystic Meg type who is blindfolded and "Son" goes amongst the crowd, picking up objects (such as a watch) and saying in a stilted voice "Shadow! What ob-ject is this. Take Your Time.." Next is Maxine who sings "Twist and Shout" and from what I'd read I thought she was supposed to be superb but instead it sounded a little bit flat but was much better than everyone else. Afterwards Jack warbled through "My Way" - the 3rd rendition of it that evening and even Percy Sugden threatened to get up with his banjo-ukelele.


"Where's Trash?" Ida wants to know - as she's not at her "station" and she'll get fired. Simple Sally knows and goes to the toilet where Trash is staring at herself in the mirror and looking a mess. "What's up?" says Sally. "Go away!" yells Trish, but she's supposed to have a more rounded personality these days so she counters it by telling Sally that she's pregnant and Terry Duckworth is the father. Sally isn't happy to hear this news - after all, she's the only character who's allowed to have baby story-lines, so she tells Trish to enlist Vera's help in finding Terry.

While the talent contest runs its miserable course, Trash goes into the back with Vera and confesses that she's pregnant. Vera is unable to cope with this information and decides that Trash must be lying. "My Terry would never go out with a slag like you!" she screams. "I wouldn't lie about something like this," says Trash, in tears. "Get out!" squawks Vera. "Very well," Trash glowers. "Nobody cares! I'll get rid of it then. It would be the best thing for it!" She leaves and Vera bites her lip and looks constipated. Credits.


Glamour Tiara

After the glamour-shortage of the past few weeks I'm glad to report a sudden surge in glam - as almost all the CS ladies got kitted out in their best clothes for this episode. There is no overall winner, but special mention goes to Mavis who had her hair tied back, Rita - who was wearing a uniform of white linen, (summer madness!) complete with the necklace made of the bones of old husbands, and Vera, who had been at her wardrobe with a pair of pinking shears and had managed to concoct a "zebra-skin effect" outfit out of the remains. Ear-rings were also prominently on display, with each lady wearing a pair that were at least twice as big as the previous contender. I heard that some money was left over as they had over-budgeted for the talent show, so the whole female cast were sat down in front of QVC's Diamonique Hour and each given a portable phone and a courtesy credit card and told to "go mad!"

Best character

"Son" - one half of "Shadow and Son". It's nice to see the odd homosexual on the show, although next time less emphasis on "odd" please.

Monday 29 July


Becky has a friend (I know! I was reeling in shock at this revelation too.) She's called Lauren, and it's soon apparent that Becky's the one with all the looks and charisma as Lauren's got short blonde hair and a little piggy snout and she sounds like her nose is permanently blocked up.

This pair have nothing better to do than skulk around Des's house and devise little plans to upset him. They eventually retire to the cafe where they start devouring chips, and chewing with their mouths open. Becky tells Lauren that Des is "pig-ugly" so maybe Lauren is his love-child.

Roy Cropper appears and starts talking about his new interest which is ESP and how we all have a part of our brain that is not developed. Roy impresses Alma with his powers, but the two girls just giggle irritatingly and I'm reminded of an evening in a Preston cinema in 1991 when I turned round on two such girls who were making a noise all the way through "Robocop" and used words on them that I didn't know that I knew.

Later, Becky is eating chips (smeared in ketchup) and is sitting between Des and Claire. She tells them that she doesn't want to go on a boat, she wants to go on to Florida instead. Des and Claire babble like idiots but are unable to control this brat. "They should have got those chips and rubbed her face in them," said the person who was watching with me.


Liz is wearing her National Colours - red and black, while Andy seems to have another version of his new hairstyle. Andy gets his car tax bill and decides he needs extra work to pay it. Liz can't offer anything at the wine-bar, and neither can Curly (Roy predicts this with the power of ESP before it happens).

Liz gets a phone call - someone has made an offer on the house without bothering to view it - so they deduce that it must be Jim. "I don't want Jim to have this house," Liz moans. "Don't be childish," says Andy. "No! Liz want house! Liz want house NOW!" says Liz. Andy shrugs.


Vera has been fretting about Trish all weekend and corners Jamie to ask if his mother has had morning sickness or anything. Jamie says no which seems to be the right answer.

Trash passes Jack on the Street and tells him to "get stuffed" or some equally charming line. Jack guesses that something is up and questions Vera who withholds the information from him.

By the evening, it's raining, and Sally and Trash are walking home ARM IN ARM, so this must mean that they're best friends by now or something. I hope that Sally has a strong nit-shampoo in her house. Trash is stopped by Jack who questions her, so Trash tells him that she's pregnant and it's none of his business.

Jack confronts Vera, furious with Terry. Vera says that Trash is lying, but as usual she can't deceive herself forever and by the end of the episode she's looking traumatized.


