Aadi Alahan

Full name:Aadi Alahan
Sunita (Parekh) and Devendra (Dev) Alahan
13 January 2006
Amber (half sister), Shareen (Half sister)


Played by:Zennon Ditchett

First appeared:13 January 2006

Aadi and sister Asha left the street shortly after they were born (with their mother), returning to the street in Dec 2009.

Aadi received a bump on the head in August 2010 while playing with Simon Barlow and later on loses consciousness and is rushed to hospital. During the exam the medical staff find another bruise and call Social Services. Aadi is taken into temporary care. Investigation cleared Dev and Sunita when it was found that the bruise was from Dev pulling Aadi out of the path of a vehicle earlier in the week and Simon comes forward and tells everyone that Aadi was hurt because he pushed him.

In 2011, Aadi shows a natural ability for golf and that is nurtured by Dev and realizing just how much money Dev is spending on Golf between himself and Aadi, Sunita agrees to it provided Dev spends the same amount of money on Asha, which brought Dev to the realization that he couldn't afford to do so.

2012 brought changes for Aadi and Asha as their parents split again and their mother brings Karl Munro (John Michie) into the home for a stormy relationship that ended and ultimately caused the death of their mother at the hands of Karl.

To date the twins still reside with their father at 7 Coronation Street, Weatherfield.

Profile created by Barb Dawson.

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