Rita's knocking on Nicky's door and appears infuriated - the brat hasn't delievered the newspapers for two days and Rita says that she won't be taken for a fool for two days in a row and that Nicky is going to be out of a job. A crowd of gawkers have gathered in the Kabin to complain about their newspapers and they all have glasses and grey perms. Audreh and Alf go to see Nicky but find an empty house and a bedroom that's a "tip". Gradually, Audreh begins to realise that Nicky has gone missing and is probably never coming home. Instead of holding an immediate Street Party, she starts to worry, repeatedly saying that she will give him a "slap" when he comes back. Anxiety mounts and Audreh appears like a harpy on Ken's doorstep, enlisting him to help and coming out with an insane monologue that could have been written by Alan Bennet, about how she was meant to be looking after him and he's only 15. Ken phones Nicky's friends but nobody knows (or cares) where he is.

Audreh decides to spend the night at the Platts - Alf wants to phone Martin and Gail but Audreh doesn't want to ruin their holiday and I'm thinking that when Nicky does come home he'll be getting more than just a slap by now. Close-up on Audreh, also traumatised. Credits.


Best acting: I thought Audreh did very well in this one. In a couple of scenes she was given a lot of lines and she managed to be convincing and portray a sense of mounting hysteria as she realises that Nicky could be in danger.

Best new character: Lauren. Well she was the only new character but let's not be cruel. It's going to be difficult restraining myself over this one. The temptation to be nasty about her is very strong.

Wednesday 31 July


The absence of Nicky means that Mavis has to deliver the early morning newspapers - and she looks even more drippy and defeated than usual. The Drear, who happens to be in the shop for some reason, can't understand why no teenagers would want a paper round, and Rita comments that they don't like getting up early in the morning. "That's right," says the Drear. "Take my Tracy for example, one morning she stayed in her bed for 5 years!"

Mavis is doing her little martyr act and trying to squeeze as much sympathy out of the situation as possible. Derek appears to be concerned. "You're always so tired," he says, "Especially at night-time..." Mavis perks up a bit, thinking about sex (the Mallets must have left their scent all over the house when they put the conserrrrvaterrry up), but Derek spoils it all by saying "And we've hardly touched the allotment, why don't we go there tonight."


Liz still thinks that Steve got beat up to force Fiona's hand, but while she's thinking about it all, Jim calls round and tells her that he's buying her house, so he is. "Nurrrr!" cries Liz. "You can't win!" So Jim tells her that he's not going to pay the mortgage any more. This shuts her up for a while as she realises that it is fact herself who can't win.

Andy is still looking for extra work and then Anne appears in the Rovers and offers him a job packing shelves at Firmans Freezers.

Liz and the Drear discuss Jim's ultimatum and Drear tells Liz to sell the house to him and move in with her so that they can be like the Golden Girls.


Trash is having morning sickness at work and needs to be constantly touched and massaged by Sally now that they are best friends. She can't keep her secret from Ida who is a woman of the world (!), but Mike thinks it's a stomach bug.

Meanwhile, Vera's starting to regret her outburst on Trash and asks Dreary if R Terreh ever went to see Trash. Drear doesn't know - and look, she's managed to get herself involved in three story-lines by this point - the hussy! Vera has a heart-to-heart with Joyce about it, and just as Joyce is starting to get all soppy about wanting to be a grandmother, Vera interrupts and starts screaming pointlessly: "She can't get rid of it!"

Mike Baldwin arrives in the Rovers and Vera questions him about Trash's health. Mike, thinking Trish has a stomach bug says "She'd better get rid of it soon!" causing Vera to have a nervous breakdown but when she realises the mistake she beams moronically. We all know that the mere sniff of grandchildren is enough to send Vera's IQ rocketing towards negative figures, and she's not exactly the postergirl for MENSA at her most lucid moments.

Trish and Sally have a conversation - Trish doesn't want to get rid of the baby, what if Terreh came back, but what if he doesn't? Later, Jamie can sense that something is up, but Trish tells him there is nothing to worry about at the moment. So they eat some chips instead.


It's morning and Nicky is still not home so Alf telephones Martin who leaves his holiday (it looked boring anyway) and rushes back to Coronation Street. Alf had told Martin that Nicky had only been missing for a couple of nights, but when they admit that in fact Nicky's now been gone for 4 nights, Martin explodes in that nasty sarcastic angry way that he has.

Then Martin finds the keys that Nicky posted through the front door (Alf had mindlessly picked them up and put them on the sideboard). Martin is even more angry at this lack of perception, and telephones Gail. Audreh stands in the background looking useless. Credits.


Best line: Joyce "In my day 5 minutes behind the bus shelter in Queen Street would be enough to cause the population explosion."

Kodak moment: Kevin gets a job as a garage fitter. "I couldn't be happier if I'd won the lottery," he chunters. Thousands of fans who expected to see him in house-husband mode with curlers and fluffy pink mules will be disappointed.

Funniest Part of the Show: It happened after the show had ended, I don't know if it played in regions other than ITV but they decided to show an advert for Friday's episode and make it all dramatic and scary. "MISSING" flashes up on the screen, and then Gail is shown in black and white, getting out of a car in slow motion. Audreh is next treated to these special effects, as she presses her finger-tips to her face. It was all TOO much.

Written by Paul Baker
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